Organic farming. Sideraty for natural farming

Natural methods of cultivation of the land are not only a way to provide your family with healthy products, in order to change the carbon footprint, save bioresources and improve the environment. We present to you a selection of the most popular articles on permaculture and organic farming.

Warm beds are the key to a bezorless warehouse. Let's take a look at practice, how to organize such beds without digging up the soil and get a good harvest.

We present to you a selection of cost-free and smart-cost-free programs and add-ons, which will give you the opportunity to plan the planting of vegetables in your area.

If you organize the proper maintenance of vegetables in the beds, you can allow you to pick up a good harvest, and also to protect the growth factors from the seedlings. Tse mozhut buti shkіdniki chi ill.

Igor Lyadov, a city dweller, who grows riches in a harsh far-flung climate. The main secret of yogo success lies in the system of narrow raised beds, which allow you to keep a constant high vrozha, independent of the minds of the farmer itself.

Dry land has become a rare phenomenon. The soil waters come up, the rainforests of the Daedalus are less and the first of all our garden beds suffer. Axis of decision, to help you save the water, if there is not a sufficient amount of water on the premises.

This small, colorful lawn of vegetables was used to help the lord to harvest up to 70 kg of crops. Shawna Coronado demonstrating what landscape design maybe not only harnim, but stіvnim. With its results, it tries to inspire people to create a stable state of its own house. І in her є what to look for.

The design process in permacultural design is to include a number of impersonal factors that affect your business. It is also important to think over everything once, if you want to implement it in stages. Father, let's marvel, like keys, so that nothing is revealed?

The skin people have their own bachelor, as they can look like a self-sufficient business and even less so, that there are two business, as they inherit the same development plan. Some people are afraid of cows, others do not like kіz. Some people think that it is not possible to sacrifice creatures, others joke that you should provide your family with natural products.

Canadian researchers built autonomous sleepy greenhouses for colorful cultivation of vegetables, fruits and more.

New Zealand series of short films reflecting the current stages of organic farming. John and Devon take care of different tasks and reveal the secrets of farming in the form of beds before harvesting.
How to build a self-sufficient city? How to attract children? When is that how it is now? How to fertilize and mulch? Bezlіch cіkavih permacultural solutions. Learn to marvel.

I, like a bonus, 2 more cіkavі statti, yakі mi nіyak could not be deprived without respect.

Agrotechnics of such arable farming is directed to double shutter to the ground Like to a living organism, on the basis of fertility for the organic matter, green manure, mulching, sivozmіni, as well as on the selection of natural, ecologically safe products of eating without vicarious chemical dobriv and zasobіv zahistu roslin.

And the technologists of organic farming promise us more yield for less labor costs than classical farming.

Why is everything so simple, how do the masters and promoters of organic farming tell us?

Organic farming in the country

If we had conceived in the past to stop in practice organic farming at the dacha, we were the people of the world, like everyone else, demanded a safer life, and at that little free hour, but the majestic bazhannya would be engaged in the cultivation of growing trees. To this we shoveled anonymous literature, in order to find out what it is: organic farming in the country and why most of it is mastered. All the same, we need to understand and comprehend. I immediately took up the hoarding and good on the right: organic farming from scratch.

They took 12 acres of land near Odesa from the Koristuvannya, having not cultivated anything like a sprig of rock. Of these, 2 acres were under trees and chagars, 1 acre was under a sunflower, and 9 acres, which were left out, were thickly lined with weeds, so it was necessary to master the qilina. In front of us shone a noble meta: we are in the life of life lovingly shuttered to the ground, which is called in the literature Organic farming at the cottage."

The weeds mowed down the grass, then they planned the plot, dividing it into paths and beds. On the beds, they carried out a surface dressing (fluffing) to a depth of no more than 5 cm, as recommended in books. They sowed for the day, planted a rose garden and mulched it.

Planting boules, like to lie down, thickened and planned to improve the allelopathic powers of dry growths. Through tyzhdeny, the first ones appeared, and then - the weeds, which happened to be pierced by hand, the shards on the mulch of Fokine's flats did not work. And so a few times a season.

They spent a lot of energy that hour, but the result was not good. About 7% of cultivated roslins survived from the plantations, they gave a modest harvest, to be more precise, there was no yogo mayzhe (5 morquins and 5 kavunіv in a vag of 100 g were not rahuyuchi).

Tim is no less, we continued pratsyuvati, to the one we fell in love with working on the earth and the fresh air. And otrimaniy dosvid already becoming in good fortune.

Today, we practice organic farming in the country on two hectares of land, where we choose to grow in tons. It is also tidying up the sprat of fox-garden nursery gardens. Practice behind the system of "Organic agro-forest-gardening".

І food "how to grow?" It’s no longer relevant, now it’s worth the food “Where do you go and give birth?”

Well, now we’ll tell you about everything in order, as if it’s really necessary to start organic farming at the dacha from scratch, and not those who tell books about it at seminars. In life, it seems, we don’t call it like that, like on book arches. And how does everything really work in organic farming?

