The fortune-teller's ejaculated. For more details on the meaning of the cards, see fortune-telling. Vіsіm fence during divination on the maps

Practically a skin person would like to look at his own future, ale without cloudiness card cards when fortune-telling, you didn’t see. Often the stench lies in the situation, yak to fight the layout. You can learn more about the report and learn how to read the cards for additional information.

At the article:

I can see between two people - one of the most popular. Іsnuє anonymous layouts, yakі recognized yak for novice robes, and more prosperous mastrіv vorozhinnya. Without gloomy card cards, with fortune-telling z'yasuvati, chi is really to love you, and virishiti, chi come out for the same person, do not see.

With such fortune-telling on the cards, the meaning of the cards is strongly changed in silence, as they are recognized for, perhaps, and rich others. The skin situation may have its own specificity with the mantle, obviously, its own clouding.

The most significant ladies and queens of all stripes are people, like you have an honed one or the middle knows the one you are guessing at. Tse can buti and friends, yak vlivayut on the shutters, and thieves, and superniks in the cohanna, and cochants. Valeti mean a little, yakі vy vіdchuvaєte vy or your obranets - marvel at who stinks.

  • Ace - serious namiri, fun, good kohannya.
  • king chi lady - chilovik chi zhіnka vіdpovіdno, vik close to 25-30 roіv.
  • Jack - thoughts of a love character
  • 10 - bazhannya zavzhdi buti entrusted, stronger kokhannya.
  • 9 - a positive card, which means kohannya.
  • 8 - richly sleepy between people, that receptionist splintering, s pov'yazane. 8 cherv'yakіv means also the confirmation in the kohanna.
  • 7 - sexy potyag and won, no more.
  • 6 - ochіkuvannya zustrіchі, pobachennya, bazhannya pobachit kokhan people.

  • Ace - friendship, stable and mіtsnі vіdnosini.
  • king chi lady - cholovіk or zhіnka vіtsі practically zavzhdi family people.
  • Jack - thoughts about reconciliation of chi zblizhennya, zdiyasnennya such marriages of courage.
  • 10 - mіtsna sіm'ya, svіlnі іnteresi, stability, povaga that friendship.
  • 9 - love.
  • 8 - priemne splkuvannya, friendship.
  • 7 - friendship is kind.
  • 6 - interest in people, friendly friends with friends.
  • Ace - rozrahunok. Pennies on the first mist, kokhannya - good, like on another.
  • king chi lady - young lad or girl.
  • Jack - vibir, insignificance, thoughts about another person, to the point of sympathy and interest.
  • 10 - try to buy a little as gifts, in the midst of serious namіrіv.
  • 9 - love.
  • 8 - burning interests, connected with the work of chimos material. Possibly, dilove spіvrobіtnitstvo chi zagalna vigoda.
  • 7 - melancholy.
  • 6 - ochіkuvannya on zustrіch, but not obov'yazkovo with a romantic gimmick, tse mozhe bazhannya friendly or business splkuvannya.
  • Ace - zrada, rozriv vіdnosin, depression. Often it can mean a love spell or the manifestation of other magic.
  • king chi lady - people of a frail age. Often the stench is seen as the very enemies or supermen in love stosunki.
  • Jack - thoughts about zrada, deceit, rozcharuvannya in the one you tell fortunes.
  • 10 - the end of the exodus.
  • 9 - egoism, hostility, staging, the presence of any kind of sensibility for a sip of cohanna chi to inspire sympathy.
  • 8 - Welding, unexplainedness to razuminnya, inconsistency of character.
  • 7 - images, embarrassment, experience and tears.
  • 6 - nebazhannya bachitis and splkuvatisya.

And food is good, which allows you to take a specific view. With their help, you can find out if you can get away, whether it’s a zahіd that іn.

  • 6 , 8 і 10 whether or not suits mean a positive response to the supply, as you bet.
  • 7 і 9 - negative.
  • Jack of Hearts or bubo it means that your dream is coming, but you will be costing you a great amount of zusil.
  • Jack of peak or Khrestiv it means that you don’t see anything, you have a right check without a change and a failure.
  • Woman of worms or bubo - help your wife, the lady will wake up, if you don’t see it, I’ll help you.
  • Lady of spades or Khrestiv - better for everything, you don’t win over what you have planned, for the woman you care about.
  • Chrobak King or bubo - a person will help you to solve your problem.
  • King of Spades or Khrestiv - man will not let you rob those that you want.
  • Ace of Hearts or bubo - you can easily build those that you want, for whom you have all the possibilities.
  • Ace of spades or Khrestiv - your bazhanya is impossible.

Crim specific value, a deck of 36 cards maє i more incandescent fog. In some layouts, in order to correctly decipher them, it is necessary to know. You can find them at the official statistics on our website. Sometimes there is a great influx of cards on the floor, which changes the clouding of the layout on the bed.

The data below the deciphering of the card cards during divination include and t, yak it can be more.

Ace - fortune teller's booth. Perevaga to a calm, homely mind. Gift, good luck, accepting a gift. Wesillya or the arch of a mіtsnі lyubovnі stosunki. Novelty chi proposition, as a rule, positively chi negatively zabarvlennya show the card that lies in charge. If you mark the hour, then the ace of worms is spring, and the hour of the day, which shows you, is early. In an inverted look, the ace of worms means a super-cook and welding with a Kohan man.

- friendships chi separations cholovіk, іnоdі tse batko chi іnshiy senior relative. It can also mean that I will help you by pouring in, not giving a new order (more often I will accept it). So the king of worms means happiness in the middle of the family, and like rice to the character - the grace to give the greatest value to family values.

lady - kohanka, team, girlfriend chi іnsha nevidoma zamіzhnya zhіnka. Inodі tse mati chi іnsha eldest relative. Possibly, this card symbolizes a kohanna, warmly placed before you. Rice to the character, yak won't show - tse bazhannya dbati and pragnennya create sіm'yu.

Jack - kohanets, friend chi undivided zakokhany you have a young man. For a person, a wine means a super-man in a kohanna and yoga can do it. The Jack of Hearts is not accepted by Zustrich or Rozmov, but when it is laid out for training, or the robot wins good luck, I will accept the novelty. Vidpovidna tsіy map of rice character - fidelity, vіddanіst.

10 - Mrії, nadії chi plan for you, often of a love character. Success, happiness, garni news. rice character - skhilnist to romance. Those who you want to signify, find out for yourself.

9 - pleasant result, success at the right, good luck. Spivchutya, mercy, good-naturedness, sometimes justice. Those who are joking, come before you, as you know who to ask about.

8 - rozmova chi zustrich, yak pass, shvidshe for everything, good. Satisfaction, fun, kohannya. Egoism, hedonism. Shukane you know the order.

7 - good for you change in life, often unsatisfied. Can buti pov'yazanі s love stosunki. Good luck on the right. Mother's joy, listen until you hear. Kokhannya, love recognition, rosemary about stoks, sometimes jealousy from the side of your partner, or rozcharuvannya in the new. Inconsistency, lightness, schilnist to jealousy. Shukane there, de nikoli would not have guessed shukati.

6 - the road is with a kokhanoy people, but before it is nazustrіch. Vіd'їzd relatives. The help of the helper at the right will be successful. Zbіg dumok, garna combination of characters. Vminnya pidlashtovuvatisya. Shukane there, de vidpochivaet soul and charged with new forces.

Ace - tiles, yakі vіdpovіdat іynostі. Problems for health (do not start with the one who tells fortunes), filthy signs from relatives. Good luck on the right side of business communication. Treasury booth. Pratsiovity, obov'yazkovist, pattern of thought. In an inverted position, the cross ace means problems on the robot. If you need to recognize the time of fate, then it’s autumn, the hour is done - evening.

King - good friend, whom you can rely on. The boss, who is worth more, the one who sees the top of your problem. Family problems. The benefit is equal to what they deserve. Justice, nebazhannya take the fate of the unacceptable right. Treasury booth.

Lady - may be a woman, be it of any age, tied to you with family ties, as a robot, as I am on my right. Sometimes a friend, sometimes a supergirl. Theft is more broken by the law. Folding on robots. Treasury booth. Vernist your right.

Jack - a person from a state-owned booth of someone who helps to solve the problem. News about problems, which can be both positive and negative. Problems, turboti, klopit, vitrati. Treasury booth. Mutually.

10 - melancholy, bait. Good luck, good luck on the right side of your zusills. Promotion of kindness with the help of hard work. Robotic space. Sales If you are trying to recognize the right appointment of a person, then 10 crosses to say that she is looking for you for yourself.

9 - bad luck with everything, the financial state of the Crimea. Revenge, anger, innocence. Restless, stress. The need to inspect the unacceptable for you to come in.

8 - dilovі zustrіchі, talk. Slozi, spend, mary klopit. Taking money away. Necessity to inspect the non-acceptable for you the month that you come in. Stress, depression, lack of time.

7 - Dilova zustrich, success. Taking money away. If you can help someone, you can opine at the plus. Hope. People of the city come in, you state house.

6 - a darem road, empty nadії. Pardon, pardon, wrong porada. Baiduzhіst, nudga.

Ace - good news about pennies for good. Success, success, positive change. If it’s time for fate to cackle you, then it’s whole, and it’s time to finish it off - a day. Praise, goodness. Znahіdka abo zustrіch on Vipadkovo street.

King - disobedience lad, inodі syn. Acquaintance with a young man, as you may appear as your future person. Roztashuvannya chi zahist spitting person. Nebazhannya shares a secret. Vdala vipadkovist.

Lady - a young woman, a friend, a kohanka, perhaps a guest, a hired staff. Invalidity, lightness. Help from the woman on the right. Vipadkova zustrich, connoisseur.

Jack - man, bring a zvіstku, shvidshe for everything, garna. Receive news from children on education. Away familiarity. Sometimes you can tell the problem. Dovira. Threshold the house, not far from the house.

