Organic farm. Organic fermi: from science to practice. Land prospects of Russia

The village of Stavotine is roztashovane near the Luzky district. Leningrad region for 200 km on the pivdenniy zakhіd vіd St. Petersburg in otochenny picnic lakes and lіsіv.

New description

Our small state is planted in finely rich forests, where you can pick mushrooms and berries. Numerous lakes are a miracle place for recovery. Fans of fishing can also find something to do. Possibility of more knowledge about the Russian glybinka - organizing excursions to the historical places of the region The end of 1994 was the fate of the Bodensee. In memory, there was a typical manifestation of farm hours in collective farms - nevmit_ cows bleat, chomus is off-road, tractors are drunk, people in jerseys scurry around the farm here and there. And as if it were not tied to each other. The landscape is gloomy. Everything was different here. The cows grazed peacefully on the pasture, the deacons were already lying down in the position, chewing the grass in the cote, resting in a miraculous mood. People, cows, land - the landscape of the village was a unity! Everything was tied up like an invisible thread. They gave me a sample of vegetables grown on my farm, and the stench was even more delicious. Like a child. And all the relish and brightness came out of the flowers of the land treated with medicinal herbs (chamomile, kulbaba, wood) as if they were specially prepared. Now, after 19 years of volunteer work on earth, after holding a large number of seminars on biodynamics in our village of Stavotyne, I have learned how to cultivate the land and grow. Learned how to grow such healthy vegetables! All the years before us, schoolchildren from different places of Russia came to practice. We bought 5 hectares of land for a price, set up a camp, guest houses. The administration of the village of Eighteen gave us a free rent of a rural club, demi could conduct classes. At the same time, we worked as volunteers at the NGO "Biodynamika" Mikola as a man. We want to rush forward, get thinner, grow more vegetables. We need volunteers! You can travel by train, bus, shuttle taxi. Use everything for life, that pliable work - budinok, laznya, water, electricity. Mi Bachimo people without shkіdlivih zvichok, pratsovitih, with the right to work on earth.

Who is needed



15 - 55 years

mov knowledge

Ukrainian English Deutsch

additional information

Mi Bachimo people without shkіdlivih zvichok, pratsovityh, with the right to work on earth. We have a T-25 tractor with overriding possessions. What work? By stretching 20 years, we grow vegetables organically, without vicarious chemicals. Such a product is already in demand! Use your hands to carry out the work. We also ask for volunteers to help with the work. Mind you, the details are discussed according to the situation.

What is Robity

home economics

Social work



Cooking їzhi



Silsk state

On the territory of the largest rozvinenyh krai, Russia has got a law for the certification of organic agricultural products. At the moment, whether a virobnik can name its agricultural products with the words "organic", "ecological", "bio", regardless of whether it is vicarious pesticides, GMOs in growing plants or hormones for growth for healthy thinness.Vlasne, that in our stores there is a large number of bio-curds and eco-sausages, organic mayonnaise.

Tim is no less, in our country there are few virobniks, as in others we must win many organic standards.

Some of them go through the procedure of international organic certification and revoke the right to call their products organic or organic from conversion. For example, eco-farm "Alekhivshchyna", the farm of Sergiy Vodanyuka and Fyodor Zaytsev, the farm of Sergiy Koltaevsky, TOV "Nauka Plus", the state of Illi Andriychenko and the farmer cooperative Atara.

Some farmers accept private domestic Russian eco-labels. The process is similar to the European organic certification, but the standards system itself is not internationally recognized. For example, TOV "Chorny Khlib" and Petrovsky Hutir passed certification for the "Bio-Control" system.

A lot of farmers are not certified. The right thing is that the process of eco-certification itself, navit Russian, is not cheap, not everyone has the same opportunity. The products of such states, no matter how beautiful that natural won, are called not organic, but farmer's (a.k.a., that ecological, chi ...).
In the whole world of drіbnі sіlgospvirobniks often do not pass organic certification (well, you yourself, how can you get certification for a grandmother with three goats?). Such products are called local food (must's products) and are priced in the order of certified organic.

