"Biliy" shaman Altai. "Helpful shamans find out. The strongest in Siberia" - dzherelo

13 Zhovtnya. Yakutia. NVpress - I think the word "shaman" is associated only with the heroes of creations, performances and a picture of Ivan Popov, and, most importantly, with the past hour. And what do shamans use at once? I know, respecting our current philanthropist Anatoly Aleksiev, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of NEFU named after M.K. Ammosov, an expert on shamanism and, in his own words, knows the shamans of the wealthy lands especially well.

Shamani - samples of perfumes

- To Anatoly Opanasovich, who are the shamans, the smell of stench came from?

Like a person appeared on earth, she began to recognize navkolishniy svit and myself on three equals. The first one is called magic, mysticism, mythology, or else it is paganism: faith in spirits, deities that supreme god. The first pinnacle of paganism is shamanism. Shamans are spirits. In this rank, shamanism is the whole system of looking at the people, the support of that nature. This is a whole wedding, and it has been used since the appearance of a person to this day. Obviously, as of the 15th century, the European powers began to colonize the whole world, began to fight against such a natural phenomenon as shamanism. And not only European culture, but the great religions of the world also started the struggle, but in the rocks radianska vlady The communist ideology was far away from the shamanistic ideology, so shamanism was rooted out of the culture of the indigenous Siberian and Pivnichny peoples.

Another time - if the great religions of the world appeared: Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam. Having created people, God, and the whole world bows to the supreme gods: Buddha, Yahweh, Jesus Christ and the prophet Muhammad. Not only did God create a human being, but the whole world.

The third rіven is a materialistic science, as if it were God, the great religion of the world. We care what is wrong and this year the light of the minds of people (zahіdnі and Russian vcheni) appeared, it seems that we are doing it wrong, we are not guilty of fighting with paganism, shamanism, religions of the world, and knowledge, the same people make a stitch to the future. If something doesn’t happen, then, as the zahіdnі and russian sledniks write, soon the end of humanity will come, be deprived the rest of the people, and now the end of history. I believe in you.

Modern shamans of Yakutia

- Do we have shamans in Yakutia today?

Although there is a modern technogenic civilization on the streets of Panu, everything is one in Africa, Pivdenny America, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Pivdenny-Skhidnoy Asia, in such technologically advanced countries, like Japan, Pivdenny Korea dosi є shamani. Yakutia has less than two or three shamans today, maybe. Fedot Ivaniv from the village of Zhemkon in the Vilyuysky ulus, Ganna Sofroniev from the village of Batagai in the Verkhoyansk ulus. The great Semyon Stepanovich Vasiliev died in the past fate, his spiritual name is the shaman Savvey, vin iz Iengry.

The strongest are going to Siberia. As if marveling at the top, then the Yakuts are richly weaker than the Yukagir, Chukchi, Even and Evenki. Before the speech, udaganka is strongest for shamans, but not all.

- It seems that they live on their own, do not make friends, do not have children.

Why? The stench live a wonderful life, they have children and friends. It's just that the stench is perevtilyuyutsya under the hour of kamlannya. Even among the deyaky shamans, including among the modern ones (especially the Chukchi ones), there is a “spiritual team”, that is “ichchi”, spirit.

- Outrageous attributes of today's shaman, yak won?

A bubo, a hat, a suit, perfumes-pomіchniki, although the skin shaman has his own individual costume, but the smell of stench is similar. Really, their robes are seen behind the winter virobs, which depict the spirits-pomikniks, fallowly like the spiritual equal of the shaman.

- In our days, how do stinks get used to by wonderful people?

Forgive people to be shamans in a different way: who to believe, who not to believe, for the radiant power, who becomes an atheist. So, as if a person is made up of evil and good, the shaman can also bring out evil, which is rich not safer than that spiritual evil, which is to rob a simple person. And all thought, dії shaman vykonuyutsya. If death is called upon someone, that one will die earlier.

Some shamans fight among themselves: the skin shaman has its own clan, tribal, ethnic territory, which belongs to the spiritual rank. So, for example, a shaman of the sky can only be on his own territory.

- The rest of the hour became a lot of psychics. How do you know about shamanism?

The shaman may know another spiritual riven. Yogo plunder spirits, and only wines are attached to the secret knowledge of nature, and the mother's costume, bubo, is solely to blame. Celebrate those other ailments. And the psychic is not a fool of the spirits, wanting to seem like they stink themselves, but such a thought is wrong. Vіn rejoices only with his energy and does not mate with spirits, just like a shaman rejoices for the help of strong spirits, so he acts as an intermediary between ailments and spirits. A leather shaman uses his own method of brilliance, his matir-zvir, for example, a deer, a bik, a witch. In such a rank, which is the darkest helper-spirit, the shaman is the strongest.

Symptoms of shaman's disease

- Is shamanism passed on to relatives in the fall?

Nі, аlе іnоdі mоzhе і tо be transmitted, аlе thе spirits themselves know thаt people yоu go fоr thе warehouse (etinen-khaanіnan, еyunen-sanaаtinan). Vzagali, tse natural mystery, and the ways of the Lord are inconsistent. Raptom at nashchadkіv vyavivatsya?

- Chula, what a person, who had shamans in her family, often dream of prophetic dreams and can predict the future and other good fortune.

