Cheremsha vyroschuvannya z nasinnya vesnі. Cheremsha - landing that sight at wet soil. How to grow wild garlic for the present.

Ramsons rise up to the grassy, ​​bagatoric growths of the cibulous homeland. There are two types of culture that are widely spread and popularized: tsibulya is possible and vedmezha. In natural minds wild garlic grows to the Far Descent, the Caucasus and Siberia.

Vedmezha cibulya is small, 20 to 50 cm tall, growing like galyavins in mixed and broad-leaved forests.

It is possible to grow a cibula up to 70 cm of a cusp, may have a parasol flower with pale green blotches. Yogo is also called Siberian wild garlic. Vіn more frost-resistant, lower vedmezhiy.

The leaves of wild garlic are similar to convalia: they are also wide and green. Ale Roslin doesn't say twinkles, but a flower-bearing arrow with swaying succulents, which are made up of impersonal white white flowers.

  • Dobre laying ґrunt;
  • Grunt from a sufficient amount of calcium;
  • Misce near the darkness or small shading;
  • Mulch plantings.

Important! In the pivnіchnyh areas (for example, Novosibirsk chi Ural) for cultivation, choose the cibula Peremozhnu chi Kolba. Have Podmoskov'ї growth be-any sort.

Ramson yak viroshchuvati

The wild cibula is not able to be seen and fed, like wild garlic in the country, you can’t imagine folding. A bed can be planted in the shade of fruit trees or chagarniks, white sheds and a fence. As such, there is no such place, a dilyanka on the sun tezh pidide, but in the fall of the roslin it will happen to be watered more often. Ale and the growth of the cibula will be better in the future, and the next day will be more. To love the water of the cibula, but not to endure too much water, to that you have the power at low places, which are heated, drainage. The sour earth is not suitable for you; If the leaves of wild garlic dry up, watering will be quick.

A wild cibula can be grown in one place of rich rocks, with which it will step by step rise from the earth. Hanging springs of autumn on the garden bed sip humus in a small ball. Vіn replace pіdgodіvlyu and prisple roslini potribnoy clay soil. The planting of a rose garden and a native wild cherry is carried out in autumn and spring.

How wild garlic breeds

Establish three ways to breed wild cibula:

Reproduction in a vegetative way is the most efficient. Tsibulini, which hang out, are guilty of buti succulent, with rinds and without poshkodzhen. Between the holes for planting, fill up at a distance of 20 cm, cibulini bury at the ground by 2-3 cm, mulch the beds with scorched leaves of trees (albeit not fruitful). Mulch should be saved for a long time in the soil. To propagate the bushes, carefully, so as not to damage the roots, vykopyut and podіlyayat tsibuliny. Visajuvati їх is required to be okremo. You can transplant cibulini at Zhovtnі.

Buy cibulini for planting folding. And yet, even though they were far away to know, they overthink the quality of the planting material and that root. The stench is not guilty but dry. Wild cibula wild ramson reacts badly to the lack of water.

It’s like picking up the rain from the damp dews, to protect it, that the wild garlic is taken up more than once, so plantings periodically take place and the dews are crushed, so that the last fell into the prepared container. When sowing the soil, they do not bury them near the ground, but spread them on top and mulch the beast with a small ball of soil.

Wild garlic

It is difficult for us to propagate the weed cibula for the present, it is rarely possible to stagnate in this way. And yet, I didn’t get far enough away from the cibulini, I happened to take yoga to the rescue. For growing wild garlic, how to grow out of the earth is a serious food. On the right, in what is now not even fresher, or was taken incorrectly, it may not go away. In nature, matured in the middle of summer, it falls off and is left to lie all winter in the ground in a calm place. Pass stratification. Only hanging stinks begin to descend. Therefore, in the home minds, it is necessary to buy that planting of a new inlet, so that the parostki in the early spring will grow. How do you plant wild garlic, how did you buy late in autumn or on the cob of winter? Їx for three months they put it by the refrigerator, to stratify. Early in the spring after planting the snow right away, and even at the grass-chervni you can get it right away.

It’s already easy to put it in a box, or a mountain worker, and bury it in the dilyantsi near the soil near the pivtin. Tse allow not to waste the place of landing, that kind of Buryaniv will be easier to take care of. At the mountaineer, it is necessary to lay drainage and fill it with germinal soil. Before sowing, you can soak it in a growth stimulant or sprout yogo.

The place for sowing may be deep (young roslins will grow here two times). The rose garden should be watered regularly and in less than two years it can be transplanted to a standing place. It is possible to see the leaves with the current reproduction only after 5 years.

Even though it hasn’t happened, maybe a few reasons:

  • Loss of similarity through savings;
  • Nedotrimannya rules soivu;
  • Vimivannya wood or melt water.

This is the only way to multiply that advantage, which will immediately take away a lot of roslin. Nestacha - klopitno and long-term checks for vrozhay.

Viroshchuvannya rose

Summer residents often feed: if and how to plant wild garlic, shobi better take off the crop. When planting cybulin wild garlic, the most pleasant hour is autumn. For planting, create the necessary minds:

  • A place in the shade: a bіlya parkanіv, hospodar's budіvel, fruit trees from a pivnіchny chid side. Fragrant wild garlic to add clods of zapilyuvachіv and increase the harvest of yagid and fruits;
  • Chi is not hindered by planting wild garlic in the beds between vegetable crops; Then vryatuє tomatoes vіd late blight and vіdlyakaє shkіdnikіv;
  • The places are unique because of the stagnation of water, and in the distance, where it is heated, the drainage is broken from pebbles, crushed stone and sand;
  • The soil is to blame for being fluffy and porous, so peat, compost or humus should be brought to the garden. Tse give the roslins dodatkove eating, and in the event it is necessary for the pіzhivlennyah;
  • In the fall, the garden bed is mulched, and the curtains need to be turned up, taking the mulch. Spring with small frosts is not terrible for wild cybuli;
  • They take away the tickets for the young rose garden, so that the stench does not help the growth of strength and does not take away the food;
  • Only the fourth river can be started to pick up the birth.

Digging up the soil on the beds for the wild cibula, picking out the rhizomes of weeds, making humus.

For hanging trees, plant holes with a width of 20 cm, and between rows - 40 cm. Straighten the roots of cibulini, bury them by 2/3 and sip with earth. Water and mulch the plantings with compost, and scorch the leaves for the beast.

