Yaki ailments take a smear. Detailed interpretation of the smear analysis for flora in women. Deciphering the results of women

The female system is most often infected with bacteria and infection. Often, through the songs of the environment, the inflammation of the organs develops. Here it is necessary to finish the serious organs, as if they were impromptu to function in the whole world. In different pathologies of one of them - the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes- the whole system of the woman recognizes the lesions, the development of oncological illnesses is not excluded, the absence is often diagnosed. To this, the representatives of the beautiful state are guilty of undergoing regular obstezhennia due to the necessary regularity. Before obstezhennya, you should have a general examination by a gynecologist with the necessary pathological analyzes.

Before the most informative analysis, a smear is made on the flora of women, which represents a complete picture of the state of microflora of state organs and genitals. Women will understand - I will diagnose the same thrush with a similar analysis. Ale report about the new distance from the article.

What is a smear? A smear is a characteristic hand of a gynecologist with a cotton swab for taking the mucous membrane of the pikhvi, the cervix or the sac. Nadal in the laboratory is carried out on a follow-up basis for the collection of the mucous membrane. Zgіdno z povnim vvchennyam results, signify the expansion of infectious disease or the development of a bacteriological character.

A smear is taken under the hour of a gynecological examination during the period of a complex commission, or in case of unacceptable symptoms and scars on the side of the patient. Up to unacceptable symptoms, one can see pain, the liver in the lower abdomen, or in the case of pihvu іz zaluchennym zvnіshnіh statevyh lips, often patients complain about the rіzі pіd hour of sechoviperation. With the manifestation of symptoms, it is necessary to turn to the doctor in a term - to induce a rash in the urethra can signal the development of an illness of a gynecological nature.

Not all women know exactly the rules for mucus collection. Tse to bring up to the numerical evidence of the norm, and the smut - to the suttevous creation of the pokazniki. For this reason, the women should follow the rules for the collection of the mucous membrane, de vide:

  1. 2 days before the examination by a gynecologist, do not have sex with a permanent partner. Bazhano don’t squirm like candles or medicinal preparations for miserable stasis, slid into various sexual things, douche and take a bath.
  2. A smear is taken for the presence of bleeding, so that at the time of menstruation the microflora will change its own state.
  3. It is not possible to take a bath before seeing the gynecologist - they categorically refuse to take a bath.
  4. For 2-3 years, the toilet is blocked.

With the rule of thumb, the woman ensures the truthful results of the analysis. The parkan itself is made with a spatula or with a special stick with a cotton tip. Parkan is carried out from three places - from the cervix, pichvi and urethra. Pain symptoms are not to be blamed - just like viniclo, it means that there is a development of an infectious disease from the obvious ignition process.

Normie and Vidhilennya

In the microflora of the state organs in a woman, there may be 95% of lactobacilli - the stench forms lactic acid, providing the necessary acidity for protection against penetration of infections and other health problems.

Fallow in life conditions (stress, reduced immunity), as well as for vaginess, the number of lactobacilli significantly decreases, which provokes the development of infectious diseases.

Decryption of analyzes

So the woman took away the analysis of the designation of the microflora of the state organs, it sticks with the majestic number of designations, symbols and numbers. Razіbrati їх may be less fahіvets, but for a detailed review, you can work independently.

Otzhe, pochatku vyznachayut pokazniki for doslіdzhuvannogo mіstsya smear. Here you see letters:

  • V- Pikhva;
  • C- Cervical canal of the cervix;
  • U- Urethra.

Appointed to revoke the Persian letter, call the place Latin mine.

  1. L- leukocytes - in a healthy state with the development of pathology. Їхнє recognition - defense of the woman's organs from the penetration of bacteria. In a normal state, they may be no more than 10 in the womb, no more than 30 in the cervix, and no more than 5 in the urethra. With an increase in indications, the presence of the ignition process is allowed.
  2. En- epithelium - cells of the mucous membrane, as if they were due to be present in a healthy and sick person. Vidsutnist epithelium to report about the damage to the hormonal body in women. Indicators of the epithelium for all areas of the collection of the mucosa are not responsible for vibrating between 5-10 individuals. In times of zbіlshennya to talk about the presence of inflamed.
  3. slime- obov'yazkovo present in small kіlkostakh in pіhvі and cervical canalі cervix mother. Zbіlshennya chi presence at the place of the fence in the urethra to talk about the presence of inflammation.
  4. Global displays of microflora - obov'yazkovo at pikhvі due to the presence of Dederlein's sticks at the Great Kilkost. The coli are the main hosts of the female microflora, which may have a different name - lactobacilli.

