Recipe for swede pancakes on the water. Fritters on the water without eggs.

March 18, 2017 560

It’s important to educate the people, so that they don’t indulge themselves with “little sonechki” - pancakes. Tse duzhe shvidka that economical strain. It is easier and simpler for the Vikonan. Everyone who loves chi lassoshchi, and the sound of rahuvat calorie, there will be chicory recipes.

Fritters on water with eggs and soda

This recipe can be zarahuvat to the category of "Shvidki". Recipes do not wink over drіzhdzhі, so there is no need to consume a check, until it's still pіdіyde. For a rahunok of slaked soda, pancakes look like food.

  • 2 eggs (if the stench is not great - rather take 3);
  • 0.75 l of water;
  • 350-450 g premium borosh;
  • 20-75 g zucru;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda (without weights);
  • otset chi sik lemon;
  • strength for relish;
  • Sonyashnikova Oliya for lubrication.

It takes an hour - 40-50 khvilin.

Calorie content - 185 kcal / 100 g.

How to cook:

Please! Take less than olії pancakes, so add a couple of tablespoons of oliї directly to the dough before greasing.

Pishnі fritters on water and drіzhdzhakh with eggs

Among rich people, pancakes are associated with childishness. They always cooked in kindergartens and schools, that and our grandmothers always wanted this kind of pancakes themselves. Tim, who loves food and soft, dry pancakes, will write this recipe.

To prepare you need:

  • 350-450 g of boron;
  • 500 ml water;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • 50 g zucru;
  • a drop of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon dry abo 15 g fresh drizzle;
  • oliya (be it roslinna).

It takes an hour - 1.5 -2 years.

Calorie content - 221 kcal / 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Bring the water up to room temperature and fix it in the dryer. It is better to see all the work in the deep mist;
  2. There we add strength and tsukor, we beat in eggs and mix well with wine;
  3. Step by step, we introduce borosno, what we ask. Good vimishuemo with a spoon;
  4. Cover the bowl with a towel or grub and leave it for up to 1 year;
  5. On the frying pan, carefully put a pancake spoon. Grease from both sides until golden brown.

Please! As if you beat dry yeast, let the dough stand for at least a year, for fresh yeast, 40 quills are enough.

Dry pancakes

This is an indispensable strava for the quiet, who is the sound of trimati pist. Like and be like dry pancakes, the stench will take you more than an hour, lower kefir pancakes, but the result of that wart.

To prepare you need:

  • 0.5 l of water (2 bottles);
  • 300-400 g of borosh (better not to overdo it with borosh, so that the dough is not tight);
  • 15 g of dry yeast (mayzhe 1.5 teaspoons);
  • 20-25 g zucru;
  • crumbs of salt;
  • Oliya Sonyashnikova.

It takes an hour - 1.5 -2 years.

Calorie content - 220 kcal / 100 g.

How to cook dough and grease dry pancakes:

  1. Near warm water we breed yeast. Dodaemo tudi tsukor, salty;
  2. Constantly humming, step by step we add borosno, what we ask;
  3. Place it quietly there, de warmer, until the bulbs appear (35-45 quills). Vono maє troch go and troch zbіshitisya in obsyazі;
  4. On a greased olive pan with a spoon we put pancakes. Lubricate from both sides on a medium fire.

Please! So that the pancakes came out crispy and tall, grease them under the lid.

Songs of mlints without eggs and drіzhdzhiv

The best budget option for pancakes. For cooking, you need a minimum of ingredients. This is an accessible recipe, which helps to successfully slander your family during the pennyless period. Nezaminna Strava under the hour of fasting. Sitne is low calorie.

To prepare you need:

  • heat water - 1.5 bottles (300-350 ml);
  • borosno wheat (you can replace it with wheat) - 250 g;
  • oliya - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • tsukor - 25 g (for garni rum'yanoy skorinka);
  • soda - not a teaspoon;
  • otset chi sik lemon;
  • sil - 1 teaspoon.

Time required - 1 year.

Calorie content - 195 kcal / 100g.

