How to correctly connect another hard disk to the computer "Vsi!" for all: "Beeline" offers one tariff for distribution per person of those outbuildings Through the possession of Rostelecom

Meals from Koristuvach

Good afternoon.

Can you tell me how you can connect another disk to the laptop (otherwise it is impossible)? It's just that my 500 GB disk has stopped working, now I'm thinking about a bigger space.


Have a good time!

So, similar nutrition is not rare. For the rest of the hour, laptops have gained great popularity and are slowly being replaced by PCs. Notebooks have a lot of pluses, but with an upgrade - foldable on the right. To add one more disk or to remember the memory - it is impossible for some people to know.

Unfortunately, the author of the feed did not describe the essence of the problem more specifically. In this article, I’ll look at a few ways, how you can connect one more accumulator to a laptop (in some cases, you can say that there will be 3 of them!). Some people add one more disk, not only to increase the space, but to increase the speed of the robotic system (install SSD storage and transfer Windows from the HDD to the new one).

Ways to connect 2 disks to a laptop

Option number 1: install the disk in another slot on the laptop

Some laptops have two slots for single disks (however, I want to say at once that the configuration of such laptops can be done fairly). Basically, similar laptops are up to the category of gaming ones and cost a lot.

To find out how many slots you have, it’s enough to look at them. characteristics of the laptop (since you don’t have any documents for attachments, you can look on the Internet), or just remove the cover from the back of the laptop and take a look yourself (Important! Do not open the cover, as the laptop is under warranty - it may be the reason for the warranty service).

Because the chance that you have two slots is small, I won’t go to any option for respect. I’ll build an example of such, before speech, in the photo below.

Toshiba Satellite X205-SLi3 - middle view (2 hard drives installed)

If you want to buy a disk for a laptop, but you don’t know what to focus on, then I recommend that you read this article:

Option number 2: install the SSD in special. pink (M.2)

If you have a new current laptop, it is possible that you have a M.2 rose (sing quietly, what is dearer ☺)). Created as a replacement for mSATA. Allows you to maximize the productivity of the installation of an SSD accumulator.

In order to find out why you have such a rose, you can:

  1. knowing the laptop model (about those), marvel at yoga quietly. characteristics (on the Internet, there are a lot of sites with usima models of mobile devices ☺);
  2. you can just open the back cover of the laptop and look for the necessary roses on your eyes.


To the point, whose M.2 roses to finish the "approaches" (they get lost in getting richly informed coristuvachiv) ... On the right, in the fact that the new one has a lot of different things to do. To that, to navit as you have a similar rose, first of all to secure a new disc, be aware of this article:

Option #3: connect an external HDD/SSD to the USB port

Іstotno expand the space, you can help the old hard disk. You reveal a small box from yourself, expanded from a great phone. Connects to a dedicated USB port. Such a disk, on average for today, has a building capacity of about 1000-4000 GB (tobto 1-4 TB).

If you look at models with additional life (the adapter is included in the kit up to 10 disks) - then the capacity can reach up to 8 TB! I think that I'll be better off in the future.

Note! You can buy different hard disks cheaper, lower from a great store, on AliExpress - .

True, in this variant of the same minus: put the darts on the table, lower the speed of the interaction with the disk (like HDD - then in the middle up to 60 MB / s USB 3.0), and handlessness when transferring a laptop (one on the right, take a laptop in one hand and drink, and another - dodatkovo fiddling with the old disk ...).

Truth be told, such a drive can be connected to any laptop or PC, you can transfer information from one PC to another one (you can’t take a lot of space in the gut), you can buy a few pieces of such disks and beat them according to your heart .

Option number 4: install one more disk to replace the CD / DVD drive

Well, the most popular option is to drive a CD / DVD drive from a laptop (in the most important models) and instead of a new one, insert a special adapter (they call it “gut”) with one disk (HDD or SSD). I will describe this option in more detail...

What kind of adapter is needed? We see...

For the cob, it is necessary to know correctly that vibrator tsey adapter. At our best computer stores, wines are rarely seen (it is necessary to apply in any Chinese online store, for example, in AliExpress).

