What documents are required for registration of cash registers. Registration of cash registers: instructions. With some method to fight

Information about those how to register a cash register (cash machine, cash register machine), which is relevant for legal entities. physical features, who are engaged in retail trade and a wide range of services for carrying out their activities with cashiers.

Vіdpovіdno up to dignified legislation Russian Federation KKM is obliged to go through the registration procedure, the oskіlki carried out rozrahunkovyh operations with clients and purchases for the help of an unregistered KKM pull for yourself come in administrative vidpovidalnosti ( penalties - from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles per company and from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles per entrepreneur).

The procedure for registration of KKM is regulated in detail by the provisions of the upcoming regulatory legal acts:

  • Decree of the Order, which approved the “Regulations on the registration and registration of KKM, which are victorious by individual enterprises and organizations” No. 470 dated April 23, 2007.
  • Federal Law No. 54 dated January 22, 2003, which regulates the procedure for carrying out penny repayments at the preparation of forms and repayments for payment cards, as they apply for additional KKM.
  • Local normative acts, which are seen as regional tax authorities.

If KKM is not needed

Prote companies need to be the mother of KKM. Pratsyuvati without cash machines can:

Registration of cash registers with taxpayers - instructions

For businesses, that organization, the taxable authority for the registration of KKM will be subject to tax inspection for the financial status of a legal entity.

If a legal person can get a Kremlin ticket, if it’s also a vicarious cash device, then the registration of the device is carried out at tax inspections, so they change the appearance of a parent company for a job (for example, TOV can measure stores at different places the edge, to register KKM it is necessary to check it at tax inspections at the skin area).

For individual admission, the tax registration authority of the KKM will conduct an inspection for the place of residence of the IP.

Krok 1. Submission of documents

The first hour of registration of KKM is the submission of documents. KKM tax authorities register for a period of five working days from the date of submission by the applicant (or one representative) of a package of documents, about the collection of such taxes, it may be necessary to inform the applicant. So, if the representatives of the tax service show any shortfalls in the registration documents (for example, an incomplete package of documents), then the applicant can correct them with a stretch of one working day from the date of the notification of the tax, otherwise you can get it at the registration of the KKM.

Krok 2. Look at KKM

After the applicant submits registration documents, the tax inspector assigns a specific date and time for the inspection (re-verification) of the KKM. It is necessary to report to the tax authority at the appointment day from the KKM, so if the device does not arrive at the right time, then you will be notified at the registered registry. In addition, on the lookout of KKM, a representative (mechanic) of the KKM technical (service) service center may be present. Registrations only apply to KKM models, as they are included in the Sovereign Register of KKM, as well as secured by a special block of the Electronic control of the stolen line.

Krok 3. Issuing a KKM registration card

After reviewing the KKM and reviewing the package of documents, the authorities will enter all information about the KKM to the special Book of the form of the KKM, and also see the receipt of the registration card of the KKM and the voucher, turning the originals of all submitted documents. At the submitted passport of the KKM, a tax inspector should check the registration of the device and the register of the operator-cashier. If the process of registration of KKM is considered to be completed, the applicant is allowed to register KKM at his own admission office.

The procedure for registering KKM with various branches of tax services can be your own characteristic features. For example, on a package of documents and an application for registration can be carried out both on specific days in the order of the living cherga, and for the previous entries in the tax, which is also the next step.

Video: KKM registration

Documents for registration of KKM

For registration of KKM in the bodies of the tax service, you must submit a package of such documents:

  • Passport EKLZ (Electronic control protected line).
  • Application in the name of the KKM clerk, filed in a special form, approved by the Order of the Federal Filing Service dated April 09, 2008 No. ММ-3-2/15. The form for writing an application can be taken from representatives of the tax authorities.
  • Passport of the KKM model, issued by a representative to the Service Center at the hour of signing the service agreement (the original and copy of the passport must be submitted before filing).
  • Technical passport of KKM (you can see the hour of purchase of the cash register).
  • Certification of the establishment of an organization or an individual admission to the tax authorities and the assignment of an indication number of the taxpayer of taxes (before the taxpayer, it is enough to give a copy).
  • Agreement on the service (technical) service of KKM at the Service Service Centers (legislation of the Russian Federation fenced off the KKM service without a formal service agreement). The agreement is settled without intermediary with the KKM postmaster or the service center, which is supported by the KCM postmaster.
  • Confidence, as it gives the right to register KKM in the bodies of the tax service, as the registration is not required by the businessman (original of the accreditation).
  • Journal of an operator-cashier, warehouses for the KM-4 form.
  • Dogovir order to accept or be some other document that confirms the possibility of installing a cash register at the address indicated in the application, de vikoristovuvatimatsya device (we hope a copy of that original).
  • Certificate of state registration of the enterprise of an organization (ODRN). Before filing a tax, it is necessary to submit a copy of that original certificate.
  • Rosrakhunkovy rahunok.
  • Magazine with the appearance of wikis of technіkіv-fakhіvtsіv, folds for the KM-8 form.

