Sorry cutlets. Minced meat cutlets: the tastiest recipe! How to cook cutlets in a slow cooker

Homemade cutlets - tse, without pepper, a symbol of happiness family life. Don't be a squad rity cutlets in a booth, de rit discord and post-welding! Tsya m'yasna grass is prepared only for those close to them. Today we will good gentlemen and let's create a home calm, n rhymes the most delicious cutlets at home!

It is noted that cutlets eat better, lower be-yak-yak іnsha m'yasna grass. Sandwiches roar with them, the stench is savory and hot, and looking cold, before them, be a garnish. If there is soup and meatballs in the refrigerator, then a person and a child will make the most delicious homemade meatballs in Persh Cherg!

A cutlet is the most popular and clumsy meat grass, like minced meat. Wanting to eat the cutlet on the ribs, it was just a piece of meat on the rib cage. They killed this grass in Europe, and now it’s important that the word “cutlet” resembles the French côte and côtele - the rib and ribs are clear.

In Russia, cutlets learned how to cook zavdyaki for Peter I, who, as you know, loved everything European and strongly introduced Russian tastes like foreign sounds, and culinary recipes.

Until the end of the 19th century, the cutlet in Russia changed and turned into the same cake made from minced meat. And then, as a cutlet, not only meat grass, but ribs, vegetables, birds, and rice began to come into their own.

Chi varto say that the recipes for cutlets are rich, but they haven’t come up with anything better than homemade cutlets! The annual cutlets of the best restaurateurs in the world do not compare with them, as if they had sprung from the frying pans of the garne gentleman.

The main secret of cooking cutlets is to sacrifice them correctly. It’s possible, and you’ve run into such a problem more than once, if the top of the cutlet is already well-oiled, and in the middle it’s filled with syrup. So that didn’t happen, you need to know simple rules:

  • Do not start cooking on a warm pan! The frying pan for greasing cutlets can be fried!
  • If you grease the cutlets with breadcrumbs, then do not throw them into the frying pan. Roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs and put in the refrigerator for 15 quills and then lubricate. Then the biscuits do not get sloppy and burn.
  • Fry more quickly not on sonyashnikovy olives, but on melted fat.
  • If the cutlets are smoky from two sides, add a little water to the frying pan, cover with a lid and put it out until cooked.

For cym forgive the rules, Your cutlets will forever be smeared, juiced and appetizing!

Are you ready to twist minced meat and cutlets? Check out some more! Read more of our joys, as well as see recipes for cutlets, which are on our website. It's possible, you know, it's new.

And for the sake of truth, it’s simpler:

  • Sob cutlets were lower, add some water to the minced meat.
  • Sob cutlets were juiced, minced meat can be topped with butter.
  • It appears that in the cutlet we do not obov'yazkovo add eggs. Moreover, cutlets can become zhorstki through eggs.
  • Do not hesitate to add minced vegetables to taste - potatoes, carrots, cabbage!
  • The best minced meat of the one, which you twisted in a meat grinder yourself. Minced meat comes out hotter from the blender. Naturally, one can only be swayed by the quality of purchased minced meat.
  • Best zmishuvati raznі see stuffing.
  • You can add third cheese to the cutlets! Then the grass will only be savory.

And now let's get ready to go!

Homemade cutlets with minced meat

You need: a pivkilogram of minced meat from yalovichini, 1 cibul, 1 egg, 2-3 pieces of white bread, 150 ml of milk, strong, borosno (or breadcrumbs).

Break up the pieces of bread and soak in milk. After that, like a rose, kindly roll it with your hands until you get a homogeneous porridge from milk and that bread. Rub the cibula on the third. Put the minced meat in a bowl, add the shabby cibula, put the porridge from milk and bread, beat an egg there, salt. Kindly mix the minced meat with your hands at once with the ingredients. Zlipiti minced cutlets, scho wiyshov. Roll cutlets in boroshni or breadcrumbs. Brush cutlets in a frying pan growing olive until ready.