Be-like a person can be extrasensory zdіbnosti. My generation is the same. I have 68 fates, and I can, in my dreams, for various examples, transfer futures. People start to think that the creatures do not think about the news, but really bring on a little polova, or a domestic bear (deer, horse) with a special behavior reminds the ruler that on the new check, three years are stretched out. You just need to read the encrypted sheets. And today a person marvels more at the TV, sticks at the phone and thinks that he is the Volodar of the world and believe, that he will support the world with his will. Nothing of the kind, a person is the food of a light house. Nevipadkovo “Burn from your mind” as a sign of fire, as a warning: as a person, it’s better to feed nature, to impoverish yourself.

- Let the people know: from one side of the new one in the family there was a priest, from the other - a shaman. How can a new one beware of a split in particular, like a soul - to act as an arena for the struggle of two forces?

Ti hoch komunist chi atheist, all the same, like shaman's disease to show up, that means, to show up. There will be no split. Maybe I’ll seditious thought for the sake of modern suspenstvo, but in truth, the great religion of the world is artificially created.

- What are the symptoms of a shaman's illness?

Since the spirits have robbed the future shaman, you begin to start “sickness for God-ville”, or for “mental illness”. Modern medicine is vvazhaє їs by schizophrenics, and slandered by strong faces, injections, zaganayu "sickness" more. That's it, the person is already zipped. Even among patients of psychiatric doctors, they can consult with the right shamans. For example, on our Kotenko. True, not all mental ailments lead to shamanism

- And what about today for the "sick" as an alternative to psychiatric medicine?

- “Ills” can drink for a few days in the taiga, de stink and in forty-degree frost, easily clothed, not die. At once, medicine "dismembered" people by parts. Doctors of the ear, throat, and nose appeared... And medicine, including shamans, looks at the people and rejoices at the whole sight, entering the її unfamiliar.

Don't go to the shaman's grave

Shamans divide into white and black...

Bіlі - tі, yakі mayut spirits-pomіchnіkіv beast, and black - from the lower world, the stench is strong. They would lie down until the priesthood. Vzagali, podіl on bіlih and black minds. It's just that people misbehave. This European pidkhid, which looks like shamanism, is like a living being, but in truth it can inspire the future of humanity.

– Is it possible to voice the name of a shaman?

It's possible, it's possible. Before speech, a skin shaman can be spiritually and worldly im'ya.

- Torkatisya їhngo pohovannya - call famously, damn it?

Three hundred years, the spirit-beast beat the shaman's grave, and even if you get close to the grave, the spirit can go to the people, and you can become a shaman. It is especially important to follow one's own mental state, physical body, spiritual awareness.

Even if a person has not shown the honor to the grave, it can become more negative for her. It's unsafe. Vzagali, you can't get hot with shamans.

People were cloned by bulls

- In your opinion, who among the Yakut writers truly depicted shamans?

Ivan Gogoliv-Kindil. Ethnographer Gavril Ksenofontov. Pre-revolutionary successors, for example, Vaclav Seroshevsky, wanting to see the stench from a European point of view, but the stench is not wine.

- The topic of shamanism is rich in a rich arc. What is being explained?

Because it is a natural phenomenon. All for a long time they sang the food, but until this hour you won’t be able to, and it won’t be soon. My mentor, the shaman Savvey, told me three years before his death that a person did not look like mavpi, but that they cloned the bulges from the Cosmos. If you want virte, if you want - no.

In the spring of 1995, I performed a shaman-virtual operation: early in the morning in the designation of the reindeer in the village of Khatinnaakh, the river Timpton, 107-river Motrona Petrivna Kulbertinova replaced my ailment heart with the heart of a young deer. Vaughn kamlala, directing the bubo to me in the region of the heart, back. I myself also took part in the replacement of ailing organs of five people, but the whole medical mystery.

Nareshti cosmologists stated that our modern science knows less than 4.6 hundred tons of atoms in the world, that is less than five hundred years of truth. Other 95 unknown. Paradoxical, but true. Tse will be relevant forever. To that virne firmness: “The more I read, the more I know that I don’t know anything.”



“Oskilki is not organized, but spiritual practice, all the same, shamanism permeates all religions and religions, reaching the greatest historical memory.

What is shamanism?

These practices are based on a stretch of thousands of people with different cultures, systems of government and religious directives.

A lot of formalized religions, from Buddhism to Christianity, came from the ancient shamanic roots and still carry shamanic threads of a deep connection with the divine in all speeches. But shamanism itself - the system of perekonan chi ideology has not been formalized. Shvidshe, the whole group of dіy and dosvіdu, what do shamans have in all cultures of the world.

Individual practice

In this hour, in cultures that do not belong to the indigenous peoples, shamanism is cultivated and practiced like life way. Following the perspective, individuals practice buti in mutual spirit in all speeches.

Go ahead and win the information from the invisible reality, to form your own life story.

Consultations from shamans

Like in ancient times, people rejoice at modern shamans for a practical and pragmatic solution to problems everyday life- in the form of special ailments, professional problems and family differences to the problems of ancestors.

Shamans live and practice at the station of advanced awareness, the so-called ecstatic camps of trance. It is necessary to take the information and make changes in the invisible sphere to lay a deposit due to the strength of the shaman.

