People, with what names should women with the name of Svitlana go? Svіtlana - the meaning of the name Svіta

Im'ya words'yanskogo pohodzhennya, like the word "light".

Svіtlana z ditynstva vіdrіznyaєtsya super-chliviy and foldable character. It’s too high to think about itself, but to be middle-class, it doesn’t have any particular vibes, it would have been seen as such in the midst of one-year-olds. Huge robots add a lot of time, may be able to command. It is easy to take what people say on faith. At the same time, Svіtlana - good people and good things to give people absolutely bezkoslivy help. In young people, the fates start especially relatively chasing after their zvnishnistyu, in clothes they try to follow the fashion, but sometimes they change a little of the world.

Svіtlanі podobєєsya pobuvat among cholіkovіv, splkuvannya z zhіnkam not to bring іy such satisfaction. In times of recent failures in life, it’s good to blame the lessons of these pardons and drastically change your way of life. You can remember the robot, act like a comrade. Kindly stick to sharpening. Pratsovity is not spared. Happily Svіtlani zavzhdy lie down in her own way. The first time is to stay abroad, to try to change your mind, so that you can fight a good person and look up to her in a right way. The way to be a gnuchka and diplomatic among the brethren with a person and relatives, everything is put before her with love. Already tied to children, richly zusil to rob, to give them good lighting. For the last century, I have become a noble gospodarka.

Suitable for the ship: Vadim, Volodymyr, Oleg, Eduard, Yuriy, Oleksiy, Boris.

Mensh suitable: Oleksandr, Glib, Dmitro, Mikhailo, Stanislav.

Sexuality named after Svitlana

Vaughn is good for the human eye. Navіt yakscho won't be seen by anything among other wives, a man sips at her like that. Svitlana herself often does not know about her own privability, more she is mortally afraid of love failures. You are afraid of serious assimilation, afraid of showing your feelings, most afraid that a person can agree with her in return. She won’t impose herself on anyone, but, having changed her mind at the one who is of interest to a person, she looks up to you, not putting up the minds of the day. As a partner, to bring enough warmth to Svіtlan, you can become clay in your hands.

Svіtlana is full of energy and life love, and sex for her is a joyful joy, bring happiness, which brings a little spiritual jealousy, apparently more life. Svіtlana does not belong to quiet women, like they look at beautiful, tall and stringy people, the partner's name is not important for her, it is valued in a new quality, in the middle of them not in the rest of the world - affinity, sexuality, accessibility.

In her special life, Svitlana has little respect for the big idea, she doesn’t call the gossip to gossip. It seems that їїї navіt befits, if you talk about it, the whole її marnoslavism.

Before all people, Svitlana is placed with distrust, respecting that she can’t rely on any of them, but people love life without them for her without a bar. Її dissatisfaction is by no means long-term. lower word, affectionate hugs, and Svitlana is ready to roam and do everything to the kokhan.

"Litnya" Svitlana is bored with her intimate problems and doesn't know more than anything to care for herself, to the extreme views of the sexual sphere it is extremely painful.

Name meaning

The character of Svіtlana interweaves with the impersonal superstitions, it’s not surprising that she can be kind and vengeful at the same time, strange and self-suffocating, ugly and deceitful. She tries to take people like that, yakim stink, but otochuychih vmagaє well. The power of the woman miraculously gets along with the vivacity, it’s easy for Svetlana, it’s warm, calm, unaffected by the difference in mood. But don’t forget about those that it’s time for the fate of the people of Svіtlani, you can suttvo vodkoriguvati її і so uneasy character.

Characteristics of the name Svitlana

Zimova Svitlana - the goal leader, who loves not only to command, but to be in the center of respect (look, look at the knowledge of the її zdіbnosti, they cheer up the woman, cheering on the roots of new heights). Ale blisk that glory does not replace the warm human stosunkiv. And about the trace of the memory of the winter Svitlana, as you can spend the grace of loved ones. A person chooses not less powerful and strong (її do not chirp young people, as if they were not in life, they joke about their way).

Vesniana Svitlana - nature, which hesitates and is unprepared, which does not reach the strength of will and firmness of character for the purpose of what was conceived. Vaughn is constantly resting in disharmony from herself with that intoxicating light, which is too early to cause depression to develop. Your life needs to learn how to marvel at the world easily and freely, only then there will be not only harmony, but love. Before the speech, the spring Svitlana gallant, kind and cheerful people, the building remind the world with bright farbs.

Summer Svitlana good-natured, vidkrita and talanovita. Vaughn is easy to know spilnu mova be some kind of person who helps you to hone yourself with strange things good people. Її dishonesty does not know the cordons, through which Svitlana often suffers. People have a price, persh for everything, breadth, warmth and warmth (dovira - the axis of that head warehouse, for the future of Svіtlan's stosunka, the people of the vlіtka).

Autumn Svitlana feisty, pragmatic and distrustful. Vaughn does not like to cook and conflict. In addition, don’t let anyone close to you, even if I trust that pretentiousness is necessary to deserve. Її isolation - the result of the fact that people, as they trusted, repeatedly її zaradzhuvali. The defender of the autumn Svitlana is a prim and serious person, who, without having to say anything, is the culprit of all problems.

Kamin - a talisman

Svetlana bring good luck to such stones as girsky crystal, jasper and black opal.

Girsky kryshtal

This is a stone that brings love to life, stability, joy, good luck, kindness to that spiritual harmony. Also, the girsky crystal relieves nightmares and unmotivated fears, normalizes sleep.

It is important that the stone from the girsky crystal should be grafted with more strength and the opening of the gift of transfer (it is not surprising that the very same stone at the sight of the crystals is often victorious for the fortune-telling).


Jasper is a stone that continues life and improves mood. It is a symbol of modesty, masculinity and firmness of spirit.

In China, and until this day, it is important that jasper (especially utensils from this stone) is able to make people sick and change the bill.

Also, jasper protects against evil fate, brings happiness, excites filthy thoughts and develops rosy vibes. A stone of dark color protects from pristrita, cold - develops clairvoyance, red - relieves ailments, green - calms the nervous system, red - cleanses internal organs.

Jasper is seen with its energetic infusion: thus, for the help of this stone, you can clear the expanse of negative inflows, get good and calm.

Tsіkavy fact! Bring luck to the fiery signs of the zodiac - red and orange jasper, to water - blue and gray, to earth signs it is recommended to wear clothes made of green and brown jasper, then it will be better for the signs of the zodiac to win over the stone of white or yellow colors.

black opal

This is the stone of love, belief, strangeness, hope and spontaneity, which enlightens the mind, saps the sound of gloomy thoughts and ungrounded fears. It is important that the opal of black color does not only give happiness, but helps to establish contact between people.

