Be careful: there are a few unsafe days for the month calendar. Be careful: in the linden there is a sprinkling of unsafe days behind the monthly calendar The month that grows in the linden

Called growing (young) Moon.

Growing M_syats (young M_syats) and yoga infusion

Month, in growth, showing the way, accepting, future, creating, accumulating energy, crossing the earth, accepting water, accumulating strength, positively pouring into everything that you can save, and helping to help.

M_syats, scho growth (young M_syats) - healthy

On the young Mіsyats priyatlivі all come that procedures of renewal and zmіtsnennya organіv і parts of the body, .

Everything that you want to introduce into the body, that will imitate yoga and be, everything is still effectively stretching these two types.

Nedoliki easier to sleep with M_syatsi, scho growth, lower with recession, especially at the right time to fill up a lack of mineral resources and vitamins. It is better to take the preparation of magnesium, calcium, salt more quickly.

With a young Moon, the body accumulates energy, gains strength, and it’s not enough to spend it at the right time, so that you can bring an insignificant ambition to the point of exhaustion. At the same time, the immune system is weaker, it is more important to tolerate minor ailments, it is easier to bleed more and burn harder. With the increase of the sickle M_syatsya, the success of the successful result of any operation will change, the wound will begin to heal more. Get rid of a lot of scars. The nearer the day of the new month is, the stronger this infusion.

With Mіsyatsi, scho growth, in the body and, zocrema, in the legs accumulate more radin, it is important to administer sechoginine preparations. Be-yake poisoning in the bite of the axis until the poisoning of mushrooms seems to be even stronger. Ale and likuvalni ointment the body is applied for the young Mіsyatsya richly better.

With Mіsyatsі, scho growth, the organism is motivated to acquire the maximum amount of food and yakomoga more in reserve. When you have the same sounds in hedgehogs, we more often feel heavy in the slunk, and it’s easier to add to the vase, .

That needs to be surrounded by a meal, if you don’t want to be stroked.

M_syats, scho growth (young M_syats) - beauty, haircut hair

With Mіsyatsi, scho growth, the body is acclimatized to the exalted energy, to the selection and saving of everything that is in the new. Shkira more easily accepts everything that you need to live, that you supply your necessary speeches, that you live and heal creams and masks. Shear hair for a month, as tall as it is friendly, hair, trimmed at the same time, growing fast. Especially i, but skip next.

Growing month calendar for 2020 to avenge information about giving an hour to the cob and the end of the growth Month.

The moon that grows (young Mіsyats) in the signs of the zodiac

Month, scho growth, in Aries

This is the hour of the zayvih emotional stresses, the occasional change. Listen more to a healthy mind and save your nerves.

Growing Moon at Taurus

The motto of this period is "practicality". You can deal with success, be it on the right, de needing diligence and patience - in cleaning the apartment before buying zamіskogo booth. Revising financial status otherwise the inventory is easier and more fun, lower the sound.

Month, scho growth, in Bliznyuki

Pleasant hour for short trips, sightseeing. Take away the strongest hostility, respect the richly ticked, show new ideas.

Growing Moon at Raku

During the period of the growing month in Cancer, you will especially urgently need the help of other people. Encouraging new ideas is necessary, prote all the stench of a resolute look.

Growing Moon at Levi

Likewise, you love koshtovnosti, give respect to these expensive fritters. Walk around the salons, antique shops. At the same time, aesthetic damage is seen as an embellishment, and the creation of works of art is wrapped in new ideas.

Growing Moon at Divi

It's a tedious hour, you can see empty in the head of that soul. In the skin of us, navit the most important people, there is a vulnerable soul, weak to other human weaknesses, and the young Month of the Virgin is once again guessing about it.

Month, scho growth, at Teresa

In these days, it is pragmatic to separate business and special. When the time has come to get to know each other, it is simply necessary for him to express his emotions and begin his analysis.

Growing Moon at Scorpio

Tse period of special experiences. Deal with problems that require emotional drive

Month, scho growth in Striltsi

For a long time you have been climbing out of the cordon, but you haven’t gone yet, the time has come to do everything right for the sake of the price. Young Moon at the Striltsa - a garniy hour for a day of coryne reception.