Looking at the power of inclusion of such a state to the list of our post-employees, we ourselves, the supporters of the Green Farm, take on the function of a certification body.
Our government inspectors are visiting the farm different ways revise the viability of the viability of the main organic substances. We live and roztashuvannya fermi, and posivny material, and yak vikoristovuyutsya kindly and soobi zahistu roslyn, that wash the morning creatures and stern. We check the quality of products at the laboratory.
In a word, robimo may be all the same, the axis of only organic-certificate is not visible.

We are sure that in no time Russia will be praised for the law on organic statehood. And then organic certification will become available for growers.

First of all, all of our post-workers are the miraculous farm "Lebid", the ideal farm of Nato Єlіsєєvoї, the super-natural state of Rancho Rіkon, which conforms to the highest standards, the farm of Illi Malakhov, and all of them will become our recognition as organic virobniks. And what a stink of that varty, we vpevnenі themselves misunderstood!

2017-03-29 Igor Novitsky

The term “organic agricultural statehood” is more fashionable and ultra-modern, but after it one wants to endure the old methods of statehood, with which people were crowned in the pre-industrial era. Behind the great rahunka organic farming It is a more environmentally friendly alternative to the industrialized agricultural state, which intensively embraces the middle ground.

What is the organic state of the country?

Under the term “organic agricultural statehood”, or organic farming and animal husbandry, it is accepted to understand such ways of maintaining agricultural products, for which purposes it is directly minimized the use of piece (synthetic) preparations - fertilizers, pesticides, feed additives, etc. It is possible to replace them with natural analogues of pus, green manure, etc. Also, for increasing the yield, more actively vicoristing is done with changes and special methods for processing the soil.

Іsnuє dvі osnovnі tsіlі, yakі mаyut prikhlіniki organіcheskogo arable farming. First, take away in such a way the products of eating corisnish ​​and wholesome healthy people, which cannot be said about the products of industrial farming and animal husbandry.

In a different way, the organic state of the state is the head of the minimum shkod too much middle ground. Ideally, the negative effect is to blame for the obvious, but the principle is still questionable. This meta is not less important, shards, zreshtoy, in such a rank it also goes to protect the health of people, moreover, all, and not only those who eat organic products.

In fact, the organic production of the agricultural state is not dependent on the needs of the people in the piece-grown food products, according to the laws of nature, the cultivation of a part of the ecosystem. In this sense of industry, the state of the state is found on the protege of the land, to try to remake nature and to recreate the need to produce the best food, often to harm and nature, and the people themselves.

Tsіlі, yakі resleduyut prikhlіniki organic arable farming and creatures, vynachayut and nabrіr methodіv, yakі іm brought to operate. Behind the great rahunka, ce є traditional silske gospodarstvo, as it was more than a hundred years old, but only with modern knowledge about the laws of nature and modern silgosptekhnіku.

All methods are based on the principles of biological synergy:

  • vіdmova vіd synthetic zasobіv zakhistu roslin; vykoristannya іsnuyuchih biological analogues;
  • the stagnation of organic fields in the countryside (with pus, overgrown surpluses is thin) is kind;
  • suvore dotrimannya sіvzmіni to fight against the weeds, shkіdniki and the method of reinforcing the kinship of the soil;
  • taking care of a closed cycle of farming-animal breeding (growing provides fodder for the creatures, gives the creatures fertilizer for watering).

If you want a wide variety of synthetic pesticides and a good fertilizer to victoria, in moderate weather, if you spend a high risk in planting, and biological methods do not give an effect, occasional exposure to chemicals is allowed.

Organic creatures, cream of synthetic food additives, stimulants and hormones, transferring also morning creatures in the minds, bringing them closer to their natural way of life. Tse, for example, means that the great horned thinness in the summer period can not be overlooked on natural pastures, and the colorful style of morning is not allowed.

The International Federation of Organic Farming and Agriculture (IFOAM) declares some basic principles on which the whole concept of organic farming and creation is based. In addition, this principle is laid down in the standard of European legislation, which regulates the market of organic products.

