See the width in the lazni. What is the right way to steam with a vіnik at the Russian laznі? Contraindication and possible Skoda

From old, long ago, it is important that the lazna allows not only to cleanse the body, but also the thoughts. The Roman baths were more similar to the right rozkishnі palats, lower accommodation, where you can save yourself the trouble.

Bath procedures are not cheaply priced in rich countries and dosi. Vіdvіduvannya laznі allows not only pozbutisya numerical slagіv and toxins, which can be consumed in our body with water, water and repeat, which inhale, but also take a charge of vigor and a burning mood.

Properly inspecting the steam room allows you to quickly relieve the body of the stormy confusion and take a portion of strength and health.

However, the next thing to remember is that, looking at the climb, it is necessary to follow the rules of singing, so that you can take a maximum of corrosity in the steam room and not cause harm to the body.

Let's see what to please fakhіvtsі. What is the correct way to walk at the climbing stairs? How to take a steam bath? How to swear with a vine?

Below you will know the guidelines for the power supply.

What can I eat before climbing?

One of the main rules to say - do not go to the guy's laznu after a cassock! Under the hour of the work of the intestines, and the active observation of herbal enzymes in the additive attraction to the body, in spite of the high temperature in the steam room, it can become shkidlivim. Tom, planning to go near the climb, did not follow ahead.

When is it better to go to the spa?

Often they blame the super-cats on the topic, if it’s better to see the lazna. Htos for the sake of going down the grain. Others recommend not earlier than noon, and the third time - closer to evening. Who's got a ration?

It is actually easier for the body to endure stress on the heart and systems in the first half of the day. After a full recovery, having gained strength, it’s easier to endure the lazna more easily, lower, for example, the day, if the strength is already over.

To go to the spa is better about 10-12 years old. Tim, who works, it’s better to plan for the weekend if you look at the place.

Chi you can once in the cold to the steam room?

Rich someone to squawk - why can you wake up from the cold streets, for example, take it in the fall, come in at the guy’s and start taking a steam bath?

Obviously, such a thermal shock to the body will not bring anything good. The temperature of the navkolishny middle is not guilty of changing sharply, so as not to lead to inaccurate consequences. Especially when it comes to people no longer young vіku, the heart-vascular system is not such a st_yka to such drops.

If you were cold, the docks reached the lazna, then warm your feet in hot water, pouring її into the basin, then go into the steam room. You can rinse with my soul from a hot soul, to warm up the shkir. Ale, with whom, did not trace his head, so that in front of the fellow's hair and skin of the head were dry.

Zayshovshi in the guy, first climb up to the upper police, warm up below, after which step by step you can get over three more. Ale did not follow to climb under the bed itself, as you can see that it is too hot there. Choose the police where you will be most comfortable.

What is needed for the view of the lazna? Accessories.

Going into the steam room, it is recommended to put on a special cap on your head, as you can protect the skin of your head from overheating when entering the steam room. To that, in advance, let me tell you about buying hats for a steam room. You can buy such hats from any government store, where you can sell goods for laser.

Also, bring a special mitten, which allows you to throw off pets, at the same time clearing the pores from the dirt that accumulates, and forcing them out for the release of various types of shakiness from looking at slags and toxins.

Such mittens are shattered from the outside or from the outside.

How better to take a steam bath - sitting or lying down?

Take a steam bath in the best place lying down. Itself in the supine position, the m'yazi is most relaxed and the lazy procedures bring maximum melancholy.

If you allow space, you can sit and soar. Ale, with different differences, parts of the body will be in zones with different temperatures.

Which vine is better to use for laser?

Traditions of making vines for the spa are different, and thoughts about how, which vine is better than choosing, so that you can bathe in the spa, may differ. Htos vіddaє win over birch. who is yalivtsevy to the soul.

The vines from various tree species are permeated by the aroma and the rechovinas that are seen during steaming.

The most popular are vines from birch, linden, wilkha, yalits, yalіvtsyu, and vines from sprinkling are also added to them.

How to take a steam bath with a whisk?

First, beat the whisk, it is necessary to douse it with hot water, like a fresh whisk, or steam it, like a dry whisk.

It is necessary to carefully steam the vine, so that the leaves do not fly around it, and the replacement of the brown instrument of the wine does not turn into a head from the neck. For steaming yoga, place a basin with hot water (but not in the okrip, like a rich one to give a pardon) and, having crimped the beast with another pelvis, or with a lid, stretch out a dekilkoh khvilin.

In preparation for such a rite, the vines begin to vibrate the aroma, and the little ones, from such vines of crushing, become gnuchkishimi.

Vikoristovuetsya vіnik in order to pіdganyat to the body hotter poіtrya, creating whimper, so that the body is covered with heat. It is not necessary to smack strongly with a wreath. More than enough to vulgarize the leaves.

Below you can marvel at the master class in the lantern:

Vikoristannya vinika allows not only as a trace of steaming the skin for cleansing the fluffy speeches, but also to saturate the body with phytoncides, which reshuffle the development of ailment, and with other brown speeches - ethereal olias and microelements, which are found in the skin.

Like a couple of corysnish ​​- dry chi vologa?

Bagato who to squawk - like a lazna korisnish? With dry steam? Abo s vologim?

Vidminnosti between the Finnish sauna and the Russian steam room are not so great, even if the head effect is manifested for the fluctuations of the thermal injection on our body.

Ale є y vіdminnostі. So, from old, long ago, it is important that a dry couple is more corrosive in case of ailments of loam and earthly ailments. And steam is recommended in case of damage to the exchange of speech, discordance of etching and loss of appetite.
Knowing qi simple rules, You will always be able to take the maximum care of bath procedures.

Lazne is a Russian health resort. A unique place, like warming up that inhalation, giving people physiological purification, relaxation and miraculous recovery. The favorable effect of the steam room is signified by the physical lightness and spiritual exuberance. After a man’s life, he will be born again, taking back a new healthy body and a pure soul. Іsnuyut sevn_ rules that allow you to strengthen the greed of the steam room. Let's talk about those, how to properly steam in the spa for health, and what to prepare for a healthy recovery.