How to cook:

  1. On the back of the head zmіshuєmo dry ingredients - borosno, sil, tsukor;
  2. Gently rozmіshuyuchi, dodaemo pіdіgіtu water (wreaths of warm water pancakes look better);

Please! Instead of warm water, it is possible to vicorate gas water at room temperature. The effect will be the same.

  1. It is necessary to give the test trochs to infuse it. Finish 20-30 whilins;
  2. Rozіvaєmo frying pan, zashchuєmo olієyu and spoon wilivaemo tіsto;
  3. Lubricate pancakes from both sides;
  4. The skin is ready for a pancake, smeared with honey or jams.

Diet option

Who cares about his figure, but loves to pamper himself with something savory and does not show his life without wine, evaluate this recipe. It's not only korisno, but it's even more tasty!

To prepare you need:

  • borosno vivsyan (you can add a blender to vіvsyanі plastіvtsі) - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • bananas - 2 small roses or one large one;
  • egg - stitch 1 pc;
  • teaspoon of soda;
  • lemon juice to extinguish the soda.

It takes an hour - 35-50 khvilin.

Calorie content - 110 kcal / 100 g.

How to make dietary pancakes on water with bananas:

  1. Bananas are well crushed with a fork, until the porridge is finished;
  2. One egg is driven in and flour is poured;
  3. We extinguish the soda and add it to the finished mass. Beat with a blender;
  4. Vipіkaєmo pancakes on the good rosіrіtіy dry frying pans with non-stick coatings. Vіdmіnno pіdhodit mlintsev frying pan.

Please! You can cook banana pancakes without boroshn. For whom we mix eggs and a banana, we add a few drops of a dewy olive and weep it on a frying pan.

Sirno-banana pancakes

This recipe is not less dietary, but more appropriate for everyone who plans to lose weight! Sir is a product of negative calories, low carbohydrate content and high protein content.

To prepare you need:

  • vіvsyan borosno - 3-4 tbsp. spoons (approximately pіvsklyanki);
  • bananas - 2 small or one large;
  • 2 eggs of a young hen or one medium size;
  • sir 5% fat (you can also use low fat) - 100 g.

It takes an hour - 30-40 quills.

Calorie content - 125 kcal / 100 g .

How to cook:

  1. Rozminaemo with a fork banana and sir;
  2. We beat in an egg and sip it boroughly;
  3. Relatively mixed (you can beat the blender);
  4. Vipkaєmo on a heated frying pan from two sides until a brown streak is fixed.

Please! For savoring that crust in the dough for pancakes on the water, you can add rodzinki, dried crane or other brown dried fruits.

As you can see from the guidance of the recipes, the pancakes will be older on any table. They can serve guests, give a treat to children, eat on song days and live with a dietary meal. Obov'yazkovo pamper yourself and your loved ones, savory ta simple grass! The stinks will be more than satisfied! Savory!

Fritters are even lighter. Call them to serve until the afternoon, or as an everyday dessert. With all the stench, you can make nassichenі and savory, oskіlki є vypіchkoyu that can be supplemented practically by some ingredients.

To prepare the necessary ingredients:

Roslinna refined oliya - chotiri tablespoons;

0.5 kg boroshn;

2 bottles of water;

Tsukrovy pіsok - Chotiri tablespoons;


On the cob of cooking, it is necessary to spread yeast in warm water. If anything you can add on borosno and vimishuvati. At the next stage, it is necessary to seriously beat the eggs, adding zukor. At the same time, it is necessary to add a little bit of salt there (for relish).

After 1.5 years, it can be practically double. Itself at this moment before the new one, it is necessary to add the cooked masa with eggs and zucru. After that, I’m seriously zamіshuєmo. Tisto ready.

Lubricate such pancakes in water, it is necessary to warm the frying pan in a good way from stasis sonyashnikova olії. With this, the fire of the burner is to blame, but only a little more than the middle one.

