Skіlki prepare homemade pizza at the oven. How to cook pizza in the oven

The pizza from Italian cuisine smoothly migrated to the diet of wealthy families all over the world.

Tsyu savory grass vvazhayut for a better serve to the table rich gentleman, and everything that you can deliciously cook from simple products, as you know at home.

Deyakі secrets to help you spectacle savory pіtsu, like a fit to the relish of the members of your homeland. You don't need to think about what you need for a rich hour of those ingredients.

Don't take this process as a problem, and you won't see everything at once.

Recipe for preparing swedish pizza

For a snack, as I prepare a raja, you need: 0.250 kg of borosna; 2 eggs and 0.1 kg mayonnaise.

Sitna and savory pizza come out not only on cakes yeast test.

Delicious filling is made up of:

200 g cowbass; one fresh tomato; 100 g of hard syrup; one cibulin and 2 tbsp. a spoonful of ketchup chi tomato sauce.

  1. Schob spekti pіtsu, zapіsіti kіsto. Let's add ingredients for the filling: cibula - pivkiltsami, kovbasu - straws, tomato - thin plates; rub the cheese on the great third.
  2. Put a shortbread with dough on the sheet, brush it with a ball of ketchup. Place the filling at the offensive sequence: cibulya - tomato - cowbass - sir.
  3. Put the workpiece into the oven, where the temperature is trimmed at 200 degrees and the hour.
  4. Tasty pizza for 20 pounds at the oven is ready, you can cut into portions with a special knife already for 5 pounds and serve hot to the table.

Recipe for a swedish pizza made from lavash

It’s a pity that some gospodarkam don’t get an hour to tastefully prepare a snack from a sieve filling. The cooks-experimenters knew about it, they urged to replace a thin ball of dough for a wonderful lavash.

Pray, such a pidmina went to hell only for melancholy, and the bird looked no less savory.

Also take: one lavash; 0.2 kg of cowbasi (preferably salami); 2 tomatoes; 0.1 kg soft syrah; 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise and ketchup. Season, spices, put the stuffing to taste.

Shvidka pizza in the oven for 10 hvilin is prepared for the following scheme:

  1. Prepare the sauce for smearing pita bread with ketchup and mayonnaise.
  2. Trim the tomatoes with kiltsy, and the cowbass with straws. Rub the cheese on the third.
  3. Lavash, for which your pizza is prepared, cover with sauce, pouring yogo for an additional spoon. Fill the sides with undertorques.
  4. Put on tomatoes, let's put on cowbass. Sip all the beauty with spicy herbs, pepper and salt a little.
  5. Cover the filling with grated cheese and put the pizza in the oven, roast it up to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  6. For yakihos 10 hvilin savory pіtsa will be ready again before living.

Recipe for cooking pizza on kefir

Quite without yeast to speed up the preparation of pizza, even if you don’t happen to be deprived of yoga for drinking.

Zamisіt masu іz: one egg; 230 ml kefir; 5 g baking powder; 3 art. a spoonful of olive oil; 0.350 kg borosh.

The sauce needs to be mixed, mixing in one dish one tomato from 50 g of tomato paste and a teaspoon of dry basil. The pizza is covered with a thin ball of sauce.

For the filling, take: one cibulin; sprat pieces of oven; 100 g of solid syrah and brinzi; Bulgarian pepper of medium rosemary and olives.

Start preparing:

  1. Mix the pastry with the products that are indicated above, and pour the yogo into a frying pan, lined with parchment. The consistency of the mass does not allow you to put it with your hands, that is not enough.
  2. Sprinkle the sauce on top and place the filling in the following order: cibula rolls, licorice pepper cubes, brinzi cubes; plates of ovens, tertiy sir, halves of olives.
  3. There are 20 chills in the frying pan, cook smut for boiling, wash your mind and heat the oven up to 200 degrees.

Recipe, you will be in favor of the gospodars, yak, regardless of your busyness, want to be tasty and just slander with this sieve grass. Changed Italian pizza can be prepared at home in the same frying pan.

