Main leaks on the contour map. Map of light oceans in currents. Commemoration of the Holy Ocean

Vіdpovіd zalishala Guru

Ocean currents
atlantic ocean
Pivnіchna pastatna heat flow………………… (Sptt)

Gulf Stream stretching warmly …………………………. (GTT)

Antilles heat flow …………………… ………(Att)

Pivnіchna atlantic heat flow…………… (Satt)

Caribbean stretch warmer……………………………. (Kartt)

Lomonosov heat flow…………………………… (TLT)

Guinean heat flow ………………………………(Gwth)

Brazilian heat current ………………………….(Brtt)

The Canary current is cold …………………… …. (Kanth)

The Labrador current is cold………………… (Labth)

The Bengal current is cold……………………. (Benth)

The Falkland current is cold……………… … (Folth)

The flow of the winds is cold ………………..(Твх)

Indian Ocean

Heat currents of monsoons…………………………………… (Tmt)

Pivdennopasatna heat flow ……………………(Yuptt)

Madagascar heat current………………….. (Madtt)

The Somali current is cold…………………… (Somth)

The flow of the winds is cold………………… (Твх)

Pacific Ocean

Pivnichne pacific stretching warmly…………. (Sttt)

Alaska heat current ……………………………(Att)

Current Kurosio heat ……………………………………(TKt)

Intermediate leakage of heat……………. (Mprt)

Pivdennopasatna heat flow …………………….(Yuptt)

Cromwell flow, heat ………………………………(TKt)

Australian Heat Leak………… (Watt)

The California current is cold………………… (Kalth)

The Peruvian current is cold………………………(Perth)

The flow of the winds is cold………….…….. (Твх)

Pivnіchniy Frozen Ocean

Svalbard heat flow ……………………..(Shtt)

Norwegian heat flow……………………….… … (Нтт)

Cold Greenland current………(VGth)
Notes: 1. The Pacific Ocean has less current, lower Atlantic Ocean.

(15 flows in the Atlantic, 10 - in the Pacific, 5 - in the Indian, and 3 - in the Pivnіchny. Usy: 33 flows.

Of them: 22 - warm, 11 - cold).

2. The current of the winds is cold (Твх) swells three oceans.

3. Pivdennopasatna heat current (Juptt) also flows through three oceans.

4. Mіzhpasatnі flowing heat (Mprt), which is located near two great oceans:

at the Pacific and the Atlantic.

5. Pivnіchnі techії warm (Atlantic and Pacific) - in two oceans.

6. In the Atlantic Ocean: 10 warm currents, 5 cold ones.

At the Pacific Ocean: 7-warm, 3-cold.

In the Indian Ocean: 3-warm, 2-cold.

Near the Pivnichny ocean: 2-warm, 1-cold.

Vіdpovіd zalishala Guest

Північна пасатна течія тепла Гольфстрім течія тепла Антильська течія тепла Північна атлантична течія тепла Карибська течія тепла Міжпасатна протитечія тепла Південнопасатна течія тепла Течія Ломоносова тепла Гвінейська течія тепла Бразильська течія тепла Канарська течія холодна Лабрадорська течія холодна тепла Південно-пасатна течія тепла Мадагаскарська течія тепла Сомалійська течія холодна Cold weather leak Pivnichnaya pacific heat leak Alaska cold heat leak Kurosio heat leak Intermediate heat leak Pivdennopasatna heat leak Cromwell heat leak Australian cold heat leak Norwegian cold heat leak Green Heat leak

Naishvidsha and cold currents of Pivdenny pivkul of the Earth

Nova glybokovodna current

The new deep water current was discovered by scientists-oceanologists. Tsya flows to their moldings may tawny ice-makers, as if the rest of the hour will not be strong enough. It is necessary to transfer cold water to the shores of Antarctica to the highest latitudes - this is how the world of Japan and Australia rose, publishing the results of their research in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Behind the warnings of the clergy, the tala ice water is consumed in the Ross Sea and it is on its way to the sub-water plateau of Kerguelen, which is 3000 km away for a direct approach to the Australian continent. Potіm vodi literally rush to the ocean like a swedish stream. This apparently small and narrow stream, the width of which becomes no more than 50 km, originates at a depth of 3 km. The temperature may be as low as 0 degrees, and more precisely - 0.2 oC.

