Toll roads in Poland. The Polish highway A2 "Warsaw - Poznan" went up to the private sector and became the most expensive in Europe. Toll roads in Poland, the price of the autobahn in Poland

Starting from 2001, in Poland, a large-scale operation of new motorways and repairs are already in progress. It became especially important after the fact that Poland together with Ukraine won the right to host the European Football Championship 2012.

For rich automandrivniks from the country of the colossal SRSR Poland is a transit country. An hour, stained on the borders of Poland, lie down in the middle of the car roads.

And even though there is a large number of trucks in Poland (among the middle automandrivniks, Poland is called not differently, like "Fatherland of trucks"), which strongly encourages the transfer, then information about repair and life of the road is far from being a factor in the route.

The map shows the roads that are being repaired, in terms of their completion.

To date, 1,428 km have already been commissioned, which will make 80% of the main highways. More 356 km. to be in the stage of planning, life or reconstruction.

Zelenim the color of the view of the young car dealerships of automobile roads. Chervonim The colors of the houses are seen, which will be the houses, on which repairs are carried out.

Highway A1

Highway A1(Autostrada A1: Gdańsk - Toruń - Łódź - Częstochowa - Gliwice - Gorzyczki) may be 565 km long. Out of them, 433 km (77%) were put into operation. The motorway starts at Pivnochi Poland in Gdansk and at Pivdni cross at Czech Highway D1.

At the same time, on the A1 motorway, two uninterrupted carriages were introduced. The main dealerships Gdansk - Piotrkow Trybunalski (345 km), Pyrzowice - Gorzyczki (93 km).

Dіlyanka Piotrków Trybunalski - Częstochowa (82 km) is at the design stage. Exact terms have not yet been assigned. Regardless of the price, the road to this destination may be 2 smugs in the skin directly and is completely comfortable for the movement.

Dіlyanka Częstochowa - Pyrzowice (57 km) is at the stage of reconstruction. The completion of the work is scheduled for early 2019.

On your way to the Czech Republic, don't forget to go to the first gas station and buy a vignette.

Highway A2

Highway A2(Autostrada A2: Świecko - Poznań - Łódź - Warszawą - Siedlce - Kukuryki) total length is 610 km, of which 475 km (78%) were put into operation. Start at the entrance to the Polish-German cordon (autobahn A12, Nimechchina) and at the exit, cross at the Belarusian highway M1.

At the same time, on the A2 motorway, two non-stop highways were introduced: Świecko - Warszawą (450 km) and Choszczówka Stojecka - Kałuszyn (bypass road Mińsk Mazowiecki with a length of 21 km).

There is the life of the farmer's house Lubelska-Choszczówka Stojecka of the farmhouse 15 km. The introduction to the day is scheduled for summer 2020.

Life at the Kałuszyn - Kukuryki (Belarusian-Polish cordon) is planned to be opened after 2020.

It takes about 4 years to travel from Warsaw to the German cordon.

There are two gas stations in front of the cordon from Nimechchina. But be careful at weekends and don’t put gas station until the end. At this hour, more than a lot of German tourists turn back home, and at these gas stations, great blacks can be guarded. In Nіmechchina, gasoline is expensive by 20-30 euro cents.

When traveling from Nimechchin to Poland motorway A2 (Świecko) The Polish policemen often swear by the swedishness. On the video below, you can marvel, de stink roztashovani.

You can look at other videos on our channel at YouTube.

Highway A4

Avtomagistral A4(Autostrada A4: Jędrzychowice - Wrocław - Katowice - Kraków - Rzeszów - Korczowa) may be 672 km long, and the life will be fully completed in the middle of 2016. You start at the entrance to the Polish-German cordon (autobahn A4, Nimechchina) and at the exit go to the Ukrainian highway M10.

It takes about 6 years to travel through the entire highway from the cordon of Ukraine to the German cordon.