Recipe for cooking pizza with mayonnaise

Shvidka pizza on mayonnaise in the oven and in a frying pan prepared with: 70 g mayonnaise; two eggs; 10 st. a spoonful of wheat borosna; 1/2 teaspoon salt.
For the filling, you need products from the list: 0.1 kg of mozzarella; 0.150 kg salami and one great tomato.
Sauce: 50 g ketchup.

Cooking recipe:

  1. For the cob, knead the dough and put it on the side, curling it with a clean bavovnyanoy servlet.
  2. Detail the ingredients used for the filling. It’s better to cut a tomato with kiltsy, cowbass straws, and sir just smash your hands on dribni shmatochki.
  3. At high temperatures, the sir will grow soft and cover the surface with an even ball, and for this it is necessary to rub it on the top with large lapels.

Shape the pizza by simmering it in a frying pan and lightly dusting it with flour. The offensive krok is applied to the sauce, and ketchup wins the role.

Scurry with a silicone spatula or a penzle, so you will reach an equal ball. Put the stuffing z | iz | tomato and cowbass. Syroy cover the entire workpiece and vodpravte її vipіkatisya.

A simple pizza in the oven for 15 minutes is practically ready, the smut in the oven was 220 degrees.

Befitting the recipe? Learn other ways to drink savory straws at the frying pan, which I spread on the sides of my site.

For the quiet, who perfect their skills and try to cook a new herb better, I recommend not to overdo it with nuances, pointing lower.

Nasampered, do not try to put more stuffing on the cake. Come on, she's going to flatten the pizza; in a different way, upovіlnit work shlonk.

Pitsaioli to make vicorists for the filling only products that will be eaten. For example, the cock harmonizes with hard cheese and gostrimi spices, and tomatoes with brinza and basil.

Deyakі lovers chasnik vvazhayut, scho seasoning can be added to pіtsі і іn great kіlkostі. I want to guess that the building chapel kills the taste of our ingredients, and even your bird is called “Chasnikova”.

If you don’t want to do without a chalice, you can add one clove to the sauce by rubbing yogo on a coarse grated.

I'm important to you energy value skin care, and you care about the calories that are in the skin ingredients, this information is for you.

In order not to gain weight, just replace mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream, and ketchup with tomato sauce. As you know, ketchup is a revenge on speech, which is added to the calorie content of this product.

One of the most important steps in cooking pizza in a frying pan is poked at a sufficient roasting of the oven. Shvidka pizza in a frying pan can be “zanuritsya” in a friendly atmosphere, so you can have a hot meal with a temperature of 180-220 degrees (fallow according to the recipe). As the oven is good, you will be safe for the sprat of hvilin:

  • Perfectly baked dough.
  • Encouragement of the individual taste of skin ingredients.
  • Shvidke cooking strain.
  • Good melting Sir.

It is important to watch the stray, in a way that is saved, everything is described thinly, so before that, like a pizza in a frying pan, go into the oven, heat it up to the required temperature.

Do not forget to take it in the back, so that it will get fried. In a different weather, you will see the unappetizing weed, as if it has become wet and nabula of an unholy look.

The bird does not know the lyrical steps in the technological process. All operations must be done quickly, exactly the same as before the rules. Don't need to mess around, make corrections.

Just follow the recipe, and you can spice up the pizza, put it on the table with great pride.

Pitsu was seen in Italy, but it doesn’t mean that in other lands it’s impossible to have a show. Quite s borosna, eggs, olive oil and drіzhdzhiv get ready for the treatment of illness.

Dzhe shvidko you vporaetsya z narіzkoy components for the filling. The result of your creativity will be a French pizza on a deck, and a few people can take part in it.

Traditionally, repair from the test. In principle, such a pizza can be prepared on a ready-made store-bought sheet base (non-ripped). You will need to defrost at room temperature and prepare the filling. So tasty to come out. At whose master class I propon to prepare drіzhdzhovoe tisto. It's easy to prepare, it's easy to cook with available products. If the wine is drunk, it will be soft, thin (like a good rozkotit), with a fragile ruddy streak. In a small bowl, add yeast (approximately half of a standard pack of 15 g), zucor and 3 tbsp. l. boroshn. Pour it up to 35-40 degrees with water and milk. Mix it up. Cover the dough with a thin towel. Leave to ripen in a warm place for 15 quills. The axis looks like it has ripened the dough. Vaughn commemorate rise, become bright and stony.

