Preservation of cut ogirki in liter jars. Preservation of ogirkiv. Recipe for pickled ogirki without sterilization

On their own, the cinders do not taste spicy savory flavors, especially as overripe fruits stand on the right. In order to give them more relish, people came up with impersonal recipes for marinating them.

Caloric content of ogirkіv is deposited in the skin specific way. The average, per 100 g of the product, has 16 kcal.

Ogіrki for the winter in jars - a good photo recipe

Salting of ogirkiv - the process is both old and new. To make the fritters turn crispy and savory, we suggest you the next recipe for the preparation of conservation.

Your rating:

Cooking hour: 3 years 0 whilin

Quantity: 10 servings


  • Ozhirki: 10 kg
  • Creep: 4-5 bunches
  • Licorice pepper: 2 kg
  • Clockmaker: 10 heads
  • Sil, tsukor: 2 tsp on a jar
  • ground pepper: for relish
  • Estimated: 2 tbsp. l. per serving

Cooking instruction

    For pickling, choose cinders of a small size and the same shape. Place them at the pelvis and rinse with cold water.

    Kill creep.

    Clean the licorice pepper from the inside.

    Chasnik zvіlnіt vіd lushpinnya.

    Name yoga with pucks.

    Prepare a strong assessment.

    The same kind of work is done with caps.

    At the bottom of the jars, put pepper and crepe, and then - ogirki. Add two teaspoons of salt and zucru, ground pepper. Fill jars with sprinkles and cover with a lid.

    After 10 minutes, let it boil the roses at the great capacity.

    Let's pour yoga back. Add 2 tablespoons of 9% oct to 1 liter jar of ogirkiv.

    Roll up the banks. Put them upside down on a sprat of dib, wrap them in a carpet.

Recipe for crispy ogirki for the winter at the banks

The proponation recipe allows you to give the ogirkas special, warm-hospitable relish, while not squandering their crunchy characteristics.

Sob close the crispy cigarettes for the winter, you need:

  • ogirki - 5 kg;
  • one girka peppercorn;
  • root chronu;
  • head of the watchmaker;
  • 10 cloves;
  • winter and black pepper - one dessert spoon each;
  • 6 bay leaves;
  • for parsley parasols and krop;

For cooking marinade you need:

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 25 gr. otsu 9%;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 st. l. tsukru.

Conservation process:

  1. Sterilizable 3 repeats glass jars.
  2. At the skin jar we put all the spices on equal parts. From the hot pepper, we should see the next, and the horseradish needs to be detailed.
  3. Ogіrki miєmo and obrіzaєmo kinchiki. We transfer it to a great capacity and fill it with cold water. Let them stay for 2 to 4 years.
  4. After an hour, we’ll pick up the cinders from the container, sorting by sizes, putting them into jars.
  5. In an okremіy єmnostі it is ready to creak, as if sweat is poured into cinders, and to the beast it is covered with krіshki.
  6. For heating, 10 quills are enough. Water is poured back at the pan, zasipayemo tsukor that strength.
  7. While getting ready to drink, in an okremіy pan it is necessary to prepare another portion of water for sterilization. It is also poured over at the jar with ogirkas, let it warm up 10 chills and anger.
  8. If it boils, it is necessary for them to fill the jars, and then, behind them, it is necessary to pour in an estimate.
  9. Banks should be rolled up, put in a dark place.

We encourage you to look at the video recipe for wonderful crispy ogirki for the winter.

How to close the stubs for the winter in liter jars

This way is suitable for a small motherland, as not to love the great cans in the refrigerator.

For such conservation, you need to stock up:

  • stumps of small roses;
  • 2 l. drive;
  • two st. l. tsukru;
  • chotirma st. l. salt.

Other components of insurance coverage per liter jar:

  • 1 watchmaker's head;
  • three cherry and currant leaves;
  • 1/4 sheet chronu;
  • half an oak leaf;
  • parasol crop;
  • 6 peas of stock black pepper;
  • one red peppercorn, but on one jar put more than a small piece, which is more expensive 1 or 2 cm;
  • one tablespoon otstu 9%.

Conservation process ogirkiv for the winter

  1. The cinders are washed and transferred to a deep container for filling with water.
  2. Banks relatively miyutsya and sterilize. It is also necessary to remember about the krishki, they need to be boiled in an okremіy єmnostі.
  3. Mustache spices are mixed.
  4. We prepare water for sterilization.
  5. We put a bunch of spices at the skin jar, and then we fill it with chickpeas, fill it with dill, curl it with lids and let it warm up for 15 chills.
  6. After 15 minutes, I gently pour the hot water, transfer it to the stove and after boiling, add strength to it from the chicken.
  7. At the skin jar, we pour ocet and fill it with rosemary.

It was left to roll up, turn it over for re-verification to be stiff, and wrap it in a carpet for further sterilization.

Marinated ogirki in jars for the winter - recipe recipe

The recipe below will give your homeland a unique relish and an accepting crunch. For pickling ogirkiv for the winter, for such a recipe, you need to prepare the following products:

  • stumps of small roses;
  • 2 leaves of lavrushka;
  • 2 teeth for a watchmaker;
  • 4 peas of black and zapashny pepper;
  • 1 tsp grains of mustard;
  • two currant leaves;
  • parasol crop.