Magicians and chakluni put amulets with this gem for the introduction of black chaklunstvo, psuvannya that prestige.

Ancient people respected that black opal symbolizes fidelity, moreover, both physically and spiritually.


Colors, which bring good luck to Svitlana, are black, blue, brown, green and red (you can read more about them in the article).


The lucky number for Svіtlanya is 6 (more about the influx of women can be read in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in the life of people").



Creature - a symbol

The totem creature of Svіtlani is cherished by the zaєts - a super-cheerful symbol, which makes you special, love, shyness, but at the same time fearfulness, naїvnіst and life wisdom. In addition, because of the softness and fluffiness, the animal is recognizable in rich cultures of swidkistyu, sawnness, protection, spritnistyu and spritnistyu.

In Egypt, the hare symbolizes the svitanok, the beginning of a new life, vodkrittya, moral purity and success in the beginnings.

The Slavs attributed to the hare a human erotic symbolism and demonic power. Before that, it was important that this creature was going to its own path to deceive and cunning, and not to practice and indulgence.

In Christianity, the hare is a symbol of pliability and greediness, but at the same time, the creature that lay on the bed of the Virgin Mary symbolizes victory over greediness.


Success of the Svitlana bring the sign of the zodiac Aquarius, about which you can read in the article "Splashing the sign of the zodiac and the color of the name on the life of a person."


Roslini-masmani Svіtlani - birch and lily.


This tree simultaneously symbolizes death and resurrection, good and evil, the sunset of the sun and the light.

In some traditions, including the viruvanie of words, birch symbolizes light, beauty, purity, innocence and femininity. The Buryats believed that the birch itself protects the gate, that it opens the way to heaven.

At once, a birch can be stoked by unclean forces.


Tsya roslin, which symbolizes purity, thoroughness, religiousness and righteousness, is considered an invisible attribute of the Divine Mary in Christian tradition. On the right in the fact that the potryna lily symbolizes the Trinity and three garlic: Faith, Hope and Mercy.

If you talk about heraldic significance, then this flower is a symbol of the greatest power. Also, the lily gives birth and prosperity.

In Europe, the lily symbolized the tree of life, that spirit.

Ale! Bіlі liliї at the same time from purity can symbolize death in such vipads.


Metal named after Svitlana is a sign that symbolizes masculinity, warlikeness, strength, justice and courage. It is important that this metal is the building guardian of demons, so our ancestors often wore it as an adornment for votives from the hall (kiltsya, amulets).

Tsіkavy fact! Charming colo, as if protecting from evil spirits, on the back of the head was painted not by silly, but by flood winds.

nice day

It's time for rock

Pokhodzhennya named after Svitlana

Translation of the name

Name Svitlana is translated as "light", "clean", "light", "light of the earth".

History of the name

Іsnuє kіlka versіy pozhennja imeni Svіtlana. So, for one of them, tse im'ya є a woman's form famous person named Svitlana.

For a different version, after Svitlana, the root of the word was created by the way of folding two words - "light" and "lan" (the rest of the word is translated from Ukrainian as "earth", "fertile soil").

Nareshti, the original version, for which name Svitlana is a tracing-paper of the Greek name Fotiniya, which is translated as "light". Before that, as the name of Svіtlan, the Orthodox Church allowed vikoristati under the hour of the rite of baptism, the Volodarok of whose name was christened to the very name of Fotiniya.

The ballad of V. A. Zhukovsky “Svitlana” brought wide popularity to the name of Svitlana. The radyansky hours on the popularity of that name are rich in why they added the fact that that was the name of the daughter of Josip Stalin.

Forms (analogues) name

Extended forms of the name Svitlana: Svitlana, Svitulya, Svitulichka, Svitlanka, Svitunya, Svitusya, Veta, Lana, Svitlochka, Svitlanochka, Svitlyk, Svitlana, Svitusha, Lanochka, Gilochka, Svetik.

Mystery named after Svitlana

Patrons of the name

  • Reverend Svitlana of Palestine (Ch. Fotiniya).
  • Svitlana the Samaritan (chi Rimska).

Angel Day (name day)

The legend about the name Svitlana

There is a legend about the Reverend Svitlana of Palestine, the righteous path that emerged from the accident of the ship, in whom only one was spared to live (the winds nailed the maiden to the island rock, where blessed Martinian is alive). Vіn rozpovіv Svіtlanі about their desert life, about those who are trichі on the river yоgo see a shipbuilder who will bring food to you. After his confession, Martinian blessed the maiden, drenched her bread and water, and rushed into the sea, where the dolphins puffed him up, as they helped him to get the land.

An hour passed, and a shipbuilder arrived at the rock, which, having caught Svіtlana on the rock and on its own, urged to bring her to the place, on which the girl sprung into the air. Vaughn asked for more, so that at her coming arrival of wines, having taken out a squad, man's robe, as well as outside for needlework. The shipbuilder saw the light of Svіtlani, for the whole hour she lived just in the sky, not being afraid of neither heat nor cold. Vaughn praised the Lord 12 times a day for sending me a test, and at night she prayed 24 times.

After six years of ascetic life on the island rock, Svitlana died, moreover, about the death of її found out only after two months, if in some time the shipbuilder with his retinue arrived on the island to see the righteous.

They commemorated the Monk Svitlana at Caesarea of ​​Palestine.

Vіdomі people

Famous artists on the name of Svitlana:

  • Svitlana Kryuchkova;
  • Svitlana Svitlichna;
  • Svitlana Nemolyaeva;
  • Svitlana Toma;
  • Svitlana Druzhinina;
  • Svitlana Kharitonova;
  • Svitlana Smikhnova-Blagovich;
  • Svitlana Danilchenko;
  • Svitlana Harlap.

Famous writing in the name of Svitlan:

  • Svitlana Oleksiyovych;
  • Svitlana Martinchik;
  • Svitlana Yakir.

Famous athletes on the name of Svitlana:

  • Svitlana Khorkina - a gymnast who became a dvorazova Olympic champion at the right on the beams;
  • Svitlana Zhurova - Russian kovzanyarka;
  • Svitlana Parkhomenko - professional tennis player from Radyansk;
  • Svitlana Visokova - Russian kovzanyarka;
  • Svitlana Pechorska - biathlete from Radyansk;
  • Svitlana Masterkova is a Russian athlete.

