A good smear analysis is needed. Gynecological smear: interpretation. The norm is that vіdhilennya. How to take a smear from a person

  1. Swab from vagina for flora. Work with a prophylactic method once a day (be sure that the woman is healthy). The frequency of such analysis will be increased if confirmed correct choice exaltation of what was revealed earlier than illness.
  2. A smear for cleanliness. At to this particular type microflora, and the very number of spivvіdnoshennia of the singing її representatives. The analysis of a smear on the level of purity is carried out with the help of light microscopy.
  3. Women's smears after the PLR ​​method (polymerase lanceuge reaction). Zdіysnyuyutsya with the method of signifying "prihovanі" ailments. For the procedure, a characteristic signature is the cleavage of the state of the paths.
  4. Smear analysis for bacteriological culture. To be carried out with the method of detection of bacteria, which calls out the ailments of state organs, that designation of their types. Follow-up smear allows you to determine the necessary preparations for the treatment of infectious diseases.
  5. A smear in a woman for cytology. Take once on the river at the osib, like to live a stately life.

One more important thing to consider is an analysis of hormones, including prolactin. This is a hormone that plays an important role in a woman's life.

Standard analyzes at the gynecologist

Under the hour of prophylactic examination by a gynecologist and seeing that doctor with scars, it is obligatory to prescribe a smear analysis of these paths. Without knowledge of gynecology, interpretation of the results is impossible.

On the basis of such a simple and painless follow-up it is possible to make wisps about the presence of a woman with a faceless illness.

Due to the microscopic investigation of biological material from the mucous membrane of the mucous membranes of the organs in medicine, it was possible to reveal the presence of microbes and other damage, unsafe for the healthy functioning of the reproductive system. The main types of smears - tse:

  • on flora;
  • for sterility;
  • for cytology;
  • on infection.

The procedure for taking a smear on the flora of the house of the skin woman, as I saw the examination room. Oskіlki analysis allows you to identify the microbiological warehouse, reveal hormonal disorders and ignition processes, a smear is taken independently, depending on whether the woman is healthy.


See strokes

Fallen in the place of capture, smears are made:

  • vaginal (V-vagina);
  • from the surface of the cervix (C-cervix);
  • іz sechіvnik (U-uretra).

How to take a smear from the state organs

From the lips of the lips, a smear is rarely taken, as for which it is especially indicated, for example, the presence of inflamed women. In this case, the smear is replaced with a smear. Most often, the gynecologist needs a vaginal smear. The veins are taken with a spatula from the back crypt of the fur, when ignited - from the visible plot.

The removed material is applied to the slope, dried, sprats of ethanol are applied to the beast. Zrazok markuetsya that vіdpravlyaєtsya at the closing of the room to the laboratory.

When a smear is detected, a tampon is taken for help, which is placed near a sterile test tube, and it is transferred to follow-up.

In medical institutions, it is practiced to accept patients from disposable diagnostic kits. For example, often vykoristovuetsya typing "Juno", the purpose of specially taking samples of a different nature (venerological, gynecological). All items are aseptically packaged and can be stored in a different warehouse, depending on the nature of the look.

  • The set of "Juno-0" is made up of glove gloves, pelushki and Volkman's spoons, which is taken as a sample of the mucous surface of the pihvi, the urethra of the cervix.
  • "Juno-1" includes the replacement of Volkmann's spoon, the Cuzco mirror. With this help, the area looks around 2 times, it is possible to make sagging, fabric wrapping, scars. The doctor's hands are free, and you can carry out any kind of manipulation.
  • "Juno No. 3" can be like a Cusco mirror, and Volkman's spoon. It is necessary in order to be able to take smears like from the penis, from the cervix of the uterus or from the urethra without the fear of a fluctuating transfer of microflora.
  • Nabіr "Juno" No. 4 may add to the cytoscutum, for the help of which a smear from the cervical canal is painlessly taken.
  • "Juno-5" was supplemented with an Eira spatula with micropores on the tips, for which a smear is taken on the surface. Subjects are needed to transfer the smear material to them, and then sound the fold in the skin examination room.

At Diana's clinic, all disposable stained glass materials are already included in the receptionist's office, and it is not necessary to carry anything with you.

How to take a swab from the urethra

Taking a smear from the urethra is carried out in two ways:

  • Volkmann's spoon is introduced into the urethra for a few centimeters, trying to crack the epithelial cells with a path to press the applicator to the walls of the urethra and wrapping it in different sides. It is worth doing a painful procedure, as it is a trauma or inflammation of the sciatica.
  • At strong visions it is not necessary to place Volkmann's spoon in the middle of the urethra. Finish pressing the front wall of the pikhvi, so that instead of the sichivnik the viishov is called. Then we pick it up with an applicator and place it in a test tube.

How to take a smear from the cervix

Use 4 types of smears from the cervix:

  • doslіdzhennya on the flora;
  • obstezhennya for sterility;
  • follow-up on adherence to infection by the polymerase lanceuge reaction;
  • on cytology.