Homemade cutlets with potatoes

You need: pivkilogram of minced meat yalovichini or pork, 200 grams of potatoes, 50 grams of cibula ripchastoy, 2 tablespoons of milk, 2 eggs, silt, pepper, breadcrumbs paniruvalnі, roslinna oliya.

Preparation: Grate the cibula, peel the potatoes and grate them. Mix meat with cibulei, potatoes, add milk (so that the potatoes do not darken), eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of dewy olії, pepper and strength. You can add details of the clock. Mix everything relatively. Yakshcho minced wiyshov is rare, add borosna. Form cutlets, sip with breadcrumbs. Brush in a frying pan on both sides. Let's change the fire, cover it with a lid and put it out
cutlets 10 khvilin. You can fry without breadcrumbs!

Lip 19, 2016 luna.kenny

The stench is ideally served with some kind of garnish and become suitable spices for serving until a family dinner or evening. Various recipes for meat cutlets allow the gospodars to try some options at first glance banal. The stench is rejuvenated by cooking methods and ingredients. For home-cooked minced meat, be it meat or poultry: pork, yalovichina, chicken, turkey, veal virizka.

The five most common vicarious ingredients in recipes:

The change of sorts goes to the crust to the savoring qualities of the finished strain. Golovne, that all components were fresh. The mass is resolutely mixed with hands, so that it sticks and sticks easily. To home cutlets obov'yazkovo should be added soaking in milk bread. Tse not sposіb zbіshiti zbіshiti obsyag finished product, but vіdmіnny method saves all m'yasnі juices in the middle of the meatball. The main components are given a trimmed cibulus with a fresh look, or frontally smeared on an olive. The arrival of a chicken egg to break the consistency of the cooked cutlet, lower and poached.

  1. Shchob cutlets viyshli juice
    Do you know why cutlets were ogidically unsavory radian table cutlets? That's why they put a lot of bread and crackers in them, and they saved on meat, they took it from the thickest parts of the carcass. If you want to eat savory cutlets, do not buy ready-made minced meat for a sumptuous trip. You can not bathe the road of the yalovich, but the axis of the back, neck, shoulder blade, brisket and other parts of the hind leg can be ideally.

    Before Tim Yak run the filet into the meat grinder, Do not forget to thoroughly clean yoga - take the swim, clean up the cartilage, the brushes lived. Krіm yalovichi kuhari recommend vikoristovuvat fat pork - she herself will give cutlets juice and tenderness.

    Standard proportion: for 1 kg of yalovichini - 1/2 kg of pork and 1 kg of yalovichini - 250 g of fat. In the meantime, cutlets can be cooked with lamb, veal, chicken, turkey, game. Step podrobnennya choose be-yak, prote fahіvtsі don't overdo it and settle down with one-time twisting at the meat cutter from the middle rozmіru gratami.

  2. Is it necessary to add an egg?
    Well, it's necessary. Golovne - do not go over with eggs and beaten up no more than 2-3 pieces per 1 kg of meat, otherwise the cutlets will look hard. You need about 200 g of qibulya per qilkist, bagzhano - previously saved and chilled, shards of syria can not be caught and smeared and give the cutlets a sharp relish. As if you need fresh meat, trim it at the same time with minced meat at the meat cutter.

  3. Bread is the most important component
    It is not necessary to think that when bread appears at the recipe, it is necessary to save it. Without m'yakush, you'll find a kebab kebab in you, not a juicy meatball. Same soaked bread helps to grow cutlets soft and lower.

    Naturally, it is important to trim the correct proportions. Looks like an offensive rank: for 1 kg of meat - 250 g of white bread and 300-400 g of milk and water (like robish chicken cutlets, you need less bread and eggs).

    Vykoristovyte vchorashniy or trohi pіdsohly loaf. Seen from the new all picks, outside for shmatochki and soak in cold milk or water. Like a little m'yakush rozbuhne, resolutely rozimnіt yoga with your hands and mix with minced meat. Part of the bread can be replaced with grated potatoes, pickle or other vegetables.

