Surgut Church of Us Siberian Saints. A short history of the temple of that human monastery in honor of the Ussikh Saints near the Siberian land, which they sent to Cherepanov

History of the Temple "On the Name of Usikh Saints near the Siberian Land of the Prosyalih"

The Wooden Temple "On the Name of the Usikh Saints near the Siberian Earth Prosalih" was the building of our city in 2001-2005.
May 25, 2001 the foundation stone of the church was consecrated by the Archbishop of Tobolsk and Tyumen Dimitri, and already on the 3rd leaf fall, 2001. - consecration of the domes and crosses of the church.
The Church of Raztoshovaniya on the territory of the ICC (historical and cultural center) "Old Surgut" is an important component of this architectural and mystical ensemble, which is the historical image of our place. Approximately in the city of Surgut, a wooden church was built in honor of Rizdva. Holy Mother of God, prompted by 1889 p. that one was zruynovan in the 1930s.
The temple follows the ancient traditions of the Siberian church life (the place was taken by the line of architecture of the Russian Pivnochi), including the deacons of the modern technical priyomiy of the architecture.
In one row record, folded by the teslyar artillery, it was said: “Heap the church with a height, as if the beauty of the world would say,” which testifies to the originality of church spores. In the architecture of the church, there is a transition from the old dumpling type of cult budіvel to tent architecture: a strong quarter of the lower log, for a new greater relief of the height of the fall. Vіn is similar to the traditional and widest type of wooden temple in Pivnochi, we call for the old clock “high on the quadruple”. The prototype of the temple is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky temple near Yakutia.

Right off the bat to the main quadrangle of the church, there is a straight-cut vіvtarny prirub, a cross with a barrel and a head with a cross, and from the entrance of the ruffles, the entrance to the temple with a gank is followed by a double dash. A vіnchaє zrub of a tent lintel with a head and a cross with the front side on the back. Balcony, ranks of a graveyard, with embroidered stovpami and an openwork baluster, roztashovuetsya from the back and pivnіchnoy sides.
Wooden tiles for domes, barrels, drums are called Plowshares. Lemeshini look like scarfs, which often sound down to the bottom. If a pine is more important on a zrub, then an osika is on a lemi. It’s good to work, not crack and complain in the woods and sun, water easily slips along the shovkovist surface. The skin of the lemishin was nailed with a forged choti-faced flower.
Zrub spores without flowers; without them, wines are mіtsnіshy, stіykіshy, dovgovіchnіshy. Kuti zrubani "in the cloud" - the end of the decks can be seen the call, here "in the paw" - the end of the decks do not go beyond the walls. The crowns of the main part of the log house of the temple are traditionally built from the stone pine, the slab and the mortgages of the crown are from the modrin (the stench is blasted with mіtsnіstyu and stіykіstyu to rot).
March 23, 2002 Bulo held the first service at the temple, Crimean Fr. Petro Yegorov served the First Panahida.

December 19, 2004 signed an agreement between the administration of the city of Surgut and the Diocese of Tobolsk-Tyumen about the transfer to the church of the Surgut parish on the rights of an orendi.
February 15, 2005- urochist vіdkrittya church (with the participation of the administration of Surgut and Cadets-Cossacks) for regular worship and educational work.
Have 2002-2015 rock. Archpriest Petro Yegorov, Archpriest Antony Isakov, and Priest Vadim Ponomarov celebrated the temple and conducted divine service. For a long time, services at the temple were rarely held (at the great one, those twelve saints).

September 7, 2015 near the Temple "In the Name of Usikh Saints near the Earth, Siberian Tі, who Shone" It was held the first Christmas service, and on April 12, 2015. - First Great Divine Liturgy.
31 grass For the first time, parishioners together with Metropolitan of Khanti-Mansiysk and Surgutsky Pavel took their fate at the holy walk until the month of laying the cross of the future Trinity Cathedral. And on the 8th lime, a monument to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom was erected in the tract.
Serpni 2015. having settled down to come to the Temple "On the Name of the Usikh Saints near the Siberian Land of the Prosyalih". Rector of the temple є ієrey Vadim Ponomarov.

Photo: Church in the name of Usikh Saints near the Siberian Land.

Photo and description

The Church of the Holy Ones, which shone in the land of Siberia, shone its history near Surgut at the date of 2001, if the directorate of the historical and cultural center "Old Surgut" filed for the name of Vladyka Dimitri prokhannya - bless the building Orthodox Church on the territory of the center. At grass 2001 the consecration of the stone was made, and the cross was erected.