A smear on the flora of the cervix shows both pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic epithelial cells.

The procedure is carried out behind the help of the Cuzco mirror. This mirror is not for the sonorous understanding of the word. It is more similar to the opening of the forceps, which open the walls of the pikhvi, allowing access to the cervix. Let's use a spatula or a cytoscutum to fight for the z_skrіbok, for which the epithelial cells are assessed.

Deciphering the results of the analysis of a gynecological smear. Norm

flat epithelium 5-10 5-10 5-10
Leukocytes 0-10 0-5 0-30
Erythrocytes 0-2 0-2 0-2
slime pomirna kіlkіst Daily pomirna kіlkіst
Gn gonococciDailyDailyDaily
Trichomonas TrichDailyDailyDaily
Key cellsdailydailydaily

What does it mean to see in a smear

Vidhilennya vіd normi in a smear from pіhvi to talk about this:

Low Vist stick Dederleinpointing to the defilement of microbiocenosis due to the prevalence of disease-producing microflora. Dederlein's sticks - tse vityagnі for the form of lactobacilli, yakі as a product of life utvoryut lactic acid. Zavdyaky їm pіdtremuєtsya sour middle in pіhvі, scho protect vіd penetration of pathogenic microorganіzmіv. Lactic acid activates immune cells to fight bacteria.

With a decrease in the number of Dederlein sticks, a woman develops vaginal dysbacteriosis. I am suffering from illness, hormonal therapy, taking antibiotics and hormones, severe chronic stress, infected with ZPSh.

When a small number of lactobacilli is detected in a woman, a PAP test for infection is additionally prescribed. If you don’t give a positive result, then the patients prescribe vaginal suppositories, which will suppress the pathogenic microflora, helping to help Dederlein’s sticks.

High vmіst coco florithat decrease in colic flora is indicative of weakened immunity or activation of mentally pathogenic microflora. The degree of cleanliness of the penis varies from normocytosis to vaginitis.

  • At the 1st stage (normocenosis), the acidity of the penis becomes pH 3.8 - 4.2, the Dederlein sticks are rich, there are no leukocytes, and there are single cells of the epithelium.
  • At the 2nd degree of purity, the number of leukocytes increases to 10, and the number of epithelial cells is rich. Acidity increases to pH 4.0 - 4.5.
  • At the 3rd degree of purity, the acidic medium changes to weak (pH 5.0 - 5.5), coco microflora dominates over lactobacilli, leukocytes in the ranges are normal. 4 levels of purity of lactobacilli are not visible, the middle is near the pit (pH 6.0 - 6.5). Crimia of different kokiv, trichomonads and key cells grow alone.

A normal smear is of the 1st and 2nd degree of purity. In this type of “population” of the mucus surface, the mucosal surface may be subject to the following parameters:

  • lactobacilli in number 10 7 - 10 9 KUO / ml (DEA - this is one microbial clitin (colonial-creating unit), as in the life-giving medium it actively reproduces and establishes a colony);
  • streptococci up to 10 5 DAYS/ML;
  • candida, clostridia, staphylococci, prevotelli - up to 10 4 CFU/ml;
  • ureaplasma, mycoplasma - up to 10 3 CFU/ml;

At the 3rd degree of cleanliness, a woman is diagnosed with bacterial disease - damage to the natural balance with a decrease in the number of lactobacilli and an increase in gram-negative rods.

Also, at the 3rd and 4th degree of purity of the penis, a characteristic vaginitis (colpitis) is an increase in the number of mentally pathogenic microflora, which is accompanied by the inflamed surface of the penis.