If there is an increase in indications, the laboratory fixes a change in the presence of a skin indicator - to put the initial signs "+" for the skin indicator. Your appointment is presented:

  • « + » - It is not clear how many times to talk about re-vegetation, but without a development of inflammation;
  • « ++ » - Pomіrne zbіlshennya vkazuє on the ear of the ignition process;
  • « +++ » - Increased number - fire develops and progresses;
  • « ++++ ”- Clearly, the number can signal the presence of a serious illness of the state organs, right up to the oncological stages or oncological character.

This is the simplified form of deciphering the results. In other documents, there are a lot more evidence.

What is not guilty buti in the results

Showing more indicators is far from everything that shows the results of the conducted cooling. In the forms, there are indications of singing warehouses, which can be, in principle, in a smear on the flora. The presence of numbers speaks of infection, a dash means the woman is healthy.

To the warehouses, which are not guilty, they should be brought like this:

  1. Gonococcus is a gram-negative bacterium, which indicates the development of gonorrhea in a woman, as well as inflammation of the sciatica, cervix, fallopian tubes or rectum.
  2. Trichomonads - a bacterium of a species of a modified form, which is rarely recognized by an excellent analysis of the flora - it is recommended to work with an additional test. Її manifestation in the smear is evidence of infection with trichomoniasis.
  3. Key cells - the primary cells of the epithelium, as if glued together in gardnerella and other buds. It is possible to speak about bacterial vaginosis in mucosal diseases and other dosledzhuvanih mіsts.
  4. Candida is a fungus that is either daily or present in a small number of healthy women. And for the obviousness of candida, more for the indications of lactobacilli, the development of candidiasis is great - thrush. Moreover, illness can progress, but a woman at the cob stage can simply not give up respect for a weak severance at the hour of the sechoviperation.

In the microflora of the woman, it is not due to the manifestation of atypical clitins - clitins of a modified form, which often indicate the development of an oncological disease.

Analyzes on microflora pіd vagіtnostі hour

Vagіtnі zhіnki zdayat analіzi on the flora more often, nіzh "zvichаnі" zhіnki. It can be explained more simply by the fight against infection with inflammation, even if the fetus wines, it significantly reduces the immunity of the future mother, and it can also cause a development of infection with inflammation, which is not specific for the transitional state.

The collection of the mucosa is carried out in such a way that the parkan from the cervical canal is vignetted - the wines are carried out more carefully, so as not to provoke a weekend at the vagina.

Do you still carry out such analyses?

It's wonderful, but even earlier the woman has not a few unacceptable symptoms, with the current vagity, infectious diseases are often manifested, which are transmitted by the state path. See here:

  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • microplasmosis;
  • genital herpes and other infections.

In due time, the manifestation of infections can be allowed to spread in the hour of rejoicing, and, later, to protect a child from a possible infection and the development of various pathologies. Under the hour of vagity in women, progesterone is generated, which can significantly contribute to the production of leukocytes. The axis to that hour of vacancy is allowed to show up to 20 units. Let's talk about the cob of inflammation, which is not uncommon to produce before the birth of the fetus on cob terms and in front of the canopy in the third trimester.

The unfavorable results of the analyzes testify to the presence of an inflammatory infection of an infectious nature, moreover, it may be connected with the state organs. For example, in female women, advanced leukocytes can help to detect malaria, typhoid and other illnesses. For clarification of the diagnosis, doctors prescribe additional obstezhennia to women - DNA diagnostics, bacteriological testing and other additional studies.

The woman is guilty of being respectfully placed before her health, in that number I will become state bodies, more so, as it is planned to conceive a child. Infections and bacteria often become provocateurs for the development of oncological illness, so with the first unacceptable symptoms, it is necessary to turn to the doctor.

