The proposition is to avenge the rest of the letters of the Russian alphabet. Yaka the shortest phrase to avenge us letters to the alphabet

In Russian language, such phrases are called

Pangrama - This is a phrase, words like vikoristovuyut usі or mayzhe all letters of the alphabet.

Pangrams start to sound for demonstration of fonts, rechecking the transfer with lines of the link to the text, testing printers just.

What are some phrases to avenge all letters of the Russian alphabet?

Here are some soft French buns, and drink some tea.

or the shortest virazi, ale funny:

Hey bastard! De ace? Take the young znіman at the shafu.

Lyublyachi, z'їzh tongs, - zіthne mer, - a blissful buzz.

Chef of battle point tongs with the moon goodby Jules.

The program "Solo on the keyboard" by V.V.

The artist-expert with a computer is less than an egg in a volumetric low box packed with chohom.

Here the plot can’t be overwhelmed by all the emotions - a lisping scurry at the back of the bed draws hot honey.

More often than not, Microsoft Word retailers, starting from the Windows 95 operating systems, demonstrated in such a cunning way how letters look in Cyrillic fonts. Ale z for some reason, the phrase bula without “zh” and instead of “e” was written “e”:

Here are some soft French buns, and drink some tea.

In foreign versions of Windows:

English version: “ The quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog

Nimetska: " Kaufen Sie jede Woche vier gute bequeme Pelze xy«

French words: Portez ce vieux whiskey au juge blond qui fume«

Pangram on my Spanish: « El veloz murcielago hindu comiafeliz cardillo y kiwi. La ciguenatocaba el saxofon detras del palenque de paja«.

Japanese verse: 이로하 니호로 치리 누루를 깨끗하게 함.

І another sprig of the best pangrams:

Have khaschah pivdnya citrus is alive-bow ... - so, but a fake copy!

Pivdenno-Efiopsky rook curled a bear for a trunk on a star of lizards.

Linguistics in hot weather: fig vimovish etude: "Chelyabinsk pidyom, the smell of cabbage".

Eh, I’m sipping, shoving a phlegmatic: “Giving a beating of the best, Petre!”

Write: son-in-law z'їv egg, shche chan brukvi... ex! Chekaёmo on the muzzle!

A phlegmatic camel is chewing on a girka shipshina, which is drying up.

Hid a driver in a refrigerator to get eggs for elite doctors who are studying.

Like a feijoa, I, like loops, nostalgic more and more often for this diva.

    What is the shortest phrase to revenge the used letters of the alphabet?

    In Russian, such phrases are called pangrams. Pangram - the whole phrase, the words that vikoristovuyut usi or mayzhe all letters of the alphabet. Pangrams start to sound for demonstration of fonts, rechecking the transfer with lines of the link to the text, testing printers just. and how phrases to avenge us letters of the Russian alphabet? Wow, more soft French rolls, so...

Today we will know with you one more linguistic phenomenon, which is called pangram. This is a Greek term, which means “παν” - “all” and “γραμμα” - “letter” and denotes a phrase, or a word, to avenge us or may be all the letters of the alphabet tієї chi іnshої mov. In some movs, through the specificity of the alphabet, it is even more foldable to fold pangrams with repetitions of letters in words more than once, for this it is permissible to follow the rule: deyakі letters can be repeated, vikoristovuyutsya short, probably to the old Roman tradition V. U for this letter

A bunch of pangrams were victorious to check the practicality of typewriters and keyboards, what to write, what to recognize, what all the keys work well, and also to demonstrate fonts in drukarn. Ale krіm tsgogo, in the skin kraїnі є lovers of pangrams, as if they are independently engaged in їх folds. A good pangram is respected to avenge the letters of the alphabet, but to write short ones and carry a sing sense, but not a set of clumsy words.

The most common English pangram is a step-by-step, which adds up to 35 letters (in the English alphabet there are a total of 26 letters):

Quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog. - Chewing borax fox stribaє through lazy dog.

