Chim Windows 8 is better than Windows 7. The best version of Windows. Gnuchka discount and update


  • Interface - smart and smart for stationary computers, laptops and netbooks.
  • Stability - Windows 7 is one of the most stable operating systems for the rest of the day. Yakshto all nalashtovano correctly. Drivers installed and updated. Stop anti-virus protection. That robot simka is more stable. For example, on my computer, the SIM has been standing for over 5 years, and I don’t blame problems with the robot and stability.
  • Windows 7 has a good mix of old programs and games. It is possible to run programs in the summation mode of Windows XP and launch Win 98. The operation of such programs has been changed to special certificate, for example, є gra, yak bula released on Windows 95 - Heroes of Might and Magic III and won dosi miraculously works.
  • Zahist vіd teyіnіv - Windows blocking the wrong ones koristuvachа and suggesting a pardon.
  • The service of the system's notification - it's easy to see if something went wrong, you can always turn around before the weekend. After the virus breaks, you can clean up the system before I get there early, so that you can clean up the Windows virus normally.
  • Touch input - even in Windows 7 you can use touch input and do good.
  • Quick search - search for the sims is easy, you can easily find the necessary files on large disks, for example, 2TB.
  • Support for 4GB of RAM in the 64 bit version. On XP, it was not possible to win more than 3.2 GB of RAM, which imposed a lot of deduction.
  • Simka has a support for the rest of DirectX, which allows you to play on it, be it a game, naturally for the mind of high productivity of details.
  • The robot has been simplified with any attachments that are connected - printers, cameras, bluetooth, and now it’s even easier to install.
  • Simple task panel - it has a lot of handy functions.
  • Zruchna panel keruvannya. Everything is thematically grouped, so it’s easier to know better.
  • Windows XP Mode allows you to run a Win XP emulator on your desktop. The truth is available in Ultimate, Pro and Enterprise editions.
  • Pollpsheno service management of electric power. When I first installed Windows 7 on my laptop, I was amazed at how long it took me to run out of batteries. Zagalom vitrati eating was even better optimized.
  • Center automatic installation drivers - duzhe coris thing. For the presence of the Internet, you can update more drivers in 2 clicks, again automatically.
  • Even a quick installation of the OS - on your computer, the installation on the cob takes a total of 9 quills until the end.
  • Batkivsky control - I think everything is clear here.
  • Zakhisnik Windows - vbudovaniya zakhist vіd shpigunskih and nebazhanyh programs. If yoga is not very effective, I will add this option plus.
  • Became available for re-insurance on a lot of coristuvachіv igri via the Internet. For example, I really like to fight with the Shahi with supermen from any part of the world.


  • Resource capacity - on weak Windows 7 computers.
  • The invincible guide - they asked him to do it, and you know what to do with him without hand.
  • Weak vlasny zakhist - no matter what the firewall and Windows zakhisnik are in the system. The cost of protecting a computer from viruses is even low. it is necessary to install dodatkove.
  • It is not easy to exchange files through a link.
  • Problems with the sum of 64 and 32 bit drivers.
  • For some, there may be problems, but for myself I don’t know any more problems from my family.
Well, now let's go to the point where it's better and faster in Windows 8.

Windows 8

Do not start new ones - it means better. Remember, as long as Windows Vista was released, most of the coristuvachs continued to sit on Windows XP. Why did it happen? Vista was an orphan, not zruchnoy that resource-consuming operating system. She was already checked. ale if you won't win a bagatto who turned back to XP. All of them had different mirkuvannya schodo tsgogo, but in the sum the vista did not go into it. The retailers themselves came to their senses and began to quickly put things in order, after which it was necessary to finish the nefarious simka. now you have to pay for food and switch to a new version, or learn and find out what Windows 10 will give us, as soon as we can see it in the next hour.

