Sludge lake. White sea near Dzerzhinsk. As we have seen the sight of toxic vents. How to get to the White Sea near Dzerzhinsky

In order to marvel at the salt lakes, it’s not obligatory to go to Bolivia and the Astrakhan region. It is enough to come to the small settlement of Igumnov, located near Dzerzhinsky near the Nizhny Novgorod region. The most white, just for one kilometer, is the largest on the territory of Russia and Europe shlmonakopichuvach "White Sea", as it was called by the people. Here, on an area of ​​92 hectares, according to different estimates, from two to seven million tons of output, most importantly chemical ones, are taken. Fans of the technogen and the post-apocalypse will walk along the new and proponing trochs.

Ale, I want to stroke a little, and say, what about the "naybrudnisha river in the world", it is called like this, and about the yak I already wrote, I know myself here, and not in that place, like I described in the past post. Vaughn herself screams from the "White Sea". won axis

I entrusted the settlement of Igumnov with the help of "beauties", about the yak I will write about a few verses of the past. It should be noted that you can be known among the "Bilim Sea", Volosyanikhoy, "Black Dirk" and the Igumnivsky smіtєvalishche TPV (one of the largest in Europe!) - do not be late...

The sludge collector was put into operation in 1973 and was appointed for the storage of sludge for the holding of the plant "Caprolactam". The area of ​​the lot for the placement of the sludge collector will be 92 hectares. The height of the dam is 7.5-8.0 meters. The core design pressure is 4.13 million cubic meters. meters Nine slags were filled by 97%, moreover, 93% of the total output was formed within 100 hours. The warehouse of SIBUR-Naftohim has a sludge collector dating back to 2001. For SIBUR, the entrances of the "White Sea" were treated like a "spadshchina" at once with the strains of the colossal plant "Caprolactam". At once, as I understand from the news, the wines are transferred to the balance of Dzerzhinsk.

Spend on the territory of the sludge collector is even easier. Everything there is - a barrier that opened and wrote "The passage is fenced." Well, so we don’t go, we don’t go.

According to the price, you can see the plums of the water from the virobnits, the stink of a kitten with a clean gіrsky struk right at Volosyanikh

Volosyanikha herself can "become" her own. Edge of space

closer condemnation

Just a little more, you can watch a plastic watchman at the bud. Fear here we need to kill the dogs, watch out for them everywhere. Wanting to me, I didn’t get it.

Bіlya shlamoіdstіynik shchey y yakes established. Zagalom - beauty

Lakes and Volosyanikha behind the ramparts of the "White Sea"

As I understand it, today the sludge collector "Bile More" wins for direct confession. SIBUR is the subsidiary of SIBUR-Naftohim, which without intermediary exploitation is given to the engineering community, improving its technical standard at the latest performance level to the maximum.

Mayzhe, across the square, little aspens and birches grow step by step.


Follow the dogs here on the right, and sometimes boars trap.

The cost of conservation of the sludge collector "Bile More" in the industrial area of ​​Dzerzhinsk in the Nizhny Novgorod region is close to 1 billion rubles, according to the general director of the BAT "Sibur-Naftohim" Sergiy Khlopov.

Chervni 2011 r. Dmitro Medvedev placed the task in front of the VAT "Sibur-Naftohim" to gradually remove the "Bile Sea" sludge collector on the territory of the "Caprolactam" plant. In Khlopov's words, at one time the sludge collector occupies an area of ​​​​about 55 hectares, and the new one has about 4 million cubic meters. m of sludge, which is a paste, which is 50% composed of water, and reshta - of calcium and magnesium carbonates, which are lost after victorious speeches in the process of electrolysis.

Three variants of the solution to the problem of sludge-collector were considered. "Tse pererobite yogo on shchos, transport yogo somewhere else, or conserve yogo on a place to minimize shkodi," Khlopov said. On the thought of fakhіvtsіv, the first two options are significantly higher from the point of view of the economy.

Conservation of the transition to the fall of the fall off the sludge from the territory, which lies down to the accumulating mirror, the folding of the drainage system and the folding of the dewy cover at the final stage of work. Works are insured for chotiri rock and roll out after the completion of state and environmental expertise, as it is planned to be completed before the end of 2012.

Vzagali, report on the situation of conservation and tim, who and how for a new opinion, rather read on the Internet, I don’t care about food.

Before the speech, are you going to see that dark porch of the fox against the horizon? Here is the high bank of the Oka, the stars are taking water from us.

And the axis of three information about ecologists:

"The chemical plant "Caprolactam" (Viysk-chemical plant No. 96) near Dzerzhinsk in 1939-1959 was known to produce highly toxic toxic blasts of speech - mustard gas and bluesite. In the event of some unsafe production, all the defective products were thrown into the lowland of the factory. This wild castle was turned into a larger-less tolerant "polygon" as early as 1973. However, at the moment of the conversion of the smіtєzvalishcha to the so-called training ground, the bottom and the bіchnі walls were not covered with clay. So it was over the top unsafe for people to live and be deprived of such a life. Yakscho її do not follow all the rules. І SIBUR, having taken the plant "Caprolactam" practically for free, better for everything, did not know about it at the moment of "purchase". But at the same time you don’t know how to get out of the situation, you got into a yak.

The axis of what is written about the history of food in the book of L. Fedorov "Chemical destruction - war against the powerful people. Tragic Russian story" (2009):

"... at the rocky vіyni special hall ("letter") to plant No. 96, which rose behind the relief of the Volosyanikhi thicket, there were quite a few fences, no recognizable signs. looked after the old workshops and buildings, and the camp was saved for old times.

Stanom for 1963. nutrition for the utilization of such a group of inputs from chemical enterprises, such as hard still bottoms, sludge, spent catalysts, but not. Solid outputs were piled up in troughs on troughs, organized in the middle of the industrial maidanchiks, the sludge was sent to the sludge collectors (mainly). It was not regulated by sanitary rules.