From time to time, doctors repeat that very recommendation, but our women, out of unreasonable infatuation, ignore it. Once on the river, a skin representative of a beautiful state can see the office of a gynecologist, so you can see absolutely nothing at once. Believe me, I’ve given for whom it’s a little: suddenly show a fever, in your own time turn to the presence of infections, choose for yourself the most important contraceptive benefit. І skin such a visit may be at the time of taking analyses. How many smears are taken by gynecologists? What should I do with my help? How to get ready for the analysis?

A little bit about the microflora of the female organs, the very first smear at the gynecologist. The goodness of a healthy woman, like the other middle of our body, is inhabited by impersonal microbes, stinks and creates a new normal microflora. Basically, there are lactobacilli - bacteria, which stimulate the middle of the organ of the acidic middle, and out, at its core, stimulate the growth of all pathogenic bacteria. Also, a healthy patient may have a small number of streptococci, staphylococci and ureaplasmas. If a woman has a disease (there is a disease, as it is transmitted by a state path), then the microflora of the flu changes. And the nature of the change fahivets restores the cause of the disease.

A smear from a gynecologist on the flora - this is the name of the analysis, which is taken from the lungs and two channels: the sac and the cervix. It is necessary to fight for the purpose of determining the balance of flora, the number of leukocytes and the manifestation of illness. How to take a smear from a gynecologist? Special tampons are used for this purpose, the analysis should be carried out painlessly, discomfort can only be caused if the tampon sticks to the cervix. Selected visions are applied on a special slope and sent to the laboratory. Call the result of cooking for a few years chi 1-3 days.

A smear at the gynecologist for cytology, the presence of a pap test - all this is a Pap smear. Danish analysis borrowed the first time from gynecology, the middle of preventive tests. For this purpose, an assessment of the life of the cervix and the diagnosis of cancerous diseases are carried out. Also, the wines are victorious for the manifestation of the evil virus after the 30th century. If this test in a patient reveals dysplasia (the presence of uncharacteristic clitin), then it is prescribed under a microscope (colposcopy).

If a smear from a gynecologist gave a reliable result, it is necessary to touch a lot of minds. For a few days before the obstezhennya, the next utrimatisya in the state assets, whether it is for the sake of intimate hygiene and douching. Vіd zastosuvannya pills, vaginal suppositories need to be taken for a day, they can only be taken for a household with a doctor. Evenings before obstezhennyam podmivatisya following one warm water, vrants tse robiti is not necessary to call. The analyzes are carried out a few days before menstruation or the first few days after the end. Well, it started at the appointments for a refreshing day, to reschedule the visit to the doctor. Like a bachite, there are no unseen minds here, but it’s necessary to take care of them, in order to get rid of bad results, and in this case, repeated obstezhen.

Zhіnochi obstezhennya

The swab process

Gynecological obstezhennya smear zdіysnyuєtsya on the current day modern outbuildings (microscopes and іn.). Microscopy of a smear allows you to report on the microflora of the state of the paths, determine the form of illness, its severity, and also help to identify the necessary preparations to take clothes off.

Women's follow-ups may be carried out at sterile facilities, disposable gynecological kits, with additionally regulated sequences. Significantly, smears in gynecology are taken from the pelvis, cervical or sciatica, and also from the rectum.

It is important for the hour of the procedure not to damage the walls and fabrics. In another case, it can become a cause of discomfort, nadali or other illnesses.

Let's look at the pokrokovo, how to carry out follow-up strokes.

  1. Introduction of a gynecological speculum. This stage is more characteristic for women, as they lead a state of life.
  2. Take a smear for the help of a spatula or a spatula.
  3. Applying the material to the subject is hard.
  4. Sent to the laboratory for a wedding.

If the material is received before the laboratory, we will stop it, check the total hanging and then we will take up the follow-up of the gynecological smear. For the help of a microscope, that farbovannya laboratory assistant can treat various bacteria, fungi, infections, and determine their number and severity. After the completion of the research work, the doctor writes down the results on a special form and passes them on to the doctor.

Women's smears under a microscope, or rather, their results, do not hesitate for a long time - the stench comes for one working day.

At his own discretion, a doctor-gynecologist, after the results of the analysis, writes down his residual verdict and appoints a cure. In case of doubt about the correctness of the result, a repeated smear for testing is assigned.

