Find the analyses. Paid analytics. Donate blood for analysis more quickly: paid services vs. no-cost services

Description of analysis

Global blood analysis - about obov'yazkove and the most clinically relevant, as it is prescribed by doctors of all specialties. Under it, it may be necessary to assess the viability of the biomaterial for the number of elements that can be found in it: erythrocytes, hemoglobin, platelets, leukocytes, etc. In order to correctly decipher the results, you can determine the cause of the symptoms, determine the type of illness and choose the appropriate course of treatment for the patient.

The procedure itself is unique in itself. Aje shelter is not only a sickness, but a whole healthy people for an hour of passing a medical examination to enter a university or college, driving a job and passing service in the army.

Show before confession

Clinical analysis assigned to a patient should be accompanied by some indications, among which one can see anemia (anemia), various inflammations and infections, the elimination of malignant swelling, and the disease of the blood system. Also, the procedure is an indicator effective rejoicing I will become a healthy patient as my own “monitor”.

A deep blood test should be given regularly to patients with chronic illnesses, or else they should be taken to medical examinations. In addition, doslіdzhennya also assign women a pіd vagіtnostі hour (call not less than 4 times with normal vagіtnosti).

Preparation before the procedure

Ahead of the tasks of the global blood analysis, the next step was to take into account the sing suvorih could:

  • For a few days before the procedure, do not get drunk on alcohol and tyutyunovy;
  • Utrimatisya vіd priyomu їzhі z nadlshkovom vіstom zhiіv і vuglevіv;
  • Unikati physical and emotional advantages, as well as taking sleepy baths;
  • The rest of the reception is to be blamed but not later than 8-12 years before the blood donation;
  • Do not take in medicinal preparations, the crime is vitally important (for which nutrition you need a doctor's consultation).

The process of taking blood

The process of picking up is done early, on a hungry slug. Also, a day of blood donation is allowed after 4-6 years after a small wound meal.

As a rule, shelter for a deep analysis is taken from the ring finger. right hand. On the back of the hand, the laboratory assistant wipes the pad of the finger with cotton wool soaked in an antiseptic (alcohol). We then quickly pierce the skin with a scarifier, after which the first drop of blood is seen soaked in alcohol with a cotton swab. Then the laboratory assistant collects biomaterial with a special device, after which I transfuse the blood from the test tube. After the procedure, on the puncture site, cotton wool soaked with an antiseptic rozchin is applied, so it is necessary to take a sprat of fluff for bleeding.

Where can I get a cheap blood test?

A deep blood test is a procedure for not less than an hour її carried out, but also for an hour of fermentation of biomaterial, the result of which can be taken away already in 4-6 years. However, to save a lot of time, someone goes to a paid clinic, where you can cheaply build shelter and take the results in hand in a term.

It is possible to do everything possible in the area of ​​laboratories “Litekh”, so that you could create an express blood test and immediately take the results of the follow-up. Modern technological possession, qualified personnel, home visits in Moscow and the region are far from all our advantages. Also, our facsimiles will give advice on your supplementary nutrition on preparation and analysis tasks. For this, call us at 8-800-700-45-82.

The procedure for blood analysis transfers the birth of impersonal authorities. To that, as the doctor recommends you to have an analysis, do not be advised.

A blood test can be used for a few times, so that you can change the flow rate of the body, or evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.

It’s easy to do an analysis in our clinic, and you won’t have to worry about getting reliable results.

Blood tests are divided into 3 main groups:

  • Clinical analysis. A deep analysis of blood, as it allows you to evaluate the number and frequency of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets, to reveal hemoglobin and look at the leukocyte formula and SOE (sweetness of erythrocytes). Clinical blood analysis allows you to detect ignition processes, anemia and other illnesses.
  • Biochemical analysis. Follow-up of blood, directing the manifestation of functional respirations in the robots of specific organs of the prosecutor's office and systems. The method of diagnostics allows to reveal the imbalance of microelements, the disease of the liver and liver, the manifestation of rheumatic and inflammatory processes, and also to assess the stage of the disease.
  • Hormonal analysis. Blood monitoring, which allows the use of thyroid hormones, state hormones: testosterone, prolactin, progesterone, FSH, LH and others. This method of diagnostics allows to detect disease of the reproductive system, thyroid gland, and other organs and systems.

