Vorozhinnya on the maps of their meaning is the same. The meaning of the card cards for the hour of the fortune. The main meaning of the card cards for the hour of the fortune

The fortune-telling from time immemorial has been rewarded with popularity among people of different age. A person who wants to open the door to the secret knowledge of his share. For the help of a fortune teller, you can get a cry in front of your other support.

How to guess correctly, if the cards are telling the truth

Vorozhinnya on the gravel decks is breathtaking by the simplicity of carrying out. All that does not have the need to shukati and buy a red deck, cast a spell on the Tarot cards, more than a professional approach.

For divination, it is necessary to bring a new deck of cards, on which no one has engraved yet, otherwise the clouding will be wrong. Well, there’s not much opportunity to take new ones, it’s necessary to reshuffle the deck, sprat once again.

Іsnuє taki povіr'ya, scho yakscho on the deck card cards put an innocent girl on a sprat of whilin, then you can carry out a fortune-telling, so the cleansing of the deck is supposed to be done.

For more ways to conjure a vicarious deck - 36 pieces. Only one person is to blame for the cards, it’s bad not to give the very same deck for divination to girlfriends or sisters, so you can use a thin magic link, which is blamed for the first fortune-telling.

Before that, as soon as possible, it is necessary to trim the deck in the hands of stretching out dekilkoh khvilin, going up to them to ask food, what to call. Then again, shuffle the deck with your left hand at the straight heart. If necessary, take a sprat of pieces for the beast and move it down.

For old hours midnight for the fortune-telling, Christmas time was celebrated, the whole hour, if the young girls in a different way carried out a fortune-telling, mriyuchi to their future betrothed. Today, Friday is the most favorable for the fortune-teller, so you can guess yourself on the 13th.

Monday is not a distant day, for some kind of witches, tlumachennya simply can not cope.

Tlumachennya all card cards in any layouts

  1. An ace means a podia, which comes in the autumn, unkindly, a bit of a government setting up abo booths of grand people;
  2. The king is a comrade close to the spirit, tied from military service. If the card is open on a daily basis, it means failure;
  3. Zhіnka - friend, vladna zhіnka, in some cases the child is unknown;
  4. The jack is a helper, a close friend, a low-lying Viysk settlement, as if the middle of the volts is the first, the fortune-telling is correct;
  5. Ten - a critical situation in life, connected with borrowing;
  6. Dev'yatka - shvidka spadshchina, sum'yattya, soulful rozmov;
  7. Вісімка - the death of a close friend, rich budinok;
  8. Simka is an important path, a surplus on the right, an end to the fall. At direct position meaningful rozcharuvannya;
  9. Shіstka - a shvidka trip to the sea is possible, the wrong way, a treasury installation.

  1. Ace - donkey friend, radio call, spring hour, welcome surprise;
  2. The king - when vipadannі z zhіnkoy ієї zhі masti symbolіzuє friendly person, brown-haired, good zvіstka, dovgoochіkuvana zustrіch;
  3. Zhіnka - zamіzhnya zhіnka;
  4. A jack is an unacceptable spy, an unacceptable visitor at a booth, as if at a rozklad the king of the suit, symbolizes thoughts, in certain situations it means receiving news;
  5. A dozen is a friendly friend, a happy call, sometimes it means a place;
  6. Nine - symbolizes love leaf, swidka zvіstka, good chi nі, bezperedno lie down in the cards, that the order was heard;
  7. Vіsіmka - relaxation, rozmov with a receptionist, a hoary way;
  8. Simka - light change, firm of cheerful friends, and like and dark thoughts of a woman of hearts;
  9. Shіstka - go to way of life, the collapse of new beginnings.


  1. Ace means speck of summer, unspoken sounds;
  2. The king is a non-friends man, as if there are no women in the picture, a romantic bachelor, acquaintance with a receptionist, a well-behaved son;
  3. Zhіnka is a young lady, a nevirna squad;
  4. The jack is a garna of a star, which symbolizes a boy, whom you can trust;
  5. Ten - replenishment of the budget, welcome surprise, zustrіch іz close comrade;
  6. Dev'yatka - pennies, as if a lady is falling, or a king of her suit, receiving an enemy from a person, like telling fortunes;
  7. Вісімка - prophetic dreams, a call about pennies, plans for the future;
  8. Simka is an expensive gift;
  9. Shestka is a good card, as it is good to obscure all negative cards, that there is a guarantee, that you have success with pennies, in a special life.
  1. Ace - no, the winter hour of fate, spend, unacceptable calls, with the king's order of the king's suit, meaning untidy addiction;
  2. The king is a thief, a man, like a dream to annoy, supernik;
  3. Zhіnka - discord with her, great welding, grumpy, old woman;
  4. Knave - an unacceptable young man with dark hair, beating, unacceptable news, attaching the thoughts of the king of a suit;
  5. A dozen - zruynovanі mrії, shvidkі vtrati, filthy stars;
  6. Dev'yatka - welding with a close friend, the road is far;
  7. Вісімка - ailment, collapse on the right, life of a high-ranking person;
  8. Simka - nonsense, unsupported news;
  9. Shіstka - vtrata of the king chi women of the tsієї suit, important road.

Knowing the darkness of all the cards, you can proceed to the most magical and the most magical - the fortune-tellers.

Distribution "What was and what will be" that clouding

The most extensive divination on the card cards. Before the cob of the fortune teller from the deck, a card of a person is cremated, which asks, according to the principle:

  • tambourine king chi zhіnka - for free young people;
  • worm'yany king abo lady - for people with love;
  • king of clubs chi lady - for people of a frail age.

The deck is resolutely shuffled, ring out 3 to 5 times. If it is necessary to add three pieces, until the suit is used, which symbolizes the people, which is to tell fortunes. As instructed by her, the present suits are similar to the meanings, so, the fortune-telling is correct. The fortune-teller's card is placed OKremo. Let's sweat the one on whom the fortune-teller is targeting, destroying a part of the deck with the little finger of the left hand in front of you.

In any case, it is not necessary to take a deck on yourself, otherwise there is a risk of the transition of negative energy to a person. Therefore, once again, it’s better to secure yourself from the filthy infusion of magic. After the one who conducts the fortune-telling, start laying out 3 cards in 5 rows, then one more card from the deck is put in order.

Leather series may have its own designation:

  • 1 row - sobi;
  • 2 row - for the heart;
  • 3 row - for the house;
  • 4 row - past the bottom;
  • 5th row - future steps.

Okremo put aside the card - tse u need to feed "Which heart will calm down?".

Vorozhinnya on the nearest future on the maps

One of ourselves the oldest witches on the nearest future - tse vorozhinnya for 13 cards. Shuffle a new deck of cards resolutely, after which they destroy themselves with their left hand. Then, in the vipadkovy order, 13 cards are removed from the deck, as they are laid out one by one and mean future comings. In order, the drawings of the card mean:

Arrangement for kokhannya and stosunki with a person

Witchcraft for 6 cards

Before the cob of the witch, on the graph cards, we signify the person who asks. Let's resolutely shuffle the new deck, take a part with the little finger of the left hand on ourselves, then take the card to the beast of the deck.

If I need to reshuffle the deck again, shuffle it 6 times until 6 cards turned upside down appear on the table. Now you can marvel at the darkness.

