Organic farming seminars bagel. "The glacial city dweller" Boris Bublik i yogo "The estіvniy fіs". Oranka, yak herself fills the ground

If the 80-year-old Boris Bublik is called a lazy city dweller, wine is not displayed. Navpaki - write. Vіn, maybe, the most famous of the permaculturists in the world — people who care that a good harvest can be grown, just not respecting the earth with a zavoi opіkoy.

- Everything that we work with a shovel and a hoe - for the city's shkoda, - it seems Boris Andriyovich, - We spread, dig, dig and think, we work kindly, but really respect nature. You just need to help the roslins to love alone - to whisper between them ties and zmushuvat ts zvyazki pracsyuvati without our participation. This is the main principle of permaculture of natural farming.

At his town in the village of Martova near Kharkiv, the "reasonable laziness" works only three or three days for the summer, if it's an hour - just pick up the harvest. Yogo city growth for the principle of "historical forest" mayzhe without the participation of the ruler. We’ll hardly look at the zvichnogo rozumіnі yogo: weeds, like the majority of the city dwellers in the root, here you may have your own “rights”, which are potatoes and tomatoes. Sometimes "intelligent linivets" navit vis_yuє їх specially.

- The older the people are, the more the body is filled with various sloppy speeches, which we have managed to lead to deterioration in health. Ale - ways of cleansing the body with various herbs, and skin grass is used for its own organ, and with bagatoriasis, cleansing yoga.

- The earth, covered with a birch, miraculously saves water. I respect: I have no beetle, no popelits. Everything that the smell of the weeds "masks" smells, and the shkіdniks near my city will not fly. For me, it’s not necessary to cut vegetables, be some kind of “chemistry” - enough once, on the cob of lita, to brizkat Aktofi-tom, - like Boris Andriyovich, demonstrating absolutely pure bushes of potatoes, pepper and eggplant. Following the principles of “ice farming” before Boris Bublik, guests from Ukraine come, and for skin wines I want to conduct a tour:

“People have driven themselves into thinking why it’s necessary to shine in rows, and explain why it’s fed: then it’s easier to pierce. Well, I’m doing this so that I don’t need to work and work for the job, - it’s like Boris Andriyovich.

For sivbi without rows of vikoristovu zvichayn plastic balls only with openings a day. The simplest thing to do is to allow us to hang out evenly. You can open it with an awl or a flower, then clean it up in the middle so that the skin can be cut in less than two cuts of the day - even weide without clot. For radishes, radishes, give a horse, you can have one puff, for cabbage, hot sauce, rіpaku - іnsha. There can be close to a dozen of such sifts in the government.

All my work is to rozsipati nasіnnya in the beds, and then gornut yogo for the help of a flat rake or a rake, at the same time tidying up the weeds. Hiba tse robot? - Boris Bublik laughs.

Another yogo "linear" attachment for planting is an outstanding wooden bunker, like a city dweller to dig small pits. They throw wine kukurudzi, kvassoli chi to a dormouse - through the pipe of a second meter.

- I’m going to do this, don’t get sick, and then just trample a little hole - from all the susilla. I do not need daily holes! "Evening" garden beds are another pride of a permaculturist. Poorly tidied up in the serpni tsibulya and the watch-house to give for the day, yak, growing independently, until spring to give a ready-made garden bed.

More details about the "lineboys" of his city government Boris Andriyovich reveals in his videos ...

Boris Bublik about the organization of work in the city:

URBAN PERMACULTURE. Seminar by B.A. as the reach of the best successes with less effort, in line with existing traditions.

Seminar by B.A.Bublik "Self-sufficient city" (2012).

Boris Bublik about watering roslin:

Seminar by B.A. Bublik "City without turbot". Part 1:

Seminar by B.A. Bublik "City without turbot". Part 2:

Boris Bublik - Happy work in the city (seminar):

So for the quiet, who are addicted to urban permaculture, it is recommended to read the new book of Bublik and Gridchin, in which the most important method of arable farming - the cultivation of green manure. Ale, trample on the tired tradition, for the authors of green manure - not just green and kind. It’s wrong to think that it’s such a “mundane” appearance, that the dawns of it (“sidus” - zirka) should be worn - it’s wrong, that such an im’ya could not be given the banal replenishment of reserves of minerals from Grunti.

This book, created by the author's "tandem", has accumulated rich evidence of the state on large and small areas, which allows you to marvel at green manna, which is siphoning from the sky. I authors take qiu “manna”, sort it, put it on the shelves.

A retelling analysis of sideration, no doubt, is due to the respect of a wide number of readers without a difference of “veri”. Everything that is said in the book can be shriveled and yelled that I love the plow, and the arable farm, that I govern the land with nature and respect that the wines of Sax are ruinous for the Earth.

In the same place you can take advantage of other books by Boris Bublik.

Boris Andriyovich Bublik,
Master of nature-like farming

I’m still trying the rules: as soon as the garden bed has grown, it can be littered with green manure! If I ask the guests to come to me, I perform such a “trick”: I twist a bunch of wheat and wheat at the root, lift it up ... And on top of it all fall together, the worms dance, and that’s all - a black crack of 2-3 mm! The skin is so humus-rich, the curtains will take away two of their vogues!

Siderats are different. Zagalom, sit those who are, watch out. Choose yourself.

After single siderates of the curtains, nothing is needed: having shaved the furrows over the roslins, which immediately burst, and sit down. The worms have fluffed up the earth for you! Here I am like the ancient Indians, like a garmat of nothing, Crimean clubs, they didn’t make small holes in the earth with it, and they shone corn!

Ale krіm razpushennya є in the autumn sowing is one more important ecological plant. We are not only ruinous, as if nature has been rolling on the ground for a long season, we can do it, we can add a ball. And already, none of the woods, none of the winds of that spring streams are not terrible for us. Well, if the autumn dawns and nothing creaks the ground, then during the winter a whole year can be born on the village! In the spring, in a nature-like city, it will be more necessary to tidy up the “ticks” of the top vegetables from the compost pile and the bright vegetables. 2 days earlier, lower judge!

About the hour and other winter crops

Nasampered, it is necessary to respectfully read the greatest book - the Book of Nature. Read more to the reader in nii more, nizh vіdomosti z uhіh іnshih books, not zakovzuvati on free reflection on kshtalt "And I read ..." and do not spend an hour and effort on the search for alternatives to the old one at the Great Book.

For example, the axis of the razyuchiy butt of mass psychosis is purely on literary grounds. From book to book we read: "The winter chapel needs to be planted in such a way that the vines do not zіyshov until winter." І thousand city dwellers are trying to land - to the Intercession and navit far away, although the super strength is already embedded in the most solid, to lie on the surface. Do not fit for the hour of virishuvati, if you can work.

The affiliation of the culture to the winter type is not determined by our choice of the time of Sivbi planting, but by the culture of the vegetative phase, which can be experienced in the pre-winter period.

In winter crops (wheat, zhito, granary) a root system is laid down at the same time, it is possible to grow more than one ear, but cilium bushes - 5, 10 or 50 productive spikelets. Tsya phase so and ring - the phase of the bush.

The winter chassist is also guilty of vikoristovuvaty fertile pre-winter time, so that the growths formed a hard root system and became unstoppable for whatever weird weather.

Good rooted teeth do not see frost. Roslini with roots can hibernate in anabiosis, tobto. ready to harvest, no need to cheat in the winter. And it actually makes their “chances” to get wet or to be overcome.

І - the most heady - hanging, if it’s not yet cold, the growths will start a violent vegetation, not stained comfortably, to finish a short cold season on the growth of the root system. So that the watchmaker is called winter not to the one who sits down before winter, but to the one who has a phase that needs to be taken care of before winter!

Let's turn to the Great Book of Nature. Those, to which I have led, you can win by simply lowering your eyes. Already at the spring, on the many chasny ridges, you can roll the "zhachki" of the gatherings when picking the heads. Axis ce and є hint of the wisest mentor - Nature. In our minds, in Slobozhanshchina, the most common term for planting, I see another day of spring. I don’t need to ask them what was written there and there. "Tsar's Decree" of prescriptions for the beds!

The winter chapel, it appears, needs to be planted so that the wines are already at the spring, having given friendly descend.

Since it’s gone to those times, then naturally you can blame the food: “Why can you say sajati earlier?”

In the Kuban, the plant ripens 2-3 days earlier, lower with us, you can plant the plant earlier. And in us - not varto. On the right, in the fact that the chasnikov's teeth are similar to the present day in kavun, protected by germinating agents. I needed a deaky hour, sob ingibіtori were roared. You can show yourself that it was a blessing for us, that for months it was lying near the waters of the warm pulp of the kavun, it was not like they had a zahistu of the sprouting. Let’s plant a watch-house in advance, we’ll protect it from gatherings, and we’ll raptom up the boards - we’ll burn.

And the watchmaker has power, like in English language called undersize. I go about a progressive fall, I give birth to a change in the size of the planting teeth. Roughly seeming: if the planting clove is smaller than the smallest, let's say, twice, then the smaller clove will give a crop not 2, but 3-4 times smaller. I do not know any other culture in which power would be so obvious. Accept tsibuli - dear brother a watchmaker - the power of power is not powerful in any way: from cibulins, 10 times less, maybe 10 times more mature.

Tse means that there are no more teeth for landing. And like in the head of the middle of five "brothers" - such that it is remembered less for others, it is necessary to briskly reject it, to bring on a great wine on your own. What do you need to say, what choice for planting the largest teeth is not more popular?

Now about the selection of the optimal moment for the removal of arrows. Not seen arrows can change the potency of the heads in 5 and more times: the left part of the growth line shifts to the arrows. It's true, sort of, in some "mother's feelings" they are not so memorable: in such roslins, the head size decreases by only 20-30%.

And the whole clock shop is out of stock.

Otzhe, you see the arrows with the turned bulbs, you need to be obov'yazkovo. Ale - not too early (the pardon is wider). If the shooter makes up the outside of the kilce and prepares to work for a friend, it’s the hour to see. From one side - the “stump” no longer grows (through it it is not acceptable to have an early removal). And z іnshgo - the arrow does not reach "to win the juices from the annual".

