Petrozavodsk bay Onezka lake map. Panorama of the Petrozavodsk Bay. Virtual tour of Petrozavodsk bay. Memories, cards, photos, videos. CPC on lips


Expedition of the Department of Physics of the Sea and Land Waters on Onezka Lake

April 14, 2007 2 students of the 5th year and 2 specialists of the Department of Physics of the Sea and Water of the Land of the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University went on an expedition to Lake Onezka to Karelia. Vechir, Leningradsky railway station, firm train "Karelia" - and behind the whole work from preparation to the expedition, repair of the car with valuable possessions, signing of the remaining documents later. In front - 8 days of important, but such a cirque work.

On the 15th of spring, a group arrived on board the ship "Ekolog". After a short order, the car with equipment was ripped off and the whole vimiruval complex was taken away. On the 16th day of the expedition, students Dolgopolov Yu.M., Litvinov Ye.A. і SNS PhD Budnikov A.A. I die first. The work was carried out jointly with the scientific group of the Institute of Water Problems Pivnochi KarRC RAS.

Lake Onezka (Onego) is another fresh-water lake in Europe, which occupies the 20th place for the area and the 24th place for the total area of ​​the middle of the Earth's lakes. The valley of the lake is 245 km., width 88 km., area 9943 sq. km, maximum depth - 119 m. White sea, as well as maє hіd near the Chorne and the Sea of ​​Azov. 52 rivers flow into the lake.

The follow up was 6 days. On the 17th of spring, the group took the lead in the specialty of the head of the department of physics of the sea and waters of the land, professor K.V. Pokaziev. Kostyantin Vasilovich specially came to the Onezka Lake, in order to reconsider, which was not long ago purchased by the department of the road, now possessing the right way and rightly so. On the right, in the fact that during the expedition the surveying complex was installed, which included the surroundings of the probes and the gradient installation, as it had been done before, new high-precision equipment: the RDCP-600 fast flow rate Doppler profiler and the RCM 9 LW rich parametric probe.

These accessories, prepared by AANDERAA INSTRUMENTS (Norway), allow you to register as a vertical distribution of the fluidity vector of the leak, as well as temperature, electrical conductivity, water calamity and the concentration of acidity. All of them were accompanied by an uninterrupted registration of meteorological parameters. I will invaluably help in mastering the new equipment by putting on a reliable scientific guide TOV "Company ІNFOMAR" V. V. Elisov, who also entered the warehouse of the expedition.

The tasks of the expedition included: 1. Carrying out the control of roses under the liquidity of the currents, the concentration of salts, sourness, suspension and temperature of the water along the depths of the lake (along the entire valley of the streams that swirled) and the observation of the long-term series of soundings at the hour. 2. Further study of the dynamics of water and diffusion of houses for the development of mechanisms for mass transfer and the development of methods for predicting the formation of water quality in the lake under the influx of stratified flows.

On the first day of the winter, the survey of the Petrozavodsk Bay was recorded at 15 stations from the stations of the Sea-Sun, RCM 9 LW probes, the coductometer, the Expert oximeter, and the prozorometer. Robots were carried out for minds close to calm. Intensive trials yielded cicatricial results.

The structure of water flow rate and parameters of the water storage near the Petrozavodsk Guberniya was revealed. The near-bottom thermally stratified current was revealed, as if it carried houses from the bay near the lake. The trajectory of the flow ran along the line of maximum depths to the side of the water intake zone of the water supply system of Petrozavodsk.

Petrozavodsk Bay of Lake Onez

In this rank, registered and detailed by us, the flow favored the unsafe lure of the system from the Shuya river. Such radiation is especially strong during the period of development of the spring and autumn thermal bar in the lake. The main part of the houses, occupied by vagomih, was transported from the girl's bunk bed. Shuyachi flow revealed by our expedition. The thickness of the near-bottom stream, which widened at the depths up to 35 m, became 2–4 m, and the speed decreased to 12 cm/s. At the exit from the bay near the river, the lake flowed through the bottom and collapsed at the sight of an underwater stream along the waters of a greater clearness.

The robots in the expedition on Onezkoye Lake were carried out at dawn until the sun went down and wind up

Preparing to reduce the temperature, electrical conductivity, calamity of water and the concentration of sour. 5th year student Litvinov O.O.

On the axial line of the registered leak, regular monitoring was carried out at the additional station with monitoring of the flow rate profiles along the entire depth from the surface to the bottom at a depth of 26 m through the skin 10 min. At the same time, temperature, calamity, electrical conductivity, the concentration of sourness and change in the surface water were vitiated on the horizon of the production with silence and discreteness.

One-hour probes Sea-Sun, RCM 9 LW, coductometer and oximeter "Expert" and prozoromir, distributed at our department, with a discreteness of 30 hours, reports were made of vertical changes in temperature, electrical conductivity of water, concentrations of oxygen, suspension of chlorophyll. The structure of the currents started out as strong drift currents, blown by the wind from the side of the open lake. We registered and detailed the process of energy transfer from a drift leak to the bottom and subsequent transformation of temperature changes and concentration of houses, including the effect of flowing the bottom of the leak. The windy-nagina circulation that developed in such minds (pivdenno-shidny wind) ensured an active flow of cold waters of the open lake into the Petrozavodsk Bay. The near-bottom flow from the lip of the whole period is daily.

It is analogous to the warehouse of varying parameters and methods, but a more short series of soundings was carried out in the central part of the Petrozavodsk Bay during the period of cold weather, which is developing, for other synoptic minds, which were indicated by a cold-weather wind. On the 19th of spring I had a chance to interrupt the robot for a couple of years through a storm. I didn’t want to continue the world in excitement, but don’t get hot with the elements. However, the data, as far as we can see in this series of warnings, allowed the evolution of the structures of the currents throughout the depths of the lake with a stronger drift flow with the characteristic wrapping of the flow velocity vector wrapping in the world of growing depths. Near the 3-5 meter near-bottom sphere, above which an intensive mixing of waters developed, creating a gravitational flow from the bay near the lake, settlements with energy transfer from a drift current with a geostrophic turn of the velocity vector. The hydrodynamic stability of the flow was saved, after being praised. Vaughn was taken care of by the low temperature of the bottom waters and the increase in the thickness of the water near the balls, which lie higher. Moreover, the additional decrease in the temperature of the near-bottom waters near the bay was due to the synoptic and hydrodynamic conditions, vimiryuvannya in yakіy were carried out near the front series of soundings

The results of the final survey along the axial line of the bay of Petrozavodsk in the minds of a weak survey in general confirmed the introduction of a primary analysis of the data taken at the first survey and in two series of soundings from the recording of the Doppler autoprofilograph of the current RDCP -60 на першому розрізі роботи велися із застосуванням багатопараметричних зондів Sea-Sun, RCM 9 LW, кодуктометра та оксиметра «Експерт» та прозороміру. Була зареєстрована емісія хмар каламутності, що містили суспензії із забрудненнями з придонної стратифікованої течії до поверхні води. Цей ефект, важливий з I will look at the appearance of the inflows of similar flows on the process of molding water, fixing the same in series of soundings at terminal stations.

Circulation and near-bottom stratification currents were revealed during the course of the study on Onezkoye Lake. Looked at the space-hour transformation of the structures of the water flow and the parameters of the water storage. New data has been taken away from the contribution of hydrodynamic processes to the transfer of houses near the Petrozavodsk bay of the lake.

Now we can have a look - analysis of the results of the hydrophysical studies, as well as data on the analysis of the hydrochemical characteristics of the lake waters, taken by our colleagues from the Institute of Water Problems of Pivnochi of the Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Exploring methods mathematical modeling processes that they were afraid of. Theoretical work to stitch on river. And influx - new expeditions to the seas, lakes and reservoirs for the participation of students, graduate students and specialists of the Department of Physics of the Sea and Land Waters.

