Christmas witch. Christmas fortune telling: what you need to know for the right results in Christmas fortune telling on children


Rіzdvo is a special, mystical time. Vvazhaєtsya, ahead of the day Rіzdva - nastaє shortest hour for the witch.

Among the people, it seems, in the night from 6 to 7 September, Rіzdvyany Svyatvechir, forecasts are accurate and true. The Celebration of the Svyatvechir is not only a great Orthodox holy day, but the start for the famous Svyatkovy witches is the period that lasts until the 19th day (Christmas day).

Behind the people's beliefs, in the middle of the night, all the fences are rising, the secret forces are directing to the Earth. Some - in order to harm people, others - to help out. For the old hours, the girls, choosing to tell fortunes, adjusted themselves in a serious way. The stench of thoughts rose from the real world and turned to supernatural forces.

We have tried to pick up the greatest tsikavi and nadіyni razdvyanі vorozhіnnya, yakі, like us spodіvaєmosya, to help you discover the mystery of the future.

When can you guess?

The best hour for witches, as we have already caught remembrance - nothing before Rizdvo.

The very same astral spirits seem to penetrate the physical world, entering into contact and reminding the facts of our future.

For one more period of winter sampling, look at your future vіdrіzok between 8 sіchnya and 18 sіchnya . For a given hour, one can guess, knowing one’s fate (name, color of hair, character, camp), shvidka or farther fun, number of children, successful or unsuccessful hat.

We will especially recognize Vasiliev evening if the result seems to be high-precision, navit vischim. Tse - September 13 .

Preparing for the war

It is necessary to develop a serious mood;

Let go of the hair;

Razvyazati all knots, yakі є on clothes (belts, belts, decorative elements);

Take the bracelets that ring;

Thoughts emerge from the real world;

Precisely formulate nutrition.

Best fortune teller

1. Vorozhinnya on the future with cups

For a fortune teller, you need a sprig of cups with the same number of fortune tellers. Put a ring, a coin, bread, tsukor, tsibula, sil by the cup, pour a little water into one cup. W close ochima, leather from the fortune-tellers, according to the devil, choose a cup.

Prophecies on the Future : kіltse - to the weight; coin - to wealth; khlib - up to the statute; tsukor - for fun; cibulya - to tears; sil - for misfortune, and a cup of water - until life without special changes.

2. Witchcraft on the future with candles

You need a bowl of water, halves of a scalloped haired pea, in a quantity that is more expensive than a fortune-teller, and styles of small candles or their shmatochkiv. Candles need to be inserted into the shells, set on fire and put into a bowl.

Girls, at a candle to burn first, first quiet, who to tell fortunes, weed zamіzh. Obviously, that girl, at which candle the rest will burn, and the rest will be the same. As if the casket with a candle sank into someone else, then the girls should not be married.

3. Vorozhinnya on paper

Take a paper leaf and close yoga. Put a winter leaf on the bottom of an inverted plate or saucers and burn it. After this saucer, let’s burn the paper, lift it up to the wall and carefully turn the saucer until a shadow appears on the wall, behind the outlines of which to judge the nearest future.

4. Vorozhinnya on wax

For witchcraft on wax, you need two wax candles, one of which you need to light, and put the other pieces in a spoon, heating the spoon over the candle so that it burns, melt the whisk. After the melting of the whisk, it’s easy to wag around the bottle with cold water and with the light of the candle on the figure, which has settled down, to judge the future.

5. Vorozhinnya SO-NI

Over the jar, with groats and grains, trim left hand let me down. When you are in the middle, it is necessary to put a food to tease you. Pіslya tsgogo vіzmіt z|іz| jars I will press the grains and visipte її on the steel, after which re-arrange the quantity of grains. If the number of grains is pare, tse means a positive attitude - SO, an unpaired number means a negative attitude - НІ.

6. Witchcraft

At the eve of the evening at the glass, it is necessary to pour some water, dip a ring in it and put it in the cold. Before going out, before going to bed, take the glass out of the cold and on the crying surface, which has settled into it, to judge the future children. The number of humpbacks indicates the number of lads, and the number of holes for those who will be girls.

7. A fortune teller behind a book

Navmannya took a book and put food. After that, they called the number of the side and the number of the row on it - those that were written in the book in the book, and served in the future.

8. Witchcraft on the king of diamonds

You need a special card, you need to hide a pillow and make a guess on a person, whom you wish to be your person. Let's go to sleep. When you dream of a future night, it will appear in your future. Tsієї nights all dream things.

9. Vorozhinnya with a lancet

If you all fall asleep, you need to take a golden lance, rub it between your palms, touch it in your right hand, shake it and throw it on the table.

The ring has settled - the closed incompatibilities will come to their senses; smuga - spring; vuzol - difficulties and ailments; trikutnik - love success; bow - wesilla; snake - evil; heart - kokhannya.

10. Witchcraft from a mirror

Take care of the humblest. It is necessary in the absolute darkness of the system next to the mirror with a candle at the fire of the pivnoch. An important mind - more than no one is guilty of being at the room. It is necessary to respectfully marvel at the surface that you see. Here, after 5 hvilin, darkness will come out. Todі behind the fold appear judgments, or rather, the devil, who took on yoga guise. The maiden is guilty of a little tsuratisya, schob vin znik, promoting Chur me! In other times, evil spirits materialize.

What would you not be in fortune-telling, remember - it will be good to wake up, but not in the trash. Golovne - be inspired by your happiness.

7 September, and also Vodohreshchena night - the best hour, to look into the future: to sing the betrothed-ryarzheny, to know, to be happy for the future and to check the progress on the robot. For the witches, everything that appears under the hand: sirniki, utensils, candles, water ... New river and Rizdvo.

Witchcraft on the betrothed

Witchcraft on dreams

Method 1.
Before that, as to go to sleep, it is necessary to drink something salty, but at the same time, do not drink it. Lying in a bed, remembering: “Names, disguise, come to me and remind me!” Who to drink ouvі snі - that i є your share.

Method 2.

Before going to bed, put some kings from the deck of cards under the pillow, adding: “Whoever is my judgment, who is my mummers, dream of me in a dream.” If you dream of the King of Peaks, then you will be old and jealous. As the king of worms, then the names will be young and rich. Khrestovy - nadіyny and strict. And the king of diamonds symbolizes the creative specialty - a musician and an artist.

Witchcraft on candles
Who s girlfriends earlier for іnshih vyde zamіzh, podkazhe vorozhinnya on candles. Place small ignited candles near the scale of hairy peas and lower a bowl of water near it. Be sure to change your mind so that you choose candles of the same size. Whose candle burns better, that one will come down earlier for others. Like a candle, I will burn for a long time, I will not change my fate. And if a shkaralupka is drowned with a candle, then family life girls, better for everything, don’t call me.

Witchcraft in cups
You need a sprinkling of cups - for a handful of fortune tellers. In cups, we lay out objects-symbols: kіltse, coin, bread, tsukor, tsibula, sil, we pour troch water into one cup. The cups are shvidko passed around, changing the hands, like a gris in thimbles. After tying the eyes of the maidens, according to their will, rob their share. That one, yakіy dіstanetsya kіltse, first wyde zamіzh. Bread means the possibility of living with a wealthy person, tsukor - a short novel, tsibula - a novel that brings tears. Strength - until bursting. And the water axis symbolizes steel: there will be no annual changes in life.

