Yak shvidko clean the patisoni. Patisson: warehouse of power. Recipes with patissons. Proper serving to the table

Patison marinated

Tse patisoni

You have conceived the idea of ​​conserving patisoni for the winter, using a few simple recipes for their preparation. Patisoni can be prepared with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces or more (for example, the stink is even worse). Before marinating, often blanch patisoni - trim (cook) in boiling water and then cool in cold water. All the same, patisoni, navit the least - more and schіlnishі, lower middle tomato, for that, for cooking it needs more heat and an hour.

Choose the recipe that you would be better able to prepare - for the warehouse of products or for the technology of preservation. For these recipes, you can conserve small zucchini, sliced ​​with calves.

Skіlki rossola (marinade) prepared

Fillings for marinating vegetables may be rich. Raptom roll or else a siege of salt will appear.

For 1 jar of 3 liters, 2-3 liters of rossol are needed. Rather, let the roses be lost, do not hit it lower. If you filled the jars with rossol and if you don’t get a trace - add boiled water (if the filling is hot after the recipe, then add okrip, if not boiled water at room temperature).


1. Pickled Patisoni with Cucumbers and Tomatoes

Warehouse per can - 3 liters

  • Small patisoni (6-7 cm in diameter) - skilki uvide;
  • Cinders are small - 2-3 pieces;
  • Tomatoes - 3-4 pieces;
  • Licorice - 2 pcs.;
  • Hot hot pepper - 1-3 pods (when looking at the taste of the host, you want to take it off, you can not add it);
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
  • Carnation - 2 buds;
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • Krip - sprat parasolok;
  • Chasnik - 3-6 cloves;
  • Currant and cherry leaves - 2-3 pieces.

For rossol (marinade)

per 1 liter of water

  • 50 g salt;
  • 50 g zucru;
  • 1 tablespoon of table otstu 9%.

It is required to add water from the sill and zukr, bring to a boil. Add|Add| in rozsіl otset i pour hot rossole vegetables in jars.

Yak marinuvati patisoni with vegetables.

Prepare jars and vegetables for canning

  • Prepare jars: rinse, give water to drain, sprinkle with sprinkles and sterilize. Rinse and boil.
  • Pomit the vegetables and greens, clean the teapot from the lushpinnya, licorice pepper - from the fresh (hot cleaning is not necessary). At ogirkіv zrіzati kіnchiki, licorice pepper is cut in small pieces.

Remind banks

  • vegetables and spices, pour rosemary
  • At the bottom - spices, citric acid, ogirki.
  • Patisoni, perekladenі greenery: crop, leaves of cherry and currant, parts of licorice pepper (de-not-de-spread and hot);
  • Top with tomatoes.
  • Fill with hot rosemary. Cover with prepared lids. Place at the dishes for sterilization.

Sterilize jars with patissons

  • Triliter jars with patisons will sterilize 25 quills. If you close the banks of a smaller obligation, then sterilize two banks - 20-22 hvilin, liters - 15-18.
  • Banks s patisson roll up. Take care at room temperature (in a non-hot place) or near a bed.


2. Pickled patisoni (without sterilization, whole)

What is needed for canning


for 3 l jar

  • Small patisoni (diameter 6-8 cm) - skіlki uvіyde;
  • Krip (narizana greens) - 3 tablespoons;
  • Parasols crop - 3 pieces;
  • Parsley - sprat sprat;
  • Estragon (tarragon) - 1 gіlochka (for bazhannyam);
  • Hot chili pepper - 1 pod;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • Chasnik - 2-3 cloves (cleaned from husks);
  • Khrin - a piece of root (cleansing from the skin) or 0.5-1 green leaf chron.

For the marinade

for 1 liter of water (prepare the marinade from the reserve)

  • Strength - 50 g;
  • Estimated tablespoons 9% - 4 tablespoons.

How to preserve patisoni in marinade

  • Prepare jars and lids (wash, sterilize or sprinkle with dill). Put on the bottom of the jars all the spices, greens, indicated in the recipe (everything, okrim patisons).
  • Small patisoni blanch: put in boiling water for 5-7 quills. Let's quickly transfer to cold water.
  • In parallel with the blanching of the patissons, prepare the marinade: boil the water from the sill.
  • Vilovity patisoni with cold water with a dirk spoon. Remind them of banks. Pour boiling rossol. Cover the jars with lids and let them stand for the whilin 5-7.
  • Anger drive from the cans (pull in the lids with dirochki and rozsil back, at the pan). Bring roses again to a boil. Add an estimate.
  • Pour boiling marinade over patisoni. Roll up the jars with lids.
  • Ready jars turn upside down with their feet, cool. Take care of the cold mist.

Following the same principle of pouring, that other boiling rosemary without sterilization of cans can be conserved. Abo.


3. Pickled patisoni with small pieces (with sterilization)


per liter jar

  • Patisons, whether it be rozіru - narizati shmatochki (great, so that it was handy to get out of the jar and є);
  • Licorice red pepper color (for beauty, yellow, orange, greens) - 1 pod;
  • Black peppercorns - 5 peas;
  • Crop greens (promita, narizana) - 1 tablespoon;
  • Gostry pepper (hot chi chili) - 1/4 pod (whoever loves gostre, you can use chili, then marinate it with relish).

For pouring

for 1 liter of marinade (take from stock)

  • Sil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Zukor - 2 tablespoons;
  • Estimated tablespoons 9% - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook marinated patisoni with small pieces

  • Prepare jars and lids, as a rule.
  • Prepare the filling: bring to a boil the water from the zucrom and sill.
  • Remember patisoni and all vegetables and greens. Cut patisoni into small pieces, peel the licorice pepper and cut into small pieces.
  • Put everything in jars: an ear of patisoni, an animal - chalks of licorice pepper, hot pepper, greens and spices (peppercorns).
  • Pour the salad from the patissons with a warm filling. Add an estimate. Cover with prepared lid. Put a pan for sterilization.
  • Sterilize jars with squash: liter - 20 quilin, double - 25 quilin, triliter - 30 quilin. Roll up the caps.
  • Take care at room temperature in a non-hot place.

How to sterilize jars

The pot for sterilization can be with a wide bottom, but more jars can be placed in it. The bottom of the pot was lined with clean ganchirochka for zcheplennya, so that the jars were not forged.

