Whiskey with cola - proportions to a cocktail. Whiskey with cola - proportions to the cocktail "Podvodni kamenі" savory cocktail

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Vryatuvala sim'yu in the form of a terrible curse. My Sergius is no longer a rіk. For a long time they fought against the fallow land and unsuccessfully ate a bunch of cats for the price of 7 years, if they started drinking wine. Ale, we ran into, and all the zavdyaki ...

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Maybe, one of the most favorite alcoholic cocktails of our spivvitchizniks is cognac from cola. The aroma and taste of cognac will be good to drink from the malt and tartness of the non-alcoholic carbonated drink. However, this practice of mixing cognac is not widespread in Europe and the USA. There vvazhayut for better to get used to tі napoї okremo. Ale why? Right in the taste of chi badly? Schob z'yasuvati, chi can drink cognac from cola chi, it is necessary to grow, like cognac on the body, if it is consumed.

Diya cognac

Cognac is brewed from grape wine, as it is aged and bred using special technology in oak barrels. Cognac has a rich taste (40 °), so drink it up to the same spirits. In addition, at the warehouse for cognac there are the same ingredients that they drank in a drink from the oak village.

Sweeping up to the grass tract, ethanol stimulates etching creeps (slippery, shlunkovі). As a result of the increase in the amount of herbal secret cognac, the building dratuvat the walls of the shell, so it is necessary to have a snack.

Regular implantation of which I will drink to the vain heart will threaten with gastritis and erosive processes of the mucous membrane of the stravokhodka and the slug.

Ethyl alcohol is easily soaked up from the intestinal tract. In a small number of veins, a vessel expands the heart, and immediately after the person has been living, it feels warm, which spreads over the body. The expansion of the vessels sounds accompanied by a decrease in the arterial pressure: the internal vessel volume increases, and the pressure of the blood vessel on the vessel wall changes. Ale, it is similar to a decrease in the arterial pressure for a short time: in cognac, there are extractive speech, like stimulating the vessel-rukhovy center in the deep brain, adhering to the increase in the tone of the walls of the vessels.

Mineral alcoholic drink, relaxingly pours not only on the walls of the vessels, but also on all the smooth tongue of the cell. In this way, the introduction of cognac in small doses relieves spasms, changes in intestinal colic, and improves the flow of zhovch.

Cognac nervous system. A person who has implanted cognac has a distinct euphoria. The inhibition of the work of the galmive system of the brain to cause the timchasovy activation of all processes in a new one, it can be done from the side, because the rozumov's activity has moved from the human side.

How and if any other alcohol, cognac to revenge the fuselage oil. At the same time, the number of alcoholic beverages significantly outweighs that of the mountain wine. It is impossibly and unsatisfactory to take these speeches: without them, the aroma and relish of the drink would be unremarkable. In fact, on the one hand, fuselage olії help to make diyu ethanol on the body, but, on the other hand, - on the other hand, in great numbers to repair the toxic effect on the human body.

Sivushni olії, zokrema isoamіlovy alcohol:

  • oppress the nervous system;
  • shout head bіl, zamorochennya, weakness;
  • exfoliate the mucous membrane of the bronchi, which is manifested in the appearance of a cough attack;
  • produce to razladіv etching (nudity, vomit, pronose).

Assigned effects to cognac significantly change, as if to live in the next day. In addition, the negative power of cognac is shown in times, as if it was overdosed on the permissible additional dose. At the optimum dose, 40-60 ml is drunk for doba.

clinical picture

What do doctors say about alcoholism

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Rizhenkova S.A.:

For many years now, I have been dealing with the problem of alcoholism. It's scary, if people's lives are ruined to alcohol, their lives are ruined through alcohol, children spend their fathers, and the squads of people. Often the youngest people get drunk, as if ruining their future and taking care of their wrong health.

It appears that a member of the sіm'ї, scho p'є, can be vryatuvati, moreover, it's a taєmnitsa in the taєmnitsi in the form of the new one. Today we will talk about the new natural plant Alcolock, which seems to be incredibly effective, and also takes part in the federal program "Healthy Nation", zavdyaky up to 24 lime.(incl.) SCREW-FREE!

Injection kіl

Cola coli - retail. Coca-Cola behind the warehouse, for example, radically changes in the wake of the kill of other producers. In order not to get lost in the net, we should immediately discuss what the language is about the drink "Coca-Cola" produced by the one-name company, which is most often used for cooking.

Coca-Cola avenge even a rich zucru, a kind of nevdovzі after vzhivannya flask-other vibrates a sharp stribok equal to glucose in the blood. In the case of hyperglycemia, the subclinical lesion has taken a dose of insulin to the blood. Evilly, let's get drunk, people are provoking the use of insulin reserves in the patient, which can lead to the culmination of circulatory diabetes, especially for the obviousness of the accompanying etiological officials. Too much zucru also threatens fat people.

Non-alcoholic drink stimulating the vision of dopamine in neurons in the brain. As a result, after the introduction of Coca-Cola, the person who drank, for a short time felt euphoria, contentment, as if similar to the similar experience after the introduction of alcohol or drugs.

Stronger, lower heart-vascular and nervous system, cola is injected into the mucus duct. Before the warehouse, if phosphoric acid enters, it has a pH of 2.8. Hydrochloric acid in a human hose has an acidity of 1.5-2.5 pH. Orthophosphoric acid in relation to hydrochloric acid shell juice In the meadow, to that, drinking a bottle, if on a hungry slug, you can reach a certain decrease in the acidity of the slug. But all the same, phosphoric acid is aggressive for the mucous membrane, especially in the niy є trophic damage (thinning, erosive, virazkovі processes, inflamed).

Orthophosphoric acid is richly varied, both organic and inorganic. Often, if it is necessary to bring calcium salts to the body, it is necessary to bring them to the point of distribution. Because of this, teeth, brushes, and muck suffer, including hearts.

Coca-Cola is just a gassing drink. Hydrocarbonic acid, drinking into the tube to healthy people, strengthens the appetite and stimulates the sight of herbal juices, which saturates the poisoning. Like drinking a cola into an empty tube, it stimulates the vision of herbal juices so intensely, like a dream. But only for the sake of it, the juices will over-pickle not the zhu, but the walls of your slug.

It is not due to this fact that if phenylalanine is used as an essential acid, it will be prevented from being implanted by those who suffer from phenyluketonuria.

Preservatives, flavorings, barvniki and other food additives, which are drunk before the warehouse, are negatively injected into all organs of the human system. The stench may accumulate power in the body, to which it is more and more often victorious if it becomes stronger than it is shkidlivy infusions.

