Clans are called in Chechnya. Chechen teipi and yoga trip. Honorable Chechen teip

Rest in the Pivnichnoy Kavkaz, the village of militants died near the village of Kadirov - Tsentor, rekindled the respect of the western press to Chechnya. The Italian newspaper La Stampa put a reasonable question: “Putin, obviously, having stabilized the situation in Chechnya, a lot of people in Russia and beyond the borders should ask food: why for a long time?”. "Normalization" of the region came after reconciliation between the President of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadirov, and the leader of one of the most powerful clans in the country, Isi Yamadaev. Dosi stinks were, frankly, not even bezkhmarny.

In the world of power, Vlad Kadirov, the blues between the two clans began to psuvatisya. And why is it sharp. The reason is banal: the president wants to put under control Yamadaev's ash molds. Ale, the soldiers themselves repaired the opir. At the result, Ruslam and Sulim Yamadayevi were beaten, and on the third brother, Isu, there was a swing. Keeler went to court an hour after making a sensational statement: “I’ve “covered up” Ramzan Kadirov, and I’m going to pay a million dollars for the work of wine.” The killer didn’t have a choice: yakby vin was guided by propositions, Kadirov nibito having driven in bi yogo and yogo homeland. “If I could hear them, it would be obedient to allow Yamadayev and Kadirov to become sworn enemies for all life. Ale natomist stink reconciled. Tse - Chechnya. And the whole world of statutes is public, ”writes correspondent Mark Franchetti.

The world is seen as a vigilant obom. Yamadayev saves his life and peace of mind, and Kadirov, like a ruler, tries to unite under one - his own - the gift of all his friends, enemies and superniks. I, it seems, youmu tse vdaєtsya. In some cases, in order to normalize the situation in the region, they needed a lot of tools: they threatened someone, they stole violence against someone, they stole their relatives from someone. Everything was robbed in order to reconsider the opponents: the need for a term was to switch to the bek of the state. Otherwise, Chechnya did not adopt Kadirov for "their" ruler. I think you should know: in a miniature country, where recently all one drove one, at once they are caught up in the power of other curious species. It dawned on me that “friendship” was not wider, but sooner it was foreseen. "Friendship" is here to pronounce the principle: "Che ti with us, chi against us."

La Stampa knows that such a policy was successful: even though it sounded wonderful, the Kremlin was far from stabilizing the situation in the region. "The United States can only think about those who in Afghanistan and Iraq used to eat like that," the statistic says. From the other side, it is unknown, like a long time. As for Kadirov and Putin, it’s time to get drunk, here a new war may break out. "The Kremlin may already soon be blown away, if you shoot up militants," writes the slander.

The author of the article guesses that less fate was learned from Bukhara Baraevim. 2002 fate yogo sin - Movsar Baraev, having captured a group of terrorists, they took 800 osib from the Moscow theater as handcuffs. The father of the terrorist has lived five lives in Austria and hates Kadirov fiercely. Ale, the president, after talking to him, urging him to turn to the fatherland, especially spying on him at the airport, presenting you new apartment that new car. And Baraev, at the meeting, spoke to Kadirov and told the journalist that he had had mercy on the head of the Chechen Republic. Vіn duzhe richly zrobiv for the people. I want my sin to lead to a story, I change my point of view, ”rozpoviv vin. The axis of such features of the Chechen policy. And how can stinks still be in the country, de zamіst the law by suppіlstvo for a long time defending violence?

It went so far that the mother of the brothers Yamadaevikh declared that if she saw Kadirov, she was so happy, none of the blues turned to her. The Chechen leader spoke out about the death of his son Sulim in Dubai.

Kadirov himself refuted that he made peace with Yamadaevim “for inciting beasts”, as if they were swindling a lot of ZMI about them. “It’s important to show me, so that after the order it was possible to take out incomprehensibility. No one with the everyday vimogs “at the very top” has ever turned before me. Everything was going wrong," - having said wine. “I am embarrassed by the recent publications of ZMI, which may be used to denigrate the fact of reconciliation.

- I was overwhelmed by the comments of the okremikh dzherel about the fact that reconciliation was made under the pressure of the secret services of that Kremlin. Ramzan Akhmatovich, a self-sufficient and authoritative clerk of the subject of the federation, and a decision about zustrich, having made a special, as a charitable right at the sacred place, the month of Ramadan, - confirming the words of Yamadayev.

In the eyes of a sprat of relatives and fellow villagers of the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadirova for the rest of the week, plantations were planted near the core of the republic and Russia. How many pleats are Kadirov's relatives in the republic? Who are you significant people in Chechnya? The Russian BBC Service has made a report map of the Chechen government.

Chechnya is one of the most subsidized, most conservative and, most importantly, most homely regions of Russia. The irreplaceable leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadirov, often calls himself Putin's true hunter. Vіn maє carte blanche on such a declaration that diї, which the other Russian governor cannot boast of, in the face of public threats of the opposition to the role of the head zv'azkіvtsya with the Islamic world.

There is one more feature that makes Chechnya look like other Russian regions. Mayzha, the entire system of government of the republic is tied especially to Ramzan Kadirov himself and people close to him.

« Close to Kadirov- Tse those in English language called trust network - merezha, prompted by trust - all people are close, people who can be trusted not only to those who you know, but to those who have more to do with them. The status quo, which we may have today in Chechnya, is the military administration, it is cherished by military people. The Kremlin has parallels with the Kremlin, the fact that there are also mainly security officials, at the same time, it is glad that security becomes the most important body in making internal political decisions, that is why, in principle, the policy of this day was prompted by itself on security, ”Katerkalyna confederates the Center for Analysis.

However, in Chechnya itself, there is nothing marvelous about Kadirov's predilection for people's confessions. The Russian legislation understands the “conflict of interest” in the state service - it is possible to avoid that people, who are called special officers, are not guilty of practicing in such settlements, where such special officers could overstep the objective acceptance of the decision.

Behind the words of the Minister of Chechnya from national policy, ovnishnіh zv'yazkіv, druk and information Dzhambulat Umarov, those who Kadirov's people will wake up, like they learned, grew up and fought with him, it is unlikely that they would go to the designated conflict of interests. "Kadirov's strategy is for the one who fights against corruption, and not develops it," Umarov says.

Kadirov, having taken himself to himself by people of his generation, the vikhidsi of his own villages of the reasons, the surpasses of Yoma Vsim, in them є є є є ї їnoi ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ogyscho navigy ahmed oligyn, sulfurly. Vіn i authority for them, i stink to be afraid of yoga. Kadirov has honed himself with people who are bloody disputed and people from childhood, like you will start us. Vіn maє a small category of people, on some vins you can swear and, obviously, knowing that they are few, cherish them, ”Vvazha Zakaev.

Russian service Bі-bі-сі folded detailed map rule in Chechnya. Judging by the reports of the Russian Service of the BBC, of ​​158 officials in Chechnya, 30% are relatives of the head of the region, another 23% are fellow villagers and another 12% are friends and relatives of their own.

Great permutations

About "dear brothers", as Kadirov himself calls all the people close to him, they started talking again in the middle of the worm. At Friday, it became known that the Prime Minister of Chechnya Abubakar Edelgeriev, a fellow villager of Kadirov, was admitted to the planting of the guardian of the President of the Russian Federation.

At the rozmovi z Russian service Bі-bі-si Edelgeriev, having said that he himself knew about the recognition of this ZMI: “I check on the price. I didn’t know where (to recognize me), but when I was in the personnel reserve, they told me that I would be recognized, but they didn’t say where, ”the already large premier of Chechnya said now. Behind Edelgeriev's words, it's better to put yourself in recognition and want to show yourself from a good side: "I know that the presidential team is already strong, and I want to fit in perfectly," adding wine.

At the landing of the prime minister, who called, after approving the measures of the Terrible, Muslim Khuchiev, and the head of Chechnya, the head of Chechnya, proclaimed to his nephew Ibragim Zakriev. Isu Tumkhadzhiev, who is also a distant relative of the Kadirovs, the head of the region, hanging on the landing of the first vice-premier. And last week he became the head of the Kurchaloevsky district of Chechnya brother Ramzan, Khamzat Kadirov.

Kadirov does not come, which often appoints vidpovidalni imprison people, from which they sing a special connection. Vіn often with a recognized victorious formula "I know a lot of people" or "from early childhood". This phrase is a true marker of the fact that a person is worthy of the special trust of Kadirov.

Who else is worthy of this special dovira, skіlki in Chechnya are relatives of relatives, fellow villagers and comrades in the service of Kadirov, and how stinks of all the stench are?

Kolo dovira Kadirov

The Russian BBC Service collected 18 key articles from the Vikonavchi, legislative authorities, law enforcement agencies, business and the sphere of international relations in the region, which accept the most important decisions or invest in them.

Irrespective of those who have few relatives in the head of Chechnya, among quiet people, Kadirov makes decisions and is honored by those who are not so rich in representatives of the Kadirovs' name. Kadirov himself explains that his relatives do not have enough merit to occupy high positions: We, Kadirov, have a lot of people who need power over the work. You can be promoted by ministers, deputies, heads, generals, but the stink does not waste merit. Only the one who has merit is raised (at service gatherings), ”Kadirov said to one of Grozny’s people.

