Massage at the spa is a different technology of vikonnannya. Massage at the sauna and bath: measles, contraindications, basic techniques Massage at the bath of intimate areas

Massage after the steam room promotes the effectiveness of laser procedures. Vin gives a sedative, rejuvenating, anti-cellulite and health-improving effect on the body. Golovnya, I’ll need the technique and practice yoga strictly for the instructions, so as not to hurt your health.


After the introduction of the steam room massage - not only a receptionist, but also a fundamental procedure. Vіn korisniy at vіdpochinku in traditіynіnіnіnііnіyіnіyskіyskіy russian laznі, іnіyіy іnіїkіy sauna і turkish hammamі. And all that competently zrobleny massage at the lasna at high temperature is positively injected into health, speeding up the exchange of speech and improving the circulation of blood.

Korista and Skoda massage after laser procedures

After the procedures at the laser massage, there may be a significant and prophylactic effect:
  • To rob the skin with elastic and spring;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Pick up bloating;
  • activating the work of the lower doors;
  • Improves the blood and lymph circulation;
  • You see dead tissues;
  • Znimaє bіl at m'azovih fabrics and marshes;
  • Increase the tone of the walls of the vessels;
  • Stimulates the work of the central nervous system and the panorama;
  • Breaking up fat deposits;
  • speed up metabolic processes;
  • Normalization of psychoemotional state.
Shkіdlivim for the body massage can be in that mood, as if to rob an incompetent fahivets. In the course of these procedures, varto is eliminated in case of epilepsy, oncological illnesses, inflamed leg, scurvy, SNID, inflammatory processes, wounds, pores, sores, clogged muscles, allergic, fungal and viral manifestations on the scalp, periosteal dysplasia.

As a massage at the spa, a competent master and you have daily contraindications to such procedures, and you only get the maximum health effect.

Try different massage in the spa

Seeing the massage of the body at the laznі іsnuє kіlka:
  1. classic. Transmission of complex pidkhіd to masuvannya of the skin part of the body, including those segments, yakі zaspepechuyut їх funktіonuvannya (splashing on the rim of the spinal cord). This allows you to improve blood circulation and lymphatic circulation.
  2. Segmental-reflex. This massage should be done with the improvement of various reflex changes (for example, the massage of the comira zone). This technique gives the ability to eliminate the pathological process.
  3. Krapkovy. Transferring the injection of the penny points, yakі vіdpovіdat tі chi іnshі processes. Nearly 150 active points have been identified by practice today. Zagal described about seven hundred of them. Point massage is most often combined with classical and reflex-segmental massage.
  4. Hygienic. The whole massage consists of percussive priyomіv, vychavlyuvannya, razminannya and razmyrannya. Three wines are close to the average for the average.
  5. Hardware. Representations have vibratory, hydro-, pneumo-or vacuum massage. The effect of such procedures is obvious, the proteo world cannot replace manual manipulations.

Peculiarities of massage at the lazna

Different types of massage techniques are combined in different ways. Tse allows you to stimulate the m'yazi of the whole body.

Preparation before the massage after the laser

Traditionally massage is performed at the miyny's vіddіlennі. It is absolutely necessary to know the specifics and order of manipulations, as well as competent preparation before the process. Kramnitsa before the procedures, it is recommended to wash the kіlkom with buckets of hot water, so that it will be warm.

Before that, like a massage at the lazne, the master namylyu his hands, or smear them with oil, so that the stench is easily forged. The masseur's hands should be clean and warm, but not sharp. It is important that if the recipient did not have a stretch, the shards could be negatively stuck on the rose of the body. The preparation should be carried out regardless of the type of massage.

The technique of massaging the body at the foot of the foot

Tsyu procedure obov'yazkovo vykonuyut at hammamі. For this mile of pina with eucalyptus extract or olive tree, beat the bear. Let's carry out the massage, finishing with the following algorithm:
  • Good rose and more relaxed people are burnt with warm water and rubbed with a lint-lined mitten. It is necessary for a complete cleansing of the pіr vіd zabrudnen.
  • Vilivayemo on the body prepared a pin with a mil.
  • Fully massaged. Average trivality - 25-30 quills.
Such procedures are used to remove the dead particles of the epithelium, to remove the alcohol and to remove toxic speech from the body.

Victory of bath wines for massage

Massage with whisks at the lapel is carried out only after a good warming up of the body and neck, if the shafts are wet.

The procedure is carried out in this order:

  1. With two vines, stroke the body that is being massaged, rightly shifting uphill and downhill.
  2. Move to the transverse ridge, lower the vines and press for 3-5 seconds.
  3. By stretching the offensive whilina, the body is comprehended and stroked with a broom already more intensively.
  4. We turn the massage on the shoulder blades, put one hand on the left side of the breasts, the other - in the groin area, then rub the body with twigs.
  5. Turn over back on the live and sip with a whisk, applying yoga to the body and lifting it up, to get more hot bet. We don’t stick to the top of the knees, the shards are sensitive.
  6. Finally, spreading the body from different directions and adding respect to all parts of it.
You can get this type of massage right in the middle of the steam room. And from the sauna work, such a massage is not recommended. Through the increase in temperature and low water content, the vines are dry and dry, and the whites become practically sharp.

Massage with bamboo vines is called samurai. Carry out such procedures after the body steaming. It is recommended to smear the body with ethereal olias on the cob, so as not to rip up the skin. Strike with a bamboo broom to blame, then you will be weak, then you will be weak, but do not overdo it. Sensitive skin can be covered with blues through strong blows. V_nik at tsomu it is necessary to trim vertically. This kind of massage is even more well poured into the mud and m'yazi.

Massage bags for SPA-massage in the spa

Such procedures are carried out from the stagnation of luxuriant mud, salts, stones and others. cosmetic products. Honey massage at the spa is especially popular. Vіn maі vіdmіnny rozlablyuyuchy, soothing infusion.

In addition, the following words are effective for SPA massage:

  • Sumish olive cocoa beans and Moroccan red clay.
  • Porridge with sea clay, honey and red wine extract.
  • Oil consumption of ginger, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon.
  • Sumish honey, turmeric, cinnamon, chickpea boar.
  • Scrub with natural olive oil and Dead Sea salts.

Different oils for massage in the spa are often eaten with honey. Such sumish victories are mostly women, the shards can be effective anti-cellulite action.

Technique of sports massage after laser

This massage is training, forward and forward. Before starting a detailed massage, it is necessary to prepare the body to be massaged. For whom, pat the back, that is transitionable to vychavlyuvannya. With a stretch of two strands, the body is cowardly and vichavlyuєmo.

If so, you can change the procedures:

  1. Robimo massage across. Longer I press against the center on all sides, then we spirally and rectilinearly move our hands uphill into the middle.
  2. Circular pads massage the ridge across to the neck and intercostal spaces.
  3. We cover the area around the shoulder blades and continue the same ruhi of the shoulder glum.
  4. Combs of fists and pads of fingers massage the neck.
  5. Roztiraemo potilitsu, go to the shoulder suglobiv and m'yazyv shoulder.
  6. Massage the pelvis area, energetically change.
  7. Zdіysnyuєmo vychavlyuvannya on the quilts, rozminаєmo іkri and sіdnichni m'yazi.
This type of procedure is effective in the case of visualization of the lazn after physical interference. Often yoga gets stuck in patients undergoing anti-cellulite procedures, for example, for choking.

Classical massage technique at the spa

This procedure may have a significant effect on other types of massage in the lazna, shards are formed from a variety of different manipulations. The skin is infused. Carry out a classic massage if you have a literate fahivets. Traditionally, massage is started from the shii, then the hands, pelvis, hips, legs (ikri) are massaged. The treatment ends with a belly massage.

Stroking during classic massage after lazna

Tsej priyom vykonuєtsya in this order:
  • Come on chotiri fingers, leading the fifth kill.
  • Not pushing, lightly pressing to the body.
  • Easily, rhythmically, and povolno stroking the body with one hand with two hands.
Trivality - two or three hvilini. Smoothing is necessary to relieve stress and stiffness, normalization of the dychal process. It will improve the blood flow, give skin elasticity, rob it smooth, see dead epithelium, activate the work of sweat and sebaceous deposits.

Vision after laznevyh procedures

Positively pour into the skin and m'yazi. Іsnuє kіlka methodіv carrying out tsgogo priyomu:
  1. fist. Let's choke with one hand thumb other hands and fists are carried out in circles.
  2. Penzlem. I put it across the m'yaz. The great and impressive fingers are pressed one to one in this direction. Vizhimannya zdіysnyuєtsya with the thumb.
  3. Edge of the valley. M'yaz vychavlyuemo across, directing the palm to the nearest lymph node.
Tsey priyom trivaє 4-5 quills. Vіn podvischuє tonus m'yazіv, zmіtsnyuє їх, pokrashchuє krovoobіg. After 2-3 hvilini vikonuёmo stroking again.

Reconciliation in the process of massage in the spa

This method is effective for the upper and lower balls of m'yaziv, positively flows into the heart-vessel dichal system.

Use a sprig of different types for different parts of the body, so you can combine or zastosovuvat okremo:

  • ordinary. Squeeze in front of the shoulder, shoulders, chest, live, sit, quilt, ikri with straight fingers. Ohopluyemo m'yaz, squeezing yoga and timidly wrapping your hand. It is important not to overdo it and do not worry about what you massage.
  • Hanging neck. As an ordinary one, one is forced to work for the help of a free hand, as if laying at the sight of the cross. Such a trick is victorious for people with those great ills.
  • Podviyne kiltseve. The m'yaz is handled with hands, pulled uphill and shifted from one hand to another. Massuvati is necessary properly and rhythmically.
  • fist. Hands povolno that rhythmically collapse on the stake to the lymph node. Vіdminno fit for great, flat m'yazіv.
Trivality of rosemary at the lazna - 6-8 strands.