Axis of more applications in English:

Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.- Jackdaws love my great sphinx with quartz. (31 letters)

Five boxing wizards jump quickly.- Five boksuvalnikiv charіvnikіv shvidko shvidko. (31 letters)

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.- Pack my box with five dozen glechiks with a drink. (32 letters)

Cozy sphinx waves quart jug of bad milk.- The calm sphinx is waving a quart of filthy milk. (32 letters)

The jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack!- Jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wows quack! (32 letters)

Crazy Fredrick bought a lot of very exquisite opal jewels.- The divine Frederik having bought a lot of richly woven bones made of opal. (46 letters)

And apply the axis from the Russian movie:

Is bi citrus alive at the farmhouses? So, hello fake copy!(without "ъ" or "e")

Our bank uchora viplativ F.Ya. Eichgold commission for valuable speeches. (without "ъ" or "e")

Lyublyachi, z'їzh tongs, - zіthne mer, - a blissful buzz.- 33 letters of the Russian alphabet, skin of which are repeated less than 1 time.

Hey bastard! De ace? Take the young znіman at the shafu.(33 letters)

Z'їzh [a] more soft French rolls and hot tea.– This pangram is written in Microsoft at fontview.exe for Cyrillic fonts without the “g” part.

And how do you know pangrams? Share with us in the comments!

A bunch of pangrams were victorious to check the practicality of typewriters and keyboards, what to write, what to recognize, what all the keys work well, and also to demonstrate fonts in drukarn. Ale krіm tsgogo, in the skin kraїnі є lovers of pangrams, as if they are independently engaged in їх folds. A good pangram is respected to avenge the letters of the alphabet, but to write short ones and carry a sing sense, but not a set of clumsy words. The most common English pangram is a step-by-step, which adds up to 35 letters (in the English alphabet, there are a total of 26 letters): The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. - Chewing a bora fox strebaє through a lazy dog. Axis of another English application: Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. - Jackdaws love my great sphinx with quartz. (31 letters) The five boxing wizards jump quickly. - Five boksuvalnikiv charіvnikіv shvidko shvidko. (31 letters) Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. - Pack my box with five dozen glechiks with a drink. (32 letters) Cozy sphinx waves quart jug of bad milk. - The calm sphinx is waving a quart of filthy milk. (32 letters) The jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack! - Jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wows quack! (32 letters) Crazy Fredrick bought rich very exquisite opal jewels. - The divine Frederik having bought a lot of richly woven bones made of opal. (46 letters) And apply the axis of the Russian language: Is bi citrus alive in the house of pivdnya? So, hello fake copy! (without "b" chi "e") Our bank uchora viplativ F.Ya. Eichgold commission for valuable speeches. (without "b" chi "e") Lyublyachi, z'zh tongs, - zіthne mer, - buzzing. - 33 letters of the Russian alphabet, skin of which are repeated less than 1 time. Hey bastard! De ace? Take the young znіman at the shafu. (33 letters) Z'їzh [a] more soft French rolls and hot tea. – This pangram is written in Microsoft at fontview.exe for Cyrillic fonts without the “g” part. And how do you know pangrams? Share with us in the comments!

Pangrams (alphabetic propositions)- rechennya, scho to avenge the typing of all letters of the alphabet

In order to comprehend all the beauty of that other font, it is necessary for the mother to be aware of all the signs that appear in that font. Let's say that maybe all Russian fonts suffer from the squishy forms of the letters "F", "D", "L". Other signs are also crooked, but not so commemorative the first time (and maybe everything is terrible to the ear, but the theme is for a better understanding).

Sob all the letters in a row, win the special propositions that are formed from the letters of the alphabet. pangrams. In English there are many such propositions:

Cozy lummox gives smart squid who asks for job pen.

Quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog.

Having typed such a phrase, be it in such a font, we will immediately take the result. Became aware of what the checks look like on the cross.

Phrases, like the Russian alphabet, tezh є. Only I don’t know anything about them, but I don’t know vicorist. When russifying English programs with pangrams, replace it with hell you know, especially for the unintelligible - write: “Shvidka bora fox galloping over a lazy dog” I’ll translate it to the authors, thank God, I don’t fall into thought - to that they write on kshtalt: “But it’s just a Russian text” .

This note will not be simple, but golden - you will be popovnyuvatisya, having become a collection of such Russian phrases. If you don't know anything, come up with your own. Just don’t force “War and Peace” by circling one or two short propositions. Golovna vomoga - vikoristovuvat mayzhe all the letters of the Russian alphabet. Power up!


Ex Count? Plush is forked. B'emo someone else's horsetail!
Z "Science and Life". The proposition is made up of 33 letters - no shorter.

