Card games. List of card games Rules p'yansiv - Triadi

Kіlkіst gravel NOT fried. Be it a deck. all karti zdayutsya one by one, scho take the fate of grі. After the task is grave, when you have a lady of clubs in your hands, you throw off її, so you throw everything off karti the same color and color, for example: bubo and worms.

Baccarat - A

Number gravel NOT fried. Deck 52 leaves. Eyepieces: ace 1 point, figures by 10, otherwise good. The banker shuffles the deck, taking the top card and putting it in the bank for a penny. Request: Who...

Baccarat - B

Kіlkіst gravel NOT fried. At wells 104 arches. Shuffle one of the dealers, then the banker. The banker may have the right to transfer the coin kart under the bottom of the deck after the sign, forward.

lamb head

A lamb's head (a fool) is an old German head, as a result, being indicated by creid marks (strokes), which step by step describe the figure of a ram's head - the name of the star. Grayut chotiri individuals with a deck of 32 cards. Variety of...


Gravtsiv two three. At grі vchotirioh, who creates in the draw, does not take part and builds on three graves. For games vikoristovuetsya mixed vіsіm or ten decks, the skin of which is added to 20 kart in this order: T, K, D, V, 1 ...

Unchanged store

poklavshi score h 9 kart in the middle you can put on a new young card. Tі cards, yakі not to go to the store, are placed below on the side of one hundred, or a coupon. Pochatkov, chi basic map who's playing solitaire...

Blonde and brunette

Three of the last two decks are laid out 8 kart in one horizontal row, adding the same number of ace as the base. On the qi, the cards, sorting out the deck, are stacked at the bottom line without additional money.

Great margin

qia gra bula was brought to us at the beginning of the first light of the war by the full-fledged Czechs. Like the majority of the mountains, brought from behind the cordon, strongly changed and changed in the middle of the 20th century into "One Thousand". For example, the 50s.

Bonjour, madam - sorry, monsieur

The gra is widened. There are a lot of options. She has no satisfaction play and matured, that child. Kіlkіst gravel NOT fried. Deck - be it. The cards are split between...


Boston showed up to change the vista and yogo view. Boston, Vlasne, signifies the jack of bubo, which the Americans have in appointments grі be respected by the oldest card, wanting Russia grave for tradition, do not reward the ace. Main regulations games at boston. Number...

boston fontainebleau

Boston Fontainebleau. Tse is one of the most varied sights of Boston. Leather zdavach treasure in a box of 50 fish. Who voted to the cob games carte blanche take 10 fish from the skin. If you pay with a sholom or double a Boston, then you pay not only with a sholom, but a buy-in and a pro ...


current bridge vinik way back from such mountains, like vist, as well as from Indian and nearby mountains. Until adopted by 1945. international rules of wines having a small number of different varieties, including for kart z p'yatma and six kinds of suits.


Before thunder leather graviec bet on kin pevnu sumu pennies, for example, 5 kopecks. Gravtsiv vіd 2 to 6 osіb. Deck - 32 or 36 leaves. Three cards are dealt. Upper map kіlk...

Bura (Vidkrita) - B

Danish variant is tested in the form of "Bura" tim, scho karti they throw themselves with graves for sure.


qia gra Vіdoma also under the names of chaklunka and Akulіna. Vaughn the flooring is simple, what Grati children of the youngest age can reach her. Grayut vіd dvoh to six osіb deck іz 36 cards. With more...

great mystery

Ce option solitaire mystery. Add first 9 kart at the bottom row and store coupons. After skin row z 9 kart deposit at bik 3 karti speckled uphill for folding taєmnitsі. With tsimu, like in ...

Virish - not virish (1)

Gras with such a name is used by two absolutely different people for drawing vids. The second view - "Virish - not virish (2)" - is shown in the section "Games, based on discounts kart at the singing sequence&raqu...

Virish - not virish (2) - A

Gravtsіv uncircumcised kіlkіst. Be it a deck. Lunayut on one mustache card. After distribution and in the process games leather s gravel throwing off chotiri karti one goodness, which is in the hands of a new one: for example, chotiri kings, chotiri simki, etc. Si...

Virish - not virish (2) - B

This option is considered in front of the front team, which is Chotiri karti odnієї gіdnostі not znositsya. Gravets on his way can say not only “I don’t believe”, but “I believe”. At another vіpadku vіn vіryaє cards, put in front gravets i, like wine...

Virish - not virish (2) - V

In this variant graviec I have the right to put a number of cards, for example: “Nine aces”. offensive graviec I have the right either to continue or to voice “I don’t believe ...

Vіchny kike (vіchny mandrivnik)

Take it alone deckі unfolding viyalami - three viyala in visim kart and chotiri blew on sim cards. Tsіl solitaire- Take all karti on one star. Top karti vial can be transferred to others - less or more by one slab (by ...


Rules similar to Macau. Vіdrіznyaєtsya tim, scho to the skin engraving dealt twice in two cards. There are no purchases. A banker can throw a card, if it’s good for you, after the first job, but if you don’t have the right to continue the trimati bank ...

Auction Gwent

Gwent appeared as a result of the anger of two games - to win that preference. Vіd preference їm delayed. Speak that recognition of the number of the left, and in the case of the vista - the drawing and deaky combinations of the wi...

Gwent from a nut

Lawy, regulations kart Rules

Gwent with subwinning notation and crowns, which are screwed

Lawy, regulations and wash the gwent: Choose the place of the Significant deck Distribution kart and give out the bindings Retake Exchange of decks Grain deck Rules Negotiations First Weekend Rosigrash Renonce Anniversary of...


Lawy, regulations and wash the gwent: Choose the place of the Significant deck Distribution kart and give out the bindings Retake Exchange of decks Grain deck Rules Negotiations First Weekend R...

Gwent for Smitham

Lawy, regulations and wash the gwent: Choose the place of the Significant deck Distribution kart and give out the bindings Retake Exchange of decks Grain deck Rules Negotiations First weekend Draw Renonce Signing of the card Vidpovidalnist...

Gwent with transplant

Lawy, regulations and wash the gwent: Choose the place of the Significant deck Distribution kart and give out the bindings Retake Exchange of decks Grain deck Rules negotiations First weekend...

Gwent іz buyout

Gwent appeared as a result of the anger of two games - to win that preference. Vіd preference їm delayed. Negotiate that recognition of the number of the left, and on the other hand - the drawing of the day and the combination ...

Gwent from a buy-in, a sip and a flower

Lawy, regulations and wash the gwent: Choose the place of the Significant deck Distribution kart and give out the bindings Retake Exchange of decks Grain deck Rules negotiation...


Lawy, regulations and wash the gwent: Choose the place of the Significant deck Distribution kart and give out the bindings Retake Exchange of decks Grain deck Rules pereg...


Vist is an old English language, yak and dosi maє masu shanuvalnikov. At its foundation vist nadzvychayno tsіkaviy i tsіkaviy, vmagaє respect and memory, more skin graviec goiter and stalking the steps and raising your fir ...


qia gra good for getting to know children map mi, їх suits and virtues. Double up 32 map mi. Rules games only a few breeze in the face of the rules games at the p'yanitsu. Kozhen graviec otrimu 16 cards, like a treasure in front of him with one glass of pictures down. ...


qia gra expanded mayzhe in the US Europe, so there are a lot of options. Guidance here is called hidden. Require respect and think logically. Igor...


For whom solitaire you need to collect from the deck of five and other dribni cards, krim shistok. Potim need to lay down five kart speckled uphill and lay out the whole deck on them, in stock according to this kart at the skin patch. Cho lost her zayvoi map show me, on yaku m ...

Vіsіm wiserіv

Put 10 on the table kart order. If aces appear between them, then it is necessary to place them more for the whole row, make a series that start with aces and end with kings, so solitaire give in. Having changed at t...

Every trump card - A

qia gra came to us from the 19th century practically without changes. Rarely streaked, seen more by the current miles of card games, founded on warfare. Gravtsiv - three and four. At wells 36 arkushiv. Until the delivery of the skin...

Every svіy kozir - B

Tsey variant of the card games vіdrіznyaєtsya vіd "Vyak svіy trump card- And "tim, scho in this variant, without bending the vikhodzhenu under the new card, graviec take all the cards with which you went to the next.


Victory deck from 32 cards, from yakoї vyimayut queens: stink to take the fate of solitaire. After shuffling and taking the cards, put them on the table. karti one bіla іnshої. As there is an ace in the middle of them, it is more than the first card. On number 4 karti P...


Popular in Europe, in England it is called a Russian bank. Play two partners and two with the same decks. Seniority of cards: from the king to the ace, without koziriv. Kozhen plays with his well-kept deck, laying on the cob ...


Three decks in 52 karti they see nine cards, beginning with an ace, two, three, and ending with a nine. Qi nine cards, diligently shuffling, are laid out in 3 rows of 3 karti at the skin row. Put them down well...


One of the oldest card games, seen in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. Bula was a kind of tuber variant of "sikki", yak was not allowed to a decent suspense for its commonness. Nina has been revisited "Thirty-One". Gra...

Women's clothes

3 two decks are placed in row 7 kart catch fire. This row will have layouts in the world of theirs, kings will appear - basic karti solitaire. Under the base next to roble vikl...

Two rings

Two rings are placed in front of us (outside - 10 cards, inside - 6) from six and seven with pictures uphill - base cards. Cards that are lost in wells(88 arkushiv), relat...


qia gra appeared in the middle of the 70s of the XX century and was the most popular thunder for five years. For its rules close to the third. Gravtsiv - two. Deck 32 leaves. The task is carried out by skin gravel by hell. Rent by six kart ...


Old-fashioned gra, yak has not lost popularity in our hour. Viroblya vminnya think logically and prorahovuvati go ahead. Ring out victorious deck from 36 cards, 52 arches. Kіlkіst gravel– three times (most...

Nine zmіshan

Grama is more important than the breadth of the Ukrainian military. Another name - "Nimiy fool." Kіlkіst gravel NOT fried. Be it a deck. I...

Nine Wave

qia gra from the middle of the 19th century to the present hour, it saved not only its rights, but to name it from the primordial sight. Zustrichaetsya rarely. Kіlkіst gravel NOT fried. Two decks of 52 arches each, One for punters, another for a banker.


From the new deck, add 13 cards to the stos, the top one is to be opened - there will be a reserve. A hand in a pile is placed 4 vodkrit cards to repair work, a right-hander in a row tsikh 4 kart put another one horizontally...


Gravtsiv - three. Before wells 32 arkusha add a number of clubs, so go out deck 33 arches. In this variant, the number of clubs is a check. Won for the bazhannyam engraved b'є be it a map, or it may have a clear meaning. Yakscho graviec do not hesitate to take swag on the check...


Domino in karti- even hoarsely that povchalna gra. Grayut not less than three osib deck of 52 cards. Tsіl games- call out as you see your cards. Gra pochinaє zdavach, yakiy, shuffling the deck, giving the skin engraving by sim cards, but...


Gra drank to Russia from France for example of the 19th century. Nina is small at home. Gravtsiv - three. From decks in 52 arches, twos are made. Gras is conducted in such a rank with a deck of 48 arkushivs. Rent three to 12 on chotiri r...

Fool (Virmenskiy)

It’s simple, but at the same time that hooting gra is received. Gravtsiv - two. Deck - 36 leaves. The one who puts the shirt uphill, put it in a row according to the height kart in front of the enemy i...