Budіvelnі works ended in 2002. The Suzdal maisters took care of the temple links, and they took the church from Surgut. The temple stands approximately on the very same place where the Church of the Mother of God Rizdva was located. The project of the temple belongs to the architect Volodymyr Klavdiyovich Omelin. The Yakut Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior served as the prototype for the church.

On the back it was said that the temple, zbudovaniya on the territory of the historical and cultural center, overlooking the yogo architectural and mystical ensemble. However, in 2005 the government took the decision to transfer the monastery to the believers. Urochist vіdkrittya Surgut temple vіdbulosya at the fierce 2005. Today, the Temple of the Usikh Saints, which shone in the Siberian land, is the only wooden church near the city of Surgut.

The church was founded from the mity of Osiki. Budіlya May is about 23 m high and has a vikonan in the style of a traditional and widest ancient church on the pivnochi, which in the old hours was called “a vіsіmok on a quadruple”. On the aphids of nine overhead buds, the temple does not seem to be small, humiliated by navkolishnimi buds. Having left the pit uphill, step by step, it sounds, making it easier for them to look and create a construction. Zrub crowned with a tent with crosses and two domes with “luskatim” covers - a plowshare. 7 new bells are ringing the wooden dzvіnitsu, ringing at Kam'yansk-Uralsk.

At the porch of the temple, there is an exposition, where you can read the old Bible, the map “The Rest of the Imperishable Relics of Siberian Saints”, relevant photographs, and also learn about the life of churches near Siberia and in the Urals.

The temple in honor of the Ussіh saints near the land of Siberia, having been cleared out by the forces of the masses of the Orthodox community, the church revival was rebuilt from a living house to the traditional Russian church architecture.

The new church was consecrated by Metropolitan Gideon (Dokukinim) in 1986.
The first rector of the appointment of priests Vasil Lugovsky, one of the buddies in the temple, which on May 26, 1987 was the date of hanging at the Ascension Cathedral of the city of Novosibirsk in the rank of priest. Ninі іgumen Іoann є confessor of St. Mykolaiv women's monastery near the village of Mogochino, Tomsk region.
From spring 1989 to 1991, priest Sergiy Rogov served here, and from 1991 to spring 2000. Priest Sergiy Grigor'ev.

Have 2001 r. Hieromonk Kiril (Skakalsky) was recognized as the rector of the temple. Deacon Sergius Flach (since 2006, hieromonk Platon (Flach)), became the cleric of the temple, and the provincial deacon Gennady Mozhniy took the part of the liturgy.

In July 2002, Archbishop Tikhin (Emelyanov) appointed Hieromonk Kiril v.o. newly-created monk human monastery. From that hour, a black bulk began to take shape near the temple.
In 2004, the spiritual and educational center was founded at the monastery, consecrated by the same Archbishop Tikhon.

On April 17, 2006, at the meeting of the Holy Synod under the heading of Patriarch Oleksiy II, a man’s monastery was affirmed in honor of the Usish Saints near the Siberian land, which was revealed in the town of Cherepanovo and hieromonk Kirilo (Skakalsky) of the appointment of a monk of the monastery.
In this hour, the number of brothers reached ten osіb: 3 hieromonks, 1 monk, 1 and 5 novices.

In 2006, the power of the city handed over the life of the church in the name of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow. Temple of awakenings at 1914 roci at the wake-up station zaliznitsi. After the main remembrance work at the New Year of Christ's Day 2008, a fast service was renewed.
The monastery has six temples and subvir'їv. The clergy of the monastery hold services at two churches in the Cherepanovo metro area, and also opine the bulk of the church of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon in the village of Posivna, Cherepanivsky district, the church in the name of the Holy Spirit in the village of Yevsine, Iskitimsky district, the church of St. Nicholas with. Medvedsk, Cherepanivsky district and the Church of the Intercession Mother of God With. Shurigin Cherepanivsky district.

At the monastery there is a week-long school for grown-up children. Є Library of Literature of the Spiritual Count of nearly 2500 books, video library.
Spiritual and educational center to carry out educational work among the population, an agreement was made on joint practice with the administration of the Cherepanivsky district at the system of school education.
Monastir has its own subsistence state.