The food about the organization of the burial of solid industrial wastes near the soil near the Dzerzhinsk region was constantly complicated: the soils in the quiet parts of the food, for the quiet places, karst phenomena are characteristic, and that and the water supply of the city - Gruntov. Therefore, the leather plant itself solved the problem of solid waste disposal. Obviously, the information about the release of solid industrial outputs on the territory and near factories No. 96, No. 148 and ChHZ is insignificant. If any resident of the place wants to show him where the "Bile Sea" is known (slimonakopichuvach plant No.

On the eve of the hour of the last visit of the ninth prime minister-lawyer to Dzerzhinsk, no words were said about those who are found in the "White Sea" toxic substances, mustard gas and luzitu. Mustaches were more vvіchlivі. I dosі all the bosses that hearsay press go in, scho stink is not in the know. And in the rest of tizhnі vlada vrіshila inflict environmental evil. As you can see, the accumulated environmental damage, which is found in the sights of the tombs, is being eliminated in three stages: reclamation is started first, then sanitation and then rehabilitation. Only a few years later, the plot of the earth has been robbed and can be taken careless for people. Like Bachimo, our bosses at the side of SIBUR (we remember our blatant trepidation about love before ecology) did not work for nothing - to bring about reclamation. Dzerzhinsk needs a lot of pennies for the ecologically primed liquidation of the "White Sea", but it's not enough to steal."

All the same, I still support myself, the rulers and the inhabitants, all the same, let myself go to the edge, not just food, but for now, I’m battling, nature itself takes its own ...

This photo call of dedication to that mission, where I don’t want to spend more. Tell me about the new one, make a terrible dream, which you want to forget about it. Tse Bile sea. Nі, not those who wash pіvnіchnі take care of our continent! It is also called sludge-copichuvach, and my simple- non-solid rozmіrіv stinker, yak sprang up on the square for various tributes from 50 to 92 ha near the city of Dzerzhynska.

This is how the White Sea looks from the satellite. At the same time, you can stitch with a card, like a new one. The closest settlement to the population is the settlement of Igumnov.

How does it look like the truth?

The undead nibi was sun-drenched in the sun of the desert with stunted grass bushes and low, like in the tundra, trees. The soil is fluffy - you go and fail. Not much, approximately to the depths of the underbelly, but all the same, it’s not possible to see - just to torment the unimaginable feeling that you can go empty. In some places, there are sales of such types of wheeled equipment - pevne, who rode a quad bike.

When using an objective of the “rib'yache eye” type, an enemy is formed, which is known on another planet - similar to the earth, even though it is inanimate, it became like a man-made disaster on it, otherwise all living organisms were attacked by a virus. Everything that was left behind - dried up the growths and long ago zanedbani man-made spores. And on the horizon, backwaters, backwaters, backwaters - they will also leave. The first thing that falls on the thought of a landscape that has been swayed is the planet Plyuk from Georgy Daneliya’s film “Kin-dza-dza”

Post-apocalyptic landscape. Marriage ash in the sky :)

Under the hour of rain near the White Sea, kaluzhs appear, but it’s not water anymore, but otrutochemicals.

The type of water attracts waterfowl - gulls, jock. The stinks sit on it, piss and ... there was a bird and after a certain hour there were no birds - take care of the "White Sea" covered with corpses of gulls and a jock.

At the world, close to the water, the ground under the feet becomes even more accessible. While you stand unruly - nothing is seen, ale varto drink - your legs start to get wet like a quagmire! Do not try a share, come closer to the shore in the presence of sin - I would not want to drown in SUCH a mist!

Pokey robbing the whole frame by drowning in 5 seconds a little more than ankle-deep

We went around the White Sea along the entire perimeter, but it took about two years to arrange a photo session. Shlamonakopichuvach excavations with an earthen shaft of curls about 8 meters, they went to him. On the other side of the rampart, streams and small lakes often chirp. In the lakes, the water is clear and the bottom is visible, perhaps, no algae can see such an aggressive middle.

And even more, the White Sea opens even more “fragrant” river Volosyanikh, yak, for a long time winding, falls into the river Gnilichka, yak falls into the Oka in the order of the beach of Stryginsky forest - beloved by the city of car factories. Clean up the controversy? No, don't be fooled! I, obviously, have a lot of feelings, that the Dzerzhinsky backwaters zabrudnyayut the Oka, now I’ve changed the axis into it. Now bathing in the Otsі, especially in me, the bajan has arisen! I bathe dried fish, drink it in Oci.

And right on the land of the White Sea, it is possible to make a great lake beyond the lakes - a large kar'єr, from which they made sand for life on the island. The lake is becoming very popular with the Igumnivsky fishermen.

Riba, like being found in this lake, needs to be thought, it is also soiled with chemical trash, but it doesn’t hurt anyone. Catch for yourself and, imovirno, for sales from a dried-up look.

One more summative fact - just over 800 meters from the White Sea, one can reach the great settlement of Igumnov, people live in it and don’t particularly “steam” with the drive of the land with this deadly place - vegetables and potatoes sprout in the cities, fish are caught in the lake, near the forests pick mushrooms. With the fact that be-to-one ozumіl, scho soil vodit rich additives, yakі do not give zdorov'ya.

This is the axis of history. But the best thing is that the White Sea is not the only "stinker" in the neighborhood. Yet “Chorna dira” is a karst lake, in a yak, the entrances to the Orgsklo plant are angry. If it is sludge-copichuvach, although it is insulating from the navkolishny middle - є clay bedding and embankment, then the water from Chornaya Dirka, full of not the most part of Mendeliev's table, slowly seeps into the ground with karst passages. Underground rivers of groundwater also flow near the river Oka and remind wells and Sverdloviny near Petryaivtsi, Kolodkin, Babin. It still seems that they should bring water to the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station, and that water should be brought to the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station, and that water should be taken and in mass order to carry the chemical trash near all the nearest water reservoirs - the lakes of the river, but it’s already an environmental disaster!

Artem Kashkanov

Photographer, webmaster, visual artist, freelancer. I like to raise the price of a car and not only. I also love mountain biking, climbing, fishing, going for mushrooms.