Injection into the body of cognac and cola

Cognac and if in one you can potentiate di one of one. Tse means that the presence of one component of the cocktail will overpower the effect of another. Vіd zgubnoї dії tsgogo alcoholic drink suffers the whole organism.

The cognac-colony cocktail ruins the enamel of the teeth, robs it with a sensitive softness. The mucous membrane of the organs of etching is reminiscent of blood, the sight of the slug, hydrochloric acid, the juice of the slug vine is suffocated. Herbal juices begin to over-etch the walls of the slough and the twelve-fingered intestine. Orthophosphoric acid and carbonic acid stimulate this process, which is especially unsafe for people, as it may cause gastritis, erosion, or diverter ducts.

Pidshlunkova zaloza and liver on a one-time and episodic implantation of cognac with cola do not react so strongly, like a slug and intestines. The negative effects of these organs are blamed only if this cocktail is often victorious in great cultures. The cream of an uninterrupted infusion of alcohol on the liver cells and the substalks, the cocktail is brought to the destruction of their herbal functions, the shards of the liver and pancreatic juice are difficult to see in the intestines and move the risk of stone formation.

Alcoholic drink with cognac and if you drink arterial vice and force the heartbeat. Often, such a cocktail can be added to the zavoi vaga.

cocktail recipe

Learn a lot of recipes for cognac and cola cocktail. Let's look at some of them:

  1. Classic. For whom I will drink good cognac and cola at a ratio of 1:1. Kelikh is reminiscent of ice and filled with a cocktail. The proportions of ingredients can be changed to taste, adding more or less alcohol component.
  2. "Brave macho". The cocktail is prepared with 30 ml of cognac, 300 ml of coli and half a teaspoon of caviar. At a high kelih, they pour cola and cognac, boil the kava and mix it well until the rest of the ingredients are completely divided.
  3. "Cuban brand". For this cocktail, you need cognac (50 ml), cola (30 ml), lime or lemon juice (20 ml) and ice. Cognac and lemon juice (lime) and ice are poured over the shakers, poured into the bowl, then add the cola.

A kind of recipe to speed up for preparing a cocktail is on the right the relish of a skin person: someone loves a mіtsnіshe, someone is weak. This low-alcohol cocktail miraculously goes with citrus, fruits (apples, pears), chocolate.

Yak drink a cocktail without shkodi zdorov'yu

To take a low-alcohol cocktail with cognac, and if you are satisfied without shkoda for health, it is necessary to take simple rules living on a drunken basis with such a warehouse:

  1. Drink like this on the next day, go.
  2. It is necessary to get around one or two kelikhs, which is equal to the admissible additional dose of cognac (40-60 ml).
  3. It is necessary to live the cocktail in a chilled look: this is how you get drunk with alcohol from the bottle.
  4. Do not mix this cocktail with other alcohol.

Low alcohol consumption in cocktails is tempting. The introduction of low-alcohol cocktails is threatened by brute force: licorice gassing of the body with alcohol is unfavorable for the drinker. As a result, you can spend the evening at the bathroom or suffer from a motor hangover. Pure cognac to drink more folded, especially as you drink for Christmas table with side snacks. Once a charge is not enough without getting there until death, because. I was drunk on the shoes, I didn’t dare to get to the booth, I was lucky that we were unkind to the little girl, we went to the garage, and we were lying white on the doors. And it was -17 degrees! So-and-so they dragged Yogo to the booth, and took a bath. Kilka once called out a shvidka, all the hour I thought about what time the rest would show up ... Many times I thought about filing for separation, but I endured ...

Everything changed when my daughter gave me one article to read on the Internet. You don’t show how much I am for the price. Literally, a man was taken from that world. I've stopped drinking alcohol for a while and I'm already drunk that I'll never drink again. Stay 2 years working hard at the dacha, growing tomatoes, and I sell them to the market. The aunts are amazed, as I was able to get a person to drink in the distance. And you may feel guilty, for those who have been living my life, working tirelessly, it’s not enough not to carry me in your arms, help around the house, not a man, but gold.

If you want to indulge your family drinks, or if you want to get involved with alcohol yourself, add 5 credits and read, I’m 100% sure you will be helped!

Cognac is a noble drink. Spravzhnі potsіnovuvachi "king of alcohol" not to please zmіshuvati yogo with cola chi other drinks. To enjoy the right relish and a bouquet of cognac, it is necessary to drink okremo if it is in a circle of small bones.

Robimo Wisnovki

As you read rows, you can grow visnovok, that you are close to you, so you suffer from alcoholism.

We conducted a study, studied a bunch of materials, and most of all, re-examined more methods and benefits for alcoholism. The verdict is this:

All the preparations even gave, then only a timchasovy result, as if only by taking it - drinking to alcohol sharply increased.

The only drug that gave a significant result is Alcolock.

The main advantage of this drug is in the fact that once and for all it is necessary to take alcohol to alcohol without a hangover syndrome. Crimea of ​​that wine don't care about color and smell, then. to overcome the ailment of alcoholism, it is enough to add a couple of drops of liquor to tea, be it any other drink, or I’ll drink it.

Until then, a promotion is being offered at the same time, if a resident of the Russian Federation and SND can take Alcolock - SCREW-FREE!

Respect! The sale of the drug Alcolock has become more frequent.
Roblyachy zamovlennya on the strength of a higher, you are guaranteed to take the yakіsny product from the official vibrator. In addition, by signing up on the official website, you will waive the return guarantee (including shipping costs), as the drug is not eligible for the merchandise.

Just in time to know about the whiskey cocktail with a cola of zavdyaki to the legendary group «The Beatles», which after a successful tour in the USA in 1964, popularized this recipe in Europe. To everyone who is zatsіkavivsya, proponous roses with it, like drinking whiskey with cola, and mix the ingredients in some proportions. For a few seconds, this drink can be cultivated in the minds of the home.

To prepare whiskey with cola, we only need three components:

  • whiskey (in the classic version of the cocktail, "Jack Daniel's" is victorious, but if it's a different brand);
  • cola (I recommend Coca-Cola);
  • lead (in great cities).

For embellishment, you can add a lemon or a mint, ale tse behind the bugs.

Before zmіshuvannyam raj, respect for such important moments:

1. Cola obov'yazkovo is guilty of being well chilled and well drunk. The warm gassing, which I saw, made the cocktail unsweetened, the new one had an unacceptable taste for alcohol. For bajannya you can experiment with different types if, for example, cherry vanilla.

2. Pour the whiskey with cola at the flask of medium size. At the same time, the flasks may be perfectly dry and bajan cold.