Note: the similar adapter is called in English, like "caddy for laptop" (so ask yourself in the row of shops).

Universal adapter for inserting another drive into a laptop instead of a CD drive (2nd HDD Caddy 12.7 mm 2.5 SATA 3.0)

Є 2 important points:

  • adapters of various comrades! Vlasne, like discs, bring CD / DVD. The widest - tse 12.7 mm and 9.5 mm. Tobto. before buying an adapter - need to deactivate the CD/DVD drive(mostly for the help of a compass rod, for the last tip - a line)!
  • discs and CD/DVD drive can be used with different ports (SATA, IDE). Tobto. necessary, I know the same, live to marvel at the insertion of the CD / DVD drive. Most of today's laptops have drives installed that support SATA (the stink is the most popular in Chinese stores).

How to win a CD / DVD drive from a laptop

Vzagali, zvichayno, richly lie in the design of your laptop. The widest view: from the back side of the laptop there is a special cover, if you open it, you can add a fastening screw, which fixes the drive in the laptop slot. Vidpovidno, having twisted this screw, you can win it freely.

Some models of laptops do not have a lid on them - and in order to get to the insides, it is necessary to add accessories.

Note: First of all, take the cover off (and then carry out any manipulations with the laptop) turn it on in the wire and remove the battery.

Most often it is fixed with one screw (div. photo below). For yoga, as a rule, you need a cross-country twist.

After that, as a twist will be taken, pull the drive lightly on the tray - you may “get out” of the tray with a small amount of force (div. photo below).

Installing an SSD / HDD drive on the adapter, and the adapter on the laptop

Installing an SSD/HDD drive into the adapter is not foldable. Enough to put yoga in special. "swallow", then insert it at the internal port and fix it with screws (the screws go at the kit to the adapter).

In the photo below, there are representations of inserting a storage SSD into a similar adapter.

Even if the adapter and disk adapter is correctly selected (no more, lower adapter for the CD / DVD drive) - you can easily put it into the slot and fix it with a screw (it will be similarly fixed on the adapter).

If the thickness of the disk/adapter is correct, but there are problems with inserting it into the slot - put respect for compensating screws on the adapter: some models are equipped with them (they are installed on the side walls of the adapter). Just znіmіt їх (or drown).

In addition, as an adapter with a drive insertion into the slot for the drive, put a neat panel on the adapter so that you look at the right drive and do not old look notebook. Similar panels, ring out, start to go with adapters in the kit (if not, you can remove it from the disk, using the drive).

Checking that the disk is displayed in the BIOS

After you insert another disk, I recommend that after the laptop is turned on, go right up to the BIOS and look to see which disk is showing up, which can be seen. Most of the disks that have been designated can be found in the main menu: main, information that in. (div. photo below).


1) If you don’t know how to get into BIOS, I recommend this material:

2) Perhaps, you will find an article about how to transfer Windows from a hard disk (HDD) to an SSD accumulator (without reinstalling the system) -

Pouches (which is important)

  1. Crap, turn it over, don't you have one more slot for a hard drive or a new socket for SSD M.2 in your laptop;
  2. at the same time for sale є anonymous storage devices that are connected to the USB port - it is possible, the best way out, to expand the space;
  3. before buying an adapter for installing a disk, replace a CD drive - find out what kind of company you have yourself a CD / DVD drive and how ports are victorious (the most popular companies: 9.5 and 12.7 mm);
  4. do not open the cover, as if your laptop is under warranty (it may be the reason for the warranty service);
  5. It is possible that after a new disk is installed, Windows will start to take over. In this case, it is necessary to change the BIOS (if a new disk is chosen, and put it in the need for advancement), and in such cases it is possible to change the zavantazhuvach. About it here:

That's all, for the amendments, that addendum - okremo dyakuyu.

All the best!

