3 month day dream book. Third month day. I'm healthy and eating

Energy of the day: active day

lucky number 3 monthly day: 3; Element of the day: Wood.

Happy color of the 3rd day of the month: yellow, gold, burshtinovy, lemon, saffron and ocher.

Meditations: Zbroya.

Stones: jaspilite, ruby, pyrite, aventurine.

Part of the body: potilice.

Happy day of 3 month day: middle.

Happy directing 3 months of debt:Схід.

The form of 3 monthly deb is more important: vertically twisted rectangle.

Symbol 3 month day: Leopard; Leopard in front of a haircut.

Key words: increased energy tone, protection, self-control, work alone.

Guardian angel of 3-month-old dib: Sargo - Procurator. Lord. Vladik of the pivden sky. Know the haircut. Vіn keruє on the third Monthly day and with a restful thought. The one who knows under yoga krill can borrow best place in earthly life. Whose angel stands for the health of earthly women, and in the first line of wine is like those who lean in yoga baptisms. Vіn reward її aristocratic manners, give tsіnі favour, how to get the necessary people, make the right knowledge and power the necessary connections.

Main powers of the day

On the third day of the month, a month ahead, in the sky, you can see the crescent of the young Moon. In the esoteric plan, this appearance symbolizes the departure of the names of everything that previously looked in the middle. When the moment has come, if everything that was planned and rozpochata in the early days of the monthly month, you will begin to "grow up" - get into shape and grow up in the hour of that space.

3rd day of the month - Among the main authorities of this month's day, one can name assertiveness, mitz, a surge of energy, and bring on a single aggressiveness. I’ll look at the power industry, it’s a hard day, and that’s why it’s not safe.
The energy of 3 months is similar to atomic energy. But it seems that atomic energy can be conquered both for good and for harm. For the very reason, it is important to straighten your aspirations from the creative channel, for example, towards creativity.

Get rid of negative emotions!

During this period, do your best to display unique manifestations of special aggression, prematurity, cockiness, uncompromisingness and aggression. It’s better not to allow a promoted distrust. It's quite impressive, that you kindly thought of bringing positive results every year.

At the same time, you are charged with energy, and to that, be it your child may have a vibuho-unsafe character. Do not think on the 3rd month of the day to bazhat someone of evil: your negative emotional impulse will be obov'yazkovo transmissions. Ale wine to do not accept not only to the one to whom you have indulged evil, ale in the first line to you.

Remember that you feel hatred without intermediary action on the liver's work. Moreover, if you recognize negative emotions, the stench will be reinforced and in a spate of times the energy of the Month will be strengthened. In this way, your powerful organism takes away even more strained stress, which is not directly affected by your Health. And you will have to reap the fruit of this stress for a stretch of the last month of the month. The axis of which astrologers boldly recommend for this month's day is to save kindness, tolerance and peacefulness.

What can help you keep up with energy flows?

During this period, there are also intense psychological and physical challenges. At the 3rd month of the month, the work will be done again. You can dopіzna zasidzhuvatisya for vyrіshennyam be-yakoy problems that pіde you to reproach.
It’s been a long time since the dawn and the last period: you’ve got a lot of money for building, and you’ve got a lot to blame for that. You have enough strength at once to take on the best task. If you don’t want to give in, її virishiti, you accept it from a dead center. Golovne - do not fight hardships!

As if the problem is practically unknown, subdivide it into small parts. Let them pretend to be small "problems" that you can play the hell out of. And then you change over to the fact that the primary problem, which seemed to be incoherent, when the monthly day went out: "Forward, forward and just forward!" it will be sung: Month will help you and support you in whatever initiatives!

Passiveness and idleness in this period are categorically contraindicated

The stinks lead to the ruin of the body. Like the power of that energy that Lupa gives you, they don’t wink for confessions, the stench all the same whispers like a wind, and that wind can turn against you. The axis of why on the 3rd day of the month it is not possible to allow daily nights. Diet, diet, and again, diet! If, let’s say, you don’t have anything to do, then think of something to the right, if you want it to be simpler: go to the store (like your fridge full of food) or just take a walk - it’s too bad. Golovna, if you want to take it for yourself, otherwise you can become unacceptable.