Vorozhinnya on kiltsі
Attach a golden heel to a thread and lower it into a bottle. Skіlki razіv kіltse bump into the edge of the flask, stilkki rokіv chekat until the wedding.

Vorozhinnya on family happiness

Witch hazel

At night from 13 to 14 September, take a yalina gilka and, pidpaliv її, wilt the following words: “Yalinka-queen, mother of all trees, live for me long after death, check, wealth, for goodness, for the sake of fidelity?”. Tse conjurations are cast twelve times, and the nail, which has been burned, is put under the pillow and lies down to sleep. A dream, which is a dream during the night, is respected by others. Vranci marvel at the gilt: the heads, which have fallen, prophesy the sickness and bidi, and the yelina gilka promises happiness and longevity.

Witchcraft on hoops.
It is traditional to tell fortunes on the eighth day of Christmas - the evening of September 15th. Nezamіzhnі take the betrothal of the mother, sister and friend. Squeezing the kіltse in the palms, shake it, saying: “Bigay, bіgay heel, guess the girl. Winter turns to summer, the sun is clearer - they burst out. On the heavenly road, see, me, the red maiden, help the share of relatives to know. Repeat trich. Let's marvel at someone else's lighted window. Like a person at the vіknі is visible from the head - everything will be in the booth, and the relatives are close to health. If you can see less of the coat at the window, and the head is nailed, then the river will be important for this.

Witchcraft for bread.

Take a container with water, cut pieces of bread. How many members of the family - styles and shmatochkiv. The largest piece symbolizes the eldest member of the family after the century, and the smaller pieces become smaller according to the changed century. The smallest little thing to lie on a young child. Put the bread pieces near the water, waving the finger of the left hand and moving the call: “Bread is that water - here is my family, tell me, show me, there will be peace chi bida.” Urantsi marvel at the result. If all the bread rolls are close, one and the same, the house will have peace, calm and love. As if they were scattered in different sides - check for discord. Yakshto killed one little thing - the whole member of this family left the old house.

Vorozhinnya for the future child

Put a pie at the center of the table. A kind of fortune-telling tie up your eyes and ask for yogo rose. Forgive me, schob nizh buv іz wooden handle. Like a fortune-teller sticking a knife in the middle of the pie - what fate will the boy’s people come to see, like the edge - a child will not appear soon and a girl will be better for everything. How to lower yourself down on the tablecloth - the closest fates of checks on children are not warto.

Vorozhinnya on the kar'єru

Pour water into a bowl, respectfully marveling at your own vision in it, ask your thoughts: “Will my car be stored there and there?”. Then we’ll look a little more at the water, thinking about our work, and we’ll put the bowl in the cold for the whole night. Lies to marvel at the krieg. Yakshcho wins with a hole - kar'єra cannot be folded in any place, so don't make a mistake. As the ice rises unevenly - you can see the humps and depressions - then the car'ern anger and the fall are small for you. If the water caught evenly, then the kar'єra will be stepwise. And from the way the krieg went like a hump, then a sharp anger is on you.

Witchcraft for pennies

For which fortune teller you need three plates and one coin. Ask someone from your family or friends to collect a coin under one of the plates. As soon as you guess for the first time, under which plate there is a coin, then your material camp clearly sees that fate. As for the other - you will also be for pennies.

Vorozhinnya in nutrition and vіdpovіdyah

Method 1.
On all your questions, they will help you to know the characteristics of rice grains. We ask for food, I take rice (abo kvass) and rahuemo grain. As the number of grains of a pair, then the vidpov_d is positive, unpaired - negative.

Method 2.
Think of a bazhannya and call to yourself a gut (cat). As soon as she crosses the threshold of the stone with her left paw, the bazhannya rises. Yakshto right - not sued.

Method 3.
Put the bottom at the center of the round small board, and along the edges, place papers with the words “so” and “nі”. Wake up the power out loud, and then turn the trich lower. If you show a papiret with a knife - this will be the answer to your request.

Method 4.
See the evening on the eve. Turning your back to the booth, set your thoughts on food, what to tease you. Let's turn around and guard the window that shines. For a guy, a number to talk about a positive outlook, for an unpaired one - about a negative one.

Some witches take their cob richly to that, others have appeared recently. So, for example, having connected a trifle of fantasy, you can tell fortunes for the help of a TV set, a mobile phone and navigate the Internet. Ale smut, sho go all tsі vorozhinnya, - bajannya people even a little bit raise the veil of the taєmnitsa over their future.

The New Year of Christ, perhaps, most holy. Vіn napovneniya chaklunstvo and magic. Previously, people dedicated their hour to the daily rites, which allowed them to gaze at their future. Particularly popular among the independent girls were the love spells and rituals for marriage. Many of them have gone down to our days in their original appearance, the stench is simple in the Vikonan, safe, exactly, and it is also easy to carry them out in domestic minds.

Christmas fortune teller

Vorozhinnya on Rіzdvo on kokhannya are covered with great popularity among independent women. With your help, you can easily find out about the possible distant ones in exchange with a sample.

Similar rituals are known to be impersonal. The majority of vipadkiv stench is absolutely not healthy, and the heads of shkodi fortune tell and they are easily and easily accessible. Attributes, as victorious for the future, must always be known at hand. And the rebate, taken off at the right time, is virulent to truthfulness.

Fortune-telling for love and for the betrothed is accepted on the night before the Day of Christ (6-7 September) or at Christmas time, as it is celebrated from 7 to 19 September. During this period, sweatshops were more willing to feed on all kinds of fortune-telling, and the transfer, taken off on Christmas Holy Vecher, is more accurate.

On coins

This is an even simpler way of conjuring, for whom you will need coins, a couple of candles, and a photo of a kokhan people. Required:

  • place the photo in the center of the table;
  • from the sides, light the candles;
  • ask thoughts: “What will we share in store for us? »;
  • throw ten coins with your right hand, staring at the image;
  • frighten, skilki vipalo eagles and tails.

By half a candle

It’s simpler for a loving witch to spend the hour of the Christmas meal on Christmas Svyatovechir. It is recognized for z'yasuvannya of a sleeping future man from a cohabiting person.

At the hour of evening, it is necessary to light a consecrated church candle, put it on it, and respectfully watch it for half-lights:

  • calmly and evenly syayvo obіtsyaє vzaєmni pochutya that mіtsny union;
  • if the whisk sticks only from one side - it’s a good idea to pick up on the fact that you can tell fortunes or see yourself for another person;
  • like a glass of glass with strings, quickly zapovnyuyuchi a candlestick, - tse constant difficulties in water;
  • black dim and crackling is a filthy sign that there is a separation.

On the hairs

Qia divination is also easy to carry out:

  • exactly about the 12th year of the night, it is necessary to remind if it is a container of water;
  • add zucru and salt to the tongs;
  • slightly pereskoditi;
  • pokat, if strong settled on the bottom;
  • throw at the water one hair of a kohan and your own;
  • fill the bowl to the wound;
  • otrimati predbachennya.

