Stay new. St. Tikhonivsky Cathedral

Our parish was founded back in 1996, with the blessing of Vladika Anthony.

Over 200 signatures were chosen for the population, and the current head of the Baikitsky district - Sturov V.K. - I turned back to the Archpriest to send priest Baykit.

(on the photo: Sturov Volodymyr Kostyantinovich)

So the blessing was taken from the sight of the Holy Patriarch Oleksiy II from Moscow. The first rector here is Fr. John (Kostyuchenko). With the help of pracs and turbots, the mist's administration saw a small house for the parish, which until the spring of 2012. all necessary services were held, baptisms were held. The rector Fr. Omelyan (Govorov). Є order and a small city.
Until 2000, Baykit had a few priests. Tse and Fr. Grigory (murders for the virus in the village of Tura in 2000), and Fr. Lazar (nine deceased), and Fr. Timothy, who was the rector, who lives, in the capital of Evenki - Turi. The priests worked hard for the parish, laid the foundation for yoga. Fuck them, Lord!
In 1997, a church was built and a holy place was consecrated for the life of a new church.

(in the photo: the cross is that stone on the consecrated place)

For the sake of the method from Krasnoyarsk, the deanery Father Ioan Romanyuk arrived (remembrance forever).

(on the photo: Archpriest John Romanyuk)

Ninish rector, Fr. Omelyan, having started living near Baykit post-yny bases since 2003. From 2004 to 2009 We carried out the work of preparing the Maydanchik and pouring the foundation. In 2010, roci, for support of sponsors and administration, was secured, brought by a river, and a rubble was installed.

(on the photo: the foundation of that first vіntsi)

The temple was planned in a couple of years, what happened to help God in 2012 roci. What fate was consecrated to the temple with a small rank, for which the Bishop of Yenisei and Norilsk Nikodim arrived to Evenkії. He also consecrated the new church at Vanavara and served the Liturgy at Turi.

(on the photo: Vladika Nikodim and father Timofiy near Turi)

Our (still young) parish would like to hang out for all of them, who, unbelievable to the saints, celebrate church-building and who help us in whatever way they can. About tsikh people at okremіy topics. And obviously to all our parathians, without them, nothing would have been in power here. Blessed to all the old fates of life, prosperous in family right, success in work, and more headily - fall in the Kingdom of Heaven, until such time as all crying out.
Protect everyone Lord!

He came in the name of St. Tikhon Lukhovsky near Volgorechensk, in 1996, with the blessing of the Archbishop of Kostroma and Galicia Oleksandr. The youth of the place, the goiter of the people of the largest Russian power plants - Kostroma GRES - not a few spiritual traditions were formed at that time, wines demanded spiritual guardianship, which imposed special viability on Orthodox pastirs.

The first Volgorechensk priest, having become Fr. Ioan Chulkov, a native of the village of Krasnoe-on-Volz. Vіn arrived to Volgorechensk at once from the same place near the birch in 1994.

For the service of the city, the government ordered the pribudova to a typical nine-surface - a huge bookstore. Step-by-step trading inter'єr soil nabuvati rice Orthodox church. Vіvtar buv vіdgorodzheny іkonostasis. Icons were placed at the walls, and candlesticks in front of them.

Above the ganochk, a double dakh appeared from the cibule of the dome topped with a cross.

Church of the Blessings of Consecration in the name of St. Tikhon Lukhovsky - Kostroma miracle worker.

At the beautification of the temple, Father John was assisted by the Miska of Vlad, the priests and the first parishioners. The core of the future mass was built by Margarita Ivanivna Kavoikova, Vasil Volodimirovich Epishin, Oleksiy Volodimirovich Kuntsevich, Raisa Borisivna Kuntsevich, Maria Matviivna Khomyakova, V'yacheslav Vasilovich Matveev.

On the back of the temple, prayers and akathistas were served. The First Liturgy was served on 16 Chernya 1994.

Pіtora rocky about. John was the only priest at Volgorechensk. In 1994, before St. Tikhonivsky parish, the Vvedensky church in the village of Vladichny was assigned, which is revered. Serving with the new priest Viktor Svitarev began to take an active part in the liturgical activities of the Volgorechensk parish. In 1995, Priest Dimitriy Dudin worked in Volgorechensk as a translator, after working in the Bui metropolitan area. Batko Dimitry and yoga team - natives of the Volgorechensk metropolitan area. In 1999, roci at the Volgorechensk temple were hanged by the priest Andriy Gulyaev, who until then had served as a psalmist, vіvtarnik, palamar, and spivak and as a guide near the village. Red-on-Volz. At the Volgorechensky temple, I repented of my mother and became the third priest. And for the birth of a rock, on April 6, 2006, at the Volgorechensk temple, having dedicated his service to the deacon - Fr. Oleksandr Egorov, who was earlier a rokіv bv vіvtarnik.

