Understanding about good, what is good. What is good for me? Yak signify Good tse chi Evil

Humanity, which did not live in that epoch, always had high moral values, as it were vihouvalis in people, were calmly the main provisions of religious commandments. Among them is kindness. What is kindness? What kind of people do we call good? Why is kindness one of the foundations of morality? Let's figure it out in tsoma.

The meaning of the word "kindness"

  • Kindness - tse pragnennya to help people, moreover, not vimagayuchi for tse podyak. Tse dominion of the soul, which allows not to be fooled by others to the bіd іnshih, they appear instructed, if necessary, people. For example: "Kindness and compassion are the basis of the character of the Russians, for ever to try to come to the rescue not only of their neighbor, but of their unknown people.
  • Kindness is the lowest, the most important thing for people, the last living thing on earth. For example: "The kindness of a child is manifested in yoga, caressing to the gut, chi appreciate it, in yoga, look after the tickets, it is necessary to read kindness from children."

Kindness is something more abstract to understand. What can be added to the rich word. At first glance, it is easy to guess what kindness means. But at the same time, it's hard. Aje kindness is the basis of such understanding, like mercy, compassion, compassion, self-confidence and instill heroism. The very love to the people, kindness, bazhannya vryatuvat її i staє sponukannyam to the heroic vchinku.

And what do you give kindness to people? Zvichayno, the love of that loved ones, garni vodnosiny with friends and colleagues. Ale, kindness often appears on the floor without a grumble, that a person, as if he had made good things, is left with an absence of home. For the new smut - help others. For example: "Invisibly, a person transferred a large sum of pennies to the jubilation of a child, as if she stumbled in a bidi."

Do good, and it will turn around obov'yazkovo to you, bring people from your side, if they are strangers to you!

Tse protilezhnі mutual understanding. Tse yak ailment is healthy.

At the same time, the stench is visible.

A peace of mind about those who are so good and evil in the current suspense, can be stupid and not give a result for those reasons, who are guilty of being grounded, we are forward, on the public mind, those who are moral in the suspense. Ale, the whole problem is that, be a human being, if you will zdiyasnyuvati like a diyu, she will try in the world of possibility not to create problems, we will do it ourselves.

TIN zaboroneniya cartoon

What is good?

Vrahovyuchi nuances of that, kakіy otsіntsі can poddatisya yogo vchinok, navіt yakshcho vin vkray negative, all the same try to work so that from the side of vins building in the best light.
The egoism of some people is changing in their knowledge of understanding about good and evil, and stench is respected, what is good, if it is good for them, and evil is not. For example, there is such a phrase “If I steal a banana from a suvid, it’s good, but if I steal a banana from me, it’s evil.”

Є wider understanding of good. Light, like a human body, is made up of cells. It will become a ruination, like a clitin, it will continue to ruin the whole organism. Those same vydbuvaetsya and in the world - if people want good, then it is necessary that all systems interact with each other, not ruining one alone. Come out, what good is the harmony of all parts of the world.

How can you trust the worldly people about those who are so good? Obviously, no, to that the person didn’t finish the istota. Vіn navit often he himself does not know the mind, what is bad for a new good. For example, the hen at the suspenst is vvazhaetsya by evil. Ale kuretszhuvatime, cigars are good, because the stench helps to relax, calm your nerves.

Come out, cigarettes are good for the new one, stink to give you freedom. As a result, there are yellow teeth, bronchitis or cancer. If you are sick of cancer, do not say that the disease is good and good.
They themselves appear in other moods, associated with human features and names, without respect for those who have nothing to infect in order to destroy themselves.

The world has different groups of people and social cohesion, so in different stakes one and the same vchinok, as a person can be interpreted differently.

Yakshcho, for example, power up a well-taken people, what is so good? Vіn, svidshe for everything, vіdpovіst scho good - tse svіt in the whole world, tse if you get pennies for yakіs consumption, if children are heard and so on. And if you put the same food for great sleepy people, such as the country is a power, religious association, then it will be different. For example, vlada vvazhatima good prosperity of the country.