It’s hard to look at the growth at a distance: you need to regularly water and weed the weeds. Do not carry out fluffing, in order to destroy the root system, but streak mulch behind the camp, raising the soil near the fluffy and damp camp.

It’s like planting wild garlic in the shade of trees and chagarniks, it’s not necessary for a glance, because minds are created for her, close to natural ones.

Cheremsha landing that sight

It's easy to look at wild garlic. It is necessary to keep the soil, so that the soil is peaceful, and when the beds dry out, water the beds. From lime to spring, wild garlic springs up, at the same time watering quickly.

The mulch procedure is obov'yaskovoy. The cibula is not viroste without some wild animal. In autumn, mulch is piled on the beds, and the curtains are taken away.

Frosty winter wild garlic does not lakaє, but in warmth it grows better. Spekotne summer for her can be fatal.

Renewal replace humus and compost. Autumn and spring can be fed with ammonium nitrate and superphosphate. For the introduction of phosphorus and potassium, give an arrow signal that they have appeared. Tsі dobriva to help better to see us and to settle down to cibulins.

On a note. Do not give growth to the weeds on the beds, they take it away at the hour, and the axis of fluffing up the soil is more than necessary carefully.

I choose to give birth

Ramson grows even more regularly. Rivers have less than one substitution cybulin (maximum two). Correct choice harvest means: all the greens do not grow. One or two leaves, which are left out, will help the growth of the swedish. The amount of planting material is large to allow the growth of a sprat of beds. In this way, picking wild garlic sprouts only from one bed, and on the other - to give an hour to the wild cybuli to wake up and gain strength. After 5 years, the growth will need to be planted.

Hanging (near the flower-grass) leaves and arrows of the wild garlic are sown for salads. You can pickle and marinate cibulins, or you should have a fresh look. To save wild garlic for the winter, there are a few ways:

  • Drying and freezing. The greens are washed and dried on open air. You can chop or deprive the whole roselin. Yogo rozsipayut on the dance floor and wine at the reception, which is checked. Periodically steal greens;
  • You can beat the oven for drying. Restore the temperature to 40 degrees and fix the doors. Properly hung roslin is easy to break;
  • When frozen, the leaves and stems froze, shrivel and spread near plastic containers with lids that curl up. Take away from the freezer;
  • Salting also allows you to save the aroma and taste of wild garlic. Greens are chopped, minced from the sill and packaged at the container. Take it from the liokha or in the refrigerator;
  • Even savory garden wild garlic has a marinated look. The Roslins are stacked by the jar and preparing the marinade. For 1 liter of water, take 2 tablespoons of zucru and salt, boil, add 100 g of 9% otstu, fill jars, sterilize 5 quills and close;
  • You can save fresh greens in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.


Cheremsha from old, long ago vicorist with a jubilant method:

  • It increases appetite, helps robotic shkt, relieves the camp with gastritis and colitis;
  • It is recommended to turn on the wild cibula at the meal when moving arterial vice, diseases of the thyroid gland, vessels, organs of the respiratory tract, heart diseases, oncology, obesity and zinc;
  • Cheremsha may have a sweating and sechoginal effect, working as an antispasmodic and antimicrobial disease, improving immunity;
  • Vedmezha tsibula cleanses the body of slags and toxins.

Nevibagly roslin wild garlic growing at the dacha deserved it. It is worthy of the budinok at the winter hour, to that the wild cibula does not like the light of day with a little light, and it is not necessary to lighten it. At home, wash your mind to go as a whole. If you don’t know the current wild cibulus in your area, you can name them on the websites of companies that are engaged in the crossing of sadzhantsiv that present day. The mail at our hour is good, and the promise is to deliver fast.

Wild ramson from domestic minds is the best option for reproducing wild vitamin species. Іsnuє 2 the widest type of cybuli-cheremshі with leaves similar to konvalіy - vedmezhiy and peremozhny. The first, with a flower-nosed up to 30 cm curl, with a white vein, growth in the forests of the Caucasus, Siberia and Europe, it develops on an ear of lettuce, like a greater number of cibulin. Another species grows in Siberia and the Caucasus, the larger one, with green flowers, vegetates all summer. Grievances have been added to the Chervonoy Book of about four regions, they are multiplying today.

How wild garlic breeds

As if it were a wild-looking species, wild garlic takes root less in the minds, which are as similar as possible to the area of ​​natural expansion. This wild cybula in nature grows near leafy forests, on galyavins, near swampy areas, not to like open spaces. The natural reproduction of the mind - to us, as if independently roaming around the earth in the fall of that autumn. Descend the coming spring from today, like to lie through the winter. Cover the grass with those leaves, the grains vibrate the frost. Therefore, it is a pleasure to multiply the wild garlic for us, as it has gone through stratification. They are placed at the substrate in the refrigerator for 80-90 days. Deyakі fahivtsі nalyagayut on the fact that we have cheremshі in the daytime period of calm, and such a reception is not needed for the breeding of roslin.

Singing difficulties in breeding wild vedmezhoy tsibuli. In our country, chosen in the spring and autumn, there is a short trivality of similarity. Follow the natural schedule, it’s better to plant wild garlic in the winter. Spring sowing of the day will give parostkiv half less, lower sown grains. You may come across the river, it’s better to mark the seedlings of the village and not to sprout.

A lot of gardeners say that the tsibula, which is already growing on a dilyantsi, propagated with roses under the bush. What way to this particular type easier, lower cheremshі vroshchivanya from nasіnnya in home minds. It is necessary to carefully dig up wild garlic bushes, so that all the roots are saved, which grow like cibulini, fennel from an earthen breast. Podіlyajut on okremі tsiboulini and vіdrazu vіdrazu vіdzhuyut at the preparation and the hole spilled with water. Propagation of wild garlic by cibulins is less possible in quiet forests, de growth is endemic. Culture, which is transported for a short period of time, spends a vologer with other roots, and more often a gin in a new place.

How to plant wild garlic on us

Choosing a plant for wild garlic, guarding natural factors, in which roslin reproduces by self-sowing:

  • peacefully watery soil, it is possible to close the flood of underground waters;
  • on the Maidanchik there are no talis or wooden carts;
  • soil from clay, sandy loam or loamy soil with weakly acidic or slightly lukewarm reaction;
  • thin place, pivtin;
  • the whole area is mulched with leaves trimmed with dry grass.

