Why the spleen is inflamed in dogs. View of the spleen in an old dog. Symptoms and clinical breakdown

The swelling of the spleen of the building develops from the tissues that enter the warehouse of the organ, the spleens of the new creation can be judges, lymphoid tissues, smooth m'yazi and good tissues on the fibrous capsule.

The main drive for the investigation of the newly formed spleen is splenomegaly - an increase in the organ against the norm. Splenomegaly is subdivided into one or more nodes (formation in the parenchyma of one or more nodes. Below are the main pathological causes of splenomegaly in dogs and cats.

Table: Pathological causes of splenomegaly in dogs.

Non-bulky lesions
Hyperplastic knots
Splenitis (abscess, granuloma)
Constipation of the organ (constant heart failure, torsion of the spleen, acute dilatation/torsion of the duct, effective preparations)
Infections (fungal, bacterial, viral)
Dobroyakіsnі pukhlinnі lesions
Evil puffy lesions

Undifferentiated sarcoma
Malignant histiocytosis

Metastatic carcinoma

Table: Pathological causes of splenomegaly in cats.

Non-bulky lesions
Hypereosinophilic syndrome
Extramedullary hematopoiesis
Evil puffy intestinal lesions

Myeloproliferative disease

In dogs with an enlarged spleen, there is a law (rule) of two thirds: two thirds of splenomegaly in dogs develop through neoplasia, and two thirds of these plumes - hemangiosarcoma. In the intestines, the main cause of splenomegaly (up to 75%) is malignant neoplasm, and most often it is mastocytoma (first place for rotting) or lymphoma (other place for rotting).

The new spleen is often seen in dogs of the middle and frail age, with pedigree schilnistyu in the middle and great breeds. Not the first place for schilnistyu before the formation of hyperplastic nodules, hematomas, hemangiosarcomas and lymphosarcomas is a German vivcharka, followed by a golden retriever and a Labrador.

Hemangiosarcoma of the spleen most commonly affects dogs in age 8 to 13. Pedigree stature up to the development of plumpness was noted in the German vivcharka and golden retriever.

With nodular hyperplasia of the spleen to the disease of German vivcharkas, Cocker Spaniels, Labradors, Golden Retrievers and poodles. Imovirna shift to nodular hyperplasia in females.

Biology, behavior, forecasts

Below is the characteristic of the new spleen, which is the most pronounced.

Hemangiosarcoma of the spleen.

Hemangiosarcoma of the spleen develops from the transformed endothelium of the blood vessels, characterized by aggressive behavior - local invasive growth and high metastatic potential. More than half of the dogs at the time of diagnosis already may have metastases, which are macroscopically manifested. The localization of metastases of the swell is characteristic - the liver and the leg, in other organs metastases are formed more slowly (omentum, ocherevina, head brain, m'yazi and brushes). The average hour of life of dogs is less with surgical treatment to become from 3 days to 2 months, after surgical treatment with chemotherapeutic drugs, the term of life can be increased up to 6 months. Intestinal hemangiosarcoma is characterized by less aggressive behavior and more aggressive behavior in dogs.

Vuzlov (nodular) hyperplasia of the spleen of dogs.

Vuzlov hyperplasia of the spleen of dogs is a neoplastic regional proliferation of normal cells of the parenchyma of the spleen. Vuzlov's hyperplasia is dependent on the spiving of the components of clitin, but it can be divided into lymphoid, hematopoietic, plasmacytic, fibrohistiocytic and zmishana.

Vuzlov's fibrohistiocytic hyperplasia of the spleen is accompanied by proliferation in the organs of a mixed population of spindle cells in the sum of hematopoietic cells, plasma cells and lymphocytes. Vuzlova fibrohistiocytic hyperplasia of the spleen can be a transitional form between a nodule and malignant puffiness (for example, malignant fibrous histiocytoma or generalized histiocytic sarcoma).

