Calm choice of 3 side effects. Breastfeed for coughing - instructions. Breastfeeding at the hour of vacancy. The dominance of the ingredients - the fruit of the anise

Trade name of the drug: Shlunkovy choice №3

Pharmaceutical form:

selection of roslin - syrovina is trimmed, selection of roslin - powder

Measles buckthorn - 30%
Sprinkle leaves - 30%
M'yati pepper leaf - 20%
Valerian roots with roots - 10%
Aїra rhizomes - 10%

Description Detailed syrovina. A sum of heterogeneous particles of a dewy syrovina of a dark green color with orange, grayish-brown and yellowish-white blotches. The smell is fragrant. The relish of water fortification is hot-spicy, chilling the troch.

Powder. A sum of heterogeneous particles of dewy syrovina of brown-green color with white, whitish-yellow, whitish-erysipelas, yellowish-orange, yellowish-brown and brown blotches. The smell is fragrant. The relish of water fortification is hot-spicy, chilling the troch.

Pharmacological activity
Vіdvar or nastіy zboru may protizapalnu, antispasmodic, zhovchogіnnu and m'yaku I will carry the day.

Indication before zastosuvannya
Spasms of the intestinal tract, constipation

Increased sensitivity to drug components; intestinal obstruction, spastic constipation, bleeding, acute abdominal syndrome, appendicitis, other inflammation of the stomach, vaginess, the period of breastfeeding.

Method of stosuvannya that dose
Approximately 5 g (1 tablespoon) is placed in an enamel dish, poured with 200 ml of hot boiled water, covered with a lid and heated in a boiling water bath for 30 chills, cooled for 10 chills at room temperature, filtered. Sirovina, which is lost, is reclaimed. Bring the volume of the taken vodvar with boiled water up to 200 ml.

Before vzhivannyam vіdvar recommended zbovtuvat.

2 filter bags (4 g) are placed near glass or enamel dishes, pour 200 ml (1 bottle) of okrop, close and infuse 30 strands, periodically pressing on the bags with a spoon, then squeeze. Bring the volume of the infusion taken with boiled water to 200 ml.

Take internally 1/2 bottle a day in the evening.
It is recommended to take precautions before implantation of nastia.

Pobichna diya
Possible allergic reactions. With a trivial zastosuvannі mozhliva vіchutya spragi, head bіl, pain in the heart, lowering of the vag, weakening of the daytime effect, constipation.
In case of overdose, colic-like pain in the abdomen can occur.

Release form
30 g, 35 g, 40 g, 50 g, 60 g, 75 g, 100 g in cardboard packs from the inner bag are ordered.
Powder in filter bags of 2 g; 10 or 20 filter bags in cardboard packs.

Wash away the savings
Take care of the dry, protected from the light of the world; preparations of the vіdvar chi nastіy - the cold mist has more than 2 dіb.
Take care of places inaccessible to children.

The term of appurtenance
2 rocks. Do not stop following the completion of the term of applicability, indicated on the packaging.

Wash your permits from pharmacies
Without recipe.

Virobnik / Organization that accepts claims
VAT "Krasnogorskleksredstva"
Russia, 143444, Moscow region, m. Krasnogorsk, md. Opalikha, vul. Mira, 25

For sedative (calm) dії on nervous system vikoristovuєtsya rich preparations. The most colorful and safe of them - on a growing basis. Herbs are often victorious in official medicine, even if the melancholy of such medicinal herbs is scientifically proven. How to enter the warehouse of a calm collection, as well as the specifics of this congestion for patients of a different age are described in our article

Let us give us some necessary relief and relaxation. Itself in such vipadkah kindly showed itself calm collections. Stinks help relieve stress, relieve insomnia and normalize negative manifestations of overexcitation. In addition, such warehouses are vicorated in courses in case of various neuroses for the treatment of complex life situations.

The reception of similar products is also necessary to meet with the doctor, even if the components of the disease can also harm. In case of victoria, it is necessary to protect and possible contraindications, which, fortunately, are not rich.

In some temperaments, calm teas do not wink:

  1. With a risk of an allergic reaction.
  2. With a reduced level of arterial pressure.
  3. When keruvanny folding mechanisms and transport.
  4. With an one-hour intake of drugs with similar and similar drugs.