Like a city dweller of upheavals, which can now be a permissive cibulus, and not a witch, it is better to spread out on a sleepy dilyance. This view of the wild garlic is the victory of the bright Galyavins.

If you can plant wild garlic

In the distance, plantings of wild garlic in the autumn, for example sickles, until the middle of spring. The store should take care of the date of packaging of the products. Fresher now, chosen by the fate of the influx, to secure the hanging harn similarity. The city dwellers sing that descend on the ground near the garden can appear for the second time. So for a long time to lie near the earth today, as if it did not go through stratification. Like the stink of getting drunk, let them go, scho zaznilis. To that, they fence the yard, mulch it, and help it through the long warm season. Spring planting of wild garlic should be carried out after stratification.

Ground preparation

As soon as we sit at the container, pick up containers with a depth of 12-15 cm. Sprouts of wild garlic should be carried out at least 2 years before the term of transplantation. Relatively prepare a living substrate:

  • 2 parts of garden orchard soil;
  • 1 part humus or compost;
  • 1 part peat.

Drainage is laid at the bottom of the tanks from crushed pebbles, expanded clay. The lower flat of the container may be buti with openings. Places are installed on paddocks.

Sowing wild garlic in the garden soil also transfers the preparation of the plot:

  • assign fenced cordon plantings of wild garlic;
  • in low places, they take 20 cm of a fruitful ball, so that drainage can be built under it from the soil or crushed stone;
  • sour soil dig more inlet and vapnuyut;
  • for tyzhden to sіvby nasіnnya to bring in organic matter, water with humus per 1 sq. m.

Stratification of wild garlic

Sowing wild garlic for the winter right into the ground on the farm transferring natural stratification in the frozen ground. As soon as you go to the container, you will promoly:

  • pom_schayut at єmnіst іz ґruntom аbo pіskom;
  • put at the refrigerator for 2 months.

How to plant wild garlic

For the shortest similarity, wild garlic is cultivated in stimulating varieties according to the instructions and to germinate. After the preparations are put in a gauze bag, they are placed near a flat container, where every hour, a little warm water is added. Through the process of sprouting, the tissue is guilty of getting wet and wading through the autumn. The temperature again can be between + 20-26 ° С. The place is covered up, so that the Vologda does not vape over it quickly.

Sprouted with tweezers, lay out at the grave - rows, lightly stick with a ball of up to 0.5-1 cm.

At to the critical soil the depth of the rows is up to 5 cm, the interval between the furrows is 15-20 cm. m. Peat is sprinkled on top, so that it is easier for the hanging parosts to break through to the light.

There is one more way to propagate wild garlic in autumn:

  • lay out 2-3 dry grains on the deepened soil in a ceramic miner;
  • sip a ball of peat up to 3 cm to the animal;
  • the mountaineer is placed near the garden in a hole for yoga, they cover the beast with peat and other mulch, leaves, which they have crossed with straw.

With such minds we spend the winter now, then we will clean up the hanging mulch and peat, and designate the place with the mountaineers for obov'yazkovo for watering and sightseeing.

How to grow the wild garlic from now on

To propagate the wild garlic in the country, the parosts are transplanted from the container through the river of the coming spring. The following rules are being drawn up for keeping an eye on tendencies in household minds:

  • all the time young growths trim on a bright place, but not on a sleepy window, so that the stench does not roar;
  • The soil is guilty of buti liberation regularly;
  • once a day, lightly fluff the soil with a thin stick, not approaching parostkіv;
  • in autumn and winter time, the crops will be provided with light, up to 10-12 years a day.

The growth of the cybuli, which made its way on the streets, is also careless for the constant sight:

  • It is easy to loosen the soil with a thin narrow tool.
  • Bur'yani are carefully seen.
  • Irrigate at the inter-row.
  • Peat sips, yakscho vin vivsya after the board.
  • Update the ball of mulch from the leaf.

Watering schedule

Parostki tsibuli, scho znahodyatsya in rassadnіy єmnostі, watered in a day or two. The soil cannot be rehydrated, and at one time it can be brought to dryness. Vletka, in the hot season, it is possible to water the girls for a day. In the middle of autumn it is enough to water the container 1-2 times a day.

Chi is necessary for a year

In the first river, grow a cibula for a year with balanced complex fertilizers for greenery:

After transplanting on a post-yne place, vicorist is also organically good like an infusion:

If you can transplant wild garlic

Parostki zmіtsnіyut less until another spring of their development. It is possible to transplant wild garlic, for example, on a cold day, the culture is not afraid of turning frosts and cold weather:

  • it is necessary to take special thin and double spatulas for planting near spatulas, by which it is possible to divide the soil from the container into sections, in which case one cibulice will be used;
  • Water the soil near the moon before planting with water, like in a container with a rose garden;
  • take sections on the shoulder blade and transfer them to the hole, trying not to damage the old root;
  • the holes are covered with earth, they are thickened and mulched.

Ramson growth on one distance 6-7 years. After 2-3 rocks, new growths emerge from the cybulini, new growths are established, a stubble bush is established, like a canopy planted behind standard agricultural technology. The same time pochinaєtsya and the first bloom of wild garlic. Vedmezha tsibulya is given at the linden, with vyanennyam of the above-ground part. From the permissive cybuli, they take the last from the sickle. Leafing on the greenery, they sprout after 5 rokiv roses.


Wild ramson from home will give the first harvest for 4-5 years of development. At this time, less than 1 leaf is grown from the skin growth, obov'yazkovo overlying the leaves for the vegetation of cibulin. Folding process of reproduction of true facts, shards of bagat culture to your own warehouse.

Cheremsha until now it is not wide enough on modern garden plots. The deyakі її are trying to multiply, bringing cibulin to the fox, but the main mass is trying to take care of vitamin bagatorichnik іz nasinnya.

Gardeners-pochatkіvtsі, soaking grow the wild garlic for the future, know bad luck. There are no folding. For її distant growth, it is necessary to know about features of agricultural technology. Naygolovnіshe - protect those who have a long period of calm for our material.

