What can be found on the product list. What can you eat with proper eating. Hypertension in people with a frail age

Today, we will analyze the number of readers for the same food. What to enter to the list of products proper eating for women and people? Let's take a look at what shoes you need to buy in the store and how to replace the door of the shutters of products in your refrigerator.

What are the products to be eaten properly

Eating may have a basic balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, if it doesn’t work, then the internal ensemble is destroyed. If you don’t get enough vitamins, micro and macroelements, then you become seriously unwell, mlyavist. Therefore, in the right eating, it is necessary to pragnate to the level of jealousy between the living speeches. Balanced diet vіdmіnno pіdіyde decrease in vag. Let's read our list of "celinks" to the body.

Protein products

  • Meat - cock, turkey, rabbit and yalovichina low-fat varieties.
  • Fish - pike, cod, salmon, trout and pink salmon. The stench is good to speed up metabolism and go for weight loss.
  • Eggs are like quails. Here it’s better to eat white, without zhovtkiv, because they are high in cholesterol.
  • Bobov - soybean asparagus, kvassola, peas, chickpeas and sochi. Miraculously replace meat for vegetarians.

Important to know: Proteins make the sour middle in a shell, so for the best overcorrection it is necessary to live in green salad. . It is also better to take proteins together with carbohydrates, because. the stench won't eat.

What else can you eat at the BCP? Zvichaynno Well fresh greens, vegetables and fruits. Let's take a look at the report of the PP products.

Live products

  • Greens - krip, parsley, cilantro, basil, spinach, lettuce, sorrel.
  • Fruits - apple, kiwi, pear, orange, lemon, bananas.
  • Dried fruits - dates, rodzinki, figs, prunes.
  • Vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, cibulya ripchasta, chasnik, be it greens, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, garbuz, selera.
  • Berries - blackberry, polunitsya, raspberry, ozhina, crane.
  • Kavuni

Important to know: Live foods are ideally combined with proteins and carbohydrates.

In carbohydrates products

  • Whole-grain bread s|іz| flour|boroshna| coarse broomstick, to live in the place of white bread.
  • Fructose, stevia and honey, plant zucru.
  • Croupy - buckwheat, quinoa, uncleaned rice, wheatgrass.
  • Jerusalem artichoke, live in the place of potatoes.
  • Macaroni from durum varieties of wheat, to grow instead of soft varieties.

Important to know: Carbohydrates are good to eat with live foods, but eat with proteins, tk. I need a puddle the middle of the split.

Dairy products

  • Sir low-calorie - tofu, feta, mozzarella and adigei.
  • Low-fat milk - rice, white, coconut, cow's.
  • Natural yoghurts

Important to know: Milk is not eaten by anyone, so it’s okay to get used to it.


  • Oliya - olive, kukurudzyan, llyan, dormouse.
  • Avocado is a good idea for green salads and as a snack with dietary bread.
  • Nasinnya - lyon, chia, hemp and sesame should be added to fresh salads.

Table of PP products

Now you know exactly what products are allowed for PP and you can put together a list of available products for a month on your own.

Zrazkove PP menu for the day

If you are serious about losing weight, then the diet can be three times a day without snacks and small portions, because. our shlunok enter approximately 500-700 grams. Cook stravi for a couple or in the oven with a small amount of olives. Give spices to the one that stench activates development shell juice for pickling. We aim butt simple fears from the most important products for the day, which can be taken with PP.

Monday Ranok
Day Riba with salad
Tuesday Ranok
Vechir vegetable salad
Wednesday Ranok Vivsyanka with berries + green tea
Day Buckwheat + vegetable salad
Vechir Smoothies with apple and celery
Thursday Ranok Vivsyanka with honey + green tea
Day Stewed cabbage with kvassole
Vechir Vegetable salad + whole grain bread
Friday Ranok Vivsyanka with berries + green tea
Day Riba with salad
Vechir Smoothies with apple and celery
Saturday Ranok Vivsyanka with honey + green tea
Day Chicken breast with stewed stew
Vechir vegetable salad
week Ranok Vivsyanka with berries + green tea
Day Buckwheat + vegetable salad
Vechir Smoothies with apple and celery

For this change you can fold complete list for proper eating, I will buy the necessary products.

What needs to be done with PP?

  • Drink more pure water, to that for help it goes through all the biochemical processes in the body. Your skin will be healed and sown with purity. Copulate the intestines because the body will be cleansed of non-consumable slags and you will feel better. Andje people do not remember the naskolki of their organism of watering and sightings. At least 1.5-2 liters of water is required per day. Tsya value varies depending on the person’s voice, we examined the report on this topic.

  • Get more. The stench of the organism is long overdue, and there is no apparent appetite in the people.
  • Chew until I'm porridge in my mouth, like professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumivakin's command "I need to drink!". Just don’t look at the videos on the Internet and review the programs on TB, so your body is aware that it’s exactly right and don’t ask for supplements.
  • Vіdmovtesya vіd skіdlії їzhі, as it does not carry corrosiveness for the organism. We guess the words of Hippocrates “Mi є, those that mi їmo”. Therefore, it is recommended that you live less colorful products.