The technique of expanding the body after the laser

Tsej priyom vykonuєtsya at different directions. Roztiraemo p'yati, sglobi, tendon. It is even more effective for the adoption of pathological women. Such manipulations give skin elasticity.

Roztirannya miraculously helps with:

  1. ear tendon and ligament;
  2. Damaged exchange of salt;
  3. Suglobov's injuries.
Masuetsya in the spa can be rubbed with a fist comb, palm, fingertips, finger phalanges (from a hand clenched into a fist). The trivality of which I accept is 3-4 hvilini.

Strushuvannya during massage at the lazna

This reception should be carried out at the end of the procedures. Vіn nebіdnіy іn masuvanny kіntsivok. It’s better to do yoga in the steam room after the fact that your feet are well steamed.

Strushuvannya robimo in this order:

  • We take a recumbent camp, bend our legs in knees.
  • Energetically bred them at the side so that the m'yazi stegon and homilok trembled.
  • We raise our hands uphill, we lower them properly and we fear for example.
  • Then the massage therapist took his leg behind the Achilles tendon with one hand, and with the other he stalked the soft foot and sipped the tip on himself.
Here it is also important to keep calm during the conduct of the strushuvannya, so as not to be naughty.

Shaking is optimal for both superficial and deep mucks. Sound yoga combine with remembrances and survivals. The m'yaz is wrapped around with the little finger and the thumb, lightly shaken in the hands. M'yazova tissue is weakened for such manipulations.

How to work massage at the spa - marvel at the video:

Massage at the lazne has a beneficial effect on the human body. After bathing procedures, calm the nervous system, relieve stress, improve your self-confidence. For the same reason, different massage techniques are used in all types of spas and saunas.

The spa is rightfully considered one of the most effective health procedures. Whether it's a Russian steam room or a Finnish sauna, whether it's a fluke, when you see a steam room, you'll be pleasantly spitting on the blood circulation system, the exchange of speech, the nervous and m'yazovy apparatus, the skins will twist. If before the process of steaming to add a finely polished massage, then the effect of healing will be increased in razi.

Massage procedures in the spa, lift crooks of authority bath procedures.

There are no such methods of massage! Deyakі in the spa volіyut classic option, іnshі - self-massage. Technique, up to which everything can go into the Russian guy - chlos vinik - also by the way of massaging the body. At the modern hoardings, one can sometimes propagate and dosit exotic, at first glance, options, for example, erotic massage at the nail. Choose the method of the greater world to lie down according to your interests and according to what kind of jubilant effect you want to achieve. It is especially welcome to swim in the pools, after massage - we encourage your respect. If you dare to undertake such a project - we promise you, you will not be fooled!

Bath massage

If you don't have a partner to carry out the massage procedure, yoga can be carried out on your own, with a vicarious whisk.

Carrying out a classic massage, self-massage or zastosuvannya veins at the eye led to muscle relaxation, increased friability and elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus. Feeling relieved of pain, swelling, exhaustion, more burning of the wound, the activity of following physical pressures is reaffirmed. The blood circulation is getting better, the judges are expanding and the venous stasis is being eliminated, which significantly simplifies the work of the heart. Friendly vpliv otrimuє i shkіra, yak literally novlyuєtsya for the help of swedish vіdluschuvannya vіdmerlih kіtin and vіlnennya vіd toxicіv.

Don't forget about the calming effect on the nervous system. Massage in case of high temperature in the steam room until blood flow to the periphery, so the blood flow in the brain changes. In such a manner, there is a rise in nervous and mental stress, which, in its own right, raises the resistance of the body to the level of unfavorable factors. So, if you are suffering for the sake of your vagus, otherwise your figure is psuet cellulite, then Massage at the foot can be a miracle alternative to healthy diets and get liposuction.

Let's take a look at some options for massage, which may be the most popular and may have the greatest therapeutic effect.

Classic massage

The next session should be carried out after a real decoupling, if all the m'yazi and skin are kindly rosigrity. Deyakі vvazhayut for better conduct massage directly in the guy, prote, all the same, it would be correct to go to a more cold place. During the process of massage, there are such tricks: stroking, wiping, rubbing, rubbing, hitting that vibration. All these methods are sometimes drawn and changed in the fallow type according to the type of m'yaziv, which are massaged.

Masazhnі ruhi, according to the rules, can be straightened from the bіk struma of venous blood and lymph, tobto to the heart.

Self-massage at the lazna

For a classical massage, the obov'yazkovo needs a massage therapist. If you don’t know yoga, then you can do it all by yourself, having mastered the technique of self-massage. This technique may not be considered in any way as a classic variant, but it is characterized by a smaller number of drugs, which are vicorous. Tse pov'yazano z tim, scho massage, cream jubilant authority, guilty of the mother and the relaxing child, it’s not worth it to turn the body on with your own ambitions. If you can help me for additional massage and clog up the month or fractures, then always consult a doctor before the start of the procedure.

Massage with a vine

Whisk for massage can be permanently wet, so for an hour of the procedure, periodically soak yoga in warm water. When massaging the veins, the body is less easily touched, the hands are soft and gentle. Tse pov'yazano z scho, scho sharp roses at high temperatures can lead to the opening of the shkiri with a hot steam. This technique is valued for those who in the speculative minds viper viparous phytoncides - especially speech, which are detrimental to disease-causing bacteria. Efirnі olії roslini, dragging on the skin, spriyat її rejuvenation and improve the exchange of speeches.

We recommend to your respect the video of the Ukrainian master of bath massage:

Honey massage at the spa

Honey massage helps to relax and cleanse the skin of the body.

It is necessary to do one more kind of cicavia massage from honey infusion, which is a kind of building-like bronchitis, chest cough, as well as to ease the camp with pain in the globs, bakes and nirks.
Before the procedure, it is necessary to see the steam room, then sweat with warm water, dry the skin with a towel and apply a ball of natural honey on the body. Then it was necessary to put it to the top of the valley, like a fast stick, and sharply tidy it up. In this case, at the same time, toxins and slags come out of your body from honey.

After a massage

After some kind of massage, do not hurry to get up once - lie down for a bit and fix it. Next, I rinsed with a warm shower and again went into the steam room to sit on the lower, cold, police. Then you can hang out, swim in the pool, drink hot tea and complete the spa procedures. With an easy ferry!

The Russian Laznya has been keeping the tradition of steam bath procedures for a long time. People go to the resort for various reasons. If you want to remember, if you want to get steamed up, if you want to relax more, and if you want to relax in the face of important, stressful working days. Regardless of your favors, we will never take a massage after the spa.

About the Russian lazna

Bann traditions were on the decline among the peoples of the Ancient Skhod. Burkhlyve budіvnitstvo lasen rose in the IV century AD. Read the report at the article about the history of the Russian Lazne.

In the life of the Russian people, the lazna played a significant role. In rich litopisah, they think about Russian lanterns. They were called in different ways: miles, mov, mine, guys, lazne.

The word "hospice" looks like "balneum" and means in translation - "beat, sho banish, and turmoil." First, having poured in laser procedures on the body, people began to vivchati I. R. Tarkhanov and V. A. Manasein.

Bath procedures allow you to keep the body clean and the soul clean. In the wake of the Russian people, all the important things that happen in yoga life: fun, national days, funerals. The visiting guests were always asked for an “easy” couple. By stretching the riches of the century, the mastery of the shiryanna was observed, which transforms the lasne procedures into a healing process.

Perebuvayuchy at the laznі, lyudyna vіdchuvaє vіdchuvaє vіdchuvaє vіdchuvaє vіnu vіnu tsenіnuyu tіsіnі, vіdіvaє group podraznіv: heat, steam, temperature drops. Zavdyaks to this organism's activity are improved and the opirnist is reduced to various illnesses, the vitality is improved, the practice is improved.

Bannі procedures vikoristovuyut for prophylaxis, vіdnovlennya and zasobіv, scho guard.

Bath heat activates sebaceous and sweat deposits, gas exchange, and protein exchange. That is why, with the right zastosuvanni bathing procedures can be spent for vіdvіduvannya close to two kilos. The heat helps to cleanse the skin from fat, sweat, saw, the skin becomes springy, smooth, elastic, and healthy eyes appear.

Bath procedures stabilize the blood pressure: in hypotensive patients it increases, and in hypertensive patients it decreases. People who suffer from hypertension in the pochatkovy stage, endure lazna well.

The spa pours into the entire heart-vessel system of the people and the vanity, which is blamed on the result of the rise in temperature, which is to go to hell.

It is positive to add laser procedures to the nervous system of a person: emotional activity changes, nerve tension increases. A person calms down, casts a calm at the camps, reinforcing his strength.

Bath procedures reflect the day's troubles and experiences. It is easier for a person to adapt to inaccuracies, to be charged with positive energy.

The dihanna of the people, who at the lazna becomes quicker and more profound, the sourness is getting better.

Read also: At the opolonka after the lazni

Warmly repeat that couple - relax the muscles, relieve symptoms of inflammation, improve flexibility and elasticity, reverse the practice.

More effective results can be achieved by following the same procedures and massage. You can try to learn how to work massage after laznі independently, without going to the services of a massage therapist. Read the report at the article about the scale of the lazna.

The technique of conducting massage and self-massage

Massage is carried out at the reception (sound victorious miles away), for no stretching.

Before the cob of massage, it is necessary to carry out the preparation, come in: prepare the lava, on which the massage is lying. Lava must be poured over with hot water once, so that it becomes warm. The masseur's hands should be clean, with short cut nails, and warm. For the shortest forging on the body, it is necessary to make hands.