10 - a trip to see the guests. Favorable financial situation, joy and success. A gift, a fate at the sanctuary is possible. Inodіtsia card vіschuє moving. Vipravdana nadії that ochіkuvannya. Water, water basins, a place for resurrection and rebirth.

9 - success in the financial right. Good luck and good luck. The map is friendly during operations with unruliness. Wigrash chi znahidka. Cursive love. Mistse vіdpochinku.

8 - business talk, rozmov about pennies. Acceptance bug. Vechirka, holy, dearly dear. Friends, friends with people who accept you. Spiral interests. Garniy mood, completion of failures. Peredmіstya, іnоdі mіstsya vіdpochinku.

7 - please, agreement, arrangement of the contract, sales. Present. Radical trouble, accept news and propositions. Zustrich with friends. Budinok relatives and friends. Garniy mood, completion of failures.

6 - the road, better for everything, for reprieve chi rozvag, іnоdі on a visit. Correct solution. Vikonannya bajannya, successfully complete it. Pributok. You deserve to be well-appreciated, you should be appreciated. Temple, church, help of the greatest forces.

Ace - blow share, waste, bad news, unacceptability (for this work). If you tell fortunes about your filthy vchinok, then you will not be punished for the new one. Stress, fear, experience, torments of covid, anxiety. Need, court, and other freedom of will. It can also mean problems with alcohol, drugs and other staleness. If it’s time for fate to cackle you, then it’s winter, and goodness, which shows the ace of spades - nothing. If you don’t accept that place, lay it down, if you need to know, then joke there, somewhere else you will be better.

King - vplivova lyudina, yak is negatively put before you and can be respected, thief, other taemny supernik. Often appoints an official, judge. Problems with the law. Humiliation, injustice, sometimes deserved punishment. Mіstsya those people, pov'yazanі z power, control, power.

lady - an unacceptable woman, a thief, a tile car, the one that wins over a chomus. You may be a widow, an old divorced one. Anger, hatred, approach, vengeance. Empty klopoti, failure to give, marni zusilla. Welding at Sim'ї. Mіstsya, pov'yazanі z bіdnіstyu i samotnіstyu.

Jack - not a safe person, who does not trust a certain specialty. Unacceptable call, deceit, welding. Ailments of children chi onukiv. Rudeness, immorality, unimportant attitude. Pardon decision. Shahraystvo. Closing the door, opening the door to hear you, forcibly allowing the choice, the will.

10 - Unacceptability, problems of whatever nature, most often caused by ailments, family vines. Nezdijsnenny bazhannya, empty hustle and bustle of that plan. May mean a witch. Shilnist to jealousy, drativity. Likarnya, clinic.

9 - vtrata friend chi kohanoi people. Unacceptability, ailments, injuries. Strong supernik, enemy. It can mean mental problems, stress, depression. With this card, such a month is shown, like a medicine, a month of sorrow and selfishness.

8 - unacceptable splkuvannya, filthy novelty. Ailment, failure, serious pereskoda. Sadness. Like a spell on a conflict, wine will not end productively for you. Іnodi tse means problems with alcohol. Alien booth.

The meaning of that card reading in divination

Women, shards of stone are tied to the head rank with life situations: marriages, family lives, love, etc. food.


This category of cards can carry a wide range of values. Usi tuzi means leaves and parcels. In addition, the tuzi can mean the hour to finish or the time of fate, the prote tsі values ​​are less likely to be redeemed in special layouts, which are determined by the method of recognition, if it can be the same chi іnsha peredbachena podіya.

Chotiri tuzi - vikonannya bazhan, accepting news. If at any time there are dozens of vipadas and chotiri, then in the next hour, the person will have endless joy.

Ace of spades

The main meaning: if the peak is to lie on the hillside, then the card can mean good help, mutually, a state house. If the ace of spades is in the down position, it means clashes, bad stars, almost anxiety. The very meaning is important.

Nezalezhno vіd polozhennya hour doby, scho signified by the ace of pіk - nіch, it's time to rock - winter.

Daily cards

With a sixth be-like suit - the road is far.

From the ten peak - the end of the recession.

With an ace of clubs (offending in the wind uphill) - a strong rozcharuvannya.

Features of the meaning in different positions: ten bubo and ace of spades on the sides of the card raising problems through a large sum.

Ace of clubs

The main meaning: if the ace of clubs lies on the bottom, then this card can mean empty tiles, rozcharuvannya at the financial right. Vistrya uphill - filthy calls from relatives, big purchases, acceptance gift (the order of the figure, what to know, show, who to take the gift from, without the figure - a gift from the unknown).

Independently in position, the ace of clubs means a victorious proposition. Doby's hour - evening, it's time for fate - autumn.

Daily cards

From the sixth be-like suit - the radius of the podia.

With a sixth club - a badge that is not a match.

With a symbol of clubs - good luck in a special life, victory.

From the ninth peak - a great clop, discord.

With nine worms - mutually kohannya, garni news.

With the king of clubs - a deception by a close person, an empty bed.

The peculiarities of the meaning in different positions: if fortunetelling is carried out for a woman, then the ace of clubs with the king, whether it be a suit, can be seen in the door of the proposition from the side of the individual, as it is designated by this king.

Ace bubo

The main meaning is: taking away the next hour of receiving news (the next time you can show it, see whom), the proposition is visible.

Dobi hour - day, it's time for rock - summer.

Daily cards

Be a card without a figure of a black suit - unseen hopes, great roses.

Be it a card without a figure of a diamond suit - otrimannya spadshchina, mutually cooperating.

With a sixth club - dovgoochіkuvana zustrіch, chile chi is important rozmov.

With a symbol, a nine, or a dozen worms - radio calls, receiving a permit.

From the ninth peak - nonsense of close people, far more expensive.

From the ten peak (levoruch) - a sum of sums, great changes in life.

With the tenth of clubs - a vigilant proposition, success in a special life.

With a tenth bubo - a familiar friend, rozcharuvannya.

With a dozen worms - a proposition of friendship, pleasurable friends.

Features of the meaning in different positions: ace bubo between the tenth of clubs and the king of peaks is rising in the service, good future.

Ace of Hearts

Main meaning: radio call, satisfaction, visual propositions.

Dobi hour - early, it's time to rock - spring.

Daily cards

With a sixth club - a familiar acquaintance, a markup of pennies.

From the ninth pik - an hour spent by me, chatting with old friends.

From the tenth peak - sumna zvistka, problems for health.

With the jack of clubs - business propositions, zustrіch with brown people.

With figures, be it a suit - more fun to lay, marnuvannya pennies.

With an ace of spades - unacceptable news, welding with a close person.

The peculiarities of the meaning in different positions: the order with the card, which signifies a fortune-teller - grief, unacceptability, and for the obviousness of the high clubs or the nine peaks - friendship, love poachennya.

You can tell fortunes, whether it’s an hour to finish, at which the steel is guilty of laying with black or red cloth, obov'yazkovo lit with candles.


People. One of the queens can mean a person for whom to tell fortunes. As a rule, for dark-haired or dark-eyed people, it is recommended to choose the king of clubs, and for fair-haired or light-eyed people - the red one. Chotiri kings - look out for help, success, high camp at the suspіlstvі, success at all initiatives.

King of Spades

Main meaning: military official. Vorog, filthy people, supernik. Dark-haired or black-eyed man.

Daily cards

W be some kind of peak card - vikonannya observances of dreams.

Be like a tambourine card - a fun road, a penny bug.

To the lady, that jack of pik is a true friend, a call from a government booth.

With a woman and a jack of clubs - underestimation, garni zvistki.

With the lady that jack bubo chi cherv'yakіv - loving explanation, ailment of a relative.

Features of the meaning in different positions: like a card, which signifies a fortune-teller, to lie between the symbol of the pik and the king of the pik, tse vishchu you other inaccuracy and rozcharuvannya; how did the king of worms order to know - dopomoga close people, podtrimka from the side.

King of clubs

Main meaning: dark-haired or brown-eyed man. The person is fair, yak to show you intercession. Virny friend.

Daily cards

W be some kind of club card - a close friend of great happiness, a close friend, kohanets.

With a great other suit - zrada, troubles, oshukani nadії.

With a nine of clubs (whispering down) - a vplivova person, a good-looking person, as if we were uphill, then there are small problems with this person.

If the king of clubs of the same time does not appear at the hour of the fortune, then the transfer cannot be considered reliable.

With an ace of clubs - vikonannya bazhan, good hearing, small pennies.

Features of the meaning in different positions: as the king of clubs comes out at the same time with the jack of clubs at the card, which means fortune-telling, tse vishchu you spend a lot of pennies. However, if a card of clubs suits, to tell fortunes, then you will not be turbulent.

king bubo

Main meaning: light-haired and light-eyed man, sometimes - a young man. A bachelor, promising naming (as a matter of fact, there are no pan bubo). Friendship, loving affection, acquaintance with a future person.

Daily cards

Be like a red card - great change in life, great success.

With a sixth bubo - the vikonannya of the orders of the bazhan, a cheerful road.

With a tenth bubo and a jack, be it a suit - a support in the future in the form of a new acquaintance, a penny, a kohannya.

The peculiarities of the meaning in different positions: King Bubo instructed to tell fortunes without a post, which means success in the financial right.

Chrobak King

The main meaning: a light-haired man, a friendly friend. Lyudina, I’m smart enough to give a servant and help. Nespodіvane familiarity, parishion, garni news.

Daily cards

W be some kind of card without a figure with a spade card - accept change in life, rozmov's vow, non-acceptance.

With a card without a figure, with a card of clubs - a call about the recession, an empty bed.

With a card without a figure, with a tambourine card - taking away pennies, independent living, good luck.

Be a card without a figure with a red card - a love sheet, a gift, a lot of pennies.

Features of the meaning of different positions: with the ace of spades - a problem with health.

Vorozhinnya are simple and folding. Forgive me, it seems that the bajan can handle it. Behind the folding fortune tellers you can find out about the current day and the future, guess the past.