The treatment of choice for fibrohistiocytic nodular hyperplasia of the spleen is splenectomy, the average hour of life after the operation becomes close to 12 months. Vizhivannya richly indicates low lymphoid-fibrohistiocytic spontaneity and high mitotic index, data factors associated with lower average term of life.

Mastocytoma of the spleen.

Mastocytoma of the spleen is most often seen in the intestines, in which up to 50% of mastocytosis is affected by visceral organs. Mastocytosis of the spleen is about 50% of the causes of hyperplasia of the spleen of the intestines. The middle age of the swelling of the intestines becomes 10 years old, the breed and statuary stature was not revealed. It is typical for the evil break from the wide dissemination and the formation of distant metastases. Paraneoplastic syndrome with mastocytoma of the spleen of the intestines can be caused by the sighting of histamine swells (swollen discharge, vomiting, anorexia). Splenectomy gives an average survival for mastocytoma of the spleen of the intestines for about 12 months, the role of chemotherapy was not determined.

In dogs, mastocytoma of the primary spleen is rare, often a visceral form of mastocytosis follows the primary splenic lesions.

Lymphoma of the spleen.

Lymphosarcoma of the spleen in most cases is presented as a part of systemic disease, in some cases in dogs, lymphoma may be surrounded only by the spleen.

Malignant histiocytosis of the spleen

Malignant histiocytosis of the spleen is a rare malignant process that is characterized by progressive systemic invasion of rich organs in morphologically atypical histocytes. Ring out the spleen, liver, cystic brain that lymph nodes. Pedigree stature has been identified in the Bernese Girsky dog.

Canine splenic sarcoma

In dogs, it is described a sprinkling of sarcomas (divine more), which are characterized by an aggressive and evil flow and more animals die for a long time from the moment of diagnosis, vines become mesenchymoma - 50% of animals survive 1 river. The biological behavior of sarcomas of the spleen (not lymphoid and not sudine) is richly characterized by a mitotic index, which is more important - this lowers the trivality of life.

Clinical signs

The history of illness in splenic swelling is slightly specific, signs can vary from mild weakness to asymptomatic enlargement of the abdomen and rapt death with swelling of the spleen and massive blood loss.

On palpation of the abdomen, an enlarged spleen is easily seen in most creatures, away from obstezhennia due to the congestion of visual diagnostic methods, with an emphasis on ultrasound examination of the spleen. Ultrasound most clearly indicates the appearance of metastases in the bud and form of the spleen, as well as the most ultrasound examination shows the presence of metastases in the empty spleen.

Radiographic examination of the empty chest allows identification of metastases in legenia. Therefore, with hemangiosarcoma, it is possible to damage the heart (up to 45%), in case of suspected illness, an echocardiographic follow-up should be carried out.

Computed tomography and magnetic resonance tomography of the building more accurately assess the damage to the spleen and the presence of metastases, prostosovuetsya rarely, due to the road and poor accessibility.

In response to those that, with evil and benign spleen plumes, are often indicated by different rhythm disturbances, before planning anesthesiology assistance, an assessment should be carried out by electrocardiograms.

Residual diagnosis will require pathomorphological follow-up. Cytological examination of thin-necked biopsies taken away under ultrasound control allows to make an accurate diagnosis of up to 61% of cases with little complication. In other cases, the diagnosis is made after a splenectomy and histopathological follow-up of the taken material.


The purpose of the exaltation of the spleen puffs is to improve the progress of illness, control of clinical manifestations, that saving the optimal level of life on the yakoma trivalent term.

For the presence of metastases, the method of choice is splenectomy (for vegetative lymphoma), with hemangiosarcoma of the spleen of dogs, additional chemotherapeutic therapy is carried out. In case of lymphoma (lymphosarcoma) - chemotherapeutic treatment is carried out in mono mode.

Valeriy Shubin, veterinary doctor, m. Balakovo

Damage to the spleen often associated with swelling of the hematopoietic system. Ale, the spleen, as an organ, can itself become the site of localization of the primary puffer and metastasis of other evil dentures.