Highway S8

Regional road 8(Droga krajowa nr 8: Suwałki - Białystok - Warszawa - Piotrków Trybunalski - Wrocław - Kudowa-Zdrój) may be 804 km long. Start at the pivnіchny descent on the Polish-Lithuanian cordon (A5, Lithuania) and at the pіvdenny entrance cross the Czech road 33 .

Highway S8(Droga ekspresowa S8: Wrocław - Łódź - Warsaw - Białystok) є part of the regional road 8 with a length of 565 km, from which 520 km (92%) were put into operation.

Finding an uninterrupted stretch of the road S8 Wrocław - Rzgów can be 226 km.

By the end of 2018, the construction of the road between Warsaw and Bialystok has been completed. Now it takes less than 2 years to travel through a car.

The life of the Radziejowice – Paszków business from Warsaw is planned to be completed by the middle of 2019.

You can do it every other day pass through Warsaw for 10-15 quills.

Polshcha dosit schіlno vkrita roadway, with which you will be guarded by yogo postіyne polіshennya. The roads of the Republic of Poland are divided into three main types:

  1. National- The largest amount of merging at the moment, which includes all the roads of the country, beyond a little sign of the distance.
  2. Motorways. They are often called in the German fashion - autobahns. The most efficient highways that can be strictly established are the borders of smug, Uzbek, winter, etc. There is no crossroads on the road (all junctions of the bridge type are like tunnels), do not pass through great places.
  3. Shvidki highway. This type of road is so comfortable and yakіsny, but shvidkіsnі highways are allowed to be carried out in the boundaries of settlements and have crossroads.

How dodatkovuyu classification of Polish roads vikoristovuyu so understand:

  • Roads that are planned to be transferred to the category of highways and highways.
  • International highways (some of them can be all three main types).
  • Dіlyanki / shose, alternative to paid.
  • The roads of the wild coristuvannya, yakі mayut delimitation on the mass of vantage transport.
  • Ob'їznі, kіltsі vіstralі.

At the present moment, there are less than deyaki dealerships of highways (autobahns). There are no highways between national roads, nor highways, nor toll yards.

Toll road signs

Three main types are recognized and marked (designated):

  1. Nationals are designated by numbers. At the moment, from 1 to 98. The length of the roads is from 1.5 km at the 96th highway to 811 km at the 8th.
  2. Motorways may be alphanumeric: they begin with the letter "A", and give the indication number. At the time of publication, the articles were based on A1, A2, A4, A6 and A8.
  3. Shvidkіsnі shose also can be alphanumeric, but they start from the Latin "S". Ninі їх 18.

How are paid dealers indicated? You can’t think of a special marking of the stench, but let’s guess that it’s better to take a fee for okremі vіdrіzki avtobanіv. It means that the marked toll roads have the letter “A”. At the moment, there are such cars on the roads A1, A2 and A4. Moreover, such vіdrіzkіv can be sprat.

On the highways themselves, the toll booths are marked with road signs:

Ecological zones

Theoretically, there are zones on the roads, where transport is not allowed, so that traditional engines stop internal fire. Vikoristovuvati їх are planned near the natural protected areas, as well as in the historical centers of the city.

Driving on a petrol or diesel engine costs 500 PLN fine. However, you can buy the right to travel - approximately 2.5-3 PLN per year or 20-25 PLN per day.

Signs that warn about the ear and the end of the zone:

Super rivers should be able to supply such zones, at least, from the spring of 2018, prote at the time of publication information about the cob of their zastosuvannya was not necessary.

How to pay for toll roads near Poland?

In terms of methods and methods of rozrahunka toll roads, it is so possible to qualify in different directions.

Pay by the hour

In fact, there are ways to pay at the moment of payment - when you go to a paid lot or from a new passenger transport (vantazhivki may have additional possibilities, and on a part of the highway they do not allow zovsіm). The Poles themselves name the methods:

  • Vіdkritiy (system otwarty)- if the payment is due at the time of departure, the future route is paid immediately. The system has become obsolete, as it is often necessary to bring the black to the end.
  • Zakritiy (system zamknięty)- if a ticket comes out on the way, which fixes the moment on the cob on the paid ticket, and when you leave, you pay for the actual number of kilometers.