Month, scho growth, in Capricorn

At the same time, there is clearly a surge of business activity. Golovna was able to dispose of the resources bestowed on you - the proposition of a good promotion in the settlement, a salary increase, good luck, good luck. The situation can become dramatic, but you are not prepared for it.

Month, scho growth, near Aquarius

Think about goodness. You need to share with your neighbors, moreover, emotional contact with a person or a team is needed, as required, and not just a transfer of money.

Month, scho growth in Riba

It’s the best at once, chains with the robot’s head and don’t think about self-feeling. So, how to take faces in the whole period, it’s even hard to get away.

Fazi Mіsyatsya at linden 2018 roku

  • Young moon at the lime 2018 rock- June 13, 2018 year of 05 47 minutes 56 seconds.
  • New month at linden 2018- June 27, 2018 year of 23 years 20 minutes 34 seconds.
  • First Thursday at Lipnya 2018- June 19, 2018 year about 22 years 52 hvilin 25 seconds.
  • The rest of the quarter at Lipnya 2018- June 06, 2018 year of the 10th anniversary 50 minutes 50 seconds.
  • Month of growth in lime 2018- from 14 to 26 lime 2018.
  • Changes of the month at the linden 2018- from 1 to 12 limes and from 28 to 31 limes of 2018.
  • Month at its apogee: 27 pm about 05:45.
  • Month at perigee: 13 lipnya about 08:30.
  • Sonyachne blackout in linden 2018 rock: June 13, 2018, the year 06, 02 winter.
  • Monthly blackout in linden 2018: June 27, 2018 on the 23rd anniversary of the 22nd anniversary.

Detailed monthly calendar for lime 2018

1 lime 2018 rock, 18-19 month day, falling Moon near Aquarius. Today, cherish your mind, not your feelings. Don’t make a new start, do it better, bring it to a better understanding, on the whole day, just like that, it’s not possible to make a good decision, you can’t do it, it’s better to fix it.

2 lipnya 2018 rock, 19-20 month day, falling month near Aquarius. How can you seriously put yourself up to everything navkolishnogo. In view of your decisions, we lie not only in the light of life, but in the life of rich people that will make you feel lost. If you are not convinced in your own strength, it is better to transfer your decision to another day.

3 lime 2018 rock, 20-21 month day, when the month falls at Ribah. This is a wonderful day, to grow up in yourself and fit into the rhythm of life. You can understand what the right numbers are in front of you and how far you go. Pragnіt zdіysnennya bazhan i mrіy.

4 lime 2018 rock, 21st day of the month when the month falls at Ribah. Today will be a day, there will be plenty of receiving pods. This is the hour for renewal, there you will acquire a wealth of new things for yourself, necessary things, which you will bring not a small income into the future. So this year we will go to the market far away, you will buy your own fashion rich for a penny.

5 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 21-22 month day, when the month falls in Aries. The hour is far away, to bring everything to a divine sight: soul, dіm, do it. Develop a plan, which you will clearly understand and consequently you will come to the intended goal, without exercising your strength on ill-conceived and inappropriate actions.

6 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 22-23 month day, when the month falls in Aries. Go crazy and you will succeed at the new gallery. Bring you knowledge, success and wealth, you will be able to work only for yourself, and not for the evil uncle. Today you see everything planned, do not hesitate to go to a new life.

7 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 23-24 month day, when the month falls in Aries. This day will be full of good-natured people in your beak, take help - does not mean being weak. Do not hurry up with solutions, so as not to run into one more inaccuracy. The very same day, if you need to see it once and only once to see it.

8 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 24-25 month day, when the month falls at Taurus. Obov'yazkovo call us your decision. Today is the very same day, if it is necessary "to see it once, to die alone". Do not varto engage in business, but a wonderful hour for walks near new places.

9 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 25-26 month day, when the month falls at Taurus. The dynamism of stressful situations is great all day long. Try to get out of the humbled state, so that you become a victim of the furnishing. Take care of your beloved right this year and don’t give respect to those who are close, it’s possible, so you can get lost in unacceptable stories.

10 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 26-27 month day, which falls off Month at the Bliznyuks. Today is a wonderful day. You can work, be it, everything is for the good. If you want, change the job, you can live somewhere with friends, or you can just take an hour to think about the sensation of life. Today, all doors are made for you.

