Mosquitoes do not bite all people. Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others? Skilki live mosquito

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There are impersonal theories why mosquitoes bite some people and do not bite others. Yes, for example, lovers of beer, great people, yakіblyayut more carbon dioxide and sweat, more suitable for mosquitoes.

One thing we know for sure: genetics and chemistry of the body are the keys to understanding the mind, mosquitoes, vibrancy.

Statistics to talk about those who have ten skins of people, as a rule, are suitable for mosquitoes.

Why do mosquitoes attack singing people?

Let's figure out what mosquitoes want when they land on our skin. Without a bit of sexism, let's say that females bite less. In order to breed offspring, to eat eggs, they need the blood of the savants. Males of all kinds of mosquitoes in the world eat exclusively dewy hedgehogs and do not indulge in bleeding blood.

Females are more vibratory, and for their future offspring they want the stench of nothing more than the best blood. As you can see, we have our own unique body smell. I mosquitoes know how to “sound” the ideal aroma for them. They can see yoga for 30 meters.

Simply put, there are close to 100 trillion microbes in a person. We have to navit є svіy, so bi moviti, “microbial signature”, which is designated as the head rank of genetics. Microbial microbes are the main part of our immune system, so remember that some of the water procedures do not bring crusty and stench, obviously, do not pick up your smell from the sharp scent of mosquitoes.

Blood type is just as important

Like a mosquito, having become worthy of your smell, you won’t be able to see you. In addition, the conducted experiments showed that mosquitoes can kill people with blood type I, more often, lower than II. Tse means that in 85% of people’s behaviors, their own blood type attracts mosquitoes.

What is the ideal fragrance?

We repeat, a great role is played by the amount of sweat and carbon dioxide, which is seen by the human body. However, the very smell of our body is important.

Lactic acid, as z'yasuvalosya, є more addictive more mosquito species. And the same products, such as cheese, soybeans, yogurt or pickled vegetables, at the same time, from physical activity, produce a large amount of lactic acid on the surface of the skin. I do not attract bloodsuckers to us.

It is absolutely unacceptable for mosquitoes to grow up. Everything, on schho mi zdatnі, - it’s better to stop outside, come in: cover the big villagers shkiri with clothes, don’t go out on the street to the windfall and in the evening at the hour of increased moisture, that and sour with creams and sprays in bites, aromatic oils. Ale to teach the next mosquito not to “love” us less.

Mosquitoes make light differently than people do. The stench of the building distinguishes the temperature of the body with its glance. The warmer the body, the warmer it is for the mosquito. Therefore, in people with partial heartbeats, the temperature of the body is rich, so that the mosquito resents the yogo as a meal. If you go in for sports or take walks, then people cannot stand up to mosquito attacks.

Acceptance odors

Mosquitoes have a wonderful scent. From earlier studies, mosquitoes already love the smell of sweat. Therefore, sleepy people will be richly lax for a mosquito, a lower badory and not a sleepy person. For a mosquito, it’s already a pleasant smell of unmitigated human body To that, a short-hour zahist in the form of coma gives showers, to that for a certain hour a person does not see any smells. So the human skin can smell of lactic acid, which is the edge of the acceptance of this coma. Don't forget about carbon dioxide, you see people. Vіn є the main thing for choosing a mosquito is the misplacement of its prey.
At the same time, there was a thought that the reduction of vitamin B in the presence of mosquitoes in humans, the protein was promoted by Kal Jensen from the University of Aarus.

Odors are unacceptable

From the other side, the unnatural smells of the body inspire mosquitoes. Mosquitoes do not bite a person who is clearly stained with deodorants and perfumes, so for her the smell is not associated with a gerel. So deakі roslinnі smells vіdlyakuyut tsikh komakh, for example, the smell of yalіvtsyu chi needles. Most of the features that excite mosquitoes are based on the principle of protection by smell.
Buv in value cicavia fact: mosquitoes often bite people in dark weather during the day, and at night - in light ones

Alcoholic drinks

It has been repeatedly stated that people who feed are often attacked by mosquitoes. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya through those, scho alcohol, scho having spent at the roof, zmushuє dіyalnіst silyuvatsya heart, and the smell of the body zminyuvatsya. This smell does not overwhelm mosquitoes. There is nothing marvelous for that, like a person who drank, fell asleep in nature, and the vranci slithered from the faceless mosquito bites on the body.