Under the hour of the session, it is necessary to relax in order to allow the greatest effect to be achieved. If you don’t dare to relax, you can speed up with verbal guidelines (self-guided formulas). For complete physical relaxation, verbal attitudes and images of the next step with the improvement special certificate which will give a greater effect.

Trying to relax, express your thoughts. Guess those moments, de vie felt comfortable. Possibly, walking along the seashore, you saw a light breeze that blew you or flew on the beach, howling the face of the sun. The more you can see the image-spog, the more you will be able to relax.

So you can speed up self-guided: lie down on your life and grow deep deep in breath, strain, and then see and relax.

Massage technique and self-massage

Massage and self-massage at the spa are carried out in a complex manner, consisting of the following steps: stroking, removing, rubbing, shaking, ruhi in the swamps.


Tsej priyom vykonuєtsya doloneya. In order to cover a large area of ​​the surface of the body, it is necessary to hit 4 fingers of the hand at once, and the 5th - to put a hundred feet, firmly pressing against the body, which is being massaged, but trying not to squeeze on the new one. At the same time, light, more rhythmic fluctuations. You can stroke both with your hands, or with one hand, according to your will: one hand is responsible for following the other, for it repeats the other hand. With this, for example, one hand robs zigzags, and the other - straight lines. The reception of stroking is necessary to wrap 2-3 strands with a stretch.

Zastosovuyuchi such a trick, even pouring into the nervous system of the massaged. In such a rank, stroking and stroking: the nerve tension is relieved, the body relaxes, the breath calms down, and the sinuses.

In addition, by doing this, I increase the blood flow in the vessels, improve the eating of the skins, after which it becomes smooth and springy. At the same time, dead cells of the epithelium are seen, the activity of sebaceous and sweat deposits comes to the activity.

Read also: How to correctly look at the lazna


The Danish method is poured onto the m'yazova and the skin of the fabric. It is possible to point out a sprinkling of methods of recovery.

  • Vitiscannya for the help of the fist. This technique is typical for massage at the lazna. It is necessary to grab the thumb with one hand of your other hand, then clench your hands into a fist, not allowing the fists to open your hands, catching up.
  • Vitiscan for help penzl. It is necessary to put the palm of your hand across the massive m'yaz: the thumb is victorious and squeezed to the vkazіvnogo.
  • Vitiscannya for the help of the ribs of the valley. At tsimu priyomi ruhi robyatsya at a straight line to the nearest lymph nodes. Vizhimannya placed across the massive m'yaza.

Vybіr way rich in why lie down in the woods of the body, like a massage therapist: you can massazhuvat m'yazi hands with the pad of the thumb, and m'yazi stegna - in front of the shoulders.

Such a technique is used to bring a person into tone, redevelop the roof, live the m'yazi, rob them with strong and vitrival. To be carried out with a stretch of 4-5 strands, after which I will again go to smoothing.


The basis of this method is bath massage. Here the lower and the upper ball of the m'yazovoi fabric are crushed. The wounds of the lazne pour into the dichal system of the human body, the heart-vessel system, the renewal of the functions of the mucosal tissues, and also, the body is ready to conquer new physical innovations.

You can see sprats of roses, as it is necessary to vicorate in the fallow land in the form of a vineyard that is being massaged.

Ordinary razminannya

This is the simplest kind of rozminannya. With yoga, you can help massage the m'yazi of the breasts, abdomen, shoulder, front shoulder, quilt, chest, litter. With the straight fingers of the hand, it is necessary to sharply grab the m'yazi and squeeze it, squeezing the wrapping ruh with your hand.

With whom, the ruhi is due, but rhythmic, not viklikati bіl. With the wrong and ineffective trick on the tili, sinci can be blamed, so the fingers cannot be twisted in the swamps.

Hanging neck

Tsya technique is similar to vykonannya ordinary rozminannya. Її it is necessary to beat the back, the seat, the quilt, the litter on the great open m'yazah. On the body of the body, which is to be massaged, you need to put your free hand on the massaging, and with more strength to the injection, spread it like a cross: put 4 fingers of the left hand on the 4 fingers of the massage, and the great finger of the rosette - on the great one.

Podvіyne Kіltseve rozminannya

Zastosovuєtsya at the time of damage to the blood-staining of the okremih of the body. With this method, the hands of the massage therapist are one type of one on the same hand, with which the fingers of the hands are left straight. It is necessary, with your hands, to shove the m'yaz upright and lift a trifle, then we will burn down, after which, shifting the roses, not letting go, shifting first one, then the other hand. So schob hands collapsed smoothly and povіlno vzdovzh mustache m'yaza.

An hour of spending time with the right Russian guy - a great cure for the soul and body. And yet - not just a good old tradition, but the ability to create in the minds of one small "hut" to create a proper SPA-salon: with aromatherapy, massage and receiving procedures. Why not try it? Let's take a look at the most important element of the report - massage at the lapel and yoga techniques.

For starters, we suggest you look at the video clip with the master class in the form of fahivtsya:

What does it mean to get out of body for an hour of bath massage? The judges under the infusion of specks expand, the blood begins to circulate faster, and through the pores more products of decay come out. For one procedure, people see up to 2 liters of sweat. And now let's take a look at the peculiarities of the massage itself from the genius doctor Avitsenni (Abu Ali Ibn Sina), who had a little developed it directly from Europe:

  • Weak, lower massage relieves stress and calms.
  • Die - harmony.
  • Preparatory - good rozіvaє.
  • Reassuring - helps the body to get unacceptable impressions after physical stress.
  • The strong one - strikes and activates.
  • Trivaliy - helps to wilt in the presence of ailments, among them - in the case of a disease.

Which one do you like? Deposit according to your physiology and goals.

  • 4 Sports massage: inspiring strength
  • 5 Lіkuvalny massage: vikoristovuєmo olії ta skrabi!
  • 6 Self-massage - spent an hour with crust!

Russian massage - take a whisk by the hand!

Masazh with a lazy vine is truly Russian art. Axis, how correctly it is necessary to work massage with a bath twig at the right Russian lazne:

  • Krok 1. A person is lying on the police, his hands are wringing his body. With two vines you start stroking your feet, seats, calves, back and hands. On a level across the vine, it is necessary to lower it and press it down for 5 seconds to the body, which is to be massaged.
  • Krok 2. With a stretch of whilini, lightly comprehend the back, across, the side, the quilt, the calf and the foot. Further next, more visibly stroking.
  • Krok 3. Turn the massage over on the back, put one hand on the heart, the other - in the groin area. Now continue with a wand to lightly press your chest, live, arms, quilts, gomelki and stop.
  • Krok 4. Masovaniya again turns over to life. Swallow with a wine already with a compress: lift it up, and sing it hot in the morning. Give lightly 2-3 strokes on the back, and sharply press the vines to the body for 2-3 seconds. Repeat the same with the shoulder blades, backbone, across, neck, seats, feet, quilts and gomels. Ale, you can’t chop the shkir under the knees - there it’s over there.
  • Krok 5. Finish the massage with rubs. In one hand, trim the whisk, applications to the body, which is being massaged, and put a piece on the other part of the leaf - now work on spreading in different directions.

Well, one more thing - listen to the fact that even your client - it's easy to sort out the temperature.

Samurai massage - the way to dovgolittya!

Bamboo in other lands is a symbol of thinness and longevity. Roslina itself is endowed with healing and antibacterial powers, which is why it is celebrated until today by different healers and chiropractors.

Bath massage with a bamboo vine is a welcome procedure. All the body relaxes, the nervous system calms down, and when the lazne comes, an involuntary surge of strength comes. The samurai massage helps to get rid of small defects and shkiri, virіvnyati її i navyat pozbutisya drіbnih zmorshok. Krovoobіg posilyuєєєє, pores vіdkrivayutsya and naznі vіhodіt all toxins - the axis of what the skin looks like richly better.

Likewise, a samurai massage is carried out regularly, every day with a hot steam of the right Russian lazne - it will not be difficult to go through all the pain in the swamps and ridges, and the heart-vessel system is pracyuvatime calm. In addition, massage with a bamboo wrench at the lazna is the main peeling of the skins, to instill without zastosuvannya, whether there are particles that excite.

I stay. The technique of samurai massage is impersonal, and in the skin master there is its own technique. ale charitable principlesє:

  1. At the massage, it is not the vine itself that is used, but the tips of yoga bamboo vines.
  2. Vіnik pіd hour masazhu trimati treba vertically, carefully pouring into the need points.

І in a massage with a bamboo whisk є the main stages: “free fall”, “we sweat”, “tapping” and “stroking”, after which “splashing” that “blew”. If you carry out a massage after the lazna, then, if the skin is not already steamed, you will need ethereal oils. With them it is necessary to cover the skin well, so as not to undermine it.

Pinny massage - cleanliness in a similar way!

Without this miraculous procedure, a Turkish hammam is not a hammam. Such a massage will have different procedures that will rejuvenate.

Before the Turkish mile massage, it is necessary to warm up well, so that the skin is steamed and cracked. And then we all follow this algorithm:

  1. Vidpochivayuchy kicks and relaxes.
  2. The massage therapist burns the person with warm water and begins to rub the body with a special short cloth - to clean the pores from the dirt to the end. So, such a massage is carried out without a mil - only with a special mitten from a goat's outside.
  3. A large number of miles stumps wriggle on the body.
  4. Now the massage itself is uninterrupted: receiving and forging, not like a dry body.

After such a bath massage, make it especially good - the color will be ideally matched, and you can inspire the best people every day!

Sports massage: inspiring strength

In the sports world, sauna massage is important as it is not a panacea for all of your health problems, and it can be especially important, as it is necessary to relieve the nerve strain, because or the cause of sports injuries.