Students of the 530th group

Dolgopolov Yu.M., Litvinov E.A.

The inflow is drawn from the pivnіchny entry to the pіvdenny exit. Water fencing near the shidny part of the inflows Velike Yogo Ivanivsky Islands and you can see it at the central part of Lake Onez with a channel 2 km wide and 23 m deep.

The lip protrudes into the western shore of Onezkoye Lake between misom Derev'yansky near the village of Derev'yane and misom Shuynavolok on the island of Baranniy Bereg. At Petrozavodsk Bay, the rivers Lososinka, Neglinka, Selzka River (Udega), Studenets (Sulazhgirka), Vilda, Veliky and Kam'yaniy strumki flow into. Also, the tide rises from Lake Logmozero, obtained from the inflow of the Solomyanskaya channel.

Guba to serve as industrial, transport and recreational purposes for the citizens of Petrozavodsk, from the waters there is a water intake for the needs of the city. The maximum depth is over 25 m.


The inflow sings with ice on the cob of the chest, cracks on the cob of grass. At the spring-leaf fall part of the storm, which often ends with the ruins of the coastal houses, courts. Storms 1841, 1880, 1903, 1923 1935, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1987, 2008 city ​​dwellers and the head of the city pier.


  • A small island of a piece campaign beat a huge plant "Avangard".

The islands lie to the territory of Petrozavodsk.

Tarifi banks

  • Bank Zimnik with the smallest depth of 2 m is located 3 miles from the Shuynavolok river.
  • Shuynavoloksky reef is located nearby to the Shuynavolok mise, instructed by Hare's lip.

Pierce and pier


From the 1920s, there were water lines in the middle of the Petrozavodsk Guba - the passenger pier - Pisky - Solom'yane (until 1962), the passenger pier - Chortov Stilec (line of the weekend, until the middle of 1977), the passenger pier - Zimnik (road 2005 ) Lamb Coast (until 2009).

In 1960, the first ship on underwater wings, the Rocket, appeared in Gubernaia in 1960; At this time, swedish water lines are blowing on Kizhi, Sinnu lip, Great lip and Shalu.

At the time of war, there were wide-ranging promenade voyages in the Petrozavodsk Bay on water-industrial and swedish ships, at the present hour, I’ll practically do it again.

There are a few marinas for a private small-scale fleet, yachts and small hydroplanes.

History of internal passenger water lines at the borders of the bay

Until the 1920s, there were irregular promenade voyages on steamboats to Solom'yanoy, often favorable for the nature of the collection of cats to help orphans, military servicemen, just like in the 1910s, the steamboat "Solom'yanka", which lay in the Solom'yanka Yanuy, that steamboat "Neglin", which belongs to the lіsozavod "Olonіya" on the island of Neglin, was transported from the place to the backwaters and back by the workers of these plants.

From the beginning of 1923, the Pivnichno-Zakhidny river steamship started a line from the passenger pier to Solom'yanoy, on the niy pratsyuvav the ship "Shipivka", from 1925 the part of the voyage was carried by Logmozer to the river Shuya.

Since 1928, the steamboat “Kudama” was put on the line at the same time, flights from the Zimnik pier, as well as weekend flights to the piers of Piska and Chortiv Stilec (both steamboats of the ZZRP, and motor boats of the Karelian OSVOD ). "Radyanska Karelia" and No. 2).

At the winter hour, in the fierce of 1929, on the ice of the Petrozavodsk guba, a bus line was opened on Solom'yan, flights were launched until the road was opened on Solom'yan.

From the end of the 1920s on the line, the pilot-passenger steamboat “Robochiy Vozhd” was launched (later named from 1933 - “Nuorteva”, from 1938 - “Onezhets”).

In the 1930s, steamboats "Rosa Luxembourg" and "Petrozavodsk" also sailed on the line

For example, in the 1950s, there was a progulyanka line along the Petrozavodsk Gubernia, on the boat “Komsomolets”, which should be a source of culture for the Petrozavodsk Park. Vіn virushav vіd mooring PKіO.

In 1959, on the line Petrozavodsk-Zimnik-Baranii Bereg, the Okun boat was launched, and from the 1960s, the Lermontiv and Dnipro-Bug motor ships, Om-337 and Om-344 of the Om type, Mo - 94, M-172.

In 1960-1962, the company had a service of five taxi boats, which launched flights for the routes Petrozavodsk-Baranіy Bereg, Petrozavodsk-Zimnik, Petrozavodsk-Chortіv Stіlets, Petrozavodsk-Solomyane.

In 1962, the Petrozavodsk-Solom'yana route was closed due to traffic jams. The berth and passenger pavilion from Solom'yany were transported to Chortoviy Stіlets, where the flights of the weekend started (until 1977).

Plans were made for the construction of new passenger piers near Sainavoloku and on Klyukhovy with the organization of a circular weekend day Sainavolok - Klyuchova - Water Station - Pisky - Solom'yane - Chortovy Stilets - Zimnik - Baraniya Bereg - Sainavolok.

Also, in the 1960s-1970s, additional flights on the Petrozavodsk-Zimnik-Baranii Bereg line were served by the service ships Mezen, Sputnik and Klaipeda.

From the beginning of the 1970s, on the line, there was also a heat carrier "Bilomor'ya" (type "Oleksandr Grin") - on the circular line, the water station-Zimnik-Baranij Bereg - the water station. Since 1985, the fate of yoga has changed "Moskovsky-2". In the 1990s, the line also had a service-additional "Captain Zaonegin".

In 2004, rotational voyages to Zimnik were pinned through the low mooring by the elements, and the line to the Baraniya Bereg was saved.

In 2006, the TC "Bilomorsko-Onezskoe Steamship" planned to organize flights to Zimnik on a ship, on a pillow "Hivus-10-70", however, only a few flights were broken. In 2008, the rotation line of the deputy of "Moskovsky-2" began to serve the vessel "Bіlomor'ya", in 2009, the rotation - "Kizke namisto" ("Moskovsky-23"). In 2010, the internal water line of the water station - Baraniy Bereg was partially closed at the link with the water carrier TOV "Kareliaflot" in view of the earlier taken goiters and zdijsnyuvati transportation. From the closed lines of the regular passenger transportation in the middle of the bay, it was pinned.

At this time, from the passenger piers near the Petrozavodsk Guberniya (behind the vineyard of the berths of the water station), the berth Baraniy Bereg was saved at the unsatisfactory station.


From the 1930s to 1977, there was a hydroport in the waters of the Petrozavodsk Bay, and a small hydro-air maidan near Sainavoloku, until the 1980s - an ice maidan for An-2 aircraft.

Earlier, having started the fishery business, he entrusted the fishermen's collective farms of the Prionezsky district, in the present hour - only amateur fishing.

Vzimku lip is actively won by amateurs of winter sports.

Beaches that place for a break

On the shores of the bay there are popular among the townspeople the beach of Pisky and the place of recovery - Zimnik, Baraniy Bereg, Saynavolok, Chortoviy Stіlets.

Memories of that month

  • The accident happened on 25 September 1932 to the fate of the engine line with the workers who were directing for the preparation of firewood on the Baraniy Bereg. 6 people perished, including 4 foreign workers. Chotirioh people vryatuvav boat "Osnova", scho priishov to help.
  • The place of death of the barge with the evacuated residents of Petrozavodsk. In the spring of 1941, a barge, towed by the steamboat "Kingisepp", caught fire in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bIvanivsk Islands in the fire of a Finnish artillery battery, over 100 fires perished.
  • Landing place for the landing of Onezka, Viysk, Flotilla on 28 chervnya 1944.
  • The storm of 1977 fate, after having damaged the Petrozavodsk hydroport and hydroplanes, became one of the reasons for the liquidation of the port.
  • Museum lake krigolam "Neva" project 16 type "Don" 1958 to the fate of the museum center "Polar Odysseus".