Fool English

Tsya kartkova gra supra-lingually widened in this hour, so there can be a large number of varieties, which are considered one and the same by insignificant details. Below are the main options. Name u...

Fool English - G

Graz vіdіznyаєtsya vіd "Fool simple" tim, scho you can only walk with a steam room karti and only two map mi. If there is no such thing, it is passed on to the offensive engraving....

Road fool

Ce more modern modification fool piled up” may be wider in Moscow and other regions of central Russia. Greyut vіd 2 to 6 people. At wells 36 arkushiv. Give out one card at a time. rest map v_krivaє...

Foolish heaps - A

Tsya modification " fool simple" vinyl before " fool cross-country ”, but not a nabula of wide width. Gravtsiv - from 2 to 6. At wells 36 arkushiv. Rent one by one maps up to three skin engraving. Upper ca...

Fool pile - B

Gravity is raised by the option "Fool of heaps - A" tim, scho gravel, without twisting the card with a non-trump card suit take the top three quiet ones, which lie near the center, and not twist the map trump card suit, - Five cards.

Fool zvorotny

Tsya gra, which appeared to us recently, may be supralingually small in breadth. The city is conducted according to all the rules of the "Pidkidny Fool" or "transfer" fool", ale ...

Fool of translations (Z vіdmovoy) - B

On the vіdmіnu vіd games"Fool perekladnoї", in this variant, the right to "voice". Ignorant of those who followed the rest of the move under a single enemy, who got lost, near the gravel kart not lost, the enemy may have the right to "voice" tobto. shift karti back. Translation...

Fool of translations - A

Danish variant is considered as « fool pіdkidnogo ”one addition. Gravets maє right (ale not goiter), having put your card tієї gіdnosti in the order of walking under the new one, translate the head of the offensive grave.


The widest view of the card games on vіdboї. Seen in the 19th century in the form of "The Simple Fool" (No. 1). Gravtsiv - from 2 to 6. At wells 36 cards, dealt one at a time. At the skin gra...

Fool is simple - A

Gravtsiv - from 2 to 5. At wells 36 cards. Give one to five skin engraving. Upper map at the deck, which was lost after the task, it is turned over and placed on the table with a shirt down. Revenge tsієї karti- Kozir. Put across the trump card ...

Simple Fool - B

Tsej variant v_drіznyaєtsya in the front (Simple Fool - A) Tim, that the one who vіdbivaєtsya, maє the right to beat a part of the people who go ahead. kart and take reshtu. Beaten virushayut at vіdbіy. Yakscho graviec without beating at least one card, then wins are spared...

Simple Fool - V

Gravets may have the right to work more or less in three possible ways: with one card; two map we use one card and another one; two map we have one goodness, two more cards ...

Czech fool

At wells 36 cards. To build one to six to everyone, except for the one who builds. Vіn zdає your own n'yat cards, and turn over the next - tse yogo overbіg pіd engraving. Go similar to the option "Vіrish - not vіrish (2) - A". Features: an ace is skipped, a jack wins a suit.

Japanese Fool - A

Danish version of the card games vіdrіznyаєєs vіd " fool pіdkidny tim, scho koziri zavzhd tambourines, peaks are beaten only by peaks.

Japanese Fool - B

V_dom_ also card options games, in some trump cards they are shown similarly to “a foolish fool” or they are assigned before the thunder. How does it show map peak suit, she climbs into the middle of the deck, and vіdkrivshi ...

Katerina Velika

Relatively shuffling two decks show the red king and 7 queens. Eight red women are left in the deck. Around the king of hearts, 7 wives may. Right-handed and left-handed for ladies to be put on 5 marks kart from decks, інші karti get stuck in the hands. Then...

Onlooker (Pig) - B

The Danish variant is considered as the variant "Onlooker - A". Tim sho karti don't give up. The deck is placed on the table with a shirt uphill. Upper map turn over and put to the center. Step after him, whoever is building, take the top car ...

Rozzyava - A

Gravtsiv - from two to six osib. A deck of 36 leaves, or rather -52 leaves. Distribute one card at a time. The cards do not look out and do not rise, but they are stacked in a deck and placed in graves in front of a shirt uphill. Step after him, whoever is building, start walking ...

Rozzyava - V

At the "gay" play with the day regulations go to the suit, as it was already said in the option "Onlooker (Mumps) - B", adding all the other regulations option "Onlooker (Mumps) - A". Іsnuє variant and without regulations podkladannya z vіdkritoї kіlkostі...

Zelena galyavin

Not too foldable, ale cicava gra. Grayut vіd two to five osіb deck of 32 cards. Tsіl games- drop everything karti at the purchase of discarded cards, outperforming other graves. Ka...


Three rows of three are laid out in one row of decks karti like a reminder. Lіvoruch in them zgod put basic tuzi, right-hand - basic doubles. all karti it is necessary to place on the basic suits of the wi...


For solitaire 32 cards are needed, so from the deck you can see twos, threes, fours, fives and sixes. Having shuffled the deck, put it on the table of chotiri karti one bіlya іnshої i marvel that there are no fellow cards. Let's say, the king has been laid down, ...


Our land of sixty fates appeared. Do not have a wide breadth, but only have a few ears. The competition on the side of preference, as well as the trivality of the party, as well as...

Caneste - A

Option maє deyakі vіdminnostі. Deck of 108 arches. pershy graviec you can take a card that lies in the open deck and not laying the tabs, but is guilty of showing that, on the yak it is assigned map. The red triplet cannot be thrown off and put on the table.

Caneste - B

This variant is considered as the variant "Caneste - A". tim, scho lunat on one to 13 skin engraving. triplets play like simple cards. Eyepieces: ace- 11, figures and tens - 10, twos - 20, joker- 50, інші - gіdno. Per...


qia gra so even in the house. Bulgaria issues special cards for her. Grayut vіd 3 to 5 osіb with a deck of 32 cards. Tsіl games- choose a yakomoga more square (all chotiri karti the same goodness). Zd...

Card lottery

Kіlkіst gravel NOT fried. For games two decks of 52 leaves are victorious. W gravel the banker is chosen and the one who creates, the skins from which are taken according to the deck. Bankir wiymaє zі svoєї deck chotiri karti and put them on the table with a shirt uphill. What to take the fate of grі build s...

Card Lottery - B

Another stage draw after the selection, one of the decks is rotated differently. Gravets, which won the rest, walk from the be-like of your cards. Other grave put a card on vihodzhena t...


Professionals and lovers of preference can call this group of Igor the preference of the girl, the little ones win the one who doesn’t take anything at all - no khabariv, no ladies, no queens. Among the French, this group of igor is called a minuscule, among ...

King Atomny

Tsei naytsіkavіshy z usіh "kіngіv" is practically replaceable. Deck - 32 leaves. Gravtsiv - three and four. At. grі vchotirioh zdaє in grі don't take part. Here...

King Zamovny

Do you have leather variant? gravel I have the right to change myself grue. Kojen z gravel goitre games. Ask the grave to sit left-handed in the presence of the one who is standing. Zamovlennya vykonuєtsya, and trump card assigned after the task and review ...

King Kartkove domino-fantan

Fantan - not only a part of the king at the stage of degraving, but also an independent gra. At the fountain play with a full deck of cards, without trump cards. Card seniority: from ace to deuce. Deal 13 cards. N...

King Omnibus

In this American version of the king of the day, the queen of spades is considered a negative card, as it is estimated at 13 minus eyepieces. For a leather red card, get one minus point. For a diamond ten ...

King Polinyak

Ce option games, Rozpovsyudzheniya in the English lands, wanting the French trip himself. Deck - 52 cards. Leather of triplets gravel I take 17 cards. The rest is put on the table.

King Simple

There are four graves. Deck - 32 leaves. Kojen z gravel play for yourself. The whole deck is given. In this order, 8 cards appear at the skin gravel. The first step is to break the gravel, to sit left-handed in front of the one who is building. Nastupny - the one who took the swag. On a visionary card...

King Simple for three graves

At tsіy grі, pristosovanіy zgіdno with the option "King Simple" for games in the morning, from the deck for (32 leaves) two black tuzi are drawn, so that they do not take part in the draw. Deal 10 cards. Gra is similar to the "King Simple" option, but everything is the same.

King of the jokers

Grayut less than three or four. At grі in the morning from the deck, they use two and three clubs, replacing them with jokers, with grі vchotirioh - two clubs. Cons eyepieces save for less joker and for karti red...

King of trade

Yak and King-Domino, the same American card game, is insured for three or three osib. Kozhen graviec take 17 cards each, for each of the graves - 13 cards each. Minusova suit depends on the process of trading partners. For the skin...


Negative eyepieces reserve for karti red suit, one eyepiece per be-yaku. There are six cards each, the lines are left in the deck, yak, yak at dominoes, representing a reserve - a bazaar. You can come in from the chrobakiv. Boo...

Kitts kitts

Grace is already comedy and hooting, and regulationsїї dosit simple that is easy to forget. There is a tikavisha in that mood, as the number of participants is expressed in a paired figure. Deck - 36 cards. We strive for...


This option has a trump card suit- Start suit first karti Gravtsya, what to sit behind Tim, who is here. Building one by one maps by the call....

Goat - A

Grayut chotiri: two by two. Deck - 36 cards. Women are included and do not take part in the draw. Skin pair gravel are given two pieces of one color, as if put by one of the partners for themselves: one - shirt down, another - on the front of the shirt.

Goat - B

The option is decided by the team that the one who builds, gives engraving sho sit by left hand, three cards, which are the trump cards. Yakscho graviec don’t forget to recognize a trump card for three first map m, then I have the right to say: “for the rest ...


Gravtsiv vіd 2 to 5 osіb. Deck - 32 or 36 leaves. Give the skin 4 cards. Upper map at the deck, which was lost after the task, it turns out and is put on the steel - tse kozir. lost deck put across the line karti shirt up. First walk...


Tse simple and even simple gra; Grati I don’t imagine any practical work in it. For example, you can Grati two, three or four. No record, no regulations anіtrochs do not change for the same amount of gravel. For games take deck in 52 cards, which...

royal honor

Solitaire v_domy pod I will call the train of the king, and also the cat's tails are just tails. Remain through those that vertical rows (sveti) often do not fit on the table, they have to die on a tail...


classic solitaire with wide combination possibilities. zastosovuєtsya deckіz 52 cards. Chotiri tuzi is laid on the back - one pіd іnshimi in any order. The right-handed hand in the form of a skin ace is deprive...


Ancient Russian gra, for which you win deck of 36 cards gravel have fun holy evening. It is made up of two parts of the introduction, as if to serve in order to signify ...

King Albert

One povna deck kart unfolding on 9 rows: the first one has 9 cards, the other one has 8 and farther to the ninth row, the next one has 1 map. 7 kart reserve. all karti vіdkritі. Tsіl games- Call tuzi and put on them vishіdnі lines vіdpovіd...


Layouts of this old solitaire already over 100 years. The solitaires of which one are challenged by the one who sees everything on the cob karti to lie down on the vіdі і vyіshennya їх in the main vіd uіnnya rozrakhovuvati go richly forward. Povnu deck out of 52 kart resolutely mix ...