If the hairs are braided to the wound at once, then in front of the hair. hairy, Who Rose in different sides, prophesy separation. If one of them drowned, then on a person, like a wine, lie down, check for ailments and inaccuracies.

For help cards

Cards are often vikoristovuyutsya in sіchnevi svyato dlya vorozhinnya love stand. For them, more than a new deck is needed card cards, and the layout can be found unknowingly in the magic of a person. The result is often accurate and reliable.

Chotiri valeti

If a girl cannot be chosen among the number of contenders for her hand and heart, then she should tell fortunes on several jacks. Negro deck is needed, for help, which is easy to understand the name of the skin of people, as well as to make a forecast of distant mutuals. It should be noted that the results of this divination are saved exactly one river. At the next Christmas, the holy alignment will happen to be repeated. It is necessary to follow this principle:<

  1. Vіdіbrati chotiri valeti.
  2. Name a skinny after one of the well-known people.
  3. Mix them up and lay them out in a row with a shirt up the hill.
  4. Shuffle Reshtu 32 cards.
  5. Divide them into chotiri of the same cost.
  6. Under the skin jack, place qi packs of zliva to the right. Instead of skin, they tell about the prospects for distant futures from the conceived by young people.
  7. They gave the following assessment of the situation that developed according to the dominant suit (for example, under the Jack of Hearts, evaluate all cards of the same suit). Tse and є is the main characteristic, as it shows, like stosunki can be formed by a girl with a specific young person. I can only interpret the line of cards. With this, the worms show a little more, tambourines - material wealth, spades tell about sleeping children, and clubs prophesy parts of welding and that experience.
  8. A person who doesn’t follow a row of show-offs, at once with a stack of good-for-you cards, tidy up from the layout.
  9. Three jacks, which were lost, at once with the cards that can be seen before them, mix and redistribute on the table, following the algorithm described above.
  10. Then, again, tidy up one of the unknown names from the layout.
  11. Repeat the whole process with the candidates that are out of stock until you run out of units.
  12. Cards from yoga packs and slid to interpret, schob z'yasuvat, chi will be an alliance from tsієyu people far away and promising. The skin map is interpreted okremno, and not by others:

For one card

Tse fortune-telling allow me to accurately evaluate the prospects of a sleeping future with a kohanoy people. For the layout, I need new grading cards. It is necessary to thoroughly mix it up, and then take a part of the deck on yourself with the little finger of your left hand and lay it down.

The following card is coming after the card, that rozpovist about a little about it, about the future, the order is with him. The meaning in this ritual may not be more than a suit, but the card itself:

  • worm'yaki - kohannya;
  • hresti - problems;
  • tambourines - happy;
  • peaks - problems;
  • shіstka - visti;
  • symbol - garni podії;
  • vіsіmka - rozcharuvannya partner;
  • nine'yatka - biased kiss;
  • ten - happy together;
  • jack - right a little;
  • female - supergirl chi kohanka;
  • the king is a friend, who is a helper on the right side of love;
  • ace - mіtsnyy and dovgotrivaly slub, mutually intelligible that good fortune in the couple.

With ring and paper

This is a simple way of divination from vikoristannyam kіltsya. In addition, there will be a need for a candle, a coin and a red thread. Required:

  • take one candle and light it;
  • tie a thread to the ring;
  • a coin to spread a candle;
  • trim the ring on the thread over the coin, poking at your own hand;
  • to formulate a food, what to say about the exclamation and further away the blue.

Nerukhome kіltse in advance about the innocence of the given food. If it sways in different sides, then the sound is positive. The one that swings, like a pendulum, means "nі", which collapses on the stake to talk about the need to put food in a different way. In the rest of the day, repeat the ritual again of the same day, it’s not necessary, it’s necessary to pick up the next hour and spend it again.

For which rite of passage it is necessary:

  • Take a sprat of small leaves of paper.
  • Write on them the names of young people you know.
  • Lay them out in order on the table.
  • At the gold ring, put on a thread with a thread.
  • To lead with embellishment over papirs and names. Im'ya, on which it is very hard to goydatisya, lie down on a person, who looks up to a kohansky right kokhannya.

For an offensive rіzdvyany vorozhіnnya you need: paper, compasses, a pen or an olive, a line. Required:

  • on the arcade for the help of a compass, place a stake;
  • spread yoga on the borders of the sector for an additional line, leather from any suitable letters in the name of the order;
  • write a skin letter for your segment;
  • add in the circle of the name of the name, because the new one has more letters, the lower sectors of the number, it is not necessary to write it down again;
  • split all the guys' voices and voices;
  • otrimati predbachennya.

Just like a combination of a day, then the stosunki do not think of the future. There are two such segments - the kohannya will end quickly, three means mutual understanding in a pair. The greater number is stronger, the stronger the cohanna and the happy hat.

One more fortune-teller for the help of the father - schogodini. It will help you to explain, chi zustrіne maiden to the right kohannya at the new roci. It is necessary to paint a year on Arkush, prepare an arrow for additional handy materials, for example, olive oil. Spin, don't be surprised, arrow, then marvel, like a number, say a little kinchik. If the arrow is serpentine between two numbers, chi is evenly in the middle - choose the one that is larger.

3 egg

To complete the ritual, you need a bowl of water and an egg. Required:

  • vіdokremiti protein vіd zhovtka;
  • viliti yoga near the water;
  • put an oven near pich chi;
  • dock, the docks of the whites will burn;
  • take a look at the figure that you have made yourself.

Kіltse аbo dome obіtsyat vinchannya, kokhannya, harmoniyni vzaєmini with a partner. A geometric figure, for example, a tricutnik to talk about separation, failure. The ship is either a ship or a boat with a foreigner or a person from a different region, as well as about a possible relocation after a zamіzhzhya. Bіlok, scho sank to the bottom, to speak about self-sufficiency in the next hour.

Rituals for kokhannya

Rizdvyany svyatovechir of reminders with mysterious mystical power. Rites, zdіysneі tsієї nії ї spratsovuyt richer swvidsі і efektivnіsheі і іntensively dіyut stretching thrive hour. The power of my rituals is especially strong, as they help to know love and save in this mutual understanding, happiness and peace.

One of them is to be held at the Svyatvechir, helping self-sufficient girls to see the kohan people and win a marriage for her. About the 12th year of the night, you need to go to the church and go around it about twelve times. Such a ritual ruins self-worth and adds new kohannya.

You can also get a kohanny to your own house for help from a breeze. You can sing it like a foreign, and an independent woman, you can beneficially infuse all the members of your family, helping you to get better at each other, to know the right love. It is necessary to read yoga in front of the icon of the Usikh Saints, as before that it was a miraculous amulet for the house: “I will become quiet, I will become a city, I will become twinkling gold, I will become a clear son for everyone who appreciates me, love, do not change.”

