How to read the analysis of the section of grown-ups. OAM analysis: what is it, normal indications, deciphering. pH indicator section

General analysis of the section (OAM), also of clinical titles, is one of the most important laboratory studies, as it is carried out in diagnostic purposes. Vin is prescribed for various diseases and includes the indication of up to 20 indications, the skin of which helps in making the correct diagnosis. If you have appointed a sweeping analysis of the section, you will be familiar with the rules for interpreting the results.

What is the reason for the indiscriminate analysis of the section?

Urine (lat. urina), or cutting, is a type of biological motherland, which is seen by nirkami. At the same time, a lot of products of the exchange of speeches are produced from the body, and for these characteristics one can judge both about the blood warehouse, and about the camp of the cross-breeding paths and nirok.

The section includes speech, such as sechovina, secic acid, ketone bodies, amino acids, creatinine, glucose, protein, chloride, sulphate and phosphate. The analysis of the chemical and microbiological warehouse of the section plays an important role in the diagnosis: whether it is the diagnosis of the norm and indicates the wrong exchange of speech in the patient's body.

When is a sweeping analysis of the Sich assigned? This follow-up is necessary in case of any ailments of the sechostatic and endocrine systems, in case of respiratory depression in the heart-vascular and immune systems, as well as in cases of suspected diabetes. Also, a severe analysis of the section is assigned to those who are ill, as they have suffered a streptococcal infection. In addition, wines are carried out with a prophylactic method and to guard against the dynamics of illness.

How to put together an incendiary analysis of the section?

In order for the results of the analysis to reflect the correct clinical picture, the preparation before the procedure and the selection of urine are carried out according to the minimum rules.

Basics of how to prepare for the infamous analysis of the section:

  • it is necessary to come to the pharmacy or take a special sterile container from the doctor for picking up blood;
  • selection should be carried out from the wound: for analysis, it is recommended to take the vicorist itself for the ranking motherland, which has accumulated over the night, with which the middle portion of the stream is important for collection in the container;
  • in the evening ahead of time, you should look at the reception of any likiv, if you can get into the warehouse section (more often, consult with the doctor), as well as alcohol and farbuyuchih produktіv (beetroot, carrot, rhubarb, bay leaf and іn.);
  • rank slaughter is taken in vain, before it is not possible to eat or drink anything;
  • before choosing an analysis, it is impossible to overcool and overheat.

Collection rules:

  • bagana pick 100-150 ml (or 2/3 of a special container);
  • before choosing, it is necessary to carry out a relay toilet of state organs: in certain cases, women are recommended to use a tampon;
  • the selected home should be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible (with a delay no more than 2 years);
  • as the homeland needs to be saved, the container can be placed in the dark and cold, but not too cold;
  • transport the container bagana for positive temperatures in the range of 5-20 degrees.

What does the deep analysis of the section show: deciphering the results

Deciphering the results of the general analysis of the section will help to analyze it in otrimanih pokazniki before visiting the doctor. Prote at any time cannot be engaged in self-diagnosis and self-diagnosis on the basis of taking data: for a correct analysis of the results and diagnosis, it is necessary to go back to fahivtsya.

Organoleptic indications

About `em . The open discussion of the source for analysis does not allow the work of any kind of whiskers about the disruption of diuresis. Vіn is necessary only for the appointment of the pet vagary of the section (visibility).

Diuresis - a volume of slaughter, which is settled for a singing interval of an hour (good or bad diuresis). Dobovy diuresis sound to become 1.5-2 liters (70-80% in the case of boiled water). An increase in post-diuresis is called polyuria, a change to 500 ml is called oliguria.

Color sich, yak and transparency, are marked by a laboratory assistant for an eye. At the norm, the color can change from straw to rich yellow. Vіn signifies the presence in the section of barvniks - urobilin, urozein, uroerythrin. Whether or not other signs can signal about other pathologies in the body, for example:

  • dark brown - zhovtyanitsa, hepatitis;
  • red chi erysipelas color to talk about the presence of blood in the analysis;
  • dark red - hemoglobinuria, hemolytic crisis, porphyrin ailment;
  • black - alkaptonuria;
  • a grayish-white color to talk about the presence of pus;
  • greens and blue colors are explained by the processes of rot in the intestines.

Smell in the context of a general analysis, the section does not have a virish meaning, the shards of rich food products, which should be avenged by ethereal oils, or simply smell strongly of the product, can give off a specific smell. Proteoactive odors can be indicative of pathological pathologies:

  • the smell of ammonia to talk about cystitis;
  • fecal smell - intestinal stick;
  • rotten smell - gangrenous processes in sieve paths;
  • the smell of acetone - ketonuria (the presence of ketone bodies in the section);
  • the smell of rotting ribeye is trimethylaminuria (accumulation of trimethylamine in the body).

In the norm, the smell of the cross is soft, sometimes specific. As soon as you know it in a dry state, the smell becomes sharp through the process of oxidation.

Pinistist . At the norm, when the sect is established, stumps are practically not settled in it, but as it is settled, it is clear and unsteady. With the stability of the pine or її farbuvanni, you can talk about the zhovtyanitsa or the presence of the white in the section.

transparency sections of healthy people are approaching to the absolute. Turbidity may be due to the presence of erythrocytes, bacteria, mucus, fats, salts, pus and other speeches. The presence of any kind of speech is revealed behind the help of special techniques (heating, adding various acids to each other). If erythrocytes, bacteria, proteins or epithelium were detected in the section, it is worth talking about the section of the ailment, pyelonephritis, prostatitis and other illnesses. Leukocytes tell about cystitis. Falling into a siege of salts to talk about the presence of urates, phosphates, oxalates.