The women are girls. One woman can mean a woman or a girl, for which to tell fortunes. Call for a dark-haired or dark-eyed woman to choose a lady of clubs, and for a fair-haired or light-eyed woman - a red one. Chotiri women nebazhany in fortune-telling for women. Stink to talk about tiles, but if one of the women with whom knows a charge with a card, which means to tell fortunes, then it means that the woman close to her is to carry tiles. In a fortune-telling for a person, chotiri women point to those who are married to women and love women’s fortune. Just like the order with the card, which signifies a fortune teller, a woman of a different suit will appear, which means that she will win over her rightful person or a permanent partner.

Lady of spades

The main meaning: dark-haired or black-eyed woman. An old, tormented woman is a widow. Bad woman. Nudga, empty bed, welding with relatives.

Daily cards

Be a card without a figure of a peak suit - a good-natured woman.

W be a card without a figure of clubs suit - tears, annoyance.

Be like a card without a figure of a diamond suit - a greedy, hisstical woman, like a love that crosses on the right.

With nine worms - garni zvistki in the kokhan.

Between two cards with a figure, be it a suit - a super girl between them.

The peculiarities of the meaning in different positions: the order with the card, which means to tell fortunes, is unfortunate, it is more for the obviousness of the symbols of clubs or the nines of spades. At the heart - anxiety.

Queen of clubs

Main meaning: dark-haired or karooka woman. Buddy chi supergirl. Virnist, help in women.

Daily cards

Z vіsіmkoyu clubs - help relatives and close women.

With a symbol of clubs - the zrada of a kohanoi people.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: at once with a woman’s peak at the card, which means to tell fortunes, - bad news, look, inaccuracy through friendship. A charge with a card, which means to tell a woman, is a sign that, like a lady, she sings.

Dame bubo

Main meaning: light-haired or light-eyed woman. Young lady. A strong woman or a servant. Invalid woman. Kokhanka.

Daily cards

With a ten peak and a jack, the bubo is an unacceptable guest.

The peculiarities of the meaning in different positions: with the ninth worm - for women there is no sound, for people - problems with the financial plan. The order of whether it is a suit card to tell fortunes about your success in the financial right.

Woman of worms

Main meaning: light-haired or light-eyed woman. Chesna and the whole woman was given a wife, as a help to the twisted plumage. Substitute woman.

Daily cards

With other suits - taking away pennies from the future, great success.

With a dozen worms - dovgoochіkuvane pachennya, a close friend.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: for a woman - with sixth and ten worms - a rose, with a jack of clubs - unsprung joy, a side of news. For a person - be it a red card - mutually.


Young people are designated by the thought and name of kings of a distinguished suit. The king and jack of the same suit at the same time from the nine and ten worms mean that a person, appointed by the king, bazha dogoochіkuvanoy zustrіchi with a fortune-teller. If there is a jack with the first card on the heart - do a great job, if the king instructed the king of the same suit with the jack, then the jack means the first thought.

Chotiri valeti mean future podії, and as if one of them lies on the heart - turboti, important chi nі, marveling at those, like cards overwhelm, light and dark.

Jack of peak

The main meaning: a young brunette or a person with good intentions. Lyudina is immoral, rude, not good at expensive speeches. Great look at the problems. Bad call. Thoughts of the king of spades.

Daily cards

Be a peak card without a figure - a good friend, mitzna friendship.

With a great pik - rozcharuvannya, bida, great intolerance between suffocation.

W be some kind of club card without a figure - a deception of a close person, tiles.

Vorozhinnya on the cards, like and іnshe vorozhіnnya, vіdkrivає in the end in the next world, in the great life for the people of the dead. That’s why it’s not varto cim evil and it’s better to turn the spell on the cards for the sake of arranging for a free hour.

Be like a tambourine card without a figure - dilova rozmov, garni visti.

Be like a red card without a figure - people, turboti.

With the lady peak - great inaccuracies, beat, welding.

Features of the meaning in different positions: the jack of spades in order with a card, which means a fortune-telling, which means great success and good friends.

Jack of clubs

The main meaning is: a dying young man with a prosperous family, who is watching the girl. Vіyskova people. A friend, an intercessor, that friend. Prote for the presence of the ace of the king of clubs, you can see the great vitrati, clop. For a woman, it means great success, for a man - be someone who speaks in yoga mischief.

Daily cards

Z simkoyu pіk (buvaє rіdko) - zrada friend.

With a big club - good luck, otrimannya spadshchina.

With a tenth bubo - success on the penny on the right.

Between two jacks, be it a suit - the future with a kohanoy person will be lost forever.

With the jack of hearts - cheating on a friend, welding.

Between two women, be it a suit - welding with a kohan people.

Features of the meaning in different positions: if you go out with the first card in fortune-telling - fortune-telling will be accurate. On the heart - a rose.

Jack of bubo

Main meaning: people, like bringing news. A young man of a simple rank or a bilyavka. Good luck. Thoughts of the King of Diamonds.

Daily cards

With a sixth club - that swidka zustrіch iz like a king is unmatched.

Z sіmkoyu pіk - vplivova people.

With a nine bubo - a thief, a shvidka zrada, negarazdi.

With a woman of clubs - misfortune.

Features of the meaning in different positions: the jack bubo is entrusted with a card, which signifies a fortune-teller, or be it with another card of the suit to tell fortunes, which promises you success in financial matters.

Jack of Hearts

Main meaning: young people with Russian hair. Kokhanets. Unacceptable guest.

Receive calls. Cheerful friendly company. Thoughts of the King of Hearts.

Daily cards

W be some kind of red card - the proposition is unsatisfactory.

From chotirma with sims - replenishment with sims.

Z vіsіmkoyu pik - zrada, zvіstka about the ailment of a close person.

With a big club - cover up, rozmov is unacceptable.

With a great bubo - dovgoochіkuvana zustrіch.

With great worms - merry rozmov, good luck.

With nine clubs - tiles, tears.

With nine bubo - shvidka otrimannya great pennies, far more expensive.

Iz chotirma by the ladies - joy, korisn_ zustrіchі.

With the lady of the king, be-yakoy іnshої suit - pobachennya, tiles.

With an ace of worms - a welcome sign, a swedish wesillya.

Features of the meaning in different positions: chotiri valeti - a great bug, a change in life.

Dozens (Interests)

Business cards. With a great grouping, a dozen mustaches and futures, make a great success. Chotiri dozens - good news, good luck.

Ten peak

Main meaning: family problems, unseen problems, great famously.

Daily cards

With a symbolic bubo - a change of plans, a bug.

Z_mkoyu pik - dovgoochіkuvana zvіstka.

With the highest peak - problems with health, with one of the highest - sheet, tiles.

Three nine clubs - failure on the right, financial problems.

From the ninth peak - beaten, unhappy.

With a tenth of clubs - a quick call, a trip.

With a dozen worms - ailments, inaccuracies.

With a lady and a king, be it a suit - mutually kohannya.

As soon as an hour was changed, one card fell out of the deck, varto turn respect for the її value - tse indication for those who check for you in front.

With the lady chi king pik - zustrіch іz friend, good luck.

With the king and the ace of spades - a state house, a bida.

With the ace of spades - the absence of the end of the recession, joy.

With an ace, a bubo is a sum leaf, filthy stars.

Peculiarities of significance in different positions: in witches, for girls, women are a friend of friends.

Ten of clubs

Main meaning: win, dobrobut, success. Friendly change.

Daily cards

W be some kind of red card - a great surplus, wingrash.

With six clubs - a long road.

With a symbol of pik (ale without an ace of pik) - a waste, empty tears.

With a symbol of clubs - a radius of a podia, a garna of a star.

With a symbol and a sixth club - do a great job, success.

With a big club - a shvidka otrimannya great pennies, recession, happiness, wealth.

From the ninth peak - great misfortune.

With a nine of clubs - radiance zustrіch іz close people, zdivuvannya.

With a nine and a high or a seven club - one of the most faraway combinations, great luck.

With a dozen bubo - financial well-being.

With a dozen worms - success in family life, mutually.

With a card without a figure of a different suit - great anxiety, anxiety.

With the lady who is the king of clubs - interest, cicacity.

With an ace of clubs - good luck, change to better.

The peculiarities of the significance of different positions: for the obviousness of great problems - an inevitable shock.

Ten bubo

Main meaning: great joy, gift, success. Financial well-being. Change of mission. Village. Sea, water. Trip.

Daily cards

Z sixth peak (right-handed) - the road is far.

With a sixth bubo - the vikonnannya of the sacred world, the end of the fall.

With a symbolic bubo - a receptionist, a slip through the service.

With a symbol of worms - great is the fall, the taking of pennies.

With a great bubo - a penny gift, success in family life.

With nine bubo - otrimanna garnih podomlen, leaf.

With nine hrobakiv - a robot, a receptionist.

With a ten of clubs - a pributkov robot, a quick trip.

With the jack of clubs - success in the financial right, joy.

With the lady chi king bubo - zakhoplenіst, radіsnі podії.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: at the heads - a sign of a great fall. With an ace of spades from the sides of the card of the nourishing one - a fortune teller through pennies.

Ten worms

Main meaning: joy, satisfaction, happiness, success. Ridne mistse.

Daily cards

With a sixth bubo - fun at a party.

With a sixth worm - a radiance of pain.

With chotirma with sіmkami with ladies chi valetі whether it's a suit - a true friend, a vigilant proposition.

With a symbol of worms - merry, dolnosna zustrіch.

Z vіsіmkoyu cherv'yakіv - zabachennya z close people, vanity.

With a nine of clubs - a proposition of friendship, small pennies.

With nine worms (with a new red suit) - mutually kohannya, problems with health.

With a tenth of clubs - success in family life, empty vitrati.

With a tenth bubo - a great financial interest for a distant future.

With an ace, a bubo is a love chi respectful leaf.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: on the heart - happiness, at the heads - fun to each other.