Prof. A.I. Osipov: Good and Evil

Good is that religion

From the look of Christianity, it’s good, persh for everything, God’s providence, like a person to carry through life. On the right, in the fact that the culture of good calls to victory over evil, to the point that it is necessary to fight against evil with vile deeds. Aggression is not a stranger to good in this time. At the same time, it is necessary to submit to the will of the Lord, to the one who cannot be wrong. The greater rose of mind is to sing in the wake of suffering, like a person to whom we serve time and to take care of the winds and spirits.

Jesus Christ having begun to forgive the enemies, trample on everything.

Ale chi so good tsya morality? Є such a whistle "" Do not punish filthy people, we punish good ones ". To come out, that sometimes with the help of goodness one can provoke and bring evil to life.

Buddhism has no terms "Good and Evil". Buddhists understand “Samsara”, that is earthly suffering, which is closely related to physical reasons, and which, if possible, the people are guilty of. Citizens are called out by bajans, for example, by bajans. For zdіysnennya tsgogo bajannya in їzhu get used m'yaso creatures abo ptahіv і tim themselves zavdaє їm suffering.

In principle, everyone has their own truth, because the noble people can often play against it. Yakshcho people want to take a lot of pennies. Vіn can become greedy, stealing, or go rob a bank, which will bring you to evil.

In Judaism, goodness symbolizes the viability of a person for his vchinki, freedom of choice. The Talmud interprets the problem of the existence of justice, the punishment of evil and the desire for goodness, as the obmezhenistvo of the human mind and knowledge. Deyakі vіruyuchi vvozhayut, scho created evil in order to teach mandrivnik more faith in the Lord.

Tale about good and evil. S. N. Lazarev

To understand

The eternal nourishment of the sense of life is interpreted in a different way, as the understanding of good and evil.

Good and evil lie in the system, as it is in singing period hour. For example, when radianska vlady evil vvazhalis to engage in speculation, trade over the market and change the currency. Ninі tse vvazhєtsya good. Tse y to say that the hour is so understandable.

Where is the line, how do you add good to evil? Chi її not іsnuє?

It is good to mother your strength, so that it could call itself a blessing, carry a charge of positive energy and continue life. Ale here є super-clearness is obvious. Those that are good for one, may be evil for another. Vovchitsa, yak grimaced a lamb in order to make the vovchenya rotten good chi nasty?

Vislіv "Overcoming of Evil by the Forces of Good" is also deschcho superchristianskiy otsіntsі goodness, like calling forgive the enemies. On the right, in the fact that the culture of good calls to victory over evil, to the point that it is necessary to fight against evil with vile deeds. Aggression is not a stranger to good in this time. Є such a whistle “Do not punish filthy people, we punish good ones”.

From the movchasno ї godi and fearfulness "good" a person can get zhahlivy vchinki. At the same time, it is necessary to submit to the will of the Lord, to the one who cannot be wrong. The greater rose of mind is to sing in the wake of suffering, like a person to whom we serve time and to take care of the winds and spirits.

Jon Hopkins

Evil - what is it?

Evil is death, shocking or bіl, which is the leader of people like factors, and most of all, people are the manager of themselves or their neighbors.

From the point of view of philosophy, inaccuracies can be blamed for those reasons that the person herself is not finished, that provokes them. It's true, even the greatest evil on the planet is a human being.

Religion to talk about those who bring evil to the devil, against whom often a person cannot stand. The demon creates a friendly medium for vices to the people, and there, in his chambers, is more and more victorious yoga. I want to see dark forces and evil.

You can talk about human wadis for a long time, and no one is told about them. Ale, the vices are most often - evil directed at the person herself, and then we’ll sweat at the sharpness. Before them one can see greed, silliness, hatred, drinking, drug addiction, smoking, or else some kind of fallow.

The evil of the human plan is the destruction of spiritual, bodily and moral evils. Philosophical ethics and religions understand each other. Antique ethics interpreted evil as an ear of chaos in microcircuits and macrocircuits. Aristotle affirmed that evil is atrocity, viciousness, non-strife. It’s just as evil - but it’s not too much of an excess of evils, but it’s also not enough, so that they throw chaos even more. Buti angry - tse means to become like a creature, or raise yourself to a demonic equal.

On today's day, to the point of insane evil, directed to the support of that mass, one can see culture, as if calling to the lowest instincts that primitive satisfaction of one's needs.

For example, a mania of calmness, if a person attaches even richer respect to speeches. Putting them on the forefront of their lives.