The main principles of an organic agricultural state are based on two main goals, about which it has already been said on the cob. This short list includes:

Profitability of organic farming

Weak place of the organic agricultural state, through which more agrarians are escaping in the transition to this way of cultivation, it means that the greater co-production of products is equal to the industrialized strong state. For a large number of farmers, it is not enough ideological warehouse for the fact that the stink of the stench would be engaged in organic farming. Income is still important for them, and for this reason it is important to look at those who have a strong state and it is so important to call it a high profit type of business.

As we speak about the regions with a peaceful climate, demonstrating the greatest production of agricultural production, the transition to organic farming in the agricultural state reduces the yield by 10-50%. Zrozumіlo, richly scho lie in a specific culture and technology, scho vikoristovuvalis up to tsgogo, but in the event of a fall in the yield of a large number of things. With every hour (for 3-5 years) the world has accumulated by the farmer until the work in new minds is often renewed, but there are still no many showings.

The crime is less obligatory, the profitability is also invested in the increase in the cost of paying for the work of the workers. Deyakі operations, yakі nasampered easily vykonuvalis for the rahunka of rosy vikoristanna herbicides and pesticides, now the farmer of zmusheniy entrust his practitioners, so that the stench robbed everything by hand.

Minimizing vitrati partly allows for the full-cycle nature of the organic agricultural state. The correct pidkhіd here conveys the hopelessness of virobnitstvo for the obviousness of both roslinnitsky and tvarinnitsky direct activity. When the vineyards come out, they grow vicarious like they feed those beddings for the creatures, and you in your own line will care for the fields with fertilizers.

And yet, for the time being, the compatibility of organic products is overwhelmed, which means that the price for it is even higher. In rich western lands, where the population does not save on food products, people who are turbulent in their health are ready to pay more for healthy products. Obviously, navіt progruyuchi in prices, those farmers, who are koristuyutsya less organic spoluky in the silskomu gosdarstvo, all the same know from Europe and America their purchase, borrowing there commemorate a part of the market.

In Russia, where the majority of the population buys foodstuffs, focusing on the quality of food, and not on the quality, the market niche for organic products is very small. In fact, there are plenty of buyers who are ready to pay more for a healthy life, only in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other great places.

In this manner, one can boldly affirm that, without a significant support from the side of the state, the growth of organic products in Russia will develop very slowly at the nearest future. And z urahuvannyam ekonomіchnyh negarazdіv the rest of the hour, ymovіrno, it will become navіt vіdkat, shards and so a small market will soon rush.

Law on Organic Silske State in Russia

Crimea is already assigned to economic warehouses, due to the fact that organic products today do not know the mass drink in Russia, it is difficult to blame the greater population due to the unreasonable problems, as well as the introduction of the law on organic agricultural statehood in Russia.

In general, Russians do not worry about the wealth of Europeans about the safety of food products. Our people sounded wary of canning and other highly processed food products, and the axis of fresh fruits and vegetables, which I think for washing, is taken more as a whole, that healthy hedgehog.

Zvajayuchi on those that the ordinary city dweller can be even more unfamiliarly aware of those, like a lot of different chemistry victorious at different stages of growing the same tomatoes and apples, wines just don’t drink the principle difference between the same organic products. Moreover, natural fruits/vegetables often look beautiful and always cost less, to the same stink to attach the respect of an ordinary purchaser, which does not understand and often does not want to understand the deep reason for price of retail.

It is impossible to say that the appearance of a law on organic agriculture could radically change the situation on the food market. However, it is a fact that yoga is definitely not going to piss off organic product growers. Today in our country there are three standards for such products, but if the universal law requires all one to be considered, the shards of the wine itself can be created one rule for all organic varieties. And on the basis of this, we can talk about plans to popularize natural products among the environment.

Look back: 2595


In Ukraine, chickens are grown, one might say, especially by conventional methods, in the majestic poultry houses and small houses without access to natural light and the ability to freely peresuvatisya.

At the moment, the country has less successful family-type governments, so that certified organic chickens are harvested, and they are engaged in the production of organic eggs and chicken meat. It is important to explain the weak interest of breeders to organic poultry farming, even growing chickens using organic methods, low-volume and safe return of investments. Young chickens start laying eggs already at 5 months, and pivnі can be slaughtered for meat already at other months.