The number of cards laid out is not vague. Skin from them in the order of blackness means that chi іnsu podіyu:

  • 1 card - thoughts of a kohanoi people;
  • 2 map - what is on the heart of a kokhan;
  • 3rd map - the closest possible future of Kokhanoy;
  • 4 card - mrії kohanoi people;
  • 5 card - fears of the Kohanoi people;
  • 6 map - the setting of a kokhan before me, ninі.

Vorozhinnya on 3 cards

A deck of 36 pieces is taken, for which it is necessary to see the king and the queen, following the principle:

  1. Diamond suit - brown-haired;
  2. Peaks and cross suit - brunettes;
  3. Chervona suit - blond.

The deck of kіlka once shuffles, then at the form it is laid out 3 pieces at the vertical line, the docks do not fall out of order, the king and the queen. In addition, as the color of the suit appears at the warehouse, it is necessary to add 2 vials out of 3 pieces.

For whom the whole layout is more verily broken down. As soon as the lady that king roztashovuyutsya entrusted one with one in one vіyali, then such a union of harmony and vіdnosini mіtsnі.

If one card is drawn lower for another, the pair of faceless shortcomings, intrigues, welds, the one who is drawn lower, is no longer a cicavi to another partner.

Varto turn respect and on the vertical row, left, extreme row - those that were in the past between people, the middle - the right foot, the extreme row, the right-hander - the future.

With a harmonious arrangement, the climate is quiet, on some fortune-telling, other queens and women do not fall, as if there is one more, at the sight of the presence, there are zayvi, perhaps having made love trikutnik.

Let's defile the sign of the appearance of the peak ten at the fold - the price of a hundred, doomed to collapse.

As a rule, there are nameless cards of clubs, which means that the partners are engaged in joint activities related to finances.

Vorozhinnya on vikonannya bazhannya

1 way

One of the largest simple ways tell fortunes on the bazhannya, mix a deck of cards and fight whether it’s navmannya - you will be on the task of supplying. As soon as I lay it out for an hour, one of them vipala vipadkovo, then it will be true, it is necessary to put it seriously before it.

Given a fortune-telling pidide for the solution of other meals and plans for the nearest future, in case of a solution to the long-term problems, this way is not possible.

2 way

A deck of cards is shuffled and 15 cards are placed later. After the layout, it is necessary to choose the tuzi and add the ubik. So the children will grow, as if at the hour of the witch, ace of all stripes will appear, the bazhanya will invariably appear.

3 way

The Danish way will help you to know the evidence for a particular food supply, the more accurate you will be, the more truthfully you will give the evidence of the card. Before the cob of the witch, it is necessary to clean up all the wool from the deck. From the deck it is necessary to take 4 pieces and make a wish for one of them. Shuffle the cards and turn them according to the principle of the pyramid, starting from 1 card, so that there were 6 rows. It is important to note that in the row the suit was conceived, we mean:

  • the top of the pyramid - do not dream;
  • 2 row - sumnivno;
  • 3rd row - don't risk success;
  • 4th row - you can dream;
  • 5 row - zdіysnitsya;
  • 6 row - no doubt, wake up.

4 way

Tse vorozhinnya on the maps will help to give a specific statement, so that, also, and the food is due, but forgive. For the fortune-telling, a deck is needed, which is composed of 36 cards, the cloudiness is composed of two parts, the first one - all the strength to give food, the friend - which has taken it.

Lay out 4 cards in 9 rows, face down, then only the top cards are drawn, as in the middle of the cards the same suit falls, the stench is laid sideways and the feet are turned up. If all the cards are shown, then the banquet will appear.

Although this arrangement is successful, it is not necessary to carry out another part of the fortune-telling.

Then the cards are reshuffled again and placed with the front side up, the names are called, from the ace to the sixth, in order. Yakshto vyklavshi map, called itself її, vіdkladyut ubіk і so the docks do not get a few pieces - ce і є the reason for the nevikonanogo bazhannya.

Why can't you work with fortune-telling on the card cards

The one that people know about their future, take a look at food - there is nothing dirty. Smutty memory, that be-like a fortune-teller - ts dotik to the taєmnyh knowledge, to that in which nutrition is important accuracy and accuracy. To fall into stagnation like a witch - you need to get a wider pardon, which is allowed richly, unacknowledged young women and girls. As a way to conquer the darkness of the right one directly, you can significantly improve the quality of your life, secure yourself from the wrong decisions. You can absolutely win the spell on the cards different ways ale tlumachennya їх all the same will be one.

The next video has an interpretation for the witches on the maps.

The famous psychologist Carl Jung introduced fortunetelling on the cards as one of the ways to meditate and introspection, as a way to help people gain peace and mindfulness in powerful forces.

What checks on you in the near future:

Find out what is being checked on you next hour for the help of card cards.

The value of the card cards - 52 cards, universal

It is important to know the meaning of your other cards in case of fortune-telling and for whatever layout on the cards. However, not all. Slid also vrakhovuvati and poddnannya cards, as well as the transfer of those chi іnshої suit. There are ways, such as Tarot cards and Lititsii cards, to heal directly or reverse the meaning of symbols.

However, for most of the vipadkivs, the fortune-tellers manage with the greatest setting of symbols, which is sufficient for the transmission of the future. If you want to win and turn it upside down, then everything is simple, the stench means the same, but with a negative vibe and unacceptable traces.

At this article on our site, the main meanings are looked at, which you need in case of clouding, practically, whatever the layout on the maps.

Spade suit values

Peaks– є the symbol of Povіtrya. The suit is unacceptable, as I describe it, through it you can blame problems, whether it’s waste, ailments, failures on the right side of the unacceptable. Possibly zustrіchі z negative character people.

  • ♠ Ace - important and unacceptable news, the cost of something more important to the material and moral plan.
  • ♠ Two - announcing an increase in work, demotion. In business - rozriv vіdnosin іz partners chi shifted from the right.
  • ♠ Trinity - about the improvement of your morale, depression and stress. The oppression of the stan.
  • ♠ Chetverka - always pripinennya vіdnosin or їkh rіzke pogrіshennya, often signifying nonsense for the sake of loved ones.
  • ♠ P'yatirka - make it possible, if you spend or miss it in the future.
  • ♠ Shіstka - not far away trips or more expensive, like a bad end.
  • ♠ Сімка - conflicts and welding with otochyuchimi.
  • ♠ Вісімка - tears through unacceptability. Pochata chi is conceived on the right to end in failure. Inode means filth self-feeling that problem z zdorov'yam.
  • ♠ Nine - an unacceptable separation among hundred women, for friends, that foreign people means separation. Situation, cook through the yaku.
  • ♠ Ten - your bajans were not destined to zbutis.
  • ♠ Jack - the appearance of a young brunette in your life. It also means falsehood and hisstical people, often a swindler.
  • ♠ Lady - summer or mature woman. Often evil, if you will repair, be it as if you have crossed over and intrigues, directed against you by your sharpness.
  • ♠ King - supernik, self-suffocating i zhorstoka people. Inodi - a dark-haired man.

Meanings of the Trefy suit

Khresti. The elemental element is Fire. Rozpovidat about podії, pov'yazanі z pennies, finances and becoming a successor. They are also associated with the power of the people that they specialize.