90 vіdsotkіv usієї її aquatory of the Onezskoe Lake - tse clean water of high quality. The reservoir, in the thought of fakhivtsiv, vdaetsya to save its original purity. Tse strategically dzherelo fresh water, vpevnenі vchenі. Prote chotiri vіdsotki aquatories know even strong changes. Tse Petrozavodsk and Kondopozka ruin.

So, for example, the streets of the Kondopozsky TsPK, that old place of gamants, have been thrown off at the top part of the Kondopozsky bay for 80 rocks. At the Institute of Water Problems, the Institute of Water Problems of the Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences was reconsidered that a “dead zone” has become established in the ecosystem of the inflows through the activity of the CPC in the ecosystem: on the days in the area of ​​​​the discharge of runoff, there are a lot of water creatures.

The founder of hydrobiological studies of the lakes of Karelia is Sergiy Gerd. Vіn soil vivchati watery vіdrazu after the war. On the 13th of spring 1968 the laboratory of hydrobiology appeared near Petrozavodsk (submitted to the Institute of Water Problems Pivnochi KarRC RAS). The head of the laboratory is Doctor of Biological Sciences Natalia Kalinkina.

Gerd laid down the main directions of hydrobiology - the breeding of zooplankton (the inhabitants of the water) and benthos (the inhabitants of the bottom). The prices were the basis for the fact that the stench is the food base of the rib.

The main object of respect for the Institute of Water Problems Pivnochi Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Lake Onezka.

Angry to the right - Ivan Pravdin, head of the laboratory of hydrobiology, KarTsN RAS, Natalia Kalinkina, Sergiy Gerd. Photo: Mikola Smirnov

CPC on lips

The “dead zone” in the Kondopozsky Bay of vinyl in the 1970s - the bottom in the area of ​​​​the outlet of the effluents of the TsPK opalized under the ball of the entrances of the virobnits, which are rottenly laid out. Lately - on the cob of the 1980s - in Kondoposia, they began to clean up water with a deep discharge of sewage water, which rose (in Lake Onezka). Then in the lips it became too rich in phosphorus (the smut of the first element, to the point, pralny powders).

Phosphorus stimulates the growth (and in large cities - a large number) of water growths and creatures. The increase in phosphorus is caused by a decrease in the number of microalgae, including blue-green ones. At the water to rest, there are toxic products of your life. Everything is guaranteed to kill the quality of the water and bring it to the death of the riba. In other words, the water basin is old, and a swamp is established in this place. This process is called eutrophic.

- It is important to respect that the water of the Kondopozka Guba is silted and is well isolated from the open lake of Onez. In a way, by which the vuzka is sprayed, the shape of the inflow is drawn. And in a different way, the bottom of Kondopozka ruins the shape of a ladle, - Nataliya Kalinkina tells.

Pitty from the rivers

The Petrozavodsk Bay suffers less from the waste waters for Kondopozka. This wiki is held in the area of ​​Sainavolok. A biological treatment station has been installed there - everything is crushed as if it were necessary: ​​One has “mentally clean water”.

- The province of Petrozavodsk has another problem: the waters of the river are pouring down thirty evil drains. The stench of no system of purification can not be washed, - even Natalia Kalinkina. — For example, a sprig of rocks near the nasty runoff, which is located between the streets of Moskovsk and Murmansk, was found to contain petroleum products. Aje was instructed to find a water intake there! Like a timchasovy zahіd against the zabrodnennya of the lake, the administration of the city put a pasta-weed on the zlivy runoff.

Vcheni vpevnenі: the place of roztashuvannya of the Petrozavodsk water intake was taken incorrectly. Vіn know there, where to pass the waters of the Shuya river. The stench, flowing into Onego, squeezes to the shore, where there is a place. The researchers of the Institute call the water of Shuya swampy, with a low acidity.

In the 1990s, the Institute of Water Problems Pivnochishche recommended that the water intake be transferred beyond the inter-Petrozavodsk Bay to the area of ​​the Ivan Islands. There, the lake water is richly pure, there was a minimum of waste, the first time was spent in the apartments of the townspeople.

— For all the problems, for the sake of driving the Petrozavodsk Guba, a high level of vigor can be given a positive moment. At the sight of Kondopozka, we see an active water exchange from the lake. The water at the Petrozavodsk Guberniya is refreshed by the skin for several months. Tse zabіgaє akumuliatsії zabrudnen, - adds Nataliya Kalinkina.

Trout - not only tasty

The Institute of Water Problems Pivnochi Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences environmental problem Onezkogo Lake can become a trout. More precisely, the uncontrolled development of trout states near the coastal zone.

At the same time, the third of all commercial trout in Karelia grows in the prairie-water tributaries of Lake Onezkoe. There are already over ten trout kingdoms there. Your diyalnist, vpevnenі vchenі, may be rebuvat under suvorim control.

- Trout are hovering around the cages, crowded. They yearn with її organic speeches, like avenging phosphorus and nitrogen in themselves. The sounds of speech stimulate everything alive - algae, benthos and more. Understandably, the trout do not eat all the food in the cages, they drink wine near the water. Ale rich food - do not start good.

For trout breeding states great value maє flow rate with water. Even though the flow is not high, then the amount of accumulated products in the life of the fish and the excess of food can increase the quality of the water in the environment, - the senior scientific specialist of the laboratory of hydrobiology Olena Tekanova says.

At the Lakhtinsky Bay, for example, after the loss of water quality, the trout state was closed down. Renewal of the natural powers of the water organisms was only five years away.

It is important to the institute that the number of trout-breeding states, that none of them, does not degrade the water quality of Lake Onezkoe. You don't need to take notice of them. From this point of view, the lake is still coping with its inner life until it is self-cleaning. Golovnya, do not allow their distant uncontrolled appearance. Aje the possibility of the lake to neutralize (utilize) the pollution is not without borders.

President of the Republic of Ecology

The structure of the Institute of Water Problems Pivnochi KarRC RAS ​​has five laboratories, including geography and hydrology, hydrophysics, hydrochemistry and hydrogeology, hydrobiology, paleolimnology. Vcheni are widely intercepted by the camp of Onezkoye Lake, and it is a good idea to conduct rich day trips. Stinks vpevneni, scho still problems Onego to wear local and rich in why werewolf character.

Mariya Syarkі – Senior Scientific Researcher of the Hydrobiology Laboratory of the Institute of Water Problems Pivnochi, specialist in zooplankton.

- It’s simple: our task is to find out who is who, who is in my mind, de same tse vіdbuvaetsya and what we are threatening. We recently assessed the food supply of ribs in Onego. Z'yasovuvali, yakі catch, chi do not fall stench. So the axis of all species of ribs is vistachai: and zooplankton, and benthos in Onego is rich - the food base has not changed in a decade. To that, in our lake, there are changes in the warehouse of the fish population, then the reason for this is poaching and brooding.

Proteo spіvrobіtniki іnstitute vpevnіnі: Onezke lake є vіd chto protect. They often quote the words of President Volodymyr Putin, who, on 20 November 2013, was at the meeting for the sake of the safety of Russia, having lost the respect of officials to the problems of the safety of drinking water.

— I would like to give great respect to the renewal of Lake Baikal and the water resources of the Ladoz and Onez lakes — the largest reservoirs of fresh water. I’ll make sure that the increase in the water quality of the Ladoz and Onez lakes can lead to problems with the supply of drinking water to the entire Pivnichno-Zahidny region, the president said.