Deciphering the results

If you keep your results in your hands, you will blame the food for showing a smear at the gynecologist (Latin letter and numbers in order) and how to understand the encrypted results. Let's get smart.

  • Latin "V" - pihva. Handling the figures, what to stand, show in the smear.
  • Latin "C" means "cervix". The numbers will be told to the doctor about all the changes that can be predicted in the next area.
  • Latin "U" means "sichivnik". The meaning of the numbers is the same as in the smear of the cervix.
  • Latin "L" - leukocytes.
  • "Ep" - flat epithelium.
  • Row s "abs" indicates bacteria and infections, which you have not detected.
  • "gn" and "trich" - gonococcus (gonorrhea) and trichomoniasis bacterium, trichomoniasis pathogen.

For visualization, you can look at the atlas of gynecological smears, which will allow you to explore and better understand the diagnosis and possible pathology, both for gynecologists and patients. We have atlases and illustrations and may have report comments.

Norms smears on flora

Analysis of a smear on the flora may be normal, with which you can learn more below. I pour into the norm. So, for example, for girls up to fourteen years of age, there are some indications, for women after menopause - others. Therefore, the application of norms is typical for women of age 14 to 45-50 years old.

  • Leukocytes. (V) 0 - 10 in polar, (C) 0 - 30 in polar, (U) 0 - 5 in polar. In the case of an increased level of leukocytes, one can speak about the ignition process in the singing zone.
  • Epithelium. All positions (V, C, U) can be "marked". With an increase in the indicator, one should speak about inflammation, and a decrease in the indicator indicates a lack of estrogen (a female state hormone).
  • Slime. In vipadku z (V) that (C) - “peacefully”, and in vipadku z (U) - “peacefully” or “during the day”. Great is the number of mucus to tell about the inflammation.
  • Gram-positive sticks (gr.+). (V) - "great number", (C) - "during the day", (U) - "during the day". These results speak about good immunity and normal microflora.
  • Gram-negative sticks (gr.-). (V), (C), (U) - "clear of the day". The presence of sticks to talk about dysbacteriosis, inflammation.

Reminder for those who plan to have a swab

How to get ready for a smear on the flora and why not work in front of the building, remember to remember it right away, even if the rules of hygiene standards are correct - a guarantee of the correct and reliable result of further recognition of the false recognition of excellence.

  • A smear on the flora is transferred to the reception of any vaginal preparations in three days and in the form of successful antibacterial infections.
  • A smear for the microflora in women or any other type of smear is not given during menstruation, or after 1-2 days after completion.
  • Before analysis (on the eve of the evening and vranci) one tries to fight back, or to douche.
  • It is necessary to get out of state contacts.

A smear at gynecology - more or less is simply necessary, even if such analyzes are life important. Timely manifestation of illness by the hand of Shvidky that effective rejoicing. Therefore, do not be fooled by the rules, preventive methods and regularly see your gynecologist.

Infections that are transmitted by the state route, which were diagnosed on their own, can become the reason for the spread of illness. Ale and call out the irrevocable legacy of their sackmaster.

The most irritating category of the hulks of the ІPSSH is people who actively lead a life without a state of life. Physicians recommend that they not more than once in a feast undergo medical treatment. Smear analysis is a wide variety of studies.

The biomaterial, placed in a thin ball on the fold, is twisted, looking at it with a light or an electron microscope. A smear before the wedding can be filled with a farbuvannya, or it can be made with a barn. With the method of diagnosing pathogenic flora in ZPSS, a swab is taken from a person from a state member (urethral).

In women - s pikhvi (vaginal). In addition, a smear can be taken for further examination of the mouth, nose, gourd, eye, anus. Based on the results of the examination at the light microscope, the laboratory assistant takes away the evidence of the presence of inflammation of the infection. When a pathogenic infection is detected, planting on the flora is carried out and the sensitivity of the organism to antibiotics is determined.

Taking a swab from the penis - from people with the appointment of a urologist - a standard procedure.