In 1994, a church choir was created at the temple. Organized by V.A.Gromov, and the main contribution to the choir was made by N.A.Maximova, who could provide musical illumination and a three-part hour to the warehouse of the Sheremetev-Center, Ivanova metro station. The speakers were mainly speakers of the music school and music practitioners of kindergarten children: N.I. Zlobina, L.G. Vorontsova, E.A. Aleksakina, I.M. Zelenova, M.V. , M. Yu. Vvedensky, Yu. A. Volkomurov, O. A. Zavodova, O. Lomakina. The repertoire of the choir was made up of spiritual music from the famous Valaam spiv to the Orthodox works of the XVIII-XXI centuries. V.A.Gromov, L.G.Vorontsova and V.Blinov until the 500th century in memory of Tikhon Lukhovsky wrote a cantata, dedicated to the saint, to the words of an unknown author, written 400 years ago. Another warehouse for the chorus of the seven speakers will be made later - in 2005 roci.

In 2002, by decree of the Archbishop of Kostroma and Galicia Oleksandr, the 5th deanery district of the eparchy was founded, before which the churches of the Volgorechensk city, the villages of Sidorivska, Svitochovoy Gori, Chervonih Pozhen, Vladichny, Savior, Illinsky and Sukhonogov were gone. Rector of St. Tikhon's Church, Archpriest John Chulkov, becoming dean of the 5th district.

A new temple revival of the Holy Tikhon parish was held at the 90th anniversary. The consecration of the guard stone was celebrated on the 29th of Cherry 1996, on the day of remembrance of St. Tikhon Lukhovsky. The main part of the vitrate was taken by the largest Volgorechensk enterprise - Kostromskaya DRES: a big deal of financial injections, becoming over 70 million rubles. Feasible help was given by other undertakings and private individuals. On the life of the temple, a large number of contracting organizations were planted, including the filial "KostromaDRESbud", BAT "Repair and service department of Kostroma DRES", BAT "Repair and service department of Kostroma DRES", .

The calls were used to donate private houses near the metro station Tutaev, Yaroslavl region, to one of the best masters in Russia, Mykola Oleksandrovich Shuvalov: the largest charge is 3 tons, the smallest is 8 kilograms. Maxim Mikolayovich Kuznetsov, General Director of WAT “OGK-3”, donated to the big koshti.

The temple will be close to the 10th anniversary and will be consecrated by Vladika Oleksandr two days before the new year 2006. At the beginning of the liturgy, it was requested to attend the church, hosts, as they took part in the daily life of the temple, richly honored guests. After the Divine Liturgy, the award ceremony was held. Until the respect of the diligent work of everyday life, the temple was honored with religious children, ceramics and practitioners of the city and the city of enterprises. Order of the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexii II Sergius of Radonezkiy of the 3rd degree having taken the rector of the church, Archpriest John Chulkov - Dean of the Fifth District of the Kostroma Eparchy. Ієrey Dimitriy Dudin was honored with the right to wear a golden pectoral cross. Ієrey Andriy Gulyaev - the right to wear a kamilavka.

In 2007, in the new church, a carved iconostasis was installed, prepared by Sergiy Lobkov's maisterna of the Kostroma diocese of power engineers of the WGC-3.

Many practitioners of the company and the Kostroma DRES donated their special pieces for icons for the iconostasis, as the Yaroslavl artist Sergiy Sokolov painted. Part of the icons near the roki bula was transferred to the temple free of charge.

Great consecration of the temple in the name of St. Tikhon Lukhovsky was born on 29 April 2007. The rite of the Great Consecration was created by the Archbishop of Kostroma and Galicia Oleksandr. On the same day the Cross was consecrated at the entrance to Volgorechensk.

At the Volgorechensk temple, there are a lot of shrines: an icon Mother of God“Help for the hour” and that icon “Quick to Hear”, brought from Athos and consecrated with the prototype; icon of St. the companion of John the Merciful of Constantinople with frequent relics; parts of the relics of the blessed Prince Peter of Murom, St. Demetrius of Rostov, St. Leonty Mikhailovsky. In 2008, the relics of the ancient Christian martyrs Gervasia and Protasia were handed over to the church: the icon with their images was painted by an artist from Palekh, Volodymyr Kurilov.