Yaki pathogens and vidhilennya show up in filthy smears

  • candida- tse fungal infection of the penis, urethra or cervix, caused by reduced immunity, dysbacteriosis of the penis. From the ailments, a skin woman would stumble once and for all. It’s easy to finish it and it’s easy to rejoice, but sometimes it’s about a serious pathology - bloody diabetes.
  • Increase in the number of epithelial cellsto tell about the ignition process, and the real thing - about the atrophy of the walls of the lungs or estrogen deficiency. Squamous epithelium - tse vіdmerlі, zlushchenі surfіnі vіnіk pіhvi mіzovі kіtini. The stench gradually falls, and in the next month new cells are born. Normally, a smear may have more than 10 epithelial cells.
  • Leukocytes. These immune cells, yakі fight against pathogenic microflora. In a smear in a non-vagic woman, there are no more than 10, in a vagit woman - up to 30 pieces. The increase in leukocytes is more than normal for both non-specific inflammation (with colpitis, vaginosis), and specific (with IPSS). Obov'yazkovo it is necessary to know the burning flame. It can also be adnexitis (inflamed appendages), endometritis (inflamed endometrium), dysbacteriosis of the lungs, gostra form of candidiasis.
  • Promotion of erythrocytesspeak about the strong inflamed. Erythrocytes are red blood cells; normally, the quantity is not guilty of overexposing 2 pieces. If it’s bigger, it means that with a dotik of the cytoscutum with a wall of pixie, it was badly judged. Also, the number of erythrocytes increases during the next period after menstruation.
  • Large amount of mucus in a smearvkazuє on the inflamed cervix, so that the mucus is seen there itself (pіhva not maє zoloz). At the norm for doba, a woman spits 4 ml of mucus. It looks like an erysipelas color, and when analyzed, leukocytes are detected in it, which indicates that the cervical canal is inflamed. The same amount of mucus grows in vaginal women.
  • Gonocoki. All micro-organisms that are transmitted by the State way. Tsієї bacteria in the smear is not guilty buti. Since leukocytes and erythrocytes are also high, then patients will need to take a PAP test and undergo PRC diagnostics for the detection of microbe DNA.
  • Trichomonas. Tse ІPSSH, scho to tell about infection with trichomoniasis. To grow one microbe will require a term exaltation.
  • Key cellspoint to the fusing process, calling in the middle of the body of the IPSS, as well as the development of the disease of the reproductive system - cervical erosion, ectopia, endometrial polyp. The stench is calling for the replacement of the acid medium of pikhvi on a puddle. Key cells (primary squamous epithelium, excreted by pathogenic microorganisms) may be reborn, so if one of them is detected, one of them should regularly undergo obstezhennia.

Normal smears from the urethra

When taking a smear from the urethra, the smear rate is as follows:

  • At the norm, 95% of the microflora of the urethra can become lactobacilli. As a mentally pathogenic microflora dominates, it is not enough to talk about the weakening of the immune system or the disease of the pelvic organs.
  • A large number of squamous epithelium indicates the transfer of early illness of the ignition character (cystitis, ailments).
  • Erythrocytes testify about a strong infusion, caused by a fuse process, as well as about the slaughter of a sectarian.
  • Leukocytes are higher than the norm in case of inflammation, vyklikanim supercooling, falling immunity or infection.
  • Drіzhdzhi, zokrema candida, є lately transferred іnfektsії z pіhvі, if the ailment reaches a serious form. Normally, there are no drizzles in the urethra, buti is not to blame. Like a mucus, appearing like a sechivnik instructing an infection.

In order to recognize the pathogen of infection, the patient is taken bacterial culture - laboratory analysis, which allows you to know a competent antibiotic, to which sensitivity.

Norms of a smear from the cervical canal

A smear from the cervical canal and a smear from the cervix may have a different value.

Zіkrіbok vіdnositsya to galuzі tsitologiії - vyavlennya patologicheskogo proizvodstvennya kіtin, zdatnyh degenerate or already degenerated into cancer. The procedure is carried out for girls at the age of 18 years.

The smear is carried out from the cervical canal itself. For which, behind the help of the mirror, the walls of the pikhvi are cut and the biomaterial is taken from the channel. The milking procedure is unacceptable, but even informative.

The results of a smear can be as follows:

  • Epithelial cells (small membrane cells) can be, but not more than 10 units. It’s even more important to talk about a progressive ignition process, and not only on the cervix, but on the fallopian tubes or the mother itself.
  • Although the number of leukocytes in the pharynx is not guilty of overseeding 10 pieces, then in the cervical canal the number of leukocytes increases to 30. Phagocytosis (increased activity of leukocytes) indicates the active activity of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Dederlein's sticks at the cervical canal are daily.
  • The mucus is vibrated by the cervix of the uterus, which is avenged in a small amount in the cervical canal

What robiti, like the results of a dirty smear?

The results of the analyzes are seen in the hands or come to the gynecologist. For the presence of evidence of the norms, the doctor prescribes a cure or additional diagnostics.

After passing the course of the likuvannya, it is necessary to do the analysis again, so that you can change the course, so that the disease is more likely to come. Insufficient illnesses end in complications and chronic forms. Chronic illness can be less extinguished, and the axis can not be completely cured.

A smear on the flora is an easy way to do an informative analysis, which is a kind of medicine for women and people as a method of obvious diagnosis, so in the case of the presence of acute acute "erased" symptoms.

Vіn let me assess the state of the microflora of the urogenital tract, identify the presence of other inflammatory diseases, infections, viruses.

Doctors seem to think that this analysis does not require special training, but it is not so. For reliable results, the patient is recommended do not go to the toilet for 2-3 years Shards of cutting can kill all pathogenic bacteria and infections, doctors will be important to determine the cause of your pathological state.

Douches, vaginal suppositories, and antibacterial agents are nicely applied to inaccurate indicators. Women it is necessary to conduct an analysis after the end of menstruation and before that, all patients should follow up on any state contacts 2 days before taking the biomaterial.

How is the analysis done?