Have khashchah pіvdnya alive boov citrus... - well, ale fake copy!
Classic-reclassic. Variant by Maxim Zhukov

Pivdenno-Efiopsky rook povіv misha by the trunk on the star of the lizards.
Є all letters. Author - Oleksandr Malenkov

Aerial photography of the landscape has already revealed rich lands and prosperous villagers.
Є all letters of the alphabet. Author - Roman Volkov

Here are some soft French rolls, and some hot [a] tea. 1234567890
W Windows 95 (fontview.exe)

Rising from the sunken destroyer of the ancient Greek amphora, which is easy to fight, succumbing to technical difficulties.

Completed z'їzd erudovannyh schoolchildren, yakі mrіyut deeply penetrate into the mysteries of physical phenomena and chemical reactions.
Є all letters of the alphabet. Author - Andriy Mykolaiev (Legostaev)

All the evolution of computer technologies, which will soon come, has shown a significant increase in the number of both computer technology and peripheral devices.
Є all letters of the alphabet. Author - Andriy Mykolaiev (Legostaev)

Linguistics in hot weather: fig vimovish etude: "Chelyabinsk pidyom, the smell of cabbage".

Z'їv bi їzhak lemon p'єzokvarts, de electric dziga jasper with tuff vikradaє.
Є all letters of the alphabet. Author - Oleksandr Sapozhnikov

Eh, the giraffe honestly croaks in the air, that pike touches the memory of the yalinka ...
Є all letters of the alphabet. Author - Oleksandr Sapozhnikov

The number of lizards sniff forward for the key, but the luggage is in the safes, maybe it’s a lie ...
Є all letters of the alphabet. Author - Oleksandr Sapozhnikov

Chew! I’m deafened: the shoes were white of the fireplace, dey husky zhak chaplya zashepiv.
Є all letters of the alphabet. Author - Oleksandr Sapozhnikov

I officially declare to the readers: let's go ahead with the operation! Hirshe іz yalinkoy god eksperimentuє.
Є all letters of the alphabet. Author - Oleksandr Sapozhnikov

Big march! The family of fairies without tears wants electric saws.

Grunting the hedgehog "Tishcha", and the village of Ferchampenoise is the center of the Nagaybaksky district of the Chelyabinsk region.
Є all letters of the alphabet, krim "Ъ". Author - Oleksandr Sapozhnikov

Here the plot can’t be overwhelmed by all the emotions - a lisping scurry at the back of the bed draws hot honey.

The artist-expert with a computer is less than an egg in a volumetric low box packed with chohom.
From the book of V. V. Shakhidzhanyan "Solo on the keyboard"

The junior director fully grasped the entire production of hazelnuts (a scarce commodity and a delicacy), moving energetically through a fragile outline.
From the book of V. V. Shakhidzhanyan "Solo on the keyboard"

Musical-buff "Fire of a cold at night" (in 12345 scenes and 67890 episodes).

Having doused Yogo with a saw, the faceless yaskravih chaises emerged from the circus.
Є all letters of the alphabet, krіm of a solid sign.

Powerless wide range digital exponent sound transmitter.
Є all letters of the alphabet, krіm of a solid sign.

The encryptor simply forgot a number of key multipliers and tags.
Є all letters of the alphabet, krіm of a solid sign. Author - Roman Volkov

Eh, I guess, I’ll shtovhnu phlegmatic: “Giving a beating of the most special ones, Petre!”
Z "Science and Life"

Son-in-law z'їv egg, shche chan rutabaga... ex! Chekaёmo on the muzzle!
From the book "Igri, what to develop: knowledge and intelligence", Delta, 1998

The nutrition of football encyclopedias is replacing the nurse: gay, where is the hedgehog?
Nadislav Pavlo Bezborodkin

Hard, yak i, scarlet and soft, Nemov young man from Bukhari asks a female Muscovite to review the colorful screen of life.
Nadislav Dmytro Feinshtein

Fight for the idea of ​​Choche, stepping out of the boom, noise, heat and feasting on the stars - and into the box.
Nadislav Dmytro Feinshtein

The nameless faun, estimating the hot stars of these wondrous kingdoms.
A phrase that Dmitro Osipov had won for re-verification of typefaces in those distant hours, if it was possible to earn pennies with hardware Russification of matrix printers.

A bluff of roses' їdaє rozum, more often than a gypsy you live restlessly, Yulia is a sin!
Nadisla Marina Sokolova

Proposition, as seen by the F-2000 telegraph machine for an hour of self-testing. Nadislav Blagov Roman (m. Anapa).