Krim, at the Podatskovy іspecyli іndivoal pirimsya, ask for a premise, the overall Iso (passport), and the representation of the legal individuals, Yaki Pirdiji Yago Vidi Imoyki body).

The package of documents required to be submitted for the registration of KKM, is established by the regional authorities of the tax authorities, and can be individually reviewed, so as not to drag out the registration procedure, the applicant should be asked to refrain from submitting documents to the re-inspection

KKM is sold in a non-fiscal (non-working) country, so it is a lichnik, a kind of pidsumovu viruchka, it is clear. To learn how to get along with the apparatus, it is necessary to go through fiscalization again. Under the hour of the procedure obov'yazkovo present:

  • Spіvrobіtnik TsTO.
  • Tax Inspector.
  • The representative of the company with the hand in hand.

Fiscalization is carried out only at the exits, if all the documents of the building are installed on the day by the tax service (on one of 5 days, if the tax is registered by the KKM).

Before fiscalization, the CTO specialist:

  • Reviewing the integrity of the KKM hull.
  • Enter the factory number in the memory of the yoga device.
  • Program IPN and the name of the enterprise.

Then the tax inspector will set a password, which protects the KKM from the evil one, after which the CTO spivrobitnik put a seal on it and the date of the sealing of the device is entered before the instruction KM-8. Vіn put your signature on the registration certificate and enter there the number of your acknowledgment.

A trial introduction of the sum (1.11 rubles) on the device is the final stage of fiscalization, which allows you to check the correctness of the details to be processed. A submissive inspector, victoriously entering the password, knowing the trial Z-star. After that, the tax inspector and the representative of the company are guilty of signing an act on the registration of control licenses and transferring all the KKM readings to zero. As everything went well, KKM hopes for a unique number, which will be entered into a special fiscal journal.

Registration number of KKM

The fee for the registration of KKM with tax authorities on this day is not charged. A number of Centers for service and technical maintenance of devices, as well as intermediary legal firms, provide companies with their services from the registration of cash registers at the local tax authorities, the term of registration in this case takes only 2-3 days. The number of such services is from 4,000 to 7,000 rubles.

The intermediaries take the preparation of a package of necessary documents, purchase cash registers and different chicken clothes.

To deal with the registration procedure of KKM independently, then financial costs pіde at times less. So, you will need to pay more for the purchase of KKM (average price is 10,000 rubles) and an agreement with a service center (from 2000 to 4000 rubles).

Do you carry out operations with cooking and uncooked cats? Todi zastosovuyut kasovі aparati. Let's take a look at what order should be taken when setting the KKM for the appearance of 2019 rotation.

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Companies and individual acceptances in case of carrying out activities, which are due to rozrahunka preparation or acceptance of bank cards, may zastosovuvat KKM.

hot moments

For whom do you think the essence of the stagnation of KKM - for whom it is necessary to develop before, how to conduct cash discipline in the enterprise.

What is it?

The control-cash machine is called a tool, for the help of which the state structures control the preparation of a penny turnover, and again and again the timely acquisition by the companies of the viruchka.

Vikoristovuєtsya such equipment in order to spread the oblіk goods and control the sellers. Cash tekhnіka zastosovuєtsya until zdіisnennya rozrahunka for the sale of goods and services.

The head zavdannya є fixation on paper nose. KKM is an autonomous attachment, on which cashiers collect money and punch checks.