  • ♣ Ace - change for better, tie to your business. Some people pass on acquaintances. Zagalom - change of the current situation on the edge.
  • ♣ Dviyka - the card is ahead of the guard and do not enter into dubious contacts with work colleagues or business partners. Varto show caution and all the same times in the world, first of all, keep in mind.
  • ♣ Trinity - May be a working trip, in which case you will know the correct links. Revival of new possibilities for a distant growth.
  • ♣ Four means to cross over to the path to success, so you can easily lift up the winds of your inquisitiveness, rozum and intuition.
  • ♣ P'yatirka - it is necessary to show your point of view, your ideas will be recognized by critics. Some people talk about health problems.
  • ♣ Shіstka - future trips and retraining will be ineffective. The stench does not swear by the positive results of the year. It’s better to spend an hour on repairing that renewal of strength.
  • ♣ Simka - to loom a proposition on the horizon, as if you can't move. Prayer is far away. What a food pro family life- then all the problems will be rewarded, and in this moment there will be a mind.
  • ♣ Вісімка - the great and grandiose changes in life will come to life. Possible promotion in service or salary promotion. Inodi - dribny wingash chi surplus.
  • ♣ Dev'yatka - hat for rozrahunka. A cute little love story.
  • ♣ Ten - the appearance of new friends, success in those on the right, which you are busy with at the moment. Kokhannya, how to shove you out of your head.
  • ♣ Knave - a young man, dark-haired. Often comradely and kind.
  • ♣ Lady - Boss or leader, successful and purposeful nature.
  • ♣ King - Man with dark hair. Successful, but often a person is disrespectful to other people's problems. However, with some help, you can improve your work and solve your problems.

The meaning of the suit of Diamonds

Tambourines- associated with the elements of the Earth. Specialize in the business of nutrition and explain the undertakings, connected with the active activity of a fortune-teller, something like a robot, enlightenment, more expensive then. Sooshoblyuyut zustrіchі z kind and kind people.

  • ♦ Ace - Polіpshennya chi prosuvannya in the professional sphere. A possible cob of new help, if you will be successful. Vіdkrittya powerful business.
  • ♦ Two - positive spіvpratsya chi in the distance talk, yakі can boost your kindness and lead to success. Sometimes - taking away pennies and improving the financial status.
  • ♦ Triyka - to family people, they give the addition to the family, the people of the child. promises also vigilant investments, as in the future they will bring good dividends.
  • ♦ Thursday - you will be asked to sum up some contribution and finances, as well as cover legal fees. Varto listen to your inner voice and be careful.
  • ♦ P'yatirka - Improvement of your kindness, which will be short. The situation can escalate with the help of third-party people.
  • ♦ Shіstka - ochіkuєsya more expensive, if you don't varto behave like a marnotrate. Tighten your belt tighter and do not stain for nothing.
  • ♦ Simka - success with the robot on the right, as well as family food.
  • ♦ Вісімка - mayut buti deposits, po'yazanі z neruhomistyu, mozhlivі reїzd and povyazanі z sim problems with repair. Others promise to improve the financial status.
  • ♦ Nine - lack of knowledge, as to bring success to business sphere. Korisn_ zvyazki.
  • ♦ Ten - checks on you for your relatives. Family is more expensive. Inodi - vikonannya bazhan and success.
  • ♦ Jack - yunak, viyskovy. Often - sensible and sensible. At deyakih vipadkah - financial gain and otrimannya surplus.
  • ♦ The lady is a fair-haired woman, often she is close to her friend. Goodness is a strange specialty.
  • ♦ The king is a superior person, often a family person. Light-haired.

Meaning of the suit of Hearts

Worms. The element of color is water. Signify romantic emotions. It symbolizes kohannya that is mutual with close kohani people. Vkazayut on zakohanih chi zamіzhnіh people.

  • Ace - a symbol of the cob of new romantic abo friendly friends. Often - zakohanist chi kokhannya, but do not start in return.
  • Dviyka - you need to suffocate, and love will be mutual. It is possible that your romance will end in friendship. Innodі - vіrnі friends аnd know і, аbо vіdnovlennya rozіrvanih stosunkіv.
  • Triyka - between you and your sample, a supernik (abo supernitsya) will appear.
  • Chetvirka - at the kohanna and stosunkah there is a serious choice. A folding period is coming, the appearance of a transition and difficulties.
  • P'yatirka clears up an unacceptable situation through mutual incomprehensibility. However, do not fall into the vіdchay - you can know the way out of this position.
  • Shestka is the hour of harmony and mutual understanding with friends and loved ones. Harmonious mutually.
  • Simka - a card for the sake of listening to your inner voice, that joyful forces. Zavdyaki tsomu you will know how to get food.
  • Вісімка - a sharp turn of the bottom. The situation can be accepted as a friendly, and a negative one. Marvel at court cards.
  • Dev'yatka - for zakohanih - positive sign schaslivy slyub. Inshim - successful completion of earlier references.
  • Ten - vikonannya bajannya. 100%.
  • Knave - a young and cheerful people, the girls are looking forward to the appearance of a new roof.
  • Zhіnka - light-haired woman, often - zamіzhnya. At the vice.
  • The king is the appearance of a fair-haired man, often friendly.

Repeat cards

The greatness of the meaning in fortune-telling is the meaning of okremy cards, and those with such symbols in the layout are especially rich. In such a rank, as if you had all the cards and the same goodness, ale of different colors, their meanings are richly understood. Let's take a look at the report:

Mustache- Trivala is more expensive or a trip.

Sims- love shifts, yak, however, you can podolat.

Вісімки- a pestilence that receptionist clops, bandages from family, relatives and relatives.

Nine'yatki- a positive sign that shows all the successes that period of improving your life on the best.

Dozens- To prophesy to the shvidka of the friendliness, or to have a good time, in deyaky vipadkas to talk about luck.

Valeti- unacceptable slams, or welding with people who alienate you.

Women- not a more friendly symbol, to talk about those who made you hover tiles, and weave intrigues.

Kings- you are invariably checked for success, your vchinki shout out the zeal and reverent awe of the restless.

Tuzi- 100% success in all areas of your life, the fortune-teller has the best sign.

More important than one of the suits

It is important that the most pleasant is the layout, for whom the red suits are more important, and for the best - for those who have no black suits. So the following of the nobility, that when you see a fortune teller with the first card, you fall a pike, then it’s like a guess, mother, an unfriendly finale. However, it can be smoothed out with friendly cards.

Well, if you override the song suit, then turn around to such an explanation:

Override Peaks- the biggest sign, you are checked for low inaccuracies and problems. The sphere of life, in whichever way it will be, must be marveled at from the omitted approach.

Trefi- Discord and internal praise are on you. Through scho - marvel at the cards at the place.

Worms- the situation is far away, for it is screaming, that you are on the checks of family happiness, arguing with those relatives. You are embraced by mutual love and passion.

Tambourines- means success in business and financial spheres. On you check surplus, which will be reasonable for your budget. Business success, chi tse promotion or salary increase.

At the same time, the stars will please you to speed up one of the proponed below spreads. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

In order to spread the cards, it is necessary to take a deck up to the sixth inclusive, if possible, a negro (take a deck, as if to serve for a fortune teller, not a trace of a grate).

Unfriendly and unfriendly to take the king and lady bubo. Odruzhenі and zamіzhnі take the king and the lady of the worms. People of a frail age can take for themselves a king or a woman of clubs.