At the rozmovі z Russian service Bі-bі-si minister druk region Umarov rozpovіv about those, that as Kadirov accepts people of his calling to the nearest stake, the distance on them lies greater, lower on the line of the team members: more on a new basis, more on a new job, more on a new request,” explains Dzhambulat Umarov.

The great trust of the leader of Chechnya is given to those who have been on the team since the beginning of the 2000s, if the head of the administration, and then the president of Chechnya, will be Batko Ramzan Akhmat-Khadji Kadirov.

Before the near stake of the head of the region, the Bі-bі-сі spіvrozmovniks will bring us forward three people: the deputy of the State Duma Adam Delimkhanov, the speaker of the Chechen parliament Magomed Daudov, and the commander of the Terek SOBR, Abuzaid Vіsmuradov. Usі experts Bі-bі-si _insiders and experts bring these people to the nearest stake of Kadirov.

So, before the “cola doviri”, as it was formed from the great sharpness of the old man Ramzan Kadirov, the inhabitants of the region bring the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Chechnya Ruslan Alkhanov, the head of Chechnya for the sake of economic and public safety Vakhita Usmaev, the chief of the police officer Alkhan Most of them come from the village of Kadirovih Tsentaroy.

Three leaders: Adam, Lord, Patriot

Deputy of Derzhdumi Adam Delimkhanov, Head of the Parliament of Chechnya Magomed Daudov that head of the SOBR "Terek" Abuzayd Vіsmuradov is often called the head of the region, appears in local TV reports and thinks like people, who are convinced of the most important business of work.

According to the results of the BBC, for the period from June 2017 to April 2018, Delimkhanov appeared on the scenes of the Chechen TV broadcast about 60 times.

Daudov flickers on the TV screen more often - about 70 times per turn.

At the big entrances to Kadirov, the stench of offense is to stand as an order from them, but do not take direct participation at the entrance. The head of the region often appoints them as victorious for the life of a new object chi vikonannya yogo doruchen. So, for example, Delimkhanov took care of the life of the new railway station in Gudermes, and Daudov was entrusted with keeping track of the situation on the roads of Chechnya.

Vіsmuradov for the rest of the six months was in order with Kadirov mayzha on the skin brushing and entering. Vіn, on behalf of Delіmkhanov and Daudov, do not sit at the celebrations with the head of Chechnya, but always stay close.

Adam Delimkhanov and yoga brothers

Delimkhanov, together with his brothers, came to the command of Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadirov and fought on the battlefield of the federal forces on the cob of the 2000s and planted in the law enforcement agencies of Chechnya.

Since 2007, Delimkhanov has been a deputy of the State Duma in the "United Russia". Delimkhanov at the Duma is a guest, mostly to come to the grand meeting of the president's message.

In the republic, one knows how to support the Chechens, who live in the posture of Chechnya. About tse write mіstsevі ZMI, and the deputy himself often conduct interviews with Chechens from other regions of Russia.

The relatives of the deputy's brothers also hug high-rise plantations near law enforcement agencies. Alibek is the intercessor of the commander of the National Guard of the Russian Federation in the Pivnichny Caucasus, Hero of Russia. Sharip - head of the department of the Russian Guard from Chechnya, Amkhad - senior officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from Chechnya.

ZMI call Adam Delimkhanov brother and uncle Kadirov, but really stink, more for everything, not relatives. The head of Chechnya himself calls him brother, but he calls all the people dear to him. Zzvichay Kadirov reportedly describes how he was married to another relative, Kadirov does not talk about controversy with Delimkhanov.

Outside the borders of Chechnya, the deputy will greet us in front of the link to the history of "golden pistol", like a vipav at the new s guts at budivl Derzhdumi under the hour of the beat with the other deputy Oleksiy Zhuravlyov, as well as by killing the Hero of Russia Sulim Yamadayev in Dubai, in 2009, roci, at the link with him, the Dubai police chimed in.

Igor Kalyapin calls the deputy from Chechnya “the leading Kadirovite of Moscow” to the Committee for the Protection of Torturs. Behind the words of Kalyapin, Delimkhanov is a whole person, calling Kadirov his successor. “Everyone knows that Delimkhanov is a person, as he is engaged in milking specific meals in Moscow, related to the Kadir policy,” Kalyapin says.

For the phone number, which is the same as the number of Adam Delimkhanov, the second deputy of the State Duma in Chechnya Magomed Selimkhanov. For yoga words, people, yakі otochuyut the head of the region - tse professionals do their job, yakі showed themselves a proper rank. “Ramzan Akhmatovich has such a pidkhid: a person can be in his own place and can be a professional in his own way.”

Selіmkhanov rozpovіdaє, having got to know Kadirovim in 2005, the path to become a deputy of the Sovereign Duma: "I was engaged in the youth policy and vin on me as having gained respect and on this day to become a close relative of Ramzan Akhavmatovich". , - zіznavsya deputy.

Magomed Daudov, Lord

Magomed Daudov, whom the Chechens call the Lord, planted his head in the parliament of the region. There is a small version of the story about those who, having taken away their honor, like a wine, and the most popular - the one that Daudov himself told. Behind yoga words, in the beginning zustrіch from Ramzan Kadirovim Daudov came at the white shirt and suit. Kadirov also mentioned that he looks like an English lord.

Under the hour of another military campaign Daudov bov on the battles of the militants. If the father of Ramzan Kadirov voiced about the amnesty of all who would switch to official Chechnya, Daudov hurried away from the power of opportunity.

A lot of rokіv vіn pratsyuvav on kerіvnih settlements near the power structures of Chechnya. In 2012, Ramzan Kadirov recognized Daudov as the head of the region, and in 2015 Magomed Daudov became the head legislative body of Chechnya.

The speaker's sphere of influence should not go beyond the borders of Chechnya. The head of the Chechen parliament is often featured in stories about law enforcement officers and journalists who come to Chechnya - they are especially talked about.

Vin is the president of the Chechen football club "Akhmat". Tsya posada is even more honorable, the head of Chechnya is a great stunner of football, and we will kill the Chechen football club with a killer. Often he plays himself, reacts emotionally, if some football players win important matches.

Himself to bring people to Daudov, as if they were in power, for prophylactic roses and public vibes. On the cob of the past year, having published on his Instagram the name, address, and home phone number of a citizen of Kabardino-Balkaria, leaving a critical commentary on his address, he signed “Well, are you hot?”.

ZMI widely discussed another story with Daudov’s post: on his Instagram, under the heading “How to untie the Caucasian vuzol,” the speaker of the Chechen parliament, calling out “virvati the dog Swede a couple of words “wisdom”, shorten the language to standard sizes". Georgy Shvedov, the editor-in-chief of the publication "Caucasian Vuzol", used these words as a threat to his safety.

Let's talk about people who need to be "understood", Daudov is on the right foot of the right-wing organization.

Abuzaid Vismuradov, Patriot

Abuzaid Vismuradov or Patriot, as they call yoga in Chechnya, is a classmate and friend of the Chechen kerivnik childishness. Sleepy children's photographs of Kadirov and Vismuradov are often displayed on the sides of the social services of the head of the region.

Vіsmuradіv occupied the landing of the commander of the SOBR "Terek" - one of the special militarization units Federal Service national guard in Chechnya, but in fact, the blame for the unnamed head of the Kadirov's bodyguard.

Information about those that Vismuradov is protecting the head of Chechnya and his sim'u, having confirmed to the BBC the minister of Chechnya Dzhambulat Umarov: trust without peace,” characterizes Yogo Umarov.

The new shoe of the Patriot was the passing of the fighting club "Akhmat" and the yoga of vikhovantsiv on the international and Russian zmіshanim martial arts. Club "Akhmat" of creations in 2014 rotates and, according to the idea of ​​Kadirov, can win the best fighters, as if representing Chechnya at international events and bringing victory.

In the past year, Vіsmuradov, once a fighter of his club, went to the UFC tournament to Europe, after which there was a series of publications from ZMI, as well as the launch of international law enforcement organizations to the clarification of the country, they saw a visa to Kadirov's closest associate.

One of Vismuradov's brothers occupied the settlement in the parliament of the republic, the other until recently, having captured the Grozny police department of the MVS in Chechnya, Kadirov's docks did not replacing yoga with his nephew.

On the head of the committee for zabіgannya tortura Igor Kalyapin, plant, yakі obіmayut Delіmkhanov, Daudov and Vіsmuradіv, not so important, smut - what a stench looms the status.

“The informal hierarchy in Chechnya is mostly run in parallel with the official table of ranks. The skin s of these people have an informal status, which is without intermediary until the official planting of an unacceptable centurion. It's just like an informal pіdpіrka pіd їkhnіy status, - like Kalyapin. - If the Lord and Delimkhanov are the same people, if they want to plant an official high ground, then the Patriot may not be such a tall official. We must know that Patriot is the special guardian of Kadirov. This informal status is attributed to their real camp and position before them in the Chechen society. The Lord is the chief security officer in Chechnya, Delimkhanov is the chief cadre officer of Moscow, Patriot is the chief guardian of Ramzan. Tse know usi.