An unestimated deposit at the oblashtuvannya church was made by the clerk of old age O.N. Konyukova, the accountant R.B. Kuntsevich, the lawyer N.A. , bakers of prosphora M.M. Khomyakov, V.K. Trofimova, a lot of parishioners who carry a rumor in the kitchen behind a candle box.

St. Tikhonivsky temple became truly spiritual and educational center of Volgorechensk city.

Under the new practice, that child of a week-long school, a library, an audio and video library, and a creative studio “Russian Day” have grown up. The temple is guarded by the Volgorechensk Reconnaissance Team, created at the Kvant Youth Center, by the work of O. Sholiganov; tourist and local knowledge poshuk club "Azimut" at the underwater chandelier No. 17 Timofeevim; the section of power triathlon, friends of the Muravyovs, created at the Youth Center "Kvant": the triborts are scrupulously carrying out a win for the award of a cup in honor of St. Illy of Murom, in which they take the fate of the hero from Lukha. The Tikhonivsky and Sumarokivsky readings, the festival of spiritual and folk music "Russian carousel", pilgrimage trips to the holy places, missionary work in the most important villages have become traditional. At the temple, youth Orthodox labor camps are held, beadwork bands and the studio "Svitlitsa", Christmas yalinkas and merry Maslyana are held.

Misce znakhodzhennya that warehouse.
The parish of St. Tikhon's Church is located in the youngest and largest district of the city of Yaroslavl - Dzerzhinsky. Before entering:

1) Church of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia (at the stage of life) - on the peretina of Panina Street with Leningradsky Prospekt. Directions to the center of the place: trolley bus No. 7 and No. 8; bus No. 8 and No. 18; minibus taxi No. 46, 51, 61, 78, 82, 87, 97 - Zupinka "Panina Street".

2) Temple-chapel in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Unspeakable Joy" - for the temple, which will be, from 7:00 to 19:30. The liturgy is corrected daily. The beginning of the services: vrantsi (on weekdays) - 7:30, evenings - 17:00, on weekdays and holy days, two Divine Liturgies are celebrated: on the 7th and 9th years.

3) Church of St. Luke of Krimsky at the budіvlі mіskoї likarni №9. Date of 2005 for sick people and medical staff 4 days for the week from 7 to 13: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; on Fridays, the Divine Liturgy of the 8th year is served here, if in the wards they partake of ailments, if they cannot come to the church on their own.

4) Chapel in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Hateful Joy" - Leningradsky Prospekt, heading: "Vulitsya Volgogradskaya", open daily from 9 to 19.

Holy throne.
At the parish there are five altar saints: two of them to glorify Blessed Virgin Mary through the Її icon “Unspeakable Radiance” on 14 January and 22 breast, and three - consecrated Heavenly patron parish of St. Tikhon of Moscow: April 7 (dated 1925); 9 Zhovtnya (glorified in the face of saints 1989); 18th leaf fall (opposition to the patriarchal throne 1917) - for the new style.

History of parish.
The decision to call a temple in Yaroslavl, consecrations to St. Tikhon Patriarch of All Russia, was praised by the unfortunate post-canonization at the Cathedral of the Archbishop of Russia. Orthodox Church in Zhovtni 1989. Saint Tikhin (Belavin), having enchanted the Yaroslavl diocese in 1907-1914, fell in love with the Yaroslavl flock, and was called the Honorable Hulk of the city of Yaroslavl, who has been around until now.

The life of a great temple on an empty space - on the right, it is large and foldable, but the scales are foldable, you can only understand the one who is engaged in it. Archbishop of Yaroslavl Mikhey (the late deceased) blessed the church of Archpriest Mikhail Peregudov on the right of everyday life, having laid the foundation for the strength of that health, having ended his earthly life at 47 years. Ale zavdyaki yogo self-improved service to Orthodoxy, zusilly that fate of yogo sim'ї in the wasteland, which led the life of the great temple, the Timchas church-chapel was built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Unspeakable Joy" (1st new church near Yaroslavl on 1917 roku), in which the celebrating the liturgical axis is already celebrated on the 13th rok - the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated on 19 serpni 2001 roku. Father Mikhailo carried out the same idea in his life: so that through the present services of the mother, it is possible to expand the fundamental life of the great temple. I also called the chapel for you and I will call it to help the childish temple.