For this sensi, shamanism is a practice that occurs in invisible spheres, the healing of many people, in the sphere of normal reality.

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DEEP THERAPY SESSION WITH POWER INSTRUMENTS the most beautiful, the most marvelous, what I can propagate to you today. Discomfort and Ailments, who rottenly succumb to glee, cannot stand before the Power of such Seances. If you suffer from panic disorders, phobias, stress, depression, then DEEP THERAPY SESSION WITH POWER INSTRUMENTS this is your best chance!

For some peoples, such a shamanic practice is part of their dominant culture, for others it’s just super chliva.
Deyakі people intuitively ask for help from a modern shaman, often if they have exhausted other options, it’s not wise to know what a shaman is like a wine practitioner.

What is a shaman?

Thousands of years of practice show that shamanic practices can be valuable to everyone who wins. The most sensible thing about this galusi came from the warning of anthropologists. In addition, rich early cultures and inspire modern Latin American knowledge about exuberant power Roslyn went through the practice of shamanism, knowing what dos and don'ts are learned.

You can get a free consultation of the Master of the main shamanism and healing, for which you fill in the contact form, write to you to quote: practices of shamanism and healing, Spiritual teacher, or additional help in healing and healing. Alex immediately after reading your sheet.

de and how to know a shaman-healer and take away the best wisdom

Seeing the Navel of the Earth, ours - your mother.
in the tundra

Vidpovid vіd Vitaliy Kochnev[guru]
there is no internet in yaranz .... not there shukaesh .... but why did

Vidpovid vіd Jovetlana[guru]
All psychic vibes are the essence of the day, like they are smacked to the soul of a psychic and through it they want to realize their ambitions.
A heart of stench calms the psychic himself with superstitions, but step by step calls out the imbalance in his energy system, releases his energy and provokes negative influences in the life of the practitioner.
Behind some principle, dead essences are worked out, creating an illusion
dressing the patient? Shards of all ailments are crying out in the presence of the quietness of other unfortunate guests in our souls in the form of ideas, intrusive stanіv, then the “usunennya” of the problem is simply replaced by a path in people of the same day for another - so one problem is seen as another problem. If the shards of a person, relying on the will of a psychic, do not themselves develop spiritual immunity against the negative attacks of dead entities, then sooner or later they become so stuffed with all sorts of “spirits” that their will is still left unwilling, and you cannot control yourself.
Obviously, the saints and prophets were, so, but the stench, as a rule, did not indulge people with miracles in vain, did not take them to the thought of what it was necessary for them to develop singing vibrancy. . A person can develop his spirit - his love, kindness, compassion. To that, Lyubov is not just emotionally sensitive, but the most powerful energy on earth, as he created the whole world. . And as soon as a person comes into contact with his own sutty, with his greater nature, then he becomes a god's defender.
And the shards of the evolutionary process improve our knowledge, develop in us the strength of the cohan, then step by step increase the growth new formation people - wise, loving, positive, vrіvnovazhenikh.

Vidpovid vіd Elizabeth[guru]
The presence of the essences of Svitlana is suitable, but do not joke with the contact with the cream of God. Having created the world, we will thoroughly finish it, and the enemy is trying to kill people from the right path with different religions and comforts. All the same, it’s all about God’s turmoil - the meta life of a people - to know the path to God.

Vidpovid vіd Hunab-Ku[guru]
Near Buryatia and Altai

Vidpovid vіd Evecha at the darkness[guru]
Moscow has an Academy with a faculty of shamanism
Academy of parapsychology, more close sciences

Vidpovid vіd Oleksandr L[guru]
At the seaside, in the Olginsky district through the village of Veseliy Yar, 400 kilometers to the pivnich, it will be the city of Khreshchatyk and for two more days on the way to the waterfall and then turn to the pivnich to the Arseniev oven. There is a camp and there they have a good shaman, Kolya is calling. As soon as the kamlat, so the dead come to life and the fish itself z water in the net.

Altai shamanism has a verbal character. There is no written record of its foundations, regulations, declarations. There are no canonical rules, commandments, fences, texts of prayers. bud. Usefulness is trimmed only from the visual-visual basis and simple ritual requisites. In Altai shamanism there is no professional and archeological specialization on the basis of singing rites and testing, as if shamans were guilty of their formation.

Cultists are called kams. To serve as a guide between the world of the living and the world that went to another world, and also between the world of people and the world of nature. Kami (shamans) declare for the commandments of the spirits-ancestors, but do not care if there are any sanctions from the side of the support of a confessional organization. Having gone through your formation under the patronage of the spirits, otrimavshi in the form of a new bubo (from the reindeer's shkiri), you become recognized by the midst of the deities who look like a specimen.

Kamsk's name is taken away not for the sizable, but for the physical recession. Zdіbnіst to kamlanіy vrodzhen. I learn more about the knowledge of alkish, having drunk it in the spirit of the splendid rite. Lyudina, who was judged by nature to become a shaman, early begins to realize her schilnist before: she becomes ill and falls into a tale for an hour. Deyakі kіlka rokіv utrimuyuyutsya vіd vіd vu kamі. The fate of the shaman is unenviable. Kami ta aduki (batteries for animal trade), as it seems people's prikmeta, - Do not buy riches.