Alas, robiti, as if under the hand did not appear drіzhdzhіv, but from the singing reasons (sickness, pіst thinly) it is not recommended to live in them. For the solution of this problem of inventions, write down a recipe that allows you to cook pancakes on water without yeast.

To prepare you need:

0.5 kg boroshn;

Roslinna kіlkіst chotirioh tablespoons;

2 bottles of water;

Zukor-pisok - Chotiri tablespoons;

Prepare the fritters just like that, as in the previous recipe. On the back of the head we mix it up and beat the eggs. Shards of yeast in the recipe every day, then it’s not necessary to test the test, and then, just add the egg sum. If you can lubricate the pancakes, on the water mix, with vikoristannya sonyashnikova oliya and frying pans.

If you don’t add yeast to the dough, then the pancakes will not be so voluminous, they won’t taste like it. Sound the stink of coming out of the form of a small one, but to finish the tovstoy mlints. With this, you can see a strong difference in taste. If you want, if there weren’t pancakes, you’ll live from satisfaction at once with honey, jams, condensed milk and hot tea.

Cooking has close to hundreds different recipes making sweets. Spice up fresh vegetables and licorice fruits, add seasoned spices, etc. However, in practice, all pancakes exude a miraculous relish and simplicity of preparation. The stench will always be the beloved grass of the greater house-giver.

Pancakes with yeast and without them is a miracle option for a full-fledged snack, which is a fit to the soul and grown up, and children. Fritters on the water with the addition of yeast do not look less savory, lower with the addition of fermented milk products.

Quietly come out soft and over the top. Fritters on the water without yeast is the best option for those who care for their figure, post what may be a contraindication before the introduction of milk and yoga.

At the dough for pancakes, it’s not necessary, since it’s possible to add different fresh and dried fruits and berries in the recipe. The preparation of the zієї stravi is not the same as the folding of the mister-pochatkіvtsya. Naygolovnіshe - correctly eat all the ingredients and bring them to a homogeneous mass.

The soda is slaked and the yeast will help to grow the softness.

As an additive to the pancakes, you can vicorate thick sour cream, salted zucrum, home-made jam, syrup, topping and bagatto іnshoy. in.

Shvidky pancakes on the water with additional eggs (without yeast)

It’s not enough time in the morning, but it’s necessary to prepare savory and lively snacks for all members of the family, then short version- Swedish pancakes on the water without yeast. The recipe transfers high swedishness to the preparation of zavdyak and slaked soda instead of dry or fresh yeast. Fritters on water with eggs without yeast are prepared for sprats of whilin.

Need like this:

  • Water - 700 ml;
  • Dribka salt;
  • Optic acid;
  • Borosno wheat - 1 bottle;
  • a teaspoon of grub soda;
  • Zukor-pisok - 150 g;
  • 2 chicken eggs.

Simple pancakes on the water can be prepared, making such crumbs:

  1. Zukor and a pinch of salt are scattered by the water, eggs are added, everything is beaten well.
  2. At the same time, slaked soda is added and borosno. Mixed masa can be uniform and without breasts.
  3. Put the shortbreads on the frying pan with a tablespoon of vicorist. Readiness is marked by a golden color.

In this recipe, the estimate can be replaced with citric acid. At his court, the deputy of the kharchovoi sod dotsilnishe vikoristovuvat rozpushuvach.

A clumsy recipe for fried pancakes without eggs from yeast

Recipe savory vipіchki without adding eggs and milk - the ideal hour of fasting and diet, to spare. Quietly zavdyaki vikoristannya drіzhdzhіv go out to eat and drink. Pancakes without eggs on the water with victorious drіzhdzhіv can be robbed forever: the stench does not mess up the figure, but it's a lazy way to add strength to the wound.

Three ingredients needed:

  • Sonyashnikova oliya for coating licorice cakes;
  • 2 bottles of wheat boroshn;
  • 4 tbsp. l. tsukru-pisku;
  • Povna a bottle of warm clean water;
  • a teaspoon of dry dried fruits;
  • Dribka salt.