Physico-chemical indicators

Gustina . Pitoma gustina sich is a show-off, which is to fall in vіd vіku. The norm for adults and children in the age of 12 years is 1.010-1.022 g / l, for children of 4-12 years - 1.012-1.020, for children in the age of 2-3 years - 1.010-1.017, newborns - 1.008-1.018. The number of sections to be deposited depends on the number of different salts, whites, tsukrivs and other rivers. For some pathologies, this indicator is promoted through the presence of bacteria, leukocytes, erythrocytes. The progress of the pokaznik can be said about bloody diabetes, infectious processes in the vegetative paths. Vagіtnih svіdchit about toxicosis. Also, freedom can be promoted through insufficient support of the native land, or through expense. Decrease in indicator to tell about Nirk deficiency, non-bloody diabetes. You can also blame for the rosy pitta, or take the sechoginic licks.

Acidity Normally, it is in the range of 4-7 pH. A decrease in symptoms can be said about the presence of bugs ill: chronic nirk deficiency, increased potassium levels in the blood, parathyroid hormones, ureaplasmosis, cancer of niroka or sich mihur, etc. Increased acidity it is also blamed for starvation and starvation, with the use of certain drugs, at high temperatures and for roasting meat. pH higher than the norm can be an indicator of blood diabetes, a decrease in potassium and a disturbance in the acid-base balance of the blood.

Biochemical characteristics

Bіlok . Yogo concentration at the norm may be overestimated 0.033 g/l. The manifestation of the raised in place can be said sechostate system, allergic reactions, leukemia, epilepsy, heart failure.

The movement of proteins in the section is found in physically weakly born children of 7-16 years of age and women.

Zukor (glucose) in cross section for norms - trochs are more than 0.8 mmol / l. The development of tsukor can be caused by diabetes, supramental depression of licorice, rupture in robotics, acute pancreatitis, Cushing's syndrome, elevation of adrenaline through the defeat of epidermal ulcers. Also, moving to the church at the Sich can be blamed for the hour of vacancy.

Bіlіrubіn - a precious pigment, which in the norm is guilty of but daily in the Sich. It should be noted that there is a sharp increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood, through which it is possible to take the blood to the robot from iogo vidennia (in the norm, bilirubin is more likely to be excreted through the intestines). The rise of this pigment in the section to talk about cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, liver failure, gallstone disease. It can also be the cause of massive erythrocyte collapse in the blood due to hemolytic disease, sickle cell anemia, malaria, and toxic hemolysis.

Ketone bodies (acetone) in the norm, they are not guilty of being listed in the indiscriminate analysis of the section. Їx manifestations to report about the breakdown of metabolic processes in the aftermath of such illnesses as diabetes mellitus, hostile pancreatitis, thyrotoxicosis, Itsenko-Cushing's disease. Also, the release of ketone bodies is observed in the first hour of fasting, in the aftermath of alcohol intoxication, in the case of superimposed stagnation of protein and fat, in the aftermath of toxicosis in the vagina, as well as after injuries that hit the central nervous system.

Microscopic examination

Siege (organic, inorganic) . In the wild analysis of the section under the siege, cells, cylinders, crystals of salts rise up, which are precipitated after a short-hour centrifugation. Report about the different speeches, which can be revealed in the siege, we will talk below.

Blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes) . Erythrocytes - red blood cells - can be present in the flock in small numbers (for women - 0-3 in the field of vision, alone - for people). Moves instead of erythrocytes to talk about serious illness, like this:

  • mochekam'yana ailment;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hostria glomerulonephritis;
  • cancer of nirka, sich michur, prostate.

Leukocytes in the siege, revealed in the general analysis of the section, can be later afflicted with sieve paths (pyelonephritis, cystitis, sechokam'yana ailment, prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, etc.). In the norm, leukocytes in the cross section in women and children become 0-6 in polyzora, in people - 0-3.

As for the results of the general analysis of the section, you have an increase in the number of leukocytes, you should sign up for an appointment with a urologist, which, obviously, recognize additional charges - repeated OAM or at the same time with the analysis of the section for Nechiporenko, three-glass breakdown, ultrasound nirok. In most cases, all battles develop after repeated and additional investigations.

Hyaline cylinders - Tse tsilindrichnі utvorennya, at the warehouse of some of them, the cells of nirk tubules and whites are transported. Norma їх may be in the sect. Їx manifestation (more than 20 in 1 ml) to talk about hypertonic disease, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Cylindrical resolutions can also be blamed for the use of sechoginal preparations.

Granular cylinders . In my warehouse, erythrocytes and cells of nirk tubules are transported. The presence of granular cylinders near the crossroads should be a reminder of viral infections, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. Possibly lead poisoning.

Visk cylinders , or wax-like cylinders, are settled as a result of a tribal perebuvannya at the lumen of the nirk canal of the hyaline abo granular cylinder. You need to talk about such pathologies, like chronic nirk deficiency, amyloidosis of nirok (incubation in the tissue of nirok of non-destructive protein - amyloid), nephrotic syndrome.

bacteria . The presence of any bacteria in the wild analysis of the section to talk about the ignition process in the section of the living system. Tobto normal bacteria are guilty but daily. Їx manifestations to report about such infectious diseases, like urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis and others. So that the results are reliable, you need a lot of hygiene intimate zones before the selection of the sich.

mushrooms in the sect, which is not normally responsible, it is the last of the infectious fungal infections of the sich paths of those state organs. In addition, their manifestations can be said about immunodeficiency and about the trial of antibiotic overdose.

salt . The presence of the Sich is the norm, and the presence in the siege can speak of the possibility of setting up nirkov stones. Changes in sechoic acid (urate) may be the result of gout, nephritis, chronic nirk deficiency. Urati is most often є nasledkom pevnoї dієti and znevodnennya organism. In new people, the presence of urates is normal. Oxalati can be cured through blood diabetes and pyelonephritis, hippuric acid crystals - through intestinal dysbacteriosis and liver failure, phosphaty - through a high amount of calcium in the section. However, keep in mind that the manifestation of still smaller salts is often associated with the promotion of still smaller products, and also, their concentration can be easily reduced by changing the diet of eating.