Speed ​​limit of 700 meters per year

Vcheni were surprised to the point of flow, maybe two rocks and they said that it was possible for the building to transfer 30 million cubic meters of water in just one second, so that the speed is not less than 700 m / year. Another, such a cold and dry current, which is found in the Pivdenny Ocean, has not yet been found.

It’s not easy to see and see such flows. At the end of the hour, the last ones needed 30 significant automatic stations, so they had a chance to reconcile the last one before the break, and then we regularly collect and process the indications of these stations, analyzing literally everything. After the courtyard rebuying of the apparatuses on the sea day, the fakhivtsy vityagli їх and resolutely set off and victorious all the displays of the fittings.

Flow as an indicator of the health of the planet

It seems that, as it seems, representatives of science, help us to understand the mechanism of interaction between ice floes and the waters of the light ocean, which should sink, which is rich in what is left a mystery to people, and also better understand how the ocean reacts to the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Varto designate that the hottest warm crossing of the light ocean is the Gulf Stream, and the hottest current near the world is the West Wind Drift.

Victoria Fabishek, Samogo.Net

Warm and cold flows

Marine currents (oceanic currents) - forward flow of oil water in the seas and oceans, surrounded by different forces (dієyu forces rubbing between water and again, gradients of a vice that vinikayutsya at the water, the forces of Mіsyatsya and Sontsya, that the tide settles). On the right side of the sea currents, the great inflow to rob the wrapper of the Earth, which led the currents in Pivnichniy pivkul to the right, in Pivdenniy - to the left.

Sea currents call either to the wind on the surface of the sea (wind currents), or to an uneven difference in temperature and salinity of the water (spring currents), or to a frail stream (sink currents). For the character of monlivosity, there are postyny, timchasovy and periodic (tidal trips), for rotting - superficial, subsurface, intermediate, deep and near the bottom. Behind the physical and chemical powers - freshened and salted.

Warm and cold sea currents

In these streams, the temperature of the waters is higher or lower the right temperature. Warm flows are directed from low latitudes near high places (for example, the Gulf Stream), cold flows from high latitudes near low latitudes (Labrador). Flows from the temperature of the most abundant waters are called neutral.

The temperature of the flow is looked at in the same way as the waters. The heat of the current makes the temperature of the water a few degrees higher, the lower is the ocean water. Cold flow - Navpaki. Warm currents sound straight from the warm latitudes near the cold, cold - away. You already know that leaks are worth saving on the climate. So, warm flows increase the temperature again by 3-5 degrees and increase the number of falls. Cold flows reduce the temperature and change the number of falls.

On geographic maps, warm currents are shown with red arrows, cold blue ones.

The Gulf Stream is one of the largest warm currents in Pivnichnoi pivkuly. It will pass through the Mexican Influx (eng. Gulf Stream - current flows) and carry warm tropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean to high latitudes. This gigantic flow of warm waters is rich in why the climate of Europe is signified, we keep warm and warm. The skin second and the Gulf Stream carry 75 million tons of water (for the river: Amazon, the most beautiful river near the world, - 220 thousand tons of water). At a depth close to 1 km under the Gulf Stream, there are leaks.

There is one more significant current in the Atlantic - Pivnichno-Atlantichnu. It will pass through the ocean of Skhid, to Europe. Pivnіchno-Atlantichny crossing at the port of the Gulf Stream is less straining. Vitrata vodi here to become 20 to 40 million cubic meters per second, and speed vіd 0.5 to 1.8 km/year, fallow vіd mіstsya.
However, the influence of the Pivnichno-Atlantic current on the climate of Europe is even more memorable. Together with the Gulf Stream and other currents (Norwegian, North Cape, Murmansk) Pivnіchno-Atlantic currents help the climate of Europe and the temperature regime of the seas, which bathe the її. Such an injection into the climate of Europe is only one heat current of the Gulf Stream can not be pressed: even if the reason for the flow will end for thousands of kilometers from the coast of Europe.