For the marinade you need:

  • 6 art. tsukru;
  • 3 art. salt;
  • 6 art. otstu 9%.

cook such reservations for the winter are possible for a sprat of krokiv:

  1. Mix all spices into one sum.
  2. Trim the parasol of the crop and currant leaves.
  3. Kindly wash the cinders, cut the ponytails from two sides and put it at the deep end. Fill with water and leave for 2 years.
  4. Prepare jars, wash and sterilize.
  5. At the pan, pour some water and put it on the fire. How to boil it just a little, you can fill it with jars with ogirka.
  6. At the bottom of the jars, it is necessary to put spices and stubs.
  7. Nasipte there and tsukor іz sіllu ta fill in the estimate.
  8. After boiling water, it is necessary to let the trochs stand and cool and then fill the jars.
  9. We install jars for sterilization at the large saucepan, close them and let them boil 15 quills. Do not forget to put a towel on the bottom of the tank.
  10. After 15 hvilin, the banks will wander.

Marinated fritters are ready for the winter!

Salting ogirkiv for the winter in jars without otstu

The proponation option for preserving ogirkiv for the winter does not transfer vikoristan otstu chi іnshої acid.

For such a recipe, you will need products:

  • 2 kilos of ogirkiv;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 110 g salt;
  • 2 sheets of chronu;
  • 15 cherry and currant leaves;
  • 5 leaves of hairy pea;
  • 2 parasols crop;
  • 2 pods of hot pepper;
  • 1 Korіnets Chron.

process conservation looks like this:

  1. Ogіrki mute and place near a deep basin for a distant filling with water. As the stench is chosen carefully, the soaking procedure can be skipped.
  2. After 2-3 years, the water is poured out and the cinders are washed.
  3. Detail horseradish and hot peppercorns.
  4. Greens are placed at the large saucepan with balls, horseradish with pepper, scallops, new greens with horseradish and pepper and scallops. With the rest of the ball, wash the sheets.
  5. Cold water is poured into the room, we soak in it tsukor іz sіllu and mix it up to full expansion.
  6. With a prepared filling, cover the balls of ogirkiv from greenery, cover with a lid and put it on for 5 days under fire.
  7. After 5 days, it is poured into a saucepan, all the spices are removed, and the cinders are thoroughly washed.
  8. Їх invest at the back of the bank preparations.
  9. Pour the marinade to the top and let stand for 10 quills.
  10. After 10 minutes of yoga, it is necessary to anger and put on fire for boiling.
  11. How to boil just a few wines, they fill the banks and zakochuyut them.

How to close ogirki in jars with otstom

At the proponated option, the preservation of ogirkiv for the winter is transferred to the old one, and all components are taken from a 3-liter jar.

For the preservation of the cym method, you need to prepare:

  • small stubs;
  • 2-3 tbsp. otsu 9%;
  • red hot pepper - small piece 2 cm;
  • 2-3 teeth for a watchmaker;
  • 2 tbsp. last crop;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of the root of the chronu;
  • 5 leaves of currant;
  • 9 peppercorns.

For pouring you need:

  • zukor іz sіllu 2 tbsp. l. per skin liter of water.

Instruction from the preparation of ogirkiv for the winter in jars with otstom:

  1. Ogіrki good miyutsya and fit in a great basin for a distant filling with water on the extraction.
  2. Banks miyut and sterilize.
  3. Spices and stubs are placed at the skin jar.
  4. Krishki boil in an okremіy kastrultsi.
  5. An average jar needs 1.5 liters of water for one three-liter jar. Razrahuvavshi kіlkіst water, put її on fire for boiling.
  6. As soon as possible, boil the filling, fill the jars with it and let it stand until the boiled bulbs come out.
  7. We pour water into a saucepan, we soak up strength in it from tsukrom and resolutely mix it up. Bring the filling to a boil.
  8. We install jars at a large saucepan.
  9. We fill the skin with ocet and we prepare the skin jar with rosemary.
  10. Covered with caps and left sterilized for 5-7 strands.
  11. Zakochuemo jars with ogirkami.

A simple recipe for ogirkiv for the winter in jars

This is a simple recipe for ogirkiv for the winter vikoristovuetsya bagatma gentlemen, so yoga can be called classic.

The proportions of the ingredients are covered for one three-liter jar, so you will need to calculate the amount of products for consumption.

What is needed prepare:

  • 1.5-2 kg of ogirkiv;
  • 5 leaves of currant and cherry;
  • 2 chronu leaves;
  • 5 teeth in a watchmaker;
  • 1 bunch of crop;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of zukru

Canning win for a kіlka krokіv:

  1. Ogіrki miyutsya, ponytails are formed and are filled with cold water for 4 years.
  2. Banks miyutsya and sterilize.
  3. Krishki boil near the water.
  4. Greens get over and podrіbnyuєtsya.
  5. All spices are placed at the skin jar, krіm chron.
  6. Put the stubs on the beast on spices and cover the leaves with a crown.
  7. At the front of the boiled water, tsukor іz sіllu boil.
  8. She fills jars with ogirkas and zakochuyut їх.

After a month, the chicks can be served on the table.

Jars with tomatoes in jars for the winter - a delicious recipe

For lovers of assorted varieties, there is a better way to go. Mustache components are indicated per liter jar.

To preserve ogirkіv with tomatoes for the winter in this way you need:

  • 300 g ogirkiv;
  • 400 g tomato;
  • 1 girku peppercorn;
  • paprika - for relish;
  • sprat of fresh crop;
  • 3 teeth for a watchmaker;
  • 1 chronu sheet;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 3 peas of zapashny pepper;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt;
  • 1/2 st. spoons of zucru;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of otstu 9%.