On the eve of the Feast of Christ, on September 5, you need to throw away your old slippers and, without wasting your time, go to the store for new ones. Choose new things in a good mood, show yourself at once with a future person, think about your identity, character, profession, and so on. Having paid for the slippers, you need to get enough of them from the package and put them in your bag so that the stink will be charged. At home, you should reconcile your couple, and put the people at your bedroom with pins to the door, and with scarpets to the bed and say the magic words: “I check on you, my love! Come quickly to my home! »

Repeat the call as needed. These slippers will become a good talisman for getting into the life of a maiden of the other half. That same rite of vicor is for the recognition of the already essential vіdnosin. So that everything was good with the couple, it was necessary to start the ritual itself, and read such a slander on slippers: “Like heaven, water and earth, be with me! »

How to tell fortunes on the betrothed on Rіzdvo?

Methods of rіzdvyanyh fortune tellers are more varied. The stench helps to recognize the necessary information for a future person: name, age, old data, material position, character, profession, etc.

Most of the rituals are inspired by simplicity and safety. And yet, it’s not recommended to conduct it to weak-hearted girls, shards of stench can cause wrongful shoddy at times of the wrong day.

Z ring

This rite allows you to look at the image of the condemned by the water. To conduct yoga, it is necessary to take a black glass bottle two-thirds filled with water and clean the ring in front. You can get a hoop from someone close to you. Next, put yoga near the water, there sip trohi tsukra, lightly worry.

As soon as the water calms down, respectfully marvel at the middle of the ring. The silhouette of a future person can manifest itself without a hitch. Krіm tsgogo, slid respect for those, skilki tsukru opinilos in the center of the kіltsya. If more than half, then life with a person will be rich and happy. If it’s less, then the school won’t be mischievous. If I’m equal, then the split brought like happy moments, and sadness.

One more spell on five hoops, as if it were the financial camp of a future man. It is necessary to get five kіlets - gold, srіbne, midne, with stone and plastic. Throw them in a bowl with millet or buckwheat, mix it up and don’t be surprised, be it from them, so that you can take a bite:

  • gold ring - a worthy and generous person;
  • srіbne - middle income, ale zі stavishche u sspіlstvі;
  • plastic - bіdniy, ale praciallyubny;
  • midny - zhenbrak i linivy;
  • a ring with a stone - rich and stingy.

The offensive ritual should be performed by three independent girls. For the new one it is necessary:

  • put a hook, tangles from a dart, pieces of bread and a kilce on the bed;
  • cover all objects with harshness;
  • join hands;
  • close your eyes;
  • lead a round dance like a khustka;
  • turn around five times around yourself;
  • clean up the Khustka;
  • skin twisted, do not be surprised, be-yaku rіch.

To whom the kіltse was trapilos, that nezabara vyyde zamіzh for kohanny. Bread is a common girl's hat from a possible and generous person. And the axis of the hachok is a filthy symbol, the future names of all life are pracyuvatime, but you don’t bring wealth to you.

On the maps

This is a simpler version of a fortune teller for several queens. Under the pillow, in front of him, like to lie down to sleep, put the kings of the appropriate suits from the card-card deck and remember: “Come with adverbs, mummers before I get better.” The king of spades means that the future person is richly older, the club of clubs - the daughter of a military one, the wormy one of a possible and beautiful dress, and the tambourine - a kokhan.

You can try this way:

  • win from the decks of chotirioh queens;
  • shovat pіd lіzhkom;
  • lightly press down on your shoes;
  • vimoviti zmovu: “Names-dressings, I check you dressed up. Come, show yourself, marvel at me.

Witchcraft with kings and jacks should be carried out in this order:

  • win from the new deck of all queens and jacks;
  • shuffle їх;
  • lay out all the cards under the pillow with a shirt up the hill;
  • remember to call: “My adverbs, dream about me, and tell me about yourself”;
  • go to sleep;
  • lie one of the cards and judge the future person by it.

The king means a man, an older man, a jack - a young man of the same age. The suit can also help in interpretation: worms - sounded from the nearest sharpening, spades - a person is safe, clubs promise not to give a name to names, and tambourines - knowledge will be known through close people.

With papers

Tsey way vvazhaetsya easy and safe. With the help of yoga, you can recognize the name of the future betrothed. Required:

  • rozrіzati arkush paper on dribnі notes;
  • write with them whether they are human names;
  • fold the skin navpil;
  • tidy up the whole pillow;
  • vrantsі vynyati pershu-lipshu;
  • recognize the name of the condemned.

On zustrіch іz naming

The Danish version of the fortune-teller will help you to recognize, for the sake of this fate, the maiden is your friend half. For which requirement:

  • prepare five of the same cups;
  • put on the bottom of the skin one item at a time - a string, a ring, a cibula, pepper and a zukerka;
  • then stir the cups;
  • close your eyes and take it like a navmannya;
  • marvel at how rich it is to lie.

Strіchka means zustrіch іz sudzhenim on the road, go somewhere, or the hour will be more expensive. Kіltse obіtsyaє shvidka vesіllya. Tsybulya is in trouble, shards of zustrich will not be soon. Pepper to talk about the foldable nature of the condemned, ale vіn іde u dolі, scho to tell fortunes. Tsukerka - zustrіch will be in the holy place or on some merry visit.

With a mirror and candles

Tse vorozhinnya goes to the most hoary and unsafe. Іsnuє impersonal variants of such a ritual, prote naytaєmnichіshim є rite from two mirrors. The best hour for the new one is 12 o'clock at night, and it is necessary to perform the ritual on its own. Required:

  • take two mirrors of the same size;
  • put them in parallel one to one;
  • light two candles and hang a mirror tunnel with them, as if you've hid yourself;
  • respectfully marvel at vodbitok;
  • after that, as judgments appear, shout: “Chur less and this month”, to interrupt the fortune-telling;
  • extinguish the candles, cross over and go to sleep.

It is important to remember that the image of the condemned to come, the devil chi the devil. It is necessary to take care of the boundary guard and, in any unsafe situation, protect the evil spirit with the words-amulets: “Keep away from me and this (thy) place”, so that evil spirits can be recognized.

On cibulins

If the girl has a lot of contenders for her hand and heart, she can conduct a ceremony on cibulins, which shows the name of the one I share the appointments. At the Christmas Eve, take a sprat of cibulin and write on the skin the name of one of the people. Cibulini can be buti equal and without waters.

Then we need to place them in the soil from the water and the earth, if the stink sprouts. The first cibulin with sprouted green shoots is supposed to be the name of a person, for yak to tell fortunes the next time you come out.