We make speech and we go to the lazna

What to take into the lazna, so that the potion and repair went with a bang:

    Clothes for a couple: swimming trunks or a bathing suit (like a spa is hot, like your company has men, women, and you are not a member of a naturist club).

    A hat (from the front or the outside) - out to protect your head from overheating in the upper police, especially if hot steam is supplied.

    Natural scrub (for example, honey from sillu) - you can rub yourself without a middle in the middle of the steam room.

    Massager (it can be made of cloth or a special washcloth made of natural threads).

    Vinik - pov'yazanі mizh himself gilochki that birch leaves, oak and other trees. Vinik is a miracle massager, which guarantees the success of bathing recovery.

    Infusions of medicinal herbs (alcohol eucalyptus, mint) or essential oils- їх to add at ємніст з water, like pouring on a hot stone for making a bet.

What to take to the body bath:

    Towel for wiping (you need it for a steam room, for an hour for a repair, and also for a soul).

    It's nice, shampoo - in order to protect yourself, sebaceous vision from the shkir in front of the lasne, and also to remember after the steam room.

    Shlopantsі - for the passage to the shower room and moving along the room to the vіdpochinku. Without a middle in the middle of the steam room, the slippers do not pull on, soar barefoot.

    Tea at the thermos - in order to replenish the consumption of rіdini and make spragu (or compote from dried fruits, natural kvass).

    Garniy mood that kindly setting up to otochyuchih people.

    Possibly - pennies to pay for the rent of a bathhouse.

At the time of 2016, the fate of at Siktivkari and obviously did not make them happy to look up to the Mist's Lazne. To our delight, a leaflet with information about the correct reception of medical procedures was issued at the hospital. By stretching out the articles from the satisfaction of dividing them with you. Axis first of them:

Steam room mode: if there are skils

Without health, you cannot be a healthy person. How often can you soar in the spa and how many times can you go to a healthy guy?

In pre-revolutionary Russia, the lazna was the main place for the mitt. Foreigners planned that the Russians would see "at home with fire and heat" trich for the day, and navit the day, decoy for themselves in pairs that "rіzkami" (viniki). In this manner, to visit the steam room in a day, do not harm your health, but less often, slacken the strong spirit of that body.

You can take a steam bath in the Russian Lazne every day (for the presence of a wet place) or visit it once a week (for health improvement). The number of people who come to the room is recognized as self-confident people. Also, for self-esteem, a place is chosen in the middle of the steam room (on the lower police, less speck, or on the upper, de steam and the heat reaches the maximum).

Seeing the guy in the front, you can get a lot of whitings from the lower police. If you feel comfortable and want to “continue heating”, an offensive approach, move to another police station and sit on a new sprat. Even if your body keeps fighting, then in the future you can reduce the hour at the guy's couple up to 7-10 minutes.

Important: focus on your self-esteem - the most correct barometer for your body.

Leaflet from Siktivkar Lazne No. 4:

Vіnik for laznі: it's time to brud іz tіla

Vinik - attribute No. 1 for a bathhouse repair. If you want to, you can take a steam bath without anything, but with a vine, the whole process becomes especially special. In this case, the preparation of pagons for the lazna is similar to the selection of medicinal roses (the correctness of the season and the dryness indicate a jubilant effect).

Young shoots are broken in the first half of the year. It is necessary to take pagons from the dormouse side of the tree (there is a maximum amount of brown tongues accumulated in these groves).

For a skin veneer, up to 20 lozenges are needed. They are tied with a natural thread and wrapped around the end of the vine with a cloth or a bandage. Such a beam can be taken with bare hands. And the axis for a vine without a fabric winding is better than wearing mittens (so as not to rub corns).

Tie the vines to dry in the shade (6-7 days, turning over every day) and save them in plastic bags in a cold place (for example, in a cold place).

To take a steam bath at the spa with a twig, cook it - pour hot water over it and let it stand.

How to properly steam a whisk for lazni

The preparations of the vlіtka vinik are called dried chi dry. It is impossible to take a steam bath with him without training (you can hurt the skin or injure). In order to beat the needles at the lazna, soak them or steam them near the water.

To prepare the whisk to the lazne, put water near the cold and warm water. Hot water for soaking leafy vines is rare. Most often, it is necessary to plant for coniferous pagons that oak sprig.

An hour of infusion of grapes to lie down in the yogo village, the temperature of the water is old and old. When soaking leafy woods in hot water, 5-10 strands are enough, conifers - 30-40 strands. In the cold water of drying, the chicks are soaked from 2 to 10 years. In the course of an hour, the tree picks up the water, what it rejects, and the broom gains springiness and bendiness.

Take note: not all wines are needed to be steamed, but only dried ones, prepared in reserve.

To steam an oak vine, there are two ways:

    More heating: soak the rods in cold water for 5-10 strands, then add 5 more strands in hot water, then add okrop, curl with a krishko and vitrimy more 10 strands.

    Trivale soaking in cold water (up to 10 years).

    Wrapping with wet cloth (before getting to the steam room). At the same time, in front of the boy's own, sprinkle with sprinkles.

    The best way to heat up is in sprinkling (with a stretch of 5-7 strands, without a middle in front of a vine).

It is easier to steam a birch vine. Yogo wood is more soft, to turn its elasticity is not difficult. Vykoristovuyut the same ways, less than the trivality of the fermentation is changed two or three times.

To properly soak the vine from the coniferous tree, vicorist okrip. Pagons of yalinka, cedar or yalitsy are poured with hot water and allowed to infuse (up to 40 min.). Steamed vines trim sprats of fluff near the sweat of warm air (over the stones). Tse posilyuє aroma that nasichuє povitrya phytoncides.

However, the best vinik is fresh vision. At the new one, a maximum of brown speeches is saved. For this, the site recommends the best vine for the winter camp - needles (lily, yalits, cedar, yalivtsyu). Yogo can be shown to be like a rock, wine will give a bouquet of coniferous aromas and healing viparives.