Harvest Oleksiya and Nadiya Chernyavsky

Myths of organic farming

1: "The earth cannot be destroyed."

We called the process, in case of which the earth does not break, "wild grount". And it means that there are clods of clods, creatures and weeds, that the stench does not give growth and fruitfulness to more than one. cultural roslina. Axis to you and natural farming! In addition, if you have a qilin on your dealership, then once you happen to її zorati, that I can’t overcome the qilin manually. And even after the first orange, you can grind the soil on top. There will be kavuni, and corn.

Visnovok: cultural growth needed for cultivation ґrunt and vіdpovіdny sight!

2: "It is not necessary to water the mulched growth."

Provіvshi bezlich eksperimentіv, mi dіyshli vysnovka, scho mulch still saves water, but inopportunely, especially in dry places. So, if you want to take care of crops, practicing organic farming in the country, then water-loving plants will have to water the stench of mulching, it’s just necessary to work more .

3: "Mulch is necessary for all the growth, so that the city does not become bare land."

Indeed, not all growers love mulch. So, for corn, kavuniv, ding, peanuts, that chufi mulch is unacceptable. Cі culture to love "hot and clean land." In addition, corn, peanuts and chufa will require a gut, as for the presence of mulch on the ground it is more difficult to grow.

Visnovok: stagnant organic farming at the dacha, mulch, crazy, necessary, ale vibirkovo

4: Organic farming for lazy people.

The old adage “Without work, you can’t win a fish and a bet” is a rich feeling, but so far no one has spoken. And for people for whom organic farming at the dacha has become a right life, you know for sure about what it is. Yak mi z'yasuvali, if the result is needed, then it will happen to improve! Fluff up the beds, plant a new one, get and lay mulch, weed and weed weeds, weeds, weeds, water, pick and reshape the crop, sprout, and it’s all right! Varto piddatisya lіnoshchi - and I will give birth to you in full!

Visnovok: Who works, that is

5: “Spills and thickened plantings make clods-shkidniks and lure clods-hizhaks » .

Shvidko, efficient, handy and environmentally friendly, and therefore safe

Visnovok: Combine crop beds with crops, not crops in beds

6: "Biologically protect the protection of roslin is better and safer, less chemical."

We do not win, no, no, no. On this day, people are already reaping the fruits of the stagnation of chemistry in the agricultural state (killed land, mutant mosquitoes, dead bjoli, food poisoning and allergies in people, and the waters of the ocean of light are wandering). And if fruits bring us biological preparations, we still don’t know, even if it’s right at one o’clock. Guess, if chemists came to the market for the sake of zakhist, people were happy about it, they thought that the problem was solved. Ale fought the stink of the last, and the reason is the monoculture, which was left behind. Today people are happy with biological drugs! What about tomorrow?

Visnovok: practicing organic farming in the country, mi uniquely zastosuvannya be-any drugs.

Chemical and biological effects of zakhist carry harmful consequences for the ecology of the entire planet and skin people. No one knows what mustache to leave, to inspire vcheni!

7: “To work like this - and everything will be like with us”

One more twisted nonsense, on the basis of which dovіrlivі khlіboroby is carried out. In the course of our numerical experiments, and on the basis of what we have learned, we have come to the conclusion that there is nothing new in nature! I, repeating the proof, take such a result as unlikely to be seen. To grow on one bed, with the same agrotechnics, vicorist the same arable farming, but kind, mulch, green manure, one and the same growth bear fruit in a different way.

The world has different environments, different climate, microclimate is thin. Inspire the attitude of that mood of a person who works with growing, who victorious, including natural farming, plays a great role and can get into the result! Zagalom, it’s not necessary to check on the results of such, as in the pictures, that promote organic farming in the country, and even if the result is not rozcharuvannya, you don’t see the future collapse far away!

Love your land, cultivate its specificity and character, watch out - and with good thoughts work your visnovki. Don't lie, but revise. And even organic farming at the dacha is true to yourself, and everything is obov'yazkovo in you!


The market of organic products is one of the most dynamic in the world. For the rest of the ten years of the virus, there were more and less losses (from 20 to 90 billion dollars). In this way, organic production has become no less important for the export of pollution.

Behind the forecasts of Grand View Research, in 2018-2020 years. Organic market close to 212 billion dollars. It is planned that by 2025 the market of organic products can become up to 20% of the light market of all agricultural products.

The current leader in the overall market of organic products is the United States - they account for 43% of the market. Dali іz dosit suttєvim vіdstavannyam go kraїni ЄС and China.

However, for the quantity of products, which saves per capita, the European lands are victorious in the world. The number of people, who are constantly spozhivayut organic products in the world, for 15 years has grown up no less than five times and made up about 700 million people. The main contributors to organic production are people with a high or medium income, who live near the other lands.

In 2016 at the edge of Europe they found out that the market for organic products in the EU is growing faster, lower in production. At this time, Europe and the United States began to rely on markets that were developing as the most promising from the point of view of security.