KKM zobov'yazanі vykoristovuvaty such enterprises, as they are engaged in such types of activities:

  • trading on the market, open maidan at a specially opened place (crim kiosk, kiosk, shop);
  • retail trade from the tray;
  • sale of tickets, periodical literature;
  • trade in drinks for bottling, fish, vegetables;
  • priyomom sklotari and disposal of syrovin toshcho.

The main criterion for zvіlnennya vіd vіd vykoristannya KKT є vіdsutnіst іn access to elektromerezhі, schob to secure the robot to the device.

With what method to be carried out?

Is KKM registration required? Such equipment is registered with the taxable authority for the money, and the company stood on the face. The process is obov'azkovim.

The trading point is periodically reviewed by representatives of state authorities regarding the practicality of cash registers. If the damage is fixed, the organization can take a large fine.

KKM is registered to guarantee that the adoption of the correct model of technology, as it conforms to the approved rules.

The procedure for issuing technical equipment is related to the provisions of the contracts for technical services from the central heating service. As a result, the machine is able to go through systematic revisions.

Legal regulation

The basic law, which regulates the stosuvannya of cash machines, є. At this regulatory document, the goiter is prescribed for the stosuvannya of the rozrachunkiv of the devices included in the register.

Legislation has established rules for the appearance and maintenance of KKM:

All equipment, recognized for carrying out cash transactions, may have a fiscal memory. The state has created a special register, demonstrating the KKM, which is allowed for zastosuvannya.

All models can be seen up to the selected types and the designated area of ​​their application. The registry keys are constantly corrected, the first step before the registration will be the choice of the relevant types of devices.

On the portals of the federal tax service, all the vimogi, yaki hang up to cash registers. Tse so mind:

Technique is guilty of mother fiscal type of memory Obov'yazkovo presence of the body, the possibility of another check and control lines.
Dani, scho to pass through the KKT You are not to be blamed for the corrections that you are succumbing to.
Give thanks for saving the trival hour Independently from energy saving
All data are due without change On cash receipts and control lines
Might be possible to introduce a sign to the regime What to say about those who cannot be corrected data, what is carried out for an additional payment card during the preparation
May buti be able to see the records What is displayed on the control lines and in the fiscal memory of KKM
May buti year What to beat real hour on the alert
May we be able to make Vіdomosti about koristuvachiv at the fiscal memory of technics
The car can be in good order
May be blocking function There is no data on the cash lines about the fiscal regime
Varto mati Mustache required documents too.

Statement on the appearance of KKM in the 2019 roci

KKM owing obov'yazkovo be brought to the Register of service tax authorities.

Pereviryayuchi structures may have a small number of information bases, on one of them there are information about registered equipment, and on the other - lists of models that have been fenced to vikoristannya through obsolescence.

Also, at the stage of selection, such information should be clarified so that the device does not fall. Registering cash registers with the state register, they display the following statements:

  • brand;
  • naming the virobnik;
  • data about possible software version;
  • see the activity;
  • submissive mode;
  • maximum term of primary registration.

For bajannya, go through the term registration of varto vrahuvati:

Translation of documents

When you arrive at the cash register, you should show:

  • PIB or the name of the company;
  • OGRN;
  • contacts.

To register a cash register, it is necessary to prepare the following documentation:

  1. Application to the representative of the tax service, who will conduct the registration.
  2. Certification about setting up on the face of the FNP.
  3. Dovіdka about those who are unruly victorious rightly.
  4. Certification about staging at the Ministry of Natural Resources.
  5. Dovidki about the lease or the rights of the authorities, which confirm.
  6. Forms of cash registers.
  7. Technical passport of the registered car with a seal and a signature (vintage must be completed by a representative of the tax service).
  8. Acti, scho folded in front of the machines.
  9. The magazine, de conducts the appearance of the practitioners of the CTO.
  10. Payment documents confirming the receipt of cash register, payment of contracts from the CTO.
  11. Printed journals of cashiers.
  12. Sound balances.

Vіdpovіdalnoy special for carrying out the procedure є representative of the enterprise chi yogo vlasnik.

When the CCT is sent to the magazine, which is victorious when maintaining cash in the central heating center, the following documents are prepared by the technical center:

The company is also to blame for the mother:

For sole proprietors, submit a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur. If such a person has a signet, take a varto for registration.

In other tax offices, a document can be submitted to confirm the authority of the borg.