First of all, it is clear that such organic poultry production, and the peculiarities of organic chickens, are taken from the process of rearing chickens at industrial poultry farms. The only meta ptashnikiv-gigantiv polygaє at the original eggs and meat for the lowest possible price. As you can see, at such poultry farms on small areas, thousands of birds of special hybrid breeds, oriented to the high wind of the meat and eggs, grow up in small areas. Dozens of chickens are trimmed in small close clitins without access to natural light and fresh air. Birds are suitable exclusively for grain with high fat and growth hormones, so that they increase the growth of m'yazovoi and adipose tissue, and after 1.5-2 months they will be slaughtered. In times of illness, birds rejoice with antibiotics and chemicals for swedish clothes. Thus, mind the morning not to follow the usual sanitary and ethical standards for dealing with creatures. On industrial farms, the assembly line works solely to satisfy the financial needs of the enterprise, not interfering with the health of the living, or the well-being of the creatures themselves.

Organic chicken farm at home

1) What are you talking about?

To be able to grow organically bred chickens, we need to think about organic chickens. To take away the organic certification, the chickens are guilty of the organic trip. Best shukati youngsters on mіstsevyh organic farms, yakі can guarantee organic growth and maturation of their chickens, or come certified eggs and induce the authorities' incubator. First, bathe the young, see the farm especially, so that the chickens and the evidence of the organic certificate will change in the minds of the faithful minds.

2) Viroshchuvannya kurchat

Little chickens will require special minds for mornings - a padded place for sleeping, warm weather, the presence of fresh water and special organic food for young animals. Whose food is to avenge the most important life of speech for early growth and development. Organic chickens can be fed with "starter" feeds for only the first 12 years.

Starting from the 4-5-month-old age, the chickens are already due to their mothers, they can freely walk in the fresh weather, but at night it is necessary to increase the temperature in the area no lower than 60 ° C, until the chickens do not wake up in the winter.

3) Save chickens

According to organic standards, chickens are fenced in small gardens or in fenced-off areas. The territory of the poultry house is obliged to finish it with a great one, so that the smokers are able to freely move around all day and satisfy their natural needs: rich, graze all day on the grass, fall on the clods and so on. to the territory, providing birds with a new flock and a dzherelom coma, worms and beetles.

Crimea is a free territory for walks, smoke a guilty mother, you can shovatsya for nothing in disgrace. Kurnik is guilty of being spacious with a great hall, hanging with straw or thyrsus, and also mothers are quieter accommodation for the night, nesting that nesting egg. Another important mind is the ventilation and lighting of the hen house, to ensure the health of the miracle birds. Smokers may be more sensitive than legends, so after that, in the chicken house, we can clean and fresh.

For the organization of nothing, it is important to encourage the space to sit on the day, the shards of the chicken whisper to the temple and the safe place to the low. About the temperature regime for mature chickens, you can not be turbulent, even if you use an insulator and protect the birds well from the cold, bring a charge. For laying hens, wart about lining quiet nests - one nest on the skin of three triggers is enough.

4) Organic feed

On the market, there are proposals for the sale of ready-made certified organic feeds, which can be quite expensive. It is cheaper to buy certified organic grain and independently mix grain sums for anniversaries. And it’s even more efficient to grow organic grain independently in the sovereign state, ensuring the closing of the cycle and the transparency of your cultivation.

Organic feed for chickens can change in the fallow land of the species of birds. For example, feed for laying hens can be more high in protein and calcium for molding egg shells. Feed for broilers that yearn for meat can be livelier for more effective growth of meat tissue. Krіm tsyogo, at any time feed for birds can be enriched with natural vitamins and minerals.

Ready to go to the market with organic sums of whole grain for annual birds. Sound like this sums are made up of whole grain wheat, corn and wheat. It is also often added to such a sum of high-protein crops (zocrema, alfalfa and laminaria, as well as linseed and dormouse).

The cream of grain, in the year of birds, is necessary to reveal such hard particles, like coarse-grained sand, gravel, tortoiseshell and vapnyak, yakі є an important element of etching creatures, shards of stench do not wash teeth. On a free vigul kuri, you can know independently the necessary stones, and you can also use additional years with trimmed granite and vapnyak.