You can often finish a little such a thought of people, as if they had been at the appointment of a doctor: They appointed me a few analyses! I didn’t understand without them what a sick person is! Ale de there - it’s wise for them to analyze pennies varto!

It's a marvelous thought, just think about it. It’s wonderful, first of all, tim, that whether a person respects himself as an expert in medicine, respects for being able to criticize a doctor, a professional doctor. In a different way, it is marvelous that those people are always dissatisfied. The stench is also dissatisfied with the actions of the long-term doctor of the district polyclinic, who makes a "chergovy" diagnosis, having looked at the sick person, that doctor of the private clinic, who conducts the general treatment of the sick person, for the recognition of all necessary analyses, for this, it is not as effective as possible.

If you don’t take the thoughts of the unsatisfied to the point of respect, but marvel at the problem from an objective point of view, then you happen to know that analyzes are absolutely necessary for the diagnosis of major illness and for the recognition of healing. Age analyzes can tell a lot about the disease that develops at its early stage, until it shows signs of illness. Tse allow you to rozpochat likuvannya at the same time, and spodіvatisya shvidka likuvannya ailing. From the other side, often zovsіm raznі (although not safe!) Illness may be similar. Without vikonannya analyziv diagnostics is complicated, and a pardon is possible, as a mother of fatal consequences.

And so wide spread of allergies? Vaccination is safe in the norm, it can lead to serious complications, as the patient may be allergic to any of the components of the vaccine. How to get lost? Start the analysis!

The food is not empty. At our fast hour, patients cannot check, most often the results of analyzes are needed for a term, for a year, and for an hour and a whilin. Deyakim zruchnіshe zdati analysis at home. Moreover, the results may be bezmilkovimi, even de know the hour on repeat!

Qi dvі mogy (terminovіst and bezpomilkovіst results) and give advice on the supply. Analyzes are best done at the clinic with a laboratory equipped with the most modern facilities, which are practical, without holidays. At GMS Clinic we have such a laboratory, modern, equipped with the best automatic analyzers.

At our laboratory, you can send an analysis and take the results of the colony, this day for the next day. The staff of our laboratory has been trained and certified for work with modern possessions, so the possibility of a pardon is practically turned off. Є variant of the building of analysis at home.

We robimo practically all kinds of analyses, which can be recognized by your doctor:

  • Blood (hot, clinical, biochemical, tsukor, hormony)

Where to know our laboratory, You can find out in the distribution Contact information, there are telephone numbers, addresses and directions - You can come and get the analysis at a convenient hour for you.

Alas, please, if there are any reasons, you can't come before us? There are no problems! GMS Clinic offers the service of "Analysis at home". Our fahivtsy will come to you in good time with you an hour, take analyzes and revise the hour, if you can find out about the results. Before we speak, for the results it is not obligatory to come to us, we can deliver the results of the analyzes to you at home with the courier, by mail or by electronic mail.

Analyzes at home - tse accuracy, efficiency, efficiency! GMS Clinic laboratory works on health, do tests and be healthy!

Why GMS Clinic?

GMS Clinic is a high-profile medical and diagnostic center that provides a wide range of medical services and the ability to solve more health problems for additional medical care without overwhelming Moscow.

  • Vіdsutnіst cherg
  • Own parking
  • Individual approach to the skin patient
  • Foreign and Russian standards of evidence-based medicine

Lab Quest win more 2000 laboratory results

You can build an analysis in Moscow and the regions of Russia at an early hour. On your prohannya (letter application) we force the results of electronic mail. About the readiness of the results of the analysis, we will tell you about the SMS notification. Innovatively secure high security and accuracy of laboratory results. It is possible to conduct analysis in comfortable minds without prior recording.

Globally clinical studies allow us to take into account the totality of information about the physical, chemical and microscopic characteristics of the examined biomaterial. In the course of the investigation, blood power, sputum, stool, stool, sebaceous organs, which are cremated, spinal and other physiological rhines are analyzed. Zagalnoklinіchnі doslіdzhennya - laboratory tests, which are most often prescribed, for the beginning of a diagnostic investigation, conducting medical examinations. "Laboratory LabQuest" promotes the development of blood tests and other biomaterials at the global clinical examination. You can have a blood test at any medical center in the city.

For a set of skin antigens, the organism is unique. An individual set of antigens indicates the impersonal features of a person, a blood type and a Rh factor. Immunohematological follow-up is carried out at the time, as it is planned to be hospitalized and surgically performed. It is necessary to analyze the term before blood transfusions, tissue transplantation or internal organs. Also, immunohematological studies may have a high clinical significance during the preparation and maintenance of pregnancy.