Entrants are not guilty of registering the property with a taxable authority. The car can be beaten without ECLZ. It is also not necessary to give the representative of the reviewing authority the magazine of the cashier-operator.

Golovne zavdannya vykoristannya tekhnіka - postachat data, yakі can ensure the clarity of the internal appearance.
Often, KKM without registration is attached to a lot of documents, which are seen during the rebuilding of the population.

At the check of guilt, the obov'yazkovo requisites are displayed and the cashier's signature may be checked. The registration process itself is not disturbed by anything. It will be necessary to pick up documents and place an agreement from the CTO.

The device can be registered by a trusted person. For the first person, a passport is submitted, for another crimson, a person is also required to be trusted.

The FNP is in control, that the cash discipline of IP is correctly conducted, that the appearance of a taken surplus is carried out all over the world. Penalty applied:

The application is filed after the form, as it is confirmed. Served on paper, or maybe mother and electronic format.

If the car is not registered, it will not be possible to vouch for the renewal of the water supply. Such visnovkas are in vіdobrazhenі.

May be the place of law enforcement, as if the KKM is victorious, which is respected for another person. І before the speech, at the hour of the transfer to the apparatus to the structural subdivision, the acceptance can be put together a final order act.

Representatives of the update can put it on the face of the cash register, zastosovuyuchi software security for the introduction of the file in the format of the transfer of information about the registration of the device.

Skin acceptance, as we can name zdijsnyuvati prepare a penny rozrahunok of clients, obov'yazkovo can buy a cash register machine (KKM) and return to the Federal Tax Service for її registration.

In order to complete it in the shortest term, it is necessary to know ahead of time the sequence of events, which is necessary for registration, to collect all the necessary documents and to hand over important moments, to facilitate the whole process.


Before that time, as the arrival of the KKM, it was necessary to reconsider in the need for this job: you can conduct victorious activities without victorious cash apparatus.

KKM next come with functions that are necessary for the singing business: for example, the manager of the grocery store It is better to buy a modern cash device with a screen, a POS-terminal and a readable barcode.

An important point when choosing a device will be the presence of its name in the State Register and the presence of a stolen control line. You can get a cash register at the central heating station, which can take on the entire registration of the device for a small fee. Nadali for servicing the cashier will also need to go back to the central heating center. Tim, who has done this on his own, can do the steps necessary for registering the device.

It is necessary to pay attention to tax inspection and recognition important information about:

  • the hour of the reception of the inspector, who is responsible for the registration of KKM;
  • documents that are necessary for the registration of KKM;
  • the order of registration (what is the possibility of signing up in advance, what happens to the receipt of the receipt at the check).

The application for registration of KKM may be marked with a signet, that zasvіdchuє vіdsutnіst zaborgovannosti pripriєmstva before the power. The tax inspector will set the hour, if the fiscalization of the cash register is carried out.

The fourth stage of the fiscalization of the KKM is the procedure to be carried out at the tax inspection, at which the CTO specialist may be present, in which the apparatus was delivered.

KKM can be used at once with the usual components, and the back is filled with a check line. Even though parts of the KKM are not subject to transportation, the inspector appoints an hour, if you can arrive and carry out fiscalization.

Registration of KKM at the tax inspection is completed after entering information about the device to the KKM form book. After that, the tax authority turns over the original documents at once from the card, which confirms the passage of the KKM registration.

List of documents

The following is to be given for the registration of KKM with the following documents:

  • application form for the registration of KKM (the number of copies may vary depending on the IFTS);
  • cash book(Form KM 4), it is necessary to fill in, put down numbers, lace, put a signature and a signet of the head accountant (for IP - kerіvnik). The inspector put down the date of fiscalization on the new one, verify it with a signature and a stamp;
  • magazine(Form KM 8), which is necessary to fill in, put down numbers, lace up, put a signature and signet;
  • registration certificate KKM, which is included in the kit with a cash machine;
  • passport version of KKM (original and copy);
  • ECLZ passport;
  • volume hologram"Service maintenance 20__", from the appointed fate of setting KKM for maintenance in the central heating station;
  • agreement from the CTO, for whom to serve KKM (original and copy);
  • agree on an order for placement (otherwise, a certificate about the transfer of the object to the authorities), in which the KKM will be placed (original and copy);
  • trust (it is necessary that the documents are submitted by a person other than the landowner, whose name is assigned to the application); for a sole proprietorship, a power of attorney is required, certified by a notary;
  • self-adhesive stamps-seals, which are installed by a representative of the TsTO at the time of registration;
  • in some cases, it is necessary to send a check about the purchase of a CCP or a notice about a bank order at a time without a ready-made account;
  • a certificate certifying the fact of the establishment of the enterprise on a succumbing appearance (original and copy);
  • certificate of registration of IP or legal entity (original and copy).