Ale tsya pomіrnist cost them dearly. Vono pov'yazane with great suffering. The sounds of a tambourine on the cob bring such a sick person in the lungs of a tremtinnya, її start to smile, then the laughter becomes stronger and stronger. People begin to grimace, their eyes burn; shoplyuєtsya, throwing, fooling around. Those same bovaє z timi, scho raptom pinned kamlannya. Є cross, scho utrimuyutsya in the stone of good will. The stench suffers for every sound of a tambourine, viz. smirking and attacking a tale.

In Ongudai, in the center of Altai, for rozpovidy, as if it were your share to be a shaman, to endure physical torment, I knew my hands and feet; we're getting sick. The letter of which wine is learned from the old kam. Listen to the ear in a deep voice, then I repeat it right after the teacher. Kamsk's ringing is not forever passed on by the father of the synov, but as a congenital ailment, he pulled up to kamstva, it's spadkovo.

Therefore, children are often born at the kam, skhilnі to sickly attacks, like they lead for the zbіy entrance at the kamsk ringing. Kam's passion is spadkov, like a noble breed, like a "bіla kіstka". If the son of Kama does not know the schilness to the Kama rank, then the nephew of the son will be born from this call. Ale є, mabut, and so shamans, yakі entered up to the first rank behind the vlasnym towers. However, ancestral shamans can help you out.

Shamanism is not just a belief in perfumes. Shamanism is a magical theory about the ways of enlightenment and goal-directed interaction with spirits. Spirits do not often reveal their presence to people and rarely try to manifest their intentions. Otzhe, the person herself can turn to them. But to achieve a permanent and clearly expressed contact with the spirits, they can only do so with the help of shamans. The shaman becomes a magician and an enchanter less often for an hour of shambling, less often, if he calls his whole team of spirits to himself.

After the stone, if the spirits leave the shaman, the wine transforms into the great people, and yoga is no longer nourished. So fire can become a deity of Ot-ana, or it can be “putting on for the preparation of this dry robe for a tourist trip.” The mountain can be suvorim and the just spirit of Tu-Eezy, or maybe - a majestic piece of granite mass. Relatives may show the healing power of the Lord of the waters of Su-eeze, but you may be just one of the drinking waters. Altai at once and heaped up gіr z lives that flow on them, and great is the deity Altai-Eezі.

It is important to lie down everything in two furnishings. In the first place, chi spiritualized given fire, mountain, dzherelo, lake, mist. Chi stink the stench of the Lord. In a different way, chi people believe in spirits. To believe, to begin to recognize and mark their presence. Then people create their spirits with spirits, which are made up of examples and povіr'їv, prayers and alkishivs, rites and rituals, special behavior too.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Altai became vastly expanded, and a new version of "Burkhanism" was taken away. Preachers Ak-Dyang - yarlikchi vydkid black spirits and contacts with the bags of the underground world, worshiped only "bіlim" patrons and sang the supreme deity Yuch-Kurbustan. At the basis of Burkhanism lay the elements of historical myths, the faith of the Messiah. Altai prayers in the Tereng valley in Ust-Kan aimak in 1904 became the official development of Burkhanism.

If Burkhanizm is a wine, the Altaians called yogo jang - "bіla vіra". Shamanism vvazhavsya kara jang - "black vira", oskolki the first legendary shaman used to instruct the kamlanіyu Yerlik. His name was Yogo Yangara. The Altai legend tells about those that one noble person fell ill and called another person to her name on im'ya jangar, zmusivshi remaining kamlati. Both Yerlik learned: call one kam, the other - kamlat.

Todi Ulbgen said to Yangar: “Be a servant of Yerlik, for you don’t sacrifice me, and after death you go to Yerlik.” Jangar said to Ulgen: "Maybe, I'll make a sacrifice to you myself, like Yerlik." Ulgen said to you: Will now be your name Kam. Whoever inherits you, that is not the mother of wealth on earth.

The myth about Yerlik, like a teacher of kamіv shamanic mysticism, I explain, what a rank among the Altaians was the black shamanism, which led to Yerlik's shamanism and the rise in price to the underground world. The ancient Turks prayed to Heaven. Black shamans were seen in them as a large group, expanded among ordinary nomads and the periphery of the old Turkic state, only after the fall of that fragmentation. At 3:00 pm the grandiose Zagalturkish prayers to Heaven (Tengry) came up. There were no supreme shamans, henceforth, the position of the clergymen became stronger.

The rest served the everyday needs of nomads on the butovy road. The hour is important. The material and social minds of the life of the nomads, scattered across the majestic expanses of Central Asia and Pivdennogo Sibir, were afraid to seek help not only to the good-natured, but also to the shoddy spirits of the deities. Thus, "black shamanism" became more important than the "bilim" among the Altai-Sayan peoples.

Shaman's activity takes away a lot of that strength, but it is paid more modestly. The shamans call out to their households who are constantly dissatisfied: they don’t get involved in government until the end, and they don’t make a special income. Earlier, you had to get ritually selected from a possible shaman - a maniac, it was prepared for two or three months. For ordinary shamans, it took up to three years to sew on yoga. There were a lot of shamans, and roaming the rivers of the population in the valleys - rіdkіsnim. During the reign of the holy mountain, shamans were often asked to pay for their work: “if you give yourself, take it, but if you beg, I confess, it will be bad for you.”