Before bedtime

To marvel at the betrothed, sleep, then sleep in your own self, when it is necessary to put on a shirt, wrap it up, and turn the pillow upside down. To lie down to sleep on the day of the fortune-telling is necessary in the right direction straight ahead. There are impersonal available and safe ways that allow you to indulge in a dream:

  1. Put a pillow under a mirror or a comb and remember: Come, come. You scratch, you scratch. Marvel at me, show yourself."
  2. Braid the braid, slip a small overhead lock into it, lock it with a key and read the call: “Names-dressings, come ask me for the key, open the lock.” Hide the key. Uvі snі naming ask yogo vіddati.
  3. Put a nice pillow under the pillow and a comb, when you use it: “My names, disguise, come, be smart and comb me.”
  4. Before going to bed, place a comb under the pillow, or a comb and remember: “Names-dressings, come and tell me.” This evening the hair is charged and it is not possible to pay.
  5. Zrobiti z gіlochok mіstok, lay yogo pіd pillow i remembrance: Who is my order, who is my judgment, that I will be transferred through the city.
  6. Put a small flask with water and a flask. At the bottom, say the following words: “From the road-road, you’ll get lost, my judgement, I have water, come, I’ll give you a drink.”
  7. Prepare a well from the most famous sirniks and say: “Names-dressings, come and drink water.”
  8. Scatter a little bit of salt with water on nothing, roll your sum and say: “Whoever is my judgement, who is mumbling, give me a drink.”
  9. Put a saucer with jams for the sleeping place, as a next step to cook on your own. Before going to bed, read the slander: "Usya is full of salt in me." Krіm of the betrothed, who appeared in the dream, after the clumsy ritual of the maiden, there will be no naming.
  10. On the eve of the Christmas holiday, take out a piece of bread, put it on a pillow and remember: “Names-dressings, come to supper before me.”

street vorozhinnya

Not all Christmas holidays can be spent at home. And so, for those who happen to get to the nadvir:

  1. At the New Year's Eve, the maidens should come out of the house and throw the chobit through the parkan. Let's marvel, in some kind of book I will show, there is a bag of future man. Like a shkarpetka, a chobitka is sent to a bіk budinku - don’t be friends with the fate.
  2. Throw snigu snіgu in be-a-kind bіk i moviti: "Zal, zaly, doggy, recognize, recognize, judgments." Potіm bud from that side of the dog's bark. Like a rude wine, then a fortune teller for an old man, a twinkly and a lilt - for a cheerful young one, muting - for a divorced widow.
  3. Fall into the snow in the late evening, hang out and drink without looking back. Let's wonder what became of the snowball. If the snow is smooth, then the person will be kind, risk talking about jealousy. As if it was snowing, it was not long before the zamіzh came to visit. It's too deep to talk about the sprat of zamіzhzhya.
  4. Look out at the crossroads and listen to the sounds. You can feel the twinkling - the fortune teller will soon make friends, and the union will be trivial and happy. A deep human voice speaks about the proposition to become a citizen. Welding and laika will tell you about those who won’t come out of the offensive fate.
  5. Opivnochi go to the street and ask for the name from the first-stupid passerby. Itself vono and indebted to the future man.

3 logs

Tsei sposіb pіdіyde tim nezamіzhnі dіvchatam, like lingering near the village. In order to tell fortunes in such a rite, it is necessary in the evening, if it becomes dark on the street, go into the unlit woods and choose the first field, what happened. For yoga, with that form, one can judge about those for whom it is necessary to live in zamіzh:

  • smooth polyno - kind and garny of names;
  • shorstke - indulgence;
  • with that good bark - rich;
  • obderte mistsami - zhebrak;
  • tovste polyno - physically strong;
  • with knots - a prophet to tell fortunes to a great family, moreover, there are a lot of people in it;
  • crooked - naming will be the elder.

If a girl lives near the city, then it’s even more problematic to know the field, you can replace it if it’s a tree in the yard, park chi forest. It is necessary to tell fortunes, close your eyes, turn around in the field, and do not be surprised to choose the name of a tree. All the characteristics, like vikoristovuyutsya in divination with polynomial, zastosovnі for the ceremony with a tree.

Christmas witches are called witches who are born during the holy period. Christmas time - these are beautiful two enchanting saints, snow and heaven, as if they are commemorated on Holy Night on the 6th of September, and will end on Vodohreschi on the 19th of September.

The fortune-tellers of the period are respected by the most reliable ones and most often they are called, because Their traditions encroach on the roots of the ancient times of pagan Russia. The great influx on the results of the fortune-telling is based on the fact that the birth of the fortune-tellers is celebrated on holy days, and good spirits and angels help people with orders.

Vorozhinnya on Christmas Day is one of the most famous and most famous Russian traditions that came to us from the depths of the century. Behind the people's beliefs, the most powerful forces helped in the night at Svyatvechir. Warto is better than the old calendar, because all traditions go from quiet hours. At the Svyatvechir, all magical fences are known, secret forces direct to the ground: some - in order to harm people, others - to help. Telling fortunes, as a rule, were made by girls and women. The stench seriously increased, thoughts rose from the mundane, and turned to supernatural forces, conspiring to help the stench to uncover the mystery of the future.

Christmas holidays in Europe

But not only in Russia, people go to the aid of the secret forces at the hour of the Holy Christmas.

For example, in ancient England there is an old fashioned witchcraft, which is even more similar to our witchcraft in the field. In the days of darkness, the maiden broke down to a steward, took a piece of firewood and folded up a fire of fire. From the wound, the firewood was re-arranged: if a pair of men appeared, then the maiden’s fate was small. Well, if the number of firewood was unmatched, it meant that the weight was added.

In the Czech Republic, girls tell fortunes on apples. After the completion of the Christmas evening, fresh apples were cut across. If the right star with tassels appeared in the sight, then the onset of the river became happy. The fortune-telling of mutuality among the Czech people looked like this: it was necessary to choose the most beautiful and appetizing apple and to prop it up to your kohan. The result is stale, depending on whether the object of addiction is addicted to fruit: it’s like wine is an apple, it feels like it; if you eat an apple at once from the heart, then be young at once, but if you don’t get inspired, then it means love is not reciprocated and spodіvatisya mute on what.

In Bulgaria, the most popular and the most popular fortune-tellers on Rіzdvo vvazhayutsya vіdpovіdі to ask for the help of a beloved book. Tse fortune-telling is borderline simple. You just need to be in the middle of your story, guess the page number, paragraph and row, read those who took the transition there.

In Greece, on Christmas Day, people most often try to tell the appearance of a child, to that the little people there are respected by the miracle of the mercy of God. To take it easy, put a cheesecake in the middle of the table. What a fortune-telling, you can tie up your eyes, without looking, and give it at your hand, like you need to cut a cheesecake. If you lower yourself to the middle of the pie, then bring the new fate to the new fate of the boy's birth. As soon as you hit the edge, then a girl will be born, but if you happen to get better. For washing a knife on a tablecloth - children will not be the closest fates.

Vorozhinnya on Rіzdvo u Rosії

Let's turn back to Russian traditions. At the hour of Christmas and New Year's witches, you can shukkat in all forecasts there is no more positive side. The filthy signs do not give a great meaning, otherwise you risk to advance yourself in failure, but absolutely no one needs it.

