Months broke up on the 7th.

Since ancient times, menstruation has been closely associated with zabobons, regardless of those that different peoples had their own schedule until critical days.

Vorozhinnya on monthly dates simple method for a skin representative of a beautiful state, the stinkers of such a stench can be recognized that they have a check on them for the next month. If you listen to the prophecies, you can overcome more problems, or, at the same time, add your respect, be it a friend, bring success.

For a regular cycle, one should take into account the forecast for the month ahead. Until the onset of the upcoming menstruation, women will already need information, the zavdyaks will appear to be able to save bad luck and pardons. It is not necessary to remember the day of the first month of the month and to marvel at the darkness.

If there is a big faith in the prophecy, it will surely come true.

Ways of divination by month

The use of impersonal methods, which allow you to take into account the timing of the menstrual cycle. Tse can be a songful hour, the number of the month and the day of the day. When fortune-telling according to Feng Shui, for the purpose of accurate transfer, it is also necessary to link with the signs of the zodiac and the elements.

From a long time ago, a person jumped keruvati future. In honor of those who were panuvav over the future and saw the past. Numerical oracles, read that fortune-telling about those who happen to survive, vicariously naive, and sometimes, stupid attributes. Ale chi can you independently reveal the veil of mystery? What is a fortune-teller on the month of the month? How to find out about the nearest future, hiding for the hour of the present menstrual visions? What can be put up to similar information seriously? Let's look at the food in this article, relying on the thought of the esotericists.

"Power" of menstrual blood in divination

Vorozhinnya on critical days is an intimate mystery, as practiced by representatives of the beautiful state practically from the beginning of the hour. It’s possible, at the same time, someone to be skeptical about this method of prophecy, willingly to help them to the fortune-tellers and clairvoyants, or independently spread the Tarot, and even our great-grandmothers, with a lot of seriousness, commemorated the hour to doby or the date that marks the ear of regulation.

Alechim is mindful of such a trend. Vіdpіd vіdvіdnosti, prisuvanih krovі. Old-time religions were based on the belief in the fact that the red motherland, which resembles the body of a person, can heal energy and keep the memory of the river. The menstrual blood was especially moving, even when the first menstruation came, marking the beginning of the period of childbirth.

Our ancestors were inspired that the blood could have vital power, taking care of the past and future. The menstrual blood was victorious as a defense against evil spirits and harmful infusions, and a woman during the period of menstruation was a kind of amulet for this state. Giving cyclical visions of special strength that formed the basis of truthful witches for monthly. Let's look at the widest of them.

Recognize that you are being checked in the future at the statute for help,.

How to guess by month

Vorozhinnya on monthly for a woman may have a sacred character. Spiraling on individual considerations and time intervals on the cob of the cycle, one can recognize not only what is likely to be prepared in the wild rices, but also transfer the possibility of crossing the water with a kohana person, material means, or the “behavior” of the body’s moisture.

A “right” point for fortune-telling can be a few officials who characterize the current menstruation. The most popular are the kilka of various transitions, which give the most evidence of life metamorphosis to the nearest cycle. Warto give respect to those who cannot take the results of the fortune-telling literally. Whether it is possible to interpret it exclusively in terms of the realities of a particular woman.

Data transfer does not include additional attributes, smart behavior with cards, scoring a full month or a young man. Just take a look at the calendar, as soon as the first pressures appeared on the menstruation period. Let's take a closer look at the report of them.

You will be well recognized,. Go for the help, in order to know the answer to the request.

Vorozhinnya by the phase of the day

Spiraling on astrological treatises, you can develop a non-trivial vysnovka, which planetary roztashuvannya without intermediary pours like a self-feeling, and on the future people. At the end of the day, the woman began to see bloody visions, you can put together your own twisted horoscope for months, which characterizes the psycho-emotional background and especially the relationship with loved ones in the coming month, independently of the sign of the zodiac. Varto indicates that in the months of the month, it is necessary to reconsider the importance of special hygiene, even if the forecast will be more precise, as to focus on the moment of the appearance of the first blood clots.


The most pleasant hour for the cob of menstruation. Astrologers are richly convinced that this early hourly interval is the beginning of a love adventure and harmonization of the woman's inner background. The rank year is in the wake of awakening, and the mystics are associated with the awakening at the same time. The month of the future for the girl will be reminiscent of love and mutually intelligible, as from the opposite article, so and with the mustache. Positive vibrations remind a person that grants an over-the-top surge of life energy.