If you do not direct the flow of energy into need a channel, vіn himself is more likely to be scolded by you, but here the results may not be transferable.

The third day of the month is more pleasant for everyday life

Remember, you planned the first month, and laid the foundation for the next? Now the time has come to start an active day. Boldly roar at the expanse of that hour of your thoughts: the moment has come for the world to enter into action. Tibetans, before speaking, are aware that this month's day is ideal for starting a well.

On the road

You can get better at a higher price or reconditioning. And the farther away you get better, there will be a trip farther away, so that the energy of the Moon can realize itself in the whole world.

This hour has a particularly active rozumovy process. An original idea can save you a thought, as if it were a non-standard solution, in a word, you will be touched. Tsіkavo, why not on the 3rd month of the month, the legendary wiguk of Archimedes sounded: "Eurika!"?

If you want to know the very non-standard solution to the problem, it is important not to spread through rubbish. Concentrate on one, the most important task, direct all your mental energy to one goal.

The 3rd month day is an unfavorable hour for sumniv, headless roses, fears and rosy nights. All these manifestations dull the energy, create a block, which you will honor for the whole month. As a crossroads for the natural passage of mental energy, constant headaches can begin, which will inevitably lead to a rozum process.

While the first two days of psychological recommendations led to the cultivation of positive emotions and light spiritual outbursts, then on the 3rd day they actively fought against negative emotions and dark thoughts. Feel free to indulge in negativity, otherwise you will destroy your soul and body. At tsiomu, try to actively zapovnyuvati. Empty, scho hid positive emotions, positive life mood.

The period of dreams and plans is over. The hour has come to start active activities. How many days to build the most inert and most important on the pidyom of a person can show energy, direct it in the right direction. If you manage it unreasonably, then it will simply "z'ist" you. Passivity is threatening with great life failures. The objects of aggression, which are in the air, are those who are not able to defend themselves. Let's not be inspired by our own people these days not to be afraid of life. Forces to fight obov'yazkovo know.

Influx of social

Poor for people passive, weak. Aggression is on the rise. Fight day. Do not enter before Shlubu.

Inflow of butt


It’s rotten on the third day of the Month to spill the olive (it means that you licked, went out of your way).

Mystical infusion

The day of the practice of combat arts, the exact preparation of weapons, the deafening of war. Good start to work with metals. Maybe a banner.

Infusion medical

Injuries, ailments of the host, yak require negligent visits. Get sick unsafely.
Yakshcho є soreness in the area of ​​the potilice or vuh - necessary cleaning of brushes (1 packet of bay leaf per 1 liter of vivariti up to a volume of 0.5 bottles and take it as an internal zasib). To the parts of the body of the third day, they should add respect.

Having poured into the people all day long

People are active people, warriors, strategists. Often there is a magical or sporting potential.

Injection at conception

Good for the conception of a warrior or a hooligan. Passion, that activity, will always lead a human being, conceived of this day.

Business sphere: 3 month day

The third month of good is even more productive for those who are engaged in business. At the same time, it’s better to work like a “breakthrough” come in at your right, go to new frontiers, you can go to the singing sensei to go to the risk, but be careful.

The business plan has a 3-month-old day to be filled with active activities, because in this period pennies come less to those who "conquer", who is not just a dream about material wealth, but you can work hard to achieve your dream.

Friendship and fun: 3 month day

Love to lay down in the third month the debt of only those who wish that your family life was full of benefits, regular trips, more expensive ones, unforgiving surprises (it’s true, don’t be positive) and so on. That is the third day of the month - the day of laying down the friendship is quiet, who can tell us active image life, and not properly languish in old age in a booth for people of a frail age.

Tim, who dream about peace, peace family life I tsey period more often utrimatisya vіd vesіllya.

It’s also better to spend the whole day in an undivided fun, for example, on the water, high in the mountains and so on. In a word, the third month of doba is the hour of extreme sports.