The arrows must be plucked with a knife, with one hand. If the arrow is twisted, then the threads are torn in the depths of the hib stem, the upper leaves can often be pulled in earlier than the lower ones, and this disorientates the city manager at the time of choosing the watchmaker.

You need to pick up the watchmaker, if the 6th sheet from the bottom is dry.

And if the leaf is dry and the beast, and below, then try to sinister the moment, if the 6th leaf has dried up by itself.

Pіdіb'єmo pіdіb'єmo poperednі podbags.
The secrets of a successful viroshchuvannya chastnik are as follows: planting early (on another spring) planting, choosing to plant only large teeth, in due time (after the adoption of the first kiltsya) planting arrows. There is a clear idea that in a nature-like city, the result is achieved without building up physical and mechanical forces, and only for the rahunok, the manifestation of that mobilization of sounds in nature!

Another important thing is "action without hands."

I will not go to the hour. I protect and weave mozhlivі weeds.
The stench is to cover up the soil, not to let it heat up in the sinter and to make the life of the cold-loving watchmaker more comfortable.

And the shards of the chapel are picked up early, then the weeds do not take in the exchange, and they can be weeded without shkoda after picking the chapel - at the moment of preparing the beds for the culture-advanceress.

Like a moment of birth and indiscriminately denounce the city dwellers’ myth about those who need to tick? Tikannya is a painful operation for a healthy operation: “on the mountains” it goes to the back, to the veins on the legs, and to the fingers. Timiryazev said to bi:

“Have you been supplied to the watchmaker, why do you need the wine of stusaniv?”. I - after asking, having tried this hourly shop - and it turned out to be "five plus"!

I scuff up the “good” groove with a flat-top and water it, so that the bottom becomes flat. Then (standing on the top of the line!) I rip my teeth along the ditch, pierce them flat so that the stench lay in a “zigzag” of 7-8 cm one in one, then I bury the groove, I’m going to yakus (let’s say, girchytsia), pripalyuyuchi" with a rake like a chobitkoy, and ... I part from the bed of the mighty river, until the picking of the watchman.

How has the labor time been spent? At 10, at 100 times?

Truthfully, the neck of such a watchmaker comes out crooked (because the planting teeth lie down, and the hipni stems stand). Ugly? So!

For a month (and more) before the “warm Mikoli” you can make “tea” quietly, after starting a violent vegetation of celandine, sprinkling, shoveling or other last (or pus) and shoveling ash. Potim pіdgoduvati pіd korіn tsim infusion of roslin, vіrazu water - and the hourly otramє even more at the right time, rich in potassium pіdgodіvlyu. Tse robot? So! I is effective!

Important "marginal note". The most fearful, practical, impoverished shkіdnik - the careless larvae of the beetle - we start ourselves. Hanging rashly introduced into the soil rot, humus, compost is thin. Fly, moving, to us - we will have larvae to chew 3-4 rocks! And then we don’t know what to work with them, what to devour everything. Since I began to think about what the city smells like before the end of May, I have completely sprung up these stingy larvae.

So from, like guessing "tea" applications, it's too early to finish it, and you can see it on the stems and leaves of negainoly crushed by advancing watering, then for an hour in the summer the city will deodorize and be - from the look of a beetle - unpromising!



If the 80-year-old Boris Bublik is called a lazy city dweller, wine is not displayed. Navpaki - write. Vіn, perhaps, the most famous of the permaculturists in the world - people who respect that a good harvest can be grown, just not respecting the earth with a zavoi opіkoy. - Everything that we work with a shovel and a hoe - for the city of Skoda, - it’s like Boris Andriyovich, - We spread, dig, tear and think, we work kindly, but really respect nature. You just need to help the roslins to love alone - to whisper between them ties and zmushuvati tsi zvyazki pracsyuvati without our participation. This is the main principle of the perma-bodybuilder.
At his town in the village of Martova near Kharkiv, the “reasonable laziness” works only three or three days for summer, it’s an hour - just take a harvest. Yogo city grows according to the principle of "istive forest" - mayzhe without the participation of the ruler. We’ll hardly look at the zvichnogo rozumіnі yogo: weeds, like the majority of the city dwellers in the root, here you may have your own “rights”, which are potatoes and tomatoes. Sometimes "intelligent linivets" navit vis_yuє їх specially.

Why the older person becomes more and more її the body is filled with various shkidlivy speeches, which could lead to deterioration in health. Ale - ways of cleansing the body with various herbs, and skin grass is used for its own organ, and with bagatoriasis, cleansing yoga.
- The earth, covered with a birch, miraculously saves water. I respect: I have no beetle, no popelits. Everything that the smell of the weeds "masks" smells, and the shkіdniks near my city will not fly. With whom, it’s not necessary to cut vegetables, be like some kind of “chemistry” - to finish it once, on the cob of lita, brizkat Aktofi-tom, - like Boris Andriyovich, demonstrating absolutely clean bushes of potatoes, pepper and eggplant. Following the principles of “ice farming” before Boris Bublik, guests from Ukraine come, and for skin wines I want to conduct a tour:
“People have hammered into their heads why it’s necessary to sit in rows, and on the basis of food, they explain: then it’s easier to pierce. Well, I’m doing this so that I don’t need to work for the job, - it’s like Boris Andriyovich.
For sivbi without rows of vinaigrettes, zvichayny plastic buns are only with openings in the day. In the simplest of terms, "pristosuvannya allows us to visipate evenly. Open, you can work with an awl or a flower, then clean the middle so that the expansion of the skin is less than two expansions of us - then weide without clots. For a radish, a bee, a horse, we can rіpaku-іnsha. There can be close to a dozen such sіvaloks in the government.
All my work is to rozsipati nasіnnya in the beds, and then gornut yogo for the help of a flat rake or a rake, at the same time tidying up the weeds. Hiba tse robot? Boris Bublik laughs.
Another yogo “linear” attachment for planting is a great wooden bunker, like a city dweller to dig small pits. They throw the wine of fresh corn, kvassoli and soniashnik - through a pipe with a double meter of the second.
- I’m going to do this, don’t get sick, and then I’ll just lightly trample the hole - from all the susilla. I do not need daily holes! “Vichni” beds are another pride of a permaculturist. Poorly tidied up in the serpni tsibulya and the watch-house to give for the day, yak, growing independently, until spring to give a ready-made garden bed.

Think about the choice of green manure crops

When choosing cultures, it is necessary to remember that wines, even though we hope to sing on the effectiveness of green manure, are still secondary. At every time, you don’t need to work the actions of choosing for the rahunok process. From a new point of view of this requirement, they are placed before everything that will be said in this paragraph. Let's say, the moment has come, if the field has grown and prepared for the winter, the weather is friendly, I would like to plant the winter turmoil, but there is no rain, they promised to bring that day. І yakshcho є girchitsa chi radish olive (spring culture), it is required to sow girchitsa chi radish. "Not the one" choose mayzhe zavdast less shkodi, nizh wanting to spend one day.

Tue: Vibirayuchi green manure, it is necessary to protect the biological characteristics of culture (one-, two- or bagatoric, thermophilic or vitryvala, winter or yara, sit on the floor, like a stable of chervona, or rozpozaєtsya, like a stable was, and so on), technology of growing ( let's say, the goat's rue, which is weak on the first rotation, will require a cover culture), a distant infusion on the soil, etc.

It’s not good to walk around with someone for a change of the 2nd division and marvel, as if the culture is realizing its proper function. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the current weather, mind, especially the soil on the field, culture, how to grow after that green manure.

The largest expansion and yakіsnimi green manure crops legumes: goat's rue, lupine, stable, burkun, alfalfa, esparcet, vіka, fodder bobs, cow's peas (whіgna), poloviy peas (pelyushka), rank that іn.

W cereals Winter wheat, triticale and rye, spring barley and oats, chickweed and bread sorghum, Sudanese grass, paisa, blackberry grass, brome (stokolos), chumiz (Italian millet), fodder millet, ryegrass, vyvsyanitsya, polnitsya , gray pyriy, which does not rise.

Garni crossflowers green manure: bila (English), bluish-grass (sareptska), winter marmot, winter and yariy rapaki, radish olive, seradella.

Popular as green manure and growing of other families: phacelia, mallow, buckwheat, amaranth and other.

It is necessary to take to respect the soil-climatic mind, the productivity of culture, chemical warehouse dry speech. For example, on other soddy-podzolic soils, hang burkun, esparcet, lupins, and buckwheat. On important (behind a mechanical warehouse) vicorist soils, weed and plant green manure crops.

When choosing a green manure, you need to call all sukupnіst chinnikіv. So the axis, the most important point of the dawn, is seen by bean crops, gyrchitsa and olive radish.

Let's do it from the girchitsa. There are different types and kinds. Girchitsya bila is a miracle food. Mustaches eat green mass. Won maє high life. To avenge a lot of sirka, which is important for young animals, so as a sirka sprya shaping of downy and woolly curvature. From the gіrchitsі sareptska ї scatter gіrchichny powder. Є salad dressings (black, for example). Bіlu that sareptsk gіrchitsі vykorovuyut like green manure.

You must see the girchits - swidkozstayuchi speeds of growth. They give stinks for 70-75 days. We bloom. The stems can reach a height of 1.5 m.

With spring-summer sowings, the roast reaches the mowing stubble in 37-40 days. It is good to acquire phosphorus and potassium from important sources. As an excellent phytomeliorator and phytosanitary - cleansing soils from shkidnikiv, root rots and other ailments. Actively oppress the weeds, the shards are 3-4 times taller than them.

It is important to grow the mustard in repeated sowings after the selection of the main crops. With timely sowing at qi, the term hot-drinking develops in friendly temperature and moisture-safe minds and does not suffer from shkidnikiv and ailments.

Before frost, the hot water forms a crop of 250-300 centners/ha. Vzimku gіrchitsya trim snіg, and then serve as mulch. Save the mulch in the presence of distant robots, and won’t take the water away, protect the weeds from the weeds, sickness and shkіdnikiv, allow weeding, and, zreshtoyu, - allow the crop to be planted.