3. Lіd can be grown not only from the great water, but also from the very own if or mineral water. I’ll give you a drunken relish.

Proportions of whiskey with cola


  • whisky - 50 ml;
  • if - 50 ml;
  • ice in cubes - 200 grams (neobov'yazkovo).

To go out to drink a glass of alcohol - about 20 degrees. Fahіvtsі recommend rozpochinati familiarity with a cocktail, zmіshuyuchi whiskey with cola in proportions of one to three (one part of whiskey, three parts of cola). Dali smoothly go to the next one to two. Having tried a sprinkling of different options, you will know for yourself the proportion that suits you.


1. Fill the flask to the top with ice cubes.

2. In selected proportions, pour whiskey on the cob, then cola.

3. Get scared.

4. Decorate the top of the cocktail with a piece of lemon or mint (neobov'yazkovo).

So the rajah marveled at the video, on which Vasil Zakharov explains his idea, how to properly dilute the whiskey with cola.

As all components are prepared ahead of time, you cook for 40-50 seconds to drink.

How to drink whiskey with cola

Skronі z cola is accepted to drink in small bowls or through a straw without a snack. The cocktail comes out cold, sipping it in one gulp, you can chill your throat. Tse drunk of youthful evenings, for the evening of yoga they sip chimalo, scarlet sacks. Calorie content of 100 ml cocktail - approximately 171 kcal.

Respect! Nadmirne vzhivannya vіskі s cola can lead to shkodi zdorov'yu. So, when you drink alcohol with gas, you can bring alcohol to a dry sleep, that strong hangover of the coming day.

Drink cola with whiskey - yoga can be called student yoga (or cognac with cola), even if you drink an inexpensive and even savory cocktail, preparing something that doesn’t take a lot of time and can be done, so be moving “on the knee”. It’s enough to buy a bowl of hot whiskey, one of the cheap and yakish ones - William Lawson, buy some chi pepsi (here for an amateur) and drink the nectar, the axis is just right, how can the proportion be?

Get respect! The proportion is not particularly important, here you can focus on relish, smut - cool the cola, have a recipe for a savory savory drink.

No one can say for sure if they invented this chic drink, one thing can be said for sure - the root of the attack of America. However, this year's bath of all and skin, to whom wine is up to relish, you can not hesitate to cook and prepare new tastes of vicarious whiskey and cola, in advance!

Whiskey and Coca-Cola - simple and unobtrusive drink, which will always be in the trend. And it’s not surprising, even though it’s more classic, I can have a cicavi relish, regardless of those who drink only 2 ingredients at the warehouse.

Serve whiskey with cola and ice at the best flasks, you don’t need vishukana kelikha and cups. To prepare yoga, you do not need a bartender's mother. Previously, Jack Daniels was used to prepare the whiskey, but today few people get the original recipe, and you can still take whiskey.

How to drink cola with whiskey: proportions

It is necessary to drink according to the singing proportions, finish them in order to reach the necessary relish of that consistency.


  • 50 ml whisky
  • 100 ml Coca-Cola
  • Lime for embellishment (neobov'azkovo)


  • As you can see, the proportions can be 2 to 1 - 1 part whiskey and 2 parts Kolya.
  • Fill the bottle with ice cubes.
  • Pour the whiskey over the ice, add Cola and mix. Decorate with lime.

  • In fact, you can mix these two drinks in quiet proportions, as you like. Most often, such proportions are victorious as 1 to 1, 1 to 2, 1 to 4.
  • You can replace the name Cola with a dietary, no difference, creamy calorie.
  • Bazhano, so that insults were chilled before them, as if you were preparing a cocktail from them.
  • Vikoristovyte untimely vydkritu Kolya's dance. Yakshcho you will add in a drink of gas, which already has a few days, it will taste relish.
  • What to vicorist like an appetizer? So, like a whiskey with a cola, you can have a taste of that high calorie content, for the sake of victorious, it’s not necessary to make important “snacks” - fruits, low-fat cheese, and vegetables.
  • Do not forget to decorate the bottle with a piece of lemon chi lime, mint leaves.

Now you know exactly how to properly prepare whiskey and cola. Let's often drink friends and relatives, it's unlikely that anyone would like to get inspired.

Human online magazine Mensweekly.ru


Why is this work not varto

First, let’s talk about those, how to correctly mix the drink “whiskey with cola”, how to correctly mix the recipe and choose the proportions, and also how to drink it correctly, it’s important to say about those who don’t rob the bazhano.

The first reason to drink whiskey okremo if you drink is that you drink on your own and have more calories (more than 300 kcal per 100 ml), but through your natural journey, you don’t cause too much great harm to the health of people, yak p'є. At that very hour, the cola is a chemical, piece product, so you can add your “vaga” (40-45 Kcal per 100 ml) to the cocktail like pure zucru.

  • Another reason not to look at the way of mixing whiskey with cola is the increased shkidlivist.
  • The cola is filled with speech, which promotes acidity in the intestinal tract, it is good to seal the tooth enamel and pass the dirka into the hose on the floor, so that you can get the most serious alcohol after it “do not steal”.
  • In addition, such a summish promotes unsafe obesity, shards through the joint relish stimulates appetite.

The first reason is the third reason not to add whiskey if you add it: it’s like sumish get-purely smelling the unique relish of good whisky. I will drink more varieties of this drink to those who want to be savored with a delicate aroma and rich relish, which is literally drunk with additives.

Yakshcho virishili - work for the rules

About every vipadok, varto repeat once again: the calorie content of a cocktail becomes 300-330 Kcal, which is superbly rich for people, like “sitting” on a diet or celebrating її ending. Get used to such a charmingly unsafe speech of the varto only for the mind of a new insinuation, that willpower will allow one portion to settle down. And now the hour has come to talk about those, how sumish whiskey and if you cook and drink correctly. For the cob, follow the correct choice of alcohol, as far as possible, you can buti:

  • kukurudzyanim (adding yogo less spicy and trohi relish);
  • with blend (sumish malt and grains);
  • vitrima troch more than 3 years.

Just to sum it up, how can you mix up the words of the whiskey with the cola, to solve the problem, just remember: if it’s worth it (chi behind the warehouse, chi according to the “vіku”), it’s better to enjoy it in a clean look.

Virishivshi, which is the main component of vicory, you can take the recipe and start mixing. At tsomu є head mind: dotrimannya proportions. As soon as the “piaks” are drunk at the sum of 1:1, it is recommended for the first time to try the method with the ingredients in a proportion of 1:3 (by itself, less than the next pour the whisky), step by step moving to a cocktail of 1:2. Dali need to just orientate to your liking.

