Russian English rozmovnik txt. English for tourists: a short rozmovnik with vim and translation. Russian-English rose book from vimova

Russian-English rose book from vimova

Virushayuchi on the road to the city and country, de speak English, take from yourself English rosemary. Vivchayuchi yoga, you know How to speak English correctly Give special respect to Vimov's side.





Hi! Vitannia! Hai!
Hello! Good day! Hello!
How do you do? How are you doing? How do you do?
Good morning! Good morning! Good mo: nig!
Good noon! Good afternoon! Good a: ftenun!
Good evening! Good evening! Good and: uning!
good night! Good night! Good night!
How are you? How do you do it? How are you:?
And you? And you? End yu:?
How about you? How about you? How fuckout yu:?
(I am) very well, thank you. For goodness' sake. (Ay em) vіri uel z enk yu:.
(I am) fine, thank you. Great thanks. (Ay em) fine zenk yu:.
No bad. Not bad. Note bid.
So, so. thank you. Dyakuyu, so sobi. Sow sow enk yu:.
No so well, thank you. Dyakuyu, no more. Note sow ell zenk yu:.


What is your name? What is your name? Here we go: name?
My name is… Call me... May name s...
I am Bambooot. I am Bambooot. I eat Bambooot.
I am from Russia. I am from Russia. I eat from Russia.
We are from Russia. Mi from Russia. Uї: a: from Rush.
Nice to meet you. Glad to know. I'll find that mi: t yu:.
How old are you? What are your fates? How olda: yu:?
I am … ​​years old. Meni ... rockiv (rock). Ay em ... ye: s old.
What do you do? What are you doing? From duu: du?
I am a…. (Teacher). I am a teacher. Ah am etice.
Are you married? Are you friendly (friendly)? A: Yu: Merid?
I am married. I am friends (friends). Ai em merid.
I am not married. I am not friends (friends). I eat not merid.
Do you have any children? Do you have children? Doo Yu: Haven’t you children?
I have one child (two children). I have one child (two children). Ai hev one child (tu: children).

Splikuvannya that nutrition

Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Do you speak English?
Do you speak Ukrainian? Do you speak Russian? Du yu: sleep: garni?
What languages ​​do you speak? What language do you speak? Here is langvіdzhiz du yu: sleep: k?
I speak English but just a little. I speak English, but not richly. Ai sleep: do i: nglish bat ja: st e litl.
Speak slowly, please. Speak, be kind, povilno. Spі: to slouli plі: z.
Sorry, what did you say? Probe, what did you say? Sori, axis did yu: this one?
Is it correct? Tse right? Z it correct?
Do you understand me? Do you understand me? Du yu: andesten mі:?
Can I ask you? Chi can I ask you (to ask)? Ken ai ask yu:?
What can I do for you? How can I help you? Here is ken ai doo fo: yu:?
What do you think? What do you think? Wat du yu: s ink?
Who? Who? Hu?
What? What? Here?
What is this? What is it? Wat iz sis?
Where? De? Kudi? Whoa?
When? If? wen?
how? Yak? How?
How do I get to …? How to get through...? How do ai qiu tu…?
Where from? Stars? Whea frome?
Where are you from? Zvіdki V? Uea a: yu: frome?
Why? Why? Wye?
How much is it? Skіlki tse koshtuє? How mach iz it?
Do you like...? Do you like...? Doo Yu: Like...?
Where can I get a taxi? Where can you get a taxi? Wea ken ai tse texi?


Yes. So. Yes.
Yes, of course. So loud. Es of co:s.
I agree. I am fit (fit). Hey egry.
With pleasure. I am satisfied. Vіz Plezhe.
Yak wee yak. Yak want. Ez yu: like.
All right. Dobre. Ok. Good okay). Pro: l wright. Ok.
I see. I understood. Ai si:.
I'm busy. I'm busy (busy). I eat business.


no. Ni. Know.
No, thank you. No such thing. Know enk yu:.
No, you may not. No, I don't allow it. Know yu: Mei not.
I do mind. I'll lock up. Ai du: Mind.
I am very sorry, but I can't. Vibachte, but I can't. Ai em Veri Sori bat i Kent.
That's impossible. Tse is impossible. Wetc imposible.
You are wrong. You are wrong. Yu: a: ron.
By no means. Not at all. Buy know mi: Nz.