Obviously, it shows that the largest number of organic samples falls on India, Uganda, Ethiopia and Mexico. Over 2.7 million virobniki and over 58 million hectares have been certified by the world under organic farming. For the number of certified lands, the absolute leader is Australia - the country has 27 million hectares of land.

At the same time, 70% of the lands certified by the world are herdsmen, the certification of some of them is simple, and the financial contribution to the support of them in the organic camp is minimal. For the most important nine - the number of lands occupied by organic growth, there are three more than 15% of all orny lands on the planet.


Regardless of those who are the leader of the ornih lands today is the United States, for the potential of the insane leader - Russia. On this day, our country has 28 million fallow lands, which have not been victorious for a trivial hour, and even before them, chemical goodness has not been brought in and soobi zahistu roslin. Russian market until 2014 demonstrating an intensive growth rate: in the middle s of 2010. we grew by about 10% on the river, in 2016 t: there was a slight decline. However, regardless of the inconvenience indicators of growth in absolute terms, our share of the light organic market is 0.15%.

It's a pity, at the same time our market is rebuying at the technical facility for the wealthy countries. If the situation does not change in the next hour, then we expect such a large number of imports that the organic products themselves are invisible. With whom Russia, looking back at its unique natural mind, low level of fermentation of dovkilly, development of transport infrastructure, presence of grazing grounds may mean the possibility of promoting the organic system of the state.

For the tribute of the National Organic Union, 290 ths. ha of land. We borrow 14 places in the world for the amount of certified land, and one of the first for the її increase in 2014-2015, and also for the government in the rich country from the country, the number of not less than 30% of the project is certified.

For example, over 10 ths. hectares of land, which is really not vikoristovuyutsya in the countryside at the same time. This is the trend for our country itself, for the land to grow rich, in European countries, the amount of certified land is practically more than the amount of cultivated land.

Data from the NOS show that the growth of organic products in Russia is growing at an inexorable pace, and in order to put the situation on the market in order, we are to blame for the increase in the number of certified enterprises - 200-300 per river. In this way, with a stretch of 8-10 years, we can get close to the shows in the leading European countries. However, at the same time, we grow no more than 4-5 undertakings. It’s not easy to think that for such displays we will overcome the problems of our market in 500 years.

Why is it explained that in Ukraine 95% of investments in this sector are private. Today's power practically does not take part in the formation of a directly strong state. The United States and Europe live by a different principle: by investing big money in the development of the sector and giving state subsidies to organic farmers. Today, the organic market in the food sector of the Russian Federation officially borrows more than 0.1%. In order for the sector to be stable, wine is to be blamed for borrowing at least 10-15%.

You can see officials like this, they are streaming to drink on organic products from Russia:

- High variety of organic products: the average retail of the most important goods in the police and organic becomes 200-300% (in the European countries it is 15-50%);

- Low level of informing the population about organic goods and low incompetence;

- pseudo-marking, as if to introduce a slow-witted man into Oman: it is important for rich slow-witted people to revitalize organic products from inorganic ones;

- Drink is formed near the great megacities with a high population density, a filthy ecological situation and a high plateau of industry;

– the existence of national, equivalent to international standards and rules, systems of standardization, certification and control of organic products is significantly absurd

- Tempi development of the domestic market.

Another powerful moment is those who are a skin picker of closures in their own pickers, such as cooperation in the sector between pickers, pickers, retailers and companies, as well as with scientific knowledge is practically daily.


The peculiarities of growing cereals during organic farming are related to the implementation of three goals:

- conservation of soil fertility with a path of cultivation of bagatoric and single-bean legumes, intermediate crops of roslin with a deeply penetrating root system in a wide variety, as well as a path of introducing composted and non-composted organic material. With this, as far as possible, closed circles of living speeches are created. Svidkodіyuchі synthetic nitrogen and other mineral dobriva are not allowed;

— selection of healthy foodstuffs, conservation and protection of diversity of flora and fauna, as well as changing the contamination of the toxic medium with chemicals. It is allowed to zastosovuvat only sevnі biological zasob zahist roslin and deyakі zatarіlі khіmіchnі zasobi (sirk, Bordeaux native land, sodium silicate, burgundy native land, kam'yane borosno and іn.).

- Conservation of reserves of non-resources (natural) resources, energy and syrovin.

At different lands Unions of organic farming offer different benefits to the technology of ecological farming and to food products. In 1991 The Council of the Ministers of the European Trade Union adopted the Decree 2041/91/EWG "On Ecological Farming and Marking of Strong Support Products and Foods", in which it was declared the minimum contribution to the technology of cultivation, the mechanisms of financial capture and control over the control of Vono diє in all countries of the EU from 01.01.1993 p.

Intermediate minds are also principles that have been approved by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and national unions. Growing grain crops for the technology of organic farming, should be more successful in achieving integrated farming, yak directing for the conservation of soil fertility and healthy planting without stagnation of synthetic fertilizers and chemical plants for the protection of growing plants.

