Processing of roslin with medium vitriol is mounted on the dosing. Why is blue vitriol used and how to stagnate in gardens. Preparing the composition of blue vitriol

Midniy vitriol- an instant fungicide popular with private gardeners, which retains its dominance in culture up to 12-14 days. One-time use the fruit of the tree and yagidni chagarniki prosperous, otherwise in autumn with the method of preventing fungal disease of fruit bearing in the coming season.

Weak concentrations of blue vitriol (1-3%) vicarious for tomatoes, so that in the future it will allow the growth of phytophthora. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out the soil treatment during the pre-planting period, only in the extreme lowlands, going into the tomato bush (1% of the growths). Sound the blue vitriol at the vicorist garden:

  • Vіd monіlіоzu and scab on quince, pear, apple tree and іn. Last fruit-bearing;
  • Vіd kucheryavostі, kokomіkozu on kistochkovyh (peach and plum, cherry and sweet cherry);
  • Vіd anthracnose of currant and septoriozu aґrus, blackberry;
  • Vіd trudnovedenih plamymosti (clasterosporosis, phyllostictozi and іn.);
  • Vіd boroshnistoї ta hibno boroshnistoy dew(Irrigation of the soil for ogirkiv, kvіtіv and іn.).

Yak dіє midny vitriol

The fungicide attacks mature colonies of fungi at physical contact. The superworts of phytopathogens die a little later, just like a mature, succulent mycelium begins to die already in the first 2 years after pulverization. In order to achieve the maximum result, harvesting should be carried out relatively and evenly (up to 10 liters of work per planting on a fruit-bearing tree). Oxide midi is quickly neutralized, ale її fungistatic and fungicidal activity is saved in the middle in 6 to 14 days.

How to zastosovuvat midny vitriol

The drug is produced in the form of midi sulphate powder 960 g/kg. The standard working size is prepared from 50 g of the factory substrate per 5 liters. drive. This is a universal concentration for early spring pulverization of the garden (trees, chagars, fungicidal fertilization of the soil). It is also practiced to soak in the working of the root system of wooden gardeners for further rinsing in clean water in front of the porch. Dotsіlna that processing of medium vitriol єmnosti pіd rassadu. Dead class of toxic nebezpeka. Vikoristannya on fluffy crops is fenced.

Pulverization should be carried out at evening or early hours with no wind, select days without rainfall. Rozchins are prepared for the vicarious days of the tvarinnitsky and the lord's days, vikoristoyuchi yogo without too much negaino. Vikoristovuetsya all the way until the opening of the brunok, or after the selection I give birth. Speech is not to be mixed with other agrochemicals. A one-time spring crop is considered to be non-shedding for culture for the additional recommended breeding (in autumn you can replace it with spring vitriol).

Good day, my friends!

At the calendar of summer cottages, the clerk of the garden plot plans to go to the roslin with insecticidal and fungicidal warehouses, even if you can’t get a good harvest, you can’t move, if you grow sick and die in unsafe coma.

To fight with gardeners and fungal infections of cultures are caused by overturning zasib - blue vitriol - an inorganic spolka, which is sill sulfate midi. The warehouse is a crystalline granule of rich bright-black color, scattered near the water. Rosemary of blue vitriol is a miracle fungicide, antiseptic, insecticide and kindly.

Actively vikoristovuєtsya for obraskuvannya chagarnikіv and fruit trees, crops of soil, fight against diseases of sheep and yagіdnih crops. The most effective hour for entering the blue vitriol is early spring. Concentration rozchinu to fall in the form of singing purposes and the type of growth. With pre-trimannian technology, this dosing of midi sulphate is not toxic for roslin and coma, which is washed down, and also does not give an uninterrupted influx on sіvzmіnu.

The first harvesting is carried out near the birch, if the average temperature readings are set at +5°С higher. Before the trees are cut down, they are prepared in an offensive rank: removing (cutting) old, worn-out, ailing chicks, cleaning stovbur and skeletal chicks from lichens and dead measles, laying a hole in the gap and cracks with garden var, tidying up the village under dewdrop trees (vidalenya).

Denmark should be carried out until the moment of swelling and bursting of the nirok, to remove the larvae of the shkіdnikіv that overwintered, and to protect the growth from the coma and infectious diseases.

1. Processing pear, apple and quince

At to this particular type zastosovuyt 1% retail (100 g of crystals in standard water). Vitrata for obraskuvannya vіd 2 to 5 l on the skin tree, fallow vіd yogo rosemary and vіku.