Leather rich can be its own price, it has a singing vaga - gram or a ton of vaga, melancholy, otherwise it’s a function. Ale, the person learned to work with speech in different ways, spozhivayuchi from them more zisku and vismoktuyuchi more opportunities, or to practically inspire them. Wine that new-fangled pristosuvannya significantly make life easier and shy yogo brighter. There is nothing filthy about this principle until materialism sets in. A person forgets about what speech has been created, so that he serves you, but not in the same way. Nareshti vin ill, and you can not understand the reason for your filthy self-feeling. These are rich, these people have a weak immune system, such as already reluctantly materialism and shopaholism.

In the infamous understanding of evil, there are different pros and cons, for example, cosmic pros, human and social. Evil at the cosmic chi universal rozumіnі tsgo ball manifests itself as chaos, which threatens the order of the world, spiritual daylight, as it threatens people, causing various natural disasters.

On the social level, evil is like a force, like a destroyer of society, spread yoga.

The evil of the human plan is the destruction of spiritual, bodily and moral evils. Philosophical ethics and religions understand each other. Antique ethics interpreted evil as an ear of chaos in microcircuits and macrocircuits. Aristotle affirmed that evil is atrocity, viciousness, non-strife. It’s just as evil - but it’s not too much of an excess of evils, but it’s also not enough, so that they throw chaos even more. Buti angry - tse means to become like a creature, or raise yourself to a demonic equal.

Christianity interpreted evil as a vision of the divine order and a vision of God.

Efimov V. A. Fundamentals of light-gauging safety

Evil and scientific and technical progress

A lot of people spend at the TV set for a part of an hour. Without a new contagion, nowhere - you need to be aware of all the approaches. Ale, using a black signal, show more often information, as there may be a negative sensation, lower knowledge. The person herself often does not suspect that, she absorbs a lot of negativity in herself and poshkodzhuє her energy.

Whether it’s a negative transfer, to make it seem like it’s going to be forgotten, it puts a hit on the psyche of a person and saves yourself from yoga support. It's easier to pour on her in a relaxed and relaxed state. Most often in such a state and perebuvatim people, if the TV is marveling. Particularly able to yoga information are people with an unmistakable or unstable psyche. Build the brain of healthy people like a sponge to absorb the TV negative and get charged with immoral and ruinous ideas. Often the information that may have a negative impact is well disguised, and it is not possible for thrillers to be action movies.

Vcheni recommend marvelous television, but do not eat it up. Do not varto use yoga for the background, it is necessary to select the broadcasts, if you want to marvel, if you don’t set on those cataclysms, actions of terrorists, that world economic crisis penetrated your apartment, destroyed your power industry. Aje won't you be able to get through.

It is understood as energy vampirism. An energetic vampire can be like a smart person, so you get information, like you need to call and begin to press on the psyche of that self-conscious person. Vіdomy psychologist stverdzhuє that a lot of patients complain about those who, on the basis of a television review, feel like a lemon. One of the patients, after having been listening to rock concerts for a long time, fell into a state of change, which guesses a zombie. Vin came home and burned down her apartment.

I became viyshovshi from a napіvnepritomnogo camp, rozmіrkovuvav vіn over it, as it happened and then guessing a well-known song. One pensioner, after watching TV, put his hands on himself through those that Yegor Gaidar did not get enough votes to become prime minister. Cholovіk otrimav knife wound through those who stood up for Yeltsin, the same as his opponent for Gorbachev.
If they are accurate, then not only televisions, but also computers can be blamed for the tragedy and energy failure.

There is no hot hell. Well, no, if you live near hell! (Dmitro Smirnov)

How to sign up with the world?

  • Understand yourself, what is good for you, and what is evil, help your mind. It is required to clarify and reconcile with them, that the people are alive, and also, have mercy. Ale obov'yazkovo treba rozіbratisya z tim, in some aspects of the viable work pardon in order to get better.
  • It is not necessary to judge others or take a decision. Vіdpovіdati mi mаєmo less for those scho robimo special mi. For those who confirm our statements about peace and goodness.
  • You can be helped by a good sum, like, like you know, incompetent. It’s like conscience to talk about those who are not varto robit, you are guilty to listen to її.
  • You can heal the religion. Light religion may set it clear and not allow you to commit a lot of sins.
  • And the axis of the brothers in all serious life, establish about those who are so good, and what is filthy not for the wart, that for the help of them you can get a great number of pardons.