11 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 27-28 month day, when the month falls at the Bliznyuks. Today you want to make your life ugly and rush to all hards, do not take hasty decisions, call all for and against. For the sake of it, in order to destroy everything that has gone so far, listen only to your intuition and the day will end with the best rank.

12 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 28-29 month day, when the month falls at Raku. The hour has come to get scared and to be careful, to have a chance to improve a little, but the result of that is good. Report all the susils, the powers that be to you indulgence and seriousness and the share of wine to make you proud.

13 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 29, 30-1 month day, Sonyachne blackout, a youngster at Raku. Good luck to follow you on your heels, to make dreams and plan, to start your life, today everything will help you to improve your life. You can easily know a better job or move to the best place to live. A friendly hour will greet the shkidlivih call to the brownness of the brown ones.

14 Lipnya 2018 rock, 1-2 month day, when Levi's month grows. If you will be more protective, you will not be threatened with inaccuracies. Give more respect to the soldiers, like a robot, and in a special life. Possibly more welding with comrades in the service and relatives, control your fight.

15 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 2-3 month day, the growth of Month at Levi. Dedicate a day to bonding with nature: go for mushrooms or berries, have a picnic near the park or sunbathe on the beach. Miraculous weather and radiant mood of the day will help to realize the plan. And let the whole world check, you see.

16 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 3-4 month day, when the growth of Month in the Virgin. This day, like no other, adventitious for the purification of one's auri, miraculous decisions become the introduction of yoga. But don’t start new projects, do it, throw all your strength into a strong work on the idea that is happening at the moment.

17 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 4-5 month day, growing month at Divi. All day long, we must demand your help and encouragement, rather do not encourage, you can help, you can only help. You should spend the whole day like this, do not fall into the vіdchay, it’s more likely to earn less than enemies and all your life will turn around so that you don’t take it off your back.

18 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 5-6 month day, the growth of the month at Teresa. This is the best day for ordering the inner world and enriching the emotional body. Dedicate the evening to friendly gatherings, you are checked for less fun and more joyful moments. Possibly, most of the day you can speak out and ease your soul.

19 Lipnya 2018 rock, 6-7 month day, the growth of the month at Teresa. The whole day of making friends and receiving acquaintances, open your heart and don’t remember yourself, how you can start to feel like friends, like they don’t do good. As long as possible zustrich z too many kohanimi, yak chvilyuє masu priemnykh spogadіv.

20 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 7-8 month day, the growth of the month in Scorpio. Today you are welcome, good luck to go for everything, Crimea you. Really, in this case, there is a piece of truth, but you can know how to get out of any situation and beat everything with the best rank for yourself. Do not be afraid of friendship, it is important to know and save at once.

21 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 8-9 month day, the growth of the month in Scorpio. Do not give any respect to what, today, to consecrate a variety of special food. Be patient and seriously dim all the vchinki, a pleasant hour, to test the fidelity of your partner.

22 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 9-10 month day, after the growth of the month in Scorpio. Come on, the ideal hour for the repair of arrivals, to put in all the trouble and repair it. This day is miraculously suitable for relieving the sounds that you did not like, devote an hour to self-development and perfection.

23 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 10-11 month day, the growth of the month in Striltsi. Bik hisism has that idealization of everything, the hour has come to seriously assess the situation and listen to the joys of wise people. To transfer part of the obov'yazkіv to someone else, it's impossible to carry everything on your shoulders, that hour you learn to trust someone to yourself.

24 Lipnya 2018 rock, 11-12 month day, when the growth of the Moon near Striltsa. The day is impersonal right, with which you cannot physically get around, find your own additional energy resources. Do not worry about those who think about you, main task on this day - grasp everything.

25 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 12-13 month day, growing month in Capricorn. Stock up on patience, you are checking for a nameable amount and a productive day. Having made the right decision, to strengthen the faith in yourself and your self-confidence, feel free to walk on your occasion, which will bring you a little coriste.

26 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 13-14 month day, growing month in Capricorn. Be careful, avoid scandals and tiles of this day, risk spending the recognition of colleagues and friends. Today, practically all are striving, everyone is caught at the bagnet, so pick your words carefully.

27 Lipnya 2018 rock, 14-15 month day, monthly blackout, last month in Capricorn. Do not try to shave off your head, you can’t morally get the strength to overwork the Tizhnev robot in one day. Sacrifice yourself for the sake of work is clearly not a good idea, you can’t buy health for pennies, save yourself.