The shackles of a permissible life promise a lot of great grafts that are born
Author - Maria

Zvichka to make friends can be devastatingly recognized on professional stosunki
Author - Maria

And it would be better to remember everyone to zazdrіst clearly and accurately write letters and numbers
Author - Maria

Like a feihua, I, like loops, nostalgic more and more often and more of this diva
Author - Ziv

Phlegmatic camel zhuє bіla pіd'їzdu gіrka shipshina, scho dries up.

Having entered the battle with hissing snakes - the epho and the viper - a small, chippy, good hedgehog z'їv їх
Nadislav Dima (for the memory of the Pioneer magazine)

Hid a driver in a refrigerator to get eggs for elite doctors who are studying.
Nadislav Dima (for the memory of the Pioneer magazine)

Wide electrification of pivdenny provinces will give an intense postal supply to the rise of the rural state
Nadislav Dima (for the memory of the Pioneer magazine)

Addendum: pangrams with different language.

Brick quiz whangs jumpy veldt fox!

Quick wafting zephyrs vex bold Jim.

Sphinx of black quartz judge my vow!

Five boxing wizards jump quickly.

Mr. Jock, TV quiz Ph.D., bags few lynx.

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Jackdaws love my sphinx of black quartz.

Sympathizing would fix Quaker objectives.

Five big quacking zephyrs jolt my wax bed.

Quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog.

Bagato wived Jack laughs at probes of sex quiz.

Mix Zapf with Veljovic and get quirky Beziers.

Dumpy kibitzer jingles yak exchequer overflows.

Puzzled women bequeath jerks very exotic gifts.

Turgid saxophones blew over Mick's jazzy quiff.

Brawny gods just flocked up to quiz and vex him.

Looking through quizzical abstracts mixed up hefty jocks.

Playing jazz vibe chords quickly excites my wife.

Jim just quit and packed extra bags for Liz Owen.

Five wine experts jokingly quizzed sample chablis.

William Jex quickly caught five dozen Republicans.

A great fawn jumping quickly over white zinc boxes.

Big July earthquakes confound zany experimental vow.

Exquisite farm wench gives body jolt to prize stinker.

Six big devils from Japan quickly forgot how to waltz.

The vixen jumped quickly on her foe barking with zeal.

Five or six big jet planes zoomed quickly by the tower.

Crazy Fredericka bought rich very exquisite opal jewels.

My grandfather picks up quartz and valuable onyx jewels.

Six crazy kings vowed to abolish my quite pitiful jousts.

How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts!

Sixty zippers boules quickly picked from the woven jute bag.

Profession waxing linoleum frequentle peeves chintzy kids.

Jack amazed few girls by dropping antique onyx vase!

We may just quoted on nine dozen boxes of gray lamp wicks.

May Jo ekval the fine record by solving six puzzles a week?

West quickly gave Bert handsome prizes for six juicy plums.

Fred specialized in quaint wax toys.

Just keep examining every low bid quoted for zinc etchings.

Freight to me sixty dozen quart jars and twelve black pans.

Darkness ex-Jew quit Zionism, preferring the cabala.

Jay visited back home and gazed upon a brown fox and quail.

A quick movement of the enemy will jeopardize six gunboats.

Jeb quickly drove a few extra miles to the glazed pavement.

All the power to top five watch experts amazed the judge.

Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack.

Sounds like jazzy pigeons craved by squeamish walkers.

We promptly judged antique ivory buckles for the next prize.

Risque gown made a very brazen exposure juicy flesh.

Back in June we delivered oxygen equipment the same size.

Lazy movers quit hard-packing papier-mache jewelry boxes.

While waxing parquet decks, Suez sailors vomit jaunitly abaft.

How vexing a fumble, to drop a jolly cuchini in pies!

Astronaut Quincy B. Zack loves hard with six different flashes.

Мій help squeezed back in again and joined the weavers after six.

New Article Bik (picking just six quinces) proves strong but lazy.

Alfredo just must bring very exciting news to the plaza quickly.

Back in my quaint garden jaunty zinnias vie with flaunting phlox.

Jaded zombies quaintly kept driving x oxen forward.

Hark! Toxic jungle water vipers quietly drop on zebras for meals!

Six jabbering pacifists viltures boules ambushed by zany quagmire.

Six big juicy steaks sizzled in pan yak 5 workmen left the quarry.

Will Major Douglas be expected to take a true-false quiz very soon?

Juke box music puzzled gentle visitor from quaint valley town.

Just work for improved basic techniques to maximize your typing skill.