Day (up to 13 years old)

The cob of monthly infections is characterized by seers in two ways. From one side, “day” menstruation is a guarantee of success for everyone, while working and self-realization. From the last, the month, if they repent in the th phase of the day - the direct recommendation of the All-World to add more hours to those who are close to them, even if they are choven sim'ї, you can give tekti.


Interpretation of passages based on monthly, or rather, not an hour on the cob, to note that the “current” critical days at the hour of the day do not mean anything good. “Vechernya” menstruation is to its own warnings, which signal about possible problems and serious conflicts both in business and in the special sphere. The given phase of the day can give an indication not only about the steps that go to the woman of the call, but also characterize the inner camp. Mіsyachnі, scho pochalis closer until evening - a commemoration of spiritual discomfort and nudga, which dragged the life of the maiden with a thin veil.


The most unfavorable hour for the beginning of the month from the point of view of esotericism. Having lived on treatises about magic and philosophy, you can develop a visnovka, which is not only an hour of mysteries, but a keeper of death, which gives rise to panuvannya unseen, “creatures” in the nature of people. Months, which began at night, to celebrate a separation from the cohanim, scandals and low financial failures are possible.
Warto means that the transfer of the menstrual cycle is not fatal and cannot be fed, which led to that chi іnsha podіya. I want to stink and believable. Everything that is present in menstrual blood can be carried out in one cycle, until the beginning of the coming critical days. By itself, through its “short-sightedness”, this kind of transmission is too rich for someone to take it faster to hot prophecies and does not take it all seriously, and fortune-telling is not necessary, but hot fun.

Find out what to do and how to properly conduct the ceremony to turn the kokhan.

Vorozhinnya on the day of Tyzhnya

Danish way, based on thoughts, placements on thematic forums, is one of the most reliable and truthful for women, as they try to transfer their share on their own. Some sites about the magic of online platforms that allow you to check the forecast in real time without cost.

You can transfer the future on your own, spiraling on the mystical meaning of the days until the beginning of the month. Those, who have already succumbed to similar services, know that truthfulness does not fall short of the one who interprets the hour of critical days. The numbers are hard to fool. The values ​​of the months after the numbers of those days of tyzhnya are considered the most accurate, like among fakhivtsiv, so among girls, like they tried the witchcraft on their own.


Monday is a day of vanity, like folk wisdom. The axis and months, which “came” to the first day of production, mean the end of the last month. Ale, don’t be embarrassed. The vanity of the coming month will be connected with a positive trouble. Menstruation that rose at Mondays - upper sign shvidkogo otrimannya expensive gift for a young man chelovek.


Mіsyachni, scho pochalis vіvtorok - provіsniki priemnogo znayomstva, yak not get into trouble. Lyudina, as soon as you get into the life of a woman, you will definitely become a trusted friend and faithful companion, and friendship can become a love. Reguli, who came the next day of Monday, can mark the strimki change in life, not associated with new acquaintance. Remember I spread wisdom: "Everything is new - well forgotten old." At large vipadkivs, at circles of butovyh turbots, ties with friends and relatives are ruined. Women's menstruation is the right sign, so that during the coming month, you should go to sleep with them, about whom the woman has forgotten.


Months on Wednesday is an alarming sign that does not promise anything positive. Shvidkі welding, pogreshennya zdorov'ya and material well-being, which are representatives of a weak state, the cob of menstruation on Wednesday. Dribnі unacceptability sepatimutsya like from the horn of prosperity prolonging the last month, "viscous" from the girls like physical, so moral strength, hourly bringing to tears. Ale, don’t get angry! Tsya sign is not a virok, but it brings respect to follow oneself and mobilize internal resources for the solution of insolent problems.


The cob of menstruation in fours is a stalker of a galaslivy veil. At the thought of more esotericists, in the role of the living room master, you will have the opportunity to speak yourself. Ale deyakі fahivtsі in the occult sphere vpevnenі, scho monsiyachnі, sho came in thursday, guard the woman in the company of little-known people and close acquaintances with unknown guests.


Months at Friday - the bells of the receptionists. The menstruation cycle, which, having fallen on tsyu doba, should tell about the swede of the current reception, and the head, dovgochіkuvanoy podії. Tse phenomenon can be tied as if with a robot, so with the special lives of a girl, a woman. Menstruation, which began on Friday, may cause and small inaccuracies, as if accompanying representatives of a beautiful state for a month.


Vykhodyachi s interpreting the fortune on the day of the month on the ear of menstruation, Saturday is the most pleasant day for menstruation. The critical days that came on the sixth day of the calendar year are the saviors of lightness, future luck and lack of turbos. For a long month, a woman cannot be easily deprived of the euphoria and harmony of herself and being. Problems and tribni negarazdi “disappear” by themselves, and the end of the menstrual cycle will mark the acceptance of knowledge or success on the right side of the amour.