These chimeric fruits can take their special place in your kitchen. They are similar to zucchini, patisoni have a rich structure, rich colors and special relish. Patisons, stewed with vegetables, fall to your taste and your loved ones. Such a dietary recipe is suitable for those who want to lose weight.


  • patisson - 3 pcs.
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • tsibula - 1 head
  • licorice pepper - 1 pc.
  • green peas- 4 tbsp. spoons
  • sіl, stock chalking pepper
  • bunch of greenery
  • Sonyashnikova Oliya

Cooking method:

1) Wash the sprat of patisons and clean it from the skin. Vzagali tsey plіd is most often vikoristovuyut for zapikannya, and even yogo form so gaudy garniy potter. For clarity, you can divide the patisson into sprat parts and clean it from the skins of the leather shmatok okremo.

Yaskrava pulp, which looks like a pickle for a color, it is easy to cut, like all horses. Chop the cleaned pulp of patisson into cubes of small size.

2) Peel the head of the cibule from the skin and chop finely.

Wash the carrot well, clean it from the skin. You can trim it in a few ways - rub it with a knife or a vegetable, rub it on a grate with a rub or a big lapel. Garno look at the ready-made straw cubes of carrots.

Wash the licorice pepper, remove the core from the fruit and chop the pepper into pieces. Choose the color of pepper according to your taste, red and green licorice pepper is the best here. You can win the sum of different color peppers. This fruit bestows on the earth no less than a splendid beauty, but also a juiciness and a miraculous aroma.

3) In vegetable stewed straws, manually vicorate frozen green peas. Put a bowl of the necessary quantity of peas at the globok and fill it with dill. If you come for an hour to add yoga to the dish, just pour water over the peas.
Pour olive oil into the frying pan, heat it up and we will cut the cibula right in front of us. Dekilka khvilin smear yogo, constantly stirring. It’s not varto at the same time, the cibula can be especially at once transformed into a vugill, varto only go out of the kitchen to the hvilinka.

Add the grated carrot to the cibula. For kіlka hvilin cubes of the main ingredient - patisson. Mix the vegetables well, burn out five or ten quills with a stretch on the middle fire under the roof. Then add chopped licorice pepper and green peas (put yogo in front of the crusher).

Salt the dish and brush it with freshly ground pepper. Extinguish the vegetables until they are ready, but not too long. Otherwise, you have veyde ovocheva porridge.

Serve patisoni with vegetables more quickly out of the heat, out of the bake. A warm looking stench is also good. Before serving, sip vegetables with chopped greens to taste.


About those, how to cook patisoni for the winter, grease them in a frying pan or bake them in an oven, you know, far from leather. More than that, not everyone knows that such a sheep has started. Slid designate that the unofficial patisson bear the name, how to sound, like “tarіlchasty harbuz”. I don't do it for nothing. Adje tsey ovoch is one of the varieties of the marvelous harmelon.

As a rule, patisoni have small sizes and curly edges. The stench can be yellow, white and green. Most often in the diameter of the patisoni they are 10-15 centimeters. The next step is to indicate that such a vegetable can be cooked again different ways. In the representations of the article you will find the most popular simple recipes Straw, from which I take the fate of a freshly plucked patisson.

How to cook patisoni: recipes for buttered vegetables

As it was said above, such a vegetable can not only be stewed and zapkati, but lubricated in a frying pan. For whom do we need:

  • fresh patisoni of small roses - 2 pcs.;
  • oliya sonyashnikova (for lubrication) - close to 200 ml;
  • borosno wheat (for deboning the product) - 2 pcs.;
  • strong drіbna morska, black pepper - add for relish;
  • fat sour cream - serve until ready.

Preparation of ingredients

Before that, how to cook patisoni in a frying pan, they should be refinished. For this vegetable, it is necessary to crush it, cut it on a plate with a torso up to 1 centimeter, and then salt, pepper and roll in wheat flour.

Thermal processing

How to prepare lubricated patisoni? For this next, take a frying pan, pour enough oil into it, and then heat it on a strong fire. Since, as a light haze in the dewy fat, it is necessary to put patisson plates into the dishes and brush them on both sides until a red mote appears. In order for the vegetables to consume the supra-world quantity sonyashnikova olії, after thermal processingїх it is recommended to put on a paper servlet and to see a sprat of whilin.

Proper serving to the table

What can be prepared from patissons, smeared in a frying pan? As a rule, the plates, which have been fried, are served to the table at once with fat sour cream. Proteo dosvіdchenі kulinary stverdzhuyut, scho z such vegetables are good snacks. For this, you need to mix a spoonful of mayonnaise with grated cheese and a teaspoon, and then put the masa in a patisson grease and grind the roll for an additional skewer. Serve such a fragrant and succulent appetizer before the Christmas table, bazhano at a cold looking.

I'm going to savory that sitnu grass "Senior Patison"

Now you know how to cook patisoni in a frying pan. However, such a sheep can not only be smeared, but also sealed. So, in order to prepare a savory and warm insult under the name "Senior Patison", we need:

  • patisson young - 3 pcs. (for three servings);
  • minced yalovichi, pork or zmіshany - 300 g;
  • cibulini ripchasti - 2 small heads;
  • carrot dribna - 2 pcs.;
  • medium eggplant - 1 pc.;
  • marinated bakery - 100 g;
  • oliya sonyashnikova - sprat of great spoons;
  • solid sir - 150 g;
  • strength, pepper, aromatic spices - add for relish;
  • sour cream mayonnaise - on a dessert spoon on the leather patisson.

Obrobka patisoniv

Otzhe, before it, how to cook patisoni in the oven, fresh vegetables should be remembered carefully. Then you need to carefully remove the droplets from them for the help of a sharp and long knife, and then we will beat all the pulp from the insides, filling up the 1.5 cm thick walls of the zavtovka.

Cooking minced meat

How to prepare patisoni, so that they can be boldly served on the holy stele? For this, the vegetables should be stuffed, and then baked in the oven.

For cooking savory minced meat we vyrishili vikoristovuvat part of the pork and yalovichini. If you want, you can only get more than one kind of meat that you like.

Cream of minced meat, stuffing for patissons to revenge on your own and such vegetables, like cibulini, carrots and eggplants. Remember it well, clean it from the skin, and then cut it into small cubes and put it into a frying pan with olive oil. It is necessary to smear the ingredients until the hour when the stench becomes golden. Dali to the vegetables, it is necessary to add mixed minced meat, marinated bakery, cut into thin slices, as well as strong, fragrant spices and peppers. Prepare the stuffing for the patissons before the private evaporation of the water.