In the course of hemostasis studies, the state of the system of blood glottis is assessed, and damage is seen in the robot. It is necessary to conduct a blood test after an hour of preparation for pregnancy, for the presence of laryngeal pathology, vitamin K deficiency, antiphospholipid syndrome, and in a number of other illnesses. Timely detection of problems in the system of hemostasis and adequate treatment allows the development of serious complications. To pathological states, one can see both a decrease (hypocoagulation), and an increase in larynx (hypercoagulation).

Why do biochemical blood tests? Biochemistry of blood is directed to the detection of problems in the work of internal organs, the assessment of the exchange of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, the determination of the consumption of the body in microelements. It is recommended to undergo prophylactic follow-up examinations, and I will become healthy. Also, biochemical blood tests are assigned to patients who have suffered somatic infections. In the course of follow-up, the number of low parameters is indicated: glucose, carbonic protein, cholesterol, triglycerides, creatinine, sechovin, enzymes and other substances.

Hormones are highly active biological speech, which are vibrated by internal secretions. Hormones regulate exchange processes, ensure the body's reaction to the outside world, control the growth and development of old. In case of dysfunction of that chi organ, which is responsible for the production of hormones, the hormonal damage is more severe. Hormonal blood tests are prescribed by an endocrinologist, neurologist, gynecologist, urologist, gastroenterologist and other medical specialists.

Oncomarkers are proteins that are seen as evil cells in significant numbers. Research on tumor markers vicarious in clinical practice for differential diagnosis, monitoring of the course of treatment, assessment of its effectiveness, detection of relapses. It is recommended to conduct an analysis in Moscow for markers of malignant neoplasms of various localization (thyroid, anterior, thoracic, subdural and mammary diseases, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, leg and other organs). The results of laboratory tests for tumor markers are not the only criterion that is checked by the doctor when making a diagnosis, but they can also be used as supplements in combination with other diagnostic methods.

Autoimmune diseases are manifested by the production of antibodies, which cause inflammation in the tissues of the body, destroying them. Autoimmune pathologies occur in approximately 5% of the population. These illnesses develop in women more often, less often in men. Pathology can engulf the tissues of one or more organs, depending on the variety clinical symptoms. Laboratory investigations on autoimmune diseases are used for diagnostics, selection of an effective method of investigation, and forecasting.

To make a microbiological diagnosis, a bacteriological examination of the method of observation of bacteria and the development of their dominance is prescribed. In order to correctly conduct an analysis for bacteriological studies, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

The skin of a person stuck in his life with the necessary task of analyzing the passage of a different type of work. 10-15 years ago, this procedure took a lot of time and energy, I had to walk back and forth to the municipal polyclinic, then go to the laboratory. Today, whether someone can easily and without wasting money, carry out a follow-up visit in any private clinic. Only in Moscow there are over a hundred similar installations, today we can look at the most popular of them, obviously, de cheaply build analysis near the capital.

Urgency of the problem

For the rest of 20-30 years, the trivality of life in Russia has increased in kilka times. This fact is connected not only with the improvement of the material well-being of the population, but also with the establishment of a new trend towards prevention. People have learned to follow themselves and the camp of their body, to see a doctor at all times, and not to check until the rest and be inspired by wonder. That is why food is so relevant, de inexpensively building an analysis. People of different levels of life come to the laboratory, so the clients of the clinic are encouraged to establish democratic values.

The folded analysis allows for a more accurate diagnosis of the diagnosis, and therefore for the sake of avoiding, or, at the same time, the development of an ailment. Today's independent medical laboratories pronounce see different analyzes:

  • blood;
  • section;
  • feces;
  • biopsy.

Bacteriological and microscopic examinations, tomography, x-rays, MRI scans are carried out. d. The presence of these chi іnshої categorії to lie down depending on the possibilities of the clinic and the presence of the necessary possession.

A look at the laboratories for the task of analysis near Moscow

Bezkoshtovna medicine does not have to give the skin bulker the opportunity to go through the next steps. That is why a lot of people are sent to private laboratories. Їхні advantages in an individual approach, in the daily life of a church, and therefore saving an hour. Nedolik - price. Near the capital, tens of thousands of karbovantsiv can become fully equipped.