The black-and-zhovty operator from the trio of leaders never ceases to amaze with the generosity of his propositions. Senior tariffs of the legendary line "Everything!" with a subscription fee of 500 rubles, now it is necessary to spread the word on the number of telephones and other outbuildings. So, now subscribers of "Beeline" can add a number of telephones/smartphones or tablets to one tariff. What is important - bezkoshtovno.
The proposition of the flooring is new, which, perhaps, will require a report review.

Do some vipadkas have it handy? Well, for example, don't worry about paying for a child's phone - you can connect to your tariff. Є lіtnіy kinsman, which іnkoli call - you can connect to your tariff. Bagatiohs are overwhelmed with non-various packets - now you can distribute a packet of fines/SMS/internet traffic between kilkom phones.
Іstotnі pluses: one rahunok, pomіrna subscription fee. Dosit large packages of services allow "dilitis", as you are left with a memory of non-conforming messages about SMS, Internet traffic or hvilin. An unequivocal plus: even if some of the members of your homeland are not too active in mobile services, even if you connect to a package tariff.

Cons: some of the "single-packet" can win all the traffic. Axis maybe and everything.

How does the proposition work?

Option number 1: I have three telephones with my sim. Tariffs - 300-ruble, 500-ruble, and the tariff without a monthly fee with Wi-Fi is close to 100-200 rubles per month. With a total of about 600 minutes, we manage about 200 SMS and save 3-4 GB of traffic. By connecting all three telephones to one tariff “All for 500”, the subscription fee becomes 500 rubles per month, the fee is 900-1000 rubles, which will be heard. In addition, at tariffs without a monthly fee, you will not be afraid of the mobile Internet, which is expensive to access.

Option number 2: I have a smartphone with a 500-ruble package, plus I have one or two more standard phones. Connecting all three to one package will actually allow you to pay for simple telephones. If you think about it, then two smartphones with packages can already give you savings (one of them for a smart price proposition, I guess, maybe you can get at least a 500-ruble package).

І top: for the tariff "All for 500" (, "All for 990" ( and “Zovsim All” ( you can add up to 5 (five!) numbers to your "homeland". Packages of fines, SMS and Internet traffic will be divided between numbers, and the subscription fee will be one. I do not need to think, you will spend money on the link.

The connection of the socket is on the right hand side, which requires knowledge of the rules and nuances of electrical installation. The voltage at the cis of the electrical installations of the ninth rapidly grows, the strum slows down within an hour of tens of Amperes. The smallest damage to the rules of pulling behind them overheated the fittings and melted the contacts, and the serious flaws "pave the way" to catastrophic consequences. Without z'yasuvavshi, like plugging in an outlet, it's better not to start to get to the bottom of any electrical wiring. Natomist at home miltsiv, yakі vivchili nutrition, there will be no difficulties with the installation, nor with further careless exploitation.

Orienting the choice of the method of connecting the socket

Electricians are well aware of all aspects of connecting sockets. For them, it’s a standard working operation, which can be done every day. For home masters, if they are not known in subtleties, I will build an electric power supply, only to be familiar with the stages of connection. Let's take a look at the officials, so we can add a choice of connection schemes.

Type of socket that yogo poured into the connection diagram

Let's not be with masochism, unrealistic imovirnistyu practice, "digging" at all kinds of sockets that exist on the planet. Let's take a look at three wide teepees, which are actively stalked in the countryside for the hard-nosed recommendations of GOST 7396.1-89. The purpose of electrical installations:

  • Standard C 1a - sockets not equipped with earthing contacts. Appointed for work on the distance between the lines with the values ​​of a constant strum up to 10A, a replacement analogue up to 16A. It is possible to connect to them only low-power units, so as not to impair zahistu. Wanting to go for 250
  • Standard C 2a - sockets that can be used with grounding attachments. Also, in the original mechanism, there is an internal clamp for bringing PE to it. The working mode is similar, but on the front of the front, the stench can live with an exhausting calming energy. Vykoristovuyutsya for pіdklyuchennya pralnyh cars, water heaters, electric stoves, pumps and іn.
  • Standard C 3a - sockets with earthing contact in pin format. Retailing with the front type is only in the configuration and in the field of expansion of grounding outbuildings.