It is not necessary to soak the freshly ripened thorns of leafy trees. For coniferous trees that are not long before climbing, stop soaking non-trival (up to 10 quills in warm or hot water).

What to work with wine: bath massage technique

Vikoristovuyut vinik in such a way:

    Waving at the straight body of the people, to catch up more spec.

    Stroke the body with a whisk (from the bottom to the head and back to the bottom).

    Striking with a wrench (slightly “hit” from a small distance of 10-20 cm).

    They slosh with a vine (“hit” from a distance of 60-70 cm).

    Rob the compress (squeeze the wrench with your hand to the back, seat, stegon, shoulders).

Vіniki from different species of trees differ jubilant authorities. Birch vines vicorate with legenevy ailments, oak trees - with skin inflammations, and linden trees - with colds and viral infections.

Birch vine for lazna

Zhіnocha Lazne: hot beauty

For women, the spa is a guarantee of health and well-being. In a more complete cleansing of the body, the skin becomes thicker, the number of pimples is reduced, and the skin becomes elastic and youthful. In addition, the effect of spending money is guaranteed to lose weight. What is the right way to paritis at the Russian Lazne for women?

Doctors do not recommend seeing a guy on critical days. The heat stimulates the expansion of the vessels, which is indicated by severe bleeding. It is especially important to be quiet, who has clear menstruation. For healthy women with indistinct sights, the hospital does not manage to wake up at the hour of critical days.

Important: focus on your health. Reduce the hour of entering the steam room to 1-2 hours and take a cold shower, and then a cold shower after leaving the steam room. Cold stimulates the contraction of vessel walls. In this rank, you can hide the pilgrimage of bloody visions.

Under the hour of vagity, the lazna helps to get ready to the slopes. Periodic rosettes of ligaments and cleansing of toxins will protect the cervix of the uterus and the baby easily.

Tsіkavy fact: Russian midwives took the breed to the lazna on the cob of tribal activity. The hot steam and temperature have taken away the softening of the fabric and make it unbearable for light people.

Children are also good at enduring the lasnium, like in a slow one, so in a bigger older one. For them, you can take wooden toys (blocks, cars, puzzles) to the camp and place them on the lower police.

Lazne - zasib for weight loss

How to take a steam bath at the lazne, to lose weight?

    Whisk the vines, preferably two at once. Pohlostuvannya and massage help to strengthen the blood flow, potinnya and throw off more vag.

    If you can’t sit in the spa for a long time, you can go into the spa for a non-trivial hour (up to 5 minutes) of sprat (5-8 times). The process of sweating is continued after leaving the steam room, for that part, come in for a safe sweating of the body and a commemorative decrease in the vag.

    To strengthen sweating, rub the skin with honey from sill. Increase the amount of sweat to produce to a greater decrease in the vag.

    In order to sweat it out, if the steam room takes not a cold, but a warm shower. Cold water sounds pores and sounds sweat. Heat, or hot water, removes toxins and continues the sweating process.

    Drink hot tea. It is necessary to restore the water balance if you are thinner. To drink tea for an hour, the lazne is required, but for smaller quantities (up to 0.5 liters per drink). In order to get some sprague, drink brown water with dribbling sacks.

    Warehouse for tea shvidkogo slimming is guilty of turning on the sweat of the seedlings: weeding herbs, chamomile, horsetail, fruits of yalivtsyu, lingonberry leaves.

    Do not wait after the lazni. It is supposed to take a steam bath for the evening hour - mingle with a light snack (salad or liver vegetables) or a milk supper (syrts, kefir, fermented baked milk).

Mitty at the lazna

If it’s right to mourn in the hospital, at the same time remove pets and toxins, you can forget about a lot of chronic ailments. Before entering, the guy needs to take a warm shower and take a blind eye, what is it. The middle of the steam room will become more sweaty, it’s better if your skin is clean.

After skin exit from the steam room, it is necessary to take a shower. At the same time, the body eliminates accumulated toxins. It is necessary to visit, especially if you plan to go to the hot pool after the steam room.

After the end of the day, you can take a shower and take a shower with a shampoo, a nice and thick washcloth. Tse to remove the horny clitins, to break the skin elastic and beautiful.

Watch the Russian Lazne obov'yazkovo!

Going to the spa regularly is a miraculous way to tone up the body, relax the mind and become a string.

You can talk about the building of the steam room to increase mood and beneficially infuse on health in general for years.

The ancient Romans, the leading lovers of spas in history, used steam rooms up to six times a day, and Hippocrates described the first health-improving steam bath.

Let's choose, as it is right for health and for a little while, which vine is better to choose, what else to take with you, so that the severity of the procedure will be maximum.

What is the right way to steam in the spa with a double broom alone?

It is necessary to take a bath for the help of a vine, as you have come to the hospital with the company:

  1. petting- one partner lies down on his life, the other carelessly strokes his vein in a straight line to the neck.
  2. Compress- after stroking, the partner presses the whisk at the distance across for a few seconds. Tse miraculous zasib with radiculitis and injuries.
  3. stretching- offended vines are lowered across, after which they are spread in the opposite side to the feet and the roof.
  4. posting- shvidkі ruhi with the end part of the vіnik along the back, across, shoulders, quilts, litter and feet.
  5. Oora- Slightly waving a whisk, it almost sticks to the body, watching the hot wind at the same time.
  6. Roztyrannya- the final part of the width. With one hand, the partner trims the whisk by the handle, with the other hand, lightly presses on the leafy part and rubs the whole body. Tulub - at all directions, kіntsіvki - vzdovzh.

You can beat all the tricks according to your needs, repeating the leather stretch of 1-2 strands, or choose those, like falling down to the soul.

After that, I’ll break for tea or contrast procedures before the upcoming entry at the guy’s.

The spa is suitable for people of any age

As if you stumbled in the pit alone, carelessly beat yourself on the body and fall for a strong therapeutic effect not varto.