The ear of menstruation, which started with the end of the day, is a good sign, which brings joy and harmony to the coming month. The stench will be a good guinea pig for those who go through an important period in mutual relations with a kohan people. The coming month, bring peace and harmony to the family harbor and allow you to make prayers, trust in each other, like a happy end.

Vorozhinnya out of the calendar day

For the transfer of the nearest future esotericism, the meanings of not more than the day of the week, but the th calendar date of the cob of menstruation, are spiraling. The data of the fortune-teller are mutually key, but soon, supplement one by one, allowing you to formulate the most complete picture of the future. Beforehand, otrimani for additional analysis, I saw, "diisn" until the coming month. Let's take a look at the broadest interpretation of calendar days.

  1. Months, scho zbіglas z the first month of the month, there is a wealth of positive signs and victorious acquaintances for the next menstrual cycle. Happiness has already escaped the life of a woman;
  2. Bleeding, which rose on the 2nd of the month - Gints of roses. Nezabar zhіnci, under the pressure of unacceptable podіy, happen to look at close people under a different kut, having become enchanted by a new one.
  3. Menstruation, which started with this calendar day, conveys the situation, distant development which is more stale among women. There is more of a development of her welding, but from the yak the channel “turn” the development of the bottom of the girl can be determined by herself.
  4. Monthly, the swedish advance of the dovgoochіkuvano podії, as if you will become a helper for the woman. Receiving a bed can be like a businesslike, as well as a special life.
  5. Reguli on the fifth day of the month celebrate the wife of an expensive gift from a kohanoi people, and also, a warm mood for a long month.
  6. Menstruation, which came on the 6th day of the regular month, is a bad news. To the thought of more esotericists, who knew about the presence of a serious enemy in a woman, who is trying to strike a blow for an additional slander or deceit.
  7. Months, which were born on the 7th of the month, mean the appearance of a taєmny chanuvalnik in the woman’s house and the arrival of a strong bright sense in her life.
  8. Eight doba, marked by the beginning of critical days - the stalkers of strong jealousy, like tormenting the girl with the next cycle of those problems in a special life, which are blamed on її aphids.
  9. Monthly months, which came to the ninth harvest, are ahead of time. Tsej zbіg svіdchit about the presence of the vidnosinah with the probable man of the third individual, yak pragne to make a discord.
  10. Menstruation on the 10th is a sign that shows a swishing euphoria in the form of stagnation. It is possible that a woman’s life will have a new candidate for a clean woman with a cohanim to switch to new rіven.
  11. Menstrual sightings can tell you about the appearance of anxiety and distrust about a crazy person. The esotericists affirm that all praises are similar to the shtib of marn, and the maiden’s guard is crystal clear in front of her.
  12. The ear of the month all day long to talk about a possible magical infusion, which hopes for a woman with a method to achieve її roztashuvannya.
  13. Menstruation on the 13th day of the month is a reminder of the Swedish cob of “black smuga”. Unacceptability should be followed by a woman for a long cycle.
  14. bloody vision- Provisniki receiving news and faceless surprises.
  15. Having commemorated the ear of menstruation on the 15th day of the month, beware, the next hour of the bad stars will turn into life and make plans.
  16. A guard, what will be guessed by the one who, said by us, can be victorious against us.
  17. Monthly 17 days of the month, announcing the separation of the shvidka from the kohan people. Alya, it’s not too much to be embarrassed, but simply to believe that the separation will not be long.
  18. Menstruation, which came on the 18th day, is due to a strong love feeling.
  19. Deciphering the fortune-telling behind the menstrual cycle critical days, which began on the 19th day of the month - gynci kokhannya. Ale chi will be mutual and what will become of the process of these mutually unfamiliar and stars.
  20. Months, who have succumbed to the twentieth day of the month, prophesy the swede's undivided kohannya. Just try to win your heart and try to switch to mastering a new hobby or more expensive.
  21. Bloody visions to tell about nonsense that comes out of the side of a close person.
  22. The ear of menstruation on the 22nd day is a proof of Swedish material well-being. Pennies sipatimutsya for a woman by stretching the last cycle like a horn of prosperity.
  23. A bloody vision at the 23rd day of the month - the stars of happiness that harmony. By stretching the last cycle, the girl will be overcome at the camp of lightness and youth, and whether or not the beginning will be doomed to success.
  24. Months of this day promise a shvidka galasliva sacredly with brightening the walls and accepting familiarity. The role of the master of the urochistas will happen to be performed by the woman herself.
  25. Starting menstruation for 25 days, women have a lot of new stars and even more familiarity, as if they could outgrow a long-term business relationship.
  26. In the 26th day of the month, Reguli will become familiar with the people, as if you will become a good friend for the woman, building an understanding and sharing the world of turbot.
  27. Months, when the 27th calendar doby rose, move the viconan of a long-standing secret bazhann, with advancing unsuccessful positive turns of the share.
  28. Ear of menstruation on the 28th day of success business sphere stretching the long cycle. Abo women will know the maidanchik for implementation, and the practicality will be estimated at a penny equivalent.
  29. Seeing that they came on the 29th, they do not see anything good. The future cycle of a woman will have a chance to experience a rose in that image, the building of viklikati is more emotionally shocked. Ale, remember, the day is not eternal, and keep the light!
  30. Menstruation is about the possibility of acquaintance, as if it could turn into a romantic opportunity.
  31. The rest of the good month, marked by the ear of the month, transferring the swede is more expensive and the possibility of a victorious situation, in such a woman to show herself not from the shortest side. Remember that in front of them, like "rubat from the shoulder" it is necessary to blunt all possible traces!