The main warehouses of organic farming:

- sіvіznі z included legumes, vibіr grain legumes 1/1 bagatorіch legumes as a front, growing industrial crops, excluding the numbering of grains from grains 1/1 low part of grains in sіvzminі;

- the main processing (deep expansion of 1/1 cultivation) and the pre-sowing processing of the soil for the creation of optimal minds for grain crops and the lowering of the yakomoga of a large number of bur'yanivs;

- selection of varieties, which are more competitive to weeds, less nitrogen and resistant to disease;

- Posіv vysokoyaksіsnogo sіnnya, scho vіdrіznyаєєє vysokі sіvnimi yaskosti (similarity, strength of growth and vivivannya). Posivniy material for organic farming sounds like a binding test during approbation, and for additional analysis. Here, for example, one can see the titles of a cold test, if the growth of the present is overturned with unfriendly minds;

- Introduction of organic fertilizers;

- Finding the best terms, depth and norms for ensuring friendly, competitive and healthy gatherings;

- vykonannya mekhanіchnyh zahodіv shkodo podglyady over crops to fight with the weeds and the creation of healthy crops;

- Vikoristannya all prophylactic visits of the integrated defense of Russia. For the consumption of the allowable income, the protection of the roslyn grew up to the point of being able to grow up to the limit of organic farming.

Behind the help of a complex of such visits, friendly minds are created for the defense of cultures in the form of spalahs and sicknesses. Ale, in the period of epiphytoty and mass reproduction of small organisms, as they grow in organic farming, viability is folding, shards are included in the vindictive chemical methods of struggle.

Therefore, the fallow cropping from the weather minds and their injection into the phytosanitary camp, as a rule, is greater, lower than that of traditional farming.

Bagatorichny light evidence shows that with organic farming, the yield is lower, lower for integrated. Moreover, the birth rate is more important for the fates. As a rule, the decrease in the yield of spring crops is less than the decrease in the yield of winter crops. Irrespective of the lesser cost of chemical production, the growth of roslin and synthetic fertilizers in the aftermath of the increase in labor force, the production of grain in organic farming is only more profitable if the grain can be sold at higher prices or for the obviousness of a subsidized one.

Particular problems in organic farming caused by zahist roslin in the form of contamination, ailments and shkidnikiv. Shards in organic farming zastosuvannya khіmіchnyh zabіv zahist roslin arzhezhene, "the center of gravity" (larger, lower with integrated zakhistі roslin) preventive visits. Before them, okrim the right choice the place of cultivation of crops, that choice of varieties is introduced. The first-rate value may be rich-sided with the change of prosapny and spike crops, as well as the processing of the soil.

Luminous evidence shows that the spectrum of the bourgeoisie is changing for a troubling organic state, and blatant number their views do not change. Steps covering the area with weeds, as a rule, grow. There are no problems in the middle of one dvorіchny bur'yanіv in organic farming. However, it is not possible to reach the rhizomatous rhizomatous rhizomatous weeds, in Persh cherga - the field waterweed (Cirsium arvense) and the piriya (Agropyron repens).

You can see one-horse weeds, which play a great role in intensive farming, for example, the chimney (Galium aparine), the pollen foxtail (Alopecunis myosuroides), and the big grass (Arega spica-venti) in organic farming in the grassland with a smaller grain plot changes of kindness waste their meaning. The growth of the meaning of such weeds, like polova (Sinapis arvensis), see either peas (Vicia pp.) or chiny (Lathyru pp.). Through the introduction of herbicides in organic farming, other strategies are being developed to combat weeds, which include both preventive and direct approaches. It is customary to talk about the "regulation of the conscience", as if it were rooted in the fear of the settlement by watering the weeds with vegetative and generative reproduction. Central place to sit different ways soil processing. The stench vikoristovuyutsya as a direct way to fight, especially with bagatorichny weeds, and prophylactic come in, for example, change the position of the present weeds and vegetative organs of reproduction in the ground.


The agricultural holding "AgriVolga" is one of the enterprises that stood at the forefront of the Russian organic market. Undertakings of the distribution holding in the Yaroslavl region, the main directions of activity: the growth and sales of high-acid organic milk, fermented milk products, meat and vegetables, breeding work from the breeding of great horned thinness, meat, pigs and milk horns, other horns.

Trademarks - "Ugleche Pole", "Z Uglich", "Uglitsky Kovbasi". The holding includes the states Avangard, Velika Volga, Zarichchya, Khliborob, Promin, Svit, Russia, and Mologa. Realization of products is carried out through a network of firm stores and large trade fairs of Moscow and the Moscow region.

The holding has about 70,000 hectares, 40 small farms, about 10,000 head of agricultural crops and 7,000 heads of sheep, its own feed mill and dairy shops.

For the fate of its foundation, the holding has become one of the leaders in the field of organic agricultural production, and in practice the concept “from the field to the counter” is implemented, which allows control over all stages of the production. Ale at once, and 11 years ago, in Russia, practically nothing was involved in organic matter - people didn’t know about such a direct thing - that very enterprise didn’t exist like that. On the cob of "organic-virobnitstva" lay a special idea and, so to speak, the social mission of the investor and the founder of "Agri-Volga" under the initiative of Sergiy Bachin.