Inspire Ladoga and Onego, respect all, it is necessary at once. It is necessary to take care of these foodstuffs on the federal level, but on the regional level it is impossible: Lake Onezka, for example, is roztashovane on the territory of three regions.

At the same time, the legislators of Karelia prepared the law “On the protection of the Ladoz and Onez lakes”. Vin is already being looked at by the State Duma. Spivrobitniki іnstitutu spodіvayutsya, scho in Rіk ekologii yogo obov'yazkovo praise.

Petrozavodsk Bay
Petrozavodsk bay (view from Pushkinskaya street)
Petrozavodsk Bay
(View from Pushkinskaya street)
 /  / 61.77833; 34.51083Coordinates:
Vishchevart water areaOnezke Lake
KrajinaRussia 22x20px Russia
area180 km²
middle glybina20.0 m
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K: Water objects for the alphabet

Water area of ​​the Petrozavodsk guba (view of Petrozavodsk)

Petrozavodsk Bay- inflow in the peninsular-western part of Lake Onezkoye on the territory of the Republic of Karelia.

On the pivnіchno-zahіdny birch, the inlets are planted in the town of Petrozavodsk. Before the settlement appeared on the birch, giving the name to the place, the inflow was called the Solom'yansky Bay or Solom'yalakhta (Karelian lahti - inflow).

The inflow is drawn from the pivnіchny entry to the pіvdenny exit. Water fencing near the skhіdnіy part of the inflow. Ivanivsky Islands and you can see it at the central part of Lake Onez with a channel 2 km wide and 23 m deep.

The lip protrudes into the western shore of Onezkoye Lake between misom Derev'yansky near the village of Derev'yane and misom Shuynavolok on the island of Baranniy Bereg. At Petrozavodsk Bay, the rivers Lososinka, Neglinka, Selzka River (Udega), Studenets (Sulazhgirka), Vilda, Veliky and Kam'yaniy strumki flow into. Also, the tide rises from Lake Logmozero, obtained from the inflow of the Solomyanskaya channel.

Guba to serve as industrial, transport and recreational purposes for the citizens of Petrozavodsk, from the waters there is a water intake for the needs of the city. The maximum depth is over 25 m.


The inflow sings with ice on the cob of the chest, cracks on the cob of grass. At the spring-leaf fall part of the storm, which often ends with the ruins of the coastal houses, courts. Storms 1841, 1880, 1903, 1923 1935, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1987, 2008 city ​​dwellers and the head of the city pier.


  • A small island of a piece campaign beat a huge plant "Avangard".

The islands lie to the territory of Petrozavodsk.

Tarifi banks

  • Bank Zimnik with the smallest depth of 2 m is located 3 miles from the Shuynavolok river.
  • Shuynavoloksky reef is located nearby to the Shuynavolok mise, instructed by Hare's lip.

Pierce and pier

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Petrozavodsk Bay of Lake Onez


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Towage of the lighter of the Finnish life

From the 1920s, there were water lines in the middle of the Petrozavodsk Guba - the passenger pier - Pisky - Solom'yane (until 1962), the passenger pier - Chortoviy Stilets (the line of the weekend, until the middle of 1977), the passenger pier - Zimnik (205 ) - Lamb Coast (until 2009).

In 1960, the first ship on underwater wings, the Rocket, appeared in Gubernaia in 1960; At this time, swedish water lines are blowing on Kizhi, Sinnu lip, Great lip and Shalu.

At the time of war, there were wide-ranging promenade voyages in the Petrozavodsk Bay on water-industrial and swedish ships, at the present hour, I’ll practically do it again.

There are a few marinas for a private small-scale fleet, yachts and small hydroplanes.

History of internal passenger water lines at the borders of the bay

Until the 1920s, there were irregular promenade voyages on steamboats to Solom'yanoy, often favorable for the nature of the collection of cats to help orphans, military servicemen, just like in the 1910s, the steamboat "Solom'yanka", which lay in the Solom'yanka Yanuy, that steamboat "Neglin", which belongs to the lіsozavod "Olonіya" on the island of Neglin, was transported from the place to the backwaters and back by the workers of these plants.

From the beginning of 1923, the Pivnichno-Zakhidny river steamship started a line from the passenger pier to Solom'yanoy, on the niy pratsyuvav the ship "Shipivka", from 1925 the part of the voyage was carried by Logmozer to the river Shuya.

Since 1928, the steamboat “Kudama” was put on the line at the same time, flights from the Zimnik pier, as well as weekend flights to the piers of Piska and Chortiv Stilec (both steamboats of the ZZRP, and motor boats of the Karelian OSVOD ). "Radyanska Karelia" and No. 2).

At the winter hour, in the fierce of 1929, on the ice of the Petrozavodsk guba, a bus line was opened on Solom'yan, flights were launched until the road was opened on Solom'yan.

From the end of the 1920s on the line, the pilot-passenger steamboat “Robochiy Vozhd” was launched (later named from 1933 - “Nuorteva”, from 1938 - “Onezhets”).

In the 1930s, steamboats "Rosa Luxembourg" and "Petrozavodsk" also sailed on the line

For example, in the 1950s, there was a progulyanka line along the Petrozavodsk Gubernia, on the boat “Komsomolets”, which should be a source of culture for the Petrozavodsk Park. Vіn virushav vіd mooring PKіO.

In 1959, on the line Petrozavodsk-Zimnik-Baranii Bereg, the Okun boat was launched, and from the 1960s, the Lermontiv and Dnipro-Bug motor ships, Om-337 and Om-344 of the Om type, Mo - 94, M-172.

In 1960-1962, the company had a service of five taxi boats, which launched flights for the routes Petrozavodsk-Baranіy Bereg, Petrozavodsk-Zimnik, Petrozavodsk-Chortіv Stіlets, Petrozavodsk-Solomyane.

In 1962, the Petrozavodsk-Solom'yana route was closed due to traffic jams. The berth and passenger pavilion from Solom'yany were transported to Chortoviy Stіlets, where the flights of the weekend started (until 1977).

Plans were made for the construction of new passenger piers near Sainavoloku and on Klyukhovy with the organization of a circular weekend day Sainavolok - Klyuchova - Water Station - Pisky - Solom'yane - Chortovy Stilets - Zimnik - Baraniya Bereg - Sainavolok.

Also, in the 1960s-1970s, additional flights on the Petrozavodsk-Zimnik-Baranii Bereg line were served by the service ships Mezen, Sputnik and Klaipeda.

From the beginning of the 1970s, on the line, there was also a heat carrier "Bilomor'ya" (type "Oleksandr Grin") - on the circular line, the water station-Zimnik-Baranij Bereg - the water station. Since 1985, the fate of yoga has changed "Moskovsky-2". In the 1990s, the line also had a service-additional "Captain Zaonegin".

In 2004, rotational voyages to Zimnik were pinned through the low mooring by the elements, and the line to the Baraniya Bereg was saved.

In 2006, the TC "Bilomorsko-Onezke Paroplavstvo" planned to organize flights to Zimnik on ships on the cushion "Hivus-10-70", but only a few flights were canceled. In 2008, the rotation line of the deputy of "Moskovsky-2" began to serve the vessel "Bіlomor'ya", in 2009, the rotation - "Kizke namisto" ("Moskovsky-23"). In 2010, the internal water line of the water station - Baraniy Bereg was partially closed at the link with the water carrier TOV "Kareliaflot" in view of the earlier taken goiters and zdijsnyuvati transportation. From the closed lines of the regular passenger transportation in the middle of the bay, it was pinned.

At this time, from the passenger piers near the Petrozavodsk Guberniya (behind the vineyard of the berths of the water station), the berth Baraniy Bereg was saved at the unsatisfactory station.