At the thought of the greatest representatives of the beautiful state, two more variant versions of the fortune-telling by month are truthful and help to put together the most accurate picture of the future.

Remember, have to this particular type not important details of the interruption of menstruation. Only the exact hour on the cob may wag.

There is no sense in practicing such a spell more than once per month, and even in case of a negative result of failure, do not practice more than one month. New menstruation marks the possibility of making a new forecast.

Mystical meaning of menstruation

The cyclicity of menstruation can be widely discussed about a woman as a gynecologist, and as a fahivtsy in the occult sciences. Vivechayuchi komentari vіdomih fahivtsіv i , you can remember that close friends have menstruation at once. Fahіvtsі in the gallery of thin materials skhilnі pov'yazuvat tse appearance with the harmonization of coliving of "internal" frequencies, the power of people close to the spirit.

Looking at the months of Feng Shui, it is significant that it is not just a physiological process, but the fermentation of the wholeness of the whole world and the interplay of the main elements of the light industry. It is smart to mark the stages of the menstrual cycle with the elements of nature. Use this interpretation:

  • Water is purged with menstrual blood, as it cleanses the body.
  • The earth is identical to the process of ovulation, which gives new life and enhances kinship.
  • The metal is cold and empty, like the reproductive system of a woman after her period.

The menstrual cycle, as in the eyes of medicine, and in the eyes of esoterics, is the most complicated process, giving a miracle to the people. Not included, what for modern woman witches on sight are stupid, but the results of such a transfer often stray from the real standard of speeches. Similar methods do not succumb to zusil, and deciphering does not succumb to a woman walking to the gates, it is necessary to marvel at the calendar, which you know by hand.

From long ago people gave magical meaning. And women at critical days were honored with special strength, unsafe, unclean, close to the devil. It is not surprising that fortune tellers were called one of the best ways to find out about the future. Aja zhіnocha іntuїtsіya є one of the most important barometers of life. And at critical days, everything feels especially warm.

Read from my article

How to correctly guess by month

Vorozhinnya by month, 2 options of what is known and victorious in our days (by years and days), conveying the current rules:

  • You can transfer money only for the current month;
  • For accuracy, it’s better to victorize using the same methods of divination;
  • You can tell fortunes once on the first day of menstruation;
  • As if the moon is telling you to be friendly, you can’t go on like this, otherwise it’s good to go, and you can’t get through a third-party vtruchannya chi other people’s thoughts.

Winning the nuances of a woman determines the accuracy of the results, if you beat the magic on a monthly basis. Feng Shui, which in our time is given more meaning, also take as a basis the method of knowing about the special share and respect it even more seriously.

Prophecy by the hour

Think about the cob of the first from critical days. The result is to lay down before the arrival of menstruation:

  • Early ranking year. The stench is the most distant for the cob of menstruation. I want to keep the Volodarka in this cycle, I check a new kohannya, so as not to create harmony with other close people. It is friendly for the recognition of contacts for the obviousness of the incomprehensible stretch of the last month. And z timi, z kim folded garni vodnosiny, such stinks get drunk. The language is not only about the kokhan, but about friends, fathers, colleagues;
  • Daytime, from 11 to 13. There is nothing to boast about on the cob of menstruation during this period. Vorozhinnya on critical days transmits a lot of radio waves to the month, success to the right;
  • The other half of the day, from 14 to 17 years. For those who have received their monthly months from that hour, finish it, because of the need for great inaccuracies, failures, as if chatting in the next hour. We need to protect and trust only ourselves;
  • Evening from 18 to 21. Great bіd tsey hour on the pavement of critical days are not obіtsyaє, but it's possible to come, like it's a long time to call out the tightness of the self-consciousness;
  • Nich. This period for the arrival of menstruation is the last. Zhіntsi varto checks for parting with dear people. Imovirno, її will be called out by deceit on the side of dishonesty. There may be other unacceptable surprises.