In 2007, a number of initiatives started to create a strong holding in the Uglich district of the Yaroslavl region on the basis of zanedbahn, nap_ruinovanih enterprises, as they were engaged in dairy farming and breeding sheep of the famous Romani breed. Investor, focusing on the future, the organic industry was already developing intensively, increasing its stake on its own directly and violating the power of the organic enclave on the Yaroslavl land. The shareholder gave the project the go-ahead to achieve organic standards without compromise, as it seems in AgriVolz: for an hour it was possible not to worry about profits and planning payback from the horizon of 15 years.

A great achievement was those who, during the stay of the state, did not sprout the fields with zahistu roslin and did not bring in mineral fertilizers - they simply did not stink for a penny. It was also praised for the decision to invest money in the construction of new industrial facilities, the operation of a robotic dairy farm BPH and a large number of farms. Shcho tsіkavo, at the first river, robots and investors thought about the creation of a holding company of a full cycle - from the field to the counter. The idea was to improve the quality control of products at all stages, including at the stage of sale and aggregation.

- "Organika" - is the philosophy of the double setting before us too much middle ground. We can think about those who we eat, who are good for our children and how we are deprived of the land by our onuks, - Sergiy Klyuchnikov, commercial director of AgriVolga, said. – we have step by step formed a team of like-minded people, as a way of understanding that the government is organically strong and a promising business. Transition to organic slats from a company with a difficult right.

- Some people have experienced lamati mentality. And yet more of these industries, working on traditional intensive technologies, and so went wild, - guess Sergiy Klyuchnikov. - As it seems, as if you want mothers, those whom you never robbed, you happen to work those who never worked. And here it was possible to not rob anyone of the vaccine itself: do not clean it, do not bathe it, do not add herbicides, pesticides are kind. It wasn't easy. As demonstrating the knowledge of "Agri-Volga", the organic government in the Yaroslavl region can take away the bad crops of wheat and wheat, but still bring culture to the deyak. So, barley is harvested here at less than 12 centners per hectare (gross in the middle class of the day), the same as in the largest states, for example, in the Rostov region - 60.

“Organic can be on the verge of reaching a new set of rules: fenced off chemical preparations, introduced chemical additives,” continues Klyuchnikov. — We will vibudovuєmo literate sіvzmіnu іz cherguvannyam kul'tury, vikoristannym sideratіv. It seems that varieties and hybrids are less attached, adapted to our climatic minds, and if culture does not grow in our country, we know the optimal solution. For example, our minds do not go out to grow barley, to that for the consumption of mutually with other organic states that specialize in the production of culture. Є fodder base - you can take care of creatures. Following the standards of organic cultivation, you can win thinness, grown in inorganic states, but then you can go through an adaptation period - to live and be fit for organic farm lesser river. If the product is taken out of the first place, it should be considered organic. If you want to follow the strict organic standards for the purchase of thinness in non-organic states, you need to priming: if it is allowed, you cannot fulfill the thinness of the necessary quality at home, or buy it in other organic states.

But here it is often necessary to bring up the principles of self-sufficiency. It is impossible to take organic milk from cows, which are suitable for "inorganic" compound feeds and supplemented with growth stimulants. For organic farmers, this is a serious problem: purchasing certified organic feed in Russia is expensive and especially nowhere.

"AgriVolga" has done well, having created a whole fodder base for the creatures and inducing the cycle of production: they themselves harvest hay, grow oats, wheat, barley, and run a feed mill.

Organic Silske gospodarstv - tse system of mutual elements: organic synthetic material, organic kindness, organic production of protection against roslin, organic feed for creatures. For our country, due to the insecurity of the entire organic sector, a situation is typical, if the picker is brought to risk more than on his own strength. For example, you need organic goodness, as if you were supporting the supporters of an organic agricultural state, but there are still many states that can protect them, and be brought to the agrarians to win.

But you need more organically, but in our market there are none, as in "AgriVolz" you can also experience it yourself. In fact, today AgriVolga is an agricultural holding of organic production of a full cycle. That fall of the past season, the prices for grain on the farms practically did not stick: the holding company has 95% of its own feed, so the prices for grain cannot be stale.

The launch of a vegetable crop directly at the Agri-Volga also turned into a long and vitreous visit: from spring to the end of summer, rot was transported, soil was cultivated. Tse serious vitraty: technique, PMM, human work. And all the same, the deputy "for the classics" just run through today, make chemical good that ZZR.

For the time being, everything is not so simple in the market: it is impossible to say that wine is ready for the great commitment to organic production. Obviously, even if such a product is more expensive, lower vibrations traditionally.

— Variety of products of organic roslinnitstv for mass production. This is not a markup for the brand, but the economy is real, - the commercial director of the enterprise said. — Take care yourself: in our zone, the yield of grains in the best time is 35 centners per hectare. Having been inspired by chemical fertilizers and zasobiv zahistu roslin, we immediately sharply drop to 20 centners per hectare. Tobto the same centner of fodder for a year is already more expensive.

