What is baiduzhist. Terrible beast "baiduzhist": how to live with it and what we need wine for us

Why do people baiduzhi to other people's bids (inodі y to joy)? I don't know what people are saying baiduzhi about... They chant sing-songly - it's similar to autism, and it's hardly worth judging them.

Reasons, through yaki people become baiduzhims

Often baiduzhіst develops over time - through life problems and those difficult ones, through those who had a chance to fill cones on their own. At the moment, if a person has a bunch of problems, he can't handle someone else's grief. Take buvaє i at severe pain- physical and moral.

Sometimes in a difficult situation, people think: "I will help others, but they will not help me." Ale trapleyaetsya, after such a try, the problems become more and more in both, otherwise the person with your help “selects” and starts to slander you. І tse get-purely bazhannya komus spіvchuvati nadalі. A similar negative report of someone else's innocence, meanness, deceit, for the sake of robbing a person ... but, singly, still not baiduzh, but still streaming your own strife.

Another one...

Bayduzhist - ce paralysis of the soul, before death

A. P. Chekhov

Baiduzhіst yak іkіst sobistnosti - tse vratnostі zdatnostі schos chi someone to love.

Baiduzhe kohannya is a bad nonsense phrase, it’s also absurd, like a call is deadly driving or good evil. A Baiduzhiy person is the one who, having spent the building of love, is a person with a burnt heart. Sergiy Yesenin, having described such a camp: “I don’t disturb my soul, I don’t shake anything, - Whoever you love, you can’t love that one, Whomever you burn, you don’t burn.”

If a person lives in love to the extent of anything, it overflows and wriggles at the lonely, it’s impossible to die that prihovat. The inadequacy and ruin of baiduzhost – without love. A callous person with a hardened heart can love himself, his squad and children, without showing his feelings and without showing emotions. Mіzh baiduzhistyu and stale vіdsutnya is a sign of equivalence, but they are far from being synonymous. At…

Rest an hour baiduzhist is a loud word. We often hear about something new on television, on the radio. It's hanging in the windows on the street. You must be afraid of it, but if you know it, you don’t recognize it.

That’s why baiduzhіst is not a hefty uncle with a crooked juice in his hands, and not a suicide bomber with a vibe on his belt, but a little gray man, like sitting by a hut and reading a newspaper quietly at that hour, while the uncle is operating with a shakhidka. Vіn sit and spodіvaєtsya, sho do not commemorate, check that a good policeman will come and arrest everyone, that everything will be fine without him, and vіn just get up for nothing ... The new leader has a logical explanation of his own lack of action. Zreshtoy, I didn’t try anything ... like that.

Ale chi tse so true? What do you think a person has experienced on her own? It methodically drives in everything alive with people, everything is felt, zokrema and hope. When it comes to nibi ni up to what. On those out and baiduzhist. Zhodno ї vіdpovіdalnostі. I'm sorry. That y zvinuvachuvati yogo is dumb in what, out ...

Readers of my blog often ask: “how can I become a person who has been enthralled in myself.” At this article, I am on the line.

Self-perception is due to our subjective experiences of ourselves, our abilities and habits, our psycho-emotional state, our changes and internal attitudes. Crime of this tsya akіst spiraєtsya on our dіysnі novichki that vmіnnya.

If everything is good together, and, for that matter, reality has already shown you more than once that you really achieved success in your studies, and for the sake of doubt, you have less in your memory.

As if you didn’t have any problems with the conversation, if you could always clearly formulate thoughts, be a good spy and you’ve been bacheled, like you’re dealing with other people, then doubt yourself, as if you were a spokesman, it’s important to you.

Ale, don't make it so easy. Often we can’t adequately assess our skills and it’s impossible to know what we can do and what we can’t ...

Terrible beast "baiduzhist": how to live with it and what we need wine

Don't beat the enemies - at the top of your head, the stench can beat you in. Don't fight your friends - at your worst, the stench can hurt you. Fight baiduzhikh - don’t drive in stench and don’t irritate, but only from їхнoї movchaznoї sgodi on earth is a blessing that driving in (Eberhard).