At the Pacific Ocean there were shores Pivdenny America to pass cold Peruvian current. Look for masi, which are formed over cold waters, do not saturate with moisture and do not bring fall on dry land. After all, on the shores of the country, the rocky rock fell a lot, which was amazing because Atacama was deserted there.

The coldest current of the Light Ocean is the cold current of the Western Winds, also called the Antarctic Circumpolar (Latin cirkum - navkolo). The reason for this resolution is the strong winds that blow from entering the exit in the majestic expanses of Pivdenny pivkul in the dead latitudes to the shores of Antarctica. This flow covers a zone 2500 km wide, expands to a depth of over 1 km and transports up to 200 million tons of water per second. According to the cost of the flow of the Western Winds, there are no great massifs of land, and there are three oceans - the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Indian - in their circular flow.

Dovidkova table flow of light ocean to avenge information from sea currents to the light ocean, warm, cold, flow rate, temperature, salinity, where the ocean flows. Vіdomosti, scho to be in the tables, can be cited by independent robots of students of geography and ecology, when writing course work and preparation of assistance from the skin continent and part of the world.

Map of the currents of the light ocean

The currents of the ocean of light are warm and cold tables

Flows of the light ocean

Leak type

Features of sea currents

Alaskan current


Pacific Ocean

It flows near the peninsular-shidny part of the Pacific Ocean, and the peninsular gorge of the peninsular-Pacific current. It flows through the great deep down to the bottom. Speed ​​of crossing from 02 to 05 m/s. Salinity 32.5 ‰. Temperature on the surface vіd 2 to 15 ° C in fallow vіd pori rock.

Antilles current


The heat of the current in the Atlantic Ocean, the continuation of the Pasatnoy current, at the pivnochi rushes with the Gulf Stream. Shvidkist 0.9-1.9 km/year. The temperature to lie on the surface is 25 to 28 °C. Salinity 37 ‰

Benguela current



The cold Antarctic current flows through the Good Hope to Namibu in Africa. Surface temperatures are 8 °C below average for these latitudes.


Pacific Ocean

Gilka Pivdenno-Pasatnoi techії flowing through the waters of the shores of Brazil on pіvdenny entry at the upper ball of waters. Speed ​​of crossing from 03 to 05 m/s. The temperature on the surface is 15 to 28 ° C in the fallow season.


Pacific Ocean

Flowing through the shores of Australia, resurrecting for the day. Medium swedishness 3.6 - 5.7 km / year. Surface temperature ≈ 25 °C



Pivnіchniy Frozen Ocean

Protіkaє vzdovzh zberezhzhya Greenlandі і pіvdennym directly. Speed ​​overrun 2.5 m/s. Surface temperature<0 до 2 C°. Соленость 33 ‰




Flowing the wind of the lost coast of the island of Iceland near the river straight ahead. Air temperature -1 to 3 °C. Speed ​​limit is 0.9 - 2 km/year.

Skhidno-Sakhalinsk current


Pacific Ocean

Flowing through the safe shores of Sakhalin near the Pivdenny straight into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Salinity ≈ 30 ‰. The temperature to lie on the surface is -2 to 0 °C.

Gviansk current


Pacific Ocean

Through the gіlkoy Pivdenno-Pasatnoi flow and flowing through the air of the avian-falling shores of Pivdenny America. Shvidkist > 3 km/year. Temperature 23-28 °C.



The heat of the current in the Atlantic Ocean flows through the shores of Pivnichnoy America. Potuzha strumine current with a width of 70-90 km, flow rate of 6 km/year, changes at the bottom. The average temperature is 25 to 26 ° C (at altitude 10 - 12 ° C). Salinity 36 ‰.




Flowing through the rain of the Western shores of Australia, partly on the flow of the Western Winds. Speed ​​of crossing 0.7-0.9 km/year. Salinity 35.7 ‰. The temperature varies from 15 to 26 °C.



Atlantic, Pivnichniy Ice ocean

Flowing through the west coast of Greenland near the seas of Labrador and Baffin. Speed ​​0.9 - 1.9 km/year.