Power block

Law enforcement agencies and the security bloc of the republic are the most important part state power Chechnya.

Of the 18 members of Kadirov's "kola doviri" are security officials, three of them work outside the borders of the region, the reshta work at the legislator's sphere and the head of state of Chechnya.

Vіdpovіd on zapitanya why people go to sit in the law enforcement agencies, it's easy to file, vvazhayut experts of the Bі-bі-si experts.

“Me Ramzan Kadirov told in 2010 that what is most important for us here is to provide security, and it is necessary to understand, that Kadirov is to be aware of security: we need to clean everything up and concrete it, so that there are no damned liberals here, so that there are no protests, rallies mustaches were for power, so that they would support them. Vіn tse zabezpechuє, and I will decide, as if vin himself told me, we will secure Volodymyr Volodymyrovich. And I don’t need anything for this, Crimean security forces, ”Kalyapin said.

The head of the Mindruku of Chechnya, Umarov, calls the security forces in Kadirov’s honed brotherhood, rattling off attacks with cries of “Allahuakbar” against international terror. "Thse people, like they were sitting with him in the trenches and telling you about the great battle glory," - Umarov, it seems.

Kadirov publicly gave respect to the security forces. We explain to them that the stench, at the cost of their lives, brings patriotism and steals light from the region. Spivrobitnikov of the power bloc Kadirov, who, having made a swing for life, call him his own special enemies.

Vidpovidalny posts at the power unit are also divided between the old team of Kadirov Sr., their children and relatives.

Among the leaders of the power structures of Chechnya are two close friends of Ramzan Kadirov, two nephews, two associates of Father Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadirov, three relatives, nine fellow villagers of the head of Chechnya and five relatives of Adam Delimkhanov. Use the stinks to hug the stone plantations near the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya, the Russian Guard from Chechnya and the power structures of federal significance.

The Crimea of ​​regional law enforcement agencies in Chechnya has 18 military units of the Ministry of Defense. Narazi all the stinks come or go to the stage of coming to the United strategic command Pivdenny viyskovy district.

According to the words of the lawyer Peter Zaikina, who took part in another Chechen campaign, often in the region and chat with many comrades in the service, military servicemen live near the region, like on the island - it is practically not possible to collide with police forces and power.

“Actually, the Ministry of Defense is such a stronghold of federalization in Chechnya, in which, having poured in militia, mayzhe mayzhe up to zero stars,” the lawyer said.

Vikonavcha that legislator vlada: great family

From 73 osіb at the council and parliament of Chechnya, Kerіvnі posad borrowed 19 relatives and 14 fellow villagers of Kadirov.

Abubakar Edelgeriev, who until recently had embraced the head of the Chechen order, was trusted by Kadirov for conducting negotiations on the federal level. Edelgeriya is not a vipadical person in Chechnya's chiseled head - a fellow villager and son of Ramzan Kadirov Viri Deryabino.

Out of 31 individuals in the cabinet of ministries and other organizations, close to 58% are relatives and relatives of Kadirov (high relatives, high relatives).

The minister of transport and the link is the son-in-law of the head of Chechnya, the post of minister of culture is also a relative of the kerivnik of the region. New appointments, the first intercessor of the head of the Chechen order, Isa Tumkhadzhiyev, is the syn vice-premier of the order, the Minister of Automobile Roads of Chechnya. On the side of social media "VKontakte" Kadirov called Tumkhadzhiev "an approved ceremonial worker, who is entrusted with the implementation of the most advanced projects for the reconstruction and life of great objects and other districts." Tumkhadzhievs fall to Kadirov as distant relatives.

Among the seven assistants to the head of the region there are two Kadirovs, one Daudov is the brother of the speaker of the parliament, and one Geremiev- Relative of Adam Delimkhanov.

Kadirov's secretariat is also a very old friend of Ramzan Kadirov, a big security official.

The cousin of the native of the Republic of Amruddy Edilgiriev near Chechnya is the head alarm clock of new mosques. It’s even more populous: on the rivers near the region there will be 30-40 new mosques, and there will be more than a thousand mosques in total, but about one mosque per repeat thousand of buildings.

Among the representatives of the municipalities, one can see Kadirov's cousin Turpal-Ali Ibragimov, who is very Shali district of Chechnya. Having taken part in the fighting actions on the side of the federal forces, having worked in the special protection of Akhmat Kadirov, he was awarded the medal "Participant in fighting actions". In 2012, the planting of the head of the Shalinsky municipal consecration was approved. Ibragimov chi "Shvidky", as they call yoga in Chechnya, it is also one of Kadirov's trusted beliefs.

The parliament works mainly older generation relatives and fellow villagers of the head of Chechnya.

The speaker's first intercessor is Ramzan Kadirov's son-in-law Salman Zakriyev, plant intercessors to hug Kadirov's brother-in-law and his fellow villager. At the deputy corps, there were many relatives and fellow villagers of Kadirov and Delimkhanova to sit.

Voice of Chechnya for її boundaries

The influx of the head of Chechnya is expanding far beyond the interregional region. Crimea of ​​Moscow and regions, supervised by Adam Delimkhanov, Ramzan Kadirov has his representatives at the borders of the Close Skhod, Pivnіchnoy Africa and visit from Europe.

The official representation of Chechnya for the President of the Russian Federation is especially Kadirov’s fellow villager, and his brother’s brother is sitting as intercessors.

Senator from Chechnya Ziyad Sabsabi at the Radiation of the Federation announced the planting of the intercessor of the head of the committee of international nutrition. Tse is also an associate of the first President of Chechnya, Akhmat Kadirov, himself a representative of Kadirov at the borders of the Close Descent and Pivnichnaya Africa.

I have lived most of my life in Syria and freely speak my Arabic language. Kadirov zaluchav yogo to participate in the enrichment of ties from the Arab lands.

For the rest of the hour, Sabsabe actively engaged in the work of transporting Russian citizens from the krai to the conflict in Syria and Iraq. The senator can be called one of the key positions in the virish power, related to the Arabic straight.

Another cousin of Kadirov, Odes Baisultanov, is engaged in no less important work - resort and tourist areas in Chechnya, investment promotion and presentation at international investment forums. Baysultanov embraced the planting of the first intercessor of the minister at the right of the Pivnichny Caucasus.

Another close person to Kadirov can be called the keeper of religious food Adam Shakhidov. Having started in Damascus, to speak Arabic, as a senator from Chechnya Sabsabi, I take the fate of Kadirov's sisters with representatives of the Arab lands.

Financial nutrition

The head financial body of Chechnya is not the Ministry of Finance, but the fund named after Akhmat Kadirov: to finance the life of various objects in Chechnya, to pay for the participation of Russian and foreign stars, and also to take care of the impossible in the republic and abroad. About those yak vlashtovans Kadirov Foundation, wrote the newspaper "Komersant" 2015 rock.

Here, plant stones to hug the mother, that squad of Kadirov, the president and the vice president.

“The situation, if Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadirov gave orders to his mother, so that the fund helped, for example, Syrian children, looks somehow inadequate,” Tetyana Lokshina, head of the Moscow office of Human Rights Watch, respects. - I think that Kadirov's mothers and squad play a very symbolic role, because it seems that such an absolute fund of the Kadirovs' motherland, that mother of Ramzan Akhmatovich has that one man. He himself, as the head of the republic, does not put his own name on any fund, but with whom he organized himself so that no doubts were blamed on anyone, that the fund itself was the birthplace of the Kadirovs.

The structure of the fund has a cousin of Kadirov, Daayev Abusup'yan, who is the fund's co-founder and intercessor of the director of Donka Rosnaft in Chechnya - VAT Groznaftogaz. On the sides of the socialist merezh, the head of Chechnya, Daaev, often flashed by.

For foreign investment in Chechnya, the intercessor of the Prime Minister of Chechnya Khasan Khakimov is supported. In 2018, a kind of golosheniya Kadirov rock investments, Khakimov often sustrichaetsya from representatives of foreign companies with the method of obtaining funds from the region.

Why is it so rich?

In Chechnya itself, there is nothing marvelous about Kadirov's predilection for people's confessions. The Russian legislation understands the “conflict of interest” in the state service - it is possible to avoid that people, who are called special officers, are not guilty of practicing in such settlements, where such special officers could overstep the objective decision.

Following the words of Minister Umarov, those who made Kadirov's people feel like learning, grew up and fought with him, are unlikely to go under the designated conflict of interests. "Kadirov's strategy is for the one who fights against corruption, and not develops it," Umarov says.

Kadirov, having honed himself with people of his generation, walking out of his village, for these reasons, that the stench zavdyachyuyut yoma all, scho may and tse є guarantor of їhnої vіddanostі, respecting the number of leader of the Chechen opposition Akhmed Zakayev.

“People of the yogo generation are truly chomping at him. Vіn i authority for them, i stink to be afraid of yoga. Kadirov has honed himself with people who are bloody disputed and people from childhood, like you will start us. Vіn maє a small category of people, on some vins you can swear and, obviously, knowing that they are few, cherish them, ”Vvazha Zakaev.