As soon as the warehouse has a collection of dog nettle and valerian, the stench of building troch is reduced arterial vice to that, with hypotension, take care. Kmin and fennel are healthy to normalize the function of etching, as well as to reduce intestinal colic. The same kind, not respecting the vitrogon of authority, cannot be stagnant in children without the permission of a pediatrician.

Warehouse of calm herbs

In pharmacies, at a time, you can add six main calm warehouses. The stench vіdrіznyayutsya on vhіdnih components and diї, scho hope. To ensure a sedative effect, such components are included in the stock.

Collection warehouse No. 1:

  • M'yati leaves - 2 pieces.
  • Leaf watch - 2 parts.
  • Hop cones - 1 part.
  • Valerian root - 1 part.

The middle indication for zastosuvannya is sleeplessness, increased drativity, nervous overexcitation. Prepared with simplicity: pour a couple of spoons of dry syrovina with a bottle of okrop, insist 15-20 khvilin, after which you should drink it

Collection warehouse No. 2:

  • Medicinal chamomile.
  • Fennel fruit.
  • Fruit kmu.
  • Leaves of m'yati.
  • Valerian root.

All components are taken in equal proportions, for brewing on a bottle of dill, a distant spoon of dry sum is enough. Cream of a good sedative effect, such a choice helps with disorders of etching, flatulence and spasm of the drain.

Collection warehouse No. 3:

  • Valerian root.
  • Fruit kmu.
  • Fennel fruit.
  • Motherwort.

Ingredients are taken in equal quantities, chosen victorious at nervous breakdowns that increased dramatization. There is a miraculous calming effect of this collection. Vikoristovuetsya with nerve overvoltage, sleeplessness and strangulation stress.

Collection warehouse No. 4:

  • Leaves watch - 4 parts.
  • Leaves of mint - 3 pieces.
  • Valerian root - 3 parts.

It is necessary to brew two tablespoons per bottle of water. Choice of vikoristovuєtsya with sleeplessness, over-the-world dramatization and nervous overexcitation.

Collection warehouse No. 5:

  • Fruit kmu - 5 parts.
  • Kviti chamomile - 3 parts.
  • Valerian root - 2 parts.

The extract from these medicinal plants helps to relieve stress, calms the nerves and the herbal system, and is recommended for sleeplessness.

Collection warehouse No. 6:

  • Valerian root.
  • Motherwort.
  • Leaves of m'yati.
  • Hop cones.
  • The fruit of the herb.

All components are taken from equal proportions. For the brewing of vicory, a tablespoon of sumishi is used, it is necessary to infuse in the brew for a little less than a year.

Soothing selections of medicinal herbs are often vicorous in the treatment of neurosis, sleep disturbance and stress. The stench is absolutely natural and safe, but it requires a preliminary consultation of the doctor and re-verification possible contraindications. Features of zastosuvannya, warehouse that crooks of authority similar selections are reviewed in our article.

Sometimes there are such situations that they simply fall on all hands and already have no strength to take care of home rights. All tse duzhe prignіchuє. And if you don’t add up stosunki with lonely chi in the middle of your homeland.

That is still sublimely growing. And in these situations, without additional support, it’s just important to get along.

In such vipadkas, I sound down to calm benefits. As a calming person, I took syrups, tinctures, and recently for myself I drank another kind of calm. And the very special collection on herbs. Andje doesn’t have anything better for a natural product, but pick herbs yourself with such a product. Chem kovtati be-like a difference in chemistry at the sight of pigulok.

It’s just that in this mood, someone who doesn’t know about similar calmness helps them to bathe expensive faces, they don’t help, and even more, they prinichuyut given the situation.

At this article, I want to tell you about sprat different types take it easy. So, like in the fallow in the number, what kind of spelling they have on the box, they stink one by one for their power and warehouse.

Calm choice #1.

You can find all the calming choices for sale at the rich pharmacies of your locality. We let out їх raznі vrobniki and to that the design at the boxes can be but zvіznі znim. Such a selection is sold in special filter bags. And tse zrobleno for that. to manually brew this choice.

Calmly choose according to the number of May at your warehouse such herbs:

Melisa grass

Peppermint Grass

Hop cones

Chamomile flowers

St. John's wort, as well as valerian root.

All these components may have a good calming effect on the body. It is easy to make such a selection. For this, it is necessary to take a bottle of boiled water of approximately 250 ml, brew two sachets of herbs in it and drink everything before going to bed. It is necessary to prepare this rozchin right before the treatment. I’ll add sugar to this vіdvar and drink yoga for nothing like tea.

