Baked pollock fillet recipe. Delicious pollock with vegetables in the oven. Pollock, baking in foil

Ribi strains are prepared from old hours. One of the widest species is pollock. Yogo lubricate, vіdvaryuyut, extinguish, zapіkayut. On top of that, vegetables are often harvested.

Among the options for cooking can be called zapіkannya. Such a way of preparation allows you to create more brown product To this end, learn about the process of working and reporting.

Korist that Skoda Stravi

This species of ribeye is characterized by low calorie content, but to avenge the impersonal living speeches. Yoga is necessary to be implanted in people, the mass of the body of such people exceeds the norm.

Inclusion of ribi in the diet will reduce weight loss and normalization of metabolic processes. The presence of a new protein and tsinnih acids coloring the camp of the bones, pleasantly pouring into the judgment that diyalnist of the heart meat. Riba is essential for normal functioning nervous system that brain.

Cooking the product in the oven allows you to save the speech as much as possible, so that you can hide in the dark, so that you can rob the grass more than brown. Adding to the look of the sheep will give you the power of power.

Folding, cooking time

Zapikannya does not require significant knowledge. Trivality of the process can be changed from 40 weeks to a decade (at times, as the main ingredient is transferred to the front pickling).

Product preparation

For robots, you can vicorate like a carcass, so fillet. Call the store to sell frozen fish. It is important, that there is not a small unacceptable smell. The color of yakіsnoї ribi cannot be yellowish.

It’s also bad, so the product doesn’t get too late. There is a great number of opportunities to tell about the unfortunate minds of savings, and to remember those who once defrosted the sprat fish and froze it again. The ball of ice on the carcass is not guilty of overhaving the torso of 2 mm.

It is necessary to defrost the carcasses before the cob of the robotic rib'yachi. Tse roblyat for room temperature.

From cibulin and carrots, it is necessary to remove the skin and virizati poshkodzhenі and rotten the mass. It is better to choose hard and springy vegetables - the stench of young corn.

The main advantage for other components is freshness, so when buying it is necessary to change the term of applicability. As an ingredient taken at home, it is necessary to switch over from the yogo attachment for victoria.

How to cook?

Starting the work, it’s necessary to z'yasuvati, for a while, pollock is prepared at the oven, and also to learn the sequence of action. Before varto, get to know the classic version of the preparation of the strain.


  • fillet - 500 g;
  • oliya roslinna - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • qibulya - 100 g;
  • krip - 15 g;
  • carrot - 100 g;
  • black pepper chalking;
  • red pepper chalking;
  • sil.

Otrimanu grass can be divided into 3-4 servings.

Pollock at the oven with carrots and cibules - pokrokovy recipe on the light:

Frozen shmatki fillets are processed with a sill and a sum of peppers and left for one hour to marinate.

The masu, which has come, is added to the cibulka and continues to be coated with 10 more quills.

On top of the fillet, cook the vegetables and put them in the oven for 20 chills (temperature 180 degrees).

Kharchova tsіn_st stravy to become 82 calories per 100 g of the product. He has 13 g of protein, 2 g of fat and 3 g of carbohydrates.

cooking options

The ways of preparing the strain are different, so you can choose the best option.

Pollock at the sleeve

What is the method of transferring the stosuvanya of such components:

  • fillet - 400 g;
  • morquin - 1;
  • bay leaf - 2;
  • cibulina - 1;
  • chalking pepper - 5 g;
  • sil - 10 g.

In thawed ribeye, fins and tails are cut, cleaned from the insides and cut into pieces. Z cibulini know the skin. So go with carrots.

Offend the components and trim with a knife, or for the help of a large grater. Ovochev sumish is added to ribi, pepper and strength are hoarsely mixed.

Everything is placed at the sleeve for zapіkannya and zastibayut recognized for the clip. The oven is heated up to 180 degrees. Pierces were pierced at the sleeve, so that there was a possibility for the exit of the bet. Yogo is laid on a sheet and put in the oven for 50 quills.

Pollack with potatoes

If you add potatoes to the ribi, you should immediately prepare the grass and side dish before it. Spicy cooking allows you to give the components of the original relish and aroma.

There will be such ingredients:

  • pollock - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • cibulina - 1;
  • morquin - 2;
  • mayonnaise - 200 g;
  • spices;
  • sil.

Peeled potatoes are cut into thin circles, so they come out of carrots by themselves. Cibulina is divided into pivkiltsya. All components are placed in one container, seasoned with seasonings and trimmed with fresh crop. There wag mayonnaise.

Tsya sumish is guilty of standing up for the first time, to seep out. For an hour to clean the ribs of the carcass, tidy up the swimmers, tails and fillings. At the sleeve for baking put half of the vegetable mass.

On it they put a carcass of ribs cut into medium pieces. Over її roztashovuyut іnshі ovochi. Before going into the oven, open the sprat by opening it at the sleeve. The quality of the preparation is stored 50 times at a temperature of about 200 degrees.

Pollock with rice

There is another way to prepare the stew, which allows you to cook yogo at once with a side dish.

Under the hour of work will be vikoristano:

  • ribne fillet - 500 g;
  • cibulina - 1;
  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • oliya roslinna - 50 g;
  • rice - 1 bottle;
  • mayonnaise - 200 g;
  • carrot - 1;
  • spices;
  • sil.

Sort out the grits, so that you can see that poor little grain, and you will be good. Dali її vіdravlyat at the pan and, having filled it with water, put it on the stove. Boil the rice until it's softened. The carcasses are cleaned as a rabbit and divided into shmatki. It is necessary to smear that viklasti on a plate.