The spring season vibrates when frosts set in. As if the mustard does not grow on us, then it is necessary to mow it on the cob of flowers, and it’s good to grow. Mow on the last day, if the greater part of the pods are ripe. It’s good to thresh, and now it’s added to the spice for sivbi. After picking on the soil, there is a rich supply of land, and if the field is finely cultivated (for example, harrowed), then a repeated harvest will be taken from unfriendly rocks.

In the rest of the hour, roasting like green manure became even more popular. Ale is not so already there "swell". The olive radish, for example, has a number of advantages in front of the mustard: there is a vrozhaynisha, nadiyano prinichue weeds on the weeds themselves, you can protect the leaves of potatoes from the scorching sleepy fields. Ale, you need to take the price of nasіnnya that norm of viviu to respect. And then you will see that the cost of the present radish is twice as expensive, the lower cost of the mustard.

Zagalom gіrchitsya - less than one of about 40 cross-flowered cultures, the skin of which knows what mustards are rejected. Winter flowers (ripak, rapeseed, typhon ...), krim directly work for the prosperity of the soil, can winnow and feed thinness in the period of spring without a year, and how to mow early mulch, and how to grow the crops. The stench, in practice, does not suffer from the sight of a plaque, just like a young roslin, it is important to heal in it - the very same cross-flowers fall into the autumn more beautifully.

High-yielding crops, speeds and zoning in this zone of culture are selected for post-mowing crops. At practical work in pokosnyh crops, there was a trace of the victory of corn. Vaughn is visible in other bright cultures. Її great nasіnnya can germinate from a depth of 10-12 cm, and it allows you to lay її in the lower well-decreated and better protected by water balls. It is also important for repeated sowing, if the top ball of the soil is dry dry. In kukurudzi, the root system is strained, which goes deep into the depths by 1.5-2 m. Corn can more quickly, lower crops, conquer dew and insignificant fall off (up to 5 mm): drops of water are consumed on leaves, like a virva, flow down them to the base of the stem and get wet with dewy roots.

Before that, corn is dry and even sparingly stains the vologer (there may be a transpiration coefficient (visible vitrati vologda on the solution of dry speech) 250-320, in that hour wheat - 400-450, peas - 450-50. 500-550, for alfalfa - 750-900). And tse means that with the same reserves of water in the soil, corn can give a larger harvest.

Everything is so, ale, ymovіrno, do not guess what to go about the hour, if the problem of the present has not been such an ailment, like an infection. Today, it can be folded so that you choose to grow up on the melancholy of the "primhlivi", but there are more available cultures.

Our latitudes have high yields and sorghum crops. This culture is characterized by high dryness and heat resistance. The root system of sorghum is available to soils that are inaccessible to other plants. In addition, sorghum has a biologically significant value - it is called "zavmirati": in case of failure, the vologists timchasov pripinyayutsya, and after falling off, the growth and growth of the growth is restored. It is especially valuable for repeated crops, if speck and dry periods of strength and frivolity are restored. On the vіdminu sorghum, in corn in case of non-stach vologists in the soil, the growth is attached, and the development is continued.

BA: Everything said by Vitaliy Trokhimovich about sorghum can be repeated about bread sorghum. I had the opportunity to be responsible for my life in the name of the summer-2010. Navit corn “burned” like it was smeared in a frying pan, and sorghum speka was nothing - it sat out the sinter, and it was green in yellow, like grass.

Effective in crops is Sudanese grass. Like the rose of a succulent sivby Sudanese, it sets up a thick, growing cover, after which the marna vitrata of the water sharply rushes on the viparovuvannya from the surface of the soil.

In sorghum, that Sudanese has a different taste. To that їх lay on 4-5 cm. With a dry soil, the stench is taken from the dry ground and does not germinate. Zrіdzhenі go out and go with too deep throatiness. Therefore, before planting sorghum and sudanese, it is necessary to approach it respectfully: soak the soil near the waters at the optimal depth. If the upper ball is dry to the ground, then sorghum and sudanese are more likely to grow and sow corn or dormouse, which is good to endure deep throating.

I have є yakiy (true, hot) dosvid sіvbi sudanese. For a long time I was told about a smart Sudanese woman in the Kolgospnye fields near my native Kuban village of Afipsky. "Dirvavsya". Pos_yav. Girls. Ale with the same success. Go away, not those scho zrіdzhenі, but simply rіdkіsnі. It dawned on me: at that time, I didn’t know the subtleties, Vitaly Trokhimovich knew about yaks. Cicavo, that the last Sudanese did not slip through and even if the woods passed through. Maybe, the most important part of the soul “shrinked”, and then - at the stage of white threads - died down. Forever.

Stіyky to dryness that zharostіyky dormouse. Vіn maє well rozvinenu root system and vodobuvaє vologu z 2 m depth. To that vіn, yak i kukurudza, є one of the best crops for re-sowing with insufficient moisture. In addition, wines without shkoda endure frosts down to minus 3-5 degrees. To this end, the varieties were especially effective in the middle crops.

At Nechornozem's on the Pivnіchny Zahodі, in the minds of sufficient moisture security, effectively unfavorable to heat, that frost-resistant mustard was white, winter ripak and yariy, fodder cabbage, radish olive, brukva, turnip, oats, ryegrass, chinu, lupine, phacelella, malvi. There are a lot of sums of cultures, which are chosen so that the growths were biologically distant one from one, but close behind the lines of ripening.

At the very beginning of this point it was said that the choice of crops, although we hope the song has a positive impact on the effectiveness of sideration, is still secondary. At every time, not varto robiti deeds to choose culture for the rahunok process. However, there is no trace of absolute respect. If the furnishing is allowed, then sin is not quick to be able to choose.

Tsіkavim - at tsimu sensі - dosvіdom to share friends Aver'yanov (Astrakhan Club of Natural Farming). Have їhnіy sadibi siderati sіyutsya, vvazhay, tsiliy rik. In their roles, Sergius and Yuliya, surrounding traditional cultures, vicarious flowers and spice cultures are on full strength. I don’t just silence the eye of the rulers, but I call to the city all the brown clods - zapilyuvachiv and hizhakiv:

Olive radish (pictures grown in the gardens of Aver'yanovyh, Astrakhan).

Lofant is a marvelous beauty of green manure that smells like chocolate.

Cineraria (livoruch), celosia khurtovina (chervona) and ageratum (bіlі kіti).

In addition, the Aver'yanovs manipulate green manure crops for the picking of fresh crops for urban crops. So be moving, do not take the situation as if you were smart, but “correct” it for the greater good. It can be said that Sergius and Yulia act like right michurintsy: they don’t cling to nature, looking for її favors, but bluntly provoke її, “appear”, so that they bestowed on them. Chi is not cultured to pick up the front of the front, but the front - to the front of the culture. A trifle - but what a meaning!

So, in the spring of 2010, Aver'yanov plundered the best apron for carrots. They sowed її on four beds: after vіka, phacelia, olive radish and just under mulch (for control). It turned out that the "red" bed gave a bigger harvest, lower than the control one. At the same hour, the early sowing of vіkі and phacelіy on vrozhаї carrots was practically not recognized.

On the signs, the harvest of carrots is born after the successive successors.

Just do not need to underestimate the vіku and phacelіyu as green manure. Їx sympathetic vpliv on the biocoenosis will still appear. Ale, in a short-line plan, the allelopathic injection of their excesses on carrots could instantly overwhelm the target. There are a lot of cultures to know about the "controversial nature" of the wiki. If the deposit is recommended to be picked up 3-4 days later, it became clear that such a large line of sivby for carrots is unacceptable. And the axis of the allelopathic "quiet" phacelia is less visible. I am richly rokiv pospil namagavsya pіdsіvati facelіyu to ogіrkіv. Vaughn, movlyav, garna and yak kulіsa, і like “zazival” coma-zapilyuvachіv, і like pіdtrimka ogirkovyh batogіv. Everything is so - the cream of the existing "dribnitsa". Ogіrki in її company felt obviously downtrodden!

In a word, the "solid excess" of getting the Aver'yanovs - such bonuses:

  • The olive radish has established itself as a good front for carrots (obviously, the sheets are good and other cross-flowers (rice, yari and winter rap, suripka, turtledove), and dosvіd merits on the width of other vegetables;
  • For the sake of cross-flowered green manure, varto destroy the term sivby carrots.