It is also important to know in advance how to pay. Do not take or use the coupon when the system is closed, until you need to pay the paid service on the line, regardless of the vicarious mileage.

For payment method

Tse mozhe buti as prepared, and unprepared rozrahunki. Accept cards of most light systems (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro).

Payment is accepted like a zloty, so in euros and dollars. However, with the preparation of the rozrahunka, the building will be seen only in the Polish currency.

For the way of service

Take the money and open the barrier at the checkpoints, you can practice road services. Prote daedals and more passages have an automatic system. Robotized and giving tickets, and the shape of the kilometer, and collecting pennies.

Respect that automatic systems work only with unprepared rozrachunk. Whenever you go to the points of the vuzki and obmezheniya. If you find out that the payment is due in an unspecified manner, then in order to change the time, you may have to ask the old car to collapse backwards in order to let your car go.

Variation of travel on the roads in 2020

Mothers can have their own varsity not only by different roads, but also by different lands of the same highway, as well as by different categories of transport costs. Prices are up-to-date for the hour of departure and stats and more accurately clarify them without delay before the trip.

Usі TK is divided into five categories:

  • Category 1. Motorcycles, cars and other dual transport vehicles without chaps.
  • Category 2. Two-axle cars with a trailer.
  • Category 3. Trivial cars without a trailer.
  • Category 4. Three vehicles with a trailer or a car that can have more than three axles.
  • Category 5. Other cars, incl. oversized.

Highway A1

The road leads to the settlements of Rusocin (S6) and Gorzyczki (cordon). The total length of the highway is 580 km. The main dealerships of the A1 highway are divided on a paid basis and without a fee.

Dumka expert

Dmitro Kostyantinovich

Conducting expert of the "Polish Consultant"

Routes are turned on and off for information. When planning, it is necessary to take care of the current wash, for example, traffic jams, work, the weather is bad. Be respectful and follow the Rules of the road traffic.

To quiet, for yaki not necessary pay, see:

  • Maciejów - Gliwice-Sośnica
  • Lodz Płn. - Tuszyn

Payment services and services:

  • Pruszcz Gdanski - Swarozyn (29.5 km)
  • Swarozyn - Nowe Marzy (68 km)
  • Nowe Marzy - Torun Płd (67.6 km)

Skіlki koshtuє proїzd:

Highway A2

Highway, length 672 km, connecting Świecko (cordon) and Kukuryki (cordon).

On my road not necessary pay for the debts:

  • Poznań Zach. - Poznań Wsch
  • Sługocin – Zdżary
  • Arynow–Ryczolek

Payments are made between settlements:

  • Krzesiny - Września (47.3 km)
  • Września – Konin (64.4 km)
  • Konin – Strykow (111 km)
  • Rzepin – Komorniki (144 km)

Travel cost:

Carriage Konin – Stryków costs PLN 0.05 per kilometer for motor vehicles and PLN 0.10 for passenger cars. In other countries, their tariffs, which are divided for hauls.

Category TK Price per km, zl
Konin–Strykow Nowy Tomysl - Konin
1 0,20 0,40
2 0,46 0,62
3 0,94
4 1,46
5 4

Highway A4

The road passes between Jędrzychowice (cordon) and Korczowa (cordon). Zagalna length - 668 km.

Є raznі dіlyanki on tsimu shose. Bezkoshtovnimi at the moment є:

  • Jędrzychowice (cordon) - Wrocław Bielany
  • Nearby slopes near Gliwic area
  • Gliwice-Sośnica-Katowice-Murckowska
  • Krakow - Korczowa (cordon)

Come pay for the tickets:

  • Mysłowice-Brzęczkowice-Balice I
  • Bielany Wrocławskie-Gliwice-Sośnica

The cost of travel on the Krakiv - Katowice dealership is charged for the entire paid ticket, regardless of the mileage:

On the road between Wroclaw and Sosnitsa, the cost of passing a passenger car is PLN 0.10 per kilometer. Tickets from SPO Kleszczów (węzeł Kleszczów) to PPO Sośnica pay less than the cost. For TK with a mass of up to 3.5 tons, the passage from the city is without cost.

