Mikhєєv Oleg Leonidovich hovaєtsya after the election. The bills of Oleg Mikhєєva continue to be considered by the State Duma. Those same actions against the creatures, committed by a group of osіb behind the front zmovoy proponuetsya punish the freedom of the will on the lines of three to

The number of deputy of the State Duma of the sixth yelled, the head of the Volgograd branch of the "Fair Russia" Oleg Mikheev was voted at the federal rozshuk. Yogo is suspected of swinging for shahraystvo in a particularly great rozmіrі

Oleg Mikheev (Photo: Evgen Biyatov / RIA Novini)

Vlad voted Oleg Mikhiev, ex-deputy of the Derzhdumi, leader of the Fair Russia branch in Volgograd, at the federal court. Oleksandr Chernov, a spokesman for the press service of the Volgograd Regional Court, spoke about this.

The Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) having destroyed the criminal right stably Mikheeva in 2013. That same Derzhduma gave the god to take out the new deputy's short-sightedness. In the remaining edition, the call to Mikheyev was charged with calling for Art. 30, Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Russian Civil Code (swing at shahraystvo in a particularly great rozmіrі).

As you can see, the accusation against criminal justice of Mikheeva was confirmed by the intercessor of the Prosecutor General of Russia, Viktor Grin, as early as 2016. Prote did not reach the Radyansky District Court of Volgograd on the right. Chernov explained to “Komersant” that it could not be taken to court on the right, the documents of Mikheev’s accusatory documents would not be signed and signed by him. "And if you don't know who's guilty, that one will be known to the federal investigation," the representative explained to the court.

The consequence is important the largest deputy Keep trying rozkradannya 2.1 billion rubles. from Promzv'yazku bank, which in 2008 bought Volgoprombank, which lay in Mіkhєєva. According to the version of the investigation, vin, being the head for the sake of directors and the head of the shares of Volgoprombank, having issued fictitious agreements, for which, having taken on the goiter, to repay the credit fencing of the controlled enterprises to the financial organization. Suma borg was getting over 1.4 billion rubles.

Krym tsgogo, the largest deputy, for the version of the investigation, having issued a guarantee agreement in the name of the bank for service agreements. TFR vvazha, scho Mіkhєєv giving an instruction to the president of Volgoprombank did not represent the need for a bank in an accounting guise, which, by the same token, took over the name of Promzv'yazku bank.

Let's guess, the rating is compiled by the experts of "FederalPress" jointly with the Institute of Strategic Communications and Social Projects. The frequency of riddles in the Runet is taken as a basis, as it is observed for the data of the service “Yandex. News» and systematized.

Andriy Bocharov, the head of the region, is predicted to become the leader of the rating for the bags of lime, becoming the head of the region Andriy Bocharov, who is guessing at all official news and wants to be quoted by ZMI, which is called, from the plant. This nickname was announced in the media resources 722 times. Another place was taken by the Deputy of the State Duma Oleg Mikheev, who has 372 riddles. With more than a third, the head of Volgograd, Vitaliy Likhachov, was overwhelmed with innovations, who had typing in more than 258 riddles.

A lot of materials, placed in electronic ZMI, are published in the same way and on other web resources. The situation is entirely variable, but it can also justify the objectivity of the follow-up. Therefore, all such texts that are duplicated were not protected for the rating when forming data bases.

Chergovy high media rating of Oleg Mikhєєva is not unstoppable. Updating the rest of the ten years of Mikheev, it was given the title of the position. So it was during the hours of the governorship of Mikoli Maksyuti. So it was for the governors, for they stunned the region with a protyazh the rest of the years.

Experts will show the high positions of the deputy of the State Duma Oleg Mikhєєva for the rest of the month, not in the rest of the year, for the most part of the regional and federal politicians' campaign. І those, yak vin thought out and importantly surviving in social services. We are clearly not preparing for such a missionary politbomonde. Not only that, leaning in the new destruction before the onslaught of Oleg Mikhev, and even more before him, with a kind of enthusiasm, people all over the region stir up yoga.

To keep track of the dynamics of the results of the rating of the rest of the years, you can remember that you are constantly increasing the high positions. Experts show such popularity of Mіkhєєva with his active deputy work. For the rest of five years, the State Duma brought in 555 bills - the figure is not a garne style, but a hostile one. At the State Duma of the front, Oleg Mikhєєv introduced 176 laws. Moreover, the actions of the deputy's initiatives become especially resonant and are discussed in Merezh. Tozh at tsomu rating everything is natural and it is transferred. Also, tie the current high media rating of Mikheeva inclusively to the front-line campaign, which is better for everything, not so. Vіn is not less active and commemorates the whole year.