Straw molding and її vipіchka

After that, as the patisoni are processed, and the filling is often prepared, you can boldly proceed to the uninterrupted molding of the strain. For this next, put the vegetable-mountains on the wind sheet, and then brush them with a small amount of sour cream mayonnaise. Dali in the same room from the patisons, it is necessary to place the back of the minced meat preparations. On top of it, it is recommended to again brightly smear with mayonnaise and obsipati grated sir. At the end, the mountaineers from the patissons close the lid and put it in the oven for 60 strands.

How to properly serve before the dinner table?

Now you can see how tasty it is to cook patisoni in the oven. And how can I give them to the Christmas table? For this baked vegetables, it is necessary to carefully boil them out of the oven, put them on flat plates or saucers, and then serve them to the guests just at the closed view. Dodatkovo before such a strain, it is recommended to give fresh greens and vegetable salad. Savory!

How to cook patisoni for the winter?

It's wonderful, but such vegetables can not be lubricated, stewed and zapkati, and prepared for the winter.

Salted patisoni - this is a tasty appetizer, like to embellish whether it’s an everyday style. For the preparation of such a preparation, it is recommended to vicorist only the smallest vegetables. Before uninterrupted preservation, they should be carefully remembered, attaching special respect to the ribbed edges.

The skins of young patisons should not be cleaned up, because they don’t have that soft. However, the fruits are still recommended to be grown, having grown mugs with a diameter of approximately two centimeters. Before laying the patissons at the sterilized jar, they should be blanched in boiling water with a stretch of 5-7 strands. They gave the vegetables to be dipped in cold water, until they add sprats to ice cubes.

So, before that, how to prepare patisoni for the winter in a three-liter band, we should prepare:

Cooking process

After blanching the vegetables and sterilizing the jars at the bottom of the glass container, you need to add all the spices, including citric acid and citric acid. Then we filled the container halfway with patissons, and then put licorice pepper, garlic cloves, cherry and currant leaves on them. Above it is necessary to put a friend half of the vegetables and sliced ​​tomatoes. After that, it is necessary to boil the water and fill it with a jar. Vitrimavshi in such a state rose, next again pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil. At the end, with fragrant water, it is necessary to fill the jar in a similar manner and roll it up with sterilized lids.

After all the canning, the patisoni should be carefully turned upside down and covered with a towel. In such a place, the jars should be vibrated evenly, and then put in a cold place. You can live them in less than 1.5-2 months.

Vegetable stew with squash

How to cook patisoni with meat? For whom do we need:

  • potatoes - 2 bulbi;
  • chicken breasts - 400 g;
  • patisson - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • cibulini - 2 pcs.;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • eggplant - 1 pc.;
  • cinders - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream mayonnaise - 2 large spoons;
  • bay leaves, strength, pepper and spices - add for relish.

Preparation of ingredients

Before that, how to prepare patisoni with meat, you should make all the vegetables. It is necessary to thoroughly remember, clean the stalks and skins (as necessary), and then cut them into large cubes. It is also necessary to cut the skin from the chicken breasts, clean up the tassels and shake them into small pieces.

Straw molding and thermal processing

To prepare such sieve resentment next, take a large saucepan, place chicken breasts on the bottom of the pan, and then place carrots, cibula, eggplants, potatoes, cucurbits, patisoni and tomatoes on the bottom. After that, all the ingredients must be smeared with spices, pour drinking water and add sour cream mayonnaise. Close the lid, let the broth boil, and then put the fire on the minimum value and extinguish it with a stretch of one year.

Serving to the table

Now you can see how to cook patisoni. Recipes for this type of vegetable include various ingredients and can be boiled both on the stove and in the oven. Moreover, patissonchiki can be salted and marinated.

Vegetable stew, prepared from spiced embossed watermelon, served hot to the table. Add fresh white bread, greens, sour cream or tomato paste. Savory!


Borosno for boning


Vershkov oil

How to cook patisoni

1 . Peel the patisoni from the skins and stalks. The great fruits of the bazhano cleanse the mind of the earth. Narizati patisoni in parts, zavtovshki 0.7 - 1 cm.

2 . A cup of nasipati is not rich (approximately 0.5 bottles) borosna. Roll the leather shmatochok patisson in boroshnі z usіh sides.

3 . Vershkov oil | oil | (approximately 30 grams) melt in a frying pan.

4. Viklasti rolled in boron patisoni on a frying pan. Lubricate the leather shmatochok from two sides to a ruddy streak. Salt the skin side for an hour.

Smachni lubricated patisoni ready


Smeared patisoni

Patisson is one of the gifts of nature, for the taste of zucchini. Korisny ovoch is often hated by the masters, so that it is not possible to win the popular. Low-calorie herbs with patisson - per 100 g 19 kilocalories (Protein / Fat / Carbohydrates - 0.5 / 0.1 / 4), allows the vegetable to become a favorite ingredient, without having a badly beautiful figure. You can talk about the bark of vegetables at the sight of a French pie for a long time. Squash of indications for heart disease and nirok, for problems with the liver and duct, for undercrowding (anemia). Bagatі tsі give nature a flood, brown acids, vitamins B, A, E and C, sodium and zinc.

It is possible to prepare correctly, being crusty with the same porads that are used to prepare zucchini. In some recipes, it is indicated that the skin should be removed before being coated with patissons. To make it easy, before cooking it is necessary to boil them in 3 to 5 quills in boiling water.

As it is necessary, so that the patisoni are not “shooted”, they are roasted in a cauldron with high walls in a pinch of oil. It is not enough for itself to allow the taste of the softness to grow, to relieve the vegetable from the warmth and hardness, and also to eat the fat in the eyes and on the surface of the stove.

Before Tim, like preparing a patisson, it is necessary to do yoga well and hit the shmatochki. Salt obov'yazkovo and fill them with such a look at the year-friend. You can also cool the water lightly with salt and put it in the patisoni for a birthday. In this order, the vegetables will be savory, not so hard, but hot.

Recipes for smeared patissons

Patisoni in batter


  • Stigli patisoni - 5 pieces.
  • Eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Vershkove oil - for lubrication.
  • Syr firm, low-salt - 150 grams.
  • Parsley - 1 large bunch.
  • Boroshno, crackers (for breading).


Patisoni boil a sprat of khvilin and carefully remove the skin with a knife, then cut it with circles of the middle comrade. Zasipte sill and black pepper, so fill it for a deaky hour.