Famous spivachki on the name of Svitlana:

  • Svitlana Loboda;
  • Svitlana Svetikova;
  • Svitlana Surganova;
  • Svitlana Lazareva.

Svitlana Aliluyeva - Stalin's daughter, she wrote memoirs about the life of her father.

Svitlana Sichkar - Radianskaya artist-animator, yak took part in the creation of such popular cartoons as "Mom for a mammoth", "Got Baron Munchausen" and "Got the pig Funtik".

Svitlana Savytska - the first woman-cosmonaut, as she appeared in space.

Svitlana Morgunova - V_domy announcer of the Central TV channel.

The meaning of the name Svitlana

For kids

Little Svitlana is self-sufficient, vidpovidalna, serious and drunken child, as if we were old enough to help us: and cook dishes, and sit with her young brother, and women help the baker's performance.

Even in childhood, it is important for Svіtlana to take care of the well-wishing ones, for that, with her actions, she tries to be worthy of everything and the skin, it’s miraculous to come out. Vaughn is cheerful, sensible beyond fate and able to join a company that helps her to know friends of a different age.

But it’s not varto zvablyuvatisya according to the character of Svitlana, even though her wines are far from tsukor. She loves to command, but її natural kindness, that strangeness overrides the established її authority in the company. You want to be in the center of respect, but you don’t know how to behave correctly in this situation, the shards are unrepentant in yourself. Vaughn to follow all the fashionable tendencies, trying to keep yourself "on the high", but at the very least, you change a little of the world (for Svitlana, you don't understand the "golden mean").

Svіtlana - dovіrliva, comrade, zhitєradisna, bezkorisliva and respectful girl, like nі hvilini can not calmly sit on one place, with whom її transcendental activity can easily complicate your life.

A student from Svіtlani "not so hot", but from suspіlna diyalnіst- obviously її "konik". She will quickly acquire new information, but to work on top of it, she does not have deep knowledge in any subject.

For girls

Yuna Svіtlana copes with the sudden anger of the lungs, the light, the good-natured girl who doesn’t care about her being the right commander and the leader, the building firmly influencing her thoughts. Ale їy next be careful when dealing with people, the shards of your self-esteem can lead to unacceptable consequences.

It is impossible not to say about the transcendental emotionality of the Volodarka of his name - Svitlana can learn to control her emotions, as if you don’t want to pretend to be a human from a manipulator, with such ease you can cherubate.

For Svitlana, it’s important to feel like a chestnut for the restless, even if it’s bad luck, you’ll be very embarrassed and injure your girl, as if for the sake of reaching her, she’s ready to look at her life, remember the work of her place of residence. But all the same, Svitlana miraculously sticks to life, and all the zavdyaks are so self-reliant, daring, easy-going and practical.

Modest Svitlana is a wonderful and faithful friend, ready to come to the rescue, be it whilin. Middle її negative vibes you can name strife, strife, vengeance and staleness in the form of someone else's thought.

For a woman

Svitlana has grown up to be self-sufficient and self-sufficient, she called out to everyone and always rely on herself. From one side, such a position helps to achieve well-being, but also from the other side - it becomes a bandage on the way to trusting waters between people (having grown older, Svitlana ceases to trust people). With this closed woman, it is impossible to name a woman. Navpaki, she is immersed in her warmth and light mustache.

Ale! Tsіy charіvnіy zhintsі-zagadtsі pritamannі so yakosі like dominion and authoritarianism, about the trace of remembrance when splіkvannі zі Svіtlanoy. And even though in her youth, inaccuracies were accepted by her like fate and fate, then in a mature life, whether or not, problems become priceless for the Light (this woman is firmly convinced that there is no more than a robot over the pardons of the building of the future light). Golovna - turn around with your emotions, it’s not easy to grow up such a temperamental and emotional person like Svitlana.

Description of the name Svitlana


Svetlana does not care about her moral and ethical principles for everyday conditions, she scatters the very morality, justice and honesty out of respect on that basis, on which the stosunki between people may vibudovuvatisya.


Through her passion, Svitlana can have problems with her work nervous system he is recommended to give special respect to his moral and psychological state.


Svitlana is a woman of charm, and she is addicted, so there are no misfortunes among the chanuvals. When it comes to people, it’s easy and hateful to behave, which is greedy on її (people love girls, in which they don’t impose their own model of behavior). Ale, having fallen in love, she will see her dress in full and in full, without any minds.

In people, Svitlana is given to us by internal zmist, ambition, passion, temperament, and that dosvіd, even though zvnіshnі danі does not seem to be of great importance for her.

Svіtlanі cholovіkіv privablyuє taєmnichіє і inaccessibility, її vminnya trimatі іntrigu i shodnya divuvati svogo kokhanoy. And at first glance, it seems that Svitlana is cold and impregnable, but she absolutely does not show activity. Tsya woman can love in a right way, which is good for people to appreciate.


Svіtlana nadії nadії puts on a boat, which obov'yazkovo can be far away, to that and before the choice of a person one should go as far as possible and carefully. It is very important for her to trust her person, who can be the best partner for her beloved person, behind the back of which you can hide yourself in the face of any inaccuracies.

But all the same, it’s not easy for the squad of the Holy One to happen, even if she became a right guardian home fire, you may have a chance to sharpen її with warmth, respect, turbotoy. Important for the Svіtlani is the material warehouse: so, it’s good to say goodbye to your car, and the deputy of a person will have to take care of all the windings and bazhannya of your kohanoi.

Family Vіdnosiny

Svitlana - dbayliva that virna team, loving mother, miraculous sir. Zavdyaks of your diplomacy, m'yakosti and gnuchkost in її sіm'ї zavzhd panuyat peace and tranquility ).

Family for her is the basis of life, for the sake of saving that prosperity, she is ready to act in the light of her career ambitions. It is important that Svitlana always looks after the interests of her own family, do not judge with brutal respect on a daily basis.

She tries to ensure maximum calmness and comfort for her children, often forgetting about those who need to take an hour.


Svitlana is a sensitive woman, she doesn’t hurry to show her sexuality, being afraid of love failures. And darma, even if it’s in it, to beckon people - tse and mystery, and temperament is attached, and neimovirna femininity.

Varto is less likely to open up the Svitlana and trust the people, as if they have feelings, it’s possible to know the mind of any person. At the same time, for the very Light of Intimacy, life becomes a dzherel of the right people, building the whole life.

The ideal sexual partner of Svіtlana is the knowledge that a sensitive person, who can deliver a woman to her soul.