The first lower hangings of their hangings, the stench of a stretch of 100 days can go through stratification with low temperature and high water. The easiest thing to do is to cook a refrigerator. At the new one, they help us with goodness, and with an uncontaminated vologous squeak, we uperemish with us. You can vikoristovuvat i vologa fabric, how to put it in hermetically close the bank. For a short period of stratification, they will check the water, and now they will shake it up, so that they can get access again. After the end of the appointed period, now that it has sprung up, sit in the garden.

Autumn soiv to be carried out after the fact, how to choose the day. During the autumn and winter, the camp of deep calm is broken, and the spring of the day I sprout.
The sowing of the next autumn is carried out no later than the autumn, the spring - at the closet. The lines are shorter to prepare a later date. With each depth of 5 cm, and the distance between rows - not less than 15 cm. During the autumn sowing, the rows are covered with a slab and attached to the animal with peat or compost.. Ukrittya tidy up in a row after that, like a snow. When planting a curtain, the bed is covered with spunbond until the seedlings appear.

So, like wild garlic - a whole roslin, for growing it is suitable to use mud. Tse can be sparse crowns of trees, chagarniki, pіvnіchna side budov chi fenced. It can grow in the sun, but it is heavily overgrown with weeds, and the leaves are coarse or dry.

Roslina will require neutral soils without stagnation of overhead water. Vaughn can't stand re-permission either. Strife with saplings is not due to overgrowth with weeds, so young growths let out 1 oval leaf and can be mistaken for weeds. Call on the bagatatorik to douse natural water, and watering is necessary during smoky and dry weather. Sіyantsі viroshchuyut without transplantation. Then, vykopyat group plantings, separate them and hang on 1 tsibulinc with a great entrance and zanureny at the ground no more than 5 cm below.

On the cob of spring, as only a little zіyde snіg, it is necessary to carry out an increase in the amount of up to 40 g of complex fertilizer per 1 sq. m. m. Shchob not zachepit tsibulini, soil loosen up superficially. You can also stick with a narrow ball of granular humus, compost or peat earth with a ball up to 3 cm.

Only after 5 years, the great groups of roslin, which have grown strongly, are divided and transplanted to another place. Transplantation is more often carried out in the autumn, when choosing the most cibulini-children. Transplanted cybulins can be butted down with fluffy earth up to 10 cm.

The first harvest can be harvested only after the fact that wild garlic is good in growth. At this hour, the cibulini are already chimali, and the above-ground part is a mitzna. When picking the first one, I give birth to one top leaf. Torkati reshtu leafing is not recommended, to that roslina cannot accumulate a life of speech for the establishment of new cibulins.

Ramson sadova - zeroslina, yak has long been in love with rich regions of our country. It grows in natural minds on the Far Descent, in Europe, in the Caucasus. The first parosts are hanging. At the same time, lovers of spices rush for wild garlic to the markets and, out of satisfaction, fill wild cybuli. This is another name for the tsієї miraculous growth, which can be attributed to the genus Tsibulya and can grow in one of two species: the tsibula is possible and the tsibule of the vedmezha. Regardless of those in wild nature Yogo can be seen in the forests, on the banks of the rivers, whether a suffocating gardener can take care of growing wild garlic in his dacha.

Features and Vidi Roslini

The culture is brought to the group of ephemeroids. So they call it, yaks, being bagatorists, develop their land part in the summer period. The leaves are closer to autumn, near the birch there is a stink of vitamins. Over the hour, the leaf becomes more and more rough, to which the leaves can only be left until that hour, until the flower blossoms.

If the flowering of the wild garlic ends, then it begins to sag. Їm was judged to sprouted less than advancing fate. You can save the current cybuli-cheremshі, and then you can also grow roslins on the balcony. As soon as the stench catches up, it’s good to expand, with the currents of warmth, you can hang on the garden.

With its gusto, the wild garlic is more like a watchmaker. Like only in the forest, spring is coming, the leaves are appearing. The stench is already similar to a convalia, but only until the moment the arrows appear, as if they were guessing a parasol. To find out, like wild garlic flowers, you can go out into the woods and try to know the growth, I’ll go to the horses, but with a great arrow.

The fruits of wild garlic are similar to small trihedral boxes, in which there is a ripening of a black rounded nose. Root-cibulinka in culture white color. The average height of the growth is about 40-50 centimeters.

Until the ramsons - the vedmezho tsibuli - the gardeners go deep into the air. On the right, in the fact that leafing tsієї grew even more corisne for health. A high amount of vitamins and stimulation of the work of the SHKT are a smutty perevagi, for which culture is highly valued.

In the wild nature, the culture of two species is multiplied:

  • tsibulya vedmezha;
  • cibula is possible.

The mustache parts of the hedgehog live: leaves, roots, stems. Ways of stosuvannya can be different: in the fresh at the warehouse of salads, and in the dried, pickled and infused - for other needs.

Tsibulya vedmezha

Tsey looking to be compact, his height can reach only 0.2-0.5 meters. Give 2-3 leaves, the width of the skin - no more than 5 centimeters. When you appear, you can watch them already near the birch tree, if it’s snowing outside, and the soil is warming up well. Growth of wild garlic to worm-linden, after which the leaves begin to grow. On a small area, a large number of roslins can grow overnight.

In this hour, the growth of wild garlic is aggravated by such factors as the destruction of forests, non-control of the selection, and deterioration of the environment. For these reasons, culture is listed in the Red Book. Tse rob the viroshchuvannya sche tsіkavіshim.

Tsibulya is possible

Roslin, the height of which can be 0.7 meters. When blooming, the parasol is settled with pale green flowers. Flowering at grass on the cob of worms, such wild garlic can be seen until spring (fallow in the climate, in which it grows).

The cibula is able to grow well on acidic soils, and its frost resistance is rich for its resistance to the cold weather of the cibula. From the look of the ovnishnіh vіdmіnnosti, krіm height of the stalk, next to the enlarged cibulin, schіlnіshiy kvіtkonos. The vegetative period of this kind of wild garlic is three until the end of summer. Through the use of stocks of culture, the won became rare and listed to the red book.

Korisn_ authority

Viroschuvannya in the city - great satisfaction for gardeners, like stalking for their health. You can put in the hedge all parts of the growth, which are victorious with a jubilant method:

Viroshchuvannya to bring rich corist, to that її a warehouse of riches on ethereal olії, yakі when grafting into a hedgehog, it can be anti-seizure and absorb toxins from the body.