"Bile More" - the sludge collector of the largest plant for Caprolactam.
Date of commissioning - breast 1973.
Appointment - storage of sludge in the production.
The core design pressure is 4.13 million cubic meters. m;
Reserved - 3.928 million cubic meters. (99.5% of the total income is formed for radian hours);
The area of ​​sludge kopichuvacha is 92.0 ha;
Dambi height - (7.5-8.0) m;
Closing date - birch 2013.
In the new place, excesses of red salts are saved, as if such a gray-steel look on the surface.

1. Scattered view of hoarding. The area in the new one is not small, so to speak.

bird litter. The photo was smashed by a witch who was shown this location only once. Show respect, since 3 years ago the water was clearly visible. immediately dry.

2. Well, the heavenly chancellery vtishila us garnym sky before the very exit.

3. Trumpet with bowls. On the back, the pipe ended up beating that hump. Year by year, the Daedals carried the pipe. It can be seen that the surface of the overgrowth is already active.

4. Local village, where all sprouted birches have dried up. It is important to tell the reason - more stench sprouted there.

5. The end of your own trumpet.

6. I didn’t understand the dispute from the hall of that walled deck, wrapped in a moth.

7. Loop

8. And ce for a kilometer to the white sea - judging by the look and smell - people here were massively angry with oil products.

9. Passage fenced.

10. Vіl on a similar birch of the sea. There is a similar contraption from photo No. 6. All shoots are already overgrown on the surface.

11. Rates between sea and factory. Tsіlkom imovіrno - vikoristovuvsya like accumulating water for technical needs.

12. And life continues.

13. І navit on tsomu ґruntі. The trees are incessantly germinating. Trohi vіddalіk - already a right pіdlіsok, through which I had a chance to break through.

14. Obіtsyana apple-tree on rowing of the white sea. Apple - even savory.

Ninі share tsgogo object virіshuєtsya. A lot of liquidation projects have been drawn up, but for now, the contractors will sue for the right to win a great contract for the price. If everything goes smoothly, then the robots will open up already in autumn.

And my special IMHO.
I know that the excitement is like a white sea of ​​blow-ups piece by piece. So it turned out that it was obvious to everyone. There are no special shoddies, pennies for yoga liquidation are fantastic (about 1 billion rubles), ecologists take pennies and grants, the wheel is spinning, everything is in power. And those who are regularly sawing and phenol-encumbered near the street are not so fertile. For the sake of everything.


Chapter 1………………………………….5

1.1. The history of the vinification of the sludge collector “Bile sea”………………5

1.2. Vmіst "White Sea"……………………………………………………7


2.1. Propositions for the step-by-step conservation of the sludge collector “Bile Sea”………………………………………………………………………………....8

2.2. The economic aspect of the liquidation of the “White Sea”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12

2.3. Scoring result…………………………………………………….14


List of victorious literature……………………………………………...17



My country is wide, rich in forests, rivers, lakes and seas. However, not all seas cry out for the joy of rotting. For example, "Bile More" near the town of Dzerzhinsk. The city of Dzerzhinsk is one of the centers of the chemical industry, with over 30 industrial enterprises.

Such only products are not found in our country - chemistry: mineral dobriva, caprolactam, plastics, otrutochemicals, fatty alcohol and richly others. And everything is in one place, transformed, in fact, into a social prommaydanchik.

During the hours of the Great Vitchiznyan war near Dzerzhinsk, they vibrated vibrating, bombs, air shells, and chemical attacks were called nearby.

Most of the cities and villages, roztashovaniy in the zone, inflow of a similar group of enterprises, like a great contribution to the zabrudnennya ґruntu.

In Dzerzhinsk itself, there is the largest sludge collector in Russia and Europe "Bile Sea", which is sold over 800 meters from the village of Igumnov. On an area of ​​92 hectares, according to different estimates, two to seven million tons of inputs are collected, including chemical ones.

Beauty, obviously here, zhahliva: blindly white pisok, clean water. But those who are given water, in fact, are a puddle. Ecologists seem to have found that the soil and water of the village of Igumnove revealed an excess of permissible concentrations of important metals: salt, cadmium, lead, mercury, and midi.

The “Bile Sea” sludge tanker was put into operation over forty years ago and today it is 97% full. Since 2001, the fate of the wines belongs to the undertaking of Sibur-naftohim and dossi vikoristovuetsya for recognition. Prote nin_ skidannya vіdhodіv proti radyanskim period dosit insignificant.

Meta robots - look at the sludge collector "Bile More" as an environmentally unsafe object.
Work manager:
-Vivchit history
-Analyze the warehouse of the White Sea
- Show options for environmentally unsafe objects

Chapter 1

1.1. The history of the vindication of the sludge collector "Bile Sea"

Ecology for Dzerzhinsk is a point of convergence of interests and a point of no return. The floorings are long ago, that the floorings are very important to the glee, that a lot of kerivniks have already just learned to speculate on it, like street zhebraks speculate with photographs of their sick children.

The place, the place where Dzerzhinsk stands, has long been called Chornorichcha by the people - a deaf corner 40 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod, a trading giant on the Volz. In the middle of the 19th century, a zaliznitsyu, and from quiet fir here the virobnitstvo began to grow, people stretched out from the forces.

radianska vlada forsuval promyslova increased Chornorichchya, turning up new and new backwaters, restoring the quantity. Thousands of villagers poured down virobnitstvo: chasing hunger, ration bread was brought to the factory.

In 1930, the rotation of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Exhibition Center, by its own decisions, hardened the city of Dzerzhinsk on the map, as if it had planted an area of ​​rich Chornorichensky settlements. Today, about 240 thousand people live near the city and its outskirts.

The 20th century with the 19th race has given Dzerzhinsk an important significance for the country. Under the hour of the war, a wide range of weapons vibrated here - vibrating, bombing, air shells. Fighting chemistry, obviously: phosgene, mustard gas, lusite, chlorine, hydrocyanic acid. Leather from the factories of the Crimean production for the needs of the defense industry, the amount of chemical inputs is significant.

