English phrasal words with UP drive. Phrasal words: how to bring up change the meaning of the word

Change your mind so that you correctly understand the meaning of the phrasal disword:

Do away with sb/sth- quit kimos / chimos
Do sb out of sth- fool someone
Do without sth- Get along without something
Do sth up- 1) zastibati (sya), 2) chepurity (sya)
Do up sth- repair, arrange
Do out- Wichistity, garnenko tidy up
Do with sth- 1) want, demand 2) mothers of marriage
Do sth over- Re-robiti, re-robiti

Ex.1 Images of phrasal verbs on the left side to the correct Definitions on the right side.

1. do away with A. manage without having sth, manage to live despite not having something

B. close or fasten clothes, etc; to renovate an old building or house

C. get rid of something or to stop using something

D. to clean and tidy a place thoroughly

E. need or want sth;

F. to do something again.

Ex. 2 Fill in gaps with correct particle.

1. The United Kingdom did *** with death penalty in 1965.
2. I'm sorry about the accident, but it's nothing to do *** me (=I am not involved in any way).
3. You are responsible to *** your safety belt in the back of cars and taxis now.
4. There's no sugar, so you'll have to do ***.
5. Can you *** my dress?
6. These trousers must have shrunk - I can't do the zip ***.
7. Why won't this zip do ***?
8. How many more nights were we to do *** sleep?
9. skirt does *** at the back.
10. Keep your scarf on, do your coat ***.
11. There's no mayonnaise left, so I'm afraid you'll, just have to do ***.
12. Thank you Kate, we can do *** language like that (= we don't want to hear your rude language).
13. Do *** your coat or you'll get cold.
14. We can't do *** help of your organization…
15. I don't have any sugar so you'll have to do ***.
16. Mari did *** the buttons…
17. We didn't bring enough money to store so we are going to have to do *** the snacks.
18. School is going to do *** with uniforms. Nobody likes them.
19. In current hotels, they were occupied *** in Art Deco style.
20. And I've managed to do *** two of the buttons at the back, but I can't reach the top two.
21. We did away *** all the old equipment and invested in some new.
22. Let's do *** with formality and use first names.
23. You can rob the boy, but you can speed him up.
24. I've done my wardrobes out and given *** all my old clothes.
25. I can't get the car in the garage anymore. I'm going to have to it *** and make some space.
26. I don't like it, so I mav buti inserts in order to *** and make it a different color.
27. I had to do it *** because my computer crashed and I hadn't saved it.
28. Can you do the zip *** for me, please? I can't do it myself.
29. The bought an old house from France
30. Starі househouses dovkola rivički moyut buti *** and created in beautiful flats.
31. It's got nothing to *** me. I'm not responsible for that.
32. He's something to do *** health but I don't think he is a doctor.
33. Do *** your laces before you trip over them
34. I could do *** something to eat. I haven't eaten since breakfast.
35. I forgot to buy milk so well just have to do ***.

Ex. 3 Fill in gaps with correct particle.

1. I don't need your help. I can do *** it.
2. I could do *** a good night's sleep. I haven't had one for weeks.
3. If you choose to change ***, it is the fault of the press secretary.
4. If you make too many mistakes, you'll have to do it ***.
5. Their conversation had been largely to *** work.
6. The main topic of the survey cannot be *** the main topic of the survey.
7. I'm sure her problems have something to do *** what happened when she was a child.
8. I could have done *** help this morning.
9. As much as you can be vikoristane at an hour, my mother is guilty until ***.
10. They did *** an old cottage in the Scottish Highlands.
11. The apartment was done *** in Viennese style.
12. Sue spent ages doing herself ***.
13. alcoholic can be up to *** drink for days.
14. Computerization has enabled us to do *** with lot of paperwork.
15. What would my poor wife do *** me?'
16. 'What do you want to see me about?' 'It's to do *** that letter you sent me.'
17. Her job has something to do *** computers.
18. The paintwork will need to do *** soon.
19. He thinks it's time we did *** with the monarchy.
20. She can't do *** a secretary.
21. While I'm down here, I'll do *** these cupboards.
22. How we can legally do away with children like Sophie,' Belinda explains.
23. Can we afford to have the house done ***?
24. OK, we'll do it ***, but try to sing the right words this time.
25. Practically all stinks *** є, stinks lead all possessive posture.
26. And a chance to do *** with that old guardoon Jake once and for all…and NO DANGER!
27. There was no change in the police Mao himself said ti bov to *** z feudalism.
28. Such power is guilty of buti virno vchenoy: it is guilty of buti *** z usima irrationalities, waste, theefficiency of private enterprise.
29. What will you do *** this place?
30. Vin insisted that everything be done ***.
31. or to *** h wallcovering altther: strip away plaster to expose bare brick underneath.
32. Even so, to give him the opportunity to know the right one, one, that you will squeeze її in such a way that I can, that I couldn't do *** her.
33. 'In order to give a special person, I can say that you can host your partner.
34. Vicorist at home in Ralphs' Wifes Lane, in May: 'Andrew is very special, I don't know what I would do *** him.
35. No, stupidity has got nothing to do *** it.
36. Do your shoes/laces *** before you trip over.
37. You can't do *** me…
38. He, after all, one of them is meaning up to *** with champagne and misunderstanding.
39. These regular rules and regulations are due to *** later on.
40. How on earth could they do *** with lovely old building like that and put a car park there instead?