Advantages of Windows 8:

  • The conductor at the bedside mode is very handy.
  • The new dispatcher foreman is more intelligent and informative.
  • Shvidke's notice is that the fault of the computer.
  • Handy keruvannya for outbuildings from sensory inputs.
  • Ability to install Windows 8 on a USB flash drive.
  • Expansion of the possibility of updating the system - the function of restoring system locks without reinstalling Windows, updating a PC without removing files.
  • Recording any discs by the forces of Windows itself.
  • Support for DirectX 11.1 - for video card owners with support for this functionality.
  • The system is less powerful before entering the window for a visa.
  • Support for various outbuildings - computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

Windows 8 shortcomings:

  • Opening of the "START" menu - for rich opening of this menu, it is also necessary to open a different OS for touch computers.
  • Modern UI interface (tiled interface) is a non-intrusive interface for great non-touch computers and laptops. Invisibly twirl with a mouse and a keyboard. It’s too bad for someone not to switch to Windows 8 through the new one. There is no way to see Modern UI, I would like to do it.
  • The inconsistency of games - there is a new operating system, but not all games go to them))
  • Crushing searches - no sleeping searches for the desktop and Modern UI. It’s already not easy to search for necessary information.
  • Market - adaptations for the touch interface, with additions in the new for Modern UI and not suitable for the keyboard and mice.
  • Khmara - Not everyone believes that these files were saved in a gloomy collection. Guess the butt about the evil iCloud.
  • Panels that merge - in a flash, pracyuєsh yourself calmly and vipadkovo lead to the cut or the edge and here you can merge vіkno yak zavazhu pratsyuvati and vodvolіkaє vіd roboti.
  • Shvidkodiya - krіm shvidkostі zavantazhennya, zbіlshennya proizvoditelnostі on vіdmіnu vіd sіmki mayzhe not changed. Therefore, I will write down the minus.
  • Visibility of the system tray - calls for discomfort for an hour of whistleblowing.
  • Locked under the UEFI BIOS - it's too vague, because it's impossible to install the SIM as it is necessary, or it's impossible to install Ubuntu on its own.
  • Too many who know more than a lot of shortcomings - you can add the article in the comments.


As a result, I have presented you with the main advantages and shortcomings of Windows 7 and 8. By priming on them, you can easily build the whiskers that you choose for yourself. Because in different minds there are good offenses for operations. What do you think of robiti

Detailed alignment Windows 7і Windows 8. The main innovations in Windows 8 are described, as well as a detailed improvement in productivity with Windows 7 in various programs and games.

General information about Windows

An hour ago, the final version of the new operating system became available. Microsoft - Windows 8. About her already rozpovidalos on tsmuu resource, were prepared reports of helpers from її installed: and chi varto vzagalі install Windows 8?

By the way, I can help you to help you, and chi varto install Windows 8, if you take advantage of it after installation, and also get stuck with some kind of difficulties. This material is a logical follow-up to the previously published version of Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7: .

What's new in Windows 8

Let's look at the back of the head, but what's new about Windows 8, what's new? The most obvious innovations are interface updates. Vin vіdomy pіd name Metro or Windows 8 interface (Windows 8 UI). Its main feature is the start screen:

Labels of addendums are placed on the new one, as well as so called live tiles (live tiles). Behind the great fair, their main responsibility for labels, those who change information on them, they themselves can change the world. This is a kind of analogue of widgets from Windows Vista and Windows 7.

This start screen is replaced start menu, like Microsoft got rid of Windows 8. Maybe, tse spіrne innovation in the new operating system. Luckily, you can turn it around for help from third-party utilities. How tse robiti is described in the following article: .

Another innovation in Windows 8 is called active kuti. When hovering the mouse cursor to the right edge Working style there is a small menu:

Looking at the trochs silently. If you want to move the mouse cursor point-blank to the left edge, you can move between the appendages. Before speech, the programs themselves can work in two modes: in the desktop mode with a classic interface, and also in the mode with a Metro-interface, which is oriented to the robot with touch screens.