Viraz Podyaki

thank you!Thanks! Dyakuyu! Wenk Yu:! Wenks!
Thank you very (so) much! Shiro Dyakuyu! Wenk yu: vіrі (sou) match!
I don't know how to thank you. I don't know how to tell you. Ai dount know how to enk yu:.
How kind of you! Yak affectionately from your side! How Kindova:!
You are so kind! You are so good! Yu: a: sow kind!
Thank you, it's delicious. Damn, it was delicious. Wenk y: іt voz delіshes.
Thank you for your attention. I thank you for your respect. Senk yu: fo: e: etension.
You are welcome! Be kind (please thank you). Yu: a: Welcome!
That's nothing. Don't know what. Wetc us ing.
Here you are. Axis, be kind (take). Hye yu: a:.
Please Be kind, be kind. Please.


Goodbye! Good bye! Goodbye!
See you (later)! Let's take care of it! Si: yu: (leit)!
See you soon! Let's take care of it soon! Si: yu: sun!
I hope to see you again. I'm sorry, I'll call you back. Ai hope to si: u: egein.
Have a good trip! Happy road! Heve e good trip!
Take care! Take care! Take kee!
good luck! All the best! Hai be happy!

I'm sorry

best wishes! All the best! Best wishes!
Congratulations! Vitayu (s)! Kengretuitions!
Happy birthday! Happy National Day! Hepi be: s dey!
Happy New Year! With new rock! Happy new ye:!
Happy anniversary! Happy fun! Nepe eniveseri!
I wish you all the best! I thank you for the best! Ay wish yu: ol z e best!
Have a good time! I hope you have a good time! Have e good time!
Have a good holiday! I wish you good luck! Have a Good Holiday!

English speaking is easy for marriage language. More propositions can be made by simply taking the necessary words from the dictionary.

Next summer we plan to visit London. We plan to see London in the coming summer.

Words do not change behind curtains, which means it is easier to win, but multiple it’s easier to settle down, it’s necessary to add the letter s to the end of the word that changes, the letter s (ale є i vinyatki z rules). Below is the butt of the adoption of the multiplier:

Where can I buy the ticket? Where can I buy a ticket?

Where can I buy tickets? Where can I buy tickets?

To restore respect, that in case of incorrect speech, words can be incomprehensible among svіvrozmovniks. In English language, there is a difference in language and short voice. For example, in short, full (full) means napovnenie, and dovge fool (fuul) means a fool. 🙂 Dovga is vocal in our to the Russian-English retailer with vimova marked with a symbol (:) at the stovpciwimov. Vivchayuchi tsey English, you know how to speak english correctly, and also enrich your vocabulary with new words and virazes.

The best guests of the club are more expensive Bambooot, V looked at each other English rosemary. It's hotly accepted, sho English language є international rozmovnoy, but for more comfortable communication abroad, you may need others foreign movies. You can get to know them behind the coming messages:

Check out your opinions and suggestions and how you can improve ours.

1) Russian-English rozmovnik - djvu
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Rozmovnik includes all the necessary words and words that will be familiar to tourists, as well as a wide range of features for communication with foreigners. Rozmovnik revenge rozdili: Acquaintance, Gotel, Restaurant and others. The book also has a transcription English words that mini dictionary. Below you can download this free rozmovnik.

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The Danish rozmovnik will help you not to break up behind the cordon at a stranger’s middle ground for you. With this book you don’t see yourself in the practice, you know that you don’t know English language. The book is recognized in the first season for tourists, but, without a doubt, it will fit a wide range of osіb for lining a modern bar.

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3) "English for mandrivniki" - Russian-English rozmovnik for tourists

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Appointment book for Russian tourists and mandrivniki, as well as for practitioners of the tourist, hotel and restaurant business. In addition, there will be a heart for businessmen and persons who make a business trip.

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4) "You're going to America" ​​- Russian-English rozmovnik for those who go to the USA

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Book of destinations for those who want to take a tourist or business trip to the USA. The book is inspired by the thematic principle, to avenge a lot of krainoznavchoї іnformatsiї, as well as for the words, which are important to speak, a report transcription is given.

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5) Russian-English browser for iPad and iPhone

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The list of appointments for Apple's appliances is iPad and iPhone. The addendum includes more than 1300 words and verses and will be appropriate for a wide range of characters, as there may be little knowledge of the English language.

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Repository of appointments for attachments that support the fb2 format. A roman book of promptings following the thematic principle and will be familiar to a wide range of osibs.


Russian-English rose book from vimova

Virushayuchi on the road to the city and country, de speak English, take from yourself English rosemary. Vivchayuchi yoga, you know How to speak English correctly Give special respect to Vimov's side.





Hi! Vitannia! Hai!
Hello! Good day! Hello!
How do you do? How are you doing? How do you do?
Good morning! Good morning! Good mo: nig!
Good noon! Good afternoon! Good a: ftenun!
Good evening! Good evening! Good and: uning!
good night! Good night! Good night!
How are you? How do you do it? How are you:?
And you? And you? End yu:?
How about you? How about you? How fuckout yu:?
(I am) very well, thank you. For goodness' sake. (Ay em) vіri uel z enk yu:.
(I am) fine, thank you. Great thanks. (Ay em) fine zenk yu:.
No bad. Not bad. Note bid.
So, so. thank you. Dyakuyu, so sobi. Sow sow enk yu:.
No so well, thank you. Dyakuyu, no more. Note sow ell zenk yu:.