Rozum (intellect)

Svetlana is sensible and pragmatic, but she doesn’t have to make a deep analysis of the situation (it’s powerful to marvel at the problem, scho vinikla, superficially).


Svіtlana is a masterful, powerful and authoritative leader, slender, not less than rude, but for the need to win over them in her sly goals. Її practicality, virtuousness and virtuousness help to achieve a fast career growth in any profession, but think about it, that a woman can get into her marnoslavl and self-love. Do not forget about those that Svitlana is a person of a mood, and that he is powerful with ease to change a nabridla robot.

Vlasnitsa of this name can be brought up to that non-numerical category of people, for which a robot can become a right hobby (especially as a profession is chosen). With her colleagues, she tries to sing out equal blues, shards in vvazha for the best clear distribution friendly blue with robot workers.

The most important are the spheres of activity, connected with intercourse with people.


The conduct of a good business can be brought to Svitlana with a right tragedy, the shards won’t miraculously work together, but it’s absolutely not possible to organize your own working process. You should love and hurt yourself, through which you can suffer your business.


The main congestion of Svіtlanya is fashion, it is respectful to follow the trends. You can dedicate your own free time not only to your family, but to yourself (going to the shops and visiting spa salons, you won’t forget about anything).

Type of character


Svetlana is an inconsequential person, with whom often її vchinki collapse the emotions, even though the voice of the mind is not heard. Nothing in life is given to him just like that, he will go scrupulously, step by step, making it difficult.

At one time, even a woman is open, in her life she surpasses the spiritual ear: її think that aspiration is pure, and open your heart for those who need warmth. If you want to reach the Svitlana, then it’s better to appeal to yourself to that kind heart.


Svіtlana's intuition is strongly dissipated, with whom it won't hurt vicorist's її in different situations.

Horoscope named after Svitlana

Svitlana - Aries

Tse vrazliva, razliva, imaginative, sentimental and even emotional nature, how to think is not zavzhd razumilimy for otochuyuchih categories, which is absolutely powerful in creative specialties. Svitlana-Aries will require moral encouragement from relatives and loved ones, even if in important situations she starts to lose faith in herself. A strong character is needed for a person, who will become an impeccable leader in their homeland.

Svitlana - Taurus

Energіyna, privabliva, comrade, that life of Svіtlana-Taurus is brought to life easily and unimpressed. Won to love cheerfully that galaslivі company, then pobudova kar'єri that sim'ї її a little cіkavit. In a person, a woman appreciates humor and an active life position, and from material wealth she respects the right bait.

Svitlana - Twins

Good-natured, chuyna, naїvna, that kindly Svitlana-Bliznyuki can overcome her problems with innocence, but don’t forget about the life of her relatives and friends.

It is not surprising that with kindness they often corrode with a foul-mouthed method, which even confuse Svіtlana. The benefactor of a woman can be kind, lower and turbotlivim, even for Svitlana-Bliznyuki, it’s important to warmly welcome the warmth of that supporter of a kohanoi people.

Svitlana - Cancer

Nerishucha, nevshucha in her own way and childishly infantile Svitlana-Rak is trying to bring her significance and indelibility to the point, only rarely go out of her. Compliments, podtrimka, praise - the axis of the rushing power of Svitlana-Cancer. At his own person, he jokes, persh for everything, a hopeful partner, who can never be hurt, but then we also have a biased lover and a person to love.

Svitlana - Leo

Emotion, ardor and impulsiveness of Svitlana-Lev inspire me to know like-minded people and true friends. Navpaki, through her narcissism, a woman often indulges in the pretentiousness of loved ones. You can’t live without blatant respect, that light of sophitiv, її vanity can be satisfied with the whole world. In the people of Svitlana-Lev, there is a sense of arrogance, proof and solidity.

Svitlana - Diva

Tsya is erudovana so richly blamed specialty miraculously rise up in public and quickly attach themselves to the situation, which helps to know the right friends and the honor of among colleagues. It is important for Svіtlana-Diva to circle her finger, so that people do not dare to play with her in the guts and bears. Vaughn does not accept cunning, lies and hypocrisy.

Svitlana - Vagi

Chemna, diplomatic and tactful Svitlana-Terezi with ease to people. Tsya sentimental and irritable woman tries not to show her volatility, so Svitlana can only be known by the closest people. It is not possible for one’s own family to prevent weldings and scandals, so a person chooses a calm and passionate one.

Svitlana - Scorpio

This woman is selfishness, it’s impossible to know right friends, only the axis to trust people Svitlana-Scorpio is absolutely not able to. In addition, she won’t be able to make her high-spirited to the pointy, it’s not surprising that it’s important for people to think about her. The man is out of the way of the arrogant, careless and the building head of the state on the її zakhist.

Svitlana - Strilets

Tse spravzhnya altruist that humanistka, yak magayetsya bachiti in people is less strong and positive side. However, such an attitude to people threatens with serious roses for the native Svitlana-Strilets. A man is out of his mind to become his own: kind, sly and rude, ready to come to the rescue, be it whilin.

Svitlana - Capricorn

The leader and carerist for the vow, ready to practice, tirelessly, for the attainment of the sacred mark. Svitlana-Kozerig loves her work in a right way, it’s easy for him to push through car’er gatherings. Irrespective of its authority, that organization, the woman is vulnerable and good-natured, as if sharply reacting to criticism. There is no more trust in the soft man, what a mind.

Svitlana - Aquarius

It is sensible that the feisty Svitlana-Vodoliy is right to put yourself at the constellation, that її presence is the embellishment of any sunset. You won’t like ice, but you will spend your free time reading a book, or in the company of friends. Svetlana-Aquarius cannot trust people, so I must have patience.

Svitlana - Ribi

Tsya sorom'zliva and nevpevnena in her own woman is constantly doubtful in her own in power to that, like no one else, a support is needed. In the sight of your kohany won you feel warm, turboti that kokhannya, even if only with the beloved person of Svitlana-Ribi, you feel calmly and comfortably.

The summation of the name of Svitlana from human names

Svitlana and Dmitro

Here are a couple of ambitious and goal-directed people, the energy of which to draw on those who can help overcome life's difficulties. In my family life panuyut love that right dovira.
Dmitro - meaning of the name, adventure, characteristics, horoscope

Svitlana and Oleksandr

This union has a deep understanding: so, Svіtlana tries to make everything fit her kohanom person, then Oleksandr grants everything to himself without too much of his lower and lagіdnoї kohanoy.