This is the river of the Northern-Greenland current that flows through the waters of the western coast of Greenland. Speed ​​overrun 2.5 m/s. Surface temperature<0 до 2 C°. Соленость 33 ‰

Golkova flow

Atlantic, Indian

The current of Golkovy Misu, the stasis and the strongest current of the ocean of light. To pass the vzdovzh of the lost coast of Africa. Average speed up to 7.5 km/year (up to 2 m/s on the surface).



Protikaє not far from Iceland. Move the heat water of the pivnich.



Pacific Ocean

Є pivdennoy gіlkoy Pivnіchno-Pacific-ocean current, flowing from pіvnochі to pіvden uzdovzh of the California coast. Surface. Shvidkist 1-2 km/year. Temperature 15 -26 ° C. Salinity 33-34 ‰.

Canadian current


pіvnіchny Lyodovitiy

canary current



Pass the air of the Canary Islands, then cross at the Pivnichnoekvatorialna stream. Speed ​​0.6 m/s. Width ≈ 500 km. Water temperature 12 to 26 °C. Salinity 36 ‰.



Streams in the Caribbean Sea, the continuation of the pivnіchno-pasatny techії. Shvidkist 1-3 km/year. Temperature 25-28 °C. Salinity 36.0 ‰.

Kurilsk (Oyasio)


Pacific Ocean

It is also called Kamchatka, flowing through Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and Japan. Wind speed 0.25 to 1 m/s. Width ≈ 55 km.




Passing between Canada and Greenland for a day. Speed ​​overrun 0.25 - 0.55 m/s. The temperature changes from -1 to 10 °C.

Madagascar current


The surface current blew the shores of Madagascar with a spit of Pivdenno-Pasatnaya current. The average speed is 2-3 km/year. Temperature up to 26 °C. Salinity 35 ‰.

Intermediate leakage

Potuzhneva surface leakage between Pivnichniy and Pivdennyy pastatny. The currents of Cromwell and the currents of Lomonosov also come before them. Shvidkіst is rather small.


Pacific Ocean



The surface current of the air of the coast of Africa on Pivden near the Mozambian protoci. Gilka Pivdenno-pasatnoy flow. Speed ​​up to 3 km/year. Temperature up to 25 °C. Salinity 35 ‰.

Monsoon flow


Viklikano monsoon winds. Fluidity 0.6 - 1 m/s. The inlet is changed directly at the protilegny bik. The average temperature is 26°C. Salinity 35 ‰.

New Guinea

Pacific Ocean

Leaking at the Guinean zatotsі from the entrance to the exit. The average temperature is 26 - 27 °C. The average speed is 2 km/year.

Norwegian flow

pіvnіchny Lyodovitiy

Currents in the Norwegian Sea. The temperature is 4-12 ° C to lie down in pore rock. Shvidkist 1.1 km/year. It flows at a depth of 50-100 meters. Salinity 35.2 ‰.


pіvnіchny Lyodovitiy

Gilka of the Norwegian Technique of the Pivnichny shore of the Kola and Scandinavian Pivostrov. Є superficial. Shvidkist 1 - 2 km/year. The temperature fluctuates from 1 to 9 °C. Salinity 34.5 - 35 ‰.

Peruvian current


Pacific Ocean

It is cold on the surface of the currents of the Pacific Ocean from midday to midnight in order from the western shores of Peru and Chile. Speed ​​≈ 1 km/year. Temperature 15-20 °C.

Primorskaya current


Pacific Ocean

Flows from pivnochі to pіvden vіd Tatarskaya duct vzdovzh shores of Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai. Saltiness is low 5 - 15 ‰ (diluted with Amur water). Shvidkist 1 km/year. The width of the stream is 100 km.

Pivnichne Pasatne (Pivnichnoekvatorialne)


Quiet, Atlantic

At the Pacific Ocean, the continuation of the Californian current and crossing at Kurosio. In the Atlantic Ocean, the Canaries flow is the source of the Gulf Stream.



An oppressive surface warm crossing to the ocean, a continuation of the Gulf Stream. Repair the impact on the climate in Europe. Water temperature 7 - 15 °C. Wind speed 0.8 to 2 km/year.