Dough for pancakes on the water with additional yeast is prepared like this:

  1. Water is poured in to the millet sprat once more, and the amount of drizzle is added.
  2. Boroshnyanu has a sumish of drizhdzhy bloody pisok, everything is mixed up.
  3. Quietly, cover with a towel, leave at the warm place for 50 minutes. Through the drіzhdzhі it can be zbіshitisya in volume in kіlka razіv.
  4. Vіdokremlyuyuchi portions of shmatochki in the form of a roasted breast, it is necessary to put pancakes on a hot frying pan. Dochekatisya zarum'yanyuvannya.

Monday afternoon yeast test mixing yoga is not recommended. The recipe is ready for the recipe from the addition of dry yeast - not just licorice, you can add it with fruit or berry reminiscent, sticky chi flower honey.

Dekilka ways to cook pancakes without yeast: recipes with fruit

Vipіchka with the addition of favorite fruits is an ideal option for savory and lively snacks. The most popular options, which can be prepared both for children and grown-ups, are pancakes with apples on the water without yeast and with bananas (also do not add yeast).

Robiti tsi pancakes good vltku - a lot of fruit and always want something fresh and light.

The main components for the preparation of a vipіchka with apples:

  • Licorice apple, grated on a grater - 2 medium for rosemary;
  • 2 bottles of borosna;
  • Sonyashnikova oliya for obsmazhuvannya pancakes;
  • Pure water is the third of a bottle;
  • To sip the finished stravia - tsukrova powder;
  • One chicken egg;
  • Dribka salt and soda;
  • 5 st. l. tsukru.

A fragrant and lively snack for all the motherland with apples should be cooked like this:

  1. With fruit porridge, strength, eggs, grub soda, zucor-pisok are eaten.
  2. Sumish is introduced in small portions, water is poured in.
  3. Quite neatly vmіshuєtsya.
  4. Lubricate the apple shortbreads according to the sprat of quills from the skin side.

Before serving on the table, the pancakes are decorated with berries and chives powder.

The recipe for pancakes with the addition of bananas is inspired by the simplicity and taste of the finished brew. In addition, you don’t need more yeast to speed up the cooking process.

In order to please your loved ones with banana bread, you need the following:

  • Repeat flasks of borosna
  • cinnamon for smell;
  • Oliya dewy trip for lubrication;
  • 2 medium bananas;
  • 2 tsp ;
  • Be it gas station: vershkova, honey chi yagіdna.
  • 6 spoons of cucrum pіsku;
  • Half of a bottle of "Hercules" plastic pomelo.

Pokrokovy recipe for how to cook pancakes on water without yeast and with banana relish:

  1. Bananas are roaming for help from the seer.
  2. Cinnamon, plastіvtsі, tsukor, baker's rozpushuvach and strength are fluttering among themselves. Everything boils down to bananas.
  3. The dough is placed on a roasted pan for an extra spoon. Fragrant vipіchka will be ready after zarum'yanyuvannya.

The advantages of the pancakes prepared according to this recipe are the subtle banana relish and the freshness of the preparation (you don’t need a check, until you take the pastry with the addition of the yeast). You can have a cup of wine like a hot one, so you look cold, you can easily give it to children before school.

Fritters on the water with additional yeast - delicious and simple

Povnotsіnny and lively childish snіdanok for a child - a pledge of good health for a whole day of a gargish mood. That skin mother is to blame for the mother in the stock of vidpovidnі recipes. Fritters on the water, a recipe for such transfers of additional drіzhdzhiv - a good and simple option for a skin day. Quietly at such a vipіchka, it comes out supra-lingually through yeast.

Before making pancakes on water with fresh or dry yeast, it is necessary to prepare all the components:

  • Purified water - 500 ml;
  • One chicken egg;
  • Wheat borosno - close to 3 tbsp.;
  • Roslinna Oliya;
  • Zukor-pisok - 3 tbsp. l. (You can add more, if you want to take licorice vipіchka);
  • Fresh yeast - 15 g (to speed up the preparation process, it is recommended to replace them with dry yeast in powder - 1 tsp);
  • Half a teaspoon of salt.