In Cherry 2002, Priest Mikhail Smirnov, the architect behind the consecration, was appointed rector of the parish of St. Tikhon's Church. Vіn becoming a co-author of the project of the St. Tikhon's Church, a vicar church architect V. N. Izhikov. Artistic image the new temple was taken from the temple architecture of Volodymyr-Suzdal Rus in the pre-Mongolian period. The height of the temple from the ground to the cross is 47 meters, the city repeats thousands of people. The Temple of Thoughts and will be three-altar, the head altar is St. Tikhon of Moscow, the side walls are: the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers. From the very beginning, the temple was helped by the parathians, the mustache people. The motto of the life of the new church is: “We will be with all the world,” and indeed, the life of our life can take the fate of the skin bag of our place: financially and financially, without intermediary practice, nareshti, prayer. Skin week about the 14th year in the old church-chapel to serve a prayer service with the akathist of the Mother of God to St. Tikhon, the main patrons of the parish, as they require additional help from the building of the new church. Repeatedly, divine services were also held in the temple, which will be, the 1st Divine Liturgy was held there on 17 March 2007, on the day of remembrance of the Royal Passion-Bearers.


  • Deacon Dimitry Polyakov

Weekly school for children and grown-ups.
Decree since 2004 to the year and grow up: for one child group on the cob grew up to 15: stunned children of a different age from small children (weekly) nursery garden) up to pіdlіtkіv, grown up vvchayut catechism at two vikladachiv. Є choir groups, groups that are engaged in image-creating art, the group "Hand" for girls from 10 years.

Near Yaroslavl, near the largest district of the city, near the stage of everyday life, there is a miraculous architectural spore in the style of the XII-XIV centuries - St. Tikhonivsky Church. Having taken off his name of wine in honor of St. Tikhon, he was the 11th Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia. Being the head of the Yaroslavl diocese in 1907-1914, whose saint deserved the special love of his flock, it is not surprising that the temple bears his name.

"Zbuduemo all the world"

The decision about the building in Yaroslavl of the religious center was taken in 1989. Before the alarmists stood the most difficult task: it was necessary to create a temple from scratch, which is the enemy of your greatness, on a bare piece of earth. On the right, everyday life was entrusted to Archpriest Mikhail Peregudov, who had received the blessing of Archbishop Mikhei of Yaroslavl.

Peregudov samovіddano pіdіyshov before the task set before him. V_n vіddavav u sі svoї forces that zdorov'ya. Yogo sіm'ya showed a great fate and also reported chimalo zusil. A wasteland, a vision of the life of St. Tikhon's Church, pretending to be unknown. On the new boulevard there was a temple-chapel, that chapel under the same name "Unspeakable Joy". It was thought that you should start the fundamental life of the great, povnotsіnnogo temple.

Since the beginning of 2002, priest Mikhailo Smirnov has become a parishioner. The architecture of the lighting allowed him to take part in the project of everyday life, developed by V.M. Izhikov. The Holy Tikhonivsky Temple of Thoughts is three-altar, and its height may become close to 50 meters from the ground to the cross.

Nebaiduzhі people help the building of the temple on the cob until today: their physical practice, financial investments, prayers. Life of St. Tikhon's Church is celebrated under the sole motto "For the rest of the world."

The parish includes not only the temple itself, the temple-chapel and the chapel, but also the weekly school for children and grown-ups, as well as the library. The school has been functioning since 2004, and in just one hour it has achieved great success at the gallery of catechesis, choral, mystetsky and handicraft groups. Paraffial library, which was known by fate in the past, this year collects over 6,000 books, brochures, magazines, including religious publications.