Pacific Ocean

To the continuation of the Kuroshio flow at the exit from Japan. Rush to the coast of Pivnichnoy America. The average speed is improved from 05 to 01 km/year. The temperature of the surface ball is 18 -23 ° C.

Somali current



Leaks lie in the monsoon winds and flow through the Somali Pivostrov. Average speed is 1.8 km/year. Temperature inlet 21-25°C, return 25.5-26.5°C. Vitrata drive 35 Sverdrup.

Pacific Ocean

Currents of the Sea of ​​Japan. Temperature vіd 6 to 17 °C. Salinity 33.8-34.5 ‰.


Pacific Ocean

Stream of the West Winds


Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean

Antarctic circumpolar current. The surface is cold and great current to the ocean in Pivdenniy pivkul, only to pass through the mouth of the meridian of the Earth from entering the exit. Viklikano to the wind of the winds. The average speed is 0.4 - 0.9 km/year. The average temperature is 1-15 °C. Salinity 34-35 ‰.

Techiya Misu Horn



The surface cold current in Deyka Avenue beat the western shores of the Fire Land. Fluidity 25-50 cm/s. Temperature 0-5 °C. Bring icebergs to the wind.



pіvnіchny Lyodovitiy

The main flow of the Pivnichnoy ice-covered ocean, which flows through the rivers of Asia and Alaska. carry krigi from Alaska to Greenland.

Florida current



Leaking vzdovzh pivdenno-skhidnogo uzberezhzha Florida. Prodovzhennya Caribbean flow. The average speed is 6.5 km/year. Carry the volume of water at the rosemary 32 Sv.

Falkland current



The surface cold crossing of the ocean flows through the air of the pivden-shidnh shores of Pivdenny America. The average temperature fluctuates from 4 to 15 °C. Salinity 33.5 ‰.


pіvnіchny Lyodovitiy

The heat of the flow of the ocean beat the western shores of the arch. Svalbard. Average speed 1 - 1.8 km / year. Temperature 3-5°C. Salinity 34.5 ‰

El Nino

Pacific Ocean

The whole process of raising the temperature of the surface waters in the equatorial part of the sea.

Pivdenne Pasatne


Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean

The heat of the flow of the Light Ocean. At the Pacific Ocean, we start from the shores of Pivdennoy America and go on the way to Australia. In the Atlantic - to the continuation of the Benguela current. In the Indian Ocean, there is a continuation of the Western-Australian current. Temperature ≈ 32 °C.

Japanese (Kuroshio)

Pacific Ocean

Flowing through similar shores of Japan. Speed ​​perebіgu vіd 1 to 6 km/year. The average water temperature is 25-28°C, and the winter is 12-18°C.


Dzherelo info: Dovіdkovy posіbnik "Physical geography of continents and oceans". – Rostov-on-Don, 2004

Fahіvtsі NASA created a new map of the flow of light to the ocean. Її vіdminnіst vіd vіd іn posіdnіh vіdіktivіnії – if you are willing, you can independently look at all stable water flows and determine the temperature nature of the flow.

Did you know that the water in the ocean is not uniform? It is logical that it is closer to the surface of the heat, lower to the depths. However, not everyone knows that the volume of salt in the ocean water, behind a rare wine, is wrapped in a proportional depth, for which water is known - which is better, which is better. However, from this rule there are blames. For example, in the Arctic and Antarctic, the waters of the same deep sill - krizhan layer, which penetrate the great clay, avenge the particles of salt surface vipary, enriching the entire water layer with them.

The upper ball of the oceanic water is collapsing with stable wind currents. In this way, the map of ocean currents is identical to the map of sea winds.

Unique online map

The map is unique, for the help of which you can clearly see the currents of all oceans.

The model was developed to demonstrate the mechanism of thermocirculation in light waters. However, the map is not absolutely accurate - with a short demonstration of the difference between the surface and deep water streams, the singing signs of the deep have a lot of testimonials from the date to the real one.

The warehouse animation of the new map was modeled by NASA scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Center laboratory.