What is your name? What is your name? Here we go: name?
My name is… Call me... May name s...
I am Bambooot. I am Bambooot. I eat Bambooot.
I am from Russia. I am from Russia. I eat from Russia.
We are from Russia. Mi from Russia. Uї: a: from Rush.
Nice to meet you. Glad to know. I'll find that mi: t yu:.
How old are you? What are your fates? How olda: yu:?
I am … ​​years old. Meni ... rockiv (rock). Ay em ... ye: s old.
What do you do? What are you doing? From duu: du?
I am a…. (Teacher). I am a teacher. Ah am etice.
Are you married? Are you friendly (friendly)? A: Yu: Merid?
I am married. I am friends (friends). Ai em merid.
I am not married. I am not friends (friends). I eat not merid.
Do you have any children? Do you have children? Doo Yu: Haven’t you children?
I have one child (two children). I have one child (two children). Ai hev one child (tu: children).

Splikuvannya that nutrition

Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Do you speak English?
Do you speak Ukrainian? Do you speak Russian? Du yu: sleep: garni?
What languages ​​do you speak? What language do you speak? Here is langvіdzhiz du yu: sleep: k?
I speak English but just a little. I speak English, but not richly. Ai sleep: do i: nglish bat ja: st e litl.
Speak slowly, please. Speak, be kind, povilno. Spі: to slouli plі: z.
Sorry, what did you say? Probe, what did you say? Sori, axis did yu: this one?
Is it correct? Tse right? Z it correct?
Do you understand me? Do you understand me? Du yu: andesten mі:?
Can I ask you? Chi can I ask you (to ask)? Ken ai ask yu:?
What can I do for you? How can I help you? Here is ken ai doo fo: yu:?
What do you think? What do you think? Wat du yu: s ink?
Who? Who? Hu?
What? What? Here?
What is this? What is it? Wat iz sis?
Where? De? Kudi? Whoa?
When? If? wen?
how? Yak? How?
How do I get to …? How to get through...? How do ai qiu tu…?
Where from? Stars? Whea frome?
Where are you from? Zvіdki V? Uea a: yu: frome?
Why? Why? Wye?
How much is it? Skіlki tse koshtuє? How mach iz it?
Do you like...? Do you like...? Doo Yu: Like...?
Where can I get a taxi? Where can you get a taxi? Wea ken ai tse texi?


Yes. So. Yes.
Yes, of course. So loud. Es of co:s.
I agree. I am fit (fit). Hey egry.
With pleasure. I am satisfied. Vіz Plezhe.
Yak wee yak. Yak want. Ez yu: like.
All right. Dobre. Ok. Good okay). Pro: l wright. Ok.
I see. I understood. Ai si:.
I'm busy. I'm busy (busy). I eat business.


no. Ni. Know.
No, thank you. No such thing. Know enk yu:.
No, you may not. No, I don't allow it. Know yu: Mei not.
I do mind. I'll lock up. Ai du: Mind.
I am very sorry, but I can't. Vibachte, but I can't. Ai em Veri Sori bat i Kent.
That's impossible. Tse is impossible. Wetc imposible.
You are wrong. You are wrong. Yu: a: ron.
By no means. Not at all. Buy know mi: Nz.

Viraz Podyaki

thank you!Thanks! Dyakuyu! Wenk Yu:! Wenks!
Thank you very (so) much! Shiro Dyakuyu! Wenk yu: vіrі (sou) match!
I don't know how to thank you. I don't know how to tell you. Ai dount know how to enk yu:.
How kind of you! Yak affectionately from your side! How Kindova:!
You are so kind! You are so good! Yu: a: sow kind!
Thank you, it's delicious. Damn, it was delicious. Wenk y: іt voz delіshes.
Thank you for your attention. I thank you for your respect. Senk yu: fo: e: etension.
You are welcome! Be kind (please thank you). Yu: a: Welcome!
That's nothing. Don't know what. Wetc us ing.
Here you are. Axis, be kind (take). Hye yu: a:.
Please Be kind, be kind. Please.


Goodbye! Good bye! Goodbye!
See you (later)! Let's take care of it! Si: yu: (leit)!
See you soon! Let's take care of it soon! Si: yu: sun!
I hope to see you again. I'm sorry, I'll call you back. Ai hope to si: u: egein.
Have a good trip! Happy road! Heve e good trip!
Take care! Take care! Take kee!
good luck! All the best! Hai be happy!