Sliced ​​with pivkiltsy cibulka and grated carrots are sauteed in oil. If the components turn out to be golden, add tomato paste before them and simmer for about 5 strands. Potim at the frying pan shift the promition to the rice.

Mix the ingredients and allow them to cool down, after which the sum is placed at the sleeve, appointments for baking. On top of the new fillet and coat the components with mayonnaise. Putting the sleeve on the sheet, put it in the oven for 20 quills. Processing temperature - 180 degrees.

Pollock with mayonnaise

This variant of preparation allows for the stoking of such products:

  • fillet - 300 g;
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • cibulini - 2 pieces;
  • morquin - 1;
  • spices;
  • sil.

Remember the fillet shmatki and sprinkle with pepper that silly. Having cleaned and divided the cibula into pivkiltsya, they put it in dishes rubbed with oil for baking. From above, roll a ball of trimmed carrots and ribs. Coat the components with mayonnaise.

Cover the form with foil and put in the oven at 180 degrees. In a quarter of a year, the foil is removed and the temperature is increased to 200 degrees. Strava can be prepared for a quarter of the year.

Video recipe:

Pollock at the folzy

In this way, the vicorist has the following ingredients:

  • pollock - 700 g;
  • lemon - 1;
  • roslinna oliya - 80 ml;
  • carrot - 400 g;
  • qibulya - 300 g;
  • spices;
  • sil.

It is necessary to harvest the fish carcasses and cut them into shmatki. Mix the spices and rub the fish. Rub carrots on a large grater, cut cibulin on hoops, and then cut them into quarters. Vegetables are smeared until golden and transferred to a sheet, covered with foil. Ribbon shmatochki are ripped on top.

Squeeze sik with lemon, mix with 30 ml of rose fat and spritz the masa into the deck. From above, cover the form with foil and prepare grass at 200 degrees. Through the first half of the year, the upper ball of the foil is lifted and the product is removed from the oven for 10 more quills.

Pollock with tomato sauce

The addition of various sauces allows you to grow the grass with juiciness and life.

To prepare this variety of strain, it is necessary to speed it up with the following components:

  • fillet - 700 g;
  • tops - 200 ml;
  • carrot - 300 g;
  • oliya roslinna - 100 ml;
  • qibulya - 200 g;
  • spices;
  • creep;
  • zukor - 5 g;
  • tomatoes - 400 g;
  • bay leaf - 1;
  • borosno - 100 g;
  • sil.

Gutted and imitated carcasses are cut into small pieces and dried for the help of paper servlets. Borosno zmіshuyut іz sіllu and spices і rolled іn іy fillet. With such a look, the fish needs to be lubricated.

Morkvina is ground on the great third, the cibulka is divided into quarters. Vegetables are roasted until they are soft. Dip the tomatoes into the okrip and trim two quills there. If the stench is to blame, get cold, so that it would be possible to manually remove the skin from them. Dali them with a blender to puree.

Half ready to place the fish in the form of a casserole, and on top of it spread the oiled vegetables. Let's step on the ball for mayonnaise. Tops are covered with zukr and tomato mass. Qiu sumish is poured over the leaf. The oven can be heated up to 200 degrees. The hour of quenching is pivgodini.

For such a variety of strain, it is necessary to prepare the following products:

  • ribne fillet - 700 g;
  • qibulya - 300 g;
  • carrot - 400 g;
  • oliya roslinna - 45 g;
  • sir - 200 g;
  • spices for ribi;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • sil.

From the fillet, small pieces of medium sizes are formed. Cibula and carrots are finely cut and smeared. Then we put a part of the vegetables on the leaf. The fish is rubbed with spices, and it is given to the beast. Everything needs to be sprinkled with lemon juice.

Vegetables that are left out are put on top of the ribi and add mayonnaise. Let's go with the ball, sir, rubbed on the third. Cook the fish in the oven, roasting up to 200 degrees.

Zavdyaki tops of the dish fills the bottom and rich prismak.

Strava is prepared from the following components:

  • riba - 400 g;
  • Vershkov oil - 100 g;
  • tops - 200 ml;
  • spices;
  • cibulini - 2;
  • carrot - 1;
  • chasnik - 1 clove;
  • bay leaf - 1;
  • sil.

Having defrosted the fillet, they cut the yogo into small pieces and see the vologer's request. The cibulini stagger on the grain of pivkiltsya. For help with a grater, they trim the carrot. Qi components are smeared with olії until softened.

As soon as riba arrives before them, they continue to prepare more sprats of whilin. Dali into the pan to wag the tops, crook the dishes with a lid and straighten the oven. It is necessary to trim the grass there until boiling tops and 5 khvilin. In the rest of the chapel, add a chapel and a bay leaf.

Vykoristannya soy sauce to rob the taste of strawberry.


  • pollock - 700 g;
  • carrot - 1;
  • cibulini - 2;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • red pepper chalking;
  • black pepper chalking;
  • sour cream - 30 ml;
  • borosno - 100 g;
  • oliya sonyashnikova - 65 ml;
  • sil.

The ribs of the carcasses are cut into little pieces and placed near the dishes. Carrots and cibulni pivkiltsya are cut into strips before them. Mix the components. In the next bowl, add sauce and sour cream and add sumish peppers to it.

Masu, scho wiyshla, wag around a bowl of fillets. You can add spices to these components. The product must be marinated for two years in a refrigerator under a closed lid.

Then the shmatochki are rolled in the boroshni and until they are ready to be smeared with oil. After that, the blanks are transferred to the deco, and the vegetables and marinade are placed in the pan, which is overdone. Having greased the vegetable masa, put it on a sheet to ribi and put everything in the oven for a quarter of a year.