The English language do can be called one of the most important languages english movie. Show less, skilki diy mi vykonuєmo for the help of tsgogo diєslov! And skilki words! Dієslovo do so є phrasal dієslovom i available impersonal rіznіh z various drives and the attendants.

Basic meanings of the phrasal disword do

Let's take a look at the main meanings of the phrasal dialect on butts.

  • Do away (with)- quit s chimos (kimos), stop s kimos (nothing), reduce, indulge in chogos, win over. Viraz do away with oneself means to lay hands on oneself.

    Google shortcode

    - I'll get all the documents from my right hand.
    I wonder what made him do away with himself

  • do by- Behave with Kim-nebud.
    She shouldn't be done by this way - do not follow her in such a rank.
  • do down- outwit, take the mountain, cheat (fool), belittle.

    Like there can live with people, like I belittle її.
    He did me down - fooling me.

  • do for- destroy, observe, buti call it unbearable.
    This news will do for her
  • do in- Clean up (drive in), hang out, wind up, live in the light, stock up.

We were walking the whole day and were completely done in. - we walked for a whole day and were more and more worn out.
If I don’t fulfill their conditions they will do me in - if I don’t kill their minds, the stench will kill me.

  • do out- tidy up, clean up, clean up; embellish.
    The housemaid comes every morning to do out the house.
    The wedding place was done out with white and red roses - the place of the wedding was embellished with white and red trojans.
  • do over (again)- Cover, smear, reshape, sheathe.
    I don't like how you have painted this room. You'll be up to which room over again. - I'll have to re-do it again.
  • do up- Repair, repair (kіmnatu), lagoditi, zastіbati (payment), zavyazuvati (package); stir up, stir up.

    Do up your coat if you don't want to catch cold. - zip up your coat so you don't want to catch a cold
    — Do you know someone who could help me repair my booth?
    All the presents were beautifully done up - all the gifts were beautifully packaged.

  • do with- Get around chim-nebud, cuddle with kim-nebud; guilt, be satisfied, endure; put up to chogos (mati vіdnoshennya to chogos).

    I can do with sandwich for dinner. - I can get by with a sandwich for lunch
    I have nothing to do with yoga problems. – I can't bear any problems.

  • do without- do without be-someone chi chogos.

    Can you do without coffee? - Can you do without cavi?
    He can't do without his mother. - Vin can't do without his mothers.

Today's podcast is about breakfast. Probably most people think that “change”, like a body, you will be at the beginning of the day, if you will be in the first black. However, it is more complicated than that.

Today's podcast of dedications to the son. Imovirno, more razumіyut snіdanok like I'm on the cob of the day. Prote all troch folded.

First, let's look at what the word "breakfast" really means. As you may well know, the word “fast” can have several, completely different meanings in English.

First, let's wonder what the word "breakfast" means behind the (cob) zmist. Imovirno, you know what English word"Fast" sprat meaning.

One of the media "fast" is a period, if you don't know how.

One of these meanings is "fasting", a period of time, if you don't mind.

So, for example, Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan - there is no stink between Sunrise and Sunset.

For example, Muslims to fast at the month of Ramadan - do not eat anything right away until sunset.

A “breakfast” is, literally, a meal which you eat at the end of a period of fasting. When you eat breakfast, you break - or end - your fast.

Literally, "breakfast" means "attached to a fast (breaking fast)". Z'їdayuchi snіdanok, you attach (your) pіst.

When I get up in the morning, I had nothing to eat since about 7 o'clock the night before. Now that is not a very long fast - perhaps 12 hours, but not more.

If I'm throwing a lie, then nothing has happened since 7 o'clock in the evening. Tsya posada is not more than a long time ago - here it is 12 years old, no more.

However, tіlo, yak mi sti persh for everything that is in the evening hauls of our pіzny hour, so I call it “breakfast”.

However, їda lies pripinyaє our nightly "fast", to that of the names "breakfast".

What do you eat for breakfast? I haw bowl muesli with milk, 2 pieces of toast with marmalade, and 2 cups of coffee.

What do you see on the menu? I give you a bowl of muesli with milk, two toasts with marmalade, and two cups of kawi.

A bunch of people go for the first time, what is in the manivtsi, and the stench can win over fruit and range juice.