As if the stone didn’t beat this vkazіvka, the lord burn the shaman’s twin on a tree knot and loaf, and shorten the term of life to the shaman himself. In this rank, the professionals of the kamіv pogaє not so in the lives of the kamlans, as in their specialization in religious and ritual practice. Garniy shaman of Volodya by ritual renunciation of deities and spirits, victorious special shamanic terminology, while increasing the price of that other sphere of the All-World, knowing the roads that routes are more expensive, orienting themselves at the expanse of worlds inhabited by arcs and deities.

Its own sacral diploma Kama є yogo bubo, which is recognized as deities and spirits. Bubo testifies about the qualifications of a shaman. Khmara does not play such a role. And the axis of the tambourine stone is guilty of masterly volody. In the course of the kamlannya, they demonstrate the wines with gestures, mimicry and other means of the meaning of a tambourine, like a working creature, like an arrow (cibula and arrow). It is necessary to increase the frequency of strikes at the bubo with a spive - kama animals to the deities and spirits.

Dialogue takes place in different tonalities, which brings out the voice of both the deity and the kam itself. Kami will inherit the voices of animals and birds, the image of which is performed by the spirits-pomіchniks, the roar of the sacrificial horse, the riding horse of the deity. Similar dribnits at the duty station of the kama are rich. Behind them, cross-country participants of the kamlan are constantly guarding. It is up to them to judge the qualifications of Kam.

Kam is guilty to the nobility of the pantheon of deities and spirits, їх old look, sounds. In this plan, the qualifications of a shaman are manifested in the animals and hymns to the deities. The hymns victorious sing shamanic ritual vocabulary. Kam is moving with the spirits of my mother. These hymns and calls are called alkish. The shaman, kamayuchi to that other spirit, rages up to the new with praises from the form of an alcoholic. With every wine, I improvise my own hymns and prayers.

Vira at the twin

In Altaic shamanism, the statements about the twin formed into a dominant concept, which explains the ritual mechanism of the main cult practice - kamlaniya, The statement about the individual twin to beat the faith of Altai shamanists from their own circle of people. The structure of the cycle is like this.

The life of a skin person begins in the heavenly zone of the All-World, because there is no anthropomorphic form yet. Zvіdsi won the deity sends the earth in material form. For example, at the sight of a falling star or a sony exchange. But through the blowing by the shaman of the “germs” of children, which hang like leaves on the sacred birch, on the ground. The seedlings fall through the opening of the yurt near the fire, and then we drag them to the woman.

Thus comes the uterine period of the earthly life of a human being and foretelling the connection with the woman’s heavenly deity Umai. Brushes, body, blood are being established. With the appearance of light, the first sign of what kind of “dihannya”, the period of rebuking people on the moon-sleepy land is coming. If "breathing is shaved" - death sets in. Before that, like a child, you can speak freely, you will be under the supervision of "Mother-Umai". But, like a little child, you begin to mate with other people, to enter the earthly social world, and your connections with Umai are interrupted. Ale growth and grown-up twin, who replaces the people's nanny, the guardian of that guide Mati-Umai.

Dvіynik maє zdatnіst vіdokremlyuvatisya pіd an hour to sleep vіd іtіla vіglyadі small vognik, increase the cost of different places and turn around when you wake up. For the exit, open the entrance to the vikorist's nose. It is important that if a sleeping person does not put a little ball on the tip of his nose, then the wine will not slip, the docks will not be called, that the twin will be afraid to go into the body.

Particularly careful people are guilty of walking in the mountains. It is necessary to be afraid of the exit of the twin at the hour of sleep. If a person blamed someone for something, then the Lord burn the taiga, you can save it and deprive yourself of a twin. Vipadki unturned twin traplyayutsya often. You can turn the twin more than a shaman. Shamans during the kamlanії know the twins who turned around, knowing them for the signs and rice of the sick. Twins to catch at the bubo and drive in with a strong blow on a tambourine at the right wuho.

Zvichayna lyudina can bachiti dvіynikіv oui more sleep. Shamans and clairvoyants (kospokchi) bachel them in the light of their eyes. It is especially good to sack them to the stones, for the spryannya of a hairy twin, such a shamans make a kremlin for themselves at the hour of the shambles. The shaman's twin can be rid of the body at any hour of the day and night with the will of the shaman, but at the hour of the sham. Vіddіlennya dvіynik vіd tіla Kam vіdbuvaєtsya for additional perfumes - pomіchnіvі vі patronіv kama, vydіlennya vyvіyazuє blows in bubo or fan іz belt, shirts, birch barks thinly.

At the sight of a great person, the shaman's twin constantly changes under the shaman's full control and spirits. Such dominance of the shaman's twin erases the line between the visible real and the invisible mythical world among those present on the kamlaniya.

After the death of the shaman, Yogo's twin continues his mother's special power. At wonderful people the twin turns to the deity, that having sent the yogo germ, otherwise they move to the edge of the dead. Twin Kama is left on the ground. You live near the mountains of chi tayzі and pov'yazanі z the funeral of a shaman. In a deyaky hour, the twin will appoint the share of the new Kam - as his own naschadkiv. Vin will be one of the yogo recessionary patrons.