Our statistics will look at clinics and laboratories, where you can get inexpensive analyzes in Moscow. Such statistics allow you to deliberately come to the point of carrying out a survey of a different level and to know the best solution to find in such an expensive place, like Moscow.

Among the most popular medical installations with reasonable prices are "Invitro", "Sitilab", "Gemotest", "Divo-Doctor", "Chromolab", "Vira", "Niacramedic", "Ditriks Medical". According to the version of the existing Internet-visitors, it is possible to conduct an analysis inexpensively at the Tsar's Clinic. Prote, be respectful - the information is out of date as of recent times. The rich medical center "Tsar's clinic" is currently closed and does not accept patients. Let us make a report on quiet installations, as if right at once, we will give you all the necessary services, fast and cheaply.

"Invitro": services, prices, work schedule

The range of independent medical facilities under this brand has been successfully practiced in Russia since 1998. Within an hour, their families appeared at all the great places of the country. There are also distribution centers in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

At the laboratory "Invitro" the distribution is practically in all districts of the city. The “Invitro” branch of the metro station Nagatyske works on a regular basis and without days off, the schedule for receiving assistance in other places can be reported on the company’s website, as well as by phone, which is also there.

General schedule for receiving analyses:

  • taking blood slaughter: on weekdays from 7.30 to 19.30, on Saturday from 7.30 to 12.30, a week off for the wine of other filials;
  • view of results: from 7.30 to 20.00, on Saturday from 09.00 to 15.00.

The laboratory "Invitro" serves as a service of "analysis at home", for the doctor's call it is necessary to call the main phone from 09.00 to 17.00. Variation of the main services:

  • global clinical blood test - 315 rubles. (With manual microscopy - 1020 rubles)
  • analysis for the rapidity of erythrocytes - 315 rubles;
  • analysis of kalu - in the form of 340 rubles;
  • completion of the section - 220 rubles;
  • sperm count - 570 rubles;
  • cytological follow-up - 845 rubles;
  • for platelets - 240 rubles;
  • detection of recessive illnesses - 6800 rubles;
  • research on the fermentation of aloimmune antibodies - 700 UAH.

The latest change in services and their varity is indicated in the price list of the company. There is an additional charge for the terminology. Care of the medical center to regularly carry out promotions and practice discounts on singing days or for all the motherland. At the moment, the special offer for the reduction is 15%. In addition, if you pass any kind of follow-up, the patient will be deprived of the right to a 50% reduction in admission to the doctor, be it any qualification.


"Sitilab" is one of the largest medical facilities in Russia, today under this brand there are 241 centers in different regions of the country and diagnostic laboratory buildings in 7 largest locations. Moscow Laboratories "Sitilab" has a listing for the following addresses:

  • vul. Marshal Chuikov, bud. 12;
  • Horo_vske shose, 90;
  • Vul. Mitinska, bud. 48.

A report about the schedule of work, the scheme of passage and the number of services can be recognized by a single phone, the number of which is on the official website.

Perelіk analіzіv from "Cіtіlab":

  1. Biochemical analysis of blood:
  • for enzymes - from 240 to 490 rubles;
  • substrates - from 240 to 750 rubles;
  • exchange of bills - from 260 to 300 rubles;
  • exchange of carbohydrates - from 250 to 670 rubles;
  • exchange of lipids - from 250 to 2950 rubles.

2. Analysis of the section:

3. Hormonal studies: thyroid disease, statin hormone proteins, growth hormones, markers of the duct, adipose tissue and others - 500 UAH. up to 1500

Laboratory "Sitilab" to carry out genetic studies for scalability to oncological and other diseases. In addition, here you can undergo a biopsy, immunological and bacteriological studies, be it equal. It is also necessary to carry out an analysis at "Sitilab" for the detection of DNA, the determination of the sporidity of the system of genetic risks. The clinic is often visited by families, as if they are planning to have children with ECD.


Merezha filii "Gemotest" slanders all the regions of Moscow and the rich city of Pdmoskov'ya. On the website of the company you can find out about virtual card, de show all centers and laboratories. Apparently, until the end, those prices in "Hemotest" are suitable for the people with any income, a system of reductions for corporate and permanent clients is practiced.

You can take a consultation on services, as well as sign up for an appointment to the nearest appointment by phone. Dzvіnok in Russia bezkoshtovny. The clinic is open from 07.30 to 19.30.