How to make pancakes on water and on yeast with minimal timcha vitrates and a remarkable result:

  1. Open a spoonful of yeast in the container with warm water.
  2. Add an egg to the masa with yeast, strong and zukor. Mix everything together for the help of a heavy-duty blender.
  3. Vsipati in dry sumish pros_yane borosno, resolutely mix. Ready to cleanly cover with grub or a terry towel, leave it for 40 minutes, so that the drizzle “did come”.
  4. Gently mix it up and put it in a warm place at the pivgodini (thisto through the drizzle may rise).
  5. Lubricate the need for growing olive, vіdshpuyuchi vіd big chunks of portions, until otrimannya golden color.

Serve the pancakes with licorice jam, fruit syrup and honey.

Incompletely, the reversed recipe (with ovo abbess without, in the ledives of the other sodi) to be divided by the divisions of the deed of the parosy: the cakes of the vicaculation of the frying pan, brilliantly before the snaps of the molesty , not out of hand.

Fritters on the water - even savory lassoshchi, not respecting those that I think it is customary to take in, that the wine on the water is less spicy and the food is cooked on the milk. Today, I will share three recipes with readers, having tried any of them, you can especially change, that the pancakes on the water are full of licorice grass, which is seen as a change in calories. One of the main features of such pancakes is the quality of the preparation. For someone else, they often bring such a specialty to the menu with a snack, but it’s not like to cook it at noon, if you want to eat warm pancakes right out of the pan in the middle of the day, and there’s no food in the kitchen for a long time.

The whole process of preparing pancakes is simple and sensible. It is enough to mix all the products in one container, assigned to the transfer of ingredients, and mix them uniform mass for help vіnochka chi mixer. Otrimana masa and will be an ideal test for pancakes on water. Before the dough warehouse, most of the time there are only one and the same products: water, salt, borosno, zukor, oliya and eggs. Some housewives add additional ingredients, such as yeast, as you can replace it with soda (for food), vanilla (for smell), aromatic additives (for relish).

The recipe for pancakes is such that if you include zukor in the warehouse, you will see non-licorious pancakes on the water. Zalezhno, depending on which you can choose the best filling. At the dough for licorice pancakes, you can add small pieces of berries, fruits, dried apricots or rodzinok. At non-licorice pancakes, you can put fried vegetables: cibula, carrots, sauerkraut and etc.

If you are ready for pancakes, it's time to move on to the lubrication process. Coat the frying pan with olive oil and put it on fire. Spread thinly with a tablespoon, cover the pan with a lid and brush the pancakes on both sides until cooked. As a rule, 3-4 whilini per leather barrel is enough.

All the same, if you talk about pancakes on the water, milk or kefir, most often you can eat on the brine itself. To that, before serving to the table, pancakes can be poured over with syrup, condensed milk, honey, or simply sip with zukrovy powder.

Forgive pancakes on the water without eggs

If you have a minimum set of products in your refrigerator, then it’s not a big deal. You can cook without eggs savory pancakes on the water, yak for savory yakosti not trespass be-yakim іnhim. So, as you see the post, then take this recipe for pancakes on a note.


  • 2 tbsp. borosna
  • 300 ml water
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp. l. tsukru
  • Roslinna Oliya

Cooking method:

  1. Boroshno asks a deep-seated mind.
  2. A thin flower is poured into the boroughly drinking water of room temperature without ceasing to stir.
  3. Dodaemo in the mass of dry yeast, zukor and sil. Zamishuemo dough for pancakes.
  4. We curve the capacity from the test with a towel, and put it in a warm place for 60 quills.
  5. Pour olive oil into the pan and set it to heat up.
  6. With a tablespoon, portionwise, put dough on the pan, and crook it with a krishko.
  7. We smear pancakes on medium fire from both sides until fully cooked.

Pishnі fritters on water with eggs and soda

Food pancakes can be prepared not only on yeast, but also on soda. In this way, you will be relieved of the need for a check, while it is still quiet, and you will more easily fit into the process of cooking.