I'm sorry

best wishes! All the best! Best wishes!
Congratulations! Vitayu (s)! Kengretuitions!
Happy birthday! Happy National Day! Hepi be: s dey!
Happy New Year! With new rock! Happy new ye:!
Happy anniversary! Happy fun! Nepe eniveseri!
I wish you all the best! I thank you for the best! Ay wish yu: ol z e best!
Have a good time! I hope you have a good time! Have e good time!
Have a good holiday! I wish you good luck! Have a Good Holiday!

English speaking is easy for marriage language. More propositions can be made by simply taking the necessary words from the dictionary.

Next summer we plan to visit London. We plan to see London in the coming summer.

Words do not change behind the canopies, which is simply easier, but a lot is settled even more easily, it is necessary to add the letter s to the end of the word that changes, the letter s (ale є і blames from the rules). Below is the butt of the adoption of the multiplier:

Where can I buy the ticket? Where can I buy a ticket?

Where can I buy tickets? Where can I buy tickets?

To restore respect, that in case of incorrect speech, words can be incomprehensible among svіvrozmovniks. In English language, there is a difference in language and short voice. For example, in short, full (full) means napovnenie, and dovge fool (fuul) means a fool. 🙂 Dovga is vocal in our to the Russian-English retailer with vimova marked with a symbol (:) at the stovpciwimov. Vivchayuchi tsey English, you know how to speak english correctly, and also enrich your vocabulary with new words and virazes.

The best guests of the club are more expensive Bambooot, V looked at each other English rosemary. It's hotly accepted, sho English languageє international rozmovnoy, but for more comfortable communication abroad, you may need other foreign language. You can get to know them behind the coming messages:

Check out your opinions and suggestions and how you can improve ours.

Rozmovnik to revenge the words of that speech, which are necessary for our spivvitchizniks in order to be amazed by my English during the hour of business and tourist trips. A universal practical guide to help all those who are living is easy to repair the current bar'er and add to the innocence of splintering with foreigners. For example, skin division is a dictionary. Help is compiled according to the thematic principle and includes a wide range of different situations. Rozmovnik allow to expand the stock of vocabulary and camp in good time, who speaks the English language in the middle and high initial mortgages, and also for everyone who wants to improve their English.

Tvіr belongs to the genre of dictionaries. It was published in 2010 by the research center Tsentrpoligraf. On our site you can download the book "Popular Russian-English Phrase-Book" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. Here it is so possible to turn before reading to read the readers, who already know from the book, that recognize their thought. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book from the paper version.

A leather tourist is just a goiter and wants to visit England once. Here you mustache the history. At the largest city in Europe - London, until today, a lot of middle-class buds have been saved, the skin of which to take revenge on your own memories of the past centuries. If you care that Great Britain is one country, if you often rise in price, then it’s the fault of the nobility that 4 wonderful countries enter the warehouse: Scotland, Wales, England and Pivnichna Ireland. With skin from them, you can know what is new for yourself.