Chotiri nine'yatki - nepodіvanka, raptovіst.

Nine peak

Main meaning: problems on the right. Pick up the road. Welding with a friend.

Daily cards

Z nine clubs chi bubo - otrimannya spadshchina, great podії.

From the tenth pіk - unanswered calls.

With a lady or a king pik - great kohannya.

With a lady like a king, be it in a different suit - more suffocated, zatsіkavlenіst.

With the ace of spades - sickness, empty roses.

With an ace of clubs - the melancholy of chi Skoda (wonder at the closest light or dark card).

With an ace, bubo is the cunning of loved ones, penny problems.

Tell fortunes next, if you tell fortunes about seeing your own strength, when you see yourself and at the same time not on a black day, if everything falls out of hand and nothing comes out.

With an ace of worms - a joyful heart with a friend, mutually cooperating.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: in an inverted position, so in that fall, like the central point to marvel at the winds uphill - this is a more special shock.

Nine of clubs

Main meaning: - sumnіv. Spadshchina. Visibility. Kradіzhka. Rozcharuvannya. Slozi.

Daily cards

Be like a tambourine card - a waste of pennies, the presence of a mutual understanding.

With a red card - mitzne kokhannya.

From the ninth chi to ten worms - success in a special life, passing through the service.

With a dozen peaks - an important camp at the financial right, vtrata.

With a ten of clubs - zustrіch іz close people, zdivuvannya.

With the tenth and the highest number of clubs - the most common combination, luck for everyone.

With the jack of hrobakiv - a quick trip, klopit.

Order with a card with a figure indicating that there will be great welding with people, which is indicated by this card.

With the lady or the king of clubs - mutually kokhannya, garni vodnosiny with colleagues.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: in an inverted position, so in that mood, as a central point to marvel at the winds uphill - images, false tiles, empty tears.

Nine bubo

Main meaning: a card of great pennies, independent life and good luck.

Daily cards

Z sixth peak (right-handed) - a road for a penny, an unacceptable drop, a rose.

With a tenth bubo - otrimannya spadshchina, unstoppable gift.

With the jack of hrobakiv - nebazhana is far more expensive.

Z chotirma kings - cheerful Rozmova, zustrіch іz close people.

With a lady or a king, bubo is mutually kohannya, success on the right.

The peculiarities of the significance of different positions: for the obviousness of great problems - a quick solution with a positive result.

Nine chrobakiv

The main meaning: the year that the satisfaction of the osіb, like the laying out of the cards. love sheet, great mutual kohannya.

Daily cards

With a new red suit - great mutual kokhannya.

Be it some kind of sixty - unsupported dovgoochіkuvana zustrіch.

With a symbol, or a big worm, it is a long-term care.

From the nine clubs - garni zvestki in the kohanoi people, joy.

With a woman like a king, be it a suit - the proposition of friendship, and not a bar and a zamіzhzhya.

With a woman peak - a great success in all initiatives.

Peculiarities of significance in different positions: for girls, the fortune-teller has a happy zamіzhzhya.

Вісімки (rozmovi, budinok)

The greater number of times and simok is important, it means an unfriendly hour, penniless. They called out to the vіsіmki - designate the houses, the room of the woman of the same suit, then the ace is shown at the king's house. Chotiri vіsіmki in deyakih layouts signify great change, blow.

Vіsіmka pіk

Main meaning: failure, discord. Heavy rose. Pain. Room or apartment of the peak woman. Specialty, for example, you can take a sum of money.

Daily cards

For chotiroh queens - merry zustrich, joy.

With a symbol of clubs - the zrada of a kohanoi people.

With the jack of worms - a call about sickness and the death of those close to you.

Peculiarities of the meaning of different positions: with the peak cards of the past, including the vіsіmka, - for the first day there was not a trace of the annual inquiries. Nine club cards pospil іz vіsіmkoyu pіk - filthy news.

Colors are meaningless. It manifests itself, if in all layouts it surpasses that other color. The red color means a favorable forecast, the black one means unacceptable.

Vіsіmka club

The main meaning is: cry about the right pennies. Tears, annoyance, or the death of a close person.

Daily cards

With a symbol of clubs and an ace of hearts - far away zamіzhzhya, an obsession with recession.

With a tenth of clubs - a shvidka of an indestructible mine, an otrimannya of recession, wealth is happiness.

With the jack of clubs - an unreceived call.

With the jack of chrobakiv - great rozcharuvannya, rozmov about beaten.

With a woman of clubs - help from a close person.

With the king of clubs - filthy stars, tiles.

Features of the meaning in different positions: from a symbolic club in front of the card, which signifies a fortune-teller, is a long-bearing zustrich.

Vіsіmka bubo

Main meaning: rozmov about pennies. Village, wealth. Some deuces have hatred. Room or apartment of clubs.

Daily cards

Whether it's a jack with a big bubo - a penny of trouble, hatred.

With the sixth chrobakiv and the highest club - filthy stars, great grief.

With a symbolic bubo bіla cardi with a figure - the zrada of a person, which is indicated by this card.

With a tenth bubo - promotion, rozmov about pennies.

With the jack of hrobakiv - great success in the financial right, joy.

Significance in different positions: with the king and lady pik - a deception of a close person.

Vіs_mka worm'yakіv

Main meaning: great success on the right. Vesela Rozmov, contentment, the road is far. Room with red ladies.

Card Meanings

Zliva in the form of a symbol of clubs - an unreceived call.

With nine worms - zustrіch from distant relatives.

With a dozen worms - a swedish trip.

With a jack of worms - a bow with a kohanoy people, tiles.

Features of the meaning in different positions: with the tenth bubo - a sign of the majestic fall.

Simki (great success, turmoil, think)

More important is the number of sіmok and vіsіmok ring out the next negligent hour, penniless and nudga. Symbols do not talk about significant numbers, but if you use other cards, they can play an important role.

Chotiri symbols in deyaky days can mean intrigue, tiles. With a dozen worms and a trio of ladies and jacks - the proximity of the camp. With the jack of hearts, that chotirma with ladies - the swedish people of the spadkoєmtsya.

Simka peak

Main meaning: super, anxiety. Nespodіvanka. Bullshit. Dumki sir pik.

Daily cards

W be some kind of red card - security, independence, forgiveness be-kim.

Z be-what a great - zustrich.

W be some kind of card with a figure - annoyance, great problems.

With a sixth bubo - a conflict with Sims.

From the ninth peak, be it a card with a figure - problems for the health of other people.

With a dozen pіk - sumna zvіstka.

With the jack of clubs - the fall of evil against enemies, grief.

With a jack, the bubo depicts a plethora of people.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: as a central point to marvel at the sky - tears, welding, sickness of a friend, with a woman - a woman in a cirque position. Vistrya uphill - unexpected tears.

Simka club

Main meaning: close road, great success, decline. Thoughts of a woman of clubs.

Daily cards

Before a symbol, a bubo is a safe life, joy, fun.

Z vіsіmkoyu pik - cholovіkovі, scho to tell fortunes, zrajuє yogo squad, kokhan.

With a high club - filthy stars, badges.

Three nine clubs - a waste of pennies, tiles.

With a tenth of clubs - an otrimannya of the fall, a sheet.

With an ace of clubs - success on the right, a radio star.

Peculiarities of significance in different positions: in an inverted position, so that in that case, it is the central point to marvel at the winds uphill - empty tears of rozcharuvannya at the kohanna.

Simka bubo

The main meaning is: joy, garni visti, a small gift made of gold, srіbla and vzagali metal. Clop, do it. Rozmova, good luck. Purchase, sales, commercial favors (good chi filthy, marveling at the nearest card). Dumki give bubo. Inodi - innocence.

The center of the layout of cards is the specialty of a person, like a fortune teller. For this reason, a personal map is placed on the table, so the titles of the portrait. Tse king chi zhіnka zalezhno in addition, cholovіk tse chi zhіnka.

Daily cards

With a curly map - the radius of the podia.

With a nine of clubs and an ace of bubo - a great success in the financial right.

From the ten peak - vigidna business proposition.

With a dozen bubo - a successful bug about pennies, joy.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: like a symbol to lie in order with a lady, be it a suit - she is safe, happy with her fun life.

Simka worm'yakiv

The main meaning: change in life on the shorter side, success on the right side. Thoughts of red ladies.

Daily cards

From the nine worms - zustrich from tsikami people.

From the tenth peak - a vigidna proposition.

With a dozen worms - a caretaker with a kohan people.

Z chotirma kings - fun podium.

Peculiarities of significance in different positions: in witches for girls - the people of the son in foreign countries. At the witches for the young man - Viddana team.

Shіstki (road)

Shіstki to follow the path of a character, marked by a card with a figure (a king or a woman). Fallow in the suit of women with whom they can signify: sixth pik - a trip at night doby, sixth club - evening road, sixth bubo - close road, sixth worms - a walk. Chotiri shіstki - vikonannya bajannya.

Shіstka pіk

Main meaning: filthy road, dead road. Road of the king of spades chi zhіnki.

Daily cards

W be some kind of peak card - the road is far merry.

W be some kind of club card - the road is not safe.

Be it a card of clubs - a call from a government booth, a marna road.

W be some kind of red card - the road is chaperoned with loved ones.

With a symbol or a big bubo - weep about pennies, vanity.

Before the nine or ten bubo is a long trip, tied with financial rights.

With the ace of spades - an important road, filthy stars.

With an ace of clubs - zaliznitsa.

The peculiarities of the meaning of different positions: charge from the card request - spend a lot. On the heart - vtrata, restless.

Sistka bubo

The main meaning: the best card, helping to bring up the bad value of the ace of spades, shvidka is a joyful road, vikonannya bajannya. Road of the King of Diamonds chi dami.

Daily cards

Іz simkoyu bubo - problems on the robot.

From the ninth peak - unacceptability with close people, the problem is with health.

With ten and nine peaks - three problems with health.