If you want to wink for vipіchka "live" pressed drіzhdzhi, you need 18-20 grams. Dribno cover them with your hands and follow the instructions.

Recipes for pizza are usually impersonal, even if you can work with different pastry, with different sauces and fillings. The combination is so rich that the master can choose. Vykoristovuvati can be majzhe be-yak_ products, yakі є at the refrigerator. The leather is new pizza - this is a surprise, moreover, be kind. It is important for the master himself to know that he did not appreciate the privatility of this strait and did not cook regularly. Pizza is especially often prepared in the oven, shards are the simplest and the last way.

Cooking features

When preparing pizza in the oven, let the rice dry out the pizza, otherwise, do not bake it. I dry, and cheese pizza - not a failure. So that no one could doubt your culinary habits, hurry up with the recommendations of the informed gentlemen.

  • Getting ready for pizza, rather than roaring, but roaring with your hands. Zavdyaki tsyomu the basis for pіtsi viyde lower and povtryanoyu. However, in that case, as you can see the difference between the dough of thin rozkochuvannya or aspic on kefir, it is necessary to cook yoga strictly according to the recipe.
  • Pіtsa is not guilty to stay in the oven for more than 15 minutes. In another fall, it will be overdried, and a thin cake for the whole hour I will change into a voogillya. In order for the pizza to be baked in such a short hour, the temperature in the oven is due to the maximum, not lower than 220 degrees, and even more shortly - 250-280 degrees. Moreover, the oven, and the sheet was slid in front of a good rose.
  • With your own hands, it’s better to cook not only pastry for pizza, but the sauce for it. In this way, the relish will be more rich, that and crusty in such a sauce will be more.
  • As a filling for pizza, seafood, meat, cowbass, vegetables, olives and mushrooms are suitable. You can eat different ingredients. The original taste can be taken away for the help of unusual combinations. There is more than one exchange: it is not possible to vicoristize inaccurate and zipped products.

The technology of preparing pizza in the oven is most likely to lie in the same way as the recipe, but the basic rules, which you are well aware of, are all the same overwhelmed.

Pishna pizza from yeast dough

  • borosno - 0.35 kg;
  • water - 0.22 l;
  • olive oil - 60 ml;
  • dry yeast - 10 g;
  • zukor - 5 g;
  • sіl - triska;
  • tomato sauce- for relish;
  • fresh tomatoes - 0.2 kg;
  • m'yaso vіdvarene - 100 g;
  • smoked cowbass - 0.2 kg;
  • ovens - 0.2 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 0.3 kg;
  • greens - for relish;
  • sir - 0.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Ask borosno and save from the sill.
  • Heat the water up to 26-30 degrees, soak in yeast and zucor in it, stir it up, let it stand for 10-20 whilins.
  • Pour water with yeast and oil into the boroshno, knead the dough. Mіsіt doti, don't stop putting the docks to the hands.
  • Load the dough into a sack, cover with a servette, set for 40 quills.
  • While it's still warm, prepare the filling. For this bakery, wash it with thin plates, bell pepper, after washing and cleaning it, cut it with straws, cut cowbass and meat with small pieces, cut tomatoes with thin kukhli. All ingredients are divided into navpil.
  • Divide the dough into two approximately equal parts, form a sack from the skin, press it down and stretch it with your hands, so that the torso of the layer does not exceed 0.7-0.8 cm. ditched the sauce.
  • Decorate the cakes with the dough with sauce, add to the new one, pour evenly, cowbass and meat. Top with pepper and kukhli tomato. Cover with mushrooms.
  • Rub the sir and sip the oven for them.
  • Chop the greens and sip on the pizza.
  • Heat the oven at once from deck to 220–250 degrees. Wiymіt leaf and carefully, schob not objectified, put on a new bird. Turn the sheet in the oven and boil the pizza for 10 minutes at the maximum temperature.
  • Wiymіt pіtsu, trohi cool and cut with a special knife.

This is one of the simplest and widest recipes. Pizza cooked in a new way is suitable for those who love pizza dough.