Baiduzhіst wastes and saves, hurts and stimulates to turn into reality, ruinuє and pіdshtovhuє budovat іnshі novі vіdnosiny і richly іnshоgo. Maybe the baiduzhist itself is not connected with anything, but it’s already richly tied with it, it is practically impossible to put it behind the baiduzhistu before it. Maybe we’ll come later, but she herself will tell us about the baiduzhistyu of other people, we’ll make a difference.

For the cob of the beast, to the most profound understanding of the concept of "baiduzhist". Baiduzhist - the camp of a baiduzhoi people, baiduzhiy, condoning interest, passively setting up to the pointless (Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940). Bayduzhist, synonymous with bayduzhnost, ...

You, sing-song, know the people who try to do it in their own way, many of them have friends and have children. From time to time, out of pity for the lack of time, people add respect to their squads, but if it’s scary about ailments, tell about the success of children and their failures, they say, I’m talking about you? Why do zombies go to an unloved robot, live in a dark tortoise grayness and everyday life, navit not understanding that he himself is guilty of that, that his life is so stupid. You can’t help it well to success, those unfortunate friends and children, and even more until someone else’s. The mask of baiduzhostі in the guise of a man with fates drives in a kohannya, God forbid you be a retinue of such a person.

Baiduzhiy cholovik can dosit stale heart. Vіn seldom confesses to the fact that everything is for you, but it shows that everything is in everyone, that it is worth the yoga of loved ones and lonely people. The root of human baiduzhnost sygaє far into childishness. Not…

Baiduzhnosti problem

Bayduzhist and Baiduzhist are the most terrible things of today's life. In the rest of the hour, my floors often stick together, which for us such behavior of people, unfortunately, is becoming the norm. Practically every day you can bait people. Chi zamislyuvalysya wondering about those stars out there z'yavlyaєtsya?

Causes of Baiduzhnosti

Most of all, baiduzhist is the way to protect a person, try to close in a zhortokoy reality. For example, as if a person was often belittled or choked with descriptive phrases, they would try to escape negative emotions and not make contact with irritating ones. It’s unbelievable that a person himself might be tempted to show a baiduzhi look, so that they didn’t nibble.

But in an hour, an advancing trend may unfold: a person will have a problem of human baiduzhity, for that baiduzhist will become his inner camp, not only for himself, but also for comfort.

We are driven not by hatred, but by human ...

baiduzhi, baiduzhi

It’s very important to remember that it’s bad for baiduzhim, but it’s good for non-baiduzhim. First of all, please wait a bit, or slander the point of dawn, we’ll try to grow up in someone who, well, is such a bad guy.

Baiduzhiy cholovik - tse one who does not say anything, which is not especially related to him.

Chi can vimagati vid lyudiny, schob there tsіkavilas tim, її її especially not to bother? You can respect. Ale vimagati, in my opinion, is not possible.

Nebaiduzhist - tse charge of the soul.

And charging, as it seems, is good on the right. Who wants to do physical culture of their souls, but who doesn’t care about it, or else foresaw another training for her.

Do you remember the famous scene from "The Heart of a Dog" if you ask Professor Preobrazhensky to donate a penny for the poor children of Africa? The professor is guided. Why? - people marvel at the shkiryankas. “I don’t want to,” the professor says, explaining to us in a nutty way what to…

Bayduzhist, bayduzhist otochyuchiyh. Problems of intercourse between man and woman.

It seems that the hirshoi baiduzhoi people don’t know anything. The same baiduzhіst that baiduzhіst spriyat wars, weldings, crises and catastrophes. Well, what can be a priori more baiduzho people? There is no evidence. No comments.

If you can get to the gate, it’s extremely good that you could reach that one. Ale, yakscho you piece by piece, and you will be tormented by singing emotions, causal otherwise. There is nothing at all in the world, in the galaxy, and in the whole universe.

And what about robiti, if a person has cooled down to you? At the first sound, a person sounds interested ... It manifests itself even before the wedding, and after the next hour. And why should you work, if you pinned your butt to your own person, and your motivation is at zero?

Psychologists, obviously...