It is necessary to carry out a follow-up analysis, you can take samples for flora and for follow-up on the presence of state infections:

  • To take an analysis of the flora, a swab from a member is taken with a special probe. Apply the drug to the urethra, which is creamy, on the subject, and let the smear dry. Then the material is sent to the laboratory for bacterioscopic examination.
  • For clarification of the presence of infection, a smear is taken, as if in an anterior direction, and the material is placed not on the slope, but in a special room with a sterile life-giving medium

The follow-up smear on the flora should be carried out after the previous farbing. Let's look at it with a light microscope. For the number of leukocytes, the laboratory assistant can work out visnovs about the presence of the presence of the ignition process.

For example: "coco" flora may be represented by staphylococcal, streptococcal and other infections. Also, biomaterial in a rare state can be subject to bacterioscopy.

For the help of a microscope, a laboratory assistant can detect microorganisms that are collapsing, for example: Trichomonas. In case of suspicion of ZPSSh, follow-up should be carried out for additional PCR.

The method is unique, which allows the detection of biomaterial traces of the DNA of the organisms. What should be observed in the presence of symptoms in the stoked, tobto. with bacterionosity, the analysis will also reveal an infection.

The following may be the mother’s yakіsny i kіlkіsny character:

  • In case of an acidic analysis, information will be provided about the presence of the alarm (positive) or its presence (negative result of follow-up)
  • In case of calcareous - the number of microorganisms is determined

How to take a smear from a person

In order to incapacitate the consumption of microorganisms from the shkіri, it is necessary before taking a smear on the flora or PLR, sweep the head of the penis with miles of water.

After that, the surface is treated with a physiological finish and dried with a sterile gauze servlet. Smear sampling is carried out in a standing position or lying on a couch.

The doctor asks the patient to remove the foreskin to gain the best access to the entrance to the urethra. Then a sterile instrument, intended for taking a smear (probe, Volkmann's spoon, bacteriological loop), inject slightly (2-3 cm) into the testicle.

Ruhi lightly vgvinchuyut, sho safe trapping on the surface of the probe epithelial clitin. After which the probe is lowered. The biomaterial can be applied either on the subject or placed in a special container for delivery to the laboratory.

In the instructions for inserting the probe, it is indicated how to properly work a smear: the insertion of the instrument can be done. A number of symptoms may require prostate massage to improve sensitivity to analysis (necessarily detecting adherent infections). The duration of the procedure becomes 5 to 10 seconds.

When not to take a smear

The smear is not taken for follow-up:

  • at moving temperature
  • manifestation of acute inflammation, not associated with the pathology of the urogenital system
  • deformities and injuries of the penis
  • bleeding from a member

Preparing for a smear

Before reaching the doctor’s appointment, a swab is taken from the penis, and it is necessary to prepare for a new one. For whom you will need to trim the singing vimogs. Preparing for analysis do not become folded.

For a swab from the penis showing the found results, it is necessary:

  • get a doctor's appointment, if after sex you can get a swab from the penis. Start taking yoga no earlier, lower in 48 years after I enter into a state link
  • ahead of the day, take the biomaterial and take a shower, resolutely hugging the penis, the crotch area and the anus. If a person has pathological vision, then the toilet of the genitals must be carried out before visiting the doctor. We are guarding vikoristannya zasobiv for an intimate watch
  • at the day of seeing the urologist, in about 2-3 years, go to the toilet, so that cutting through the urethra does not kill the pathogenic flora

If a patient takes any medical preparations, then the doctor will tell you about it in advance. The doctor will also say if it is possible to take a swab from the penis after antibiotics.

Nayimovirnishe, in order to obtain more reliable results, taking a smear, you will have to postpone the period after the end of taking the preparations. As a urologist, having acknowledged the person's analysis for infection, preparation before the collection of biomaterial may have some special features.

This is necessary, so as not to provoke the process:

  • exclusion from the diet of spicy, smoked, salty fatty
  • vіdmova vіd priyomu liquor
  • it is not recommended to take a hot bath, go to the sauna and hot tub

If the patient has done everything correctly, then the results will have a high level of reliability. In case of damage to the patient, we can take hybnopositive and hybnonegative results.

Chi is more painful to take a swab from the urethra

Most of the people before folding the analysis are turbulent about those who are unable to accept the procedure.

Patients who have already had to go through the examination, seem to be tolerant. Be sensitive to pain during manipulations, lie down because of the ignition process in the sechivnik. I like wine expressions.