Christmas witch on wax

One of the most widespread ways of witchcraft in Russia is witchcraft on wax. For whom, in one Christmas night, it is necessary to pick up underdrinks in the form of paraffin or wax candles, to drink them in some kind of metal utensil and melt it over fire. Candles are necessary to take white, holy colors are not suitable for witchcraft. After that, as the whisk has melted, it is necessary to pour yogo into a bowl with crying water. Try to wiggle your head with one hand, then you will sooner transform into a figurine. Tsya was caught by a figurine that showed you the mystery of the future. Surprise yourself to your figure, that you know what it looks like more. Axis of activity of clouding:

  • budinok - you can acquire a new state without a bar; the girls tell us the front of the zamіzhzhya;
  • a shapeless figure means a filthy future misfortune;
  • the pit, or the small cave, is the best place to stand, the shards of it symbolize the place of consecration and the prophet’s important sickness, or death is near;
  • vіsk rozsharovuvavsya on kіlka muzhok - roads, more expensive and moving;
  • vіsk rozsharovuvavsya on a lot of drіbnih streaks - up to good pennies;
  • mushroom - life force, longevity;
  • trees - straight up the hill, the tree gorges promise swede joy, drooping prophesy sums, tightness and nudga;
  • kіltse or svіchka - shvidka vesіllya;
  • mlynets, scho sank to the bottom - dovge divotstvo;
  • the dragon is the creation of an idea, the completion of a project, a great work;
  • zirochki - success in robots, passing through car'er or success in learning;
  • ringing-wist: ringing crooked - filthy, rich ringing - disturbing;
  • kvіtka - zamіzhzhya or a new kokhanets;
  • the figure of a person is a new friend;
  • an apple - wisdom and health, an apple of irregular shape - peace of mind, yaku next to podolat;
  • cross - a sign of the closest ailment;
  • egg - the appearance of something new in life.

Vorozhinnya wax can be worked on milk. Before that, as if pouring water into the colder milk, you should say: “Housewife, my host, come under the threshold to drink milk, eat wax.” And marvel at what a figurine has hid.

Vorozhinnya by barking dogs

Such a fortune-teller called the girl's roses about the future man. For whom it is to blame, take a knife, go to the street, go to the nearest kuchuguri. They gave it to be necessary to start rіzati snіg, while saying such words: “The devil don’t talk, the devil tell me, what kind of person will I get, cry, will I be laughed at?”. After that, like the words of speech, it is necessary to respectfully listen to the dog's bark. Like the barking of dogs, which, having reached your ears, will be twinkling and flooding, then your man will be kind and cheerful. Like a hawkit, we will be angry and urivchasty, then we will frown and we will rule the people. A hoarse hawkit conveys a summer betrothed, and a twinkly and tall one - a young one. Howling does not see anything good - it prophesies a non-legal hat and instills inspiration. If dogs don’t bark with raptom, don’t fall into the misunderstanding: it means only those who supernatural forces do not hasten to reveal to you this secret. And don’t look at them for the sake of it, you can see better what people know about their future, and what not.

Rіzdvyanі vorozhіnnya tsibuli

Tsya vorozhinnya will help these girls and young people, who can not wait to recognize the name of their future person and squad. And can you help me to choose, like a maiden vagaєtsya and in any case you can’t lie, to whom to give your hand and heart. In order to reveal the mystery, needlessly not long before night, they took Vi for a spell, select a sprat of garnih tsibulins and write on them the initials of the candidates for the naming. For young people, vydpovidno, ymovirnyh names. Then the cybulins are placed near the jar of water. At the break of the night, adding: “Oh, bow, cibulka, whisper, who will be the groom?” (For girls) or “Oh, onion, cibulka, whispers, who will be my name?”, followed by dying seedlings. On some kind of tsibulin, the pen will appear dormant, there it is written in the name of your lot.

Vorozhinnya on a future person on Rіzdvo

Vorozhinnya on a future person is the most popular type of vorozhinnya on the birth of girls. At night, the holy girl goes out into the street and asks, like the name of the first person, who is following her. For beliefs, as you call this person, so call the future man of the fortune teller. At the sight of the first animal, one can recognize the steps of beauty and wealth of a future person. Behind the roses it was quiet, who was not afraid to try out the appearance of a fortune teller, so everything was trodden in their future life.

You can find out about those who will be your sound in another way - by shaking it in your dream. In order to dream a dream, it is necessary to comb it with a clean comber and resolutely comb your hair and remember: “Addictions-dressings, come before me to swear.” Then lie down to sleep, putting the comb under the pillow. Ovі dream of future names, comb your hair with a comb.

The best way to pamper a future person in a future dream is to lie down in the coming one - it is necessary to sleep on nothing salty and in front of him, like to lie down in a soft footstep: "Who is my judgment, who is my swearing, give me that drink."

Tell fortunes for a person and for additional bottles of water. It is necessary to take some flasks and pour pure water into them. For the first one, put a teaspoon of honey, for the second one - half a spoonful of salt, for the third one - a quarter of a teaspoon of citric acid, for the fourth flask add a little bit of wine. Further, it is necessary to thoroughly mix together the bottles and cover with servettes. The maiden, like a fortune teller, come and do not hesitate to choose one bottle. If you drink water with honey, then the character of the person will be good, and life - licorice. Water from the silly transmits tears and turmoil. Water with acid is sad, life is gloomy, and water with wine shows those who are drunk.

Rіzdvyane vorozhіnnya on spitting threads - vorozhіnnya for girlfriends, yakі want to know who among them is the most viide zamіzh. The girls are threading the threads from one ball of the same length and spitting on them. Some of them have a thread that burns out faster, that one will appear as a winter first. If the thread went out in the blink of an eye, or if it burned out less than half, then it means that there will be no swedish zamіzhzhya check.

Vorozhinnya on the sirniks will help you to recognize, the naskolki really become a sigh of steam at once. For whom a sirnikova box is taken and on different sides it is inserted according to the sirnik. Sirniki podpalyuyut and give fire. Even if the undergrowths will be slaughtered one to one, it means that the young woman and the girl will be guessed at once. If one is slain in the next bet, then for someone from a bet you check in a future broken heart.

There is one more fortune-telling, which is called “the witch on the floor”. Vono pidide for those who spend their holidays at the dacha in a zamіskom booth, de є kamin or pіch. The girl comes out of the room and into the darkness, the hero, from the bed alone. Then we turn to the middle and respectfully look at it. Polino dopomozhe fold the visnovok about those who will be the future person. Smooth equal polyno transfer of a good, warm betrothed. Polino with a short bark - negligent, ale pratsovity. If the floor was trapilos in tovstіy and good bark, then there will be rich sounds. Rip off the field of the prophet of the betrothed, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t correct your right in future. Tovste tell me about those who will be strong in naming. Polino with knots conveys the great homeland, crooked polyno - named by the Vits or by the physical waters.

Rіzdvyane vorozhіnnya kіshtsi - a simple way to find out about the character of a future person. The fortune teller can call on the cat and stroke it with your right hand. If you want to grumble the whale, then we will be kind and happy to the people. Even if it’s shabbier, then we’ll bully a person and beat him up. As if m'yaukne, then the walking and balakuchy companion of life will be far away. If the whale is just in the flow, then you can not dream about the wedding near the nearest river.

Well, in the house of an old witch for a job. The girls need to come to the street at Christmas time with a shoe and throw yourself behind your back. Kudi marvel at the shoe’s scarf, call and varto the checks of the matchmakers. And from what the scarp turned at the bek of its master, then the fun of that fate should not be beaten.

Witchcraft for children

You can tell fortunes on children for a ring, or for an additional head with a thread. For fortune-telling, it is necessary to take a bowl, pour clean water into it, throw gold in the ring and put it in the cold. To marvel at the wound: as if the surface of the river has frozen, then you look at the childlessness of life; if the surface is uneven, then look її respectfully - the tips of the humpbacks, the tips will be blue, and the tips of the dimples, the tips of the girls.