Thin pizza in the oven

  • borosno - 0.3 kg;
  • tsukor - 10 g for dough and 3 g for sauce;
  • sil - 5 g for dough and 2 g for sauce;
  • water - 0.2 l for dough and 50 ml for sauce;
  • olive oil - 40 ml for the dough and 50 ml for the sauce;
  • dry yeast - 5 g;
  • shank - 0.3 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.2 kg;
  • olives or olives (without brushes) - 100 g;
  • cheese parmesan - 25 g;
  • cheese mozzarella - 0.2 kg;
  • tomato paste - 30 g;
  • oregano - 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Having shone boroughly, add to the new yeast, strength and zukor, stir.
  • Pour warm water into that oil. Zamіsiti іsto. Wipe 10 strands of hair with oiled hands until the tightness becomes elastic. If we don’t want to go out, we repeat it too much, pour it on the bed, drive that olії. Ready to download it in a sack and fill it in a warm place for the second time.
  • Dilute the tomato paste with water, add strength, zukor, oliya, oregano. Mix until you have a homogeneous sum.
  • Cut the shank and tomato with 2 mm skewers.
  • Olives chi olives rose navpil chi narіzhte kіltsami.
  • Tіsto rozkotіt u pryatokutnik, tovshchina yogo is guilty but not more than 0.5 cm.
  • Heat the oven with a deck.
  • Viymіt hot deco, cover it with food foil and put it to the beast.
  • Sprinkle dough with sauce.
  • Lay out the filling: shank on the cob, then tomatoes, then olives and olives.
  • Cover the beast with mozzarella, picking it up with your hands.
  • Directly on the pіtsu grate hard sir on the tertiary with small openings.
  • Put a sheet on the middle of the oven and boil it at a high temperature (280-300 degrees) 10 minutes.
  • Wiymіt pіtsu, check 5 quills and cut with a knife-disc on portion shmatki.

Tsya pіtsa maє not only a thin base, but also a small amount of filling, through which it is already easy to eat. Irrespective of the quantity of vikoristan products being exchanged, it will come out even more savory, and oregano has an Italian accent.

Unleavened pizza in the oven

  • borosno - 0.32 kg;
  • sil - 5 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 125 ml;
  • roslinna oliya- 20 ml for dough and 40 ml for smearing molds;
  • ketchup - 20 ml;
  • sour cream - 40 ml;
  • boiled meat - 0.2 kg;
  • bacon - 0.2 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.2 kg;
  • sir - 0.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Zmіshayte z silly prosіyane borosno.
  • Beat the eggs.
  • Warm up the milk.
  • Mix eggs with warm milk, add olive oil, beat with a wine glass.
  • Pour offal into the otriman sumish in a borosno, rozmishyuchi. Vymіsіt іsto. Spread navpіl. Form from the skin part along the cusp. Light up the servets near the water and fill them for a quarter of a year.
  • Heat up the oven.
  • Tomatoes are served with kukhli.
  • Rub the cheese, you can coarsely.
  • Cut the bacon and meat into small cubes.
  • Mix ketchup with sour cream.
  • From the skin part of the dough, make a flat cake (spread).
  • Make up a sheet or a form, transfer it firmly to them.
  • Spread the dough with sauce with sour cream and ketchup.
  • Lay out the meat and bacon.
  • Give the beast a tomato.
  • Have a sip.
  • Vіdpravte sheet with pizza in the oven for 10 quills.

Without yeast, we’ll go out even more savory, we’ll fall to the savor of the team, who sees the vipichtsi without sourness. The filling warehouse can be changed for your bag, for example, you can put a substitute for meat chicken breasts substitute for bacon - cowbass. You can add everything with small pieces of ovens.