On April 8, 2019, the fate of the Friendship of the Peoples of Togliatti was celebrated on the Holy Day of Sim'ї, a friend's chastity and fidelity.
The Union of Orthodox Women of Togliatti, Central, Tikhonivsk, Stavropol deanery, Budinok of Peoples' Friendship and the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Comradeship united their comrades in the organization of the celebrations.
The Hall of the Friendship of Peoples, over 250 spectators and the holy participants forcibly spread out at the chamber hall of the Friendship of Peoples Budinka, the stench of warmth that heartily hovered alone alone. The atmosphere of privacy and mutual understanding united children and grown-up, silver-eyed and young students.
From the 15th of the year at the guest house of the recreation center "Togliatti", the Budinok of Friendship of Peoples was de-roztashovuetsya, music sounded, the spectators were given symbols of the saint - badges with daisies, texts of prayers and a short rozpovid about Peter and Fevronia. On the registration table were sheets with questionnaires and applications for entry to the warehouse of the MGO SRO "Union of Orthodox Women" of Togliatti. An exhibition of books on the topic “Sim'ya is the basis of buttya” was prepared near the hall (Olga Oleksandrivna Gorsheneva, head of library No. 2 “Vitoki”). The stage was decorated with bouquets of daisies.
The seers of St. Oleksandr Vasiliev and Natalia Kutirova warmly welcomed the guests at the Day of Sim'ї, a friend's cook and fidelity, which is celebrated in Russia since 2008.
Holy rector of the Church of the Mother of God "The Conqueror of the Bread" archpriest Sergius of the Stavropol Deanery.
This summer day of prayers for the holy nevipadkovo - already May 8th century Orthodox vshanovuyut 8 limes the memory of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom - the patrons of family happiness, love and fidelity. The idea of ​​reviving the old tradition of holiness vinikla among the inhabitants of the city of Murom, where in the 13th century the saintly friend of Peter and Fevronia reigned. The stench was the eye of a friend's covenant and fidelity, they lived a long time and happily and died on the same day (this is a rich phrase itself about them). In the same place, near Murom, on the territory of the Holy Trinity women's monastery to rest in their holy relics, as they have already helped the wealthy believers to know their right kohannya, create that save their family, give birth to children to this childless couples.

About the special role of Russia in the formation of the Russian world


16 – 21 April 2019 at m. o. Togliatti representatives of the missionary branch of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Association took part in the inter-regional Exhibition Fair "Light of the Orthodox"

The lecture group, under the supervision of the dean Tikhonovsky, the deanery, Archpriest Andriy Matveev, prepared dopovіd, as if they were constantly talking about those “Russian Palestine. 200-Richchya Russian Sovereign Presence at the Near Gathering”, as well as analytical and informational reports about the work of Orthodox non-commercial organizations, the ceremonists of such active members of the IPPO.
The main method of this project is to recognize the Orthodox enormity and the exhibitions of activities of the IPPO in the sphere of missionary, pilgrimage, historical, archival, spiritual and enlightenment activities at the Close Convergence.
For a stretch of five days, the members of the Missionary Center of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Association were presented with additional videos and video presentations:
- Farewell to the Holy Land. Up to the 200th anniversary of the Russian sovereign presence at the Close Convergence" (Ieromonk Amphilochy (Grishin), cleric of the church in honor of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia);
"About the role of that place of the Orthodox women of Togliatti in the system of spiritual and moral and patriotic development and social assistance to the Meshkants of the region" (Kutirova Natalia Petrivna , cerivnik SRO MGO "Union of Orthodox Women of Togliatti");
"Archimandrite Antonin (Kapustin) and Russian Palestine" (Vadim Golubkin, deacon of the church in honor of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia);
“Presentation of films of the All-Russian project “Film Lessons at Schools of Russia” (Vasilyev Oleksandr Mikolayovich, head of the department responsible for the implementation of the state national policy at the municipality of Togliatti Budinka of Friendship of the Peoples of the Samara Region).

Joint joy of music Rizdva


On September 17, 2019, with the blessing of the Metropolitan of Samara and Togliatti Sergiy, at the Tikhonivsky deanery, having commemorated his work, the X jubilee regional festival of children and youthful creativity "Bethlehem's Zirka".
The festival has long crossed the borders of Togliatti and united its participants in various dioceses of the Samara metropolis in its programs. About 5,000 practitioners – teachers, young artists, assistants, volunteers and sponsors – will take part in this festival.
It is richly light that joy to bring in the march of children, and it can not be otherwise, even if the training of the young participants of those mentors is dedicated to the holy celebration - the Day of Christ.
The day of the festival, 17 September, is dedicated to reviewing the creative numbers of the pledges of the Tikhonivsky Deanery. Among the participants are the Zrazkovy art team of the violin ensemble "Zhayvoronok", the orchestra of Russian folk instruments "Trokhstronochka", the musical theater "Accent", the ensemble "Young Cadets" and a lot of other teams.
At the same time, practically all the clergymen of the Tikhonovsky deanery knew each other in the peeping hall and behind the lashtunkas. The presence itself created especially the tracts of bringing moods.
Trigodinna yaskrava that raznomanіtna competitive program, which took close to pіvsotnі maisterno and emotionally poignant numbers, became the only radio music of Rіzdva.