Yak grow wild garlic

Planting wild garlic can be done in two ways: we will add cibulin for help. The leather method of cultivation may have its own advantages and shortcomings, prote most of the summer residents of vicorous nasinnya for cultivation of culture. Varto also means that when wild garlic is planted, in a wet soil, there is only one ovary in one growth. For reasons of reason, the city dwellers give priority to the native way of growing.

Viroshchuvannya wild garlic

Viroshchuvannya cheremshі for help now comes from a sprat of stages:

  1. Landscaping of the territory of the soviet. It is essential that the wild garlic does not perish at the moment of germination among the grass.
  2. Preparing a business. This stage is not to be skipped, as there are ground waters nearby. On the beds, it is necessary to install a drainage system from crushed stone or broken chains. It is also necessary to weed the weeds and dig the earth.
  3. The introduction is kind. Before the frosts best option become organic.
  4. You can arrange a landing at Veresni. They have small furrows, which do not exceed 20 centimeters between them, they lay down. The recommended amount, which must be kept in mind at the moment, is 10 g of soil per square meter of land. On top of the top, they sip with earth and peat.
  5. Watering plantings for help watering cans.

It is possible to plant a nasinnya and a hanging one. For this method of cultivation, it is necessary to zagartovat, placing in wet sand, the temperature of which is -1 to -3 ° C. The first parosts need to be thoroughly weeded and regularly weed the soil under them. After two rivers, if the seedlings become mitzni, they can be transplanted to a bed.

Planting cibulin

Cibulini wild garlic as a gardening material for gardeners, which to represent, like growing wild garlic, is not even relevant. Yields with this method of planting are not much higher than the temple, but in some valleys, one still goes into this method. Features of cultivation for additional planting of cibulins are as follows:

  • it is best to hang cybulins on the cob in autumn or in the middle of spring;
  • to prepare the dilyanka the same way, like for the sake of growing up;
  • for dermal cibulina, to destroy the destruction of the soil in the presence of specimens of at least 15 centimeters. After planting the cybulin should be covered with peat.

If you plant wild garlic correctly, it will take root, and you can take the first harvest in three years. Knowing how to plant wild garlic, the gardener takes away the miraculous result of his work.

Growing wild garlic will require great patience. Single and noble sprouts are more small, the same in a mature cultural roslina not too big. Virostayuchi one mistsi, one bush can give birth to three more than 7 years.

The process of growing should follow some simple rules:

  • partial watering;
  • regular fluffing;
  • purity of the soil;
  • the demolition of the Buryanivs;
  • regular refreshment.

It is important that by stretching the first two years, there is no need for more of them to enter. In a grown-up one, the growth becomes more powerful to the eye and reacts wonderfully to watering and revival.

The representative of the family of cybulins - wild garlic - having won the love of gardeners-summer residents with its spicy-aromatic powers. Vzagalі tse dika roslina Ale, it is more accessible and for growing on a garden plot. Stattya rozpovist, how to plant tsyu roslina to us, and also how to choose її vegetate at your dacha.

Cheremsha buvaє kіlkoh vidіv. However, most often under this word, the variety of Tsibulya vedmezha is smeared on the uvaz, as it is possible to shoot in bunches on the shelves of the markets. This fox swindler looks like a guard, for relish - a watchmaker. Cibulini in wild garlic, about 1 cm long. The stem is trihedral, the curls are up to 40 cm. In the fox, the wild garlic itself protects itself from the undergrowth: growth in swamps or a deaf part, growing up to the ear of the cob. However, all the same, Roslin is known at the Red Book.

People value wild garlic for gusto and power, that's why there was a fashion for growing on garden plots. The process is simple. It is not necessary to pay more attention to the sprat of nuances. Dacha practice today has two ways of cultivating wild cybuli:

  1. At the muddy gardens chi pivtinі bіla gospodarskih budіvel.
  2. On the garden beds, according to the state, with vegetables and other roses.

Wild garlic bush

The task of the first option is to create a natural environment for the growth of wild garlic: in the shade, water, lowlands - places, de sounding the growth of only a Buryan. Roslin may not require a glance and grant a vitamin harvest already in early spring. For cultivation of the city vedmezho tsibuli, a neutral germinal soil is necessary. Cibulini will be at a depth of 7-15 cm - the earth may be fluffy, plowed. The smoke is not obov'yazkova.

How to plant and grow wild garlic

The principle of cultivating wild garlic is similar to the cultivation of traditional baguettes. It is possible to take care of the reproduction of the growth, if it is within reach of the age of 4 years. Tse roble:

  • now;
  • cibulins.

The minus of reproduction by cibulins is that one time of advancing fate will replace more than one roslin. Cibulini are rooted like summer - on the cob of autumn and mid-spring. Leaves are harvested in 3 rows. As you can see the name of the cibulini, break off the flower parasol during the period of budding, and then take off more bulbs.

If you want to plant wild garlic on our days, remember: after the flowers (roslina has given a parasol of rounded white flowers) the planting material should be used as a planting material for red-linden. It is not easy to know the place of growing wild garlic, but in a different way, it is illegal through those who are not in the Red Book. Ideally now - those who have already caught up, but have not yet sagged.

Porada. The husk of the now vedmezho cibula is firmer, so it is necessary to germinate them in a freshly sown camp. Otherwise stink to waste similarity. Bathe them rationally from mid-summer to autumn. It is important to note the date of packing.

Today, you can once again hang out in the mulched soil - the stench will appear already before spring, otherwise it will shine in the winter. It is also possible to work after stratification at t 0 ... -3 ° C with a stretch of 80-100 dB. First river of wild garlic varto to hold at the box. On the other, you can hang out at the ground, deepening by 0.5-1 cm.

In order for the roslin to take root near the soil, choose a place, as it warms up well in the spring. Tsiliy Rik do not let the soil dry out. Go roslin give the nearest spring. You can see the leaves in 5 years.

Respect! Nasіnnya, sow the curtains after the stratification, go only through the river. To that varto plant them for the winter, in containers.

How to look at wild garlic and pick a crop

To viroshchuvat vedmezh tsibula, it is necessary to stock up on patience. Odnorychna wild garlic - a small parostok with one leaf, yard trochs are larger than roses. Roslin has grown - a small bush, which is made up of a few leaves. A normal harvest in one locality of a farm house will bring no more than 7 years.