28 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 15-16 month day, falling month near Aquarius. This is not a day, but a right one, he is sleeping on survivability. Try not to go to the deeds of broken locks, do not start right, in some doubts, clearly follow the opposite course and be judicious.

29 Lipnya 2018 rock, 16-17 month day, falling Moon near Aquarius. Away hour come with allies on the robot, find the way to your colleagues and promotion is guaranteed to you. At this moment, there is such panuvatime harmony and calmness, today you can not boast about anything.

30 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 17-18 month day, when the month falls at Ribah. It's time to put your own non-standard thought, it will be properly appreciated, moreover, you can go ahead and turn on yourself quietly, who is no better for you. Today is a wonderful day for an expensive purchase, so give up on everything and buy a car, well, a pilosos.

31 Lipnya 2018 Roku, 18-19 month day, when the month falls at Ribah. Forget today about all the problems and unacceptability, dedicate yourself to creativity, inspire as you have no goodness, an important process. Tse dopomozhe rozlabitisa i vіdvolіktisya vіd metushni.


Young month and new month at Chernivtsi 2018 fate: if, from what date

It's no secret that the night light of the planet Earth is already pouring into the life of people. To that, as you know, if everything is pointed at the linden, then it is necessary to know how the companion will behave and if it will be again in the linden of 2018 rock.

Everyone knows that in ancient times people did not make a small calendar, everyone orientated themselves behind the camp of the night heavenly body. In addition, our ancestors spun the leather camp of the month with various natural phenomena and virishuvali that you can work at the singing days, and that you can’t. Irrespective of those who have already passed more than one thousand years, people made a lot of remarks, began to fly into space, people, however, were put up with deakim battles until Month. There is nothing marvelous here, even if it was shining, it’s true, maybe it’s a song pouring into nature and living organisms. The most respect needs to be given more, the shards won't have magic power.

Last month, lime 2018: It is necessary to make a guess at the right hour

It's no secret that making a bazhan, like and їх vikonanny, is not an easy thing. Here everything can come together: the hour, the place, and the main force. And yet, one of the most pleasant periods.

Otzhe, let's remind you of food - if the phase of the new month will be in the lime? In the phase of the new month, the night shone on the 27th lime about 23:21 after the Moscow hour. How many times did the last month pass by Aquarius.

Another month of summer will begin from the one that never shone continued to decline. On the first day, we will change the sign of Aquarius. Tsey process trivatime until early 5:50 - 07/13/18, after the Moscow hour. Then our companion will pass into his new phase, and himself into the Young Moon. It will be a 30-month day, and the light will be at the sign of Cancer. From 07/14/18 to 07/27/18 the satellite is increasing, and from 23:22 Moscow time - 07/27/18 the New Moon will come. At this stage, the companion will be at the sign of Capricorn. Starting from 07/28/18 and until the end of the month, the month will change again.

Last month, lime 2018: If you make a guess

It's no secret that it's a good time to guess the bajan. Tse same shortest hour for these purposes, to the fact that everything is filled with energy. As long as your plans are not directed towards the negative, then there is a chance that the stench will vanish.

At this hour, as astrologers affirm, Cosmos is open for vikonannya pobazhan. True, in order for you to send your senses, it is necessary to go to the All-World at the singing hour and precisely follow all the instructions to the ritual. It is necessary to pay attention to the hour. The most important moment for that, if two luminaries, night and day, are in the sky. The best moment is when Sontsya enters. So our star has not yet risen beyond the obriy, and the Moon has already appeared in the sky. Best of all, your bazhanya will be written on an arch paper and have a specific character, and not be a great list of other bazhan. You are guilty of strongly wanting what is written in Arkush and literally “mariti” your own dream. Farther it is necessary to show that your bazhannya is already a vikonan, and you took away all the benefits from the vlasny pozhannya. Tobto it is necessary to show that "birds of happiness" are already in your hands. It would be better if the moonlight fell on Arkush Papera for your prayers. Todі energy M_syatsa and your pragnennya mrії unite in one energy flow and your bazhannya mother a chance to vikonate.

If your favor is tied with a penny that surplus, then you can put a large bill of pennies with a piece of paper. It seems that it also helps to become wealthy and materially


Photo: Photo:

Having poured in the month to fall in phase, in which it is coming, and the most favorable period of the month is important, because of the growth, it encourages PIA VladNews to ask for information.