Companions of the leader of the Volgograd regional branch of the party "Fair Russia", as if zumili appealed to the new call of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Oleg MIKHЄЄVA they continued the activity that was actively promoted by him at the time of his deputyship, by drawing up and adopting bills for the punishment of the widest versts of the population.

Zokrema, leader of the Astrakhan social democrats Oleg SHEIN re-introduced to the State Duma a draft bill, which had previously been propagated by MIKHЄЄVIM about the punishment for the warning of the creatures.

Let's guess, at the proponated one at the Veresni ts.r. The draft law has clearly spelled out the nuances that allow you to correctly qualify the warehouse of evil. Zokrema, it was clarified the concept of “kalitstva”, and it was also suggested to send an additional article about the support for organizing that battle against the vicarious creatures.

“Today, we often get stuck with the zhorstokistyu of people in different manifestations, one of them is inhumanely zhorstoke with creatures. Insinuations that the zhorstok_stvo schodo creatures sprya deformations of the special malice and pours into the dynamics of violent malice in a flash, " - explaining your position Oleg MIKHЄЄV.

To the direct name of the speaker of the State Duma V'yacheslav VOLODINA lists deputy SHEIN proponuє viklasti art. 245 "Zhorstoke cause for creatures" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the new edition.

Zhorstoku's premeditated by the creatures, pushed the Zagibel of abo Kalitsy, Yakshcho Tsyannya, Khuligansky sponukan, an iz to the gates of the saddish method, an abstract of the distant, abstracted. five years.

Those same actions against the creatures, inflicted by a group of osіb behind the front zmovoy, are punished to free the will on lines from three to seven rokiv.

I didn’t get rid of my comrades-in-arms without support, so I should also bring in more hanging ts.r. legislator іnіtsiativa MIKHЄЄVA, zgіdno z zgіdno s for nebrosovіsne zdіysnennya ієї dіyаlnostі і аgrеsivnі ії against borzhnikіv kolektoriv bi chekala criminal liability. This week the leader of the parliamentary faction "Fair Russia" Sergei MIRONOV re-introduced for the consideration of colleagues.

Vymoga social indexation of pensions - a minimum for the inflation rate, regardless of whether a person works

In an explanatory note before the bill, there is a way, that before the State Duma praises so titles, the anti-collection law transfers only the administrative authority of the representatives of the collection agencies, similarly, come in insufficient.

It is forbidden to impose a criminal punishment on times, like a styaguvach rozpovsyudzhuvav vіdomosti, to slander a borzhnik, members of yoga sіm'ї - to indulge the will on the lines until chotirokh rokіv.

Yakshcho dії dії zdіysnyuvalis osіb group or brought to the aggravation of the hauler's lane - up to eight rokіv liberated will.

At the time of the suppression of illegal diy zastosuvannyam violence, or the threat of yogo zastosuvannya shodo borzhnik and yogo relatives - up to 12 fates of free will.

The most suvore punishment is up to 20 years of freedom to lie with the collectors for mischievous deeds, scoєni schodo nepovnolіtny, as well as the head of a serious shoddy to health, or caused death.

It is important to note that, for the results of the work of the enormous call of the State Duma, Oleg MIKHIEVA, it was recognized as the most fruitful way of drafting bills, becoming an unparalleled leader in this.

The "Stakhanovskaya" lawmaking of the deputy from the Volgograd region was highly appreciated by the foundation of the lower house of the Russian Parliament - the current riverman of the State Duma Sergiy NARISHKIN urochisto handing over to Oleg Leonidovich for services to the development of Russian parliamentarism.

Anton KHININ, especially for POLIT .RUS.

As it became known, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation completed the investigation of the criminal justice of the deputy of the State Duma in the party "Fair Russia", the certifier of the party in the Volgograd region Oleg Mikhev. Yogo is ringing at the backswing for 2.1 billion rubles. Promzvyazok bank, and navit razkradannye 14 objects of the Volgograd Motor-Building Plant in the amount of over 500 million krb. In the course of the criminal investigation of Pan Mikheiev for "transferring the right of justice" it was cited through the end of the terms of limitation. In the next hour, the investigation plans to send the indictment to the right for confirmation to the Prosecutor General's Office. Mr. Mikhєєv does not know the guilt of the wickedness that is being charged, and his lawyers will denounce literally all the evidence.

The head office of the TFR has completed all the main cases of the largest deputy of the State Duma Oleg Mikhiev, who is a member of the central party for the sake of the Just Russia party and the leader of the regional branch. Materials of yoga criminal reference were included in 66 volumes.