A table of the main indications of the general analysis of the section with normal values ​​is given, looking like this:

Also, for additional indirect analysis of the cut, it is possible to reveal various ailments of nirok and sich mikhura, problems with the frontal vein, swelling and pyelonephritis, as well as a number of low pathological stages at the cob stages, if clinical manifestations are so. Therefore, OAM should be carried out not only with the appearance of ailing symptoms, but also for the prevention of that early manifestation of a disease of the systemic system, in order to save them from a distant development.

The information was prepared by doctors of laboratories and clinics of CIR.

Global Clinical Analysis of the Sich (Society Analysis of the Sich, OAM) includes the definition of physical authorities, chemical warehouse that microscopic warping of the siege.

Physical power of the section

The main physical dominance of the sect, which is determined by OAM:

  • transparency
  • pet vaga
  • pH (reaction section)

Color section

The color of the section is normally kolivaetsya in the form of light yellow to thick yellow and pigmented pigments that can be found in it (urochrome A, urochrome B, uroetrin, uroresin and in).

Reference value:


The intensity of the color of the section to fall in the number of seen sections and її parts. The section of the thick yellow color is concentrated, it is seen in a small amount and may be high to the pet vag. Even the light of the battle is little concentrated;

Changing the color can be the result of a pathological process in the sieve system, the influx of components in the diet of eating, drinks that have been taken.

Transparency (calamity)

Normal cutting gap. A cloudy section can be the result of erythrocytes, leukocytes, epithelium, bacteria, fatty droplets, precipitation of salts, pH, mucus, temperature of the preservation of the section (low temperature of salts).

In vipadkah, if the cutting is calamity, then there is a sting, if you see it in the same place as a calamity, it’s cloudy in a deaky hour after standing.

Pitoma vaga section (g/l)

In a healthy person, a protyag can be done in a wide range, which is associated with a periodic intake of hedgehogs and a second dose of sweat and repeat, which is seen.


Pitoma vaga sechі to lay a kіlkostі razchinenih nіy rechovina: sechovina, sich acid, creatinine, salts.

  • The change in the amount of the bloody section (hypostenuria) up to 1005-1010 g/l indicates a decrease in the concentration of the population of nirok, an increase in the quantity of the section, which is seen, clearer drinking.
  • Pitvishchensnna of Pitoma Vagi Sechі (gyperstenuria) more than 1030 g/l to instrument at the Zmensny Kilkosti Sichi, ShO VIDILAY, HISTROM GLOSTRAM GLomerulonephritis, systematic Zakhoruvanni, under the cervical-souvy, it is more than the naughty of the nobility, the beliefs of the people who were in the appearance of the nib. (vomiting, carrying), toxicosis of the vagina.

Section reaction (pH)

The pH of the section in a healthy person, who is on a mixed food regimen, is acidic or slightly acidic.


The reaction of the section can change in fallow land according to the nature of the hedgehog. It is more important to produce a sharply sour reaction in the food diet of the whites of the animal's diet, while in the case of a vegetable diet, the reaction is lunatic.

  • Sour reaction of the cross section is associated with febrile illnesses of various genesis, circulatory diabetes at the stage of decompensation, starvation, and narcotic insufficiency.
  • The puddle reaction is characteristic of cystitis, pyelonephritis, significant hematuria after vomitting, carrying, and infusion of puddle mineral water.

Chemical research section

Nine chemical analyzes should be carried out on automatic analyzers using the auxiliary dry chemistry method.

Chemical results include the following in the section:

  • protein
  • glucose
  • ketone bodies

Protein in the section, norm of protein in the section

In a normal section, the amount of protein is even insignificant (less than 0.002 g / l), as it does not show up as acidic samples, it is important that there is no protein in the section. The appearance of protein in the section is called proteinuria.


Before physiological proteinuria, there are symptoms of timchasovy, the appearance of protein in the section, not associated with ailments. Such proteinuria is possible in healthy people after receiving a large amount of fat, rich in proteins, after strong physical stress, emotional experiences, epileptic attacks.

Functional proteinuria, associated with hemodynamic stress, is possible in children with aphids, fever, emotional stress, congestive heart failure or arterial hypertension, as well as after cooling.

Pathological proteinuria is subdivided into nirkovy (prerenal) and postrenal (postrenal):

  • Pozanirkovі proteinurії lined with the house of a protein, which is seen by sichway paths and state organs; їх posterіgayut with cystitis, pyelitis, prostatitis, urethritis, vulvovaginitis. Such proteinuria rarely exceed 1 g/l (there is a decrease in the severity of purivia - a manifestation in the section of a large number of leukocytes).
  • Nirkov's proteinuria is most often associated with acute and chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, vaginal nephropathy, feverish camps, severe chronic heart failure, amyloidosis of nirok, lipoid nephrosis, tuberculosis nirki.

Milk-positive results with vicarious test-males can be associated with severe hematuria, elevated blood pressure (over 1.025) and pH (over 8.0) sections.

Glucose formulation (zukri). Norm of glucose in the section.

It is also normal to test glucose in the presence of traces that do not exceed 0.02%, which also, like protein, does not show any significant tests.


The appearance of glucose in the section (glucosuria) can be physiological and pathological.

  • Physiologically, glucosuria is associated with the introduction of a large amount of carbohydrates (alimentary glucosuria), after emotional stress (emotional glucosuria), after taking certain drugs (caffeine, glucocorticoids), with alcohol morphine, phosphorus, chloroformin.
  • Pathological glucosuria can be pancreatic (blood diabetes), thyroid (hyperthyroidism), hypophyseal (Ischenko-Cushing syndrome), hepatic (bronze diabetes). For a correct assessment of glucosuria, it is necessary to determine the amount of circu- lation in the section, which is especially important in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Ketone bodies near the Sich

Ketone bodies (acetone, acetooacetic acid, (V-hydroxybutyric acid)) in healthy people can sometimes appear with even a small intake of carbohydrates and a great obsession - fat and protein.