  • Eat 3 days a day in small portions. Work interrupted between zhezhey and about 4 years. After 19-00 we recommend a light supper, because hedgehog, which has consumed in the body, is not overexposed and won't give additional attention to the body. We had a great evening, the result will be seen on the body when looking at the cellulite in the mirror or in the photo.

Introduce new habits for health smoothly, so that the stench has become a good ritual for you on the way to best version yourself. Work to eat only brown products for your healthy diet. Remember that it will take 45 days to fix a new neural connection, so you will have the patience and patience at home.

It is significant for us that knowing the basic set of products for proper eating, you can make a good choice and put together a good diet for a day and more.

Some people are simply inspired: by choosing a list of products for proper eating, that slimming, they know less stinky, fresh grains and greens, or pretend to be satisfied with the need, and the rule: “Just for living” will become a correct creed. Are there really any necessary products that are not savory and all korisn, like the colors can be hot and sour? You can know that balance in order to save satisfaction and create the right eating regime for losing weight, so that you can praise the people more.

zha yak nasolod

Different squirrels should not be varto. For example, korisnі products of eating fish with milk do not eat at the same time as riba with eggs (which is not a grass).

Do not particularly increase the concentration in carbohydrates. Thinking about what is necessary to eat, do not plant potatoes and peas with cereals.

Zhiri vіdmіnno poddnuyutsya zvichaynoy cabbage. She gets the increase in the production of shlunkovogo juice, like crying fat.

A bouquet that won't be missed: hedgehog, de є rich in carbohydrates (potatoes or beans, bread) with sour vegetables or other varieties.

Bagata on fat hedgehog is not guilty of eating protein. Do not take sour cream and eggs roslinna oliya and sir, meat and butter.

Starch garniy less in the world. Do not eat porridge or potatoes with bread. It’s better to burn the bread well, without hitting it with the main grass. Dehto is also smeared with mayonnaise.

Take more green vegetables, let the stench become the main part of the grass, as if you were ready.

Salads, do not add a lot of olії chi acid there, to increase the absorption of proteins.
Please, yakі help to master the azi for razdіlnogo eating.

Perelik produktiv

Dairy products:

Low-fat milk (on skin packaging, % fat content, take the lowest);
Unsweetened yogurt;
Low-fat sour cream (% is indicated on the package, wonder how to replace tops);
Hard Sir;
M'yakiy sir, less fat;
Sir (only see 5% and below);
Kefir (less than 2.5%).

From dry snacks:

It’s better and smarter to lie if you molt to cook porridge. Which products are suitable for replacement:

Vis_vki (є kіtkovina);
Muesli (marvel at non-licorice).


Brown rice (unpolished);
Buckwheat (zvichayna);
Vivsyan groats (small);
Quinoa (for relish);
Couscous (for relish);
You can eat like pasta, surmised, the stench of boroshnyans and kindly varto surround, not deyaki, you see, all the same, they are fond of dietic ones. Take less from durum wheat varieties (not written on their packages);
Dried fruits (for a snack);
Walnut peas;
Drying the amygdal;
Whole grain bread.

3 beans:

Chervona kvasolya (it is savory on the edge);
Turkish peas (chickpeas);
Bila chi green kvassola (the stench of the jars);
Peanut butter (preserve with it);

From created products:

Bila riba (tse tilapia chi sea bass, you can pollock chi hake);
Chervona riba (tse somga chi trout);
Chicken fillet (only without shkiri, please remember);
Fillet of turkey;
Chicken or quail eggs.


Bulgarian pepper;
Ripchasta cibulya;
Be green;
Fresh ginger.

3 fruits:

Black grapes (black);
A pineapple.

From frozen products:

Ovocheva sumish (special, for lubrication);
Frozen fruits and berries (you can freeze them yourself);
Flowered brussels sprouts;
Struchkova kvassola;

You can reach different goals, everyone has their own stench - you want to improve your figure in such a rite, and you want to get rid of problems for your health. If the diet is properly stocked and balanced, then eating properly will help the body reach the target without any particular preoccupation. For whom it is necessary to clearly understand for yourself - what you can eat for the right eating and what you cannot.

What is allowed with proper eating

Putting together a diet of eating for yourself, it is necessary to heal such individual features like a century, to become, the order of the day, to become ill, zavoi vaga and grub sounds. For the rule of thumb, 50% of the diet can be formed from vegetables and fruits. Obov'yazkove inclusion of low-fat meat and dairy products.

How to choose cereals in carbohydrates, wheat or white plastics without additives, bread from whole-grain boar. It is important to live them in the first half of the day. Tse povіlnі vuglevari, scho to give dovge vіdchutya sitosti.

Bіlok - tse nasampered usі low-fat varieties of meat. Especially rich in white cock and turkey. Meat is cooked without whiskey olії - steamed, grilled or cooked. Vіdminny variant - meatballs in the oven, recipe. Also pіdіyde riba, eggs, siri, sir and kefіr. A bottle of low-fat fermented milk products can be allowed before bedtime, as it will positively signify in the process of pickling.

Riba is also fat. Krim tsgogo, you can eat peas and vikoristovuvatysya sesame oil.