We try to reduce the yield of grain crops for the rahunok brought in by pus, the planting of green manure, which again reduces the square footage of fodder and forage crops. Until then, for the time being, in Russia, buyers of organic products are wary. Chi varto marvel?

Today, the system of zhorst control in this sphere has not been created, and in fact, whether one can write “organic” on one’s product, or else one can just certify the production. Europe has strict control over organic products. It is permissible that you visage green manure - otrimuesh pennies, pripinyaesh introduced herbicides - again otrimuesh pennies. And if you say so, having declared that you don’t stop the herbicide, but really vikoristovuєsh їх, then you will spend on a great fine and use the certificate.

Subsidiaries of "AgriVolga" are certified for compliance with GOST R 56508-2015 under the system of voluntary certification "Organic product" of the National organic compound, registered with Rosstandart. Tse gives the right to mark their products with a special mark - the "green leaf".

- To get the right to a "green leaf", we went through a long way, - Sergey Klyuchnikov guesses. — Today, for us, certification is not only a control and a guarantee of the quality of products, but also a look from the side. Anyhow, it allows the management to reveal scammers.

Under the hour of re-checking, the inspector of an independent company checks everything: according to what the creatures are like, until the next stop of herbicides near the fields, accounting documents to the assessment of the flow of goods.

Behind the bags of a skin trip, a catalog of revealed cases is compiled, as if the state can take it, if you don’t want to spend a certificate. Today it is important for organic governments to compete in the market with great industrial enterprises, as they exploit the understanding of "organic", "bio", "eco" and other similar, vicarious marketing tools.

Organic production is the whole system, the organization of the process as a whole, but not the only type of product, to put a word on the label.

Insanely, today's farmers, as part of organic production, produce a truly pure product that meets organic standards.

In addition, we can know how to organize the production process on farms (how good it is for veterinary preparations and vicory, how to process the product), we can declare with perfection that the goods are good for organics. Tsyu problem virіshuyut less certification and zhorstky control.

May pass another hour, the first time people call to a new type of product. For the time being, we are close to sunset - for example, the American market of organics is already close to fate. Ale, more and more people begin to think about those who stink, lead healthy image life. Step by step, you should come before you know that it’s better to spend more time at once on the yoke, lower on the faces.


Organic farming is an important agricultural "genre". I am threatening to start the transition to new principles of the state with great vitrates, even Oleg Mironenko, head of the National Organic Split (NOS):

- In the growing season during the conversion (transitional to organic farming) period, 30-40% of productivity is spent.

The creatures have the same picture - they stopped giving cows antibiotics and stimulants - and the milk yield drops by 30-40%. This period needs to be lived through, then you can secure it for a price premium for naturalness. Naturally, you won’t be able to work yourself into a crowd, so the next fate will happen to be able to reduce the compatibility of organic products.

Thus, Andriy Akulinin s 000 "Siberian organic products", de 27 ths. ha silgospugіd vyroblyayetsya certified according to international standards wheat, soybeans, pіpak and peas. "Siberian Organic Products" is able to develop its trading company and successfully export all the raw products to the EU countries. The profitability of fallow land in culture and weather minds is 100%.

- The efficiency of organic products can be lowered for the cost of savings on mineral fertilizers, chemical plants for the growth of plants, - Andriy Akulinin said.

- For example, for grain crops, the savings on the replacement of mineral fertilizers with biological preparations (fallow in the region and culture) will be 1500 to 3000 rubles per hectare, on the change of chemical means of protection against biological preparations - 1500 to 3000 rubles / ha. It is also possible to increase the yield for the biological soil, and in the average species 15 to 30% of grain crops, which can give additional income from 1500 to 9000 rubles per hectare when focusing on organic products.

For small forms of government, as in the minds of our membership in the COT cannot compete with the great growers, the production of organic products can become a window of opportunity, which allows them not just to survive, but to fully compete for a crop of high quality products. At the same time, all the cases of the organic statehood of the state are given a smut - praise to the law on the organic statehood of the state.

For organic growers, the support of the state is important, especially at the stage of conversion. The transition from industrial to organic production is a titular process, but less than 3 rocks of the earth cannot be considered organic. At what stage they were helped by subsidies. Adoption of the relevant legislative and regulatory acts will allow you to put things right on the market and put your participants in the minds of the people, and organic brewers will be protected by law, which will allow the Russian market of organic products to develop successfully.

Agricultural technologists see 4 main principles to pursue the technology of organic farming:

1) Povna Vidmova of pesticides and otrutochemicals

This point is the most convenient for agricultural enterprises. It is important that insecticides and herbicides can be used to the point of cropping.

Really, there are impersonal ways to fight against the sicknesses, but the founders of the methodology vvazhayut, that the natural improvement of the soil will help to increase the immunity of the roslin and increase their resistance to the shkidniks without the need for additional preparations. Therefore, in order to overcome these problems, there are such agrotechnical practices: rebuilding, planting planning, variety upgrading, planting greenery, introducing biological and organic fertilizers.

Well, before the stagnation of mineral fertilizers, then with this problem they fight for additional help and in the form of a deep cultivation of the earth, which is in line with another principle of organic farming, which is described below.