From the 1930s to 1977, there was a hydroport in the waters of the Petrozavodsk Bay, and a small hydro-air maidan near Sainavoloku, until the 1980s, an ice maidan for aircraft of the An-2 type.

Earlier, having started the fishery business, he entrusted the fishermen's collective farms of the Prionezsky district, and now they are only amateur fishing.

Vzimku lip is actively won by amateurs of winter sports.

Beaches that place for a break

On the shores of the bay there are popular among the townspeople the beach of Pisky and the place of recovery - Zimnik, Baraniy Bereg, Saynavolok, Chortoviy Stіlets.

Memories of that month

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Ozerniy krigolam "Neva"

  • The accident happened on 25 September 1932 to the fate of the engine line with the workers who were directing for the preparation of firewood on the Baraniy Bereg. 6 people perished, including 4 foreign workers. Chotirioh people vryatuvav boat "Osnova", scho priishov to help.
  • The place of death of the barge with the evacuated residents of Petrozavodsk. In the spring of 1941, a barge, towed by the steamboat "Kingisepp", recognized the fire of the Finnish artillery battery in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bIvanivsk islands, over 100 people perished.
  • Landing place for the landing of the Onezka Viysk Flotilla on the 28th day of 1944.
  • The storm of 1977 fate, after having damaged the Petrozavodsk hydroport and hydroplanes, became one of the reasons for the liquidation of the port.
  • Museum lake krigolam "Neva" project 16 type "Don" 1958 to the fate of the museum center "Polar Odysseus".

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  • Lakes of Karelia / Alexandrov B. M., Zizar N. A., Novikov P. I., Pokrovsky St. St., Pravdin I. F. - Petrozavodsk: Derzhvidav Karelian ARSR, 1959. - S. 86-135. – 618 p. - 3000 copies.
  • Biske G. S. Grigor'ev S. V. Malinina T. I. Smirnov A.F. Epshtein E.M. Onezke lake. Petrozavodsk: Karelia., 1975. 168 p.


Lesson that characterizes the Petrozavodsk Bay

After the stupid and terrible death of Magdalene, the entire inner world of Svitlodar turned into a life of death... His wounded soul did not want to put up with such an unjust waste. I wanted Uncle Radan to have prepared yoga to such a capacity for a long time - the misfortune that came, fell on the young man like a hurricane of unbearable bog, for there was no order ... His soul suffered, writhing in impotent anger, for nothing could be changed anymore ... nothing could be turned back. Yogo miracle, the lower mother went to a distant and unknown world, taking with her at once her dear little sister.
Vіn zalishavsya now alone in this zhorstokіy, cold reality, not catching up to become a right grown-up man, and not having a good mind, as well as in all this hatred and fortune-telling, we will live ...
Ale blood of Radomir and Magdalene, maybe, not without reason flowed in this single blue - having suffered its own life and having lost the same steady, Svіtlodar zdivuvav navit Radan, who (like nobody else!) knowing how deeply you can be a soul, and it’s important turning back, de already silent, whom you love and for whom so broadly and deeply summing up ...
Svіtlodar didn't want to accept the mercy of grief and pain... We mercilessly "beat" our life, we struggled fiercely, knowing the paths to the Light, to the Good, and to the point of human souls that got lost in the darkness... People went to a new stream of blessing for help. Somebody was hungry for sickness, somebody was hungry for a fork in his heart, well, and there was just a crush on the Light, which Svitlodar so generously shared.
Radan's anxiety grew. The fame of the "miracles" created by his unprotected nephew, has crossed the Pyrenean mountains... More and more people suffer, they wanted to turn back to the newly-appeared "miracle worker". And vin, nibi did not care about the nebezpeka that was brewing, and gave to no one, inspired by walking in the footsteps of the dead Radomir ...
More troublesome years have passed. Svіtlodar muzhіv, flocking all strong and calm. At once, from Radan, the stench had long since moved to Occitania, de navitya again, it seemed, it was dihalo to the minds of yoga mother - Magdalene, like timchasovo died. The people of the Temple, who had lost their lives, took their sons with open arms, swearing to save Yogo, and to help Yoma, to sew on their lashes for the sake of strength.
And the axis of one time, the day has come, if Radan saw the right, threatening the insecurity... It was the eighth anniversary of the death of Golden Mary and the News - mother and sister of Svіtlodar...

“See, Izidoro…” Pivnich said softly. - I'll show you, as if you were.
Before me appeared a bright, dreary, alive picture...
Gloomy, foggy, burn generously sprinkling the stubborn, gloomy board, which blotted out in the soul the visibility of innocence and confusion ... Sira, the impenetrable sky wrapped the nearest locks on cocoons in the fog, transforming them into self-sufficient experiences, which were buried in the gloomy valley ... , a joyless picture, shading bright, radiant days, illuminated by the changes of a smoky summer sun ... And in the sight of it, everything around became more dreary and more confused.
A tall and slender young man, standing like a “statue” caught by the entrance of a known furnace, not disturbing and not giving a new sign of life, a little stone statue, an unknown maistra was beaten right into the same cold stone rock ... I realized - tse , singsongly, i buv grown up Svіtlodar. Vіn looking mature and strong. Vladim and at once we are kind ... Proudly, her head was raised high, talking about fearlessness and honor. He had long light hair, tied on his forehead with a scarlet line, fell with important hair over his shoulders, his robes looked like the ancient king ... the proud head of Meravingles. Having crouched down to the watery stone, Svіtlodar stood, not watching the cold, not vіrnіshe, vіrnіshe — not noticing anything.
Here, even in the same fate, died yogo mother - Golden Mary, and yogo little sister - sweet, affectionate Vesta ... The stench died, like a beast and beaten down by a divine, evil man ... we will send "fathers" most holy church. Magdalena didn’t live to see her husband’s son, so boldly and vvidno, like a way out, that she went along the known path of Light and Knowledge...

- Svіtlodar nіkoli so іn't zmіg probachit yourself, scho not stumbled here, if the stench demanded yoga zakhista - again quietly continuing Pіvnіch. - Grizzly wine and bitterness are purer, hotter in the heart, more fiercely fighting against non-humans, as if they called themselves “servants of God”, “revengers” of the human soul ... Vіn clenched his fists and swearing to himself a thousandth time that “I will stop” this “wrong” » earthly light! To despoil at the new one is all hibne, "black" and evil ...
On the broad chests of Svіtlodar chervonіv crooked cross of the Litsarіv Temple... Cross of memory of Magdalene. In any case, Earthly power could not sway Yogo, forget the oath of personal vengeance. Let's kindly and let's go to light and honest people, our young heart was so pitiless and we'll bring it to the zradnikiv and "servants" of the church, yogo's cold brain. Svіtlodar buv nadto rіshuchim i suvorim according to vіdnoshennia up to himself, but completely tolerant and kind according to vіdnoshnennja to others. And only people without conscience and honor called out to him his rightful dislike. Vіn not forgiving evil and nonsense in whatever form it is, and having fought for the people's slander with all possible means, sometimes you know what you can do.
Raptom, through the gray veil of the plank, along the rocks hanging right above it, wondrous, unbatch water fell, dark breezes as if sprinkled the walls of the oven, flooding the windstorms with drops on it ... , ale potim, surprised more beautifully, shuddering - the water was dark red! Vaughn flowed from the fire with a stream of dark "human blood", nіbi the Earth itself, not having seen more vileness and zhorstostі people, it was covered with wounds of all її grihіv ... After the first stream, another ... third ... quarters ... Still the whole mountain she did not strum with the strings of the red water. Її it was already rich ... It seemed that the holy blood of Magdalene wailed about the pomsta, telling them who live about її sorrow! , majestically sobіla sobіl, washing the dear walls of old Carcassonne, carrying their streams far away in the warmth of the blue sea ...