Fruits and vegetables are kept alive, stench regulates protein metabolism and avenges antioxidants and cellular tissue. But it’s necessary to vrahuvat that bananas and grapes will make up a calorie product, they have rich zucru. I zagalom іz fruktіv can form an independent reception їzhі. Rіdshe varto vzhivat starch vegetables, such as potatoes, beetroot, zucchini. All other vegetables will be brown at any hour, at any time, if there is a large number of bones, they will look at some, for a little ointment.

Mushrooms miraculously come to the vegetables to supplement. You can eat it with proper eating, moreover, the stench will reduce cholesterol and eliminate toxins.

In the super-widening of thoughts, with the right eating, you can eat pasta. The stench is due to buti prepared from durum varieties of wheat, and even then you can’t hurt shkodi.

For those who cannot live without malt, you can include marmalade, hot chocolate, honey and marshmallows in the menu. Obviously, these products need to live in a strictly obmezhenіy kіlkostі. You can prepare zucru from the minimum quantity.

What can not be eaten with proper eating

At the moment of choosing the right diet, it is necessary not to forget to turn on the products, as they are fenced with proper eating. Tse tі, scho destroy the exchange of speech and help the accumulation of fat. Under the new fence such products:

It is not recommended to include tops, fat sour cream, canned vegetables, spices in the diet. Consider varto and packing juices and sodas. Alcohol is also not recommended. You can allow yourself a little more dry wine, more importantly white. It won't take revenge on the zucru and it's calorie-free.

Properly eating products

When changing products in the process of preparation, it is necessary to remember the gold rule - the less products are mixed, the simpler the warehouse, the easier it will be for the body to digest the food that is needed.

Fruits are not eaten with other products, so it is necessary to vicorate them like an okremium by taking їzhi or pіvgodini to їzhi. Mіzh itself filthy eat and sour and licorice fruits.

Dietitians recommend unikati for all kinds of cereals, pasta and potatoes with meat products. It is not possible to prepare boron sauce before meat. An omelet is better to eat in a clean look, without adding any tavern or cheese.

With proper eating, it is allowed to eat meat, chicken and riba with vegetables and salad. An omelette is also prepared with vegetables, or better, with broccoli. Shinku ta sir needs to be eaten independently, without bread.

Such separation is due to such reasons: protein products, such as meat, ribs, eggs and peas, are over-etched in an acidic medium. Carbohydrates are overetched in the puddle medium. To that їhnє spіlne over-etching is more difficult. Indulge in food products not varto, so as not to consume them crooks of authority. Nasampered, traditional salad with ogirkiv and tomato. When mixed, ogirka neutralizes vitamin C, like a rich tomato.

It is possible to understand in more detail what products are, but it is not necessary to add a table of the correct product consumption:

It can be seen from the tables that it is absolutely permissible green color. Green vegetables are summed up from whatever products. Zhovti good luck not recommended, but vvazhayutsya mentally acceptable. Tobto liver potatoes can sometimes be given to meat. Also mentally summіsny wine from cheese and legume products. Suvoro unikati varto chervonih pojdnan. At home, an egg and cheese snack is really made up of crazy products.

Uzagalnyuyuchi, sled pіdkresliti, scho do not eat proteins and carbohydrates among themselves. Proteins with protein can be eaten, but it’s not bagged. With the consumption of protein that fat, a large amount of greens is needed, so that the fat does not galvanize the proteins.

Carbohydrates need to be okremo, so that the building organism at a time overexposes only one type of carbohydrates.


As in many hours, the garnish was more than an embellishment of the spice, at once becoming an addition to the main spice and it is important to know that it is possible to produce, and that it is not possible to have a meal with the right food.

From the foregoing, yep, what are the best garnishes for m'yasnih fears- all vegetables, such as cabbage, sturgeon, zucchini, garmelon, radish, asparagus and green salad.

Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates. It is important to cook yogo with cabbage or zucchini.

For food - with buckwheat with the right meal and other cereals, fahivts_ vіdpovіdat - including vegetables. Buckwheat, rice, Vivsyanka are prepared on the water to the middle stage of readiness, so the stench will save the measles. Before them, a vegetable salad on an olive oil is served. A lot of cereals, including buckwheat, are enough to fill with water and let them swell. Todi stravi povnistyu zberezhe korisnі characteristics. It is important to respect that more polished rice is brought closer to the harvested products. This is a dry carbohydrate made from high starch content, which does not bring anything to the body, but about calories. Fakhіvtsi to please brown or brown rice. To the extent that the veins are not cleaned from their natural shell, all the color of speech, vitamins and microelements are saved from him.

Macaroni virobi from durum wheat varieties with vegetables and mushrooms create a completely balanced grass. Such macaroni is easily acquired, recharges energy for a long time and deserves its place in the diet of proper eating.

An example of a diet with proper eating

Fold the menu as far back as possible for a couple of days, so that unplanned snacks are avoided, as if they were drunk at hand and are not recommended for proper eating. Knowing the right way to eat products, people can find their own without any new recipes. One specific grass can be repeated no more often than 1 time in 3 days. For example, for the preparation of snacks, with the right eating, you can beat the following products:

  • porridge;
  • whole grain bread;
  • fish;
  • omelette;
  • vegetable salad;
  • fruit salad;
  • fermented milk products;
  • peas;
  • dried fruits;
  • yogurt.