How to recognize the share by day of the week

May is an important meaning, on which day of the month the months began to rise. Vorozhinnya by woman cycle times will be more accurate, so that you can combine yoga with the forward method. The meaning of the days of the month of the arrival of menstruation may look like this:

  • Monday. Mayzhe zavzhdi means a great curse and praise. Receive the stench no more, lie no more than menstruation. Ymovіrno, and that, and the next development of the subdivision. Menstruation at Mondays can also feel like taking away an expensive gift from a close person. Chi varto yogo accept chi nі, zhіntsi lie virishiti yourself;
  • Second. The cob of menstruation, which fell on the next day of the week, to talk about the swede zustrich with an old friend or we know, which the woman’s life has not had for a long time. Sometimes you get to know people, like an unbarred loan of a smut in your share. More likely, proteoly, the onset of menstruation in second women means life changes;
  • Wednesday. The onset of critical days in the middle of the month is unacceptable. Prophecies according to the menstrual cycle to tell about the unacceptability, which are worn out, like it will take the whole hour and thought in the coming month. And yet, living with them is not fatal, and if you report zusil, problems can be overcome. This is a signal that guards the share, a sign that you don’t need to give up;
  • Thursday. The most ambiguous day for the current menstruation. Might be a sign of an offensive, belligerent svyatkuvannya with a great company. Possibly, everyone will be a guest, chi women will happen to receive people at their home. It is important that the sound can appear like a radio, so cause great inaccuracies. Be on the lookout for a vipadku varto;
  • Friday. Even more zruchny day for the cob critical. Vorozhinnya at the monthly broadcasts of the reception, but not giving news, like a building, change the life of a woman. Ale for whom їy happen to report the deiky zusils;
  • Saturday. It is also a pleasant day for the arrival of menstruation. It means low goodness in life. It’s a lot of good things to roam out of the sky, not to wiggle the everyday susilis from the side of a woman, it’s hard to get stuck in such a rank. Imovirno, unconsecrated in love, or vikonnannya bajannya, like you have long been forgotten. How to be put up to tsikh podіy, virishuvati zhіntsі themselves;
  • Week. The results of the fortune-telling of every month, which came on the last day of the month, are worthy of active and cheerful girls. The stench is about the present hour of absence of turbotness and joy. More vdastsya virishiti rich problems of a special nature, as well as wiping out cohanim.

What does the day of the month mean

Tse is also an important showman. A horoscope on critical days cannot be done without the magic of numbers. The meaning of the arrival of menstruation for the numbers of the month:

  • 1. Chi means accepting podії, to give an incentive to life, to induce euphoria;
  • 2. Threatening roses in loved ones;
  • 3. You can feel the welding, as if the building had overgrown with the witch, or it would not be easy to get bogged down;
  • 4. Warto chekati for vikonannya bazhannya;
  • 5. Chi means a welcome surprise like a kokhan;
  • 6. Transferring the flow of tiles and hardening, ymovirno, the enemies pick up the guide;
  • 7. All day long, every month, on a kohannya, to turn around the appearance of a person, for which a woman will become a sensation of life;
  • 8. Do not be afraid of long-term checks on yourself jealous of a kohan. Imovirno, wine itself will give you a real drive;
  • 9. Menstruation will appear in the life of women of people who want to embarrass you especially happy. Possibly, the stench was in order for the whole hour;
  • 10. Critical days to let you know about the swede zakokhanist or renaissance with a big boyfriend;
  • 11. You can show unbridled jealousy and suspicion on the side of a woman who is a hundred years old. Є nebezpeka spend everything through vigadan nіsenіtnitsyu;
  • 12. There will be a chance to seduce a witch, but it’s also not safe for a woman to want to bewitch;
  • 13. Menstruation, which began this day, conveys the blame for serious difficulties;
  • 14. Chi means the possibility of receiving news;
  • 15. Zhіntsi varto chekaty unacceptable surprises in the form of a friend of that kokhan;
  • 16. Months all day are guarded against the overworld balakani and tiles. The stench can turn into a great scandal;
  • 17. Transfer of parting with cohanim, long-term or short-lined. In times, welding can play a role;
  • 18. Vorozhinnya schodo monsiyachnyh on slubіznі nezamіzhny let know proposition proposition, and for family women mean a new turn in vіdnosinah;
  • 19. Imovirniy advent of a new kokhannya, but svidshe for everything without reciprocity and with a rozrakhunkom from the side of a man;
  • 20. Menstruation can be evidence of the impending deception of friends and kokhan. Mozhlivo, stink vvazhayut, scho tse nonsense for the good;
  • 21. Warn about a serious deceit, which can be pinned down or zruynuvat sim'yu;
  • 22. Provide financial well-being;
  • 23. Menstruation in the days brought the receptions, as if they would be of unimportant importance in the life of a woman, they could grow happy;
  • 24. Holy Months prophesy with the arrival great number guests at the booths;
  • 25. New acquaintance, as if we could get away with simply accepting it, or become better-bearing;
  • 26. Zustrich with people, as if you will become an arrogant and sensible friend;
  • 27. Mіsyachnі obіtsyat vykonannya bazhan for helping people, as if unspent vikla in life;
  • 28. Prophecy of calm in a special life, but success in work and financial gain;
  • 29. Imovirnim є lantsyug podіy, yakі bring to the great prikrostі, tears. Do not varto їх hovati near relatives, helping you to find yourself in them;
  • 30. Menstruation transfers to appear in the life of a new person and long vіdnosin with him;
  • 31. It’s not a bad idea to check a change for a woman who looks more expensive. It is not included that it will not be necessary for viklіkane viїhati through її obscene vchinok.

Day and hour on the cob of menstruation can transfer a special share. Take a look at each month's worth of bagats life aspects and often zbіgayutsya z vіgієni vіgієni, korisnі zberezhennya zdorov'ya:

  • Fenced Bulo in rivers and walks;
  • At critical days, the woman was not allowed to prepare the hedgehog, homework;
  • For months it was not possible to plant growths, I bring in a threat;
  • Menstruation, which began with the girl on the day of the wedding, conveyed important life to the children. In order to get away from him, he needed to read the call;
  • The woman, at which critical days began on the last month, was respected by a chaklunka. You can’t marvel at people and thinness in order to hide your prejudice;
  • The menstruating woman was endowed with guardians of the house from the fire. For whom won, I burned 3 times the burning wake and the fire without switching to another;
  • Monthly blood was sprinkled on their budinok for yoga zakhistu.

For the most authenticity, the woman’s fortune-telling is carried out for the month. At 1st, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 23rd, 26th, 29th doba, the tserobity is blind. Like an ear of menstruation falling on everything else monthly days the results will be accurate.

Vorozhinnya by month is even wider among the girls, even if the variant of infidelity is unknown, which prepared the share. It’s rich who is convinced that the results of the fortune-telling are true, and that by a similar rank you can transfer your future hopes. On this day, there are more than two options for the popular fortune-telling on critical days.

At the article:

Vorozhinnya by month

Monthly blood was often won for magical rituals, for example. On this day, there are a great number of ways to find out about your future:,; vorozhinnya on critical days does not come to his popularity.

For the first witch, it is necessary to pay respect to those, if the critical days have begun. Dehto you care what you are carrying important information and vіd tsego to deposit vihіdny result of divination.

Yakshcho menstruation broke out vrantsі, the next month will be love. It’s not obov’yazkovo that there will be stosunki from the opposite article. Possibly, you will be in love with your loved ones, friends, children. Greater than everything, you will change in an atmosphere of warmth, rosemary, harmony.

Like the months began on the day It’s not worth talking about those that the next month you will be Fortuny’s lover. Everything will come out, you will always be in good spirits, you will be able to escape from life's failures and financial expenses.

At evening time- better for everything, the next month you will feel yourself, forgotten by everything, you are at the camp of depression and apathy. To finish often with the help of a tedious and one-man life.

At night- parts of anger and fall are checked on you, permanently change your mood. It is possible to weld with close people and friends, but not varto get hung up on them, shards of the image will be forgotten.

Interpretation of the day of the month on the cob of the month

If you virishili, then savage respect, for which day of the day it was trapilos. The cob of the cycle can bear the truth Corresponding information about those who are guarded, who are afraid of and on which they show respect.

Monday- it’s better for everything, you can make an expensive gift for you, it’s possible for you to bring a person, as you can’t get enough. The cob of menstruation on the whole day is also to talk about future turbos, to spend a lot of hours in home turbos, and there will be few hours for yourself.