Map of toll roads of Poland

Tim, who is guided by the scheme, should be able to look at the paid plots on the A1, A2 and A4 Russian roads:

On other highways, at the same time paid tickets are daily. However, it does not mean that the stench cannot appear at the future.

We will follow the changes and show them in detail on the map.

Shipping is allowed

There are no special fees for the toll highways, to which there are attachments to all the vipadkiv. Let's guess the main indicators of the Swedish regime in the Republic of Poland for passenger cars and motorcycles:

However, on the skin, you can set up your own regime, which changes in the fallow time at the right time, or the weather minds.

How to know online de repair of the road?

The largest reference service of reports by the General Directorate of National Roads and Highways (GDDKIA). You can marvel at the difference in the amount of water, which is due at the given moment (as it is fast, so it is timchas), you can ask for help. And I will know the interactive map of Polish roads.

Prote chi all the roads of the Republic of Poland are serviced by one contractor. Deyaku information needs to be searched on other resources.


Plan your route, loosen up your windshield, rush along the mountainous highway, and ... ruin all your plans by going to the toll booth. Wait a minute, don’t take an hour spent, as if it’s not enough for repairs, then you can get in the mood with unplanned vitrates.

For this, it is necessary to enclose the details of the future path. Now you have been informed about the presence of toll roads in Poland, and now the cost and roztashuvannya. Good way, and don't let the bastards call you out of trouble!

Poland is the Mecca of Belarusian "buyers". Ale farther beyond Bialystok, the stinks don’t ring out. Our driver’s guide has a few words about the peculiarities of crossing over Polish roads. Evgen, the freight forwarder of the company-vantazhpereviznik, who has turned Poland up and down more than once, shares his opinion.

Passing cordon

You can get to Poland through these cordon crossings: Bruzgi, Berestovitsa, Brest, Domachevo, Pishchatka, Kozlovichi, Pereriv. It is significant that the Kozlovichi vikoristovuєtsya for the passage of more than vintage vehicles.

- I'll call їzhdzha through the Bobrovniki crossing, the shortest road to Bialystok. Ale wine is not the end point of my route. By the service of electronic registration of the cherga, I don’t squabble in any way, I don’t care about paying for pennies. You come before the singing hour and they launch you under the first barrier. Then you vpiraeshsya in silence, who is standing on neutral territory, and check further. It's easier to go on a weekday without any entries. As if it were weekends, Friday evening, then it dawned on me that there was a lot of money standing there in front of the church. Like a weekday day - then there is a mustache, a mustache, a mustache. My special record for passing the cordon is 15 khvilin. Ale in the middle passage borrows 30-40 hvilin.

Where to refuel?

The average price of the 95th gasoline in Poland for an ear of grass is 1.15 euros, the 98th - 1.21 euros, diesel fuel - 1.13 euros.

— We went to find gas stations at the be-yakoy great Ausha. Accept it on a diesel fire for sure. When I go to Berlin, I refuel at Poznan on the outskirts, there is a great supermarket right-handed. And zagalom tsіni lie in the region. Near the Plotsk region there is a naphthal refinery for the station of our Naftan - there will be found the cheapest diesel fuel.

Roads and manners

In Poland, the fee is charged for travel by highways A1, A2, A4. On the road A2: the cost of a kilometer of travel is PLN 0.20 (11 kopecks). On highways - 0.10 zlotys, or 6 kopecks. For example, for the A2 passage from Warsaw to the cordon from Nimechchyna, it will cost approximately 18 euros. Behind the bazhanni, you can speed along the paths of life. The method of payment is simple - on the way you take a ticket, on the way you pay for the number of kilometers traveled.

The maximum speed limit is 140 km/year on motorways, 120 km/year on motorways, 100 km/year on roads from two smugs to skin straight lines, and 90 km/year on foreign roads with the same smug for skin straight lines. In places and settlements - 50 km / year during the day and 60 - at night.