Pollock with tomatoes

Such a recipe transfers the choice of offensive components:

  • fillet - 600 g;
  • sir - 130 g;
  • cibulini - 3;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • carrot - 2;
  • vershkov butter - 25 g;
  • tomatoes - 3;
  • sil.

Great cibulins are smeared with topsoil. The middle parts of the fillet are marinated in 100 ml of mayonnaise, mixed with spices.

At the form for zapіkannya, balls are laid with a bunch of cibulka, then fish, and then mugs of tomatoes. It is necessary to cover with excess mayonnaise and sip with grated syrup. For baking, 40 quills are needed at 180 degrees.

Pollock with zucchini

The addition at the sight of zucchini allows you to grow more grass and more lively. This ingredient also gives a taste of originality.

Products for robots:

  • zucchini - 3;
  • cibula - 250 g;
  • carrot - 2;
  • fillet - 1 kg;
  • sir - 150 g;
  • spices;
  • mayonnaise - 200 g;
  • sil.

Wipe the utensils for baking with olive oil and place a ball of cibulin rings on it. Ribne fillet is marinated with half of the mayonnaise with spices and protyag. Zucchini is cleaned from the skin and cut with calves. Sir rub on the third.

The marinated fish is laid on top of the cibulka, and the zucchini is spread along it. An excess of mayonnaise is zmіshuyut іz sіllu ta zmashchuyt dish to the beast.

Zapikannya zdiisnyuyut 20 hvilin at rosemary up to 200 degrees oven. Let's come to the third sir and turn the oven next to the oven.

The shards of this kind of ribi are important to finish dry, while preparing the varto of the vicorist components, which give additional softness and juiceiness. One of these is sour cream.

For cooking, you need the following products:

  • riba - 1 kg;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • oliya sonyashnikova - 30 g;
  • cibula - 2;
  • carrot 1;
  • seasoning - 5 g;
  • sour cream - 400 g;
  • sil.

The ribs of the carcass are cleaned from the harvest and divided into parts. Pomіstivshi in one єmnіst, siplyu there strength and spice. Rybka is guilty of standing at the marinade close to pivgodini.

Lubricate the details of cibulini and carrots with oil until softened. Let's sweat the fish and water to the vegetables. They gave sour cream to the pan. It is not necessary to mix the components.

Єmnіst slid nacriti and quench products with a stretch of 20 strands. After boiling, the fire changes.

Skіlki zapіkati polkata from carrots and tsibulei - to lie down according to a different recipe, before cooking it is necessary to remember the sequence of diy.

Riba must be defrosted with a natural way, not with vicorist warm water and not with micro-hiberian bees.

Tse mozhe zіpsuvati product i bring to yogo rozpovzannya pіd hour of preparation. Marinate the fillet neobov'yazkovo, do it well with spices and spices.

Riba is one of the main products in the skin diet, which practically does not do anything for meat or vegetables. They have a large number of vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for our body.

Pollack is not popular, like, for example, salmon or pink salmon, but it is much cheaper for them. At the meal with vegetables or as a side dish, the herbs from the new one become more savory and go to the urochist table.

Qiu fish can be greased in a frying pan, in batter, in breadcrumbs, stewed, baked in an oven, and boiled yushka and ribnі soup.

Vibir and preparation of ribeye pollock before cooking

Obviously, buying products for such things is better at specialized (fish) stores. So you are convinced that before the sale they were saved in diligent minds. It is necessary to change, that in the trading point the pot of buyers is constant.

In any vipad you will not be able to get a recumbent product. A ball of ice may not be worth it, otherwise you will pay not for fish, but for water.

Ale y yogo povna vіdsutnіst tezh nasty - without a new product hangs. The color can be beaten, like m'yaso, you should eat a red one, now, the pollock is already old.

Bring the fish home, put it in a deep glass bowl to defrost. Rinse under running water, cut with ribbed scissors the swimmers and the tail. Razrіzhte cherevtsa and clean out all the fillings with a knife, see the beastly luska, like it’s out.

Ready before cooking (gutting and cleansing), pollock is also sold. Yogo needs less defrost and promit.

A simple recipe for lubricated pollock in a frying pan

Fish, fried in a frying pan swedish hand ryatuє camp, if the guests came spontaneously.

Narizaemo fish on portions of small pieces, put in a plastic bowl, salt, sprinkle with spices and marinate for one year.

Vsipayemo flour in a deep plate. We put the stewpan on the burner, pour the oil and let it warm up.

Pieces of the fish product are burnt in boroshni and put lubricated in olive oil. Having smeared from one side, with a spatula it is turned over to the other.

Let me smear the fish on a paper towel, make preparations for a long time, let us lie down, so that there will be extra olives, and then we will shift to the dish.

Smazhene pollock fillet in a frying pan with qibulei

Even lower delicious grass- smeared fillet of pollock - you can give it to small children, it will be in your mouth and turn on the risk of choking on a brush. Together with potatoes, or rice, with side dishes, another grass will come out.


  • Fillet of pollock - 1 kg;
  • Tsibulya middle - 3 heads;
  • Roslinna oliya - 100 ml;
  • Breadcrumbs breadcrumbs - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Strength for taste.

Vikonuemo preparatory procedures: put a saucepan on the stove, pour in oil and warm up yoga, clean the cibula and sprinkle it with pivkiltsami, break the egg into a deep bowl, sip crackers on the dish.