Health: 3 month day

The most important for a healthy month to achieve will be active physical rights, walking, swimming in kayaks, running at marathon distances. Golovna - more diy. Zreshtoy, life - є ruh, and it’s not for him to do harm to himself.

The physical challenge in the third month will be good for you, which can give you the name of the energy. The essence of good energy practices is not so much about accumulating more energy, but about “pumping” it through yourself. The more energy passes through a person, the healthier one becomes, more in which time the energy accumulates and "washes" the skin cells of the body, after which Health becomes not a period of sickness, but the norm of life, with any kind of practicality.

In the third month, energy that is not victorious can boost health, shards that do not know the exit to the periphery will be straightened out on itself, to destroy the body.

The same one, who ignores the cause and replace the active ones to go to bed, and then sleep through the whole period, may not be able to show for himself that, having thrown himself, we become aware of himself, we beat him with clubs all the time.

It’s not worth talking about those that the energy simply didn’t go through the crisis of energy channels and didn’t bathe them with its jubilant nectar, but instead, it didn’t "swamp" in a new one, calling out a lot of stagnant manifestations, like in the blood, so in the grass tract. Therefore, be careful, more often than one day walk a hundred meters on walks in the forest, then lower a kilometer along the medical corridors. Vibir is always overwhelmed by the people.

The third day of the month, as a period of active action, bandages with the organ that is responsible for coordinating our actions - the cerebellum, ruffled at the pelvic part of the head. If your body is slagging, then on the third month of the month, you can look at the utility bill. As such phenomena are guarded, it is necessary to take care of removing slags from the body, especially during periods when monthly energies are more active.

This is a good period for taking part in magic, because the energy capacity of people is already high.

The rich magic traditions have a day of war, which is even more eager to be busy with combat mysteries, to allow more effective use of one's strength.

Bazhano go to the sauna and take a steam bath. It is recommended to work with the energy of the biofield.

Sex and erotica: 3 month day

Sex in this period can be active and original. It’s better to take care of him here in an unfamiliar situation, for example, in a fox, on the water, in the mountains, in a plane, in a car, in the steppe. Tse add to your love vіdnosinam new angle and urinating erotic feeling.

Sex in this period can be in a singing sensation aggressive, for example, let's play the role of taking a woman's wine. In a word, sex in the third month of the month can have more extremeness, activity, expansiveness, raucousness, inconsistency, fantasy, diversity and non-violence.

Dreaming: 3 month day

Imagine a dream in the third month of the month to show how much we can correctly give energy to the Cosmos, so that how much we adequately support our energy potential, which world we actualize that potential, which we have laid on the back.

Dreaming in Tsi Pereoda Pidkazuyuta Lyuni, de knows the yogo "Enertitical" breakdowns, the post -ladies "Tekti" і derazchishchiti potatzial, Shchobo to see the situation, I pilled, nasye -eenertitic rhijeen, non -naughty for the appetite for the appetite.

Respectfully marvel at the dream of this month's wealth, the stench can even show exactly how you see the task that is standing in front of you, and tidy up the path to the month's energy.

Mustache Dreaming of the third month of the month, make it necessary to gloom more than looking at the flow of energy.

Esoteric: 3 month day

From the point of view of esotericism, in the third month of dobu, passivity, indolence and idleness can get from the expanse of the whole world low astral entities, which are called in some mystical traditions in one word - "pіdselentsі".

All the Chaklunian traditions in all the earth's backcountry knew about it, and the only, most important way to fight them was always only one - active and healthy image life, for whom a great amount of energy passes through a person, who "snakes" his straining fines of "pidselentsiv"

Those "black" dirks in the energy field of people, like stinks, they get robbed, for the constant energy practice they are "patched up". That is why it is so important to show maximum activity in the third month of the month - this marvelous preventive measure against similar astral entities.

The third month of the month is ideal for the preparation of ritual armor.

In other mystical schools, the third month of the month is celebrated as the day of combat magic. At the same time, rituals and ceremonies were often performed, connected with the magical mysticism of the military, or they started magical magic.

Monthly ritual for 3 months of doba

Practice of the day: astral cleansing (from negative emotions)

As you have seen, you are under the control of negative emotions fear, anxiety, anger, zadroshchiv, greed, image, pride, thinly. , then I will be vigilant about her emotions from the cob to the end.