Properly drinking a ready-made cocktail is also a kind of mysticism, as if there were rules:

Drink as much as you need through a straw, or with small bowls, shards of ice at the warehouse can provoke a sore throat.

  1. Get drunk as soon as possible after 2 or 3 years after that, so that you can see the whole world in the world.
  2. You can’t have a bite of whiskey with cola - whether it’s “zaїdannya” of the building to kill the aroma of that savory taste.
  3. It is necessary to drink a similar cocktail through a straw with small balls, shards of ice at the warehouse can provoke a sore throat.
  4. Obov'yazkovo need to control the amount of boiled drink - and through yogo calorie content (in the case of 171 Kcal and more), and through the presence at the warehouse of the gas bath, which allows alcohol to get into the blood more easily.

Basic recipe

The simplest recipe for finishing "koristuvachiv", for which a "whiskey with cola" cocktail is prepared, including:

  • 100 ml whiskey;
  • 100 ml of coli (witching pepsi or similar gassing is not recommended!);
  • 4-5 ice cubes;
  • a slice of lemon, 3-4 leaves of mint, cinnamon and cocktail cherries.

For the cob, it is necessary to pour ice into a large bowl of ice, then pour it into the pot, resolutely shake the bottle (as an option - mix it with a spoon for cocktails), decorate the cocktail with mint or lemon. The recipe allows you to drink drunk without ice, and without embellishment - the gourmet himself can determine what components are needed in the finished product.

In order to prepare a cocktail correctly, add a vicarious drink to a chilled cola, drink it immediately before drinking, so that only such gassing will give the end product gostroty and relish. Cicavy effect viide, as if victorious not like ice cubes, but frozen gassed mineral water or that very cola. Vzagali, lid save not varto - pidtayuyuchi, vin help to relish the cocktail, sprout yoga more by accepting that vishukani. Bazhano, like a bottle, pour whiskey and cola into the yak, so it was rimmed in front, hung and cooled in the back.

It is customary to drink such a delicious drink like whiskey in the historical fatherland - in Scotland - diluted with water and soda. The very same way to prepare a whiskey cocktail in a bag with cola having such a wide width. The story is that the fashion for the new was brought from America by the musicians of the group "The Beatles", and even the Russian traditions of good liquorice were shown to be a lot of old estimates of cicavia, in which I inspire a nostalgic-paradoxical (make a recipe for a bitterly knowing beer) beer.


live right

It is noteworthy that on the vіdmіnu vіdmіnu vіd rich of іnshih alcoholic drinks, whiskey drink okremo all the time, do not have a snack. Tsey drunk and self-sufficient, that yogo does not live for an hour. And it’s worth trying out expensive yoga views, making a three-fold showcase.

For higher purposes, a flask of a cylindrical shape or a tulip-like cell. The flask may have a solid bottom, they themselves can easily mix the drinks with other ingredients. Kelikh, on the other hand, is the most suitable for tasting and drinking the most expensive varieties, expensive and savory. In such kelikhs, the relish will be drunk with a special rank.

  • The skin region has its own tradition of implantation of the temples.
  • Є kіlka options for cocktails.
  • All the stinks are very cold, ring out, through a tube, or in small bowls.
  • You can dilute with lemon or apple juice, water, vermouth and soda.
  • And the axis is a popular whiskey cola recipe.

What do you need for a cocktail

Wine of the Americans - sumish whiskey from cola. In Europe, such an option became the start of the band "The Beatles" as early as 1964, at the beginning of their tour. By the way, the cocktail has become popular and known.

Otzhe, how to make whiskey with cola? For whom you will need:

  • Whether it's a whiskey brand (classic - "Jack Daniel's");
  • Coca Cola;

To give the drink an original look, yoga can be embellished with mint or lemon. Ale tse, as you yourself are fooling.

When preparing, it is important to wait for the upcoming moments:

  1. Coca-Cola can be both cold and closed. How gassing was seen and how warm it was, how little it saps relish.
  2. Wine flasks are also cold and dry. Rozmir - middle, bottom - tovste.
  3. Ice needs bagato. Vin can be crushed as from pure water, so if it is mineral water.

What are the ideal proportions of whiskey and cola? For your skin stink. You can experiment and know your taste. Classic variant 1:1. Such a drink will finish mіtsnim.

Ale, you can often and with a larger diluted version. For whom, mix 1 part of whiskey and 3 - if. Step by step you can go up to 1:2, and then navpil. So you know which cocktail suits you best.


Warehouse of a classic cocktail:

As an embellishment of kelikha with cym, let's drink it, you can vicorate a little lemon or mint.

The middle flask is filled with ice. Not obov'yazkovo to the edges, komus vystachaє to the middle. If you drink whiskey as soon as possible, cool it down, there is a cry for it in all recipes. The proportions of the whiskey are the same if you choose the skin for yourself. If you drink it first, try one to three. Tse means a quarter of a bottle of whisky, reshta kola. If you feel the unacceptable relish and mіtsnіst, then change the quantity of whiskey. If you feel only cola and nothing more, if you would like to drink it, then boldly increase the proportions of whisky. The bartender, before speaking, think of five ten-gram categories: 50 to 150, 100 to 100.

  • It’s wonderful not to sound, but I’ll respect the need to add a stake.
  • Vaughn is guilty of being chilled, but the brand is not seen.
  • There is another reason, through yak cola and whiskey it is porously sealed.
  • The bartender will not blink with an eye, if we add your cocktail to a fresh cola from a fresh dance.
  • At the bar, there are two swishes for everything.
  • Just to save money.

At bars, whiskey with cola is often garnished with mint and lemon. Knowing the cocktail zavnyayut, scho to rush all the way to the aesthetic mirkuvani and any savory addition do not carry.

Well, it dawned on me that it’s not difficult to have a cocktail party at home with whiskey cola. All the ingredients are available at any supermarket, no special preparation required, the recipe is for you. Zmіshuyte and enjoy.

American recipe

Whiskey with coca-cola (English coca-cola) or shorthand: “cola” is one of the most popular alcoholic cocktails that came to us from the sunset. The recipe for this cocktail is simple to make, only three changes in the same proportion of the components are included in this warehouse: Warehouse for a classic cocktail:

  • Whiskey "Jack Daniel's" (at home option yogo cocktail can be replaced with whiskey, be it any other brand);
  • Popular drink Coca-Cola;
  • Kharchovy, split into little pieces of ice.