A mad boxer shot a quick, gloved jab to the jaw of his dizzy opponent.

Verbatim reports were quickly given by Jim Fox to an astonished audience.

When we go back to Juarez, Mexico, do we fly over picturesque Arizona?

Questions of zealous nature have become by degrees petty waxen jokes.

About sixty codfish eggs will make a quarter pound of very fizzy jelly.

Murky haze of a broken place like jarring quakes broke fourty-six windows.

King Alexander buv just partly overcome after quizzing Diogenes in his tub.

July sun caused fragment fragment black wax to ooze on velvet quilt.

Two hardy boxing kangaroos go from Sydney to Zanzibar for quicksilver pinions.

Perhaps President Clinton's amazing sax skills will be judged quite favorably.

Chi boules quorum of able whizzkids gravely exciting the jaded fish at ATypI?

Ebenezer unexpectedly bagged two tranquil aardvarks with yoga jiffy vacuum cleaner.

Fabled reader with jaded, rovning eye seized by quickened impulse to expand budget.

For $49 only, jolly housewives are inexpensive body, quick-frozen vegetables.

The sex life of woodchuck is a provocative question for the largest virtual zoology majors.

Breezily jangling $3,416,857,209 wise advertiser ambles to the bank, yoga exchequer amplified.

Jimmy and Zack, police explained, were the remaining lush rations in the field of buttered quahogs.

William said that everyone's box was in good minds, except for the zipper.

The vegetarian menu has gazpacho, piquant julienne beets, rusk rounds with yogurt, and excellent flan.

Jelly-like over the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of extravaganza in dazzling state of flux.

Nothing happened, Lorenzo calling yoga a trip to visit Mexico City just because they told him the conquistadores were extinct.

Mylord Schwejk quizt Express ab Ravigsfen.

Typographie ist zweidimensionale Architektur und bedingt extra Qualitaet in Gener vollkommenen Ausfuehrung. (By Hermann Zapf. English version also in pangram: Typography is known for 2-dimensional architecture and requires extra zeal withevery job.)

English radio operators at the hour of their training repeatedly (you can say often) transmit and receive the following, loudly, English phrase:
Quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog.
Somebody doesn't understand anything from you. No problem: at once I will translate my Russian language:
Some of the radio operators-scholars diligently transmit on the air without spoofing words, others with serious and instilling clamoring persons are heard aloud and are impressed not only in the skin word, in the skin of the letter.
You, maybe, you think that you are a little crazy? Nothing like it!
Immediately I will reveal to you the secret of this wondrous Vistula.
Vin (secret) lies in the fact that in the phrase, which consists of nine words, all the letters of the English alphabet are included. Guess what you forgot, what in the alphabet tsієї є total 26 letters: А В С D Е F Q H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.
Well, what? Now respectfully re-read the enchanting phrase, carefully putting specks over the usual prepared letters with an olive. Deyakі letters will sound to you dvіchі, so, for example, dvichі repeat the whole article "the". It doesn’t matter to you and me: Abi didn’t know any transfers and that the skin of twenty-six letters was shot at least once.
Perhaps, rich of you, you have long wanted to know: what is the sense of this chi that myslivsky, chi that dog orders and contagion, the English radio operators are so stubbornly attacking justice?
But we mustn’t squawk, why is it true that the “borax fox” is rebranded through the “ledgy dog”, otherwise only red foxes are trapping, and the power of dogs here is not up to what.
The phrase tsya was invented specifically for that and so, so that all the letters of the English alphabet were scribbled.
When taught by a radio operator, some letters can come out clearly and clearly, on others (mova ide about modern literary devices of telecommunications) they are so called "failures": when transmitting important dispatches, they can become incomprehensible.
Axis in order to be ahead of the preparation of the equipment to robotic recognition, whether it is right to transmit a teletype or another similar attachment, all without a vinnyatka letter, the English and came up with their own taєmnichu phrase-zasku.
There is no visible sense in him, but his role is won out for good.
I told you about the whole situation, not only so that you just got it: such a phrase is true.
I want to propagate to you my own kind of magic: try to put together such a short phrase - well, slіv at 7–10 (we have a larger letter, lower in English) and for a Russian abetka. The one who comes up with a phrase that doesn’t just avenge the Russian letters, but before that, you can be, high, the simplest, sens, you can consider yourself a “champion of alphabetic cunning.”

Malyunok A. Vovіkovoї.

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