    Minced meat, which is viyshov, is also good to decorate with spices (paprika, black pepper, coriander, chili) and minced greens (creep, parsley, cilantro, mint). Do not forget to salt the future grass, just don’t try it at the orphan’s sight every other time (tasting the minced meat is the widest reason for the destruction of the middle sir).

  4. Correct breading
    Cover the bowl with the prepared minced meat with bazhano and put it in the refrigerator for the winter, so that the bread has been removed from the meat juices. Then, again, zealously knead the mass, beating it with your hands and rubbing it with your hands. Naprikintsі deyakі kukharі to please add to the menu crushed ice for juiciness. After that, wet your hands in cold water and start sticky cutlets.

    For the bread, you can cover them with breadcrumbs - under the golden crust, the minced meat will be filled with juice. Most fahivtsiv do not trust store-bought crackers and recommend working on their own - for which you need just add white bread from the blender. Then roll the cutlets at the krihtachs, which came out, and put them on the frying pan. Like a panuvannya, it is also possible to vicorate for sesame seeds, dry bread straws, and that ice zone.

    The rest - 3 eggs, lightly beaten from the list 1-2 tbsp. spoons of chi water milk. Cutlets are rolled on the head at the boroshni, then at the ice zone and less then we cover them with bread crumbs.

  5. Lubrication features
    At coated cutlets there is nothing foldable, a smut - put them on a roasted pan with hot olives (more shortly - we heat the tops), so that the minced meat “gathers”, the squash has settled down and the grass has not fallen apart into shmatochki.

    In addition, try to keep the distance between the cakes: as if you spread a mountain of cutlets on one dish, the stink of the soup will let the sik and begin to be quenched, and not smeared.

    As soon as a golden streak appears, you can change the fire and prepare under the roof. Partially turning over cutlets is better not to torment (bazhano robit tse kіlka razіv), ale and far from the frying pan does not go, otherwise replace the juice meat sauce otrimaesh vugіllya. Vtіm, you can lubricate and extinguish the shortcakes or cook them for a couple.

How to cook homemade cutlets with minced meat, so that the stench is juiced and savory?


Most people have meat cutlets in an invisible part of the diet. Naturally, in order to prepare them often, do not have to go out, but even if the situation allows them to overcome hunger for a long time.

Prepare tsyu grass from various species of meat and navit ribi. Sob they didn’t give the cutlets, I cook them, vicarious various recipes.

Minced meat cutlets - a classic recipe in a frying pan

For the creation of the most delicious cutlets, minced meat from yalovichi and pork is traditionally minced by gentlemen. The proportions of meat, which are victorious for this creation, the skin master chooses independently, but I follow my own recipe.

A set of necessary products:

  • veal - 0.8 kg;
  • pig bagatta - 0.8 kg;
  • cibula - 2 great cibulins;
  • chasnik - 1.5 heads;
  • black bread - 1/3 loaf;
  • milk - 1 bottle;
  • greens;
  • pepper.

Ready :

I wash the meat once and let it dry. Like on veal є pleura, I'll have fun її. I cut yoga with small pieces. At the same time, I bake bread and pour it with milk.

In order to take away the lower homogeneous minced meat, I pass the two through a meat grinder. Also, through it, I will grind clean cibulin and prepare bread.

Take away the most appetizing aroma, which allows less interruptions in the blender. All components are salt and pepper. I mix everything by hand.

When the minced meat is ready, I put a frying pan on the stove. I cook cutlets on refined olive oil with a lid.

Sob minced meat is not chіlyavsya up to the hips, bіlya I set myself up with cold water. I form the blanks and place them on a roasted pan. I smear from two sides. After the skin batch, I clean the frying pan for cracklings that have appeared.

Cutlets come out lower and even more savory!

Not long ago my fitness coach came up with an exclusive menu of pork and yalovichini. Tom happened to shukati sobіnu tsikh meat delіkatesіv. I hesitated for a long time, like picking meat for cooking cutlets, and sang on indichi.