2. Obrobka kistochkovyh trees (plum, apricot, alicha, cherry, sweet cherry, peach)

Vykoristovuyut 0.5% -1% of midi sulfate varieties (50-100 g in stock in water). Vitrata, like in the front recipe.

3. Obrobka yagіdnih chagarnikіv (all types of currants, aґrus)

Rozchin is prepared in the same way as for stone fruit trees. Vitrata - about 1.5 liters per skin bush.

4. Disinfection of the roots of garden plants with the method of prevention of bacterial and fungal infections

The roots of trees and bushes are lowered to 1% of the warehouse for 3 lengths.

5. Soil preparation

If necessary, disinfect the land in the beds or hotbeds and greenhouses, її shed 0.5% rozchiny (50/10 l). Vitrata 2 l/sq. meter.

6. Processing of planting material

Potato bulbs should be sprinkled with 0.2% rose sulfate midi (20 g/10 l) before hanging.

7. Planting tomato beds

In case of first hits of illness (the appearance of brown patches on the leaves and stems of bushes), the soil is shed with 0.5% of copper sulfate (50 g / 10 l). Vitrata - 3.5-4 liters per one roslin.

At times, a sign of illness appeared on the trees and chagars, dotally sprayed with copper vitriol and carry out late autumn (the end of the harvest - leaf fall), if the leaves are in full litter. The preparation of trees is carried out in the same way as before the spring harvest. The larvae of the shkіdniki are growing and larvae of shkіdnikі, yakі bіdkladenі clods in the cracks, burying and bark for the winter.

Rules for an hour of work with blue vitriol

Before reconstitution, change your mind, so that the term of saving the drug is not passing;

Follow the obov'yazkovo dotrimuvatsya zakhodіv, as if in contact with any chemicals, protect the skin of the hands with mittens, the mucous membrane with eyepieces, the respiratory organs for the help of the respirator;

Under the hour of the work, it is categorically impossible to accept food, drink be-yakі rіdini and fire;

Seen from the house of domestic creatures and children;

The best hour for obraskuvannya is early chi vechir;

The weather is to blame for being dry and windless;

Temperature povitry vіd +5 ° C to +30 ° C;

It is categorically not possible to roam the excesses in a stream, or in a well, or in any other water, remember that midi sulfate is an aggressive and toxic speech;

After the completion of the call, reluctantly rush in with your sweetheart, rinse the empty mouth with clean water.

Watch the video. Channel "Vosaduli"

Zahisiti roslini, vikoristovuyuchi sowing blue vitriol in the garden it’s easy to finish that city - it’s a smut to carry out the processing of the vineyard with pink midi sulfate at the same time. Easy for you! To hell!

Blue vitriol at gardeners vikoristovuetsya often.

Blue vitriol is a speech that has long been stagnant in various areas of our life: in medicine (gynecology), gardening, everyday life. The active part is the crystalline salt of sulfuric acid and ion midi. The sourness of the temple of blue vitriol, that yogo vicorist for the sake of exaltation, for example, shkidlivyh clods in the garden.

Scarlet leaves and stovburi may have an even tenditnu structure, and blue vitriol can burn the roslin. Sob tsogo did not happen, yogo was bred with a fresh vape. Otriman sumish is called Bordeaux native land.

Blue vitriol often grows in gardens, shards of vines do not make up the daily dust. So, they are midi, zmіshanі with water, often grow up in nature, so it’s like blue vitriol being overgrown in fruits and soil, it’s not terrible for the body of a person. Ale shkoda in vitriol middling all the same є: copper easily accumulates in the ground, driving in all microelements and other other inhabitants. The best option: treat the soil with medium vitriol once for 5 years.

Zastosuvannya of blue vitriol for processing roslin

Blue vitriol is vicorous for the suppression of the fungus and other ailments of the growths along the path, or the adoption of the growth itself in the roses. Also, yogo vikoristovuyut for the cultivation of roslin after the fall of the leaves. During the growing season, vicarious blue vitriol is used to fight rot, clumps-shkidniki and ailments, which appear on the leaves and stalks of the dew.

Respect! The harvesting of the roslins is carried out two times with an interval of 20 days and the last three days before harvesting.

Suspension of blue vitriol hanging

Spring zastosovuyt midny vitriol, if the temperature is more than 5 degrees.