Ketone bodies appear in the section during starvation, alcohol intoxication, cerebrodiabetes, in children with vomiting and carrying, neuro-arthritic diathesis, as well as in infectious processes, which are important to pass, accompanied by trivalid temperature changes.

Microscopic examination of sections

A microscopic examination of the siege of the Sich is carried out after the determination of the physical and chemical powers of the Sich. The siege for doslіdzhennya is won by the way of the centrifugation of the sich.

There are two types of siege siege:

  • organizations (erythrocytes, leukocytes, epithelial cells, cylinders)
  • unorganized siege (salt, mucus).

Organization of sieges

Organization of siege performances:

In addition, in the siege can be: spermatozoa, bacteria, yeasts and other fungi.

Reference value (at the field of vision):

siege elementfor 0 to 18 yearsolder than 18
erythrocytesalone at the preparation0 - 2
leukocytes0 - 5 0 - 7 0 - 3 0 - 5
changes in leukocytesdaily
cells of the epitheliumflatalone at the preparation0 - 3 0 - 5
transitional0 - 1


Erythrocytes at the Sich

Normally, in the sediment section, erythrocytes are daily or alone in the preparation. Most often, hematuria is associated with the pathological process of various etiology (autoimmune, infectious, organic shock) without being in the middle of the nirkah. When erythrocytes are detected in the section, instill in a small number of people, you should always take care of that repeated follow-up.

Leukocytes in the section

In the norm, leukocytes in the section during the day or appear singly in the preparation and in the field. Leukocyturia (more than 5 leukocytes at a time) can be infectious (bacterial inflammation of the sciatic tract) and aseptic (with glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis, chronic nirk transplant, chronic interstitial nephritis). Pіurієyu vvazhayut vyavlennya siege at microscopy 10 and more leukocytes at dawn.

Active leukocytes (Sternheimer-Malbina cells) were normal during the day. Revealed in a section of active leukocytes is evidence of an ignition process in a sectional system, but does not indicate its localization.

Epithelium at the Sich

In healthy people, in the siege, sections appear alone in the field of flat cells (urethra) and transitional epithelium (bagattya, sich water, sich mikhur). Nirk (canaliculi) epithelium in healthy people is daily.

Flat epithelium: in normal people, there are less single cells, their numbers increase with urethritis and prostatitis. In section zhіnok klitini squamous epithelium is present in larger numbers.

Clitini of the transitional epithelium: can be present in a significant number of cases with acute flaming processes in the sich mikhur and nirk baldness, intoxication, sich stone disease and newly created sich paths.

Clitini nirkovogo epithelium z'yavlyayutsya with nephritis, intoxication, insufficiency of blood circulation. The appearance of a nirk epithelium in a large number of people is expected in case of necrotic nephrosis (for example, with poisonous sublimate, antifreeze, dichloroethane, etc.).

Cylinders in section

Normally, in the siege of a battle, there may be buty hyalinous cylinders (single preparations). Granular, waxy, epithelial, erythrocytic, leukocyte cylinders and cylinders are normal per day. The presence of cylinders in the section (cylindruria) is the first sign of the reaction from the side of the nirk to a viral infection, intoxication, or the presence of changes in the nirks themselves.

Bacteria in the Sich

Bacteria are normal during the day or their number does not exceed 2000 cells per 1 ml. Bacteriuria is not absolutely reliable evidence of the ignition process in the septic system. Virishalne znachennya maє zmіst mikroorganіzmіv. When further analysis of the section was carried out, the fact of the presence of bacteriuria is only stated.

Unorganized sieges

Salt crystals, as well as mucus and crystals of cystine, tyrosine and lecithin, are visible before the unorganized siege, which are reflected in the pathological section. Vipadannya salts in the siege to fall, it is important in the power of the Sich, zokrema її pH. This parameter may be of little diagnostic value. The rise of inorganic salts in the sect is a reminder of the sechokam'yanu ailment with stones of a similar warehouse.

At sour sections, they are sharpening:

  • secic acid;
  • urati (salt cross-acid, to the stock of which include sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium cross-oxides);
  • oxalate (calcium oxalate, calcium carbonate).
At the puddle sich are chirping:
  • tripelphosphati (ammonia-magnesium phosphate);
  • phosphati;
  • ammonium secoxide.

Among the rich methods of obstezhennia, people often take up analysis of the section. It is necessary to achieve a great number of views of these achievements. Let's take a look, if it is assigned, and what the analysis of the section will show.

What shows the infamous analysis of the section

The global analysis of the section goes up to the most accessible and informative studies. The fight for your warehouse is the price of blood, in the same daily form, elements and basic proteins. Aleone is rich in products of the exchange of speeches. At times, salts, enzymes, white wines appeared in the section, the ability to evaluate the work of human organs, in the first line, nirok.

Are you also showing a wild analysis of the section? Zagalny chi clinical analysis of the section showing її chemical, physical and microbiological warehouse. Zavdyaki tsomu dosledzhennyu can reveal pathological recovery in robotic organs and systems of the human body.

What the analysis of the section reveals, you can understand, having deciphered from the decoding of the main indicators.

