The tanker Oleksandra 1 is known at once. Long term payment method

We present to you a unique map, for the help of which you can show the distribution of any ship near the ocean of light, and also designate directly your move.

The technology, which is based on the robot of the card, is based on a network of satellites that receive encrypted signals from the automatic identification system, or AIS. This system is designed specifically for civil navigation and is encrypted by the signal that is transmitted by the ship into orbit. At the signal, the main information is not only about the ship's life, but also the key data about it - the name, type, speed, portage, port of recognition. The information that is received by satellites is transmitted to the ground and automatically processed.

The result of such a processing was integrated into the interactive map of the vessels, as you can see below.

Interactive map of sea vessels

I'll call the ship for yoga

A legend is added to the card, so you can determine the type of ship, which is guarded. Similar data can be taken away by clicking the bear on the icon on the map. You can watch for the transfer of ships both in the satellite mode, and in the real picture overlay mode. In addition, knowing the name of the ship, you can know yoga on the map. For which it is necessary to enter the name of the specified field on English language. If everything is set up correctly, then the map itself will be centered on the selected ship.
Video instructions for looking for ships on the map

Card update

May all data shown on the map be updated in real time. If you keep in mind that the portability of the ship at the open sea is remarkably small, it seems that the ship does not collapse, then, perhaps, just check the warto. Vtіm, the reason for the "caught up" of the ship may not be only in tsoma - the AIS satellite tether is still "bіlі plіm" at the ocean of light, in which ships are periodically consumed. In such a mood, it is simply necessary to bud, until the ship is able to contact the satellites again - this mission will be updated.

Show that the ship is located near the open sea. Yogo z usіh bokіv otochuyut only the sky that water; for a long time you can’t see either the coast or the island. Drink wherever you want! if there were no satellites on the Earth, no radio communication? If the captain of the ship is unable to carry out astronomical precautions, he cannot determine the location of his ship. To be deprived of one vacation - to go "to the will of the wind." Ale, in this moment of time, the ship of sayings mayzhe to the virnu death.

Parallels and meridians

The entire surface of the earth's kuli is covered with a number of obvious mutually perpendicular lines, as they are called parallels and meridians, And їhnya sukupnіst become so called degree grid. The line, as if it is made up of a peretina of the earth's cool flat, which passes through the center of the Earth perpendicular to the axis of the wrap, is called equator. The equator, however, is in the distance, like in the Pivdenny, and in the Pivnichny Pole. Dovgoy it is called in degrees from the same “zero” meridian on the west (dead time) and on the shid (dead time). Dovgota vіdrakhovuєtsya from 0 to 180 degrees beyond the earth's equator. latitude is called in degrees from the equator to the decimal point, which lies either between the Pivnichny pole and the equator (pivnichna latitude), or between Pivdenniy Pole and the equator (pivdenna latitude). Latitude varies from 0 to 90 degrees. The introduction of a long-term understanding of that breadth and maє great value: it allowed to mean, to fix the misperebuvannya tієї chi іnshої farї ekspeditsії in small areas of the earth's surface, or to designate the misplacement of the ship near the open sea. Latitude and longevity of the hour are the basis of whether a geographical map. The longevity of that breadth, be it a city, is assigned for the help of astronomical guards. Safe sailing was founded on these guards in the open seas and oceans.

Sea mile

The coordinates of the ship's location near the open sea were indicated only by a path of astronomical guards. Zvіdsi taken і value nautical mile- the main loneliness of the vimіru vіdstane, passed by the ship. The nautical mile confirms the change of position, whether it was the light of one light of the arc. For clarity, it is obvious that the Sun is in the meridian and it is guarded by two ships. As if with the difference of heights of the Son we make one hvilin of the arc, then, then, stand between these ships one more nautical mile.

Nautical Science

The presence of exact knowledge about the movement of heavenly bodies and the constant conduct of astronomical watchfulness served for a long time as a majestic shift at the development of navigation. Otzhe, vinicala is hard-nosed need to be done navigation science and sea astronomy. The English Parliament in 1714 recognized a premium of 20 thousand pounds sterling to the one who proposes a method for appointing a long time at sea, wanting to be accurate to half a degree. A lot of people worked on this diet for ten years. It was tempting to become the author of such an important winemaker, it was no less tempting to take away the right to such a solid prize. It's been over a century, but the task set by the parliament has not yet been fulfilled.

Long term payment method

Zreshtoyu, 1770 roku godinnikar Arnold cheering to parliament long-term payment method by the open sea. Tsey method of foundations on transported chronometers. The first accessories for this chronometry were zbudovani Harrison more 1744 to the year. Tsey method polagat at the offensive. Virushayuschie in the sea from some sort of port, longevity of some kind of home, chirped by a chronometer, which is right to go, which shows the hour to the right point. Perebuvayuschie at the open sea, mandriving zі guarding the heavenly bodies sang the Mist hour. From the chronometer readings, we knew the difference in hours. Tsya difference of hours and difference of dovgot in the right point and point of acknowledgment. By this method, in 1843, with great accuracy (up to a hundredth of a second), the age of the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory was determined.