"Zavyatist young"


On the winter holidays on September 2, 2019, on the territory of the temple in honor of St. Tikhon, a folk festival “Very brave” took place.

All the family is holy in the fresh air, with friends, parafians, vikhovantsy of a week-long group, all of them showed their talents, spritnist, swidkist, smart and good-natured.
Everything began with a prayer service at the temple in honor of the memory of the righteous Saint John of Kronstadt with the reading of the akathist, after what was awarded to the participants of that patrons of the Festival.
And then we all went to the street and took an active part in the saint, in the presence of the rector, Archpriest Andrey Matveev, who took a part in all sports events and games.
Usikh were pleased with the show performances of the Stavropol Bogatirskaya Fortified: sweaty battles, archery shooters, throwing knives, fights on soft armor. I, obviously, mustache, who came to this miracle holy, took the most active fate in the new one. Since the holy day was requested for hot tea to the class of a non-week school, they created a song “Heroes live in the heart of the people”. Bulo showed a film about Russian military. I saw the decoration of the most merciful, spectacled, holy participants of the holy.
Let's go further to the spіvpratsyu zі Stavropol Bogatirskaya Zastava, so that the family was holy on the territory of the church of St. Tikhon, and it took away the tradition.

For information G.V.Vereshchagina

30th anniversary of the memory of the tragedy at the Spitac and Leninakan


On December 24, 2018, in Togliatti, for the celebration of the celebration of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Association, celebrations were held with veterans of the military, as they commemorated the life of people after the ruinous earthwork near Armenia
7th chest 1988 rock.
7 breast 2018 roku 30 years have elapsed since the day of the tragedy, and a memorial was held in our city. At that hour, 30 years ago, from Togliatti, Moscow and Leningrad, in 3 days they formed a trainload of ryatuvalnoy and budivelnoy tehnіkoy, as well as medicines, special equipment, fakhіvtsy — and sent him to the zone of the earthworm.
Tolyattintsy - none of the veterans of the military unit 6622 - did not lose sight of people from the blockages near Leninakan and Spitats and helped the dead, and also helped the mission of protecting especially important social objects (banks, stores, etc.)
Through the rocks, the commander of the Togliatti corral, Zaur Grigorovich Manjgaladze, for supporting the Virmensky community of the city of Togliatti, organized Vechori Remembrance and the remembrance of veterans of the ryatuvalniks: at the rocks of the 20th century and the 25th tragedy. Tse bula danina in memory of the great Radyansk Union and the friendship of peoples at the great cordons.
7 thursday 2018 marked the 30th anniversary of the tragedy, and to that anew a memorial was held to come in. For the first time the meeting was organized at the Togliatti branch of Friendship of Peoples Budin, as a member of the IPPO A.M. Vasiliev.
Veterans - military, ryatuvalniki, budivelniks - and Togliatti time (in honor of R.L. Harutyunyan) were chosen at once to mark this mournful date. Zustrich became warm, sincere. Active participants in the quietude have already left their lives: Mikola Vartanovich Abramov, Pavlo Mikolayovich Potekhin. Keep the memory of them safe in our hearts!
Representatives of the Togliatti priesthood took the fate of the Zustrichi - the dean of the Tikhonovsky deanery, Archpriest Andriy Matveev (the head of the Togliatti department of the IOPS), and the priest of the Virmenskaya Church, Father Ter-Zaven. Children from the Virmensk non-week school warmly inspired the veterans.
On this memorable day, the Viysk buddies and ryatuvalniks were heaped up with sheets of podyaks.

Truly a national monument


At the week-long school at the church of St. Tikhon for vikhovants, parishioners and fathers of proyshov. The lesson was conducted by Kutirova Nataliya Petrivna.