No special wisdom was revealed: the whole difference is in the elementary presence or in the simplest presence of contacts. Tobto. In addition, it is planned to install an additional socket for an electric kettle, you can use C1a as a whole, and for hard-wired electric machines, you can also choose a socket from a grounded socket with a standard size of the plug, you can connect the equipment.

The presence of the grounding terminal at the design of the working mechanism of the socket is embedded on the lead cable:

  • For connecting an electrical installation point without a grounding wire, a cable made of two cores is required. Pіd'єdnati to mekhanіzmu to lay only zero and phase wires;
  • For connecting to a home electrical outlet from a grounded wire, a three-wire cable - a wire for connecting to a phase, ground, and zero.

It is necessary to be connected with the cable not only for the number of functional cores, but also for the size. Moreover, an outlet, and a zahisny apparatus for a litter, which are sporadzhuetsya, next pick up for the roses of an upcoming adventure. Vzagalі vzagali kupuvaty elektrostanovnyj virіb, kakiy maє that transmit less than 16 zminnyh Ampere, not enough. It’s better to use it “from the reserve”, then we’ll change a bigger iron attachment.

Faulty installation method according to the type of wiring

An important point, which is added to the choice, like the socket itself, and the method of installation, є type of electrical wiring: vіn vіdkritiy or closed. Tobto. vykonavtsu sled z'yasuvati: over the walls of the fortifications cable, vimikachi and points of life, otherwise the whole state is chained to the shtrab.

Vidminnosti at the scheme of installation and connection of the socket to the open or closed electric circuit:

  • For the first, least laborious type of maister, the fixation of the wiring is most often on a wooden wall. Then we fix the dielectric plate-socket, on which it is necessary to fix the working body of the socket. Let's put on a decoration a decorative and protective case. If a line is laid or laid behind an additional cable channel, then before carrying out resurfacing operations on the reverse route, it will be necessary to lay yoga in front.
  • In another, furious variant, you will have to drill walls, drill open one or a group of sockets. After that, lay the pieces of the dart at the furrows formed by the perforator. After the completion of the electrical installation work, it will be necessary to plaster the furrows and open them. So it is best to deal with the improvement of the attached wiring before the completion of the renovation.

At wooden castle houses, the electrical wiring is laid by the sound method. And in the spas, you can’t do without cable channels without cable channels. Otzhe, bazhayuchim z'yasuvati, how to install an outlet, in front of the robot it is necessary to use the technology of fastening these zahishnye boxes.

Loop chi zirka: what to choose?

Trochs more mov mi led about the cable zovsim not without reason. Aje the socket needs to be plugged in before life, and not just fixed on the wall. To figure out why an independent electrician has only two options:

  • Connecting to a separate box with a standard molding of the "star" scheme, behind which independent power lines are created;
  • Connected to the nearest socket, with the molding of the “loop” scheme, it is connected with any electrical installation attachment to be installed on one power line “in a row”.

It is possible to "string" additional sockets on one power supply circuit of the "star" circuit, thus allowing the cable to be overthrown, which is the planned point of life coming to the lansyug.

butt. Outside socket for 25A is connected to the socket under the box with a cable with a cross section of 2.5 mm². Also, you can disable the function of a stub power cord for a 16 A socket, powered by a 1.5 mm² wire.

What is more beautiful than the designation of schemes, it is suggested that future vitrati. Zvichayno, pull the dodatkovu line more quickly for there, closer. Aje won't be cheaper. Prote є situatsії іz unpretentious dictatorship of PUE: installation of a socket for a hard representative by-button technology. For pumps, control units, boilers, the "loop" is not suitable. Less "zіrka", tobto. zherelom її zhivlennya varta is only a rozpodіlna box.

Respect for installation altitude

There are no strict rules for fixing sockets for the height of the lines and the logics of the European code of electrical laws and norms of the PUE, nor for the equivalent normative regulations of Europe. The main criteria are comfort, which is connected with the operational safety and the wiring of the cable for connection.