The analysis is most likely to take a medicine, if you come to the first appointment at the polyclinic before the next, or if you just go to a paid laboratory, de obstetricians and medical personnel take biomaterial from you.

The procedure for taking a smear is also painless.

Women a gynecologist, an obstetrician or any other medical practitioner can easily be carried out with a special disposable spatula in the form of sticks for three points. pihvu, urethra and cervical canal.

For people the urologist or other doctor inserts a special disposable probe into the urethra, turns it around the axis and takes the analysis. It is important that the investigation does not reveal pain symptoms, but it does not include the carelessness of the doctor, as well as individual sensitivity, or the manifestation of that other disease that can cause discomfort.

Delivery price

The results of a smear on the flora sound ready for the coming day, the results of the examination are not specific and collapsible, so you can take your analysis to finish it quickly. smear on flora it is really important to ask for forgiveness, as it is possible to work at the primary clinic without cost. However, if the terms are misleading, or you simply do not trust the doctors from the clinic, then you can not boast - take a swab for the flora from any paid medical laboratory.

Delivery price varies from 440 to 550 rubles And before that, you can pay well for the biomaterial to be taken by a medical practitioner. U sumi viide approx. 900-1000 rubles.

The norm of the results of a smear on the flora in women

A smear on the flora doslіdzhuє such indications, yak leukocytes, epithelium, microflora, infections (trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, candidiasis), mucus and key cells. Let's figure out what it means norm and pathology in this analysis and decipher it.

If you accept the form with the results, then start calling the following table, where the following characters are indicated in Latin letters: "U", "V", "C" what literally means urethra. It is not uncommon to write them like this: "uretra", "vagina", "canalis cervicalis". Normally, indicators of smear analysis on flora in women may look like this:

Pokazniki Urethra (normal) Vagina (normal) Cervical canal (normal)
Leukocytes 0-5 0-10 p/s 0-15-30 at p / s
Epithelium Pomirniy or
5-10 p / s
Pomirniy or
5-10 p / s
Pomirniy or
5-10 p / s
slime Pomіrno/vіdsutnya Pomirno Pomirno
Not found Not found Not found
Trichomonas Not found Not found Not found
Dry mushrooms (Candida) Not found Not found Not found
Microflora Daily palychkova at the great kіlkost
abo lactobacillary
Key cells daily daily daily

Do you have analyzes at a private clinic?


Vidhilennya in the norm, whether or not there are indications, can be indicative of a pathological process, or inflamed, but in order to recognize patients and make a diagnosis, doctors need to interpret the results of the investigation in totality. Slightly overestimated chi underestimation of indications can be considered by the doctor as an individual norm, but it is acceptable only for the patient’s daytime scarg, and in another case it is necessary to conduct additional analyzes or a second examination.

Deciphering the results of women

For urethra, pihvi, cervical canal, as it was appointed more, use your normal indications. For urethra: leukocytes guilty buti in normі vіd 0 to 5 near the floor, epithelium died or else 5 to 10 or 15 in the field of dawn, mucus is to blame for everyday life, whether it be infections (candidiasis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea) and bacteria are not normally to blame.

Promotion of showings leukocytes and epithelium in the urethra indicates the ignition process or urethritis, cut-off ailment, mechanical damage to the urethra with a stone, squeaking or a third-party object, which will require a negainny training to the doctor. Viyavlennya , Trichomonas and Candida indicating specific urethritis. Promoted slime in the analysis of the possibility through the violation of the rules of hygiene, improper collection of biomaterial.

For pikhvi: leukocytes normal guilty buti view 0 to 10 y polyzoru. However, with vagity leukocytes can move, and the norm is acceptable for this time vіd 0 to 20 leukocytes p/z.

It is not a pathology and does not require any special treatment.

Epithelium may buti died or id 5 to 10 at polyzoru, and slime at peacetime quantity. Infections (Trichomonas, Candida fungi,) in the norm during the day, key cells tezh, and microflora can be sticky at the great chi pomirnіy kіlkostі. An increase in the number of leukocytes in a smear indicates an ignition process in pihva, which happens in case of advancing illnesses:

  • colpitis;
  • vaginitis,
  • vulvoginitis (especially in girls up to 14 years of age);
  • urethritis;
  • cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix);
  • oophritis (inflamed ovaries);
  • andexitis (inflamed appendages of the uterus);
  • state infection.

Transportation of a quantity flat epithelium tezh sign of the ignition process. A small increase in indications is acceptable in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, if the hormone estrogen begins to increase. lowering the number of epithelial cells is more common in women in the period menopause, the spikes begin to sharply decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen.

Slime at the great kilkost on the other hand, the ignition process is underestimated in the rules of hygiene. The microflora of pikhvi is normal stick, as it is represented by bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which protect the body from infections and fuses.

At vagity of lactobacilli more and more, shards in the period are activated to protect the body's strength. A change in lactobacillus means dysbacteriosis of the pihvi (vaginal dysbiosis).