Salted pollock fillet is zanuryuєmo in an egg sum, then at the paniruvannya and put it on a baked frying pan, until it is zarum'yanyuvannya utverennya skorinki from two sides. We see the order with an ole paper servette, then we lay it at the plate.

Pour olive oil into a frying pan, throw a cibula into it and pass it to a ruddy color, then transfer it to the beast on pollock fillet. If you didn’t stock up on breadcrumbs, cut the loaf into cubes and dry 5-7 quills at the oven.

Remove the croutons, put them in a food bag and go through the rocking chair a couple of times, having lifted them to the bed with such a rank.

Lubrication of pollock in batter

Fish in batter is one of the best cold appetizers for any feast. A thin ball of tіsta saves natural sіk ribi, moreover, it is practically not vpline on the calorie content of the diet.


  • Mintai - 700 g;
  • Boroshno - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Roslinna Oliya - 130 ml;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Strength, spices - to the taste.

For ribi in batter, sound the vicorist fillet, defrosted the pollock, mine and dry servets. We see the brushes and we take the skin.

Narizaemo on swag, salt and put in a bowl. At the metal vessel, eggs are broken, gently bobbed and beaten with a fork, so that the breast is not lost.

We put the frying pan with a thick bottom on the burner and pour the oil. We bake ribne fillet in batter and cover it in a frying pan.

It is necessary to heat Oliya well, so that the fish does not stick to the pan. As soon as the batter is poached, add a little more borosna. You can add the taste of stravia with a chasnikov-sour cream sauce with fresh herbs.

Lubricants of pollock at the oven

Pollock can be baked in ovens: in foil, with vegetables, or simply in sour cream. The methods are rich, but the result of the preparation, be it one of them, will delight you with a miraculous relish.


  • Pollock - 1 kg;
  • Tsibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • Vershkov oil - 50 g;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Spices to ribi - 1 sachet;
  • Strength for relish;
  • Carrot - 1 pc.

Zazdalegіd pіdgotovleny pollock rubbed with spices and salt. Carrots and tsibula are cleaned, cleaned, miёmo and cut into straws. Robimo two balls of foil, in the middle we put pollock and shmatochok inches of butter, We saw the beast with a lemon and applied shredded vegetables.

Shchilno zagortaєmo and vіdpravlyaєmo zapіkat on pіvgodini at 170 °C. Distantly, carefully deployed, so that you don’t whimper when you show up. We transfer it to a dish and serve it with whatever sauce: Provencal, topped or sour cream.

Pollock lubrication with tomato sauce

Popular preserves in tomatoes do not compete for gusto and flavor with smeared mint in sauces with tomatoes, carrots and cibulae.


  • Riba pollock - 3 pcs.;
  • Tsibulya - 1 head;
  • Carrot - 1 note;
  • Tomato sauce - 200 ml;
  • Roslinna Oliya - 120 ml;
  • Sea strength, spices to ribi - to relish.

Miєmo and dry the fish, cut into small pieces. Marinated in spices and salt. Clean and shaky vegetables. Pour olive oil in a great stewpan.

We smear the rib steaks until they are ready (golden color on the surface) from two sides. We store at the chavunok.

Pass the vegetables and transfer to ribi. Pour in tomato sauce and put out 40 quills on a dead fire.

Ribbon cutlets with pollock, smeared in the oven

You can use pollock cutlets for every menu item.


  • Fresh frozen pollock - 1.5 kg;
  • Sour cream is not greasy - 50 ml;
  • White loaf - 1 piece;
  • Sir - 100 g;
  • Strength, spices - to the taste;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Boroshno - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Homemade milk - 100 ml;
  • Tsibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrot - 1 note;
  • Non-fat tops - 200 ml.

We defrost the fish, we can see the ridge and brushes. Narizaemo on small portion shmatki.

We clean the cibula and cut it with large cubes. We put the loaf in a plate for the first one and fill it with milk. We're rubbing Sir.

We pass through the meat grinder a fish drink and a cibula. We put it in a plastic bowl, add warm bread, an egg, grated syrup and a good amount.

All good vimishuemo, salty and seasoned with spices. With wet hands, we form cutlets into a round shape and put them in a roasting pan.

We cut carrots with later bars, we fill them with beasts and fill everything with tops. We put it in the oven, heated up to 180 ° C for 50 minutes.


Krok 1: ready ribne fillet.

For this recipe, you can cook a fillet of sea ribi. I no longer need to clean the yogo from the luska and to fight with the brushes.
If your filet is frozen, before it, how to start cooking it, it is better to let the ribs lie down at room temperature until completely defrosted.
Chilled meat ribi should be rinsed with cold water and dried with disposable paper towels.

Ribi filet prepared and placed on small board, salt and pepper on both sides, and then sprinkle with lemon juice.
Important: so that if you take a lemon, you didn’t eat the tassels of the new one at the fillet, trim it with a tablespoon, pressing it to the pulp of the fruit.

Krok 2: we order ribne fillet from cheese at the oven.

Put the oven on until 180-200 degrees beyond Celsius.
Make up the form Oliya and put ribne fillet with her. (Because the form is small, you can cut the fillet with small pieces.) From above, clean the fish from the top of the husk and chopped tsibuleya. Mix sour cream and mayonnaise in an okremіy bowl, and then sumish put filet with cibuley on ribne. Sip the beast with grated sir, rіvnomіrno rozpodіlіvshi yoga.
During the whole hour, the oven is already heating up a little, so that it is right in the oven to fillet with cheese. Zapikayte all protyazh 30-40 quills, Until the sir is not covered with an appetizing golden squirrel. And then take the form out of the oven and serve the baked ribne fillet with cheese to the table.