Middle of the last changes old-fashioned It is necessary to indicate the width of the glass and the rounded folds at the various interface elements. The interface of the operating system, having become clean, it is possible to hang like that, becoming a trifle smoother than working. Many places of wines have had changes and improvements, often becoming the winner of the Ribbon-interface panels titles. Such an interface first appeared in Microsoft Office 2007, and then became a bit stagnant in other additions. Windows 8 has the same Hardware Explorer with a similar interface with the ability to attach yoga.

Crimea interface in Windows 8 deep integration appeared Microsoft Sky Drive. This service is for saving files from "hmar". Pratsyuvati s Microsoft Sky Drive Easy to milk: there is a folder in the system skydrive, which is stored on Microsoft servers. As soon as the file is moved to it, the file is automatically corrected by the system in a hidden folder, as it is attached to the oblique record Windows Live ID. It allows you to synchronize images, music, films, documents and other files between different outbuildings, as well as sharing them with others.

At Microsoft Sky Drive, Like any similar service, there are two main shortcomings:

  1. for yoga robots it is necessary to have access to the Internet and, if possible, unlimited connection to the Internet;
  2. obsjag skhovischa obmezheniya kіlkom gigabytes. Yogo can be bought for a fee.

Cream of different files in Microsoft Windows 8 allows you to synchronize and update the system. For whom you need a physical record Windows Live ID. Practically all settings and passwords are synchronized. For a reason, the list can be updated in the system.

Face Record Windows Live ID it is also necessary to download the purchase of add-ons from the Windows 8 store Windows Store. This software store allows you not only to install programs, but also to follow them for updates. Pretty in one word.

In Windows 8, there are more innovations: a new Internet Explorer, a rebuild of the Task Manager, a change in the copy dialog, a rebuild of the system update mechanism, an ARM version, and a lot of others. They will not be reported on in the framework of this article.

Since the operating system is mainly vikoristovuєtsya for robotic igor and programs, then it’s important to use some kind of swidkistyu stink there. So let's move on to the most important part of the article - to the equal productivity of Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Productivity boost in Windows 7 and Windows 8

To improve the speed of robots and these operating systems, there will be synthetic add-ons for productivity testing, as well as test packages based on real add-ons. The advantage of the first ones is greater accuracy and repeatability of results, the advantage of the others is greater reliability to real tasks. Crimium Productivity Testing was about the speed of launching the system and add-ons.

Wash your test

To ensure accuracy, all simulations were carried out on the same laptop and with the same versions of drivers, add-ons and on the same laptops. The match was carried out on a laptop Asus N61Vn with chotiria core processor Intel Core 2 Quad Q9000, 4 GB DDR3 RAM and video card nVidia GeForce GT240M. The 64-bit Russian versions were tagged Windows 7 SP1 Professionalі Windows 8 Pro RTM with the latest updates available at the time of testing. Drivers for both systems were won by you yourself. The antivirus and other addenda, which would have contributed to the results of the mitigation, were not installed, everything was fixed for locking.

Upgrading Windows 7 and Windows 8 in games

In order to improve that productivity improvement in games and other add-ons, like intensively typing a graphic card, it is best to variate test packages from the family 3DMark. As practice shows, the stench gives more accurate information about the productivity of the system in quieter games.

3DMark2001 SE

Both systems showed approximately the same results from the minimal advantage of Windows 7.


The tests were repeated three times. On Windows 7, the sub-bag result is trochic. Like and at a glance with 3DMark2001 SE, the difference is minimal.


The situation is similar to 3DMark03, but the opening of the troch is larger (about 5%). The tests were also repeated trichi. Let's take a look at the results of the subtests:

It is noteworthy that Windows 8 scored more points in the CPU test, Windows 7 lower.

3D Mark Vantage

3DMark Vantage is the largest and most recent test of gaming performance. The situation in the new world is similar to the results in other benchmarks of the series. For a bigger picture, take a look at the benchmark results Heaven Benchmark 3.0.

Heaven Benchmark

In this test, Windows 8 showed a threefold increase in productivity. Minimum opening.