As an embellishment of kelikha with cym, let's drink it, you can vicorate a little lemon or mint. Cooking method:

  • Rozkolyuєmo on small pieces of ice (like wine you have on the piece), and if you froze yoga on your own in the forms, then you can not stab it. Proportions of whiskey cocktail with Coca-Cola

We try different options

Having tried different options, You will definitely choose your own best and you will know the very proportion that is more to your soul. Cooking whiskey with cola



Cooking method:

Coca-Cola is chilled in the refrigerator. It’s too late to drink її it’s not necessary, otherwise I’ll drink carbon dioxide and a cocktail to indulge in my relish and gostroty.

Gotuemo wine glasses or kelikhs. The stench is due to be clean, dry, and the fennel is also chilled in front.

Rozkolyuєmo on small pieces of ice (like wine you have on the piece), and if you froze yoga on your own in the forms, then you can not stab it.

Proportions of whiskey cocktail with Coca-Cola

  • The proportions of a classic milkshake are as follows: one part whiskey to one part cola (1:1).
  • If you try this alcoholic drink before, it is recommended to start with a sparing, lightened version of the cocktail, prepared in proportions: one to three (1:3), then add three parts of coli to one part of the whiskey.
  • Then you can go to the middle option with a proportion: one to two (1:2), with one part of the whiskey to mix two parts of Coca-Cola.
  • Having tried different options, you will sing-songly choose the best one for yourself and you will know the very proportion that suits you best.


  1. Reminds me of bottles of little pieces of ice.
  2. Pour in the new necessary quantity of whiskey (deposit in the chosen proportions: either half, or a third, or a quarter of the bottle).
  3. Top up the bottle to the top with a cola and let the ingredients mix, shake the cocktail.

When serving (neobov'yazkovo) kelihi with a cocktail, it is garnished with lemon and mint.


Cocktail "P'yana Konyachka"

So, all that we need for a cocktail is ce whiskey (choose the brand of that whiskey your favorite), drink Coca-Cola, ice, a little lime or yogo zest for embellishment and just 1 whilin of your hour (what in New river, Ta y be-yak іnshe holy duzhe respectfully)!

The recipe itself is simple: mix whiskey with “Coca-Cola” in proportions of 1:4-1:5 ... For a cocktail, you can add ice and a chastity (zest) of lime (lemon) to the cocktail. The cocktail is ready!

  • We sound victorious whiskey "Biliy kіn", because we need taste and aroma, and also, importantly, price.
  • Before the speech, the star named the cocktail "P'yana konyachka" - "p'yana", because. regardless of the small amount of alcohol, the wines are given signs, and the “cognac” is taken from the name of the whisky, just change the word “kіn” too late.
  • Drinking may not be filled with relish, licorice cola is gassed, it strengthens the notes of whiskey, with which it stings more ... ale in to this particular typeїх zovsіm not Skoda.


Cocktail snacks

Nothing is known about the history of winemaking for a cocktail. It seems that the "Liverpool Four" during the hour of the light tour did not break the impersonal hearts of the slut, but expanded the recipe for the cocktail. Obviously, a part of those who like to drink will be convinced that whiskey can be Scottish, and cola can be from the Coca-Cola company.

  • The Beatles introduced the canonical proportions one to one.
  • To go out even more mіtsna sumіsh, yak to taste is far from everyone.
  • Twenty degrees without breaking the ice.
  • The answer is simple: in 1960, John Lennon was twenty years old.
  • At once, the proportions of whiskey with a cola of skins are chosen to taste.
  • Chastkovo the same tse ruhaє people pіd hour zamovlennya cocktail parts. Not everyone likes to explain simple fractions to the waiters.

Cola is more than welcome to the taste of whiskey. American blended varieties are especially appreciated. Inexpensive brands of whiskey, made with corn syrovin, may have an even sharp relish and aroma.

Opponents of the cocktail

The cocktail was not spared by its champions healthy way life. Here for them outside rozdolya. I shkіdlyva Coca-Cola, and someone else's Russian people's whiskey, and everything came to us from the decaying Sunset.

It is argued that the recipe for prescriptions is not the first side of Dulles' plan. The proportions are strictly vindicated for the genocide of the bright minds great power. A whiskey cocktail with cola is propagated by boronitis, anathema and vipality by a baked hall from the menu and wine cards.

  • Whether it’s a cola, whether it’s a licorice gassing lemonade, it’s a pickle for etching that teeth.
  • Whiskey є mіtsnim alcohol and, insanely, yogo transcendental living is also negatively signified on health.
  • Axis only die alcoholics dedali more in cheap burners, not cocktails.

From the drive of the zavoi kіlkostі tsukru, that and kіlocalоrіy as a whole - wіskі cola swedish viide to sleep, lower caries, and more fat.

You can savor a savory savory cocktail and drink as needed.

Simplicity of preparation of the popular mix

Preparing such a cocktail - on the right is simple and in domestic minds, you can work it out as a person. Only three components are needed. Tse lid, cola and whiskey.

  • Take a large flask, fill it with ice cubes, pour some whiskey and then cola. The cocktail is garnished with a chalk of lime chi lemon, mint leaves.
  • Axis and everything, a savory cocktail is ready.
  • Drink whiskey with cola in small bowls, you can wind it through the cradle and not have a bite.
  • The mix comes out even colder, it’s not like drinking yoga in one gulp, it’s risky to catch a cold in the throat.
  • Small nuances of preparing the famous cocktail.


  • Lovers of such a drink will stverdzhuyut, that wines can not be ruled out from Scotland.
  • Better for everything, the right shanuvalniks of expensive alcohol should not allow themselves to be squandered with cheap sodas. Aje, in view of which all self-promotion is consumed, I will drink it.
  • This is how Scotch whiskey absorbs all its smoky flavor. And the axis of the American corn bourbon is best suited for the production of yoga cola.
  • Corn takes the taste of gassing, and alcohol with it wastes its sharpness.

And if you eat Scotch whiskey with cola, then a contrast of tastes is created, not an addition. Fahіvtsі and lovers of such a drink, like whisky, do not recommend for this cocktail vicoristovuvat expensive brands, like the best way to live in a clean look, sob dvdsvjatkuvati yakus vznachnu podіyu.

It’s better to win the whiskey cheaper, the shards are all the same in the process of mixing the relish, I will definitely change. Alcohol can be more chilled, so you can cry and not wink.

You can drink mineral water from pure drinking water, you can drink mineral water or just freeze cola. Krizhany cubes of mineral water, gassing and simple water and mix.