Important moments

Statement on appearance at different places of Russia can be carried out in a different way, so it is necessary to know about the order of registration of KKM IFTS. Under the circumstances, it is necessary for the sole proprietors of the IP to register the cash register for the place of residence, and for the organizations (for example, TOV) without intermediary for the address that is worth the cash register (the rent of the cash register).

Yakscho kasovy apparatus required for visa trade, you can register yoga for the address of registration(For IP). But in this case, the registration procedure may have been carried out at the territorial tax authorities, and not for registration.

Technical services are carried out at the place where the device will be placed.

Zgidno with the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on 29 March 2012. No. 94 n, KKM registration terms for taxpayers are stored no later than 5 days from the moment the application is accepted by a representative of tax authorities.

Also, remember that, according to the law, a cassette apparatus can be operated no more than seven years from the moment of its installation, it will be necessary to take it out of shape, returning to the IFTS.

If you knew a pardon, be kind, see a fragment of the text and press it Ctrl+Enter.

Law of 03.07.2016 p. No. 290-FZ, new rules for the procedure for registering cash registers for taxes were requested: cover instruction now to take revenge on the possibility of obov'yazkovoї participation in the procedure for the establishment of possession on the face of the operator of fiscal data (OFD). Set the standard by laying down a contract for the maintenance of cash equipment from a specialized organization (before submitting an application!). A list of such companies is listed on the FNP website.

transitional period

In the fierce year of 2017, filings were made for the registration and re-registration of old models of cash registers, as they cannot secure the transfer of fiscal data about the withdrawal of money to their regulatory authorities.

Transition to the online cashier transferring cash register technology updates by way:

  • modernization of KKM, which are already in operation;
  • purchases of praised models.

Timchasovo is allowed not to use in the work of the cash register a new tax to the payers of the tax delivered to the patent - the stench until the fall of 2019 can get by with the forms of the savory zvіtnostі, which are written (Crimea of ​​trade in retail and public food).

Nuances of registering cash registers

Before purchasing a new property, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the changes in the CCP, which allowances are considered to be optimal for conducting compliance with current standards.

Under the law, the registration of KKM is limited to only a few attachments, which are equipped with a fiscal accumulator and may be able to transfer data via the Internet.

To put the device on the obl_k at the taxable body, the subject of the state may:

  • tell me about your name to register a CCP - for whom to submit an application before the tax (letter chi electronically through special office);
  • for fiscal accumulators, enter information about the cash register and yogo koristuvachiv;
  • form a letter about registration with further yoga directions to FNP.

Detailed instructions for koristuvachiv KKT

An application, which is a payer of taxes, initiating the procedure for registering cash holdings, can be stored in a special office on the website of the IFTS. The template was approved by order of the FNP No. ММВ-7-20/484, dated May 29, 2017.

For this document, specify the following set of information:

  • Identification of the carrier of the device from the designated business name and yogo IPN;
  • address data with the indication of the month, where the CCP is inserted (internet stores prescribe the email address of the site);
  • additional information about the cash register, including its model and assignment of the factory code;
  • model and number of the vbudovany fiscal accumulator;
  • if the process of servicing purchases of vicorists requires an automatic attachment for carrying out a re-sale, it is necessary to give data to the applicants about the number of such an attachment;
  • when planning the operation of the possession without connecting it to the Internet, it is necessary to indicate that the cash register for objective reasons is victorious without transmitting information about the checks to the FNP through the operator;
  • yakscho poslednannya safe conduct razrahunkіv іz purchases seldom electronic pennies on the Internet, tse may be guessed at the application.

The application must be submitted to the registry office in writing or electronically. At the first glance, the seal of the document will be greeted with the handwritten signature of the certifier and the seal of the company. The transfer of the completed form to the specialist of the fiscal structure is the responsibility of the director of the firm or the other authorized person.