An enlarged spleen in dogs (splenomegaly) appears to milk frequently. In 43-75% of depressions, the cause of this is swelling.

What are the swellings and volumes of the spleen in dogs?

1) Primary:

  • - hemangioma
  • - hemangiosarcoma
  • - sarcoma (different types)

2) Secondary and multicentric:

  • - Lymphoproliferative or myeloproliferative disease (for example, lymphoma)
  • - malignant histicytosis, histiocytic sarcoma
  • - hemangiosarcoma
  • - Mastocytoma
  • - Evil swellings with distant metastases (for example, melanoma).

3) Non-bulky causes of splenomegaly:

  • - Nodular hyperplasia
  • - Hematoma
  • thrombosis or infarction
  • - Stop changes
  • - Extramedullary hematopoiesis
  • - Torsion of the lower spleen.

The most common swelling of the spleen in dogs is hemangiosarcoma. The swell of a high level of malignancy with hematogenous metastasis at the early stages of the disease. The development of the primary swelling can lead to the development of severe and lethal hemorrhage. It develops in dogs at the age of 9-10 years.

What causes the development of the new spleen?

Etiology of malignant tufts of the spleen is unknown. Great breadth among dogs of singing breeds (German shepherds, retrievers, labradors) indicates the presence of genetic factors. In the mechanism of origin, the development of hemangiosarcoma can be caused by mutations in the PTEN gene.

How do you manifest the new creation of the spleen?

The benign swellings of the spleen do not evoke the usual clinical manifestations, but they still reach the general understanding. The drive to the doctor is an increase in the obligation of the stomach, which is forced through the growth of the swelling. Otherwise, such a plumpness appears in the course of a routine look around.

In creatures with sarcomas of the spleen, it is possible to develop nonspecific symptoms (for example, ailments). There are stench in the course of looking around, X-ray or ultrasonic follow-up at diagnostic laparotomy.

Hemangiosarcoma may manifest as follows:

  • - Apathy
  • - weakness
  • - blіdіst
  • - anorexia
  • - unpretentiousness
  • - hemorrhagic diathesis (spontaneous recurrent bleeding and hemorrhage of varying severity and intensity)
  • - Destruction of the rhythm of the heart.

І іnshі important show:

  • - hostile collapse after the development of the primary volume of education
  • - abdominal bleeding (into the empty stomach)
  • - Gostra ship's insufficiency.

At the same time, hemangiosarcoma may not give daily clinical manifestations and become a veterinary doctor's expert.

How to diagnose splenomegaly about the newly formed spleen?

  1. Global clinical blood analysis. Hemangiosarcoma gives low hematological symptoms: anemia (decreased hemoglobin), acanthocytes (early erythrocytes) and schistocytes (erythrocyte fragments), thrombocytopenia (increased bleeding due to a decrease in platelet count).
  2. Radiological obstezhennya. Allows you to reveal the newborn or the mother (in times of bleeding) in the empty stomach.
  3. ultrasound. Allows you to take away information about the structure of the newborn and yogo growth in relation to the normal tissue of the spleen.
  4. Puncture biopsy (risk of bleeding) - collection of tissue for an additional syringe with a thin needle and follow-up of the sample taken under a microscope.
  5. Excisional biopsy (diagnostic operation that removes all the swelling that needs to be removed). Zastosovuєtsya at the vapadka, as if in the selezincі є good memory of the new creation.
  6. For the detection of metastases, radiography of the chest and ultrasound of other organs of the empty stomach are used.

How to exalt the newly formed spleen?

Likuvannya broadcasting:

  1. Surgical removal of swelling. It's a pity, in times of evil plumpness, the operation is not safe.
  2. Postoperative chemotherapy to prevent or prevent the progression of micrometastases. Carry out monotherapy and combined chemotherapy. However, the stay is noticeably short. For protocols of combined chemotherapy, it will be close to 141-179 days, and less than 10% of dogs live over 1 day.

What's the forecast?