The position of a point on the earth's surface

Otzhe, the position of a point on the earth's surface signify longevity that latitude. The expansion of the arc of the meridian in the direction of the earth's equator to the th month indicates the th latitude. The expansion of the arc of the equator from the zero (head) meridian to the meridian of the given month marks the beginning of the year. The head, zero, meridian is considered to be the one that passes through the famous Greenwich Astronomical Observatory, which is near England, not far from London. In order to determine the age of a point on the Earth, it is enough to know the indication of the year in which city and in Greenwich at one and the same moment. It is based on the fact that at that very moment there were two months of difference between the years of the year. All around, as it seems, become 360 ​​degrees, which is 24 years old; one year is 15 degrees, and one is 1/4 degree, or 15 arcs. So, for example, the difference in the reading of the year for one and the same time in Leningrad and Greenwich becomes 2 years and 1 whilin. Also, Leningrad is on the slope of Greenwich at 30 degrees and 15 degrees. Abo, as usual they say, Leningrad may be 30 degrees and 15 hvilin similar longevity. Latitude - the arc of the meridian from the earth's equator to the singing month. Abo, otherwise it seems, the latitude of a point on the earth's surface at the upper elevation of the pole above the horizon.. Also, depending on the latitude of the ship’s location by the sea, a number of astronomical guards were carried out. Tsі vigilantly ring out led for the help of a kutomіrny tool, which is called sextant. In the daytime, for the help of this instrument, the height is reduced, and at night, the height of the Month, Polar chi іnshої zіrki. At the link with the wine walker, the radio signaling the longevity by the sea viroblyaetsya richly simpler.

International commission of the hour

Bulo was created specially International commission of the hour, like the whole earthly culture mentally divided into nine zones. A special scheme was created, obov'yazkovu all the country's world, transmission of accurate, about rhythmic, signals of the hour, founded on watchful stars. Rhythmical signals of the hour were transmitted every once in a while on the doba by radio from nine of the most intense radio stations at different times of the Greenwich hour. The largest of these radio stations is the EiRegbi boulevard in England and the station named after the Comintern in Moscow. To that, in which the ship did not know the place of the earth's backwoods, vin for an additional radio, wanting to use one of nine stations, having taken the signal of the exact hour i, also, knowing the year for the prime meridian at the given moment. Then, for the help of astronomical guards, the exact moon hour was indicated, and according to the difference of these two hours - the ship’s time for the ship’s journey.

About moving continents

Vidomy geologist Wegener if you hung up the bait, what continent postyno sprat move. This shift, on the other hand, is so significant that, for the help of astronomical warnings, it can be revealed through a small equal term. It sounded like the time of the month is also changing, and you can work it out with a little equal to the hour. Pripuschennja, vyslovlene by Wegener, called out to great tsіkavіst fahіvtsіv. The commission of representatives of the International Astronomical and International Geodetic Conference developed a project for the celebration of holy days by radio through the skin of the rock. The first appointment was held in 1926. Three groups of observatories were selected as the tops of the main polygon. The first group - in Algeria (Africa), Zi-Ka-Vei (China) and San Diego (California); another group - from Greenwich, Tokyo, Vancouver and Ottawa (Canada); the third group - Manilla (Philippines), Honolulu (Sandwich Islands), San Diego and Washington. Tsі observatorії small zv'yazok іz low observatorіy, іkі to lead the robot on service hour. Natomіst dovgotrivali vigilance was carried out by a lot of observatories and timchasovy stations. The work was carried out successfully. Radio signals were received on majestic vistas. So, for example, radio signals from Bordeaux (France) stations were received in America and Australia. The time intervals were calculated with a vaguely high accuracy, and the pardon for the main range did not exceed 0.007 seconds. In 1933, the rotation of the enterprise was repeated on an even greater scale, and the technical level of the work carried out was greater, lower in 1926. As a result, it turned out that the admission made by Wegener was not fully confirmed. In May of the century the adoption of America in Europe, its size, in times, is impossible to move three centimeters on the river. However, it does mean that due to the timing of the received signal at the hour, which is carried out systematically by the observatories of Europe and America, it was detected more often (about 18 meters) the number of days with a period of approximately 11 years, which may be more significant with the periods of sleepy days.

If you want to know, know how a ship is, or know the charting of a particular ship in real time, then select the required quadrant on the map and look at the movement of ships. To find out what kind of vessel that belongs to, just click on the marker, what to click on the map of courts.

More options (so the card is no longer available)


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The information about the distribution of ships is based on data from the Galuze monitoring system (OSM). The positioning hour is set to UTC.


Information about the Polish courts.
“Designed Marine Shipping is composed of advanced modules: Marine Agencies, Vessels Catalog, Regular line transfers.
Whom have shared a lot of Polish ships, which are in operation, with their new characteristics. Let's look at the report technical data, here you can find photos, illustrations and specifications. We hope to be able to know all the information for any ship, by setting its name, type of ship, shipowner or technical parameters.


If you want to see a photo of the steamboat, that short information about the ship.


Site at the real time follow the ship

look for container names. You can call the ship for the name, for the IMO, and so on.

A quick search in all the courts of the world, but registration is required.

You can know the ship in real time by name.
Cool site.

Search for a lot of information on the vessel, photo, description, during registration, access to the full database.

show a photo of the vessel, short information about the new one, more precisely the location, spoil the call.
registration required

Look through the information and photos of the steamships of the shipping company MSC Ships.
The photo is super crisp!

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