  • Be aware that spasms in the throat, chest, intestines are blamed in the body, or heat or pulsation.
  • Keeping an eye on emotions, you go out of your power, and you will fall apart and know.

Stifling emotions, corralling them in the middle of oneself, experiencing them alone leads to the destruction of the physical body. Fear of ruin, anger - the liver, greed and zeal to destroy the heart and spleen.

Symbols of the day: a leopard that is getting ready for a haircut; leopard

Stones of the day: rubin, pyrite, aventurine

Description of the day

According to the occult tradition, the third day of the month is the day of Cain. If the first one was engaged in planning, the other one was working the first steps, then the third one can already proceed to active activities. І is not just possible - it is necessary! The third month of the day is literally re-energizing. Today, її to get it right. If you don’t rob you, if you take it for yourself with renewed self-giving, then you take away the result. Ale only not varto for nothing stained with valuable strength. Work on those that are truly important to you.

For the duration of the 3rd month of the day, remember that this first half of the month is not hostile. At the same time, there may be different inaccuracies, mainly due to splintering. People show aggressive mood, which leads to possible conflicts. If you allow negative emotions to flare up, stench can set the mood for the whole day, which is overflowing. If you want to stream the negative, then another half of the month's day will bring more daily fruit. It's an hour, if you have a high practice, the buildings are vipadkovo necessary people, make a close acquaintance As in the whole period, you can chant, you can not wait once, but think about the proposition. Possibly, it’s more visible.

On this month's day, you remember how those that you started or planned, step by step, outlined. As if a thought did not give you peace, today it can take shape. You have seen it for a long time, if the fruits of your zusils appear, you can please you all day long.

Haircut all day

Today is a pleasant day for a haircut. Haircut on the same day to increase the tide of material wealth, month, to growth, to ensure garne rostannya hairy. Hair is recommended to use natural barvniks. The energy of nature will improve your self-confidence, increase your practicality. Today is an active day, an hour for new ideas, hostility. To boost your internal energy, calculate your hair styles once, how many years you will. Tse help you to focus on the current tasks and not waste energy.

Today's gardening

On the 3rd day of the month, you can see a strong influx to the Earth of the gravity of the Moon, which will bring an increase in the tide of water from the roots to the upper parts of the growth. To this day, it is recommended to water the plants more often and lightly. All vologda and life of speech rises at the top, leaves, flowers or fruits, singling them and adhering to the growth of new growth.

Oskilki the 3rd month day is even stronger, then it promises a difference of insecurity. Tse us before the threat of nevmіlogo vikoristannya energy. If you do it right, you will turn the energies of the day into misery. And if you have mercy, you will bring more rubbish from yourself. Zreshtoy, tsey vpiv to get stuck and especially you. Therefore, try to gain strength from peaceful purposes. Avoid aggression - and not only in the first half of the day - do not allow mistrust, pessimism, cynicism.

Protect that on this month's day we are singing peace with a majestic charge of energy. And everything that would not hurt us, would be like a yoga vibe. Zhodna diya chi the word today does not become neutral, all mothers of the following: do well - good results, and not good - obviously.

Don't harm anyone, and don't do anything else to hurt someone else. You have tse viide, but you can redirect the negative charge from your bank, and the fee will appear over that high. And do you know why? To that negative emotions, and we feel a little hatred for that bazhannya avenge, tied to the liver's work. If we have dark thoughts, we are attracted by the strong energy of the Month, the body appears under the blow of majestic power. The rest of the flooring is strong, to shake the body of suffering for a stretch of the whole month, which is overwhelmed.

If you don’t have any important events planned for today, all the same you need to know the strength to escape the energy stagnation (it’s even more shaky!). For example, go in for sports and give yourself a physical challenge. If you want to do fitness, spend more than an hour at the gym, call it down. You can take care of household chores, yakі vymagayut zusil: general tidying up, great pranks, etc.