Watching the growth, there are no annual innovative tricks:

  • water frequently;
  • fluff the earth;
  • keep planting clean;

Cheremsha does not have a special eye
  • have fun with the Buryan;
  • fertilize wild garlic with mineral nourishment and organic matter.

Moreover, in the first rіk-two one does not need one. After the completion of the growing season, mulch the beds with peat, spread the bush and transfer it to a new plot.

Porada. Seeing leafing through, try not to mess up the succulent. We see in them, in the fall, I instruct and increase your "plantation" of offensive fate.

If the wild garlic grows up to a ripe leaf, repair it immediately after the snow is tanned. In the rest of the black, take the arrows - right up until the last day of growth you become milky and waxy. Arrows for relish turn over the leaves and miraculously marinate. Look at the vedmezhu cibulina in the grass, do not forget to deprive the cibulini in the soil. Pick up the leaves next not more often than once in a couple of years, and at the same time you can’t pick up all the time. Cibuli for further preparations for the next harvest of spring autumn.

Like a cultivated onion, wild garlic can be fermented in jars or miners. For whom to plant cibulini for example, the harvest will be already near the district of Christmas holidays. Difficulties in the process of growing and cultivating the wine will be the first spring greens on your table.

Cheremsha: video

Cheremsha, which in a different way is often called a flask or a bear's cibula and a watchmaker, is a spice of rosemary, as it is possible to use it in the markets all over. Cheremsha grows literally from the snow, and the number of green picks straight up to the forests, to pick up the її. Ale, it turns out, growing homemade wild garlic in the beds is also possible. Today, we are told, as if to grow tsyu korisnu and savory growth on the vlasnіy dіlyantsі, tim more, like wild garlic, and more precisely, growing from nasіnnya, on the right is clumsy.

Cheremsha is a rich green rose from the family of cibulin, prote, for the aroma, evocative look, and savory flavors are more reminiscent of the watchmaker. Leafing wild wild ramson zovsіm guessing young people descend fox convalії, ale stray to pass, varto growth blooms. Vedmezhiy chasnik blooms unfamiliar, ale enchanting: a single arrow-stem rises from the leaves uphill, on which we then bloom a parasol-kvіtkonos.

The flower of wild garlic has the shape of a small bag, on which the white buds are curved. On the very cob of the leaf, wild garlic bears fruits - trihedral miniature filigrees, which have the middle sight of a dark, practically black color.

See the witch's cybuli

Two types of roslin-wild plants are called a flask or wild garlic. Offended stench mayut similar old look, relish power and get used to the hedgehog, and in the season bloom and ripen, the territory of sprouting, and also grow.

Table 1

Peremozhna tsibula (Russian flask)It grows in the Siberian, Altai, Ural regions, in the forests of the Kamchatka Territory, Sakhalin and the Caucasus. The Russian flask blooms like sickle, and the ripening period is three to the first frost.

May have a large dark leaf, a cybulin with a diameter of about two centimeters, a long and high stem-kvitkonis, on which white-green buds are sprung.

Vedmezha tsibulya (European wild garlic)Tsya roslin growth in the forests of the Mediterranean, Scandinavian forests, in the European territories at the entrance to the center (stars and other names of the vedmezhoї tsibuli). It's time for a flower to appear on the cob of lettuce, and the first selection of the leaves of the European wild garlic begins after it, like breaking the snow.

May have two or three small leaves, a cibulinka with a diameter of about a centimeter, an arrow-kvitkonis reaches a length of about 30 centimeters, a roslin blooms with white flowers.

Korisn_ power of wild garlic

Fresh young wild garlic is suitable for preparing the plant and grafting: you can have leaves, and stems, including their bile parts, stoked closer to cibulini. Pikantny, trochs gostruvate relish of wild garlic miraculously opens up in vegetable salads, soups, serve as seasonings to ribi ta m'yasa. You can prepare a wild weed cibula: lubricate and seal, vicorist like a stuffing for pies, ferment, pickle and pickle - a lot of recipes. Prote, all the unique colors of wild garlic are better saved if they are fresh.

Another fact about the greediness of wild garlic is that it won’t bring out trash speech, shkidlivy vіdkladennya, chemistry from the human body, it can detoxify power. It is shown fresh young wild garlic for living in people with poor appetite, problems of the intestinal tract (gastritis, prickly pain).

It has been reported that positive changes are given by the introduction of wild garlic into hedgehogs with:

  1. Sick judge.
  2. Thyroid dysfunction.
  3. Advance vice.
  4. Bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases of the respiratory organs.
  5. Problems are clear with that empty company.
  6. Fatty.
  7. Oncological and promenev ailments.
  8. Ischemia, atherosclerosis.

Prices for fresh wild garlic

old wild garlic

How to grow wild garlic on your own business?

Cheremsha is an indestructible thicket, but in order to achieve success in growing, it is necessary to prepare the ground for future planting correctly. In natural minds, the wild cybula grows in the shaded expanses, not to love the direct sleepy spaces, it is necessary to plant it in the shade or pivtin, as it falls under the great trees. Like planting wild garlic in the sun, it will be necessary to often weed and water it, and the leaves will grow dry and not juicy, with a less pronounced spicy relish.

Properly it is necessary to prepare the soil. Pidide is slightly acidic (a sour wild cibula cannot take root) or the earth is neutral, it is also important for wild garlic, so that the soil is plump. The plot for planting needs to be picked up so that the water does not stagnate on it, the shards are stronger than the planted until the root growth rots.

How do wild garlic reproduce?

Reproduction of wild garlic is available in two ways: planting cibulin and planting nasinnya. The first way is more virtuous, since for one cibulini there can be only one roslina, so the reproduction of wild cibulina is better and more beautiful for rich gardeners. Below we report rozpovimo, as a virosity from the next wild cherry harvest.

Preparing for the day

If you choose to hang the roslin up, then you can get ready before planting for the present in a specialized gardening garden, or in the markets. The purchase should be made in the summer, the optimal terms are from the middle of the lime tree to the present autumn. It is important to evaluate the current appearance of the present - it may be dark, smooth and rounded. It’s dry, that it’s blown up, it won’t let you go. On the packaging, one marvels at the term of appurtenance, and as a result, it is saved more to the fate, more often it is used in the bath.