Spoken phrases

Russian phrasetranslationVimova
Shiro Dyakuyuthank youSenk yu
could you…could you…where you:
everything is okit's all rightits pro:l right
Accept my vibachennyaplease accept my apologiespl:z, ek'sept traven e'polajis
young person...young man…Yian Men
girl...young lady (miss)yan lady (mis)
sir N.Mister N. …local
vibach(tі) me for ...sorry for…smittya fo
not varto vibachennyano harm doneknow ham given
closed / closedopen/closedOpen/Close
be harrowedForbiddenPhyobiden
vibachteexcuse me…xxuse mi
let me turn around...I run your sorry…ai big e:pa:don
Be kind, vibachte meplease forgive meplі:z, fo’gіv mi
vibachte (pislya vchinku)I'm sorryah em sorry
vibachte (to vchinku)excuse meiks'k'yu:z mі
please!You are welcome!yu: a: wellcome
no for what (not varto)it's nothing (not at all)its nasing (notes et pro: l)
zazdalegid vdyachnyThank you in advancesenk yu: іn ice:ns
I am guilty (I want) to tease you!I must (would like to) thank youai mast (oud like tu) senk yu
I am dear to youthak you very muchsenk yu: vіri mach
Thank you very much for…thanks a lot for …senks e lot fo..
thank you for...thank you for …senk yu: pho
radium get to know you!glad (nice) to meet you!gled (nice) tu mі: t u
call name is…grass name s
let me show you...let me introduce you to…years mi: intro'deuce yu: tu
Let me introduce myselfmay i introduce myself?mei ai intro'deuces myself
help outhelphelp
can you sleep?may i ask you?mei ai ask yu
can I ask you...?may i ask you to …?mei ai ask yu:tu
won't you let me...?will (would) you please, give me …?uіl (ud) u: plіz, gіv mі
you don't mind...?do you mind …?doo: you mind…
how can i...? (Let me...)may i …?mei ai
how can i...?can i...?ken ai
so awesomeof course (sure)ov ko:z (shua)
goodall righto:l wright
GarazdOK (=okay)OK
I am fitI agreeai e'gri
so you canyes, you may (you can)yes, yu:mei (yu:ken)
I won't blocki shouldn't (don't) mindah shud note (dount) mind
i can'ti can't (i can't)ai kennot (ai kant)
sorry (sorry), I can'tit's a pity (unfortunately), i can'tіts e pіti (an'fochenatlі), ai kent
it's impossibleit's impossibleit's im'posebl
I'm defending you...i forbid you to …ah phobid yu: tu
no way!by no means!buy know mi:nz
let me ask you...may i invite you to…mei ai in'wait yu: tu
to the theatrethe theaterzi si’ate
in a restaurantrestaurantrestaron
to visit memy placegrass place
let's go (get off) at ...let's go to...let's go to
out of satisfactionwith pleasure!wiz Pleasure
I don't mindi don't mindai dount mind
better than Skodait's a pityits e peti
how can I understand youhow well i understand youhow wel ai anda'stand yu
don't be embarrassed, whateverdon't get upset, things do happendount et ap'et, sings do hen
don't boastdon't worrydount money
you got it rightyou did it rightyou did it right
fluff now)!just a moment (a minute)just e-moment (e minit)
what's your name?what is your name?z-axis e: num
call me...grass name smy name is …
How old are you?how old are you?how olda: yu
when were you born?when were you born?yun vu: bo:n
stars V?where are you from?yea a:yu:frome
i s…i am from …ai em frome
de vie live?where do you live?yeah do yu: liv
I live in …i live in …ai liv in
what is your native language?what is your native language?z-axis: neutiv lenґvіdzh
I speak- …i speak…ai sleep: before
I speak English (Russian)i speak english a little bitai spі: to inglіsh (rozvyazaniya) e litl bit


Russian phrasetranslationVimova
Good day)hello, hihe'low, hey
good evening!good evening!good i: vnіng
Good afternoon!good afternoon!gud a:ftanun
good morning!good morning!good mo: ng
How are you doing?how are you? how are you getting on?How are you? how a:yu gutting win
how do you do it?how are you doing? how are things?how a: yu: duing? how a: sings
more lessmore or lessmo:pro: forest
not badnot too badnote tou: bіd
all good thanksi am very well thank youai em viri uel, senk u
I'm all wonderfuli am fine!ahm fine
so sobiso-sosauce sauce
don't get worsecouldn't be worsecudnt bі ues
what's new?what's new? what is the news?wats new? axis iz the news?
all the best!all the best!o:l the best
good bye!good bye!goodbye
to zustrіchіsee you …si: yu
on Mondayon Mondaywine mandi

At the station

Russian phrasetranslationVimova
how much money do you need?what are the fares?by a:the feas
one ticket there and one back, be kindone one and one single ticket for relocation, single end one re'te ticket fo: tou'morow, pl:z
two tickets for the train to ..., what are you saying about the sixth thirty evenings, be kind2 tickets to …, please, for the six thirty p.m. traintu tickets tu en, plі:z, fo: ze sіks se:ti pі em train
I want to close tickets in advancei want to reserve tickets in advanceai want to re'ze: in tickets in ed'va: ns
I am guilty to drink and buy a ticket for the train (litak, steamboat)i must go and get a ticket for the train (plane, ship)ai mast go end et etiquet fo: the train (plain, spike)
Where can I buy a ticket for a train (litak, steamboat)?where can i book ticket for train (plane, ship)?wea ken ah buk e ticket pho: the train (plain, spike)
I would like to pay a doubleI'd like to pay the fares in advancego like to play the feas in barely:ns
I want a ticket...I'd like a ticket to the ...go like this quote:
near the wagon for non-kurtsіv (kurtsіv)nonsmoker (smoker)nonsmoke (smoke)
at a compartment for twoslumber coachslamba coach
I would like to lower the city (lower police)I'd like a lower berthid like e lowa bes
How many pieces of luggage can I take without cost?how mane luggage pieces can i so free of charge?how meni lagіdzh pі:sіs mei ai take fri: ov cha:j
Where can I check in my luggage?where can i check my luggage?wah ken ah chek grass lagij
be kind, bring my luggage from ...please take my luggage to …pl:z, take travven lagij tu
How to get to the platform?how does one get to the platform?how daz one et tho plefto:m
how much money was left before the departure of the train?how long is it till the train departure?how lo:ng s it til ze train di'pa: cha
I want to buy tickets for a flight that you fly tomorrow in ...i want a ticket for tomorrow flight to…ai want etiquet pho: tou'morow flight tou
yakі flights є to …what flights are there to …?flight axis: zea tu…
What is the direct flight to … on the day of tomorrow?is there any direct flight to … for the day after tomorrow?iz zea eni di’rekt flight tu en pho: ze day a:fta tu’ morow
give me a place to bіla viknagive me please a seat by a windowgіv mі: plі:z e sі:t by e uїndou
de herewhere is the …yea z ze
hall of attractionarrivalse'raivals
villota halldeparturesdi'pa: year
baggage check-inluggage check-inlagidzh checkin
dovidkovaeyquiry office (information desk)ink'warey office (infa'mation desk)
when the registration startswhen does the check-in begin?yen daz ze check-in bі'gin
the flight is scheduled for two yearsthe flight is delayed by two hoursze flight z di'laid by tu: auaz
where can i get my ticket?where can i return my ticket?wea ken ai rete:n grass ticket
where tickets for heat transfer are soldwhere are boat tickets sold?yea a: boat tickets sold
How much does it cost to travel by sea to …what is the price of a passage to …axis іz the price ov epesedtu ...
I would like a cabin of the first (other, third) class for twoi'd like the first (second, third) class cabin for twogo like ze fe: st (second, sid) kla: z kebіn fo: tu