As a rule, they were called nearby. So, zokrema, the sludge dump “Bile Sea” was established.

Shlamonakopichuvach "White Sea" is a hydrotechnical spore, induced in 1973 to utilize the output of chemical plants. The object is a great piece bowl, lined in the ground and a fortified dam.

1.2. Vmist "White Sea"

"White Sea" accommodates close to 7 million tons of chemical products, among which ecologists will be afraid, and the first class of unsafety. On the other hand, according to the official version, “you may find yourself wandering in the White Sea, reach the fourth class of unsafety and are characterized as less unsafe.

Maizhe 60% of the total obsyagu sow water, reshta - on non-toxic, slightly unsafe sums of non-robust salts, most importantly carbonates. (Supplement 1)

Today, the area of ​​the sludge-collector will be 55 hectares, and the area of ​​the sludge is about 9 meters. In the place of the "White Sea" it looked like a pasty mass, here it was rare, but here it was practically caught. 97% of the sludge was filled, of which 93% was filled within a few hours before being handed over to the Caprolactam plant by Sibur-Naftohim. The view of the direct flow of the river is overpowered by rowing. Tim an hour, solid sludge undoubtedly unsafe for the navkolishny middle.

Chapter 2

2.1. Propositions for the phased conservation of the sludge collector “Bile Sea”

"Bile Sea" - a collection of events, organized by the sanctioning methods. Irrespective of those that the operating organization declares about the increase in environmental benefits with this reduction, the very fact of the foundation of this object already represents ecological concern. Fakhіvtsі different departments and hromada ecologists in a different way evaluate the steps of this negative impact on in the middle vіd admissible inflow to the edge of unsafe. Some of them explain the movement of chemical speeches near the underground waters from this object, others explain the total influx of enterprises near the industrial zone of Dzerzhinsk.

Representatives of "SIBUR" voted that, regardless of those that "White Sea" was mainly responsible for in radian rock, the company does not take part in the share of sludge-accumulator and is ready to finance the work of this conservation or the processing of sludge production in the future.

Narazi "SIBUR" lamaє head over tim, scho work with "Bilim more": conserve chi rework? Three variants of the solution to the problem of sludge-copichuvach were considered - whether it was possible to recycle it, to transport it somewhere else, or to conserve it in a place to minimize the damage. And those and more koshtuє colossal pennies - go about hundreds of millions of rubles. Also, the main one directly, I have a factory, and the administration of Dzerzhinsk work with a new emphasis, - tse “demifologizatsia of the object “Bile Sea”.

Conservation before the siege of the sludge from the territory, which lies down to the accumulation, resurfacing of the mirror, the folding of the drainage system and the folding of the dewy cover at the final stage of work. Robots are insured for chotiri rocky and may be re-opened after the completion of state and environmental expertise.

But how can you think about pennies, if you think about the ecology of the middle ground and about the life of people who live on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

SIBUR is ready to look at options. Zokrema, after these words, a project of conservation has already been conceived, with which a search is being made for the processing of sludge. Offended by the options, they are more expensive, so for the company it is not financial, but reputational investment.

The factory "Caprolactam" is being closed down step by step and the rest is being put into operation. Virobnichiy maidanchik from obvious infrastructure is being re-profiled into the Oka-Polymer technopark, to the point where foreign residents are working, as they plan to create and develop environmentally friendly direct lines for business. Starting with the project, the sludge collector "Bile More" as an object for the placement of rare fertilizing outlets will be liquidated by the path of conservation. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out a complex of visits to improve environmental safety and minimization of water in the middle of the city. The object will be clarified from sludge waters, the discount pipeline of clarification of sludge waters will be dismantled. The supply of new inputs will be reduced, the water content of the already accumulated sludge will be reduced to an average value of 45-55%, so that it is not clean.

The entire territory of the sludge-copichuvach will be pierced with a mesh of earthen ramparts of a cusp one meter, with a width of three meters along the crest. Tse allow to distribute "Bile Sea" for 12 tickets (cards) of 4-5 hectares of leather. A system of surface drainage will be created - plastic perforated pipes with a diameter of 110 and 160 mm will be laid on the surface of the waterways (cards) to establish reservoir drainage. At the nodes of the maps there will be wells made of locking fittings. Also, anti-shipping will be carried out, the rowing of the sludge collector will be strengthened, in order to turn off the damage caused by the development of a hydrodynamic accident. In addition, it is necessary to install a supplementary waterproofing screen, which will allow the filtration of atmospheric fallout to disappear from the body of the sludge collector. The technical stage of conservation is to be completed the biological one - on the surface of the sludge-collector on an area of ​​55 hectares, biomat will be laid, so as to form a succulent green lawn. After the completion of the conservation, a robot will be required to control and monitor underground waters (rhubarb, yakish storage), surface waters (from the drainage system) of the growing (grass) curve.

Two alternative options for the liquidation of the "White Sea" - a route for processing sludge or moving it to another place, for the sake of experts, which is notably environmentally unsafe for the conservation option. Today, there are no technologies that allow you to overwork with the sludge of the "White Sea".

For outputs that have been lost after private processing, it is necessary to have a new sludge collector on the territory of at least 7-8 hectares. In addition, the process of private processing of sludge is not

less than 40 years will inevitably put a direct negative pressure on the dovkil (weaking in the atmospheric air, muddy underground waters).

The option of moving the entrances of the "White Sea" in another place, waiting for the life of a new sludge collector on the territory of at least 15 hectares.

2.2. The economic aspect of the liquidation of the sludge collector "Bile More"

As reported by the General Director of the VAT "Sibur-Naftohim" Sergiy Khlopov, the conservation of the sludge collector "Bile More" in the industrial zone of the Dzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorod Region warehouse is close to 1 billion rubles.

At the end of 2011, Dmitro Medvedev, being president, put the task in front of Sibur-Naftohim to gradually remove the White Sea sludge collector on the territory of the Caprolactam plant.

According to the words of the intercessor of the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Volodymyr Lebedev, the financial work is carried out for the budget of the federal and regional budgets, as well as for the budget of Sibur-Naftohim.