A temple in the name of all the saints near the Siberian land, who shone in Surgut. Khanty-Mansiysk eparchy

On April 18, on behalf of the Archbishop of Tobolsk Dimitry (Kapalin), the Directorate of the Historical and Cultural Center "Old Surgut" was served a meal - bless everyday life Orthodox church on the territory of the Center, and in the grass of the same fate - on the consecration of the outpost stone of that cross.

The work of the wooden temple was conducted by the maisters from the city of Suzdal on the mіstsі, de Cossacks, who fell asleep in the 16th century Surgut, called the first church.

The temple is known in the municipal authority of the city of Surgut and is opiated by the Orthodox priests of the Transfiguration Cathedral. Zagal for the river at the temple to pass close to 15 services for the layout.

At the exhibition exposition, roztasovaniya at the porch of the temple, there were presented the old Bible, the map "Mission of rest of the imperishable relics of the Siberian saints", information about the daily life of the temples near Siberia and Surgut, rare photographs, sacred houses about the life of the miraculous.


The temple, about 23 meters high, is built from the mity's osika, and the pavilion and mortgages from the vіntsi are from modrini. The temple is a type of a traditional and widest ancient temple, called for the old hours "high on a quadruple". The skeleton of the pit uphill slightly sounds, creating a stalk construction that looks easier. The vіnchaє zrub tent with two domes and crosses. Makivki mayut "luskate" pokrittya - so the titles of shingles, or lemesh.

The temple in honor of the Ussіh saints near the land of Siberia, having been cleared out by the forces of the masses of the Orthodox community, the church revival was rebuilt from a living house to the traditional Russian church architecture.

The new church was consecrated by Metropolitan Gideon (Dokukinim) in 1986.
The first rector of the appointment of priests Vasil Lugovsky, one of the buddies in the temple, which on May 26, 1987 was the date of hanging at the Ascension Cathedral of the city of Novosibirsk in the rank of priest. Ninі іgumen Іoann є confessor of St. Mykolaiv women's monastery near the village of Mogochino, Tomsk region.
From spring 1989 to 1991, priest Sergiy Rogov served here, and from 1991 to spring 2000. Priest Sergiy Grigor'ev.

Have 2001 r. Hieromonk Kiril (Skakalsky) was recognized as the rector of the temple. Deacon Sergius Flach (since 2006, hieromonk Platon (Flach)), became the cleric of the temple, and the provincial deacon Gennady Mozhniy took the part of the liturgy.

In July 2002, Archbishop Tikhin (Emelyanov) appointed Hieromonk Kiril v.o. monk of the newly-created human monastery. From that hour, a black bulk began to take shape near the temple.
In 2004, the spiritual and educational center was founded at the monastery, consecrated by the same Archbishop Tikhon.

On April 17, 2006, at the meeting of the Holy Synod under the heading of Patriarch Oleksiy II, a man’s monastery was affirmed in honor of the Usish Saints near the Siberian land, which was revealed in the town of Cherepanovo and hieromonk Kirilo (Skakalsky) of the appointment of a monk of the monastery.
In this hour, the number of brothers reached ten osіb: 3 hieromonks, 1 monk, 1 and 5 novices.

In 2006, the power of the city handed over the life of the church in the name of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow. The temple of awakenings at 1914 roci at the wake station of the air. After the main remembrance work at the New Year of Christ's Day 2008, a fast service was renewed.
The monastery has six temples and subvir'їv. The clergy of the monastery hold services at two churches in the Cherepanovo metro area, and also opine the bulk of the church of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon in the village of Posivna, Cherepanivsky district, the church in the name of the Holy Spirit in the village of Yevsine, Iskitimsky district, the church of St. Nicholas with. Medvedsk Cherepanivsky district and the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God with. Shurigin Cherepanivsky district.

At the monastery there is a week-long school for grown-up children. Є Library of Literature of the Spiritual Count of nearly 2500 books, video library.
Spiritual and educational center to carry out educational work among the population, an agreement was made on joint practice with the administration of the Cherepanivsky district at the system of school education.
Monastir has its own subsistence state.

Shrines of the monastery: the icon with the frequent relics of St. John of Tobolsk, the icon with the frequent relics of St. Tikhon Patriarch of Moscow, the icon with the frequent relics of St. Simeon of Pskov-Caves, the icon of St. Alexis Metropolitan of Moscow, presented by the Holy Patriarch Oleksiy.

Addresses: m. Cherepanov, vul. Socialist, 51A. Tel.: 8-(383-45)-24-937.
Namіsnik: Hieromonk Kirilo (Skakalsky).

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