The prognosis in dogs with hemangiosarcoma of the spleen is unfavorable. Typical for this type of swelling is metastasis at the early stages of disease. In most cases, at the time of diagnosis, the primary swelling already had micrometastases. The stench progresses rapidly and is the reason for the low viability - 15-86 days after the removal of the fluff.

For other types of sarcoma of the spleen, the prognosis is also unfavorable. Vizhivannya become close to 4 months. The reason for the death of the creature is metastases.

For histiocytic sarcoma, the prognosis is extremely unfavorable. Most of the creatures are suitable for euthanasia or die at the time of the diagnosis of great metastases.

Swelling of the spleen in the intestines

In the intestines, the spleen swells trap closer, lower in dogs. Like in dogs, it is possible to damage the spleen due to leukemia and lymphoma.

Classification of puhlins and volumes of the spleen intestines

1) Primary puffs:

  • - Mastocytoma
  • - hemangiosarcoma
  • - sarcomas (rіznі).

2) Secondary or multicentric swelling:

  • - Lymphoproliferative and myeloproliferative disease (for example, lymphoma)
  • - hemangiosarcoma
  • other malignant swellings with great metastases (for example, adenocarcinomas).

3) Non-swelling causes of splenomegaly (otherwise, the volume of the spleen gland):

  • - Nodular hyperplasia
  • - Hematoma
  • - Stop changes
  • - Extramedullary hematopoiesis.

Approximately 15% of chubby pathologies of the spleen in the intestines are lymphoreticular and visceral mastocytomas.

Symptoms of visceral mastocytoma

  1. Illness.
  2. Anorexia.
  3. Chronic vomiting.

Imovirno, tsі symptoms of manifestations of the disease in the duct and duodenal intestines after the infusion of histamine on the H2-receptors of the duct. With the development of ailments, perforation of the virazok is observed, peritonitis is the death of the creature. It was fixed in the rupture of the spleen.

  1. Anemia due to blood loss from the duct or duodenum (or due to infection of the cystic brain).

Lіkuvannya and prognosis of mastocytoma

Likuvannya polygaє at the surgically removed swelling. The prognosis is unfavorable.

Such an illness, like cancer, can be not only in people. This is how yoga is diagnosed in creatures. For example, cancer in dogs is very common. Є statistics, for example, in bitches, the disease is more common in bitches, lower in dogs. As a rule, the ailment is blamed on creatures, for more than 10 years.

Description of the disease

Cancer in dogs is less common than cancer in humans. The essence of this disease is that cells start to mutate. This theory is based on some kind of ailment that is blamed for the change of one cell in the body. Far away, it begins to expand and the infected area expands. As if the disease is not diagnosed at times, great groups of mutated clitins are established. Dalі utvoryuyuyutsya puffiness and metastases.

If the creature has such an illness, like breast cancer, then metastases can expand to the bone tissue and legenia.

Incrementally infected clitins become larger, the swellings fill up the normal work of the organs of the organism of the creature. So the stench pereskozhayut proper functioning of the sudіdnіh organіv. The next stage is the development of the disease and the laying out of the fluff. This process is characterized by bleeding. In the presence of an overexploited thicket, the burning camp of the dog pogirshuєtsya.

Dogs can have cancer of any organ. Basically, ailments are shillnі to old creatures. Ale, there are cases of oncological illness in young dogs. Next to say that cancer is Zagalna characteristic ailments. Mutation of clitin can infect different organs and mothers in the skin type of their different species. That's why it's impossible for people to independently diagnose cancer in a dog. Jubilation at home minds can make it easier to sing, show illness. In order to give help to the creature, it is necessary to go to the veterinarian.

Early diagnosis increases the chances of getting pregnant

The next thing to say, the sooner you will be diagnosed with cancer in a dog (the photo of someone does not show positive emotions in anyone), there are more chances for him to be born. It is also necessary for the masters of creatures to know that veterinarians of higher specializations are trained, as they deal with oncological diseases. That is why the creature's cancer is treated by a veterinarian-oncologist.