5) Likuvannya ill

If you are talking about the infection of chickens grown on organic farms, it is necessary to indicate that the incidence of illness on organic chickens is lower than that of industrial poultry. Organic virobnitstvo, first for everything, focused on the fear of disease by the way of creating healthy minds for morning creatures, lower exaltation even diagnosing ailments.

The main reasons for the sickness of chickens at poultry farms are overpopulation, as well as unbalanced eating. Organic poultry farming includes two factors, dbayuchi about the maintenance of proper sanitation, regulation of the sound field and rotation of the pastures for the prevention of shkidnikiv and a balanced eating regimen. However, they still blame the sickness, the ailments of the birds are terminally isolated from the group and rejoice in homeopathic methods, permissible standards. Alas, there are no antibiotics in the organic world.

Vimogi to organic poultry farming:

Kurchats may look like an organic state;

Feed the guilty buti exclusively certified and organic;

It is not allowed to use animal offal food;

The birds are due to the mother enough space for changing;

In chicken houses, it is necessary to maintain sanitary standards;

The use of antibiotics, growth stimulants, hormones, GMOs has been harrowed.

The cultivation of chickens and the cultivation of eggs by organic methods transfers, nasampered, the cultivation of birds to a healthy, safe and comfortable environment. Healthy chickens are happy birds, yak, in their quarters, give people healthy eggs and meat, which is part of a stable way of life.

Evgenia Ivanova

Pavlo Tarasov - a spivlasnik and head farmer of the Bolotiv state - at the greenhouse with tomatoes and eggplants

Schob to go to Bolotov, not tossing the car, to get some popratsyuvati. Spopchatka - a year on the bus to Chekhov, and then - another 150 km near the Tulsk region by taxi with no bells and whistles. Mene, like a journalist, was the leading farmer and a friend of Bolotov, who lives in Chekhov - Pavlo Tarasov. On the great pickup, like the American lumberjacks, Pavel easily maneuvers between the pits, there is no good road, which leads to the farm after the turn from the Simferopol Highway, while the passengers, when kicked, shake their sides. On a fine passenger car, get here for the time being, it will be respectful.

The car in "їzhdzhaє" on the floor of the fermi - zrozumіlo, no you parkanu, hvіrtok and іnshoy nіsenіtnitsі. A small one-surface booth for practitioners who live permanently here, farming in white color, zvnі pіd vіkon platbands to dry hot red peppers. Beneath the birch trees there is a mitzny table with benches, behind it they drink kava with a stove, three practitioners of the farm - a woman and two people, one of them caught up for his life in the Bolotov Kolgospya.

Vlasne, Bolotov has a story. Andriy Timofiovich Bolotov was such an agronomist, a botanist and a writer of the XVIII-XIX centuries, rich in what tomato and potatoes took root in Russia. The majestic and rich collective order from the village of Rusyatino was named in honor of the new bulo, which is the best donin - it was wiser, it was less for those who looked like a surplus of colossal grandeur and all of the eighth spivrobitniks.

One of the living houses - an old hut, brought from Altai

Part of the territory of the kolgospa - 60 hectares - if the Germans bought it, they came to Russia to become a biodynamic state. The stench was tested in Bolotovoe from 1991 to 2004, after which the state gradually began to fall into oblivion, and in 2008 the roci n_mtsi completely flooded the land, as it came to desolation and watered down.

Ninі tsі 60 ha belong to two biopasionaria - Illi Kaletkin and Pavel Tarasov. About the first one, and about the other one, who works without interruption on the farm, we will also have an interview soon.

Pavlo Tarasov on aphids for farm workers

Kaletkin and Tarasov revitalize the farm in another river, and at the same time there is a lot of work there. For the same time, for the same time, Bolotov became a farm, like growing vegetables, certified according to the European organic standard.

Certification in Bolotovoe is 60 hectares, moreover, since 2011, only 4 of them have been planted so far: 2 hectares of potatoes and approximately 40 acres of beetroots, carrots and cibules. Other plantings: cabbage, corn, greenhouse tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, patisoni, greens, beans.