As they told the press service of the mayor's office of the city of Dzerzhinsk, Sibur-Naftohim handed over to the authorities of the administration of the Dzerzhinsk region of Nizhny Novgorod region the sludge collector “Bile sea”.

At the time of the most recent transfer of the sludge collector to the municipal authority, the ministry natural resources that ecology of the Russian Federation guarantees the inclusion of the necessary obligations for further liquidation before the draft federal budget.

In order to increase the important nutrition of the amount of liquidation accumulated during the radian hours of environmental protection, Sibur voiced about the gradual closure of the chlorine production of the large plant "Caprolactam".

Gradually, the swelling of the stiffness began to grow in 2012, until the total recovery, which allows the process of swelling to be most safely resolved. Come in, any closing will be implemented by close cooperation with the authorities of Nizhny Novgorod

region and Dzerzhinsk under the control of the regional administration of Rostekhnaglyad.

I brought the chlo- rine milling grains to the point of total deposition of skids at the sludge-cooking, leading the middle of the Meskants to the region under the name “Bile Sea”. With this, "Sibur" jointly with federal, regional and municipal authorities is able to continue the work of conservation of the object.

Syogodni Shlamonakopichuvach “Bile Sea” Vicoristovy for the direct recognitions of the sir that yogo daughters “Sіbur-naphthokhim”, Yak Bezpo-Serdeno Danu Inszhenern, and the yogo tech-navigation at the same time. Control over the operation of the sludge collector is the responsibility of state bodies - Rostekhnaglyad, Rosprirodnaglyad, Rosspozhivnaglyad.

2.3. Scored result after the conservation of the White Sea

In accordance with the regional plans of the head of Dzerzhinsk for the reclamation of the famous sludge collector "Bile More" throughout the region, a golf course may be built in this area, for which it is necessary to bring the upper ball of the soil and cover the sea with special materials.

It is planned to complete the conservation of the castle by 2015, and the authorities are looking at projects for the improvement of the territory.

The development of infrastructure can touch the entire industrial zone of the chemical industry. The Caprolactam plant takes up its work and an industrial park is set up on the area.

Following the words of Jurgen Cygelsky, the director of the production of the company-resident of the industrial park, whose maidanchik is suitable for picking, shards of wine distribution are nearby, where the stench is to supply products and there will be no problems with working hands and personnel.

Nezabarom at tsikh shops vygotovlyatimut komplektuyuchі for foreign cars. Auto components are planned to be delivered to the car factory near Nizhny Novgorod and Kaluz. Virobnitstvo can be one of the pillars of the regional automotive cluster. There is also a developing naphthochemical cluster. Nine more than 10 companies have signed a contract with the core industrial park, another 70 are negotiating.

They tried to get new investors here, so that the base, created dozens of years ago, did not know for nothing. There are already all the necessary communications, gas and electricity - everything, so that new technologies have been started in the old workshops.


Only independent ecologists do not support bureaucratic optimism, the oskolki conservation means that the “White Sea” will be left on the territory of the city district for an unimportant hour, moreover, in a potentially unsafe state for the middle class. For this reason, a detailed assessment of the influx on the dovkill of the preserved sludge-accumulator was not carried out. Following the words of the vikonavchy director of the environmental organization "V'yunitsia" Volodymyr Orehov, having espoused the ecology only during the construction of the sarcophagus, that and then went on to become a warehouse of potential zabrudnyuvachiv. Plivka and biomaty for a certain hour effectively reduce the negative impact on the current middle, ale imovirno, after a certain hour of planning, there will be ruminations.

To whom the root system of trees can be adopted, as a whole it is possible, growth there as a result of self-sowing, the passage of technology and a lot of other factors.

"Liquidation through conservation", according to the opinion of the spivrobitniks of "V'yunitsa", is a deception of the bulk, the creation of an illusion of a problem in people, which can cost us dearly.

The very confusion of dovkill is the cause of the greater sickness of the inhabitants of the city.

The MBU "Ecological Systems of Dzerzhinsk" has a strong control over the object at the warehouse, where it is necessary to take samples of water. The wide area of ​​the warehouse is 1.9 kilometers. It seems that the project of liquidation of sludge collectors after the adoption of all the respect of the working group will be spurred to re-derzhekspertiza.

It is practically impossible for experts to predict that it is practically impossible to determine the exact level of confusion in the middle ground and the task of ecology.

The Nizhny Novgorod municipal organization "Center for Ecological Activities "Green Patrol" called for the implementation of the federal program "Liquidation of accumulated environmental waste for 2014-2015".

The liquidation of the sludge collector "Bile More" can be carried out by TOV "SMP-Bud", for 830 million rubles, until the 30th leaf fall, 2015, I will complete the entire work.

The government of the city calls out to the hell out of everyone, who is not afraid to feed on environmental safety.

Dzerzhinsk was promoted respect and goodness right away to nourish the ecology.

The need to preserve the health of the municipality and the high practicality of the townspeople is powerful enough to the extent of dovkil.

I, as a young resident of the city, am pleased with the fact that people are turbulent in the ecological camp of the necessary natural environment and call on all calls to yogo polypshenya.

List of literature.

1. Bilov A.M., Chernova N.I. “Zagalna ekologiya” M.: Bustard, 2004
2. Mavrishchev S.S. "Fundamentals of Ecology" 3rd type., Vic. and add.-Minsk: your school, 2007
3. Pustovoitov V.V., Sitarov V.A. “Social ecology” M.: Vidavnichesky center “Akademiya”, 2000.
4. Rozumova E.R. "Ecology" M.: MIEMP, 2010.

Internet resources: biznesa i economiki/item/7163-2015-12-02%2018-15-37 00- dzerzhinsk-beloe-more

Addendum 1

Fig. 1Diagram in place of the house near the sludge collector "Bile Sea"

Similar information.

At the most muddled place of Russia, a meeting will be held for the sake of nourishing the environment

In front of the grassy days, if the whole country has already relaxed, in the administration of the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, they played makeup: “Before us, there is a president!”