Tuesday- you will soon meet with old friends and relatives. Most of all, it’s the sound of the radio. So, perhaps, you will see a person in the future, as if playing an important role in your life. Sometimes such an ear of the cycle to talk about the changes in life, which will be soon.

Wednesday- not the most pleasant day. Vіn vіschuє raznі troubles, welding, non-acceptability, yakі can become a stretch of the next month. Don’t worry about it, because similar negativity won’t be critical, you can easily write it on your own. Golovne - do not give up and prepare to the point where difficulties can arise in the factory. Do not fight them, and you can overcome everything.

Thursday- The meaning of which day is ambiguous. From one side, people are insisting that in the nearest possible future you will be checked for change, requested for sacred, it is possible, it will be fun for the people's day. Shvidshe for everything, you happen to be a gospodarkoy table.

Insha prikmeta stverzhuє, scho on the cob of a cycle of four to talk about zustrіch іz by unknown people. Dosit important to say that you will accept the knowledge of chi. If you have a temper, now you know that it is possible for you, and you can її hide, as if you realize that you do not promise anything.

Friday- at the next month, take away an important sign, so that you can effectively change your life. Be respectful to everything that comes up, do not miss your chance to change your life to a better one. Possibly, there will be rubbish inaccuracies on the way, but you will podolaet їх without special zusil.

Saturday- in the next hour, the bazhannya will be vikonuvatisya, do not happen to report a lot of zusil in order to solve the problem. It is possible that your old chanuvalnik will find the courage to learn from his feelings.

week- the best day for an ear of menstruation. Like an ear of menstruation, talk about those who will be happy and without turbos during the coming month. The problem, which for a long time did not give you peace, is to be blamed. It is possible to give in to the richness of a woman with relatives of a kohanoy people with a wide rose.

Vorozhinnya for the date of critical days

Remain, what you need to know - the date of the cob of menstruation.

  • 1 - for a long month you will be happy and take away those about whom you have long dreamed.
  • 2 - you will reconsider a little znevagi to the point of chogos or be someone.
  • 3 - a possible conflict between kimos and friends, the result will only lie with you.
  • 4 - happy podia.
  • 5 - check for a welcome surprise.
  • 6 - behind the back htos plіtkuvatime i let loose a bit.
  • 7 - soon you will be examined by the kohanna.
  • 8 - almost jealousy is not overwhelmed by the stretch of the last month.
  • 9 - become the object of tiles and welds.
  • 10 - it is possible that a new novel will be released.
  • 11 - stop being jealous of the people, as dear to you. How many months have you brought your pretentiousness.
  • 12 - spend up to love strings.
  • 13 - possible troublesome troubles.
  • 14 - check receiving news.
  • 15 - possible unreceived call.
  • 16 - your balaclava is not brought to good.
  • 17 - it is possible to zustrіch іz kokhanoy people.
  • 18 - love come in handy.
  • 19 - vikonannya bazhannya.
  • 20 - love will be inseparable.
  • 21 - you want to be a lie, your task is to know the qiu people.
  • 22 - advancement along kar'ernih gatherings or abo raptovy surpluses.
  • 23 - you will feel new energy and happiness.
  • On the 24th of the month, part of the friendship with friends is checked.
  • 25 - tie up a new acquaintance, as if you would be more vigilant.
  • 26 - people will come to you for help.
  • 27 - there will be a chance to save your mind in life.
  • 28 - everything you take for will be doomed to success.
  • 29 - it is possible to shed a lot of tears.
  • 30 - mutual sympathy.
  • 31 - unstoppable podia, as you can change your life.

Make all three predictions and decide exactly what to check in the next month, and what to be afraid of. If the result of the fortune-telling on critical days didn’t work for your points, don’t get embarrassed, even if you can change your share.

I give you accurate information about the next month. If only the girl would be able to change her mind about the truthfulness of such a method, she would transfer her share for additional menstruation.

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Information about divination

For a long time, the woman's menstrual cycle was called magical. The girls at the critical days were afraid that they respected them with special witches' strength. The Slovyans believed that the women during this period had a strained energy. It is not surprising, even the woman at the hour of the month is especially sensitive. Mabut, the very zavdyaki tsomu and zavivsya such an extraordinary way of fortune-telling.

At to the current world fortunetelling on the month - a sight to dosit rіdkіsne i bolshostі can be unserious. However, as practice shows, this method is true.

You can tell fortunes on the cob of the cycle. In order to make the result of the viishov as accurate as possible, the funeral is carried out, if only the months have begun, at the time of the first blood sighting. Do not miss the onset of menstruation in addition to keeping a special calendar.