Sports massage should be carried out only three times otherwise, lower than usual. Otzhe, follow these lines:

  • Krok 1. Prepare a bowl for massage - douse lava chotirma with basins of hot water.
  • Krok 2. Put two twigs, one under the head, the other under the feet.
  • Krok 3. Stitch two foam rubber kilimki under the knee and under the lіkt.
  • Krok 4. Start with an energetic smoothing of the back, moving to a deep smoothing.
  • Krok 5. Now draw the shaking from the shakes, and repeat those same on the seats and m'yazakh stegon. To give respect, which is necessary to work on the quilts with a girth, for dry massage: the brushes move forward and backward, and in the process the stench approaches and slightly twists the m'yaz. And you need to rub both curculi with combs, so that the brush of one hand groans your finger, and when it is not your fault, your hands part. Everything is close to two whilins.

After preparation, we move on to a detailed massage:

  • Massage across. To support the valley, it is embossed to the center to the side, to the lava, and robimo in the middle of the mountain the spiral-like and rectilinear ruhi. Let's do all the same - at the transverse straight.
  • Backbone massage. Robimo kololopodіbnі ruhi with the pads of the great fingers, moreover, the skin of the finger is less than its own side.
  • We pass to the intercostal spaces. Here you yourself take it, as with dry massage.
  • Massage over the shoulder blades - round-shaped rubbing with the pads of some fingers.
  • Massazhuemo shoulder swamp - just like that, like on the shoulder blades.
  • Now shiji massage. It is necessary to rub roundly and rectilinearly with curcule combs, then with fingertips.
  • Massaging the head - rubbing the area of ​​the tiled area. Without such a procedure, one cannot manage those who are engaged in wrestling, boxing, acrobatics and athletics.
  • Hand massage – rubbing the shoulder bumps and shoulder mud.
  • Massage of the pelvic area. To work on the back of energy, and then to deepen. Massage can be strong and deep.
  • Massage nig. Stegna massage vychavlyuvannyam, and just crush the games, like yagidni m'yazi.

On the yakіs oblast it is possible to turn the respect - tse lie down in your complex is right, like overblowing the bannim procedures.

Healing massage: vikoristovuєmo olії and scrub!

On that day, if you are having a massage in your mind, prepare water for the stone. Add in it aromatic or wholesome speeches, so that the procedure will appear even more wholesome. The axis of the universal prescription for all movements, just add the indicated proportion for the pelvis:

  • 1.5 tsp honey
  • 150 g kvass
  • 1 tsp eucalyptus tincture
  • 1 tsp dry mustard
  • 1.5 tsp retail kawi
  • 1.5 pieces of sawn tsukru
  • 10 mint drops

It is also possible to carry out massage at the spa using the following methods:

  • Moroccan red clay + olії cocoa beans. Such a massage is good to remove toxins and improve the bleeding of the skin.
  • Spicy flavors with cocoa, like a body scrub.
  • Red wine extract + honey + marine clay. All good judges, live the skin and rob the elastic.
  • Cosmetic chocolate, which enriches the skin with active elements and minerals, tones and lives.
  • Ginger + cloves + cinnamon + cardamom. Tse - woman's massage.
  • Chickpea borosno + turmeric + cinnamon + honey. Such a warehouse for massage cream can have an antioxidant effect, good uplifting the process of old skin. This recipe is from Old India.
  • Mud SPA-masks for the whole body, which may have a strong lifting effect.
  • Dead Sea salts + natural olive oil + spices. Tsei peeling massage is a health-improving massage.

What to win for yourself - choose only for you!

Self-massage - spent an hour from koristyu!

Otzhe, the simplest and most secure, what can be worked in the minds of the lazne, tse:

  • Vitiscannya, to fight with hands with a vise.
  • Raztirannya - on the suglobah and m'yazah for the help of fingers and curcules.
  • Rozminannya - Kіltseve and fists.
  • Shaking.

Wipe the skin with 2-3 times, and in total for self-massage, you can drink 8 to 12 times. Try all the techniques - you will definitely like it!

Massage at the spa: measles, shkoda, see that technique

Massage after the steam room promotes the effectiveness of laser procedures. Vin gives a sedative, rejuvenating, anti-cellulite and health-improving effect on the body. Golovnya, I’ll need the technique and practice yoga strictly for the instructions, so as not to hurt your health. After the introduction of the steam room massage - not only a receptionist, but also a fundamental procedure. Vіn korisniy at vіdpochinku in traditіynіnіnіnііnіyіnіyskіyskіy russian laznі, іnіyіy іnіїkіy sauna і turkish hammamі. And all that competently zrobleny massage at the lasna at high temperature is positively injected into health, speeding up the exchange of speech and improving the circulation of blood.

Korista and Skoda massage after laser procedures

After the procedures at the laser massage, there may be a significant and prophylactic effect:
  • To rob the skin with elastic and spring;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Pick up bloating;
  • activating the work of the lower doors;
  • Improves the blood and lymph circulation;
  • You see dead tissues;
  • Znimaє bіl at m'azovih fabrics and marshes;
  • Increase the tone of the walls of the vessels;
  • Stimulates the work of the central nervous system and the panorama;
  • Breaking up fat deposits;
  • speed up metabolic processes;
  • Normalization of psychoemotional state.
Shkіdlivim for the body massage can be in that mood, as if to rob an incompetent fahivets. In the course of these procedures, varto is eliminated in case of epilepsy, oncological illnesses, inflamed leg, scurvy, SNID, inflammatory processes, wounds, pores, sores, clogged muscles, allergic, fungal and viral manifestations on the scalp, periosteal dysplasia.
As a massage at the spa, a competent master and you have daily contraindications to such procedures, and you only get the maximum health effect.

Try different massage in the spa

Seeing the massage of the body at the laznі іsnuє kіlka:
  1. classic. Transmission of complex pidkhіd to masuvannya of the skin part of the body, including those segments, yakі zaspepechuyut їх funktіonuvannya (splashing on the rim of the spinal cord). This allows you to improve blood circulation and lymphatic circulation.
  2. Segmental-reflex. This massage should be done with the improvement of various reflex changes (for example, the massage of the comira zone). This technique gives the ability to eliminate the pathological process.
  3. Krapkovy. Transferring the injection of the penny points, yakі vіdpovіdat tі chi іnshі processes. Nearly 150 active points have been identified by practice today. Zagal described about seven hundred of them. Point massage is most often combined with classical and reflex-segmental massage.
  4. Hygienic. The whole massage consists of percussive priyomіv, vychavlyuvannya, razminannya and razmyrannya. Three wines are close to the average for the average.
  5. Hardware. Representations have vibratory, hydro-, pneumo-or vacuum massage. The effect of such procedures is obvious, the proteo world cannot replace manual manipulations.

Peculiarities of massage at the lazna

Different types of massage techniques are combined in different ways. Tse allows you to stimulate the m'yazi of the whole body.

Preparation before the massage after the laser

Traditionally massage is performed at the miyny's vіddіlennі. It is absolutely necessary to know the specifics and order of manipulations, as well as competent preparation before the process. Kramnitsa before the procedures, it is recommended to wash the kіlkom with buckets of hot water, so that it will be warm.
Before that, like a massage at the lazne, the master namylyu his hands, or smear them with oil, so that the stench is easily forged. The masseur's hands should be clean and warm, but not sharp. It is important that if the recipient did not have a stretch, the shards could be negatively stuck on the rose of the body. The preparation should be carried out regardless of the type of massage.

The technique of massaging the body at the foot of the foot

Tsyu procedure obov'yazkovo vykonuyut at hammamі. For this mile of pina with eucalyptus extract or olive tree, beat the bear. Let's carry out the massage, finishing with the following algorithm:
  • Good rose and more relaxed people are burnt with warm water and rubbed with a lint-lined mitten. It is necessary for a complete cleansing of the pіr vіd zabrudnen.
  • Vilivayemo on the body prepared a pin with a mil.
  • Fully massaged. Average trivality - 25-30 quills.
Such procedures are used to remove the dead particles of the epithelium, to remove the alcohol and to remove toxic speech from the body.

Victory of bath wines for massage

Massage with whisks at the lapel is carried out only after a good warming up of the body and neck, if the shafts are wet.
The procedure is carried out in this order:
  1. With two vines, stroke the body that is being massaged, rightly shifting uphill and downhill.
  2. Move to the transverse ridge, lower the vines and press for 3-5 seconds.
  3. By stretching the offensive whilina, the body is comprehended and stroked with a broom already more intensively.
  4. We turn the massage on the shoulder blades, put one hand on the left side of the breasts, the other - in the groin area, then rub the body with twigs.
  5. Turn over back on the live and sip with a whisk, applying yoga to the body and lifting it up, to get more hot bet. We don’t stick to the top of the knees, the shards are sensitive.
  6. Finally, spreading the body from different directions and adding respect to all parts of it.
You can get this type of massage right in the middle of the steam room. And from the sauna work, such a massage is not recommended. Through the increase in temperature and low water content, the vines are dry and dry, and the whites become practically sharp.
Massage with bamboo vines is called samurai. Carry out such procedures after the body steaming. It is recommended to smear the body with ethereal olias on the cob, so as not to rip up the skin. Strike with a bamboo broom to blame, then you will be weak, then you will be weak, but do not overdo it. A sensitive skin can be covered with blues through strong blows. V_nik at tsomu it is necessary to trim vertically. This kind of massage is even more well poured into the mud and m'yazi.