With the most handy height, 30 cm are taken into account in the area, which we carry. It is true, for little cicadas, for creatures such a dressing will not be safe, as there are no curtains on the case. Before speech, sockets with curtains are strongly recommended for the organization of electric lancers in places that are actively healthy.

Nothing and no one can help the Lord's help for the installation of a 60 cm socket with different variations. You can directly above the plinth chi under the wall, as in that area on the brackets "hang" the TV. According to the line of receipt of the wall from the upper ceiling, the deposit according to the rules of 15 and more cm down and go around in the gas room. And between the outline of the window opening and the strong electrical wiring at the same time with the use of outbuildings, there can be at least 10 protective types of overcooling, outdoor sawing and overheating divas.

Stages of connecting sockets at the lazni

Let's take a look at the connection of a consignment note socket from a grounded socket to the nearest companion. Dotrimuvatimemosya rules shaping the "train". If you want to bring the cable to the soldering box, you will need to work for additional maintenance of clip-on clamps, or for additional twisting of stripping wires with upcoming zvaryuvannya.

Mustaches with electrical wiring are connected when the lantern is turned on. It is recommended that after the machine is switched on in the shield, it should be checked and checked periodically to check the presence of the voltage in the mesh with a multimeter.

Krok #1 - preparation for future operations

To prepare for work, it will be necessary to be alive and the object that is connected without interruption. From the output socket, you need to remove the upper part of the body, so that you can get the cable. As a working mechanism, it is connected to the socket, it is necessary to unscrew the fastening screw and pull out the name block with terminals.

The family of sockets for external wiring has two different types:

  • an extension with a mechanism that is attached to the socket plate;
  • attach with a mechanism, constructively podnany іz overhead socket.

Razboru on details p_dlyagayut insults raznovidi. For the first time, it is necessary to take the body and then the working body, from the other, there is no body.

Krok #2 - connecting the cable to the living room

On the back of the head, it’s a kind of priming with a marker and a felt-tip pen in rutsi. Wrahuemo, sho:

  • In the middle of the box, all three darts (earth, phase, zero) are to blame. So, I’m insanely insulated, which I choked all three conductors with a crooked pipe, it’s necessary to remove them;
  • Carry out the following work with a reasonable margin for the possibility of carrying out other electrical work with them. For sockets with attached wiring, it is recommended to stock up 20 cm. Electricians should cut the cable for inspection of the wiring strictly by size. The axis is reconciled and carried out in order to make it clear, the links can be left out, and the links can be trimmed.
  • As a lansy boarder is laid without a protective box, it is necessary to lead the cable insulation into the body of the dzherel, to which we want to connect by 0.5 cm;
  • For molding a bezdoganny contact, it is necessary to tighten the “special” insulation, all three wires of the cable, which should be pushed, by 0.7-1.0 cm. under the roof;
  • Power in rosettes is necessary so that their cleansing ends do not stick together.

They reconciled, how to visit the chosen one. Appointed, skіlki _izoljatsії znіmemo z cable and z skin іz veins. The sashed shell can be cut without curled windings with a mounting or a clerical knife, in front of it, on the insulating tube, the line of the rose. Insulation from the living needs to be carefully cut, dumb sharpening the olive. You can’t cut it on your own, like I’m going to cover the insulating shell. You can help the conductor.

To ensure optimal contact of the exposed wires, the wires are folded into rings. We will need to lightly flatten it with a hammer, so that the area that is in contact will noticeably increase, and we will overheat at the connection points. Under the zazdalegіd slackened gvinti klem we start kiltsya zgіdno s color markings. Wire PE yellow-green color is connected to the central contact. The value of the phase with zero is not important, because offensive conductors are designated for the creation of power lines. However, the traditional markuval gami should be taken care of, even if you lie down if you have a paw.

Fasten gvinti klem iz zusillyam, ale without fanaticism. Otherwise, bare darts break off, especially as the stench of aluminum. Cryplennya is revered for mіtsnіst, diligently smirking for the arrival of the provіd. Having perekonavshis at nadiyanostі, zbiraemo rasіbrane dzherelo zhivlennya that primenuєmo until the installation of a new outlet.