Expanded three variants of warfare:

  • for the kill;
  • on the day of tyzhnya;
  • for the number of the month.

Take a look at your monthly

It has long been known to apply that belief that there are a lot of critical days.

The axis of the most significant of them:

  • do not swim near the waterways;
  • fenced in front of the temple;
  • it is unreasonable to plant roslini and pratsyuvati on the city;
  • you can’t take on a household job;
  • don’t cook for cooking zhі - it’s not tasty to see.

Most of the evidence can be easily explained from a medical point of view. Under the hour of menstruation, it is not recommended to engage in heavy work, it’s bad to appear on health. And from divination for months it is not fenced for prikmetami that is not contraindicated from the side of medicine.

On the video from the channel "Catch the breath!" rozpovidaєtsya chi can be vіdvіduvat tsvintar pіd hour of menstruation.

Vorozhinnya for an hour doby

Pіdbag perebachennya to lie down in the hour of finishing, on the yak crouching the cob of menstruation:

  1. Vranci. Monthly lies have come - a good sign. Wins are stronger mutually. Neobov'yazkovo from a man. Tse mozhe be friendly kokhannya or warm stosunki with relatives.
  2. In a day. The ear of the day - every hour from noon until the evening, about the celebration of mood and joy.
  3. Evening. In the evening and at night, the ear of the month is unfriendly, prophesying a tightness and unacceptability for the next month.

By the day of the week

The second most popular way to tell fortunes by month is to read the day of the month, when menstruation has begun, and transfer according to the tables.

tizhnya dayValue
MondayThe next thing to clear up is that wailing. At the same time, praise can be accepted, for example, preparation before the wedding for another important occasion
TuesdayNew acquaintances or acquaintances with old friends. Significant sign for new beginnings and implementation of creative ideas
WednesdayVvazhaetsya unfriendly day on the cob of menstruation. Transmission of non-acceptable non-acceptable materials until the end of the flow cycle
ThursdayDay obіtsyaє go to the banquet or reception of guests. Let's keep it safe, zustrich can bring negative emotions.
FridayMost pleasant day. Forward a month of new surprises. Obіtsyaє otrimannya priemnyh and nespodіvanih news
SaturdayIt is also an auspicious day for the cob of menstruation. A lot of plans can succumb to life. Can be seen in a young person. On Saturday, varto make a bazhannya
weekTalk about the present of a cheerful and non-turbo period. Pleasant hour for solving problems of a special nature

Tlumachennya for the numbers of the month

It is possible to know the future days by the date of the beginning of the critical days.

The value of the arrival of monthly for the numbers:

  • 1 - there was smuga in front, garniy mood for the whole cycle was safe;
  • 2 - rozcharuvannya in a specific person or її vchinkah;
  • 3 - welding, conflict situations on robots;
  • 4 - vikonannya bazhan, lack of joy;
  • 5 - a gift or a surprise from a kohanoi people;
  • 6 - varto encirclement with unfamiliar people, possible wood tiles;
  • 7 - the number of obіtsyaє zustrіch with love of the whole life;
  • 8 - by stretching the cycle you are tormented by a feeling of jealousy;
  • 9 - an important period, unkind people try to confuse your plans;
  • 10 - a pleasant period for kohannya and zakohannosti;
  • 11 - your jealousy or the jealousy of a partner who is not primed, not to be welded through a bondage;
  • 12 - swidkoplinna zakohanist is possible, try not to waste your head;
  • 13 - not even a harmonious period, possibly difficult;
  • 14 - lead from afar, receive and miss;
  • 15 - raptov unacceptable news from a friend or a young person;
  • 16 - not varto superficially chomping with roses and tiles, which can lead to a scandal;
  • 17 - testing of vents on the metal, welding or separation with cohanim is possible;
  • 18 - special life guards with new farbs;
  • 19 - a man will appear in life, the blues will be prejudiced, but not good;
  • 20 - undivided kokhannya;
  • 21 - beware of deceit, it is a threat for the sake of stealing;
  • 22 - next to assess the financial pidyoma;
  • 23 - there will be podії, zdatnі build you happy;
  • 24 - the number of transfers of non-arranged visits of guests;
  • 25 - acquaintance with a cicada person, possibly an intimate stounka;
  • 26 - you will know a true and intelligent friend;
  • 27 - vikonannya zapovitnyh bazhany next hour;
  • 28 - a pleasant date for any kind of repair;
  • 29 - Folding period
  • 30 - trivalі vіdnosini with a young man;
  • 31 - positive changes in life, possibly more expensive and useful things.
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