Features of the day

If you have been given strength, then not to beat it is a sin. Adzhe energy shudders out that zastosuvannya, and if you don’t know, then turn against your ruler. It’s obov’yazkovo to take care of it as a worker on the right. Well, even if you are clayed by a robot, you will work harder, її yaknaishvidshe, you can dedicate more to yourself right now, with minimal interruptions to sleep that dream.

Like you have a lot of right and you don’t know how to take up, take on the best.

If you don’t complete yoga in one fell swoop, then you want to change it in this frozen situation. Boldly take on important tasks, do not succumb to difficulties. Aje Skoda miss the opportunity: today you can get so rich!

How many days to recommend virusha at a long distance and long trips: at that moment, the strength of the Month can be shown to the maximum. Vtіm, and the energy of our thoughts will show itself even more strongly - not only more expensive, but rather, what it is. The very best of the year can see that enlightenment, the mind of the whole day is more hospitable and clear.

At the 3rd day of the month, there is a mark. Like this year, you poured out olive oil - it means that you have beaten your way. It is necessary to find a new road for the development of your plans.

Dreams that you dreamed on the 3rd day of the month are rarely seen, but they can become a kind of reversal of your strength.

Sleep at the 3rd month day

Tim is not less, the stench may be important on its own, and you can be dreams - tellers, as if they will tell you that you yourself need to fix the hour of the cherry day, where you can straighten your energy. In dreams of the 3rd day of the month, your behavior is important; Be it the elements of struggle in dreams of this day, it means that your life will have significant changes, and even if you didn’t save your dreams, you became a helper, - it means that in real life you have to draw out inner strengths that energy, so that you can stand up with your mustache that problems.

Dream on the third day of the month to show how you grow your strength

The dream of the third day of the monthly month can revenge the opening of an important task. For example, if you can’t get away from that important dream, it means that you don’t have internal forces for the harmony playing out of the outer surroundings. First of all, it’s a good time to think about it, as you raise your life tone. Physically right, yoga, spiritual practices significantly help boost energy levels. As a result, the failure to solve the problem can be blamed on its own.

Symbol: leopard, leopard

Stones: pyrite, jaspilite, ruby, aventurine, carnelian

3 month day - hour of active activities. It is recommended to get up earlier, so as not to miss the whole day, and as much as possible to do your best. After the young man two days passed, and the sickle of the young moon first appeared in the heavens, to tell about those that the hour of children had come.

3 months to get more energy. This is the day of Mars, the day of the war. Energії is already enough, to take up a be-like robot. As in, they dreamed, in, they laid the foundation of the future podia, then the third day of the month is the day of the vision of the universe into reality. Those who were in the middle begin to let go, appear in the material plane. Sensitive people in front of them, and inspire a lot of aggressiveness. Tsei became similar to what in nature is called "the calm before the storm."

It is not safe for health to show inactivity at the 3-month-old day. If the energy is not realized, until the end of something - do it, you start the activity in the middle, destroying the body. The third day of the month is the day of freedom, risk, onslaught, courageous courageous days. Until this day, Goethe's phrase "Wanting is not enough, you need to work" is still coming.

3 months of prosperity can bring trouble for restless, passive, melancholy people. All the unrealized energy is viva- lented by the names of seemingly unreasonable weldings, likes, claims for an empty space, an image and dissatisfaction with all the nasty light. Ale nayruynіvnisha energy of the third day of the month - fear. Vіn easily ruins physical and mental health.

Mustaches for 3 months of the day carry a risk in their own elements, and you can only change them if you don’t have doubts about the correctness of what you are working on. Be it a thought, as if you carry innocence in yourself, you can destroy all those that you have done so long ago. The third day of the month, you carry in your mind a change in the best, but you can take a “ticket to life” maybe less than a free, purposeful person, like to marvel at the future with optimism.

At the 3rd month of your life, you can boldly go to the boss or another person, in view of the fact that your plans are in your life, you can open up your ideas, ask for sponsorship help. Success will come to the quiet, who is ready to unstoppable turns of the share.

The smut of the day of the third month of the month is to learn to lead with your strength, given by the nature of the skin of the people.