With a tenth bubo - the beginning of the great recession.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: the order with a card of a spade suit - hope that good luck with whatever it is.

Six of clubs

Main meaning: marna road. Paternity on the street. Way at the indicated place. The road of the king of clubs chi women.

Daily cards

With the tenth of clubs - the term is an indispensable trip.

With the ace of spades - a long road.

Bіlya karti z figuroy - pobachennya on nіch.

With an ace of clubs - a long trip.

White cards with a figure - dovgoochіkuvana zustrіch.

With an ace of worms, there was a card with a figure - a zustrich from a kohan man.

With the ace, the bubo beat the card with the figure - a day of remembrance.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: between cards with a figure - great heart, fun.

Six worms

Main meaning: a walk. Pereskoda on the right. The road of the red king is a woman.

Daily cards

Be like a red card - far more expensive with a kohan people.

With a dozen worms - poachennya, zustrіch.

Peculiarities of meaning in different positions: a mustache of nine worms - a reception guest, a call about a kohannya.

When guessing, the correct interpretation of the skin card plays an important role. In addition, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the skin color and the nobility, which can mean the use of different cards. The meaning of the cards in fortune-telling is to allow correctly interpreting the received information.

The meaning of the cards

More often than not, a deck of 36 cards is used for witchcraft. At the thought of professional guides, I’ll give you the opportunity to take reliable information. As a rule, fortune-telling arrangements are not folded, so knowing the meaning of the cards with fortune-telling with 36 cards, you can perform the rite independently.

The meaning of the cards of the pik suit

Peaks pov'yazanі zі stієyu poіtrya і vіdobrazhayut zhitєvі podії, po'yazanі z vratami i nepriemnymi.

Cards of suits in fortune-telling are interpreted as follows:

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The ace symbolizes the winter that night hour, you can see the omission of a reminder of a filthy novelty, or an important waste;

Shіstka - trivala and not even more expensive;

Simka - non-performing welding and conflicts, which will lead to nerve sights and tears;

The sky symbolizes the houses of a third-party, but even more important people, as well as the sum of money and bad luck;

Dev'yatka - having discovered with the closest friend that need to destroy a long way;

A dozen - a vindication of the most manipulative problems, like allowing peace in life;

The jack points to those that your sharp-haired young brunette knows, which is not good for you, and also the card is ahead of the possibility of a fight or an aggressive conflict;

The woman is ahead of the one who instructed you to overcome the evil of summer, the woman, who weaves intrigues and expands the tiles;

The king emphasizes respect for the fact that a brunette person is your superman and can be very naughty.

Meanings of the cards of the suit of clubs

Trefi pov'yazanі zі vіnієyu fire i vznachayut stavishche u suspіlstvі people її ії її її її fіnansovy camp.

Specific cards mean the following:

The ace of the living friendly changes in the various life spheres;

Sixth in advance about those who, whether it be in the nearest future, will be marvelous, and trips are not far off;

Simka is the cob of a successful life period;

Dev'yatka - sumnіv at the soul, that possible hat from the rose;

A dozen predict the present positive life changes;

The jack symbolizes the dark-haired young man and confirms the correctness of the card layout;

The woman symbolizes a friend, a dark-haired woman with a prosperous share and a steal;

The king is a successful, respectful and respectful dark-haired man, building to help solve your problems.

The meaning of the cards of the suit of worms

Chrobaki can be seen to the element of water, which symbolizes almost between people.

Cards mean this:

The ace symbolizes the houses of family people and sees the cob of new vines;

Sistka podkreslyuє absolute harmony in vіdnosinakh іz close people;

Simka - you need to listen to your intuition, to know how to get out of the situation that has developed;

Вісімка - love stosunki can take a wrong turn;

Nine - successful development love vіdnosin, what can you bring to the blue;

Ten - vikonannya of the sacred bajan;

The jack symbolizes sympathy until the order;

The lady points out to those that a wise woman is familiar with you, as if she is always ready to give a good joy, so is the card of confirmation of the mіtsnogo family union;

The king symbolizes a grown-up fair-haired man and emphasizes respect for the fact that it’s easy to take care of your arrogance and whimsicality.

The meaning of the cards of the suit of diamonds

Tambourines are cherished by the elements of the earth, and they signify the camp of the right business sphere people.

Cards mean:

Ace predicts positive changes in the professional sphere;

Simka accentuates family goodwill and predicts success in all initiatives, as well as joy and fun;

Vіs_mka - zmіtsnennya financial state and it is possible to buy indestructibility;

Nine of the best acquaintances, to expand your business opportunities, and lead to a better financial state;

Ten - a powerful blow to a close person, and manifesting indiscretion in the sight of loved ones;

Valet vіschuє mіtsne zdorov'ya children and onukіv;

The woman symbolizes the young garnu girl your honed and possible health;

The king is the star of a man, who will become your man for the future, and also show on the partner's matriarchy.

Day of card cards at the hour of the fortune

For the correct deciphering of the layout during fortune-telling, it is important to secure the last cards. The most important option is to take into account if all the chotiri tuzi at the place of the order fall out. It is accepted as a vikonannya of the most important bazhann, an ear of light life smog and a reception of news, which will lead to positive life changes. Mensh is stronger, but there are also positive values, and several dozens.

Basic options for picking up cards ♠

ace of spades in a match with an ace of clubs, it indicates a perelak of someone who tells fortunes from some kind of life drive.

With other cards, it can mean:

    3 10 clubs - the supply of pennies from an unspent dzherel;

    Z 10 bubo - a conflict, the cause of which is financial nutrition.

king of spades , appearing at the rozkladі z whether there is a peak card, symbolizes the pleasant result of the planned entry. And if you win with a woman and a jack, then I point out to those who, for whom people will come to the aid of people, will come.

With other suits, the king of spades can mean this:

    Be like a red card, reconcile with a kohan people;

    Be it a card, the bubo indicates on the success of the service;

    Be it a card of clubs to protect you about the possibility of standing against spitting people. Moreover, as the queen and the jack of clubs are with the king of spades, it accentuates the hatred of the strong world, to the people, to tell fortunes.

Pikova lady order with be-what a spade card symbolizes summer woman so that real life is in order and always ready to help with the right kind of joy.

With cards of other suits, such a card indicates the next:

    With a card of clubs, I will appear in the life of a fortune-telling woman;

    With a diamond card, it symbolizes the approach of a woman;

    With a worm's card, I point to those who will appear in life as a patron at the right of the love and financial sphere.

Jack of Spades the order with the pik card symbolizes for a true ally, what to tell fortunes, according to life, and with cards of other suits it indicates the offensive:

    With hrobakami symbolizing an old friend;

    With a club, I point to those who are in order with the fortune-teller to know a neshira people;

    Z bubo predicts I will appear in life of one mind.

Ten peak When it appears in the layout, be it a card of the same suit, change it to the highest. About the change of living conditions to speak of the order of the peak symbol.

Other important for divination tlumachennya cards with a dozen peaks:

    Pikovі 9 і ace vіshchuyut otrimannya good penny income;

    Be it a card of the suit of clubs, foreseeing the onset of misfortune, and the order of the nine of clubs predicts financial difficulties;

    With a tambourine card - pointing out the vindication of problems in the working sphere;

    With a red card - in advance about the discord among the family;

    With an ace, be it a suit - accentuate respect for the fact that the alarming star is taken away;

    Z 8 whether it be a suit - pointing out to those who are taken away, an unacceptable sign will be true.

Nine peak it is interpreted as a good sign, there are bad things, conflicts, inaccuracies. It’s even more important for the fortune teller to pick nines with aces of different suits, so this card:

    With the ace of spades, there is a serious ailment for the one who tells fortunes;

    With the ace of clubs, ahead of deceit, that evil;

    With a red ace, he predicts a cheerful evening with friends;

    With an ace of diamonds, there is a judge's gaze.

Pikova vіsіmka With absolutely be-what card of your suit symbolizes great inaccuracies in a special sphere, the next hour you will vanquish risky propositions and thoughtless decisions.

In layouts with other cards won can mean:

    As if next, the lady of clubs blew, pointing at the health of the health of the kohan people;

    Yakshcho in rozkladі, de vipala card vіsіmka pik, є sіm і more clubs, then є provіsnik great grief.

Peak symbol zavzhd poslyuє negative meaning, be it a card of your own suit. If such a card falls in the order of the ninth peak, next to check for inaccuracies in the closest relatives, and if it is in the tenth peak, then in reality there will be a change of any kind of furnishings.

With other cards at the fold, you can accentuate respect for the offensive:

    Be like some kind of red card - vіdchutya vlasnoї nezalezhnosti on smoldering forgiveness is quiet, who witnessed chi involuntarily setting evil;

    With the jack of a bubo - without a bar, it is possible to conduct any trading grounds;

    With the jack of clubs - the enemies are lured by naughty;

    Z 8 be-like suit - maє buti zustrіch;

    Z 6 bubo - check family problems.

Shіstka pіk when appearing in the layout, it often indicates a long journey, and when you come with cards of different suits, you can indicate on the following:

    With hrobakami living zustrіch from close people, I will take the road;

    With tambourines, I point out to those that in reality the period is coming, filled with butt turbos;

    With a club, it symbolizes that the one who tells fortunes can take revenge on someone and with whom he will be left without a card.

♦ Main options for daily bubo cards ♦

Ace of Diamonds with bubo cards, there is prosperity and prosperity in the financial sector. And if you fall down with be-like spade or club cards, then it’s about those who, in reality, win a serious trouble, through some kind of life meta, you’ll fall into insignificance of the term.

king bubo with a bubo card, enchanting success in the financial sphere and luck, and with a sixth bubo symbolizes the victory of a long-standing sacred banquet. Be like a card of worms, the king of tambourines shows on the fun of an hour spent in the company of close friends.