Svitlana and Evgen

For this cіkavomu union, the basis is not pochutya, but a reasonable pіdkhіd until you wake up sim'ї.

Ale, such a pidkhid does not cross the budding of the mіtsnyh and prosperous family stoksіv.
Evgen - meaning of name, adventure, characteristics, horoscope

Svitlana and Sergiy

Svitlana and Oleksiy

This tandem to descend on the soil of the controversy of souls: thus, Svitlana and Oleksiy rose one to the other without any words. For them, the basis of a prosperous family is peace, that peace is mutually beneficial.

Svitlana and Yuriy

The union between the Volodarians of these names is small, because the insults are overworldly volitional and are not ready to compromise. Svetlana and Yury do not add one to another, but despise.

Svitlana and Vasil

Soil and practical Vasil do not start a mind of impulsiveness and an overworldly emotionality of his image. And if the vibukhovy character of Svіtlani is added to yoga, then you can change it in a year.

Svitlana and Ivan

It’s worth to endure a friendly union, the osks of the wines of foundations are more important on passion, even though Svitlana, and Ivan are not ready to say goodbye to their freedom and get lost in the head of the world of family stosunkiv.

Svitlana and Maxim

Svitlana and Denis

This union often breaks apart quickly through the existence of a superficial foundation, which is formed from common interests and deep feelings. The camp of zakohanost_ shvidko changes drativlivistyu from both sides.
Denis - meaning of the name, adventure, characteristics, horoscope

Svitlana and Artem

Whose union will be, first for everything, in friendship, like a year overgrows at the kokhanny. Svіtlana and Artyom don't keep secrets, so they don't know about their already prosperous school.

Svitlana and Anton

Tse dosit tsіkava spіlka, yak buduetsya vykljuchno pochuttya partners.

And the axis about steel, stability and spіlnіst іnteresіv is not to be found in the couple of Svitlana and Anton.

Svitlana and Mikhailo

Vlasnikov tsikh іmen zapryzhuє volition and zhaga to fit, and yet the year of newness passes. That Misha and Svitlana needs to learn to know the spirit one in one.

Svitlana ta Mykola

Most often, the blues between Svetlana and Mykola develop swiftly, moreover, they feel their breadth and passion. Ale different look at family life breed cich loving people"from different kutivs".

Svitlana and Igor

Jealousy and suspicions - those warehouses, which you don’t see in the bright waters of Svitlana and Igor. I am prepared for a happy sleep of life.

Svitlana and Anatoly

Tsya couple to converge on ґruntі pristrasti that physical tyazіnnya. So, Svіtlana and Anatolіy - tse beautiful cochants, but not respectful and dbaylivé friends, as if ready to support one another.

Svitlana and V'yacheslav

This union cannot be called ideal, but all the same, you can get together as a whole, as if it were insulting to start living with waters one by one. In addition, Svitlana and Vyacheslav have a miracle sexual sense.

Svitlana and Illya

Whose union, without a twinge of conscience, can be called indestructible, even if it is practically impossible to bring discord in the sight of the Svitlana and Illi, the shards between them panuє right kohannya.

Svitlana and Vladislav

Svitlana and Mikita

This tandem of foundations on absolute trust, which helps Mikita and Svitlana to survive a lot of family difficulties, as if they become an inexhaustible barrier for rich couples.

Svitlana and Vadim

Svitlana and Oleg

Offending to love to rise in price, for both sіm'ya - the basis of a prosperous and happy life. There is nothing marvelous about the fact that Svitlana and Oleg created a mitzna homeland.

Svitlana and Ruslan

So draw the character of Svitlana like impulsiveness and timidity do not dominate the calm and spunky Ruslan. Zruinuvati tsey union can be different razuminnya pobutovyh nutrition.

Svitlana and Kirilo

Both partners have strong strong-willed characters, but Svetlana has the wisdom to give the leading role to them all the same to Kiril. Natomista won't take away lowerness, turbota, warmth and love.

Svitlana and Kostyantyn

Neperedbachuvana Svіtlana is not a couple of memorandum and conservative Kostyantin, for some kind of change in life equal to spontaneous hardship. Subbag: a couple breaks up.

Svitlana and Pavlo

Svіtlana can't be beaten by Pavli's best partner, with whom you can create a right homeland, and it's easy to put yourself up to a hundred names from him. And tse pereskodzhaє creation of a stable union.

Svitlana and Viktor

In this prosperous couple Svitlana and Victor try to smooth out hostile kuti, even if insults do not take weldings and scandals. Serious problems in tsіy sіm'ї are blamed very rarely.

Svitlana and Valeriy

Tsya spilka tsikava and super-chliva at once, and even in niy converge absolutely different for the character and temperament of people. The well-being of Svіtlana and Valeriya is most of all a sham.

Svitlana and Leonid

The lower, sensitive and passionate union of the Holy One Leonid directs to creation. Ts dvoє nibi created one for one, to that їhnіy dovgy and neimovіrno mіtsny.

Svitlana is a unique name, you can’t hear about the journey of such a super girl. Previously, it was said that the whole word'yansk im'ya and means out of light. Deyakі vechenі vyslovlyulyav dumku about the ancient Greek christening imeni, but this version did not know the confirmation.

The only reliable fact, tse those that the name of Svitlana first guesses at the poet A.Kh. Vostokov "Svetlana and Mstislav" in 1802. Shvidshe for everything, having thought up the miracle of the name itself.

In the past, Vasyl Zhukovsky is also a victorist named after Svitlana for his eponymous balad, after which he became famous. Orthodox church I officially recognized it less than in 1943, if it was already more popular. I will not leave a role in the popularization of the name played by those who themselves called the same daughter I. Stalin.

Well-known women, who are easy to wear light of name, history knows a little. Among them are the woman-cosmonaut Svitlana Savitska, the announcer of the Central TV channel Svitlana Morgunova, the actresses Svitlana Kryuchkova and Svitlana Svitlichna, the athletes Svitlana Khorkina and Svitlana Zhurova, the partner Svitlana Loboda, the director Svitlana Druzhinina and many others.

Name day and patron saints

Svitlana (Fotiniya) of Palestine is the patroness of all Svіtlan - її the way to the vіri originated from the accident of the ship, in which she lived only alone. Whilst they nailed the girl to the island, where the blessed Martinian lives. Vіn rozpovіv Svіtlanі about those who live alone on the island of a lot of rocks, ale trichі on the river until the new shipbuilder comes to bring provisions. Having blessed the girl after his rose wines, and having rushed into the sea, the dolphins helped him reach the shore.