Jellied pizza on kefir

  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • borosno - 0.25 kg;
  • kefir - 0.25 l;
  • sіl - triska;
  • zukor - 3 g;
  • olive oil - 5 ml for the dough and 10 ml for the greased form;
  • boiled cowbass - 100 g;
  • salted ogirki - 100 g;
  • bakery - 50 g;
  • spicy herbs - for relish;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • ketchup - 40 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Crack an egg into a bowl. Ask in it vigorously. Pour in the trochic kefir. Vsipte strong that tsukor, spicy herbs. Add|Add| butter and beat it all with a whisk or with a mixer, leave it for a quarter of a year.
  • With small shmatochki chi straws cut the cowbass.
  • Thin plates of mushrooms and pickles.
  • Rub sir and cut yogo into 2 parts.
  • Make up the form. Pour it into it and put it in the oven for 3 hvilini at a temperature of up to 220 degrees.
  • Viymіt form іz dough. Sprinkle the pizza with ketchup, sip the cheese, lay out the pieces of ogirkiv, cowbass, mushrooms. Posipte sir, scho sloshishivsya.
  • Turn the oven around and boil another 10 quills.

The pizza from the dough on kefir comes out unusually: the filling comes out trochs sunk into the new, especially as it turns into a rare dough. Truth be told, at this point in time, the sauce would have had a chance to act.

The pizza in the oven is prepared just like that. Having shown your imagination, you can turn it into a unique grass.

No one knows if the popularity of pizza crossed the borders of Italy. Ale, in Italy itself, to know peace. The back of the won was simply a tovsty biscuit with dough, poured with tomato sauce. Ale in our days is already a thin pie made from yeast dough with a filling. Well, recently a sign was installed in Italy, which confirms the high level of the quality of food - D.O.C. Such a sign is assigned to lesser strains, for some it is rolled not with a rocking chair and by a machine, but with hands. Whom the Poles have the biggest secret of the right pizza.

How to cook dough for pizza

Recipe for a safe yeast dough:

  • borosno 4-5 flasks
  • zukor 1.5 tablespoons
  • margarine or olive unrefined oliya - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • 1 egg
  • drіzhdzhi 20 gr
  • sil -1/2 teaspoon
  • one bottle of smoked milk chi vodi

To prepare dough for pizza, pour warm milk or water with a temperature of about 30 degrees into enameling dishes and then add yeast. After that, we lay tsukor, egg, strength, millet borosno and zamіshuєmo 5 - 8 quills, until the consistency is uniform, not too thick dough. After that we add warmth to the olive oil, mix it up, close it with a little lid and leave it. Approximately in 2 years, it will be quiet, after which yogo next embrace. And after 40 - 50 quills fall off more quickly, it is necessary again to hug and lay on the table for dressing, sipping in front of the furrow.

Ingredients of dough for pizza in a different way to add to the Yakist:

  1. Yakshcho drive a bagato - the pizza will be poured often and splashed
  2. Just drive a little - the pizza will be firm
  3. When you replace water with milk, you will have a brighter relish, and you will have a brighter look
  4. With an increase in the quantity of olії - the cake will be rozsipchasti, and not stale anymore

How to cook pizza?

The property of cooking pizza is in the possibility of experimenting at any stage of cooking. For example, you can cook pizza, de zamіst tіsta vikoristovuєtsya potatoes. The hour of preparing such a pizza becomes less than 10 - 20 quills. Recipe for preparing rozrakhovaniya for 4 individuals.

For a portion, we need:

  1. Two great potatoes
  2. 4 teaspoons of salt
  3. ¾ bottle mozzarella cheese
  4. ¼ cup mariner sauce
  5. 8 - 10 bunches of pepperoni
  6. 8 basil leaves

Narizaemo potatoes with thin wives. Tsі smugki will vikoristovuvatisya like a quickie. In order to take away the crunchy bacon, it is necessary to beat the chavun frying pan with a thick bottom. Pour in it 3-4 tablespoons of unrefined olive oil. We heat the pan until a sickle appears and evenly we add potatoes. After 5 quills, salt the potatoes and sip the yogo with mozzarella cheese, spreading the yogo all over the pan. Let's sweat, without hesitation, until the cheese is melted, smeared with mariner sauce and sprinkled with pepperoni. If the scoring at the bottom becomes golden in colour, the pizza is ready. You can also add 5-6 pieces of fresh basil to the taste for 2-3 hours before you take the pizza from the fire. If the bottom is golden-brown in color, the pizza will be ready.