Krok #3 - direct connection of a new socket

The principles of preparation are analogous, a similar algorithm of work. Only the start of the robot will not be a reconciliation, but a fastening of the socket:

  • Vіd'єdnanny pіdzёtnik or poddnana z robočnіzm platform (false vіd konstruktsії pridbany pristroyu) is applied to the wall, sho vlashtovuєtsya, shchob choose the optimal position for installation;
  • Oliver subtly marked the outline of the socket and the points of its fastening on the wall, then we checked the accuracy of the horizontal line with a straight line. It is possible to fasten the socket of the consignment socket to the wooden wall once you have seen the horizontality and verticality of the crossed lines. Fastening is carried out through the nayavn on the installation platform, open with wood screws. For fixation of the consignment note on the concrete or polished surface, drill open the dowels;
  • A block with terminals was brought to the fixed socket, as it was not taken;
  • By analogy with the described method, we carry out a chergovy reconciliation;
  • Dali form a ring, wind up їх pіd gvinti klem and diligently zagvinchuemo;
  • Perekonlivo posmikuёmo for the dart of the creation of contacts;
  • Nothing fell off? For those with a calm soul, it is pressed on and fastened with a complete screw to the cover of the case.

Axis and the whole order works. Not difficult, right?

Tim, who knows how it is possible to create a whole loop of sockets at once, the descriptions of the algorithm will also be correct. Zusil invest them more, they will have more trouble, but they will be like that themselves. Just repeat the stench periodically. The number of technological "turns" in case of arranging a loop to increase the number of electrical installation points.

Today we will sort out food, how to fix the Internet on a computer or a laptop. As a rule, the Internet becomes the provider’s partner at the moment, if you make an agreement with him for the assignment of services - even the most correct withdrawal from the all-world web is an indication of the completion of the service. However, when you reinstall Windows or buy a new computer, the Internet can be upgraded, and here we are already faced with a dilemma - click on the tech support or do it all with your own hands. In fact, the task is not foldable, so having read this article to the end, you can save pennies more than once.

How to set up the Internet on a computer behind a cable?

The most common type of connection is cable - you have a wire with a special LAN connector at the end of your apartment, which is inserted into the mesh card in the PC case. However, depending on the provider, there is a type of connection to the merezhі. Those, how to correctly install the Internet and in what way connect to the all-world border, can be assigned to the papers of the contract, which you saw during the initial installation of the Internet by a spivrobitnik. Їх kіlka - automatic IP, static IP, PPPoE, L2TP, with filtering behind the MAC address. Let's take a look at them in order.

Setting up the Internet automatically

I called this type automatic, because the provider connects you to this type, then you are lucky - you won’t get anything wrong. With a new one in the measure, it will "by itself" - it's just a built-in Ethernet-cable and the internet. If you didn’t check the wine, then we’ll change it, that all the configurations are reset to zero – for which one we go to “Start > Control Panel > Merge and Internet > Center for control of fencing and bedroom access Connection by local network” and go to “Power > Internet Protocol version TCP/IP v.4”. Here we must be guilty of standing on “Automation”, as in the picture

Connecting to the Internet on a computer with authorization

At whom do you want to reach an extended type, or rather, types, that there are two of them, you can get a little help and create a connection with the handles and enter the login and password to set the connection to the Internet. Just as soon as you go to the Internet, click on the end of the work table, turn up at the end to connect, in which you press the button - that's your jump.


PPPoE - connection to the provider's servers is only required by login and password. If you raptomly reinstalled Windows, then in order to restore the possibility of going out, it’s robimo like this:

  1. Go to "Start > Control Panel"

  2. gave in “Merezhi and Internet”

  3. and in the “Center for Management of Merezhins and Sleepy Access”

  4. Here on the side (on the left side for Windows 7 or in the main window in Windows 8 and 10) there is a menu item "Installed connections or links" - click on the new

  5. Here we select "Connection to the Internet" and emboss "Dali"

  6. Select "High Width (PPPoE)" and let's go

  7. We enter the login and password, as if you saw the provider - the stink sounds designated in the contract.

  8. If so, turn it over at the “Measurement Management Center” and you can find it in the menu “Change adapter parameters” - go through it.