For the very same reason, in Russian spas, a bathhouse attendant is a specially trained person in the finer points of craftsmanship.

It is important to remember - it is right to steam at the spa with a twig, beginning with a massage, straight from the bottom to the head.

Lightly stroke your feet with a broom, then I'll clean it up.

Repeat 3-4 times on the skin side. Then go to the transverse ruhіv vzdovzh tіla in the breasts to nіg.

Soar your back and pelvic area lying on your boots, reshta body - standing or sitting.

After preparation, start more priming.

Repeat the description of the manipulation above, so that the shkir is warmed up well, then let’s repair it and tie the same ruhi with the leafy part of the vine.

Lazne є in a miraculous way to improve immunity

Korisna lazna with chronic diseases of the dichal (bronchitis, asthma, etc.), sechostate system, musculoskeletal apparatus, allergies and varicose veins.

For a stretch of one procedure, do not enter the steam room more than seven times

With this type of trip to the steam room, people are more likely to get lost, they have been diagnosed with:

  1. Hyperthermia
  2. Be ill at the hospital stage
  3. Oncological pathologies
  4. Destruction of the endocrine character
  5. Festering infection of the skins
  6. Smilnist to a raised vice
  7. Epilepsy

Cі become or the manifestation of other chronic illnesses - as a minimum, it will bring you to the doctor. It is also not recommended to run a camping trip for children under 4 years of age.

How to properly paritis at the lazna with a vine - what to take with you?

Zrozumilo, you will need a wreath from young pagonists in front of you different types roslin. Massage with yoga help distinctive feature Russian Lazne.

Cream wine, you need:

  1. Bathrobe and terry towel, change of life
  2. Prostiradlo for the police
  3. Zminne gumove vzutya
  4. banna beanie
  5. Shampoo, gel, cute
  6. Zhorstka mitt for grinding
  7. Cosmetic products for massage - creams, scrubs

Do not forget about towels, washcloths, cosmetic products Oh

One of the main minds, how to properly steam at the spa with a vіnik for health, is to drink for an hour of the procedure a great amount of rind, the shards of the body are actively sweating and smelting.

Which vinik is correct and how do I paritis?

Oak and birch- Leaders of the middle vineyards for laznі.

Young birch pagons may be calm and early-warning; oak - bactericidal and anti-spasmodic, lift and tone the skin.

Popular are also bath gadgets from coniferous representatives of the growing world.

Yak is right and for what it is scarlet to steam in the lazni with a vіnik ?

Such a wreath is ideal for people who suffer from sciatica and problems with the nervous system.

You can take two vines with you to the couple

The pillars of power may also be blamed:

Z wild cherry- improve immunity and fight against viral infections.

Z pea- Appropriate for varicose veins, skin diseases, etc.

Z vіlhi- good for stimulating the prevention of sputum sputum when coughing, cleaning the skin, the infected organism.

Z eucalyptus- tsya rіdkіsna for our mіstsevnostі roslina zrobіt tsіlyuyuschih navіtrya vіtrya uláznі; bring the arterial pressure back to normal, help you relax and get out of your thoughts, change the pain in the back and swamps.

Choose wine to the soul

Knit vines and skropiva. The stench is good for rheumatism, radiculitis, gout, back pain and swamps.

The food itself asks for itself: how to properly soar at the lazna with a broom from sprinkling, so that you don’t harm the shkir?

For whom it is necessary to bathe the wines of a small rosemary and, in front of the whiskers, dip them in hot and cold water, in a simple way you secure yourself a type of opikiv.

At the same time, microopia stimulates the process of blood circulation and coryza in rheumatism.

In such a mood, it is necessary to lower the whisk into hot water on the plume, after which proceed to the procedure.

So that the chicks and dry leaves add springiness, before the procedure dry - soak with sprinkles, fresh - douse with warm water and put on the stone for a deaky hour.

If it’s better to see the lazna more often, how long will it take a steam bath?

The optimal hour of rebuking with a guy is 2 years, 1 time per week, with which there is no need to set a survival record.

After seven hours, it’s better to go to the dressing room, then let’s make one more entry. How much body support is enough for a good shape.

And the axis of the hour is individual for a skin person - someone has more time to go to the likes of a rank procedure, htos vіddaє ahead of a relaxing spa in the evening, not long before bedtime.

One thing is clear - the lazna and mіtsnі napoї z shchіlnoyu їzhey nesumіsnі, shards of such rozvagi can end with a stroke.

Under the hour of the procedure, drink tea all the time

Porada: contrast procedures should be taken between visits to the spa, but not after.

How to take a steam bath at the lazna in order to lose weight?

Take a steam bath in the spa for weight loss - a spa treatment will speed up the process.

Two years in the lazne and two years in the goydalts will allow you to have the same amount of calories, and the victories, scrubs, honey and other cosmetic benefits will reduce the appearance of the wicked orange pick in the area of ​​​​nig that stegon.

To rozіgnati, it is enough to reach the five rules:

  1. Come to the spa often, but not for long
  2. Look into contrast procedures
  3. Drink warm water to increase sweating
  4. Do not stay in front of the asylum and make yourself comfortable with a light evening, as if you are going to the guy in the evening
  5. Take the procedures in the supine position

Go to the steam room regularly to improve your metabolism

Porada: the ideal drink for going to the steam room is tea with honey and currants. Vіn vengeance tanіn, efіrnі olії, vіtamіni groups В, С and Р.

What is the right way to steam at the spa for health with honey?

for laser procedures- Helpful knowledge.

Vіn spryaє rozkrittyu fir, remove slags from the body, improve the linen of the skin curves, increase the ignition process, burn the wounds and eczema.

The main way to win the product of vigilance from the guys is rubbing it at the shkir.

It is important to point out the moment of opening the feast and the appearance of the first sweat, after which you should cover yourself with water and start rubbing honey around the skin with neat circular ruhs.

Leave for 5-7 quills, then fill the warehouse with water.

So the very practice and masks for disguise - they are recommended to be prepared ahead of time.