The concept of a twin explains, by which rank the shaman will rise in price for that chi other sphere of the All-World, the hour of kamlanya. If you are a shamanist, you know that it’s not the stone itself that walks to the spirits and deities, but the yogi’s twin and spirits-helpers. The stench is not to lead to the deity of the sacrificial horse itself, like a twin. The Altai shamans call the horse, recognized as a sacrifice, and the twin of that horse the word bura.

The meat of the sacrifice is made, the tassels are laid on the storehouse, the skin is hung on the poles of the place of sacrifice, and the drill is directed to the deity. Bura is a horse of spirits and deities. Remain praying to their shamans as helpers. The deyak shamans with their help rise to the sky, beasting with them like with their riding boots. For example, let them pass on the flock of those who are the other version of the heavens.

Most Altaians call the twin of a living person - jula, and the twin that came from the body of the dead - sun. Bachiti suna can only be shamans and clairvoyant-cospokchi, dragging dogs, as they told about the new to their barks. Cospokchi bachelor sun on a distant country like a man with his own peculiarities and physical appearance that vbrannya. But still, the sun-people's bachelorette is seeing the death of the rest. Suna plays a lesser role for potoibichchya. At the moment of death, the wines come out of the person who looked at the bet. At the sweating world, the Sunna breaks after forty days of living, the house of the deceased was dead.

Spirits of the shaman

Another important foundation for Altai shamanism is the faith of the spirits of the shaman, to establish his sacred magical power. In this camp, the whole religious practice, the whole cult of shamanism is kept. It is shamanistic to know that a human being cannot be a good person without intermediary spirits. Nothing is risky without the encouragement of the spirits of destruction in such a far and unsafe way more expensive, like a scam.

All cults, how to destroy the shaman, and all the results of such wines are within reach, seek help from the spirits, like the shaman calls to himself on the cob of skin kamlannya. Some of them remind Kama of the cause of the sickness of the people and to know the twin that has perished; otherwise help to orientate and shift around under the hour of the scam heavenly sphere on earth (along the mountains, ridges, tayzi) or in the underground world; the third to bury evil spirits and fortune-telling shamans.

They call their special guard kami kami kurcha (hoop), shards of spirits wrap around their head, toelub, arms, legs with a ring. Deyakі spirits help deliver a sacrifice to the deity: carry judges with sacrificial drinks, lead the drill of the victim. The stench helps to get to the deity, to conduct a dialogue with him.

The skin shaman has his own spirits, moreover, they are not uniform in the warehouse. Spirits podіlyayutsya on strati. The styles of the two strata of spirits are shared by all shamans: patrons and helpers. The patrons are spirits of a high rank personified by deities: ulgen ta yogo blue, the deity of fire, the rulers of the sacred gir. Spirits-pomіchnik utvoryuyut two groups. In one, I will call tos, the icy ancestors of the shaman, who were kams for life. Before the other group lie service perfumes, which are invoked before the kamlanny blows to the bubo.

Cі perfumes zapovnyayut bubo and accompany the shaman for an hour of yoga rise to that other sphere of the All-World. The service perfume of a tambourine (chalular) makes the shaman's power real. Shaman values ​​and pragne to multiply these spirits, including a number of ancestors - shamans. Special spirits, attracted by the shaman, signify both cult and magical ability. It is impossible to give a report to them through wealth. The skin kama has a stench, especially the dribbling perfumes of the sighted animals, the birds are thin, the days are individual.

Among the patrons of shamans, the deity of fire is seen. Among the Altaians, they speak out under the names of Ot-Ana (Vogon-Mati). This deity has taken over the pantheon of Altai shamanism since the fall of recent epochs. The Altai kamі pochinayut be-like a kamlanya z vshanuvannya that frequent sprinkling Ot-An, rushing to her with calls. Shamans ask Ot-Ana to give helpers and companions at the future mandrivkas of the kamlaniya and forever take them for help.

Ot-Ana acts as an intermediary between a stone and a deity of the highest rank. Ale Vogon-Mati is not a servant of the shaman. Vaughn is my patroness, and I’m less likely to help women in my capacity. The deity of the fire helps the shaman, as if he were shunning yoga, to make sacrifices, it is heard without remorse. Ale, you can drink and on diї, that they punish, punish for negligence, anger and especially desecration.

Before the high patrons, like helping the shamans, lie down and the rulers of the sacred mountains. In them the shamans win their tambourines. Їm vlastovuyut special prayer-kamlaniya. Before them, they are told with different slanders about the well-being of the family, the ulus, and about the people.

Among the perfume-helpers of the Altai shamans one can see the spirits-ancestors of the shamans themselves. From them, Kami takes away the shaman's call to that shaman's gift, which is transmitted from the falls. As if in Altai, there are signs of a shamanic call - it seems about a new one: "Tosi (spirits of ancestors) insist, press." The cult of shamans-ancestors ensures the advancement of shamanism and explains the mechanism of the appearance of that formation of shamans.