As a special visit is impossibly, it is permissible to submit a form with a recommended sheet of bindings and attachments to the new inventory.

Riziki postal notification pov'yazanі z scho, scho the date of filing from the application will be taken into account the day of otrimannya tax inspection of the sheet with him, and not the day of the yogo administration.

An electronic application may be completed, if the payer has a donation may have an up-to-date digital signature.

When the payer's application is accepted tax service, cash register, how to put it on the face, go through registration under an individual number.

For zdіysnennya tієї operation vіdvedenya 1 working day from the moment of filing the application.

So, the registration of a cash register with taxes for TOVs is taken from the data entered from the accumulators of such data:

  • registration cipher, giving to the cash register with taxes;
  • Company name;
  • additional information about the KKM model and its accumulation.

ІП in case of memory cards being filled with identifying statements, the name of the enterprise shall indicate the name of that name according to the father's enterprise. As it was appointed, the offensive krok is the folding of the registration call. This document may be submitted to the Federal Tax Service within 1 working day from the moment the CCP number is withdrawn.

Sounds to strengthen the givers:

  • on paper noses - for a special visit;
  • in electronic form - through the operator or through the service "Oblik KKT" of the special account on the website of the FNP.

In the rest of the year, the date of submission of the call form will coincide with the moment of withdrawal of the document by the operator of fiscal data or the hour of placement of the completed form in the office of the CCP.

It is significant that the validity of the procedure for registering a cash register with taxes for IP and the algorithm for legal issues carry. In both cases, take care of:

  • succession dіy;
  • collection of binding documents;
  • declarative nature of registration entries

Vіdminnosti stowed at the designation of the information that identifies the KKM correspondent: the company prescribes the name of the legal entity, but there is no such requisite requisite. SP indicate your P.I.B. for a civilian passport.

All registration operations are carried out cost-free. Vitrati can buti pov'yazanі s re-registration of trust certificates - you have to pay for the services of a notary public from the certification of signatures on the trust.

In times of independent setting up of a cash register, there is no reason to blame the re-registration of additional vitrates.

Yak better than a child

The simplest way is to fill in and submit all documents in electronic form through the special office of the payer of taxes.

For registration with this service, you need to go back to the IFTS. Skin koristuvachevi see a unique login and password access to the resource.

It is important that when registering forms through a special office, it is not necessary to transport the kasi device to the IFTS for a look around. It is enough just to enter the necessary information about the possession of that online form.

If you are taking a job for goods and services, then call the necessary cash equipment. In some moods you can do without it. For new wimogs, registration of cash machines is required. In order to do it right, it is necessary to become familiar with certain nuances.

Who does not need the procedure?

Pіdpriєmtsі, yakі vykonuyut rozrahunki with cooking that bank cards, Zastosovuyutsya control and cash machines. Ale stinks are not needed in such situations:

  • the robot is entered into UTII and PSN;
  • lottery tickets are sold;
  • non-alcoholic products are sold;
  • organization of meals, especially, how to learn and practice at school;
  • sales of gas, milk, ribi, vegetables;
  • realіzacіya goods on vistavtsі, fair, market;
  • reception of sklotari;
  • in case of dribnorizdribny sale;
  • sale of postage stamps;
  • sales of goods of a religious nature.

Where is registration required?

The procedure is vykonuetsya at the tax authority for the place of residence. Legal persons need to apply for financial assistance to the organization. If the stench can be lifted, in some cases the KKM is stagnant, then the procedure is respected by the obov'yazkovoy and in the tributary organs for the transfer. For example, as TOV may have a small number of stores at different locations, it is necessary to register cash devices at the skin area.

The registration of the cash register with the tax inspectorate for the place of residence is subject to individual receipts. Chi є vіdpovіdalnіst, yakscho zratatisya not for a residence permit? A fine is imposed on IP and TOV.

Required documents

I must first write an application for the registration of a cash register. Yogo form is approved by the Order of the FNP of Russia. It is also necessary to add documents for registering a cash register:

  • I’ll add a passport, visions for the KKM reception;
  • agreement on technical services.

The favor is kept with the postal manager of the KKM or the technical service center. Documents must be submitted before filing in originals. If there will be none, registration cannot be vikonan.