Kun-kin (Great) - A

Gravtsiv - two or four. Deck 54 or 108 arches. Deal 12 cards. The deck, which was lost after the task, is placed in the middle of the table with a shirt up. Upper map turn over and put it in the open white of the deck. The first to walk is gravel, so to sit left-handed in the middle ...

Kun-kin (Great) - B

The Danish variant is played in the form of "Kun-Kin (Great) - A" deck 108 (110, 112) leaves. Build 24 cards. For the first week - not less than 60 eyepieces i don't...

Kunkin (Funken)

Gravtsіv - in 2 to 4 osіb. Deck of 108 arches. Give out ten cards. The laying can be carried out independently from the number of eyepieces. Cards of the same goodness are displayed less than different suits and three more than two. Chotiri karti one...

Kun-Kin - V

The Danish option is considered in the form of "Kun-Kin (Great) - A" Tim, for the completion it is necessary to throw off the card at the open deck. For example, engraver, looming two ace in his hands, buying a third. At the option "Kun-Kin (Great) - A" win...


A hooting gra, which does not have special skills and craftsmanship, develops respect and cunning. Grayut 3-4 individuals with a deck of 36 cards. At greater quantity gravel maybe vico...


In the dictionary of Brockhaus, that Efron is guessed by Landsknecht - one of the oldest card games found in Nimechchina. At the capital practice of Shevlyakivsky's "Gwent in all kinds", he saw five times before the revolution, ...

lion and sun

Put chotiri vіdkritі kupki 12 each kart in skin. There are many of them to be seen near the exchange of 13 open cards. Other karti get stuck in the hands. Spread out in this order...

Faces of nudga

Lay out 16 purchases of 6 credits kart at the skin at the 4th row. 8 cards that were left out, divided into two equal packs, then 4 per skin, placed with a speck up the hill on the side of the side in two rows. More comments...


Gra is popular in the USA and many others, it was broken up by Robert Ebbott. Play double chi in pairs with two decks of cards. Kozhen graviec take 8 cards each, otherwise lie by the deck. pershy graviec take a card from the colo...


Grayat three-chotiri people with a deck of 36 kart(possible options games and a deck of 52 cards). All participants are given five kart that one card is revealed in the middle of the table. Order to put the cards that are left out. By heart grave take one card from the deck...

Lottery - lotto

Kіlkіst gravel NOT fried. Two decks of 52 arcade skins. The organizer is selected. Z odnієї kolod vin vikladaє chotiri karti shirt up. Friend deck to be divided between graves equally.


The city is one-man, but it’s not too boring, it’s possible to zavdyaki to what’s in it play without a note, but in pure pennies. Number gravel Macau is not surrounded: from 2 to 10 and more. Grayat two rows (from the ace to the two) beat the deck. Sit on wind...

Male piano

Solitaire is also known as Klondike. We offer karti on the same vertical rows: the first has sim cards, the second has six, the third has five, etc. karti skin row vіdkritі. Rasht deck in hand. Tsіl games&mdas...

Mar'yazh vorozhnitsa

Z 32 kart(picket deck) first determines the rank of the base karti(For example, ten). Vaughn is placed at the center of the future position, which in the form of a square becomes the basis of solitaire. Room for three...


"Simeina" gra the past century. It served to fill the doswell of grown-up children. Found in the XX century. Nina don't trap. Gravtsiv two and four. Deck of 36 cards. skin engraving deal three cards. Kozir exclaims...


At grі zastosovuyutsya new priyomi, for example, a position from the other deck (not “internal” and not “outside the cord”). Leather from two or three gravel for a supplement before distribution map I take away an ace, ...


Not exactly historical dzherela po'yazuyut solitaire in the name of Metternich. From again the decks usuvayut queens, then put this vodkritikh kart at the sight of a pidkov. The stench victorious like an additional, eighth &...

front sight

Admission, simple, without folding rules that is unobtrusive for the guts of lovers kart gra. This is one of the quietest easy mountains, in which you can listen to a third-party Rozmov or listen to music. Rakhunki and records are also clumsy.

Mushka Skarbnichka

This variant of the fly appeared later for other recognitions with engravings above the name. We are in front of the fear of the flies in the field in the fact that it is impossible to program a lot in it. Igor...

Fly Lenturlu

Allow, sho qiu grue Vigadav Cardinal Mazarin. Її having fallen in love with Louis XIV so much that he named after his beloved dwarf dwarf Lenturlu. At grі earlier a picture was drawn from the images of a dwarf in ...

Fly Lenturlu - B

The variant looks like the variant "Mushka Lenturlu". Tim, scho gravets, like the first slaughter of the king, take all the pennies from the “lentyurlu”. Eyepieces gravel cheer up. The one who wins, takes away the pro...

Fly Lenturlu - V

The option is based on the option "Mushka Lenturlu - B" tim, scho to replace the motherfucker eyepieces engraving, first slaying the king, leather s gravel crying a song sumu pennies.

Fly mistigry

Mishka Mistigri tezh may not be seen as the great Fly, but the king of clubs will prevail in May. The meaning of yoga is the same, like the ace of spades in the name. Vin, for the presence of clubs suit, maybe buti p...

Fly Pamfil

The fly pamphlet plays so well, like the name "Fly", but in it the jack of clubs appears, so it is called pamphlet. Gravets, until such a pamphlet came, insurance in the form of a remise. Chi will be koziri write-offs, tambourines, worms, chi clubs - pamphlet b'є ...

Fly fryer

Vіdminnіst її її vіd zvіchaynії flies in the fact that the one who distributes does not play the trump card, but trump card The suit of the head is the peak. It’s the way they throw off the cards, the way they buy the cards, the way they give 5 each kart skin ig...


Cards from a new deck are all once laid out on the table with acknowledgment. persha map from the deck you determine the values ​​of the basic kart(Usyogo їх will be 4) and will be placed in the center. Right-handed and left-handed in it are two main squares - 4 rows.


qia gra small became very wide on the cob of the twentieth century. The bula was undeservedly forgotten by the god. Gravtsіv - from 2 to 6 osіb. Deck - 36 leaves. A box is placed in the middle of the table, which I can call "Napoleon's Treasure". Re...

Right-handed and left-handed

Relatively shuffling two decks, they are laid out one at a time maps right-handed and left-handed. Yakscho, swear like that karti on the offending side, talk, what the guys stink, you need to throw them off. If everything karti spread out, then їх ...

Great Solitaire

Two firemen take skins one by one wells kart. From the decks they add their own pack (talon) of ten cards, putting them with a speck on the mountain. Let's sleep alone graviec I open the map, as if it would be for both of the outrageous ...

Odessa Poker

Kіlkіst gravelі deck by analogy with the "Opendaum" option. At wells two karti(sound two black sixes) with checks and can interrupt whether the card is engraved for the bazhannyam, or mother has its own meaning.


The deck is chosen according to the number of gravels. At grі double - 32 arches, mornings - 36 arches, twice - 32 or 36 arches, up'yatoh - 30 arches (without two pins), at sixties - 36 arches. Let's all go one by one...


She can Grati navit preschoolers. Gra on respect for children of ages 7-12. Kіlkіst gravel- More than two. Three decks are selected four times as many cards, lower gravitational. Cards are selected per hour...

Looks like nothing to do

Shuffling one deck 32 cards, lay 3 rows of 3 cards. Let's swipe another card, to find out why to start, and put it right-handed, like a base one. Pick up to her karti by r...

Point (Twenty one) - A

Number gravel NOT fried. At wells 36 cards. Skin map May be the number of digital values: Ace - 11, King - 4, Queen - 3, Jack - 2, ten and more. sens games: dial ...

Point (Twenty one) - B

This variant is reviewed according to the "Point (Twenty one) - A" option, but "review" is not carried out. Zigrani karti you can put it on the bottom of the deck or throw it off at the vіddіl ...

Point (Twenty one) - B

Kіlkіst gravel NOT fried. For games Two zmishani decks are beaten for 52 arkushes (104 arkushes in total). The ace for the bazhannyam engraving is worthy for one or eleven eyepieces, figures - ten eyepieces, other karti good. Before distribution kart pontery...

Peacock tail

Chotiri shops and ten are placed in front of us kart without any choice. Aces add up base karti and put pіvkol over the shops in the world, like the stench comes out. Zhodna map From the shops don't go for tuzi, that's all for now...

Paganini (Kilim)

Let's talk about a whole group of similar solitaire games, one of them having taken away the name of Paganin for those that the great musician Niccolo Paganin already loved playing yoga. Placed here solitaire lie down to that marvelous type...


This variant (more important than the width of the pivdenny regions of Russia) is considered as the "Pharaoh - B" variant. Tim sho karti put only in suit. Can't put karti tієї f gіdnostі, for example, on the king of clubs of the king bubo and so on. Vinyatok...

Piven - A

Up to the cob games grave domlyayutsya, for how many eyepieces write-off begins. Call for 15 eyepieces. Gravtsiv 2 - 5 osib. Deck of 36 cards. Rent one by one until five kart skin. Top...

Piven - B

On the front view of the front option, the write-off starts from 30 eyepieces. Grati can be on any lads, like one-colored, and different colors. With two lads, what is on hand graviec ...


Gravtsiv - two. Deck 32 leaves. Ring out two decks, tobto. leather graviec create your deck. The party is made up of two "kings". Leather kinglet from two igors. Before the spadix of the dermal map m. Vityaniv...

Norman picket

Gravtsiv - three. Deck 32 leaves. Give out ten cards. Two karti put in a buy-in after a gift, as it is recognized only for a gift. First walk to lie down engraving what to sit...


qia gra vinyl in America in 1835 roci. Expanded everywhere and none of them alone popular games world. Before us, she drank less in the middle of the 20th century. Zustrichaєtsya in okremyh companies, but competition from the side "..."

Polish bank

Number gravel NOT fried. Grayut at the two zmishani decks of 52 arches (104 in total). ATM to put the bank. Give one to three us, krim banker. pershy graviec marvel at one's own karti and try to bet. The banker opens the top card of the deck.

Rules p'yansiv - Triadi

Under the title of the title, here is a series of solitaire games of a different level of difficulty, risked for a different amount kart at the deck: 36, 52 and 104 leaves. The most important of all these solitaires are those who, with the first...


qia gra came to Russia on the cob of the 19th century, with success vitrimal competition with vist, interest to her now falling, now growing, changing preference, giving rise to different rules (two of them are clearly drawn up for an hour.

Hussar preference

At grі cherish sweeping rules great preference, play wine in the dark, tobto kart n_koli do not cry out and more than double. The deck is made up of 24 cards: ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine. Cards are dealt ten per engraving and...

Preference from the tenth rachunk

Grass with a dozen rachunks. Wanting records and unfair, but zavdyaki light roses at gravel stink to give precedence. The parties with rozrahunka after the cim way are rozіgruyutsya vdvіchі shvidshe, nizh for a simple rahunka. Zagalni rules.

Preference from the boiler

Grass with a cauldron. Whose preference is not to be placed in grue, nі in a chicken, but they are folded at once at a special cash desk, yak is called a cauldron. The cauldron depicts the middle of the table, where every burden is ...

Prefirance with chicken

Gras with chicken. Chickens are called show-pieces and remіzi, with which all gloomy husks. Remіz and insertion are written above the record, especially the one introduced by the missus. Kozhen, who zigrav grue sleep...