Vitaly Sundakov. Yak keruvati share

Add in the frame

Good - all those who rob Lyudina Gidnoy, Strong, Happy and Successful

Welcome to the positive powers of the character of a person, such as Love, Justice, Strength, Development, Beauty, Harmony, Honor. Goodness is all those who awaken in the heart the joy of that thing, love, Friendship, Podyaka, Viddanist, Povaga.

Goodness in the life of a person is manifested in the sight of the realization of good goals, good methods of their achievement, good motives.

Pardons at the appointed Good and Evil

Even the first glance at the situation is often misleading. People powerfully assess the situation in a flash, like people, trying to blame the residual verdict - tse Good and Evil.

First of all, especially in a complicated situation, it is good and evil in a different world.
For a real assessment, it is necessary to learn to understand and those, and otherwise, some examples of what. Great is the wisdom to recognize, de good and de evil. Then you can determine the steps to blame most rightly and unfortunately.

About those that Good and Evil are understood

Crying phrases, as if they were constantly transmitted from the suspres, as if singing, set up that obezhennya, most often they go to pardon.
About those that Good and Evil are understood, that everything is clear in the world, and to lay everything in order, under some kind of dawn to marvel at the situation. It’s true, if you don’t care deeply about food, then everything is accepted like that.

How to define Good and Evil?

If it is necessary to analyze the situation not from the standpoint of a special attitude, but to analyze the situation as a whole, then you can learn to analyze the situation in this situation Good and Evil. It is necessary to evaluate all the circumstances and the vchinok itself, the goal, and the result, so that the good is not right. And those who, by some rank, have achieved the result, are also protected.
What was the result on the basis of the principles of honor?
By the method of deception from negative consequences? It is necessary to heal the motivation of the person, the reason. To know the absolute and immutable coordinate system, as it is used and practiced, it is easy to complete.

How do you know what is relevant today about those who are so good? In our world, everything has long been confused. What is it? So I’ll tell you nothing, maybe, and don’t say. The food is philosophical. The root of yoga needs to be shuffled in the depths Let's talk about those that have already been said so richly and yesterday and today.

Today, we are robimo without a face of various vchinkiv. Some of them are vipadkovymi, others are planned, for example of them we do not give respect, but rather plan ahead. Obviously, the deacons of these vchinkiv are kind, and others are filthy.

At everyday life it’s more convenient to smear the line between good and evil, the shards are practically invisible.

It’s not enough to bring mischief to us, but to other people, those, yak it’s not for these reasons that we want to take the benefit. So, good deeds are due to zdijsnyuvatisya itself in the form of a wide heart.

Good, evil - these are those who, in principle, stand in charge one by one, but at the same time, one by one. Often in life you can get confused. It is a fact that some people have to work the filthy things in order to prevent a greater evil.

Can you say that a person is spared a cat for a foundation, to repair a robbery in order to save his child from starvation? Surely, the skin of us had a chance to watch out for them, like rich people, like they had their business obviously on a dishonorable side, they are engaged in charity and do not harm pennies, handing out their right-handed and left-handed. What is it? Having shown true kindness, how can you try to redeem old sins? Mostly, the same friend.

Good is there, de is morality, but human souls are not sealed. Yakby skin from us having grown happy in our life, if we wanted one person, then everyone in the world would be happy.

Why is it so good and why is it so easy to work? The main reason that does not allow people to do good things is nothing else, like filthy dosvid. Life is ruled in such a way that evil is taken away from me for good. To go about those that people want to take away like a wine city for making mischief. There is no wine, but there is not enough - wine of reason, that, being good, you can’t reach anything for yourself. All the same, the pardon of the greater laity is great. Really good always turn around, but not at once and not in the sight of quiet people, as if you yourself have made it.

Not varto namagatisya z natovpu, rolyachi garni vchinki, shards tse є a sign of stingy non-government. The shortest way do a good job - do it so well, so that no one knows about those that you work with. This principle can be victorious by you all the time. If you can act like this, as it is necessary, then the world will pay you obov'yazkovo richly with good speeches, as you could not have seen before.

You need to work well and don’t get bogged down! Practice yoga and know, and unknown people. I will reward you for the sake of a smile.