The spring preparation of fruit and berry and decorative roslins starts when the average temperature rises above 5 degrees. Until that moment, the roslins already come out of the winter cold, and the shkіdniki, like living near the bark of trees, still sleep.

Before cultivating the roslin, it is necessary to clean up all the zayve: the fall of the leaves, so that the soil can be cultivated, the chicks, lichens and old bark of trees are frozen.

First obskuvannya it is necessary to work, not too early to wake up nirok, oskіlki in nirks can live larvae of leaf dovgonosik, yakі obgrize the leaves before they appear on the world.

Another application should be carried out immediately after the adoption, but before the release of the tickets. When it comes to the cause, it is to blame for a smaller concentration, so as not to hurt the harsh flowers and the fruits.

Zastosuvannya of blue vitriol

The soil is saturated with minerals and micro-organisms, which positively contribute to the growth and fertility of the growth. Like summer speck and dry, ultraviolet ruynuє grunt, driving in the color of microorganism and laying out microelements and minerals. Vidsutnіst vіdsutnіst vodi that hot promenі sun to scorch the dew. This very effect is managed by the blue vitriol, which makes it difficult for yoga in the summer period, like growing, so the soil itself. Roslin can succumb to a small dose of speech, and the soil on a sprat of rocks will cease to be kindred. Gardeners do not recommend vicoristing blue vitriol at this hour of the year.

Blue vitriol of autumn

In the autumn, make a few more steps, if all the leaves are falling.

Cream of spring victoria of blue vitriol, even more autumn. Yogo zavdannya polagaє in order to protect the roslin and the soil in the clods, as if they sounded to hibernate and multiply in the fallen leaves and in the bark of trees. It is necessary to renew it after the fact that all the leaves are falling and will be burned (so that somewhere it would winter with a coma). Ale, it is necessary to reach two trees and cultivate the tree and the soil at an interval of three days until the present frost. Blue vitriol envelops the stovbur of the tree and the soft soil with a small plіvochkoy, like it protects from clods, saves heat until the snow falls, so that the roslin does not freeze, and kindly passes the wind, which allows the roslin to go wild.

How to breed midny vitriol

It is necessary to take two vessels. In the first blue vitriol go with water - the proportions of blue vitriol and water: 1 part to 50 parts. Blue vitriol must be thoroughly dissolved near the water until it is fully expanded. In another vessel, 1 part of slaked vapne is taken. Then the quenched vapely wiggles into the first dish and so it’s self-relevant to mix. Blue vitriol for victoria in gardening preparations, it is necessary to vicorate at the age of 5 years. After the end of this hour, the plastics of the various roses begin to appear in the rozchini, yakі nemozhlivlyuyut vikoristannya rozhina through those who clog the spray gun with themselves.

Important! Most often in gardening vicarious summish is made from 100 grams of blue vitriol, 100 grams of slaked vape and 5 liters of water.

Sumish on the basis of blue vitriol

Sumish on the basis of blue vitriol - Bordeaux native land.

Bordeaux country is made up of 100 grams of blue vitriol, 100-150 grams of slaked vape and 10 liters of water. Everything is seriously mixed up and may buti vikoristane also stretch the nearest 5 years.

Bordeaux is dry sumish vikoristovuєtsya for processing the soil like growing. Stacked with blue vitriol and slaked vapne in proportions 1 to 1.

The Burgundian homeland is most often victorious for the appropriation of niroks. and is made up of 100 grams of blue vitriol, 100 grams of soda ash and 10 liters of water. Qiu sumish is necessary to beat for the nearest 3 years.

Sumish for the beating of roslin. Bіlity roslin is necessary until the first snow on a quiet windless sleepy day. Sumish is prepared from 2-2.5 kilograms of slaked vapne, 400-500 grams of blue vitriol, 1 kilogram of oily clay and 10 liters of water. You can add cow's rot for a quantity of 1-2 shovels on one bucket of whitewash. Tse effective zasib against coma, but yogo vicory is the best for young roslins.

Dosing of blue vitriol

  • trojandi - 10 liters of sum per 100 sq.
  • currant and aґrus - 1-1.5 liters per bush;
  • cherry, sweet cherry, peach, apricot, plum, pear, apple tree, quince - 2-10 liters per tree

Safety for an hour of work with blue vitriol

The fertilization with blue vitriol can be carried out only in calm weather, so that the brittle steam does not destroy the body. It is best to conduct an appointment early in the morning, or late in the evening, but if necessary, it is necessary, so that during the next 5 years there will not be any falls, navit insignificant. Vykoristovuvaty roses or more on the basis of blue vitriol is necessary in gum mittens, so that the rubbish sum is not spent on the shkir. You can put on a special mask to protect your face, to save your eyes, the mucous membrane of your nose and throat from the possible intrusion of speech in them.