- With the roads near Poland everything is wonderful, because at the entrance to the countryside there is a majestic poster: "Roads forged by the European Union". І Poles win the maximum amount of credit. I don’t care about any other country of the European Union, as I would fix the roads. The Poles just tear us. I don't care about "shawls" by any means. No way. I'll hurry up just a little bit. Tolls there are those roads, which start at A. Other roads are without cost. Ob'їznі normalnі, only zaparyuyut populated areas. So, I spend three-and-a-half years, as if I go through all of Poland, and then I have a penny for a gas station in Poznań. I have been living in Poland for a long time without a navigator, but new routes and roads appear there regularly, so I would recommend updating the maps on the navigator once a quarter.

Police and fines

Polish fines have long been European. For the transfer of documents to the city, the fine is twice as high, lower for the same transfer to the city. Traveling 10 km/year at the locality threatens with a fine of 27 euros, for the locality - 13 euros. For a 20 km/year entry you will have to pay 54 and 27 euros.

If you are smart enough to move 50 km/year in the city, then pay 358 euros and waste your rights.

For not turning on the dipped headlights, you will also be fined 24 euros.

“Here it’s already possible, like at the Nimechchina, - the police are rarely caught, and there are a lot of cameras, but there are about 50 workers among them. There are such boxes, and there is no camera in them - unreasonably. To that already, as if you were going to get out of ob'їznih, then you need to get down for the impolite Polish far-bearer. Vin knows for sure which camera works and which does not. Well, chi shukati mіstsevih on passenger cars with radio antennas. Chop after them - and after chasing, go 70-80-90. I thaw Poland at night, fewer cars and easier commuting. And when a "sponsor" is announced, then it's easy to get out.

- The police are still here, the stench is roaring, as a rule, on black Skoda Octavia. Tse "quiet". The stink of sitting double by the car, on the radar panel. They can drive you a kilometer or 10 km, then they cheat and pronounce for good pennies to watch a video about your damage. I got thrashed like that once. They asked for 200 złotyh for a chebto, but I could get away with a smaller amount. Ale tse robiti all folded and folded. A younger generation came to serve - they didn’t succumb to my Russian: either Polish or English. But I speak Polish, it’s easier for me.


Belarusians are especially aware that parking in places for the disabled is punishable by a fine of 188 euros. Parking in an unauthorized area - 94 euros. Like in most of the great cities of Europe, parking at the place of payment. Near the center of Warsaw, 10 hvilin will cost 0.5 zlotys (0.12 euros), the first year - 3 zlotys (0.7 euros), a friend - 3.60 (0.84 euros), a third - 4.20 zlotys (0 98 euros). Approximately the same prices are in Krakow, which is popular with tourists. You can pay as a payment (with coins), as well as from a card or by phone.

At shopping malls your own rules. For example, in "Arkadia" parking is free of charge, in others you can park free of charge for the first three years or at weekends.

- From parking at the great places, obviously, everything made sense. The space is small, everything is paid. In small places, the center will be paid less. Blue Smugi - paid parking zones, information boards hang, everything was clear. The Poles did not come up with anything new.

Call and internet

Poland has five mobile operators: Orange, Play, Plus, T-Mobile, Aero2. From the countries of the European Union, roaming at tariffs “like home”. And more providers block mobile traffic. Buying a prepaid package, you will take, for example, a gigabyte of traffic, which you can win in roaming. Rashta can be beaten less from Poland.

- Previously, I used the Internet when I traveled to Poland, but now I can’t. In 2016, the Poles have done their best, you can buy a SIM only for a passport, with obligatory formalities. I don’t shrivele, because I’m not needed at a cost. And at all gas stations and shopping malls, there is free Wi-Fi, you can get maps, get directions, get started. Also, I don’t care about sensa in simtsi.

You will often rise in price for cars in Europe and you will fawn over, if you can help other mandrivers, add sheets to the address [email protected] (nearly we will publish in our materials) .