Por_vnyalna contour map of flows

Below is a classic contour map of the flow of light to the Russian ocean, schematically showing all the main cold and warm flows of the light ocean. The arrows point directly to the flow, and the color - to the temperature characteristic of the water - we warm, but the cold is a specific flow.

Sea currents - constant or periodic flows in the oceans of the world and seas. Distinguish constant, periodic and incorrect flows; surface and underwater, warm and cold flows. Fallow in the cause of the leak, wind and heavy leaks are seen.
On the direct flow, the power of the wrapping of the Earth flows in: at the Pivnichny pivkul, the right-handed flow collapses, at Pivdenny - to the left.

The passage is called warm, because the temperature is warm for the temperature of the waters, in the other fall, the current is called cold.

Shchіlnі techії vyklikanі vіznica vise, yak umovlyuієє nоrіvnomіrіmіrіmіrіmіrіmіrіmі slіlnostі sea vodі. The main currents are settled in the clay balls of the seas and oceans. Yaskravim butt schіlnih techіy є heat techіya Gulfstream.

Wind currents settle down under the wind wind, after the forces of rubbing water and wind, turbulent viscosity, gradient vice, which inspire the forces of the Earth wrapping and other factors. Wind leaks on the surface.

1) Gulf Stream - the heat of a sea current in the Atlantic Ocean. In a wide sense, the Gulf Stream is a system of warm currents in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean from Florida to the Scandinavian Pivostrov, Svalbard, the Barents Sea and the Northern Icy Ocean.
Zavdyaks of the Gulf Stream at the edge of Europe, lie down to the Atlantic Ocean, breathe more mild climate, lower regions at the same geographic latitude: masses of warm water heat up the air, which is above them, as if the cold winds are transferred to Europe. The variation in temperature varies from the average latitude values ​​in northern Norway to 15-20 °C, in Murmansk - over 11 °C.

2) Peruvian current - cold surface current in the Pacific Ocean. Ruhaetsya from pivnich on pivnich midzh 4 and 45 pivdenny latitude vzdovzh zadovzh shores of Peru and Chile.

3) Canary crossing - cold and, during the year, calmly warm sea currents in the peninsular-shidny part of the Atlantic Ocean. Directed from the north to the south of the Pyrenean Pivostrov and Pivnichno-Zakhidnoy Africa as a bay of the Pivnichno-Atlantichnogo current.

4) Labrador current - this is a cold sea current in the Atlantic Ocean, which flows between the coasts of Canada and Greenland and is straightened into a straight line from the Baffin Sea to the Newfoundland Bank. There it is rushing from the Gulf Stream.

5) Pivnіchno-Atlantichna techіya — natuzhna heat oceanic currents, є prіvnіchno-shіdnim prodovzhennyam Gulf Stream. The Great Newfoundland Bank begins. On the way to Ireland, the current is divided into two parts. One gіlka (Canarian techіya) goes to pivnіch, and another one goes to pіvnіch vzdovzh escaping the pivnіchno-zahіdnoї Єuropi. It is important that the flow significantly affects the climate in Europe.

6) It is cold the Californian current to emerge from the Pivnichno-Pacific current, the waters of the coast of California collapse from the pivnichny entry to the pivdenniy skhid, to rage on the pivnіchny from the Pivnichnaya Pastatnaya current.

7) Kurosio, sometimes the Japanese current - the heat of the current from the pvdennyh and shidnyh shores of Japan in the Pacific Ocean.

8) Kurilian current or Oyasio - cold current at the pivnichny sunset of the Pacific Ocean, as if taking its cob near the waters of the Pivnichny Icy Ocean. In the middle of the day, the whites of the Japanese islands are angry with Kuroshio. Flowing through Kamchatka, the Kuriles and the Japanese islands.

9) Pivnіchniy Pacific crossing - the heat of the oceanic current in the pivnіchnіy part of the Pacific Ocean. Satisfied as a result of the anger of the Kuril current and Kurosio. Rushing through the Japanese islands to the coast of Pivnichnoy America.

10) Brazilian current - the heat of the current of the Atlantic Ocean beat the similar shores of Pivdennoy America, directed to the pivdenny zahіd.