It is also necessary to submit an IP document that certifies the person of the IP. And the legal person is required to give confirmation of the ability to act in the organization. If documents are submitted by a representative, you need a mother to hand over. The taxpayers do not have the right to wimagati documents for admission, for those who have to be attached.

In practice, there are situations, if they ask about such documents, as a certificate of registration, registration. In order not to drag out the procedure, it is necessary to recognize the date, which documents are needed.

Registration Features

Registration may be completed within 5 days from the date of submission to the filing documentation. About її otrimanna svrobіtniki owe to inform the applicant.

If there will be shortfalls in the documents, for example, if you don’t get it, you can do it for 1 day after notification. If you miss this period, then the registration will be open.


Іsnuє zagalnopriynyaty order of registration of cash registers. Tse was established by legislation, and for the lack of rules, it was transferred to the court.

Before registering, look around the device. For this procedure, a specific hour is assigned. If it is not carried out, then it will be in the registry. A look at the KKM is consummated by a specialist in the delivery of chi TsTO.

Registration rules

Since the possession of that document does not deserve respect, the registration of cash registers is consid- ered. Information about attachments is entered before the book of the appearance of the CCP, as it is controlled by a taxable authority.

The applicant is guilty of issuing a passport and attaching a special badge. If so, you see the registration card of the owner of the oblіkovy coupon and documents. Spivrobіtniki vykonuyut zavіrennya magazine cashier-operatorіsta. There is no pay for service.

Vimogi to KKM

It is necessary to register less possession, like in the state register. The device is responsible for showing the details in the check, which may affect the skin type of activity. To that it is necessary to vrakhovuvati, in a kakіy galuzі vikoristovuvatimetsya KKM.

To secure the possession, it is necessary to lay down the contract with a special undertaking, as a way to win the technical support of the possession. Without this document, the attachment cannot be put on display. Cassovy apparatus without registration can't be victorious.

Vibir obladannya

The attachment must be chosen correctly. Since the model is not available to the sovereign registry, then such a technique has been blocked. The device may have a hologram "State Register" with the designation of fate, the number and name of the accessory.

The check of the cash register is due to the mother of the same vіdomosti, like:

  • document name and number;
  • the date;
  • PIB acceptance;
  • naming and quantity of goods;
  • sum;
  • I will plant that PIB practitioner.

Іsnuє yaka not maє block memory EKLZ. Such an attachment is not respected by KKT, so it is impossible to register it. CPM is won by UTII and PSN payers.

Vidmova at the registration of KKM

At the registration procedure, they can be charged for lack of documents, non-appearance of admission for inspection. Other reasons include:

  • retiring to non-negotiable taxable service;
  • inaccurate information in the application;
  • knowledge of KKM at rozshuku;
  • inaccuracies in the possession of chi, the presence of signs, seals;
  • no access to the annex.

Vidmova in the registry can be at the time of presentation of an accessory, which does not enter the sovereign registry. It costs to complete the term of CCM depreciation. The main help, why the registration is required, I will turn it on to the Registry.

Blame the situation if the device is from this document. Once such an attachment is registered, it can be won until the end of the depreciation period (up to 7 years). If you bought KKM from someone, then register it її not vide.

Uzhivaniye prilad can be put on obl_k at:

  • change the name of the organization;
  • reorganization of a legal entity;
  • change the place of distribution of firms;
  • IP updates;
  • introduction of CCP to statutory capital;
  • registration of a legal entity by the founder of the IP.

For vikoristannya I will add a vіdpovіdalnіst with damage. Large fines are imposed on IP and legal issues.

The exploitation of the possession is more expensive for 7 years, after which it is necessary to take a look. The sale of KKM is rebuyed from a non-fiscal station, so the licensor is included. The process of fiscalization is respected by obov'yazkovim. If the registration of the immovable will be canceled, it is necessary to reset the fiscal memory.

When registering, the tax inspector checks for a riddle about the factory number, IPN and the name of the organization. Then the password will be confirmed, which is a defense against illegal penetration into the annexes. Then we will install a seal, and complete the procedure for filling the sumi. It is necessary to ensure the correctness of the requisites. The FNP inspector and the applicant signs a document on registration. The personal attachment of the mother is your number, after which the VIN is important for registration.

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