About those who have power in Chechnya and how can this model be a butt for other regions, experts speak different thoughts.

“We don’t doubt for a second that the Chechen Republic, that її head, is a brilliant butt for succession for the decision of the regions,” Umarov says. As a positive example of wine to induce the economy, it grew by 7%.

Vadim Mukhanov, a senior scientific researcher for the Center for Caucasian Studies of the Moscow State University of Arts, is aware that the example of Chechnya is not unique. Behind these words, with a similar rank, until recently, power was ruled in Dagestan - as if a cherіvnu posad embraced an Avar, then a lot of representatives of the nationality nationality appeared, as if a darginets stood on the body of an organ, then a sharpened dargіnsk tezh.

How to apply clanism on the federal level Mukhanov predicts a huge measure of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov ta yoga squad Olen Baturin, as well as the Prosecutor General Yury Chaika and yoga blue.

However, behind the words of Mukhanov, one cannot call Chechnya a prototype for the solution of Russia. “We have no example of such an exclusive camp of any other Caucasian leader like Ramzan Kadirov. For central Russia, it’s impossible. Chechnya is now changing from a seemingly special political and legal status,” says Mukhanov.

Behind the expert's words, the inhabitants of the southern regions praise Kadirov, often talk about those who were lucky for the Chechens, that they have such a strong leader, but they don't want this.

Kadirov himself is already changing the pidkhid to the recognition of personnel. As soon as earlier they planted, more importantly, people, tied up with the past of the same Kadirovs, then in the rest of the hour the head of the republic honed his youth from his relatives. So, for example, the new measure of Grozny is the son of Kadirov’s sister, the head of the UDIBDR is the son of his sister, another nephew of the fund of support of the enterprise and, nareshti, the son of Kadirov’s brother’s brother, having cleared the district, who has that virus head of Chechnya alive.

Yak mi vvazhali

Himself in a simple way understand who to enter to the nearest stake of Ramzan Kadirov's prison, є mіstsev ZMI and sotsmerezhi, as the head of the region that yogo otochennya is. For example, the words about the Friday prayers at the mosque, like Ramzan Kadirov posted on his side in the Mylistory social media and VKontakte show an approximate alignment of forces in the region.

People from the nearest stake, like Kadirov, trust the most, chosen by us, to stand at the first low, who pray even more richly. Behind the same principle, vishikovuyutsya rows behind the head of the republic. Blame it on my dear uncle Magomed Kadirov. Vіn є the President of the Federation of Important Athletics of Chechnya, but may always stand in the first row. One more blame can be given to the closest friend of the head of Chechnya, Abuzayd Vismuradov, who, ring out, stand quietly in the remaining ranks, who pray, ale tse, shvidshe, the professional sign of the head guard of Kadirov-the stars are visible to all.

To the thought of Sokiryanskaya, closeness to the body shows your camp in the hierarchy of power in Chechnya and the Chechen suspіlstvo. “Proximity to a new one does not only affect the lot of a person, on її physically healthy people, on її earnings, on the camp of її sіm'ї, on povega, like їїy nadaet at suspіlstvі. Tse is just a status, ”says Sokiryanska.

Noodles from Human Rights Watch compare the Friday prayer in the mosque of Grozny with the arrangement of the Politburo for the hour of parades on Chervoniy Square: “The closer a particular official, a particular character is to the hour of the public singing of Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadirov, he has a higher status. Accept, for now. Tse is absolutely obvious. It sends a concrete signal to the sspіlstvo - who is the most important here.

1. We looked at the photographs and ZMI's information about public visits, in which they took the fate of the Kadirovs, they respectfully greeted everyone who was present there at the same time.

2. The BBC Russian service has educated experts in Caucasian studies and residents of Chechnya, who work in government bodies, we talked with the inhabitants of the republic, as well as with them, who, having worked in Chechnya, had stuck with people from the nearest otochenya, and by Kadirov himself .

3. In the middle of the quiet, from which the Russian service of the BIB-BIS has sprung up, - Oleksandr Cherkasov, Head of the Memorial Law Center, Minister of the Chechen Republic for the National Policy, Public Relations, Other Information and Information Research Center, Dzhambulat Umarov, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency конфліктам Катерина Сокирянська , адвокат Петро Заїкін, голова організації «Комітет із запобігання тортурам» Ігор Каляпін, голова московського офісу організації Human Rights Watch Тетяна Локшина, старший науковий співробітник Центру проблем Кавказу та регіональної безпеки МДІМВ Вадим Муханов, один із колишніх лідерів чеченських сепаратістів силових структур Chechen Republic and the main inhabitants of Chechnya.

4. On the basis of these data, we selected 18 people, who were called by the Bі-Bi-Sі spіvrozmovniki the most splendid people in the region. Tse neighbors are so called near the end of Ramadan.

Stepin їhngo vplyu, at the thought of the head of the right-wing center "Memorial" Oleksandr Cherkasov, is awarded to Kadirov. “The stinks made a lot of such things, so that they could not be suspected that the stinks could drink from the team. “Khnya vlivovіst in the region of the temple is the very heart of this vpevnennostі in them of Kadirov,” says Cherkasov.

5. Recognition of relatives and friends of Kadirov is possible on the social media side. Most of the time, they publicly write about the stages of controversy and the history of knowing someone else. About those people who are a fellow villager of Kadirov, we are familiar with their biographies published on the websites of departments, as well as social media, which often describe children's lives spent in the village of Tsentaroy, when Ramzan Kadirov was born and virus, or home photos.

Click on the image to enlarge

Everyday neo-feudalism - Russian, African, Chechen, Martian - is unacceptable without fighting clans. Already a fierce struggle, the true pen of Walter Scott, is approaching the unraveling of Chechnya. The Yamadayvikh clan does not want to be shy in front of the Kadirov clan; Behind Yamadaevimi, you have your own followers on the federal level, and Gudermes still has a foothold. Tim is no less, the war in Georgia brought the rozvyazku. In terms of TB, the pressure of yamadayevtsiv on Tskhinval and Gori was widely shown. On their armored vehicles they stung - "Chechnya", "Battalion "Skhid", "Mi - yamadayevtsі". They fought hard. Ramzan Kadirov is already turbulent. According to TB, they showed that 12 scythes, at the end of combat actions and subtle diplomatic maneuvers, Volodymyr Putin received Ramzan Kadirov from the Kremlin. Toy on the TV camera, saying about his faith in the support of the “national leader”. The official communiqué reads: “On the eve of the morning, the nutrition of the social and economic development of the Chechen Republic was discussed. Volodymyr Putin was called to celebrate the rebirth of a new and new life. The President of the Chechen Republic informed that "on this day, the Chechen Republic has no claims, but only encourages the Russian Federation." "Everything that you promised for our republic has been destroyed," added R. Kadirov. Ramzan Kadirov said: "The situation in the republic is calm and suspile-political. Food security has changed to a different plan. At the same time, the republic's susilla is concerned about the accomplishment of such impudent lack of food, such as social security." For example, Volodymyr Putin announced to Ramzan Kadirov that the Federal Center and given support to the republic, which is growing. At the call, the president of the Chechen Republic announced: "Everyone has been dominating the republic.

Nezabar on TB showed that the Yamadayevsky battalion "Skhid" was quickly withdrawn from the combat zone, and the battalion commander's long-bearded intercessor, having said black penetrating words, the soldiers danced a lezginka and zikr, the battalion commander did not show up in the frame. And the prehistory of the conflict was written in Fyodor Bessonov's comment "Skhid" - on the right is full: Ramzan Kadirov jokes Sulima Yamadaev ":

“The hype in the Russian ZMI, the commander of the Chechen battalion "Skhid" (the prefix "ex" for food) Sulim Yamadayev, who was slandered at the federal authorities by the officers of Gudermes, was kicked off, if I pulled on a sensation. Actually, there is not much sensationalism close at hand: criminal judiciary in Chechnya has turned into an effective way of pressing on opponents, and Kadirov's opposition to the "Skhid" battalion has already been three months.

The Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation on Thursday, 7 September, confirmed that the commander of the special battalion "Skhid" Sulim Yamadayev was voiced by the federal investigation. "Because of the evidence of the investigation, being a brigadier general of the armed forces of Ichkeria, in 1998 Yamadayev organized the stealing and driving of one of the Chechen subsidiaries," Volodymyr Markin, a representative of the department, said.

It is noteworthy that the other day the hero of Russia Ramzan Kadirov publicly called the hero of Russia Sulim Yamadayev "evil". Perceptively, naїvno vimagati vіd Kadirov, a veteran of two Chechen campaigns, knowing the text of the Constitution, for which the court can recognize a hulk as a villain.

"Vіn malice, and the malice is guilty of incurring punishment for the scoєne. It doesn't matter, like the planting of a man's name, її merits and how many medals she has. The bottom line is that she violated the law and is accountable to serious malice, about which there is incontestable evidence" , - Kadirov said on Wednesday, 6 April, commenting on the report of the Republican Minister of Internal Affairs about those who against the commander of the "Skhoda" Sulim Yamadayev, the Chechen UPC, having violated the criminal law.