By using them in a different way, you can pick up the fight, which suits you best. In this case, it is important to protect the calorie content of vicory products and the energy balance.

For a snack before lunch, eat fruit or low-fat kefir.

The offense is due to the most lively reception of the living. The list of recommended products to complete various applications:

  • lean meat;
  • seafood;
  • pasta virobi;
  • vegetable soup;
  • bean puree;
  • boiled chi baked riba;
  • stewed vegetables;
  • vegetable salads;
  • broth on wild meat with vegetables and mushrooms.

Bazhano vrakhovuvati when planning the menu and midday. Vіn dopomozhe rozvantazhit tomorrow's supper. You can beat the following products:

  • fruit chi vegetable sik;
  • sire;
  • yogurt;
  • dried fruits;
  • peas;
  • fruits;
  • whole grain bread.

A healthy meal with cheese and greens can become a good meal for a perfect midday.

In the evening, next to surround the creature's protein. Sugar bagan such products:

  • vegetable casseroles, sirni, sirni;
  • seafood;
  • omelette;
  • vegetable salad;
  • steamed fish;
  • vegetable or mushroom pancakes;
  • kefir;
  • a small amount of chicken breast.

Creating your own grass, you should also follow the tables of totality of products.

Portion with proper eating

With the correct eating, the value can not only be a warehouse, but ale and її volume. What kind of a portion of the right meal can I have? All products can vary in calorie content, so some products can be eaten richly and not set number calories. And the others will need to be not rich, in order to gain all the necessary norm. Good, like in the kitchen there are vags. Alas, in a way, it’s a too laborious method, but in another way, don’t forget to stay at home and you need to learn how to determine your norm visually.

In order to determine the size of the portion for proper eating, you can use the rule of the plate, for example, the diameter can be no more than 25 cm. Half the price of the plate can be occupied by vegetables. Meat and fish products, as well as cereals and other garnishes, you can eat more than a quarter of a plate.

Otherwise, as a rule, as it is important to be practical, it is problematic to carry a plate of the required diameter with you, but the rule of the fist. It is important that the expansion of a person's slack is the same as the expansion of a clenched fist. In this manner, you can visualize your portion, so that you can understand how much you can fit in a slug and there is no bunny. The appointed portion is obligatory for an eye, the prote does not care about the exact.

Use also the method of women's hands. Vіn dopomogaє vyznachiti rozmіr portions in grams. Cereals, pasta and potatoes, or you can eat about 200 grams. Tse obsyag clenched woman's fist. The palm with wide-spaced fingers is a worthy portion of vegetables. It is folded by a chovnik to show the optimal amount of meat and ribi, for a total of about 100 grams. And you can add more fat, orienting the size of the great toe or two phalanges of the fingers.

Folding carbohydrates can be allowed to be collected by the world without raising the fingers. For salad dressing, a teaspoon of olive oil is needed on a plate, about 5 g or two great nails.

In order not to run out of hungry, stretching the day, people need to eat three hands, three fists and one thumb. Three three halves of two are guilty of protein, and one is carbohydrate. Three fists - important vegetable salad and fruit.

As if through the filthy okomir it is easy to carry out a portion with the size of the hand, you can use another rule. Rozmir woman's hands you can sp_v_dnesti іz rozmіrom flask. In such a rank, the woman's fist was closed for 1 sklyantsi. Soup per meal requires 200 grams - the price of 1 bottle. Nice for a serving of salad - about 150 grams or 4 tablespoons.

Too many people are allowed pardons, thinking that if they change the portion as much as possible, the body will feel even easier. It’s really too early to change your portion not varto, it will turn out to be like hunger, signs will be given earlier in the singing hour, the chance of an unplanned snack will increase. And if there will not be such a possibility, there is a risk of a decrease in the practicality and a loss of self-feeling. A large portion also threatens with problems from etching, we will destroy the conquest of living speeches, and the destruction of exchange processes. Also, the transition is manifested by drowsiness and apathy. Therefore, it is necessary to choose your method of portion control.

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And vzagali, what is the diet of PP and what is the right way to eat here? On the qi and rich other meals you will know the vіdpovіdі in qіy stattі. And can you find out if you can really lose weight on energy bars, on dietary cocktails, if you can drink beer for an hour of diet, get fat?

Deciphering the enigmatic diet of PP is completely simple: diet - ce dotrimannya ration of eating, and PP - correct eating. At the result, it turns out that the PP diet - tse dotrimannya the correct diet of eating. For additional help, you can not only bring the exchange of speech in the body into a normal state and, by the same token, boost the immune system, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and at the same time, without any special exchanges and knowledge of yourself, you can get sick. Such a slimming will only be a joy!

There is no need for power at the PP diet promotional days And the diet of eating itself is even more varied. So you can easily forget about mono diets and dietary meals - everything you need, so you can bring your eating ration to the diet menu described below.

Change of stats:

Diet PP - menu

So, as we transfer into the diet of singing products, then in staleness, in the form of savory tastes, and the star of the menu of diet leathers, we store our own, choosing from the recommended products in the same ingredients, which are closer to you.

  • Before your diet, eat the following, turn off all the fatty food: greased potatoes, including fries, fast food, crackers in sachets, obviously, chips, kudi without alcohol, alcoholic drinks - we are in front of beer, soda water, mayonnaise, torti, tistechko and so on.