Vіdpovіdno to the Law on toll highways and the Republican Road Fund of the Republican Road Fund for Transportation Zabov'yazanі zdіysnyuvat payment for travel by toll highways in Poland. In the country there are two systems for tightening payment for travel: manual systemі electronic - viaTOLL. Water transport facilities can choose* The most convenient way to pay for the fare (payment system) is fallow on the route.

Manual payment system on the highway A2 Konin - Strikow and highway A4 Bilyani-Wroclawska - Sosnitsia. When entering a motorway, we take a ticket for a transport ticket on the presentation of which, when getting off a motorway, payment for the passage is charged at the payment collection point. Payment is collected at payment collection points. Payment for the fare is to be deposited according to the type of transport security and the country.

Table: Payment system for toll highways in Poland in the fall in the category of transport costs.

Transport zasib manual electronic viaTOLL Roads A and S GP and G roads
Class of transport costs up to EURO in the fallow in the limit of emissions of exhaust gases 2 3 4 5+ 2 3 4 5+


Motorcycle with trailer



A car with a trailer and a trailer allowed with a maximum weight of a car and a trailer ≤ 3.5 tons

A car with a trailer with a total permitted maximum weight of a car and a trailer over 3.5 tons 0.40 0.35 0.28 0.20 0.32 0.28 0.22 0.16

Van with permissible maximum weight ≤ 3.5 tons

A van with a trailer with a trailer allowed with a maximum weight of a car and a trailer ≤ 3.5 tons


Minibus 9 and less passengers (including water)

Minibus with a capacity of 9 and less passengers (including water) with a trailer with a total allowed maximum weight of a car and a trailer ≤ 3.5 tons

Minibus with a capacity of less than 9 passengers with a trailer with a total allowable maximum weight of a minibus and a trailer over 3.5 tons 0.40 0.35 0.28 0.20 0.32 0.28 0.22 0.16

Tractor with a trailer or with a trailer with a permitted maximum weight of over 3.5 tons

Vantage car with a permissible maximum weight of 3.5 to 12 tons

Vantage car with a permitted maximum weight of 3.5 to 12 tons with a trailer

Vantage car with a permitted maximum weight of over 12 tons

Vantage car with a permitted maximum weight of over 12 tons with a trailer

0.53 0.46 0.37 0.28 0.42 0.37 0.29 0.21

Bus locality for 9 passengers (including water) independent of the allowed maximum weight

Buses with a capacity of over 9 passengers (including water) and with a chauffeur, depending on their permitted maximum weight

0.40 0.35 0.28 0.20 0.32 0.28 0.22 0.16

The Minister of Transport, Buddhism and the Maritime State, having determined the rates of payment for travel by motorways, in order to regulate the rates of payment for travel by motorways. Toll rate for 1 km on the motorway for vehicles of the 1st category (motorcycles): PLN 0.05. The rate of payment for the passage of 1 km of the motorway for transport costs of the 2nd category (transport costs with an allowable dead weight that does not exceed 3.5 tons): PLN 0.10.

* - Vikoristannya electronic system collection of payment viaTOLLє obov'yazkovim for all transport costs and auto trains with a permitted maximum weight of over 3.5 tons, as well as for buses, regardless of their permitted maximum weight, which are carried over the toll roads.

Plan your itinerary when shopping to Poland with the possibility of paying for toll highways. When traveling to Bialystok from the Republic of Belarus, practically all routes are cost-free.

Pole Filip Trush is a spanking team, that the charges for the Polish highways are approaching to the point of absurdity. A 300-kilometer trip to Poznań from Warsaw cost people 50 PLN (about 28 BN). For Poles, vvazha Pilip, tse rich. So, for a one-day trip to Poznan and back, you had to pay 100 zlotys.

The person is aware that the poor Poles pay much more for roads than the poor in the foreign European countries.

The gate on the highway A2 (Autostrada Wielkopolska) is self-paying. Don't say anything, nibi 50 złotych for the Warsaw-Poznan route is a normal fare, Pilip says. - A2 is often called the "highest road in Europe". Fortunately, not all Polish roads are so expensive. For bagatma from them, rates are corrected. Wanting it, obviously, not for the people, who often have to mandruvat z Go to Zakhid.