It is best to take only a few from the Coca-Cola company, you yourself can drink the taste of whiskey. Particularly vicorous are blended yoga varieties. The gas bath is necessary to vicorate only if we are well cooled. Vіdkrivati ​​її slіd without intermediary before preparing a cocktail.

  • A warm or vidihly drink only sips the taste of a cocktail, it is practically impossible to drink it.
  • You can experiment with different savory varieties of coli, for example with cherry.
  • At the bar, most of the time, the whiskeys say okremo vіd kіl.
  • It seems to me that the bartenders can easily persuade a cocktail to be seen for a long time from two dances.


Before that, how to drink whiskey with cola, next podbati and about the container, in which everyone will laugh. Take the best bottle of the middle one or navit great expansion. At the bar, the dishes are cooled in front. You can do it all at home, putting a large bottle of 15 quills in the freezer.


If there are proportions, then here there is little difference in thoughts. Deyaki people love to live in whiskey with cola in proportions one to one. Ale, in such a state of drunkenness, weed weed more mіtsnim, and a large number of tsukra in the gassed gas brought me to the hour of sleep. If you want to expand your satisfaction, then it’s better to combine the main components in a proportion of three to one. For one part of the alcohol base, take three parts of gassing.

The same proportions are better than vikoristovuvat that tasting the cocktail. If it’s not varto, vtim, yak and ice. If you drink too much too soon, or if there is an unacceptable relish, then change the amount of whisky. Yakshcho well vodchuvatimetsya less than a stake, slіd zbіlshuvati kіlkіst alcohol.

"Pidvodni kamenі" savory cocktail

Opponents of drinking alcohol with cola are staggering, that yoga treatment is even negatively signified on health. Gassing to avenge even richly zucru, and it’s very hard for the teeth, the slugs, the slunk. And supplemented with alcohol, it becomes a big mess.

  • Ale with a cocktail you can enjoy yourself.
  • Warto remember about those who are guilty of more calorie through the great zucru in coli, and you can take the appearance of caries, fatty deposits and other illnesses.
  • Until then, the cocktail is roaring the appetite, and the sumish itself does not give the relish of the drink.
  • After the drunken mix, you really want to eat, which can lead to obesity.

All whiskey and cola cocktails are similar to each other. Golovne, drink cold and fresh. Cooking yoga does not require any special possession of a beginner, you can cook yoga with a glass of chi shakers. Vіn іdeally fit into a youth party. For cholovіkіv it is best to go to spіvvіdnoshennia if that viski one to one.

Women vvazhayut for more three parts of gas, take one part of alcohol. At this time, the smell of alcohol is not noticeable in cocktails. Rich brewers have already begun to release such a cocktail in tin cans at the finished look.

But it’s better to cook yoga independently, adapting it to your own special likeness, changing proportions. Todi cocktail will be bright and fresh.


How to speak correctly

In case of change, if that whisky varto vrakhovuvaty, that the aromatic and savory characteristics of the weekend drinks are greatly changed, the very same sumish is respected by a full-fledged cocktail.

Cocktail whiskey with cola is made up of only three components - whiskey, if it's ice.

  • For the preparation of which I will drink, be it some kind of whiskey, shards will distinguish all the fineness between different species when consumed with cola, it is impossible. It’s clear, when you mix expensive whiskey and stained scotch tape with cola, it’s better to get better, shards of gentry drink. That's why your choice is better than the sound of inexpensive whiskey, and American bourbon is a good butt for this.
  • So that you mix all the ingredients correctly, don’t save on the amount of ice, the more you have in the kelikha, the better. Lіd natural rank helps the sharp relish of the whiskey, giving the softness to the cocktail, which is even more important, protecting the specialty if it is.
  • Coca-cola, yak and pepsi - tse napіy іz vysokim tsukru, vіn vіn vysokazovannyh і mаyut svіy characteristic relish. For a cocktail, cola is traditionally used, Pepsi is used less often than alternatives, as the cola in the bar is over. And it’s not surprising, if you mix whiskey and pepsi, then the whole American relish of the cocktail will be irrevocably consumed.

It will be right to mix three qіngredients, not rozbovtuyuchi among themselves, dotrimuyuchis sing proportions, so that the hop does not hit the head over the top of the swede, but the garniy mood of the guarantees will be drunk by the end of the last evening.

Whiskey spice and if in cocktails

The proportions taken for drinking the ingredients play the main role in the one who wins the taste. The stench can change a little, fallow in the Bazhan Fortress.

  • But if you prepare a cocktail on your own and don’t prepare until you don’t give in to hostility and sharp relish - then don’t take whiskey and cola from spivvіdnoshennі one to one. In a different situation, alcohol can easily get into the bloodstream through a high vmіst tsukra in a pinch, and you will feel no better.
  • Samy short version Vzhivannya cocktail - tse whisky with cola taken in the proportion of one to three.
  • To prepare a cocktail, you need to take a large bottle (300-400 ml) and fill it with ice cubes to the very top. Pour 50 ml of whiskey into the new one and then add about 150 ml of coli.
  • Cocktail, scho wiishov, can be embellished with pieces of lemon or lime, mint spice. Drink wine with small shoes.

The classic American variant is perfect for its viconan and for the new one you need a special flask for whiskey - a toggle switch. Vіn maє tovste sklyane the bottom of that wall. Vi yogo could often bachiti at the cinema. A couple of ice cubes are passed by the new one, trochs of whiskey are poured (about 30-40 ml), cola is added to the taste.

The secret of the right American dream is cold cola

  • An important aspect of the right whiskey with cola is those who drink can be cold in a right way.
  • Cola can be well drunk and well chilled. Option, if you have garniy whiskey and vodkrita plyashka, if you keep it in the refrigerator for a couple of days - do not go.
  • The most beautiful is the whole glass plate. Surprisingly, they have a smaller number of shkіdlivih speeches, lower ones, which are poured at the can and plastic containers.
  • And at any time, do not pour cola and cola at the whiskey, as I caught sight of you. Tse zіpsuє drank.
  • Oskіlki cocktail at the exit may be decent, then it is recommended to take large bottles, as it is better to cool it in front, as if you were rushing in rich bars.

Another little secret to this cocktail is the tse kriga. Yogo can be sprouted like a splendid water, so even if it is freshly seen in ice cocktails from a gassed mineral water.

An American classic - ce, obviously, straight-cut ice cubes with filtered water and fresh, cold cola with a glassy dance.

Prepare this cocktail at your home, and you will see the true taste of the American dream.