The first hour, dorimuyuchis PP, pull up to an important їzhi will be strong for the rose and prove it, but not varto panic, a couple of tizhnіv are smutted, and the bazhanya is savory and weaker, and after three months PP (correct eating) you marvel you will not be the products that you lived earlier.

  • Introduce vegetables and fruits in your diet, and you may not be less than 20% of your diet. Bananas and grapes are better to eat in the daytime, and the axis of apples, pears and citrus fruits is allowed to be eaten at any time, at night, in the Crimea. At the same time, the organism recovers, and everything that you see is settled in your organism at the sight of fatty deposits.
  • Under the hour before the diet, lean on the right carbohydrates. To lie before them: pasta from hard varieties, greek groats, rice, groats, coarse pomelo bread.
  • Obov'yazkovo introduce into your diet eating salads with ogirkiv, carrots, beetroot and cabbage. On the over-pickling of these vegetables, the body spends more calories, less stench.
  • Likewise, the body, unfazed by the food exchange, consumes animal protein, which is necessary to get used for the production of rozrahunka one gram of animal protein for one kilogram of the mass of the vlasnoy vaga. Prepare products that can be used more for a couple, in the oven or cook.

Otzhe, de place the creature's protein: in siri, siri, eggs, in meat (it is better to choose lean shmatki), birds. The animal protein is responsible for becoming less than 20% of the additional diet of eating.

  • Obov'yazkovo at PP ( proper eating) Introduce olive oil, nasinnya, red fish and peas into the diet. About melancholy llyanoy olії you can check with .
  • Introduce yourself as a rule to drink two liters of water per day. No tea, no sik, no kava, but DRIVE yourself. Water salutarily infuses the exchange of speeches, quickly yogo, and contaminates the release of harmful toxins into the body.
  • Closer to the evening, change the intake of carbohydrates, reducing them to a minimum. Evenings and nighttime hours are better than products with a great amount of protein. At night you can drink a bottle of kefir and unsalted hot tea. She herself often remarked that the hotter the drink lowers the awareness of hunger.
  • Put your own food on the plates of small roses - the portions will be richer less, and the hedgehog will look larger. Eat small meals, but often.

It's not surprising, the juices that are sold in stores lie down to the harvested products. Such drinks have more shkodi, lower crusty.

Diet PP - harvested products

  • Forget about sausages, canned cowbass. Regardless of their apparent low calorie content, “Eshki”, which enter the warehouse of these products, is harmfully injected into the whole organism as a whole.
  • Do not bring crusty crackers, dried, dried, salted fish, chips and swedish vermicelli cooked - these products flare up your appetite.
  • PP () do not tolerate store-bought mayonnaise - through yoga shalen calorie content (about 600 calories per 100 grams), replace it with low-fat sour cream.
  • Forget about bouillon cubes, replace them with spices of rosemary, marjoram, oregano, and hot peppers. Tim is more, hot pepper is good for stimulating the herbal system.
  • Replace malt with marshmallows, marmalade, dried or dried fruits: figs, kiwi, dates, prunes, pear, mango, etc. But remember, carbohydrates can be used in small quantities.
  • Pid hour diet PP povnistyu vіdmovtesya vіd beer. Sometimes you can allow yourself a cell of pure wine, but here you have your own underwater stones - alcohol will increase your appetite.
  • Don't slander the silly.

Hudnemo, dotrimuyuchis PP (correct eating) or 7 myths about diets.

Myth 1: "Bars for weight loss"!

In fact, energy bars are less likely to be absorbed by a set of vagi, shards lie down to a group of processed products.

In "two words": processed products are easily acquired by the body, which leads to excess energy in the intestines, after which there is an increase in the vase. If it’s like that bars for an hour to bring on a richer diet, then the results for її finished can be unfortunate, it doesn’t go, but if it’s all the same, throw it off, then it’s better for the lesser, it’s better for the diet.

To that, if you want to throw off the weight of the day, throw off the kilos, include in your diet of PP (correct eating) processed products.

Myth 2: "Low-fat products".

If you think that by eating low-fat products, you can get rid of fat. Why so?

For more than ten years, nutritionists have been trying to improve the diet of eating with a decrease in fat, or even with a few grapes, then a ten-year-old sprat was brought to them more. For the normal work of the body, fat is necessary for life - in the case of them, the optimal work of the brain activity, the body of the shoulders, the heart and other organs. And I also take fat with a large amount of vitamins, including Omega 3. And the most paradoxical thing is that fat takes weight loss.

Under the hour of over-digestion of fat, the hormone ghrelin is stimulated (this hormone is added to suffocation, almost hunger), by itself stimulating the vilification of the peptide (this speech gives a noticeable sieve). So, the reduction of fat in small quantities contributes to the decrease in the global glycemic index, which comes to one meal, which, with its own blackness, flows into the trival of sourness.

Myth 3: "The creatures are fat and have cellulite."

There is a myth that the consumption of large fats without any intermediation will kill the blamed cellulite. Why so?

The very supra-world saving of calories produces before the appearance of cellulite, and fat is less likely to take it. Cellulite is nothing else, like the result of an epic calorie reduction, de everything is the same in a way that looks like fat is in the body of a look of malt or a look of potato fries, the result is all the same.