At the 3rd month of the day, you begin to remember, as if step by step those that you started or thought of, drawing outlines. As if a thought did not give you peace, today it can take shape. As you have seen for a long time, if the fruits of your zusils appear, then this day can please you. At the third month of the month, our mind will be delivered, especially clear and clear. You can see the light, vіdkrittya, it's easy to find a way to complete the set task.

The third day of the month is the day of high practicality; As in this period, you can preach, you can not wait a moment, but think about the proposition obligingly. It may appear even more visible.

Warto means that on the third day of the month, there is even more aggression, pretensions and accessibility. As it was written more, in such a way it is possible to prove the name of unrealized energy. Therefore, respectfully communicate with people and extinguish all manifestations of negativity, both in your own and in others. Unique splurge with annoying people, stench can drag you into a scandal. In the esoteric navchannyah, with a filthy sign, pour the oil into the third month of good. Tse means that you went down the “slippery path”, burned down your “true path”. It's a pain in the ass to talk about those who didn't propagate their negative emotions and thoughts.

It’s even better on the 3rd month of the day to break in the distance more expensive and more expensive. The power of the Month will help you on the whole path.

The third day of the month is the day of activity and promotion of practice, that, being busy with physical culture, rozumova and physical practice of that day will be more ancient. Wonderful day to occupy the fighting arts and important physical rights. You can do yoga, karate and judo. Wushu and qigong practices will also be ancient. In addition, it’s better to do water procedures at 3 months, take a steam bath in the lazne. As it has already happened, that this day you especially have nothing to do, obligatorily think up something for yourself to do, go to the store, help the passengers. If so, you should be careful that the third day of the month is still aggressive. Be sure to get ready, so that you don’t “firewood”, but if you spend it in the “strum”, then the whole month you will be able to go evenly easily.

If there is not enough life energy in a person (pennies are forcibly earned, business is not possible, it is not possible to make money), then the 3rd month day is a miraculous hour for accumulating energy, as it gives mental and physical abilities. There are a lot of esoteric techniques dedicated to tsom, zocrema interplay with living nature. Get near the forests, die in the fresh air, scatter among the trees (for a long time people knew about the magical gigantic power of trees and bowed down to them), as there is no such possibility, then you will come out if you want to go to the city, otherwise, at the extreme fall, take a look at the city a ticket.

Let's take a closer look at the impact of 3 months of the day on our life.


At the 3rd month of the year, the varto will show good feelings and do not chop to the word. Tsgogo day often tyagne on z'yasuvannya stosunkіv. Try not to fight with your loved ones, and your kohan, inspire like a stench, on your thought, a thousand times on merit. Don't start a super-heater and welds, don't say bad words to anyone (and if you can, don't think badly). Women are especially valued. Your person can come with a robot and a little aggressive, exhaustion and your claims and throw it out to make the situation worse. Remember: scargs, huskies, discontented people can feel like someone else, but like a lady, you want caresses, tenderness and turbot. Otherwise, you can either stop being a kohana, or simply don’t become her.

do homework

At the 3rd day of the month, you can start the life of the house, it’s good to proceed to the life of the well and other round spores. As soon as you stand right in the middle of the booth, then in the third month you will get everything that is related to great adventures. The same day you can work all those, in view of which the first day of the month was moved.


The third day of the month is ideal for saying goodbye to the filthy stars. Throw a fire on the whole day, it will be easier, lower at the end of the days of the monthly month.

Ailments, which vanished in 3 months of dobu, manifest themselves sharply, can continue to be milked for a long time, but the symptoms are even more clear and ambiguous, and it is not important to make a diagnosis and indicate an effective cure. The ears, throat, sweating are especially sensitive. It is categorically contraindicated for the treatment of these organs. As if you are in pain at the vuhah and potilice, it is a signal to the body about those that the time has come to clean the brushes and the driftwood. The third day of the month is suitable for physical adventure, fighting arts (from similar martial arts to boxing). If possible, we will see a sauna for a couple today.