  1. Color section. In a healthy person, the cross-sections can swell from light yellow to amber. The dark color of the section is used for liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis), obstruction of the zhovchny ducts (with which the greens appear). The section changes the color of the fallow in the form of faces and їzhі. For example, aspirin or beetroot can be used to fertilize them in erysipelas.
  2. transparency. At the norm, the cutting can be clear. It becomes cloudy with the appearance of fat, mucus, bacteria, clitin, a large amount of protein and mineral speeches. All tsі included to tell about the development of singing illnesses.
  3. Smell. The natural smell of the section is unremarkable, specific. Deyakі pathological become change її smell. So, in case of blood diabetes, the smell of the sich is reminiscent of the smell of apples that have rotted. A strong smell of decay and ammonia can be blamed for infectious diseases.
  4. Reaction pH section. Sound the reaction section is slightly acidic. What else does the pH change in the analysis of the section show? Decreased acidity can be a sign of infectious diseases of the sich and sich mihur. An increase in acidity is suspected in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  5. Vіdnosna shіlnіst аbo vaga pet. In a healthy person, the ostentatious person is found in the boundaries of 1008-1024. With chronic ailments, the thickness of the nirok is visible, the thickness changes to 1,000.
  6. Bіlok. In the norm, proteins may be daily. Vmіst white in the sich vkazuє on ailments of nirok, sich mіkhur, sichovodіv, sichivnik.
  7. Glucose. The presence of glucose is not allowed in the section. Vaughn can appear with blood diabetes, decreased production of hormones in the thyroid gland, and some ailments (amyloidosis, nephritis).
  8. Acetone (ketone) bodies. Qi of speech are utvoryuyutsya with improper exchange of glucose in the body. Norms cannot be shown in the analysis of the section. Changes in place of acetone tils are observed in cases of advanced circulatory diabetes.
  9. Bіlіrubіn. Є in the section in the arc of an insignificant number. An increase in yogo concentration is found in case of liver ailments and liver paths.
  10. Erythrocytes. The rate of erythrocytes in the siege section becomes 0-1 in the field of view for men, 0-3 in the field of view for women. With an increased number of erythrocytes, talk about the appearance of a section of blood (hematuria). What to say about the analysis of the section of hematuria? Denmark can be affected by ailments (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis), disease of the sichovipusny canal and sich michur, injuries of sichovodіv when passed by a stone.
  11. Leukocytes. The rate of leukocytes for men should be 0–3 for polyzora, for women - 0–6 for polyzoru. The increase in the number of leukocytes increases in case of flaming illnesses.

Biochemical research section

This should be called the analysis of a cross section for microelements. Who cares, what is the analysis of the section on microelements? For additional investigation, it is possible to diagnose inflammation and rheumatic processes, determine the quality of liver function and nirok, damage to the water-salt exchange, establish an imbalance of microelements in the body. The imbalance of microelements in the building provokes the development of various pathologies. It is even more important for him to reveal yoga at an early stage, and to suck it in his own time.

biochemical analysis of the cross section allows the identification of the quantity of proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, pigments, low molecular weight nitrogenous speeches, inorganic speeches (alize, calcium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, selenium, chlorine, phosphorus) in the human body.

What does the analysis of the battle for Nechiporenko mean?

This method of further analysis of the section is used in the diagnosis of flaming ailments and sieve paths of chronic and severe perebigu. For yoga carried out, the exact concentration of erythrocytes, leukocytes, cylinders is determined.

  • erythrocytes call the red blood of a small rosemary, like to endure the kiss. Normally, it’s not guilty to be in the fray, or you can be no more than 3 in the field. What does it mean in the analysis of the section of the appearance of erythrocytes? An increase in the number of bones can be indicative of pathology of the nirok and sechostatic system (nephrotic syndrome, host glomerulonephritis, nirka infarction).
  • Leukocytes- Blood cells, yakі zdіysnyuyut іmunny control. Yakshcho їх kіlkіst іn the sich perevishuє norm, tse є a sign of the fuse zahvoryuvannya in nirkah or sichway paths (sich mіkhurі, sichovodakh, nirkovy balіyah, urethra in cholovіkіv).
  • cylinders they are proteins of the body, which are established in the nirk's tubules in case of severe pathology. The stench can be of a different warehouse and include the sloughing cells of the nirk tubules, erythrocytes, proteins. What to say about the analysis of the section of the displacement of the number of cylinders? Riven cylinders move in nirkovy pathology, viral infections, hypertensive ailments.

Test according to Zimnitsky

Zimnitsky's test - tse analysis of the section, which gives the possibility to evaluate the work of the nirok. Under the hour of the carrying out of this investigation, such ostentatious signs are indicated - a blatant obligation of the final slaughter, її schіlnist, rozpodіl obsyagu of the sich with a stretch of the dobi.

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An important diagnostic value of obstezhennі people can be a thorough analysis of the OAM section. With this help, it is possible to vivichit the station of the sciatic system, heart, herbal tract in cases of suspected serious pathology, for prevention and control of healing.

A deep analysis of the section shows the richness of the organization and the results of the investigation.

Show to OAM building

The physical power and chemical characteristics of the biological source are even more informative, which allows the examination of the cross section for the diagnosis of diseases not only of the system of vision, but also of the whole organism.

Analysis of obov'yazkovim in such pathologies, like:

  • zhovtyanitsa - zhovchnokam'yana twig, cholangitis;
  • pancreatitis in acute rupture;
  • diabetes 1 and 2 type;
  • inflammation in the organs of the sechostatic system;
  • illness nirok be of any etiology (pyelonephritis, interstitial nephritis, stone, glomerulonephritis), severely impaired functions of the organ;
  • the new evil and good-natured march.

Hot analysis of the section is obov'azkovim in case of any kind of inflammation in the organs of the sectional system.

OAM acts as an invisible part of the cultivation of the work of the heart, vessel, herbal system. For the help of laboratory research, it is possible to control the therapy that is being carried out, and correct the results after taking the results.

Preparing for analysis

Before the fence of the biological spring, it is necessary to prepare.

  1. For at least 2 days, do not get used to alcohol, I eat fat products, get drunk on congestion (carrot, beetroot), turn off the intake of diuretics.
  2. Do not get used to stretching for 8-12 years before picking up urine.
  3. Before the sechoviparous run, take a stately organ with a nice shower.
  4. Be sure to prepare a container for the slaughter - a clean, dry container (a sterile container is actually a small jar).

An example of the results of a wild analysis of the section

Depending on the patient’s age, a deep analysis of the section includes a set of general language indications, which are indicated on the form in Latin:

  • color - color;
  • view (clearance) - clariti;
  • acid puddle rhubarb – pH;
  • schіlnіst sich, pit vaga - SG;
  • protein - PRO;
  • leukocytes - LEU, WBC;
  • glucose - GLU;
  • ketone bodies, acetone - KET;
  • urobilinogen - UBG;
  • erythrocytes - BLD;
  • bilirubin - BIL;
  • bacteria - NIT;
  • ascorbic acid - ASC;
  • epithelium;
  • cylinders - granular, waxy, hyaline.