Medical care

Lyudina, as she accepts faces, smells like a mosquito anyway. Є vyslovlyuvannya, scho mosquito love trash blood. The greater the bouquet of smells, the viperation of human shelter, the more accepting the won for the mosquito. I will especially accept the mosquito of the shelter of a person, as I accept the preparations of the heart.

Dzherela light

Practically all coma, following their instincts, fly light. No vines and mosquitoes. To that there is nothing marvelous in the fact that up to the burnt bagattya or the switched on lighter in the fox so actively fly and komakhi.

Mosquitoes - mosquitoes are stubborn, ale with their own peculiarities. So, for example, it seems that female bloodsuckers love to favor women more importantly, and ladies more importantly stomp on blondes.

With mosquitoes, everything sticks - at least once in life, but the skin feels a characteristic squeak in the wind in the gloomy night, if you are already lying down to sleep. The same wine is talking about those that an attack of these bloodsucking bloodsuckers is possible. Zustrich with mosquitoes richly wraps up with unacceptable traces. And in the deyaky regions of Russia, I am reworking the bulk of these coma normal life hell that nightmare.
Who bites.
Warto understand that mosquitoes bite people not just like that, but as a whole from a specific method - start pitying female people in order to secure your clutch of eggs for eating. Male mosquitoes, as a rule, are satisfied with the vegetarian menu - roslin juice and a drink of kvitiv. Females do not accept this option, because. similarly, they know the ability to lay eggs. In view of the quantity of dead blood and the possibility of renewing the reserves of the irresistibly stale quantity of offspring. One clutch - 30-150 eggs, and the female mosquito spawns its offspring once every 2-3 days.

Who to choose.
It has long been a fact that mosquitoes do not bite the horns. They, like the right gourmets, have their own advantages and similarities. If the number is low, let it go, for which female mosquitoes can pick up their prey. One of them is the blood group. Aje mosquitoes squawk white, which is in the blood of the singing group - and most often go about pershu. So mosquitoes can be obtained by representatives of the third blood group, and the other is less suitable for these bloodsuckers.
There is also a version that mosquitoes add the smell of carbon dioxide to the people. Also, the more often you breathe, the more often you will take a characteristic bite. It is important that for the same reasons - more frequent breathing - children often show up at gunpoint.
Cicavimi for mosquitoes can be odors - after the exchange of speeches. The temperature of the blood rises, the intensity increases with the smell of acids - sechoic and lactic, and also the amber, ammonia and sweat increase. Everything is more like mosquitoes.

The smell of alcohol can also be robbed of a person by grafting a victim. Adzhe is not only the "aroma" of ethanol itself, but the increase in body temperature on aphids literally calls the females for a snack.

In the zone of risk, there are also female women. The stench can also cause a high body temperature for the increase in blood volume and an accelerated struma with vessels, through which and often breathe.

What an unsafe bite.
And everything would be nothing in the zіtknіnі people with mosquitoes - some of them would bawl, and others wouldn't notice - yakbi mosquito bites wouldn't be unsafe. Well, not for skin. Some people have a tendency to an allergic reaction to a coma bite.

On the right, in the fact that at the moment of a mosquito bite, it launches a line with protein structures, which ache and choke blood. It is necessary that a person does not overtake yoga, remember the songful hour and do not fall into ruin. The very protein is for the human body the main mimic, and the body starts to become more active, so that in the shortest term you can bring yoga and minimize Skoda. On which aphids develop, that reaction itself is characteristic. Hanna Shulyaeva, doctor-allergist, rozpovidaє, what kind of respect should be given and in such situations, one should not go to the doctor:
- Allergy to mosquito bites can manifest itself as a strong expression of overwhelm or fluff, and the wine can be growing and transform into an angry flame that occupies the entire surface of the sky. So it seems, for example, like a mosquito having tasted a leg or a hand. The reaction can also be sideways nervous system- bluvannya, tedium, right up to anaphylactic shock and waste your memory. Such manifestations sound like a grown-up. In children, most of all, everything is mixed with more fluff and pronounced stings.
An unresponsive reaction to a mosquito bite can develop, as a result of a change in climate, for example, with a sharp change in time zones through the manifestation of concomitant pathologies, changes in the immune system. Often such a problem develops on aphids. In grown-ups, an overworldly active reaction can develop due to the presence of evil spirits.