Even if it is possible to choose our brothers independently, we will make the best decisions. The wild garlic ripens in the middle of summer, and it breaks down in the forest more than a bunch of linden. Boxes, in which it is buried for the present, are guilty of being yellow, but not yet hard. It is necessary to prepare whether it is a small little bag or a container, where you carefully stain the inside. At home, it is necessary to dry the “harvest” on the subway, and then save it in a dark, dry place.

We prepare the land until sowing

Cheremsha - bagatorichna landing, and in the chosen area, the sprat of rocks will grow, so before the first sowing, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil. Axis that needs to be worked:

  1. Surround the village, on which day you will give the wild garlic, don’t forget where the money was invested. Knowing that the garden bed will start and end, it will be possible to easily water and loosen the earth. Also turn off the fence of the plot, if you forget about planting - there are a lot of falls, if you have planted another culture on top of the present one.
  2. As soon as the selected plot is filled with spring waters, otherwise there is a river or rates, it is necessary to lay drainage in the ground. Vikoristovuvati can be crushed stone, great expanded clay or beaten with a ceglu. Lay drainage required for a depth of a meter.
  3. The earth needs to be dug up and plowed into a depth of about 50 centimeters (the very same old wild ramson root), clear the bur'yanivs. Let's wait for the next day, the garden needs to be enriched by organic growth: more often, vicorist the last birds, rotten or rotten leaves (one winder with kindness per square meter of the garden). After the introduction of freshening, dig the earth again.

When to plant wild garlic?

There are two options for planting wild garlic - spring and autumn. Fallow in the selected season, the process of planting is carried out, as well as the early preparation for the next day. For greater clarity, let's imagine the options for looking at the tables.

Table 2

Sadzhaemo of autumn (early numbers of spring)Sadzhaemo hinged (cob of grass)
Krok 1. At the preparation of the earth, furrows with sags up to 5 centimeters should be made. Walk between rows of furrows - about 20 centimeters.Krok 1. I’m going to stratify for the rest of the day - I’m staying in the room with a watery squeak and clean up the refrigerator or on the balcony (at a temperature of minus 1-3 degrees) for two or three months. If you don’t stratify the stratification, then you’ll put us down on the next river.
Krok 2. Nasinnya hang at the harrow with a rose: 10 g of nasinnya per square meter of beds.Krok 2. Frostbite now hangs out just like it was during the autumn planting. It is important to first water and weed the garden bed. Spring plantings are lower, it is necessary to watch them!
3. Now they sip Krok with a small, close to a centimeter, ball of peat, and then cover it with earth.Krok 3. In the first river, wild garlic parosts can be stunted and german, so it is not necessary to take the whole crop into account - it’s better to bud to the onset of fate, the docks of roslin do not shine.

How to look after wild garlic in the garden?

The wild cibula has a minimum watch, but it’s still necessary to follow the plantings! In the first place, Grunt, before which the day was brought in, and on which you already appeared, go down, you need to water it regularly. Ale, we can calm down the watering, to that the root just rots in the supernaturally wet earth. Roslini needs to be seasoned with mineral fertilizers, and once in a season, organic fertilizers can be applied - humus, bird last.

It is important to regularly fluff up the earth on the beds, as well as weed wild garlic. Young crops are very mischievous like weeds, like sprinklings and pyriy. That garden bed needs trimming from cleanliness!

If there are coma-shkidniks, then the stench is not necessary to bother the growth through a strong smell of spices. Ale, speckled lettuce on the leaves and stems of the wild garlic, the larvae of the miner fly can start. The stench is actively chewing on the leaves, making tunnels in them, and after the attacks of the wild garlic larvae become unsuitable for living, it is necessary to fight against them. It's easy to grow - 50 g of salt are poured in the water, and the garden bed is watered with rozchin (along with the leaves of the roslin) before the dark weather.

Another ailment, as you can defeat the wild garlic - tse "іrzha". Vaughn manifests itself like this: on the leaves there are storms of opium, light yellow or orange patches. Tsya ailment can destroy all plantings, for this it is necessary for the yakoma to quickly develop and reduce the damage of the leaves, and for the sake of exuberance, to pick up a bunch of sumish shavings of the sweet gospodarsky (2 tablespoons) and honey chlorooxide (a distant spoon for ten liters of cold water).

After that, if wild garlic is enough to take root in the singing place for it, after two or three years, after the foundation, in the place of one cibulin, new “nests” will appear. At this moment, the wild garlic needs to be grown, otherwise the root system will not get into trouble, the growth will grow, dry, and then we will get it earlier. The skin of this rock in the bushes of wild cybuli should carefully dig up and move the cybulini to an unplanted land, near a new place, otherwise the growth will progressively regenerate.

Prices for chlorooxide midi

chlorooxide midi

How to choose vrozhay?

It is important not only to properly plant the wild garlic and watch the planting, but also to competently pick from the bushes of the wild cybuli, so as not to harm the roslin. It is necessary to understand that the cibulins will need an hour, so that they will be awakened. To the one who does not want to plant with his own hands, it is necessary to observe the leafing of the wild cybuli according to the rules:

  1. So, the highest and lowest relish of the young greens of the wild garlic may be near the kvіtnі - on the cob of grass. Ale, before the leaves will be torn off, they will need more strength and time to grow, to grow new.
  2. The first harvest from a young planting is cut with a knife, as accurately as possible watering one or two upper leaves. The third leaf of obov'yazkovo is overgrown on bushes, so that the bush could give new shoots.
  3. From the mature bushes you can see absolutely everything while leafing, and better not to rob that scioraz, so that the wild garlic gains strength for new growth. To this, mothers are recommended two beds with a wild cibula - with young seedlings and mature bushes, so that they can choose to grow according to their hearts, giving the roslins a boost.