On the mitnitsa

Russian phrasetranslationVimova
Passport control.Passport controlPassport control
The axis of my passport is that one declaration.Here we can passport and custom declarationXie a traven passport and custom clearance
Axle my luggage.Here is my luggageXie z herbal laggidge
Tse private is more expensive.It is a private visitIt iz private visit
The price is more expensive.It is a business tripIt's a business trip
Tse tourist is more expensive.It is a tourist visitIt's a tourist visit
I'm going to the warehouse of the tourist group.I travel with a groupi travel uz e group
Vibachte I do not understand.Excuse me, I don't understandExcus mi, ai dont andestend
I need translations.I need an interpreterAy nid en interpreter
Call the group leader.Call for the head of the groupCall forze head of the group
I'm being jostled.I will be metAi cyl bі met
I have nothing to declareI have nothing to declareAy hev natfin tu dekleya
Tse speeches for the high-handed koristuvannya.there are my personal itemsD(Z)iz a herb personal items
Tse gift.This is a presentD(Z)іs z epresent
what do you need to guess at the mitnіy declaration?what is to be mentioned in the customs declaration?axis z tu biomenshind inse custom declaration
Where can I keep my current documents?where can i get my customs papers?wea ken ai tse traven custom paypas

Progulyanka mistom

Russian phrasetranslationVimova
I'm kidding...I'm seekingAim Sikin ...
my hotelMy hotelMy hotel
tourist officetourist officeTourist office
pay phonestreet phoneStrі fown
mailpost officepost office
Where is the nearest police station?Where is the nearest police officeWar iz ze nierest polіs office
Where is the closest ...Where is the nearest….?Uer іz nіerest … ?
metro stationmetro stationMetro Station
Zupinka busbus stopbass stop
gas stationPetrol stationPetrol Station
how to get to the post office (police station)?which is the way to post-office (police station)?uїch z ze ey tu ze post-office (pa'li: z station)
tse about ten hwilin walkit's about ten minutes walkit z e'baut ten minits uo:k
far away, rather take a bus (taxi, car)it is far off. You had better take a bus (taxi, car)it z fa: of, u head beta take e bass (texi, ka)

Supervisory situations

At transport

Russian phrasetranslationVimova
Where can I get a taxi?Where can I take a taxi?wea ken i take e taxi
Call taxi, be kindCall a taxi, pleasecall e taxi, plz
How many cost to get to...?What does it cost to go to?From giving a brush to go that?
For this address, be kind!This address, pleaseD(Z)is address, plz
Take me…Drive me…
Take me to the airport.Drive me to the airportDrive me to the airport
Take me to the railway station.Drive me to the stationDrive me the station
Take me to the hotel.Drive me to the hotelDrive me the same hotel
Take me to the me to a good hotelDrive me that good hotel
Take me to an inexpensive hotel.Drive to a cheap hotelDrive me to e chip hotel
Take me to the center of the city.Drive me to the city centerDrive me to the city cente
I need to turn around.I need to come backAy nid kam bek
Zupinіt here, be kind.Stop here, pleaseStop xie, plz
How much am I guilty of you?What does it cost?Here das it brushes?
Chi could you buddy me?Could you wait for me, please?Kudi wate, plz?
Which bus can I get to …?what bus must i take to reach … questionaxis bass must-eye take tour:h
How often do you go by bus?how often do the buses run?how open do the bass run
how many cost to get to ...what (how much) is the fare ti …?wot (how mach) iz ze fea tu
I need one ticketi need one ticketah nі:d one ticket
say, be kind, where do I need to go?tell me, please, where i am to get off?tel: mi plі:z uea ai em tu get off