Chervona clay in Occitania

(Having seen the holy places, I was far away to recognize that the water in the mountains of Occitania turns red through red clay. And yet, looking at the “crooked” water, what to live, in fact, dealing with the stronger hostility ...).
Raptom, Svіtlodar listened warily ... but immediately smiled warmly.
- You take care of me again, uncle?
Radan viyshov from behind the stone ledge, with a sumptuously shy head. The Rocks did not fail yoga, calling on the light a zhorst vodbitok of worries and vtrat... Vіn no longer sounded like that happy young man, that little son-Radan, who laughs forever, what a moment to drink roses if you inspire the best heart. Now, however, it’s all about the wars of warfare, like namagavshy ways, to save the most expensive of your belongings - the son of Radomir and Magdalene, alone alive, the fortune-telling of their tragic lives ... of their masculinity ...
- You have Borg, Svіtlodarka... Just like that, like in me. You can survive. Whatever it was. For it won’t happen to you either - it’s significant that your father and mother perished for nothing. What wicked cowards played our war... You don’t have the right to do so, my boy!
- Have mercy, uncle. I have my own right, for my life! I will not allow anyone to write for her at a distance. My father lived his short life, giving in to someone else's will... So it is, just like my poor mother. Only to those who, behind someone else's decisions, the stench roared quietly, who hated them. Well, I can’t let us succumb to the will of one person, to inspire like a person - my dear child. Tse my life, and I will live it like that, as I respect it for my needs and honesty! .. Vibach, uncle Radana!
Svіtlodar got hot. Yogo young rozum was overwhelmed by someone else's infusion into the vlasnu share. Behind the law of youth, you want to be vigilant for yourself, not allowing someone to splurge on your life's price. Radan only chuckled vaguely, guarding his husband's vikhovan... I want to live my life honestly and openly ... only, unfortunately, I haven’t understood yet, who, having poked at the new one, couldn’t vomit war. Just to the one that the stink itself didn’t have a little honor, no conscience, no heart ...
- Well, in your own way you make a walkie-talkie, my lad ... Tse your life. I can't live for anything, I'll help you... I'm sorry, you live well. Tilki be protective, Svіtlodar - in your blood flow of your father, and our enemies will not step in, so that you will be harmed. Take care of yourself, my dear.
Splashing his nephew on the shoulder, Radan summarily killed and killed him behind the ledge of the stone rock. In a second, I felt a scream and an important thrashing. It suddenly fell to the ground and silence fell ... Svіtlodar rushed to the sound, but it was too pizno. On the stone footing of the stove, shackled in the remaining arms, lay two bodies, one of which was an unknown man, the robes of a cloak with a red cross, the other was... Radan. Shouting shrilly, Svіtlodar rushed to the uncle's body, as if he were lying unruly, his life had already left him, not allowing him to say goodbye. Ale, as it appeared, Radan shche dihav.
- Uncle, be a caress, don't deprive me!
Svіtlodar ruined by squeezing yoga at his mother's arms, carefully hitayuchi, like a little child. It’s just like it’s once upon a time when you shake yoga Radan... It’s clear that Radan’s life was draining, drop by drop weeping from his weakened body with a golden glass... save Svіtlodar... How can I explain to you in a few seconds those who have not been zoomed in to convey for all yogo twenty-five years? why don’t you save your mind, why is your son now left alone?

Dagger of Radan

- Listen, sinku ... Tsya people - Vіn not Litsar to the Temple. - pointing at the beaten man, hoarsely prod Radan. - I know їх ухіх - a stranger's vin... Tell tse Gundomer... Help vin... Find out їх... otherwise you'll know the stench. And best of all - go, Svіtlodarko... Go to the Gods. stink to piss you off. This place is flooded with our blood... її it's too rich here... go, dear...
More than enough, Radan's eyes were flattened. From the powerless hand that rose, with a ringing sound, the face dagger fell to the ground. Vіn buv even unspeakable... Svіtlodar glancing respectfully - who simply could not be!
Svіtlodar knowing for sure - which blade had not been at Radan for a long time (when he lost his enemy in the darkness). So today, vin, zahishayuschisya, vyhopiv zbroy vbivtsi? But how could she have eaten in someone else's hands ?!. How could someone from the known faces of the Temple protect the right, for the sake of which all the stench lived ?! Svіtlodar didn't check. Vіn knowing tsikh people, as if he knew himself. None of them could have aroused such low vileness. You can only beat them in, but it’s impossible to hurt them. In such a time - what is the same buv cholovik, what kind of volodiv tsim we specialize with a dagger ?!
Radan lay unruly and calm. All earthly turbots and bitterness have deprived Yogo for ever... The bitterness with the fates of the disguise was smoothed out, resurrecting that radiant young Radan, whom Mary Zolota loved so much, and whom his dead brother, Radomir, loved with all his soul... We are again happy and bright. I didn’t have a scary order, I didn’t feel new in my soul, everything was good and calm.
Svіtlodar standing on his feet, without saying a word. That body, which was dead, was no longer quietly moving from side to side, to help yourself to stand, to survive this heartless, short blow ... Right there, at this stove in the great rock, Magdalene was gone ... And now, having said goodbye to the rest a native person, being alone in a right way. Radan mav raciyu - tse place blew a lot of their family blood... It’s not for nothing that the strings turned crimson... I can’t even say that they’re vin ishov... But I didn’t even turn back.
I was shaking in a sort of wondrous passage... It was scary! Tse bulo is absolutely unlawful and unreasonable - adje mi were called people!!! I chi is guilty here but between human meanness for the sake of it?
- How can you think of living so long, Pivnich? All the stars, knowing about it, how can you get so calm?
Vіn less summіhnuvsya grinning, not responding to my inquiries. And I, widely marveling at the masculinity and steadfastness of this wonderful person, showed for myself a new side of my self-imposed and important life ... of my inseparable and pure soul.
– After Radan was beaten, another litter of fates passed. Svіtlodar having avenged for Yogo death, knowing vbivtsu. Like wine and letting go, tse not be htos іz Litsarіv Temple. Ale stink so they didn’t know how, in a right way, a person was sent to them. Only one thing, it all the same, it became clear - before him, like killing Radan, he was so very proud of the miraculous, bright Litsar, who was among them from the very cob. I’m more than just in order to enchant him with a cloak and armor, and create an enemy that Radan was beaten ...
The heap of these hot podias cut off the soul of Svіtlodar with vtrata. The new one was left with only one vtіha - the yogo is purer, the right kohanna ... Yo is sweet, the lower Margarita ... This was the miraculous Cathar maiden, the successor of the wedding of Golden Mary. And she imperceptibly guessed at Magdalene ... Why did she have the same golden hair, what softness and lack of wateriness її ruhіv, or maybe just tenderness and femininity її guise, but Svіtlodar often catching himself on what he had been joking for a long time passed away, dear heart, save... A girl was born among them. They called її Maria.
Yak and Bulo was said to Radan, little Mary was taken to miles male people- Cathars - who Svіtlodar knew well and trusted like them. The stench of goiter turned on Mary, like his daughter, no matter what he did, and no matter what he threatened. From that hour it happened like that - like only a few people in the line of Radomir and Magdalene new baby, yoga was given to vihovennia to people whom the “holy” church did not suspect about whom she did not know. I worked hard in order to save their priceless life, to give them the opportunity to live to the end. Yakim bi happy chi summ vin not b...
- How could stinks take care of their children, Pivnich? Why didn’t their fathers beat them more? .. - I asked in disgust.
- Well, why didn’t they bachel? Bachili. It's just that the skin share developed in a different way ... Later, the deacons from the fathers lived nearby, especially the mothers. And sometimes there were temperaments, that the stinks blew up in the same people, as if they were growing up like a child. They lived in a different way ... Only one thing didn’t change at all - the servants of the church didn’t bother to follow their trail, instead of spies, not missing the smallest opportunity to protect their fathers and children, they carried Radomir and Magdalene in their blood, fiercely hating for the smallest price, only a popular child...
- How often did the stench die - nashashki? Have you lost something alive and lived your life to the end? Did you help you, Pivnich? Did Meteora help him?.. - I literally began to hoot with a hail of food, not being able to make my throat sound like it was on fire.
Pіvnіch zamislivsya mit, then summarily promo:
- We tried to help ... but a lot of them didn’t help anyone. I think that the message about the old man, who sent his son to death, lived for centuries in their hearts, not forgiving us and not forgetting. Bіl can appear zhorstok, Izіdora. Vaughn does not sing pardons. Especially quiet, yakі it is impossible to correct.
- How did you know anyone from these miraculous tastes, Pivnich?
- Well, of course, Izidoro! We knew everyone, only not everyone had a chance to be smitten. Deyakikh, I guess, you knew. Ale chi will you allow me to finish about Svіtlodar first? Yogo's share seemed to be folding and marvelous. Would you like to know about her? - I just nodded, and Pivnich continued ... - After the people of the miraculous donka, Svіtlodar, having been called the viconate of the bajan of Radan ... Remember, dying, Radan, asking for yoga pіti to God?
- So, was it serious? Aje on Earth hasn't had any living Gods for a long time!
- You don’t know how to move, my friend ... Maybe we don’t know those that people may be on the verge of gods, but on Earth there will always be known some of them, who take their time at the same time. Htos posterigaє that the Earth did not go to the urvish, and did not come to life on this terrible and before the end. The world has not yet been born, Izidoro, you know. The earth still needs constant help. Ale, people are not guilty of knowing about it ... Stinks can turn around themselves. Otherwise, help bring more Skoda. To that Radan is not so wrong anymore, helping Svіtlodar to be quiet, who guards. Vіn knowing that Svіtlodar did not go before us. From i namagavsya vryatuvati yogo, safe from misfortune. Svіtlodar buv Radomir's straight lash, yogo first-blue. Vіn bv the most safe of us, more bv the closest. I yakbi yogo was beaten in, if they hadn’t continued this wonderful and bright Rid.