Zmishana microflora can often be reported in smear results. It happens in girls up to 14 years of age, as well as in women in the period of menopause, which is considered as a variant of the norm. In another way, such a flora can mean this:
  • hyperfunction of the ovaries;
  • igniting the pelvic organs;
  • venereal diseases;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • cob chi end of menstruation.

coccobacillary The microflora indicates an imbalance of bacteria in the microflora of the penis, which can overcome pathogenic bacilli and coca. The presence of such microflora indicates bacterial vaginosis or IPSS. coca flora often used in case of inflammatory diseases of the penis, urethra, bacterial vaginosis (dysbacteriosis), etc. Zvichayne damage to the microflora of pikhvi cannot be a diagnosis.

Key clitiny, or rather their presence at the smear indicate on gardenellosis or dysbacteriosis pikhvi. For the cervical canal: leukocytes are normal id 0 to 15 or 30 near the floor, epithelium died, a microflora, key cells, candida, trichomanadia due to buti daily.

The increase in the number of leukocytes, the epithelium indicates the inflammatory process of the pelvic organs, the manifestation of oncological diseases, state infections. Viyavlennya fungus candida, trichomanas vymaga negaynogo likuvannya antibiotics, to the fact that in the norm stench is to blame but daily.

The norm for people

For people, a smear for flora should be taken at the end of the day leukocytes, epithelium, presence of coci, gonocci, trichomanads, mucus, microflora. For diagnostics, only water creams are used from the urethra (sechivnik). The results of the analysis are also presented in the form of tables, where in one column the indications are given, and in the other - the results are discarded. For people, the norm of smear results for flora is represented by the following rank:

Vidhilennya pokaznikіv vіd normi - seryoznaya nagoda turn to the doctor-andrologist or urologist, which accurately make a diagnosis and recognize likuvannya. Again, I would like to point out that it is necessary to verify the reference values ​​of the laboratory, so that a charge can be made to the right side.

Deciphering the results of people

The results of a smear on the flora in people are normal number of leukocytes may be vіd 0 to 5 in polyzoru, epithelium vіd 5 to 10 in polyzoru, Coca present in single quantity, mucus in dead bodies, and trichomanads, gonococci, mushrooms are daily.

Vіdhilennya vіd vyschevkazanіh norms svіdchit about pathological process chi inflammation. Leukocytes- Some of the main indications, which tell the doctor about the stage of inflammation and pathology of the organs of the urogenital tract. The stench can be promoted by such ailments:

  • specific and nonspecific urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • mochekam'yana ailment;
  • the appearance of good and evil new creations;
  • stricture (ringing) of the urethra.

The improvement of the epithelium is also indicative of the ignition process, or the siege of the ailment, and the manifestation of the cokiv is approximately higher 4-5 in polyzoru means the presence of severe chronic nonspecific urethritis caused by mentally pathogenic bacteria. slime in a large number of cases, it is indicated in the middle for inflammation, but with normal other indications, we can talk about increased urethritis, prostatitis.

Presence in analysis gonococci, trichomands, Candida fungi testify to the severity of specific urethritis and apparently gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, candidiasis. The doctor, in case of any suddenness, is guilty of protecting all the evidence of a smear with a method of further diagnostics and exaltation.

Shortfalls in analysis

At the end of the varto, it is important to note that the main short-term analysis of the smear on the flora is the impossibility of developing in a patient an infection that is transmitted by a static route, but in any case, the doctor is guilty of evaluating your body, the symptoms and the results of the smear.

A smear on the flora can be called a reversal in a simple way ailment of the urogenital tract, but not the only one and not the main one in making another diagnosis.

Doctors often call these cases “old”, “ineffective” and, when patients are admitted, they immediately repair more, more current analyses, like a more detailed picture of the clinical picture. Tse є tsіlkom decisions of the doctor and do not apply the very specifics of the follow-up. However, a standard smear on the flora in any case don't waste your relevance, And yogo diagnostic value of dosi dosit temple and may drink.

smear on flora- analysis, which is often prescribed by gynecologists. What will you show and how will you find a pardon?

This analysis can be called "hard". This is the first diagnostics, as it allows the doctor to confirm or to ask for the presence of an ignition process in the pihv, urethra, cervical canal, as well as to increase the lesion of the visnovka, which can lead to menopause or menopausal changes in the patient.

What exactly is the name of the analysis:

  • microscopic (bacterioscopic) follow-up of a smear obtained for Gram - the same official name;
  • smear from state organs;
  • bacterioscopy;
  • Microscopy.

Vikoristovuetsya for the diagnosis of infectious-inflammatory processes. Bacterioscopy allows detecting bacteria in the female organs: the simplest microorganism - gonococci, which provoke gonorrhea, trichomonads - trichomoniasis. Also, a specialist at the microscope should check for bacteria, fungi (Candida), key cells (a sign of bacterial vaginosis). The type of microorganism is assigned to the form, rozmіrom, and also to the fact that they are zabarvlyuyutsya barvnik chi ni, that is gram-positive or gram-negative.