It is easy to put respect on the cards, which are found in the trinity (divine meanings of the cards). You put your card on the table and shuffle the deck again. Having been guided by some side thoughts, you feed properly: What will you do? І znіmaєte deck on your card, tobto "on the heart". This is the most important card, it will give you an idea about those who are closest to your heart and even think about you. With whom, all the figures mean osib, how to think about you, how to guess you.

With which first card on the heart:

King chi lady - thinking about you, guessing you.
Jack - turboti chi klopit, if the king entrusted the jack with the same suit, then the jack means yogo thought.
Lady pik - nudga (sumuvatimete).
A dozen that vіsіmka pіk - ailment.
Simka peak - unacceptable.
Six pik - vtrata, zniknennya.
In addition, especially unacceptable cards on the heart are those spades and clubs, which have one point in the middle, and they stink up the hill:
Simki and nine peaks are not omnipotent tears.
Ace of clubs - unsuccessful on the right.
Ace of Spades: Wind down - it’s unacceptable to hit you with less serious rapt, or to depict you, uphill - you’ll either be angry, or you’ll take an unstoppable blow.
Ace bubo - leaf.
Ace of hearts - package.
Nine or ten buboes - take away pennies.
Nine or ten worms - please, you will be pleased!

After that, you take the deck again without shuffling (shuffle the deck with the closed side), put it over your head and fill the bottom cards (approximately a quarter of the deck), without wondering, shift the deck to the bottom, leaving about the same part of the deck there, shift the deck back (behind your back your figures) and nareshti іnshe put at that bіk, where the beastly її disguise. Then you take the first pack of cards (above your head) and, taking one of the top two cards, put them on the hand over your head, put the other pack (at your feet) on the first pack that you have lost in your hands, and put the two top cards on the hand at your feet, then work the same with the third and fourth part of the deck and take two cards from each side of your card. Then you take two upper cards and put them at the upper fold behind your back, then two also at the lower fold in front, at the top - in front and in the lower - behind, moreover, 16 cards go out at the top of your card. Shuffle again, discard 3 upper cards, and put the fourth on the heart, again throw three and put the fourth, and so on until the heart is not seen 4 closed cards from the first five.

You take the chotiri cards on your hearts to your hands and look at them. They have those futures, who was destined to get closer to your inner life. If you overwhelm peaks in them (crim figures), then in the nearest future you will be checked for negativity, and the figure will show you, in case of whom. Ale and the filthy cards only once again kick at you, as if the stench falls behind the back of the figure. Before her, all the filth is placed before her, but only to hang out with you. More important is the greater number of red suits on the heart of the head of the sign of joy and happiness.

A pair of cards above your head, like three other bets, in front of you signify your future (winning with a stretch of one or two tyzhniv).

A pair of cards under your feet is a minus, so those who will or will not. If the ailments blew up unacceptable cards, then the stench will come and blow, which is even more unbearable. Poorly only, like a figure, in a way you guess close in appearance, if your sorceress often goes under your feet - it will soon appear in your life. Nazavzhdi chi timchasovo - tse nutrition.

Two cards behind your back will show you in the past what to fight now.
Two cards at the top of the back - those that now fight far ahead of you.
Two rears in the lower kutka - the next possible.
Yakshcho, moreover, your fortune-tellers blew at once:
Mustache 9 worms - you will be more happy.
A mustache of 9 diamonds - you are being checked for pennies.
Mustache 9 peaks - to see grief.
Tuzi vzagali signify the hour: days - to stand on the suit.
Close to future, that time of fate is to stand at the rear lower kutka on the cards.
They can, in fact, mother an hour, which feeds that interest of the witch in that, if you have to eat.

4 Aces - vikonannya bazhannya, unacceptable nespodіvanka. If at any time 4 tens fall, then the next hour you will have a moment (a year, a day, a day) of serene joy. This is the most important combination of magic on the cards and causes joy to endow with ground marks, but it’s a pity - this combination falls off the flooring rarely, some rare moments of happiness in our life!
4 Kings - good luck, good luck. Well, the stench falls from the fortune-teller for a third-party person, it shows his camp in the world, the wine of a person from good fortune.
4 Zhіnki - nebazhanі at the fortune-teller for the zhіnki. They tell about you, but if only one woman is in order with you, then the woman is close to you to carry tiles. The black card, when indicated, is for the enemy, the red card is for the friend. Vorogyuchi cholokovі 4 zhіnki vkazuyut on those, scho vіn weaned by women and vzagalі love zhіnoche suspіlstvo.
4 Valeta - signify future troubles, and when one of them lies on the heart - turboti, important chi, calling on those bright or dark cards will be in front of you. The red cards are worthless in the meanness of the black cards for their own king, even if it’s not in order, the jack means your thoughts, let’s go. At nine chi, ten worms - the king with the jack signify yogo bajannya bachiti you. You can beat those simple middles with the overwhelmed jacks, and not the queens, in which the person wraps up, which you guess.
4 Dozens - vikonannya bazhannya, even if not heart. Dozens went up - business cards. The more stinks are grouped, the more brilliant your work will be.
4 Nine - zdivuvannya, accepting chi, marveling at the nine closest to you and zagali cards in front.
4 Times or 4 cards - may not be meaningful, so don’t take to respect those that the overdating of other cards in the air means a hopeless hour, penniless, more than that, it’s more important in advance, it’s called "lilac days". They called out to the vіsіmki - to designate the houses, the room of the widowed woman, as well as the ace means the king's houses. Sometimes 4 signs mean a blow, and 4 signs - an intrigue.
4 Shіstki - vikonannya bajannya. Vzagali role shіstki - sign the way. Dekilka sistok in front of you, or above your head, under your feet, signify the way for you.

Otherwise, shistki signify roads. Shestka of a good suit with a figure showing how expensive it is to lie:
Six peak - dark, night,
shіstka clubs - vechirnya,
shіstka bubo - a small close way,
shistka cherv'yakiv - a walk.
The ace of clubs at the peak or the club's doroz means the air, the ace of spades means the road on horseback.
The more great cards your fortune-telling has, the more likely it will be more interesting and better, and the more beautiful your material camp will be in the nearest future.

Tlumachennya, the meaning of cards when divining for a share

Card Meanings


Tlumachennya cards: Ace of spades - at night, payment. Vtrata, sumny sheet, blow, perelak, non-acceptance, kayattya for the king a hundred ladies. Vistrya uphill - prisstrasne kokhannya; booths of rich solid people, someone else's booths.

W 10 bubo (from the sides of your card) - welding through pennies.
I’m like a sixth - a ride on a horse.
With an ace of clubs (offending in the wind uphill) - perelak.
The king of spades is a solid pan, a thief, a filthy person, a supernik.
With peaks - the good.
With clubs - protidia and villainy.
Z 8 pіk (from the sides of your card) - trivalі inacceptability and grief; yakscho right there the king bubo is the help of a noble person.

Interpretation of the card: The king of spades with a lady and a jack - helping an important person, an important family.
With clubs - Yogo hatred.
With a tambourine - yogo roztashuvannya.
With a hrobak - yogo roztashuvannya.