Calm choice #2.

Tsey zaspokіylivy zbіr may vzhe zovsіm іnshiy warehouse. And yet, the most natural herbs enter into the new one, like a calming day. And to myself

Suppliddya hops

Grass dog's sprinkling

Leaves of peppermint

Valerian root

Licorice root.

This choice must be prepared no longer otherwise. For whom, take a flask itself, take it there, put two filter bags and everything is put on the fire until it flies, until the water boils. After that, sachets are removed and the volume is brought up to 200 ml. Take your choice of two and three for the day. Robiti ce is already necessary not to fill the whole, but 1/3 of the bottle.

The calm choice of number three is the best for me. Therefore, I bathed my own sprat once. І tsej sbіr dіysno more kindly help me with constant tensions and stresses.

The warehouse of this calm collection includes the following components:

Motherboard grass

Burkunu grass

Grass dog's sprinkling

Valerian root and thyme.

The truth is, I alone can’t prepare and accept this choice. The one who prepares yoga should be brought fast and when you take yoga, you need chotiri razi for a day. If you sit at home, then in principle you can follow the regime, but if you work, then do not leave.

Ale, do not be surprised at the whole choice of garniy, both for your warehouse, and for the effect.

I bathed a calm choice under the number of chotiri once. Ale, for its effect, wines are not the best for other options. Before the warehouse of this collection, the root of valeriani enters. Ale later there is the grass of the dog's sprinkling, the fruit of hunger, the fruit of the herb and the leaves of peppermint

Before zastosuvannya obov'yazkovo consult with the manager

Video look around


Phytopreparations and herbal selections are successfully victorious by doctors in complex treatment of gastropathology. "Shlunkovy zbіr 3" zastosovuetsya as adjunctive therapy in case of inflammation of the organs of the PCT and damage to the etching. The natural herbal warehouse will change the number of side effects with the right yoga.

Warehouse of power

The whole selection is a sum of other growing components, unequal in size and color. In the middle of them - dark green, gray-brown and dark brown elements with orange, yellow or white blotches. Before the warehouse enter such a roslinna sirovina:

  • buckthorn bark;
  • leaves of sprinkling and m'yati;
  • rhizomes of valeriana and flatbread.

Roslinnі khіmіchnі elementi and from the floor tease the sensitive points of the mucosal and intestinal membranes, thereby regulating their functions, and also show spasmolytic, anti-spasmodic, transient and gastric effects. The report of the authorities and the warehouse of the components of the "Shlunkovoy collection No. 3" is presented in the tables.

BuckthornAnthrachinoniPassing through, strengthening the peristalsis of the small intestine
Tanning speeches
KropivaVitamins B, K, CRegenerating, blood-spinning, regulating the exchange of speech
Organic acids
Zalizo and potassium
Pepper mintRutinStrengthens the secretion of herbal diseases, lowers the tone of the intestinal musculature, may have a stomach effect.
Ascorbic acid
ValerianEssential oilsSpasmolytic, soothing
Izovalerian acid
Tanning speeches
AirHydrogen glycosidesStimulates secretion of shlunkovu, lowering the pH level. shell juice may carry over effect
Essential oils

When do you win?

This herbal remedy helps with cholecystitis.

Choice No. 3 zastosovuyut for such stations:

  • chronic gastritis and cholecystitis;
  • remіsіya virazki sluka;
  • dyskenesia of zhovchovividnyh ways;
  • constipation;
  • gum ring;
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal spasm.

Instruction from zastosuvannya

1 tablespoon of rose sum (2 disposable bags) is placed in enameled dishes, poured with 200 ml of hot water, insisted on a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, protsidzhuyut and bring the volume of boiled water to 200 ml. Before the vzhivannyam ready vіdvar bazhano fear. Drink 1 sachet 2 times a day until you go, looking warm. You can add honey to the new one. Children up to 14 years of age are recommended ½, and 7-10 - 1/3 of the bottle. Trivality of rejoicing - 20-25 days. After the day of interruption, the reception can be repeated. Ready nasty is allowed to be taken from a cold place, but not more than 2 deb.

Calm choice No. 3 - likarsky zasib the so-called growing up trip. I'll take a look at the pharmaceutical preparation especially for readers of "Popularly about health".

Otzhe, instruction "Calm choice No. 3":

Yaki Zbir №3 warehouse and release form?