Video - Details about wild garlic

With the arrival of spring, the human body will require an increase in the balance of natural vitamins and microelements. No small role can be played by living in wild garlic or wild cybuli. Wild garlic itself, which is more accessible to any gardener, to share your vitamins. Leaves, cybulin and arrows of tsієї roslina avenge a rich complex of brown speeches: vitamins A and C, phytoncides, essential oils, mineral salts, fructose.
Viroshchuvannya cheremshі z nasіnnya vimagaє hour and patience, but great measles for the body vartuє tsikh turbot. The ramson is practically the first to give its go and її frogs, which have made their way, you can often see a surplus of snow. For example, the birch tree and the quarters are already living at the hedgehog. And the shards of the won were brought in before the Red Book, then it’s time to think about breeding spices in your own business.
What a lovely look
Wild ramson is a bagatoric dewy from the cibulin family. To that, having planted її once, there is a wide variety of fresh greenery, relish and aroma like a chapel.
The leaves are of a dovgast form, 20-30 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. The fruits are trihedral capsules with black rounded insets. The root of the cibulinka is about 1-2 cm long.
The life of a cibulini becomes a sprat of fate. The skin of cibulin lays two bottoms per season. And the axis of the above-ground part develops from autumn to spring and until the middle of summer, go to repair. Blossoms of wild garlic sing at the grass, and red ones give fruit to us.
In natural minds wild wild leek grow in forests, white rivers and lakes, on bows. Tse nevibaglyva that tіnyovitrivala roslina, for the rahunka of which її can easily be cultivated on a garden plot.
Misce signifies rich
The main tasks of the mayor, є correct choice a month for sowing, guilty buti similar natural minds. On the dilyantsi gardens, we can see the trees under the trees with a spreading crown and high bushes, as well as the shade side of the roses on the dilyantsi budіvel. During the growing season, the growth will be sufficiently light from the frost, and during the calm period it will be protected from overheating. However, this spice can be grown on the open beds, ale, for the rahunka of direct sleepy light, roslin drіbnіє and consuming its low brown authorities.
Ground preparation.
To the warehouse of the soil, with the cultivation of the wild garlic, it is also the song of the vimogi. The acidity of the soil is neutral, but the soil is also slightly acidic. To neutralize the soil, zastosovuyut vapnuvannya. To grow wild garlic and clay soils with a supplementary substrate for increased penetration. So that the soil is fluffy, like an organic, vicorous humus from the leaves of deciduous trees (birch, lichen, elm). Sensitive vedmezha cibulya and until re-arrangement, especially hanging. That is the place, with the high rotting of the ground waters, to varto additionally drain with crushed stone or a broken whole.
How to properly plant wild garlic
Reproduction of wild garlic is carried out in two ways: by cibulins and by nasinny. The biggest expansion is the way to grow wild garlic from nasinnya. For whom it is necessary to bring us materials from a specialized store or choose independently. If you choose the first option, then varto pay respect for the term of appurtenance, so that’s how it is now, that you save a long time, give the filthy similarity. How to prepare the present yourself: the boxes must be taken on the cob of lime, hang on the cob and put them in a dark, dry place for drying. After that, as our material is ready, we move on to landing.
Otzhe, you can turn the wild garlic on the river. Spring this period is three from the end of April until the middle of grass and autumn at spring. The similarity is greatest, if the temperature again becomes +18+20 degrees. The dilyanka, recognized as growing wild garlic, must be cleared from the weeds and dug to a depth of 20-30 cm, shards of root growth can be found deeply.
Planting for winter
Now to plant on a small space of land, enclosing it, so as not to waste planting roses on the porch. You can plant them at the missus, then let’s drop them into the garden, allowing you to save a lot of gatherings.
Sowing should be carried out in shallow rows with soiled areas up to 1 cm. On an opening of 10 cm. X 20 cm. Between rows and between rows. From above, attach a small ball of peat and carefully water it, so that the planting is not crushed. First get off (nearly a third of the amount of planting material) varto check at the square.
Canopy landings
Vіdmіnіst vіdmіnіst іn the spring planting polagє іn dodatkovіy pіdgotovtsі naіnnya stratifіkatsії. For whom it is necessary to place a place in a dark, cold place, for example, a refrigerator. І save them for zero temperature for about 3 months. And then, zmіshavshi with a watery squeak, hang by the garden. Go varto ochіkuvati at herb-chervni. Ale stratification is not obov'yazkova, at times of gatherings there will be more checks than offensive fate.
Looking after the seedling
Call for skin cibulin one leaflet. Go, scho appeared on the awnings, even lower and maintain respect, neatness in weeding and watering. At the first river, wild garlic grows more. Let's go sooner, it will grow and expand the root system.
I’m ready to transplant a rose garden, in a post-place of growth, it’s necessary in 1-2 years. Baghano robiti tse vesnі, if the growth is already visible, so as not to harm the cibulini with a shovel. Before the hour of transplanting bushes, they carefully trim and hang 1-2 growths per hole. And yet another opportunity to transplant the wild garlic comes after the leaves are in the air. Plant clean cibulini near the soil, deepening them by 2 cm.
Most of the time, for 4 rіk sіyantsі they turn into a grown-up dew and give a flower bill. Quite a few fluctuations and more early appearances of flower-bearing flowers, but they should be broken off more often, so that there would be no cybulini growing.
Cheremsha zimostiyka roslina. The first charge from natural minds is out in a ball of snow. If the snow cover is small, it is necessary to add additional coverage, for example, from the leaves.
Treatment with mineral fertilizers and micronutrients should be carried out in herbs and chervni (for example, 30 g of foscamid per 10 liters of water). Abo vikoristovuvat pіdruchny material and pіdgodovuvat wood ash, how to avenge potassium, phosphorus, vape and other microelements. Phosphorus-potassium treatment is carried out at the stage of strill distillation. To fight for the sake of improving the ripening of the newborn and the formation of cibulin-daughters. The entire growing season, until the appearance of arrows, the wild garlic will require watering, as if to pin it down during the calm period.
Illness and those shkidniki
Shkіdniki and ailments rarely see the spicy roselin. Ale, wild rams of power are so ill, like irzha, like they appear with a tribal perebuvanni in one place, that rot, like it’s caused by the remission of the soil. In times where rudiful patches appear on the leaves, the necessary watering of the roslin with salt rosette at a concentration of 100 g on water or with midi chloroxide at a concentration of 1 tbsp. a spoon on the cebro lead with the addition of a small amount of a rare mil.
Choice of greenery
On 3-4 rivers of growth, if the growth becomes mature, її vicorist at the hedgehog. Sound more than the upper leaves of the growth, so that the growth of the cibulini does not grow and let it be saturated with microelements on the coming river.
Zastosuvannya wild garlic in the culinary arts. Live with a fresh look, stagnate with salads, marinate, salt, freeze. And also to dry and vicorist like a spice for meat and fish herbs.

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