2) Vіdmova vіd deep orange of the earth

In nature, everything has been thought out for a long time and for us, and nature itself has foreseen ways to deliver brown speeches to roslins. Vcheni have long been brought to the point that deepening the orange and digging the earth ruining the structure of the soil, suppressing the activity of worms and brown microorganisms and, as a result, lowering the birth rate.

Obviously, the adherents of the traditional method can immediately stop saying that they have been digging for a long time and nothing like this has been seen, and that after the oranges are born, they grow even better. With a deep orange and digging of the earth, the soil becomes sour, which stuns the soil bacteria to convert humus into mineral fertilizer, which is necessary for the growth of roslin. Therefore, great vrozhas appear on the orange cylindrical fields. However, with this method, with skin rock, the amount of humus rapidly decreases and after 2-3 years the soil cannot self-renew itself, and, as a result, the soil kinship decreases, and the germination decreases, the weaker soil grows actively. The first axis here begins to be closed around the constant stagnation of mineral fertilizers, as it mimics natural microelements of macroelements from the soil, and otrutochemicals, as well as skids, and weeds, and wear and tear with skin rock become more and more foldable.

During the fast of organic earthliness, the scrap of the surface ball ґrunta on the glybin 3-5 cm is allowed to be allowed. progіn tekhnіki stinks virіshuyut kіlka zavdan, tim themselves zaoschadzhuyuchi PMM and labor.

3) Mulching the soil

If you marvel at the natural camp of the soil in nature, then you won’t plow the black uncovered earth anywhere, instead cover it with leaves or grass. Unprotected, the soil quickly overheats in the sun and dryly viparates the water, at an hour the wood turns into a ford and ceases to be chilly, overcooled during frosts and shilna to erosis. The mulch acts as a protector of the soil, creates a friendly mind for the life of chrobakiv and microorganism, and transforms into humus. Mulch can be everything with which you can cover the ground, but for yourself: hay, straw, leaves, thyrsus, pіdrіzanі weeds and green manure.

4) Enrichment of the soil with organic matter

So, if it were to be intensive watering, so if it were to excavate the soil, to help it, it is necessary to plant organic and biological goodness. For whom it is possible to vicorate "green goodness", green manure, rot, compost or biopreparations with effective microorganisms. Korisn_ mikrobita fungi, when introduced into the soil, actively multiply, recycle organic matter into an easily acquired form for roslin, speed up the growth of roslin, increase the mass of fruits and increase the terms of conservation of vrozhaiv.

From the first glance, organic farming can be done easily, it’s possible that way, but only in the size of the beds, for that, on an industrial scale, the blame is low on scientific tasks.

Starting from the fact that the transition from the traditional method to the organic to the average loan from 3 to 5 years is due to the renovation of the soil. In order to grow a good harvest, that in great cultures it is necessary to seriously look after the skin type of crops, to understand how a singing culture develops on that other kind of soils, to pick up a plan for them, to do good ways of processing.

It's a pity that after the rest of the century, traditional farming was overwhelmed, fakhіvtsіv and the practice of organic farming in the garden is not so rich, and today the cultivation of this food is mainly taken up by the sіlskogospodarski іnstituti, hocha and bahato єyma іt from them. The pluses and minuses of the methods of organic farming will be reviewed in the following articles on our site.

Are you still fighting against the weeds and shkіdniki at the dacha, earning your own radiculitis? And the axis of the adherents of organic farming is encouraged to be better friends with nature, and not to fight. Ale schob to live like this, to happen almost from a cardinal change in the way of thinking about the recognition of farming, about those, which is a “correct” city.

Organic arable farming, as a direct agrotechnics, began to vanish from the end of the 19th century, and do not smell a little bit, super-chicks and discussions on a particular method of cultivating the land. In the middle of the cultivators themselves, directly arable farming, there are also a lot of approaches, theories. But the essence is the same: organic farming - tse, persh for everything, dbayliv, sparingly setting up to nature, maintaining the natural balance of that ecosystem, vidmova vіd mineral dobriv and otrutokhіmіkatіv.

Organic farming can be rich in interchangeable terms-synonyms: natural, ecological, biological, nature-like, living farming.

The main plantations of ecological farming:

  1. Vіdmova vіd oranki, digging the earth. Tim himself, vvazhaetsya, maintains a healthy balance of the ecosystem of the soil. And healthy soil - all healthy growths, buildings stand against ailments and poor people.
  2. Viroshchuvannya environmentally friendly products. Povna vіdmova vіd zastosuvannya mineral dobriv and otrutokhіmіkatіv. The methods of fighting against the weeds and the poor are brought to the point of prevention and stagnation of the growing, folk methods.
  3. The land can be forever covered with growth. Widely zastosuvannya here know green manure - shvidkorosl_ crops that hang out after the main ones on the empty land.
  4. The least amount of labor involved in the processing of a dacha, a dacha with a greater and shorter result. Farming is a matter of satisfaction, not hard work.