List of ingredients:

  • okist - 2 kg;
  • tops of fat - 300 ml
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sil that pepper chalking;
  • bread crumbs;
  • refined oliya - 200 ml;
  • Vershkov butter - 200 g.

Easy cooking process

I add oil from the refrigerator, so that it becomes room temperature. I buy meat for the day of preparation. I thoroughly wash, clean up the shkir and water-creaming brushes (I cook soup on the shkir and brushes).

I cut the meat in shmatki and grind the meat for meat cutters, with another pass I add and oliya.

I drive an egg into the masu, and I wag the tops. Step by step, on all surfaces, salt and pepper (I’ll mix the vicarious sum of peppers, but I can just grind it with a great black one), then I’ll mix everything well.

I put crackers on papyrus for breading. When shaping the cutlets, start by hand, I trim a bowl of cold water. I prepare and soak in the breading and adjust it on the masked Sonyashnikova Oliya frying pan.

I cook them on the dead fire from both sides. Let's cover it with a cap and bud 5 quills.

Let's cook for the cim recipe for cutlets miraculously fit yak mashed potatoes, and various porridges.

Even more often, buying prepared minced pork, you can zishtovytsya with it, because its fatness is just off the charts. So that the cutlets from the new one were savory and juicy, you can add to the warehouse of the creamy loaf of potatoes.

For cooking, you need the following products:

  • fat pork mince - 1 kg;
  • loaf - tretina loaf;
  • middle potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • cibulya ripchasta - 1 large cibulina;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
  • oliya sonyashnikova - 1 tbsp. l.
  • water - 1 bottle
  • sil that black pepper.

Cooking process:

I will soak a loaf of bread in front of the water. If the yoghurt becomes soft, I press it and pass it at once from the cleaned cibulia through the meat grinder. I add them to minced meat and mix them.

Peeled potatoes rub on a grater. I lightly lift it in gauze, take the request to the vologer, and add it to other products. Then I add sour cream and beat in an egg. Let's salt and pepper, I'm good at everything and I beat it, so that the headlights become bright.

I cook these cutlets in the oven, roasted up to 190C, for three coats of olive oil baker's paper. I try to finish them with great ones, I immediately put them on the sheet, and I bake about 20 quills

After the end of the next hour, before the cutlets, add the water bottles of water and continue to cook until ready for 25 more quills. Zayvy fat from cutlets will be vikoristy for their own preparation.

The Danish way of cooking allows you to create even savory cutlets.

There is a better way to prepare minced meat from yalovichi. Therefore, I have the will to bathe yoga, we are already preparing. And the axis of growth from a new juice cutlet is even simpler.

For the cob, take the following products:

  • Yalovichi minced meat - 1.5 kg;
  • Tsybulya ripchasta - 3 pcs.;
  • gіrchitsya - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • chasnik - 8 cloves;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • milk - 3 tbsp.;
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • manna groats;
  • roslinne oil;
  • strength;
  • bread crumbs.


Potatoes and cibulini are peeled and rubbed on a grated grater. I push the cloves of the watchmaker through the watchmaker. I boil the milk and cool it down. I will re-grind the minced meat for defrosting.

In the enameled container, minced meat is prepared from previously prepared products. I beat boiled milk with an egg and mustard, pour in to other products. I add spices and mix it up to the end of a smart, homogeneous state.

On paperі zmіshuyu semolina with breadcrumbs. I make small cutlets. Paniru їх, uninterruptedly vikladyuchi in the rozіrіta on the frying pan to Sonyashnikov's olіya.

I’ll smear it on the fire from two sides until a ruddy streak appears, then I’ll turn the lid on that lower fire to a minimum. In such a station, I prepare 10 more quills.

Smeared in this way, the meatballs come out troch zhorstkuvatimi, but the original breading in the middle of the stench is even lower.

Ribnі cutlets, it’s better to eat at your own place, it’s tasty and crispy. The stench is getting ready even more easily that fast, with whom you can go out even more alive.