Visnovki from tests Windows 7 and 8 in games

Pіdіb'єmo pіdіzhnі pіdbags z testuvannya in іgrovyh dodatkah. As the results showed, the gaming performance of Windows 7 and Windows 8 is about one equal. If you choose whether to install the system on a gaming computer or a laptop, then there is no particular difference between Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Compliance with Windows 7 and Windows 8 for an hour of work with great programs

In order to improve the security of robots and application programs, manually tweak test programs from the family PCMark. Why don't we PCMark05:


Results on one equal. Wu vipadu z PCMark05 Graphics Windows 8 scored a few points. For more detailed analysis of this power, a more early folding of Windows 8 was installed and similar results were taken there. Shvidshe for everything is tied up with a pardon in PCMark05.

Futuremark Peacekeeper

This test allows you to measure the productivity of the browser. At to this particular type wikiwriterwhole browser Opera versions 11.64 . Result axis:

Windows 7 showed up a little bit more, but the difference is not large, so you can talk about the truth of the matter. Let's look at another similar test.


Windows 7 again showed a trochic best result, winning the swedish test.


7-Zip is a popular cost-free archiver. A report about the new one is described here:. Tsey archiver also may have a test. Axis yoga results:

Windows 7 showed approximately the same result as Windows 8.


Test supplement Cinebench allows you to evaluate the productivity of programs for 3D modeling and other similar add-ons. How have shown vimiri, offensive systems demonstrate similar results.

Windows security speed

This is not a single test, but Windows 8 demonstrates significantly better results. Windows 8 effectively zavantazhuetsya richly svidshe lower front. As shown by the investigation, the hour of withdrawal for Windows 8 is also less.

The hour for the launch of add-ons is subjectively left on the same level. That's why the new one has a hard disk drive, but it's not an operating system like that.

Visnovki from tests Windows 7 and 8 for application programs

The situation is very similar to that in games. The performance of both systems is roughly on the same level, so don't take into account the abnormally low result in the graphics tests in PCMark05. The door was pleased with the change in the hour of interest and the introduction of the new operating system. Tse plus.

The hour has come to pick up the rest of the bags and try to clarify the food, which is better to install on a laptop or a computer.

Remaining bags of Windows 7 and Windows 8

Pіdbags pіvnyannja vglyadі okremih tez:

  1. Windows 8 demonstrates approximately the same productivity as Windows 7. Installing Windows 8 with the method to increase system productivity in games or add-ons does not make sense;
  2. Windows 8 turns on and off more quickly. If it's important to you, then it's better for you than Windows 7;
  3. Windows 8 is best suited for desktop applications with a touch screen. Like your laptop, candy bar or computer, then the installation of Windows 8 will simply improve the efficiency of the work;
  4. With outbuildings without a touch screen, not everything is so simple. On the right, Windows 8 has been optimized for the benefit of the touch screen. Optimization can be seen in rich elements of the interface. The problem is that, behind the help of the bear, that keyboard is not so handy for them, as they would like to be. Driving a bear from one edge of the monitor to the other, calling to the merging menu, new methods of management are far from suitable for everyone. On the right, here, it’s not the names that have been folded for the rocks of the past versions of Windows. Tse is simply unhandy. So, you can call up to everything, turn on the Start menu for additional third-party utilities, set it up, so that the Robotic Steel will immediately pop in to replace the start screen, stop other settings, or you can just install Windows 7 for help:

What is better than Windows 7 or Windows 8.1? A lot of comrades in the service after buying a new computer or laptop come to me, and ask me to pay the bill, and install the card. Earlier, I waited until the end, but then I installed myself on a Windows 8.1 computer, and wondered why it was so bad that people really wanted to clean it up. As I thought, everything on the right is only near the sound. I vzagali, vіsіmka me navіt vouchsafed more, nіzh simka.

Yes, well, nuances, like sometimes shaking your head. For example, Windows 8.1 does not manually search for a required program. Ale, you can simply send “Programs” to the start-up panel (the Start button is also located there), and everything will immediately fall into place, or rather, it can be the same, like in the previous versions of Windows.