Prefirance from minuscule

Grass with minuses. Mizer - tse gra without cheats. Іsnuyut great and small minuscule. Similar gra breaks the skin grue. The great minuscule that I saved, so that I didn’t take my life swag, write off from record 10, and then, after executing yoga, put remiz for ...

Prefіrance іz uvertami

Believe me. Uvert - tse gra with acknowledgment map mi. Іsnuyut the great and small overturn. Great evasion interrupts grue"sim" u be-yakіy suit and play without buy. Yogo can be killed only with the thunder of "vіsіm". Mali overt gra...


From two decks we make four queens and four ace, they lay them in two rows on the table, rotting them like that ace knowing the king of spades, tambourine ...


Kіlkіst gravel NOT fried. Be it a deck. Give out one card at a time. Otrimani karti grave do not marvel, but take from deck and put її in front of you with a shirt burn down. Before...

P'yanitsya (Piddavki)

Play double. Kozhen graviec I take in my hands according to the new deck, the buds are assigned to the foals (we put two cards on the table, the older one - the one we start). Pochatkіvets, resolutely mixing his deck, exit from the top card.

P'yat hundred one

This option is considered in front of the front "Thousand" team, which trump card deaf buy-in, that after taking after the auction, after the drawing trump card do not change. Mar'yazhi will be stunned after the capture ...


For which old solitaire vikorivuyutsya two equal decks kart(104 arkush), taken at once and reshuffled. Above one by one they add 26 kart the picture uphill so that ...


qia gra simple. Rulesїї easy to forget. The best of them - but we will protect. Rams takes his cob from the fly, on the rules and laws of what (alternatively, forgiveness) guilt and for ...

Rams - B

Іsnuє variant of Rams with special rules. For two black or two red jacks, which is on hand, graviec write off five eyepieces. For chotirioh - 10 eyepieces. Gravets with jacks can fold. Showing them the hour of ascension...

Remik bridge

Play two decks with jokers (108 cards). Seniority of cards: from ace to deuce, joker replace the card. Must win 10 cards each, what you build - 11. Win start grue, throwing the eleventh card to the bank. Gravity...

Remik gin

Behind the name "remik" there is a group of igor who appeared like the examples of the past century on the basis of the Mexican games kunken. Remik for gravel called gin. qia gra For over 50 years it has been popular in the USA. Vico...

Remik oklahoma

It is mainly used as a gin remik, but in the skin painting the maximum amount is restored eyepieces, to which you can “knock”. Tsya boundary is marked by the first card, like a vik ...

Remik p'yatsot

From the homeland of remixes gra the most guessing for the rules of the kunken. Retail - at the kilkost kart on hands. So, one deck without a joker (52 cards) play two...


Deck of 32, 36 chi 52 kart resolutely shuffle and put it on the chotiri table karti up the picture. Yakscho middle tsikh chotiryoh stumbled karti however, a new suit, then one card is laid on them from the deck. Pas'yance ud...


Deck of 52 kart resolutely reshuffle and start writing one by one maps levoruch right-hander with pictures uphill. What instructions are shown karti alone suit, then right map climb from the row (at the butt ...

3 apartments per apartment

3 good shuffled deck in 52 karti put on steel six kart catch fire. Under the first row, put another row on its own and, nareshti, one card under the offending row. Potim need to lay out all deck on e...


Game for children aged 5-9. Another name is "wet cock". qia gra believe in the fact that be-yaka deck kart rozkidaetsya kupka on the table. Placed horizontally on top of the deck map, put chickens on the yak.

Saint Olena

Solitaire lies more to the imovirnіsnogo, lower to the puzzling type, and the solution of yoga does not cause any particular difficulties. name solitaire led us to the past hours - on the island of St. Elena, which perished in the Atlantic, ...


From a deck of 52 leaves, tens, nines and vosіmki vibrate. In such a rank, overwhelmed deck at 40 arkushivs. Play two on two. Building according to the skin gravel ten cards. Seniority kart at the deck: triyka (highest), two, ace, K, D, B, 7 ...

Sikka (Two arkush) - B

Rules similar grі"Sikka (Three leaves) - A", but two cards are given. Eyepieces kart some goodness add up.

Sikka (Village) - In

Gra is analogous to "Sikka (Three leaves) - A", but moonlight on chotiri cards. Grayut karti on suit independently from kіlkostі, chotiri karti one goodness (some companies have three cards), two and three ace. Chotiri karti alone suit calling...

Sikka (Single) - D

Gra is similar to the option "Sikka (Three leaves) - A", ale ace vvazhaetsya either for 1 point or for 14 for housekeeping. King Forever - 13 eyepieces, female - 12 eyepieces, jack - 11 eyepieces....

Sikka (Three leaves) - A

Kіlkіst gravel- Vіd 2 to 10 osіb. Three decks (no more than 36 arches) are selected map(sound the shistka), as if to be voiced by the "check", for example, the shistka of clubs - "check". Inode assign two checks or play without checks. Before thunder...

Sikka (Pivdenny variant) - G

A deck of 24 leaves (chotiri suit in T up to 9 inclusive), no checks. Rules games analogous to "Sikka (Three leaves) - A", but three tens are respected by elders over 30 eyepieces in one suit, three older jacks for three tens, three queens - three jacks ...


Participants are selected one by one wells s 52 map mi and lay them on the table in a stepping order: 16 kopecks, three karti put the skin on the table. Reshta 4 karti fold the stock and put it right. Potim upper karti all 16 kopecks yak in one, so in the other uchnya.


Skat vinik near Nіmechchinі on the cob of the 19th century, uniting sprats of kartkovyh іgor. Enriched with new rules, he appeared in a distant thunder, which had taken away the international recognition earlier for the bridge. Rule...

Skat (Splin) - V

Gravtsiv - two or four. Deck 54 leaves. Give out five cards. Grass airs in the "Picket-B" variant. Tim, scho dvіyka іz ace hits. Gravets does not have the right to put a card in a row, so that I can put a card in May already ...

Skat - B

The Danish version is incorrectly called "Canaste" with such engravings. Gravtsіv - from 2 to 6 osіb. Deck - 54 or 108 sheets. Give out six cards. Eyepieces on map x vvazhayutsya similarly "Pіket - A". Joker in hand.

Skat - G

The Danish variant is incorrectly called Bridge by some gravel. Gra is similar to the option "Picket (Normandy)". Validity: give out six cards. Minyat the joker and take a card of the open row may only have the right to ...


Gravtsiv - 2 - 4 individuals. With some gravel gra conducted two by two. Deck - 52 leaves. Deal 4 cards. After the buildings are top karti the decks open up and kick at the center of the table. Gravets, to sit left-handed in front of the one who is standing, to walk first. X...


take one deck at 52 karti and win from it 1 aces, 2 twos, 1 three, 2 fours, 1 six and 1 double. qi karti stack on the table in this order: ace, two, three.


To complete this logical task, you will need two decks kart(104 arkush). Expanding solitaire have three stages. The first stage is the dream. 1. The cards are resolutely shuffled. From the deck of the beast to take one at a time karti and stack with a pivkol, a picture uphill.


qia gra somehow dissimilar. Її independence can be acquired gravel with commercial impudence. At the same hour gra even more cheerful is that cicava in the great company. Three graves more than 10 people. Deck of 36 cards. Zdaє kozhen...

Speculator - B

Danish option may have one single entry as "Speculator" - trump card assigned to the process games. The rest of the day after the task map v_dkrivaєtsya that is put bіla decks. Revenge tsієї karti- goats...

One hundred

The graph closes knowledge in the sphere of basic arithmetic activities. Appropriate for children-schoolchildren 1-2 classes. The number of participants is three and more. Play with a deck of 32 cards.

Stukolka (Obov'yazkova)

Three graves more than five. I have everything in this option grave owe and put that grace. Pasuvati no one can right. A friend has a task and gave it, if deyak grave to appear obov'yazkovo in remіzі, knock on the bajans and pass on the bazhans. Yakscho r...

Stukolka (Z char)

Gravtsіv vіd 4 to 7 osіb. Younger card, having drawn it, choose the place and give it first, otherwise sit on map m. Hіd go to dermal engraving by hell...

Stukolka (Z pridbannyam)

Gravtsiv no more than 5 osib. In tsіy grі leather s gravel I have the right to give you a handful of cards. Since you want to Grati knocked, and they threw it off karti in the middle of the table, the buyback begins. Bazhayuchiy pridbati throws off unsolicited cars.

Stukolka (With train)

Gravtsіv trohi more than 6 people. On the view of the option "Stukolka (With purchase)", trump card in qiu grue do not show up. The one who creates the next task, without looking at his card, to marvel at the top card of the deck, the treasure of the deck.

ship taganina

Lay the order of nine'yat vіdkritih kart and the tenth closed - in reserve. Yakshcho avіdkritikh kartє tuzi and kings, then the stinks are wimmed and stacked like this: tuzi- from one side, kings - from the other side.

Sir Tommy

The oldest solitaire, perhaps the oldest of all. Wine is sometimes called so - an old solitaire. There is one full deck of victories, like a closed one in the hands.


The back of the head is placed in one row of 4 cards. Follow them in order 2 karti vіdkladayutsya ubіk mottled uphill. The stench and fold that mystery, as if it were time to reveal it. Insert 2 cards each, requiring obov'yazkovo to carefully place them in order.


Gravtsiv - two. Deck 32 leaves. Give out ten cards. The one who builds, builds karti three times. Upper at wells map v_dkrivaєtsya and put on top of the deck - tse kozir. The first move is to lay down opponents. Advance - ugh ...


Gra came to Russia from France in the XIX century and immediately gained popularity. Play with a deck of 52 kart vchotirioh, moreover, the skin is gray independently. young map, like a zavzhd, choose mis...

thirty two cards

Sliding into two decks 32 karti and take it from your hand, and put it on the table. In tsіy layout basic є tuzi and kings, yakі vykladayutsya for an hour of sorting 32 cards. 3 hands karti roztashovuyut according to the suits of the vishіdnіy line on tuzi.

thirty-one - A

Gravtsiv - from 2 to 9 osib. Deck 32 leaves. Give to the skin engraving three karti and closed, and three cards, also closed, are placed in the middle. Cards are dealt one at a time to all the graves, then in the middle up to three cards. The one who knows, marvel at ...

thirty one - B

Danish version of the card games vіdrіznyaєtsya vіd "Thirty one - A" tim, scho karti are given at the middle of vіdkrimi. The right to replace my skin graviec at your own pace, no matter what. Since then I'm one of gravel saying on your way...


Deal 51 cards in threes karti Vіyalom, I'll leave to put okremo. For permutations, you can twist the top karti skin vial. The stinks are shifted one on one by rank: lady to lady, three to three, etc.


Klubna kartkova gra. Woke up on the cob of the XX century. It emerged from the fence of the gravestones. Number gravel NOT fried. Deck 52 leaves. The first banker, like a victorious young woman to ...


Pohodzhennya that rosette tsієї games none of them are unknown. May be expanded in Ukraine. There are four graves. The game is played two by two. A deck of 36 cards. Give out one card at a time. After the task, the first heading belongs...


One povna deck three cards must be laid out for 17 groups. One vote map put on cream. Tsіl games- ringing aces and choosing them at the top line ...


qia gra vmagaє shvidkoї orientatsії and vluchnoї otsіnki. Grayut morning with a deck of 32 cards. Їhnya nominal rank (by seniority): ace — 11 eyepieces, ten - 10, king - 4, queen - ...

thousand one

Grayut 3 - 4 individuals. With some gravity, whoever is in the drawing, I do not take part. Deck - 24 leaves: ace, ten, king, queen, jack, nine of four suits. Cards for eyepieces: ace- 11, ten - 10, king - 4, queen - 3, jack ...