From different chemical sources, which are planted in agriculture, the high efficiency of blue vitriol, which is victorious for the growth of roslin, in case of failure, midi and zasib to fight against various clods and ailments. The drug is treated with fungicidal and biocidal action. Vrahovyuchi, scho otruyna speech, zastosovuvat її її її її vіdpovіdno to її іnstrukії dosed. The advantage of blue vitriol is the sound of the day, the disease-causing micro-organisms are not able to stick to a new one, which makes it impossible to increase the norm and hour of the repeated procedure.

Description of the chemical storage of the drug

Qiu inorganic chemical slab is also called middle sulphuric acid pyativodic. With dotrimanny dosing, the agrochemical is beneficially injected into growing organisms. Like victorious yogo in great cultures, you can lead a serious shkodi not only to plantings, but also to healthy people.

The warehouse is toxic, lie down to the 4th class of non-safety. As if the speech is vipadkovo trapping the middle, teasing the mucous membranes. Also, it can penetrate through the skins of the curves into the body with wicked sweat. As the powder leans on the products of eating, the hemorrhage of food poisoning is great, moreover, with a lethal end.

The chemical side above the market is represented by a powder of blackite color and triclidic clear crystals of bright blue coloration, 24% midi. Among the physical authorities, the authorities of their contact drug, are seen:

  • metalevy prismak;
  • high rіven clay;
  • smell;
  • zdatnіst shvidko differs in alcohol, water, and also in the varieties of sulfuric acid with a great concentration.

Crimson, speech is laid out at a temperature of 100-250 degrees and is seen on the floor. 35 ml of rіdini with a concentration of 5% become a serious threat to the health of people - ce lethal dose.

Sulfate midi wins industrial minds like a legacy chemical reactions. For a rahunok of high soaking of speech, for an hour of claying, I make midi sulfate pentahydrate - crystals. The chemical formula is CuSO4 5H2O, denoting the bond of one salt molecule with five water molecules.

The term for the attachment of blue vitriol to become 2 fates. Ale, save yoga is necessary for dry land. As if through the moisture of the wines, it was huddled into breasts, before stosuvanny it is enough to dissolve with warm water. The term for saving a working day can be changed from 3 months to 1 day.

Korist that zastosuvannya in the garden

Sulfate midi is actively zastosovuєtsya for likuvannya bagatioh twigs of fruit trees, sheep and ornamental crops, grapes. For the processing of roslin, manually vikoristovuvat special attachment - a spray gun. Plant vitriol in gardens to fight against late blight, rot, mildew, scab, phyllisticosis, anthracnosis, wilt, curly, black cancer, downy mildew.

The drug shows its effectiveness against scabies: codling plants, scutes, honeysuckle, mites, caterpillars, raspberry beetle, galitsa, kvitkoida, flasks. For a skin look, the cut needs its own concentration: for example, for trojans, it can be 1% of copper sulphate.

In order for the cultivation of plantings to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to conduct two, vitrimuyuchi interval between procedures 3 days.

In the autumn, come in after the full fall of the leaves, and in the spring - before the opening of the brunok. Vykoristovuvaty more often the drug is not recommended, shards of wine accumulate in the soil and nadal galmuvatime rost and roslin.

At the time of the supra-world norms midi near the earth, the tissues planted in the soil have a great degree of damage to the biological level, which can provoke negative consequences, not only for the future birth, but also for a healthy person. The optimal indicator for the use of chemical speech in the soil is 2-3 g per 10 sq. m. m.

This agrochemical shows good results as an improvement. Sulphate midi is often victorious as one of the active components in the warehouse of such sums, like:

  • bordeaux (medny vitriol and quick-drying vapno);
  • burgundy (midny vitriol from added soda);
  • cupronaft, which requires a competent stosuvannya of this dobriv.

How to pierce the Bordeaux homeland from the sum of sodium bicarbonate and midi sulfate, the rest is treated with a low level of efficiency and may be more opiate on the leaves of roslin, before that it sticks badly.