Robity forecast, how long can a dog live with oncological illnesses, it is impossible. That is why there are impersonal factors here, yakі vplyvayut on the wall. First, play the role of a dog. In another way, an important factor is those, at the current stage, it was diagnosed as ill.

As soon as the infected cells are expanding in full and the cancer is detected at the cob stage of infection, then in time to help the creature to keep it away from life. It is also the meaning of a possible organ of attack by evil clitins. In some cases, it is possible to perform an operation to remove the swelling. Possible options for correcting the prognosis for a child can be determined by a veterinarian after a real diagnosis of the dog.

How does sickness manifest itself?

The main problem of diagnosing oncological illnesses are those that stink at the cob stage pass without a sign. It is possible to detect cancer only for the help of the task of analyses. That is why it is necessary to regularly see a veterinarian for the dog. The main tests, which will help to detect cancerous cells, are blood tests and biochemistry tests.

Vlasniks of the creatures warto remember that the exultation of illness is only possible at an early stage of manifestation. In times, if the expansion is running, a veterinarian is available to help.

More skhilnі to a bitch ailment

Often zustrіchaєtsya cancer in bitches. Tse with unstable hormonal decay in the period of estrus, sloping and in the postnatal period. In order to get rid of cancer in a bitch, veterinarians recommend spaying the dog. Especially in vipadkas, there are no plans to expand the offspring.

Like a dog people, then after 8 years, if the tribal work ends, the creature will also need to be sterilized. Tsya procedure to protect a dog from a sickness.

Dog Cancer: Symptoms and Symptoms

Let's take a look at the most popular view at a time:

1. Oncological infection of milk diseases in bitches. can be detected at an early stage. For showing the owner of the dog, it is necessary to follow the nipples. Signs of cancer can appear in the appearance of bumps on the nipples or indentation. You can know with a path the matsuvannya of milk worms. It is also recommended to take the dog to the veterinarian. If the disease progresses and if you don’t come in for a lusciousness, then the plump will be remembered visually, and also the nipples will change color. When ushkodzhenni swelling z'appear bleeding.

2. Oncological infection of the dog's uterus. Diagnosis is more important. A sign of infection bloody vision. But stinks can be the last of other illnesses. In case of uterine cancer, bitches are born, or dead puppies are born. The reason for this disease can be preparations, hormones can enter the warehouse of these. Moreover, cancer cells can appear after receiving such a request.

3. Another group of risks of oncological illness is dogs of great breeds. It is practically impossible to visually indicate that a creature has cancer. In great dogs, sometimes the disease affects the bone tissues. A sign that the creature has cancer can be changed in walking and walking. In times of such symptoms, the dog should be shown to a specialist.

4. Oncological disease of the duct and intestines can be attributed to damage to the robotic organism. And for yourself, change your vigor, vomit, smell of pasture. It is necessary to respect the dog's feces. Marvel, chi є in a new vision, for example, blood. The stench will be another sign that the dog has cancer. foot slack - vtrata vaga and appetite.

5. Also, oncological infection of the skin can be diagnosed. Pomіtiti skin cancer in dogs is easy. Especially among creatures, yakі mayut great wool. It is recommended that you regularly examine the skin of the dog. It is better to have a bath and a bath hour. Oncological disease of the shkir is manifested by the adoptions on the dark beaches, or worsened. The colors of the patches can be different, from red to dark brown.

6. Liver cancer in dogs. When the liver is damaged by cancer cells, the creature develops mucous membranes. Tse z tim, sho zhovch at the blood. The sum of the products of the exchange is also changed. With widened cancerous cells in the liver and її constantly rve.

7. Cancer Danya gets sick because of a cough. With a distant progression of wines, they are relieved, they begin to recover, with those who have bloody visions of that rot.

8. Also, in dogs, lesions of the spleen are infected with cancer cells. ale Danish view ailments trapleyaetsya infrequently. There is no obvious sign that it indicates a guilty ailment. When the creature sounds, it manifests a deterioration in the scorched state, malice, apathy, and more.