3 decks kart 36 leaves add 9 each kart one horizontal row with a picture uphill. Step 3 karti one at a time, they put it next to each other (the same picture uphill). Yakshcho at the upper r...


put on the cob score from 15 cards, which are taken by the animal from two decks. For the store, the right-handed person will lay out 3 cards. From them, I lay out the right to choose, be it as it is, so that you can grow it її cob or basic. vibrana map lay on top. Up to her vic...


Naming shvidshe for everything to be like the one in grі It is possible to mark with one card everything that lies on the table. Gra for two. The result is assigned for winning balls. In order to reach them, it is necessary to take away: more yakomog ...

Pharaoh - B

Give one to four dermal treatments. Upper map at the deck, which was lost after the task, it turns out. Rules analogous to the option "Virish - not virish (2) - A", but the woman is put on a card, and with it, the suit is changed. Step for igor.


In this variant of the deck, it’s all right map. After rozpodіlu kart between the graves equally, which zbіgayutsya gіdno and color, throw off. Gravtsі on cherzі vityaguyut cards. Start the one that has less than all car...


The ancient castle, which is by no means small in wide breadth, but until the present hour is practical in its original appearance. In fact, a French variety of a stalk. Kіlkіst gravel- Vіd 2 to 12 osіb. Deck at 2 - 4 i...


Gra is similar to "Frap". It’s up to the team that 5 cards are dealt. Goloshen - three: 1. Khropіnnya. 2. Vist. 3. Cut. Gravets, who voiced "khropinnya", is guilty of taking 3 swag, what are you speaking about ...


Qiu grue play vchotirioh. Yakscho gravel more, then it is necessary to take a replacement deck of 36 kart deck h 52 deck speckled uphill. Leave the cards...


Layout of this simple old-fashioned solitaire- The process is purely mechanical, which does not imply any particular implication. Deck of 52 kart shuffle and lay out into 13 groups, 4 each karti at the skin, picture down. 12 groups give numbers...

Black donka (black Maria)

qia gra from Bulgaria it is popular with children, and among the middle-aged. In the English version of the king of the peaks, the lady speaks under the black Maria. At first glance, it’s elementary, but it’s all over the surface of the enemy. Play four to...


One of the most beloved children of national igor. Vіdoma in rich variants and under different names: chirga, tsurka, chig, tuzik... Chizhik gra It is rightly called, as the main idea is to let the bird go free. In yakost...

sixty sixth

qia gra Bula was even more popular among the Germans in the other half of the 19th century. In the seventy years she drank to Russia, where she changed a lot. Small sufficient width right up to the 30s.

Shif, shof and noise

Tse more cheerful gra, yak does not require a great art. Grati in it can five and more participants. The optimal option is 6 graves. Victory alone deck s 32 or 52 kart fallow...


City of home near Russia from the end of the 18th century. Near the capital, it practically rose on the cob of the nineteenth century, but near the provinces it woke up to the middle. Ninі vіdoma hіba scho z odnomennoї povistі M. Yu. Lermontov. Kіlkіst gravel not about...


Tse, vlasne, not solitaire, but a kind gra in karti without a partner, why do they call it that. After shuffling the deck, build 3 karti sobi, a 3 karti- bovduru. Vіdkrivshi trump card, vіdkladayut deck u...

Ekarti (With a bank) - B

This option is considered by "Ekarti - A" team, to install an ATM at the bank sumu pennies. The first and other punters can also wager a bet on a swindled sum; the rest to put be-yak sumu at the borders of the bank. Like the first ponter zirvav...

Ekarti (With the largest bank) - A

Kіlkіst gravel NOT fried. Grayut at two equal decks of 52 arches. ATM machine karti on the chotiri scoreboard, it is independent of the number of graves. Build one to four on the skin of the scoreboard. seventeen map v_dkrivaєtsya - tse kozir. The first scoreboard is a banker. On o...

Bagato who love grati in karti. Not only does it allow you to have fun for an hour, but it develops the skills of a logical mind, smart to analyze the situation, sharpen the eyepieces, as well as respect, sitting, remembering, even if it’s necessary, it’s not enough to correctly lay down the skin’s gravel, and learn the rules of the gr.

And it’s also handy to take it with you for help: to nature, to the sea, to the train. The place of the stench takes a minimum, and the satisfaction with the gry is given to the maximum. At the article, we can see a sprig of tsikavih igor for two. Deyakі you, maybe already know, but dehto zstrіnetsya ahead. Try out new options for play, guess the long forgotten games of your childishness.


Before the cob of gris from the deck, it is necessary to take one of the women. After shuffling, the cards are divided between the graves equally. The rest is unpaired to the one who gave out. "Vidma" is the most terrible card, obviously, the queen of the peaks. With a card game on two graves, you’ll soon decide who got it, but if not, the situation can change dramatically after the first move.

For the cob of leather, the cob of cob shukaє guys karti and bet ubik. For example, two tens, two ace, two jacks. There are less than single pictures in the hands. Such a group has the same rules for two.

The first engraver trims his cards in "shirts" from the embroidered hands to another engraving. That hero made one of the cards, be it so, for her bajan. As if a couple had settled down at the new one, I immediately imagined a kill.

Let's wait for another grave to draw a card. You can have some witch. The program of that grave, who has the Queen of Spades in his hands.

"I believe - I do not believe"

This is one of the most fun cards you can play with a great company. Lunayut mustache cards in the hands of engravers. Meta gri - pick up all four cards, for example, as if engraving on the hands shows 4 sixths, they are spared, they turn upside down. Win the one who is more likely to get rid of empty hands.

How to play?

The first step was to rob the gravel, giving it away. In the middle of the table 1, 2, 3 or 4 cards in "shirts" uphill and deaf, what are the cards, for example 2 women. The youngest grave marvel at his own card and mind, which one cannot be mothered by two, the one who has three to avenge in his hands. Todi vin vіdpovidaє: "I don't believe it!" The first engraver takes the cards back. Hid is transmitted. The main intrigue lies in the fact that a super player can be deceived in every possible way, giving absolutely different cards.

For example, on the stele there is a sixth and a top, and even an engraving, that two tuzis are laid out. You can believe it, so you know what to fool with. At the same time, the other engraver puts his one or two cards, then stuns that he also put two ace. Now there is already a lot of doubt about the truthfulness of the first grave. Supernik can say: "I don't believe it!"

As if turning the cards over, babbling everything, it’s true that there are two ace lying there, then the engraver takes the whole purchase of his own. With whom you can spend the right tuzi, picking up all the chotiri cards, vin їх vіdkladає ubіk. The one who gets rid of all the cards first wins.


Tse is in love with a game for two for children. Lunayut mustache cards navpіl. Walk across the board, placing one card in the middle of the table. The supernik is guilty of his viklasty, in case of which one does not marvel at the її denomination, but keeps all the cards in the pile of "shirts" on the mountain. Win the one whose card is large. The highest card is an ace, then a king, a queen, a jack and a ten. Others match the numerical value.

If you fall two of the same cards, then the "super card" starts. On the back of your skin, put one more “shirt” up the hill, then to a friend, but on the other side, on which you can see the versatility of the card. You take all 6 cards of the one whose top one showed the most. In the middle may lie an ace. There is already someone to spare.

The one with the most cards wins. Grati can be played in such a game for two with 36 cards for a long time, but the situation changes gradually, now in one grave victory, then in another. Mustache cards that are played as a result of moves are placed at the bottom of the pack.


Tsya kartkova gra for two is considered analytical, so it is necessary to think over go ahead, rizikuvati chi pasuvati, fallowly according to the face value of the cards, like they drank the graves after the distribution. Play with her up to 501 points. Before the cob of gris, it is necessary to prepare an olive and an arkush paper, open a table and write down all the eyepieces to it. After a skin course, the stench rises and appears as a savage quantity of balls. Win the one who scores 501 points first.

Lunaet skin engraving for six cards, three more lie on the table in front of the engravings. Otherwise, put a deck and put up a trump card, like a gr in "Fool". The number of pictures is offensive: ace - 11, ten - 10, king - 4, queen - 3, jack - 2, trump jack "boy" - 20, trump nine "manela" - 14. bella"), then the number of bets is 20, the last, then the rest of the swag is 10, as if they drank the engraving of three be-yak cards to sleep, for example 9, 10, jack or queen, king, ace, then the number of such a set ("terts ") - 20 Ale sche є i pіtinnik - tse 5 cards popil, as in the photo above - 50 points. Alas, if you were lucky and got 7 cards after that - tse "klabor", you automatically overcame the grі.

Gris rules

It’s also necessary to know that before the cob of gris all other cards are put up to nines. After that, as 6 first cards are dealt, assess your chances of success and marvel, how many additional points you can score, and deaf, if you win or lose. If and other graves are also called to play and say: "Pas!", then the first one is a chance to win. Vіn can bare your trump card and grati far away. If so, take three cards to yourself in a pack, which you have lost. Gra starts.

Walk with one card. The superintendent is guilty of putting a great card of the right suit at the top. If not, then walk as a trump card, if not, and yoga, then you can throw off an inappropriate card, for example, a nine. Vaughn is nothing.

In order to secure the engraving of the prize points for the cards, it is necessary to take one swag if you want. If you didn’t get far, then the eyepieces will light up. If you win a game not of the grave, but of the one who said: "Pas!", then all the points go to the superman.

If you have graves on your hands, you can “Bella” or “Terz”, but farther back, you can’t take any swag, you won’t deafen them, that’s a super player, like having won a game, you don’t get prize points, stink like a great vartist, just like a card.

And if you want to have your prize points awarded to you, you will obov'yazkovo for an hour go to blame, that you have є qі sets of cards, and present them, showing the superman on the cob gri.

"Point" (or "21")

One of the most popular games for two grown-ups is "Point", in a different way they call it "Twenty-One". It's simple game, the rules are clumsy, it's too rich to lie in the spring. One engraver trims a deck of cards and sees one superman each. That pidrakhovu eyepieces. It is necessary for you to score a number of points, I will be close to 21. Better score less, sort out lower. If, as a result, the motherfucker had a grave mind, if he sorted through the cards, then it was his fault to speak obov'yazkovo. Todi supernik automatically remake.

I was lucky, and with a pidrahunka, I got exactly 21 points, so you become a winner. If you have, for example, 20 points, and the superman has 18, then you won. There is one more peculiarity. As soon as two ace hit, then there was a win, wanting to get glasses and go bust. It is called "banker's point".

In the article, we have learned about the rules of card games for 36 cards for two. Play with pleasure!

All card games can be distributed on intellectual gambling. Ale dehto sees the third category, like the principles of the first two. We have everything on the portal!

Gambling - tse cards for the suspіlstvі. The stench is somehow more important Luck, the shards are not able to guarantee the ideal layout. Intellect, respect and logic develop solitaire. If you think it's easy to fold them, it's recommended to try the sprat igor and only then work with an unusual statement.

As far as gambling-intellectual gambling, then it’s more necessary here. Reason, logic, memory, good knowledge of the rules, smut, cheating. Card games on our portal take place exclusively in a fair environment. Aje hosting flash-parties is not taking pennies from graves, but taking an hour. That is why in our games there is poker or another similar layout, then yoga meta is absolutely “peaceful”.