  • 3 art. drive
  • 100 g zucru
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp sodi
  • Ocet
  • 2 tbsp. borosna
  • Roslinna Oliya

Cooking method:

  1. By the water, tsukor is being poured, and eggs are being driven in. We beat the ingredients to a homogeneous mass.
  2. The soda is quenched with an oct and added to the dry.
  3. In small portions pіdsipaєmo flour | boroshno | and mix it up.
  4. Rozіvaєmo in a frying pan olіyu and spit dough with a spoon.
  5. Cover the pancakes on the sides until golden color.

Homemade dry fritters on the water

This recipe, one to one, is consistent with how pancakes are made on water in schools and kindergartens. The smells of the stinks of the drіzhdzham seem to be superbly written and soothing, so they can become a full meal for all members of the family.


  • 500 ml water
  • 14 p. fresh drizzle
  • 2 tbsp. l. tsukru
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 egg
  • 3 flasks of boroshn
  • Roslinna Oliya

Cooking method:

  1. Water is warmed up in a micro-furnace and boiled in it dry. Let's give them a break.
  2. Dodaemo have water with drіzhdzhami tsukor, strong that egg. For the help of the mixer, we mix the ingredients to the homogeneity of the mass.
  3. Potim vsipayemo in masa flour | boroshno | and vmіshuєmo mіsto. Ready to be tightly covered with a towel and left in a warm place for 1 year.
  4. After 60 quills, it is lightly mixed with dryness and overwhelmed by pivgodini.
  5. From the test, we form pancakes, put them on the grill with an olive frying pan and brush them on both sides until cooked.

Now you know how to cook pancakes on the water. Savory!

Fritters on the water - tse not rozkish, so the skin of the culinary-cob can, without zusil, prepare such sausages for yourself and your loved ones, like a meal, just like that. Its thin cooking of pancakes, especially, є, but the stench is not so good, so that you don’t get into them. Nasamkinets, like and forever, I want to give a couple of joys, so that your pancakes on the water turned out savory and from the first time:
  • Before vikoristannya do not forget to pray borosno, in view of which your pancakes on the water look more delicious;
  • The water you use for the recipe may be warm. How are you getting ready? drіzhdzhovoe tisto for pancakes, which rule needs to be trimmed obov'yazkovo;
  • Don't be afraid to experiment and add different fillings: fruits, berries, peas and small pieces to chocolate;
  • Best smear the pancakes in water on olive oil and under a tightly closed frying pan lid. In the presence of this stink, it’s not only possible to get smeared evenly, but to matimute a marvelously appetizing color.

Sound for pancakes to roar on milk or sour-milk products, however, on water the stench looks savory, edible. That's why it's not better to put dough on pancakes on water with the help of economy. Gourmands, as if they want to reduce the calorie content of їzhi, so evaluate such recipes. When you turn around from the bosses, you can inspire the master, as if you don’t have a great culinary experience.

Cooking features

In order to make the pancakes look like they are, when preparing a test on water, you need to know a few secrets:

  • Do not make good dough on cold water, especially as it is placed on yeasts. So the water for the test needs to be lowered to 25 degrees for cooking. yeast-free dough, Up to 35 degrees - for yeast. Hot water also does not vicorate.
  • If you don’t like too much licorice pancakes, otherwise tsukor is contraindicated for you, the amount indicated in the recipe, you can change or replace tsukor with an adequate amount of saltojuvacha. And the axis cannot be switched off from the warehouse. Without it, pancakes for savor will be fresh.
  • Lubricate pancakes with dough in water as needed on a roasted pan with olive oil. Otherwise, the stench will not rise and burn.
  • So that the pancakes were more quickly lifted, borosno pros_yuvati. For additional manipulation, you will also be spared the risk of infection with the larvae of the boron moth.
  • Before the warehouse, the dough can be included, pieces of fruit, berries, rodzinki. In tsomu vipadku tіsto varto robiti trohi less licorice.

Fritters cooked in water can be served with condensed milk, jam, sour cream, jams.