  9. We know "Vysokoshvidkіsne podklyuchennya" - at the same time it can be "Vіdklyuchenno".

  10. Dvichi klatsaemo on new, vydkryetsya vykno for authorization. Press the button "Connection" and radio! For convenience, you can use a mouse to drag the High-Svydky connection to the Robotic Steel, creating an icon with a high-powered connection.


L2TP is another type of Internet configuration with authorization. For yoga activation, all the same, as in the past, up to and including the 4th grade.

Connecting a laptop to the Internet with a static IP

The next type does not ask you to enter your login and password and click on the icons for the connection, then you need to manually enter the IP address settings to connect to the provider. To set it up, go to the menu “Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Control Center for Security and Shared Access > Manage Network Connections > Change Adapter Settings”, right-click on “Connection by Local Security” and go to “Power Protocol” Internet version TCP/IP v.4”.

І it is entered in the IP address and DNS-server fields and the value, like pressing the provider.

Filtering by MAC address

Well, let's face it, before there are any other types of transfers, the provider can set up filtering for the MAC address. Tse means that you can connect the Internet only to a computer, which is registered with the provider. Plug the cable into another - and internet connection. Viyavlyaetsya tsya bad sound at that moment, if you bought a new computer (above a map), brought it home, but not ore. Honestly, it seems, I didn’t understand, why do our “friends” slander such bullshit, but if it’s like that, then you can activate the exit at the edge only by calling the support service and saying that you bought a new PC.

For now, everything is all right, you now know for sure how to connect the Internet to your computer and you can 100% do it yourself!

For the exchange of data between buildings, you can change the accumulated information, or even richer the local counting measure (LAN). SCRAP or in the English version of LAN (local area network) - this is a computer network, in which a small number of computers or attachments are combined for the exchange of information. Use impersonal methods, like connecting a LAN, or the most wide-ranging connection to the “star” type or Ethernet. Attachments can be used for additional wires or bezdrotovyh technologies.

Preparatory stage and necessary possession

When collapsing SCRAP, the attack is stupefied:

  • a merezhna card, as it can be vbudovan or at a visible module;
  • patch cord - crimped cable with RJ-45 connector;
  • router (router) chi switch (switch).

If the candles or the routers do not turn on, then in such a situation at once you can only connect two outbuildings, at that hour, even if they are already separated, there are more than a few of these scrolls or routers and ports on them.

The cable, which is vikoristovuetsya, is guilty of but a special order of tying, with which tying for connecting two PCs or for connecting to a router is wielded. This is the name of the straight line and the turn around. The order of postings in order how to connect a computer to a local network at the plug-in connection computer-computer or crosower cable (turnaround), from one side of the patch cord:

  1. white-yellow hot;
  2. orange;
  3. white-greens;
  4. blue;
  5. white-blue;
  6. greens;
  7. white-brown;
  8. brown.

On the other side, the order for the colors of the offensive:

  1. white-greens;
  2. greens;
  3. white-yellow hot;
  4. blue;
  5. white-blue;
  6. orange;
  7. white-brown;
  8. brown.

For access behind the computer-router type, on both ends of the cable, the cable is twisted for any way. Golovna, that the darts were squeezed in the same sequence. If you can find it on your own, you can buy it from any computer store.

Now varto look at the addresses, as they will be given to the devices at the future fence. If you please, in a certain range the address for the global and for the LAN is changed. The local vicorists have the following ranges:

  • 0.0.0 -;
  • 16.0.0 -;
  • 168.0.0 -

Which of the designated ranges will win the administrator independently. Tse does not have an important meaning. For home calls, the range is taken as 192.168.X.X, for corporate calls, the range is 10.X.X.X, and in.