On Month, as astrologers vvazhayut, the best rozpochinat new projects. That and vzagali, all new beginnings on the Moon, as growth, most often ends well. So on M_syats, scho growth, kindly make new vіdnosini and acquaintances. At the same time, a person has replenished his energy reserve. In addition, the month of growth is an ideal period for starting a new business, negotiating, laying down new contracts, changing your image, and everything new. On M_syats, scho growth, it is also good to have a haircut, as it is necessary, so that the hair grew quickly.

The positive influx of the growing Moon is seen by the growths and the creatures. The most informed city dwellers and gardeners are trying to hang the growth for the month, as it grows. It is important that during this period the stench is energized by the positive energy of the Month.

The month of growth in linden 2017, the period of the growing month:
The month of growth will be in two periods in 2017:
- the first period of the growth of the Month rises from 1 lime to 8 lime inclusive, and the other from 24 lime to 31 lime inclusive.

The first period of the growing month in linden 2017:

1 and 2 linden growing Mіsyats perebuvatim in suzir'ї Tereziv.
On the 3rd and 4th of the growing Linden Moon, you will pass to the sign of Scorpio.
5, 6 and 7 linden growing Mіsyats perebuvatim in suzyr'ї Striltsya.
And on the 8th lime, the growing Moon is rebuffed by the sir of Capricorn.

Another period of growth of the month phase in linden 2017:

24th and 25th is a lime tree, at the same day the growing Moon is overwhelmed by Suzir Leva.
26 and 27 Linden Moon will be in the Suzir Divi.
On the 28th and 29th the growing linden of the Moon is again changed by Teresa, and on the 29th and 30th the growing linden of the Moon is changed into the Scorpio's sibling.

But remember the period of the Month, as growth can be unfavorable days. Tse z tim, at which suzir'ї perebuvaє Month. So, unfriendly days, according to astrologers, will be: 2, 3, 8, 11 limes, the period from 16 to 19 limes, 20 limes, 23 limes, 26 limes, 31 limes. In these days, there is a risk of aggressive behavior, a high level of conflict. There are also possible health problems, which may lead to injury

In the vastness of our indefatigable land, as early as 2020, the prote profession of sacred accountants - Day of the Russian accountant- So dosi is not officially confirmed on the federal level.

In the case of skin care in the Russian Federation, an accountant (or create a team of accountants), and ce in charge of one of the most important specialists in the organization, protecting the importance of their professional heads.

If there is an Accountant's Day in Russia in 2020:

The day in Russia is the only date of the celebration of the Day of the accountant is explained, just by sight, it’s easy to finish. The whole profession is holy for the year 2020 may be a decade of popular unofficial dates of holyday, and more є dates, as officially confirmed on the level of the day of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Obviously, among such a number of options, our legislators simply cannot choose which one is the best.

The protege of the sole official date of the holy day does not matter to Russian accountants the honor of their prof. holy, and also accept a well-deserved bath.

Below are the most popular dates, which mark Accountant's Day 2020 in Russia:

* April 5, 2020(the first week of the quarter) - Day of the Yaroslavl accountant(On the basis of the Decree of the Governor of the Yaroslavl region No. 109 dated March 18, 1996).

* April 21, 2020 - Day of the Chief Accountant. The anniversary date of the holy day took away such a name (the very name of the "head" accountant) to the one that was promoted by the magazine "Golovbukh", despite the fact that most Russian accountants still, by their will, designate their holy date on the "traditional" date (which we suggest lower).

* 10 leaf fall 2020 year - All-world (international) day of the accountant. In the lands of accountants, 10 leaf fall itself grows, because on the 1st of 1494, the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli (respected as the founder accounting style) having published the first draft book of accounting, one of the divisions of which is small with the title "About accounting and other records".

* 16 leaf fall 2020 roku - Day of the Moscow accountant. The date of the bula was propagated by the journal "Moscow Accountant" and є an additional number, until which the appointment of an accountant in Moscow is accepted.