How to properly cook pizza at home

The classic Italian pizza is cooked in a special wood-fired oven at a temperature of over 400 degrees. Obviously, it is difficult to repeat this technological process in modern apartments. Ale, you can make a thin classic dough for pizza. The Italians themselves, for the preparation of such a pasta, have a special variety of boroshna. With a high degree of vicariousness, the inner part of the grain is characterized by a low indicator of gluten. With whom, packages with such flour are marked with the sign 00 (two zeros).

Necessary ingredients:

  • 250 g boroshn
  • 100 g of pied water of high quality
  • 15 g of fresh drizzle (not dry, ale but fresh!)

For the cob, prepare a sourdough. Let’s add some yeast in a small amount, and then we’ll add 50 g of boroshn, a little bit of water and mix it up. As a result, a lot of weight comes out, it is necessary to get enough for 20 quills. If it hangs on the table, it’s borosno and I mix it with sill. Work in the middle of the hole and pour the dough into it. Energetic rushes zamіshuєmo quietly, step by step adding borosho. As a result of our diy, it becomes elastic, soft and squishy. We will potim from a new form, two koloboks and let the doti brew, the docks will not be able to increase in two years (the loan is close to two years). It is not possible to discover the secret of rozkochuvannya tіsta, shards to form a disk, rozkochuyuchi tisto with a rocking chair or a puff, it is not possible. Yogo just needs to be pulled and kicked. If it is important to work without permission, there is no other method. The Italians are so shy for the fact that it sounded like a good smell.

How to cook pizza in the oven

To cook the pizza in the oven, it is necessary to make a yeast dough. Rozsharuvannya is guilty of borrowing 40-60 hvilin. Krіm tsyogo, it is a duty to fall off 2 times before the resignation of the form. There are two ways to boil pizza in the oven - in a frying pan and on a deck. Ale for the oven is not suitable for a thin frying pan, the thickness of the bottom must be no less than 2 mm. Deco is necessary to decorate with olive oil. The pizza cake is not obov'yazkovo rozkochuvat, just do it with your hands along the entire surface of the stravi, so that the edges of the troch hang down the name. Before Tim how to zapіkati, it is necessary to stand close to 7 hvilin again. As you plan, bake the pizza in a frying pan, smear the bottom and edges with dewy olives and sip semolina - so the hot pizza easily slid out of the frying pan. Put dough into the frying pan, leave it for 10-15 quills, and then put it into the oven. Sound the pizza in the oven, sing in two stages. They put us cold in front of us and zapkayut until they are ready, if it’s in the middle of the sire, and the beast is thin. Let's sweat yoga from the oven, put the stuffing in and bake it until it's ready. The middle hour of the wedding takes from 30 to 50 minutes.

How to cook pizza

In order to cook the pizza quickly, it is necessary to mix the pizza recipe on a thinly roasted dough, with this dough you can buy it ready.


  • thin bases for cooking pizza
  • 100 g fat sour cream or fat mayonnaise
  • 300 gr smoked or pidlogs - smoked cowbass
  • 300 gr boiled pork
  • 300g hard syrah
  • 300g bakery
  • Greens
  • Unrefined olive oil

Porіzati dryly and lubricate the mushrooms until ready. Vіdvarené m'yaso and kowbass are cut into strips, and cibula - pіvkiltsami. Pour the sauce over the baked base, filled with sieve chi kolami. Let's pour the base with mayonnaise or sour cream so that the smuga, as if not occupied with sauce, will be full. Viide so that the base, on the yak, there is a filling, it will be smeared with either sauce or mayonnaise (sour cream). Viklasti on the prepared basis for the shah order of meat and cowbass. Top with a thin ball of mushrooms and greens. Salt for relish. After that, cut the sire into thin straws and sip the entire surface of the pizza. We adjust everything in micro-fine for tightness 75% and turn off the timer for 5 chills. You can decorate the finished pizza with chopped greens.