Creation of a leading institution

If the cable is being prepared and the administrator is assigned to the wired addresses, it is necessary to connect it physically to the roses of the wired cards. Correctly broken cable for the hour of connection will be shown on the map indication. The light of the yellow color signals about those who link (close) є, and the greens - the activity of the link. As a link, you can proceed without a hitch until you finish.

For the cob perekonaєmosya, scho computers may have different names and lie down to one and the same working group. In order to know what to indicate the following information, it is necessary to do the following:

  • on the work table, or in the "Start" menu, right-click on the power button on the "My Computer" icon;
  • on the tabs of the computer's name and information;
  • perekonatisya, that the names are changed, and the working group is the same for both PCs;
  • at different times, change it with the button "Change ...", and the working group with the button "Identification";
  • The changes will be stopped after the PC is re-vanquished.

When connecting the computer-to-computer connection and under Windows XP, you need to do this:

  • viklikati "Start - Nalashtuvannya - Merezhevі connection";
  • at vіknі vibrati vіbrati vіstі vіlnostі merezhnogo z'єdnannya with the right button;
  • select "Internet Protocol" and press "Power";
  • set a jumper at the position “Change to IP address” and enter an address from the selected range. The mask will be set automatically and it is not necessary to change it;
  • Confirm the answer by pressing "OK".

For Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10, it works like this:

  • viklikati "Control Panel";
  • go to "I will look again";
  • click on the "Advanced adapter parameters" option;
  • call for the adapter's authority and give "Internet protocol version 4";
  • you can uncheck the box next to "Internet protocol version 6"
  • prescribe the IP address and confirm it.

When two computers are connected, the address is not registered to the gateway, so. the field is left empty. After vikonanny nalashtuvan on one computer, they themselves vikonuyutsya and on another. The only difference is that the remaining value in the IP address field can be changed. The remaining digit in IP can be 0 and 255, because u addresses are reserved for broadcast (wide range).

For how to connect 3 computers by local measure it is also necessary to change the router and switch. As the address of the gateway, the IP address of the router is specified. With vikoristannі the scroll will not be the gateway. All program settings are prescribed in a similar order. Single quality - it is necessary to twist the cable in a direct way.

Re-verification of the practicality of the measure and improvement of access

The reverification of the link is the result of the fact that the packets pass between computers. To fight by running the ping command, and in the people it is called “poping the line”. It’s easier to win over just at the command line, write “ping ».

If you receive positive feedback, you can make sure that the fence is set correctly and that the computers exchange information. For more comfortable work, it is sensible to open access to the same folders, so that the hardened PCs could look through the files in them or change them. What is necessary for whom? Dekіlka simple krіv for Windows XP:

  • right-click to open folder authority, access to whatever is needed;
  • in authorities, go to the "Access" tab;
  • check the boxes next to "Give access to this folder";
  • for the need to change the measure of the name of the resource;
  • As a matter of course, in order for the files to be changed, the right to change files is checked by checking the box “Allow files to be changed by size”.

For newer versions of Windows, there are a few trochs:

  • also call out the authorities of the folder and the tab dodatkovo;
  • click on "Spirny access ...";
  • from the “Add” list, a specific koristuvach or “Everything” is selected, and for the equal, the necessary access is allowed, for example, reading that record;
  • press the button "Green Access", then "Done";

At the center of keruvannya, the parameters of the active treadmill are changed by the following order:

  • click on the button "Change access parameters";
  • choose less than the displayed resources of the computer;
  • allow full access to files and printers;
  • the access of the merezhevy coristuvachіv merezhі is included;
  • also wimming access behind the password of the koristuvach.

In order to find the resources, follow the search for the available resources from the work group through a special explorer. Possibility of pratsyuvati іz spilnoy folder like іz okremy disk, yakscho connect yak "Merezhevy disk".

We have lost the power of other ways to organize the connection, otherwise how to connect a local network on a laptop, then another more popular way is to create a jetless scrap, so that the wires are connected via a WiFi adapter, as well as the implementation of this method to go beyond the boundaries of the state.

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