The control panel is so self-possible on the Robotic steel, and ticks in long-term jokes and nashtuvan.

I’ll tell you again, after a month of work with Windows 8.1, I didn’t want to turn around to the SIM, but rather through the phone. In fact, it is more sharpened for mobile devices with touch screens, and it is not suitable for a skin interface.

Sometimes you forget, you press the Start button, and you scroll at the menu, for which the devil did not understand. What kind of menu is needed on a stationary computer? Okrim rozdratuvannya zhruchnyh zruchnosti have no problem.

Advantages of Windows 8/8.1

Є, zvichayno, at vіsіmtsі that perevagi. The reason for this is vanity and to get a manual interface of all windows, similar to the windows of office add-ons in 2007 and 2010. Do not filth Windows Defender, which is secure basic zahist of viruses. Ale, at any time, cannot do without an antivirus.

Also, there is a store where you can buy or install free of charge rich brown programs. Directly from the system you can recognize the weather, the ruble exchange rate, and pay. Ale, everything is better for connecting to the Internet. You can create your own collections and choose culinary recipes.

There is also a dark service (OneDrive), on which you can save up to 7 GB of data, which allows you to do without a flash drive. Throwing the files at home into such a mess, and on the robot taking from it those that are necessary.

The main advantage is the speed, the stability, and the richness of the less interest in the processor, it is equal to the SIM.

Those who haven't worked with Windows 7 already have a quick call to the top ten, and those who have a sound to the SIM don't feel like switching to Windows 8.1, because sooner or later you will be able to try the top ten.

If you want to try installing one of these systems on your computer or laptop (or offend you), then you need to get started on the official website of your possession, which your computer supports the system itself, and driver systems up to you.

On the same system, install Windows 8/8.1 as soon as possible

Installing the system on an old computer without a driver makes no sense. The system itself can, and will be restored, but it will not work without drivers. It is easier to choose drivers for a stationary computer, but for a tablet or a netbook.

Call the driver either Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1. On a stationary computer, it’s easier to install offending systems, and try, as you are better suited. I got so worked up. I have all three systems on my computer: Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

That's my thought. What is better than Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 will tell you. And for this one, you need to try a little bit with them, and then work on the whiskers.

I would like to hear your thoughts on some systems. Share with us your concerns and problems.

With the release of the eighth version of the operating system from Microsoft, a lot of koristuvachiv began to squawk tim, naskilki won over for the name "Simka", and chi є sense of change of love for the interface. Definitely vodpovisti on tse pitanya not vdas. Until then, in the rest of the hour, laptops and system units are on sale with Windows 8 installed.

cob roboti

In Windows 7, there is a lot of attention after the increase. In the new version of the OS, the retailers have been corrected to fix it. The result was that in Windows 8, the hour of the system being turned on was shortened, at least twice.

In addition, there is an emphasis on breaking down the victories and the sleep regimen. Zavdyaki tsomu pass for a little more than an hour, at that hour, as you press the power button and the system will be ready to work. You can try one of the changes of the new operating system before the new version. As we are talking about the fault, here the difference in hours between versions of the operating system is small.

Work with files and documents

Let's take a look at how the security has changed for the hour of typing the main files and documents. So, it has become convenient to do it all, which shows up at the hour of copying documents. In both versions of the operating system, here you can find information about the hour that is used for the operation, as well as the speed of copying.

Prote, the interface of the troch has been changed. In addition, Windows 8 added a function that allows you to pause the operation. You may be in good fortune, as you need to accumulate a great deal of information, but you need to be enlightened. Speaking about the speed of the operation, I’ll designate that various tests that are carried out will show the result on the speed of Windows 8. But the difference is literally a few seconds, so in principle we can’t talk about increasing productivity in this type of special sensation.

Work with add-ons and programs

Even more programs and programs are used in the somіy, and in the eighth versions of the operating system. In the rest of the day, it’s true, the retailers were talking about updating utilities. So, the good old Internet Explorer in Windows 8 comes with the tenth version. This means that the Internet browser in the operating system may have additional capabilities, such as advanced protection mode, SmartScreen filter, etc.