P.S. Schob razіbratisya in that, de znahodjatsya raznі techії, vychit nabrіr cards. It is also worth reading this article

Sea currents - constant or periodic flows in the oceans of the world and seas. Distinguish constant, periodic and incorrect flows; surface and underwater, warm and cold flows. Fallow in the cause of the leak, wind and heavy leaks are seen.
On the direct flow, the power of the wrapping of the Earth flows in: at the Pivnichny pivkul, the right-handed flow collapses, at Pivdenny - to the left.

The passage is called warm, because the temperature is warm for the temperature of the waters, in the other fall, the current is called cold.

Shchіlnі techії vyklikanі vіznica vise, yak umovlyuієє nоrіvnomіrіmіrіmіrіmіrіmіrіmі slіlnostі sea vodі. The main currents are settled in the clay balls of the seas and oceans. Yaskravim butt schіlnih techіy є heat techіya Gulfstream.

Wind currents settle down under the wind wind, after the forces of rubbing water and wind, turbulent viscosity, gradient vice, which inspire the forces of the Earth wrapping and other factors. Wind leaks on the surface.

1) Gulf Stream - the heat of a sea current in the Atlantic Ocean. In a wide sense, the Gulf Stream is a system of warm currents in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean from Florida to the Scandinavian Pivostrov, Svalbard, the Barents Sea and the Northern Icy Ocean.
Zavdyaks of the Gulf Stream at the edge of Europe, lie down to the Atlantic Ocean, breathe more mild climate, lower regions at the same geographic latitude: masses of warm water heat up the air, which is above them, as if the cold winds are transferred to Europe. The variation in temperature varies from the average latitude values ​​in northern Norway to 15-20 °C, in Murmansk - over 11 °C.

2) Peruvian current - cold surface current in the Pacific Ocean. Ruhaetsya from pivnich on pivnich midzh 4 and 45 pivdenny latitude vzdovzh zadovzh shores of Peru and Chile.

3) Canary crossing - cold and, during the year, calmly warm sea currents in the peninsular-shidny part of the Atlantic Ocean. Directed from the north to the south of the Pyrenean Pivostrov and Pivnichno-Zakhidnoy Africa as a bay of the Pivnichno-Atlantichnogo current.

4) Labrador current - this is a cold sea current in the Atlantic Ocean, which flows between the coasts of Canada and Greenland and is straightened into a straight line from the Baffin Sea to the Newfoundland Bank. There it is rushing from the Gulf Stream.

5) Pivnіchno-Atlantichna techіya — natuzhna heat oceanic currents, є prіvnіchno-shіdnim prodovzhennyam Gulf Stream. The Great Newfoundland Bank begins. On the way to Ireland, the current is divided into two parts. One gіlka (Canarian techіya) goes to pivnіch, and another one goes to pіvnіch vzdovzh escaping the pivnіchno-zahіdnoї Єuropi. It is important that the flow significantly affects the climate in Europe.

6) It is cold the Californian current to emerge from the Pivnichno-Pacific current, the waters of the coast of California collapse from the pivnichny entry to the pivdenniy skhid, to rage on the pivnіchny from the Pivnichnaya Pastatnaya current.

7) Kurosio, sometimes the Japanese current - the heat of the current from the pvdennyh and shidnyh shores of Japan in the Pacific Ocean.

8) Kurilian current or Oyasio - cold current at the pivnichny sunset of the Pacific Ocean, as if taking its cob near the waters of the Pivnichny Icy Ocean. In the middle of the day, the whites of the Japanese islands are angry with Kuroshio. Flowing through Kamchatka, the Kuriles and the Japanese islands.

9) Pivnіchniy Pacific crossing - the heat of the oceanic current in the pivnіchnіy part of the Pacific Ocean. Satisfied as a result of the anger of the Kuril current and Kurosio. Rushing through the Japanese islands to the coast of Pivnichnoy America.

10) Brazilian current - the heat of the current of the Atlantic Ocean beat the similar shores of Pivdennoy America, directed to the pivdenny zahіd.

P.S. Schob razіbratisya in that, de znahodjatsya raznі techії, vychit nabrіr cards. It is also worth reading this article

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