Think and rich! Maybe, the most authoritative book in the world is a helper of success, wealth, life energy, and purposefulness. Protyag 70 rokiv "Think that Bagatiy!" vvazhaetsya classic assistant to create wealth. At the skin division, Napoleon Hill reveals the secrets of earning pennies, having shriveled up like thousands of people, they have added, multiplied and continued to multiply their camp, at once developing and enriching their own special potential.
Before you is a new classic vision of the grandiose work of Napoleon Hill, supplemented by a reworking of modern realities.

For the widest number of readers.

Think like a mathematician. How virishuvati be-yakі zavdannya shvidshe that effektivnіshe Quote
“The skin of us should become better: more memory, develop your creativity and creativity, less procrastination. The book "Think Like a Mathematician" is dedicated to the very same nutrition that ...

The axis is a marvelous slope. On the 7th of spring 2010, the fate of the Tu-154 aircraft, which flew from Yakutia to Moscow, was a breakdown: the power supply system was in full swing, and it began to drop sharply. It was possible to vryatuvat people, having landed less at the next hour. Ale yak tse robiti in the missions, yakі not stuck for planting? Unconstrainedly before the litters stood a free, pure smuga. Litak managed to land safely. Liotchiks then richly vshanovuvali. Ale, few people know that this helicopter airfield near the village of Izhma, on the landing smoothness of which it was possible to land in the distance, was shut down long ago, and only one person, Sergiy Sotnikov, walked for twelve rokіv and kept the smuga clean and in order. Youmu was told: What are you, crazy? In other parts of the city, the airfields were transformed into smittya and were filled with warehouses. And vin, the big head of the helicopter Maidan.

Shorazu, if you walk by the bridge, you will taunt an old grandmother, as if you were quietly standing on the railing with your outstretched hand. Few of the passers-by are left to bait up to this motherly swindle for help: some give me a coin, and some paper notes. Grandmother mumbles the words of support at the vіdpovіd i baptize.


I often walk along the road, I finish this picture. Now you don’t allow me to go past my grandmother, and the hand itself reaches into the gut for a coin.

But once I walked across the bridge with a friend. Grandmother, as if forever, stood with a hand stretched out. I already mechanically removed a coin from the intestines and made a crochet at my grandmother’s, and then my friend abruptly cut my hand: “Dashka! What are you doing?!

"How tse scho robish?" - I freaked out. “I want to give my grandmother 5 carbs. She, perhaps, doesn’t get bread, but I can’t change for me, ”I said to my friends. She smiled at me at the confession: “Dasha, you can’t be so naive! That grandmother's pension is three times ...

Before that, we’ve been blown over our heads at the molding of rightness in ourselves, let’s turn back a little and try to understand that I’m intoxicated.

Crying is the knowledge that those who are in good spirits will become what you want, and make you happy. Tse necessary mind so that the idea became a idea.

Pevvnіnіst - tse zdatnіst believe in yourself, if a great favor is planned, raise your hand, if a project is announced, or speak at a conference (and without any kind of praise!). Integrity is not a 100-hundred-year guarantee that everything will always come out, but it will help you get out of the comfort zone, expand the distance and take a course for success.

Statistics show that the success of the greater world of engagements is due to superiority, lower competence. Otzhe, the axis is five krokiv to self-indulgence.

1. Show off your feelings

It didn’t sound like a miracle, but to learn how to do it right in one’s own way, you can do it ...

I think a lot of people like to talk in philosophical topics? – I’m going to talk about baiduzhist.

And so, what is it - baiduzhi?

As you dig into the pershogerels, you can know the following understanding of this term:
- "Bayduzhist - tse camp of people, in a way they do not show any interest to the extent."

Synonyms of the word baiduzhost are apathy, baiduzhist, callousness, soullessness, heartlessness, baiduzhist, indifference, passivity, soullessness.

For example, I will point out a sprat of the appointment of synonyms in Baiduzhost:
- baiduzhist - tse baiduzhist to nourish knowledge, morality, life;
- Pasivnіst - bezdіyalnіst, baiduzhіst to navkolishny;
- Indifference (Latin Indifferens) - Baiduzhist, Baiduzhist, Baiduzhist.

If you take a look at the Light of the eyes of a person - a person, like a baiduzh to problems, inaccuracies and taming people, then the main life is direct for such ...

What does it mean to be an enraptured person?