At the 3-month-old day, varto introduce projects into life. "Whoever doesn't dare - that one doesn't get champagne" - this phrase can be safely carried up to 3 months. Ale, do not praise the decision under the infusion of fear. Like business partners, they seem to you: “this year, nothing”, don’t hurry, faint. You will win with greater ymovirnistyu, so you will say that you are ready to look at the proposition and sign the paper tomorrow.

It is necessary for robots to show boldness and arrogance, otherwise you risk accumulating inaccuracies on your head. The third day of the month is literally overflowing with energy, and on the right, you can see the best buildings on the right. The problem is less for the fact that other people have such a warlike mood. Nobody can let us take positions and go to actions. For many days the boss, clients, partners will not be good.

The completion of financial nutrition on the third day of the month is better. Today you can spend a penny, so be careful.

The third day of the month will pass under the influx of warrior Mars, and the hour of this year's nebazhan is passively spent. The more active the day, the better. Tsієї dobi Mіsyats endow people with a special, strong energy. If you don’t watch it at the same time, then you can get into a pathology like a lack of illness, a cold of migraine.

Features of 3 month days:

  • High activity and practice
  • Lucky number, which can bring success - 3 (three)
  • Pleasant color of the third monthly doby - zhovty
  • Sensitive parts of the body - potilice
  • Forced energy charge max expensive stone- Pirite and rubin
  • In the period of the third month, dobi varto engage in internal analysis and setting priorities.
  • The leopard and the leopard are the symbols of the third monthly doby, as they were prepared before the haircut

Mars helps people to prepare the soil for the entire month. Particularly lucky today are those who were born under the intercession of the warrior planet, for example .

On the 3rd day of the month, you can realize your original ideas and fantasies, start implementing long-range plans in life, and stink about success. In addition, Mars will want a risk, but it is not the fault of the imprudent. In especially aggressive natures, abo you can watch out for hyperactivity.

Take care of your peace and keep it in your hands!

Do not varto poddavatisya znevirі or stray into uncommon welding and battles. You won’t lead to anything good, but the unused energy is the best way to straighten the peaceful channel. The energy of the day is especially good for active people, today you can work much more, even less for other days of the monthly cycle. It is also possible to make new acquaintances, the shards of a lot of people become more familiar and comradely.

On the 3rd day of the month, you can create your own energy reserve for її per day of creation. It is possible to understand the obviousness of such energy deformations for a day of constant work, or for problems with її poshuk, with financial negativity, unstable emotional decay and so on. It is important to wisely dispose of the withdrawn energy, even if Mars does not love passive people!

On the 3rd month, beware of someone who is evil, or watch out for sharp negative emotions in relation to people. Power industry It’s impossible to see how evil you are indulging in a falsehood, but you yourself are suffering in exactly the same way. Negative emotions that you experience, have a negative effect on your health, stinks can cause sleeplessness, melancholy, or induce protracted depression.

Injecting M_syatsa into the career and the robot

The plan of robots and kar'єri has a third month of good luck, at once you can take on risky adventures! Ale "vlaziti" in them varto less in that vipadka, as a rizik will be in a right way to tell the truth. The third month is the best time for businessmen. І pochatkіvtsі, і dosvіdchenі pіdpriієmtsі can slander indiscretions kush, lay viable agreements and know new permanent clients. The more active this year the businessman, the more finances will come to the new in the gut.

The motto of the 3rd month of the day is "Think only about positive speech!"

Strichiti chi farbuvati hair on the third day of the month is not recommended by absolutely all astrologers. Hair, shaved tsієї doby, spend natural privablіvі. Moreover, there may be earlier unrecognized problems for a moment of fooling, falling hair and so on. So do not varto mity your head, rather transfer all water and cosmetic procedures to the next day.

The third month of doba is an hour for active and goal-directed people, so as not to be afraid of life's trials.

At this hour, the moon is beneficially pouring into important business activities and it is expensive. Weekly hour for business meetings and negotiations, as well as for an unforgettable entry in an exotic country.

Varto carefully control your thoughts - the stench of the building will be thrown into the future. Rational and rank pidhіd to the right to allow you to know how to get out of any situation. creative people for the third month of the month, to bring new ideas, to help them with their initiatives.