At Chervny in Nizhny Novgorod, the summit of Russia-EU will be held, and the axis will be discussed, so that the president may give power to the Dzerzhinsky meeting to support the environment.

Why did the presidential vote fall on Dzerzhinsk? We know: the place is rather big, remembering the center of industry. But why are there few such Dzerzhinsk in Russia?

About those whom Dzerzhinsk is seen on the western Russian aphids, I used to talk about Volodymyr Fedorovich Orehovym earlier. Obviously, you can’t drink wine at the meeting of the Keeper of wine - if you want yoga, I think it would be a good idea to call - like an unforgiving environmental activist, like a nutritious person.

I will write about all those that other Dzerzhinsk ecologists could tell the presidents about, they were asked for tsyu zustrich.

Volodymyr Fedorovich Orehov Nizhny Novgorod region. Turning around - and once drinking to the epicenter of the fight: the local population stood up against the largest in Europe polygon of butovyh entrances "Igumnovo", which fumed on the village's navkolishni with fat, suffocating dim.

The nature protection prosecutor's office could not understand the masters, the local authorities foully changed everyone, that the stinking castle complied with all the norms, and told people that you did not care about special knowledge. Ale, people stood their ground for sure: “The polygon is worth living, it looks like we are suffocating, and children are sick with asthma.”

Volodymyr Fedorovich Orekhov

Growing up in protest, flowing into the new Orikhiv. Nezabar on the basis of a group of activists, an environmental organization "V'yunitsia" was created (as one small river is called). Having pinned the nature protection prosecutor's office, “V'yunitsia” agreed that it was right to go to court about the liquidation of the landfill. In early 2008, the Dzerzhinsky District Court praised the unprecedented decision: in the early days of 2010, the fate of the landfill should be put into operation.

Vtіm, the landfill is exploited and doninі: the administration of Dzerzhinsk is trying to help those who have not received any alternative to "Igumnov". Until the decision of the court, officials are placed, like before the “Notice” card flooring gra: while they were playing in the triumph of legality - all the participants took care of a serious person.

If you want to burn at the memorial, they quieted down quietly. And nevdovzі after the court Orekhov phoned from the Mіsskoї adminіstrаtsії: "Find out the Regional Center for Environmental Monitoring" (RCEM).

Close to fate, the RCEM fought for dotrimanny at Dzerzhinsk environmental legislation - it is so self-sung, like "V'yunitsia".

And then Orekhov raptom pishov from the Keriv post. Vin does not go into details, why he raptly made such a decision, but rather: “Living on a pension, I can still afford the position that change.”

History of illness

Ecology for Dzerzhinsk is a point of convergence of interests and a point of no return. The floorings are long ago, that the floorings are very important to the glee, that a lot of kerivniks have already just learned to speculate on it, like street zhebraks speculate with photographs of their sick children.

Orekhov to say about Dzerzhinsk: "Our place is covered with history." Don't say it better. The history of Dzerzhinsk is a true, heavy, unsustainable burden.

The place, the place where Dzerzhinsk stands, has long been called Chornorichcha by the people - a deaf corner 40 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod, a trading giant on the Volz. In the middle of the 19th century, in the depths of Chornorichchya, they held a spring, and from a quiet feast, virobnitsvo began to grow here, people stretched out from strength.

Radyansk vlada forsook the promise of the growth of Chornorichchya, bringing in new and new backwaters, restoring the quantity.

Thousands of villagers poured down virobnitstvo: chasing hunger, ration bread was brought to the factory.

In 1930, the rotation of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Exhibition Center, by its own decisions, hardened the city of Dzerzhinsk on the map, as if it had planted an area of ​​rich Chornorichensky settlements.

Today, about 240 thousand people live near the city and its outskirts.

The 20th century with the 19th race has given Dzerzhinsk an important significance for the country. Under the hour of the war, a wide range of weapons vibrated here - vibrating, bombing, air shells. Fighting chemistry, obviously: phosgene, mustard gas, lusite, chlorine, hydrocyanic acid. Leather from the factories of the Crimean production for the needs of the defense industry, the amount of chemical inputs is significant. As a rule, they were called nearby. So, zokrema, the sludge dump “Bile Sea” was established.

"Bile More" is the largest sludge collector on the territory of Russia and Europe. Dіє close to 35 years - requested from 1973 roci. They are operated by the plant "Caprolactam" (BAT "Sibur-Holding").

Conclusion from the website of the plant

“Until September 1, 1939, fate in the country planned to create significant strains from the release of scribbled speeches. Great hopes relied on the Dzerzhinsky plant No. 96, the pressure of which was small to add up 40 yew. tons of mustard, 8 ths. tons of luzite and 3 yew. tons of phosgene per river.<…>

On May 8, 1944, a decree was prepared for the fate of Gorky NDI health work and occupational illness about occupational illness for rock Vytchiznyanoi war at plant No. 96: in another year of 1941, 765 casualties were officially recorded, in 1942 - 2397, in 1943 - 494, and in the first year of 1944 - 134 people. Hundreds of quiet people who worked at Zavodbudi in the thirties did not live to see Peremoga. I live alone in our days.”

"White Sea" accommodates close to 7 million tons of chemical products, among which ecologists will be afraid, and the first class of unsafety. On the other hand, according to the official version, “you may find yourself wandering in the White Sea, reach the fourth class of unsafety and are characterized as less unsafe. Maizhe 60% of the total obsyagu sow water, reshta - on non-toxic, slightly unsafe sums of non-robust salts, most importantly carbonates.

Narazi "Sibur" lamaє head over tim, scho work with "Bilim more": conserve chi rework? And those, and more than a few colossal pennies - go for hundreds of millions of rubles. Also, the main direct way, I have a factory, and the administration of Dzerzhinsk work with a new emphasis, - tse "demifologizatsija" object "Bile Sea".