At Kazan, raise the Vershkov oliya, make a small fire, beat an egg there. Drip parsley, put it in a cauldron. Rub the sir on the great third, then add it to the chamber. All the trochs play.

Now we take the patisoni and glue them together with the mass, which was prepared at the cauldron. Then roll the vegetables in boroshn and breadcrumbs, and then grease them over medium heat in a frying pan.

Patison, smeared with sour cream


  • Patisson - 5 pieces.
  • Cibulya - 2 pieces.
  • Gostry red pepper - 1 piece.
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 300 grams.
  • Creep, basil.
  • Sil, pepper, watchmaker.


Patisons are often called. To clean the cibula, call it with pivkiltsy, so call the hot pepper yourself. Grow tomatoes at the blender masu. The greenery is fine.

Coat the cibula with pepper, pour over the trimmed tomatoes, put the greens. Add chasnik and seasonings to sour cream, pour cibula with masa, pepper and tomato. Smear the patisoni with okremo, put them on for the next hour. Put patisoni with a stewpan, fill everything with stewed tomato-zmitanoyu masa with vegetables, smear on the right fire.

Patisons smeared, stuffed


  • Large patisoni - 10 pieces.
  • Minced chicken - 300 grams.
  • Cibulya - 2 pieces.
  • Clockmaker - 1 head.
  • Hard Sir - 200 grams.
  • Vershkove oil - for smearing.
  • Sour cream - 200 grams.


It is necessary to prepare patisoni: open the top and remove the core from the outside. Put the water to boil, and if it gets to the condition, lower the vegetables by 10 lengths. Take a break, let it cool down.

Dribly call the cibulka. Minced meat is smeared with tsibulei, add strength and pepper, passes through the freshwater. Add sour cream to minced meat. Now we stuff the patisoni, and in a frying pan with high edges we roast oliya. We put the vegetables with minced meat in a frying pan, crooked with a lid, lubricate about 20 quills. On top of the patisson we put grated sir. Close it with a lid and on a small fire, fry for about 15 more chills. Lubricated patisoni not less savory, but korisnі.

Patisson is a vegetable from the family of harbuzovyh, ale, in its relatives, it brings out a small rosemary, a chimeric form and a light relish of white mushrooms, which is strikingly manifested during thermal processing. Patisoni can be cooked, lubricated, stuffed, eaten with meat, poultry, fish, added to salads and casseroles. And the smut - їzha get ready quickly and always come out savory.

How to cook patisoni - clumsy recipes

The list of herbs from these vegetables is great, but the simplest ones are important - oiled and stewed patisoni.

Lubricated patisoni

You need: 2 patisoni, 100 gr. borosna, 2 eggs, oliya - 70 ml. Sil, black pepper, chasnik - to the taste.

  • Wash the vegetables, clean them, decorate them with handkerchiefs.
  • Mix eggs, spices, salt | salt | in the bowl. Soak the shmatochki in egg whites, roll in boroshni, grease to a red vein.

Arrange the patisoni on portioned plates, sip with parsley and on the table. Don't forget the tea sauce.

Ragout with patissoniv and vegetables

Draw three cleaned patisoni with small pieces. In a stewpan, grease the minced cibulin and carrots, add patisoni, pour in a bottle of water. Extinguish 10 quills, then add 2 tomatoes without skins and cook 5 more quills. Salt. Serve before meat, chicken, fish meatballs, or as I will krem ​​grass with wheat bread, spread olive oil.

Yak getuvati patisoni - stravi with a rodzinka

As soon as you have an hour, you’re in the mood for that bag, prepare the stuffed patisoni.

Patison with stuffing

Ingredients: small patisoni - 5 pieces (take for a quantity), minced pork - 250 gr., 100 gr. syrah and syrah, 1 piece each of cibula and licorice pepper, rice flask. Breading bread - 1/5 of a bottle, strong - pinch.

  • Heat up the oven to 180º.
  • From pure patissons in the tops of the tops and swipe the bottom part with a spoon, leaving the pulp on the walls and dents. Sprinkle vegetable oil, prick the sides with a fork and put on a greased sheet. Write 15 quills.
  • Cook the rice, mix it with the vegetables. Add minced meat, cheese, breadcrumbs. Remind with the masa that it came out, baked patisoni, sip the top with cheese and put it in the oven for a quarter of a year.

Serve hot on dessert plates, embellished with greens.

Pancakes with squash and baking

For tієї stravi take: 2 patisoni, 200 gr. mushrooms, 1 egg, cibulin, 2 tbsp. l. boroshna that olії for lubrication. Strength, krip - to judge.

Z patisonіv znіmіt shkіra, grate the pulp on the tertiary. Spread the mushrooms and mushrooms on a frying pan. After 10 quills, put the painted cibulin here. Combine the grated masa, eggs, mushrooms, herbs, borosno, spices and salt.

Place a spoonful of dough on a hot frying pan, grease from both sides until golden color. Serve with ketchup and sour cream.

How to prepare patisoni - children of stravi

Are you tired of asking a child to take a spoonful for Tata, mother and closest relatives? Make a little thick soup from patissons and the problem is there.

Soup puree with toast

You need more than anything - 300 gr. patisoni, half of cibulin and carrots, 1 potato, tops 10% - a bottle. Sil - troch, a spoonful of toast.

Clean vegetables in a pre-formed form, store in a saucepan, pour chicken broth. Boil 20 quills, then turn on the stove, thicken and beat it in a blender. Put it back on the fire, add inches, salt, warm the water for three. The soup is ready, you don’t need to call the baby, you’ve been spinning in the kitchen for a long time, having come to the lower that savory smell.


Take: a bottle of hercules, 150 gr. patissoniv, one apple and one egg, 50 gr. tsukru, according to the pіvsklyanki of milk, that is borosna.

Boil hercules in the water, put an apple and patisoni, borosno, zukor, milk at the porridge. Mix it up. Lay at the sealed shape and vip for 35 minutes | minutes | in the oven at 200º. Before serving, fill with small pieces, pour over sour cream and fruit jelly.

It would have been better, such a simple ovoch, and like the original stravi from the new one! Prepare patisoni, using our recipes or modifying your own, change the ingredients, experiment with spices, sauces, dressings and treat your loved ones and friends with new flavors.