Yakshcho at the roads of the people's people zeroil, if it is nobed, the puhiri is darkened, to take off the Self -Podchutta, the problems of the Zi Svidistu, the need for the dedication - the dates of the antigstamini drug, and the bite of the bite of the cold, .
For children, first help, you can take an antihistamine and, maybe, also report to the cold for the need
If the reaction is active, do not go through the doby, or the symptoms increase: it gets worse, the fluff gets bigger, new patches appear, the rash rises, other symptoms come, - it’s necessary to turn to the doctor. When saving fluff, stretch it out, or appear at the place of improvement, so varto see fakhivtsya. You need to go to the doctor for these reasons that important medical reactions require therapy with hormonal ointments, and they may be less likely to be recognized.
Although the supernaturally active reaction develops with a long stretch of the first dobi and does not subside, you need extra help in looking either for an injection of adrenaline, or for an injection of prednisolone. I those, and those are administered either in the place of the bite, or internally, so that the body is completely throwing forces on the tooth of the hyper-development of antibodies against the presence of the allergen in the body

How to yell.
Yakshcho є schilnіst to allergy to mosquito bites, next vichiti їх zvichki and perevagi. So, for example, mosquitoes love water. To the very same it is rich there, de orphan and warm - the parameters are optimal for them: +16 degrees and humidity 80-90%. And it means that in the days of thriving woods, angry and floods, the chance for a whole bunch of clods grows steadily.
Negative for mosquitoes are important:
- The temperature is +28 and higher - stench cannot be active in such minds
- The temperature is lower than +12 - stench can not be lit, not bite in such situations
Obviously, not everyone can live in ideal minds. That's why different options fight. Ale here varto try not to have mercy, so as not to harm your body.

So, at the first stage of the middle of the winter, there should be chemical preparations at the sight of repellents. This is a special country, as it is packaged in spray cans and served under a vice. Її need to be applied to the skin and renewed every 3-4 years.
How to follow the instructions:
- apply without enthusiasm
- Gently brush across the scales
- Before going to bed, zmivat yoga zі shkіri
- Vikoristovuvati vіdpovіdno to vіku, designated on the etiquette
- Relatively miti hands after vikoristannya preparation
Nothing terrible will happen. Obviously, it is impossible to spread such speech in the eyes, mouth and ear. Otzhe, їх sled trimati filed in the area of ​​reach of small children.

So, like a zahisny zasіb, repellents are worn by looking ointments. The principle is the same, only the form of release is different. Golovne - dotrimuvatisya quiet of the simplest rules.

For children, miraculous solutions will be a special bracelet, leakage repellent. Ale and here it is important to understand that such a zasіb cannot be victorious in the little ones, like in the vices, if everything is pulled at the mouth.
Fumіgatori - zasіb, which protects once in the great square, for example, near the kіmnaі. Tse attach, how to put on mosquitoes a nerve-paralytic disease. Work with plates or other, which, when heated, see insecticides. You can win such a zahistu for 30, or you can have more nights. With such a vikoristan, I’ll build a window in the room, but I’ll be able to do it. In this case, the accumulation of insecticides is not observed, and the stinks themselves are seen in quantities that are safe for people.
even if there is a shortage of chemical preparations, you can connect folk medicine. For example, the aroma lamp became a miraculous solution, seasoned with olive basil, geranium, eucalyptus, tea tree, citrus fruits of a different kind. Such a warehouse for a person who is not safe will not appear. You can also try putting camphor cotton wool on a saucer. Vanilla is an unstoppable repellant. Її it is possible to rozchiniti near the water as a place of residence, so the body of a person.

Mosquitoes and mosquitoes are carriers of various infections in different parts of the world, and stench is regularly a subject of investigation. The deyakі of them were focused on what makes mosquitoes to the singing type of people that look different.

So many of us, with the advent of summer, put our own questions: “Well, why should I love biting mosquitoes so much?” Adzhe є people, for those who navit gloomy comakhs is not a problem. Then what is the difference? Why don't mosquitoes bite the saplings?

Viyavlyatsya - rich in what. Vcheni knew a few reasons, because like mosquitoes they cannot stand before the peace of taste of some, like the devil incense, they are afraid to reach other people.