Products needed for cooking:

  • Fillet of pollock (trisky) - 1 kg;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Long loaf / white bread - 150g;
  • water - 100 g;
  • fat - 100;
  • strength;
  • bread crumbs;
  • oliya refined.

Ready pokrokovo:

First crochet: I wash the fish and dry it with a kitchen towel and cut it with small pieces. I also cut lard.

Croc other: In order for the bread of the loaf to become soft, I fill it with water for a couple of quills, then we saturate the homeland.

Third crochet: In a bowl of lard, I drive in an egg with ribeye, knead the soaked loaf and salt. The minced meat is resolutely mixed and the patties are crushed. For example, minced meat is too rare, you can add a little bit of semolina and let it stand for a little bit.

Croc quarters: I smear the cutlets gradually by turning over. Then I close the lid for 6 minutes | minutes | so that the stench is steamed.

Ribnі cutlets are already juiced and make a ruddy crackle.

Cutlets with minced meat in the oven - a recipe with tomatoes, cheese and sweet

Vikoristovuyuchi tsyu nezvichaynu recipe, you do not create classic cutlets, but a true culinary masterpiece.

Need these products:

  • pork / minced meat - 500 g;
  • sir - 50-70 g;
  • baguette - 150 g;
  • hourglass - 1 clove;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs. medium size;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • cibula - 1 cibulin;
  • sil, pepper - 5 g each.

Creation of a masterpiece:

As a baguette, I cut a sprat of shmatochkiv (bazhan vikoristovuvat less pulp) and soak in milk. Then I take a stainless steel bowl and knead the soaked wine in it. I add minced meat to the egg.

Chasnik and tsibula, I clean that rubbish, after which I correct it to other ingredients. Salt and sip on top with black pepper. All the best I mix and beat.

I turn on the oven to heat up to 170C. Let's get the sheet ready. I cover yoga with a kitchen paper, calmly covering the olive.

I choose Tomati shchilni, if I grow on thin mugs, the stench does not fall apart. Hard sire is detailed in small squares.

Then we form cutlets and put them on the sheet. On top of the blanks I put tomati ta sir. I place them at the oven for pivgodini. Strava will be ready, if a frail streak appears on it.

Tsgogo lita, unknowingly tasting minced chicken, I mastered a new recipe for cooking cutlets. Having tried and appreciated yoga, now I share with us.

A set of products, as needed for cooking:

  • minced chicken / fillet - 1 kg;
  • young squash;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • fresh greens (creep / parsley / basil);
  • strength and spices;
  • borosno / crackers for breading.

Cooking process:

I defrost the minced meat, I make the homeland as hot as possible. Zucchini and carrots I wash the sprat once. Then I rub it on dry terts and mince with minced chicken. In order for the masa to become the same, I dodatkovo interrupt with a blender.

At the masu, which wiyshla, I add fresh herbs, spices and an egg. I will change everything.

Then I play a frying pan with olive oil on the dead fire. I’ve rolled the meat blanks, I’ll roll them at the boroshni and put them into oliya. I smear all the parties on the sides, folding them into a small saucepan. Then I pour the trochs into the bottom and steam 3-5 quills.

Cutlets come out more savory. Starry look they have an even more appetizing, exclaiming such an anger, they put them at the plate for a little while.

Some of us, even more from school, remember the taste of cutlets from far away. Naytsіkavіshe, scho budinki like that, for a long time did not come out. Not long ago I had a chance to meet with my school cook. Hurrying with reward, I recognized the secret of their preparation. Now I will take everything)

For their preparation, you need:

  • minced meat- 1.5 kg;
  • white bread - loaf;
  • cibulya ripchasta - 9 cibulins;
  • chasnik - 1 head;
  • strong pepper
  • breadcrumbs
  • roslin oil.

Cooking method:

I clean the cibula and the watchmaker and clean it with an additional grater. I cut a loaf of bread into small parts and pour water into a couple of quills, then I squeeze it and grind it into dishes with minced meat. There, it is corrected and ground the cibula with a watchmaker, as well as spices.