Chi maєte vy svіy pіdkhіd to arable farming, your system? How do you call?
Yes. The exact name I see is the name, which
the unforgetable Terenty Semenovich Maltsev - nature-like farming. The name is not glamorous, but rather informative, not beauty.
What would you call the main thing in such farming?
The name ambiguously indicates the main figure
arable farming - may be like an oath in court: lead on the earth, what did you get to the Nature, wait only for the promptings of Nature, work only for the good of Nature.
And why is yoga characteristic of rice, like yoga vіdminnі rice?
The concept of nature-like farming grew out of different types of activities in the form of traditions, in the form of “they worked so hard for the grandparents”. To describe nature-like farming with great strokes, it is important to work more succinctly and higher, lower in Fukuoka's "One-straw Revolution". In a detailed retelling under a sleeping dream peacefully є susіdami і original, і "decayed" vydminnі risi:
1. Shame on the loosening of the soil! The minimum concern for the ground can only be caused by technological reasons.
2. The heart of the streaming system of the Buryanivs is a non-sufficient turbota about those who are clean (hung) in the thin upper ball of the soil without mixing with the soil, we will clearly “stuff” the Buryanivs.
3. Daily monoculture - less melange beds. Dobrіr cultures are determined by technological microscopy. With a sufficient diversity of companies, it is possible to identify the problems of allelopathy.
4. Protection of roslin against ailments and shkіdnikіv zdіysnyuєtsya exclusively by biological methods (spilni plantings, biopreparations, appearance of physiological representatives of flora and fauna).
5. The recognition of change is fundamentally changed. The replacement of the traditional stazhennya by crops-peredniks (there is less sense in monoculture) is the replacement of beds with the improvement of technological facilities. 6. Moisture protection of roslins is realized, most importantly, by the improvement of atmospheric water (falling off and dew) and the minimization of vaporization of water by soil and roslins. Irrigation plays a lesser role in force majeure environments.
7. Zhodnogo pіdv'yazuvannya roslyn. For consumption, the Roslins hope for a drink of support, prompted by Nature.
8. Most of the primary operations to keep an eye on the Roslins are "entrusted" to green manure.
9. As an admissible dobriva, the biomass of the roslin, which has not been spread, appears, in that chi and other form - in the form of fallen green manure to fresh pus. All pieces of goodness are included, including compost.
10. Zhodnoї shkodi middle of life. Zocrema, the whole biomass that grew in the city is guilty of spreading in the beds in aerobic minds.
And how to spіvvіdnosya prirodоpodіbne that organic farming?
Nature-like farming is an alternative to classical, and organic farming. 3 repaid characteristic rice about half of nature-like farming is not dominated by organic farming. For example, in organic farming, there is no encroachment on the loosening of the land. Ale nagolovnіshe - soul organic farmingє compost, unacceptable for nature-like farming.
What do you care about the method of your system, what will you do?
I want them to grow zhu in the cities, but don’t give birth. Zha not just can be (according to Hippocrates) faces - zavdyakov їy may fall into the need for the faces themselves.
I want the city to demand dozens of times less vitrates of work, so that leather leaves the city bringing satisfaction, and not an overhead shave shaved by robots.
I want beauty to grow in cities.
I want the cities to become “gut sanatoriums”, so that the city dweller can earnestly call, de get healthy - near Karlovy Vary near the powerful city.
I want the city to be completely peaceful, dzherelom
happy and happy.
Why are you engaged in farming?
On a broader scale, I'm looking for ways to help achieve more goals - and not only for myself. Let's say, kazkovo garna in yellow is young potatoes, prepared with EM-silo from plums and kavuniv, with cabbage, fermented with fizalis. And for the sake of one varto "commemorate". Ale, I want, for the taste of such potatoes, millions of millions. And so it happened, the popularization of my system is necessary. God put a pen in my hands, and I can truly believe it. Krіm itself has the right to write off in others, I “small” to popularize, with the head rank, from my own beds. From i I am engaged in arable farming, so that the beds are broken. God give me the inspiration to rise to Russia and Ukraine with lectures about their system of farming.
For a short while I perform at dozens of clubs. I need less time to thoroughly clean up the system, rise from gatherings to gatherings. Tobto, again, I should engage in unobtrusive nature-like farming.
To whom, in the category of people, is your system best suited?
In books and lectures, and in the beds, I focus on "grandmother", tobto. on city dwellers, tight-fitting with rocks, but not revantagement or security, or engineering training, or spritnist. I rozmirkovaya like this: like those, about which I rozpovida, feasible, in all senses, "grandmother", it is unobtrusive and for the grandfather, and for the maiden. Tobto. in nayavnosti - greater hoarseness. Axis i є main sense of my orientation to the grandmother. And if a girl’s grandfather has a supply of cats and/or peace, the stench can “apply” them without me. Let's say, the planting club (for planting potatoes and roses) can be replaced with a more thorough "flapper". Ale tse znaryaddya vimaga serious work with metal, and grandmothers, not under force. It’s clear that I’ve read the lectures at the lectures, enough for the city dweller to start making a cracker on his own. And be singing, smash. Ale, one kind of force two. And reshta vsієї halls? In a word, such an attitude allows me to be, seemingly in the words of the past, not an agitator, but a propagandist.
Dyakuyu, Boris Andriyovich! Our rozmova bula tsіkavoi that deep.
I was so cicavo. You, Dimo, are surprising and precise, like your famous namesake.

Linear side: 1 (the book has 21 sides) [readable lines: 14 sides]


100% +

Boris Andriyovich Bublik
City in a new way. Revolutionary method of "nothing-not-breaking"

© Bublik B.A., 2013

© / Romanovsky Volodymyr, Alexandr Pakhnyushchy, Nuttakit Sukjaroensuk, Baloncici, Denis Pepin, Valentin Volkov, Valeria Tarleva, Elena Shchipkova, Boris Sosnoviy, Dusan Zidar, Sergey Galushko, Izaokas Sapiroy, Noam Fedarovich, lining, 2013

© Book Club "Family Dosville Club", published in Russian language, 2013

© Book Club "Family Dozvill Club", artwork, 2013

© TOV "Knizhkovy Klub Club of Family Dosville", Bilgorod, 2013

Any part of this vision cannot be copied or created in any form without a written permission of the vision


The book sums up “urban” thoughts, like the author, going into the beds for 20 years and the dynamics of such claves in a dozen books, starting from the cocky-romantic “About the city for the savvy and lazy” and ending with the thoughtful and important “We call permaculture to the city. The fruit of thinking about that success (and also failure) on the beds is swaying to say that, eloquently having trusted Nature, you can say goodbye with the epithet “beast”, which (from the “important” hand of M. Uspensky) is uniquely accurately characterized by a robot near a traditional city.

“Be unique”… Garni words. As soon as the city’s success appears, as it is accepted, especially with calluses on the hands, then one has to think about the inevitable companions of these calluses - sciatica, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, endarteritis, hypertension, stroke, heart attack and other results of the “garden syndrome”. So, the city is growing more important than the city - a hedgehog is growing at the new one. Ale z ogo does not squeal, scho vin may have the right to svogo dbaylivtsya. Zovsіm navpaki, can become a great joy in life, a marvelous way of її prodovzhennya.

Tsi titmouse is no less than special prosperity of the city dweller. The stench contagiously destroys the virishennu of three serious social problems.

In the first place, the city, it is more important than the power of the mind, you can not vibrate "aqueous concentrate to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, taking away from the present fate and may have a great relish" (so the words of the vegetables are estimated by Masanobu Fukuoka), but those who are worthy of being called even people .

In a different way, it's not a secret for anyone that the juveniles of their mother are true to the earth. Odesa poet Oleksiy Reznikov describes the socially disturbing situation in such harsh words:

...forgotten man about himself!
Zabuta, what do mothers check,
mother wants an anniversary,
í sho lan - grain harvester pragne ...
So clap'yatstvo in Odessa is a string.

In the words of the poet, the order of hotness is vividly felt and the sting of youth. I just think that throwing helplessness clean up the causes of bitterness. And from the young shoots to sing “ancestors” (I live the word, how they call us stinks) we are cut, we are prostane, that callouses have grown on our toiling hands, that we have shrunk on our chests, laugh joyfully until evening, then we can turn into disguise to the ground. The first caste of agricultural workers to rejuvenate, not spent the accumulated by centuries of agricultural workers.

And now, thirdly, it’s easier for the zіthne Nature, it’s been spared by the people who have become thinners and її zhishchennya (guess the words “soul vryatuє” in the suggested urivka from the novel by Boris Akunin).

The hour has long come to turn to the thoughts of V.I. Vernadsky about the noosphere - about the camp of the biosphere, in which one is guilty of shifting the human mind (like the Greek. νοῦς - rosum). Volodymyr Ivanovich was convinced that such a metamorphosis of the biosphere would become XXI century. However, for the time being, it is possible to bachiti less in dreams and well-worn dreams. As long as the durisfera is near us sooner (from lat. duritia- soullessness) - the camp of the biosphere, which was brought about by human soullessness.

People can already think about the "reserve airfield". Thriving for the tragic camp of the biosphere, juveniles are also caught. So, the song has a group Loveushka(soloist Denis Kucherenko) These are such big words: “But our little children don’t have a spare planet.”

The path of the durysphere is not less active, the lower technosphere, the agrosphere is laying today. And that's why the crop of agrarians from the durysphere to the noosphere, in the words of Akunin, pierces the soul.

Damage to my sacred right. For example, not long ago at Mikhailiki, at the famous state of S. S. Antonts "Agroecology", a seminar devoted to the problems of creating a landscape park on the territory of the Shishatsky district of the Poltava region. At the seminars, it was about those that rehabilitate farming, which is being promoted in "Agroecology", spawning the creation of a prosperous agrosphere - an invisible part of the noosphere.

The Cicavi Phenomenon: Farming is capable of growing by Nature, it is not uncommon to produce an effective, complex turbot for dobrobut dovkіllya. Tsey lanzyug is unexplored. Semyon Sviridonovich Antonets, who in childhood pointed out that orange is an inexcusable foolishness, more than 8000 hectares of land, it is good for Nature and ... it is logical to come up with the idea of ​​a landscape park on an area ten times as large.

Tim himself went along the path and the Mykolaiv farmer V. B. Faliliev. Working in his youth as the director of the radgospu, the chief agronomist of the district, Valeriy Borisovich changed his mind at the marnosti oranki, step by step he helped himself and at once created a landscape reserve near the Berezneguvatsky district of Mykolaiv region - on an area of ​​2700 hectares. To the point, the similarity of the ways of Semyon Svirdonovich and Valery Borisovich is manifested in the fact that the stench of thorny, the stench of thorny, the headsless bar'erivs are brought to them, pershoprokhіdnikam, dolati. So, Valeriy Borisovich, breaking through the idea of ​​the reserve, supporting 7 fates, he invariably feels: “Do you need it?” Even if you need to live in the durysphere, you will be able to calmly - the soul is torn to the noosphere.

For modest city dwellers, it’s also possible to cope with the bik noosphere - accept it, who shares the thought of Confucius: “It’s worth cursing the dark one – it’s better to light a small candle.” Darkness is growing more and more, as we recognize the supremacy of Nature, we will cease to swear, we will stop with stupid traditions, which are supported by intrusive advertising (that and generated by the significant world) and become more and more unsafe that ruin.

In order to recognize the need to weaken the pressure on the city, it is possible to marvel at the fox galyavin: what can we do without looking at the shkodi (behind the wine)? You, singsongly, you will say: Galyavin is the best, if you don’t give services. Be-yaké a vtruchannya - a servant of a servant for the biocenosis of the Galyavin. The axis and the transcendental diligence of the grain-grower, the transcendental guard over the self-sufficient city - such services are worthy.

Tim for an hour K. A. Timiryazev saying: “And you have been fed from the roslini, who really will require a singing servant?” And often you don’t need to think about it - just finish it up, repeat to yourself the nourishment of Klimentii Arkadiyovich and swear, right at once, at once, the axis of the cim swing of the broї, that, leaning in your hands, the city biocenosis will be smitten with evil (often wrongly!). Also, for our summer resident-gorodnik, the most important equipment in the city is handcuffs. Do not imitate me - until the end of the book you will understand that I am on the verge.