The shaman-ancestors died to bring Kam to the camp of awakening before the kamlans. Calling after the call of the shaman with blows to the bubo, the stench settles into the new one, wilting the twin and becoming his guard during the hour of kamlanya, spreading on the head and shoulders, arms and legs, wrapping around the tabir. Tsі obladunki secure twins Kama successes when you send a transfer to the path to the other spheres of the All-World, while fighting against these evil spirits.

These dead shamans, like the spirits-lords of the mountains and waters, forests and valleys, animals and birds, lie down to the category of earthly spirits, because after death, the twins of shamans do not move to the land of the dead, but are abandoned on the earth. The twin of a dead shaman is violating until his arotos (pure tos) under the intercession of some kind of guilt, having changed for life. Most of all, the mountain is sacred, like a shaman who died, having cut off his bubo.

Bubo and ritual entry

If a new kam, yogo bubo and costume are guilty of repeating the features, as if they were present on the tambourine of that chosen ancestor, which made Kam his successor. The bubo and the shaman's ritual attachment as sacred objects of worship for the hour of the kamlanya, and the stench as an armchair for spirits-pomіchnіv. If the shaman hits the bubo, the spirits straighten up to the new one. Some of them penetrate the bubo, others are placed on the ritual dress, the third, headless, move into the shaman himself, who takes them in with a deep breath. So the bubo and the shaman's ritual attire come to life at the hour of the kamlannya usima with its parts and details.

With an individual tambourine, it is tied like a ritual diyalnist, Kama, and yogo life. As soon as the hour of the kamlannya, the shkir on the tambourine bursts, otherwise the shelter is shed on it, which means that the spirits have chosen to punish the shaman and die without a barrage of wine. A tambourine is the most important ritual instrument, that is a sign of a great deity, a kind of certificate, which seems to be the right to shambles. Without the sanction of the deities, that spirit-patron, a shaman cannot create his own bubo. Altaic shamans did not choose the type of their tambourine, also, and the choice of the master of the tambourine.

At the hour of the sham, the master of the tambourine transmits information to the shamans. Itself through the ruler of the tambourine, the shaman works everything and everything is known. The type of tambourine is indicated by the spirits-ancestors for the hour of a special kamlanya. Having prepared the bubo, the shaman demonstrates yoga to the deity. As a rule, the Lord of the sacred burn. For this reason, the rite of preparation for the preparation of a tambourine is ruled, which is three times a day during the great gathering of the people.

An important helper of the shaman during the hour of the kamlanya becomes a double of the creature, a skin of such a tight-fitting bubo. For the preparation of shkiri, take the skin of a deer or an elk, a roe or a horse (horse), and only males. The twin of a creature, the skin of a kind of vikoristan bula for making a tambourine, is vicorated by a shaman for an hour of kamlanya like a beast of a beast. Therefore, when performing the rite, the shaman in his animals calls the bubo not the splendid word tungur (shaman's bubo), but I will name those creatures, whose skin became the basis for the tambourine.

If the creation of the tambourine ends, the young kam and yoga mentors start the kamlanya with the method of raising the tambourine and showing it to the Lord of the sacred mountain. On the cob of kamlannya, shamans go with a turning trace and recreate the individual history of the ice grove and birch, from which the shell and the handle are crushed, from the cob of their growth and until the moment they are harvested for a tambourine. Those same shy and shkodo creatures, the skin that went to the preparation of the skins for covering the tambourine. And if "stepping back", Kami reach the place of the people of the creature, stench to catch a twin and drive a new tambourine at the handle.

At what moment does the bubo come into play. Vіn kupuє chula (dvіynika creature). A young shaman is imitating yoga training for riding. Utaymuvavshih his їzdovu creature, Kami virushayut on him until the master of the sacred fire and there, showing the bubo, what a young kam trim for a ghost, otrimu let kamlat with him until the preparation of the offensive tambourine.

After the rite of the rite, the shaman spent one hour of kamla. Vіn hovaє chola tambourine vіd іnshih shamanіv i soothsaying powers. Like a bubo vikoristan, the skin of a maral chi roe, a shaman hovaє chula in a deaf tayzi, like a horse, then in the hollow of a tree, or transform it into a hawk, a peregrine falcon, a gyrfalcon. To attach a chula is brought to those who have the best of the life of shamans right to lie down in the chula of a tambourine. If you chula zagin, then you can no longer sing with a tambourine, and then the shaman himself dies.

Sometimes, with blows to the bubo, they call out their spirits of the night, so that alone they will be glad of them, find out about their blessings. At the same hour, the shamans terrify their spirits and marvel at the book “Sabir Bichik”. The book helps to make speeches, as if not to imply a great kamlanya, for example, like a conversation. The name "Sabir Bichik" can be translated as "The book about infusion". Learned about the infusion of the magical, the whispers of the spell and the spell are manifested.

And to marvel at the book is not the shamans themselves, like Tosi (ancestors, died kami). Altaians did not have literacy. The letters of the tight - tse, maybe, the ancestors-kami lived in the 17th - on the cob of the 18th century of Dzungaria. There the Altaians were seen, the Oirati chided them, there the Mongol writing was expanded, there the llamas for transmission and fortune-tellers were cherished with the sacred book "Sadur". It is possible, hard for the kamіv to marvel, farther away to sink and scribble the ancient Turkic book of fortune-telling into the depths.