Correct cooking process

We take a flask and put it in a circle to the brim. Now we’re beastly to the point where we dilute whiskey with cola. Let’s choose the proportions that I fell in love with, following, like a glass of whiskey with ice, and then we’ll pour cola. The sequence could be more like this. Then you need to shake all the ingredients and decorate the cocktail with either a lemon stalk or a mint twig.

Drink ready! Usі operatsії vіdіznyayutsya simplicity and shvidkіstyu vykonannya. Whiskey cocktail with cola is the main option. Іsnuyut more will be put out and cіkavі versions.

Pitcha culture

Now it’s clear how to drink cola with whisky. Drink get used to small kovtki.

For those who are quiet, who squeal, what to eat whiskey with cola, without thinking, apparently - nothing. Cocktail live without appetizers. Remember, drink may be cold, do not drink yoga in one gulp. Іsnuє risk of the appearance of colds. It’s better to vikoristovuvati a tube for implantation. Vіskі z cola - the zavіdnik vechirok. At parties, drink the flow of rivers. Those who are worried about the calorie content of alcoholic drink, next to know, it should be 171 Kcal per 100 ml.


Cocktail with a mysterious name Idiot

This cocktail cannot be given by the people, nor is it a reliable story. Call the walk nezrazumile. Apparently one thing - "Idiot" is megapopular, the most popular alcoholic drink. The leather bartender knows about the basis of which mix.

Ale yoga is not found on the menu in any decent mortgage. The skin has grown up, a person who wants to try this cocktail once, but it’s unlikely that she knew the name of yoga, or rather, she didn’t guess what it was.

warehouse ingredients

  • The simplicity of this cocktail is simply amazing - be it cognac / whiskey plus the famous Coca-Cola. I everything! It’s just that it’s delicious, but it’s a smut, helping to relax, turning on the brain.
  • Ale chi so vin savory? Connoisseurs of black whiskey / cognac, who can drink and savor yoga in a pure look, call them evil idiots, who, having thought of spitting such an elitist drink with the splendid “Coke”, are evilly called.
  • But there are a lot of such lovers in the whole world, especially among young people and those who see clubs of the night!
  • And the axis of the bartenders such a drink, in principle, fell to the soul, even in order to prepare yoga without having to work hard. That and for other mortgages the price of indecent earnings, even if not expensive alcohol for the skin of people in the gut, but the axis of a modest cognac for 3 stars with a dance of "Kolya" disperse with a bang.

Even though one generation grows from this cocktail, you’re ready to get used to it already. "Cola" in tandem with cognac (or navpaki) - the whole alcoholic century, as long as it does not waste its popularity, but, raising a lot of chanuvalniks, it definitely can be!

classic recipe

The classic cocktail is prepared simply:

  • Combine whiskey or cognac with Coca-Cola in proportions 1 to 1, 50 ml of skin.
  • Add a couple of ice cubes.

Thin cooking:

  • the main warehouses can be kept cool;
  • the “Kolo” dance is turned on every hour of preparation.

In order to prepare a smaller drink, dilute the alcohol at a rate of 1 to 3 (50 ml cognac/whiskey and 150 ml Kolya). Often the waiters serve cognac and "Cola" OKremo, so that the client can instantly taste them on their own relish, making a drunken forte. Lemon is served as an appetizer for prohannya.

Deyakі people stverdzhuyut, scho "Coca-Cola" wiser to replace "Pepsi", like giving a cocktail a different taste.

Pokhodzhennya: Russian version

Historical versions may be different, although they are not 100% confirmed. But the Russian legend about the journey of the "Idiot" is one of the most favorite among bartenders.

In the past thousand years, in the 90s, when racketeering and banditry flourished especially, a cool rich guy from the New Russian series came to an expensive restaurant once. Vіn hotіv not only to eat and relax, but also to boast before your garniable companion of the kіlkіst of the earned pennies. The obliging sommelier began bypassing the bagatiya, proponuyuchi youma vishukana and elite alcoholic drinks. Thinking for a short time, the couple closed themselves more expensively than drinking bagatoric vitrimki.

Behind the legend, the price of wine The Macallan Lalique 50 years old, the price of which at that time was more than 10,000 dollars. The waiter brought two kelihi rocks on the top of the whiskey, and then the lady with bad emotions of the blonde began to rebel, talking, you don’t respect it here, even if you can’t drink such a drink with a clean look. The lyalka was sown for the tribute "Coca-Cola" and ice. So I was born into the world "Idiot" (otherwise, perhaps, an idiot).

Ready: European version

A lot of changes, that this cocktail was drunk by the world of famous boys from the Beatles group, for an hour of touring in Russia they tried a non-primary alcoholic mix. "Idiot" flooring impressed the Liverpool lads, who brought this recipe to the Successful States of America.

  • Rising in price and performing with concerts, the band practically squeaked out their alcohol drinks.
  • And if the stench was vizhdzhali, then the custodians of public mortgages began to drink a cocktail to their clients, like the famous Beatles drink.
  • So, the cocktail had a strong popularity, which expanded throughout Europe.
  • Although it is not possible to say that the lands of the United States of Europe were worthy of drinking alcohol.

For example, inspire the English to dilute whiskey or cognac "Coloya" with the right blues. What can not be said about the United States, de "Coca-Cola" is another in the list of products after bread, and has become a reference to the national ban of America.

Pitcha culture

From the side of the culture of drinking alcoholic drinks, this cocktail does not have anything to drink with it. Coca-Cola has its own history, not only culture, but it was cold and gassed.

And the axis of whiskey and cognac is accepted to be savored, savored, drink yoga in small bowls and, wisely, do not eat.

Those who can drink properly, who are given all the noble notes of good whiskey and cognac, simply laugh at lovers of such cocktails. And other gourmands, navpaki, "cry", they are more than Skoda's stupidly drunk elite alcoholic drink.

And even if you are already talking about culture, you can say a few moments of "Idiot":

  1. the cocktail is drunk exclusively in a chilled look;
  2. obov'yazkovo presence of ice;
  3. Coca-Cola is guilty of buti vodkrit without intermediary before adding it to a bottle of alcohol.

Axis and the whole simple culture of the alcoholic mix.

I'll give you a drink

Even though the French were angry for their "defamation" of cognac, but this cocktail still has a lot of trouble:

  • Universality. Possibility for pozіnovuvachіv poddnannya "Kolya" with cognac or whiskey vbivche, and the axis for quiet, who did not have mercy on the birth of a gourmet, "Cola" with cognac even podjnuyutsya.
  • With such a mix of cognac, the whiskey becomes soft, and not only people drink it so boldly, but half of the people are beautiful. A cocktail can be boldly given the status - universal.
  • Availability. Few people can afford to produce expensive brands of whisky/cognac better than affordable Coca-Cola. I realized that the relish of the yakіsnyh good-natured drinks in my singing character, you can savor this truth.
  • And the axis of cheap pidrobki, yakі may be funny like for cognac / whiskey price, not much savour, because the stench of that zowsim is not tasty. And everyone wants to drink, not only the most important class.