Igri in cards with a computer to finish the ts_kav_. Piece intelligence even if it is not possible to overcome it, as it is laid down by the program, but if you need help, you will be able to give hints, turning around and often proposing to receive bonuses.

Gras in the cards is far from always accepted as a family. Ale, maybe, I don’t know the truth of the thought. With all the simplicity and democratic nature of card games, they develop intelligence, more logical thought, well, about communication and say nothing to Golovna - do not give in to excitement and play only in a good company.

The cob of greece card sings until the 15th century. The popularity of card games, according to the evidence of Menestria, is attributed to the XIV century, if one small painter on the name of Zhikomin Gringoner vinayshov cards for the king of France, Charles VI (1380-1422).

On the other hand, this hypothesis is not confirmed by other data, and the deacons of the chroniclers of all-world history proclaim the march of cards until the 13th century - at the hour of the reign of St. Louis in 1254, a decree, which, having hindered the card game in France with fear, was punished by a batog. The Italian manuscript of 1299 also talks about the fence of the gri in the map. The Germans navіt started a special shop for the manufacturers of grading cards. Order of Calatrava in 1331 having fenced in a map in Spain, this fence was repeated in 1387 by John I, king of Castile.

Well, judging by these data, the card game is very open on the cob XIII side by side. But this term, as it appears, is not the best. The Chinese and the Japanese, even before the appearance of the cards in Europe, were already playing with tablets, on the square of the cards from the ivory brush or the tree with the painted figures. To the thought of the deacons of German historians, gradient maps, imovirno, were brought to Europe by the Saracens, an ancient similar people.

Tim is not smaller, for example, the middle game in the cards, especially in France and Germany, was everywhere expanded and small, except for the gambling character. Moreover, they choked on it richly, I will become without cost. Under the hour of the reign of Henry III and Henry IV, even in their youth they were addicted lovers of card gris, near Paris they started to build special grave houses, in which individuals of different stans were selected for gris in cards.

Card games spread all over the world and have survived to this day. And to describe a standard deck of cards in this book, perhaps, it’s not necessary - the skin of you is melodiously rich її more than once ...

Family card games, as a rule, are played as gambling. They have simple rules, to give the opportunity to grow to all sim'єyu, regardless of the vіku. Tsі іgri tsіkavі yak grown up, і children. And the axis of how the rules are often trapped by differences! Take as a basis the rule of gri, put it lower - rather than spend an hour on the gri, lower marne superchki!

Global rules

I wouldn’t have a card game, I’ll follow the rules that need to be followed.

Zdacha - this is the name of the right to hand out cards to engravers; buildings are carried out after the foal. There are two ways to designate a foal. Leather engraver knows the deck, and the one who carried the oldest card, may have the right to create. But the skin care is given according to the card, and the oldest card is given.

Gravets, to whom it was entrusted to pick up the cards, looked at the back of the head, what all the stench in the deck. Let's sweat the wine diligently їх мішує, allowing ourselves to drink less їхні drops, vіddaє znovu sієmu sіdovі z lіvogo sіka, і to divide the deck into two parts; that one, yak bula below, may be laid up on a mountain.

Potіm cards to lunat skin. It is necessary to trim the cards in such a rank, so that under the hour of their tasks it is not possible to bulo bachiti. If one of them flips over, then all the grave responsibilities are significant, so that you can start the delivery again, and the card can be put on the ticket.

Coupons are called cards, which are left after the cards are given to engravers.

It is necessary to choose your cards after the degree of goodness according to suit; nevikonannya tsієї poberezhnostі tyagne behind him important pardons from the next grі.

Before you put khabari, yakі you can marvel, schob know, yakі cards already vyyshli. But it’s not necessary to slander with the right, so as not to swindle checks on your partners in the country. Do not look into the cards of your susіda, as if to instill wine, depriving you of the possibility of their bachiti, in which case it is necessary to get ahead of yoga about it.

In addition, the card gravels have a rich sound, which is very important to override,


Gra in "fool" - the most popular and widest gra. For the popularity of won viperedzhaє navit popular gambling - poker and preference.

Kart's game in "fool" can have two main differences: podkidny and perekladny.

Pidkidny "Fool"

One of the widest family cities, and at the same time a purely wordy adventure. The deck that gets used to the “fool” with grі is 36 cards;

Advantages of cards: the highest is an ace, the youngest is six.

After the good luck to everyone who takes the fate of the grі, six cards will open the trump card. The first step is to lie down for a handy man (to sit on the left hand in the presence of the one who is giving), or it is easier for the one who has the trump card of the least goodness in his hands. The rule of the first move is to change to the cob of the gris in the "fool".

Having taken into account the one who deals six cards, the fool is guilty of looking at his cards and vibuduvat in order to increase their goodness, so that the cards of the least goodness will be evil, and the right-hander - the biggest and the biggest trump card.

It is allowed to walk in this card game, be it a card, but on the cob it is recommended to get rid of the most important and inappropriate cards. You can walk like with one card, so with guys, for example, two or three sixes. The enemy, who sits left-handed in front of the leader, is guilty of “beating” the front cards. Cards are drawn in suit, with a card of old gidnosti chi trump card. Kozir can only be beaten with a trump card, a senior gidno.

For example, 4 and more people, only entry cards are allowed (the card that started the entry). If the grave is not able to beat the proponed yomu card, you are guilty of taking them away. Gravtsі, yakі mayut on the hands of less than six cards, get out of the deck. At the same time, go to the stepping grave for the year's arrow.

If the engraver has “beaten” the mustache of proponated cards, then the cards should go at the entrance (go out of the gry). Mustache to "fool" to get cards from the deck to six.

It will end if all the graves in the "fool", except for one, are left without cards (if there are any cards in the deck, it is also not guilty to lose the cards).

That one, who is out of cards in his hands, is a fool.

Guy "Fool"

Parna gra. The number of gravures in the tsіy kartkovіy grі - 4.

The graves break up on a bet and sit one against the other, so the couple is guilty of sitting vіch-na-vіch. Tsey raznovid gri in the "fool" є command thunder. Dyut usi rules from the classic "fool", from caution, not to throw cards to your partners. If one of the partners did not succeed in proponing him a card and taking it, then the right to move is taken from the opponent, and the next move is to kill another grave.

Translation "Fool"

The rules of this kind of card game are even more similar to those of a kidnapping "fool". head office dictatorial peculiarity Those who are gravel, who are fighting, can “transfer” the cards to another gravel: In order to shift the cards, the gravers need to put the order with the card, as you were asked to fight, the card is such goodness. For example, if the simka of clubs was like a winning card, then to the one who flies, it’s enough to put a bubo symbol (pike or a worm) and the cards are transferred to the offensive grave. Gravets, to whom they transferred, the goiter "beat" the insults of the cards, or transfer them far away.

It is difficult to transfer the cards in just one turn - if the engraving, on which one to translate, the number of cards is smaller, lower the translations.


Play with a great deck of cards, only without cards. The deck is divided into two halves. Fifteen cards are dealt first. The top card of the deck will serve as a trump card for two games. Kozir belongs to the one who draws the cards.

Gras playing in a chortiroh. The seniority of the cards may be the following score: ace worth 11 points, king 4, woman 3, jack 2, ten 10; otherwise you can’t think of your valuables and they are taken empty.

After the end of the skin inflammation, we will take a point, and we will take the cards, who will show 61-62 points, that i will win the game. Leather from gravel records 12 points. The one who scored over 60 points writes off two points each for his greed from skin engraving, and one point for the return. If there are twelve of the roaring ones, then the goat wins, or the kin. After that, like the first half of the deck of cards is played, give the other half. The trump card is the card itself, as it was in the first half. The process and the result of gri - you yourself.

The peculiarity of tsіy grі is to make jacks. The jack of clubs is the oldest for the cards and it's all trump cards without blame. The jack of spades is the jack of worms and bubo, as well as all trump cards. The jack of hearts is the jack of diamonds and the trump card. The jack of diamonds is less than a trump card.

It is necessary for Gravtsev to carry empty cards to his handy young man, not to bring jacks, as they are especially valuable. If you save them, then only if there are no kozirivs. Next, you need to save the ace and tens, the shards of the top cards for the rose.


This is an old Russian gra, in a yak, ring out with a deck of thirty-six cards.

Since in this country the distribution of cards plays an important role, then it is violated by the seniority of the cards that have been played from the deck.

Having given us nine cards each, hello, opening the trump card, take it in your arms. The first leave belongs to the one who is known to the one who wins by hand, which is obligatory to go out of the trump card, but if there is no such thing, then from a simple card, on the basis of all gravely guilty, one must carry the same cards, the same master, and the grave , and the one who laid the highest card, take the swag and walk anew, and always play the trump card. Let's go like this, you can use simple, not trump cards.

As soon as the graves lose their nine cards of the first task from their hands, then they negainally begin to collect the skin swag, write down their number and proceed to another task. Newly broken khabars are attributed to the big ones, and counting dots, until someone from the groans is settled in the record of ten khabarivs. Having taken ten khabarіv cards, which are left in the new one, they put it on the side and deafen, that the king is guilty. The one who, having become king, pins the whole group. Only three others carry on the group, and whoever takes nine khabariv earlier from them, that one becomes a prince. Let's lead a group of two, and the one of them, whoever chooses the most khabariv, becomes a soldier, and the rest - a peasant and a peasant.

Only leather gravel takes off as a name, as if it were a new look. From that moment on, the cards should be given to the peasant, the docks of the wines do not win even more than the title. The peasant, squeezing a deck of cards, gives his name to the soldier, the cards in this case are given to the queen, then to the prince, after him to the soldier and then to the peasant.

After the cards are dealt, the king takes the highest trump card from the person, giving him the trump card as another card. Then the prince takes another trump card as a person, and the deputy of the new one gives the person another card, if you like. Then the graves begin anew grati with less clothing, so that everyone goes to lie down with the king, regardless of those who will get away with swag for someone else. After the king carries out the card, the prince, followed by a soldier, and then a peasant, moreover, the skin of them helps to collect nine khabarіv. Whoever picks up nine khabarіv more quickly, that becomes the king.

If the king is viide, the place of yoga is taken over by the prince and koristuetsya with the first exits. When the king leaves, the cards are handed over to the prince, then to the soldiers, and then to the peasant.

If the prince takes the place of the king, then it is necessary for the first two girls to play. On the departure of the king, the peasant does not give any trump card to anyone and wins the trump card, which wine he wins, be his own card.


At the kart group "poddavki" they play double, two decks of cards.

In order to find out who is to blame, put two cards on the table. A skin bugger is known by a deck of cards.

The one who should be started, reluctantly shuffle it into the new deck and then go from the top card, put my card on the other side, not exalting respect for those who follow it. In this rank, three doti cards are brought, doki does not vipad ace chi the king is like a suit. The one who, having struck the ace, is stupefied; The other one has the right to take three cards for a purchase, after which you take the entire purchase and the treasure under the bottom of your cards.

In such an order, there are three degrees of doti, docks in one of the quiet, who is gray, do not see all the cards, and until the next one does not go over to the offending deck.

There are three cards on a single ace, and two cards on a single ace.


Pokhodzhennya tsієї gri is unknown, and the name її is not even more beautiful, ale gras, prote, more than a cicava.