We look at not just a set of smart ones that open the door, but a system of nature-like city building, based on a joke and victorious relationships that are observed in natural ecosystems. Mobilization of natural interrelations - strizhneva's idea of ​​the system.

I will surely surround the zone of respect with the city. There are two reasons for this. First, the city itself was a testing ground for watchdogs and visnovkiv. Everything about going into the books went through the hands and head in the city, and I least wanted to repeat the illiterate, but the firmness that roam from book to book:

● about weeding with sleepy changing leaves through the drop-lenses that have settled on them;

● about love growing up to the puffy earth;

● about those that the problem of water security in Russia is nіbito virіshuєtsya by irrigation;

● about the shock that grows when watering with cold water;

● about the evening water with warm water;

● about the increase in the growth potential of potato bulbs when they are cut open;

● about planting a winter plant in such terms, so that you don't show up before frost.

Even more impersonal pseudo-scientific hypocrites, who don’t get along with Nature, who don’t dream of anything sleeping with her, to provoke the mayor to put clubs in the wheel, like to turn it around.

Another reason is the need to develop the principles of nature-like farming that are accessible to a wide range of farmers. I’m like the credo of K. A. Timiryazev, who invariably descended from the heights of science to grandmothers, didusivs, shkil ... Klimentij Arkadiyovich said: “... an insanely accessible viklad, which prihovuє vіd chitacha all the inner work of the author, the article is popular, pratsya zvichayno nevdyachny for vchenoy. Ale, the lack of such a practice, I’m sure, I can exalt the wine of the city with the knowledge that I will develop in the practice of a correct understanding about the right task of science. ” The exchange of the zone of respect by the city is a way of accepting the wide range of practice-converted knowledge and the transformation of yoga into a handy city inventory.

I would like to see the people in the front garden know the healing forces of Nature, and not the medical benefits.

Schos at the book can be known to the reader. Ale I svіdomo ishov on the repetition of visnovkіv, published in other books. Until then, the book had no plagiarism for a pure looker: successes (and failures!) on the beds zmushuvali change the angle, accent, bring the sign of assessments.

For example, at my first book “About the city for the shy and lazy”, I spoke out against the tradition of harrowing the vineyard after planting potatoes. At the same time, I am an opponent of these stupid robots. But the argumentation has changed. Among the arguments against harrowing, there was an appeal to those who are harrowing dull in the holes. Now, here’s a visnovka about the fluffiness of the fluffy earth, I’m talking about those who, after landing, needed to specially trample in a row, so that the parosts would immediately oppose themselves in the thin (capillary) soil.

And as a compensation, add such a mirkuvannya to the bark of a hunchbacked potato yard. If it is inhabited by a cabbage, then it is necessary to save the humpbacks and deprive them of them without mulching (mulch is a bulky material, which bends the soil to the beast; it saves the water, trims the cold, spend it again and create comfort for the lively furrowers). The humps warm up more strongly beyond the square, the witches rule the nests under them, and the city dweller will have less to rake the hump in away hour. And even more to prostrate for him, so that there would not be humpbacks from the vineyard side of the potato bushes, so that the potatoes did not throw a shadow on the potential nests, then the bush would not be littered with cabbages.

I looked at another example of evolution: at the first five dozen books, hosanna loudly sang hosanna, and then an unguarded anathema came to the change. I changed at the same time with the successes of science and increased my knowledge, and it would be maliciously to continue to keep repeating those that I myself no longer believe.

First of all, as in the previous books, it was mainly about jokes and a gradual development of the concept of nature-like farming, then the reference is closer to the earth, to practice. Vaughn - and the resulting concept, and now on the kshtalt set up, ceramics. Even the character of the book would have been conveyed by the Ukrainian word assistant. Translating into Russian (handyman) has an obvious translation into Russian, but the person himself wants to write his own book. Tsієї mark the next and pіdbіr іlustrations. Call the authors to choose more beautiful pictures to show the goods to people. Well, I want the pictures to rob the topic in a better way.

At the book, buy the zvedeni that statement about nature-like farming, which was tested for an hour. Sequentially, step by step, it will be shown that for the complete management of a natural city, tens and hundreds of times less money may be needed.

I want three

● let the city dweller become a human being upright again - ironically, but you can illustrate the letter G in the primers with a photograph of the summer resident in the main position;

● let the corns of the city dweller get over to the bottom of the cranium; there the stench of the prodovzhennya of an active (in all senses) life is opposed to them, which are like a shovel;

● let the city build up the life of its master with the lighter, the brighter, the tastier, the spiritual and the gift of longevity.

I’m reluctant to write about tse, zokrema, remember about shanov’s dad. At suvori rocky war for a short Siberian summer, the Kuban Cossack was forced to grow up so that the rich family (I was the eldest of the five children of this family!) did not know hunger. It’s important for the children of war to show, but it’s so.

Strictly kazhuchi, and in Siberia we appeared only to the one who could make himself and his family happy. We - Simohs - were not tempted to go hungry on the sent "miles of the wastelands" of our fellow villagers. That vigadlivy judges dig up potatoes in the night, they planted them in the day. That dopitlivі slіdopiti znaydut temryavі lioh іz stocks for long siberian winter. Then let the herdsmen sort out the fence for the sheaves that ripen in the worts (the wort is a sprat of sheaves, placed by the field for drying, eared uphill, and covered the beast with a hat-sheaf). That our cow "does not know" the way home is low. Then we uprooted the galyavin in the lіsi ORS (organ of the working supply) lіsozavod sent a tractor from the plow - the farm was “nationalized” by the lіsozavod, and we were uprooting the new klaptik of the earth in taizi ... Batko was all robb with insurance against the fall of such “wastelands”.

We did not go hungry in the terrible spring of 1947, if the meager food ration cards were not stocked with food. І zamіst sweet, і zamіst groats, і zamіst m'yasa saw alcohol of brown color - yogo was called stool. I admit (I can, vtim, and have mercy) that this is rural methyl alcohol - the wood was the most accessible syrovina in the edge of the taiga. Possibly, an avalanche of dead tієї spring popovnyuvalsya and for the rahunok ієї otrub - ale chi before the diagnosis of the same bulo?

At the child youthful rocks I am happy - the world has strength and understanding - knowing the important burden of the city’s turbot from the father (“I’m great, that two people of all the peasants ...”). Now I know how you can take it left part. Ale...

And today, I’m warmly through those that millions of city dwellers are workaholics (like “my father is that I”), and navit, as if it were better to say, chim. Do not shake your workaholism - a great sin, sacrilege. Don’t help Ale (want to b thousand) to subdue Yogo - much more. Look out, dear readers! Get fired up! Straighten up, breathe in on your chest ... “Kudi like a wondrous creation of light!” Ale, to help you, you need to raise your eyes in the sp'yaniloї earth, to prostate.

A book about those who can live in the city could not be given easily. Baidukwati and take into account your satisfaction - both in the process itself, and in the results. It was important to inspire the concept of the book, to induce such an image, so that it would not call out to the informed dacha residents-governors of the trade. Menі richo - for an hour in high tones - helped Volodymyr Levdikov (Odesa Club of Acknowledged Farming). І tsі words - not rozsharkuvannya. The axis of yoga “sleep”: “It’s not true that the most important thing in your city is handcuffs. In your hands is a conductor's stick, which the whole orchestra hears - from actinomycetes to humpbacks. A uniquely accurate image - a conductor's wand! I’ll help Chimalu with a vibudovuvanni concept by putting on a two-year film about a heavenly (that’s our) city, which took Volodya. Low slope.

Pomіtny vpliv on the book was corrected by the tysne splkuvannya z M.I. Kurdyumov and Vіdomim vchenim-kartopler A.S.

Contacts from Mykola Ivanovich Kurdyumov are named on the right. Mi and Nіkom nibi were remembered as fates - even though Vіn is not much younger than me, and even you (among those in this book) regularly bring me down from heaven to earth, streaming my zahoplenіst. I am in an unpaid borg in front of Mikola Ivanovich, the manager and director of the mine "Reasonable Farming", where I look like a vugillya: Mikola Ivanovich often loudly represents me on the shoulder.

And on Andriy Stepanovich Udovitsky - like on a “fresh” person - I attacked with mustache enthusiasm. Vіn generously allowing me to eat chimali shmatki in the form of a cow, and those sides, the stench invested, became, as I guess, the best in the book. After the words "Thank you, Andriy Stepanovich" I want to put a dozen signs of a hail.

Knisі, bezperechno, my tіsna vzaimodiya with the leaders of the Russian union "Syayvo" Dmitri and Nataliy Ivantsovym went to the fury. Mi s Dima and Natalka on deyakі problems we marvel in a different way. And it’s wonderful, because it’s better to be taken with respect to rich speeches, like yaki, yakbi didn’t order the Ivantsovs, proyshov bi, don’t chirp.

It is impossible not to say about those that the leather (literally leather!) streamed me for a day, and my squad Tamara Fedorivna encouraged me contagiously. Look forward to my richly tolerant “grandmother” - don’t beat the word. I bow to the earth!

And how about our spіvpratsi with Vadim Kleimanov (Kharkiv Club of Natural Farming and healthy way life) at the process of writing a book, it can be a bright club robot (as Brockhaus and Efron have come to understand). I thank Vadim for his interest in work, support and patience.

Well, I can’t help but know that new stories and texts were formed every hour of lectures and seminars, and for thousands of listeners and authors from the clubs of natural farming and the centers of “Syaivo” of Ukraine and Russia.

Chapter 1

Rozmov about the city is best tied to the calendar, so we live season after season in the beds of our readers. And without any introductory division, one can, strictly seemingly, get along. It is possible, for example, to know the recipes of the day, not stumbling on the principles of nature-like farming, no matter how it was born. I inspire not bachachi yoga of a whole image. Ale with introductory explanations is still better. Vono hiba sho raises a cautious reader, to look around wider, the picture is more intelligible. With him it is easier to show and win the ties between the biocoenosis and uninterruptedly add to the treasury of proofs of the melancholy of this self-sufficiency. Zreshtoy, on the manifestation of zv'yazkіv treba nalashtuvatisya, too, it's good.