How to cook pizza in a micro oven

cook pizza in micro-furnace, the anіtrochs are not more foldable, the spirits are lower. But it’s time for someone to need less money. Before the speech, at the micro-furnace, it is hard to bake more quickly, lower at the oven. We’ll be fluffy and may have a lower relish. Also a positive moment is those that the ingredients of the pizza do not burn at the hour of preparation. Ale for cooking pizza to this particular type, Quite may be a trifle rare, and with a small number of drіzhdzhiv. So in front of him, as if to put the chicken in a micro-hiberian oven, it is necessary to put a bottle of water in the oven and lightly warm it up.

Ingredients for dough:

  • 1.5 bottles of boroshn
  • 100 gr margarine
  • 0.5 vials of water
  • 1 tbsp zucru
  • strength for taste

Ingredients for the filling:

  • tomato sauce
  • black pepper
  • red chalking pepper
  • 200 g solid syrah

We rub margarine on a dry third, after which we rub margarine by hand with a boar. Sweat, in a room with chilled water, it is necessary to sizzle tsukor, I will prepare boroshnyana sumish and strength for preparing dough. Place it firmly in the refrigerator, and leave it there for thirty quills, after which it is divided into two halves and roar. Anew, we add insult to injury at once, miss the sprat of wheezing, divide it into 2 shmatki and rozkochuemo. This procedure needs to be repeated a few times. І vostannє rozkochuєmo ready-made cake to the needs of the tovshchina. After the preparation of dough, it is baked in a micro-furnace with a stretch of 5-8 strands with an tension of 800 watts. Zmіshuєmo preparations of tomato sauce with red and black pepper and pour it over їm pіtsu, we sip the beast with syrup. After that, it is corrected to start the pizza in pich 1-1.5 hvilin for the tightness (800 W).

How to cook pizza from leaf dough?

This recipe is a wonderful swedishness of its preparation; Yogo need to buy ready.


  • Ready frozen sheet paper
  • 5 cibulin
  • 3-4 hours of fresh tea
  • Ketchup
  • Smoked or smoked smoked cowbass
  • Hard Sir
  • Greens


  1. Vikoristovuvaty can be dried, so it’s not dried leaf. It is necessary to water one type of one and defrost the layer, moreover, it is better for room temperature;
  2. Narizati cleanly cleaned cibula and watchmaker. Put a frying pan on the fire, sip a little salt on it, so that the oil does not splatter, pour in the olive oil and smear until golden brown. If it’s cold, and after adding the necessary amount of ketchup, mix it up. Such a sumish will become a proshark between a cake and a filling, and also you can whip for watering the beast of pizza;
  3. For the preparation of the filling, you can bake the cake with narizan kovbas, and grate the beast with cheese. You can also add some ingredients, you will know in your refrigerator, shards at the pizza everything will be delicious;
  4. I know one more secret, it is necessary to grow up in one bee!
  5. Make the leather cake summish with ketchup and cibulia and put the stuffing evenly on the skin ball, and grate the beast with cheese;
  6. Having warmed up the oven to 180 degrees, put the pizza in it. After 2-3 hvilini after the cheese melts, the pizza is ready!

How to spawn pizza without yeast

Deyakі vchenі stverdzhuyut, scho bakery drіzhdzhі not too beautiful for a human being. Even if the stench does not last an hour of heat treatment, but in the intestines they gnash the corisna microflora, as a test for immunity. That is why the recipe for pizza without yeast is suggested. And for more koristi, dodamo life is borosno.

Ingredients for dough:

  • 1.5 bottles of whole wheat boar
  • 1.5 flasks of grain boar
  • 1 vial of water
  • dribka salt

For soft dough, it is necessary to replace the water with kefir and add a pinch of salt.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • tomatoes 3-4 pcs.
  • cibula ripchasta 1 small head
  • olives without brushes 300 gr
  • licorice bell pepper 1-2 pcs.
  • non-season sir 300 g

For the preparation of pasta, we mix life and wheat borosno, and add strength. To prepare soft dough, put a pinch of soda into kefir, mix it up and insist on giving five khvilin. In this order, in kefir, a large number of bulbs will appear again, and the stench will add softness to the dough. Then we need to pour kefir or water into the boroshnya sumish. Let's sweat it out until the quiet feast, until it doesn't stop sticking to the hands. After that, it is necessary to form a kolobok with dough and spread it into a thin layer. Put it on the sheet and write 15 quills. To prepare the filling, you need to cut all the ingredients: tomatoes, olives, Bulgarian pepper and cibula. You need to mix the cibula and olives, salt and add spices. After boiling the cake, lay it on a new tomato, sip the sum of the cibules and olives, and put the Bulgarian pepper on the beast, and then we’ll all sip the grated syrup. Zapikati in the oven 10 min.