I mix all the components well, the minced meat is tight, like wine rises, I add boiled water to the new troch, like a rare one, it’s boar.

Cutlets form on sippan flour | boroshnoy | kitchen surface. And in the meantime, I play a frying pan on the stove (I want to prepare the stink at the oven for the recipe).

If the oil starts to sizzle, I wrap the workpieces in breadcrumbs and smear it on the dying fire. Turning them over, I turn the frying pan and give it a coat of 5 quills.

For the taste of cutlets, they themselves look like they were in a child's rock.

I have a fisherman, so river fish in our house is not rare. Vimku most of the wines bring small pikes. There is not much to grease there, but from the cutlets you can see what you need from them.

To prepare you need:

  • pike - 1.8 kg;
  • lard - 180 g;
  • white bread - 6 pieces;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • cibulya ripchasta - 2 cibulins;
  • vershkov butter - 50 g;
  • bread crumbs;
  • pepper.

Shvidke cooking:

I clean the fish and thoroughly wash it under running water. I let you see the head, backbone, skin and great tassels. I cut with small pieces. I fill the bread with water and let it stand for a bit until it is softened, then I pour out the water.

I clean the cibulini, dryly krisha and smear it on olive oil. I cut a pike with bacon, smeared with cibulia and bread, I pass it through a meat grinder. I beat the egg with spices and add it to the masa, which came out.

With bony hands I form cutlets, dipped in breadcrumbs, and put on a frying pan. Fire can be subdued, otherwise it burns strongly.

I smear them on one side with quills 3, then I turn them on the other side and curve the lid. After 5 minutes, I know the frying pans are ready cutlets.

Zavdyaky added to the minced bacon and smeared cibuli, the taste of ribi is practically unremarkable. The stench is more appropriate for my household.

Another dietary option for feeding protein to the body was minced chicken meatballs. E mi їх only hot, I cook it only at one time.

Product set:

  • Chicken minced meat - 0.5 kg;
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 2 pcs.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Spices for the trigger;
  • Sil|salt|, chalking pepper.

More Swedish recipe:

I crack an egg and carefully water-cream white in a zhovka. I put the white in a bowl with minced meat, I mix it with black pepper. Relatively I change everything.

I clean the cibula and finely cut it and add it to a clear mass. Let's mix it up again. Once formed, I place the blanks on the surface of the grout. I fry the cutlets on a frying pan with Teflon coating under a lid of 10 quills. I don't add oil.

And I often serve as a side dish before the table stewed cabbage .

For a long time now I have been eating meatballs, steamed and unsweetened. So it was, until I brought a slow cooker and after a week of free time I did not cook cutlets for help. Obviously, the fried cutlets look beautiful, but they don’t stink for the gusto.

For their preparation, you need:

  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • yalovichina - 0.5 kg;
  • qibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • loaf - 1 skibochka;
  • chasnik - 1 clove;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • strong pepper;
  • sesame.

Cooking method:

I wash the meat under running water and dry it with a paper towel. Then I cut yoga and pass it through a meat grinder, at once with peeled vegetables and bread.

At masu, scho wiyshla, I add strength, black pepper and chicken egg. Relatively I change everything. Cutlets are shaped to medium rosemary, rolled in breadcrumbs and placed in a special bowl for steaming in gadgets.

I pour water at the multicooker bowl, set the bowl on fire. I choose the “Cooking” mode (marvel at the name of the mode in your instructions, for different brands of wines), I set the hour for 25 minutes.

Adzhe prilad after the end of the hour, automatically switch to the mode of warming up the heat, and the cutlets can be overcooked.

I hope these clumsy recipes for such a classic stew, like minced meat cutlets, become your irreplaceable helpers.

Potato cutlets with minced meat – sushi and nizhni – video recipe

Look out for food, mute pancakes! Even savory, lower and sitni - “You will lick your fingers” and you won’t smell it! Absolutely try this recipe!

I ask you not to be modest and share your kindness with social networks.