Wikoristanya hinged

It is recommended to rub the tree of fruit trees and chagarniks with a 1% working solution, we prepare 10 g of the preparation for 1 liter of water. Treat the growths with medium vitriol until the first leaves appear. Zroshennya is carried out at a temperature of +5 degrees.

For harvesting the roots of saplings before planting, 1% sum is used. The upper part of the root is burried in a small amount with a working amount of 1 quill, then washed under running water, or for a day of such wiping in three waters, 2-3 quills per skin. In order to speed up the process of germination of ogirkiv, tomatoes and other crops, they are grown in 2% sum. The same rozchiny to slay the stinging of potato bulbs against late blight.

Grapes harvesting at the 3rd stop: before the formation of the nirok, before the flowering phase and after the completion. For this, it is necessary to stir up medium vitriol (300 g) and quick-drying water (300 g) in 10 liters of water. The obraskuvannya is carried out from the root and ends with the top. For zahistu polunitsі vіd dewy dew, scab and rot koristuyutsya sumіshshu mіdі vapna sulfate (1:1).

The soil infects more than 1 time for 4-5 years. Disinfection should be carried out a month before sowing, vicarious 2-5% of the varieties. Vitrati norm per 1 sq. m warehouse 10 liters of work space. Hang the harvesting of vitriol trees with a 1% warehouse until the first ovaries are set. Such a trick is to allow to protect them from damage by a fungus, splashing that rot.


At the garden of that town, zastosovuyt midny vitriol for the planting of various shkіdniks. The mold is turned at the stage of fruit molding. For these purposes, beat:

  1. Working rozchin 0.5-1% for apple trees, apricots and pears. Such a construction of a building is a small colony of dry coma - a pope.
  2. Rіdina 1-2% vryatuє fruits of the tree in the form of heaped cartilage.
  3. A similar dosing is needed for the conservation of chagarniks (raspberries, currants) in view of the appearance of weediness on leaves and popelits.
  4. For the cultivation of vineyards, a working crop is prepared from 2-5 g, and 10 liters of water. Zavdyaki vlivu sulphate mid-leaf is not prematurely falling off, so it will become a superb barrier against the development of rotten processes, anthracnose and richness of other ailments. I will repeat the procedure after 3 days.

Planting garden and urban crops is allowed 2-3 days before harvest.

Like kindly midny vitriol stagnates more importantly on poor soils, where there is a lack of brown speeches, as well as on piskovyks, peat bogs. The drug vikoristovuyut іz rozrahunku 1 g per 1 sq. m. m.

Vikoristanny of autumn

Gardeners and city dwellers bring in an agrochemical for the preparation of roslin and soil before winter. Dosage for skin type procedures is recommended:

  1. In order to plant vineyards, it is necessary to plant 5% of the working area and carry out the vine trimming after the leaves fall. Blue vitriol also has a positive effect when transplanting culture. For this її root, omit at єmnіst with a 1% difference and streak a sprat of quill.
  2. Upon completion of the collection of the seminice, the next step is to make a change, prepare from 3 g of the drug and 10 liters of water.
  3. How to fertilize the land before planting, so it is necessary and to grow after picking, I plant it, sipping copper sulphate from rosemary 1 g per 1 sq. m. m.
  4. Before closing the bushes for the winter, troyands should carry out a 3% warehouse.

The dressing of the soil with blue vitriol allows the growth of the same disinfection and the ignorance of those found in the soil.

Possibly Skoda drug

Looking back at those that midi sulfate is brought to the category of brittle speeches, when victorious in great dosing, it is possible to provoke the appearance of chemical opiates on the roslins. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare a working analysis with suvoriy vіdpovіdnostі before vkazіvok on the package to the drug.

Skoda for people

Tsya aggressive chemical spolka with careless occasion can cause blindness, as if to spend it at the vіchі. It is a great concern to establish and produce the yogo mountain, regardless of the fact that copper sulphate can lie down to easy speeches. During the heating process, toxic gases are eliminated, as if they provoke an outbreak. If you don’t know why it’s bad for the body of a person in the form of blue vitriol, you can significantly worsen your health, and in 30 ml it can be fatal.

How to replace blue vitriol

Near the city and garden, you can use such effective drugs as burgundy, bordeaux sumish, Gliokladin, Kuproksat, Fitosporin, Alirin-B, Khom, Gamair.

How to prepare rosemary of blue vitriol

When preparing a working rind, it is recommended to vicorist a glass or an enamel container, shards of midi sulfate immediately enter the reaction with metal. Shchob rozchin having revealed efficiency, it is necessary to know how to breed blue vitriol. Don't prepare ahead of time, otherwise crooks of authority ruin. The blue crystals are more beautiful in warm water.