Tim is not less, dotrimuyuchis PP (correct eating) naschenі (creatures) fats must be introduced in small quantities to the diet, bits of stench should be sprinkled on the swedish nasties.

Well, there are two packs of low-fat syrah, which will be negatively indicated on the figure, otherwise you will see a small amount of syrup product, but with a little more calorie content and savior.

Myth 4: "Stimulation of the exchange of speech with the help of weight loss."

Rich someone, singsongly, chuv, even more often and thinner. Chi so tse?

Trivaly interrupt me while being negatively signified on the figure, to that after the trival morning, when you start your own kind of starvation, and if you are thrown on the hedgehog as a result, then you will tarnish the flooring, if you don’t try to come - it’s almost overdone.

But more often than not, peace is not for the quiet, who is worse. Even more often, then the stars will be taken in the presence of hunger, and the stars will be re-dated, and there will be excess vaga.

Not taking the main priyomіv їzhі and transferring between them a snack, spryyaє vіdsutnostі vіdchuttіv hunger and satostі. It is necessary only for the current hunger, not earlier, not later.

Myth 5: "Physical attraction is that hedgehog without borders."

If you think that if you want to introduce a daily routine of physical ambition, then you don’t need to go for the calories you eat. Chi so tse?

Really, it's simple. It doesn’t matter how many hours you spent at the gym, if you’ve got calories out of your physical activity, then you can’t get anywhere with kilos, but rather sit on your figure.

Physical pressure regulates appetite and helps to improve the body's tone, but it doesn't mean that you can forget about the number and quality of your life.

Myth 6: "Beer is the enemy of any diet."

You can see the type of beer. Chi so tse?

Whether there is enough caloric alcohol in one gram of alcohol, there are calorie content in one gram. For balance: that one gram of fat has nine calories. Wait a minute, the difference is not sutteva. For example: in carbohydrates and proteins per gram, there are only 4 calories.

Rob visnovki. However, infrequently, and in small quantities, alcohol is allowed to drink and drink during the best diets.

Myth 7: "Dietary drinks for weight loss."

For additional dietary drinks, you can throw off the pounds. Chi so tse?

More recent thoughts, such as dietary drinks, cocktails, and natural juices, that stand on the policemen of shops, spriyat a set of vaga.

Before the storehouse of dietic drinks, a circle of substitutes enters, as they do not only change the dropping of the vag, but most of all it is the cause of the set of vaga. Tsі tsіkru zaminniki stimulate appetite, through which they appear to be a constant urge to “chew”.

And now, for a brief overview diet PP I will give you about the menu for this day.

Approximate PP diet menu (proper eating) for the day


For reference: a portion of boiled rice in water, lubricated with a small piece inches of butter- 150 gr, vegetable salad (ogirok, tomato, dressing - olive oil) - 150 gr, orange or small grapefruit, green tea.
For lunch: steamed fish - 150 g, a piece of coarse pomelo bread, a small amount of vegetables per vibir - 200 g, mineral water with a small portion of lemon.
For the evening: stewed vegetables - 200 g, a piece of coarse pomelo bread, tea with lemon.
Finish the first day of pp (proper eating) better for a bottle of kefir for nothing.


For snacks: a small portion of boiled potatoes, seasoned with herbs - 120 gr, boiled chicken breast, to the animal sipana with grated syrup - 120 g, apple, tea with lemon.
For lunch: a portion of wild rice with vegetables - 170 g, orange, green tea.
For the evening: sir 5% - 100 g, mineral water, pear.
At night time you can drink hot tea.


For snacks: stewed vegetables - 170 g, a piece of bread with cereals, one boiled egg, grapes - 80 g, green tea.
For lunch: a piece of boiled meat - 100 g, vegetable salad - 150 g, mineral water.
For the evening: a piece of boiled ribi - 120 gr, gіrka Chinese cabbage- 130 g, toast, green tea.
At nighttime, you can allow a bottle of low-fat yogurt.


For a snack: 2 potatoes baked in the oven, chicken breast cooked - 150 g, orange, tea with lemon.
For lunch: hard pasta - 150 g, stewed vegetables - 150 g, apple, green tea.
For the evening: sir 5% - 100 g, grapefruit, mineral water with a little lemon.
At night time you can drink a glass of mint tea.


For reference: boiled chicken breast - 100 g, vegetable salad - 150 g, a piece of bread, green tea, banana.
For lunch: boiled potatoes with olive oil - 100 g, cabbage salad - 150 g, green tea, apple.
For the evening: baked fish - 150 g, stewed vegetables - 100 g, mineral water.
For a night of hot tea.


For snacks: green kvassola, steamed with additional olive oil - 250 gr, boiled egg, banana, green tea.
For lunch: fish, baked in the oven - 150 g, vegetable salad - 150 g, tea with a slice of lemon.
For the evening: manna porridge in water - 150 g, apple, mineral water.
Before going to bed, you can drink a bottle of kefir.


For snacks: scrambled eggs from 2 eggs, vegetables for vibir - 150 gr, orange, green tea.
For lunch: boiled chicken breast - 150 g, vegetable salad - 150 g, mineral water.
For the evening: chicken broth from breasts with additional small pieces of meat - 200 g, a piece of bread, green tea.
At night kefir.