In the hotel

Russian phrasetranslationVimova
Registration (administrator).Registration deskRegistration Desk
Do you have available numbers?Do you have a roomDoo yu hev e rum
Number for one?single roomSingle room
Double room?double roomDouble room
I would like to reserve the number.I want to order a roomI want that order e room
With a bathroom.with bathroomyuz butfroom
From the shower.showerwow show
Not too expensive.not expensiveexpressive music
For one nightFor one nightfour one night
For one day.For a weekFore uїk
How much is the number for doba per person?How does it cost a night per a manHow daz it kiste night change
I'll pay for the cooking.I pay in cashI pay in cash
I need prask.I need an ironAy nid en iron
Do not work light.Something wrong with lightSamtfing rong wiz light
What happened to the shower.Something wrong with showerSamtfing rong wiz shaue
Schos trapilosa z phone.What's wrong with telephone?Watts rong wiz phone?
Wake me up, be kind, about the 8th year.Wake me up, please at 8 o'clockWake me up, plz em ayt oklok
Hire a taxi, be kind, for ten years.Order a taxi, please for 10 o'clockEtex order, plz fo ten oklok

Pori day ta roku

Russian phrasetranslationVimova
the day before yesterdaythe day before yestardaythe day bifo: estedi
day of tomorrowday after tomorrowze dai a:fta tou morow
dayweekyi: to
days of Mondaydays of the weeke daze ov ze uї:k
lime treelimeju: hawkit
leaf fallnovemberno'Vemba
it's time for rockseasoncі:zones
centurion, centurioncenturycenturies
leap yearleap yearchi:p yea
this eveningtodayta'night
at once opivdnіit is noonit z nun
at onceit is midnightit z midnight
at once exactly six years (early / evening)it is six (a.m / p.m) sharpіt іz sіks (ey eat/pі eat) sha:p
at once ten hvilin on the eighth wound (evening)it is ten minutes pas seven a.m (p.m)іt z ten minіts pa: st seven еm (pі еm)
I don't have an anniversaryi haven't a watchai havent e watch
my anniversary is exactmy watch is precise (keeps good time)grass uch iz price (ki: ps good time)
according to my age my watch …bye grass uch
yaka immediately time to rock?what season is it now?wat sі:zn z іt nau
collection in England is not as cold as in Russiait's not so cold in England and Russiaits note sow cold in england ez in russia
how is the weather today?what is the weather todayaxis iz zeza tu'day
today … the weatherthe weather is … todayze ueza s ... today


Russian phrasetranslationVimova
0 zeroZero (Nil)
1 oneOne
2 twoThat
3 threeTfri
4 fourfore
5 fiveFive
6 sixSix
7 sevenSevn
8 eightYate
9 ninenein
10 tenTen
11 elevenІlevn
12 twelveTuelv
13 thirteenTyotin
14 fourteenFortin
15 fifteenFiftin
16 sixteenSixtine
17 seventeenSevntin
18 eighteenEytin
19 nineteenNineteen
20 twentyTuenti
21 twenty oneTuenti one
22 twenty twoTuenti tu
30 thirtyTfeti
40 fourtyForti
50 fiftyFіftі
60 sixtySixty
70 seventySevntі
80 eightyEyti
90 ninetyNinety
100 one hundredYe Handred (One Handred)
101 one hundred and oneE handred end one
110 one hundred and tenE handred end ten
200 two hundredTu handred
258 two hundred fifty eightTu handred fifty ate
300 three hundredTfri handred
400 four hundredFo handred
500 five hundredfive handred
600 six hundredSix Handred
700 seven hundredSevn Khandred
800 8 hundredEith Handred
900 nine hundredNine handred
1 000 one thousandEtfausend (One tfausend)
1 100 1 thousand and 1 hundredEtfausend and Handred
2 000 2 thousandToo tfausend
10 000 ten thousandTen tfausend
1 000 000 one millionOne milien
10 000 000 ten millionTen million