Excursion into history

Rozuminnya of what the earth-earthing can call on Nature, age and inherit it, matured from long ago. The ancient Roman philosopher and writer Lucius Seneca said two thousand years ago: “A person to reproach nature, having learned how to reproach it.” Yake marvelous transfer! It’s more accurate to understand the insane supremacy of Nature, that which is the first and only one can vire, what can work with it, and what cannot. Close behind the light is the aphorism of the English philosopher and the legacy of nature, Chance-Franciscan Roger Bacon, who already lives hundreds of years: "Nature rules the one, who follows its rules". Sound the Russian literature victorious translation: "Nature is ruled by the one who seeks to rule." Ale, I said bi іnakshe: "Nature to steer її kerms." So not only more concisely, but the opuklisha gra of the original.

K. Marx, a categorical thinker of the 19th century: "People's projects, as they do not call on the laws of nature, bring more misfortune." F. Engels echoed you: “We will not, however, have to worry about our peremoga over nature. For such a skin, I will win revenge on us. ”

I dare to admit that yakbi Marx zіyshov from the obscure heights of a philosophical thought to the city, then having respected the bi, that the plow and agrochemistry, which were gaining strength at that hour, not only did not call the laws of Nature, but knew her for nothing. I, perhaps, zovsim bula b ninishnya picture of the world, yakbi if Marx himself assessed it. It’s quite possible that even adepts, who sang from the walls, stands and fences: “Marx’s power is omnipotent, to that it’s out of the way,” would be less zavryuvachs of Nature. Ale, as it seems, history does not know the mental way. And those that we cry to Nature for the victory over her, singly, can be assessed as a divine contribution.

Virishuvati problems of the biocenosis for additional help, which are guarded in Nature, so by the forces of the biocenosis itself, our great spivvitchizniki 1. V. Michurin and K. A. Timiryazev.

Michurin, setting before him an unbelievably sound task: increase the assortment of fruit and berry bushes of the middle smoky for their yield and quality varieties, and also pass the cordon of the sprouting of pivden crops far to the pivnich.

I for 50 years Ivan Volodimirovich successfully ran into her. Moreover, on the cob shukav shukav over zovnіsh, so bovity, zasoba (for example, gigantic greenhouses), and Nature itself - in the roslins shuk in power, like to expand pіvnіch (zasіverity) the fruitful belt of Russia. With full right, Ivan Volodymyrovich gave the tool of hardening growth - remote hybridization - the following assessment: "As a result of reasonable involvement in nature, we can now, with success, significantly speed up the formation of new species, and improve life for the future people." Like dbaily, like affectionately - smarty ...

And quiet readers who hear "We can't get favors from nature, take them from her - our task," I ask you to pay attention to the key word "mercies", so that the sensational principle of Michurin will turn out to be the one that was invested in the new Nature. This principle, Ivan Volodimirovich formulated in 1880, and the words “take mercy from nature” meant that it was necessary not to draw manny from the sky - it was necessary to practice with Nature, to wait, so that she would bestow us with caresses. Mercy!

And the least mav on uvazі Ivan Volodimirovich violence against Nature - about yakі even then merciful mova? On the right, the Belarusians, having started a devilish adventure against Nature and likened a valtivnik in a forest museum, embellished themselves with a fig leaf with the inscription "We can not check favors ...". It's not Ivan Volodymyrovich's fault that this principle was clouded to the point of exactness.

Deeply understand the importance of the manifestation of natural links in Nature, and the need to rely on them, a well-known expert in physiology, Roslin K. A. Timiryazev. Zhorstok drought and drought in 1891 spurred Klimenty Arkadiyovich to give a famous lecture “On the struggle of growing from dry land”. Vіn saying: “To the right of people, like to stand vich-on-vich іz grіznim dashing, evaluate why even people can inherit nature with dignity...” To inherit nature with dignity is Timiryazev’s superbly precise imperative.

It would have been better if, after a strong dryness, it would be logical to talk about irrigation, about a water supply tank, then. Ale Klimentiy Arkadiyovich came out of the fact that Nature is self-sufficient - he succumbed to the roslins themselves to fight against the dry. This position was known in the name of the lecture: he was not talking about the struggle of a person from dry land, but about the struggle of self-growth with it. І dіyshov of a naked visnovka: the dryness of the roslin spryaє is stronger in charcoal eating. What a constructiveness of scientific analysis!

The first dredger, who comprehensively implemented nature-like soil in practice, was the Japanese farmer Masanobu Fukuoka (1913–2008) near the field. In my own mountain, Masanobu-san, I didn’t fight against kim - I organized the balance of the uninterrupted prosperity of all living things. I, nothing (more precisely, mayzhe nothing) do not sag, do not flood, as it was done, checks with water, growing up to 60 centners of rice per hectare and - on the same area, the same fate! - More styles of winter wheat.

Ukraine can write about the fact that the fields of the state of S.S. Antonts "Agroecology" (it was already mentioned above) is the largest land in the world, and on an area of ​​8200 hectares they dominate the new crops with Nature. Zavdyaki zmіttsі that God's giftНасіння Свірідоновича, а також рекомендаціям групи вчених Національного аграрного університету під керівництвом професора Миколи Кіндратовича Шикули в господарстві досягли відчутних успіхів, при тому що там обробляють землю методом поверхневого культивування, відмовилися від хімічних добрив та пестицидів, ведуть захист рослин від природних рослин . Compared with traditional methods, the paliva reduction was reduced by four times, labor and labor costs were shortened twice, and at the same time, the product comparability was 6 times lower, and the yield was approximately 2 times higher, lower than the average for the region.

I am writing in friendship with another pioneer of nature-like farming - V. T. Gridchin, an agronomist with over 50 years of experience, the creator of the original green manure-free system. Already, it’s over for a pіvstolittya for a pike order, for yoga bazhannyam, a roar, a burkun, a goat’s rue and other growers-workaholics yell, water, fight with ailments and shkіdniki, fertilize the fields. In this book, I will have more than one reason for the indescribable satisfaction of Vitaly Trokhimovich.

Historical excursus is almost incomprehensible without telling about one of our co-workers - farmer Sepp Holzer (Lungau district, Austria). In Holzer's neo-hopeful creativity, the original principle of nature-like farming is realized all over the world: in the field of farming efficiency, do not decide what to create near the cordon, but look at such links between the elements of the biocoenosis, as we can grow. I prefer to change the amount of energy - and m'azovoy, and mechanical.

For example, the pigs at Holzer graze chickens in the mountains, protecting the air from the foxes, polluting the woods, fertilizing them evenly along the way, covering the seedlings for the day, cleaning the mothers from the rabbits. The words of this phrase have an indescribably dumb paws: all the guessings of the pigs follow a literal mind. Nasinnya, hoarded with hoards on a hard bed, it’s easy to go. A piquant detail: Zeppa does not turbulate those that part of the sown nasіnnya will be eaten by pigs: those nasіnnya zdebіshego turn into the land of stratification, with the similarity brought to the maximum. Sepp maisterno graє navit on tsіy, softly seeming, prose furnishings. A. S. Udovitsky talk about it like this: “A pig, like a tractor, fit into nature-like farming: with a reamer, a tail, and a hoard.”

To the point of speech, pig hoards led Andriy Stepanovich to think about those who can be planted "under the heel" a lot. With a heel, to special attachments, as if to fasten on the soles of the mouth (like forging or licking), the pressure of the legs to fight the dimple and immediately sit down a little potato or kvassol ... Now lie down on the bed!

Disgustingly! Skilki can be taught in Nature, like a lot of what you can learn, like respecting Nature as a good teacher, like not leading into her eyes! You show the fun: I go on pickups along the beds, and the grandmother next - also for the next day - rearranges the pipe from hole to hole with a watering can and throws grains into it. І tse robot? - “Don’t rob me funny!”

Let's move on from Andriy Stepanovich, back to Zepp. In one of the lakes of the vines, he settled a jock: having built for them a floating island from the bundled decks, placing little buds on the new one, and letting out a stump in the center of the raft. In the wild wind, the island is drifting on the lake, and the stovpchik makes it possible to moor to the shore, also at the alpine foxes, as they cannot swim, "to fill the eye, that tooth is numb." And how many pitiful kacharivs would sporadzhuvaly, for example, fencing with chain-links, they would start dogs too thin!

So I want to continue the pinkish stanza from “Woe to the mind”:

How wonderfully created light!
Philosophize - the mind will spin ...

I - wait a minute - see why your head is going around, if you create wonderfully bright good men!

Don't play the fool at Herr Sepp's house, make mice - the stench will plant a tree near a 50-hectare garden. Flies love trout. The wind sows the maetok with mushrooms. Holzer has no such cunning. I had the good fortune of talking to him with a roar for 3 days, and the day my head was clear. Mikola Ivanovich Kurdyumov, for 3 days they followed Holzer at the Kozachi camps near Kherson, at Dmitri's mother and Ganni Pelikh, saying so: no interruption of sunshine!

Fedir Tyutchev consecrating Athanasius Fet - the union of Nature - the following rows:

Great Matir'yu kokhaniy,
Hundred times envious of your share -
More than once under the visible shell
You yourself її pobachiv.

It can be said about Sepp Holzer that he was “under the visible shell” rattling richly. But if Feta's pilnist is more swish, like to identify the poets, is contemplative, then the farmer Holzer has a clear constructive idea.

It’s true, Holzer needs a bachiti - in pershu, in a friend, and in the tenth line - a view for the inheritance of a manner of thought, and not a diy! The least of my faults are buti turbovani, as if to save (and how to drill your hands!). You need to talk about it again and again: you can’t forget that the coastal steppes are not Alpine and Ukraine is not Austria.

Proponuetsya dosvid permacultural analysis of the phenomenon of "speck on the city". There is an influx of agrotechnical entries and weather minds on all parts of the growth and dowkil. It is shown that agropriyomi, which - in spite of us and ochіkuvannyam - can be devastatingly wedged into the roslin, as well as the possibility (vicorist links between the trees and processes that do not lose sight of the respect for environmental safety) to help the roslins thrive in the sinter.