A few hours later, a shipbuilder arrived on the island, and then the maiden moved to turn around at the world, dedicating her whole hour to prayers. After six years, Svitlana died - having seen a shipbuilder once on the island. They commemorated the Monk Svitlana at Caesarea of ​​Palestine.

Before the icon of the Monk Svіtlana, they go about with some life problems, pray for their health and well-being.

Characteristics of the name

Svitlana - self-reliant and exceptionally self-sufficient, as it sounded to rely less on herself. All the energy of the name is literally streaked with lightness and unsteadiness, merriment and emotion - singsongly, that it was and becomes more popular among the words of the Jansk lands.

The inhabitants of Svіtlana have good-naturedness and comradeship, adore the cheerful and cheerful company and new acquaintances. Svitlana is true to her "light" name - she is an easy, unshakable and indestructible person, as if she could easily become arrogant with her opponent. There is no strength, no special strength of character, no building up to the end of the roar of the right, but the flare of self-singing їy goes to reconcile the sharpness that is sharp in the obviousness, that they reject it.

The character of Svitlana chimerically combines dominance and kindness, arrogance and innocence to accept decisions, self-esteem and altruism are dependent. Good-naturedness and generosity do not respect Svitlana, be a leader and a commander, firmly stand by your thought. With the help of the following, it is important to note that the positive aspects of Svitlana are more pronounced than the negative ones. Von vmіє zovsіm do not call on a huge thought, їy navіt befits, if you talk about it.

Svіtlanі zavzhdі it's not easy to get into your own emotions, it's even temperamental specialty. Vlada miraculously coexists with her voluptuousness, it is easy for her to talk to her, to inspire like a filthy mood in her.

If necessary, Svitlana can sharply change her life, look back at her priorities. Vaughn is graceful to someone else's thoughts, irritating and defenseless before intrigues. He often rejects pragmatism and far-sightedness, there is a filthy strategist. Svetlana easily accepts everything people say.

The share is not always comfortable to Svіtlan, but the presence of that little psyche allows you to endure misfortune. She will need more support, but we can’t ask for help. The light in nature cannot be sufficient to reach high goals, as if to set before oneself. She starts to panic at the first difficulties, but not in her character ask for help. Її nerishuchіst zmushuє Light weave after the flow and go the good second path.

Irrespective of the stupidity of character, Svitlana is on friendly terms with absolutely no chivalry. Instruct from her, make it light and calm, and wisdom, as if obov'yazkovo will come to her for a century, it is less to force її privablіvіt for skolkuvannya. The Svіtlі nіkoli didn't have and won't have the tint of impudence chi koristі.


Little Svitochka is mother's first helper, out of my satisfaction, helping to prepare and babysit young brothers and sisters. That comrade is cheerful, she easily joins a childlike team. The girl feels like a little princess, she won’t love her family, but her own, only with a sensible love.

Svetlana from childhood resolutely chase after her old look, she will dress up neatly and with gusto. Having become the eldest, she will become fashionable with fashion trends, and in the same way she will help her innate relish.

Vaughn love to command and change at the center of respect, but don’t lose your self-confidence. At school, it’s not bad to learn, shards can remember, prote, know more on top and surround the information of their mentors. Batkam follows early century pinch the girls of love to reading, even though it is more variably distinguished specialty. The girl has a plastic psyche, so that the values ​​in her will be laid by the fathers and teachers in the child, and they will become the main ones for her. It is necessary to develop this tactfulness in niy tsіlespryamovanії, іnakshe, having become the elder, you do not want to practice, not to read.

Ale suvore vihovannya not pіde Svіtlanі to the melancholy, that scho in tsomu vpadka may appear "volcanic" side її character. After long-term fates, streaming that emotion, you can, with a double strength, go into fun and riotous life. The fathers need to try to know the “golden mean”, so that their daughter in the future could show her own shorter capacity. You can bring the heart of the fool, otherwise Svitlana simply can’t accept them.


The most important thing for Svitlana is the moral and psychological state. She may often have a headache, especially if she gets nervous. Svіtlanі need to dotremuvatisya day regimen and visipatisya, іnakshe migraine attack polyuvatimuyutsya.

In general, Svitlana may be healthy, and crimson love to licorice, don’t ring out a filthy little sign in her, which is well signified to her stellar look.


Svetlana will always feel better in the company of people, with whom it is easy to know a common language. Won on top of life, there are no clear criteria for choosing a partner. As a person, it suits her, it's easy to fit in for sex.

At first glance, Svitlana may seem cold and impregnable, but in fact she is terribly romantic and sensitive to a sign of respect. Life without a person is aimless for her, and her obov'yazkovo is necessary for the one whom she loves.

Ale, no matter what, sex does not play a great role in life. For her, a richly important spiritual connection, smart man to protect and secure his wife. As a partner, you will be lower and addicted, Svitlana will become clay in his hands, so you can make a sensitive woman angry.

Shlyub that sіm'ya, summіsnіst іz human names

Svetlana has a wonderful mind, as if she has a meaning for a woman, that person is resolutely taken away. It is not typical for her to have an early hat, she always checks for her prince, and rarely has mercy on her choice.

Happiness to the family, children and budinok - Tse those in which Svitlana can know for herself. Vaughn, without regret, to deprive the robot, having dedicated himself to his own self. It is given marvelously to be attached to people, that її person will feel happy, that he will not be able to change his zvichok.

Svіtlana nadast people to solve all financial problems and solve life problems. If she will be embarrassed to take care of everything herself, the woman will be unhappy. Svitlana, out of satisfaction, will hand over the palm tree to the palm of her hand, and then try to do everything right under her unspoken control.

Svitlana will provide her children with maximum peace and comfort, everything will be in order to the interests of the person and the children. Aleone is not able to rationally spend pennies, having the will to live one day.

In the distance, a shelter for Svitlana is possible from people on the name of Vadim, Volodymyr, Oleg, Boris, Petro, Vasil, Eduard, Oleksiy and Yury. Unique to the union with Oleksandr, Dmitr, Glib, Mikhail, Vladislav, Anton and Evgen.

Business and Career

For his life, Svitlana can remember the impersonal professions and work jobs, until you know what is right for you. Vaughn is not a workaholic for a vdacha, he rarely reaches the car'er heights. Until then, Svіtlana does not like to read, she often does not have a greater enlightenment.

From here you can see the dishonorable cook, bartender, salesman, waitress, administrator, manager, operator and copywriter. Until then, Svitlana creative people Therefore, you can choose art, music or culture as your sphere of activity. For a century, you can engage in self-illumination, especially as it is turned on the right to hoot.