Canning tomato with ogirkami vykonuetsya for kіlka krokіv:

  1. Ogirki from tomatoes are washed well. Pierce the skin of the tomato in the area of ​​the fruit for pickling.
  2. Prepare containers, wash them and sterilize.
  3. Boil the lids in an okremіy saucepan.
  4. Place balls near the skin jar: spices, chopsticks without tails, tomatoes.
  5. The packing needs to be done even more strongly, so that the enlightenment is turned off. You can strengthen with rings of broken ogirks.
  6. At the pan, we pour water to fill it, and put it on the fire.
  7. At the jar, we add tsukor іz sіllu ta and fill it with dill.
  8. At the great pan we put a towel and we install jars for sterilization for 10 khvilin.
  9. Viymaєmo banks that zakochuemo.

Ogirki with tomatoes for the winter - video recipe.

Ogіrki for the winter in jars of girchitsey

Cigarettes for the winter, preserved with mustard, are well preserved both at home and at the base. The taste of the stench is fragrant and piquant.

To preserve ogirkiv in this way, you need to prepare:

  • small roses of ogirka;
  • 100 ml otstu 9%;
  • 5 st. a spoonful of zucru;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt.
  • 2 teeth for a watchmaker;
  • one parasol crop;
  • 1/4 carrot;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of mustard.

Whole process win for a kіlka krokіv:

  1. Ogirki miyutsya.
  2. Banks are getting ready, they are sterilizing.
  3. The mustard is laid on top.
  4. The water is filled with strength from the zukr and the ocet and cim marinade is filled with jars.
  5. At the large saucepan, jars are installed for further sterilization for 5-7 minutes after boiling.
  6. Remove the banks and you can wander. Piquant ogirki for the winter with mustard are ready!

The cold way to close the stubs for the winter at the banks

On this day, you can know impersonal ways to prepare ogirkiv for the winter, but we suggest the simplest variant of this lasoshchiv - the cold method.

All the ingredients are taken from a bottle in a 3-liter jar.

  • rіvnі ogіrki small rozіru;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 3 art. salt;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • one head of a watchmaker;
  • two bay leaves;
  • 2 leaves of currant, hron and tarragon.

Vikonannya robit behind this plan:

  1. The ogirki are washed.
  2. Banks are being sterilized.
  3. Spices and stubs are placed at the skin jar.
  4. Pour water into a jar and immediately anger it, so you know the amount of water needed for pouring.
  5. Add strength to it and I will refill the banks with it.
  6. Close with kapron caps and install them at the loch.

After 2 months you can proceed to the tasting.

Cinders for the winter in jars without otstu - a dietary recipe

If you want to destroy a part of the brown microelements and vitamins, then the gentleman vvazhayut for the best victorious method of preparing ogirkiv for the winter in jars.

For whom do you need:

  • small stubs;
  • 2 sprigs of tarragon;
  • one parasol crop;
  • 1/3 chronu leaf;
  • 2-3 leaves of currant and cherry;
  • 4 teeth for a watchmaker.

For pouring:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt.

Conservation ogirkiv in this way you can vikonate for kіlka krokіv:

  1. Ogіrki miyutsya, perekladayutsya at a deep basin and filled with water for 5 years.
  2. At the sterilized jars, spices and stubs are placed.
  3. Add strength to the water, resolutely mix it up and fill it with ogirkas at the jar.
  4. Leave the blues for 3 days, after which anger the homeland, boil, fill the banks and roll them up.
  5. Let them cool down with a natural order.

As you have already realized, you can prepare stumps for the winter in many ways, even if the end result pleases you, it is necessary to follow up on these recommendations:

  • I will prepare the ogirkіv, it is necessary to pick them up on the day of their picking, picking them up for the cuts.
  • For filling, it is better to take glybin water from kolodyaziv or sverdlovin. In apartment minds, it is better to bathe the water after purification, and not from a tap.
  • Soak the cinders thoroughly before preservation.
  • Glass jars obov'yazkovo need to be sterilized.
  • Like spices vikoristovyte leaves of currant, cherry or oak.
  • For picking up ready-made ogirkiv, it’s better to vikoristovuvat l’oh chi pidval.

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No one will be able to compare, that the taste of any stray lie down, the first for everything, in the form of the components that enter before it. Axis and marinated ogirki for the winter, recipes for spinning such we have laid out for you, they will turn out fragrant and crispy, for you know that this variety will be pickled. Krіm pickling varieties are used as salad, universal and hybrid, so that before the selection of greens, they should be assigned to goals.

Preservation of ogirkіv becomes satisfied, if we know all the secrets of the delicate process. For example, how to roll up pickled sturgeons for the winter, so that the stench would save the coldness? Here are subtle - in the selection of the variety of ogirkiv, spicy herbs and spices, which come only with proof. Or how to marinate the sturgeon so that you don’t spend the whole day in the kitchen? Call for another technology and go!

Marinated ogyrki shvidkogo pogotuvannya - means that the recipe is clumsy and scoring the result! Let's take a look at this recipe for canning pickled ogirkіv in liter jars. For this recipe, it is wonderful to use the Monastirsky variety of greens, which is the best choice for pickling and pickling. Cuffs of the same grade - dark green color, late light smuga and great humps with black spikes. Salting characteristics: yaskravy aroma and crispness.