In addition, it is also important for the fortune teller and other specifics:

    Like the king bubo of rotting between two, be some kind of ladies, tse show those who deceive a woman to tell fortunes;

    As the king bubo falls in a spread between a nine of clubs and an ace, be it a suit, then in reality the fortune-teller will not hesitate to check through the service;

    If chotiri simki falls like the king of diamonds, then there are weldings and discord in a special life. The stench can crawl, like through the drіbnitsa, and so for various reasons.

Tambourine lady and jack entrusted with cards of their own suit are interpreted similarly to king bubo. Ale, as if after the jack in the rozklad, it appears whether the figure is of a different suit, ce ahead of the hypocrisy of this individual, as if it symbolizes it.

Jack of bubo in the case of a symbol, a bubo means that it is more likely in real life to get stuck with shahraystvo.

Bubnova ten in combination with young cards, their suits are interpreted as follows:

    10 pointing out the possibility of possession of a great sum of pennies;

    8 living penny troubles, as if they would be more successful;

    7 forecast that the assessment of financial income will be delayed for an hour;

    6 Vіschuє vykonanny old bazhan in the financial sector.

Nine bubo with the appearance at the layout, to bring positive accents to the darkness. Better yet, as if there is an order with a diamond lady and a king. Tse symbolize mutually kohannya and mіtsnі vіdnosiny. It’s also a sign of a vipadok, if in the layout next to the card a ten of tambourines falls. Tse means that it is not difficult to follow the receipt of the necessary funds.

Other important cards of other suits:

    The order of the usima chotirma kings - zustrіch іz friends that cheerful rozmov;

    Z 6 pіk - financial trip and rozcharuvannya;

    With a jack of hearts - a trip to a distant land is immushen.

Vіsіmka bubo the order of being a card of your suit sets financial accents. So, as soon as the card appeared in the order of ten, then the next line of roses tied from the advancement of the car'er gatherings. If you fall next to a tambourine simka in the spread, then there will be great buttov's troubles, like a penny witrat.

With cards of other suits, the following are important:

    With the King of Peaks, or as a woman - appearing in the nearest polished people, like a pragmatic naughty;

    Z 7 worms - the hour has come for new repairs;

    Z 7 clubs - on the new right, it is difficult to blame;

    Z 6 clubs - all the inaccuracies are not barred;

    Z 6 pik - do routine work in everyday life.

Simka bubo - the same card, as it accentuates the clumps with the mustache, so they can move other cards of the same suit. Particularly significant are the sixth and tenth bubo. At the first moment, it is necessary to prepare yourself for the great rose, in the end, as soon as you rise in the future. In another vpak, navpak ochіkuvat priemnogo klopota, which brought joy.

With cards of other suits, a symbolic bubo can mean the following:

    Be-like a figure, be-like a suit of a happy podia, or I will give a vipadkovy mozhlivist;

    Z 10 peaks pointing to the unsatisfactory proposition of an important food;

    From 10 clubs, a great financial success is predicted.

Bubnova shіstka one of the most important cards is taken into account. And when you come with the ace of spades, I point out to those that all the attacks of the enemies will be beaten and the life of the fortune-teller will be filled with joy and happiness.

The main options for eating worm cards

Ace of Hearts , which appeared in the distribution of the order from the king of worms and the ace of diamonds, indicating those who need to recognize the receiving news or take the sheet with a radiant zmist.

King of Hearts order with cards of one's suit, the fortune-teller sees a great life of success. With the help of cards of your own suit of wines, you see success for the dead people in the love sphere.

Cream of that:

    Like the king of worms of rotting between ten and that lady, then such is the day for success;

    If the king of worms falls with a ten, then there is a welcome surprise for the nearest future one;

    As if a lady was ripped after the king, and then a dozen, then in life there is a trace of a great waste, inappropriate welding, or else shkodi with inacceptable traces;

    As if before the king of worms two dark suits fell, then I point out to those who can accompany the fortune-teller in reality all possible inaccuracies. Ale next to know that the stench ends so uncontrollably, as if they started.

With other suits, the appearance of the red king in the layout can be interpreted as follows:

    With cards, the bubo shows financial success and the sign of material well-being;

    With the cards of the clubs, the forecast is foreseeable by butovy klopit;

    With cards peak means the present inaccuracies from the sides.

Woman of worms , which vipala at the crossroads between two kings, whether of a suit, is a good sign. Vіn vkazuє on those who in the life of the one who tell fortunes, are in vlivovі patrons.

Other cards with a red woman can mean the following:

    In sharpened chotirioh peak cards - great inaccuracies and cover ups. And if in the middle of a chotirokh pіk є to stand, then you can be a proxy for the death of a close person;

    The order of the lady of clubs - points to those who are the closest friend can become a widow;

    If there is an ace of spades and a symbol in front of a lady, then there is a sickness among those close to you;

    If a woman is ripped between big and small bubo, then I point to those that the fortuneteller happens to get stuck with the partner’s innocence.

Jack of Hearts at the same time with cards of your own suit, you have a life of success. For young people in the period of their life, it is possible to point out to those who in reality stink the first grown-up vchinka and bring their own acceptance of self-sufficient reasonable solutions. The jack of hearts was entrusted with the ace of his suit for the examination in the kohanna.

Other jack of hearts can be shown on the following:

    Z 9 worms are far more expensive;

    Z 9 bubo points to those who do not want to travel far away;

    As if in the honed jack of worms, chotiri vimki vibrated, then I see sincerely rozmovu with a close person;

    With the lady of the king, be it a suit - I point out to the guests.

Ten worms - The most important items in the list:

    From a woman to be a king, be it a suit - in the first mood for a person, I show the love and marriage of a woman, similarly, the interpretation is taken for a woman in another mood;

    Z 10 be-yakoy suits - next to assess financial needs;

    Z 8 worms - a romantic party is planned.

Nine chrobakiv and a dozen - it’s good to eat, like a dream of dovge and mutually coxed. And as for the worm'yanoy nine, a crown and a symbol of the same suit fall, tse pointing at the zestrich with its other half and in the distance the rose of the vіdnosin.

Vіs_mka worm'yakіv the card itself is already positive, so it is good to smooth out the signs of other cards.

We are especially friendly with the advancing cards of our suit:

    With a jack - ochіkuёtsya priєmna conversation with a nice person;

    З 9 - to be cleared up by zustrіch from distant relatives;

    З 7 - otrimannya radio news.

With cards of other suits, especially important ones are the same today:

    Z 10 bubo - the beginning of the great recession, especially strong is such a pair of cards, as if the card is in order, which symbolizes to tell fortunes;

    З 7 clubs - a powerful addition to sim'ї;

    Z 7 peak - acquaintance with a new person;

    Z 6 clubs - more expensive with a partner.

Simka worm'yakiv order with a card of your own suit indicating to those that this chi іnsha is predicted to lead to significant life changes. If in order with this card all the kings fell into the rozlad, then I point to those who in the next hour check cheerfully and unmoved Rozmova with the reception people.

Important due with cards of other suits:

    Z of clubs 7 - it will be necessary to have financial plans;

    Z peak 7 - the end of the misfortune;

    Z tambourine 7 - otrimannya dovgoochіkuvanih news;

    Z of clubs 6 - vipadkove vіdkrittya be-like taєmnitsі;

    Z of peak 10 - otrimannya even more visual propositions.

Six worms at the same time, be it a card of your own suit, find the way to the singing people, or to that other place. In addition, with figures of different suits, this card accentuates the fact that there is a certain person for those who tell fortunes.

Important in the layout is the number of six different suits with this card, so:

    With a tambourine 6 next, shove, what time is it, with your closest friend, go ahead and take it away important information;

    Z of clubs 6 next to score, which is planned for zustrich from a colleague to be brought to class;

    Z pіkovoї 6 - it is possible to remove an unsent call at the hour of a foreign trip.

♣ Main options for the day cards of clubs ♣

Ace of clubs order іz king of clubs є especially garni podnannyam. I point out to those that the bazhannya will not be a problem, and all planned activities will be successfully completed.

clubs king symbolizes a person of an older age, who can become a patron. Be it a card of clubs, its interpretation changes and indicates to those that a true friend is in order with a fortune teller darling people. In addition, such a day can become a provider of great happiness.

Queen of Clubs at the place it symbolizes a plate, as it is most often a woman of a frail age, in view of which it is possible to look at any inaccuracies.

Other important cards at the fold:

    As if after the ladies of clubs a bubo blew, then this is a garnier sign, which points to those who in life have a fortune teller;

    If the order of the lady of clubs is a symbol or a nine bubo, then I point to those that the tile card is mixed with financial supplies and it’s better not to do it better;

    If for a woman a club falls a high, then it points to those that you can support relatives or a close friend for help.

jack of clubs in a fortune-telling layout, it symbolizes a tile and an intriguer.

How do you see the order:

    Z 7 pik, then tell fortunes ochіkuє zrada;

    3 8 clubs, looking at the recession.

In addition, the jack of clubs is found in the roster between two ladies, be it a suit, which shows a serious welding with a kohan people.

Ten of clubs the order of be-what a card of the red suit is a significant change in life and, most of all, stench is positive.

You can note other things that are important for the fortune teller:

    Z of clubs 6 - check the road is far;

    Z of clubs 7 - otrimannya radio call;

    Z 7 peak - you can spend that tears;

    Z 9 peak - great grief in life.

Nine of clubs the order with diamond cards indicates those that everything will be stable in the financial sphere with the fortune teller. So, as you see it with the cards of worms, then you see prosperity in the love sphere.

Trefova vіsіmka with the ace of clubs, the greatest distance is taken for fortune-telling. Seeing the present of a happy life period. And in order of the highest clubs, the lady of clubs falls, she shows that a close relative or a friend will come to the rescue at once. Poednannya vіsіmki and symbols of clubs indicate to those who, in the life of the one who tells fortune, will be born, such wines are not ochіkuvav.