The details of the investigation became a report for Komersant. According to the information, the Gudermess inter-district incident happened in January 2008, the fate was ruined by the criminal right for part 1 of article 105 "Vbivstvo" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation shodo Sulima Yamadaeva and the group not established by the investigation. The stench is suspected of stealing and killing the fierce 1998 fate of a 32-river resident of the village of Dzhalka, Gudermes district, Usman Batsaev.

The brothers of Usman Batsaev - Ali ta Umar - told Komersant about the date of the tenth prescription. The stench is relentless, that they knew from the very beginning that, having beaten her relative, prote to law enforcement agencies, the stench turned away from the spring after that, as it became known about the conflict between the President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadirov and Badrudi Yamadaev, the youngest of the brothers Yamadaev

Let's hope, on April 14, 2008, the NP became the fate of the participation in the cortege of the President of Chechnya Kadirov. The incident took place in Gudermes (traditionally controlled by the Yamadaevikh clan), if the movement of the Kadirov’s auto colony was blocked by the military servicemen of the “Skhid” battalion, as a result of which the shooter became.

There were no casualties, but the military operation of the Chechen special forces to "block" the "Skhid" battalion, which happened on the coming day, took off an overly wide resonance. Badrud Yamadayev’s death was slandered at the federal investigations, and a scandalous interview of Yamadayev Sr. appeared on the Internet, stating that 75 amnesty fighters, if they serve at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya, are illegally borrowed.

Later, in the middle of the chervnya, near Gudermes, there was a rally, on which people gathered, as they protested against the military servicemen of the "Skhid" battalion. ZMI reported that having lit up banners with the inscriptions "Yamadaevi, turn our blues!"

For example, a documentary film about the commander of the special forces battalion of the GRU "Skhid" Yamadayev was broadcast on the Chechen television broadcast. "Sulim Yamadayev - is he a hero of the Chechen people?" - Spantelichuva TV-watching voice-over.

In this rank, the propaganda war of two clans - Kadirov's and Yamadayevsky's - went on growing. The voice of Sulim Yamadayev, the commander of the "Skhodu" at the federal investigation, which, after the words of his brother Ruslan Yamadayev, has been in Moscow and does not seem to be attracted to anyone, looks like a farce. Minorly, that Sulim Yamadayev will be presented with a ringing in the battle, that there was little space for 1998 in Chechnya, as a criminal investigation of the "Petersburg tour" of Yamadayev in spring 2006, the fate of 2007 was pinned.

Let's guess, even the commander of the "Skhodu" took the fate of trying a raider's hoarding of the "Samson" meat factory. Axis sho wrote about the "exploits" of Sulim Yamadayev to the Petersburg Internet site

"Irrespective of the paralysis of the bells, although some of them were supposed to work during the working day, they still called out to the police, having confirmed that the general director was in handcuffs. Moskovsky RUVS found the elder, Yaki, behind Nashui Informatsiyu, presented them with the commander of the battalion "CCID" by Sulim Yamadavim, and such a person was inhabited to the MVS, and it was easily inhabited by the Militziye. powers, and the chaos in the office is liquidated. The police have gone.

The brother of the Chechen commander Ruslan Yamadayev at the fierce fate of 2007 on the Echo of Moscow air commented on the appearance of Sulim in St. Petersburg: “I can tell you. Chechens since 1992 have been blessed with a meat-packing plant... You can make yourself a super girl. They just asked for a shanovka person, talked it over. And there was absolutely nothing so serious there."

The super girl between Ramzan Kadirov and Sulim Yamadaev can end up with such a scenario. Zustrichayutsya, talk, reconcile. It is completely excluded that Sulima spits the share of Movolody Baysarov, who was also stunned at the federal investigation and shot dead by the Chechen police in Moscow on Leninsky Prospekt and was caught in 2006. Ignoring the great credit of trusting the lowest Chechen president, it is unlikely that the Kremlin will allow Moscow to rule in the style of the 90s.

Before the speech, dosi, one detail remains a mystery: why is Sulim Yamadayev the commander of the “Skhodu”? Earlier, at the chervnia, General Volodymyr Shamanov, who served in the Ministry of Defense for combat training of military troops, stating that there was no way to go about Yamadayev’s deployment. So far, it seems that the battalion "Skhid" will pass the re-test and will be shortened to a third.

Ignorantly in the midst of the internal Chechen conflict, on the cob of the military battles on the front of the Caucasian ridge, if the forces of Russia were pushing the battlefield, it was impossible to do without yamadayevtsiv. It is not surprising that among the forces transferred to the peacekeeping contingent near Pivdennia Ossetia, the doors of the "Skhid" and "Zakhid" battalions stationed near Chechnya. This information was spread by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, according to RIA Novosti. Previously, the intercessor of the Chief of the General Staff Anatoly Nogovitsin recounted the fact of transferring the Chechen special forces to the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. It is significant that in the first days of the conflict to Pivdenny Ossetia, the divisions of the PDV from Pskov and Ivanovo were relocated.

Battalions of the GRU "Skhid" and "Zakhid" are formed from ethnic Chechens, protesting against the stink uncontrolled by the President of the Republic Ramzan Kadirov and taking away punishments Russian government. In addition, as in April 2008, the conflict between the president's cortege and the funeral procession of the "Skhodu" soldiers became the fate of the battalion. Then they called Sulim Yamadayev at the federal rozshuk for a call with suspicions at the time of the accident. "Prove that the call against my brother is fabricated. At the same time, we can't deal with the solutions through war," Isa Yamadayev commented on the situation. On 12 September 2008 Madina Shavlokhova confirmed that Yamadayev had caught sight of the Znaursky district of the unknown republic of Pivdenna Ossetia. Isa Yamadaev, commander of the 5th company of the "Skhodu", confirmed the information about the re-arrangement of the large commander of the "Skhoda" at the frontline zone. Vіn stverdzhuє, that under the command of the yogo brother in Pivdenniy Osetії consign the peacekeeping activity of 215 soldiers of the "Skhod".

“I am still in Gudermes preparing soldiers for the transfer to Tskhinvali. At once, I ordered about 100 people to send peacekeepers to the conflict zone,” Isa Yamadayev added.

The next committee at the Prosecutor's Office of Russia was told that they could first smell about the knowledge of Sulim Yamadayev, who was deceived by the federal investigation, from Pivdenny Ossetia. Sulim's younger brother, the largest deputy Dear Ruslan Yamadayev, saying: "All my brothers are at home in Chechnya at once." Previously, Ruslan stverdzhuvav, but Sulim is staying at Moscow.

Zreshtoy, this year, sent to the prison at the headquarters of the operational grouping of troops in the Pivnichny Caucasus, it was necessary to inform "Commander of the battalion "Skhid" calls to the reserve." Vidpovidny order of the 21st day was signed by the Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov. The "Skhid" battalion is included up to the 291st Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 42nd Guards Motorized Rifle Division. Lieutenant Colonel Sulim Yamadayev, who may have been called the Hero of Russia, having become famous in 2003. Under the hour of the first Chechen war, fighting for the separatists. In the course of another Chechen war, having created Gudermes and transferred to the bik of federal forces.

Yamadaevtsi fought for Russia, now they are fighting for power in Chechnya. Sulim Yamadayev was placed under the care of Ramzan Kadirov, but for the time being he was deprived of his freedom. What was allowed to be worked on with him - the work of Walter Scott, especially the novel "The Abbot".

Ramzan Kadirov called his Ingush colleague Yunus-Bek Yevkurov at the encampment of militants and announced Chechnya's claims to part of the territory of two Ingush regions. The public conflict, which flared up between the heads of the Caucasian republics, in fact - the struggle for supremacy in the Caucasus, competition for the space of a diverse region and, as a last resort, for the respect of the federal center. And here, like nowhere, “Kremlin’s kokhannya” means “pennies” - great budgetary koshti, so that you can get through the stages of the Caucasian leaders.

Ramzan Kadirov, head of Chechnya

Character. Kadirov is the youngest and most ambitious of the Caucasian rulers. Vede way of life of the Caucasian prince. Moving in a polished majestic security guard near the cortege of dozens of expensive cars. Having turned the ancestral maetok of Tsentoroy into an impregnable fort. Aloe is not enough - for the sake of the new residence of Kadirov, to conduct truly royal visits: they straightened the channel of the Sunzha river, richly forgot 64 yew. sq. meters of accommodation and prepare before landing 16 thousand bushes of trojans, which have flooded residences.

Kadirov, having ordered Grozny and Gudermes, ale trimmed the fear of the inhabitants of the republic. It seems that the non-conformity of this direct statement is threatening with both another plant, and with other inaccuracies.

The Kremlin's eyes are on the “flap” of the young ruler for loyalty, and he is always willing to show off his wines. The verbal attacks on the land - the head of Ingushetia Yunus-Bek Yevkurov - experts show that Kadirov is heading for the united Chechen-Ingush and his ambitions to live from the Kremlin.

Patrons. Ramzan Kadirov does not swear by dribnitsa, having enlisted the support of the first person - Volodymyr Putin, who swore allegiance to him in 1999. From the hands of Putin, Kadirov took the Zirka of the Hero of Russia and chased the general of the MVS. From that hour, you don’t get tired of praising your Kremlin patron: “My idol is Putin”, “Putin is the most sacred person for me.”