It is necessary to dilute the agrochemical in a small amount of water, and then bring it to a specific concentration (1% or 3%). For the preparation of a working 1% solution, 100 g must be prepared in 10 liters of water. Before zasosuvannya yogo pass through the fabric, which is filtered. In order to hide the opikiv on the sheet to sulfuric acid midi, add freshly slaked vape, come out the bordeaux sumish.

For a 3% warehouse vicory, medium vitriol (300 g), vapno (400 g) and water (10 l) are used. And for 1% rindine, you need to take 100 g of midi sulfate, 100 g of vaping and 10 liters of water. Viroblyat sledd vіdrazu w.

The process of preparing the Burgundy rіdini may have the same principles as when raising the Bordeaux sum. For example, to make a 1% solution, you need copper sulfate (100 g) and a solution near the water (5 l). In a small container, dissolve soda ash (40-50 g) and water (5 l). Let's keep two sums in one plastic container.

Cooking technology

For the application of trees, a working rose is prepared from the frosting of the okrop (over 50 degrees). For such a temperature, the crystals are more and more varied. Vikoristovuvana mnіst is not guilty of being thin-walled, otherwise, through the strong electrolytic power of the agrochemical, it can be corrupted. Docіlnіshe activate midny vitriol in a water bath. If the homeland is lost, they save from the glassy containers up to 1 fate from the dark place.

Concentration of products

For soil contamination, 3-5% of the land is needed. Її also zastosovuyt and during everyday life for the reduction of mold that fungus. After the cultivation of visajuvati culture on such soil, it is possible to do less than offensive fate. Rozchin 0.5-1% (water and water 50-100 g zabu) vikoristovuetsya in likuvalno-prophylactic purposes. Let's plant the fruits of the tree, chagars, grapes and other growths against fungal infections and coma-shkidnikiv.

A working warehouse of 0.02-0.03% shows its effectiveness as a life-giving sum for garden and urban plantings. For this, in 10 liters of water, grow medium vitriol in a quantity of 2-3 g.

Rules for working with the drug

When vikoristannі midny vitriol obov'yazkovo need to wear closed clothes and koristuvatisya with additional protective measures (mittens, eyepieces, respirator). When obpriskuvanni planting entrusted to innocent children, creatures.

Mistkіst, in a warehouse that is being prepared, for safety reasons it is not recommended to stop for storage of food products.

Instruction from zastosuvannya

In the garden and in the city, sulfate midi is necessary to vicorist in windless and dry weather. Procedures may be carried out before the opening of the flower ties. Children start zasib after 2 years after the harvest, and the trivality of zahist becomes 2 days later.

Blue vitriol is not recommended to be used with other preparations for planting. When preparing yoga, it is important to resolutely mix the agrochemical 5 liters of water, so that the wines are re-opened. You can only add 5 liters of water, which you have run out of. In order to avoid the negative consequences for the growth of the future crop, follow the instructions for stowing the blue vitriol. The term for the protection of the security of the 2nd year.

Please come in with the drug

In order to prevent chemical speech from getting on the skins, twist that mucous membrane of the eyes, it is necessary to know how to plant vitriol in the city. In the obov'yazykovom order, you can wear a work clothes with a double sleeve, a respirator and a zahisnі eyepieces. Once the preparation has been drunk up to the mouth, it should be rinsed with water, and as soon as it is leaning on the skins, it should be rinsed thoroughly.

Among the gardeners, blue vitriol is growing in great popularity, stagnating in the garden as a chemical speech for exaltation and prevention of growths in the form of illnesses, caused by a virus or brought by shkidniks.

Midny vitriol - ce blackite-blue powder-like speech at the sight of crystals. Trivaly contact with sour to produce to change the color of speech to light gray, with which the powder does not lose its positive vigor. It is possible to turn your large, blaky eye when soaked near the water. Zasіb є representative of fungіtsidіv, scho mayut a wide range of diї.

Dovidka! On the packaging there is an instruction that sign is “CuSO4”.

Blue vitriol - zasіb contact ї ї, scho does not accumulate in the fabrics of growth, with the exact dosing of the dosing. Sipping at the soil, this speech, at the thought of the deaky gardeners, poov'yazu phosphorus from the floor. Cultivated varieties of roslin, which grow on a rich middling substrate, after fertilization with vitriol show signs associated with a lack of phosphorus. For the use of non-phosphorus, roslins need additional supplementation with mineral fertilizers.