Be fading, do not let the body test for vitality

You can also take it from yourself:

Lemonand rub it in front of the guy's entrance. Mayuchi the power of the catalyst, wine will help the pores open quickly and deeply.

Honey-salt mask with scrub effect.Rough the skin in front of the lasne, leave it for 10 minutes|minutes|.

The warehouse of the mask is extremely simple:

  1. 200 g honey
  2. 200 g sea salt
  3. 50 g meleno kawi
  4. Pair of drops of the beloved ethereal oliya
  5. 5-6 spoons of fat sour cream or tops

mask for disguisefor nadanny shkir syava, freshness and youth.

You need in equal quantities:

  1. Fat tops
  2. Drijdzhi
  3. Molotі on kavomoltsі hangings

Apply on face for a couple of strands before leaving the steam room.

You can find more recipes for masks for lasers at home minds at the article.

Porada: put on a hat in a guy's clothes, the shards won't have a thermal insulation function and protect your head from overheating.

How to properly steam in the spa for health with the help of the report you know from this video:

For a lot of capital, the foundation of the Russian lazne may be a magical procedure for cleansing that recovery for an additional bet turned into a whole science, which represents a set of rules about those how to properly steam and how to behave for an hour. It's true, hotter and hotter, it even strongly affects the body, the lack of rules can be brought to the point that a miraculous procedure, in spite of being cleared up, is bad for the body.

How to properly steam in the spa - a sprat of rules

Among the basic rules, greenhouses are named as follows:

  • how a person feels unimportant - it’s better not to go to the steam room,
  • embellish, eyepieces, leave the anniversary in the dressing room,
  • at the laznі not a trace of rich collapse,
  • lovers of contrasts can take a shower for an hour, take a shower in Krizhan, or burrow into the snow, obviously stay more than a charge, with which trace of memory, that it’s a good idea, wind a non-trival, richly important for the contrast,
  • to see more high temperatures, move to the upper police, to cool down - to the lower one,
  • vіdpochinok pіslya shiryannya is guilty of trivati ​​no less, nіzh 20 hvilin, taking the soul at the hour of the new one - obov'yazkovo,
  • dry the shkіra with a towel after the steam room is not followed - it is the fault of the dry itself, the swedish dryness will be warmer again.

Acts of these rules require more detailed decoding.

The best hour for sightseeing

At the lasni do not go in immediately after going, but even worse - alcoholic drinks, the very away hour for the return of the lazna - according to the suitability of the second-two years after the next. The homeland should be lived in a reasonable amount, in the presence of alcohol it should be taken in stride.

As long as the day was spent, a person was engaged in an important physical practice, then before entering the steam room, the next step was good, as if the robot was rozumova - in the lasna you can break without interruption for repairs.

The hour for the reception of steam procedures should be chosen with a rosary, so that the process passes without zayvoї metushni, so that it is possible to go into the steam bath once, it is possible to organize yoga in such a way that the skin stage passes without mollusks.

Slid also a sufficient hour for repair - a short after skin approach and a longer one - after the completion of the procedure. In the other case, it will be important to take into account the okіsny vіdpochinok nervous system, outside of relaxation.

What to take with you at the Lazne

Special respect should be given to irrelevant attributes, without such a Russian lazna it is simply impossible to get such respect. The head one of them is a vine. Moreover, it is more popular to say that the vine is at the head of the lazna, in fallow land, in addition, like twigs were beaten for the preparation of vines, which can be twigs for the removal of various ailments:

  • birch - for the weakening of the sooty and m'yazovyh pains, the removal of purulent pimples on the skin, the exhilaration of coughing, the wine is also practiced as a calming zasib;
  • give oaky grudge to people with a fat type of coat - give it springiness and dullness, reduce the blood pressure, close the wounds on the coat;
  • if you go to a guy to organize a lie, then it’s best to scurry with a vine from the grass of tansy and gorobin’s chicks - such an unacceptable relaxation of the body, yoga zastosuvannya navpak, pіdbаdоrіt and give energy for the whole day;
  • vinik z lipi - the best likuvalny zasib in the case of a cold and a headache, to show sechoginny effect, Spray for increased sweating, expansion of bronchial passages;
  • vines from coniferous trees can be changed to show rheumatism, to help with the exaltation of various igniting processes in the body, you can harvest coniferous vines by stretching the earth.

Krym vinika at the lazna need:

  • a bathrobe or a great towel made of terry cloth, stretched,
  • a small towel for sitting,
  • cute, shower gel, shampoo,
  • pumice and washcloth,
  • comb, massage brush,
  • v'etnamki or slippers,
  • a hat or a towel for preparing a turban - the hair is more beautiful not to add a splash of high temperature,
  • change of life,
  • obov'yazkovo - lined mitten - so that it was handy to trim the vinik.

If you want to take the maximum care for your health, you can prepare a mask before the treatment, which cleans, from salt (200 g) and honey (250 g), if honey causes an allergic reaction, you can prepare a mask from egg white, yeast and sonyashnikova olії(1 zhovtok per 1 tbsp of yeast and 1 tsp.

How to properly steam in the spa - start preparation before the procedure

Having served us in front of the lair, take care of the wines - wash them under warm water in the shower, lightly shake and pack at the plastic bag, tie, so that only a pen could see, deprive the heated steam room for 5 hairs, on the upper police.

While the vinic is warming up, take a shower, do not wet your head. Women may need to remove their make-up.

It is also necessary to prepare boiling water:

  • in one cebro with two liters of hot water, pour 10 ml of eucalyptus tincture - for wiping walls,
  • in another cebro - pour in 10 ml of mint tincture - for smelting the stone.

All the metal embellishments are at the child’s door, the year-old is heated to high temperatures, the stench can vibrate the opiki shkiri.

Obov'yazkovo slid to cover his head with a turban hat. Only after that you can go to the steam room.

If a person does not know how to shiryanni, then before entering the steam room, it is best to stand for a few minutes under a hot shower, or if you want to take a hot bath for your feet. So, come to live in guilt people of a frail age, or they suffer under a raised vice (especially in that case, as they are allowed to climb a ladder).