In addition, a smear from the skin point (taken from the pihvi, urethra, cervical canal) increases the number of leukocytes in the field of vision. The more of them - the stronger of the expressions of the ignition process. Estimate the number of epithelium and mucus. especially rich in women of reproductive age at the time of ovulation - in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Microscopic examination of the cremation of the female organs - if it is possible to quickly evaluate - a woman is healthy gynecologically and put one of the following diagnoses:

  • vaginal candidiasis (thrush);
  • bacterial vaginosis (previously called gardnerellosis);
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis.

As a clear sign of one of the diseases, there is no way, but a filthy smear, the destruction of the material is carried out - bakposiv is taken.

Reasons for placement in gynecology

  1. Even though the smear has a large number of leukocytes, but there is no infection. So, with microscopy, there is a lower boundary between the manifestation of microorganisms: 10 in 4 - 10 in 5 steps.
  2. As a microbe, it was revealed to indicate its susceptibility to antibiotics.
  3. These are signs of a fungal infection. To accurately determine the type of fungus and indicate an effective antimycotic drug.

    Various fungi, for example, Candida albicans (Candida albicans - a diploid fungus), are not safe for future mothers and can provoke infection and early growth of fruit membranes.

    Other types of mushrooms Candida cannot be rejoiced, as there are no pathological symptoms.

  4. We have also found key cells (signs of bacterial vaginosis), but also other microbes. For identification.

Why is there a difference between bakposiv, a smear on the flora and the degree of purity of pikhvi

In the follow-up method. In case of a smear, the material, applied on the skeltse, is prepared with special barrels and marveled under a microscope. And if there is a bacteriological (bakposiv, cultural, microbiological) follow-up, you will “hang” your head on the life-giving center. And then, for a few days, to marvel under a microscope - colonies of such microorganisms have grown.

In order to find out about the express analysis, they will give you more information about the number of leukocytes, epithelium and mucus. Posіv termіnovim not buvaє

Also, with microscopy, it is possible to measure the cleanliness of the flue. Here the doctor is less likely to evaluate the spivvіdnoshennia between normal, mentally pathogenic and pathogenic microflora.

A classic assessment of the purity of pikhvi.

Updated table

Steps Signs
I Dederlein sticks, flat epithelium.
II Negroid bacteria. Leukocytes garazd. Diagnosis: non-suppurative bacterial colpitis.
III Gnіynі (staphylococci, streptococci, sinognіyna sticks, gonococci, etc.) microorganism. High rіven leukocytes. Putrid bacterial colpitis.
IV Gonorrhea (indicated by gonococci).
V Trichomoniasis (trichomonas detected).
VI Vaginal candidiasis (fungi were detected).

What doctors do not swear at microscopy

  1. Vagity. Sob її it means that a smear is not needed and it does not matter, what result will be shown. It is necessary to have a blood test for CHL, undergo a gynecological examination with a doctor and perform an ultrasound scan of the uterus. It is possible to identify chorionic gonadotropin in the section, but not in state organs, which are approved!
  2. Cancer of the uterus and cervix. To diagnose the evil degeneration of endometrium, the required histological material, moreover, in a large number. I take yoga directly from the uterus.

    CC and other pathologies (erosion, leukoplakia, atypical clitinitis, etc.) should be set after the results of cytological follow-up. The Danish analysis is taken directly from the cervix, from the transformation zone, using the Pap test method using the Pap test. Another name for yoga is oncocytology.

  3. Does not show the same infection (STD) as:
    • herpes;
    • chlamydia (chlamydia);
    • mycoplasma (mycoplasmosis);
    • ureaplasma (ureaplasmosis);

The first few infections are diagnosed by the PCR method. And it is impossible to determine the presence of immunodeficiency virus in a smear with high accuracy. It is necessary to have a blood test.

How to get ready for the task of analysis and if wine is necessary

A smear of the drug is taken from the patient on a gynecological chair (independently, because of that - the vagina is out of place) for the help of a special brush or a sterile Volkmann spoon. Tsezovsіm not hurt more than that kind of swidko.

It is technically possible to achieve a good, perfect smear, for example, sanuvati chlorhexidine or miramistin, for example. Ale, what kind of sense do you have?

In order to take a reliable smear result, 48 years before the first building is not possible:

  • douche;
  • have sex;
  • vikoristovuvaty be-like vaginal hygiene, intimate deodorant, as well as faces, as if the stench was not recognized by the doctor;
  • ultrasound performance from the vaginal transducer;
  • get a colposcopy.
  • before seeing the gynecologist and laboratory, for 3 years, no trace of urination.

It is necessary to give smears after menstrual bleeding. It’s just a “daub” on the rest of the day of menstruation, more likely to follow up, splinter the result, singly, if we’re filthy, a large number of leukocytes will appear.