Have you ever used blue vitriol at the garden?

The master of the land plot is constantly brought to stick with difficulties, blaming through the trash of ecology, frost, dryness, or the weather is too hot for the vlіtka.

Climatic changes, which are felt even quickly, negatively pour into the burning camp of trees. The immunity of the roslin is reduced, and the stench becomes infected with pathogenic fungi or fluffy coma. Dosvіdchenі gardeners know that for the maintenance of the garden in a fruitful and healthy camp, it is necessary to constantly walk behind the trees and hourly carry out the chemical treatment of roslin. The most popular and the most accessible zasib for gardening is blue vitriol.

Vykoristanny tsgogo zasobu can bring roslins on the garden dilyantsi great melancholy. If it is possible to find a place near a sufficient amount of land near the soil and in the very growth itself, then its resistance to infection with viruses will significantly increase.

Roslini, who grow on peaty, edible soil, who do not avenge the black soil, suffer the most in the midst of mischief.

Please! It is recommended to cultivate garden trees and chagars with copper vitriol 2 times on the river: spring and autumn. Carry out the procedure more often in a warm period, if there are no leaves on the needles.

In the autumn period, the harvesting is carried out after the leaves are thrown off like a tree, and the curtains, if the nirs only begin to swell. It is often not necessary to plant roses of copper vitriol, shards of mid, accumulated from the soil in the great kіlkost, it can become a transition for the growth of such a development of trees and chagarniks.

There is a large amount of this chemical element, which is found in the earth and tissues of roslins, which can become the cause of the destruction of biological jealousy, which in the course of time can bring forth mature fruits and be recognized as healthy people.

Important! per 10 sq.m. of land, the maximum value is 2-3 gr.

Blue vitriol є warehouse vіdomih sumіshi for processing, for example:

  • "Burgundy Rіdini";
  • "Kupronafta";
  • "Bordeaux Sumish".

It is necessary to closely control the introduction of these additives.

See the difference between fallow and concentration

How do you set up a warehouse?

The preparation of sumishi with blue vitriol for the processing of garden roslins is carried out in two stages:

  1. Preparation of uterine rosemary with vicarious sulfate midi. For the preparation of the uterine rosemary from blue vitriol, it is necessary to take a container, as it will not be victorious like utensils for hedgehogs. In 1 liter of water, it is necessary to add 100 g of midi sulfate. Water for the preparation of sumish vicorist is warm, close to 50-60 degrees for a fine powder. Sumіsh needs to be mixed for the possession of a homogeneous warehouse. Taking away 10% of roses is not suitable for gardening. Before soaking, the mother sum should be diluted with water to a concentration of midi sulfate - 1 or 1.5%.
  2. Razvedennya uterine rozchin to otrimannya necessary concentration. Dilute the uterine rosettes best in one container, in a yak, cream sumish, add water in a volume of 7-9 liters. garden roslini it is recommended to use a spray gun or spray manually.

Watch the video! How to breed midny vitriol

Zastosuvannya hinged

Trees and chagarniki are the best to make a warehouse in the spring period. Oskіlki roslini require the maximum amount of midi during the flowering period, at the same time the exchange process in the fabrics of the roslini is at the peak of activity.

The fertilization with medium vitriol in spring is richly effective, in autumn, shards of a tree and chagars can remove a large amount of microelements until the ear of fruiting. Do not varto obskuvat kviti, leafing that fruit of roslin, shards can appear on them, as if causing roses of blue vitriol. For people and creatures, a warehouse can become unsafe, but rocks can have a small amount of sulfuric acid in their warehouse.

The harvesting of trees and chagarniks in the summish, at the warehouse where there is midny vitriol, ploughing in the sprinkling of gіlok and the soil under the dew. It is better to carry out the preparation of rozchina without intermission before baking, as in the cold water the blue vitriol crystallizes quickly. The most effective way is to harvest healthy plants that are not yet infected with the fungus.

Rіdshe rozchin mednogo sulphate vykorovuyut for dobriva ґrunta that vytravlyuvannya fungi before vysadkoy ovočіv. It is recommended to carry out such cultivation before planting those other vegetable crops.

Summer residents vikoristovuyut rosemary sulphate with a concentration of 0.2% for scalding bulbs before planting. This procedure allows you to significantly reduce the risk of late blight.