The meaning of the card: Lady pik - old, nudga, tile; filthy woman, zavada, welding.
Between two figures - welding between them (behind your card) - grief, unacceptability, more for 7 clubs or 9 spades.
Z peak vzagali - good grandmother.
With a club - a lihodiya.
From a tambourine - zhadibna, zadrіsna zhіnka, scho shkodzhaє at the right of that love.
Z 9 worms - good luck.

Tlumachennya karti: Jack of pik - welding of either beaten, filthy or black man, commoner, filthy star, thoughts of the king of spades.
With a pik vzagali - a true ally.
With a club - a liar, a zazdrіsnik, a plitcar.
From a tambourine - spilnik, visnik, p'yana people.
With a hrobak - a friend.
With the lady peak - great welding, beat.
Z 8 pik - great unacceptability between deaths.

The meaning of the card: Ten peaks - black river, ailment, for the king, ladies - love bed; nezdiysnenni bajannya, nevdachi, with such a king, women - to be interested.
With the ace of spades - not picking up pennies.
Z 9 peak - bad luck.
З 9 clubs - non-acceptance on the right.
With an ace, a bubo is a plaintive, sumny leaf.
With one of the ace - a false sheet.
Z 8 pіk - ailment, z odnієї z 8 - unacceptable zvіstka.
Z 7 peak - unanswered call about the change of furnishings.
Z 7 bubo - unsupported proposition.
Z 10 clubs - dressed in case of illness.
Three 10 worms - a great financial interest for the future.

Nine pik - take on the road, vtrata friend, with such a king, ladies - kokhannya, for the other king - maє immodest bazhannya to ladies; nine peaks in the mountains uphill - welding, tears.
With the ace of spades - ailment.
With an ace of clubs - the melancholy of chi Skoda (wonder at the closest light or dark card).
With the ace of worms - the proximity of a person, a woman, a friend's radiance.
With an ace, bubo is a trick and a deception of loved ones.
Z 10 pik - not taking away pennies.

Vіsіmka pik - bad luck, sum, rozmov, ailment, kіmnata, apartment of a respectable individual, with seven piks not the next fortune-telling day, with nine clubs - bad luck.
With the jack of worms - a call of sickness and death of loved ones known.
Z 7 clubs - zrada kohanoi.
Under chotirioh kings - revelry, drinking.
Simka pik - nespodіvanka, deceit; uphill - tears, welding, vtrait friend, budinki, de live, with ladies - a lady in a camp.
With a jack of bubo - depicting a merchant.
With the jack of clubs - misfortune in the enemies.
From 10 pik - a call was not sent about the change of furnishings.
From one of the times - chastuvannya.
With a figure - unacceptability, more with 9 peaks - grief in the day.
Z 6 bubo - inability to stay in a booth.

Six pik - a long road, a long road, with your card - a cost.
With a peak - a fun road. With a club - the road is not far off.
Z 9 or 10 bubo - (z right hand to left) - the road for a penny.
Z 7 or 8 bubo - restless and crying about pennies.
With hrobakom - the road is that poachennya with dear people.
With clubs (above the head) - in the distance the result of the filthy names of the one who tells fortunes.


Ace of bubo - a day, a vletka, a leaf (it is best to show it to someone), a star; with a figure - a person who is engaged in a sheet.
With a tambourine - Shvidka otrimannya pennies.
7 Abo 9 abo 10 cherv'yakіv - radisny or love sheet.
With a club or a peak - in the distance of the bazhanoї hvilin, a great clod.
Z 6 clubs - chi rozmov's chi rozmov at the day.
Z 9 peak - cunning, deception of loved ones.
Z 10 worms - love leaf.
Z 10 pik (levoruch) - a plaintive chi sumny sheet.
W 10 bubo - penny leaf.

The king bubo is a young man, lovingly baptized, acquaintance with the future milieu, an unfriendly person (as there is no mister bubo here).
Z 10 bubo (with a jack) - a pidtrim to the future in the form of a new known chi of the future betrothed.
Z 6 bubo - neodminne vikonannya bazhan.
With a worm - fun, forgetting the past that change of life.

Lady Bubo is a young maiden, an unfaithful woman, a servant.
With a jack of bubo and 10 peaks - an unacceptable guest.
Z 9 worms - good for women, for people - stealing.

The jack bubo is a lad, messages, a trusted person, safe calls, the character of the character (a person is sumnivna, a materialist), thoughts of a tambourine king.
Z 7 pik - a merchant.
With the king - a commercial person, false.
Z 7 pik or 9 bubo - a fortuneteller of a person, a shvidka of zrada.
With a woman of clubs - unkind.
Z 6 clubs - that shvidka trip with like a king is unmatched.
If the king, queen and jack bubo with a card of the suit of an individual, what to tell fortunes (їй) - success in financial rights.

A dozen buboes - pennies, a village, a gift, a handful, at the heads - a penny; for such a king, women - to click; from the front of the face.
With the ace of spades (from the sides of your card) - welding through pennies.
Z 9 bubіv - neodminne that shvidka otrimannya pennies.
Three 8 diamonds - far away from the pennies, great pennies.
Z 7 bubo - a successful bug about pennies.
Z 6 bubo - call vikonannya bazhan, otrimannya pennies.
Z 6 pіk (right-handed) - the road for a penny.
With the jack of clubs - success on the penny on the right.
Z 10 clubs - obov'yazkove otrimannya pennies,
z 7 cherv'yakіv - great recession, otrimanny pennies.
Z 9 worms - a pributkov robot.

Nine bubo - a card of pennies (div. 10 Bubo) with the same king, zhіntsi - love.
Z 6 peak (right-handed) - a road for a penny, an unacceptable drop, a failure.
With the jack of hrobakiv - the uniqueness of the unacceptable price.
3 10 bubo - neodminne that shvidka otrimannya pennies.
Z chotirma kings - cheerful Rozmov.

Vіsіmka bubo - rozmov about pennies, hatred, accepting dreams, dreams.
With clubs 8 and 6 worms - a call about fire.
With the king or a woman pik (from the sides of your card) - Skoda looks like a fake and a nasty person.
With the jack of worms - rozmov about pennies.
Z 10 bubo - far away pennies, great pennies.
З 7 bubo (white figure) - її nevirnіst, inconstancy.

Simka bubo - joy, nevirnist, klopit, do it; business, purchase, sales, commercial favors (good or bad, marvel at the nearest card), a small gift made of gold, sreebla and vzagali metal, thoughts ladies bubo.
With a figure - a happy podium.
From 10 bubo - a successful bug about pennies.

Six of diamonds - the most important card that helps to bring up the filthy meaning of the ace of spades: Shvydka, the road is merry, the wicked bazhannya; the road of the king of diamonds, ladies.
Z 9 peak - grief in the day.
Z 10 and 9 pik - ailment, bring death.
Z 10 bubo - call vikonannya bazhannya otrimannya pennies.
Z 9 peak - death.
Z 7 bubo - inadmissibility in the booth.


Ace of clubs - in the evenings, autumns, bad hearing, state house, success, uphill - unsuccessful, a gift (the closest figure shows you to someone), without a figure - a gift from the unknown, clubs (booths of respectable people).
With sixth - Zalizna road. Under the king (hundreds of ladies) - immodest love, sight.
Z 7 clubs - win the right, win.
Z 9 worms - lower kokhannya.
3 6 clubs - batten and rose on the street, vzagali in dorozi, evening; at peaks - death.
Z 9 pik - a quick call about greed; vistryam uphill - about greed.
With the king of clubs - a happy result of the conceived undertaking of a swedish vikonnanny bazhannya.