For the presence of urethritis, non-acceptable cases will be considered, lower analysis should be taken with prophylactic follow-up.

After taking a swab from the penis, the liver or soreness during the hour of sechoviprosy can be saved for 48 years. So, when taking a smear, the elimination of microscopic ears of the mucous membrane of the urethra was not included.

Often, patients, through the appearance of sickness, at the hour of the sechoviparous period, trying to change go to the toilet, reduce the amount of water that they drink. So not recommended. That is why, as a result, the cutting becomes concentrated and even stronger fighting mucus.

To reduce discomfort, after the procedure, you can take a pain reliever. It is necessary to increase the volume of water that you drink by adding chamomile. When present severe pain you can take a warm shower or a bath. If the symptomatology is not known, or if it becomes stronger, then the doctor should be called after having taken the analysis.

Discomfort may be due to the fact that an ignition process develops in the urological tract. If you are in pain, you may be damaged by damage to the smear collection time, as the specialist has little information.

Interpretation of smear results

As a result of testing for flora, the duration of a smear from a member of the loan is three more than three days.

It takes a long time for the biomaterial to reach the laboratory, it takes a farbing and microscopic follow-up. For otrimaniim result can be judged on the number of leukocytes, epithelium, mucus, the presence of coccal or pathogenic infection.

For a normal smear, the following signs are characteristic:

  • presence of leukocytes in the range of 0 to 5 in polyzora
  • clitin epithelium - vіd 5 to 10
  • presence of mucus in a small number
  • coki - no more than 10 in poly zoru
  • presence of pathogenic flora

Interpretation of the analysis result

Such signs, like:

  • High volume of leukocytes, epithelial cells, mucus, the appearance of eosinophils and erythrocytes indicate the ignition process
  • The presence of Trichomonas, gonococci, fungal infections, the simplest ones in the smear. pathogenic flora as a sign of infection

The result of the analysis for infection will be prepared richly. Need up to 2 days.

If the result is positive, the term may increase, the scales may need a control test. Normally, the test is to show the presence of infections.

As soon as it so happened that a positive result was taken away, then people assign a second follow-up, and even then they assign a cumulative display.

Such a method allows not only to reveal the presence of the alarm clock, but also to calculate its number. Before prihovanno protіkayuchih іnfektsіy can be seen: chlamydia, gonococcus, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, herpetic, cytomegalovirus.

This perelik is not residual. For the results of looking at the person, the urologist can either add up to a new additional infection, or, for now, sound a list of data.

Smear control after examination

In order to determine the effectiveness of the preparations after treatment, the doctor takes smears:

  • The first analysis is carried out after the end of the day after the rest of the drug intake
  • The next smear is taken in a month from that fall, as the previous follow-up showed a negative result
  • If another analysis is also negative, then a provocation will be carried out

For the presence of a third negative smear result from the penis, a diagnosis is made that the patient is in good health. Control over the taking of material after treatment of infection may great value in the correct selection of medications to reduce infection.

When to take a urethral swab

As a rule, people go to the doctor, if the symptoms of an ailment repair and cause severe discomfort. Tse appearance of visipan, sverblyachki, liver, sickly symptoms in the anogenital zone, call to frequent sechoviscations, the presence of pus of blood at the sect.

When a urologist sees a urethral smear taken, obov'yazykovoy manipulation.

So take the analysis needed for the obviousness:

  • clearly expressed symptoms of urogenital infection
  • ignition process sign
  • as it was revealed that the hour of the partner’s cooling was revealed, that it could be infected with a gerel

To clearly pronounced signs of infection are seen:

  • the presence of pathological sightings from the sechivnik
  • bіl at sechovipkannі
  • hyperemia and swelling of the genitals
  • hanging on the ropes of state bodies

The follow-up of the urogenital smear of a person allows the detection of pathogenic microflora (presence of bacterial, fungal and viral infection). Vaughn called out the burning of the sichivnik, the front of the vine, the sich mіkhur, the tufting of the puhlin, as well as the ZPSSh.

An increase in the indicator of leukocytes should be noted about the overrun of the ignition process. If a family couple is planning a mother of children, but if there are problems with the conception, then before the complex of the necessary provision, the provision for the presence of the IPSS is included. This person will also have a urogenital smear.