In the store

Russian phrasetranslationVimova
I want to buy a suit for skin dayi'd like to buy a suit for everyday weargo like tu bye sue:t pho: jewry yea
what kind of world is this light?what size is this sweateraxis size iz su'ї: ta
I want to reconcile this clothi want to try on this want to try vіn zis dress
jeansjeansji: NZ
lightsweatersu'ї: that
Plattya, Clothdress (frock)dress (frock)
i want to buy...i want to buy …oh wont to bye
doki pratsyuє tsey store?how long do they keep this shop open?how long du zey kі:p zіs shop open
kasacash deskcache desk
food productsfoodstuffsfu:dstafs
will you lower the price?will you reduce the price?uїl yu: ri'dew:z the price
no costit is free of charge (for nothing); Gratisіt іz frі:ov cha:j (fo: nosing); greitis
too expensive (cheap)it is too dear (cheap)it z tu: dіa (chi:p)
on the meterby metersbye mitas
tse varto…it costs …it cost
on vagaby the poundby the pound
piece by pieceby the piecebye pi:s
what is the price?what does it cost?axis das it brushes
for saleit is sold…it iz sould
how much money do you need?what is the price?axis iz the price
I need black t-shirt with short sleevesi need a black T-shirtai ni: deblack ti shet
What kind of sneakers will you propagate for me?what sport's shoes will you offer me?axis spot shu:z uіl u:ofa mi
I want to choose...I'd like to choose…go like that chu:z
Show me, be me, please…show mi: pl: z
let's go shoppinglet's go (do) shoppinglet's go (doo) shopping
we don't have much...we are short of …uї: a sho: t ov
we have skinned (skinned) ...we have run out of…uї: hev run out
preservestinned foodtind foo :d
less needed shmatok yalovichii need a piece of beefai nі:depi:s ov bі:f
let's buy a cowbass and a tavernlet's buy some sausage and hamlet's buy sam sodzh end hem
give me a dozen eggsgive me please ten eggsgiv mі: plі:z ten egz
Where can we buy fish?where can we buy the fish?yea ken uї: buy the fish?
I need…i need …ai ni: d
head of cabbagea head of cabbagee hed iv kebij
young potatoesnew potatoesnew pa'teitose
i love fruitI like fruitsah like fruits
Let me be kind...give me please…giv mі: plі: s
one loaf of life breadone loaf of rye (brown) breadone loaf ov rai (brown) delirium
loaf of white breadlong loaf of white (wheat) breadlong loaf ov white (yї: t) nonsense
Whose bread is fresh or stale?is this bread new (fresh) or stale?iz zіs bred new (fresh) pro: steil

Cafes, bars, restaurants

Russian phrasetranslationVimova
I want to book a tablei want to order a tableai wont tu o:de:table
Do you have free tables?do you have free tables?doo you have free: tables?
Accept my promiseaccept my orderherb ode recipe:
Your company's insurancespecialty of the housespecial of the house
Which wine?what year is the winein:t ea: iz the vine
Macaronimacaronispasta: with
Sir / Smetana (sour)cheese / sour cream (sour)chi:z / sour cream (sour)
kava teatea/coffeety: / coffee:
Rozchinna cavainstant coffeesalubl coffee:
lettuceettucesummer: from
I don't eat meati do not eat meatai to notes i:t mі:t
Check be-weasel (rahunok)check pleaseth: to plz

Our Russian-English rose book consists of the widest topics for roses:

Vitannya - phrases that you can tie up like a rozmov, and just graft to a well-known person.

Standard phrases - if the hour is more expensive, you will repeatedly have to seek help from passers-by, this topic will help you deal with the local residents. Selected here hot words those phrases, which are most often found in the lexicon.

Station - all the necessary phrases and words, like to be brought up at the stations.

Passport control - words that will help you get through the passport control.

Orientation in the city - if you walk around from English places, you can get lost. This topic will help you reach where you need it, or you can find a place for you or a mortgage.

Transport is a translation of vim's words and phrases, like you will become a good luck in the public transport, or in order to know the nearest tooth.

Gothel - not in a skin hotel you will understand Russian language. To that, for a non-perishable settlement in a hotel and a remote comfortable living in a new one, you will need this division.

Supervisory situations - there are and unacceptable moments for an hour to repair, just in such a moment to blame you for this topic. You can call for help, call out to the police for help.

Give an hour - in order to start and soon catch up with you to the nobility of the nobility, and even if you forget the year, this topic will help you to find the hour from the passers-by. So here is the translation of months and days of tyzhniv.

Shopping - all necessary phrases for shopping. Here is a translation of words, which will help you with the purchase of products on the market or with clothes in the most beautiful boutiques.

Restaurant - walking around, did you get hungry and have a bite to eat in the restaurant? But if you don't know English language, you won't be able to name the filigree kawi. This topic includes a translation of phrases, for the help of which you can comfortably spend an hour at a restaurant without seeing any modern bar.

Numbers and numbers are an important topic that is often celebrated. If you don’t know how the English numbers move, you won’t be able to pay for your purchases, you can find out the layout of those who come in just a little. Tsya theme usuvaє such a problem.

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