3 month day is the ideal hour for the celebration of important tasks. Varto is less likely to concentrate on them and the decision to know by itself. Do not varto unikati problems, even with such a rank you will not go into trouble. All the energy of the third month of the month is to be accepted by the search for the best paths for the adoption of difficult situations that have become worse. Virishennya impudent food in power that will help you achieve high results.

Do not miss a single second and the third month of the month, because the skin of them is truly priceless. Slid actively spend an hour, and not stained yoga on bags, linos and empty balakanina. Narazі nebhіdno to work as efficiently as possible that viklasti on all 100 vіdsotkіv.

A pleasant hour for busy fighting arts and for shooting at the shooting range.

The third day is to allow the realization of the most fantastic and extraordinary ideas and plans, which for a long time could not fit into life.

3-month-old day helps to protect against oil and other combustible materials. Spill the oil in a vipadkovo way - this is a sign that tells you about the possibility of crossing and barriers, yaki to hit the track.

People, who have a well-discovered intuition, witness that in the period they will come osyayannya like singing symbols. Shukati tsі taєmnichi signs can be practically de - in the dark, in the form of shadows, in non-standard behavior of lonely people.

Self-perceived and healthy

If you are healthy and good, then the third month of the month can be passed under the motto "ruh - tse life." The body will say thank you very much, as you will spend 3 months for active sports activities - big, bicycle, warm-up, active sports games charge you with energy and positive. This is a good day to participate in sportswear the one for gri u football.

What happens to the body at 3 months of mining? At this hour, the energy of the taemnichego Mіsyatsya begins to renovate the human body. You can say that it is good to penetrate into the skin tissue of your body, give strength and significantly increase immunity. Having remembered the health of this day, you can forget about the different illnesses for a long time. The current virus is not able to overthrow the long-conceived goals and plans!

If you will be on the 3rd month of the day low-strung and weak to depression, you can significantly improve your health. Energy always manifests itself in activity. If you can’t know where you are, then step by step your body will accumulate in the supra-world quantity. Tse bred to ruinous that negative diy, as if it would be expressed in a filthy self-feeling.

Intimate stosanki

The third month of goodness can bring in the intimate moments of dying, unforgetable, hostility and emotions. For diversity in this sphere, varto try a new position in a new place. For example, engage in kohannyam in nature. Nezvichayní vіdchuttya will help to inflame passion between friends and discover new thin intimate vіdnosin.

Sexologists and astrologers to please women in this period, take everything from your own hand - be masterful, invincible and a little aggressive. Tse may be worthy of your partner.

Do not varto hoover good feelings and be afraid to indulge in life's fantasies. The third month of the month is to allow the couple to suffocate, to be in equal harmony one with one and to be angry together.

Month is that dream

Sleep, as if dreaming during the third month of the month, they can direct you to the right path. Dreaming of calling to discover the attachments of human potential. Dreams allow you to understand, how much of the unrealized energy is going through the middle of you. Dreaming on the third day of the month to demonstrate how effective it is maximum grudge straighten the power energy resources in the right direction.

During this period, you can use more dream symbols, as they will speak about the weak side of your specialness. Varto obov'yazkovo zvernuti on tse respect and popratsyuvati over himself.

It is not necessary to ignore nothing during the period of the third monthly doby. It is more correct and clear interpretation to help you know how to get out of a rather complicated life situation. The very dream of the building should direct the person along this path, for whom the minimum number of shifts will sound.

Hair watcher: a haircut that farbuvannya

The third day of the month is considered to be friendly for looking after the hair. A haircut during the period can bring a lot of positive emotions, and you can get wealthy. The month is in a growing phase, which flows into shvidky rist hairy.

The mystics are stupefying that in the third month of the month, the furring of the hair is sprinkled with the slipping of kar'erny gatherings.

Unity from the present light and the need for a positive energy charge will give you a cleansing, as close as possible to natural. Vlasnytsya long hair you can try them out just let them go. Varto change your image in order to try out new positive emotions and improve your mood.

The article 3 month day (characteristic) was prepared specially for the site Belshasar (http: // site) - magic, horoscopes, mysticism, Month of the year

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