Under the hour of the end of the section, a complex characteristic of the warehouse of urine, її siege, is estimated about the biological environment.

Table "OAM - indicators of the norm"

Characteristics of indicationsNorm value
For peopleWomenWith vagity
Organoleptic parameters
Color, smellYellow, light yellow without a strong smell
ViewProzory, without calamity, that house
Physical and chemical parameters
SG, g/l rediniID 1010 to 10271010–1030
pH5.0-7.0 - slightly acidic or neutral urine
Biochemical parameters
PRO, g/lNone, valid up to 0.034
GLU, mmol/lEvery day, admissible presence up to 0.08Every day, admissible presence up to 0.09
KET, mmol/lUp to 0.52
Microscopic parameters
BLD, number of pieces per fieldUp to 1-2Until 6


WBC, number of pieces per floorUntil 3Up to 5
UBG, µmol/lNo more than 17
ASC, mgup to 30

In a healthy person, there are daily epithelial cells and cylinders in the section. It is allowed to have a few pieces at the field of view for understanding, that other indications are normal and, when repeated, the presence of third-party bodies does not appear.

Children of the reference value are adjusted as adults. The value of the strength of the acidic medium. From the beginning of the century, the indicators are stabilizing.

Table "Norms of OAM in children"

PokaznikiVik child
NovonarodzhenіVіd 1 to 3 yearsFrom 4 to 9 nightsFrom 10 to 15 nights
Color, smellStraw-zhovty, a sharp, unacceptable smell in the daytime
Gustina1005–1018 1008–1016 1011–1021 1013–1024
Acidityvіd 4.5 to 8.1
Erythrocytes, pcs. in the fielddaily0–2 1–3
Leukocytes, pcs. in the field



Daily or until 2

Epithelium, pcs. in the field1–3

Changing the color, the smell and the width of the section is a signal about serious damage to the robotic internal organs. Appearing in the section of indications, yakі in the norm during the day, as well as in the presence of pathologies.

Causes of death in OAM

Small changes in reference values ​​may be due to stress tolerance, physical change, dietary intake of carbohydrates, or drug use. Significance of inhalation in normal conditions - evidence of negative damage in the sciatic system, heart, liver, stool, intestines and organs.

Rest at the showroomsPossibly ill Appearance of ketone bodiesBlood diabetes, stroke, heart attack, intoxication, dysentery, eclampsia in women Found BLD trace intactMalicious lesions in nirks, oncological wounds in nirks, tuberculosis in nirks, crayfish swellings in sich water, sich mikhuri The presence of the proteinGlomerulonephritis hostria or chronic, nephritis of a recessive etiology, sechokam'yana ailment The presence of leukocytesCystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, ignition processes in the herbal and dichal systems Change in mind, color and smellUrethritis, circulatory diabetes, swelling processes, pyelonephritis Presence of glucoseBlood diabetes, swelling in the brain, sepsis, morphine, phosphorus, chloroform poisoning, nircodiabetes, acute inflammation of the pharynx Acid reactionNephritis in acute leaks, gout, tuberculosis of the nirk, severe impairment of heart function, circulatory diabetes, hypokalemia puddle reactionStrongly inflamed in the sechostatic system, hyperkalemia, chronically impaired functions of the nerves Rich cylinders, bacteria and epitheliumInfections of the pelvic organs, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, nephropathy with vaginess, toxicosis, Relevance to urobilinogenSee ignition processes in nirkah Appearance of a white rubyProblems with the flow of livestock into the intestines, liver ailments - cirrhosis, deficiency, hepatitis

Evaluation of the results of clinical follow-up can only be given after a comprehensive study and assessment of all parameters in the analysis. It is impossible to independently read that understanding of the meaning of the indications - the interpretation is done by the fahivets. For clarification of the diagnosis, additional obstezhennia is assigned - an analysis of the cut, blood, ultrasound, tomography.

Daily obstezhennia - prophylactic measures with a method of pathology - do not pass without completion of the section. OAM allows you to control the patient's status for an hour medicinal treatment to show breath in the robotic liver, chewing michur, zhovchovivіdnyh duct, heart, herb tract, sichovidіlnoї system Reliability of results to lay down in preparation for analysis and collection of sich.


The site provides additional information, including for information. It is necessary to go through the diagnosis of that likuvannya ill under the supervision of a fahіvtsya. Usі drugs and mayut contraindications. Consultation fahіvtsya є obov'yazkovaya!

Zagalniy section analysis on this day, even more extended to dosledzhennyam, as it is assigned more often. The cut is a biological motherland, as it is formed in nirks, it accumulates in the cut mіkhur and is called out through the urethra. The formation of sections and її vivendennja to be carried out by way of irradiation of kіlkoh organіv, to that the analysis of a warehouse of given rіdini can give the statement about the mill of the sієї sechovidіlnoї system. It is also the warehouse of the cross section in the process that takes place in the body, which gives the possibility to side by side judge the presence of these other pathologies in other organs and systems that are not related to the cross section. Therefore, a sweeping analysis of the section is an integral indicator of the work of practically all organs and systems.

Groups of pokazniki in the infamous analysis of the section

On this day, there are different types of analyzes of the section, which allow to solve the problem of screening and diagnostics. great number pathology. However, one of the most extensive tests is the central analysis of the section.

A deep analysis of the section includes:
1. Appointment of the physical authorities of the biological homeland.
2. The presence of some low-molecular organic speeches.
3. Microscopic investigation of siege siege.