Krok 3: serve ribeye fillet with cheese, baked in oven.

Ribi fillet, baked in an oven with syrup, should be served in a hot look, bagan in a bowl, just like you cook it. Divide into portions or serve directly to the form. Like a side dish, give the rice a priority, mashed potatoes or easy vegetable salad(you can combine vegetables with mashed potatoes or rice, then the beauty and relish of the weide will take off). Such a meal will be not only savory, but also brown. That slight heaviness in the stomach was a breeze!

Cream of black pepper, you can vicorate for the preparation of fillets of various seasonings, which are suitable for ribi.

For beauty, that relish can be drunk already ready ribne fillet with fresh herbs, for example, sprinkled with fragrant parsley.

Instead of hard syrah for simmering, you can vicorate and mozzarella, with which you do not need to trim it for an additional grater, it’s enough to cut it with thin skewers.

Strava is even more delicious, and the recipe is the simplest, that kind of flooring, so you can’t mess with it. To that dear hostess, start creating this culinary masterpiece.


  • pollock carcasses - 1 kg;
  • sir - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp.
  • chasnik - 3 teeth;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.


  • Rinse the carcasses of ribi, shaky with medium pieces. Posipayemo їх sіllu, pepper, seasoned with favorite spices.

  • We wash tomatoes by the water, dry them, cut them into circles.

  • Sir three on the third with great openings.

  • Cleaning the clockwork from the lushpinnya, podrіbnyuemo.

  • Tsibulyu rubaєmo koltsy, razsipaєmo form, yaku zmaschuєmo Sonyashnikova Oliya. From above I put the carcasses of pollock, attach it to the watchmaker.

  • Sour cream is poured in here, covered with tomatoes.

  • Salimo, sippy cheese, herbs, baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

To give a ready-made spice, you can replace the greens with dried herbs.

The fish is baked with a marinade of cibules and carrots.

It is recommended to try to cook pollock in the oven with carrots and cibulae. Marinated fish in a classic marinade. As a result, we have a savory dinner at dinner.


  • pollock without a head - 2 pcs.;
  • large carrot - 3 pcs.;
  • qibulya - 3 pcs.;
  • sonyashnikova oliya + water - to quench the marinade;
  • strength for relish.


  • We wash the fish, clean it, cut it with small pieces, transfer it to a container from boiling salty water, cook it with a stretch of 40 strands.

  • To prepare the marinade, all vegetables are washed and cleaned. Three carrots on a third.

  • We cut the qibulu at the sight of quarters, we throw yogo into a frying pan with a front-burnt olive. Here we add carrots, lubricate, adding a little water, the vegetables are extinguished. Salimo whole vmist to relish.

  • I take the fish, cool it down, water cream the meat from the brushes.

  • We mix ribs with stewed vegetables, put in the refrigerator for 2 years.

Fragrant that savory fish is ready!

At the marinade, you can add tomato or mayonnaise, as well as spices, to di wine for a spicy and piquant relish. Believe me, pollock from cibulei and mayonnaise will become an indispensable grass on your table.

Read also

Pollock baked with tomatoes and cheese at the oven

Pollock is an appetizing fish, which means fillet, baked in the oven for this recipe, will give you the right malt for an hour of a meal. Riba with cheese will come out even savory, lower and piquant.


  • pollock - 800 g;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • sir - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp.
  • hourglass - 3 cloves;
  • krip - 1 bunch;
  • sil - ½ tsp;
  • seasoning for ribi - 1/2 tsp


  • We know the lushpinnya from the tsibuli, we see the pivkilets.

  • Rinse the fish, chop the pieces. We take a leaf, first with a ball we lay the cibula, then we pollock.

  • Cover the product with sauce, for the preparation of some zmіshuєmo podrіbneniya chasnik, krіp, sіl, spice that sour cream.

  • We put tomatoes on top, cut them with calves, we will wipe everything with cheese.

  • Gasimo fish with vegetables in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees is about 845 minutes.

In order for the grass to become more nutritious and high-calorie, sour cream can be replaced with mayonnaise.

Read also

Fillet of pollock, baked with potatoes

This savory recipe can be mastered by the founding gentleman. fragrant and appetizing floorings, which cannot be expressed in words, it is necessary to try more often, to change into tsoma.


  • pollock - 2 carcasses;
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • silt, pepper, seasoning for ribi - to your liking;
  • sour cream chi mayonnaise;
  • tomatoes;
  • top oil.


  • Defrost fish, wash, clean, cut into medium sticks of 3-4 div.

  • We store them in a handy dish, salt, sip on seasonings, pepper, mix, add kill, let them marinate for about 20 quills.

  • We clean the potatoes, shaky in circles.

  • Rinse the tomato, the mode is frequent.

  • We take the form, we smear with oil.

  • Put the potatoes on the bottom, salt and pepper.

  • Let's sweat the fish, cover the ball with tomato kuhl, fresh potatoes, silt, pepper, smear everything with sour cream or mayonnaise and rub it with sir.

  • Weep the salmon in the oven at a temperature of 180-190 degrees, until the cheese melts and is covered with a golden streak.

The number of active ingredients is not specified, the shards must come from the purchased pollock. You won’t miss the next time, and the result will please you.


Mintai is a more valuable fish, rich in vitamins and colorful speech. Therefore, we propose to you one more recipe, for which you can bake pollock at the oven at the folzy.


  • pollock fillet - 400 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sіl, pepper - for their taste;
  • vershkov butter - 50 g;
  • spices for ribi - 2 tsp.