How to spawn pizza on a frying pan

To cook pizza in a frying pan, in pershu black, it is necessary to heat the frying pan to the required temperature, after which it is necessary to pour the oil and roast it. Vikladaemo quietly, and, smearing it from one side, turn it over to the other side. How to cook pizza with a lid, the process of boiling will take less than an hour. At this moment it is necessary to grease the frying pan with a great amount of olive oil, make it thick and prepare the stuffing, changing the fire. The dough is prepared quickly, and the stuffing is obviously prepared far ahead. With this, you can make it thick, so that you can save the rose. The most optimal option is cooking, when meat, fish or dried vegetables are placed on the lower ball, and meat or cheese products can be placed on the upper ball.

Whether it’s a chanuvalnik of homemade pizza, you can already sing a recipe at your disposal of love, and we’ve added your assortment with original pizza recipes in the home minds of the oven.

How to cook shvidko pizza at home - a recipe from the oven

Vletka cannot spend the chance to win the assortment of vegetables to the maximum. For the same reason, we decided to include fresh zucchini in the filling of our pizza, and replace the classic tomato sauce with topping with soft goat syrah in sum lemon juice.



You can whip up ready-to-drink bases for pizza, or cook dough from scratch.

Prepare the base of the pizza by stretching it with your hands into a disk, the diameter of which fits your shape for brewing. Mix soft goat's syrup with lemon juice and add a teapot, after which you can spread the otriman sumish on the surface of the cake. Thinly top with zucchini, sip mozzarella and roll right at 250 degrees for 10-11 strands.

Cooking pizza in the oven - a simple recipe

A universal recipe for dough for pizza, baked to the beast and fragile in the base - the dream of a pizza lover. We share this recipe with you. Even if you don’t exactly call this warehouse classic, the result is great for all praise.


For test:

  • milk - 215 ml;
  • fresh drizzle - 75 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • borosno - 805 g;
  • rozpushuvach - 5 g;
  • yogurt - 345 r.

For filling:

  • tertiy sir - 195 g;
  • pepperoni - 10 mugs;
  • I harvest olives;
  • tomato sauce - 215 ml.


Before that, how to grow a pizza in the oven, lightly bake milk and spread it at a new fresh yeast. If the rest are activated, add to the summish mix of the ingredients and mix the soft dough. You can start working with the dough right away, dividing yoga into portions of bagan rosemary, spreading it and pasting it on deco. Let the cake stand in a warm place for 15 minutes before boiling, then cover with a ball of sauce, grated syrup, pepperoni and olives. Leave zalishte at 175 degrees 20 hvilin.

In front of its Italian counterparts, Chicago pizza is prepared on the test with additional corn boar, as it is put into a deep form for brewing or into a frying pan and filled with a great amount of sauce and toppings. To come out like a pizza-pie - it’s more sutny and neymovirno appetizing.


For the base:

  • borosno wheat - 410 g;
  • borosno corn - 55 g;
  • dry yeast - 10 g;
  • water - 295 ml;
  • Vershkov oil - 65 ml.

For filling:

  • tomato sauce - 430 ml;
  • tertiy sir - 445 g;
  • Italian cowbass - 420 g;
  • grated parmesan - 55 g


Before that, like baking pizza in the oven, take up the dough. Mix all dry ingredients at once and pour everything with warm water and heat vershkov oil. Having mixed it up with a thin stretch of 4-5 strands, fill in yoga for hanging in the heat for a year.

Rozkotіt korzh i vykladіt yogo in smeared with olive and sipane with cornmeal | boroshn | form for vip_cannya with high sides. Sip the bottom with half of the syrup, then pour the sauce and sip it with smeared and fermented Italian cowbass. Wisipte the whole sire and fill everything with a stretch of 20 strands at 230 degrees.

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