Minced meat for cutlets is better than self-cooked chilled meat. Mayzhe classic option - sumish yalovichini and pork in proportion 2:1.

At the cutlet, you can also add a chicken, an indica, or cook only birds.


For cutlets, in principle, it’s suitable to be riba. Golovna, that she had few brushes. It is better for him to choose fillets of great breeds: it is easier to cook cutlets from this one, from crispy crispy ribi. Ideally pidide salmon, triska, pelengas, halibut.

Other ingredients

Tsibulya. Yogo needs to be passed with meat through a meat grinder or roughly chopped (it’s better to grease and cool it in this way), and then add it to. You can, obviously, trim the cibula for an additional grater, but the whole process is even more doubtfully satisfied.

For 1 kg of meat, 2-3 medium cibulins are sufficient.

Black white bread (baton). Wine is needed, so the cutlets trimmed the shape and were lower. It is necessary to soak the bread in boiling water, milk the tops, vijati, remove the pick and pass it through the meat grinder. Too much yoga is not needed: 100-200 g per 1 kg of minced meat is enough.

Vegetables: zucchini, carrot, potato, beetroot, watermelon. The stink of robbing cutlets with juices and lower ones. For bread, you can replace bread with them. Vegetables are better trimmed for an additional grater.

eggs. Spirny ingredient: deyakі kuharі vvazhayut that the stink robbing cutlets hard. Prote eggs help to glue minced meat. You don’t have to overdo it, it’s better to vicorate no more than two eggs per 1 kg of minced meat.

Strength. For 1 kg of minced meat, about 1 teaspoon of salt is enough.

Spices and greens. Add black pepper to obov'yazkovo, chasnik and other spices - for the bajans.

Water, oliya or something else. For minced meat, you can add a couple of tablespoons of krizhano vodka, a spoonful of dewy olives, or a cube of vershokov, so that the cutlets are juiced.

You can add tops to the fish cutlets, so you can add the tenderness of the grass, otherwise lemon juice, which will give you the taste of ribi.

How to prepare minced meat and eat meatballs

  1. First, trim the meat, see everything from it, spitting, tassels and cartilage.
  2. As you pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, make sure to grind them, so that the minced meat is the same.
  3. Meat minced meat must be kindly mixed with hands and beaten - so you will be filled with sourness. Robiti is possible in a pot with high walls, so as not to wander the kitchen. And here it is necessary to throw the minced meat at the bottom of the container.
  4. Ready minced meat is better covered with grub and put away from the refrigerator for 30 khvilin, schob wine vіdpochiv. Mix this yoga again.
  5. Sticky cutlets are consumed with wet hands, so that the minced meat is not chopped to the fingers.
  6. Try to form cutlets of the same size, you don’t need to grind too much: the more cutlets, the more juice. Splash the cutlets with the bottoms, so that the stench will be equal and without seams.

Yak panuvati cutlets

Panuvannya helps the juice to run out in the middle of the cutlets, it’s not good for that. You can beat breadcrumbs (store-bought or self-made from dry bread), borosno, chickpeas and sesame seeds.

Vrahuyte, scho biscuits take more oil. Therefore, if you want to change the fat content of cutlets, choose other options for panuvannya or dry the finished cutlets with paper towels.

How to grease cutlets

Put cutlets on a good roasting pan with olive oil. Obov'yazkovo zalishte between them, otherwise the stench will not be smeared, but extinguished.

Spread the back on a strong fire on one side with a stretch of 1-2 quills, then change the fire and continue cooking 3-4 more quills. Repeat those same with the other side. After that, you can sweat the cutlets under the krishkoy 5-8 khvilin.

20 quills are enough for smearing any meatballs. If you have any doubts, pierce one of them with a knife: it’s bright to talk about those who are ready.

How to cook cutlets in the oven

Lay cutlets on a sheet oiled and put into the oven, roast up to 180-200 degrees. After 15-20 quills, pour 10-15 quills on the deco.

At the oven, you can bring the meatballs to readiness. In this weather, the sunsets are more frequent for temperatures of 160–180 degrees.