Massage bags for SPA-massage in the spa

Such procedures are carried out from the accumulation of luxuriant mud, salts, stones and other cosmetic products. Honey massage at the spa is especially popular. Vіn maі vіdmіnny rozlablyuyuchy, soothing infusion.
In addition, the following words are effective for SPA massage:
  • Sumish olive cocoa beans and Moroccan red clay.
  • Porridge with sea clay, honey and red wine extract.
  • Oil consumption of ginger, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon.
  • Sumish honey, turmeric, cinnamon, chickpea boar.
  • Scrub with natural olive oil and Dead Sea salts.
Different oils for massage in the spa are often eaten with honey. Such sumish victories are mostly women, the shards can be effective anti-cellulite action.

Technique of sports massage after laser

This massage is training, forward and forward. Before starting a detailed massage, it is necessary to prepare the body to be massaged. For whom, pat the back, that is transitionable to vychavlyuvannya. With a stretch of two strands, the body is cowardly and vichavlyuєmo.
If so, you can change the procedures:
  1. Robimo massage across. Longer I press against the center on all sides, then we spirally and rectilinearly move our hands uphill into the middle.
  2. Circular pads massage the ridge across to the neck and intercostal spaces.
  3. We cover the area around the shoulder blades and continue the same ruhi of the shoulder glum.
  4. Combs of fists and pads of fingers massage the neck.
  5. Roztiraemo potilitsu, go to the shoulder suglobiv and m'yazyv shoulder.
  6. Massage the pelvis area, energetically change.
  7. Zdіysnyuєmo vychavlyuvannya on the quilts, rozminаєmo іkri and sіdnichni m'yazi.
This type of procedure is effective in the case of visualization of the lazn after physical interference. Often yoga gets stuck in patients undergoing anti-cellulite procedures, for example, for choking.
After the procedures, it is not recommended to take a sharp break or go on a stretch. It is necessary to lie down sprat. Then you can drink greens and herbal tea.

Classical massage technique at the spa

This procedure may have a significant effect on other types of massage in the lazna, shards are formed from a variety of different manipulations. The skin is infused. Carry out a classic massage if you have a literate fahivets. Traditionally, massage is started from the shii, then the hands, pelvis, hips, legs (ikri) are massaged. The treatment ends with a belly massage.

Stroking during classic massage after lazna

Tsej priyom vykonuєtsya in this order:
  • Come on chotiri fingers, leading the fifth kill.
  • Not pushing, lightly pressing to the body.
  • Easily, rhythmically, and povolno stroking the body with one hand with two hands.
Trivality - two or three hvilini. Smoothing is necessary to relieve stress and stiffness, normalization of the dychal process. It will improve the blood flow, give skin elasticity, rob it smooth, see dead epithelium, activate the work of sweat and sebaceous deposits.

Vision after laznevyh procedures

Positively pour into the skin and m'yazi. Іsnuє kіlka methodіv carrying out tsgogo priyomu:
  1. fist. With one hand, the great finger of the other hand is clapped and with fists, we move around in circles.
  2. Penzlem. I put it across the m'yaz. The great and impressive fingers are pressed one to one in this direction. Vizhimannya zdіysnyuєtsya with the thumb.
  3. Edge of the valley. M'yaz vychavlyuemo across, directing the palm to the nearest lymph node.
Tsey priyom trivaє 4-5 quills. Vіn podvischuє tonus m'yazіv, zmіtsnyuє їх, pokrashchuє krovoobіg. After 2-3 hvilini vikonuёmo stroking again.

Reconciliation in the process of massage in the spa

This method is effective for the upper and lower spheres of m'yaziv, which positively flows into the heart-vessel and dychal system.
Use a sprig of different types for different parts of the body, so you can combine or zastosovuvat okremo:
  • ordinary. Squeeze in front of the shoulder, shoulders, chest, live, sit, quilt, ikri with straight fingers. Ohopluyemo m'yaz, squeezing yoga and timidly wrapping your hand. It is important not to overdo it and do not worry about what you massage.
  • Hanging neck. As an ordinary one, one is forced to work for the help of a free hand, as if laying at the sight of the cross. Such a trick is victorious for people with those great ills.
  • Podviyne kiltseve. The m'yaz is handled with hands, pulled uphill and shifted from one hand to another. Massuvati is necessary properly and rhythmically.
  • fist. Hands povolno that rhythmically collapse on the stake to the lymph node. Vіdminno fit for great, flat m'yazіv.
Trivality of rosemary at the lazna - 6-8 strands.

The technique of expanding the body after the laser

Tsej priyom vykonuєtsya at different directions. Roztiraemo p'yati, sglobi, tendon. It is even more effective for the adoption of pathological women. Such manipulations give skin elasticity.
Roztirannya miraculously helps with:
  1. ear tendon and ligament;
  2. Damaged exchange of salt;
  3. Suglobov's injuries.
Masuetsya in the spa can be rubbed with a fist comb, palm, fingertips, finger phalanges (from a hand clenched into a fist). The trivality of which I accept is 3-4 hvilini.

Strushuvannya during massage at the lazna

This reception should be carried out at the end of the procedures. Vіn nebіdnіy іn masuvanny kіntsivok. It’s better to do yoga in the steam room after the fact that your feet are well steamed.
Strushuvannya robimo in this order:
  • We take a recumbent camp, bend our legs in knees.
  • Energetically bred them at the side so that the m'yazi stegon and homilok trembled.
  • We raise our hands uphill, we lower them properly and we fear for example.
  • Then the massage therapist took his leg behind the Achilles tendon with one hand, and with the other he stalked the soft foot and sipped the tip on himself.
Here it is also important to keep calm during the conduct of the strushuvannya, so as not to be naughty.
Shaking is optimal for both superficial and deep mucks. Sound yoga combine with remembrances and survivals. The m'yaz is wrapped around with the little finger and the thumb, lightly shaken in the hands. M'yazova tissue is weakened for such manipulations.
How to work massage at the spa - marvel at the video:

Massage at the lazne has a beneficial effect on the human body. After bathing procedures, calm the nervous system, relieve stress, improve your self-confidence. For the same reason, different massage techniques are used in all types of spas and saunas. Author: editors

The axis is a good exotic for the Russian lazn, so the price of new-fashioned sticks from bamboo, tied at once. Fans of the city's big guys, having sipped an insignificant object from the judges of the police, are already wondering and secretly suspecting that only a few kalitsva can be added to such pristosuvannyam. Ale, surprised to the very process and completely satisfied with the “katuvannya”, the coming day they joke, as if they had come something similar for themselves. The axis is only rightly to blame for vikoristovuvatysya bamboo whisk for lazni, and why is it such a garni? At the same time, we’ll sort everything out - be patient.

  • 3 How to properly massage?
    • 3.1 Creole massage - at the rhythm of the dance!
    • 3.2 Long ago samurai massage - rozpalyuemo blood!
    • 3.3 Appreciation massage - it's worth it to specks!
  • 4 Do-it-yourself banna exotica - robimo wine yourself!

Benefits of power of bamboo for the body

Mustache bamboos are a family of cereals, moreover, the largest growths of this group. Look like stinks from the tropical regions of Asia, and are blown up by hollow, empty stems. Look, ale bamboo, de b wine is not rice, - the most environmentally friendly material for furniture and everyday walls! On the right, in the fact that in just one day the yogo stovbur grows by 5 cm, and all the toxic toxins from the same time simply do not get into something, which cannot be said about the bagatoric tree.

Banny bamboo whisk can not only relax power for an hour I massage it, but also health-improving. Those who suffer from the ailment of the driftwood and the accumulation of salts are buried about the new one. Receive procedures with a sim device to help reduce blood pressure, improve blood and improve old look shkiri.

Why such a garnier denim for laser procedures?

So why such a brown bamboo whisk? Vcheni knew at the warehouse tsієї roslina majestic stock of silicic acid, and miraculously wafts into the evnіshnіshnіshnіshnіshnіshnіshnіsnіg looking shkіri that hair. In addition, ce sche for a long time, the reversal of calmness is necessary for the exaltation of depression.

Do you like how to grow bamboo in the Fatherland? Tse oppose. A handful of three roki farmer after planting on the next day to come and work on the first glance, the land is completely empty. Watering, fertilizing ... Then, after the end of the term, the first parostok is declared - for the first time in 90 days, the majestic tree will grow! Just to the point of guilt, we directed our strength to those who could reach the deep root system and reach the underground waters and look good. And to sprout a banny vinik from young bamboo pagons or leafing a special smoking bamboo SAMA. In the first one, on the way out, thin sticks are tied at once, and in the other - just a right vine from a long, narrow leaf.

A single nedolіk bamboo vіnik, after the words of Yogo Vlasnikov, - tse kryhkіst. Obviously, in the Russian lazne they called not to beat the court on the police with birch needles, and all work "hotter and stronger." With bamboo sticks, it’s easy to pretend to be on a torturi, that stink itself does not vibrate such a vice of the “Russian soul”. And that will happen to call.

Zagalom, bath massage with bamboo whisk gives such a positive effect:

  • Normalizes the body following a romatic and physical transformation.
  • Normalizes the work of the lymphatic system and blood flow.
  • I will improve the work of the heart of that system of vessels.
  • Relieves stress and tension.
  • Exquisite cellulite and obesity.
  • Improve blood circulation and forward varicose veins veins.
  • Activate all metabolic processes in the body.

But even if you want to get sick one by one, you can’t fawn with such a twig at the hospital:

  • Chronic ailments were diagnosed.
  • Є stone in chewing michuri chi nirkah.
  • Illness on VIL, turbeculosis, GRVI, tonsillitis or varicose veins.
  • Є plumes, or similar to them, the new creation.
  • They torment the head bіl or a high vice.
  • Є sickness shkіri chi blood.
  • Illness of the organs of the small pelvis and empty stomach.