In contact with

Before the appearance of the settlement, which gave the name to the place that zatotsі, it was unofficially called the Solom'yansk influx, the Solom'yansk bay, or the Solom'yalakhta lake.

The lip extends into the western shore of Lake Onezko between the Korsolma miss and 5.1 miles away from the Shuynavolok miss. Z Logmozero z'ednana Solom'yanskaya channel. Lososinka, Neglinka, Studenets and other low rivers flow into Petrozavodsk Bay. Guba serves as a commercial, transport and recreational purpose for the citizens of Petrozavodsk; The maximum depth is over 25 m.


Petrozavodsk Bay traditional meal living of ribs - smelt, vendace, yorzhіv, perch, roach, trichilo and nine-headed stickleback, podkamenyar, bleak. You can see the Shuisky whitefish, salmon and others from three different species. One of the main spawning grounds is in Lake Onez. Petrozavodsk Bay is the place where wild right-handed rockers and seagulls live. roslinnist - traditional for Lake Onez - sedge, sedge, horsetail, from water dews - elodeya and others.


From long ago, the Petrozavodsk Bay is ship-floating, and even before the filling of Petrozavodsk, fishermen traded in it, as well as the inhabitants of the Shuisky Tsvintar, Chentsi of the Solovetsky Monastery.

From the filling of the place the place was supplied, mainly by the waterway, the products of the Petrovsky plant were transported by water. The first steamboat (tugboat) near the waters of the Petrozavodsk Bay appeared in the serpentine of 1828, since 1860 the year began and the passenger steamship received the landing of Petrozavodsk from St. Petersburg, from Povenets and Shaloi.

From the 1920s, there were water lines in the middle of the Petrozavodsk Guba - the passenger pier - Pisky - Solom'yane (until 1962), the passenger pier - Chortoviy Stilets (the line of the weekend, until the middle of 1977), the passenger pier - Zimnik (205 ) - Lamb Coast (until 2009).

Sok Os, CC0 1.0

In 1960, the first ship on underwater wings, the Rocket, appeared in Gubernaia in 1960; At this time, swedish water lines are blowing on Kizhi, Sinnu lip, Great lip and Shalu.

At the time of war, there were wide-ranging promenade voyages in the Petrozavodsk Bay on water-industrial and swedish ships, at the present hour, I’ll practically do it again.

There are a few marinas for a private small-scale fleet, yachts and small hydroplanes.

History of internal passenger water lines at the borders of the bay

Until the 1920s, there were irregular promenade voyages on steamboats to Solom'yanoye, often favorable for the nature of the collection of cats to help orphans, military servicemen, too. factory and back to the workers of the factory.

Sok Os, CC0 1.0

From the beginning of 1923, the Pivnichno-Zahidny river steamship launched a line from the passenger pier to Solom'yanoy, on the niy the steamship "Shipivka" was launched, from 1925 a part of the voyage was carried by Logmozer to the river Shuya.

Since 1928, the steamboat “Kudama” was put on the line at the same time, flights from the Zimnik pier, as well as weekend flights to the piers of Piska and Chortiv Stilec (both steamboats of the ZZRP, and motor boats of the Karelian OSVOD ). "Radyanska Karelia" and No. 2).

At the winter hour, in the fierce of 1929, on the ice of the Petrozavodsk guba, a bus line was opened on Solom'yan, flights were launched until the road was opened on Solom'yan.

From the end of the 1920s on the line, the pilot-passenger steamboat “Robochiy Vozhd” was launched (later named from 1933 - “Nuorteva”, from 1938 - “Onezhets”).

In the 1930s, steamboats "Rosa Luxembourg" and "Petrozavodsk" also sailed on the line

In 1941, the Byelomorsk-Onezsky steamship lined the Pisky pier with the organization of a passenger pavilion and cash registers, a prote at the link with Velikiy cob Vytchiznyanoi war and small regular passenger flow to the pier was pinned.

At the last hour of the war in 1945, on the line of Petrozavodsk - Solomyan - Zimnik, the steamship of the Belomorsk-Onezsky steamship "Narva" was launched, which changed in 1946 the rotation of withdrawals for reparations from Finland "Dzhambul". The steamboat also started to come to the pier Baraniy Bereg.

In 1959, on the line Petrozavodsk-Zimnik-Baranii Bereg, the boat “Okun” was launched, and from the 1960s, the motor ships “Lermontiv”, “Dnipro-Bug”, Om-337 and Om-344 of the type “Om”, Mo- 94, M-172.

In 1960-1962, the company had a service of five taxi boats, which launched flights for the routes Petrozavodsk-Baranіy Bereg, Petrozavodsk-Zimnik, Petrozavodsk-Chortіv Stіlets, Petrozavodsk-Solomyane.

In 1962, the Petrozavodsk-Solom'yana route was closed due to traffic jams. The berth and passenger pavilion from Solom'yany were transported to Chortoviy Stіlets, where the flights of the weekend started (until 1977).

Plans were made for the construction of new passenger piers near Sainavoloku and on Klyukhovy with the organization of a circular weekend day Sainavolok - Klyuchova - Water Station - Pisky - Solom'yane - Chortovy Stilets - Zimnik - Baraniya Bereg - Sainavolok.

Also, in the 1960s and 1970s, additional flights on the Petrozavodsk-Zimnik-Baranii Bereg line were served by the service ships Mezen, Sputnik and Klaipeda.