Clan. The Kadirov clan is the most powerful in the Caucasus. Earlier, only the clan of Yamadayvih stood up for a moment, but its representatives were practically not left alive - three brothers were driven into the rest of the rock. Today Kadirov's clan is Kadirov's homeland and "kadirovtsy" - yogo virnі pіddanі, and at the same time: a sprinkling of battalions, which are made up of people loyal to Ramzan Kadirov, at least 10-12 thousand good people. Plus їхні сім'ї - tse already for a hundred thousand osіb - practically a power within a power.

Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, President of Ingushetia

Character. Braviy paratrooper general, like a kid on Pristina, like a hero’s Zirka.
Yevkurov on the cob opposes to himself the image of the "Caucasian prince", which is especially Ramzan Kadirov.

Єvkurov Litaє Ekononoklax, ї Test without the Giant Super, Kilka Divyv Publinno, by letting Zy Skhodiv "Dobrozichlivtsiv", the yaki were smeared to bring up the Kilka Kilka "at the Pozhnnya", Zykhovnya of the pronounced bureaucrats pronounced the pronounces of the announcement of the pronounces of the pronounces of the pronoun Vіn openly publishing your mobile phone number, so that you can call you, and especially write to these militants, to conduct conversations with them and turn the juveniles into a peaceful life.

Yevkurov, plus the special fate of the zavmirenny krovniks. Ale in the minus - special operations for the bіl of the republic.

- If three students are shot at the student courtyard of the university, calling them members of illegal armed groups and not giving any evidence, and for a month they drive a car with five passengers, less than two of them are accused of terrorists, then you can’t help but be displeased population, - Timur Akiev, the head of the Ingush branch of "Memorial", explained to Spivrozmovnik, having caused a drop in the rating of the President of Ingushetia, which is fixed by the last hour.

Patrons. Yevkurov appointing Dmitro Medvedev. To say, wine continues to sympathize with a simple Ingush warrior. I think that with the beginning of Putin's presidency, which is more sympathetic to Yevkurov's rival Kadirov, the Ingush president has come no more than a friendly hour.

Clan. Yevkurov to love all the work himself - to talk to the population, to travel with objects, to accept personnel solutions. For this reason, there are no spitting “sirih cardinals”, but step-by-step and broken on the heel of the Caucasian politics of Yevkurov, their clan appeared, to which the Minister of Finance, fellow countryman of the Ingush President Musa Chiliyev is brought; Yevkurov's brother Uvais, who was very much guarded, as well as Yevkurov's sprat, who settled on various high estates near the republic. The most democratic president in the Caucasus step by step is gaining the most famous figure of the Caucasian head.

Not long ago, the republic was shaken up by a story about a distant relative of Yevkurov, Ruslan, who came to one of the villages to collect 15,000 rubles from a skin bag for the yoke of “ordinary grants”, which would help to take wine. The President - you need to watch out for you more closely - having known about controversy and blaming about punishing your brother for having gone too far. Truth, that dosi on will.

Magomedsalam Magomedov, President of Dagestan

Character. Nasampered to the son of his father, President of Dagestan Magomedali Magomedov, that decline of political capital. The Pope-President for a couple of decades under the rule (since 1983) has overgrown with links, as if they have not lost their relevance to the Donin.

The republic may have the image of the least peaceful (the most terrorist attacks occur on the Dagestan land itself), the most powerful (plants here are sold practically outright, and the swag is in the order of speeches) and the most clan-organized. The unpopularity of the rulers in Dagestan is so high that the president practically never quarrels with the people without any intermediary and indignantly rarely leaves the presidential palace.

Patrons. It seems that the future president of Dagestan was supported by the richest Dagestani oligarch Suleiman Kerimov in front of the Kremlin. In addition, the Kremlin, having vvazhav to preserve the rule of the Magomedov clan for the best, so that before all problems Dagestan does not provoke a round of inter-clan squabbles.

Clan.- Magomedov occupy the main positions in the vikonavchiy, legislator, judiciary, so all the numbers are not independent and converge at one point. At the same time, the clan already has pennies, so they can save their power again, regardless of the tragedy, as it happens here, - Magomed Abakarov commented to Spivrozmovnik on the head of Kaspiyskaya for the sake of enormity.

It’s hot in the republic that Magomedovs live on bread for water, languishing on uvaz, that the leading representatives of the clan hold the hands of the main brewers, starting from the brewing of bread and the preparation of mineral and licorice water.

Arsen Kanokov, head of Kabardino-Balkaria

Character. It seems that Kanokov was assigned as the head of Kabardino-Balkaria as Abramovich to Chukotka, in order to win the region over with his special Hamanian. A successful businessman, Kanokov dosi enter the Forbes list with a balance of 600 million dollars. Indeed, with the arrival of the republic, all the borg of the republican budget were eliminated.

True, and Arsen Bashirovich himself became richer. Iom is credited with the leading tourist complex "Intourist" and also among the great republican and all-Russian projects (most notably, the "Sindika" holding and its unnamed "daughters").
Unkind people say that Kanokov's "Sindika" is the "Syndicate" of its kind. Accept, a lot of yoga partners in the company and relatives will hug the republic's gardens. "The republic hasn't made any new friends, so as not to let them bring in their goiter," Kanokov admitted in one interview.

Kanokov was in no way aware of the way of life of the oligarch - truthfully, not fat, but rather respectable - but in the Caucasus, you shouldn’t slander. You can drive a cortege of expensive cars at the Hammer escort, live in a big way and you can afford such gifts, as for the inauguration of Ramzan Kadirov - a jeep for 80 thousand rubles. dollars At the same time, Kanokov is actively engaged in charity and contributes a lot of special pennies to the life of mosques, republican sports teams, the life of cherries, as well as targeted assistance to wealthy families.

Patrons. As it seems, Kanokov is one of the leading candidates for victories. Rest hour different dzherela hard-headedly send Kanokov off to the head. It seems that there is another strong clan against your head, a dream about full power in the republic, - oil tycoon Valery Kardanov, a supporter of Moscow's Rosnafta. At that time, Kanokov’s patrons had the prefix “ex” - most of them were the commands of the great Moscow mayor Yury Luzhkov, and Kanokov, like him, seemed to be friendly.

Friendship with the disgraced measure of Moscow Kanokov at a minus. In the meantime, the head of the republic, as it seems, without breaking old ties and navit pracevlashtuvav with his order of the deacons of Luzhkov's team.

Clan. Kanokov is a right businessman, a kind of vibudovu vyazki with usima forces in the republic - it is similar to inspire tenovim. Yom is credited with business contacts with authoritative KBR associates Alisag Shogentsukov (pseudonym Alikos) and Albert Nazranov (pseudonym Negr). In addition, Kanokov is suspected of having paid for the guilt of the "fox mafia" calm in the republic - this is the practice of "doing" wealth in the Caucasus. It seems that after the liquidation of the "treasury" of the terrorists, the name of Kanokov was the first number in his "accounting book".

A minor surge of terrorist attacks in the republic is due to the fact that Kanokov stopped paying for Khloponin's speech.

The clan, on which Kanokov is spiraling, are three sims: Kanokova, Zhamborova (the girl's name of Fatimi's squad) and Tlekhugova (the family of Kanokov's son-in-law). In the rest of the hour, the stench is perebuvayut under a strong pressure - at the red rock, a lot of republican high-growers from the homeland of the Zhamborovs, who call from evil-doers, were caught. The main point of calling is the call for the philharmonic society to the tune of 20 million rubles, as the bula was handed over to the cousin of Kanokov's squad for a symbolic sum of 1 million rubles. Vtіm, Kanokov himself, having become a business with a richly folded 90-year-old, takes a visible calm: “This history is not to be continued.”

Rashid Temrezov, head of Karachay-Cherkessia

Character. Temrezov is a one-year-old of the youngest ruler in the Caucasus, Ramzan Kadirov, and is rich in why - “dark horse”: Temrezov embraced the “non-presidential”, but financially, I planted the head of the republican “Avtodor”. If Temrezov conquered the settlement at the fierce fate of 2011, it was 35 years for you.

У республіці його вважають наближеним до клану колишнього президента Мустафи Батдиєва та близьким другом його зятя Алі Каїтова, який був засуджений на 17 років за гучне вбивство на власній дачі сімох вихідців із впливових кланів республіки за відмову передати Каїтову акції найбільшого підприємства республіки – цемент. The ugly malice little did not start the mass war in the republic and became the reason for the exile of Batdiev. In the Republic, it seems that on the day of the terrible beating of Temrezov, he was also at the dacha of his comrade Kaitov.

Patrons. They stverdzhuyut, that, regardless of the criminal identity of the past head of the republic, on the young and smart Temrezov, having placed a stake on the envoy of the president Oleksandr Khloponin. Temrezov has two tasks: to extinguish the clan's corruption, as more than once in the rest of the hour they put the republic on the border. hromada war, that “correctly” manages the budget pennies, as a generous flow already to the development of the tourist cluster in Arkhizі.