The sticks themselves are made of bamboo mіtsnі, and vodnocha gnuchki - they especially kindly massage the feet, de, as you know, they are acupressure points of all organs. And how to grow with a bamboo vine at the lazna, we immediately rozpovіmo.

How to properly massage?

Bath massage with such a wreath was introduced by the Japanese and Creols, even though the most famous dots with bamboo sticks for the sake of health have become on the territory of Africa. The Japanese massaged their warriors with bamboo whisk after the battles - so that the body became more recognizable, and the Russian healers still rejoiced at their ailments with long-lasting trebles right at the lazna. Vіd tsikh diy lyudina fell into deep relaxation and a healthy sleep. At tsomu y vіdpovіd, like it is right to steam with a bamboo twig, - carefully and hurry up, with a singing mood, like at the Departure.

Along the way, with a bath massage with a bamboo whisk, you can win the following ethereal olis:

  • With weakness of m'yaziv - 50 ml of corn oil and ether: 10 drops of lemon + 5 drops of coriander + 5 drops of pine.
  • With a weak tone of the whole organism - 50 ml of peach oil and ether: 10 drops of rosemary + 5 drops of lemon + 5 drops of mint.
  • With convulsions and spasms - 50 ml llyanoy olії and ethereal: 5 drops of cypress + 5 drops of eucalyptus + 5 drops of lavender + 5 drops of shavli.
  • For acute pain - 50 ml of olive oil and ether: 5 drops of eucalyptus + 5 drops of lemon + 5 drops of yalice + 5 drops of lavender.

Bagatiokh is also slick, like vicoristing a bamboo whisk like an anti-cellulite zasib. Everything is simple! In advance, prepare oil before the new massage: add to almond, coconut or olive oil in a quantity of 50 ml, 6 ether drops of geranium and cypress, 2 drops of lemon and grapefruit and 3 drops of lavender and rosemary.

So, let's go straight to the technology itself. Before massage with a bamboo whisk, it is necessary to rub the body of a person for additional oil. Tse rozminayut, stroking and vibrating hands. Dali - now without a middle massage with a bamboo twig, which is in the minds of a pair of different species:

Creole massage - at the rhythm of the dance!

Here the tapping and roaring are beaten to the rhythm of the singing music, and they are picked up by a healthy method. Sound the music relaxing that reception. The massage itself is beaten with light blows on the body, similar to drіb: up to 100 hits per quill, and the massage oil ensures the smooth movement of the whisk stick on the skin, simultaneously showing its exuberant blessing.

Often massage with bamboo whisk is combined with honey anti-cellulite massage, especially respect is added to the treatment of stegon and sitting.

Old samurai massage - rozpalyuemo blood!

Old-time samurai massage with bamboo vine aimed at blood circulation, reinforcing the exchange of speech, stimulating the skin and improving the delivery of all the necessary microelements and acid to the organs of the body.

Robiti this massage is necessary with a bamboo twig made of thin sticks with a length of 30 cm, which are tied together. Such a wrecker knows well that the tension of the m'yaziv, and it is good for him to beat it up until the steaming of the body at the lazna, so after. As you have done it, zastosuvati before steaming, then heat bamboo sticks with hot water, put the one who is to be massaged on the police and swidko and rhythmically splash the rosemary with a whisk along all massage lines. For an hour, increase the frequency and strength of the bavovna, but the pain of the person is not guilty of guilt - even if it’s not spanking.

Apresure massage - it is injected into the points!

At the same time, with a bamboo vine, pat the smooth ruhi on the body, at the same time spitting on the necessary points, vidpovidalni for the organ songs. So they rejoice at the old ones who are ill.

The massage itself with bamboo sticks can be practically spread over the entire body, and in the minds of the laznі tse can be a well-worn procedure, or a part of such a wellness complex. Such a massage is usually due to 30 to 60 quills at a course of 15 sessions, and at least two are required for such a day.

Do-it-yourself banna exotic - robimo wine yourself!

And now we’ll change the prices. So, a wand from “native” species of wood, such as linden, oak or birch, will cost you an average of $3, while a bamboo massager will cost no less, lower for $10. Why are there so many lovers of the lazen to chirp, why can’t you grow such a vine yourself? Let's put it this way: at some point you happen to grow bamboo itself, and it's not surprising that you actually grow wind on the balcony of a splendid apartment.

So, in the minds of your home, sing the sounds of such a chotiri of bamboo: splendid bamboo (Bambusa), rich flower (Pleioblastus), leaf-grass (Phyllostachys), and sazu (Sasa). I tse - spravzhnіsіnky bamboo, just flowery mountaineers do not let yogo root system grow, ale, yakbi you transplanted yogo to the fatherland, then your home lover is shvidko wimahav bi in a sprat of meters of height. Є, zvichayno, and sorts, yakі not reach і meter zavviski. The axis is so different!

In the minds of a splendid Moscow apartment, bamboo, no wonder, no more prim and simple: in good growth in a bright place with a bright watering. The soil for the new needs is important and life-clay-soddy with peat and humus, and the sorok will have to transplant it. Vrahuyte, as the growth is too fast, and for that vessel it is necessary to take it from the reserve.

Vletku bamboo bazhano grow on balconies or terraces, just the sky. Yogo there can be left out for the winter, but it’s important to bury the duck into the ground and, if necessary, cover it, and on days with a positive temperature, water the ice with warm water - even bamboo is afraid not of the cold, but of non-stagnant vologists. And so, the strong frosts of the exotic rose will not survive.

So follow after him, so that the earth is forever overwhelmed with trochs of water. Once a month, apply special fertilizers for decorative plants and nitrogen. Those leaves that fall, spread between the stems like mulch. And you can plant okremі drostki in a doghouse, and you will grow new growth. Just dig up the bamboo roots and pick up a couple of strong root shoots, the skin sap may already have 2-3 pagons and first thin roots.

Periodically, for swedish sprout bamboo, sprinkle on new water - so you see yourself in the natural minds of natural living. And it’s easy to remember a small amount of water in the soil under bamboo - that one more time to twist your leaves. To miss this moment - you will die quickly, water is necessary for a new life. Is the leaf starting to sing? Already overdid it with watering.

Axis and all folding! It’s easier to grow bamboo, lower the “right” decorative growths, turn. Beautiful openwork greenery and an emphasis on the exotic - you deserve such an interior accessory! And in the world of growth, you can independently work miracles of bamboo vines with leaves of stylka, scallops are necessary - for yourself, and a gift from friends. You will be convinced that the wine has not been modified by anything else and that it is absolutely environmentally friendly. Tim more, which is especially hand-made in today's fashion, tobto. crushed with your own hands - these miracles present!

You don’t have a balcony, or a terrace, but you still want to grow bamboo for a vine, then after a couple of parosts, put it out there, where there is enough light, and darkness - so the growth swells to a fringed hulk of the sun and then the square takes root already in the closed meters

Massage at the spa: two pleasures in one

Massage at the spa and sauna - tse, maybe, one of the obov'yazykovyh procedures. In a row, in pairs and lashing one by one with twigs, spreading the steamed (and to that as much as possible relaxed and elastic) m'yazyv and zv'yazok bring majestic satisfaction.

And all the same, we are far from skinless with the secrets of bath massage. Below we will try to bring some joy, as they will help you to reach the best effect in this procedure to instill in that mood, as you did not stick with it before.

Proper preparation

Like and in be-yakіy right, it’s important to properly prepare here.

Bath massage will be more practical in any mood, but for the best result of the varto, there are a few simple recommendations:

  • Laznu needs to be warmed up farther. If massage procedures are planned, then the high temperature in the steam room will be less at the beginning - and so the body works on the border of vitrivality, and then the m'yazi will start to m'yati ...
  • If the doctor does not recommend that you see a partner, then there will be more contraindications for massage. The maximum that you can afford is to warm up in the sauna for a few minutes, and then we will carry out all the manipulations at the dressing room or a warm massage room.
  • Enter the steam room varto not earlier, lower in two years after you go (but not in your heart!). Vzhivannya alcohol is also negligible, shards can lead to indelible memories.

Vzagali, massage at the Russian Lazne - tsey zahіd, little confusion from traditional festivities with a steam room, cold beer, voblo and haircuts in a cap.
Better not zmіshuvati health improvement with extreme rozvagami!

  • Before the cob of the varto procedure, wash yourself with warm water without miyuchih benefits. The first visit to the couple is not trivial, no more than 10-15 quills, after which it is necessary for the dresser.
  • If you have a fat skin, then after the first steaming, it is better to wash the skin with a child or a special bath dear. For normal and dry skins, the protection will be zayvoi: if you don’t overheat the body, then the natural elasticity will be sufficient for the effective spreading of m'yaziv.

Well, it’s a big surprise - don’t plan a triple procedure. At the steam bath, all the m'yazi and zv'yazki and so do the good relax, to that session I massage or self-massage the trivality 15 whiplin, which is called "for the eyes."

Vikoristovuemo vinik

Steaming technology

The ideal attachment for a bath massage is tse, obviously, a whisk. Root vines from birch, oak, willow, willow, sprinkling, polynu and other materials.

Get respect!
Birch vines vicorist at the lazna no more than two times, oak trees - two or three times. Herbal varieties can be exclusively disposable, shards are intensively rubbed and slandered quickly to make them unbearable.

Viniki can be kept both fresh and dry (stored in reserve). We don’t blame you for the preparation of fresh daily turbot - just finish the milk in warm water.

And the axis іz dry needs to be carried out:

  • The steaming of shvidka is carried out according to the following scheme: vikrimuemo 5 quills in cold water, 5-10 quills in warm water, and 5-10 quills in sprinkling. Bazhano, schob єmnіst, at the yakіy to be soaked, the bula was covered with a cap to save the bet.