List of popular analyzes and prices for "Hemotest":

  • histology - from 2500 to 5200 rubles;
  • dosledzhennya for allergies - from 650 to 5500 rubles;
  • biochemical analysis - 260 rubles;
  • global blood test - $90;
  • genetic analysis - 900 rubles;
  • anemia diagnostics – 360 rubles;
  • test for hormones - 550 rubles;
  • analyzes for hepatitis - 550 rub.

At the clinic, discount bonuses are accumulated by all members of the family, the maximum reduction is 15% of the service fee, 1 bonus is worth 10 rubles. You can pay with bonuses up to 50% of the cost of analysis and service. Also, the clinic has discounts for patients younger than 25 and older than 55 years of age, according to the document, which confirms the age.


The richly specialized clinic "Divo-likar" provides services to the medical character from different directions. Already 16 years of specialization have been established far away to practice on the Russian market. Here, a complex examination of organs and systems is carried out, doctors of various qualifications are accepted, and instrumental and laboratory studies are carried out. Also, the clinic of vicorist non-standard approaches to exaltation and prevention of some illnesses: hydrotherapy, ozone therapy, manual therapy and osteopathy.

Today, the clinic "Miracle-likar" conducts the following follow-up tests:

  • global blood test - 430 rubles;
  • on reticulocytes - 210 rubles;
  • blood type and Rh factor - 450 rubles;
  • burning blood protein - 140 rubles;
  • determination of glucose in the blood - 140 rubles;
  • cholesterol - 140 rubles;
  • mygolobin - 1370 rubles;
  • analyzes for the presence of inorganic speeches - from 140 to 4000 rubles;
  • transcendental clinical analysis of the section - 340 rubles;
  • hormonal follow-up - 1440 rubles;
  • biopsy – 2200 rub.

The clinic is located at the addresses m. Moscow, vul. Shkilna, 11 and 49. Schedule of work: on weekdays from 07.30 to 21.30, on Saturdays from 8.30 to 20.00, from 9.00 to 19.00 during the week.

"Khromolab": services, art, graphics

Laboratory "Chromolab" near Moscow since 2004 is engaged in medical services, a manager. to the center becoming one of the scientific spіvrobіtnikіv RNMU im. Pirogov. Kerіvnitstvo zrobil emphasis on carrying out over-precise and folding analіzіv and doslіdzhen. For 13 years, the robotic clinic has managed to acquire permanent clients that kind words among professionals

Today, "Chromolab" is already an international center, where research is carried out in the field of medicine in parallel with other countries. A special emphasis today is to work on clients, as if they want to practice healthy image life, and also quiet, who wants to move in the shkіdlivih zvichok. The clinic is located at address 1, Zhovtneva metro station. All report information can be recognized by phones, and I will put the numbers of them on the site.

Today, the laboratory "Chromoloab" is proposing the coming variety of medical analyses:

  • global clinical analysis - 190 rubles;
  • biochemical blood tests - from 90 to 1000 rubles;
  • biochemical research section - 60 rubles;
  • hormonal follow-up - 280 rubles;
  • doslіdzhennya for mineral exchange - from 1244 rubles;
  • appointment of mineral-vitamin complexes in the blood - 2400 rubles;
  • bacteriological examination - 650 UAH

Є mozhlivіst zamoviti complex analіzi іz significant reduction. Residual price to lay down depending on the type of biological material, necessary possession and foldability, the process can take from 1 day to a few days. When you sign up for services on the official website, there is a 5% discount, and promotions are also held for pensioners at Day of Peremogi, 9 Travnya.

Vira Laboratory

Laboratory "Vira" near Moscow to carry out follow-up for 850 different shows. The clinic is equipped with the most modern possessions of foreign medicine. The clinic offers services from outside the house for the collection of materials, as well as courier delivery.

Just kidding, de inexpensively build an analysis, go to the medical center "Vira". Vіn roztashovaniya for the address m. Moscow, Kolorovy Boulevard, 22, stor. 4, work schedule: weekdays from 08.00 to 18.00, weekends from 09.00 to 15.00.


Merezha of medical clinics "Niarmedik" in the rich districts of Moscow. The clinic promotes the services of diagnostics and treatment of various illnesses. The company spіvpratsyuє z great insurance companies, for bazhannya client can place a contract for the work of services for the whole country with a garnoy znizhkoy.