Clan. Temrezov began as a guarantor of the mighty Mustafi Batdiyev, who made good connections in Moscow in his youth (he joined the economic faculty of the MDU with the banker Peter Aven, Yegor Gaidar and the youngest vice-speaker Oleksandr Zhukov).

“I don’t think that at the same time the head of the republic is trying to distance himself from the clan of Batdiev and create his own clan of power, not only based on controversy, but also on friendly ties,” independent expert Murat Gukemukhov told Spivrozmovnik.

For whom Temrezov is one of the quiet rulers in the Caucasus. What is completely true in one of the most insecure regions - at the same time, the KChR has a hell of a load after three heavy political drivings of the rest of the hour. Politics (deputies at the dacha of the president's son-in-law) have passed, ended in the KChR, the president's office was buried and the famous 10-year-old pink envoy Dmitry Kozak and his relatives were beaten.

Taimuraz Mamsurov, Head of Pivnichnoi Ossetia

Character. The emperor, who is more excited for others to sit at his armchair. I go to hell and traditionally favor the center of the Ossetians (as the only Orthodox people in the Caucasus), and the summation of Beslan, if Mamsurov contrived not to anger the center in any way, even to the point that he didn’t take his two children away from school and never once criticized. Moscow.

Patrons. Mamsurov may try to push on a special level. The origins of the lands are close to Ossetians – conductor Valery Gergiev, businessman Taimuraz Bolloev, and others.

Clan. A little bit, the economy of the republic is rich in what is monopolized by the Mamsurov clan. I have a thought that not without the knowledge of the head of the republic, it is not worthy of the title of the capital of Russian bootlegging - the production of counterfeit alcohol.

In addition, like Ramzan Kadirov, Mamsurov, having taken carte blanche to the center of their small army - having driven self-defense, they legally periodically mobilize at the cordon from Ingushetia. Tse is allowed only "lovers", like Mamsurov, madly, lie down.

Summary Usіnіshі caucasian rulers are different. One of them is not similar to the other. At the same time, the greater vvazhayut themselves here as the first and the best and practical leather - the ruler of their own land.

The management system is two-vector: clans at the missions and patrons at the Kremlin. Regional authorities, but the overall scheme is approximately the same, and it allows you to save chaos in the Caucasus, on the regulation of which you can always warm your hands like Moscow and Caucasian officials.

Alera. To finish the numerical teip, which is like in Skhidnoy Chechnya, ale of settlements all over the country. Aslan Aliyovich Maskhadov lies before this teip. Following orders from the name of the teip, it was on the legendary bronze cauldron, which the fathers brought to Nashkh.

Together, from Alero there were sent teips to Benoy, Sontora, Belgatoy, Nikhaloy, Terlo, Varandoy, Peshkhoy, Gunoy and others so called "pure" teips. Behind the Chechen legend, the representatives of the unseen, the teips who were second to the trips, melted the whole cauldron.

Belgatoy. Great ta vіdomy near Chechnya teip. If you had a pidrozdil teip Beltoy. The legend about the journey of Belgata to celebrate that the Belgatoites may have died out in the wake of the epidemic, that if they ate, but then we multiplied again, about which the etymology of the name is to be remembered ("bіl" - die, "gatto" - resurrect). They are respected by energetic people.

Belta (Bilta). Great ta vіdomy teip. The well-known diyach Beibulat Taymiev, about who guessed A.S. Pushkin in the description of his journey to Yerzerum. Narazi Beltoi is populated everywhere, but the quiet local area is located on the Chechnya Skhodі (Nozhayyurtovsky district).

Binoy. One of the largest Chechen teips, perhaps the largest of them. One of the most important Chechen businessmen, Malik Saidullayev, himself a Benoev, who is very busy with the rights of his teipu, stverdzhu, that out of 1 million Chechens, there are 360 ​​thousand. Distributed throughout the republic. Benoїvtsі are subdivided into 9 slopes-garіv: Job-nek'є, Wonzhbі-nek'є, Astі-nek'є, Atі-nek'є, Chupal-nek'є, Ochі-nek'є, Devshi-nek'є, Edi-nek'є that Gurzh-mahkahoy. They took the most active fate from the Caucasian war of the last century. Behind them, the national hero Baysangur Benoyevsky, who did not leave Shamil until the very end, and did not give up after the task of Shamil to the royal troops, would be like them.

A lot of beneficiaries are staying with the Diaspora in the lands of Western Asia. Benoivits are the heroes of rich hot stories, in which they build an ungraspable figure or a strong cunning of the beneficiaries. At the same hour, you will see your fearlessness, faithfulness to your word.

Obviously, the Benoevites laid down the backbone of democratic peasant faiths, a hundred years later they threw off their aristocratic institutions from Chechnya and the power of the Kabardian and Dagestan rulers. Diversity gave rise to that same mountain democracy, which became the social basis of the ethnic mentality of the Chechens.

On the butt of Benoy, it is evident that a foreigner will appear in the teip. At the calm locality of the beneficiaries on the river Aksai there is a tract called Gurzhin mokhk (Georgian place, volodinnya). A. Suleymanov announces the impending retelling: "At the hour of attacking the court of Georgia, the beneficiary squad brought a Georgian boy. beautiful, they saw the land and helped to wake the houses, they gave working wills, a cow, a horse.

Varanda. One of the famous mountain teips. The author of the last century, the first Chechen ethnographer Umalat Laudaev, stverdzhuє, scho varanda "accepted trip". In Chechnya, I had a little bit of hardness, like the stench of a Russian trip. It’s better for everything, it’s less to speak about the adoption by them of the Radian soldiers of the era of the Caucasian war of the past century. The term itself is a variety of references in historical documents of the 1st millennium. In the future, the judgment about the "Russian trip" may be due to this, that the Varandians did not accept the Muslim faith for a long time and went to the mountains with the method of defending the ancient faith. As if it had not been there, the varandovtsy dosі saved the deacons of old zvichaї (for the sake of the woman's circumcision) that unique Chechen folklore.

Gendargen. Teip, to which Doku Gapurovich Zavgaev should lie. Vіn vvazhaєtsya one of the most numerous teipіv and settlements in Chechnya to do it widely. Teip Gendargenoy Viyshov from the historical center of Chechnya Nokhchiymokhk (Nokhchamakhk, "Land of the Chechens"). The "Land of the Chechens", planted in the basins of the rivers Aksai, Michiga and on the lands of the Terek, has become a breadbasket not only for Chechnya, but also for Dagestan and to bring more distant lands. The economic power of that Viysk power zumovannya in Nokhchiymokhtsi cultural-political and ritual-religious pre-Islamic center of Nashkh. At tsomu, the whole center was roztashovuvavsya one of the early Mehk khels ("Rada of the country"). Look, for orders, the mustache of the "clean" teips of the Chechens came out. Middle of the teipiv and Gendargenoy.

Nokhchiy mokhk vlasne zbіgaєtsya z ієyu svіtoyu, yak vіdoma pіd türkic іm'yam Іchkeriya. This part of Chechnya was importantly occupied by the tsarist troops in 1852. In the historiography of the past century, only this podia began to be seen as the beginning of the end of the Caucasian war. Zrozumilo, adopted by the order of D.M. Dudaeva named Ichkeriya as official means little and reached the beginning of the Chechen ethnogenesis, and the support of the past century to the glorious side.

Gendargenivtsi in the history of Chechnya, people have occupied a lot of space.

The radian's fates of the yogo members had a lot of supporters of the gospodar and party ranks. At the "peace" born in 1991-1994 in Chechnya, in the form of Gendargenoivtsiv, one can feel the skarga for the force of new, Dudaev, cadres, and more importantly the "girsky" trip. Teipovi zbori, scho passed in ti roki, deakim persons from the order of D.M. Dudaeva was interpreted as an attempt to find support among the Masakhs from the side of the old Radian party nomenclature.

Cheap. Hirsky Chechen teip, settlements on the pivdenny descent of Chechnya. Lie down to the vіdomih "pure teipіv", scho mayut your mountain, at the teip Deshnі - Deshnі-lam. Deyak z Deshni live in Ingush. Today we know that until 1917 the fate of the stench was saved by the nicknames, were respected by the princes. In Chechnya, they tell history with humor, like one of the representatives of such a nickname, having made friends with the Georgian princely, having seen the teip mountain for his hair.

Zurzakhoy. This teip is respected as one of the calm ones, because in their own name they took the ethnonym Dzurzukiv, which the middle Georgians gave to the ancestors of the Chechens and Ingush. According to M. Mamakaev, the teip zurzakhoy was not among the tukkhumi, occupying an independent position, like the teip Maista, Peshkhoy and Sadoya.

Zooms (Zums). High Chechen teip, which can be worn either totemne ("zu" - їzhak; in Chechen symbols of the wines of wisdom), or a professional name (zoom - hirska arba). Become one of the politically active Chechen teips. Zumsoyvtsi nadzvichayna suffered greatly in the Radyanskoy vlady.

Guna. Vіdomy Chechen teip, scho of settlements on the pivnіchny gathering of Chechnya. Gunoevtsі judge without intermediary Terek Cossacks, with which motherland ties are possible It is important that other Chechen teips adopted Islam.