With the blessing of Metropolitan Sergius of Samara and Togliatti On 2 spring 2018, a monument to Lieutenant Colonel Pavel Ivanovich Diomidii, the Hero, was erected near Togliatti Vytchiznyanoi war 1812 year, comrade-in-arms of the general of the cavalry Count Matviy Ivanovich Platov.
The Togliatti monument to the cossack commander and the Stavropol Kalmyk warrior is truly a national monument!
The Cossacks of Russia have a special, universal mission - to serve the Batkivshchyna, the Cossacks and the orthodox
The commander of the Stavropol Kalmyk Cossack Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Pavlo Ivanovich Diomidii, received not only honors from the cities of the Motherland, but also eternal memory of honors in the historical Batkivshchyna.
Pavlo Ivanovich Diomidii, an Orthodox Greek, a soldier of the Suvorov school, who took part in many battles. Win again until Russian history, as a commander of the Stavropol Kalmyk Regiment, and then the Cossack Brigade, to the warehouse as a regiment during the period of the Vitchiznyanoi war and campaign against Napoleon in 1812-1814.
Inclusions to the warehouse of Platov's flying paddock, the head method of such a boulo "hunting at the fortune tellers of the operational lines, shifting for a trival hour, be like a reminder, away from the enemy from the sides, wreak havoc yogo and teel, nib blocking our army, deceiving our army" , the Stavropol regiment repeatedly roused the military sergeant.

"With love, I believe that hope"


On the 29th of the fall of 2018, 89 schools of the first week of the primary-vikhovannoy group of the Blagoveshchensk parish took an active part in the Photo Contest “For love, by faith and hope”, in the nominations: “Goodness in the skin of the people”; "Look of Nadia"; "Old age is joy."

Our vikhovanka Alohina Tetyana contributed 3 months to the photo contest. And the certificates of participants were taken by 4 individuals: Kruzhaev Danilo, Konovalova Margarita, Zhirov Kirilo, Aloshkina Karina.
The conference “Serving the Motherland: Patriotism, Mercy and Sacrifice”, as part of the photo contest, was dedicated to the 100th martyr's feat of the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fedorivna, the founder of the Marfo-Maryinsky Convent.
The organizer of the Conference was the sacred pledge of the city of Togliatti "School from the buried vchennyam of other subjects No. 89".
The founders of the Conference were: SRO MGO “Union of Orthodox Women” near Togliatti; Holy Elisabeth Sisterhood of the Moscow District of Togliatti; Nevsky deanery of the city of Togliatti of the Samara metropolis; Tikhonovskoye deanery of the city of Togliatti of the Samara metropolis; Imperial Orthodox Palestine Partnership, established near metro Togliatti;
Povolzky Orthodox Institute; Togliatti Medical College; Dim Friendship of the Peoples of Togliatti.
The method of the Conference was the formation of the spiritual and moral culture of the students.
To bring children up to the values ​​of the country's culture, to the spiritual decay of Orthodoxy; development of creative zdіbnosti and aesthetic relish, which spriyaet spiritually-moral and spiritually-patriotic vibes of the growing generation.
I would like to thank everyone who organized this amazing project.

For information Galina Vereshchagina

"Standing in the truth, standing by the faith"


November 18, 2018 celebrating the patron saint at the temple in honor of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, the Tikhon deanery of the city of Togliatti.

An early weekly morning, parathians climb to the temple. On the lectern in the center of the temple, with love, the icons of the Resurrection of Christ and St. Tikhon were decorated with living flowers. Tremblingly check the cob of liturgical zvedeniya choir of Vikhovants of the Togliatti branch of the NF "DEOC". Childish individuals are radiant, spiritualized.
І axis service started. Harmoniously changing one by one, the children's choir and the choir of temple congregations perform services of special urological cleanliness and separation. Read the Gospel, the time has come for preaching.
In his pastoral word, the deanery of the Tikhon Deanery, the rector of the church, Archpriest Andriy Matveev, generously instilled the number of parishioners on the occasion of the holy day of the appointment of St. Tikhon to the Moscow Patriarchal Throne.
“We know,” Father Andriy began his sermon, “that it is historical for the Russian Orthodox Church that the 5th leaf fall behind the old style (18th leaf fall behind the new style) of 1917 is historical. On this day, the All-Russian Pomіsny Cathedral declared Tikhon, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, Patriarch of Ukrainian Rus.
“Let’s think wildly until this bad day more than a hundred years ago,” Fr. Andriy. - Three candidates were selected by the members of the Sobor for the Patriarchal Throne. After the Urochist Liturgy and the prayer service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in front of the Volodymyr Icon of the Mother of God, brought from the Cathedral of the Dormition, Fr. Oleksiy (a member of the Council) reverently wailed from the ballot box one of the three foals from the name of the candidate. The First Metropolitan of Kiev Volodymyr, having voted in the name of his name - Metropolitan Tikhon. Tse became for the nameless zbіgu of the people. Apparently, there were close to 12,000 cases near the temple. The people were cry-o-cry. It was all right to “stand by the wind”…

In memory of the Stavropol Cossack Kalmyk Regiment


On the 14th of spring 2018 on the territory of St. Tikhon's Church there was a monument to the hero of the Vitchiznya war of 1812 to the year P.I. Diomidia celebrated the urochist in honor of the 206th battle of Borodino and the memory of the Stavropol Kalmyk Cossack Regiment (1811-1814).