It is unlikely that the readers need to be told, like a speculative boulo summer 2010 rock. Spekotnym, even hot - ale th year. For reasonable arable farming will be dosit friendly. In addition, there is a rich set of different yoga methods in ordering the harvest spit, spit and let the city of opportunity “shine”. And a lot of city dwellers were koristuvalis in these ways in the soul. And the most popular “graveyard” to the city of Buv, although it’s wonderful, watering.

In my inconspicuous contacts, both listeners and readers often had to say something like this: “There were peppers like peppers. Ale yakіs drooped. It became Skoda їх - poured. And the stench has not yet risen, but has risen forever.

Є parable, scho to get up to the point.
Priyshov like a friend of mine, a friend from syncomic rock five. Cholov_ki zaglibilisya at dosit folded zavdannya. The lad has put phikati on and asks to go home. Uvіyshov father Yuliya and having drunk yoga: “Do you know what is in my gut?” And if after a couple of years the people ran into the zavdannya, the little ones did not want to go: they already knew everything about the buzzard, which was leaning in the gut, but still did not see, navischo їy shoulder navkolochok darochok. Then Julius asked the dad: "How do you zoom in so you want a little one?" І father vіdpovіv: "Children love is possible, but respect is necessary».

Tsya maxim - and about growing. Love that shkoduvati їх is possible, but respect is required. I nasampered - do not tell them your appearance, what is good for them, but evaluate what “thinks” the growth is like. Aje roslini cannot say “to ask at home”.

Those who grew up in an instant to look after them, confirmed several “skargs” of this kind: “For all the summer I did not think of going to the dacha. She came more than autumn, to put things right. And on the beds - everything. Navit potatoes - uncooked. To go out, it wasn’t really (for Roslyn!) filthy.

But it is not important to put up to the Roslins, to impose on them their own statements about their good, the dignity of the lita nanivets.

We need a real permacultural analysis of the magnitude of the heat in the city. It was required to “hear” all the mutual opinions of the “sides of the process”:

  • Water content and thermal conductivity of the soil
  • Її shchіlnіst (kapilarnіst) and porosity
  • Mulch and water conservation
  • Tovshchina mulch and thermal insulation
  • Density of standing of roslins (all, not including weeds)
    that acquired sleepy radiation
  • Standard take care of roslins
    that їх vpliv on dobrobut the rest
  • Dobriva and photosynthesis in extreme minds.

Tse is a typical permacultural approach to the problem. Do not joke, so that you will still grow, but make the links between the phenomena and zmushuvat tsі the links work for the benefit of the biocoenosis. The problem covered the whole analysis. take summer can be repeated, and it is necessary, so that the city dweller does not start up, checking to repeat. Vіn maє buti ozbroєny knowledge.

Ovsinsky's lessons

The main point of analysis of the letters from the "New system of farming" I.Є. Ovsinsky, which until the last year gave me a little more. VIN Axis:

Drіbna two-inch orange ... є that same taєmnichiy diyach, who took from the tormented shoulders of the harvester the stingy draft of dry land.
Now I’m not only calm, but with some kind of satisfaction I’m wielding this terrible scourge of farming. Roslini will come and grow with us without a board, nitrification and cooling of gases will be the most energetic rank. And the good weather makes it easier for us to work on the field, which is why the boards often stay on the back.

Wait, words "with real satisfaction"і “Dosch often becomes a perishable” are given from the summer of deshcho navmisni, rebіlshennymi. So I want to say: “Ivan Yevgenovich, bachite, make the plank pratsyuvati - on dry land! Don't worry...” Aleernichna toga - similar to the cloth of a naked king. You can’t get close to her, don’t fall into the fact that Ivan Evgenovich otrimuvav vіdmіnі vrozha stіykі vrozha in stingy dry rocks, scho went black like the nineteenth century.

I had to "read". With Mykolaiv farmer Valery Borisovich Falileev, a qualified grain grower, who worked as the director of the regional state university and the head agronomist of the region, the world took guidance from I.І. Ovsinsky literally "by brush". The axis of the pouch of the Vikonan robot.

At the words dribna two-inch orange prihovany, in a first way, vіdmova vіd oranges. And, in a different way, it is conveyed that the soil is covered with a thin, fluffy ball, that it is necessary to pass through the vogue and ensure comfort.

The All-World is a living organism, ale of creations, and God is Alive, not of creations and not peoples, calm, the creator of the life of the All-World. The term “Life” is named and defines the concept of “Life” in a borderline about ... "> the life of the soil fauna. This thin, puffy ball (on large squares!) thin 5 cm ball of mulch.

From the fact that the soil is neoranium, whistling, that the wine is at the same time thin and porous. Schіlna- henceforth, capillary that zdatna pіdnіmati volog from the lower balls to the root of the roslin. BUT porous- in view of the fact that the roots of the roslins (dimmed and alive) are pierced to the great clay, and the moves of the soil baggers. In this soil, atmospheric wind can freely circulate down and uphill. Rozіrіte poіtrya zastrіchaєtsya in the depths of the soil with cold yoga balls and pour dew in them (the name of the day). If the temperature is higher, then more moisture, then. tim more at the new driver. Until then, what's the temperature again, tim more retail temperatures povitrya і ґruntu, і tim bіlsha vologa z povitrya osіdaє ґruntі. The capillaries are left with less dew, which she has settled, until the roots grow. In such a rank, Ivan Evgenovich had not one, but two, bring to the test “single satisfaction” in the form of specs.

And the vranci are warming up the warm soil and colder weather - and the dew falls again (rankova, surface). I zagalny obsyag roshi - chimali. For summer, you can drop a ball of rosy zavtovshki over 12 cm! It dawned on me that such a ball cannot be given, neither ladles, nor liykas, nor turntables ... The dew itself spawns streams in the forests, which pour into rivers. The dew itself provides the titles of “dry watering” of gardeners, lined with stones. I in a miracle Ukrainian song “There, de Yatran, it’s cool to get in / Z-pіd stone b'є water ...” Feel free to correct: "Z-pіd kaminnya b'є dew» .

The free circulation of the soil in the soil allows the roots of the roslins to catch the free nitrogen from the soil for additional bacteria (this process is called nitrification). In addition, in the gases that settle at the ground, microscopic doses of microelements are lost, and the stench also reaches the roslins. As far as I’m going to finish, wine is not really needed by the roslins and it’s more than a shift to robots. For the sake of it, it would be necessary to discuss here, that Ivan Evgenovich was on the right, more importantly, with cereals, tobto. with roslins with a low transpiration coefficient (report about it - at the prod- uct price statt).

In this rank, the words used by Ivan Evgenovich need to be understood literally. I can say, taking close to the heart of this long-known text. Ale... going into a new veil of outrageousness. And it’s less than a minute away (even though it’s friendly, ale, don’t tell me, squeaky) it’s too hard to “surprise” the text, think about the words of Ivan Evgenovich and reconsider, more precisely than the skin of them.

Prodovzhennya statti - about those who need watering in the spec.

Photo by Maria Gaznyuk

Part 2

Later, behind the great rahunka, the baker has a lot of insolent consumption in watering.
And the stronger the speck, the lesser the need.
Quite simply, as the temperature of the soil changes in the world, it becomes cloudy in the depths. Come, of course, include in the analysis the phenomenon of thermal conductivity.

Let's take a look at the graph for accuracy (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Temperature dynamics near the soil (without mulch)

On the horizontal axis of coordinates (axis of abscissa) there is a depth of soil. On the axis there are signs 10, 20, 30, ... div. The Libyan edge of the graphic is on the surface of the soil (the depth is 0). On the vertical coordinate axis (axis of ordinates) the temperature of the soil is indicated: 10, 20, 30 ... ° С. We all know that at a sufficient depth (near our edges - from 1.5-2 m, and at pivnochi - three more), a constant low positive temperature is restored. Itself on this effect, the arguing of deep lees is rooted: it is cold in them, so that they can hang at the lion, do not falter, stagnation, and the winter is warm, and the vegetables do not freeze. We take into account the constant temperature, which is 12 ° C (a dashed line is drawn at this height). All the numbers in our comparisons are smarter and more necessary for that, in order to understand the effect of watering at the sinter on a similar level.

Let's go to the hvilinka, that the ground is naked. Tse is not uncommon in our cities. Such a bude, for example, will be the soil on the beds with a well-burned potato. This will be the way it will be among the wives of inter-rows of other cultures. If the temperature in the shade has reached, say, 40 ° C, then on the sun it will be 50 ° C, and on the surface soil, which has been roasted up to 15-16 years, - all 70 ° C!

Now it’s easy for the change in temperature (the world has penetration in the soil) from 70 to 12 degrees. The schedule of this process is a slow exponent. It will pass through the point 70 ° C on the y-axis and asymptotically snuggle up to the dashed line.

On fig. 1 such exhibitors - two. Why do they stink one by one? The upper exhibitor shows the middle with the higher, and the lower shows the middle with the lower thermal conductivity. Otherwise, hanging, in the middle with a high thermal conductivity, the curve falls regularly, gently sloping, and in the middle with a low thermal conductivity, the falling line is steep.

In order to perekonatisya itself in such a behavior of the line, it is obvious that we trim a metal rod in one hand, and a wooden one in the other. Sunemo kіntsi lozin near the fire. A metal rod, which has a high thermal conductivity, will hardly become unbearable to trim with a bare hand: for some, the temperature (according to the "high" from hot to cold) drops properly, and reaches the hand unbearably high. Well, a wooden stick, which may have an insignificant heat conductivity, can be trimmed with a bare hand, wound if it may burn out again. Tobto. in it, the temperature on the way from the burning point drops steeply to the hand.

One more yavny experiment. We see that we know that I am boiling the pot from the fire. It is easy to work for the help of dry ganchirka and it is impossible - for the help of wet. And everything is right in the fact that wet ganchirka can have a great thermal conductivity, and dry - small.

In this way, we can say that the upper line is the graph of temperature changes in wet and the bottom line is a graph of temperature changes in dry soil. The more wet the soil, the more the canopy of the upper line, and the more dry the soil, the steeper the lower line falls.

Now we can see a ball of soil at a depth of 10-20 cm. Here, basically, there is a root cultural roslins- the entire rhizosphere of the potato, which revitalizes (volohat) the roots of the tomato (fatty and watery roots go sounding coal at 5-8 m), the root of the cibuli, etc.