Vorozhinnya with naked is simpler. It is necessary to pull the thread into the neck. Trimming the threads with the fingers of the right hand, the tip of the head should be directed to the middle of the valley on a small surface. As soon as the head of the head rises across the valley, then in the future a girl will be born, as if it were a dream, then to make your homeland happy by the appearance of a boy. Skіlki razіv gorka pochinatim gojdatisya at tsikh dvoh straight, stiltki be children.

Vorozhinnya by darkness

Tse fortune-telling vikonuєtsya so. It is necessary to take a newspaper sheet and good winter. It’s not necessary to jump from a tight sack, otherwise you won’t get into the mind and you won’t get into anything. Let's put the winter papyrus on a plate and pick it up. If the papyrus is burnt out, it is necessary to put a charge from a plate, a candle is lit and marvel at the smoke, like paprika, which burns, looks at the wall. The meaning of the figures, which are vinyls, is similar to the clouding of figures made of wax.

Vorozhinnya by hair

At the eve of the night, it is necessary to pour clean water into a bowl, add a small pinch of ash to it, pinch the zucru and salt. They gave the water a serious stir and let her calm down. Then we throw two hairs by the water: one - our own, and the other - our kohan. The bowl is put in and they lie down to sleep. And in the early hours, evaluate the result of the fortune-telling: if the hair is intertwined between itself, then be at once for you and have fun, you can be already in the offensive rotation. As if the hair was gone for a day, stand alone in the same way, then the separation checks on you and at once there is no share. Well, the hair is drowned, prophesying an important ailment to the one who should lie down.

Vorozhinnya on the gravel cubes (on the gravel brushes)

For fortune-telling, you need to take two square cubes. Tell fortune throwing dice. It is necessary to see a double, then you can look in the future. You can roll the dice only six times. If you didn’t see the double, then you don’t want the share, so that the person recognized that there was a check on her. Tlumachennya dubіv, sho vipali:

  • two singles - failures on the right and in the beginning;
  • dvi dvіyki - discord with relatives and welding with friends and acquaintances;
  • two triples - more expensive, new defeat, new acquaintances;
  • two fours - success at the robot on the right;
  • two p'yatirki - material well-being;
  • two stitches - mutually kokhannya.

Vorozhinnya on the bazhannya

You can tell fortunes at the bazhannya at the Christmas time in a different way. Golovnya, guessing bazhannya, like a slid zaseredititsya and mothers clearly manifested what you yourself want.

For fortune-telling on grains, it is necessary to take the harvest of grain in the left hand, squeeze the palm into a fist and voice the thought of the dream. Let's spoil a lot of grains, and as it appeared to the guys, then you were lucky and lucky to dream. With an unpaired number of your dreams, it was not destined to be judged in the same circle. So, the grains can be bought absolutely different. It’s better to vicorate more grain, so it’s easier to harvest.

You can win another way. Think of your most important dream, write a skin on a creamy papyrus, burn it with a tube and put a pillow on it. And lie, stretch out your hand there and pull it first, it was trapilos. Those who lean in their hands, and cope with that fate.

Іsnuє and rіzdvyane vorozhіnnya on the bazhannya with a cat. Those who have a representative of the feline family in their booth, can guess their most important message and call their vihovantsya. If a whale crosses the threshold with its right front paw, then the tower may rise. As a lefty, you were not judged.

Witchcraft by mirror

All the ancient witches in the mustache were respected by the naive. However, it was not safe. The pannochki were often amused by their feelings. And the whole story of the one behind the old legends, a mirror - nothing else, like a line between the real and the sweaty. Zim povіr'yam pov'yazano impersonal prikmet i zvichaїv. Previously, if the mirrors were robbed for help, it was important that the stench, the cream of the link with the light of the spirits, remember the old memory, which could harm people. Mayzhe all apply, that mirrors are hovering, put up to the filthy sign. Everyone can see that you break the mirror about bad luck and bad luck. For the old hours, it was impossible for women to look in the mirror at the vacancy and after the slopes, because. it was important that you could break the line between the two worlds, and the head of the school didn’t care for that mother. At the same time, the mirror served as a strong amulet: it was felt that evil spirits, having hung at the mirror, expended strength forever.

Ale, let's turn to the very witch. They conjured with a looking glass at the “unclean” place (for example, at the lazna, they made all the rubbish for themselves), in the night at Svyatkov’s night, if between reality and the sweating light of the naitonshal. The maiden, as she did divination, is little known in the room alone. You need to take off your belt, loosen your hair, and put two tables on the table and attach that candle. Having prepared everything necessary, the maiden sat up to her faces to the looking-glass and said: “Names, mummers, come before me to dine.” Equally opіvnochi at the mirror, she looked up the guise of a man, who sneered up to her over her shoulder. At this moment, being surprised in the guise of your future betrothed, it is the fault of the bula to remember the words that created the image: Ditch the city! At some point, the nebezpeka came. It was important, if you don’t say anything, judgments can come out of the mirror, and then you will become unhappy.

One more witch from a mirror. The maiden stood in front of the looking-glass so as to dance in the new month, and stared at the new one. After a deaky hour, it began to rise, that there were sprats in the sky for months. Here it was necessary for him to puff up, his kіlkіst. The witch spoke about those who would have such a large number of relatives at the house of a future person.

Another witch on the mirrors is also tied with sabobons. The mirrors were placed one on top of one in such a rank, so that an endless corridor was established, which led the world of spirits to that magical power. The maidens slowly unraveled, sat in front of the mirror and marveled at the mirror passage. Naismilivish vorozhnitsy knew z shi and orthodox crosses. An unclean spirit is guilty of passing through the corridor, so that, after the words she said: “Names, mummers, come before me, evening,” reveal a fortune teller of the appearance of a future person. Having shaken this image, the girl was guilty of the same amulet, which victorious when fortune-telling from a mirror and a candle, and herself: “Keep out of this place!”. Having known whose spirit, carry with you the image of a man. With this fortune-telling, the friends could help the fortune-teller, having robbed her around her about her belts, which served as a talisman for that zakhist.

Vorozhinnya for a holiday- An old tradition of the Russian people. Prote, tell fortunes about holy things - the choice is yours. A lot of witches can say bad luck, childlessness, sickness and bring death. And the deacons can bring especially discordant people especially to the point of fear. Until then, think about it, how much of a person who moves in, tk. It has long been seen and misinterpreted that only those who believe can do it. It is worth trying and applying, and povir'ya, and a fortune teller. And don’t forget the good old orders: “The leather is the forger of his happiness!”

Vorozhinnya on Rіzdvo: see the rules for conducting the widest.

Slovyansky fortune-telling was traditionally held at the holy place. At nіch іz 6 on 7 sіchnya be-yak, navіt vipadkovo said beforehand, vvazhaetsya nіtochnіshim. Can't wait for Christmas perfumes until September 19th. And the axis after Christening, the evil spirits are far away, and it becomes problematic for a mere mortal, who is not blessed with magical powers, to make a forecast.