Vitayu, dear friends! Let's talk today about patissons, the closest relative of zucchini and garbuza. It is rich who grows this sheep in the city, not only through the power lines, but also through his original form. Fruits in the form of a gramophone are always visible on the table. I have planted the same rock, it has grown a lot and now I have food: how to cook patisoni? I had a chance to rediscover my famous people, read magazines and I knew a little. I share them with you.

Ale, we’ll tell you a little about those, the stars, having taken such a sheep and chi sternness in sight.

The fatherland of patissons, like zucchini and harmelon, the American continent is respected, where five thousand years have begun to grow. Europe has a patisson of deliveries and the American continent, after that, yak Pivdenna America became a Spanish colony. Starting from the 17th century, it gained wide popularity in the European countries. And in two hundred years you can learn in Ukraine, and then know in Siberia.

The famous people say that behind the savory flavors of patisoni they turn over their brothers - zucchini and garmelon. Small fruits are relished by young mushrooms, and the familiar little patissons with a lower skin, which has not yet been coarsened, are vvazhalis a delicacy.

The youngest fruits are the most juicy, richest in life. The storage of fruits has proteins, carbohydrates, and a lot of fats. Calorie content of 100 g of blue patissons is no more than 20 kcal, which is good for dietary eating and for losing weight. The cream here is pectin speech and zucru, and zucru is represented by fructose and glucose, which are easily absorbed in the body.

The chemical warehouse is also different. Tse miracle dzherelo mineral salts: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium. Z mikroelementiv є Zalіzo, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, aluminum, titanium, zinc. Z vitamins - ascorbic acid, carotene, B1 and B2. And vitamin E in squash is more hidden, lower in harbuz and zucchini.

Korisn_ authority

Zavdyaki rich mineral warehouse, large amount of cellular tissue and small calorie content of patisoni are good for a dietary meal. The cream of this stench helps to normalize metabolic processes, improve immunity, prevent the development of heart and vascular diseases, liver disease and nirok, anemia, and eliminate the “nasty” cholesterol from the body.

It was established by the scientists that in the fruits of the yellow color there is a lutein speech, which is 4-5 times more, lower in other varieties of patissons. Lutein is an antioxidant, which not only neutralizes free radicals, but also prevents the formation of blood clots in vessels and longevity. This quality is especially important for the health of people of a frail age.

From now on, patissons are preparing oliya, as a high-energy and vitamin product. The oil contains glycosides, fatty acids, lecithin. Moreover, the lecithin in the oil mayzhe stіlki w, skіlki th in chicken eggs.

When the liver is ill, the vikorists are cleared from the skin of the skin. For this purpose, grind in a slurry powder and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for five years before dinner, drinking water. Tsey powder is more efficient assimilation of protein content, normalizes the work of the intestines and more quickly acquires glycogen in the liver.

Sik z m'yakoti spryaє removal of excess salts from the body, normalizes the work of the intestines and calms.

To whom shkіdlivі patisoni

There is no contraindication for the implantation of fresh vegetables, but for the sake of care, it should be implanted in individuals, as it may cause various intestinal disorders, shards during implantation can lead to illness.

And the canned patisoni are not the next to live

  • children of age up to 10 years;
  • we are ill with sucrose diabetes, ailments of the pharynx, slough-intestinal tract, nirok;
  • individuals, yakі may lower arterial pressure.

For the protection of the next, to live in the stray from the patissons to persons with a reduced arterial pressure.

How to prepare patisoni?

Lubricated patisoni


  • 4 small patisson fruits
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g syrah
  • Vershkov oil
  • parsley
  • Borosno for breading

How to cook:

Wash the patisoni, clean the skins, cut them with skewers.

Ocremo in a saucepan and heat a frying pan Vershkov oil Add 1 egg to the new one, grated syrup, strong and finely chopped parsley, stirring, warm the sum.

Spread the egg and syrn sumish on the skin and put the skeins in pairs, bread them with the boar, soak them with the beaten egg, then roll in breadcrumbs and brush on olive oil until ruddy.

Like an independent vegetable grass for a meal or a supper, it will also be a wonderful side dish for meat.

Required products:

  • 4-5 patissons of average size
  • be-like minced meat 150-200g
  • 2 cibulini
  • boiled eggs
  • spices and strength
  • parsley
  • third sir

In memory of the fruits of the beast, the upper part is formed, the middle is visible. Trochs are salted in the middle and poured on sprats of khvilin, after which we pour out sik, which we have settled.

Peel the carrots and the cibula, shake it dryly and brush it on growing olive, add minced meat and extinguish some more, then cool. Boiled eggs chopped chop and add | add | to mince. Potim minced salt, pepper for relish, add finely chopped parsley, marjoram.

With the stuffing taken off, we fill in the patisoni, we sip the beast with cheese, burn it with foil and put it in the oven for baking. For a sprat of khvilin, until ready, the foil is opened and given to sir. It is sold at a temperature of 180-200 º with a stretch of 20 strands.

For the filling, you can vikoristovuvati not only minced meat. For tsієї mark with a whole lot of additional oiled vegetable sum.

Krup'yana casserole with squash and apples


  • rice porridge, pshonyana, hercules
  • patisson vagou 100-150g
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 apple
  • half a flask is boroshn
  • sіl ta tsukor for relish


On the cob, we cook thick porridge from any over-ripped cereals. You can make porridge right away with milk, or you can add milk later.

Narizaemo dribnymi cubes of apple and patisson, add them to porridge. There it is added to the taste of strength and tsukor, eggs, everything is relatively mixed. Like porridge was cooked without milk, then add a little milk. The sumish is placed in the form, smeared with olive oil and put into the oven at 200 º for 40 strands.

You can serve a casserole like a hot one, or look cold, add greens, add sour cream.

canned patisoni

For conservation, take small specimens, cut larger pieces into sprats. The fruits are blanched with a stretch of 3-5 strands, fallow in the rosemary, then cool by the water.

At the bottom of the jar, put a cibula, a clove of a chapel, 2-3 black peppercorns, carnations, a bay leaf, then fill the jar with squash and fill it with hot rose salt.

Rosemary: for 1 liter of water, add 50 g of salt, 25 g of zucru, 70 g of 9% otstu.

Pasteurize cans 0.5-liter - 10 quilin, 1.0-liter - 15 quilin. Then the banks will wander and vkryvayut to the full extent.

Varennya with patissoniv and zucchini

For 1 kg of cleansed patisons, take 1.2 kg of zucru, 1 bottle of water, 1 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn berry.