Before entering, the guy can’t mitigate with gel chi sweet - the stench can be seen from the shkiri of fat, which can protect you from the liver, especially at the vapadka, which will vikoristovuvatyvatsya vіnik. Remember with a gel or a shower after the steam room - to help remove all the salts and slags from the surface of the shkir, which came out of the crack.

Steam room in the Russian Lazne - the procedure for accepting procedures

The shards of the police can come out even hot, lie down on the next step, spreading a towel in front. Since the temperature in the host is optimal (+90 C), and the water content is within reach of 10%, then the first stop is next to the surroundings with 10 quills. Skіlki are recommended to be repaired at the dresser. After two visits, you can take a non-trivial cold shower, or swim a little in the pool, then lie down in the dressing room.

Only then will we begin to take a steam bath. With regulated heating, bring the temperature for the first entrance to the steam room up to +60 C, after changing into the steam room with a few stretches of fluff, you can step by step increase the temperature.

If the temperature in the police stations of different levels is low, then you can start from the lower police, then move to the middle and upper ones, in such a situation, the judge will achieve a sufficient expansion and ensure the normal functioning of the body at maximum temperature stresses.

It is best to paritis lying down - in such a time everything is warmed up in the same temperature regime. Legs are recommended to be trimmed on a stand. Also, periodically turn from side to side - to change the focus on the heart. Viyshovshi from the steam room is recommended to douse yourself with warm water and re-read khvilin in the dressing gown 5.

At the onset of the sunset, to increase the heat, to finish the warm lazna, stop using a simple method: 200-300 ml of water is wheezing on the stone, do not raise the temperature, but instead of betting in the evening, increase. In case of this, it is impossible to allow a strong change of mind - the couple will become important, the dihati will also become important. At the Russian Lazne, the temperature is due to rise close to +60 - + 80 C with a moisture content of 20 to 40%.

For quiet, who will be enough to bathe in the first place, it’s better not to zastosovuvat the whisk.

How to flaunt with a vine

Vologiy vіnik, scho proyshov in advance preparatory, sіd potrimati deyaky hour pіd stela steam room. Vykoristovuyut wreath for massage increased blood flow and heating of the body. When you leave the steam room for repairs, you should take the vines with you - the vines can wither due to the high temperature. A dry broom is buried in a wind with water, and then we will shake the water resolutely - the breezes should be re-laden every now and then, and the steam in the Russian lazne can be dry.

To the one who wears a vine, dressed in mittens made of natural material - better than wool, the head is guilty of being covered with a wool hat or other handy headdress. Not a trace of vikoristovuvaty like a head ubir gum cap - there is a blood-bearing judge and an aggravating blood circulation, which is very shkidly for the body.

Parity following the company, or if you want to double it - who needs to get drunk with a broom to pour a couple of people over to lie on the police. Start the work with a pair of slid from the back, tobto. spread out next lie down on your life.

The legs are blown with hot breath, then they rise to the upper parts of the body. With a broom they blow like a fan, continue to win the ruhi fir, until the skin is covered with specks of sweat. Then the person may roll over on his back, the whole procedure must be repeated.

It is possible to examine all the bodies that need to be steamed, only at another entrance, the strength of the blow should be compared with the temperature in the room - at a high temperature, strike the guilty but be weak. Not a second later, the next time you leave the place of the steam room - the next time you sit on the lower police and step by step get cold. After leaving, it is necessary to stand under a warm shower and cool off at the room for a break or a dressing room.

An hour of shiryannya with a vine, at another call, may be shortened to 5 hvilin.

Dihannya at the guy's next zdіysnyuvati vіdkritim mouth. The hour of rebuking in the steam room and the number of entries should be adjusted in the fallow time, as if it is normal, then you can add 2-3 visits at 10 minutes each.

Guard! As if by raptom, a person starts to feel a quickened heartbeat, it’s important to lose his head, or if his head gets confused, then he should leave the steam room negainno.

Refreshing water procedures after a steam room

As soon as the steam room is bathed in a cold pool, opolontsі or zanurennya in snow kuchugura, then the body needs to be warmed up even better - in this case, with a sharp chill, it is impossible to catch a cold at minus temperatures. Ale too zahoplyuvatisya procedures, scho holodzhuyut, not a trace - the stench must be short-lived.

After the pool, or cooling down on the frosty weather, take a warm shower, sit in the dressing room. Wiping after water procedures is not a next step - it is necessary to promote sweating. Viterti can only be veiled. There was no trace of dressing up until the full sweating. Vіdpochivati ​​most lying at the front of the dressing room, about a quarter of a year.

Yak vgamuvati spragu

Naturally, the sweat is stronger, the viklikan perebuvannyam at the host with high temperatures, the stronger the fight.

For drinking, prepare kvass, lemonade, mineral water, fruits and juices. You can also make tea. It is not recommended to drink cold drinks: cocktails, milk, beer. It is also warded off to take in alcohol, as if it were an hour of shiryannya, and after a new one.

Myths about the Russian Lazne - chi varto їm viriti

Slim.Іsnuyut deyaki myths about lazna, but fahivtsі vyslovlyuyut dosit znachnі arguments, yakі allow you to doubt their veracity. For example, the firmness of someone who, with the help of an additional steam room, can throw off the vaga is not rightly called - the vaga will decrease, but with the help of the drastic use of the water. Trying to "lose" the maximum amount of fat, the amount of water in the body during the whole period is renewed, the high temperature does not prevent the growth of fat deposits. Shchob otrimati real results it is necessary to check the climb regularly, scrupulously. With this, all organs begin to recover, the exchange of speech is activated. The very fact can be implicated in the change in the mass of the body. Without the help of a competent greenhouse, such results can hardly be achieved.