Let's take a look at what it means to be an enraptured person:

- Robiti those, what you want, how you want and if you want;

- in case of defeating yourself with others, do not allow a great development;

- Do not boast about the world about those who will think about you;

- Know your rights and take care of your circumstances;

- Be easy-going, do what you want;

- Remember to say "Hi", as if there is no need to work;

- Allow yourself to have mercy, to progravat z gіdnistyu;

- believe in yourself that your ability;

- The children are sung, navit as if they are truly boasting;

- Do not compensate for lack of aggression;

- Robiti compliments and acceptance of them;

— to please new contacts and keep up the old ones;

Somehow the whole way of our life is directed by the people towards the development of innocence.

Sim'ya, a kindergarten for children, a school... It's a pity, quite a few grown-ups hurry up earlier...

Take care of your hobbies. It’s like, why did you always want to achieve success - sports, what’s your hobby - try it yourself for an hour! Improve your skills, show the faith in those who are truly talented, that will significantly increase your own confidence. Start mastering something musical instrument or foreign language, we will engage you directly in the art (for example, painting), start creating some projects, - be it, what calls your interest. Don't give up, or else you won't reach the mitt's result. Remember those who are worth learning, and you came here for small wins, that way to relax, and not to become the best. Find out hobbies that you can do with a group. Knowing the same-minded people, as they share your interests, you can easily make new friends and increase your self-confidence. Ask around among friends that you know well, to the extent that you could come, or try to make friends with ...

What is baiduzhist? Why can you hurt people? Tse folded, philosophical and dosit zhittєvі nutrition, over yakim, maybe, zamylyuvavsya skin from us. In my opinion, baiduzhist - tse allowed to interest, baiduzhe put up to be someone, chogos. Instill hatred and anger do not injure like a bayduzhist. Be it a little bit, what a person blames - it's a sign that not everything is one.

I respect that baiduzhіst, without question, can injure a person. What rank? Buvay so that people need a podtremka in a twisted situation. Tsya pіdtrimka can turn around to the understanding of what has become, or else it’s necessary, with a kind word for the people’s zahist, almost spying chi to help the folding of the hvilin. Navіt zdatnіst visluhati, dates korisna porada and give a good look tezh may be of great importance. More often than not, people do not accept such tricks one by one.

It is easy and easy to pass through other people's dashing problems. You don’t know how to hurt people deeply with your baiduzhistyu, not giving them a chance to climb uphill, to climb, to feel yourself necessary and important here and now. It’s even scarier to see, in my opinion, if a person becomes a person not another, not a thief, but simply an empty mass. None.

A lot of writers were turned to the point by those in their creations. The novel by F.M. Dostoyevsky "Zlochin and Kara" is a richly planned tvir. Anonymous problems - social, philosophical, moral - are brought up by a new author. One of them is the problem of social baiduzhost, baiduzhost to the share of other people. This is the result of unjust laws, but not less than the peculiarities of character. The humiliation, based on the image based on the baiduzh stavlennі odnієї people to іnshої, was so natural in terms of tihs, hto standing significantly lower for social gatherings. Let's guess the episode, for which Luzhin called the poor Sonya at the thief, who sang a hundred karbovancs at the gut. Why is the hero having such a low vchinok? To him it was necessary for him to take revenge on Rodion Raskolnikov for the zapodiya image. Ale directly Luzhin didn’t grow up in a moment, singsongly, without introducing himself, or maybe just snarling. Then Sonya is a very fortunate moment to ignite Raskolnikov's great pride. Luzhin was within his reach. Let's not think about Sonechka's reputation, but show the person's confidence and prudence, boldly go to your own mind. Ide and zovsіm don’t think that it’s even better to hurt the yogo and the girl’s soul is already tormented. Axis so people become victims of terrible and baiduzhi people, preparing for the sake of the power of good, that satisfaction, be like a gidka diyu.