At boiling zukrovy syrup, they lower the prepared fruits and cook 5 strands, then take them to the fire. After 8 years, I will bring the boil again to the boil, I will boil 5 quills in a stretch, then we will leave them for 10 years. So fix 4 times. For example, add 3 g of citric acid to the boil.

You can replace the sea buckthorn with an orange and a lemon, as it is necessary to clean the back of the head from the skin of that nasinnya. Also, you can make varennia at once with zucchini.

Patisoni with Bulgarian pepper in licorice marinade

Tsey recipe look at this video.

Dear readers, it’s possible, and you have your own recipes, how to cook patisoni, share them in the comments. And everything is right in me. Be healthy and don't forget to pay in advance for the news of the blog - it'll be even richer!
Bula Taisiya Filippova is with you.

Patisson is the same grassy growth that looks like a small compact bush with great leaves and great yellow flowers. Yogo is brought to the family of harbuzov. In fact, it is just one of the varieties of the splendid harmelon, only of an unusual form.

The fruits of urban culture are also called patisons. The stinkers turn their respect to themselves with their plate-like uniform and cliques. Most of the time, the white ones are chirping, and the yellow ones are brighter. More easily, you can use green patisoni, orange and combined colors.

Ignorance of those who have a patisson as a variety of garmelon, for their savory qualities of wine, they are closest to zucchini. Therefore, all recipes, in which zucchini is the main ingredient, can be easily beaten and for the preparation of patissons.

Small garbuzi, mayzhe zav'yaz, marinate, sour, stuff with cheese, vegetables and meat. Pancakes, casseroles are prepared from great fruits, just lubricate them with breadcrumbs or add them to folding garnishes.

Apply recipes

Option 1

For the purpose of stravi, it is necessary to choose the smallest patisoni, in fact, a large ovary, with a diameter of no more than 3-4 div.

Timchasov vitrati 2-5 deb. Dosing is indicated for 2 kg. fruitful.


  • Small patisoni with soft skin - 2 kg.
  • Leafing through a root chron - 4-5 pcs.
  • Chasnik - pіvgolovki.
  • Black currant - 1 sprig with leaves and nirkami.
  • Krip abo fennel - 5-6 gіlochok.
  • Strength - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • The water is cold - as needed.


  1. In the patisons, the stalks are visible, looking at the place of the planting a small hole. So in ovoch shvidshe penetrating rose.
  2. At the bottom of the dishes lay all the greens (two or three leaves of the chron are left for the “crown”), cut into halves of a small part of the watchmaker.
  3. Patisons are carefully placed in a saucepan, poured with rosemary, vkryvayut leaves hron, what is missing. Above vstanovlyuyut vantage.
  4. For doba - repeat to appear pina. As soon as it happens, the patisoni need to be carefully turned, so that the zayve will come again. Let's put them down again for the vantage.
  5. After 2-3 days, you will see “slightly salted” patisoni, so you can already live. Shchob viyshov "mіtsnіshiy" salting, єmnіst z ovochami put in a cold dry l'oh chi refrigerator. Patisoni, at once from greens and rossol, can be transferred into a sterilized container damn the jar. Until the end, the sour jar cannot be closed with a lid, more than with gauze.
  6. Varto vrakhovuvati, what more fruits, more leaven.
  7. Option 2 Stuffed patisoni

    An ideal herb for the quiet, who are anxious to get on a diet, and very tired of one-man porridges and mashed potatoes. Like a stuffing pіdіyde be-like meat minced meat, cooked from dog meat. At to this particular type a variation is presented with chicken breast and lean pork in a proportion of one to one.

    Patisons for tsієї stravi are selected with an average size, with a diameter of up to 10 cm.

    Cooking hour - 1.5 years. Cooking can be done in different ways - steamed in a pressure cooker, quenched in a rocker or a deep frying pan, rolled onto a sounding board. The number of products indicated for 5 servings.


  • Patisson - 10 pcs.
  • Tsybulya - 2 great tsibulins.
  • Paprika - 1 large pod of red color.
  • Lean pork - 300 grams.
  • Chicken breast - 300 g.
  • A firm sire is behind the bazhannyam.
  • Specials and strength - according to desire.


  1. In the patisons, they sprout the “kryshechka with the fruit” and remove the core, shirring half of the vegetables here. Prick lightly with a fork.
  2. Pork and chicken breast are ground in a food processor. If the meat grinder beats, then the minced meat is passed through it once, so that the meat is mixed as much as possible uniform mass. M'yaso can be crushed "in saws", and not be at the sight of small rubany shmatochkiv.
  3. Rub the cibulini on the great third.
  4. The paprika is peeled off the skins, cut into small cubes on the arch.
  5. Tsibuleve puree and paprika add to minced meat. Salt and pepper, add other spices for the bajans.
  6. Wichishcheni patisoni are stuffed with minced meat.
  7. Cooked at the oven for deco for 1 year at a temperature of 170 or 180 degrees. The pressure cooker has enough 40 quills. For 5 minutes before readiness, the “cats” sip syrup.
  8. When zapіkannі stuffing will dosit schіlnoy. To reach more lower texture to minced meat, you can add white bread for relish. So, as if a pressure cooker is victorious or rolling, then it is necessary to pour a little water on the bottom.

Option 3 Patisoni in panirovtsі, smeared with bacon, cibula and chasnik

Qiu sitnu grass can be grown independently or combined with boiled potatoes or a light vegetable salad. Patison for the new take be-yaki. Young ones, without a birthday, are scribbled with circles right from the skin. Old specimens, with thick skin and we will ripen us, clean them in front and cut them on their own pivmіsyatsі tovshchina here 1 cm.

Timchasov vitrati - 40 khvilin.


  • Patisoni
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Bacon - 200 rub.
  • Chasnik - 2-3 teeth.
  • Tsybulya - 2 great tsibulins.
  • Strength and spices - for gusto.
  • Vershkov abo oliya.


  1. The qibula is scribbled on the tovst of the kiltsya and smeared with vershok oil to a golden color, not allowing it to burn. Vin is guilty of being sweet and juicy. The rings are transferred to another dish, giving the drain to the fat.
  2. Dali on a frying pan kindly smear the bacon or boiled-smoked brisket until I become chips.
  3. In fat, which has been left over in the bacon, caramelize 2-3 cloves of the trimmed hourglass. Zmіshuyut yogo with bacon and tsibuleya.
  4. Eggs are beaten with a couple of spoons of water, with spices and sill.
  5. Patisons are soaked in egg sum, and then in breadcrumbs.
  6. They are smeared until they are ready in the chasnikov's olії, which was left on the frying pan.
  7. All components are added to the serving dish, embellish the greenery.