A necessary accessory for intercourse with the spirits of the majority of Altai shamans is a maniac (ritual selection). Yogo vygotovlennya vіdbuvaєtsya for vkazіvkoy spirits-patrons. A maniac is characterized by a more folded zovnіshnє ozdoblennya. It includes: faceless jgutiv; hundreds of different promotions; small pieces of fabric in the look of tufts; stitches; fringe shkіru zvіrіv ptakhіv i їkh okremi parts (kіgtі, pіr'ya, dziobi, krill); ganchir'yanі anthropomorphic images of looking frogs, snakes, monsters; various miniature objects will be pobuted (kissets, heads). Jguti are made from hemp hanks and sheathed with chintz.

Pіdvіski (kіltsya, plaques) are prepared from the hall. Little twins, bubonts - honeys. Everything is attached to a short piece, so that it reaches the knees, or a jacket with sleeves (from a sheepskin or a maral coat) so that the jacket itself is not visible. The jacket serves as a constructive basis for the placement of all the details, which may have different symbolic meanings. Iconographic images of deities and perfumes are sewn onto the maniac, looking like lyalechok, jgutiv and ing, which help shamans to perform rituals. The costume serve as a place for the spirits of the shaman, who call to the sorcerers, like to protect Kama like armor for the hour of prayer.

The preparation of a shaman's costume is a collective occupation of women (bubo only shy of men). Vono is celebrated at the hour and accompanied by a special ceremony. This ritual is to take place in the presence of a great crowd of people and calls to see the filth from the maniac, which has vibrated the hands of filthy people at a new kind of dotik. But the smut signifies the rite at the appointed stage of the suit's appurtenance.

Spirits during kamlanії zealously look at the maniac and through navigation give someone their praise or not praise. Like a maniac does not brag, they alter it and correct it appropriately to the spirits. After the ritual costume was hardened by the spirits of wine, it becomes a fence for dotik women. Maniyak proyshov purification, having added an entrance for the appearance of the shaman's strength on the new, becoming a sacred ritual attire and yoga should not be defiled by hands.

Maniyak is important, but still another attribute of a shaman. Kamlati is possible without a maniac. Without a tambourine, Altai shamans cannot kamlati.


Procedure of kamlannya at kamіv rіzna. I itself is diya rіznomanіtna, i psnі, i gods, like kam call. Obviously, the storehouse of the squad of spirits should lie down for some reason, for which generation a shaman should lie, from his native vineyards. Skin brush maє your god and kamlaє yoma. Tilki Ulgen and Yerlik are the gods of sleep for all Altaians.

Kami call out to their dead fathers like spirits. How to make friends with them, call on wine and quiet spirits, such a squad you brought from you. To this, a squad of perfumes have a kama nibi dowry: partly they are folded from the distance near the recesses, partly they are filled with new native links.

Wondering at the deity, to which one turns with prayer or sacrifice, the procedure of kamlannya becomes rich. Vaughn can depict the trip of a shaman with his squad of spirits to the distant dwelling of a deity. As if the deity lives in heaven, for example, Ulgen, then the mystery of the kama is guilty of depicting it more expensively to heaven, moreover, the shaman has to, like descendants, go from one sky to another, until the wine reaches the rest of the sky. Like a deity lives under the earth, like, for example, Yerlik, depicting the mystery, like a shaman descends into the underworld kingdom.

The idolatry of the Altai peoples is reduced to a symbolic manifestation of good and evil. Horses, bullocks and sheep, which are sacrificed to deities, are barbarously driven in: either, quarterly, or, spreading creatures' breasts and squeezing the heart with a hand, to take a yogic battle. All the same, however, it seems to be of extraordinary swedishness, and the creature is a mittevo. Let's sweat the victim on the fire and kill it.

Religious ceremonies celebrate "abisi". This is how the Altaians call their clergy. Rest do not earn any privileges and, after the completion of the ritual, join in everyday life, not wanting to care for other people and not paying any honors.

Primitive statements about the deity that the Altaians worship, they are amazed at the sacrifice, as if they were agreeing to an agreement that offends the parties with mutual goiters. And if the sacrifice is not carried out to a bad result, the resolutions of the Altaєts іnоdі duzhe suvorno rasplyaєєєєє z nekolyshnіh objects. Vіn їх lamає, sіche chi trampling with your feet, smashing the great drum into pieces of shmatka, one-man drib that serve as an accompaniment to the sacred songs of the abissu. Often Altaians shift to the rest of the vіdpovіdalnіst for the non-balance of the gods.

Von believe that physically suffering resemble the forces of evil and vvazhayut that for exaltation the ailment does not have much more, as if the evil spirit was driven from the body of the ailing. In order to reach someone, stinks sometimes go as far as "cunning".

Mіstsya kamlanіya

The office of the administration of religious cults among the Altaians is not designated. The only sign is the skins of horses, cows and bikivs, hung on old poles, in order to gain goodness, good-naturedness for an evil spirit, or to ask about deeds of mercy from the heavenly god, or to punish yoma for those, as already taken away.

One of the places of the scam in Altai was a great galyavin not far from the angry river Katun and Sema. Ninі here is the Girnicho-Altai botanical garden, in order - the village of Kamlak (Republic of Altai, Shebalinsky district).

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