Licorice ogirki marinated "Monastirski"


  • - skils є + -
  • greens, parasols with us + -
  • Cherry leaves for 4-5 pcs. on a jar + -
  • - 2 pcs. on a jar + -
  • 3 peas per jar + -
  • 1 large tooth + -

For 1 liter marinade:

  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. (for a taste) + -


  1. Cinders are relatively miєmo, flooded with cold water, and the fruit is flooded with water for 2 years.
  2. As long as the greens are soaking, we clean the cans of soda, as if we were sparging them and sterilizing them. The lids to the banks can also be sterilized.
  3. Greens are sorted and washed well. Arrangement for banks, do not forget about the watchmaker. The volume of greenery is not to blame for the overestimation of the 10% obligation of a liter can. Specials are not yet put.
  4. We place the stubs of the container vertically, schіlno, ale with such freedom.
  5. Vidfiltrovanu (rather than dzherelnu) water is brought to a boisterous boil, tsukor and strength hang in it, and we fill it with boiling roses in jars. Cover it with lids and let it stand for 10 quills.
  6. We pour water from the cans back at the pan, vicorist for clarity, special perforated lids made of solid polyethylene. Add 100 g of water for one liter jar - there is a reserve for that volume of water, which was removed by greens and herbs. At qiu friend we put water spices for a prescription for skin glass alone - peppercorns and bay leaf. Kip'yatimo 5 hvilin and pick up special noise.
  7. Pour greenery in jars with boiling salted rosemary, do not top up the troch to the edge of the container. At the skin jar, pour 1-2 tbsp. otstu (for your own worries) and topped up with boiling marinade, which is too much.
  8. Close with lids and seal them hermetically.
  9. We turn the jars upside down, put them on a hard surface, covered with hot water (every fall) and curve it with a warm carpet for pasteurization. After the misfortune is achieved, the Ministry of conservation conservation.

Be sure that this recipe for canned ogirkіv is just swedish and not chunky. With skin rock, you can taste this recipe, adding your own. Podvіyne pouring marinade and pasteurization under the carpet ryatuє preservation vіd psuvannya. Do not hesitate!

Now let's look at how to conserve ogirki for the winter without otstu. A lot of people cannot live in the camp of health, and the deacons simply do not like pickled ogirki. In this case, we can either sour (barrel type) greens, or replace the estet with a burner, adding a large amount of chasny as a preservative. Zvichayno, є i promizhnі options, yakі є "taєmnoy zbroєyu" found mistrіv. Let's take a look at the recipe for all three options.

How to preserve stubs with a burner

Gorilka (obov'yazkovo twisted good qualityі without additives) є preservative, order іz chastnik. The appetizer comes out miraculous - go to the same gorilka! Alemie for your hardness, keep it up! The process of conservation is the simplest, but the result is the same as for the gusto of that crispness, so for the supremacy of stiffness.

Іngredієnti rozhovuєmo for 2 kg ogirkіv small rozіru. Otzhe, for the marinade we need: 2 tbsp. salt and stilki and zucru, 2 heads of a teapot, 1 tsp. citric acid, 50 g of a burner and 1.5 liters of filtered water.

Greens are chosen for their savory likeness: crepe from parasols, cherry leaves, currants, oak, chrono (i root tezh), tarragon. Spetsії - tezh for likenesses, who to love.

Cinders are washed and soaked for a couple of years. Even though the greens are fresh (straight from the garden), it is not necessary to soak. A triliter jar is sterilized, like a krishechka. We store greens in it, clean the chasnik (you can cut your teeth), spices that, well, our small green fruits. We try not to fold them, but “put them up like a soldier”. First stage.

At the other stage, we cook the marinade from sill, zucrum and citric acid and pour boiling water over our jar of greens. Chekaєmo 10 whilins and zlivаєmo rozsil back at the pan. As the boil of angry rosemary swells, I fill it again with greenery of rosemary, add to the new burner and simmer. All! You can get by without pasteurization under a warm carpet, but it’s up to you.

Preservation of ogirk in the barrel type

The best way to do this is to salt a bunch of sturgeons at the salt brine for 2-5 days, and then boil the brine and then pour jars with chucks. A clumsy process indeed. The subtlety of the Pole only lies in the fact that you do not peroxide the stumps in a warm place.

We need spicy herbs for 5 kg of saline grade ogirkiv: krip with parasols and nasinny, leafing that root chron, leaf of black currant, oak and chron, chasnik, and others - for your taste. Three spices - winter pepper for peas, bay leaf for bajan, 1 pod of chili pepper.


  1. Ogіrki and greens are washed. Laying out in jars, chasing greenery from balls of greenery, starting from greenery and ending with it. At the skin jar, we also add a teaspoon and 2-3 calves of capsicum at a time from the last.
  2. Gotuyemo rozsil іz sіllu z such rozrahunka: for 5 liters of water - 350 g chi 12 tbsp. salt. At the roses, peppercorns and leaves of the shop are also hanging. Razmіshuєmo everything to rozchinennya, boiling and boiling rosemary poured over jars. Leave at room temperature for three days for pickling. Covered with lids lightly.
  3. After 3 days, it was poured into a saucepan, and the cucumbers from the greenery were washed with boiling clean water. Tobto. 2 times poured with dill, which poured at the sink. For the third time, we fill the chicks with boiling rose salt, which they angered from cans.
  4. Finished with sterile lids, carefully turn the jars upside down and without a warm carpet, it is cool. We moved on to the savings.

Nothing fancy, right? Then canned greenery in this way will delight us throughout the winter!

Preservation of ogirki in the type of lightly salted

This wonderful recipe is simple, and the result is for queens! The innocence lies in the fact that, when the sun comes in, we fill the little rocks with clean water! Let's see the recipe.