Hypertension. There is a broader idea that it is categorically contraindicated for hypertensive patients in Russian lazna. Really dead heat injection on the body sprays the expansion of the vessel and the decrease arterial vice. Also, competently organizing the process can help people get sick. Obviously, wait for the possibility of receiving medical procedures following the doctor. When the pressure is lifted to the high pinnacle, it is not possible to plan for medical treatment - it is better to turn to the therapist and follow the prescribed course of medical treatment.

Ale in whether the vipad, with the viduvannniye Gipertonki, is not recommended to be a dage rizki Zmіni, the way is a strybati in the bassing of the cold water, the rifle temperature difference can also ponder the il ven of the zhsmi zhitovo, Krashkhovy, Krashchei, Krashchei, Krashchei, Krashchei, Krashchei, Krashchei, Krashchei, Krashchei

Chi can you paritis on a hungry slug? Wrong є thought, scho korisnіshe soar in vain. Іdealny razriv at the hour between the reception of їzhi and vіdvіduvannyam steam room – two years.

Bazhano, so that the menu included stray, to saturate the vogue, such as:

  • fruit salad,
  • soup and,
  • vegetable salad, for example - vinaigrette.

such a change to a sharp aquatic organism, as it can be under a surge of high temperature.

Lazne - good place for carrying out an okіsnogo vіdpochinku that ozdorovlennya organіzmu. It will relieve the pain and stress, cleanse the skin, relax the mind, improve the circulation of blood and remove the toxins.

Two hundred years ago, the healing arts in the Russian lazna were taken in by the Russian people, as it seems, with mother's milk, even if it was a part of the commonplace. Rich someone in the steam room bachiv a ritual, reminiscent of a sacral zmist.

Every once in a while people come to the spa to spend an hour at a cost for health, not knowing the basic rules for steam bathing and bathing etiquette. For example, few people know how to take a steam bath and what it is necessary to work in the steam room.

Steam may have a strong therapeutic injection on the heart and dychal system, the musculoskeletal apparatus, providing a charge of energy for the entire day.

Let's take a look, how to properly steam in the lazni maximum grudge for physical and mental health.

Korist shiryannya in the laznі for the organism

For people with healthy health, the Russian spa with vines is recommended obov'yazkovo. She won the honor of the court, suglobiv that zv'yazok, podvischennuyu іmunіtetu that znyatya vtomi.

Vinik is the main attribute of shodo procedures. Wine may have a splendid aroma, effectively pouring into the skin of the crooked, improving blood circulation and clearing the air of congestion.

Measles in the form of laser procedures for healthy use in the foot:

  1. Keeping the optimal temperature regime up to 75 degrees for a moisture content of 40 to 60%. Tse priyaє shvidkomu razslablenniyu and zagalnoї detoksіkatії organіzmu, zmіtsnennia kіstkovyh tkanin, pokrashchennі krovobigu і limfotoku.
  2. Regular friendly vpliv betting building replacement of povnotsіnі occupations in fitness. So, 60 hours of perebuvannya in the Russian Lazne is more than 2 years to take on exercise bikes.
  3. The spa helps to stabilize the arterial pressure, improve blood and lymph circulation, normalize the robotic visual system. In addition, the guy allows you to get rid of a constant headache, improve the work dichal system, zmіtsniti globi i usunut bolovі syndromes in m'azovih tissues.

Where to go soar and mitis: see the baths

  • . As they say great fakhіvtsі in tsіy galuzі, russian lazna is considered the most important for the body for the average temperature and high water in the guys. A typical Russian spa will be made up of wood, and it will be made up of two places: a steam room with pichchu-kamyanka and a dressing room. There are different infusions, brewed with healing herbs, on the stone stove. To strengthen the health-improving effect of the Russian spa, vines from the singing varieties of the village and different forms of massage are used.
  • - Tse place, which is the most suitable for otrimannya satisfaction that splkuvannya. It is not without reason that it is formed from three main applications, where the skin has its own recognition of that temperature. Parity, in our minds, such a lazn is not visible.
  • It’s right to paritis, as the Turks themselves vvazhayut, you can. A standard Turkish spa can be used as a place of residence, the temperature of which increases by an average of 5 ° C at the skin room. Breathe in the spa with a low temperature starting at 35 °C.
  • Irish Lazne is a hybrid of Russian and Roman Lazne. In the Russian laznі їy there was a couple and vologis, and in the Roman one - those that the pair was near the guy from the cracks near the pіdlozі. Parity in such a lazn is awkward, but the main influence of the Irish lazn in the form of prototypes is even low, the temperature is close to 55 °C.
  • it’s impossible to name a lazne, what is possible, but with a great stretch. A typical Japanese spa has no steam rooms, bathhouses and pools with cold water, and a barrel with salt water (practically sprinkled), in Japanese people they warm themselves and massage themselves with shields. Є th group variant of the procedure, de warming up once a few people. Warm up - be kind, but steaming at such a lazne is simply impossible.
  • Sauna - more precisely,. Zavdyaki love rich to extreme temperatures has taken root and on the territory of our region. More people in the sauna seem to be able to steam properly only in it, adding to the procedure vines and watering with infusions of herbs. Wanting the main visibility of the sauna in the Russian lazne is the need for moisture in the adjoining steam room. A traditional sauna is being built from three places: a steam room, a room with a pool, and a room for recovery.

Preparing for the entrance

Bath procedures are the whole of the art, as it will require thorough preparation. To go to the steam room, follow the steps:

  • Terry towel or stretched.
  • Hat or other head removed.
  • Slippers or sweatshirts on a protikovsky basis.
  • Changed whiteness.
  • Vovnyanu mitten or mitten.
  • Special hygiene mats - cute, washcloth, shampoo, gel, pumice stone.
  • Comb and brush for massage.

Also, choose baths of wine - for example, from birch or oak woods.

It is recommended to steam them 24 years before the bath by cold water, then burn them with a wet cloth. Tse allow to preserve the unique aroma and the springiness of the links. As soon as I enter the spa, the vines are resolutely steamed on the stones. So stench become soft and fragrant.