Chodo priyomu alcohol zaboron nemaє.

Can you take a smear when taking antibiotics, right after the treatment? It is necessary to spend 10 days after the appointment of a medical preparation (vaginal) and one month after taking antibacterial drugs internally.

Microscopically determined to prescribe:

  • at the planned order pіd hour vіdvіduvannya gynecologist;
  • upon entry to the gynecological hospital;
  • before the EKZ;
  • under the hour of vagity (especially as we often use a dirty smear);
  • yakscho є skargi: unimaginable vision, sverbіzh, pelvic bіl thin.

Deciphering the results: what is the norm, and what is the pathology in the microflora

For the cob proponuєmo to your respect the table, in yakіy vіdobrazhenі pokazyniki so-called first degree of purity. She has no riddles of the urethra (when the material is collected and recognized), we are talking about gynecological illness. The fuse process at the sechivnik is an exuberant urologist.

Pokaznik Pikhva cervical canal
Leukocytes 0-10 at the field of view 0-30 at the floor
Epithelium fallow vіd phase min. cycle
slime peacefully
Trichomonas no
Gonocoki no
Key cells no
candidi no

gram-positive sticks


Epithelium - the number of epithelial cells is not taken into account, the shards do not have diagnostic value. Alas too little epithelium to talk about the atrophic type of smear - it happens in women in the menopausal period.

Leukocytes - vvazhayutsya at the "poly zoru":

  • no more than 10 - a small number;
  • 10-15 - pomіrna kіlkіst;
  • 30-50 - the number is large, the woman notices pathological symptoms, and the doctor, when looking around, diagnoses the ignition process in the pelvis (or) on the cervix of the uterus.

Slime (heavy slime)- in the norm, the presence is to blame, but the number of times when burned is great. In the urethra, the mucus is not guilty of buti.

Palichkova flora abo gr lactomorphotypes- norm, tse zahist pіhvi vіd bacteria.

Trichomonas, gonococcus and key clitin in a healthy woman, in the cervix of the uterus and in the womb, it is not guilty buti. Candida is normal and daily. Accept, in significant number, which is shown during the analysis of the flora.

The applicability of the smear is not great. And just as a woman enters the hospital, then right there, at the first glance at the armchair, she takes fresh.

Call the results for 7-14 days. Therefore, if you need to do yoga before the operation, work it out 3 days before entering the clinic. Let's stop from the recognition of analyses.

What do they show at bakposivі

The gynecologist can decipher the result of the culture as best as possible. Ale and you yourself, if you read the information below, you will orientate yourself in your analysis.

The number of microorganisms can be expressed in "crosses":

  • "+" - small quantity;
  • "++" - Pomіrna kіlkіst;
  • "+++" - great number;
  • "++++" - ryasna flora.

And most of all, a small number of representatives of microflora turn at the steps. For example: Klebsiela: 10 in 4 steps. Before speech, tse one of the representatives of enterobacteria. Gramonegative stick, aerobic microorganism. One of the most safe health workers, although it is less mentally pathogenic. All that Klebsiela is resistant (unacceptable) to a greater extent of antibacterial infections.

Below we will describe other parts of the term, which are traced in the results of the research, otherwise you can feel like a doctor.

Soor - ce candidiasis, or in other words - thrush. Enjoy antimycotic (antifungal) drugs.

Blastospores and pseudomycelium of yeast-like fungi- candidiasis or else fungal infection, sound like thrush.

Diphtheria is a mentally pathogenic microorganism, according to the results of studies, in most women, close to 10% of the microflora become the stink itself, as well as streptococcus, staphylococcus, intestinal stick, gardnerella. As the flora is destroyed, now the population is growing.

Zmishana flora is a variant of the norm, although there are no symptoms of ailment, significant leukocytes or a strong increase (40-60-100). 15-20 - a variant of the norm, especially during the hour of vagity.

Enterococci (Enterococcus)- Representatives of the intestinal microflora, yakі іnоdі drank і in pіhvu. Gram-positive coca. About enterococcus faecalis (Enterococcus faecalis) mi. More enterococcus coli - intestinal stick. Call out the unacceptable symptoms at a concentration of more than 10-4 steps.

Signo fire stick- Gram-negative bacterium. Often attacks people with low immunity. May have a good resistance to antibiotics, which makes it easier to treat.

Polymorphic wand- a typical representative of the biocenosis of pikhvi. Since the number of leukocytes in the norm is not significant, so the presence is not due to turbulence.

Erythrocytes - can be in a small amount in a smear, especially as they took it for an hour of the ignition process, or if there were small bloody visions.

Cocoa abo coccobacillary flora- Call out when you have an infectious process in the womb or on the cervix of the uterus. As a woman has scars, the need for antibacterial treatment is the sanitation of the pikhvi.