  1. Cooking greens and spicy herbs with spices for your likenesses. Whose recipe doesn't matter! Take, for example, a set of spices from the previous recipe. We lay out everything, including spices, evenly according to the banks (no matter what volume, it can be in liters).
  1. Rozsil may slander you, but do not sneer before the hour! The proportions of rose salt are as follows: for 3 liters of water, put a 250-gram bottle of salt (with hot!). We expand the strength and bring the expansion to a boil, and fill the cinders in jars. Reserved for sour-milk fermentation for 2 days.
  1. After 2 doses of concentration, it poured out at the sink - wine played its role. And salted stumps in jars are filled with clean, filtered dill, negainely covered with sterile lids and simmered.
  2. Banks are placed in a handy place upside down and covered with a warm carpet for pasteurization - only for 2-3 years. Preservation for the winter is ready! It was enough to transfer to the place of the post-mortem savings.

This recipe guarantees you the taste of light-salted ogirkіv, which will turn you around at the summer time - with yoga, accepting tips about the warmth of the sun and picnics.

Preservation of ogirkiv - the recipes are not foldable. Just enough to start conserving and the excitement will turn up to you skin season of ripening vegetables!

Preserved cistern for the winter is a popular appetizer among bagats and duzhe sokovita, for which they prepare various salads, vicorist like a seasoning or a full herb before the Christmas table. Ogerochki marinated with other fresh vegetables, spices and fragrant spices, miraculously eat with hot herbs with meat or garnishes, mum low, refreshing and characteristic only crunchy relish.

Shvidke zakochennya for the winter - economical and savory recipe

Preserving fresh fried fritters in such a simple and traditional way is possible with a minimum of ingredients, and as a result, juice comes out, a crunchy snack with brown and savory rose salt.

For the preparation of ogirkiv for classic, swedish technology, the following products and spices are needed:

  • fresh cucumbers (kind of vikoristovuvati tim'yachko or other garden variety);
  • greens kropu and chasnik;
  • sіl kitchen and zukor.

It’s good to wash the ogirochki in front of us, behind the bazhann, the fruit stalks are lightly seen from two sides, and then the vegetables are soaked in cold water for 10-15 quills.

The clock is cleaned from the skin and cut into cloves, it creaks and lays it on the bottom of clean, sterilized glass jars, giving the beast 3-4 parts of the clock to the skin cavity.

After that, like little chicks stood for three in cold water, they anger the motherland, and the vegetables are laid at the jar even more sharply one to one. From above, we pour the ingredients with warmth, but not with a hot marinade, which is formed from the water from the mixture and a small amount of zucru.

The blanks are closed with plastic lids, let it brew with a stretch of 2-3 deb, and then it is strongly roamed and adjusted on a larger scale.

Ogіrki, canned with spices - a classic and juice recipe

The classic marinade captures the crunchiness of the power of the vegetables and gives them special savory notes, for which someone loves this simple and brown appetizer.

For the preparation of winter vicarious seamings, the following ingredients are used:

  • fresh cuts of medium size - 2-3 kg;
  • chasnik - 2-3 heads;
  • greens kropu, parsley and currants with a chron;
  • sil, tsukor, apple chi wine otset;
  • winter pepper and roasted grains.

Rinse the stumps with a flowing jet at the drushlyak. Then let the vegetables soak in clean, cold water for 3-5 years, fallow when the selected fruits are grown.

Squeeze three-liter jars in the obov'yazkovy order in front of them and grind them under a couple or in the oven. Dalі in them on the bottom they put green leaves of horseradish and currants, and put parasols and chicks on the beast at once from the peeled cloves of the hourglass.

While the oysters are soaking, prepare the marinade. Wine is added to the water, in the yak add strength, winter pepper, sprats of lavrushok, girchichni grains and other seasonings to taste (you can add trochs of ground coriander, spicy or cayenne pepper).

Mustard spices are thoroughly mixed, brought to a boil, boiled 10-15 quills, constantly stirring in the pan. For 1-2 minutes before the fire is boiled, pour in a tablespoon of oats and let the marinade infuse.

The soaked fritters are carefully placed near the jar of greens and tea leaves, poured with the prepared rose salt near the hot and cold looking. Containers with vegetables can be additionally sterilized in sprinkling, after which they can be closed with metal caps and taken to the balcony.

Ogirochki, pickled with mint and hot pepper - piquant appetizer

Vegetables marinated according to this recipe look even more crispy, piquant and refreshing at the same time. Eat fresh mint and hot pepper to make an appetizer ideal for serving on the table with lubrication or baked meat and other juices and blue herbs.

To prepare such an appetizer, you will need an offensive set of products:

  • fresh small (medium) cuts;
  • fresh leafing chron, m'yati, currants and cherries;
  • chasnik, pepper and cayenne;
  • sіl kitchen, tsukor and їdalnya otstova essence (7-9 %).

We prepare the main vegetables for us. Pick up the cinders, carefully cut the tails on both sides, then soak for 2-3 years in clean, cold water.

At the sterile jar, the spicy herbs are laid crot by crotch - leafing the chron, cherries, fresh mint, and the beast is put a sprat of cleansing cloves in the chapel.

After that, as the cinders are infused by the water, they are laid vertically and vertically near the jar and add 1-2 small pods of hot pepper in a whole or finely chopped look.

Everything is poured with hot marinade, which is prepared from water from the sill, zucr, bay leaf, winter peas and otstom. Sumish is poured in after 7-10 minutes after boiling the main seasonings, for example, cooking. Next, sterilize the jars or roll them up with lids, turn them over, let them cool down to room temperature and send them to storage.

Canned sturgeons in a bag - even a tasty snack for 5 quills

Pickling fresh ogirkiv in the package is an old-fashioned recipe, for the help of which you can take juice in a short term, refreshing that crunchy snack, and serving it to the table as a side dish to blue, hot herbs.