  • We heat the oven up to 200 degrees. We wash the fillet, dry it for the help of a paper towel.

  • Prepare two large sheets of foil, fold it over, put it on the middle of the rib.

  • Sip on spices, salt, pepper.

  • We take Vershkov's oil | oil |, narizaemo in looking at thin plates, rozpodilyaemo on pollock.

  • The lemon is shaky in circles, it looks like a stepping ball.

  • Curve the foil, the seam may opine in the mountains.

  • We shift the workpiece onto a sheet, bake in the oven about 20 quills.

Don’t put it in a cold oven, but warm it up later. Make sure the foil is tightly closed.

Ready pollock with sour cream sauce

To enjoy the savory, rich and appetizing grass, you need pollock. Fillet, cooked in the oven, to feed the heart from the first shmatochka. Teach children not to be inspired by such sweets.


  • pollock - 5-6 pieces;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 250 g;
  • sir - 100 g;
  • sil - 1 pinch;
  • pepper - 1 pinch;
  • oliya - 2 tbsp.


  • We wash and clean the carrots, three on the third from the middle openings.

  • We know the lushpinnya from the cibular, we add the vegetable, we put it in the frying pan, we warm it up with olive oil, we grease it to clarity.

  • Let's sweat the carrots, quench until soft.

  • Rinse and dry the fish.

  • You can see skins, brushes, fillet fillets, as if cut into small cubes.

  • Sour cream is poured into the vegetables, boiled, salted, peppered, the sauce is removed from the stove.

  • Remove the heat mold, put the rib cubes, add strength, pepper, spices, wiggle the sauce.

  • Let's rub it with cheese, put it in a garnenko warmed up oven, brew 35 quills.

Strava is served to the table immediately after preparation.

Roast fish in soy sauce

Pollack is more of a corysna and a dietary fish, which has a neutral taste. To that її add different spices and sauces. And now we need fillet of pollock, to bake yogo in the oven with soy sauce.


  • pollock (carcass fillet) - 600 g;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • fresh green basil - 3 pins;
  • oliya - 30 ml.


  • We take the fish, clean it, wash it, put it on a plate, fill it with soy sauce.

  • Fresh basil is crispy and sippy riba.

  • We take the frying foil, we take the pieces of the necessary rosemary, we smear the olive, we transfer it to the preparations of the fish product, we sprinkle the olive.

  • We fix the workpiece with a foil cut, we show the kill on the pivgody.

  • We transfer the fish to the deco, put it in the oven at a temperature of 220 degrees, bake 30 quills.

  • Let's sweat the foil, quench the fish for 5 quills.

Pollack can be replaced by a white fish. Strength vikoristovuvati not varto, shards at the warehouse for marinade and soy sauce.

The axis behind such original recipes is that you can create fish for your homeland today. Pollack is more brown and like to cook fillet in the oven and top it with fresh vegetables.

Lower fillet of pollock in the oven - the right supper for all the motherland, cook with vegetables, cheese, greens.

M'yaso minta is even lower, to avenge the minimum number of brushes. In addition, to the yogo warehouse to enter anonymous vitamins and microelements.

Fillet of pollock in the oven come out more savory and invisible. With yoga, with the help of a shodenny supper, you can turn it into a holy one. This kind of recipe for obov'yazkovo can be on the notice of the skin gentleman, and allow you to pamper all this marvelous part.

  • pollock - 500 gr
  • cibulya ripchasta - 1 piece
  • carrot - 1 piece
  • sir - 200 gr
  • mayonnaise - 100 gr
  • Vershkove butter - 100 gr
  • strength for taste
  • spices - for relish
  • parsley - 3 balls
  • bread crumbs - 50 gr

For the preparation of pollock fillet in the oven, for this recipe we need: pollock fillet, cibula, carrot, syrah, mayonnaise, butter, breadcrumbs, parsley, strength and spices.

For the cob, the next coat is smeared. For this, it is necessary to put a frying pan on the stove, put some butter on it and melt it on a small fire.

If necessary, take a cibula, clean it, wash it under water and cut it with pivkiltsy. The qibula should be put into the frying pan and smeared until the golden veil is made.

Tim needs to cook carrots for an hour. Її it is necessary to wash it with water, clean and trim for an additional grater. Then let's trim the carrots and sip them until the cubula is lubricated.

If necessary, it is necessary to prepare pollock fillet, if necessary, it can be cut into small pieces. Potim yogo slid salt and add spices to prepare your favorite seasonings. You can whip up ready sumish seasonings for ribi. They gave a distant leg to prepare the dishes for baking, it is necessary to sip breadcrumbs and fillet on the bottom.

On top of the ribne fillet, it is necessary to put a vegetable coating on it.

Then we need to take care of the preparation of the Sir. Yogo needs to be rubbed on a grate and sip to the animal on the vegetables.

Lost more mayonnaise. It is necessary to apply yoga to the animal on a dish, to lay some mayonnaise in the form of individual likenesses.

Beforehand, it is necessary to prepare the oven, it is necessary to heat the oven. After that, next to the oven, put the ribne fillet. Approximately 30 quills are needed to prepare the strain, the temperature regime is 200 degrees.

After a little more fragrant, baked pollock fillet, I need to take it out of the oven and lightly decorate. As an embellishment, you can vicorate parsley, sprat will be enough. It’s not enough to taste ribne fillet for relish, but you can’t deprive those of you of the meat of the right gourmets.