Svitlana's oskelki love to show themselves how powerful that authoritarian specialty is, it is entirely up to the grave planting. Ale z ne ї viide vide filthy businessman - won't be able to bring the right to the end, not able to please the vigilante. Її vchinki often collapse poriv that emotions, but the voice of the mind is not heard. Until then, she’s hot and ambitious, but lazy.

Most of all, Svitlana is just a breeze behind the flow and it’s not necessary to sleep in the wake of the business and care. Until then, there’s a person in the mood, and mitteviy poriv can zmusiti її cardinally change the place of work.

Talismans for Svitlana

  • The ruling planet is Neptune and Mercury.
  • Zodiac sign - Aquarius. As if a girl, who was born under this age, is called Svetlana, then nature is the best to endow her with talents and strengths.
  • In the distance it's time for fate - winter, in the distance the day of tyzhnya - Saturday.
  • Happy color - blue, brown, green and red.
  • Totem roslina - birch and lily. The birch is a symbol of beauty and innocence, it protects the gate that opens the way to heaven. Lily in Christian tradition is considered an invisible attribute of the Divine Mary, she symbolizes the three main Christian honesty: faith, hope and mercy.
  • Totem creature - hare. Zaєts vvazhaєtsya with a super-clear symbol, which means from one side love and flirting, and from the other side, roaring and fearfulness. The Slovyans respected that they should go before their own path of deceit and cunning, but at the same time the creature, who lay on the bed of the Virgin Mary, symbolizes the victory over greed.
  • Stone-talisman - girsky crystal and black opal. The Hirsky crystal brings love to the life of Svitlana, good luck and spiritual harmony. Vin relieves bad dreams and normalizes sleep. Black opal to allow Svitlan unreasonable fears, to help establish contact with people. From long ago, black opal is considered a stone of fidelity, both physical and spiritual.

Horoscope for Svitlana

Aries- sensitive, sentimental, that emotional woman, as if she could think outside the box. She’s creative specialty, and in important situations she gets involved and goes in herself, that praise will also require encouragement. Svitlana-Aries can do without intrigues and tricks, so it is impossible to beat hypocrisy. Vaughn is able to trust her heart and feel it, but with fates, sound out gaining life's wisdom, wanting all her inaccuracies, to instill little ones, worrying about dosing harshly. In the distance, the party of Svіtlanі-Avnu can be put together by a man-Terezi - tse two protilezhnosti, which always weigh one to one.

Taurus- Zhittradisna that privabliva zhіnka, even easy at splkuvanni. She loves the galaslivy evenings, that merry hour, and the axis of the car'erny zrіst її is not enough to chirp. Shlyub that material values ​​can not become a great interest for her. Ale, at the same hour, it’s possible to demonstrate the arrogance at the reach of one’s mother, and, if you like, you can rob an indecent career. Vaughn is very much worried about love failures, shards of eyes on her worship of that eternal kokhannya. In the distance, a shlyub for Svіtlani-calf is able from a man, we will make people with her under one suzіr'yam - there will be a union of dual strength, energy and optimism.

Twins- dovirliva, naivna that strange nature, yakіy duzhe podіbna pіdtrimka. She has unabashed roaring vivacity, but she often does not get overzealous, so Svitlana-Bliznyuky is often overwhelmed with a lack of wealth in life. You can make friends more than once, and less life savings dosvid to help you grow correct choice. By nature, Svitlana-Bliznyuki is a right workaholic, but if she spreads her respect for everything, then chaos and swindlers are created. It’s easy for the couple to get warm, so people rarely get tired of it. As a companion of life, a man is needed, who allows you to take care of your beloved right, such as a man-Terezi. It is rarely possible to meet a couple, which is more suitable for one alone.

Crayfish- that Svіtlana is infantile and unsung by her own, for that praise is a destructive force. You can be the soul of the company, but often plunge into melancholy and depression. Vaughn surrounds her kolkuvannya with less people, yak vyslovlyuvatimut on її address nothing negative, shards even painfully accept criticism. At the same hour, Svіtlana-Rak of evil is remembered, and at an obedient moment you can take revenge on your falsehood. Then, in the kohannі tse nayviddanіsha i naypriborkanіsha zhіnka, as if she lives behind the law “everything is nothing”. A Scorpio man will become a knower for her - the stench will add one to one in all spheres of life.

a lion- vladna zhіnka, shy to narcissism. It’s important to get along with people, wanting to show respect and respect that worship. Її bunt positive riceє optimism, vitality, arrogance and activity. Svіy napoleglivny character Svіtlanа Lion vyyavlyaє і on roіkі, іnіkоl don't fuss and don't hurry, he miraculously knows what you'll be busy with today and tomorrow. At the kohanna, Svіtlana-Leo leads to be like a king, and do not hurry to part with your freedom. Її cholovіkovі happen to be allowed to take a decision and arrange finances for their own judgment, then the union can be cherished for a long time. An ideal companion of life for Svitlana-Lev will become a man-Streletz - in nadikhatim and support his squad at all її initiatives.

Diva- erudovana and raznobіchno osobistіst, scho is miraculously known in public, but not to love to be in the center of respect. She easily sticks to whatever the situation is and quickly makes friends. Vaughn does not accept cunning and lies in stosunkah and does not allow herself to be manipulated. Svetlana-Virgo to bring her professional skills to perfection, also love to win over not a collective, but an individual work. The ideal love union of Svitlana-diva can create with the man-Cancer - you will help him to grow up like a woman, and you will see her turbot to your minds.

Terezi- taktovna that vyhovana zhіnka, natural diplomat. She tries not to show her strife to people, so a person can’t say what you know well. The energy of Svіtlani-Terezіv does not have anything to do with meticulousness, but tactfulness with baiduzhistu. Won, however, with respect to be placed before people, whether of a social status or nationality, but for the sake of such honor to yourself. Slyubі Svіtlana-Terezi has a great deal of partnerships, you won't know any scandals and quarrels in your homeland. Who has a plan the ideal person for her, you can become a Leo man - this couple is simply created for a long and happy life.

Scorpio- distrustful, the person suspected, as if she could not know the same language with otochyuchimi. She has the protection of a powerful woman, she has a special position. At the same time, she’s naive and sentimental, it’s already painful to be put up to be some kind of criticism of oneself. Svitlana-Scorpio zovsim is not able to analyze the situation, the will to strike first, and not to change. I'll avenge the inflicted image of you out necessary mental the end of the conflict. At the same time, all life is remembered for the good, for her once more, and it is obov'yazkovo to be kind to the spirit. Svitlana-Scorpio is super sexy, and I need a strong partner, which is more respectable. Such a partner for her can become a man-Cancer - fidelity and acceptance of shared ideals will become the basis of that mental union.