For the preparation of vicorist, use only fresh, natural ingredients. And to itself - strength, winter krip, additional greens (parsley, basil or cilantro) and hourly.

Pick up the cinders, wash them by the cold water, and then cut the tips from the two sides behind the bazhanny. At this stage, you can additionally cut the fruit in a handy way, so that the stench marinated more quickly.

The greens of the crop, the basil and the parsley bleed and sweat shaky. The clockworker either shakes for help with the press, or even thinly cuts with a gostri with a knife.

Sip the cinders, mix by hand, add to the kitchen force, mix all the ingredients again and carefully hang the bowls in the slots, plastic bags with edges that curl (these are sold in stores).

And you can burn the chicks with spices in a special package with a ball and tie yoga. Already for the good after such salting, the vegetables are served on the table. Or add a trohi of kmine, grains of mustard, and then transfer them to a plastic container and save them in the refrigerator. The relish of such ogirkіv is juicy and soft, the stench can be embellished with style.

Vegetables marinated in tomato sauce - finger lick appetizer

Tomato sauce not only saves the relish and crunchy power of ogirkiv, but also gives a ready-made snack a unique aroma.

To prepare such preservation for the winter, take the following ingredients:

  • fresh ogirki - 2 kg;
  • tomato paste or tomato - 250 gr;
  • otset, sil, tsukor;
  • winter pepper, lavrushka and other spices for relish.

Take tomato paste either fresh from the store, and then dilute it in marinade at the stage of yoga preparation, or make it on your own.

For this, juices are skipped, tomatoes are cut through a blender and a meat grinder and boiled puree to the required consistency.

Pick up the stubs (better than the stench of the boules of one rosemary), wash and cut the tails from the skin side. You can soak them for a couple of years in clean and cold water.

Then they are laid out in sterile jars, at the skin of which they throw 5-7 peas of cold pepper, dry bay leaf, a small part of the clock and a couple of parasols of crop.

At the pot with water, they sip strength, zukor to relish, chalking pepper, 2-3 leaves of laurel and bring the homeland to a boil. Dali її zmіshuyut z tomato paste, and for example add 1-2 tbsp. l. otstovoy essence (from a rozrahunka for 1 liter jar).

Give rosesol to boil with a stretch of 10-15 strands and, in a hot look, fill in cinders, laid out in containers. Shchіlno zakryvayut metal caps and after ostigannya vіdravlyayut on the police until winter.

Ogіrki, pickled with shmatki z tsibulei - even more corisna and sitna billet

Ogirochki are often marinated not only as a whole, but also cut into pieces or circles. As a result, the juice is taken away, the appetizer is well salted, it can be served on the table with different herbs and side dishes.

To prepare such a cold for the winter, take the following ingredients:

  • ogirki and cibulya - 3 and 0.5 kg of vegetables;
  • oliya roslinna and table estimate;
  • winter pepper, bay leaf, cloves;
  • sil kitchen that 2 tbsp. l. tsukru.

After the preparation of all products, proceed to the mitt of ogirkiv. Then we remove the fruit and the ponytails and cut the vegetables with scallops.

The cibula is cleaned in the form of husks and cut coarsely. Place 2-3 table spoons at clean and sterilized glass jars in front dewy olive and lay out the balls on the cob of the cut stumps, then pivkiltsya tsibuli.

A liter of water is heated on the stove, brought to a boil and added strength, it is recommended to use a lot of zucru, lavrushka, sprats of winter peas and dried flowers of cloves and other fragrant seasonings for dried flowers, you definitely don’t smell the taste of cinnamon.

After that, as a marinade, boil 10-12 quills, pour into it the trochs of wine or splendid otstu, make fire and, in a hot look, pour rosesalt, then wiyshov rosesalt, place in jars of ogirka and tsibulka.

Sterilization should be carried out neobov'yazkovo, but 5-10 strands of cans in a pan with dill can not be mischievous. After the procedure, the blanks are covered with warm cloth, turned over and straightened through the doba to save.

Assorted tomatoes marinated in the traditional way

Pickle fresh tomatoes and sturgeons at once, or okremo, but in the first season, cream juice and savory vegetables otrimuyut and rozsil, which can be vikoristovuvaty as an additive ingredient in the preparation of other herbs.

The traditional technology of pickling tomatoes with cigars includes the following spices, such as:

  • krip, leaves of currant and cherry;
  • bay leaf, cloves, hot pepper;
  • chasnik, otset, sil, tsukor and chalky spices.

Cinders are picked up, relatively miyut, trimmed along the edges and sprats of time are soaked at the pelvis, pans and bowls with cold water. Banks, as well as lids for zakochuvannya, pass under steam or sterilize in another handy way.

While the ogirki get wet, and the container is dried, prepare all the necessary greens. Krip is more likely to vicorate fresh, the same with other spicy herbs, including parsley and currant leaves. Instead of the rest, you can beat and green horseradish, which will add spicy notes to your taste.

I picked, trimmed, the greens are laid out on the bottoms of the cans, the beasts are stacked with cinders, squeezed, so that the stench went into the container of the yakomog more. Rinse the tomatoes under running water, remove the fruit and lay it over 1-2 balls at a time from the greens and cinders.

Now pour all the ingredients in containers with hot, salted water. Like only a stink, stand for 10-15 quills, pour water back at the pan, add dry lavrushka, cold pepper, zucor, sil.

Everything should be boiled in full fire, then, at a hot look, they are poured into liter jars, the skin of which is poured in front of 1-1.5 tbsp. l. otstu chi add the essence for example, marinade.