These other subtle preparations of patissons have already been voiced in the recipes, do not mess up the repetition:

  1. Young fruits are best suited for sauerkraut, pickling and lubrication. Yakshto on their basis, it’s enough to make dough for pancakes or casseroles, it’s too rare.
  2. Great old fruit, navpaki, garni in casseroles and pancakes. Dobre eat with cheese, meat, mushrooms, herbs, bell peppers.
  3. Small patissons do not require special preparation before cooking. Їx povnistyu or halves add to the choice of stew or garnish. If the skin has already caught the troch coarsens, then the vegetables are pricked with a fork. To clean the old fruits of the clothes from the skins of the nasinnya.
  4. The best "companions" for patissons are tomatoes, chasnik, cibula, paprika, dark varieties of meat and hard siri. Mushrooms garni with tsimi garbuza only with other ingredients. So, if you take as a basis only patisson and mushrooms (especially greenhouses), then the relish of the wild will be done to the bіdny. When it comes to herbs and seasonings, it’s better to take advantage of products with a pronounced gostruvate and spicy relish - crop, laurel, horseradish, root parsley and parsnip, basil, sumish from the included coriander, cumin, black and zapashny pepper, chili.
  5. And the axis of chi will be savory with squash with eggplants, asparagus and grain kvass, various types of cabbage (kohlrabi, broccoli, red cabbage, savoy, beijing, brusselska) to fall in the culinary mastery and yogo special likeness.
- even savory ovoch of unimaginable form. In translation from French, patisson means - a pie, and even the very form of vegetables can be said about tse. The patisons are of different colours, they have a splashing shape with rounded and wavy edges. Sound from the patissons to sprout fresh supplies for the winter. And lubricate the young patisoni, like zucchini and serve from the private house. Also, pancakes, stews, soup, meatballs and meatballs, pilaf, pancakes, kulish and other are prepared with patissons.

Harvested from patisons to make a difference. Patison marina yak ogirki. For this patisoni, they are minced, cut with skewers, put at the jar with a watchmaker and spices, poured with dill for 30 strands. Let's make the water angry, boil it with sill and zukr. At the jar with patisons, add an estimate and pour in boiling marinade, close the jars with caps and turn over, wrap them in a tarred carpet for additional sterilization.

From patisons they cook caviar, so they don’t go to the savor with squash and eggplant. The patisoni are cleaned from the skin of that rough fur. Meat is cut into cubes, smeared with oil. Okremo smear cibula and carrots. Dice tomatoes. Mustaches are put near the pan, add strength, zucor, hot pepper, stew for 1 year. Naprikintsi add a little bit to the octu. Spread the caviar in jars, curl it with lids, additionally sterilize 30 fibers in water, the lids will roam, turn the jars over onto the lids and cool.

From patissons to cook varennya, ale vono for an amateur. Patisons are peeled from the skin, the flesh is cut into cubes, boiled with zucr 1: 1 and dried for 6 years. Pour water bottles. Boil patisoni in 3-4 stages, add citric acid and trochs of saffron for color at the end of the boil. The jams are laid out at the sterile jars and they are filled with lids.

Patison is stuffed and baked at the oven with meat, mushrooms, fish, eggs, cereals, and vegetables. From patissons they see the top, they see a part of the pulp from the bottoms. Patisons are allowed to be taken at a small amount of salted water with a stretch of 3 strands, then they are taken from the water and cooled. Prepare the stuffing, for example, smear the minced meat with cibulia or mushrooms, boil the greek groats and mix with lubricated cibulia, skewer sea syrah riba with small pieces and mix with spices and silla. Stuff the patisoni with the filling, smear the surface with sour cream, sip on the syrup and seal it. Like a vegetarian patisoni, the surface is sprinkled with olive oil. Bake patisoni in the oven until golden brown. Serve with your favorite sauce. Patisons stuffed with meat, that corian grass is even savory for all the motherland.

Three pancakes are preparing pancakes. The patisoni are cleaned from the skins that are worn. Rub the patisoni on the third, salt. After 10 hvilin, the vіdzhimayut zayva vologu. Mix patisoni with egg and boar, add oiled cibula, sir, and other mushrooms. Brush the pancakes in oil on both sides until golden brown. Serve pancakes with patisoniv with sour cream.

The simplest thing is that you can cook from the same vegetable - lubricated patisoni. For cooking, the vegetables are cleaned, cut into slices of 5 ml. Simmer at the boroshni from sill, grease in a frying pan in oil over medium heat, serve, sipping with a chopped bowl and fresh greens. On top, put some tomato sticks on top.

And it’s more fragrant and savory to go out to stew with patissons. Patisons are cleaned, cut with skewers. At the stewpan, they coat the cibula and the bowl, put the patisoni, potato trochs, pour in water, quench until soft, in the end, add the pulp of the tomato without peel to the stew. Serve stew with sour cream.
Patisons are added to the cutlet, for the purpose of giving juices to the virobs and lowering the calorie content. Rub the patisoni on a grater, mix with minced meat and an egg, salt the minced meat according to the couscous. Shape the cutlets, roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs, brush with butter and bring the cutlets to readiness at the oven.

With such success, the patisoni are added to the meatballs. Minced meat is mixed with rice and trimmed with patissons on the third, beat in an egg, add spices. Divide the minced meat, skip the sacks, smear it in a frying pan in olive oil, pour it with tomato sauce and simmer under the lid for close to a year. Serve hot meatballs.

From patissons prepare mlints. Patisons are peeled, cut with staves, boiled to softness. Add the pulp of patissons in a blender, mix mashed potatoes with eggs, sill and zukr, milk and borosh. Lubricate the mlints in the frying pan as a start, from both sides. Serve with sour cream. Mlintsі z patisonіv come out even softer.

They prepare a casserole from patisons. Peeled patisoni cut into cubes. Zmіshuyut patisoni with lubricated tsibulei. Place patisoni in a casserole dish before being smeared, sip with syrup and pour all over with beaten sour cream eggs. Bake to a golden color, cool the triplets, cut into portions and serve.

Starters are prepared with patisons, savory salads. For whom, patisoni are smeared, cooled, cut into cubes with straws. In the preparation of meat, turkey and rabbit are cut into cubes. Sir podrіbnyuyut, all zmіshuyut, season the salad with mayonnaise and fresh chasnik. Instead of meat, put fried and boiled mushrooms.