After the potato bulbs are coated with copper vitriol, the quality of the harvest is significantly improved - it increases in place of the zucru and starch. And potatoes are the two biggest shills before being infected with a fungus culture, so it’s simply necessary to add summishshyu with midi sulfate for these vegetables. Dіlyanki, devisadzhuyutsya dani ovochevі culture, it is necessary to change, so as to save the accumulated midi from the soil.

Dosvіdcheni gorodniki before planting soak the day in the amount of blue vitriol, to protect these types of illness and speed up the appearance of the first parostkіv. Among the fahivtsiv there is a thought that such procedures can be unsafe for a healthy person, shards of middling do not get out of the growth and rose from the ground.

How to vikoristovuvat midny vitriol fallow in the sight of roslin and twigs

Korisno! The main signs of missing midi in young roslins are leaf curling, chlorosis, and a large number of bushes without pagons. Trees and chagarnica are cultivated with a concentration of 0.02-0.03%. For one roslin, 2-3 liters of oil are needed.

Vitrata in the fallow tree

  1. For the processing of a tree, which is no more than 3 years old, it is better to plant no more than 2 liters of space;
  2. If the tree is visaged 3-4 years ago, then the cost of 1 unit is 3 liters;
  3. For trees that grow near the garden for about 4-6 years, 4 liters of storage is required;
  4. For cutting trees older than 6 years, 5 liters of blue vitriol are required.

Come in later

  • It is not possible to carry out the processing of copper sulfate in windy weather;
  • The procedure for harvesting is best done in the early morning or evening, if you don’t spend direct sleep on a tree;
  • It is not recommended to carry out an obskuvannya after the board, it is necessary to check the hanging of the stovbura growth, or to use special additives, which will allow you to easily stick to measles;
  • The concentration can be changed by 5%. Sumіshі, yakі mіstat midi sulfate in larger numbers, can not only kill all the undesirable micro-organisms, but also scorch the growth;
  • It is not possible to spend an afternoon of flowering in the garden;
  • Pіd hour of the procedure obov'yazkovo vikoristovuvati zasobi іndivіdualnogo zakhistu: mittens, eyepieces, overalls;
  • The atomizer must be cleaned immediately after cleaning;
  • The powder of blue vitriol sifting through the carelessness must be picked up for help with a vine and buried beyond the borders of the plot there, when there is no possibility of this speech to expand through the soil near the underground water.

Nebezpeka for people

Important! A dose of midi sulfate 30-50 ml is fatally unsafe for a person.

Speech can be soaked up with a cloying sweat, so when you try to wink, you can create an individual zakhist. It is necessary to unify the name for mucus or stravochid.

When hit, the chemist's half of the night calls out to blindness. The speech is not busy, but the products of the mountain are not safe for the life of the people. The gas that is seen under the hour of heating midi sulfate, serious illness. Blue vitriol can have a fungicidal effect, for the help of which it is possible to develop effective blooms.

How to stop the flow of that autumn?

The vletka was not followed by the processing of copper sulphate. At high temperatures, more than 30 degrees, scalding is also not recommended. Danish method emergency jumps, if the gardeners show signs of lack of magnesium:

  • low speed of growth;
  • chlorosis;
  • view of the upper pagons.

In the summer months, tomatoes are infected with sulfur and white rot, potatoes - with late blight, and - with black rot. It is possible to identify the presence of illness for such signs:

  • in cabbage - the appearance of black rot;
  • in tomatoes - a small number of flowers and pagons.

Itself in such situations, the distribution of blue vitriol, which has a concentration of 0.2%, is necessary for planting.

It is necessary to carry out the procedure of processing with a variety of blue vitriol at least a month before picking the first mature fruits.

In the autumn period, the treatment with midi sulfate is carried out after the leaves are thrown off like a tree, at which the temperature again becomes positive. Tsі think it is necessary to take care to avoid the appearance of chemical opikіv.

The trimming of trees and chagarniks in autumn allows more growth to grow in clods and fungi. It is also necessary to carry out an appropriation of a land plot, on which one can be found to have thrown off the leaves. Bo itself there form a place for wintering a lot of shkіdnikіv.


Blue vitriol is an effective zasib for fighting diseases and diseases of horticultural and vegetable crops. Golovne zastosovuvati zasib zgidno z іnstruktsiєyu and dotrimuvatisya all safety rules.

Watch the video! Blue vitriol zastosuvannya, power, dosing

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