Strilec- right altruist and idealist, how to succumb to people is no good. Її vydkritіst mezhuє z straightforwardness and navit tactlessness, and nevmіnnya spinning and cunning in deakie vpadka not go їy on melancholy. Svіtlana-Striletz has a strong character, which is rooted in breadth and truthfulness. However, she is able to overestimate her strengths, and often take on the sprat right, and then observe the inner discomfort in the fact that nothing is achieved. I want to deal well with the enemy, the shards most value their reputation. Sim'ї Svitlana-Strelets' ability to create an atmosphere of goodwill and prosperity, to instill such financial opportunities is not great. An ideal partner for Svіtlani-Striltsya will become a human-Lion - the stench will be the best friends of life, and the most addictive cochants of the lie.

Capricorn- workaholic and careerist, ready to work tirelessly. Irrespective of their authority and organization, the soul is vulnerable and good-natured woman, as a sharply reacting to criticism addressed to her. Svіtlana-Kozerіg has a strimany and vrіvnovazheny character, she does not allow people to indulge in weaknesses. For her, trim the brand - the most important life setting. At the kohanna Svіtlana-Kozerіg zdatna for self-revelation, she can easily move in the vlas kar'єri and dedicate herself to people. A good couple for her can become a person-Aries - whose union can be all set up buti mіtsnim and happy.

Aquarius- she is sensible and feisty, she can become the color of any kind of suspense. Vaughn is endowed with practicality, pogoglivistyu and purposefulness, which allows her to reach the career heights. Sounded to self-discipline, it looks like a robot without too much. With whom Svitlana-Aquarius is important, so that they loved her and respected her. Irrespective of being employed on a robot, you will take more homemade shoes on yourself and not wear them on a person. Ale, for happiness, you need it, so that a person will deprive him of enough freedom for his lovers to take that sack. Numerical positive values ​​often make Svіtlana-Vodoliya bright for succession. Ideal summіsnіst in Svіtlani-Vodoliy with a man-Archer - both of them stink, however, highly value freedom and independence.

Ribi- sorom'yazliva and nevpevnena at her own strength a woman, like a need for pidtrimka. Won tenditna, lower and clean - the right lady of the 18th century. There is a direct illustration of the order, that the strength of a woman is in her weakness. Svіtlana-Ribi can't look at the head one, but she's zmushuє її spent a lot of hours on drib'yazkovі and other rows of zavdannya. Ale, unconcerned by the lack of protection, there is no way to give up the panitsa. In extreme situations, she loses fearlessness and takes a hit on herself. Svіtlana-Ribi is even more distrustful, you can take on your rahunok if a word is spoken carelessly. For the slave, I need a strong, but at the same time a delicate partner, like a man-Taurus can become. Knowing one of the other, they will no longer be able to show their life with others.

Іm'ya Svіtlana of the word'jansky trip, meaning (summіsnіst іmenі) - "svіtla".

The ideal sum of names:

  • Svitlana and Vadim
  • Svitlana and Volodymyr
  • Svitlana and Sergiy
  • Svitlana and Eduard
  • Svitlana and Yuriy
  • Svitlana and Oleksiy
  • Svitlana and Boris
  • There was a confusion of names:

    • Svitlana and Oleksandr
    • Svitlana and Oleg
    • Svitlana and Dmitro
    • Svitlana and Mikhailo
    • Svitlana and Igor
    • Svitlana and Mikita
    • Svitlana and Gennady

    Yaka won, Svitlana:

    Little Svіtla is prim, fastened, scarlet, unimpressive on the face, even more accommodating. Svetlana from early childhood can stand up for herself, she often becomes the initiator of beats in a childish team. Svetlana is by no means the best student, but she doesn’t worry about her success at school. The girl has such a high self-esteem, she will always be in the center of respect, she manifests herself from early fates to leadership.

    Svіtlana is more kind, but at the same time he is hystical. She rarely helps her mother or grandmother at home. However, as it is necessary to swear at someone who is virulent, Svitlana will show them with satisfaction, what a miraculous master she is. Grown up, relatives or friends of the same are chomping at this clear-eyed girl. I won't greet you nicely, otrimuyuchi expensive gifts.

    From the early childhood, Svitlana must sing Vlasny old look, She has a miraculous relish, and in the world, Svetlana's banquet has grown up fashionable and stylishly remembered. It is not easy for the fathers to visconate the great donka, so Svetlana early urges to go abroad, or to know a highly paid robot.

    The concept of "career" for Svitlana is inextricably linked with the high material level of life. Vidnist lakaє Svіtlanu, there's a pragmatic robit, everything is possible and impossibly, so that you can get away. Be-yakoy Vіtsі Svіtlanа may have a lot of chanuvalnikіv, navіt її її zvnіshnі danі can be called average. Svіtlana is more attractive and sexy. Often Svіtlana rob car'єra itself zavdyaki his zvnіshnіy prioblivostі.

    Life of Svitlana:

    Happiness to the Svitlana, sing buvaє mіtsnim. Svіtlana can protect your man, but if you don't know about the price, don't guess and love your squad. From Svіtlani the miraculous gentleman enters, into the booth її - marvelous cleanliness and order. Svitlana is a miracle mother, dbayliva, she is respectful to her children. She tries to take care of the child, to that she herself shukatima the most highly paid robot and to embarrass the man of the work itself. Svіtlana is more like a foreigner, she will obov'yazkovo try to help her friends, like they ate the stench in the bin. Svitlana vіdkrita ta shira. At the time, you yourself, without the least vagrants, seek help, for the price you often sue. But then she easily overcomes all the problems that are blamed.

    Often Svitlana becomes an object of zadrost from the side of her friends and acquaintances. Girlfriends and comrades in the service are eager to talk about her, celebrating success and family happiness. Ale Svіtlana herself does not give up on the same respect, condescendingly put up to less happy girlfriends. It is not easy for Svitlana to get along with her mother-in-law and the relatives of a person, as they respect her light-hearted, hisstical and lazy.

    Svetlana is easy to think about whether she is a human being, regardless of her social status and the level of enlightenment. To that Svіtlana can be majestic when talking, can be a lot of friends and acquaintances. Svetlana becomes enchanting until deep old age, diligently choosing clothes and cosmetics.

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