For a long time, dry vines near the sprinkles are not varto - the leaves can stick together and, if they fall on the body, become the cause of unacceptable sights and opikivs.

  • Also, when express-sealing, you can skip the procedure of wiping in sprinkling, and warm the rods directly over the lasne.
  • For an effective massage with victorious whiskers, there is a long way. Dry chicks are placed in cold water for 5-10 years. Without a hitch before going to the camp, we take a wink from the water, we light up the fabric of the Vologda and put it on the lower police in the camp. Until the moment, the massage on the cob leaves will be soft and even more fragrant.
  • It is even more effective in the process of shaping the shkiri of the kropiv'yany vіnik, it requires special preparation, otherwise we will be safe. In order to wake up the thorns, it is necessary to alternately put the spices of the sprinkling, then cold, then hot water two or three times, vitrimyuchi in a capacity of 5 quills.

As a result, we are guilty of taking away soft and gnuchki rods, from which leaves we can’t wrap with an intense influx. With such a whisk, you can take up to massage procedures.

Pratzyuemo correctly

Properly pouring a whisk on the skin and m'yazi is the basis of a successful massage. If you don’t varto beat with strength, you won’t bring the effect, but you can get rid of blues and red smuga.

Even if the temperature in the steam room is 700 C - the ruhi must be smooth, otherwise you will not get lost in the raindrops and the hot steam.

It’s easy to master the technique of robotic whisking, help you with the instructions below:

  • The main technique is stroking and massaging. At the same time, the rods collapse along the shkіrі, vaguely plunging into the underbelly balls. Such a robotic technique increases the intensity of blood circulation, and biologically active speech, like a leaf, is consumed by a skin.
  • Masazhuvannya is better than doubled. In the course of the work, the vines should be passed from head to toe and back, sprat raziv, trimmed on quilts, lithic m'yazah and back.

To make it easier to work, put on mittens, otherwise, through a sprat of quills at the vines, which are trimmed, they appear sickly fluff.

  • After the end of the smoothing, the compress is stopped. Raise the vine to the stele, choke it hotly again with a couple and lower it on the back across, pressing for a few seconds. For the skin case of the body varto, apply no more than 5-6 compresses, periodically washing the leaves with cold water, the shards can be removed, and it is possible to make the powder puffy.

  • At such a high temperature in the steam room, it is important not to overdo it: as if the “victim” I massage even hotter, do not lift the wand under the bed, but simply lower the yogo on the shkir.
  • Pohlostuvannya - the most popular and most popular love of bagatma reception of massage. At the same time, the dressing is done with gnuchki, end parts of the losin with a stretch of one or two quills. Like in the frontal slump, it is necessary to respectfully follow the partner’s thoughts and, in case of painful blows, reduce the intensity of the work.

Cherguyuchy pohlostuvannya with a compress can reach the maximum effect.

  • At the final stage of the varto, zastosuvat such a technique, as if it were a rout. At the same time, with one hand, we touch the handle, and with the other hand, I rub the piece into the skin: the back, chest, that lives - on a stake, hands and legs - vzdovzh. As the temperature in the laznі, then less intense can be rubbed.

You can practice with a winemaker with your own hands, or better still, turn around for help to a friend. So you can relax more and take satisfaction from the contact of the skins with the steamed needles and sheets.

Classic massage

Main benefits

Cream treatment with a whisk at the spa, you can also have a classic massage. With the help of the rozpirannya and rozminannya, it is like that of the guy himself (less intensively), and in the dressing room (gruntovnish).

Obviously, it’s best to get better with the help of a professional massage therapist, the protection of such satisfaction is already high.

So, let's try to master the technique, for which massage at the spa, on our own:

  • We put the partner to the police in the most relaxed position. Hands mayut buti vityagnі vzdovzh body, the head is turned to the side.
  • Chi milo oil massage is applied to the hands. Oskіlki rozparena shkіra already sensitive to dії essential oils, then sumishi is more likely to choose as neutral as possible.
  • The dressing is done with intensive stroking of the body with palms. With a stretch of two or three strands of strands, we rub the skin, firmly pressing the entire surface of the hand to it, but not pressing, so as not to cling until the lower balls are warmed up.

When stroking, one half is obliged to follow the other, not repeating її ruhіv.
For example, with my left hand we describe a stake, even though we can go right in a zigzag and navpak.

  • Dalі podvischuєmo Іntensivnіst ії, vykonuyuchi vychavlyuvannya. Vizhimannya can be carried out with a rub of the palm, a penzle, a fist, or in front of the shoulders. At the same time, we crumble across the m'yaz, which is transformed, redistributing the blood and bringing the m'yazi into tone.
  • Rozminanny - tse priyom, which includes not only a bath, but also a full massage after the lazna. When rozminanny it is important to straighten all the forces under the skin, spitting on the clay balls. Іsnuє kіlka tekhnіk rozminannya, prote novachkovі opanuvati їх will be done smoothly. So varto surround yourself with just wrapping rukhs, vzdovzh m'yazіv, scho oboblyayutsya.

  • Roztyrannya, ring out, victorious for the high intensity of heating, tobto. there, de іnshі ways of processing will be painful. When spreading, you can victorious not only the palm, but also the phalanges of the fingers and wind the fist comb.
  • One more technique of transferring the strushuvannya of kіntsіvok. However, bezpomedny at the laznі and vіdrazu after the pair ї vykoristovuvat tsyu tekhnіku not varto. All on the right in the fact that, without a strong connection, it is easy to succumb to the sound, and with the intensity of the hand, the hand can simply fly out of the swamp - the ties are loosened and elastic. And the axis after 5-10 hvilin after leaving the steam room to get scared of your hands and feet is necessary for obov'yazkovo!

Okremu category priyom_v skladє so ranks of self-massage. At the same time, we are independently rozminaemo that we are roztiraemo all m'yazi, to which we can reach. From one side, it’s hard to do it, but on the other hand, we can control the intensity of the inflow and eliminate painful sensations.

In order to get rid of the unacceptable nasledkіv, it is necessary to answer the simple joys:

  • Before the hour of the massage, we respectfully listen to the signals of our body. Feel free to take it, let it hurt a little. For the least discomfort, varto reduce the intensity of the grip.
  • After the completion of the procedure, the next step is to calm down. For whom it is best to speed up with vines: weaken them in cold water and apply them to the breasts of that guise.
  • Immediately after the massage, not varto pirnati near the water, but stribati into the kuchuguru. It’s better to go into the dressing room, trochs get better, then warm up again - and then go on to the hart.

  • After the completion of all procedures, do not immediately sit down to the table, but rather be patient for the least year. Those same stosuetsya alcohol and hens - a couple of years without shkidlivih zvichok not only you don’t get into trouble, but take a fixed health effect.


Spa and massage - all procedures that organically complement one another. Body, warm up in the steam room, take all the massages more beautifully, so the varto will speed up the moment to reach the effect. To master the technique of robotics or the main methods of classical massage under the power of practical skin, so recovery is guaranteed when entering the steam room.

Video in this article to take additional information from those who, we recommend that you respectfully embrace yoga in the first black, that you can do massage on your own.

Like bamboo vines for the lazna, it’s better to vicorist - see that particularity

Not long ago, for the steam room of the Russian Lazne, an exotic rіch appeared - vines from bamboo. A lot of lovers of parity, having poached sticks like this in the first place, it is not uncommon to think that they can injure them, but one cannot go about ending satisfaction. Why are you afraid of bamboo vines for the lazna varto, what stinks are good on the floor, what you want to come after the first zastosuvannya, and let's talk about this article.

What kind of injection bamboo puts on the body

Bamboo is the largest evergreen shrub of the cereal family. Virostaє vin, behind the great rahunka, at the tropics of Asia. Bamboo is valued as environmentally friendly growth, which is widely harvested for the preparation of furniture. Roslin grows by 5 centimeters for the harvest - in an hour, toxins simply cannot get in, which cannot be said about trees.

Masazhny vіnik for laznі z bamboo is not only relaxing, but also a wholesome infusion on the body. Positively about the new people think about the problems of suglobiv and salt deposits. Bath procedures help reduce body fat, improve blood flow and restore healthy skin color.

Positive effect of bamboo vine

Zgіdno z vchenih firmaments, bamboo has a great obsession with silicic acid, as if positively pouring on the skins of the curvature of that hair. Until then, it helps with likuvanni depression.

We prepare vines from young bamboo pagons (thin sticks are connected at once) or from a narrow, long bamboo leaf SAMA (a full vine comes out).

Vіniki for laznі z bamboo mayut less than one nedolіk - stench even krihkі. Naturally, at the Russian steam room they called out to report zusil, using birch vines. With a bamboo analogue, such a pidhid can remake the procedure of spreading on a torturi - it’s not leather like a vitrima, docks are called.

The positive effect of the vine from the bamboo is in the foot:

  • reinvigorate the forces of the supra-mundane physical chi-rozal mind-set;
  • to normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system and blood flow;
  • improve the work of the cardiac and vascular systems;
  • suvaє naprugu in m'yazakh and help to relieve stress;
  • normalization of blood flow and does not allow the appearance of varicose veins;
  • restore normal metabolism to the body;
  • relieves cellulite and obesity.

If you are suffering if you want to get sick one of them, it is not recommended to put bamboo vines:

  • death of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of stones at the nirkah to the zhovchny mіkhurі;
  • VIL, tuberculosis, GRVI, varicose veins and tonsillitis;
  • the presence of good-natured and evil dens;
  • migraines, high arterial pressure;
  • ailments of the blood chi skirnih pokriviv;
  • ailment of the organs of the cerebral emptying of the small pelvis.