Criminal right against Pan Mikheev for part 3 of Art. 30, part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (swing at Shahraystvo), for part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (shahraystvo in an especially great rozmіrі), and navit h. 3 art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (transfer to justice), the head of the TFR, Oleksandr Bastrikin, especially violated the fate of the 4th of February 2013, since the Derzhdum gave the right to hire a deputy of incompetence.

According to the version of the investigation, in the spring of 2007, Oleg Mikhєєv signed an investment agreement, for which he was going to goiter, to contribute 100 million rubles to the reconstruction of the VAT "Volgograd Motor Plant". Under this investment agreement, after the completion of the reconstruction, or if the plant did not finish the goiter, the plant was transferred to the power of Pan Mikhєєva. However, in 2009, the former deputy conceded for 1 million rubles. the right to help the borg from the factory to Vitaly Popov (for the deakim tribute, a relative of Oleg Mіkhєєv). І in 2010, the court found out that he had the right to power over 14 objects to the plant for the amount of over 500 million rubles. According to the version of the investigation, in such a way, Pan Mikheev illegally took control over the enterprise.

Another episode at the criminal justice of Pan Mikheiev, who tried to steal 2.1 billion rubles from the Shakhraystva. at Promzv'yazku bank, which in 2008 was added to Volgoprombank, which was lying to the ex-deputy. According to the version of the investigation, being the head for the sake of the directors and the head of the shares of Volgoprombank, Mr. Mikheev issued fictitious contracts for the employment of services. Behind these agreements, Pan Mіkhєєv, having taken upon himself the goiter, to repay the credit debt of the enterprises controlled by him to Volgoprombank, which accumulated over 1.4 billion rubles. And with the method of rozkradannya koshtіv ex-deputy issuing a contract of bail in the name of the bank for contracts of nadannya services. As previously stated in the TFR, Mr. Mikheev, when giving an instruction to the president of Volgoprombank (the financial institution was liquidated), did not convert the bank’s claim to the bank into an accounting guise, having personally attached the bank to the bank, the loan claim was established especially in front of him. At the same time, they did not win contracts for services between Mr. Mikheievim and the firms controlled by him.

In the fierce fate of 2011, Pan Mikheev, through the Radyansky District Court of the city of Volgograd, having tried to collect 2.1 billion rubles from Promzvyazka Bank Dodatkovo. Prote, as povіdomili at the DSU TFR, Oleg Mіhєєvim did not bring the malice to the end, the shards of the decisions of the court at the satisfaction of the later ones were brought to you.

Truthfully, I’ll call the Promzvjazka Bank in the court of Mr. Mikheev, for the version of the investigation, and sent the head of the Volgograd Regional Court of Justice for the version of the investigation. At the same time, the deputy Mikheev prozoro pulled on the need to praise the decision about the contraction of 2.1 billion rubles. on yoga melancholy. As a result, the third episode appeared in the criminal record - "transition of justice" (Article 294 of the Criminal Code). By the way, through the end of the terms of prescription, the call from Pan Mіkhєєva was taken.

It should be noted that the TFR is not the first to complete the criminal investigation. This is due to the fact that defendants were constantly changing at the right of the ex-deputy, as if they were taking advantage of the extra time to get to know the investigations. The Prote Basmanny District Court, and after it the Moscow Court, brought a decision, apparently to some lawyers and Mikheev himself were surrounded by an hour of knowledge. One lawyer was not allowed to go to court, having tried to gain access to some materials, if the decision maker got to know them. Prote, according to the words of the lawyer Kiril Skarabevsky, the procedure for defamation of court decisions has not yet ended, and he will not be brought to court for those who are criminally right to go to court in the next hour. Other lawyers acted in response to comments, and Mikheev himself was inaccessible to them. If so, it should be noted that, while the investigation was being carried out, Pan Mikheiev, who was a successful businessman, was recognized by the arbitration court as a bankrupt. Yogo osobysta zaborgovanіst transfer 9500000000 rubles.

Accusations against the Shakhraystva against the especially great Rozmir Kolishny Deputy of the Derzhdumi Oleg Mikheev. According to the version of the investigation, in 2007 roci Mikheev falsified documents about the intrusion in front of him by BAT JSCB "Volgoprombank". In 2011, roci vin sent 2.1 billion rubles to the court about the contraction of VAT "Promzv'yazokbank" as an offender to "Volgoprombank".

Oleg Mikhev. Photo: RIA Novini / Evgen Biyatov

Serpni Mіkhєєv was seen by one of the four deputies, on which federal service ship bailiffs sent letters to the riverman Derzhdumi Vikonavchi.

The accusation against the criminal record of the ex-deputy was confirmed by the Prosecutor General’s Office, but it didn’t go to trial, shards of Mikheev vtik.



Started at the secondary school No. 133 of the Kirovsky district of the Volgograd metropolitan area.