Recipe 2: pollock fillet in folzy in oven

  • Fillet of pollock 3-4 pcs.
  • Olive oil 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Paprika, strength for relish
  • Carrot 1.5 pcs.
  • Qibulya 1.5 pcs.
  • Licorice pepper 1.5 pcs.
  • Tomato 1.5 pcs.
  • Chasnik 3-4 cloves
  • Greens 40-50 g

Cut 3-4 fillets into portions.

Lightly drizzle the fish with olive oil, add paprika ta sil. Spice up the spices on the shmatochki with your hands and marinate on the pivgodini.

Let's clean the second carrot, cibulini, second tomato and licorice pepper, and then cut the shmatochki handy for you. Best of all, the stench was great.

Add 3-4 cloves to the teapot and 40-50 g of greens

Mix all the vegetables, add spices and 2-3 tablespoons of olives.

Transfer everything to the form, covering it with foil. Bake at 180 ° C in the oven for 15 minutes.

Transfer the fillet to the baked vegetables and straighten the form for 15-20 minutes in the oven.

Recipe 3: Pollock with Carrots and Cibulae

Pollock is inexpensive and savory fish, so you can cook a lot of fresh herbs. The most extensive way of preparing yoga is, obviously, simply smeared at the boroshni. Ale krim tsgogo z nygo savory cutlets, meatballs, pates, casseroles. Even savory pollock looks like stewed and baked. Іsnuє kіlka options yogo zapіkannya. For example, you can bake yoga with your own hands. It’s good to go for a relish with lower fish cibula, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, carrots.

Today I will show you how deliciously you can extinguish pollock in the oven with carrots and cibules. Strava to go out low-calorie, you can get used to it even if you can fast, if the fish is allowed to eat, and also in promotional days. The average calorie content of the finished herb is 80-90 kcal. for 100 UAH.

  • Carcass of pollock - 1 pc.,
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 2 pcs.,
  • Morquin (medium size) - 3 pcs.,
  • Tomato sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Spices - 5-10 gr.,
  • Strength for taste
  • Oliya Roslinna (Sonyashnikova)

The pollock carcass must be frozen. So її it’s easier to prepare and cut with even stitches. For the cob, see all the swimmers. After that, open the cherevtse. Remove toppings. As a rule, there are not many of them. Know the black lining on the inner walls of the cuticle. Rinse the fish with cold water in the middle of the ring. Dry with servets. Draw frills with 5-6 divs each.

Clean the cibula and the carrot. Tsibulya is called pivkiltsy.

Grate carrots for Korean carrots.

Put prepared carrots and cibules in a frying pan with olive oil.

Extinguish 3-4 spells. The carrot is guilty of being soft, but not slick.

After that, add tomato sauce to the vegetables, strong and spices. Adjust the amount of tomato sauce and spices to your taste. If you want more hospitality, give more. Sometimes I add to carrots and cibules for gostrota and homemade adjika. You can add 1-2 teaspoons.

Stir the vegetables, burn them for 2-3 more quills.

Shmatochki mintai put in a form for zapіkannya. Easy to salt.

On top of the fish put a carrot from the cibulae. At that point, you will cook not one, but 2-3 ribs of carcasses. Obviously, if you have a lot of cibules and carrots, then shift the balls of ribi with vegetables.

Cover the form with a lid, as if it was not overdone, just wrap it with foil. So fish weed with juice. Put it by the oven. The oven can be heated up to a temperature of 180C. Pollock at the duhovtsі z tsibuleyu and carrots is guilty of zapіkatisya 20-25 khvilin.

The fish is stewed in such a good way to rich garnishes, for example, to rice, potatoes, pasta, buckwheat. Serve the grass hot, immediately after cooking, but you can live it in a cold looking. Ostig, pollock stewing for relish tomato sauce. Following this principle, you can cook not only pollock, but also sea ​​fish. In addition, it is allowed to use a ready-made fish fillet, otherwise the cooking process will be better. Good appetite for you.

Recipe 4: How deliciously bake the pollock fillet in the oven

I made pollock at the oven with vegetables.

  • pollock fillet - 500 gr.;
  • strength for relish;
  • spices - for relish;
  • cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.

For this fillet, I cut the pollock with plates; Zvichaynu fish need to be cut with small pieces.

Salt, add spices.

Viklasty the form for baking is smeared with olive oil.

Make mayonnaise with sour cream and make half of the sum for the ribeye beast. Then they cleansed and pored the cibula with pivkiltsy.

Bake in the oven with a stretch of thirty strands, at 190 degrees.

Under the hour of cooking, you can add a little water, so that the riba is dry.

Shvidko, it's just delicious.

Come out juice that lower fish under a fur coat.

Recipe 5: mint fillet with vegetables in the oven

  • Pollock - 300 g
  • Soy sauce - 2 tsp.
  • Potato - 200 g
  • Force for taste
  • Oliya Vershkove - 60 g
  • Oliya - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 100 g
  • Carrot - 100 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 50 g
  • Tomato - 200 g
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.

Pollock harvest on fillet, cut fillet into small pieces, season with Kikkoman soy sauce and marinate for 15-20 quills

Tsibulya, carrots and bell peppers save on olives

Form for zapіkannya smear olive oil. Arrange potatoes on thin skewers, salt the troch and put them on the bottom of the form

Put pollock shmatochki skin side down on potatoes. On the skin of a piece of pollock I put a little bit of oil | oil |. At the process of cooking, it’s tanutime and grind the fish with juice

Put sliced ​​tomatoes on top and sprinkle some salt on top.