The king of clubs is a Viysk people, a true friend, a friend hurry up.
With clubs - a close person, friend, person, naming, kohanets; vzagali vіschuu happiness.
Z 9 clubs (wind down) - a vpliva person, a good person; (wine uphill) - unacceptability of people.
3 8 clubs - a bit about undertakings on the sea, the death of the ship.
With an ace of clubs - a happy result of the planned right, vikonannya bazhan.
With a jack of clubs at your card (yakscho not a club suit) - great grief.
Z odnієї z shіstok - the road for the well-being of interest. Like the king of clubs does not spend at the fortune-teller - unsuccessful.

Woman of clubs - a respectable lady, friend, illegitimate child.
With the lady of the peak (for your card) - set the filthy, judge, unacceptable through friendship.
Z 8 clubs - help the relatives of a close woman.

The jack of clubs is a person in the form of a lower officer's rank, a friend, intercessor and friend, without an ace or without a king - a great clop, on the heart - a state clop, the thoughts of the king of clubs. Like the jack of clubs, the first one in the fortune-telling is the virne fortune-telling.
Z 7 pіk (buvaє rіdko) - misfortune after the steps of the enemy, between two ladies - an unwieldy squad.
3 10 bubo - success on the penny right.
З 8 clubs - a viysk people, a lack of happiness.
Between two jacks - restless future.

Ten of clubs - change; at peaks - deceit of nadії, bіdnіst, robot, for figures - a businesslike person, big trouble, pozhezhі; with hearts - a know-it-all, good luck at the lottery; for such a king, women - cackle.
Z 7 clubs - joy, a call about help.
Z 6 clubs - vipadkova proposition vіd'їzdu.
3 10 bubo - non-administrative withdrawal of pennies.
Z 10 worms - success at the kohanna.
Z 9 clubs - fun with loved ones, zdivuvannya.
Z 8 clubs - Shvidka otrimannya great pennies, recession, wealth, happiness.
Z 9 and 8 or 7 clubs - one of the most important combinations, even better.
With an ace of clubs - change to a better one.
Z 7 spades (without an ace) - deceit, tears.
Z 7 and 6 clubs - great suspіlstvo.

Nine of clubs - recession, doubtful, card of presence; in case of a figure, you show that you won’t know from your life; rozmov's reception; wind up the hill - annoyance, tiles, tears. For such a king, women - love.
Z 9 or 10 worms - success at the kohanna.
With a tambourine - it’s more correct to take away pennies and marna vitrata їх for satisfaction.
Z worm'yakoy - mutually kohannya.
Z 10 pik - unacceptability for a penny vіdnoshenі.
With the jack of hrobakiv - more expensive.
With the king of clubs - a vpliva person, a good person.
Z 10 clubs - fun with loved ones, zdivuvannya.
W 10 and 8 or 7 clubs - one of the most important combinations.

Vіsіmka clubs - tears, death close people, annoyance, dark, colorful rich; room of respectable people.
With an ace of clubs - success, in the evening burn down - unsuccessful.
With the king of clubs - a bit about the sea, the death of the ship.
With the lady of clubs - help the relatives of a close woman.
With the jack of clubs - a mismatched turn of happiness for the melancholy of an individual, what to tell fortunes.
Z 10 clubs - shvidka pridbannya unruly lane, otrimannya recession, wealth is happiness.
With the jack of hrobakiv - rozmov about beats.
Z 7 clubs (in front of your card) - unhappy.
З 7 clubs and an ace of worms - a happy zamіzhzhya, or a recession.

Simka clubs - the road is close, a call about success, recession, thoughts of ladies of clubs, in the mountains uphill - tears.
With an ace of clubs - win a win, win.
Z 10 clubs - wealth and happiness (those are 9 and 8 clubs).
Z 8 pіk - cholovіkovі, what to tell fortunes, zrajuє yoga team, kokhan.
With a jack of hearts (with 4 ladies and sims) - close to the people of the son.
Z 10 worms (with three other 7 and ladies or jacks) - the proximity of the cicada camp.

Six clubs - a sea road, a marna road, a sidewalk on the street, in the garden; the path at the indicated place, the road of the club individual, between the figures - a great party.
Z 10 clubs - an unfavorable proposition to the outside.
With an ace of worms (with a figure) - an oath of vranci.
With an ace, a bubo is a day's remembrance.
With an ace of clubs - a wedding party.
With an ace of spades - a night out.


Ace of hearts - a gift, a package, vranci, hanging; red budinok (budinok of friendly people).
With an ace, bubo is a radio leaf,
from 10 pik - sum sheet.
With the jack of the chrobakiv - a reception zvistka.
3 6 clubs - batchennya that rozmov on the street, in the evening.
Z 9 pіk - revelry and nasolod, poachennya and roztashuvannya friend.

The king of hrobakiv - friends of a man (for such a woman); nepodіvana zustrіch, parafіy, radian vistі.
Z pіkom - unacceptability.
With a tambourine - taking away pennies.
With clubs - klopit.
With a hrobak - success.

Zhіnka cherv'yakіv - zamіzhnya zhіnka.
Z 6 and 10 cherv'yakіv - tears for the fortune-teller, ale with the jack of clubs - unstoppable joy.
With a worm - success in a kohanna for a person.
With other suits - success for the unknown future.
Z 10 worms - a friend.

The Jack of Hearts is a Russian, a commoner, an unacceptable guest, happy calls, a cheerful company, thoughts of a king of hearts.
With a hrobak - success.
With an ace of worms - a welcome call, explained in a kohanna.
Z 9 clubs - more expensive.
Z 9 bubo - uniquely expensive.
Z 8 worms - heart rose.
Z 8 bubo - rozmov about penny interest.
Z 8 peak - a call about ailment or the death of a neighbor.
Z 8 clubs - unacceptable rozmov.
With a lady and a king - a guest.
Z 7 clubs (with 4 ladies chi sіmkah) - the shvidka of the people of sin (with 4 ace, 4 tuzi mean rose and wealth of sin).

A dozen worms - place, happiness, on the heart - joy, at the heads of the veil, kokhannya (platonic).
With a lady - a kohannya and a virnіst kohanіy zhіnki.
With the king - kokhannya and the fidelity of a kohanoi people.
Z 10 bubo is a great financial interest for a near future one.
Z 7 clubs - with three others 7, with ladies and jacks - the proximity of the cicada camp for the fortune-teller.
Z 8 cherv'yakіv - vodokremlene christening with a kohan woman.
Z 7 cherv'yakіv - vіdokremlene poachennya, rejoicing in the mountains.
Z 6 bubo - fun away.
Z 9 cherv'yakіv (with a red suit) - full of love with love, with a lady or a king - a wedding; otherwise change at the apartment. Z 6 cherv'yakіv - radiance of poachennya.
З 9 clubs - a kohana person will give you his heart, a star of chi rich in a kokhanov individual.
Z 10 clubs - success at the kohanna.
With an ace, a bubo is a love chi radio leaf.

Nine worms - a love sheet, unacceptable (reception is unacceptable, wondering at the nearest card); kohanna flared up. For every king, women - love.