Laboratory "Niarmedik" to carry out analyzes for women, children, and the detection of genetic diseases of oncological diseases. Variety of services:

  • biochemical blood test - for the exchange of proteins - from 290 rubles; for the exchange of the hall - from 350 rubles; on substrates - from 290 rubles;
  • hematological examinations - a global blood test - 470 rubles;
  • allergy follow-up - 620 rubles;
  • analyzes for hormones - people and women - in the amount of 570 rubles; for markers of the sub-sliding slide - 660 rubles.
  • analysis for infection - from 470 rubles.

Also, the clinic promotes prenatal diagnosis for women. Doslіdzhennya camp of the fetus allows you to detect anomalies in the early stages of development and immediately get used to them when they are adopted.

Ditrix Medical

The current medical laboratory "Ditriks Medical" was awarded in 2005 roci. Today, the clinic will conduct over 1000 years of work in accordance with international standards and rules. The form and registration of materials are automatically entered into the system of chipping. On the official site, someone can take an online consultation and find out the cost of services.

In times of impossibility to come to the center for the assignment of biomaterial, the clinic propons the service of the way home. Variety of services: within the MKAD - 990 rubles, within 30 km from the MKAD - 1490 rubles. Detailed information can be obtained from the phones, the numbers of which are on the official website. You can fill in an application for a doctor's call home at the same place, specifying the type of analysis and address of residence.

In order to ensure that the indications are as accurate as possible, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors how to prepare for analyses. Below we review the basic rules of conduct in front of the laboratory’s experts, depending on the type of biomaterial:

  1. Call for blood sampling in the early years, importantly, so that the body will be as responsive as possible to that kind of third-party products and speeches. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the following rules:
  • do not shoot for two years;
  • blood sampling can be re-blooded with ultrasound, physiotherapy or X-ray;
  • for 2-3 days it is recommended to get rid of alcohol, fatty foods; varto v_dmovitysya v_d physical navantage;
  • the rest of the reception is to be blamed for 4-6 years before the collection of the material, which can be poured into the blood cell; in some cases, the doctor can prescribe a hunger strike for 12 years or more.

Water is not poured into the displays, because non-carbonated water can be drunk without freezing.

2. When choosing a section for hormonal and biochemical studies:

  • turn off alcohol from the diet, which prevents smoking;
  • it is necessary to carry out the analysis no later than 6.00 on the morning of the day;
  • the selected material can be put into a disposable container, put in a pharmacy, otherwise there may be inaccurate indications; take a jar at a temperature of +4 +8 °С.

3. Preparing for the next sperm due to advanced preparation:

  • varto add a new hermetic container in the pharmacy;
  • on the jar, indicate information about the name and nickname of the patient;
  • before taking the analysis of the obov'yazkovo, it is necessary to finish the statutory composure for 3-7 days;
  • do not take in medicinal preparations, overcool and heat up.

4. Preparation to the end of the feces includes the following rules:

  • biomaterial can be buildings near the laboratory;
  • for 3-4 days after the examination in the form of carrying preparations and enemas;
  • it is not possible to carry out the selection of feces in a diaper, only in a specially dressed and dressed ganchirki or bellies.

Why can't you choose cheap propositions

The skin of a person is cheap to build analyses, equal prices, services, advice. This practice is normal, so we don’t want to buti oshukani and take away an inaccurate service. To correct the varity of the need for obov'yazkovo, as in the case of equalization, you commemorated the significant and untrue difference in price, which led to think about the adequacy of the price of the clinic. The low price for the follow-up can be said about the following facts:

  • the presence of daily possession; conducting analyzes manually; in some cases, similar practice can lead to serious omissions and incorrect diagnosis;
  • cheaper or counterfeit possession - the accuracy of such results is also subject to sumniv, the results may appear to be absolutely inconsistent and less likely; there are situations, if it is not possible to call for a second, and in the presence of the correct data about the camp of the patient, lie down the path of yoga;
  • replacement of folding and stained tests with alternative methods, which do not give half the accuracy of the revised methods; more importantly, that all the possessions are due to be regularly reviewed and calibrated, so that they cost chimalih pennies;
  • one of the safest occurrences in cheap and non-domic medical clinics is the cost of saving on the collection of biomaterials; trappings were made of repeated tapping of disposable syringes and other instruments.

Ale all tsі facti shvidshe vynyatok, nizh rule. May all medical laboratories want to earn the trust of their patients, so mothers are more likely to get possession of those highly professional specialists.

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