I will direct an example from another literary creation. Tse novel by M. Yu. Lermontov. "Hero of our hour". Let's guess the episode, if Maxim Maksimovich tells me that they know that Pechorin's carriage has arrived at the door of their hotel. The summer staff-captain, in the wake of slandering, should succeed and pragne the old comrade. Vіn opevneniya, scho like only Pechorin recognizes, who checks for something, immediately come and be more radiant. Maksim Maksimovich navit vybigaє beyond the gates of zustrіchati yogo. Ale Pechorin is not in a hurry to turn around from the guests. They appear less than the coming day, so that they can immediately go to Persia. Pechorin lays closures in his own life, who spends his time in the house, wanting to be inadvertently praised, anxious, nourished by the soul of another person. You don't want to give Maksim Maksimovich some fluffy whining, which is very false to the old one. And the staff captain’s frown seemed to Pechorin: “That’s not how I think I’m talking to you ...”. At Pechorin, after such broad tales, friendly people are almost thrown around, and Maxim Maksimovich is vindicated. And right here, giving the staff captain the idea that the stench is most likely to be stung. Maksim Maksimovich deeply scolds his great comrade in service, having wounded his heart with his own baiduzhistyu. This episode is a clear proof of how human callousness builds up warmth and wide feet.

I succumbed to the bag of the mustache that was said, once again I succumb: baiduzhist can deeply injure a person. I

so what didn't happen. the skin of us is guilty of intelligence, that the sense of human life is in good service to people, at the gentry's blows, at the pragmatic bachiti someone else's bіl that vіdgukuvatisya on the new one, be like some kind of heavenly vchinkom. Giving warmth to your soul, be it someone, we become happy.

I will tell you scary mystery! And in the world of mass defeat, for sure it would be without mercy. I drive in on the spot. Tse baiduzhist!

It's amazing, but true. Moreover, on a global scale, the same is true.

As far as people are concerned, then nothing is so belittled, not overwhelmed and not ruined by yoga, like a baiduzhі otochyuyuchih.

How do you know why the world has scary, eccentric, wondrous, wondrous things? Why do people deify? Why are wars coming, zreshtoy? There is only one reason - the initiators and rozpalyuvacham of all dissimilarity do not gain respect for their person.

Aje scho such respect? Tse recognition of your presence in the world. Let tse be negative respect, anger chi foolish. All the same! You will be remembered. Otzhe, otrimaesh a part of the social stroking chi lyapantsiv. That human energy, how to give you the strength to live.

“The greatest sin of a hundred percent neighbor is not hatred, but baiting. The axis is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. Zreshtoy, my love, as if to be amazed at people, you yourself are astonished, like hatred is similar to love.. Bernard Show.

It’s not for nothing that it seems like one crochet to hatred. And all to that, which is kohannya, and tse exert energy respect to your specialness. Those are the ones that your integrity cares about.

Sometimes the habit of otochyuchih can become a stimulus to development. Vono zmushuє people zі shkіri get lizt, schob to bring their significance. Tell me honestly, why didn’t you do anything to tell you that you are smart, beautiful, cunning, kind? "I'll bring it to you, you'll cry more without me, I'll show you more!" - spin around in your head. Do you know?

I can tell you that more people’s vchinkіv reckon themselves to the point of motivation: “I want them to remember me!” "Look at me!" “Bachite, what a kind I am (smiling, reasonable, wise, beautiful, etc.)!”

One of the leading human needs is connected with the knowledge. We pragnemo moreover, that they commemorated us with great remembrance. Appreciated. They took it to their deaths. Loved it, damn it. We want to be kohanimi!

Sometimes, in order to live through it, let it be deceitful, we are ready to humble ourselves and ask. Consume the staleness and forget about the water consumption, dedicating yourself to the one we love. Ale, try honestly to the question: "Do you work for a new chi for yourself?" Only honestly. Navitat kokhanni mi often orientated on the power of experience, the power of sacrifice, like obov'yazkovo may wine gorodzhuvatisya. And if they don’t drink wine and kohani show up to us baiduzhі chi disrespect, we suffer.

Oh, it’s true, the evil is terrible. Moreover, in all senses. It can be said that the devil's siege is terrible, for the help of which the people of the building are in need of life itself (as if they would be baiduzh to the problems of the Earth).

What do we know about Baiduzhist?

Perche, bayduzhist scary for hate. Tse nayzhorstokіsha zbroya, how can you think of. If you don't know how to overcome your enemies, you can beat them in a simple and affordable way. Ignore. Let's remember that we'll leave it at that. In such a way, I automatically transform I live, warm people in an empty place. Navit not into a corpse, but simply into nothing. Remember that this is a zhorstok, that non-human zbroya.