From 10 cherv'yakіv with a new red suit - a lot of love with love, for the king, for the ladies - well.
Z 8 or 7 worms - bachelorette with a loved one.
Z 9 clubs - a kohana person will give you her heart; zvіstku chi rіch vіd kohanoi.
Z I am a shistkoy - unsupported zustrich.
With the lady pik - good luck

Vіs_mka cherv'yakіv - rozmov's oars, contentment, a long road, a room of a red individual.
With the jack of hrobakiv - cordial rose.
Z 7 clubs - unhappy (levoruch).
Z 10 cherv'yakіv - vіdokremlene poachennya.
Z 9 worms - poachennya.
3 10 diamonds (bіlya vashoi) - otrimannya pennies, great recession.

Simka of worms - fun, change of life, thoughts of a red woman.
3 10 peaks - unmatched proposition.
Z 10 cherv'yakіv - priemne vodokremlene poachennya.
Z 9 worms - poachennya.
With 4 kings - cheerful Rozmov.

Shistka cherv'yakiv - a walk, a crossing and a zatrimka on the right (but not in the hut); red king road, ladies.
With a worm - a path to an expensive individual.
Z 10 cherv'yakiv - the road is the heart of the battle.
A mustache of nine worms - success in a kohanna without a cross.

First, proceed to the fortune-telling on the cards, follow the recognition and rozіbratisya from the clouded suits. In addition, not all cards are playing an important role, but now they are.
Only having respectfully looked at the whole layout, you can proceed to the next steps. At once, we will tell you about the meaning of the skin card, since you fortune telling, bazhannya or people. Try to figure out your future, and maybe, you know something about your past.

The value of the diamond suit on the card cards (36 pcs.)

  • Six is ​​a bad card. Sound out means I'll take it more expensive, so that you can make positive changes to your certificates.
  • Sim - you take away the financial support either from an old friend or a new acquaintance, who will help you to help in the implementation of your plans.
  • Vіsіm - you are checked for other troubles and troubles. You will be nervous, flustered, and darma - the situation will improve on its own without any additional entries from your side.
  • Nine is a garna card. Your success will be entirely successful, you will need to seriously increase your ability to achieve the full implementation of the plan.
  • Ten - ce can mean the failure of the rivoks at the car'er. Imovirno, your superiors have given you respect, and now I may ask you to accept the proposition. Vitaemo!
  • Jack - Tse is not a good card. Often she appoints a person, as she can fool you at the financial right, and don’t show it all. Ring out a similar reception only in a day's time. Be respectful!
  • A woman is a woman with a grumpy and dramatic character. Tse mozhe buti your spіvrobіtnitsa chi xtos іz close acquaintances. Better for everything, get over your material position, and you can be called to the level of accessibility.
  • The king is a man, endowed with power. Whether you can be a woman or a person - it doesn't matter. Golovne one - if you are a person to lie down as your zahid, and if you behave judiciously, then you will take away the great support.
  • Ace - such a card to talk about those who check on you, an important call, what can setting up a kohanoi people that in parallel to your financial information. And now it’s respectful to look at the line of cards.

As if instructed by the ace of diamonds to know the suit of spades, the warning will be unacceptable.
Unfortunately. Tse means that your help will sharply go down, but on the rahunok happy kohanny in future, You will forget so don't forget anything.

The meaning of the hearts' suit when fortune-telling on the card cards

  • Sixth - it’s completely immovable, that you are checked for love. However, do not hurry up - you still don’t know what you can look at as people, and as if they were among them.
  • Sim - tse to talk about those who check on you romantic zustrіch. Some of your acquaintances have long felt sympathy for you and dare to ask you for help.
  • Vіsіm - cіkava card. Better for everything, you take away the knowledge in the kohanna, perhaps, in writing. It is unlikely that your joy was vikliche - this person was not accepted by you as a potential partner on a life path.
  • Dev'yat - better for everything, you can't wait too long for Rozmov's reception. Imovirno, tse bude rozmov with your constant partner about your stosunki. As if instructing the peak suit to show up with a card, then a peaceful exchange of thoughts to pretend to be such an ugly scandal.
  • Ten is the meaning of such a card, it is explained by him, that a trip with a kohan people is on you. However, you can get welded. Better for everything, you will start talking about your plans for a farther life, and you will tease your companion or companion.
  • Knave - your sharpened person is a person who is watching you to get the zmishani a little. Forget it, you can get very angry and try to take revenge.
  • Woman - tse, obviously, woman. If you instructed a card to appear from it, as it means your person, then, better for everything, go about yoga kohanka. But if the woman is already dressed up for you, it’s not enough to talk about those that you have a close friend, as if she’s always ready to help you.
  • King - ring out this card means a friendly people. If you go about your person, then it’s more important to take a look at the cards, as you know the instructions from him. The presence of a peak when fortune-telling on the cards speaks of those who check the unacceptability of a person, who is associated with family vodnosinami.
  • Ace - this is your house, that is your homeland. As instructed to know clubs (be it), get ready for welding and tears. According to the state, you have beaten peaks - your family center will be threatened with inacceptability. And lay down the tambourines to tell about your material state.

The meaning of the cards in fortune-telling is the suit of clubs

  • Sixth - recommencement of a business trip. Set up with us in the distance to the price of more expensive - in the presence of it, lay your farther career.
  • Sim - you should carry on business (possibly, not even a receptionist). Tse can mean Rozmov from the authorities. At once, it’s important to say about the result of tsієї rozmovi, and even as instructed to know the peak suit, unfortunately, rozmov ends up unimportantly for you.
  • Вісім - a check is on you, because your share is far away (rozmov about the professional aspect). Great is the opportunity to teach you a new place of work. If you instruct you to please the king, be it a suit (crim pіku), for the meanings of the cards in the fortune-telling, I explain to them that you need to be good with the proposition, after which you will achieve great success.
  • Nine - tsikava card. Most of all, it means a change in life. You can judge about the reshta only after you look at the court cards: - spades - inaccuracies - tambourines - great purchase - worms - change at special waters.
  • Ten is a miracle card! A great surplus is being checked on you, winning a lottery, a bonus, a recession, or it’s the same as it can be directly related to finances. Vitaemo!
  • Jack - you check klopot. The meaning of such a card, not even a regional call, may be related to kimos from your companions, close friends and relatives. Imovirno, some of them will need your help.
  • Lady - the card is unimportant and її meaning when fortune-telling on the cards, lie down in order, if you know how to order it: - the order of the tambourine - go about your spіvrobіtnitsa, as if the fortuneteller has been nailed to you - the order of the worm - ymovіrno, your man has є Kokhanka - entrusted with a pika - you will cook with your mother-in-law, and the scandal will be even thicker and unacceptable.
  • The king is better for everything, go about your boss. But if you don’t practice, then such a card means a summer man (father-in-law and father).
  • Ace - such a card with fortune-telling means your deeds in the city of work. Before the speech, it’s not included, what do you take as an important call, related to finances, and your share after the fortune with cards you can change for better.