So it happened that a day before the trip to Poznan, Philip traveled to Prague. For a 10-day vіnёtka, which allows you to travel on Czech highways, you have to pay practically the same amount as for one trip from Warsaw to Poznan. If you want to buy a vignette at the cordon near Poland, then you need to pay 65 Polish zlotys. And if you buy a vignette from the Czech Republic, you can save about 10 zlotys.

In this way, 300 km across Poland for 50 PLN, and 50 zloty for travel by the roads of the Czech Republic for 10 days, write to

How much to pay for roads in Europe?

Pay less for highways in Switzerland, one of the richest countries in the world. There are also vignettes, and you can buy a transfer to the river. The cost is 40 francs or 154 zlotys.

Autostrada Wielkopolska - yaskra butt, scarlet and other roads near Poland roads. Travel A1 from Gdansk to Torun costs PLN 30, and A4 between Katowice and Krakow costs PLN 20.

In its own time, the decision of Nimechchini to send a meeting for foreign motorists was superbly urgent. The fee varies from 67 to 130 euros (deposit depending on the environmental friendliness of the car). However, there is a 10-day vіnёtka, for yaku you must pay from 2.5 to 25 euros. At the highest rate, a Polish tourist pays over 100 PLN for 10 days. Mayzhe stilki, skolki vin to pay from Warsaw to the cordon (about 90 zlotys).

High picks, characteristic of the A2 motorway, can be found in France, Spain and Italy.

Why do you have to pay so much for A2?

It would be easy to blame the operator of Autostrada Wielkopolska - AW SA. But we can’t help but think that a private company was engaged in charitable work, and everyday life and the exploitation of a swedish road were financed from a fluffy gut, - it’s like Pilip.

At the moment, the fare for one kilometer A2 for AW SA costs 38 groszy (Modla - Novy Tomisl) or about 20 groszy (Novy Tomisl - Svetko). On the A4, the operator Stalexport takes about 34 groszy / km, and A1 - 20 groszy / km.

For porіvnyannya, varіst іlіnіk, keranovih GDDKiA, become 10 groszy/km. Zvіdki tsya raznitsa?

Tariffs are charged on the basis of an official concession area, a financial plan and traffic forecasts. Zagalny risk, connected with traffic and income, lie on licensees. The A2 highway is not subsidized by the state for the control of public highways, de subsidies from the state budget should be over 60%.

The fact that the toll on private roads is not charged at 23% of the VAT is added to the price difference. That’s why you can’t match the fees on the roads of hardcore corystuffing,” said the press secretary of Autostrada Wielkopolska SA. Sofia Kvyatkovska, explaining the need for new promotions on A2

Ale Philip vvazhaє, scho on the cob pіdhіd can be buti іnhim. The problem is that there are too many operators, some of the roads are reserved for private persons, and some for the state. You want to earn leather.

Ideally, we can work out a system of payment from prices adjusted for our income. Unfortunately, it will take an hour.

Not long ago, the Polish order announced that the gates on the A2 were to close Warsaw, and the lot of Lodz-Warsaw would be free.

As a matter of concession, AW SA will operate A2 at Świecko-Modła until 2037.

Who can pay for the toll road in Belarus?

Travel by toll road in Belarus can be paid for by water "passenger car" (weighing up to 3.5 tons), registered outside the borders of the territory of the powers - members of the EAEC, as well as water for other transport by heavy weight over 3.5 tons. І in this case, the head office is on the Polish highway A2, where the fare is paid for by the waters of Polish cars.

From the information on the official website of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Belarus, the price of travel on toll roads should be in the category of transport allowance that way, as it will pass.

For passenger cars (with a total weight of up to 3.5 tons inclusive) the sum is 0.04 euro per kilometer. Less, lower on the Polish A2, turn on the "cheap" dealers - 20 groszy / km, which becomes close to 0.05 euros.

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