Somebody is lying to us in front of a break, and then we eat fruit and orange juice.

Stink and fit and fit and healthy and stink robbing I love guilty so I don't.

These people are healthy, in good shape, healthy. Marveling at them, I see the fault, I don’t like them.

Other people may not be separated at all – they do not eat until the middle of the day.

Dehto didn’t eat anything - don’t eat anything until lunchtime (middle of the day).

Vіdomosti about those who are not a good idea to go without overdressing, because your concentration is a shame, and you can’t even think about it.

Dietologists are still happy to take care of it, for those who, without money, it is important to concentrate their respect (on work).

Other people eat great breakfasts, vegetables and bacon, sausages, mushrooms and vegetables. At hotels and hotels, at the great kitchen hotel restaurant, there is an English hotel.

Deyakі even more richly їdyat on snіdanok: scrambled eggs from bacon (bacon), cowbass, mushrooms, lubrication bread. In hotels and restaurants such a great meal, cooking on the stove, is called "English meal".

Really, rather rich English people eat a cooked breakfast every day. We don't have time. Will be in use, throw a bus or train and get to work.

Indeed, few Englishmen today have such a meal made of stoves. Do not wait for an hour. We hurry to get on the bus and the train and do not hesitate to work.

I'm more than happy with breakfast today, which I don't like! The doctor may think that I can mother even more cholesterol in my blood.

Today, I’m talking about snidanok to those who didn’t sleep! My doctor has a pidozra, because I have high cholesterol (in my blood).

So, later today, I have to go to have a blood test. Probіzhzha will stick energіynі їdki in my arma, i come out of dekіlkoh litrіv z blood, i send blood away laboratory to be tested.

I am also going to take a blood test today. The nurse will put a huge neck in my hand, take a liter of blood and take it to the laboratory for analysis.

The laboratory will be cursive send back a report to say that my cholesterol blood is absolutely wonderful, and that it stinks unbelievably so magnificent blood before.

Obviously, from the laboratory, it was found out that my cholesterol (in blood) is simply ideal, that such an analysis of the stink in my life was not tested.

Ale - i tse є territorial bit - blood test is what the doctor calls "fasting blood test". What do you know, I'm not guilty of buti, be it like a stretcher 12 years before the test.

But the worst thing is that the doctor ordered to do an analysis on the spot. So 12 years before the analysis it is impossible to eat anything.

So, no breakfast. Now, I'm guilty, but I'm sensitive to the point that I need to take a profound test to go to the current hour, so I can't, so that it's a trivaly hour for a deakie hour.

So today I am without a loan. It is smarter to give such an analysis earlier than the lie, so that you don’t go hungry so long.

However, it's only a matter of time before blood tests can be done in Doba, if I can't be 3 o'clock repeatedly.

However, the nurse-laboratory assistant works only after the insult, and I don’t happen to eat anything until 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

You have an idea how terrible this is. It is the middle of the morning, and I am hungry, really hungry.

You don't show how greedy it is. Immediately the middle of the wound, and I (already) want to eat, I'm already hungry.

I can't be bothered thinking about breakfast. Zovnіshnyo more small buzok muesli and one box of hummocks with no marmalade would be OK.

I constantly think about sleep. Obviously, a plate of muesli and one toast with marmalade would not bother.

Surely a very small breakfast would no ruin the blood test. However, the nurse who does the blood tests is big and fierce, and so I stay hungry.

Just a little bit to go to the hospital, not to mess up the blood test. Ale sister, as I take an analysis, such a fierceness is so great - for that I suffer hunger.

And now the telephone rings. It is the receptionist at the doctor's surgery.

Axis to ring the phone. The price of the reception doctor.

Він є even sorry, but fierce nurse, scho to rob blood tests є unwell and you can not go to work at the given hour.

Ask again, but that fierce nurse, as if taking a blood test, fell ill and did not come to work today.

You can reorder the blood test for another day. How do I feel? What is my reaction to this news?

Ask to reschedule the blood test for another day. What kind of feelings have I adopted this novelty?

First, after the course, I am relieved. I can eat my breakfast! I do not have to fast until the middle of the afternoon.

Well, in a better way, from a feeling of relief. You can take it! You don't need to starve until the middle of the day.

Ale I am also annoyed. Why? Therefore, I want to go without any reservation for any day at the first half hour.

Ale and annoyance. How so? Aje for the kіlka tizhnіv for me, the day of hunger will come again.

Sorry, I can use the English expression for you to learn. I can talk about people, how to “select” for their breakfast, or “do without” their breakfast.

Well, I’ll tell you, vivimo English viraz. I'm talking about people, yakі " go/do without(to do without ...) a snack.

If you “we won’t be” the current hour, or “viconati” the current hour, you think that you won’t demand - work hard, you don’t have an hour, otherwise you don’t have a penny. Here we can do more things you might “do without”.

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