Physical dominance of the section - their characteristics, variations of the norm

Let's take a look at the report, as pokazniki signify the infamous analysis of the Sich.
Later, at the borders of the global analysis, the sections are marked by the following physical dominance and biological homeland:
  • section color;
  • transparency of the section;
  • reaction of the sich medium - acidity (pH);
  • vіdnosna schіlnіst section;
  • the smell of the section.
Mustaches of physical authority are vynachayutsya in the unbroken section for help organs a little or special devices. So, the color and transparency of the cross section are pointed at the eye, the smell is smelt by the nose, the visible gap is measured with a urometer or a test female, the test female is also vicorated to determine the reaction of the middle. Let's take a look at the physical power and their allowable variations for a normal section.

Colour. At the norm, the section is zabarvlena at different shades of yellow - from light to thick and burshtin. Larger farbuvannya sections are to be expected at high water depths, and a brighter sight is characteristic at low water depths. In the minds of a balanced diet, in a kind of daily biological barn, slashing a strawy-yellow color.

The peculiarities of the diet or the use of certain medicinal preparations are made to change the color of the section from yellow to red, black, green or brown. In this situation, the change in color is not a pathological sign. The most common reasons for changing the color of the cross section in the boundaries of the physiological norm are the food products and medicinal preparations presented in the tables.

transparency. Fresh cutting in the norm of transparency. After a certain hour, you will be more likely to make a calamity, as if on the back of your head I could see the shape of a small hawk, which occupies the open spaces of the middle of the entire volume of the sect. If you deprive the current of a deaky interval of an hour, then the whole country will become cloudy. Physiological kalamutnya in the section is most often seen in the presence of various salts. Tsey became not a sign of pathology, but only a variant of the norm.

Smell. It is normal to cut a specific smell, which does not exude sharpness. As soon as one hour is spent near the glassy dish and stand on the floor, then as a result of oxidation, the free ammonia is sour, which gives the smell of sharpness. Presence in dietary products from a high diet essential oils and winter speeches (for example, chasnik, tsibula, horseradish, radish, asparagus, valeriana, etc.) to this particular typeє a variant of the physiological coagulation of the norm.

The reaction of the sich medium is acidity (pH). In the norm, with a pre-trimannian balanced diet and sustenance - vegetable, meat and bread, the reaction of the sich medium is neutral (pH = 7), or slightly acidic (pH kolivaetsya in the range of 5-7). These are the indicators of the norms of the future of how grown-up people and children, as if they are already changing on the zmіshanom vigodovuvanni. A breast child, like being on a milky basis, may have a neutral or puddle reaction of the sich medium.

Physiological changes in acidity can be wide and most intelligible features of the diet.

So, the reaction of the sich medium is affected by the bik luzhnaya (pH> 7) for such minds:

  • Trivale of standing on a fresh field of space from the cross section;
  • a large number of vegetables in the child's diet;
  • taking soda and mineral water (for example, Essentuki, Borzhomi toshcho);
  • vzhivannya black bread.
The acidification of the reaction of the sich medium within the framework of the physiological acidification is due to the presence of such factors:
  • ryasna bіlkova їzha on the menu (meat, fish, siri toshcho);
  • high fat content in the menu;
  • vzhivannya white bread;
  • stressed physical work;
We reviewed the acidity of sections different options norms, if not to become unsafe for health, that is not a signal of the presence of pathology in the body.

Vіdnosna schіlnіst section. This parameter determines the concentration of the building of the field, therefore it is important. The average normal values ​​of the permeable section are no more than 1003 - 1028 units in healthy people. Possibly physiological fluctuations from 1001 to 1040. Men make a thick slaughter, they are equal with women and children. It is also seasonal, which is characterized by a lower section in the winter period, and a higher one - an inlet.

An increase in the size of the cross section is guarded when a large amount of meat is grown in, or else spend the motherland. Loss of blood by the body develops with sweating, vomit, carry or lack of food. Decreased water capacity within the framework of the physiological norm is to be feared in case of supra-world intake in the body, or in the minds of a vegetarian diet (or because of the obviousness of the menu, rich in vegetables). Likewise, a low density of slaughter is guarded by newborn children for a short period of time.

Organic speech in the Sich - characteristics, variations of the norm

After the appointment of physical powers within the framework of the infamous analysis of the sect, the presence of organic speeches is indicated. So, the following are revealed:
  • protein;
  • urobilinogen;
  • fatty acids (pigments);
  • indicator;
  • ketone bodies.

Qi organic speeches are assigned for the help of various methods. At the daily stage, automatic analyzers and test partners are most likely to be installed. The automatic analyzer allows you to randomly determine the concentration of the detected speeches, and the test females can be vicorated exclusively with the method of screening determination, and the biological structure in the section is determined in the form of the day / day. As the test-woman revealed the presence of any speech, it is necessary for the help of a special test to determine its concentration in the section.

In the norm in the section of healthy people, in rehabilitated people, only proteins can be found in a concentration of not more than 0.03 g, and urobilinogen in the amount of 6-10 µmol/dobu. Bilirubin, glucose, liver pigments, indicator and ketone body in normal section almost daily. The appearance of these speeches in the presence of any concentration is a pathological sign, which indicates the presence of any kind of illness.

Protein at a concentration greater than 0.03 g and urobilinogen greater than 10 µmol/dobu, as a rule, indicates the presence of a pathological process in the body. However, it is stronger physical pressure, overcooling or overheating, above-threshold emotions (joy, fear, happiness, then), provoke the appearance of protein in the section up to 3-5 g. bacteria.

Sechovy siege. Characteristics of the elements of the siege siege,
variations of the norm

After the appointment of the physical authorities of the section and the obviousness in the biological speeches, the homeland is turned around by the centrifuge with the method of lifting the siege. Annoying the homeland is angered again, and the siege is placed on the subject of the slope and kept under the microscope.

With the microscopy of a siege, the presence of such a number of offensive elements is indicated:

  • leukocytes;
  • erythrocytes;
  • cylinders;
  • salt crystals;
  • slime;
  • bacteria.
Leukocytes. In healthy people, leukocytes are detected in the sediment, the number of which in the norm does not exceed 0-3 for people and 0-5 for women in one field of view. An increase in the number of leukocytes in a siege siege more than the indicated numbers is a clear sign of the obviousness of a fuse in an orgasm.