How to cook cutlets in a slow cooker

For cooking, use the “Frying” or “Vipіchka” modes. The average hour of preparation is 40–50 quills.

Cutlets need to be turned over skin 15-20 times. As soon as the stench is repaired, you can add a little water (near the bottle ¼).

Cooking grass in a steamer is the simplest. It’s better to fill in the middle of the amount of water indicated in the instructions, put the cutlets, add an attachment and cook it fallowly like minced meat:

  • 20-30 hvilin - for cutlets with poultry and ribi;
  • 30–40 hvilin - for meat cutlets.

If you do not have a double boiler, cutlets can be cooked in a water bath. Boil water at the pot, put a big sieve on the beast so that it doesn’t stick out of the middle, and cover the structure with a lid. Vrahuyte, scho schomu kastrula that sieve owe about the same diameter.



  • 750 g chicken meat (even parts of breast fillet and steg fillet);
  • 350 g stale loaf;
  • 220 ml of milk;
  • 30 g inches of butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • Paliva or Vershkov oil - for lubrication.


Soak 150 g of loaf in milk. If the wine is swollen, see yoga and skip the chicken meat at the same time through the meat grinder. Don't throw away the milk: you'll still need it. Add 30 g of soft topsoil to the minced meat, salt and pepper, mix well and remove the kill.

Okremo prepare a paniruval sumish. For this, add 200 g to a loaf, which is left out, on diced cubes (with sides approximately 4 mm) and dry them. In a bowl of milk, add eggs, a pinch | salt | salt and stir.

With wet hands form cutlets of medium rosemary from minced meat. Dip the skin milk sum, then roll in breadcrumbs and put the frying pan with butter on a good heat. Coat the cutlets on the fire from two sides until golden brown.


  • 300 g yalovichini;
  • 200 g pork;
  • 150-200 g fresh bakes;
  • 1 cibulin;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 scoops of stale white bread;
  • 1-2 cloves of the hourglass;
  • borosno - for breading;
  • - for lubrication;
  • strength, pepper and other spices - for relish.


Cook the cob mushroom stuffing. For this, thoroughly wash and dry the mushrooms, and then fill them with small skewers. Finely trim the cibula, brush it to softness. Add mushrooms and lubricate, the docks do not boil all the water. In the end, salt and pepper the filling and let it cool.

While the filling reaches, you can cook minced meat. Pass the meat through a meat grinder, add bread (without pickles), an egg and a small bowl until it is soaked in water. Mix the minced meat until uniform, add strength and spices, mix again and beat with your hands. You can cool the minced meat in the refrigerator, but don’t forget to mix it up again after that.

With wet hands, form a flat shortbread with minced meat. Put the mushroom stuffing in the middle. Cover with new minced meat cake and make a round cutlet. Make sure to work so that the filling does not slip into the minced meat, and the cutlet itself is even, without seams.

Roll the cutlets in the boron and put them on the roasting pan with an olive pan. Brush on both sides until ruddy (as described above) and bring to readiness on a minimum fire under the lid.


  • 700 g of triska fillet;
  • 1 cibulin;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 9 tablespoons of whole plastics;
  • 3 tablespoons of chopped cilantro or parsley;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • strength and chalking pepper - for relish;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • oliya - for lubrication.


Pass the cod fillet and cibula through a meat grinder. Add greens to the minced meat, 3 tablespoons of vinaigrettes, lemon juice, salt, pepper. Mix it all up for 30 quills. Have time to cool and cut into cubes. Add the eggs to the minced meat and mix.

6 tablespoons of vinous plastics should be added to the grinder or blenders: the stench will be needed for the paning of cutlets. Use your hands to make a shortbread with minced meat, put a teaspoon of butter in the center and form a cutlet.

Roll the patties in the detailed waxed plastics, brush on olive oil until golden brown and immediately transfer to the casserole dish. Put it right in the oven up to 180 degrees and boil for 10-15 chills|minutes|.

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