Phytozasib is rich in components. At the warehouse there is a sprinkling of various representatives of the flora: rhizomes of valeriana likarskoy, grass burkunu and maternal mothers, moreover, grass of dog's nettle and herb thyme.

The phytopreparation is sold without a prescription. Vіn vypuskaєtsya pharmpromislovіstu in filter bags, like packaged in cardboard packages. In addition, the choice should be on sale at a look of trimmed syrovina, placed in a small box of cardboard, which shows the date of the pharmaceutical production and the term of the sale of the product.

Yakі u Zboru №3 day?

Roslinny zasіb Zaspokiylivy zbіr No. 3 to take at your warehouse deyakі biologically active spoluki, yakі vyavlenі in herbs and roots of roslin, to enter the warehouse of the medicinal phytosis, zokrema, mіstya kumarini, deyakі essential oilsє flavonoids.

Therefore, it is recommended to use this herbal preparation to prepare infusions and infusions, which may have a sedative effect, as well as may have an antispasmodic effect. Zavdyaki why the choice of znimaє nadmіrne zbudzhennya, normalize the sleep of the patient, as well as singing the world lowers the blood pressure, especially at the early stage of hypertension.

Yaki near Collection No. 3?

At the indication of the collection of yoga, instructions from the zastosuvannya zarakhovu:

Effective fitozasib in disturbed sleep;
Vikoristovuyut growing zasіb with mental arousal.

In addition, the phytopreparation can win in combination therapy of the cob stage of arterial hypertension after anterior obstruction of the ailment in the fahivtsy.

Yaki u Zboru No. 3?

In case of contraindications, choose an annotation of zarakhovuє fence for selection to these patients who have been shown hypersensitivity to some active warehouses of their pharmaceuticals. The first step is to try the drug in case of pregnancy, women need to take a consultation with the doctor.

Yaki at Zboru No. 3?

To prepare Zaspokiylivy zbir No. 3 with the herbal preparation, you need a tablespoon of this dewy collection, which is used for small enameling dishes. Dali poured into the container okrip at a quantity of 200 ml. If this is the case, it is recommended to install a container on the prepared so-called water bath.

After 15 minutes, it is recommended to take a water bath and cool it down at least 45 minutes at room temperature. Then the herbal medicine is passed through a fine strainer, or else it is put in place with double folded gauze. After that, bring the volume of water to cob, then make 200 ml.

Vykoristovuyuchi filter bags, Zaspokіylivy zbіr No. 3 you can prepare infusions. For this reason, it is recommended to place one sachet of rosemary syrovina in enamel or glassware, where then pour 100 milliliters of the so-called okrop.

Nastiy needs to be filled with a stretch of fifteen quills, and then it is recommended to kindly change the name of the filter bags. After that, the phytozasib is ready to win with a jubilant method.

Take a calm choice No. 3 at the sight of the vіdvar or phytona infusion on the pіvsklyanka until chotirokh times on the doba about thirty times before the ear of the meal. The average course student may take two tyzhnі. You can conduct a second course in ten days for the recommendation of the doctor.

Yaki near Zboru №3 side effects ?

Vіdomy collateral effect of the collection polagaє provokuvannі vyniknennya allergic reactions. In case of a distant reception of the herb preparation, it is necessary to take it off, moreover, it is necessary to return for a consultation before fahivtsya for a possible antihistamine (protialergic) therapy.

Zboru #3 - overdose

At the present time, there are no symptoms, which can be blamed on the top of the world for phytopreparation (overdose) selection No. 3. Prote, if such a situation happens, it’s better to heal the ailment, and if you blame the so-called uncomfortable ailment, I’m guilty of turning to the doctor.

especially vkazіvki

During the period of treatment with growing pharmaceuticals, the patient needs to take such a rank of care for the hour of care by motor transport, there may be a sedative infusion, which can be negatively recognized by the concentration of attention, and the psychomotor reaction can also decrease.

It is necessary to save the growing selection in dry minds, as the moisture content will be promoted, it will bring the phytopreparation to decay, obviously, it will be unacceptable away from the vikoristannya, such a drug will be so called for utilization.

Chim replace Zbir No. 3, analogues of the new one?

Pharmzasob Fitosedan No. 3 is considered to be analogous to collection No. 3.


Vykoristovuvat phytopreparation Bazhan after prior consultation with the doctor. The use of a herbal pharmaceutical preparation does not exclude the possibility of recognition of an ailment on other medicines, as a recommendation of a medicine.

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