A lot of standard programs, for example, Live Movie Maker for video processing and Windows 7 work practically the same. Zvichayno, the retailers were pissed off about those that Windows 8 has to improve the productivity of programs. However, the difference did not look great.

The main feature of the new operating system lies in the fact that the primary interface of the worktable has been significantly changed. Representatives of Microsoft explained to us that the system is recognized mainly for attachments that can touch screens, as the rest of the hour will gain more and more popularity. Dehto is aware that the tiled interface is less handy, otherwise - navpaki. However, you can still install an add-on, so that you can turn the default WorkStyle and navigate the Start button in Windows 8.

In Windows 8, retailers have included new features and upgrades. Here it is easier, lower in Windows 7 to create an image of the system. In addition, it is possible to reinstall the OS without wasting special data and information. Also in Windows 8 you can set passwords for additional pictures and gestures. You can find this function at Charms bar – Koristuvachi. All that is necessary to grow is to choose a photograph from the library, create three gestures on it.

Delivery of bags

So, all that has been said can be summarized in a number of points, from which you can make a checklist, which version of the operating system suits you best. I’m guessing that everything can be found only in your likeness, as well as the productivity of a computer or a laptop, on which OS is installed. Prote, I'll respect it.

  • In games, those additions to the system demonstrate practically the same productivity. To that minyati Windows 7, spodіvayuchis, scho pokraschitsya robot programs, not maє sensu.
  • Windows 8 runs faster than Windows 7. Since this feature is important to you, consider installing a new version of the operating system.
  • Windows 8 is designed specifically for touch screen add-ons. If you have є, then the installation of the operating system can significantly increase the comfort of the work. Prote, with a bear with a keyboard, it’s not easy to use a new interface, as you would like to. Obviously, are there third-party utilities that can help you turn the primary interface, why can't you set “Visimka”?

Like a bachite, you can see a little of the suttєvih vіdmіnnosti between operating systems. Vybіr zavzhdy zalishaєtsya itself for koristuvach. In the rest of the hour, more computers and laptops are on sale from the eighth version of the system. However, nothing matters if you install your friend's system or reinstall it. True, we can be sure that Microsoft retailers will soon please us with one more operating system, so that we can reverse the previous options for working with it.

Windows has come a long way since the launch of Windows 1.0 in 1985. The remaining Microsoft product for today is Windows 8. Tim is no less, the launch of this operating system has been called a lot of super, more shortly, lower її front, Windows 7. Let's get it right.

You know what?

Microsoft nibito zdijsnil 1200000000 years of testing before the release of Windows 8!

Windows 8 was announced in 2011 at the Consumer Electronics Show, and in December 2011, Microsoft showed off a new core interface and new features. Nova Windows version, became available for download on MSDN and TechNet for prepayers on 15 April 2012. However, the won became available for only 26 roubles. Next, Windows 7 launched in 2009 roci.

So, is the productivity of Windows 8 better than Windows 7? Critics think their thoughts about what kind of food. Well I will voice my point of view about qi operating systems.

Windows 7: What's new?

The launch of Windows Vista in 2006 created a lot of noise with new possibilities to upgrade to an operating system like its successor, Windows XP. Chi bulo tse chi nі, tse nі nі, tse nіtnаnja svіrne, аl koristuvаchі z impatient chekіvіnіm on novії OS, yak prіpravіt nedolіki Vista. The upgrade was completed only in 2009, if the version of Windows 7 was launched.