See analyzіv, for example, a swab is taken from a penis

Follow-up urethral smear can be carried out in the following ways:

  • Flora analysis is the main one. Allows you to designate a warehouse for biomaterial (presence of microorganism, blood, mucus). For example: flora smears can indicate gonorrhea, trichomoniasis
  • PLR is the most accurate technique, as with a high frequency of morbidity it allows to identify the presence of venereal disease. A swab from a penis using the PLR ​​method allows you to signify that infections can lead to the ignition process of the genitals. Zishkrib z superficial visipan of herpes and syphilis, destruction during the period of acute illness, can also serve as a method for diagnosing pathology.

  • bakposіv vykonuєtsya with the method of clarification of the strain of bacteria and the designation of sensitivity to antibacterial preparations.

Where to give a smear for analysis

Before that, how to get to this clinic in Moscow, in order to take a urogenital smear from a penis, it is necessary to know, to conduct de chi manipulation professionally and painlessly.

So you don’t have mercy on the choice of laboratory and don’t give the analysis again at different places, next specify the upcoming moments:

  • chi carried out further at the clinic itself chi analyzes break up to a specialized laboratory
  • yakі terms will have results ready. Adzhe in addition, if it is rozpochato likuvannya, it is rich in what to lay the result of ill-health.
  • How qualified is the doctor?
  • such instruments are vicorated: disposable or bagatorase corystuvannya. Ideally, biomaterial is taken with sterile disposable instruments. As soon as bugatorazs get stuck, then the services of such a medical facility are more likely to get involved.
  • as soon as the hour of taking the analysis, gross discomfort is observed, it is necessary to note about the status of the newcomer to the doctor
  • a plus is the presence in the service of a cost-free follow-up of a control smear

You can get a smear at a private clinic in Moscow.

For whom it is sufficient to call the registry office, it is suggested that which doctor can give a referral for a comprehensive analysis of the member 12, 15, 6, 8, 10. to give a swab from the urethra.

Which doctor takes a swab from a penis

A smear on the flora of the urethra in people is prescribed by a urologist or a dermatovenereologist, and a nurse is taking an analysis.

In order to get an obstezhennya in Moscow in another city inexpensively, then go back to the clinic, or to the shkir-vendial dispensary. Fahivets for consumption recognize a smear or zіshkrib.

If you need to get a smear, contact the author of this article - a venereologist in Moscow with a statutory certificate of work.

what can be identified from smear analysis?

Vidpovidaє Gutnikova Viktoria Yakivna, gynecologist-endocrinologist,

Zagalny smear (urogenital smear). Bacterioscopy - smear analysis
Bacterioscopy (Latin - “Scopeo” - I wonder) - a laboratory method for examining bacteria under a microscope gynecological smear.
Smear smear bacterioscopy is an inexpensive, quick and widening method for diagnosing ZPSS, which practically accompanies a woman's skin visit to a gynecologist.
Microscopic examination of a smear (designation of a microflora smear) includes a few steps:

Take a swab. The doctor-gynecologist inserts a vaginal speculum into the urethra (sechіvnik) and takes the material from the infected cavities for the help of a disposable spatula. Call for taking a smear from three points - from the outer opening of the urethra, and from the cervix. A disposable spatula with a plastic stick with an expanded tip, yakim, swabs, the gynecologist evenly distributes the material taken according to a special clean object class, assigning smears from different special fields letters of designation: "U" - urethra, "C" - cervix, "V" - pihva. The data of the material taken are hung and directly on the microscopy of the smear, the laboratory.
Laboratory investigation of smears. After the smears are taken by laboratory doctors, they are carried out in such a way as the smears are taken after Gram by special barbers, and then - gynecological follow-up of smears under a microscope. Different parts of clitin and bacteria are found in different colors, which allows assessing the warehouse of vision from the urethra, uterine cervix.
A urogenital smear is a painless procedure for a healthy woman, as it can cause only mild discomfort. Bil, which accompanies a smear, to tell about the scourge of the walls of the sechivnik, as it can be in case of various flaming diseases, or in the aftermath of statutory infections. The stronger after the smear was in the urethra, the stronger the tissue of the sciatica.
Deciphering the smear on the flora. Smear cleanliness level.
The norms of a smear may be used to avoid the presence of upcoming smear indications:
The squamous epithelium is a ball of clitin, which is lining the cervix. In a normal smear, the epithelium may be present. If a smear of the epithelium is not to be missed, then the gynecologist may allow a lack of estrogen, too much human hormones. The presence of squamous epithelium in a smear indicates atrophy of epithelial cells.
Leukocyte smear - the norm is up to 15 units in a zoru. A small number of leukocytes is important to meet the norm of leukocytes in a smear, shards of leukocytes stop their function, overshoot the penetration of infection in the state of the female organ. Movement of leukocytes in the smear is suspected in case of inflammation of the lungs (colpitis, vaginitis). The more leukocytes in a smear, the more severe the infection.
Staphylococcus aureus in a smear in small numbers - normal smear. Significant increase in staphylococcus in a smear, as well as an increase in leukocytes in a smear, may be a symptom of the ignition process in the uterus, mucous membranes of the uterus (endometritis).
The sticks at the smear fold the normal microflora of the pixie. Cream sticks at the smear are not guilty of other microorganisms.
Gynecological smears can be tainted by foreign microorganisms, which indicate the presence of infection in the smear. The results of a bacterioscopy of a smear can show instead of advancing bacteria:
Koki - on vіdmіnu vіd sticks tskulyastі bacterії. Krim kokiv, according to the results of the analysis of the smear of the coca medulla, diplococci can be found in the smear, or gonorrhea is a symptom of gonorrhea.
Dribni sticks in a smear - most often gardnerelli - bugs of gardnerellosis and dysbacteriosis pikhvi.
"Keys" of cells in a smear (atypous cells) - the cells of a flat epithelium, glued with a drib stick. As with gardnerella, as smears can be used to treat atypical cells, the doctor can make a diagnosis - dysbacteriosis pikhvi.
A fungus in a smear is a sign of candidiasis (thrush). In adhering (asymptomatic) stages of thrush, the fungus in the smear can appear like spores.
If the results of a phi smear testify to the presence of trichomonas, the doctor can all suggest admitting trichomoniasis in a patient.
Navit as the results of bacterioscopy of the smear show the presence of colic, bacillus and "key" clitin in the smear, which indicates about bacterial vaginosis, only the results of the smear are insufficient for making a diagnosis. Nayimovirnishe, a gynecologist will require a bacteriological culture and DNA diagnostics (a smear by the PLR ​​method). Why the results of a smear are insufficient for an accurate diagnosis of ZPSSh, the doctors explain with the following reasons:
Viral, chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma infections are practically not detected in the urogenital smear. Viruses, chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasmas, microorganism, even small ones, it is easy to mark under a microscope during an excellent smear analysis. For the diagnosis of these infections and other, more informative methods (PLR smear, ELISA diagnostics).
The manifestation of the fungus in the smear is the correct symptom of thrush. Ale candidiasis can be associated with concomitant illnesses that have developed on aphids, a serious state infection (IPSSh).
The appearance of leukocytes during smear microscopy can be a last-ditch diagnosis in the case of a drop in the smear when pus is taken. There is a large number of leukocyte smears to instruct the laboratory assistant to treat the health worker of the ZPSSH.
In some cases, a vaginal smear allows you to reveal the infection in the smear, but not the “nature” (alarm) of the infection, and it is no less important - for an additional smear, it is impossible to detect the sensitivity of these alarms to singing antibiotics. This problem can be solved by bacteriological testing.
It is not easy for a patient to take a smear for flora, but if you want to take a smear and decipher bacterioscopy of a smear, a doctor-gynecologist and a laboratory assistant will need a high qualification. In another case, the diagnosis will be pardoned, the degree of purity of the smear will be broken, and the results of bacterioscopy will be confirmed. On the reliability of the results of the smear, preparation before the smear and the correctness of taking the smear are added.
Material for microscopic examination of smears:
Vision from the urethra, part of the mucus plug of the cervix and the flat epithelium of the wall of the uterus.
In diagnosing women with ailments, a smear is far from the only and most often uninformative method of investigation, it is necessary and requires additional qualifications from laboratory doctors.

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