Dough for pancakes on water with eggs and yeast

  • water - 0.5 l;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • borosno wheat - 0.5 kg;
  • pressed drizhdzhi - 15 g;
  • roslinna oliya (for lubrication) - skіlki pіde;
  • zukor - 40 g;
  • sil - 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Pіdіrіyte water, razchinіt nіy drіzhdzhі.
  • Add zukor and strength, beat in an egg and thoroughly mix it with an additional mixer.
  • Dodayuchi|add| flour|boroshno| in portions and mixed, cook dough. Vono may be thicker, lower very quiet for fritters.
  • Put a test for a year in a warm place.
  • Reshkoditi tisto and surplus fit for 45 strands.
  • Heat the olive oil in a frying pan.
  • Vіdshchipuyuchi vіd tіsta shmatki і nadayuchi їm іm prіbnoї form, lubricate pancakes from two sides: 2-3 fluff from the skin side. Don't hurry to turn it over: you can only shy away, if the edges of the pancakes are well-drummed.

Prepared for this recipe, pancakes look like they are written and repeated. It's true, at the hour of fasting, it's still not possible. If you post, please take another recipe for water fritters.

Dough for pancakes on water with egg without yeast

  • borosno wheat - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • zukor - 40 g;
  • sil - 5 g;
  • citric acid - 2-2.5 g;

Cooking method:

  • Boil water and cool down to about 30 degrees.
  • Pour water into a bowl, remove trochs to make citric acid.
  • Mix water with an egg, sill and zukr, add citric acid, beat to a uniform state.
  • Sippy in front of the prosіyane borosno and rozmіshuyuchi, prepare the dough. Beat yoga with a mixer.
  • Putting dough on a roasted frying pan with an olive tablespoon, grease the pancakes.

Everyone who has tasted such pancakes on the water, feels their savory taste. Deyaki navit vvazhayut that this pancake recipe is the best.

Dough for pancakes with yeast without eggs

  • boar wheat - 0.3 kg;
  • water - 0.3 l;
  • dry yeast - 5 g
  • zukor - 30 g;
  • sіl - great trill;
  • roslinna oliya - skіlki pіde.

Cooking method:

  • Ask hard.
  • Water trohi pіdіgіyte (up to 25-28 degrees).
  • At the water, add borosno, tsukor, drіzhdzhі that sil. For the help of a mixer, prepare dough.
  • Let it dry for a year in a warm place, so that it won't go away.
  • Grill the olive until boiling.
  • Use a spoon to cream the dough in the shmatka and put it in the olive.
  • Coat both sides until golden brown.

Such pancakes are savory on their own, and the dessert will be better with them, so you can add a little jam, jam, licorice sauce. For a meal in the past, you can add a little bit of vanilla (on the tip of a knife).

Dough for pancakes on water without yeast that egg

  • borosno - 0.3 kg;
  • water - 0.4 l;
  • sіl - triska;
  • zukor - 30 g;
  • honey - 20 ml;
  • rozpushuvach for the test - zgidno s іnstruktsiєyu on packaging;
  • roslinna oliya - skіlki pіde.

Cooking method:

  • Ask boroughly, add fluff and strength, mix it up.
  • Lightly warm the water, mix it with honey and zucr.
  • Get that water bountifully, vimіsivshi tіsto behind the help of the mixer.
  • At the boiling point, pour the oil thinly with spoons, brush the pancakes on both sides, add 3 to 5 quills on the skin side.

The pancakes for this recipe look even more delicious, because they are cooked on them not with simple boiling water, but with mineral water. Such pancakes fall to the relish of vegetarians. At the post їх it is also possible to prepare.

Quite for pancakes on the water, you can work for different recipes. Not all stinks are vegan, shards can be turned on before the storage of eggs, yeast. However, it’s also a good song for pancakes, it’s so for those mixed on water without eggs and to wind without yeast, to look like food. The advantage of pancakes on water is no less economical. stink energy value, lower traditional ones, and it is not necessary to threaten the figures.

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