When the card is doubled and more vicorous, a deck of fifty-two cards is played; when the card is doubled, thirty-two cards are played.

Gravts, picking up the cards that are given for purchase, do not look at them and do not give special significance to the suits. The whole deck of cards is lunatic to everyone who wins for the equal number of people.

The one who builds, is given the right to go first, and win, knowing the upper hag from the purchase, put it on the table. Inshi shy away like that, and whose card shows up as the eldest, that take the swag and put it down the kupki. In such a rank, we continue the game, and the one who caught the quickest win, or lower all your cards - win. Under the hour of gry, if there are double cards: 2-3 of the same value, then two sixes or two kings, then it’s necessary to put new cards on the purchase, and in whom the older one appears, take it. If the ace cards show up with the older cards, then the older one is respected by the one that was laid earlier. Vzagali with the back cards of one of the graves, which was earlier for the other clave cards, koristuetsya with honor and suddenly from the deck of the card is not taken. The graves are due strictly trimming the cards and the dues are to put the cards in the last order.


The number of partners is not circumscribed, so for the great number of roaring traces, a deck of 52 arches should be beaten.

All partners in the game take one card from the deck and put their skins in front of them, this card represents a leather engraving shop: sixth (or two with a grit of 52 arches), which lies in the middle of the table, depicting a pig, cards are placed on top of the yak top order.

On the cards that represent “shops”, the cards are placed in the lowest order, without sorting out the suits. So like tuzi don’t go anywhere, they put queens on them. Like an ace lying on a store, you can’t take it on a “pig”. "Pig" ends with the king and turns into a kill. The attacking "pig" starts from the first two or sixth that came from the ticket.

Winning the horse is for the one who has to lose all the cards, for a wink of the ace, moreover, the rule of the green wins, so that you can lower the cards to the shops with only two of your coins, the right one and the left one.

The card that went in order to the “pigs” card can no longer go to the partner’s store and is to blame but is put on the “pig”.


A "blizzard" can't have less than three and more than four people.

The deck gets used to fifty-two cards. The right to issue cards is violated by the highest card.

The skin graver is given three cards. After the task, when you do it, you open it three times, and when you do it, you open some cards.

A box is placed at the center of the table, in a hoard of leather from gravel hoards, one fischtsi each (syrnik, copy, gudzik toshcho). The handy man, having looked at his cards, takes one of the cards on the table, which he shows to the cards that he has in his hands. You can take two or three cards, so that only a few cards of theirs will add more cards to the card, like wines may. Whoever does not have such a card in his hands, which I would take from the table in a moment, then he is guilty of putting his cards to those lying on the table and putting in a box a stack of tokens, a stack of cards. Whoever takes all his three cards from the table else, wins the game and takes the bet. If you don’t see anything in the building, then, having put the box on the discarded cards, they give it anew, and in this way the bet is increased, the docks are clear, having won the game.


The number of partners - from two to ten. The skin, who wins, is given three cards, and one card is opened like a trump card.

Head Grid can be divided into two stages.

1. Leviy susid is going to work to his handy z as a card, and the rest is guilty of throwing on her a card of the same suit or lower suit. The one who, having put his card, takes the swag. Renewal cards will be updated again from the coupon.

As soon as the swag gets away to those who walk, then step on and go to lay down for you and doti, until you accept the handy one, or I’ll go down to the new card. You can only accept a card that is not of good suit and you don't want to trump it. So it is just three times to engrave and between other and third engravings and so on, until all the cards are seen from the hands of the engravings of that voucher. After that, one day, the drawing up of the Khabariv by the partners is started.

2. The one who is the first to draw a card for everything, who got away for a part, is entitled to the right of the first exit for which the card is lured. The one who sits white is guilty of blocking the card or accepting it: at the first turn of wines, pass qi two cards to the third one, who is guilty of laying the card to other people, kill or accept. I’m guilty of killing the third card of the remaining roaring one, or accepting the fourth, etc., which are three until the quiet feast, while in the cup, which grows in such a rank, if there are styles of cards, scales of all the roaring ones, for the blame of one; for that one time, who manages to draw a coupe, having laid a tire, put all the cards on the side. The stench no longer enters before the warehouse of the gri, which is being played. Rozkritiy in such a rank will go all the way from the other, whatever you want, cards, moreover, the handy yogo should be repaired exactly in the same order, as if he had repaired the first purchase in an hour.

Whenever I receive it, the following rules are applied: if I accept the next card, then the other hand is guilty of going out for any other reason.

If you can’t, or if you don’t want to cover the number of repaints, then you’ll take one only to get to the new tire, after which you sit for the next time, you need to crit the top card, which you lost at the cup.

Not a trace of being included in this group from the oldest and most important cards. It is not necessary to go out of the koziriv, until you know that your assistant can be a koziriv, but only if he is young.

On the cards coming up to you, you must always bring the youngest cards. As if walking to you from a small card, it is necessary not to criticize, but to accept. If you go from a strong card, and before that, with such a suit, which you don’t have, you need to beat with a trump card. As if three cards of the same suit are in hand, it is necessary to go with the elder one. If you win two or three trump cards, then it is necessary to walk from the middle one, so that you can turn it back with the senior trump card, which is lost.

If your card is accepted, then it is necessary to call back on the offensive move. Vygіdnіshe zavzhd throw off the young card from the hands, vіddayuchi swag partnersі, scho to go to you. It’s like going out of the card, it’s like it’s invisible to draw on the draw, and you have a lot of koziriv in your hands, it’s better to accept such a card. Robiti vihіd vigіdnіshe іz dovgoї suit. For rozkrivannya, there is no trace of blowing the rest of the trump card, but more vigilance of finishing the trump cards, as if not in the rest of the hand.

got angry

The number of partners is three or four, if you can join two, but it's not even fun.

A deck of thirty-two cards is used to play the cards. To whom it was necessary to give, that, having shuffled the cards, gave them to the handy one. After the task of the skin, nine cards are opened, the trump card is opened.

The leather is gravel after the cards are given, the skilki in the new cards are of the same value, either two or three six, chotiri or three ace and so on.

The first vacation is hoped for by the handy one. Skin to go out to one, only to sit under him; you can go out with any cards, and moreover, with two, three and two of the same value of cards: 2-3 squares, 2-3 -4 queens, etc. the one to whom to go, as if the stench could be the third and fourth sixth, they are also to blame until the sixth. Whether a card can be criti or a senior card of the same suit, or a trump card. Whoever doesn’t want to, or not in the power of zrobiti, the same card, to go to the new one, accept; after whom to come out yogo is handy. Well, it’s good to open all the cards that fly up to a new kind of others, just go out.

Whoever let go of the mustache cards, if the stench is still in other graves, go out, or, as it seems, fight right. If someone is left with one or a piece of cards, then the same as other graves have no money, then the program will be played, otherwise, as it seems, it’s gone ...

The punishment for the early morning is that the program is guilty - the guilt is to give cards for the attack.

All open cards are added to the side and do not enter the group until a new task.

Gris rules:

1. Follow the order of the smallest cards.

2. Take it easy and don't play the trump card without the need.

3. It is required not to separate cards of the same meaning.

4. If you have two cards of the same value in different suits (two sixes, two ace), if it is necessary to separate, then it is necessary to separate the cards of the highest value.

5. If you have a kіlka koziriv in your hands with two or more cards of the same value, beat the cards with trump cards that go to you, regardless of those that could beat their suit, and then go with the same suit, as if beaten with a trump card.

6. If you have one or two small trump cards in your hands, and if someone needs to go to your handy one, then throw off yoga, if you want to win buv and the elder, so that in this case you can invest in the best result of the game with one Lost koziri.


When grі vchotirioh live a deck of thirty-six cards, with grі vp'yatoh i more - fifty two cards.

In tsіy grі the role of the gypsy is vikonuє, obviously, the woman is peaked. Vaughn doesn’t cry anything, and no one can crit the card.

On which part of the vipad of the building of cards, that same deck of cards is laid out around and in the middle of that improvised circle is a treasure trove.

The first time to rob a good man, taking a card from a stake of cards, what happened. It’s a good thing to work like that, and if you happen to win the highest card of the same suit from the stake, then take it with you and take your swag. If a young card of a lesser suit comes up, then take the swag that grave, like a walker. In this rank, they continue to take s stake and criti doti, the docks will not sort out all the cards. A gloomy one, having swayed like a trump card from a stake, put yogo at your kupka and winknut another card to go from it. So it is necessary to repair it with a gypsy (lady of spades), for which, as we have already said, walking is not allowed, and for that it is necessary to take care of drawing cards until the end. After whom, the gypsy is played like this: engraved, picking up the cards and turning them over with a whirl, burn them up, tearing them up with a pivkol and giving them to the handy one, wiping the card, with the front side of the treasure on the table, turning with your cards, kria їymaї. Play like this, until all the cards rise, and the gypsy woman in the special ladies of the peak after dramatic transitions from one grave to the other is not “stuck” by one of the roaring ones.

We need to be careful when shuffling and shuffling cards. Having dismissed the purchase of cards in a vialolike fashion, they followed them so that there was no opportunity to marvel at the distribution of cards, nor the place of the appointment of the peak woman.


Tsya gra maє great similarity with the game in the "fool" and play with a deck of 36 cards.

Partners are given six cards each, and the trump card is opened, otherwise they are included in the coupon, which will serve to replenish the cards of the partners that they have seen,

Walking at this grі on a kilka of cards of the same suit, even so, and otherwise - one at a time.

You can curl up with mastina and trump cards. If there is not a lot of criti, then take all the unopened cards in your hands. Vzagali rozkryshka and acceptance of cards to lie down in the rozrahunka of the combustible, and іnоdі, navіt for the possibility of rozkriti, vygіdnіshe buvaє zavdat shkodi in the hands of the grave.

The queen of spades, according to the rules, cannot be covered by a card and is always guilty of being accepted, which is why the gris is special. This card is called "lady".

The one who has a wife of peaks is guilty of the ability to take care of her until the end of the grey, at the moment she rushes with a handy swing and grows out of the "lady" to the susida, so that she can catch yoga.


The number of partners - from two to six osib, the deck can be 36 cards. Shchob gra bula cіkavіshoy, best of all grati three times a day.

This person has one trump card suit, which is marked by an offensive rank: you, having sticked the cards, give them to your handyman, who, having taken and marveling at the rest of the card, deaf її trump card.

Grab two views: open and closed.

It’s called a closed country, if you get less than five hags, the reshta put up a coupon and take it into your hands for an hour to go gri, like when gri in “fool”.

At the vіdkritý navaltsі the moustaches of the card are mooning, and as if the gravemen did not give the desired trump card, then the wine, having voiced about it, is guilty of the check of the new task.

Hid gri in close the bulk.

The one who comes out of the cards and kriє її, takes the stacks of cards from the deck, the slips are stained for the exit and bulk. As if attacking nothing, kriti, you take the whole compartment in your hands.

Let's give an example.

Chotiri gravely: A, B, C, D. Having given five cards to everyone, And put it on the table. In the first place, for example, cards to C and replenish the cards from the deck. C, having twisted the card, which I went to B, and having made a pile up to D, take from the deck that number of cards, as the new one had. D so the very cry that is piled up, like the first comrades. In this rank, go doti, the docks will not be left with the same card in the deck.