At the end, I can say one thing - the diet of PP allows you to get 5 kilograms of money per month for the mind and physical activity!

On this May, that's all! Be healthy, love yourself and your loved ones!

All of us, early on, think about our own food: the problems of your body, your skin, your health will terrify us in a flash, open your refrigerator and look skeptically at it. We put the power "what to include in the diet?" And “How can I start eating properly?”, Shukaєmo your way to a healthy and beautiful body.

Tim an hour, healthy and proper eating - not a strict diet, not znuschannya over the body and not letting go of your joys, but only a number of rules, with the help of which you can radically change yourself, know new things colored stars, a beautiful figure and the essence of life.

Our body is a reflection of what we have

It's not a secret for anyone that obesity has become a great problem of today's people - we are less crumbling, we are saving a lot of fatty foods, high-calorie sauces, malts. Keep calm, and the virobniks are on the move, who will propagate a black superfood, you can’t stand against it. The result of these hauls can be seen on the streets of any metropolis - for statistics, like no other resident of the same lands may nadlishkova vaga. Ozhirinnya, unfortunately, leads to problems not only in aesthetics and self-esteem, but also to serious consequences for the body: the risk of bugs is directly proportional to the size of the disease. Diabetes, problems with the heart, intestinal tract, with reproductive function - only a small part of the possible illnesses that can be blamed on an undertreated diet.

Good novelty is in what Rest of the Rocks turbota about the camp of your body began to come into fashion: more and more calls to go in for sports are mooning from the side of the state, public organizations, organic and dietary products are brought to the police in stores, the press is expanding for the sake of eating properly.

The basics of healthy eating, otherwise how to eat properly

When folding the healthy eating menu, remember about sprat high rules: first, it is necessary to get used to it often and in small portions Don't be afraid of hunger! A healthy way of eating food is 5-6 meals a day. It’s good to accustom yourself to eating at the same hour - it will stabilize the work of the slug and acceptably lose weight.

Another important rule is to remember calories. There is no need to scrupulously virakhovuvat їx stretching your life for a while after їzhі, it’s enough time or two to follow your meal, and the sound will automatically “throw in” the calorie content and show up by itself. The skin has its own calorie norm, you can find out about it, for example, using a special calculator, which is easy to know on the Internet. For example, a woman of 30 years old, with a weight of 70 kg, with a height of 170 cm, and a small amount of physical activity for production, it is necessary to have close to 2000 kcal. In order to lose weight, you need to live 80% of the calories of the norm, so the butt has about 1600 kcal per day. Dodatkovo urіzati ration nemaє zhennogo sensu - the organism just zagalmuє exchange of speeches, that shkodi in such a diet is more, lower coriste.

The rule of thirds is to achieve a balance between “incomes” and “vitrates”, so that the energy is consumed by the body for the main exchange, work, sports and calorie intake. This includes some of the main warehouses: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and food fibers - all stinks are necessary for our body. Nutrition is only in the same way as they are (fats and carbohydrates are different), in some sizes and proportions to live. Guideline recommended indications are 60 g fat, 75 g protein, 250 g carbohydrates and 30 g fiber. The fourth rule is to drink water. Most of the time we don’t want to eat, it’s just that our body takes a lack of food for hunger and terrifies us for those that are really not needed. Repeated and more liters of pure drinking water will help you to pseudo-hunger, loosen more springy skin, shorten the burning camp of the body, speed up the process of exchange of speech.

The first rule is to choose products wisely. Read labels, warehouse and calorie content of products, exclude fast food from the diet, mayonnaise sauces, products with chemical additives, preservatives, bar drinks. You are guilty of the nobility, that you are, and then the path to beauty and health will become smart and accepting.

Healthy foods

We will try the answer on a quiet question “what do you want to lose weight?”. A smut with a folded menu for a healthy meal is to keep the balance between vitamins and foods that are satiated.

Otzhe, obov'yazkovo it is necessary to include before the diet a healthy meal for a skin day:

  • cereals, like porridge and muesli, rich in carbohydrates, which will provide our body with energy;
  • fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrot) provide the body with food fibers - cellular tissue;
  • legumes - a bagatate of rosemary protein, especially necessary for those who rarely know how to live meat;
  • peas, especially hairy ones and tonsils, are beneficially injected into the whole body and a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3, microelements;
  • fermented milk products: natural yoghurts (without adding zukra), kefir, low-fat sir to be safe with calcium and to improve the work of ShKT;
  • sea ​​fish to contain protein and essential fatty acids omega-3;
  • fruits and berries are a source of vitamins, heal the skin and protect the body from diseases;
  • lean meat - chicken breast, rabbit meat, yalovichina - dzherelo protein.

Corisne products are not guilty at the warehouse of preservatives, piece barniki, palm oli. It’s better to surround yourself with salt - you can pamper yourself with them hour after hour, but don’t get drunk.

If you have a problem with zayvoї vaga, then you need to see tsukru varto vіdmovitysya zovsіm, you can’t do it without a cup of licorice kavi vranci - tsukrozaminniki virіshat tsyu problem. Don’t be afraid of them, as substitutes on a natural basis are not short-lived, it’s practical not to take calories and take them for relish.