  • This version retained the virtual style of Vista, and increased the platform for more software and hardware features. The most memorable change was the head panel. Jump lists have been introduced. It was necessary to use the "Alt + Tab" function. To switch to another program, you can simply right-click on a specific program end on the task bar, and you can browse the list of programs that are running in the background.
  • The AeroPeek feature is here! In this version, it was also necessary to manually set the window size so that the stench could be seen from the side, spreading the screen on equal parts. The Automatic window change was called the AeroSnap feature. Yakby you happened to work in two text documents at once, you can just drag the document onto the working table and it will change its size. In this manner, the screen is automatically divided into two halves.
  • As long as you have a touch screen and Windows 7 installations, you can use your fingers to touch your computer. All ce bulo is not available until the release of the cієї version.
  • The OS is available in 32 and 64 bit versions. Physical space on a hard drive required for OS capture in 32-bit version, 16 GB and 20 GB for 64-bit version.
  • The VHD (VirtualHardDisk) allows users to save files and folders on a virtual disk, which can be expanded. You can choose to fix the expansion of the expansion or to expand it accordingly to the expansion of the data. You can choose the option to capture the system through the hard drive, v_domy yak vbudovane zavantazhennya.
  • Home group, similar to the concept of a lock in Vista, but the version has been improved, which allowed the corystuvachs to add special home security, the system, as it allows the coristuvachs of Windows 7 to come to the group for the help of the password. The group can exchange files and folders between computers.
  • Streaming remote ZMI. The function allows the cardholders to exchange media files from one computer to another without the need to physically connect two devices. The WindowsMedia program library has allowed you to access files that are saved on your home computer via the Internet for an hour of work on a laptop.

With such a number of new features, which were introduced in the v7 version, the upgrade to the v8 version is getting bigger. However, not all ochіkuvannya coped. Let's see what's new in Windows 8.

Windows 8: what has changed?

The development of Windows 8 is usually before the release of the version of Windows 7. Tim is no less, after 3 years, in 2012 the new OS was launched.

windows 8 proWindows 7

Based on data from NetApplications, the share of the market as of late 2014, Windows 7 has a 44.85% share of the market, while Windows 8 is ranked as one of the biggest failures of the OS, with a share of 8.27%.

Working style: Windows 8 can have all the features, like to make it soft and stable, but more of it's features are available for the most versatile tablet devices. Not so richly changed for hardcore desktop computers.

Poshuk: The prank option can be a real tricky option for Windows 8 cheaters. But if you cheat on Windows 7, all you need to do is press the Windows button, enter the text to poke around, and immediately accept the result. Also, in Windows 8, the results of the joke will be less for the mind.

Entry: There is a problem with entering the public record if you win Windows 8 on your desktop. The reason for the obstruction is the presence of a direct entanglement. As soon as you kindly crossed to the top of the screen, a great menu with various programs will appear, in which you can not be stuck at the given moment. A skin click on the panel of the options menu will open up a wide range of options and a screen with a great number of options!

AeroSnap: Windows 8's daily life means you can't wait for two more days. We kindly ask you to go back to the "Alt + Tab" options, as we already may have forgotten the bugs of Windows 7.

Feelings of the program: Most of the installed programs, like Microsoft imposed on us, like Bing, SkyDrive, WindowsStore and Xbox LIVE. You don't have a choice, we'll look like mothers on your system. Windows 7 is more like an OS, as we know.

Other graphic functions: To expand the base of the core, you need to press on the playing area. Although the launch of those windows was improved in Windows 8 (the home screen would appear less than a day later), the productivity of the graphics subsystem was significantly hampered. This means that the version will not give quick results.

Now let's switch our focus to flexibility and productivity in aspects of both options. If we are talking about an hour to start, Windows8 is a few more seconds than a few seconds. However, if 3D graphics enter the picture, Windows7 is a clear winner. Go to the gaming arena, Windows7 works better, lower version 8.

Current functions: As long as you have a touch screen, Windows7 won't bother you like Windows8. In addition, the presence of a direct function of the shared victorious technology will not please those who want to gain access to their data from another computer without forcing files in electronic mail.

Regardless of those that Windows 8 is best suited for tablets and touch computers, Windows 7 is a universal OS. So maybe you could just get a few more steps down to upgrade the OS version to Windows8! And now it's an excuse that Microsoft is trying to cover the shortfalls of Windows8 with WindowsBlue (OS Windows8.1). It’s possible that once the stench can make everything right and in such a way increase the base of coristuvachs.

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