Kalhoy (Kaloi). Hirsky Chechen teip, to what extent Zelimkhan Yandarbiev. The name Kaloevikh is known among the Ingush, as well as among the Ossetians.

Mulcoy. A small Chechen teip, settling near the mountains (Shatoivsky district). Let the autocratic ruler Shamil be his support.

Nashkhoy. Nashkho is a city that is respected by the fatherland of "pure teips". The ethnogenetic center of the middle-class nokhchimatiens, yaks inhabited for the sake of the ancient historical villages of Chechnya. (Virmenskaya geography VII for R.Kh. St. Petersburg, 1877. P.36). Sometimes all the population of Nashkho is covered up to one teipu.

Sadoy. It is important that this teip was seen from Bilta (at once from Belgata and Ustrada). Ussi stinks from Nashkho (tukhum Nokhchimokhoy).

At once, it is necessary to refer to the thought of Akhmad Suleymanov, that Sadoy, having entered into an aristocratic teip, looked like princes (ate). A. Suleimanov (sleep reminder), suggestive voice ali, vibrating this term in the old Caucasian social and ethnic term Alans. Having taken into account the fact that the Garden of controversy with the teip Orsa, the shards use the angry term that can be applied to both groups: the garden-Orsi. In Orsy, Orsoy, the author sacks the Greeks. It is a beastly respect for those who, by Sadoy, were not included in more than one of the tukhumivs, who, it is possible, to talk about their foreign trip. At that very hour, Sadoy has an aristocratic tradition and a prestigious one: it is honorable to give a name that shows the teip.

Forget Sado Misirbiev, faithful friend of the young Leo Tolstoy. Ethnonym ors - aors can lead us to the ethnogenetic layer of old, tied, possibly, with the Roksolani tribe, the possible ancestors of the Russians. Today, naming Russians Chechens to sound orsi. It is noteworthy that A. Aidamirov's "Chronology of the History of Chechen-Ingushetia" (p.6) originates from the book on the 1st century of our eri, if there was a combination of gargareyv and іsadakіv, which are formed from gardens and hamhіtіkіv Slide to read hamekiti or hamkhiti. Discussion about the journey of this ethnonym to the Khamkhi river in E. L. Krupnov's book "Middle Ingushetia", M., 1971. P. 28.).

Turloy. It is important that the Terlo teip originated from the Kirdi basht complex of Gir. An ancestor is respected by a person in the name of Terloi. For deakim tributes, Terla bov in the XVI-XVII centuries with an independent tukhum. In view of the non-blood controversy of all the teips of Terloi (as M. Mamakayev thought), together with Chanti, they were called blood-native associations. Territory peoples inhabit the territory along the upper Argun. With teip Terlo, we will specialize the complex of retellings about Volodinnya by them to the closed non-Muslim knowledge. It is possible that Terlo was a caste of fire-worshippers (Pripuschennya S.A. Khasieva, orally).

Turkhoy(Turks from Gashan-chu). There is a small group in the Vedeno region, which makes it possible to bring oneself to the "Turkish" teip. The stench lives like this at Roshni-chu.

Hot. Teip of the famous Zelimkhan Kharachoevsky. This is also the teip of Ruslan Imranovich Khasbulatov. Tsey teip early spent to the sides of letters of Russian documents. And in the ethnographic reality of our days, the population of the skhidnoy Chechnya has lost the memory that "characters earlier for others began to make friends with the Russians."

These ties between the harachoivtsiv and Russia did not make the middle ground hang on the cob of the stream century of one of the most prominent fighters against the injustices of the kingship - abrek Zelimkhan Kharachoevsky.

In Chechnya, to be placed with great honor to the Kharachoivsky teip and to respect that its representatives may have a special mind. It's true, they tell them that the stench speaks loudly. Perhaps, there is no such thing as a teip, about which they would not say anything like that. Ale ce is already an area of ​​​​Chechen humor, which, to the point of speech, is valued if Shamil.

Hindhoy. A small Chechen teip, settled in the mountains near the Galanchozhu region. Khіndkhoєvtsі for trips lie down to the head of orstkhoєvtsіv (karabulakіv), which went up to the warehouse of the Chechens. Insha gіlka merged into Ingush. Orstkhoevtsy, who live on the plains, recognized the greatest losses from the results of the Caucasian war of the past century. Part of the orstkhoevtsiv, which were lost, hung in the lands of Western Asia, part went to the mountains, like Hindkhoy.

Tsontoroi (Center). This is one of the largest teips. (For the number, less beneficiaries care for him). The stench is divided into Koreni-nek'є, Okі-nek'є and іn. groups that claim to be independent. Etymology Contributed by Tsontoroy, perhaps, the recognition of the priestly profession. Mabut, it was necessary for the wary mind of the contortionists to Shamil and yogo prihilnikov. Literature has evidence that Shamil was taking revenge on the contortionists for driving in one of his associates. Respected by people of restless energy vdacha. The roses of the main rank of the lower part of Chechnya.

Chartoy. Dzhe tsіkavy teip, vіdomy tim, scho chartivniki did not fight, but always were peacekeepers and intermediaries in the intra-Chechen right. Representatives of other teips have an idea that "Jewish adventure chart".

Cherma. One of the most popular Chechen teips, the famous naftopromislovets and political fiend Tapa Chermoyev. The main center of Chermivtsi settlement is the village of Mehketi. The stench of the ancestral mountain Chermoy-lam. And earlier, behind the legends, the stench lived near the girsk city of Maisti.

Elistanzhi. Tsey teip comes from the Vedeno district of the village of Khattun. Zvіdti vin moved to Aldi bele of the present Grozny. Tsey teip v_domy tim, who looked like Sheikh Mansur (Ushurma), who, perhaps, was born in 1765.

Engenoy. Settlements throughout Chechnya. It is respected by a teip, like the Muslim preachers and religious heads - sheikhs. From Engenoy, it’s true, there were a lot of sheikhs.

Yersen. Teip, roztashovaniya near the descendants of Chechnya in the historical region of Nokhchimokkh (Shalinsky, Gudermessky district). After the campaigns of Tamerlane, it was one of the first teips that hung again on the plain. Qi teipi were respected aristocratically. To some extent, their representatives are attributed high spiritual qualities. The etymology of "Yersenoy" has a nosy movi vdchuvay zv'yazok with a human cob (twist: er bukh = non-castrated bik, Russian bull).

Yalkhoroy. Whose teip is like the name of Dzhokhar Dudayev. Yalkhoroyu village, named after im'ya teipu. Behind some versions before this teip lay fallow people, behind others, navpak, ce teip, a kind of mav hired practitioners. For all the adventures of this teip, they were tied up with a professional-caste organization and Yalkhoroy were warriors, as if they were taking payment for the guarding of the cordons in other teips. M. Mamakaev's reports about Chechen teips Yalkhoroy indicated the middle of the root Chechen teips. Obviously, Yalkhoroy belongs to the Orstkhoy component in the ethnogenesis of the Chechens, but let me say below. In Ingushetia, I recorded a retelling about those who were deacons of dispute with the name of D.M. Dudaeva. For example, the nickname of the Dakiivs, as if they were following the orders of the relatives of Dudaev from the sixth generation. According to this version, the Persian Dakiev together with Aushevimis and Musolgovs fell asleep in the Ingush village of Surkhokhi. In Ingushetia, Dudaeva is also alive and well.

Yalkhoroy's trip to Orstkhoy is especially noteworthy, even though the local group of Orstkhoytsy - the Myalkhists - are respected in Chechnya by D.M. Dudaeva. The same malkhistints make up the main population of Bamut. The work of the midst of the miners has overwhelmed me in that the stench of the most powerful stink of the Vainakh ethnos of the Orstkhoytsiv (Karabulakiv) is the strongest in the Viysk family. For a long time, the stinks inhabited the pivnіchnokavnіka rіvnina. Deep in the mountains, near Myalkhist, between the upper reaches of Argun and Meshekhi, the stench opinated, imovirno, under the hour of Tamerlane's wasteful trips to the Pivnichny Caucasus, and here they included the Vainakh population of the Hirs. The memory of the obscure pidrozdil on the native and zaydlihs is still prostzhuetsya among the miners.

At the mountains, the Myalkhistints did not waste the warriors' vdacha and waged periodic wars with Georgia. (The territory between Khevsureti). Myalkhistintsy stole Ordzhonikidze from being drunk with the tsar’s funeral. The cult of warlikeness, in the order of other highr values ​​for the kshtalt shnuvannya zhіnki, hospitableness, at the thought of the malkhistintsiv themselves, inspiring them to look like other Chechens. The deyakі vvazhayut themselves by the people of the prince's goodness. Other Chechens will be afraid of the risky nature of the malhistints.

In the judiciary bodies of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria for D.M. Dudaev saw a lot of mischief. Tse vyklikalo rozmovi about їhnє dominance in the republic. About the special setting of D.M. Dudayeva until the end of the problem nothing is visible. His intercession for the religious brotherhood of the Kadirians, represented by the Myalkhistintsiv, still does not seem to be the case, since the brotherhood is widely spread in Chechnya and not only among the Russian population.

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