After pouring, the lids will wander strongly, turn the container over, wrap it with a blanket and a carpet. After a few years, I’ll bring the sun to the shore in the cold weather, or else in the next place.

Ogіrok is one of the most popular vegetables for canning. Preservation of ogirkiv does not help in the case of gentlemen like folded hands, but the rich harvest of ogirkiv and its cheapness in the season will make you think about how the most rationally disposes of natural wealth. The popularity of snacks is explained by the fact that canned vegetables are suitable for any fear. So marinated ogirki - bazhane supplemented and to meat, and to poultry, and to splendid potatoes, and be some kind of garnish.

Marinated ogirki in jars

Marinated ogirki for the winter - tse zakochennya z vikoristannyam otstu. It is not easy to marinate ogirki. It is necessary to bring the marinade to a boil, pour the cinders in jars and sterilize. You can add twist citric acid, spicy greens. Marinated ogirka - a daily snack, and embellishment of the Christmas table, especially in New river. However, even if you try, and seriously go to the point of preparing food, having accumulated enough cans of canned ogirkiv for the winter, then you will never get to the holy check. You can regularly pickle marinated stumps in jars and enjoy their piquant relish.

Recipe for pickled ogirkiv for the winter

We already rose the stess, as if conserving ogirkiv for the winter. Let's dwell on some important details. Smak ogirkіv can be added and improved with the help of the right additive. Some vikoristovuє leaves of black currant, some add krip, tarragon and horseradish. However, it’s rich in why on the right relish that zvichki. To that, take the recipe for pickled ogirki for the winter from the one whose ogirki was worthy of you. It is possible to carry out a “polove doslіdzhennya” - to raise different banks, having signed, where and what you paid. For the forthcoming season, you will have to choose only the most recent recipe for marinated ogirki for the winter.

Conservation of ogirkiv is also popular in Russia. Cream of pickled ogirki, and you can also preserve ogirki without otstu. Tse is popular. Salt ogirki in a cold way - soak roses in ostiglia. Likewise, fermented ogirki in barrels. Choose for your taste! Preservation of ogirkiv for the winter: fix it once, enjoy it all winter!

Hello everyone! Axis and summer has come and our vegetables in the city will soon give their first harvest. I need to prepare canned vegetables for the winter. Today I want to tell you the recipes for the most delicious and crispy marinated ogirki for the winter.

You can conserve for different recipes. As a rule, the skin master can have his own ways of loving. Axis and I may have my favorite options for conservation, with which I will know you today.

Preparing canned food for these recipes is worthy of you, the only ones presented here best recipes, at my glance. I already wrote about those, like a shvidko robiti, at the same time, we report it, like marinated vegetables for the winter.

It is important to show yourself Svyatkovy style without such an appetizer. Skіlki you can make salads from them, and just like that, you can't put it together. And the stink is miraculous to go, and it’s bad to harmonize.

The axis is the first option, my cohany. Rozsіl to go out so lucid and namovіrno savory. And the fritters themselves are crunchy and just golomshlivy. Do not miss the hour of cooking for this recipe.

Ingredients for 1.5 l. bank:

  • Parasol crop - 2 pcs
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces
  • Pepper peas - 2 pcs.
  • Pepper black peas - 5 pcs
  • Licorice - 1 pc.
  • Clockmaker - 3 cloves
  • Ocet 70% - 1 tsp

Marinade for 3 liters of water:

  • Zukor - 7 tablespoons
  • Strength - 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. For the spadix, thoroughly wash the horns. Let's put them at the dishes with clean water for 2 years.

Like the stench only from the garden, one year will be enough. It is necessary for the vologists to absorb the stink enough.

2. Clean, wash the jars, sterilize over a pair of 10 strands. Like a three-liter jar, then you need 15 khvilin. Boil the krishki by the water for 3-5 quills.

3. Now we are preparing products that are left out. Pour laurel leaves and parasols on the crop with dill. Pour on 3 hvilini, then pour out the water. Rinse the licorice pepper and clean it from the inside. Clean the entire chapel and rinse with cold water. With ogirkiv anger the water, if the hour is mine.

4. Now choose prepared jars. Lay 2 parasols of crop on the bottom, then put 2 bay leaves, 5 black peppercorns.

5. Cut bell pepper into small pieces and place 4 pieces at the jar.

6. At the ogirkiv vіdrіzhte z both sides of the kіntsi i stavte їх at the bank vertically along the stake of the yakomoga schіlnіshe. Let's put one or two rows horizontally for the beast. At the very top, put one more parasol crop and cover with a lid. Find a killer and deal with other banks.

7. If all products are stored in jars, fill with dill. Cover with a lid and fill it with 10 quills. Let's pour water into the pan through cheesecloth or a special lid with holes.

8. Put the water back to boil, then pour another jar for 10 khvilin.

9. Now let's prepare the marinade. Put the water on the fire until it boils. When it boils, add zukor ta sil. Stir and let it boil again.

10. After 10 minutes, pour water from the cans and pour the rest of the water. Add 1 tablespoon of oats to the skin. Then close the lid and roll it up. Open hot jars neck down, cover as warm and leave until chilled.

11. If you take it away from the dark, cold place. And you’ll get salted with juicy, crunchy nibs. Wow, this recipe is perfect for you.

You can start canned vegetables not earlier, less than a month before. It’s necessary, so that the stench was well marinated. All the same, they were prepared for the winter.

Preparations for the winter without sterilization, from citric acid. Recipe for 1 liter

And this option without sterilization and otstu. With citric acid, the stench comes out even more savory and crunchy. You can take such canned goods calmly at the apartment.