You can prepare patisoni for the winter at the sight of candied fruits. It is necessary to cut the patisoni with skewers, then they are allowed to boil in the boiling water. Boil zukrovy syrup, lower the patisoni, vitrium for 8 years. Add vanilla syrup, citric acid, cook patisoni in syrup until soft, until large bulbs appear on the surface of the syrup. Put the patisoni on a sieve, give the stacks to the syrup. Lay out the candied fruit on the grati, dry it, roll it in the sugar powder and let it dry. Take away from a dry, airtight bag. Vicorist syrup for preparing cold drinks.

Ovocheva is the homeland of the genus of harbuzov, as it has settled on our beds, it never ceases to amaze and delight its diversity. For example, you know, how to grease the patisoni in a frying pan with a bowl or in panirovtsi, to bring in the period when you save money, you can not worry about the vitamin diversity and the completeness of the diet of your homeland.

The platters are fruitfully decorative, and the streaks from them come out on the floorings savory and lower, which is the place on the Christmas table.

Patisoni: greed and perevagi

Part of the patisson patisson is rich, so that all the recipes in one article cannot be looked at, so today we can try to learn only a few recipes for lubrication of these marvelous for their shape and vitamin content of vegetables.

Not everyone knows that the stench is richly corisnish, less popular is the beloved bagatma of the zucchini, so it is necessary to cook patisson savory more often.

One more cicava feature of patison's "plates" is that they have a uniquely low calorie content.

So, in the traditional 100 g of fresh product, there is only 19 kcal, and in a greased vegetable - no more than 85 kcal.

It’s not enough to lay the sheets, which is enough to instill in the framework of a suvoroy diet, tedious for your favorite potatoes, you can add a couple of shmatochkiv patissons and please yourself with your own analogue of the starchy “harrowed fruit”.

How to grease patisoni in a frying pan: a basic recipe


  • Patisoni fresh (small)- 2 pcs. + -
  • - 1 tbsp + -
  • - 3 tablespoons + -
  • - 1/3 tsp + -
  • - for the taste + -

How to grease patisoni in a frying pan until crispy

Similar to cut plates, relatives of zucchini, are miraculously saved in the minds of a home refrigerator, so you can wrap them around the leaf fall.

However, it is best to lubricate the very young fruits - you can not take the skin off of them, and to the savor of the stink they come out especially lower.

  1. From the vimitih fruits, you can see the fruit and the excess of the petiole. From them, you also need to remove the skin.

The ideal fruit size for lubrication is up to 10 cm in diameter. Even if such people didn’t show up at hand, you can win and grow more patisoni. However, even though it is too big and zhorstke, then it is necessary to see them.

  1. We divide the vegetables on thin dresses, the torso is close to 5 mm.
  2. We put them on a deep plate, salt, pepper and add salt for 15 strands.
  3. We take a frying pan with a thick bottom, adjust it to a fire of medium intensity.
  4. We put butter, check for a few seconds, until it melts, and evenly spread yoga over all surfaces.
  5. They gave me enough to roll the patison's dressing in boroshni, chop off the excess and turn the vegetables into a roasted olive.
  6. We smear the shmatochki from both sides of the dot, the docks of the stench are not covered with a crispy squirt.

Ready chastuvannya can be served hot (sipping on chopped greens), otherwise we will overtake the troch. For a warm looking person, it can also become a wonderful side dish to a kohan m'yasnіy stravi or fish jellied.

How to lubricate patisoni in a frying pan

And now it’s proponable to spread the bread and butter of patissons in snack bars sandwiches. Get some trouble, then go ahead and greet the guests!


  • Patison - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sir hard gatunku - 50 g
  • Oliya Vershkove - 2 tbsp.
  • Roslinna oliya - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Crackers for breading - 3 tbsp.
  • Black pepper chalking - 1/3 tsp
  • Force for taste

How to appetizingly brush patisoni in a frying pan

  1. Miєmo, cleansing that rіzhemo fruit so by itself, like in the previous recipe.
  2. Salty and spiced with pepper sliced ​​​​plates, pouring them out with spices.
  3. Having heated the frying pan, let’s say that half of the prepared olive oil is in it, the trochs are warmed up and put into it the vegetable shawl.
  4. Lightly zarum'yanyuemo from both sides and put it on the towel from the paper, sob to get rid of the fat.
  5. While the little pieces are getting cold, the sir is trimmed on the third with large dirochkas, we add oil to the new top one of them. orphan. Masu good peremіshuєmo, pіdsolyuєmo.
  6. We put it on a patison's shawl and curve it with another shawl - a sheep's "sandwich" comes out. So we work with a mustache.
  7. I'm putting the pan on the fire again, let's see the olive oil grow.
  8. The leather from the “sandwiches” is zanuryuєmo in a beaten egg, dipped in breadcrumbs and zarum'yanyuyemo from both sides.

Serve this appetizer best hot. If you stand for a little while, then you will risk eating an appetizing crunch.

How to butter savory patisoni in a frying pan with a bowl

The watchmaker gives the beloved sheep an easy piquancy that helps to maximize the natural relish of yoga. To this “blowing” we can also add carrots, cibula and greens, so that the bulb is not only savory and beautiful, but also as colorful as possible.


  • Young patisoni - 500 g;
  • Carrot fresh - 200 g;
  • Tsibulya (middle) - 2 pcs.;
  • Chasnik - 2 teeth;
  • Sonyashnikova oliya - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Creep fresh - 1 bunch;
  • Strength - ½ tsp

How to cook smeared patisoni with vegetables.

  1. Having washed all the vegetables, clean them and trim them with cubes for the help of a knife, crimson carrots, and three on a great third.
  2. On the back of the head, it’s right in the rose of the olive cibula, lubricated until it’s softened.
  3. Then we add to the new patison's narration, and for example - carrots. Lubricate everything you need on a quiet fire.
  4. We add greenery to the grass, salt it to taste.

It will be necessary to season the chastuvannya with pepper and a pressure chasnik for a couple of quills before the end of cooking, if the vegetables are softer.

Such a grass will become a good addition to home-made cutlets or stewed ribi.

May everything that our body needs for good health and growth in the beds. Knowing how to lubricate patisoni in a frying pan with your own hands, you can easily bring variety to the home menu, as well as increase the Christmas style to rich ones.


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