In dry soil, the temperature in the same ball, as it stands out from the graph, changes from 38 to 27 ° С. Tomato, for example, for such a temperature in the rhizosphere consumes the ovary. The potatoes stop growing. What can I say, the roots are stingy. Leaves consume turgor. Roslin looks confused. Stop bearing fruit. ale live - in the shortest hours - will be. Youmu feel better already next night.

Ale, the pitiful master-workaholic to succumb, as Roslin suffers every day. I… grab the hose. The soil becomes vologous, tobto heat-conducting! The first root appears at the boiling pot - at a temperature of 48-59 ° C! Kaput is root and, like a legacy, roslini? So! Gardener, helping the roslins, wanting to grow the soil Vologda and brewing them on the roots! “I want it to be better ...” Ale: watering - brewing! Not vrahuvav a tight connection between water and heat conductivity of the soil.

The first vysnovok for the analysis of graphs: the earth was bare and watered - at the spec - absurd. The soil in the city is not to blame for being unnaturally clean, which is why many city dwellers should do it. Vaughn can be similar soil in natural biocenoses, tobto. mulched. Goli ґrunti are not typical for Nature.

Ale and mulch do not solve all problems with watering. It can be taken into account that under the ball of mulch the soil does not ignite, and the temperature on the surface is close to the temperature again. We will suggest a schedule for lowering the temperature of the soil, for example, from 40 ° C to 12 ° C (Fig. 2). Yak and fig. 1, the upper curve is suitable for wet soil, and the lower one is dry.

Rice. 2. Dynamics of temperature near the soil (under mulch)

Poki, unfavorably at 40-degree sinter, the soil was dry, then at a depth of 10-20 cm the temperature of the soil was in the range of 19-23 ° C, tobto. for the rhizosphere - ideal. Roslins were fruitful. And again the compassionate gentleman “blowed” them: “Give it to the field.” I... sharply thermal conductivity jumped soil, and at the same time from it - the temperature in the rhizosphere.

In my vipadka, the temperature streak is not so scalded, like in the vipadka with naked soil. The temperature in the rhizosphere rises to less than 29-33 °, a little scarlet, when the tomato buds stop growing, when the potato bulbs stop growing and begin to be covered with a skin, etc. Otherwise, it seems that the waters of the watering of the roslin cease to be keifuwati and begin to grow. Poured - naughty.

So scho, watering - have you ever been evil? І unacceptable for the spec? And maybe it’s not needed? Nothing like it!

It is true that you “water” the dew of the source. I ratified I.Є. Ovsinsky to "everything". But earlier it was said that Ivan Evgenovich was busy, most importantly, with cereals, tobto. roselins with a remarkably low transpiration coefficient (TC), which indicates the number of units of water, as it is due to viparate the plant in the process of photosynthesis, in order to make one unit of dry speech.

Kukurudzi, for example, has a very low TC - only 280-320. Until then, on the leaves of corn, as it goes to the stem, the dew rages, as it settles in the field, on the ground, a rossobing root rises, and the vologa reaches the dew, which settles in the ground. So corn, apparently, will not require annual watering. Wheat growth (TK = 400-450) and vіvsu (TK = 450-500).

Let's help the rozrahunka K.A. Timiryazev. Asking for Helrigel, he said that “for taking 1 kg of grain, we can deliver 1000 kg of water for growing”. Tse means that when the yield of grain crops is 25-30 centners per hectare, a ball of water 25-30 cm is carried away from the cornfield. Tobto. with careful agricultural technology without irrigation, you can take 60 c/ha.

Zrozumіlo, you can live without watering peas (TK = 500-550). And the axis of alfalfa (TC=750-900) dew and fall already fell. Ale її ryatuyut roots, scho go to 10-16 m coal, de zavod є vologa. Cabbage with “zahmarim” TC is hopeless without watering, which is 1500.

At the cordon position, potatoes are known. Let's translate the mirkuvannya about her with my splendid mine - without TC. For 1 kg of stained potato bulb (for the hardness of the most visible potato grower Lorch) there is about 300 liters of water. Also, for a modest delivery (say, 200 kg / ha) from a potato field for the season “go to heaven” a 60-centimeter ball of water. Zim “zavdannyam” in our area, so-and-so, fall can fall in, covered with dew. And if you want to take more than 200 c/ha, then you can’t do without irrigation.

Let us turn to the watering of disguises - it’s not about evil, like the stench can bring, but about those, like they grow brown (and light-weighted). First for everything, you need to ignore the recommendations, which are often called up, blame water the evening with warm water. Warm water - why? Control shot at the head? Watering in the evening tezh is absolutely unbearable: the soil is “done” in a day, and the water will come to the root of the roslin sometimes!

Kudi dorechnishe watering on the sweater, and before that - cold water. Startled unreasonably, the stars appeared, pulling up to the warm water. Aje in the white world, the capillaries deliver water to the roots of the roslins from the clay, tobto. from a temperature of 12°C. Tse - zvichna for the root, the temperature is comfortable! Kozhen, who, descending from the lioh, could guess about it in a moment! Warm water for the root - just not their water, anti-natural. Ale htos if you said a few words, maybe, from a clouded head, and now the stench wanders thoughtlessly from book to book. I readers, as if they called to trust the word of the word, are cherished by them. Raise, for example, water tanks in the dachas more, fill them with dark farboa ... And the roslins, by the way, need water right from the Sverdlovin - the stench itself called to such a level.

It’s true, and the splendid watering on the svitanka (to wind with cold water) looks undesirable. The sun rises, it heats up later, and until the afternoon, the thermal conductivity factor becomes important for the growth factor for the moisture factor. Everything is starting to go before, about what to talk about, look at more graphics. However, fortunately, “take on the job” is another physical manifestation: the vaporization of water, which is accompanied by cooling the soil. І tse trohi helped the situation. If you want to get rid of the problem, it’s too early the heat conductivity of the soil becomes high.

The axis of the yakby far away to drink water lower Shari Gruntu and dry, non-heat-conductive upper ball - tse bulo b roslin holy! І vyhіd - prinaimnі for small delyanok - є!

I rose to Holzer, how it is possible to adapt yoga high alpine beds to our realities. Holzer's high beds bring in water and attract warmth. We need to bring heat and attract water. І I proponuvav the beds (for the sake of changing the heat) with the lower ones and insert into the crest of the pipes or plastic plates without a bottom and a neck - for watering "from below".

Holzer accepted the idea, but corrected it. At the dance, only the bottom grows, the cork does not open, but, on the contrary, it closes, open the small corks as soon as possible, tear the plaques into the cork down, and when watering, the water does not flow to the ground, but into the circle of the balls, and from them seep into the soil. Otherwise, it seems, vlashtovuetsya schos on kshtalt kraplinny watering. Only not to the beast (remember about the approach of thermal conductivity!), but from the depths.

I added a small touch: at the big day, there is an opening with a diameter of about 2 cm, the bottom turns over and is inserted into a dance - sim favours the supra-world vipary of the water from the dance. And, moreover, do not drink at the dance nevtomnі zahisniki to the city - frogs and frogs. Slime that temple dance could become a pasta for them.

Bonuses in such a system and watering - do not worry. The water stops. The gorodnik is free to choose the time for watering. The water comes near the bottom balls of the soil at an increased pace, and the stars of the capillaries lift it up to the root of the growth. Before watering, you can pour EM-drugs and other infusions near the dish. You can pour in ashes - and it is painless for soil living creatures to bring the soil with ashes. What do you need to guess, that the introduction of sols on the surface of the soil can lead to a shoddy soil fauna? “Kirka” does not settle on the ground.

The described method of watering has a long-standing forerunner. The whole plyashka (without a cork!) is filled with water and is built (more!) to the ground. through pevne

Zvіdsi i spriynyattya different hour. The vimiryuvannya is based on the choice of such a pendulum and the lichnik of the new koliva. Vybіr etalo..."> hour the dance is swayed, and refilled with water and built into the ground. supply of water, no Sverdloviny, ale “under the hand” - a swamp, rates like water, and even dances (including glass) - before speech.

It’s impossible not to guess one more important plus plyashkovy watering. The dances are swishing brightly in the middle. They created narrow roads, take care of the river, galyavin in the forest and other places for the workers. I want the organization of watering for additional water don't solve the same problem of their utilization, nevertheless, a part of them will serve the city and stop using the "portrait" dovkilla. A dance near the city can be taken richly, and it is not excluded that one or another in the bosom of nature does not deprive the dances of the grill, but bring them to the city. For watering, adventitious be-yakі єmnі plyashki - і five-, і two-, і pіvtoralіtrovі.

Vtіm, you can rule the podіbnіst to plyashkovy watering without plyashok. National watering - traditionally - watering at the hole, under the root. In this case, the rhizosphere of the roslins inevitably appears in the water and warm-water "flames" (that is, in the rhizosphere zone). But what if you pour water (with a hose, with a ladle) not into the holes, but between them? Then the water goes down in “cones”, which expands, leans under the rhizosphere of the growths, it will be cold, and the capillaries will start to deliver to the roots? Is it logical? And the soil above the rhizosphere will become dry, with low thermal conductivity.

Earlier, I sneered at the roses about the drip irrigation and about my setting up to new. Intuitively, there were no contrary, but serious arguments. Okrim, hіba scho, unrelenting efforts on the inevitable work and financial vitrati. Now, having seen the connection between moisture and heat conductivity of the soil, I can not be swayed: watering the drops is a good thing ... like a hose laying on the bottom of a ball. Not a robot? So! I will not take special care of her. Alevona is disposable, and it is possible to get away from її with the help of a harmful increase in the heat conductivity of the soil. And the axis of the hose, which lies on the surface of the soil, is shkidly virazno. First, that the thermal conductivity of the soil moves through the water, and then, that the water, which is flowing in the hose, overheats and goes into hot holes.

Otzhe, at the baker, the Roslins help prosper:

  • Neoranium, ale mulching grunt
  • Water the sweater with cold water
  • "Krapelni" water from below for help dancing
  • Dot watering between roslins.

And water the bare soil, water it in the evening, water it with warm water
and vzagali watering "burn", on the squares, they can not only harm the roslins, but also provoke their death.

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