Not less than the history of the other environmental reminder of the place - the so-called "Black Diry". “Chorna dira” is a majestic karst failure that appeared about 30 years ago. Fahіvtsі call this slag-pichuvach wild, to the one who formally did not have anything to do with it - the tse chemіchne castle appeared spontaneously. Having thrown off the output of its production to the “Chornaya Diry”, the chemical plant “Orgsklo”, but other backwaters did not lose the opportunity. For all the years of exploitation, it was not deep, as if on the back, the niche in the soil did not change. So everything that the backwaters poured into the pit for decades, dispersed in karst caves in the ground.

Oskіlki sludge collector at the presence of the official ruler, the environmental prosecutor's office tried to get the administration through the court to recultivate the shovishche. Ale "Chorna dira" іsnuє y dosi.

“White Sea” and “Black Dira” are the most famous chemical monuments of Dzerzhinsk. Ale є y іnshі, often not smaller scale, - all over 50. Today, the greater part of the city - this is the name of the industrial zone - is a large Martian expanse, up to the horizon it is not hard and not rare, but like a chimera like mechanisms, yakі nevіdomo yak drank here.

According to the official statistics of Rosstat, oncology is a friend (after traditional heart attacks for our region) the cause of death in Dzerzhinsky. The reason for this is not only the chemical industry, but the dependency of the population, as, for that matter, the roots also succumb to the chemical industry. Until recently, the furnaces were heated by graphite outputs from the most important factory breweries near rich villages. Graphite came out of the whole range of blasted speeches, and they had to be disposed of according to special rules. But in the villages, there was still no gas, and people took from the factories of tractors from the processing of toxic graphite.

In the rest of the hour, an environmental discussion took place on new rіven at the link with the great federal winding to the bottom of the river of the Cheboksary reservoir. This idea immediately took a toll on the misery, in the middle of which it is obvious, the catastrophic chemical confusion of Dzerzhinsk. Rise of water at the reservoir can lead to the flooding of chemical burials (which sometimes happens at the time of floods). Є risik, scho їhnіy vmіst like nadіyde at the great water artery. So scho smіtєvalishcha that shlmonakopichuvachі to the singing world - a counterargument against this project.

Like a bajanna to disperse with possibilities

The axis was such a story. Kіlka roki in that small town of Sasovo (near the Ryazan region) with a scandal through a bagatoraz judge drove out of its territory a new workshop for the production of phenol-formaldehyde resins. The workshop is super-responsive to environmental legislation, and the sasovtsy said: “We don’t need such happiness. Naviti z urakhuvannyam new robochnym mіsts and podvischenih nakhodzhenih to the budget.

At the result, the workshop z'їhav - to Dzerzhinsk. Do you think there is something to be made before the new claim? Here and so, for a long time, Roshydromet has stably fixed the transfer of GDK for phenol in its stars. And the same viable structure could not show the danger of relocation. The intercessor of the head of the department of investment policy, international economic and inter-regional relations and the protection of the important middle ground Dmytro Alsof'єv іz tho drive, it seems that it is really important to get someone for the transport of phenol even more important, even if the work is done all the same. The nature protection prosecutor's office is also shrugging it off. “A lot of chemistries are tested at the locality under control sovereign bodies federal level, such as Rosprirodnaglyad, Rostekhnaglyad and others, - write the intercessor of the Nizhny Novgorod environmental prosecutor Maxim Kondratiev. - Due to proper legislation, the regulatory authorities of the regional and municipal level do not have the right to enter the territory of such an enterprise for reviewing the environmental situation, taking samples, for the blame of the emergency situation, looking at the examples, too.

And Orekhov, who at that moment was still vvazhavsya fahіvtsev RTsEM, still shamelessly called, having invented an axis scho. Vіn defiantly shying through the selection of samples again in the uninterrupted proximity of the enterprises - not on themselves. Yogo was not allowed to come to the reception, but the Gazelle was fired from the vimiruval equipment, putting a parkan near the torch zone and taking samples. Before the head pіdozryuvanih spent "Plant im. Sverdlov" and "Orgsklo" - two of the largest municipal enterprises. Like Orekhov, “for the results of the assignment, work was carried out with undertakings.”

Horihiv, obviously, is not a professional ecologist (so many professionals do not bother to put yoma zakid). But still, as a result of the work carried out, the phenol level immediately decreased as if by itself.


In 2006, American rankings from the Blacksmith Institute put Dzerzhinsk in the ranking of the most important points on the planet on another place after Chornobyl. In addition, it was concluded that the average trivality of the life of a man in the city becomes 42 years, and women - 47 years.

Doslіdzhennya amassed a lot of galas. At the offices of ecologists, yak spіvpratsyuvali with "Blacksmith", the FSB and the militia ruled the skins, rozshukuyuchi "orange trace". Investors returned from Dzerzhinsk, as if they were coming. The Miska administration tore at its own hair, which allowed itself to be fooled so cheaply (and "Blacksmith", in front of it, like defamation of Dzerzhinsk in the eyes of the world, giving him a sprig of water purification installations). Well, even the Americans themselves were embarrassed to know that Dzerzhinsk was on another place after Chornobil in their brudny list, then only behind the alphabet in Latin transcription.

And yet, the investigations of American ecologists about Dzerzhinsk - for all the doubtfulness and tightness of the visnovkis - were even more ostentatious. On the right, in the fact that the Americans in their tabs were seen in this public information, as earlier they were publicly presented by official individuals. Zokrema, in 2002, the deputy of the mayor of Dzerzhynska, Volodymyr Brykker, at that time a deputy of the Moscow Duma of the Regional Legislative Assembly, actively turned the respect of the bulk to the problem of ecology in the city. Speaking about the creation of workshops, the adoption of chemical names near the city. Ishov navit far, declaring that for the least trouble for life, that healthy Meshkans of the villages may be relocated. I: "Of course, all the inhabitants of the villages are obliged to take compensation, as to be subject to federal legislation."

Бріккер був обраний мером - і заспокоївся щодо екології, відповідаючи жителям на їхні тривожні листи в такому дусі: «В даний час, за наявною в адміністрації інформації, всі роботи щодо шламонакопичувачів проводяться відповідно до чинного законодавства щодо забезпечення безпеки громадян та захисту навколишнього середовища ».