Erythrocytes. Normally, in healthy people, they are daily, or they appear alone in the fields of dawn. However, the physiological and pathological causes of the appearance of erythrocytes in the siege are under investigation. Pathological causes of the appearance of erythrocytes in the sciatica of the skin are related to diseases of the organs of the sciatic system.

Physiological reasons for the appearance of erythrocytes in the section:

  • high physical ambition;
  • trivala marching;
  • trivale parking;
  • taking sulfonamides or anti-inflammatory drugs.
Given the physiological causes of the appearance of erythrocytes in the section, they indicate those who appear to be in the nature of normal coli and do not indicate the presence of illness.

Fallow in the form of life-giving elements, the cylinders are subdivided into the following types:

  • hyaline;
  • grainy;
  • wax-like;
  • epithelial;
  • leukocytes;
  • erythrocytes.
Normally, healthy people have granular, waxy, epithelial, leukocytic and erythrocytic cylinders with a daily basis. Vinyatok become less hyalinous cylinders, as they can appear in healthy people under the influence of such reasons:

1. Injection of cold water (shower, bathing too soon).
2. Strengthened physical work.
3. Overvoltage for an hour of the training process.
4. Work for the minds of high temperatures (hot vibrations, high temperature outside).

Due to the obvious reasons for the appearance of hyalinous cylinders in a siege siege, it is not a sign of pathology, but has the character of normal fluctuations.

Epithelium. In the siege of the siege, epithelial cells of the advancing types are indicated:

  • flat epithelium of the urethra (sich canal);
  • transitional epithelium of nirok, sichovodіv and sich mіkhur;
  • nirk epithelium.
Normally, in healthy people and women, streaks of squamous cells and transitional epithelium are seen in a few fields. The maximum allowable number of epithelial cells in the field of view as a variant of the norm is to become up to 3 pieces. In single cases, women can show a large number of squamous epithelium cells in a siege siege, which can be guarded against in the future by visits of individual hygiene. An increase in the number of epithelial cells at dawn to talk about the manifestation of pathology, and the appearance of cells of the nirk epithelium to tell about the illness of the nirok itself.

Slime. Normally, in healthy people, mucus in the siege is daily. The appearance of the mucus indicates the presence of a pathological process in the organs of the sebaceous system.

Bacteria. Sechovy siege of healthy people in the norm is not guilty of bacteria, as they are only for the presence of an infectious-inflammation process in the sechostatic system.

Salt crystals. At the siege siege, the following types of salts can appear:

  • oxalati;
  • urati;
  • tripelphosphati.
The appearance of salts in the section may be due to a change in the diet of eating, and to fall in the acidity of the section, the amount of native water, which is cool, and the richness of other factors. For example, the planting of fresh tomatoes in a large number of plants before the appearance of oxalates in the siege. Chocolate, red wine and meat in the diet are produced before the appearance of urates at the siege. So, the deaks of salt fall into a siege at the sour medium, and the deaks - at the puddle. Therefore, the change in the acidity of the cross section is brought to the crystallization of salts, which were previously distinguished, but were not identified.

Salt in the siege of the siege is not a clear sign of pathology - but rather, a variant of the norm, like in people, so in women.

Rules for selecting sections for general analysis

We looked at the main pokazniki zagalnogo analysis section and їх kolivannya norma. However, the next thing to remember is that the cutting for the analysis is to be chosen correctly to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the diagnostic data. Incorrectly selected section cannot be analyzed adequately, therefore the result of a general analysis in any case is incorrect. Only correctly selected section guarantees the correct result of the analysis.

In order to select the necessary middle portion of the ranking section, it is necessary to increase the offensive method of selection:
1. The vranci should be carried out, and at once the washing of the outer organs with warm water should be done. Do not urinate until the sechi is taken for analysis!
2. After washing, dry the crotch with a towel and hand-toss at the bathrooms, toilets or above the basin.
3. Prepare a clean room for the slaughter, taking її in right hand(or lion for livshi).
4. Let about a quarter of a cut into the toilet, a bath and a basin, after which you should cut off the cut.
5. Submit a cut to the urethra.
6. Let about half of the section into the chamber.
7. Take a sample from the section for analysis of the urethra.
8. Let the rest of the cut into the toilet bowl, bath and basin.

The number of sections for analysis may be not less than 50 ml. I took the next building for analysis of the same day, stretching for 2-3 years. As if you didn’t get far enough to send a selected cut to the laboratory, rather, you could pick up another portion of the coming day. Pure capacity for cutting can be taken from the laboratory or bought in a pharmacy.

Before choosing a section for a deep analysis, the next step is to include strong physical urges, referral to a cold specialist, as well as the use of medicinal preparations. Remember that otrimannya correct result analysis, which will help in the diagnosis of various illnesses, is explained by the rules for choosing a section.

The most common pardons when choosing a section for a criminal analysis

Incorrectly selected section does not allow to carry out an analytical analysis, the results of which can be tested for diagnostic purposes.

Biggest parts of pardon when choosing a section for a wild analysis:

  • brudna єmnіst for sich;
  • selection of all portions of the section;
  • Trivale saving portions of sections for analysis;
  • vіdsutnіst obmivannya zovnіshnіh statevyh organіv;
  • selection of sections for analysis after the fact that a person has already urinated like a lie;
  • selection of sections for analysis in the middle of the day;
  • clean up the drink in front of the buildings of the Sich for analysis;
  • vzhivannya alcohol in front of the buildings of the section for analysis;
  • physical vanity and perebuvannya in the minds of high and low temperatures ahead of the task of the section for analysis.
In order to evaluate the most reliable and diagnostically informative result of the global analysis, it is necessary to correctly prepare and select the section. Eliminate the wrong time of choosing a section for analysis, as they can influence the result, informativeness and diagnostic value. Remember: in order to take an informative result of the analysis, it is necessary to select the correct sample.

The result of the analysis is not an independent diagnostic criterion;

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