Here, there will be an early exit to the stage of "Kolya" or "Pepsi", it is possible to wind up their farbovaniye pidrobki. Alcohol-free gassing drink with its own relish to rob cheap cognac more pleasant for relish. And if you lie, that the elite in our world is not so rich, then the availability of the “idiotish” cocktail is even more pleasing, especially young people, as they have an active night of life.

Steps of sleep. If you get drunk, then “Idiot” is easy for anyone to help. It's not a secret for anyone that gas is doubled by alcohol, which makes the fog at the head appear richer. And for those who can’t drink alcohol, it will be enough to drink one cocktail. All pereakhovana is more important than giving a cocktail a grounded right to a basis.

Modification of the head prescription

People even love to try a new, fresh, classic cocktail recipe, having taken out the additions and filling them with no less savory savory flavors. New recipes:
"Cuban brandy" or simply with lime.

  • Mix 50 ml cognac with 20 ml lime juice (about half a medium fruit).
  • Add about 5 ice cubes.
  • Relatively close at the shaker, after which pour it into cells.
  • Top up with 100 ml Coca-Coli.
  • Decorate with a slice of lime.

The relish of the cocktail comes out as soon as we drink, and to that wine, having fallen rich to the relish.
"3 C" - cognac, Coca-Cola, coffee, which in Russian means cognac, "Coca-Cola", cava.

  1. They prepare this drink not in a glass, but in a glass of greater capacity.
  2. Zmishati close 350 ml "Koli", 35 ml cognac, 0.5 sachet of retail cavi (1 gr.)
  3. Hit lightly.
  4. Obov'yazkovo serve chilled.

This mix is ​​already spryaє swidky sp'yanenny, it's important to spread it power of strength. Until then, the consumption of such strong ingredients is given additional energy, for which we take away one more name - “Student's badiorist”. But such a mix can hit on health, especially on the work of the heart. Having fooled people on the new vіdkrittya, with which you can now enjoy yourself widely.


Cocktail with whiskey and cola

In western lands, such as the USA and Canada, whiskey is important to drink water and traditionally drink yoga at a diluted look. Whiskey is often diluted with water, but in European countries it has become the most popular cocktail made from whiskey and coli. Virobniks of the best sort of whiskey have already begun to release this drink - at the ready-made viglyadі yogo you can come in glassy dances or plaques. However, there is nothing to take, but to make this marvelous cocktail with your own hands, it’s more, it’s not easy for us, but the relish will be richly fresh and bright.

The classic version is won by Jack Daniels, but at home you can take a different sort of whiskey. Well, in the recipe for a cocktail with whisky and cola, there are only three ingredients: if, whiskey and ice, you can add a piece of lime or a sprat of mint leaves for the bazhanny.


  • Viski - 1 part
  • Cola - 3 pieces
  • Lіd - povna bottle
  • Mint and lime - for the bajannyam

For the preparation of whiskey and cola cocktail, it can be well chilled.

Coca-Cola can be taken in cans, and in glassy flasks, top of the head, so that the stench was strongly closed. It is necessary to drink a cola without delay before preparing a cocktail, otherwise you will see that zipsu relish of the finished drink.

The most optimal proportion of whiskey and cola in cocktails is one to three. Tobto: Three parts of Coca-Cola fall on one part of Scotch tape.

At a bottle of medium rosemary, it is necessary to accumulate ice - the bottle fills up to the top.

Ice is best taken in cubes, prepared from pure filtered water or mineral water.

Show the dance of the whiskey forever, give respect to those who want the whiskey to be taken. You can take any sort of scotch tape - not obov'yazkovo whiskey can be expensive, prote zavzhdi zavzhdi respect for the label, and even better buy less at specialized stores. If you love whiskey and cola cocktail, it's better to buy a good whiskey dance for that occasion.

Part of the whiskey is poured into the ice of the beast, and less than once, it is poured into a stake and poured into it.

You can decorate a bottle with a cocktail with a leaf of mint chi with a piece of lemon chi lime.

Drink drunk not with great bowls, enjoying marvelous relish.


Whiskey recipe with cola

Vzagali, no one is protecting you. However, for classic recipe, it is necessary to change the same number of whiskey and if. If something is necessary to add to the water, I will drink a sprat of shmatochkiv ice, and mint.

Before Tim, how to start preparing such a cocktail it is necessary to choose the right whiskey. Vin is guilty buti:

  1. Kukurudzyanim.
  2. Preparations from sumish malt and cereals.
  3. Vitrimka is not less than three rokiv.

Tobto, іnakshe kazhuchi, for which cocktail it is better to take an inexpensive whisky. Expensive and yakіsny vy, better for everything, zapsuete Cola, and cheap - add. Skіlki need to add kіl to vіskі schob viyshov savory drink?

So you are going to drink this cocktail first then mix in the proportion of one to three. Tobto, 300 milliliters of kil and 100 milliliters of whiskey. If you are happy that the taste of alcohol is weak, then increase the proportion of two to one. Pochatkіvtsyam not recommended to drink napіy, yakim have the same amount of whisky and if. Dali need to be oriented for gusto. It is possible, you know, that you want to enjoy the taste of pure whisky, and you will not have time for the same cocktail.

How to drink whiskey from Cola

First, why do we care- Reasons not to get used to the cocktail. Most people don't think about Skoda, but they do. Otzhe, three reasons not to drink a cocktail:

  1. High calorie content of this cocktail. 100 g of whiskey contains 300 calories. Tobto vy for the evening vip'єte a dance of which I will drink, then get 1500 calories. And more than half of the additional norm. And if you add cola, then I’ll drink more of it. So like a stake to avenge a lot of tsukra.
  2. Tse shkidlivo figure. First of all, I’ll drink the calorie content of which I’ll drink more than a temple. In a different way, more savory and revenge alcohol. As you can see, keep your appetite. As it happens, if you drink the whole cocktail, then you risk gaining 1-2 kilograms in the evening.
  3. For those who love the taste of a spravzhny whiskey, living in such a cocktail is unacceptable. A lover of pure whiskey cares that zmishuvannya is not enough to get drunk. For a cocktail, it’s better to vicorate cheap whiskey, and expensive ones to be salted. More than that, bring less harm to your body.
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