If we hear the word "good", I immediately begin to paint it warmer, lighter and fluffy. However, it is not possible for the skin to say exactly what it means. We believe that it is good, and the axis of the word “good” is forever filled with respect. So try to fix the camp.

Understanding the word "good"

The word itself is clouded by different dictionaries. Zokrema, tse understandable є in the gloomy dictionaries of Ozhegov and Dal.

"Good" designation of shodo Ozhegov may be like this:

  • Under goodness, it’s good to be on the lookout, it’s more positive that Korisne. The process, what a word, how can you resist evil. It is also called good, mine, qinnі speech. In deyaky moods, under the good, you can go for good luck. For example, give the go-ahead for a moment, so as to allow the singing of the day.

Kuznetsov's tlumach dictionary has the same food, which is so good. Designated to sound like this:

  • Good - tse diї, straightened out for the good. So everything that brings good and does not lead to shkodi can be called good.

Dahl's dictionary also has the word "good". Appointment may look like this:

  • At spiritual meaning good can be regarded as good. Tse, at one's own line, means korisne and honesty, which is required by human binding.

Three sides of philosophy

Varto shows how good and evil are in the gallery of philosophy and ethics. Tom to ask "What is good?" the philosophy of philosophy is the best. For the broadest mind, good as good means:

  1. Cinnisne razuminnya, which reflects the positive meaning of bringing up to standard norms.
  2. A standard that is accepted by the state of the art, standards, and needs.

The very word "good" in the development of a person did not use the true sense, but for an hour it was victorious in different dialects, signifying material blessings and freedom.

Ethical norms

Being the subject of further ethical disciplines, the word can only be designated:

  • Good is the category of ethical achievements, as a positive assessment of the behavior, the phenomenon that I will follow. This is good: morally, more correctly, more firmly, that there is a positive cob. It is necessary to resist the “evil”, which is ruinous and negative.

For human nature, it is natural to bring goodness and beauty. The skin of a person is keenly aware of the need for something good that can bring happiness. Bazhati chogos good - not a hypothetical phenomenon, but an innate need of human nature, as it is constant and stable.

The word "good", which was meant to be more, has ceased to be a residual point of follow-up. Fortunately, as a special element, present in various spheres of life of a person, gaining a little more money.

R_novidi "good"

It’s good to see that in what country a person is resting at the singing moment, those who don’t get caught up can be blessed. For example:

  • Healthy. In some cases, the word "good" is assigned to the person in any situation. For example, if you are in ill health, then you may be good for good health. But if the illness comes, then the understanding of health from the category of "greater goodness" transforms into a mind-boggling manifestation.
  • Wealth is an honor. Like good material goods, riches are born, and knowing them less, people will understand that financial possibilities do not meet the greatest human needs.
  • The power is knowledge. Climbing on the wheels of Fortune over everyday life and descending at the point of the cob, a man of wisdom, that power is a bright sight, a bright star, as if it were early in the morning. Do not linger in power, human pragne її, but having reached the bag and having spent it, you will understand that such manifestations are not good.
  • Knowledge. Looming deep knowledge at the singing gallery, a person cannot be cherished by their sleeping goodness, even if it is no more than the lower intellectual good. The spiritual needs of the times become dissatisfied.
  • Friendship. A high form of friendship, a posture of all sorts of doubts, zachіpaє most spheres of life of a person, a prote pose of respect is deprived of intellectual and other needs.

Similar butts can be brought chimalo. People powerfully accept for "good" those whom they do not win. Prote such a pіdkhіd rozkrivає the word to finish one-sidedly.

Kind of good to kindness

In this rank, under the good, you can understand everything good, valuable and moral, which satisfies all aspects of human life. It would be logical to admit that we won’t eat, is it good - tse yak?

The word "kind" may be similar to the word "good":

  • The one who brings good to others, mischief, joy and well-being. Good people can be, they are free to use the necessary light, and vchinki, which bring moral satisfaction for the two sides.

Pіdbivayuchi pіdbags, we can say this: good - tse nayvischa form to take the light of that creation dovkilla. Bazhannya, which satisfies the needs of human beings, does not bother the restless. Vchinki, words and thoughts, like to bring benefit to the social middle ground and to its “creator”, are accepted to be kind, and goodness itself is an innate need for all living beings.

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