Bamboo sticks can be quite soft and flexible, the stench is perfectly suitable for point massage of the feet. Such reflexotherapy is effective as a treatment for the prevention of ailments. We can see below, like a bamboo vine for lazna.

Properly koristuvannya with a broom from bamboo in the lazna

The meeting of the bamboo vine at the hour of the bathing visits was first roared by the Japanese and the Creoles. For health purposes, such vines first began to stagnate in Africa. Japanese healers victorious bamboo whisk for massage to soldiers after important battles.

In this manner, your body has more quickly returned to normal. In Russia, sorcerers for the old hours rejoiced at patients, tapping with long-time trills without a trace in the stairwell. Such procedures were brought to maximum relaxation and introduced into a healthy sleep. Golovnya, correctly operate with a bamboo whisk, passing the ruhi carefully and not hurrying, as they did at the Gathering.

Massage can be supplemented with ethereal oils with the following recipe:

  • There is a slight weakness in the oils: 50 ml of corn oleoresin mixed with ethereal oliya (5 drops of coriander and pine turmeric with 10 drops of lemon).
  • With a lack of strength and tone: 50 ml of olive oil mixed with essential oils (5 drops of lemon and mint and 10 drops of rosemary).
  • In case of court vindication or spasms in the mind: 50 ml of olії lyon with additional additions of ethereal olіy (5 drops each - cypress, shavlia, eucalyptus and lavender).
  • For severe pain manifestations: 50 ml of olive oil mixed with ethereal oils (5 drops each - eucalyptus, lemon, egg and lavender).

As you like, how to beat a bamboo vine to fight cellulite, then we can say that it’s even easier, you just need to additionally prepare oil for massage, and mix it with olive or coconut oil (50 ml is needed). Then add essential oils: 6 drops of cypress and geranium, 3 drops of rosemary and lavender and 2 drops of lemon and grapefruit.

Now varto tell a few words about the technique itself. Without intermediary before the massage, for the help of olії rozіgrіt tіlo, zdіysnyuyuchi at the same time the ruhi, which is rubbed. After the procedure, you can have a massage for the help of a bamboo vine.

Exotic Creole massage

At to this particular type tapping that rhyme is set to the rhythm of a specific music, as the vigilantes are supposed to be in order to improve their health. As a rule, such music is heard by ear, it allows you to relax. Massage is performed on the lungs, sometimes in parts, up to a hundred per quill, blows to the body. In order for the mustache sticks of the vine to be smoothly shifted along the skin, the vicorist oil to be massaged - it heals and heals overnight.

Often dosing such a massage is supplemented with a honey massage, directing it to the use of cellulite in the area of ​​​​the side and the stegon.

Old Samurai massage for blood circulation

This type of massage for the additional help of bamboo vine calls to normalize the blood flow and metabolism of the body, to strengthen the protection of the active functions of the skin, which makes it easier to absorb the consumption of microelements and kisen.

To be carried out long ago samurai massage with a wrench from 30 centimeter thin. bamboo sticks, yakі mіtsno pov'yazanі. Vіn good neutralіzuє bіl, razslаblyuє m'yazi, scho rob dolіlny yoga zastosuvannya yak before the procedures with the guys, and after them.

For voicing yogo before steaming, a bunch of bamboo sticks should be heated in hot water, and you can start rhythmically and gently tapping with such a wrench of the massage lines. Hurry up the giblets, step by step increasing the force of blows, but it’s your fault to be such that the person does not feel unacceptable pain.

Point massage

This kind of massage transfers stroking rukhіv on the body, in parallel to the biologically active points, which is supposed to stimulate that other organ of the body. In this rank, you can vilіkuvatisya in the presence of bugs zahvoryuvan, which have long been settled in the body.

Point massage with bamboo sticks to fight all over the body. On a hot bath, such a massage can be carried out as a procedure. Carried out massage can be done in the complex with other health visits. The validity of such a massage is heard three times from the first year to the next year, and the whole course is divided into 15 sessions, two sessions per day.

Do-it-yourself bamboo bunny whisk

We need to grow bamboo. And don’t varto lyakatis, to that it’s quite possible to plant it, even if it’s awkward to grow bamboo on your balcony.

Varto means that at home you can grow this kind of bamboo: simple bamboo, or Bambusa, green-smoky pleioblastus - the Latin name Pleioblastus, bamboo leaves, or Phyllostachys, and also saza - Sasa. Kvitkovy mountaineers galmuyut the development of rhizomes, controlling the growth of bamboo. In normal minds, for that very hour, wines were at their disposal even more than a few meters of curls. If you want, and so, at home minds, spruzhnіy bamboo grows. Іsnuyut and such varieties of bamboo, yakі for any minds do not reach і meter at the height.

It's easy to grow bamboo near a fine apartment. All that is needed is a special substrate made of clay-soddy soil, mixed with humus and peat, and also a large capacity, even if the growth is thicker. With whom, transplantation is necessary for a short time.

At the summer time, varto vinosity dizhku with bamboo on the vіdkrit povіtrya - a balcony or a terrace. If you allow you to think, then you can grow yoga and take it there, not allowing, however, the freezing of growth - you can’t bear it even at low temperatures. In addition, bamboo needs to be provided with light watering, shards of wine are more sensitive to dryness of the soil.

It’s important that the earthen breast will be full of water. Bazhano carry out periodic annuals of bamboo with nitrogen and mineral fertilizers for decorative plants. Falling withered leaves need to be dried out of the white root, so that it served as fluffy soil. Roslin is propagated by sprouts - they can be planted in a small mountain-grower, so that one more copy grows. For this, one or two strong root sprouts with dry roots and 2-3 pagons require watering from the main rhizome.

Bamboo is more to love on a regular basis, which imitates the mind of the tropics. For example, you remembered that the roslin began to twist the leaves, which means that there is a lack of water. Later, at this moment, it is necessary to water the terms, so as not to allow the death of the growth. And the axis in the 'yale, leafing through, indicating that there is too much vology.

I also don’t feel like growing bamboo at the sizable Moscow apartment. Sometimes with larger decorative roslins with more klopotu, lower ones with bamboo. In the first place, tsya roslin already looks effectively in the interior. In another way, you have the ability to independently prepare bamboo vines from the required quantity. Until then, such a product will be environmentally friendly and will not undergo chemical processing. That and the rest of the hour of life, with your own hands, you will be at the peak of popularity.

If you can’t have a balcony or a terrace in your own arrangement, then you can put a bunch of bamboo in a closed area, where there is more light. Step by step, the growth calls to the minds and will delight you with lush greenery for the wine.

Chim garniy bamboo whisk

Bamboo whisk for the spa - an innovation in the field of health procedures and a sprat of dried bamboo sticks, taken at once. Bamboo is an evergreen tree with a tree-like trunk, which grows on the territory of the krains of Latin America and in the same-similar Asia.

For a Russian, bamboo is truly exotic, even in a harsh climate, heat-loving grass does not trap.

But rightly so, the experts should plant bamboo in different purposes, moreover, it will be successful. Zokrema, in rich spas, not only traditional birches, but also bamboo vines for spas are already vicorous. In the rest of the hour, a newfangled trend appeared that came from China - samurai massage, with the method of relaxing the body and the release of negative energy, the method of rhythmic splashing of bamboo sticks on the body is stagnant. Massage viroblyaetsya punctually, with an influx of active points of the whole organism.

Advantages of bamboo vine and yoga value

for health

Features of bamboo vine

One of the few nuances, for which it is necessary to pay attention to the use of bamboo whisk, because the amplitude of the damage to the massage is small. Irrespective of those that the structure of the bamboo is to finish the mitzna, if only one of the sticks of the vine will be noticeable on the til. Overworld susilla during the massage procedure can lead to increased sensitivity and blackening on the body.

It is necessary to paritis with a wreath more carefully, for the help of the lungs, tapping on the skirts.

A massage session is not guilty of stretching by the hour and subdividing into sprats of parts, at interruption between such a body may vary. The pace of the rupture can change with the overrun of the procedure and become intense to the end.

Indication before massage with bamboo whisk

  1. M'yazova strain, ailing in the region of the back and legs.
  2. Emotions, stress, sleeplessness.
  3. Cellulite and stretch marks on the body
  4. Damaged blood circulation

Contraindication before congestion:

  1. The temperature is high and the presence of colds and other infectious diseases.
  2. Chronic illness.
  3. Individual intolerance.
Cheers to the maestro!

It’s easy to finish the bamboo whisk, prote and here there are some nuances that you need to finish.

Samurai massage technology

  1. Before the massage procedure with a bamboo whisk, it is necessary to take a steam bath with a stretch of 5-7 strands, and then take a cold shower. After a second visit to the steam room, a full massage can be offered.
  2. The main secret of the samurai massage lies in the fact that you need to take all the hands to yourself. Tse necessary mind, Nevikonannya I threaten the client with underwear and other ushkodzhennyami on the surface of the body. On the right, the tips of the bamboo sticks are sharpened more severely, and the stench is not guilty of sticking around the skin.
  3. A session of massage is not to blame for revisiting 7-8 whilins. It is better to divide the procedure into sprats of small parts, in the intervals between them, it may be possible. Same samurai massage mittevo strengthen the capillary blood flow, just like the same body perebuvatimy in a relaxed state.
  4. For a stronger infusion of massage, you can vicorate once 2 vines. Also, sessions can be carried out with other cosmetic procedures, for example, peeling, which cleanses. Vikoristannya aromatic oliy and herbs are also found.
Cheers to the maestro!

From the above mentioned one can develop a non-tender visnovka, that massage with a bamboo whisk is not an easy and unusual fashion modi, but it is a miraculous way of healing and a fullness of mood, which means special vitrates.

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