Under the suvor fence!

We have been nominated for crooked products, let's look at the list of healthy rank life is the right food:

  • Liquorice gassy drink. Don’t stench the spraga, treat the mucous membrane of the shell, as a rule, take revenge on the stingy amount of zukra - about 20 g in the skin glass, piece barniques and flavorings, preservatives.
  • Zha, deep-fried. French fries, chips, croutons and everything that can be lubricated with a great number of olias, can be sipped from the diet. Carcinogens, the presence of brown speech and fat are not those that are necessary for a healthy body.
  • Burgers, hot dogs. All similar stray to try the sum of white bread, fatty sauces, unreasonable meat, which spices up the appetite of spices and a great amount of salt. What do we take from the result? Spravzhnyu caloric "bomb", as if mittevo transforms into folds on the body that does not carry any food value.
  • Mayonnaise and similar sauces. First, the stench is more likely to attract natural relish with spices and additives, zmushuyuchi more, in a different way, may all the sauces of mayonnaise from the store - may be pure fat, generously seasoned with preservatives, flavorings, stabilizers and other shkidlivy speeches.
  • Kovbasi, sausages and meat drinks. At whom the item is unlikely to be needed, it is enough to read the product labels. I don't care about official data! Remember that under the items "pork, yalovichina" in the warehouse, the skin, cartilage, fat are most often stored, which is unlikely to have become, as the stench of the floorings is nicely processed and beautifully packaged.
  • Energy drinks. Avoid a shock dose of caffeine in the morning increased acidity, Plus preservatives, barvniki and a lot of other components, such unique varieties.
  • Have a Swedish meal. Lokshin, mashed potatoes and analogous sumish, yakı enough to fill with dip, the replacement of lively speeches to avenge a large amount of carbohydrates, salt, spices, pіdsilyuvachiv relish and other chemical additives.
  • Boroshno that licorice. So-so, the malts we love are the same unsafe products. The problem is not only with the great calorie content: the consumption of boron, licorice and fat multiply Skoda in sprat once and mittevo is indicated on the figure.
  • Packaged juices. Vitamins and other colors of speech are practically more familiar in the process of processing. How can the crust be taken from a concentrate, diluted with water and dipped in a non-abyak kіlkіst zukra?
  • Alcohol. It has already been said enough about the lack of yoga for the body, but it is less significant in some cases, that alcohol destroys calories, increases appetite, conquers the mastery of brown speech, and with underdrinking minimal doses, it completely destroys the body, even ethanol and alcohol.

Switch to unbalanced healthy food you won’t be in a tractor, just to get simple recommendations.

First of all, do not torture yourself with hunger. If you feel discomfort, eat apple, pea troch, dried fruit and muesli.

In a different way, drink a lot and choose the best drinks. Good spryaє shudnennya chicory - vіn pochtya hunger for rahunok large amount of fibers in the warehouse, which is beneficial to the body. Also brown green tea, especially with ginger.

Utilize the diet! The more different brown products you save, the more the body will take different microelements, vitamins, amino acids.

If you really want something fenced - get it for a snidanok. Obviously, it’s better to look at shkіdlivyh produktіv zovsіm, but it helps a bit to think about those that you can still pamper yourself.

The smaller the number of non-natural warehouses, the more beautiful. If you want to eat fresh products - rather choose meat shreds instead of cowbass, fresh vegetables instead of canned food, muesli - instead of healthy buns.

We make the menu "Healthy eating"

How to start eating right? For us, it is necessary to know how many calories your body needs. Let's say 2000 kcal a day. In order to lose weight, it is necessary to use 1600 kcal for doba, dividing them into 5-6 meals.

Also, we have a healthy eating menu for a skin day:

Snidanok. Guilty of buti bagatiya on povіlnі vvіlnі uglevogі і і і іlki, nоgo you can include:

  • cereal porridge, muesli and grain bread;
  • kefir, unsweetened yogurt or shmatochok syrah.

Another trick їzhi– a light snack between snacks and meals:

  • whether it be a fruit, about 100-200 g, or some peas, dried fruits;
  • 100 g syrah abo unsweetened yoghurt.

Obid guilty buti nayvagomіshim їzhiom for the day:

  • 100 g of buckwheat or brown rice, pasta with borosna, hard varieties. At the straw, you can add carrots, cibula, peppers;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • Salad with fresh vegetables dressed with yogurt, a small amount of soy sauce or olive oil.

Noon, between resentment and that evening - one more easy trick їzhi:

  • A small fruit or a bottle of fresh juice, better than a vegetable.

Supper– light and savory:

  • 100-200 g low-fat yalovichini, rabbit, turkeys, chickens, ribi or legumes;
  • Salad with cabbage, carrots and other vegetables, rich in squash.

I finally, a couple of years before bedtime:

  • A bottle of kefir, chicory and unsalted yogurt.

For a long day, you can drink water in uncircumcised areas, drink green tea and chicory with natural extracts of herbs, ginger or ginseng.

The amount of portions indicated is approximately and depends on individual parameters - the rate of additional calories, weight loss and other individual factors. It would be better for you to consult with a dietitian if you like.

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