In a different way spryaє expansion of evil. "Don't fight the enemies - the stench can beat you at the highest point. Don't fight the friends - the stench can hurt you at the highest point.(American singer Richard Eberhart).

third, baiduzhist - tse vbivtsya. There is a bazhannya that dream. Bayduzhiy transforms into a living corpse, like nothing else on this planet. As a rule, such people die.

Byduzhіst to people from the side of the lonely can lead to її sickness and death. Especially, as youmu does not dare to gain respect, instill negatively. And do not try to achieve positive respect and love, the skin is easy to reach, even if it is possible, let it induce a healing effect. To that tse tezh result, scho to bring youma, scho vin іsnuє!

Quarterly, baiduzhist as a way to vanish from the flіnnostі іsnuvannya in nothing sleepy can not be baiduzhіstyu-empty, about yak go to this article. So the name of enlightenment, the sound of thoughts and passions, empty, to the point of practicing the Buddhist traditions - it’s less able to be reminded of the greater zmist. But don't be fooled.

Don't make empty

Do we see the rule of successful ships? The law of filling empty means that there was no empty. As we її create, we drive in ourselves. "There are two ways to drive yourself in - self-destruction and baiduzhist". (Jonathan Coe).

Therefore, zastosovite qiu scary zbroyu more carefully. So, zvichayno, for some hour you can send to ignore all your virtual chi real falsehoods. ale pass an hour and empty space can be filled with new trolls. For this, baiduzhist is less than a timchasovy, tactful overrun. Signaling to those who behave badly, that they are wrong.

We keep a lot of people in the tonus of life with no more respect for the look of someone else's people. Think about it. I marvel at the dovkola with respectful and kind look.

We can lose our main strategy. And їy baiduzhіst is not powerful for the appointed ones.

A person sticks with joys and misfortunes all his life. Most of the time, wines do not flicker with oneself, but share their problems and experiences with other people. The person wants to, sob її pіdtrimali and zrazumіli, in folding situations pleased, like life gave that robiti. Buvay, that such an emotional force is not accepted by another person and it’s all the same. There is nothing worse, there is no need for such a situation.

From baiduzhistyu people stick together today. At the crossings, people ask for mercy, and the passers-by, busy with their problems, walk along. Ale is not the worst. It’s scary if people feel bad, and people don’t want to pass by and don’t want to remember, if people are in charge of physical stones, and people don’t want to drink, they want to stand behind a sprat of meters. It is more than enough to injure a human being, if such situations are followed, people spend faith in other people, fight them with enemies.

And what is baiduzhіst? It's just a matter of whether there are any emotions, some positive, some negative. Instill hatred and anger do not injure like a bayduzhist. Whether it’s like a little, like blaming people, it’s a sign that not everything is one.

Russian classics destroyed the theme of baiduzhost in their creations. Especially clearly showing the camp of A.P. Chekhiv. According to "Agrus" Mikola Ivanovich Chimsha-Gimalayan dream breeds agris. The Reshta, including the Yogo team, did not stir up Yogo in the fire. The written book shows the worthlessness of life, only for yourself, to whom you create and call out to readers, do not be baid and baid.

More roses L.N. Tolstoy's "After the Ball" shows the hypocrisy of the colonel, who is so hard and hard to love his daughter, but merciless to a soldier. Youmu is not able to live up to yoga suffering. Good luck for pardon, but the people are all the same. You can love one person and be baiduja to other people. Tse superechit usim ethical standards.

But Leo Tolstoy turned to those bastards in his epic "War and Peace". The suspіlstvo of St. Petersburg, which does not turbuє nothing, krіm pennies and vogodi, is not afraid of the problem of war.

A.P. Chekhov, having respected that "baiduzhіst is the paralysis of the soul and before the hour of death." I'm sure that such a camp is not guilty of being the norm in daily suspense, even if people can help one alone. Tsej camp can grow up to baiduzhost to yourself and even a person to spend both your values ​​and ideals, and yourself. Bayduzhist to hurt even more strongly.

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