Meaning of the peak suit for divination

  • Sixth - an unscheduled trip, due to a variety of unacceptable problems. If you can be financially nurturing, then do it for your special life. Ymovirno, bring you more tears and tears. Unfortunately.
  • Sim is a bad card. Sound out means welding, scandals just. If you are instructed to know the suit of hearts, then the inaccuracies are checked on you in special vodnosins (it is possible, a person can be blamed for another woman).
    Entrusted from her clubs card - you will cook s kimos from close friends and relatives. According to the suit of diamonds - inaccuracies are checked on you on the robot.
  • Vіsіm - be careful. Such a map means health problems. Better than everything, you need to take a piss at the doctor's. It’s quite remarkable that you have a disease, you didn’t suspect about it.
  • Nine - obviously sickness. Tse does not mean that you are sick to yourself - on the right, one of your close relatives may be present. Take a look at the cards, they lie nearby: - ​​the heart's suit - the illness of a person or some of the children - the suit of clubs - ymovirno, drink your mother, father, etc. to the hospital. - a suit of diamonds - blame the health problems of someone from your business partners, or you can simplify your sleeping plans.
  • Ten - unfortunately, this card does not mean anything good. Most of the vipadkivs have a dozen peaks to talk about those who check on you for an accident, some hope, plans, etc.
  • Jack - means a person, like you can fool. Sounds like a card to talk about shakhrayism, moreover, from the side of an individual, as if you did not see such a trick.
  • Woman - the meaning of a woman of peaks in all witches has the power of black magic, so they call it a witch. Tse black power is strong, and there is no trace of a good card. Vaughn means that there is a curse hanging on people or a family curse, as if it was inflicted by a witch who was informed by a chi chaklun.
  • The king is an unacceptable card. Imovirno, great inaccuracies are being checked on you, tied up with a kimono from high-ranking people. The King of Peaks means a townsman, endowed with great power.
  • Ace is a two-valued card. If yoga is straight uphill, then the check is very famously on you (sickness, plunder, financial collapse, etc.), but if yoga is straight down, then get ready for holy and drinking (merry, corporate party, national day, etc.) .d.). e.)
Mon, 01/18/2015 - 18:12 -- magico

Deciphering the meaning of the cards, which is transmitted from mouth to mouth from grandmother. For a stretch of 20 years, it was tried and tested, so the meanings of the cards are the most accurate, which shove all possible spheres. Putting together a real picture of the vorozhinnya. Adzha is not enough to lay out the magician, it is necessary to think correctly and gloomy yoga. The interpretation of the cards should be practical for the use of magic and solitaire.


Shіstka- Road; special way, like a fortune teller on a red king or a lady. Innodі svіtlі shіstki mean the bright hour of dobi (when specifying the food)

Simka- Zustrich, pampered. Innodі radіst.

Вісімка- Razmovi, chastіshe radіsnі or about kokhannya.

Nine- love.

Ten- More, lower interest - hope, plan.

Jack- Klopit, problems, what to torment food.

Lady of Hearts- a woman from 20 to 40 years old, or else you can be younger, as a girl is friendly. At the rozladі - tse squad, woman, girlfriend, appointed century, іnodi - kokhanka, like to tell fortunes on a tambourine lady and a man who does not cohabit with her. Pair of red king. All fall in the form of satellite cards.

King of Hearts- People from 20 to 40, often friendships or separations. Another friend.

Ace- hut. Just home nest. Yours, like to tell fortunes on you, like on a cherv'yana lady / king, cheers.


Often the suit of the tambourine is shown in a special, different penny.

Shіstka- The road, maybe early, close. As soon as they eat at the rozladі richly at once, and more often light and dark order - then the road is far. Often - beyond the cordon (where is it so far to go "day and night").

Simka- zustrіchі.

Вісімка- Features of the conversation. Other financial.

Dribnitsa at the rozklad, which is always significant, sometimes the stench of the position of people with empty roses, zustres, tobto. stupid.

Nine- Kokhannya for nezamіzhnіh, or osobisti feel, see blue, experience. Often the card stands like a special song - sex. At the meeting with the worm nine - lovingly. With a dozen worms - spodіvannya special setting, tobto. sex is planned.

Ten- Hope, plan, interests. Either individual or financial.

Jack- this problem is of a special nature. I know the same, some pennies.

Lady- A young girl, a young woman under 20, a woman, a friend. Often performs like a kohanka with a friendly king of hearts.

King– a young person of a century of age up to 20 years old, practically a leader of discord. Sometimes in the layouts you act like a son.

Ace- Sheet; important, most penniless, "paper" sign, documents. As a layout for friends and an ace of diamonds, stand in order with spades (the card is turned over) - you can use paper before separation.

Cross, clubs

Mustache crosses - tse business cards. From the other side, the stench can talk about the century. Price from 40 to 60 years.

Shіstka- Business trip (card of charge, you can indicate how the trip can end).

Simka ta vіsіmka- zustrіchі and delovі razmovi.

Nine- as if on the right, sometimes prihilnist is strong. For example, like nine crosses lay down from 8 or 9 peaks, then the sickness is painful, bringing less pain.

Ten- Pennies, profits, earnings and interests of this order.

Jack- Problems, troubles, turboti, hopes.

lady chi king- Well, I know I’m still judged according to the whole layout, otherwise I’m a business man, tobto. comrade in service (-tsya), boss (-itsa), or for a century of qualifications - father / mother, father-in-law, father-in-law / mother-in-law, relative in vіkom vіd 40 to 60. It is necessary to marvel at the court card.

Ace- Tse project, important on the right. Sometimes the card indicates the houses of the cross-king / lord, or simply the houses of the robot and the people.


Shіstka- Pіznya or the road is far. As if there was a charge from a person’s card, whom you look at, and so you fall repeatedly, you come home, sometimes you just don’t feel like going home. As an entrusting cross ace, then you need to “sit” on the robot for more.

Simka- Slozi, prikrіst, failure, turmoil. As if in the same time with a worm or a tambourine symbol, hysteria, camp of hysteria, consumption. As an entrustment from a dark symbolic chi great - unacceptable rozmov, with a siege at the soul.

Вісімка- Scandal, super girl. Inodi - drink, requested from the guest. Yakshcho in rozladі often falls on a person vіsіm pik and ace pіk ( direct meaning, then. card is not turned over), then a person loves to be drunk.

Nine- ailment, bіl, rіdshe - shock. With nine worms or a bubo - the closeness of the head of the bіl (unsatisfactory intimate stosunki).

Ten- Marni Nadii. Everything that they were inspired by was impossible. Rozcharuvannya, collapse on the right, oshukanі nadії, plan, scho not vydbulisya, do not go out, scho conceived.

Jack- Empty bed. Marni vchinki, zroblenі wrong podії. Tobto for nothing was crushed like zusilla, crumbs. Schos didn’t win, didn’t win.

Lady- pekucha tight on komus, aggressiveness, pity, jealousy and all other heavy feelings. It is necessary to marvel at whom the card of chi z kimos was given. It’s rare for a woman to be a grandmother, after 60 years, or a woman of a good character matured, which is especially important for someone she is guessing at.

King- Noble man, patron, man with rank, titles. One director and colleagues in work. Rarely - a new acceptance of the acquaintance of a person after 60 years.

Ace- down to the winds - a blow - moral, material, mustache, that you can get cold in the middle, get angry, get cold. Vistrya uphill - a state booth - may be buti and wake up with rozvagami, with a drink, zagalom, rozvazhalni podprijemstva, more - likarnya.

It was like a rich pik - especially 9 and 10, an ace of inversions - and all one people - do bad things, wind up. Yoga death is possible.

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