Diplococci are a variety of bacteria (cocci). A small number of people do not have a shkodi. For a vine of gonococci - gonorrhea vigilantes. Її rejoice forever.

And we’ll instruct some of the quick ones, so they write on the forms of the results of the analyses:

  • L - leukocytes;
  • Ep - epithelium;
  • Pl. ep. - Flat epithelium;
  • Gn (gn) - gonococcus, gonorrhea alarm clock;
  • Trich - trichomonas, trichomoniasis alarm.

Zhіnochi obstezhennya

The swab process

Gynecological obstezhennya smear zdіysnyuєtsya on the current day modern outbuildings (microscopes and іn.). Microscopy of a smear allows you to report on the microflora of the state of the paths, determine the form of illness, its severity, and also help to identify the necessary preparations to take clothes off.

Women's follow-ups may be carried out at sterile facilities, disposable gynecological kits, with additionally regulated sequences. Significantly, smears in gynecology are taken from the pelvis, cervical or sciatica, and also from the rectum.

It is important for the hour of the procedure not to damage the walls and fabrics. In another case, it can become a cause of discomfort, nadali or other illnesses.

Let's look at the pokrokovo, how to carry out follow-up strokes.

  1. Introduction of a gynecological speculum. This stage is more characteristic for women, as they lead a state of life.
  2. Take a smear for the help of a spatula or a spatula.
  3. Applying the material to the subject is hard.
  4. Sent to the laboratory for a wedding.

If the material is received before the laboratory, we will stop it, check the total hanging and then we will take up the follow-up of the gynecological smear. For the help of a microscope, that farbovannya laboratory assistant can treat various bacteria, fungi, infections, and determine their number and severity. After the completion of the research work, the doctor writes down the results on a special form and passes them on to the doctor.

Women's smears under a microscope, or rather, their results, do not hesitate for a long time - the stench comes for one working day.

At his own discretion, a doctor-gynecologist, after the results of the analysis, writes down his residual verdict and appoints a cure. In case of doubt about the correctness of the result, a repeated smear for testing is assigned.

Deciphering the results

If you hold your results in your hands, you will casually blame the doctor for showing a smear at the gynecologist (Latin letter and numbers in order) and how to understand the encrypted results. Let's get smart.

  • Latin "V" - pihva. Handling the figures, what to stand, show in the smear.
  • Latin "C" means "cervix". The numbers will be told to the doctor about all the changes, as little as possible to check in the area, what to do.
  • Latin "U" means "sichivnik". The meaning of the numbers is the same as in the smear of the cervix.
  • Latin "L" - leukocytes.
  • "Ep" - flat epithelium.
  • Row s "abs" indicates bacteria and infections, which you have not detected.
  • "gn" and "trich" - gonococcus (gonorrhea) and trichomoniasis bacterium, trichomoniasis pathogen.

For visualization, you can look at the atlas of gynecological smears, which will allow you to explore and better understand the diagnosis and possible pathology, both for gynecologists and patients. We have atlases and illustrations and may have report comments.

Norms smears on flora

Analysis of a smear on the flora may be normal, with which you can learn more below. I pour into the norm. So, for example, for girls up to fourteen years of age, there are some indications, for women after menopause - others. Therefore, the application of norms is typical for women of age 14 to 45-50 years old.

  • Leukocytes. (V) 0 - 10 in polar, (C) 0 - 30 in polar, (U) 0 - 5 in polar. In the case of an increased level of leukocytes, one can speak about the ignition process in the singing zone.
  • Epithelium. All positions (V, C, U) can be "marked". With an increase in the indicator, one should speak about inflammation, and a decrease in the indicator indicates a lack of estrogen (a female state hormone).
  • Slime. In vipadku z (V) that (C) - “peacefully”, and in vipadku z (U) - “peacefully” or “during the day”. Great is the number of mucus to tell about the inflammation.
  • Gram-positive sticks (gr.+). (V) - "great number", (C) - "during the day", (U) - "during the day". These results speak about good immunity and normal microflora.
  • Gram-negative sticks (gr.-). (V), (C), (U) - "clear of the day". The presence of sticks to talk about dysbacteriosis, inflammation.

Reminder for those who plan to have a swab

How to get ready for a smear on the flora and why not work in front of the building, remember to remember it right away, even if the rules of hygiene standards are correct - a guarantee of the correct and reliable result of further recognition of the false recognition of excellence.

  • A smear on the flora is transferred to the reception of any vaginal preparations in three days and in the form of successful antibacterial infections.
  • A smear for the microflora in women or any other type of smear is not given during menstruation, or after 1-2 days after completion.
  • Before analysis (on the eve of the evening and vranci) one tries to fight back, or to douche.
  • It is necessary to get out of state contacts.

A smear at gynecology - more or less is simply necessary, even if such analyzes are life important. Timely manifestation of illness by the hand of Shvidky that effective rejoicing. Therefore, do not be fooled by the rules, preventive methods and see your gynecologist regularly.

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