9. Oncological disease of nirk. Pomіtiti cancer nirka buvaє smoothly, practically no ovnіshnіh manifestations, especially in the early stages of illness. At the last stage, the progress of the disease in the Sich is established blood. Likewise, the dog begins to have colic, and it will spit out. The course of the dog knows the change through pain.


How to find ways to detect oncological disease in a dog? It is a theory, zgidno z kakoyu psi vdchuvayut the presence of infected clitin in human organism. Nibito stench can tell by the smell, a person's illness for cancer. Possibly, it’s true that you can see oncological illness in the body of a person.

Ale shdo themselves, more folding. The evidence of the fact that dogs are aware that their organism is infected with malicious worms. But, unfortunately, they can’t tell you about this fact of their ruler.

Methods of diagnosis

The main method for the detection of ailments at an early stage of dog cancer is the examination of a veterinarian and the building of analyses. The healer appoints creatures to build a bloody slaughter. For the results of the analyses, and for the presence of any changes in the blood itself, the veterinarian prescribes repeated laboratory investigations for a larger diagnosis.

Then, in the fall, whichever organ is suspected of being attacked by malicious clitins, it should be carried out away from the obstezhennya. Zocrema, computer diagnostics is assigned to a specific organ. It is possible to carry out її for additional ultrasound, MRI and other methods. When the swelling is detected, the veterinarian takes a puncture of the tissue with a method to detect if it is evil.


It should be said that the exaltation of cancer in dogs is necessary to trust fakhivtsyu. Do not varto engage in self-admiration, but listen to whether there are people, like not to be able to specialize in that proper qualification at this gallery.

It is not recommended to engage in self-talk through those who have a disease of an individual nature, for example, with squamous cell carcinoma in dogs. Bagato who is talking about this and not Chuv. A veterinarian can only reveal the peculiarities of the disease, based on the results of analyzes and other reports.

For the treatment of evil worms in dogs, chemotherapy should be instituted. The next step is to remove the puff. Zrobiti є we can do not cause illness. For example, if the brain is damaged, then it is not possible to rob it promptly. If the operation to remove the swelling was removed, then a second session of chemotherapy is prescribed.

Eating with cancer

It is necessary to take care of the dog eat properly. Before the diet is not guilty gostra and fat hedgehog. Such a diet can be taken for a trival hour. Needless to say, fat hedgehog is not recommended for living and healthy living.

It is necessary to remember that during the period of rehabilitation it is necessary to create a friendly mind and mind the morning. And itself, ensure regular vigul and cleanliness. It is necessary to take care, so that the dog does not come into contact with stray creatures, the shards of the body follow the course of exaltation of weakening and, as soon as possible, switch off whether it is a dzherel infection.


There are reports that cancer in dogs progresses slowly and slowly and does not give positive results. In every mood of the lord's creatures, think about those, schob її sleep, shards of dans variant allow її torment.

If a person is to fight, if the creature’s suffering is not relieved, then it is recommended to talk with a veterinarian about those, what to do, what the dog sees. As a veterinarian, who is happy, say that the chances of a dog are zero, then the best way out of the situation will be to sleep vihovantsya.

In this rank, gentlemen of the creature, relieve yoga from the pain of pain. As death is inevitable due to oncological illness and the dog is suffering, next to euthanasia.

Return to another fake

The second option is that the veterinarian can not help the creature, and the master of the dog has been caught by the lady. Then it is recommended to turn to another degree. Possibly, I’ll take the scheme of rejoicing, and the dog will go on the mend.


Now you know how cancer appears in dogs. We described the symptoms and treatment methods. It's a pity, such a disease is even more serious. To that, if you suspect that the creature has cancer, then you will turn to a qualified faker.

The spleen is the great illumination, which is the greatest number of functions. In times, as the stench breaks down, it is possible to change the difference in your organ, to increase the amount of yogo rosemary. The development of splenomegaly in creatures has a wide pathology, due to a large number of etiological factors. It is difficult to make such a diagnosis without special investigations, the proteo yogo manifestation can be suspected of changing the behavior of home vihovantsya. This is due to the fact that an enlarged spleen in dogs and cats is manifested by unacceptable symptoms.