Trochs about state affiliation

We all know that only female mosquitoes live with blood, male mosquitoes are quite enough of a dewy hedgehog. Females wine offspring, and the larvae need a fresh set of live speeches. De yoga shukati, like not in the blood of great savts, for example people? Our shelter is a practical preparation of a lively cocktail for the critical mosquito larvae.

However, among the victims of bloodsuckers that are flying, it has not been without a bit of sexism. The results of recent studies have shown that mosquitoes are free to bite children and young women, shards of their skin are thin and easy to bite.

carbon dioxide gas

Mosquitoes and mosquitoes, instead of sharks in the open space, get angry at the smell of blood, which can be seen for a few kilometers from the victim. However, not the main sensory alarm clock. Mosquitoes know victims by carbon dioxide, which we see. The more carbon dioxide a person vibrates, the more it attracts coma to itself.

Some types of people are turning more CO2, lower others. Among such types, for example, are great people, women of great importance, beer lovers, those people who drink heavily.

Blood type

Mosquitoes are famous for their vibrancy, pidshukyuchi "the same" taste of blood. Tsey selective pіdkhіd vchenі explain the group of blood. Deyakі groups zaluchayut їх stronger than others, for example first, especially those with a negative Rh factor.

A team of scientists from Japan conducted a small experiment, they disproved the reaction of several groups of mosquitoes to people with different blood types. The mosquitoes of a small one circled around people from the first group. Navit those individuals, as if they saw their proboscises, sat on representatives of the first blood group.

Chemical secretion

Mosquitoes are also great mosquitoes. The stench of the blood of people, whose secretion is seen saccharides, the stench of robbing the skin "malty for relish." Another mosquito "delicacy" is lactic acid. It gets better when glucose breaks down, which is in our blood. Implantation of these products and high physical activity increase the level of lactic acid production by the body. Improvement in carbohydrates and important physical changes add to coma.


Millions of different bacteria and microbes live on the surface of our organism, which provide the skin with a unique aroma. Bacteria in the pores and on the surface of the skin smell of sweat. And here the mosquitoes show their whimsicality and vibrancy.

Dutch scientists have shown that a high concentration of bacteria of one type is highly susceptible to mosquitoes, even though a large number of types of microbes and bacteria, navpak, and insects are large.

Main Meta Completion

Tests and pharmacists conduct research on the method of identifying and detecting okremі elements, yakі zaluchayut or exterminate mosquitoes and mosquitoes, to create a universal bacteriological spray, which protects the skin from mosquito bites.

Well, who among the post-mortem victims of these stinging bloodsuckers would not want to cover their heads with up to the last few bacteria, in order to spare the eternal re-examination? However, the doslіdzhennya protrude painfully enough, and the mosquitoes are famous for their high building before adaptation, this is not too far away for the sake of it. Traditional ways to defend yourself in coma while you haven’t told anyone!

If a mosquito has tasted you, then you are still young. Don't be so angry with someone else, navit like wine won't let you fall asleep. The squeak of mosquitoes can tell you a lot about the camp of your health.

BUTlikar,therapist, rehabilitologist, valeologist, naturopath, phytotherapist,nutritionist Boris SKACHKO suggests,how to decipher komarinibite.

Boris Skachko


A mosquito bite is the simplest test, which can be used to determine the biological age of a person. And like a mosquito having tasted you - it’s good: your biological age is young. More precisely, not a mosquito, a vegetarian and eating roslin juices, but a mosquito. Adzhe won’t be tazh shukay yourself good shelter warm-blooded, including humans. And according to the warmth that you see, she jokes her victim. To that, like a mosquito having selected you, in fact, putting a sign of cruelty on you.

Who is not afraidmosquito bites?

Tim, who has vegetative dystonia and who is regularly depressed. In these camps, people have thick blood and won’t be able to completely secure the exchange of speeches. As a rule, such people have a decrease in the vice, the climaxes become cold.

And you will dress your clothes, which will strip only the brushes with bare skin, the mosquito will not hurt them. This is an indication that you have a high blood viscosity, which means that you have a high cardiological risk and even more serious risk.

How many mosquitoes were taken awayyoufrom a decent company,I'm blowing you!

Energy is given to us in carbohydrates. And as two thirds of the energy of the human body can absorb carbohydrates, then just by looking at the exchange of speeches - you have a good biological age. The first two thirds of the energy give you the ability to see carbon dioxide from your body. Because the mosquitoes have taken you out of decent company, I am kicking you.

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