Eggplants, tomatoes and blackberries grow together

Today for vegetables it is victorious, sensibly, only organically, deyakly may receive Demeter certificates - marking the biodynamic journey, which for the farmers of Bolotovo surmised that bazhano.

Fresh zucchini with biodynamic certificate Demeter

Permaculture is not vicarious, but in growing roslin they are supplemented by the principle of mixed plantings - for example, plant tomatoes together with peppers, because. all paslonovі vmagayut similar minds growing. And basil, I planted it with pepper, I color the relish of the rest.

And the creatures, but the stench is still more “for yourself”, and not for sales: pigs, smoke, animals, a ram, which sounds are unrealistic for the Russians, geese, guinea fowls, goats and a goat, which allows you to pat yourself on poppies .

Bolotivsky chickens

Little pigs for me, like a city-vegetarian, to become a winery aesthetic interest - piglets from the great Yorkshire ter'єru, matusya - from corgi. Hairy hairy backs and horny toes of these piglets are a comedic contrast to the beauty of a wild boar with its yokes, black dart-like bristles and a majestic carcass. You don’t want to see this on the road, night or day.

Pigs, like other creatures, are still roaming "in reserve" - ​​for posterity. Don't sell and don't score - two generations that were born, for now, just grow. Virostayut, zvichayno, not for beauty, but before the sale on the right has not yet been reached.

And the second pair of horses, like the best horses, ride the Vlasniks themselves and foreign acquaintances and tourists. The stench completes the picture of the swampy expanses, and Pavlo is aware that he can be in the skin state. What is statehood without a horse?

At the same time, the state does not adhere to the principles of biodynamics - it’s even more complicated. Prote, for the words of Paul, stink of someone to pry - a lot of things in which they brought the creature, like an important role in biodynamics.

Biodynamics is one of the most important examples of organic matter. I’ll reopen the closed state, as if I’m only good for my own creatures, that I grow myself, and I fertilize my plantings with compost and rot in the sight of my wet creatures - it’s closed to go out.

Harvesting sine, mowed right there at Bolotovoy

Ale, let's forgive natural dominance on the right, do not be separated. Biodynamics is sensitive to the rhythms of nature, monthly cycles are protected in sex robots and especially kindness is prepared - for example, from grasses and horns of creatures, like the earth can be. On the farm, old Russian and German inscriptions were saved, and in jars with goodies, which testify to the biodynamic past of Bolotov.

Roslinnі dobriva z kulbabi and kropivi

As we have already said, there are still only three people working on the farm, but there are plenty of agricultural equipment here (accept, in the opinion of a city dweller) - here is a tractor, a harrow, and an obraskuvach, a cultivator, a plow, a sіvalka and also a lot of mechanisms, the name of some of the first once people unprepared remember it is important.

Obpriskuvach - for watering and rare fertilizers

Pavlo seems like all the equipment, like the stench of vicorist, is Belarusian. In Russia, in other words, nothing can be changed at once, and foreign technology is too expensive.

Potato sifter

This is a fact: the Germans, who had run the farm earlier, saw a unique collection about the organic state of the “Zemlerobets” - a sight in a unique way, in which it is also reportedly described, how and what is necessary to work in the state to organic and biodynamic production. Behind the words of Paul, having made a lot of such collections, having given away everything I saw, and now he has lost more than one book, so he takes care of wine.

Written on the book: “Nimets-Russian gardener from ecological farming Zemrobets. Recommendations from practice. Farming, vegetable production and the economy of the rural state. Fund im. A.T. Bolotov”.

For the time being, Bolotovo needs to invest in a new wealth of strength, time to save for updating that development. Vlasniki will think about building the infrastructure necessary for agro-tourism - the places near the Tulsk region are beautiful, but there are still no places to visit on farms.

And from vegetables - broccoli cabbage and mіtsna bіlokachanna, nainіzhnіshі zucchini, radishes - from Bolotov can be bought in the Biostoria store. From the other side, for food, for example, from goat's milk, you can still go straight to the farm. However, the Vlasniks of Bolotov clearly do not dare to sling at their reach, and also from their side, as a rule, they can be watched and constantly expanded the assortment.

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