Smear the top with sour cream

Bake in the oven at a temperature of 190-200 degrees around 30-40 hvilin

Recipe 6: pollock fillet in sour cream in the oven

Such a grass may even be original, delicate relish and good to eat with cooked vegetables or cooked rice as a side dish. The technology of preparation of the herbs is quite unknown, which makes it possible to bring them up to the category of dietary vegetarian herbs. On the right, the main ingredient - riba - is not smeared before casseroles, but is laid on a leaf at the orphan looking, so that you can taste the lower and light.

And in order for the riba to be juicy and fragrant, it will leak out with vegetable sauce, moreover, it’s better, it’s better, but not less than 30-40 quills. For stravia, you can take whether it’s sea fish, chi fillet, smut, sob it was like sour, fresh, dry frozen (covered with thin frost, and not with a ball of ice). We cook pollock with sour cream in the oven, the recipe is from the photo below.

To dress the vegetable sauce, instead of sour cream, you can add tops or natural yogurt, as well as favorite spices, to add a special flavor to the ribs.

  • riba (freshly frozen, pollock) - 500 g,
  • cibulya-ripka - 200 g,
  • carrot - 300 g,
  • sour cream (fat content not less than 10% - 400 g,
  • sil (marine, dribna) - 5 g,
  • pepper (chalking) (seasoning for ribi) - 5 g.

We defrost fish in natural minds, in order to preserve as much as possible all the gastronomic flavors and relish. Let's work it out (weed the swimmers, the tail and clean the lace), with small shmatki.

Cleaned tsibule is washed and shaky by pivkiltsy.

We clean the carrot from the skin, trim it on the great third.

Oil is poured onto the frying pan (it’s better to take it cleaned) and as soon as it’s heated, put it in a new vegetable (if you put the vegetables into a cold frying pan, then the stench will take in the olive and burn it). We pass a couple of woolly veggies, so that the stench was filled with the lower juices.

Zmіshuєmo saute with sour cream, add strength and spices.

Let's prepare the ribs on the bottom of the smeared form

and we sip the vegetable marinade to the beast.

We fill up the fish for soaking on pivgodini.

We put the dishes with fish in the roast to a temperature of 180 ° C in the oven and cook the grass for about 30 hvilin.

Recipe 7: pollock with cheese, oven baked

Pollock is included in the category of inexpensive, ale corian ribi of the cod family. He has more to spare brown acid Omega-3 and Omega-6, which reduce the risk of ailing the vessel of that heart. Also, this inexpensive fish contains microelements and vitamins. Among seafood, pollock is the leader in iodine.

  • Pollock 1 kg
  • Sir Dutch 170 g
  • Mayonnaise 3 tbsp. lodges
  • Force for taste
  • black pepper
  • Oliya 2 tbsp. lies.

To prepare pollock with syrup, we need pollock, syr, sil, pepper, syr, mayonnaise, oliya.

Pollock rozrazaemo vzdovzh, you can see the ridge and brushes. Shkir is not known.

Roasting fish on portion shmatki. Salt and pepper.

The leather shmatochok is smeared with a little mayonnaise, it’s not rich, it’s only better than the sir. Pieces of ribi were placed on deco with olive oil. On top of the mayonnaise sippaemo grated on the thirds with great lapel sir.

The fish is put into the oven at the end of the roasting up to 180 quills for 40.

Our dish is ready, Enjoy your appetite!

Recipe 8: pollock fillet with potatoes and carrots

This uncomplicated recipe invariably gives a miraculous result. Prepared in this way, fillet of mintai will become a spravzhny stick-viruchalochka on weekdays, adzhe and riba, and garnish are prepared here at once. That y for urochistoy podії fillet mint with potatoes, baked in the oven, miraculously pіdіyde. Opsyb is prepared by the steriva, yak vami, in a nachy recipe, the hawk of the vsim by us M'yaso, the French, the deprivation of the Kurka Vikoristovas, the fіle ribi is the minty, and the kyvyvatiy smack is removal. Pollack fillet can be bought ready-made, or you can make fish fillet on your own.

Fillet of pollock with potatoes should be served hot on the table. Before serving, you can sip yoga trimmed with fresh green crop. As an addition to the price of stravia, you can give all the salt and salad.

  • pollock fillet without shkiri and brushes - 500 g,
  • potatoes - 1 kg,
  • carrot - 1 pc.,
  • solid sir (for example, "Russian") - 200 g,
  • mayonnaise - 150 g,
  • oliya roslinna for masking forms - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • black chalking pepper - for relish,
  • strength for relish.

Rib fillet with small pieces on the side of about 2-3 cm. what are left out. balls.

It is important to put the pieces of fish fillet in the form.

Lightly salt and pepper the fish.

Wash potatoes with a brush under a stream of running water. Dry it with a paper towel and clean it. Cut the potatoes into thin kukhls and put them on the fish. Salt and pepper. Then, as the height of the form allows, lay one more ball of potatoes. I'll salt and pepper again.

Carrots, like potatoes, wash with a shield under running water. Cleanse and rub on the great third. Lay a ball of carrots on top of the potatoes in the form.

Rub sir on the great third. Lay yogo on top of carrots.

Thickly smear the upper blue ball with mayonnaise.

Heat the oven to 180 ° C. Put the mold with pollock fillet and potatoes in the oven and boil for about a year, so that the potatoes become soft, and the upper sirna syrnka is baked and poked.

Another inexhaustible advantage of this method of preparing fish fillets, saving an hour, is the versatility and variety of variations. You can, for example, add one of the balls of cuts with thin rings to the cibula, and replace the mayonnaise with sour cream - to break the grass light and dietary. Do not be afraid to fantasize in the kitchen, and then be a regular supper for your homeland to turn into a holy one!

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