1992 graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University for the specialty "Materials and Technological Processes" with the qualification of "Retail Engineer".

1999 graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Volgograd State University.

In 2001, he graduated from the All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute, Faculty of Accounting and Audit.

In 2008, he graduated from the Faculty of Finance and Credit of the All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute.

In 1999-2002, he studied at the International Institute of Management in Great Britain.

In 2002, he received his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Large-scale growth of enterprises as a form of economic concentration in the minds of the transitional economy."

Labor activity

In 1985, he worked as a plumber-mechanic at Volgogradnaftomash in 1985. In addition, a number of vocations were called up to the army, serving with the artillery troops.

In 1988, he worked as a boiler-house of a different category at the Petrov naphtha machine-building plant.

In 1992, having begun to start doing business, he opened a store selling plumbing and budmaterials, which, in turn, became a threat to a number of stores.

In 1993-1995, he completed an internship in the USA and Japan for business management programs.

In 1996-2007, a number of Volgograd companies appeared: TOV "Dilmash-Prim", TOV "Budmarket-Diamant", TOV "Melon", TOV "Holkom", TOV "RaPort", Group of companies "Diamant"; TOV "RUS-Yugbud", ZAT IC "Volgogradbud", TOV "Diamant Development Group Invest".

2004 year became the head of Volgoprombank.

In 2007, there were several appointments as the General Director of ZAT IC "Volgogradbud" and TOV "Diamant Development Group Invest".

Political activity

1999 fate taking a fate from the elections to the Volgograd city, but choose the program.

In 2003, the fate of the wine unsuccessfully tried to become a candidate for the deputies of the Volgograd Regional Duma in the "Union of Right Forces".

2005 year claiming the mandate of the deputy of the State Duma in the Rostov region, and also progr.

In the fierce fate of 2007, at the meetings of the Central Presidium for the sake of the Fair Russia party, it was accepted to the party. That same fate, Mikheev, having hung his candidacy for the election of the mayor of Volgograd, ale buv, for the decisions of the court, through the transfer of the electoral fund and the bidding of the electors.

At Chernі 2007 the fate of Volgograd was included in the Mіkhєєva zі "Fair Russia" with the formulas "for the repeated discrediting actions, as the leaders of the original shkodi reputation of the party, the bidding of the town hall and the collegiate organizations". Later, the presidium of "Fair Russia" recognized the exclusion of Mikheyev as illegitimate, and in 2007, the fate of Mikheyev recognized the regional branch of the party near the Volgograd region.

Deputy of the Sovereign Duma in the “Fair Russia” V and VI, the first intercessor of the head of the Committee of the Sovereign Duma for Energy.

In 2010-2012, he was the leader of the apparatus of the "Fair Russia" and the federal headquarters of the party in the elections to Derzhdumi.

Since September 2012, Roku has been the intercessor of the champion of the party apparatus.

Member of the Presidium of the Central for the sake of the party "Fair Russia", certifier of the Volgograd regional branch of the party.

Criminal investigation

Repeatedly becoming a figurant of various rights.

1990 year, under the hour of training at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, arguing for speculation on three years of freedom from the confiscation of the lane. Provіv v'yaznennya kіlka mіsyatsіv i buv umovno-dostrokovo zvіlneniy zv'yazku z vyklyuchennymi statti z Criminal Code.

In Serpni 2007, the fate of the courts was caught by the criminal inquiries about the indemnification of the payment of taxes from the especially great rozmіrі, having passed the SIZO three years.

In 2011, the number of voicings in international courts in connection with violations in Moldova of a hundred percent of the criminal justice for calls from a non-violent decision of the court instance.

In 2013, the ROC_Sliding Committee broke the criminal law against Mikheiev. Yogo zvinuvachuyut for three criminal statutes - a swing at shahraystvo, shakhraystvo in a particularly great expansion and pressure on the court. According to the version of the investigation, Міхєєв reckoned to the illegal planting of the kіlkom with the objects of the indestructible lane of the Volgograd motor-building plant for the amount of over 500 million rubles.

The fierce fate of the Derzhdum in 2013 gave more votes to the General Prosecutor's Office. The Supreme Court of Russia ruled on the appeal of Mikheiev to alleviate this lack of torment.

The investigation also suspects that Mikheiev is swinging for Shahraystvo by selling the mandate to Derzhdumi for 7.5 million euros. The investigation was completed by the TFR on December 26, 2016, Mikheev did not admit his fault. Criminal right from the hardened indictment was directed to the court.

2 breasts 2015 rock Arbitration Court Volgograd region, having recognized the deputy Oleg Mikheev as an impromptu bankrupt. The court also praised the procedure for the implementation of the lane of the borzhnik.

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