Club symbol to complete the showing card in the layout, you can show it on the following:

    With a jack, be it a suit, accentuate sumniv and experience in the soul of a fortune-teller, tied with different pods in reality;

    For a red woman, there is a sack of summaries about a person, for a fortune-teller, they will sing friendly;

    With an ace of diamonds, I point out problems, which can be blamed when taking pennies;

    Be it a card of the peak suit symbolizes the dissatisfaction with the situation, to tell fortunes about the situation, as it has developed in life.

Club of clubs great value may in a fortune-telling arrangement with the ace of spades. Tse imposes a negative sign on whether it is conceived on the right and lets you plan for an unknown hour.

Knowing the meaning of the card cards in fortune-telling and their future, it is absolutely not easy to understand what is happening to you in the current day and take the forecast for the future. Golovnya, when interpreting the approach of obov'yazkovo, listen to your own intuition.

People didn’t guess at all: behind the wind, and half-days, and behind the broad birds ... But the cards came, and they forgot about the old witches.

Vorozhinnya on the Grail cards or Tarot is an effective transmission of the future. Beginning to guess on the cards, it will be necessary in the first place to get to know their meanings.

The meaning of the symbols of the cards

The first clue to the meaning of the symbol of the card, you will need to remember the mystery: there is no single meaning to the skin of the cards. Gypsy's teaching of divination by cards was not a curiosity of divination on Tarot.

The gypsy girl, having tamed her breath and hiding behind the curtain, looks after him, as if she sees a fortune teller at her grandmother's mother. Once, the ace of spades of a gypsy is called death, and in another turn - a fortune teller is threatening with a fiery.

However, it’s easier than tlumachennya, like pidide pochatkivtsy and lovers of fortune telling on classic simple layouts.

Gradient cards and images of the Tarot arcana - they could be equal with a sea chart, cut into small pieces. Poednuyuchi cards in the spread, the gate spread the card to the rate of the future share. Looking at them, scatter not information, as pictures mean, but life way what will be in general.

How to guess on the cards? You will need to look at them with a causal and inherited tongue.

Suit, verses and portraits

What do the tarot cards look like? Vіdsutnіst senior arkanіv. Gradient maps cannot look far away at the future. Then the fortune-telling of the near future leader was more beautiful, lower at the Tarot.

Card suits mean the steps of their elemental infusion.

  • Trefi. Fires of vibrations of suits - their patrimony in the secular government.
  • Tambourines. Earthly vibrations of suits are the elements of material well-being.
  • Worms. Check the vibrations of the suits - the element of feelings.
  • Peaks. Water vibrations of suits are elements of irrevocable changes.

Gradient cards in front of the Tarot may have an advantage: they point to the approximate soundness of a person. Let it be smarter, but when guessing, the possibility of a confession about a specific person is revealed.

Short haze fallow from the position

Іsnuє, similarly to Tarot cards, in the main vіdminnіst v vorozhіnnya vіd polozheniya kartov.


  • Peak. Sign to wonder uphill: Treasury installed. Sign to marvel down. Fall of forces, separation of chi conflict.
  • Clubs A sign to marvel at the mountains. Bude vtrata lane through shahraystvo. Sign to marvel down. Navit, sumniv.
  • Cherv'yakiv. A sign to marvel at the mountains. Love tete-a-tete. Sign to marvel down. Lucky bastard.
  • Tambourine. There will be a recession, a salary increase of chi good.


  • Chrobaki, the central sign, wonder. Promote love. Sign to marvel down. Zustrich after separation.
  • Vipadkovy earnings, insignificant changes. Sign to marvel down. Nebazhana Zustrich, be serious Rozmov.
  • Serious problem. Laika, bad luck. Sign to marvel down. Judgment see what problems the car'er has.


  • Worms, the central sign of wonder. Good evening. Sign to marvel down. To the right to the handrails.
  • Clubs, the central sign, wonder. The reward will be a spring in gambling. Sign to marvel down. Dіlovі folding, humiliation.
  • Peak, central sign, marvel. Scandal. Sign to marvel down. Problems, Borg, ailments.

Significant meaning of symbols

In skin cards, clouding has a lot of meaning, their choice is intuitive and beyond the wild context. As it was said earlier: the meanings of the card cards and the Tarot fluctuate, but there are no major arcanes.

52 values ​​are shown below, so that 36 characters are included in simple fortune-telling that 52 - for folding. It does not mean that the fortune-telling on the deck in 36 is simpler, lower in 52 cards. Possibly, what is more folding, lower fortune on Tarot.

Trefi (cross)

Ace. Symbol of power. Zvіdsi meaning: like a penny, then a bank, like a government, then a federal rіven. Like a gift, then a million. If it's commercial luck, then it's a surcharge. And if it’s a ruin, then in villains. Yakshcho kohannya, then all-polying passion. And if you feel lower, then forever. Like a road, then for thousands of miles.

King. Masculinity and fire - їhnє poddnannya for the war. Gypsy tlumachennya: loyalty of a friend, military service officer of law enforcement agencies. The symbol is characterized by black and white shades of darkness. How bad, how bad, how good, then just miraculous. "Cholovicha" from 52 cards.

Zhіnka. Womanhood and fire is the nature of super-cheerfulness. It means I’ll help a woman, legal problems, I’ll help a girlfriend by her side.

Jack. Viyskovosluzhbovets, no more than an ensign, a recent know-it-all, a messenger of unresolved news. It’s like a jack to split two women - to the innocence of the squad. Poednannya fire that rose symbolizes the strimke of growth.

"10". Meaning: Rozum's robot, pіznavalna is more expensive. Zavdyaki іntuїtsії, scho rushed, spare the gambling grі. Zavdyaki awakening of internal forces is possible to win over an illness, as, perhaps, it was respected by a non-violent one.

"9". Podnannya with fire is characterized by one word "over". Like a recession - that wealth is such that you will be ruined: and why work with it? Like a stock exchange, then at once from the zhebrakiv at the rich. If you buy non-robust, then expensive apartments. For such a vibration, you can’t easily “walk” - it’s possible, then we’ll tell you about the party.

"8". The fire element gives unmatched strength. Meanings: a solid business, stable success, dreams far away, as if they took away the recession, then you invest pennies away from business projects.

"7". I long for fanaticism, which helps experts to discover natural mysteries and technical creativity.

"6". Deservedly give ground for ambitions - є chances to reach planned heights.

"5". This map is a muse for artists and writers.

"4". The fire positively pours into this vibration: the fire of a creative fire is at the reach of a scientific and artistic victory, a city of high knowledge and a city.

"3". We give impetus to projects of commercial and scientific plan, which ensures long life and development.

"2". The fire from the vibratsiyu will secure the supremacy of the union.


Ace. The element of the Earth, adding to the vibration of the ace, can draw a figurative picture of an unprepossessing rock or a stone wall: the blue one is not sensitive, but stable. As a business, it is trading in cars, jewelry items, and expensive goods.

King. For women, the vibration at the element of the Earth means one thing: the Ideal Man. The card will help the launch of pre-stroke projects in the life of the human butt.

Zhіnka. Stable stability. Not all people-revelers of the building are to blame. Better for serious stosunkiv. It is possible that with the “lady” the nights are not so hoarse, then the master is ideal. Obranets zavzhd bude opprany, pіdshitiy i reprimands. And there will be no less than three miraculous detlakhivs.

Jack. The energy of unbreakable changes. The beginning of the growth of the tree: r_k y r_k everything is mіtsnіshe i vishche. It’s worth the cost and vodnosin, and business, and camps in the household.

"10". The period of rozkvіtu: vіdnosiny, dokhіd, the camp at the suspіlstvі. Miraculous camp of stable happiness. It turns out that there will be no ending, no edge.

"9". Means extra income. Not through winning, if the pennies came easily, they went easily. Tse solid reception on the river. Family Vіdnosiny so you can call it ideal itself - you don’t know if you don’t know how to use it, but you can call it one by one.

"8". Earthiness and pragmatism in the element of the Earth is a period of stagnation.

"7". Surround, if you manage to go on your own. Good luck is trapping for business projects.

"6". The harmony of that equable for the Earth is friendly: make sure to go on the planned path.

"5". Change your mind to strong suffocation, to staleness.

"4". Fourth, and the earth of dumb creations, one for one, blaming bazhan fruits of vіdnosin, business.

"3". If there is chaos on the right, then the Earth and the trinity will restore the normal direction in the worst situations.

"2". Favor friends, friendship for fate.


Ace. The vibration of the ace and the repeated elements is like a hurricane, which is full. If on the right you feel sensible, then it’s more biased. As a business, then enthusiasm for the cob will help the implementation of the project. It’s like succumbing to suspіlstva - a person is a bliss of a new star.

King. Gypsy meaning: Masculinity and Povіtrya predict a miles mikhur: great and important, but empty in the middle. Tse inflated values ​​and inflated problems - do not merit for respect.

Zhіnka. If you want to describe the mystery of woman's nature, then the words will come: Womanhood and Wisdom. Neperedbachuvanist, raptova change of mood that bazhannya.

Jack. Do it miraculously, as if smearing a friendly sweat on the walls. It is enough to opine at the hour and in the necessary place, and do the right thing for the business.

"10". Povitryana Thoroughness. Like a kohannya, then platonic, like a success on the right, then on paper. Mrії ta povіtryаnі locks. The stench is beautiful, but do not start realizing.

"9". Under the sign of the card, everyone should be. Great and rich bonuses themselves fly to your hands. Just like that, adje ti - Pisto Doli.

"8". pragmatism

"7". Often, under the map, those who go through the difficult path are tried. The moment is haunted by the light, as if Yogo “envelops”. Nayduhovnisha z 52 cards.

"6". Vibratsії shіstki zagalmovuyut deya Povіtrya. It’s possible to get stuck at the rosette, Timchas’s super girl, ignoring the suspense.

"5". Seeing that five pyatirka popularize the meaning of the cicave, the people have a toast “so that we had everything, and we didn’t have anything for the price.” Away adventurism, come in handy.