At the entrance, the cadets of the Cossack classes took their fate. P.I. Diomidia MBU "School No. 16", Preobrazhensky goat class Association "Spas" NF "DEOC" UF "Togliatti" at the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, Cossack classes MBU "School No. 34", Cossack classes im. Yermak Timofiovich MBU "School No. 74", Cossack classes MBU "School No. 84", as well as people of frail age and Cossacks of the VVKO-HKO "Khutir Shigonsky", SKO "Stavropol-on-Volzі", veterans of the RF WA - DOV PV "Zastava" -6 ", VPK "Zirka" and in.
On the eve of the honorable guests, the boulle of the Togliatti Moscow City Council Dumi Turkov Pavlo Volodymyrovich (otaman of the HCO "Hutir Shigonsky") and Koloturin Dmitro Volodimirovich (member of the HCO "Khutir Shigonsky"), director of school No. 16 O.O. Afonin, director of school No. 74 O.G. Strelnikova, director of UF "Togliatti" NF "DEOC" S.V. Kostina and a facilitator of the international Russian and international programs of the RV MIFS UNESCO in the Volga region, Lieutenant Colonel D.V. Borisiv.
A prayer service was served by the Deanery of the Tikhnivsky District, Archpriest Andriy Matveev, the Deanery of the Preobrazhensky Deanery, Fr. Mykolai Marchenko, the Deanery of the Nevsky Deanery, Archpriest Oleksandr Zdorenko, and the rector of the Church of the Prophet, Fr. Sergiy Romanov.
The otaman of the SKO "Stavropol-on-Volz" was built by the otaman of the Stavropol-on-Volz, the military foreman A.Yu. Cherkashin and intercessor of the otaman of the HKO "Khutir Shigonsky" centurion V.V. Yeremiaev.
The ceremony ended with the orders of the tickets before the commemoration of the monument to P.I. Diomidia.
Dyakuєmo for organizing the entry of officers-spiritualists, classy kerіvniki and fathers (opikunіv) of cadets of lucrative primary mortgages.
Due to vikhovantsy the Center "Suzir'ya" (P.N. Gonchar) for the fate at the entrance.
Thank God that we are Cossacks!


Monument to Cossack Pavel Diomidii erected near Togliatti


On spring 2, 2018, in Togliatti, on the territory of the church in honor of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, a monument was erected to the commander of the Stavropol Kalmitsky Cossack Regiment, Pavel Ivanovich Diomidii - Hero of the Vichiznyanoi Viyrok 1812.

The organizers of the visit were DKU SO "Budinok of Friendship of Peoples", Togliatti Mіske Cossack Comradeship, RV MGO "Spіlka Orthodox Women".
At the ceremony, the head of the Duma of the city of Togliatti Dmitro Mikel, speaking to the audience, voiced his voice on a historical scale. Until the rest of the hour, in our city, there were monuments against the monuments tied to the pre-revolutionary era, among them, a monument to Vasil Tatishchev and a monument to the heroes of the First World War. Before the speech, I threw the statue of the founder of the city was announced exactly 20 years ago - 2 spring 1998. І axis after two dozens of rocks near Tolyatti, another historical monument appeared.

How many times was the feat of the defender of our Motherland, Lieutenant Colonel Diomidii, commemorated, and in the yogi individual - the memory of the tenth Stavropol Cossack Kalmitsky regiment.
A. Ternovsky, Stepan Botiev (m. Elista) - a representative of the author's group, sculptor, graphic artist, Merited Artist of the Republic of Kalmykia, Laureate of the Silver Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Urochist rozrazannya strіchki suprozhuvav dzvіn.
Spilno with the sculptor Batievim - the initiator of the installation near Tolyatti (Stavropol) of the monument to Pavel Ivanovich Diomidii, near April 2018. Tikhonov's deanery organized the delivery to Tolyatti of the monument to the legendary commander of the Stavropol Kalmitsky regiment.
Works from the delivery, distribution, installation of the monument, and the installation of the organization of the tract and the placement of memorial plaques took upon themselves the arrival in honor of St. That Togliatti monument to the Cossack commander and the Stavropol Kalmyk Viyshov is true to the people.

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