Not less important is the preparation of the body before the procedures. The rest of the day may be 60 minutes before the arrival of the lazna. You can’t stay with a guy on a hungry slack, at the camp of alcohol and drug addiction, and also after operations on internal organs.

Injecting a bet on the body

In order to protect the body from possible overheating, stronger sweating is accompanied by an accelerated blood circulation and reddened skin. The blood is actively growing in cells, we will turn sour and lively, we will cover the epidermis and internal organs. At the same time, it is necessary to see the superfluous redness from the body through the sweat veins, as if to know the borderline tensions.

For this reason, it is important to increase the nutritional regimen for an hour of conducting laser procedures. The smut rule is the installation of a large number of horse-haired natives with rubbish forgings.

Contrasting baths are not less brown, lower thermal procedures, scallops are safe for closing the door. One-hour cooling of the body and a short-hour cooling spray effectively cleanses the surface and deep balls of the epidermis.

Pokrokovy process

Shchob shiryannya in the spa gave an appreciable effect, competent preparation is required before the first call. An important croque is a relaxing shower, to prepare the body for distant thermal procedures.

For the cob, it is necessary to rinse the body (the head is covered with dry) with warm water, progressively increasing the temperature to 50 degrees.

First, if you see a guy, dip your hat enough into the cold water, put it on your head. It is not necessary to secure a superficial protection against overheating by stretching the session.

First view of the steam room

At this stage, step-by-step preparation of the body for thermal advancement is carried out. Bring the body up at a low temperature to expand the vessels, opening the port of that sweating.

The trivality of the first run can be over 8-10 whilins.

1.5 minutes before leaving the steam room, it is necessary to get the system ready to prepare the cardiovascular system to the standing position. After the first visit, it is recommended to take a cold shower, drink warm tea from herbs.

Others that come forward

One steam room at the lapel takes a lying position, the other one splashes that rubbing with a wrench in the feet to the neck of the shoulder girdle, and then at the back straight. After a point rozіgіv go light blows, as if not guilty of discomfort and pain. The massage is completed with a warm compress: the bonding is heated with steam and is applied to the last part of the body for 3-5 seconds.

After the completion of the procedure, it is necessary to fully rise and stay for 2–3 minutes to stabilize the pressure and heart pulse, after which you can quickly get rid of the guy.

The skin steam room itself is broken, the skils are steamed in the steam room, but it is recommended that the duration of the session is due to become from 8 to 20 hairs, the number of entries - from 3 to 6. Before skin steaming, it is necessary to take a break for a quarter of a year.

What work at breaks

Vіdpochinok between visits to the steam room is not less important, lower laznevi procedures. Finished steam baths vicorist yoga for contrasting and cosmetic procedures.

After leaving the steam room, you can bathe in the font or pools, wipe yourself with snow or pour cold water over the tub.

Pochatkivtsy varto buti protective with contrasting procedures for gartu, short version for them - a cold shower that dry rubbish.

Relaxation - ce shortest hour for cosmetic procedures. After the steam room, it is recommended to use vicorist for cleaning on the basis of salt, honey and kavou thick.

Not less demanding - anti-cellulite glottis with creams and lotions for increased blood circulation in tissues and splitting of fatty deposits. A good effect can be achieved for a variety of masks that rejuvenate, prepared with your own hands from natural ingredients.

Trivalіst vіdpochinku is due to dovnyuvati hour spent in the parnіy.


The number of visitors is determined by the camp of health and the physical self-confidence of the greenhouse. With the appearance of unacceptable and painful sensations - confusion, nudity, dullness and drowsiness - it is necessary to immediately deprive the guy. In any case, lazy procedures are considered to be completed.

After the final session, it is recommended to cool down, after sitting a sprat of chvilin at the cold dressing room, chi room for a normalization of body temperature and heart rhythm. For bath attendants, the completion of procedures is accompanied by a warm shower, rubbing, a cup of tea and juice.

Dotrimannya safety rules

So that without shkodi for good health, I can take a steam bath in the lazne, it is necessary to follow the important rules of the width:

  • Seeing the climb more quickly with a friendly attitude and self-confidence. You can't pass it when you're hungry, and you get narcotic.
  • The first visit to the couple will require further preparation of the body before thermal procedures.
  • Perebuvannya in pariltsі not guilty buti trivalim - in 2 to 6 visits of 10 quills of leather. Overheating of the body can lead to heat stroke.
  • You can change into a guy only if you have dry hair. It’s better to protect your head with a bath hat or a towel.
  • Ryasne pitta at the lazna is a necessity. The optimal choice is green tea, herbal infusions, natural juices, mineral water and morsi.
  • You can’t change with the guys in embellishments, accessories and decorative cosmetics on the face.
  • After the completion of bathing procedures, it is ensured that the body is properly cooled - a warm shower, dry rub and douche. As if the steam-room looks unwell, varto surrounds itself with a non-trivial vіdpochink and snake clothes.

Features of laser procedures for women

  • Lactation.

Health procedures help improve the cycle and use the ignition process in the organs of the vein system. Tse miraculous prevention of specific women's illnesses, as well as heart disease, legenia, musculoskeletal apparatus varicose veins veins.

In addition, a skin woman can choose a viable type of width, a healthy state of health and a final healthy dose.

Indications and contraindications for laser

Regular monitoring of the Russian Lazne allows you to fight against:

  • Osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.
  • Headache and migraine.
  • Vegetative-sudinal dystonia.
  • Hypertension and hypotension.
  • Shkirnі ailments.
  • Diseases of the cardiac, dichal and nervous systems.

Іsnuyuvannya, scho to enter the risk group, if health procedures are blocked:

  • Oncology.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Heart's that nir's insufficiency.
  • Diseases of the organs of respiratory distress in hostile forms.
  • Internal bleeding.

It is also defensible for young people, people of a frail age and small children up to 3 years old.

In order to take away the pressing rejuvenating and therapeutic effect, it is necessary to know how to properly steam at the laser. For whom it is recommended to follow the elementary rules for conducting laser procedures and to heal the physical body of the body.

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