"4". Situation marno stained glass zusil. For example, a person worked hard on the project for a long time, but if they brought the work to the re-verification, taking away the work, it was no longer required.

"3". Harmony with the world at the element of Povіtrya - we are in front of the conception, the beginning of a new life.

"2". Dviyka and Povіtrya: easy sympathy.


Ace. The meaning is seen in the Tarot. Water and Strength - like before the flood. Spend money, free yourself, save your health.

King. The water of that Masculinity can mean a person, as I have power over you. Lyudina, how to put someone near the phrase “strategy cannot be pardoned!”

Zhіnka. Womanhood and Water - not safe for cards - cunning, treachery, zhorstokist. Forever unstoppable and shocking.

Jack. Rozvitok that Water. Yakshcho you "fly for the flow", tse in the distance zbіg furnishing. If you happen to go “against the current”, then the jack from the cards of the ally is transformed into the cards of the enemy.

Take down the king, give that jack. Masculinity, Womanhood, Rozvitok that Water - today can be called "the hand of God," the strength of the building will fight against all sorts of hardships.

"ten". Meaning: completed the change. Like a disease, then progressing. Like a business, then a lack of feeling of gain, like a blue - love to self-sacrifice.

"9". There is a resonance, the meaning of such cards is positive. As if everything was nasty, it didn’t vibud, at the end it was said “everything that vidbuvaetsya is better!”

"8". Map of the inevitable. It’s impossible to get into the climb.

"7". Spirituality and Water - antagonisms. Cost cards. Ring out to be afraid of the ace of spades. Ale in the ace of trouble is less strong, as you can help. Simka pik - naynebazhanisha of 52 cards.

"6". Map of weak stability. They say about such a camp: “miles bark - only hush”

"5". A card of deceit. Great zustrich from shahrai and shahrai.

"4". Map of important practice. Pratsya is not easy, but bear fruit.

"3". Hvilyuvannya, instability. Sometimes, in order to solve this problem, remember the place of residence or work.

"2". Ruinuvannya spіlok: welding, separation, opening partnership agreements.

Virishuvati you, like the meaning of fortune-telling, choose: it’s more classic and wider. And in that, and in another way, rely on intuition! Author: Igor Vaskin

First, proceed to the fortune-telling on the cards, follow the recognition and rozіbratisya from the clouded suits. In addition, not all cards are playing an important role, but now they are.
Only having respectfully looked at the whole layout, you can proceed to the next steps. At once, we will tell you about the meaning of the skin card, since you fortune telling, bazhannya or people. Try to figure out your future, and maybe, you know something about your past.

The value of the diamond suit on the card cards (36 pcs.)

  • Six is ​​a bad card. Sound out means I'll take it more expensive, so that you can make positive changes to your certificates.
  • Sim - you take away the financial support either from an old friend or a new acquaintance, who will help you to help in the implementation of your plans.
  • Vіsіm - you are checked for other troubles and troubles. You will be nervous, flustered, and darma - the situation will improve on its own without any additional entries from your side.
  • Nine is a garna card. Your success will be entirely successful, so you should seriously increase your ability to achieve the full implementation of the plan.
  • Ten - ce can mean the failure of the rivoks at the car'er. Imovirno, your superiors have given you respect, and now I may ask you to accept the proposition. Vitaemo!
  • Jack - Tse is not a good card. Often she appoints a person, as she can fool you at the financial right, and don’t show it all. Ring out a similar reception only in a day's time. Be respectful!
  • A woman is a woman with a grumpy and dramatic character. Tse mozhe buti your spіvrobіtnitsa chi xtos іz close acquaintances. Better for everything, get over your material position, and you can be called to the level of accessibility.
  • The king is a man, endowed with power. Whether you can be a woman or a person - it doesn't matter. Golovne one - if you are a person to lie down as your zahid, and if you behave judiciously, then you will take away the great support.
  • Ace - such a card to talk about those who check on you, an important call, what can setting up a kohanoi people that in parallel to your financial information. And now it’s respectful to look at the line of cards.

As if instructed by the ace of diamonds to know the suit of spades, the warning will be unacceptable.
Unfortunately. Tse means that your help will sharply go down, but on the rahunok happy kohanny in future, You will forget so don't forget anything.

The meaning of the hearts' suit when fortune-telling on the card cards

  • Sixth - it’s completely immovable, that you are checked for love. However, do not hurry up - you still don’t know what you can look at as people, and as if they were among them.
  • Sim - tse to talk about those who check on you romantic zustrіch. Some of your acquaintances have long felt sympathy for you and dare to ask you for help.
  • Vіsіm - cіkava card. Better for everything, you take away the knowledge in the kohanna, perhaps, in writing. It is unlikely that your joy was vikliche - this person was not accepted by you as a potential partner on a life path.
  • Dev'yat - better for everything, you can't wait too long for Rozmov's reception. Imovirno, tse bude rozmov with your constant partner about your stosunki. As if instructing the peak suit to show up with a card, then a peaceful exchange of thoughts to pretend to be such an ugly scandal.
  • Ten is the meaning of such a card, it is explained by him, that a trip with a kohan people is on you. However, you can get welded. Better for everything, you will start talking about your plans for a farther life, and you will tease your companion or companion.
  • Knave - your sharpened person is a person who is watching you to get the zmishani a little. Forget it, you can get very angry and try to take revenge.
  • Woman - tse, obviously, woman. If you instructed a card to appear from it, as it means your person, then, better for everything, go about yoga kohanka. But if the woman is already dressed up for you, it’s not enough to talk about those that you have a close friend, as if she’s always ready to help you.
  • King - ring out this card means a friendly people. If you go about your person, then it’s more important to take a look at the cards, as you know the instructions from him. The presence of a peak when fortune-telling on the cards speaks of those who check the unacceptability of a person, who is associated with family vodnosinami.
  • Ace - this is your house, that is your homeland. As instructed to know clubs (be it), get ready for welding and tears. According to the state, you have beaten peaks - your family center will be threatened with inacceptability. And lay down the tambourines to tell about your material state.

The meaning of the cards in fortune-telling is the suit of clubs

  • Sixth - recommencement of a business trip. Set up with us in the distance to the price of more expensive - in the presence of it, lay your farther career.
  • Sim - you should carry on business (possibly, not even a receptionist). Tse can mean Rozmov from the authorities. At once, it’s important to say about the result of the rose, and even if it’s instructed to know the peak suit, unfortunately, it’s unimportant for you to end the rose.
  • Вісім - a check is on you, because your share is far away (rozmov about the professional aspect). Great is the opportunity to teach you a new place of work. If you instruct you to please the king, whether it be a suit (krіm pіku), for the meanings of the cards during the fortune-telling, I explain to them that you need to be good with the proposition, after which you will achieve great success.
  • Nine - tsikava card. Most of all, it means a change in life. You can judge about the reshta only after you look at the court cards: - spades - inaccuracies - tambourines - great purchase - worms - change at special waters.
  • Ten is a miracle card! A great surplus is being checked on you, winning a lottery, a bonus, a recession, or it’s the same as it can be directly related to finances. Vitaemo!
  • Jack - you check klopot. The meaning of such a card, not even a regional call, may be attributed to you from your companions, close friends and relatives. Imovirno, some of them will need your help.
  • Lady - the card is unimportant and її meaning when fortune-telling on the cards, lie down in order, if you know how to order it: - the order of the tambourine - go about your spіvrobіtnitsa, as if the fortuneteller has been nailed to you - the order of the worm - ymovіrno, your man has є kokhanka - entrusted with a pika - you will cook with your mother-in-law, and the scandal will be even more intense and unacceptable.
  • The king is better for everything, go about your boss. But if you don’t practice, then such a card means a summer man (father-in-law and father).
  • Ace - such a card with fortune-telling means your deeds in the city of work. Before the speech, it’s not included, what do you take as an important call, related to finances, and your share after the fortune with cards you can change for better.

Meaning of the peak suit for divination

  • Sixth - an unscheduled trip, due to a variety of unacceptable problems. If you can be financially nurturing, then do it for your special life. Ymovirno, bring you more tears and tears. Unfortunately.
  • Sim is a bad card. Sound out means welding, scandals just. If you are instructed to know the suit of hearts, then the inaccuracies are checked on you in special vodnosins (it is possible, a person can be blamed for another woman).
    Entrusted from her clubs card - you will cook s kimos from close friends and relatives. According to the suit of diamonds - inaccuracies are checked on you on the robot.
  • Vіsіm - be careful. Such a map means health problems. Better than everything, you need to take a piss at the doctor's. It’s quite remarkable that you have a disease, you didn’t suspect about it.
  • Nine - obviously sickness. Tse does not mean that you are sick to yourself - on the right, one of your close relatives may be present. Take a look at the cards, they lie nearby: - ​​the heart's suit - the illness of a person or some of the children - the suit of clubs - ymovirno, drink your mother, father, etc. to the hospital. - a suit of diamonds - blame the health problems of someone from your business partners, or you can simplify your sleeping plans.
  • Ten - unfortunately, this card does not mean anything good. Most of the vipadkivs have a dozen peaks to talk about those who check on you for an accident, some hope, plans, etc.
  • Jack - means a person, like you can fool. Sounds like a card to talk about shakhrayism, moreover, from the side of an individual, as if you did not see such a trick.
  • Woman - the meaning of a woman of peaks in all witches has the power of black magic, so they call it a witch. Tse black power is strong, and there is no trace of a good card. Vaughn means that there is a curse hanging on people or a family curse, as if it was inflicted by a witch who was informed by a chi chaklun.
  • The king is an unacceptable card. Imovirno, great inaccuracies are being checked on you, tied up with a kimono from high-ranking people. The King of Peaks means a townsman, endowed with great power.
  • Ace is a two-valued card. If yoga is straight uphill, then the check is very famously on you (sickness, plunder, financial collapse, etc.), but if yoga is straight down, then get ready for holy and drinking (merry, corporate party, national day, etc.) .d.). e.)
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