Guru about natural farming

"Die your fuse, city dweller!" - with these words, start your savagery at lectures to gardeners-governors in the presence of the author of many books about biological farming B.A. Bagel. At the traditional statement about the “correct” city, summer residents have such a spectacularly ostentatious city: ideal equal beds and rows of crops, a year for the weeds, and also - the work is large and strained.

The tendrils of the myth are roaring the workers of eco-friendly farming. The stench vvazhayut, scho pratsya not obov'yazkovo can be slavish and possessive. And richer korisnіshe і for people, і for nature pіdtremuvati natural order of speeches in the ecosystem. “Look” at nature, read into it, take away knowledge and watchfulness on your summer cottage.

Porada. If you dare to stray from traditional farming to natural, for inspiration it is recommended to read a few books on the topic: “The Revolution of One Straw” by Masanobu Fukooka; "Agrarian-revolutionary" Sepp Holzer; "About the city for the sparing and lazy" Bublik B.A.

So, Sepp Holzer may є 45 hectares of land and cultivate one of the retinues with a minimum of agricultural equipment: he has only one tractor. B.A. Bagel vvazhaє, scho became not a place in the city and acted like shovels, boots, not viroblyaє raspushuvannya soil with pitchforks, but planting "pid tsіpok", watering it only with krizhany water (no more than 9 degrees). And in Russia, the author of a rich story about natural farming, G. Kizima, preaches three “not”: do not dig, do not weed, do not water.

The practice of natural farming in spring and autumn

It is possible to switch from traditional to ecological farming, no matter how soon. One of the main methods of biological farming is deep digging of the earth. It is important that the ball of the earth is raised more than 5 cm, the ecosystem will be destroyed by it. The earth, zreshtoyu, becomes poor, in it there are insufficiently small microorganism, beetles, worms thinly. What to bring to the point of necessity of mineral goodness, like shkіdlіvі prirodі, i people.

Natural farming allows you to take ecologically clean vegetables and fruits.

The soil for sowing culture is not dug up, and the trochs are lifted for additional pitchforks (ideally no more than 2.5 cm). Deyak khliboroby do not vicorist the pitchfork, but plant "fed chipok". Tobto, they build a club into the ground and on the mist of the hole, which they have done, they hang out now or a rose garden. After sowing, the land is mulched with straw, sawdust, peat, compost, retransfer, etc.

Porada. For planting roslin "under the head" it is possible to put the petiole in the form of a shovel or otherwise, handy for the work on the double club. For whom, they will make a cone of the end, which will be built into the ground. For convenience, you can add a handle to the top of the stick, and below - a trimming pedal.

For the rahunok of active victorious mulch, yak does not let the water vaporize, watering vibrates richly. Mulch is one of the main ways to fight weeds. Ale, it’s better to mulch on overgrown crops: potatoes, midnight, cider, tomato. Let the growths, like “do not hesitate” mulch, in order to overcome the warm and hot ground: corn, kavuni, din.

For the help of mulch, they cultivate the earth on the whole. For this autumn, prepare beds in this order:

  1. Mow the grass.
  2. They sip with pus: kinsky, smoking.
  3. Place a ball of mulch, for example, straw in a ball of 30 div.
  4. Hanging up a ball of mulch, picking up with the hands of the root weeds, what is left behind, and hang out for a rose garden.

It is also possible to crimp the beds with a solid material, for example: roofing felt, shmatki linoleum. The ball of mulch is crisply covered with fire, - it’s to speed up the process of overturning that rot to the weeds on the line.
All insured dії can be zastosovuvat at the dachas like spring, and autumn.

Siderati is our everything

One of the agricultural practices, which is an invisible part of biological arable farming, is the planting of green manure on Timchasovo empty land. At the thought of a rich harvest, qi culture and the best natural fertilizer. For these purposes, the vicorist is such a swede and rich in microelements of the growth, yak:

  • legumes;
  • mustard;
  • stable;
  • suripka;
  • ripak yariy;
  • life.

Siderats can be planted and hanging, and vletku, and autumn. Hanging visadzhuyut so rosliny, schvidko grow and not be afraid of frost, like: hot sauce, ripak, phacelia. The stench is too early to grow up, the docks have not come to the hour to hang out the main culture. Some green manure flat-topped cuts a few centimeters below the level of the ground, and in preparation for such a rank, the soil hangs down the main growths. Badilla, the stems can be planted as a shelter for beds with crops.

In the autumn, most of the time, life is warm and hot. Visіv viroblyayat after picking vegetables. Clean up the life like autumn, pidrubuyuchi stalks of the base. And the roast went to the snow. Hanging її obrazyut with a flat-top and hanging the main crops.

Organic farming is ecologically purer cultivation, based on a strong commitment to nature, healthy people. Іsnuє impersonal methods and methods of natural farming. Ale, be it your temper, the leather case is individual. There are no absolutely identical plots behind the warehouse for the soil, microclimate, and crops that grow. About what the shanuvalniks of organic farming do not get tired of repeating, then: “Listen, admire your own land, your own roslins. And take away knowledge in a practical way. Nature needs to be trusted every day.”

Natural farming: video

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