Where to hold a fortune teller on Rіzdvo?

  • Shards of evil spirits are whispering for their little porch in a deserted place, and often carry out fortune-telling:
  1. at the spa
  2. on the hills
  3. at abandoned booths
  • For a daily life, for the ritual to be carried out, there are kuti, thresholds or doors, that are those who are respected by the zone of the transition of matter from one space to another.
  • The most fearless vicorist tsvintar for these purposes.
  • A mirror is used as a guide for seeing the world of perfumes.

Vorozhinnya on Rіzdvo: rules of conduct

  • In order not to overwhelm the sweating forces, read the share and secure a clean energy flow of the link before the ritual:
  1. Raise the Cross
  2. Take care of the knots on belts, bracelets
  3. Let go of the skein of hair
  4. Take away church paraphernalia
  5. Put out the light, light the candles
  • Having started the ritual, do not cross the kіntsіvki - it also creates an energy flow

Vorozhinnya on Rіzdvo on the betrothed and kokhannya

Three different cards of the card deck

  • Ready to fresh card deck
  • Vityaguemo jack and king
  • Put down your pillow before going to bed
  • Promote: “I will order my betrothed to dream, in the form of cards before I appear”
  • Until the very sleep, none of them speaks
  • After waking up, we take one card for a pillow
  1. When the king appears, talk about those who will grow up in judgment for telling fortunes
  2. Jack, scho vipav - promises a young betrothed or one-year-old
  3. How did the suit on the card turn out:
  • Chervova - names to be known to the nearest sharpened
  • Pikova - a prophet of a carefree person
  • Khrestova - betrothed zustrіnete vipadkovo
  • Bubnova - you will know the hell out of friends and relatives

Ritual "Mistok"

  1. Prepare boxes of sirniki
  2. Clear their widows
  3. Perebuvayuchi on self, lay under the pillow of mist from sirnikiv
  4. Waking up to sleep, say: "Come before me, lead me through the place, prompting me."
  • Golovne vranci prokinivshis to guess the main signs of Kohan
  • You can also use a song sign: hair color, accent, chase, birthmark, scar
  • Nadali to the very same camp, like a maiden who has thrown herself over, to help her betrothed.

To the victories of the kіltsya


  • Golden heel, bagan without a stone
  • bottle of water
  • Candle
  1. When the sun sets, we choose a quiet room
  2. Vimikaemo light, all electrical appliances
  3. Let's light a candle
  4. We put a bottle of water in front of her
  5. We lower a hoop into it
  6. We try not to think about anything
  7. Seeing the water calmly, without stress
  8. After a deaky hour, the betrothed looked to appear in the vodi

For the help of coins


  • Photograph of a kokhan
  • 10 coins of whatever denomination
  • 2 candles
  1. At the center of the round table we put two candles with a winder 20 div each other
  2. Between them, roztashovuєmo photograph to the faces of the fortune-teller
  3. Concentrate thoughts of food: "My future is cohanim?"
  4. With the right hand we throw coins in the photo
Orly Tails clue
1 9 Next change the shutter, otherwise I threaten the separation
2 8 Point out the filthy podії, like to cause unreasonableness with the sample
3 7 Nothing sleepy with a human being can not be. Tse is not your share
4 6 Nezabar will be given a sign that I can give you the opportunity to create harmony. Do not miss yoga, otherwise I threaten the separation
5 5 Vіdnosini on mezhі razryvu: you varto more than an hour to add one to one
6 4 We don't love you
7 3 Check for the birth of a new member of this family
8 2 You can solve the financial problem more comfortably. Do not throw your soul mate in an important situation, at the same time you will be successful
9 1 Kokhany adds a lot of time to financial problems. The stench will soon be infatuated, and you will stand in the forefront of your party.
10 0 You are more likely to love a person, as I don’t deserve your baiduzhіst. Change your setting to a new and happy, harmonious stosunki secure on the old happy fates
0 10 Spravzhnі shirі pochіkuyut in the future period, like not afraid of the band

Vorozhinnya on Rіzdvo on the future

Tsіkavі ways of divination to the holy

By metal lance

  1. Exactly about 24:00 at night from 6 to 7 September, take a seat to the center of any room.
  2. Turn off the light
  3. Light a candle
  4. Squeeze a metal lance in your hands
  5. Think about the future, what to cry
  6. Seeing the warmth, throw it in front of you
  • Adopted form embellish may have the same interpretation:
The form clue
Rivna smuga Spring and slipping at all beginnings
Kolo chi oval Check for unacceptable problems, which will be delayed
Woozley Bad sign. Possible financial collapse. Problems zі zdorov'yam that in osobistih vіdnosinah. The number of problems is proportional to the number of nodes that have settled.
Khmara positive interpretation. Everything that is intended to be dreamed of
Trikutnik Chekaє great kohannya, vezinnya
snake Possible harm from the side of the closest people
Bow For the unfriendly - fun. Family eyes on the look of the new people
Heart Mutually kohannya here instruct
Insignificant form Timchasovo closed information. The spirits don't want to talk about the future. Tse is not bad, that is not good. neutral sign

For help paper

  1. Take a newspaper sheet
  2. Zim'yat yogo in a chaotic order
  3. Lay flat grass
  4. Walk up to the even light wall, on which there are no everyday little ones.
  5. Turn off the light
  6. Pіdpalіt papyr
  7. The shadow of the paper on the wall is exactly about all the undertones that will evoke this fate. The picture comes out alive, that is collapsing, like a cartoon. It is important, more importantly, to stand up to this moment, without revealing all the details of the “movie”. It is possible to rozuminnya pobachenno come troch pіznіshe
  8. When the fire goes out, take a lighted candle
  9. Direct її on the breast of paper, what is left out, so that її shadow is left out on the wall - it will be the final result of stream rock.
  • For example, on a live picture, there is a lot of passion (kviti, kisses, sex, good fun), and the result is a stroller with a child

The most simple fortune telling on Rіzdvo

  1. coin
  2. Trochs of salt
  3. Kiltse
  4. Zukor
  5. Nosovichok
  • Lay out in cups, curling with a piece of cloth
  • Mix bowls
  • We choose to be like a bottle

Shukaєmo a clue for the symbol that got caught, vicorist table

It is possible to see the vorozhinnya in a different way. But those who, in the night before the Rizdva, right miracles are observed, it is not easy to build a church. During the great night, the heavenly expanse opens up. To go to the street in front of the Svitanka and turn around from the majestic bazhanny at the dawn of the expanse about the vision of one’s sacred dream, the expanse, which opened up, would be a sign that the world was destined to come together. Some people dream, some people believe, and some people laugh skeptically. Ale ti, to whom the wonder has gone far away - the heavens, which are opening up, confirm with confidence that it has become. Those who have had less than a dream, after a well-worn bastard. Ale, be careful. Bazhannya will wake up obov'yazkovo! Ale chi wondered, what do you want the most?

Even from long ago, the words vikoristovuvali for zahist that vikonannya bazhan lyalki shore. This is a very slow and effective way to reach me. You can learn more about these amulets in my articles published earlier:

Video: Vorozhinnya on Christmas at home: just

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