Tse buv, singsongly, the first step, if the information about the station of dovkіll was converted into political capital. But then again, such a scheme worked.

About the offensive measure of Dzerzhinska, Viktor Portnov “V'yunitya” in the same zy -puffy animal to the Micoi Kerivnitva wrote: “... after coming to the Publniky Voznniy, the Ekologiy є iligo -in -westerniyas. ecological problems".

But from that hour, things changed a lot. Now, in the order of the day - that very "demіfologizatsіya" mіstsevih dead zones. The first major complaint of Orehov and other ecologists to the authorities of the city and other structures, prima facie for those that Dzerzhinsk is deprived of by the majestic smitnik, is the culture of non-initiative. It is true that the reclamation of sludge pits is often found about such sums that the Dzerzhinsk budget never dreamed of. Ale and in the central environmental programs - regional and federal - place, dumb on the principle, do not take part. Today, Dzerzhinsk is right in front of you, if you don’t want to be cleansed of those filth that was chosen here by fate, but on the other hand, dream of getting investors. It would be better, zvichayno, clean - and there you already have to come.

More than that: at the singing sensi, but with a call - to navit vigidno for the place.

Behind the law, all "brudni" enterprises may have a negative impact on dovkіllya (NVOS). Usі wikidi, all vіdhodі pіdpriєmstva calkulyuyuutsya on vіplati. First of all, the legislator began to act in such a way that all the collections of NVOS were to be blamed for their confessions. Dzerzhinsk, it’s true, it was hot and cold, because all the payments “for the negative” with such maneuvers all the same went to Nizhny. And in 2007, the amendments to the Budget Code broke the link between the profitable part of the budget. And don’t forget, ecologists have helped, that a significant part of the NVOS is now abandoned in Dzerzhinsk, at the time of ecozahisn, come in the stained-glass window is only close to 10% of 150 million rubles, which are taken.

* Karstovit - a phenomenon, po'yazane z razchinennyam near the waters of the girsky porid and utvorennyam emptiness near the grunty. It is typical for soils with overdose of easily eroded water pores - gypsum, vapnyakiv, rock salt thinly.

What is the work with Dzerzhinsky sludge-pichuvachs?

Dmitro Alsofiev,intercessor of the head of the department of investment policy, ovnishnoekonomichnyh and interregional zv'yazkiv and the protection of the important middle ground:

Roshydromet stocks the bulk of the most polluted places in Russia. Dzerzhinsk is not included in the priority list*. Tse allow the growth of visnovok: the situation is not stingy. At the same time, a lot of environmental damage was accumulated during the functioning of enterprises for radian hours; Most of them, none of them are stateless. Administraziyu, the Proposali of the Schodo Subventye of the Federal Budgets on the Viconnya Op'chktiv plant "Orthodiv, Polik Glibin, and the Combine Viddrav"), the "Chorno -Sea"), the Schlamonchi "). . It is quite obvious that the independent budget for the reclamation of Dzerzhinsk chemical pits is not better. Vikonannya tsikh robit can be less for the minds of spіvіnansuvannya z vishchih budgetіv.

The situation with the objects of pohovannya vіdkhodіv can be easily overcome by the difference between the equals of the Cheboksary reservoir. Orientovna sum vytrat on zahist mista vіd negative infusion - over 134 billion rubles. And we have the entire city budget - 2 billion. Additional assistance to the federal budget is needed.

Volodymyr Orekhov, vikonavchie director of the community environmental organization "V'unitsia":

Our city budget for reclamation, of course, cannot be used, but it can be used for the preparation of projects, with which you can already apply to the federal government. Well, you can’t just go out like this: Give us pennies! It is necessary to conduct a subject rozmov with them. The Dzerzhyntsy stole the Batkivshchyna, the people laid down their health, laid down their lives - what is the fault of the country to help the city now ?!

Maxim Kondratiev,intercessor of the prosecutor of the Nizhny Novgorod interdistrict environmental prosecutor's office:

Shlamonakopichuvach "Chorna dira" from the 90s, after changing the economic formation in the state, in fact becoming an ownerless object, the environmental prosecutor's office tried to get the administration of the municipality through the court before the conservation of the object, protested by the court The authorities of the city did not oppose the solution of the problem, prote through the road and the entry of food is correct.

"Bile Sea" - a collection of events, organized by the sanctioning methods. Irrespective of those that the operating organization declares about the increase in environmental viability in the event of this loss, the very fact of the foundation of an object already becomes an environmental problem. Fahіvtsі different departments and hromada ecologists in a different way evaluate the steps of this negative impact on dovkіllya, from the admissible surge to the marginally unsafe. Some of them explain the movement of chemical speeches near the underground waters from this object, others explain the total influx of enterprises near the industrial zone of Dzerzhinsk. Due to the presence of a non-transverse expert vysnovka about a negative impact on the middle of the collection, and with such reports to the prosecutor's office, no one was involved, the environmental prosecutor's office could not get involved in those who were involved. To see the situation, it is enough to enter, as in the arsenal of specially upgraded control bodies.

Oleksiy Yablokov,Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ecologist:

Nowhere in Europe there are no sludge pits, blown from the "Bilim Sea" - neither in terms of scale, nor in terms of design characteristics. For more than 60-70 years they realized that this is unacceptable. “White Sea” is a terrible object that poses a colossal threat to oneself, once I break through that overflow of groundwater into the Oka and Volga. "White Sea", like other sludge collectors, can be recultivated, but it will cost great pennies. Possibly, hundreds of billions of dollars. However, there is a mechanism for resolving such problems. It is necessary to select an expert commission, where independent ecologists, chemists, and economists would look. І to take care, what will be the future: liquidate the number of chemical burial grounds and relocate people from Dzerzhinsk and the outskirts? It is not included that another solution to the problem may be less expensive.

* The Upper Volzka Department of Hydrometeorological Service names Dzerzhinsk as a candidate for inclusion in the priority list of the most polluted cities of the Russian Federation.

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