From the beginning of the 1970s, on the line, there was also a heat carrier "Bilomor'ya" (type "Oleksandr Grin") - on the circular line, the water station-Zimnik-Baranij Bereg - the water station. Since 1985, the fate of yoga has changed "Moskovsky-2". In the 1990s, the line also had a service-additional "Captain Zaonegin".

In 2004, rotational voyages to Zimnik were pinned through the low mooring by the elements, and the line to the Baraniya Bereg was saved.

In 2006, the TC "Bilomorsko-Onezke Paroplavstvo" planned to organize flights to Zimnik on ships on the cushion "Hivus-10-70", but only a few flights were canceled. In 2008, the rotation line of the deputy of "Moskovsky-2" began to serve the vessel "Bіlomor'ya", in 2009, the rotation - "Kizke namisto" ("Moskovsky-23"). In 2010, the internal water line of the water station - Baraniy Bereg was partially closed at the link with the water carrier TOV "Kareliaflot" in view of the earlier taken goiters and zdijsnyuvati transportation. From the closed lines of the regular passenger transportation in the middle of the bay, it was pinned.

Far from the passenger piers near the Petrozavodsk Guberniya (behind the vinyat moorings of the water station), the Baraniy Bereg berth was saved at the unsatisfactory station.


From the 1930s to 1977, in the waters of the Petrozavodsk Guba, there was a hydroport, until the 1980s - an ice maidan for An-2 aircraft.

Until the 1980s, rokіv іsnuvav lisosplav Shuisky rafting office. On the shores of the bay, various ships were tested and tested in the waters - the fishermen (MRB and others) of the Petrozavodsk shipyard, tugboats and barges of the Petrozavodsk ship repair and shipbuilding plant, the vintage ship and the Viysk ships of the Avangard plant, and at the given hour - the wooden shipyard. Є project of life and testing of ekranoplanes.

Earlier, having started the fishery business, he entrusted the fishermen's collective farms of the Prionezsky district, and now they are only amateur fishing.

Vzimku lip is actively won by amateurs of winter sports.

Beaches that place for a break

On the banks of the gub there are popular among the city dwellers the beach of Pisky and the place of recovery - Baraniy Bereg, Saynavolok, Chortoviy Stіlets.

Photo gallery

Corisna information

Petrozavodsk Bay
Petrozavodsk inflow
before the appearance of the settlement, which gave the name to the place that zatotsі, it was unofficially called the Solom'yansk influx, the Solom'yansk bay, or the Solom'yalakhta lake

Morphometric parameters

  • Above the mirror - 72.6 km.
  • Volume of water mass - 1.0 km³
  • Shore line – 35 km
  • Middle depth - 15.0 m


Sounds like ice at the leaf fall-chest, cracks on the cob of grass. At the spring-leaf fall part of the storm, which often ends with the ruins of the coastal houses, courts. Storms 1841, 1880, 1903, 1923 1935, 1973, 1975, 1977, 2008


  • Neglinny (Kalinina abo Neglin) is located in the waters of the Petrozavodsk Guba, 0.6 km from the shore, at the alignment of the vul. Krasnodontsiv. Another name for the island is to resemble the name of a trading villager-Karelian from the village of Ongamuksi of the Spasopreobrazhensky volost Oleksia Kalinina, who lived on the island before the Zhovtnevoy revolution. Years ago, on the island, there were the workers of the Petrozavodsk concentration camp of right-handed workers (1920s), storage of fire and wood of the Belomorsk-Onezsky steamship. In 1946, the water line between Solom'yane and Neglin Island was operated. Nini is deserted. On the island, a navigation sign and ensign of Russia was installed. Є projects to bridge the island and the mainland with a bridge from the transformation of yoga to the recreational zone.
  • Loyostrov is located in the waters of the Petrozavodsk Guba, 0.9 km from the coast, on a daily basis from the quarters of the city's forests. Previously, there was a pier and a warehouse for the BOP. A navigational sign and ensign of Russia was installed on the pvdenno-shidny edge of the island. Non-population. Buli propositions about power on the island of the historical and cultural center.
  • Ivanovski Islands lie at the exit from the Petrozavodsk Guba:
    • Mikilsky. Before the revolution, there was a chapel on the island in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
    • Koivostriv.
    • Wise.
    • Pedai.
    • Madostrov.
    • Ivanivsky.
  • A small island of a piece campaign beat a huge plant "Avangard".

All the islands can be seen as far as the Petrozavodsk Territory.

Tarifi banks

  • Bank Zimnik with the smallest depth of 2 m is located 3 miles from the Shuynavolok river.
  • Shuynavoloksky reef is located nearby to the Shuynavolok mise, instructed by Hare's lip.

Pierce and pier

  • Pirs and cold Vigoynavolok.
  • The pier of the water pumping station at the pivdenny descent of the Petrozavodsk city.
  • Moorings for the shipyard "Avangard".
  • Pirs MNS.
  • Pier of the large Petrozavodsk shipyard (ZAT "Varyag").
  • A pier for the ribokombinat and a new pier for the yacht club (Pisky port).
  • Berth Pivdenny vantage area.
  • Pierce and dam to the port of Pivni (a landing stage at the nap_zatonulomu camp, a sprat of napіvzruynovanyh moorings).
  • Pierce of the Moscow Yacht Club.
  • Pier to the club "Polarny Odyssey".
  • Moorings of the Onez Shipbuilding Plant (the number of piers of the Uritsky Vantazhsky District of the Petrozavodsk Port and the Petrozavodsk Maintenance and Operational Base for the Fleet).
  • The passenger pier of Petrozavodsk is occupied by the belly of the pivdenno-zahidny coast of the Petrozavodsk Guba. Previously belonged to the port of Petrozavodsk.
  • The piers of the old wharf and the water station "Dinamo" were repaired. At the flooded camp, at the milky waters, stand out from the water. In the 1990s, there was a museum called the Ark of the Odyssey.
  • Pirs Onezky district waterways Belomorkanal (near Moskovskaya street)
  • Zruynovani piers vzdovzh embankment of Varkaus.
  • Pier of the large Pivnichnaya vantage yard of the Petrozavodsk port. Khvilya (chastkovy sporudzheniya z pre-war lighter).
  • Pierce of a woodworking plant.
  • Pierce of the house-budding plant.
  • Pirs Petrozavodskmash.
  • Landing stage and pier of the large yacht port of Piska.
  • Pirs in Solom'yanoy.
  • Nap_vzruynovaniy pier for the floating bridge across the Solom'yanska protoka.
  • Surplus to the berth of the Zimnik pier.
  • Pier at the Baranniy birch.


The first lighthouse near the province of the power of Peter the First on the upper version of the church in the name of the first apostles Peter and Paul near Petrozavodsk. For a long time, the Kostyantin lighthouse on the Petrozavodsk pier functioned. Ninі zberigsya automatic beacon on the Ivanіvskih islands.

Memories of that month

  • The accident happened on 25 September 1932 to the fate of the engine line with the workers who were directing for the preparation of firewood on the Baraniy Bereg. 6 people perished, including 4 foreign workers. Chotirioh people vryatuvav boat "Osnova", scho priishov to help.
  • The place of death of the barge with the evacuated residents of Petrozavodsk. In the spring of 1941, a barge, towed by the steamboat "Kingisepp", recognized the fire of the Finnish artillery battery in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bIvanivsk islands, over 100 people perished.
  • Landing place for the landing of the Onezka Viysk Flotilla on the 28th day of 1944.
  • The storm of 1977 fate, after having damaged the Petrozavodsk hydroport and hydroplanes, became one of the reasons for the liquidation of the port.
  • Museum lake krigolam "Neva" project 16 type "Don" 1958 to the fate of the museum center "Polar Odysseus".
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