* 21 leaf fall 2020 roku- most popular the date in which the day of the accountant is celebrated in Russia. On the same date in 1996, the main document was signed, which regulates the activities of accountants - the law "On Accounting Form" (the first version was introduced into the rank, and the deputy of the new one in 2011 was adopted by a new Federal Law with such a name). Until the 21st leaf fall, it is timed for the coristuvachiv-accountants from the side legal systems"Guarantor" and "Consultant Plus". And in the rich regions, the vlada vladovuє thematically come in, award the best accountants, organize the payment of premiums to the budget supporters. In 2020, roci 21 leaf fall falls on Saturday, weekend, and that is "collective" Christmas can be moved to the next day - 25 leaf fall 2020.

* 25th and 28th leaf fall 2020- one more opportunity for accountants to signify the profession sacredly, the days of official publication of the law "On Accounting Form", as deyakі collectives also rule the holy day. At the same time of 2020, the main date (21 leaf fall) falls on a weekend, you can celebrate Accountant's Day 2020 at work place at the second 25th leaf fall 2020.

* 27 leaf fall 2020 roku(Ostannya Friday leaf fall) - Accountant's Day 2020 in Tatarstan.

* 6th thursday 2020 roku(first week of breastfeeding) - Day of the accountant in the Krasnodar Territory. Svyatkuvannya is confirmed in the equal region with auditors and is officially called Day of the auditor and accountant of the Krasnodar Territory.

The exact and report monthly calendar of the astrologer in 2019 will help you to plan your affairs correctly, you can definitely set if the next month (date, date, exact hour) and the last month, as well as the report to recognize the future phase, the month a falling or growing month, a month-long day (or a monthly doba), if there are pleasant days or if there are unfriendly days in the lime.

Happy days for business and work for the fall of 2019

1 lime - fall, old month (low, flawed month)
. from 3 to 16 lime - Month, scho growth (new, young, growing, vishidny month) young new month
. from 18 to 31 lindens - spadna Misyats

Days in the period of a young, growing, new month are good, those are pleasant days away, you can start doing new things: on these days, you can easily make plans for the future hour, you need to make decisions, this is the best hour to start going on a diet, throw burn, lose weight, start fighting with filthy stars, etc.

Success and success in your special life in business will accompany you in pleasant days of growing (visual, new, growing, young) month. Growing month.

The first phase is the period of an hour, if half of the Moon is visible, which is illuminated by the Sun.

Another phase - if you can see the entire surface of the moon. Deyakі dosit often stray month, scho growth, z sleeping.

Yakscho M_syats similar to the letter "C" - it's definitely a fall month. Like a sickle of straightening in the next bik, tse Mіsyats, scho growth.

The first quarter is a very friendly hour on the cob of a new life. At such an hour it is the best to plan, to think over the ways of making plans. Іz practical zdіysnennyam conceived should not be hurried. At such an hour, a lot of people become quarrelsome. Sounds like instability of self-perception and destruction, and to increase activity and dissatisfaction with the lower camp, you can lead to weldings with loved ones.

Another quarter - activity increases and reaches the black peak until the full month. At the same time, the number of people can easily go into it. What are the most pleasant days for moving to new apartment, more expensive on the cob, change jobs

If there will be unfavorable days at the lime 2019 fate

All the days are unfriendly to stress, try to be respectful and protective! Do not varto in these unfavorable days, start doing something new, and in that moment, as you have been given the opportunity, for the sake of doing your part, do it on the days of the young month, for growth. Krіm tsgogo, in such days you have to take care of your health.

Monthly calendar for lime 2019 to the year, phase of the month

At the monthly calendar, the Moscow hour is indicated for lime. Check your time zone for the appointed time of the month to call you. Monthly month starts from the young, from the 1st phase, the first day of the month. Monthly day (monthly doba) begins on the same day of the month.

The reporting monthly calendar always requires the transit of the month at the sign of the zodiac, if the month enters the sign of the zodiac.

the date month day One hour right off the bat Zodiac sign Entry sign Phase of the month
1 28
02:44 Twins
2 29/1
Youth moon
3 2
4 3
a lion
5 4
a lion
6 5
7 6
8 7
9 8
10 9
11 10
15:22 Scorpio
12 11
13 12
14 13
15 14
16 15
17 16
Last month
18 17
Aquarius lowered
19 18
20 19
21 20
22 21
23 22
24 23 23:39
25 24 23:56
26 24 Taurus
27 25 00:15
28 26
29 27
30 28
31 29 03:06
a lion

Exact Moscow hour (date, number) - Phases of the month in linden

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