Do not pick up all the buys from the bulk, but take only one top card; іnshi wіdsuvayutsya ubіk і no longer join the group. Іsnuє the rule is not to let your handyman out, to make yourself rob you, you have been wielded by trump cards. If it will be noted that the handy one has no suit, then it’s not uncommon to walk around and make money from it. It is necessary to get used to all the needs, so that you can hold one suit in your hands, or else the older cards, as in the bulk can serve as treadmills.

Criti with trump cards is only possible if they are rich. If a handyman is left with one or two small trump cards with a few other cards, for which one of the vines can win the rozkrish, and for others to block the offensive pidkhid, in such a case it is necessary for the new їx to win, but not as trump cards, but as a certain mast .

If it seems that the handyman has only one or two cards, including the trump card, there is no trace of the trump card, even though it was rich. The skin of the gravel is guilty of reason, for which the world should attack his handyman. If you remember wine, that the one who sits under the hand, only the one who else walks in his suit, then wine is guilty of trying to trim him, having made you see him.


Tsya kartkova gra "chukhni" is faster than a child, lower for grown-ups. You can play in it and twice, but the most great company can play up to fifteen people.

One of the graves, squeezing a deck of cards, put it in the middle of the table and open the top card, on which the other engraver is guilty of putting the highest card, for example: as if having opened a symbol, then the other engraver is guilty of putting on it the highest, the third nine, the fourth ten and so far. In this way, the one who needs to be twisted, take the decks that lie on the table, one card at a time, you can’t get enough to take a card to cover the six, the cards are left in your hands, the stench may need you for the offensive dahu. . In the same way, swear and reshta graves.

All covered cards are placed in one compartment, burn out with the front side. If someone doesn’t show up the necessary cards and nothing is left in the deck, then the top card is to blame, which lies on the cup, accept it, and the other cards in the cup are thrown aside, the stench is not guilty, it’s more to enter the group.

As soon as one accepts such a rank, then the handy one who accepts one should go out of his own cards and play in a great order until quiet feast, until the roaring ones are deprived of their own cards. The one who has lost one or more cards, program and take away the name of the chukhna.


Qiu kartkovu gro can also be zarahuvat to childish igor.

There is no koziriv at grі, less suit. Number of partners from two to ten persons.

The cob of success is due to the success of the graves. The skin engraver is given three cards.

Head Grid: leather partner, having taken one of his three cards and turned them face down, shoved it on the table and then changed it to another card with a smaller gravel. Continuing with such a rank, the skin of the partners is trying to score three cards of the same suit and, having reached such a result, go out of the game.

The one who enters, gives his card for the partners to see, after which they continue the game, until they see a gravity, the crime of one, which is respected in such a way that it wins and wins the prize “Yoroshka”.


Qiu gro can play from two to five osib with a deck of thirty-six cards.

The keeper is given by sim cards, then we open the trump card, which turns the trump card suit, so that the dealer should lie down. The first to walk is a handy building. Kozhen gravets is guilty of dialing sim habarіv i potіm checks on the cob new gris. The draw will end with the one who has not scored seven khabariv, will play the game. On the card, with which to walk, you need to put the same suit of the highest card, and if you don’t have the necessary suit, then beat with a trump card. You can walk with any cards.

three leaves

Tsya gra is even simpler, but at the same time a cicava. Most often, play less than double, with a deck of thirty-six cards.

One of the roaring, squeezing a deck of cards, gives himself and his opponent three cards each, discarding them one at a time. Leather from gravel to put on a confection. When two graves of six cards are dealt, the symbol is revealed and means a trump card. Rozkrity kozir goes to the one who, having given, the deputy of a new wine, should carry a card.

The opponent of the one who has given, to go out first, be it a card, on the other hand, the engraver is guilty of carrying such a card of the same suit, in the warehouse of the swag of the one whose card will be older.

Through the day of the necessary suit, it is necessary to win with a trump card, without losing any senior suit, or a trump card, put down a card. Whoever takes two or three khabari, that one wins.

If the one who gave it wins, then all the chips placed on the coin go to you; like the one who gave up, program, then the enemy.

If you have a small trump card on your hands, then walk faster with any other suit. With a great trump card, that other strong card must be trumped. If you have cards of the same suit in your hands, then you need to go with the older one. If there are no kozirivs, it is necessary to go from the old card. If there are two small trump cards in your hands and a third card of a different suit, then you need to come out of it.


Four people are playing with a deck of 52 arcades.

The day of the gry lies in the fact that you don’t have to; The smallest mistake can be punished, because one of the partners, having succumbed to the rise of his opponent, in one go can lower the opponents’ entire “store”.

At "onlookers" the cards are placed without dotrimanny suits on the shops of all graves. The card, as it is called a government card, is known to burn the deck. Diya uzіv dorіvnyuє all cards. Gryuchy, having put the cards on his "shop", declares: "at home" and then he will be free of any right to take it back, to return it like wine having mercy. A partner who is deprived of a card, gets in such a way that he has lost it.

Own trumps

Play with a deck of 36 cards, the number of partners - no more than four, for the number of suits.

The leather partner chooses his own song suit, which is the trump card; about the skin of the participants may voice to the one who gives up the first task.

Cards are issued one or two at a time. As soon as the card is released, the deck is redrawn again.

A skin card can be covered either by the eldest one of its suit, or by a trump card, we will turn it into a partner, who has been criti, that skin partner, having taken away the buildings of your card, is guilty of their pіdіbrati alé and according to the seniority of the cards in the skin suit.

The first step is to lie to the handy building.

Hіd gri: for example, scho graє in the worms-koziri go to the one who graє in tambourines with six clubs, then b'є її s_mkoy clubs and pile ten spades: the first one interrupts ten with the jack of spades and piles the top of the clubs; the rest, not hanging on the hands of a larger suit of clubs, b'є vіsіmku clubs with your trump card (tambourines) that heaps on the lady of spades; first, without the same spade suit, b'є the lady pіk with her trump card (chrobaks) and heaps like a card. In such a rite, the bulk of the doti is continued, the docks of those who from the graves will not appear in the hands of any trump card, nor the necessary suit and wine of confusion, you will accept the entire compartment.

Come out and pile on the next suit, which is rich, or else, which is not enough, for example: one or two cards. Hanging on your hands for a long time suit, you can let it go, that the enemy doesn’t have it, and when you leave, it can be covered with a trump card. Going from quiet cards, which are few, one can think that in the second one there is a lot, and in the third one there is no blame. The more it is called at the opposite side of the kozirivs of that garnet suit, the better for the one who happens to take a coupe.

After accepting, buy the cards, they are sorted by suits and play in the same order, until in one of the quiet, who plays, you don’t see the mustache of the card - then the game will end.

The skin of the grave is guilty of trying to stock up on the senior trump cards of his opponent, so that he can be robbed: if a large bunch of cards is established, and the enemy has few of them, then, having turned the suit, you go, put an ace on it, go the king of the trump cards of your opponent, some wines You can't cover any confusion and accept the whole bunch of cards.

That card is called a bulk, as it is placed over a covered one, for example: go from the jack of a bubo, you, twisting it with a lady, put a dozen worms on it, like a pile.

Kupa - all the cards that accumulate on the table for an hour.

To accept a kupa - take all the cards that are on the table, cover the card that they sent you with nothing.


Do good qiu group with a great company - up to 15 osib. A deck of cards - from 32 to 52 arches, fallow from a quantity of gravels.

The one who gives the cards, shuffling them, wismics from the deck like a card, not showing them to anyone, put the servette or the bottom of the lamp.

Let's reshta cards handing out to the gloomy for equal money. Gravtsі throw them in pairs (two ace, two kings, etc.) in the same bіk, primuyuchi rishta in his hands. PISLAL TSIA TO, hto, who is excited at Zdavach, pyd with the hand of a transfer of a transfer, to be found in the nyoye, the facial side down, the same, taking the hunger, the warehouse susis in the same order.

Trivaє grad doti, the docks of someone with a gruesome to lose a card in their hands, such a pair of stock that card, as it is buried and is called "fofan".

Allow to earn without insert 50 rubles for 10 whips!

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Card games for two

It’s better to play cards in card games, that stench is so popular and doesn’t waste its relevance with skin rock, but on the contrary, more and more calls for interest from the side of lovers of gambling. On this day, you can play right at home, with whom it’s not necessary, if you have friends, relatives, or you know, that you can play with a right person for the help of the Internet. In the open spaces of the border, you can find a lot of money in a card for two for which it’s enough to see a side.

Gra, in yakіy do not always need to shukati a real superman

Big wins in double cards in online mode:

  1. There is no shahrayuvati here. Shakhraiv have the ability to cheat, to that everyone who goes to the country is under the control of a specialized program, as it is not allowed to play outside the rules. That is why in online card games you have to pay less for the knowledge of that vminnya.
  2. The gambling process takes place in a quiet and familiar home environment, which is even a significant advantage, so that all gamers can earn all their respect on the game, which is not seen in the casino, they ring out, in some impersonal and important factors, they get nervous .
  3. Krіm tsogo, what better people in the smartest minds, it’s easier to faint and choose the best strategy, the zavdyaks of the future can overcome it, which is the most beloved part of the fun of all lovers of excitement.

Ale, newbies do not have to survive this drive, the shards gradually accumulate, and with it, the richness of laws and tricks, for the help of such skins, the building reaches the necessary success.

Krіm tsоgo, a trace of remembrance, that newbies have the opportunity to try their hand in demo mode, whether it's a game in cards for two, shards of yogo were created specifically for gamers, like only to start their own way in this sphere. In this way, we will kindly gain practice and practice, and also I will choose my own plan of moves, the stars will not be afraid to play the first far away party. In such a regime, a person is against a computer, it is easy for him to enter a new one and without difficulty choose a strategy, which one to go to, to his mind, it is wonderful. Pіznіshe її vzhe sіd testuvat in parties zі pravzhnіmi іgromany.

Now you can go to viboru gri

The list below has the most popular and most popular card games for two.

  1. Fool. Lunaє six cards skin engraving, the stench of them go for specific rules. Having won the one who was quicker to get rid of cards. This is a miraculous way to demonstrate one's strength, that vminnya, to the one who here it is important to remember the enemy's crooks. Tsіkaviy variant of tsієї classical gris of proponation.
  2. Kartkovy bey. May style memorі, oskіlki є nebhіdnіst zamіdnіst zamіyatovuvati roztashuvannya kartov, vіdkritti tvokh odnovikh, vіdkritti dvіh sovnіvі, vіdkritti dvіh sovnіvі, vіdkritti vіdkіtі dvіh, vіdkritti vіdkіtі vіdhіh, vіdkritti tіvnіh vіdhіvі, vіdkritti vіdkіtі vіdhіh, vіdkritti vіdkіtі vіdhіh, vіdkritti vіdkіtі dіhіvі, vіdkritti ієnі іnіt'і kіlkієє zhіttya. The program is secured to the one who spends it first.
  3. Pas'yansi for two. Tsya gra for quiet, who wants to play and play, to relax. The rules are the same, like solitaire for one. In front of the graves, decks of cards are laid out, divided according to a specific order. This is how these piles of cards appear, all of them have their number of cards stacked, in one case up to seven cards in one pile. Until then, the top cards are upside down. The head of the graves walk with the cards so that in the same row the stinks were drawn for the color of the suit. You can know a lot of solitaire games
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