Infection of the spleen in dogs

The spleen is a sensitive organ that reacts to the faceless, unfriendly sights. For this reason, an enlarged spleen in dogs is a much wider phenomenon. However, it is important to talk about it at the same time, which provokes splenomegaly itself. According to statistics, the largest number of diagnosing disorders in the presence of pathology is due to the development of puddling in the tissues of this organ.

Oncological, according to the principle of vindication, diseased creatures are classified as primary, as well as secondary (their other name is multicentric). The primary swelling of the spleen in dogs has been divided into hemangiomy, hemangiosarcoma, and also sarcoma.

Most often, hemangiosarcomas are themselves. This type of oncology is characterized by a great risk of metastasis, which is due to the early stages of infection. In that case, as if the opening of the evil newborn, there is more bleeding into the empty chervn. Most often, such a development is observed in dogs from eight to nine years of age.

Functions and principles of the work body

In a normal state, the spleen has a great number of vital functions:

  • hematopoiesis;
  • deponuvannya obsyagіv krovі, scho popovnyuyut krov'yane channel in case of emergency;
  • filtration of dead blood elements, toxic speech and bacteria;
  • Vikonannya zahisnih powers of the immune function.

At the same hour, surgical removal of the spleen is not a catastrophic injury. More than that, every year the organism of the creature is attached to the change and functions practically completely.

An enlarged spleen: causes

The next factor is the fact that the increase in the spleen in animals can be not only a development of puffiness. An important factor in this process is the thrombosis of the vessel organ and the development of a heart attack for the ischemic type, a different congestion. Also, splenomegaly can be caused by injuries and hematomas, injection of infections and toxic speech, as well as torsion of the lower spleen. Sometimes an enlarged spleen can be caused by the presence of advanced helminthiasis.

The jubilation of an enlarged spleen

The jubilation of the spleen, which has grown supra-lingually, without intermediary lies in the factor that called for similar changes. In times, as splenomegaly viklikan development of the oncological process, surgical intervention is necessary. However, in case of evil puff, it is not possible to quickly heal the creature, and it may be less helpful to overcome the disease.

In order to prevent recurrences, or if you want to change the symptoms of their vindication, after a splenectomy, chemotherapeutic treatment is prescribed. With this method, it is possible to vikoristovuvat like one drug, so that combinations are poured into the oncological process. Consider the fact that the prognosis for the presence of an evil process in the body of a dog is unfavorable.

In addition, in case of an increase in the spleen due to severe intoxication, detoxification therapy and zagalnozmіtsnyuyuchi preparations are prescribed. For manifestations in the body of infectious processes, antibiotics are prescribed (mostly - a wide spectrum of antibiotics).

Enlargement of the spleen in the intestines

As far as representatives of cats are concerned, the stench is stronger until the vinification of splenomegaly is greater than dogs. The similar pathology is even more widespread not only in the animals in the animals, but also in the cochineal.

Moreover, the symptoms of the growth of the spleen in the intestines are more pronounced. The key symptom of this pathology is an increase in lymph nodes. Of course, when pressing the organ on the duct-intestinal tract, it is possible to experience anorexia and vomit positives. There may be discord in the act of defecation, loss of mass and post-intestinal bloating. Through the interplay of the spleen with the process of hematopoiesis, it is possible to change the balance of the form of elements (transferring lymphocytosis from destruction to abnormal clitin).

Cause the development of an illness

The etiological factors of splenomegaly in cats are practically indistinguishable from the causes of this pathology in dogs. However, it should be taken into account that the development of the pathological process can be influenced by the diet of creatures (zocrema, the implantation of siro ribi, which can cause invasion by helminths).

How to exalt an organ?

Treatment of pathological enlargement of the spleen is also similar to the methods used for dogs. However, with recognition pharmaceutical preparations it is necessary to comply with the situation at the mass.

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