Ingredients for 1 liter:

  • Ogirki - 600 gr.
  • Chronu sheet - 2 pcs.
  • Crop parasols - 1 pc.
  • Cherry leaves - 3 pcs.
  • Currant leaves - 3 pcs.
  • Estragon - 2 rolls
  • Peppercorns - 8-10 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Watchmaker - 2-3 pcs.
  • Citric acid - 1/3 tsp

For the marinade for 1 liter of water:

  • Strength - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Zukor - 3st. l.


1. Wash our chicks on the back. Then pour them in some deep dish, for example, in a basin, with plain cold water for 2-3 years.

2. Wash the jars well and dry them. І we begin to lay the products. I have 1 liter cans. At the bottom of the jar, fold along the bottom - 1 leaf of chron, a parasol of crop, 3 leaves of cherry, 2 leaves of currant, 2 tarragon leaves.

And in the meantime put the water to boil. While you lay everything in jars, boil it out.

3. Let's put 3 cloves to the watchmaker here. You can cut in halves. Put 1 bay leaf and 8-10 peppercorns.

4. At the ogіrkіv vіdіzhte kіncі ta put it in the bank at the vertical position, and then put the skіlki vyide to the beast. Put one more leaf on top of the chron. And in such a rank put it at all banks.

If you work on a 3-liter jar, then lay another ball of salty greens in the middle. And if you like hotter, then you can add more pieces of hot pepper to the skin jar.

5. Boiled water. Pour the dill at the skin jar to the very top and cover it with clean lids. Get 15 credits.

When pouring the okrop into jars, place a teaspoon near the skin so that the stench does not burst. Don't forget to sweat it out!

6. After 15 minutes, pour out all the water from 3 jars. For any special caps with dirochki, or just pick them up from the original kapron cap.

7. Let's put the water on the fire, bring it to a boil and pour the cinders again. Again, cover with krishki and fill it with 15 whilins. Then pour the water into the pan. Fill the water with silly and zukor, mix it up and put it on the fire.

Loosen up, seeing that you have lost your water. For an equal amount, you can add water.

8. While our marinade is boiling, let's take care of the rest of the preparations. Take citric acid and put at the skin jar 1/3 teaspoon per 1 liter.

If you have a jar of 3 liters - put 1 teaspoon with hot water.

9. Then pour the marinade into jars, roll up the lids and place them neck down. Wrap it in a carpet and fill it up to the final touch. It's about more or less more. Then put your stubs in the bowl, de vie save all the conservation.

Video about those, how to cook assorted ogirkiv and tomatoes

I want to show you a video recipe for marinating vegetable assorted. It’s even more delicious to go for this recipe prepared for the winter. Obov'yazkovo try it!

Ingredients for 2 triliter jars:

  • Ogіrki - 1 kg. 800 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg. 600 gr.
  • Chasnik - 8 large cloves
  • Leafing through the chrono - 4 pcs.
  • Crop parasols - 4 pcs.
  • Currant bushes - 2 pcs.
  • Chasnikov pir'ya
  • Black peppercorns - 40 peas
  • Nasіnnya gyrchytsі - ½ tsp
  • Carnation - 4 pcs.
  • Red pepper - 1 pod

For rossol:

  • Water - 3 liters
  • Strength - 3 tbsp. with girkoyu
  • Zukor - 2 tbsp. with girkoyu
  • Optic acid 70% - 1 tbsp.

How to prepare to marvel at the video:

If you do not like spicy, you can not add pepper. But my people should do it themselves. I recommend you this recipe, don't hesitate!

Before speech, jars can be sterilized at the oven. Put them neck down and raise the oven by 50 degrees, gradually increasing the temperature. Sterilize 15-30 quills, fallow in the size of the jar. Let's sweat them out with dry mittens.

Berlin-style pickling recipe with mustard, like at the store

Irrespective of those that I myself prepare, I buy everything else at the store. And then I tried to try them myself and knew the correct recipe. Smak exactly like I buy. I recommend to try it.


  • Ogirki
  • currant leaf
  • Nasіnnya gіrchitsі
  • crop stem
  • Optic acid 70%

For 1 liter marinade:

  • Sumish peppercorns - pinch
  • Sil - 1 tablespoon
  • Zukor - 2 tablespoons

Cooking method:

1. For the cob, sterilize the jars in any way. Then rinse and dry the ingredients. Cut the stems of the crop into large pieces, approximately 3 cm.

2. Put currant leaves on the bottom of the jar. Let's put standing cinders, put the animals horizontally, skils are close. They gave to put the stalks of the crop to relish, visipte a small crush of grains of mustard. Pour everything with dill to the top and fill it with 15 quills, then anger the water.

3. In the meantime, the stinks in the jars are filling up, taking care of the marinade. Pour clean water at the saucepan and add the sum of peppers with peas, strength and zucor, in the same proportions for 1 liter. Bring to a boil.

4. Ready rozsil pour jars. Namagaytes, schob pepper not vluchav. Then pour into jars 2 teaspoons of oats per 700 g jar. Roll up the caps and turn them over. Cover it with a warm towel and leave it alone. If you know, as it is written here one to one, then you will see pickled canned vegetables for sure, like in a store. Vlasnaruch.

I shared my favorite recipes for crispy and even savory marinated ogirki. Try all the ways, and perhaps one of them will become your friend.

And on your table there will be miraculous canned vegetables for a fee, which will inspire the relish of summer. I will immediately become warm in my soul. Aje nothing is so gritty, like a domestic hedgehog, cooked with love.

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