Holy Reverend Ivan Rilsky. The Holy Reverend John of Rila and the monastery near Rili Ivan Rilsk miracle worker helps

At the vikladі of St. Demetrius of Rostov

Our Reverend Father Ivan Rilsky, a great faster, was born in the Bulgarian village of Skrina, which is near the glorious place of Seredtsya 1. Vin is alive at the reign of the Christ-loving Peter, Tsar of Bulgaria and for the Greek Emperor Kostyantin Porfirorodny 2 . Upon the death of his pious fathers, Ivan gave away all the maetok that he had lost to the zhens, - for in his youth he fell in love with God the most, - and he himself took blackness and pishov from his native village, not wearing anything on himself, except for one shkiryan robe. Zіyshovshi on one high and deserted mountain, having become wines to spend there an ascetic life, eating alone wild roslins. After a deaky hour, according to the devil's teaching, robbers attacked Ivan at night and, having beaten him, drove him out. Todі Ivan pіshov z tієї burn up to the Rila desert 3, de prodovzhuvav suvor ascetic life; there he settled down at the great hollow of a tree, spending an hour with fasting and tears, and zdiyasnyuchi unpinned prayers before God. Have lived sixty years at the desert; tasting only roslins there, never tasting the human appearance and only wild animals. For this patience of John, God punished the peas and the blissful peas on that mist with peas and rich roki.

As if the shepherds opened the porch of John and spread about the new one everywhere 4 . Rich who, having become, come to Ivan and bring sick people to the new one, like, for yoga prayers, healed. The glory of the saint passed through all the earth and many others, jealous of the ascetic life of St. John, wanted to live for the better. The stench rang the church near the sepulchre and ruled over the monastery, for which Reverend Ivan was the head and shepherd. Being a good shepherd of his flock, Ivan grafted the wealthy of the unbelievers to the Lord and did great and glorious miracles for them 5 .

Having reached deep old age, Ivan ended his life in the world 6, having been awarded eternal bliss in heaven, and honored with his teachings.

After a chimali hour, Ivan appeared to the teachers, ordering them to transfer his relics to the place of Sredets. Having played the string, the stench made the body of Ivan strong and imperishable, which vysnazhu arable, and glorified about God. With honor they transferred the stench of yoga to the place of Seredets and laid it at the temple of the holy Evangelist Luke. Years ago, on that spot, a beautiful church was built in the name of St. John, and in it were laid the holy relics of yoga, in which miracles hovered that glorious healing.

Through rich rocks, the Ugorian king, from the numerical strength of the military, rushed to the Greek land and sacked it from his power. Having reached the place of the Heart, having taken the ark with the relics of the saint. - more than a rich feeling about the miracles of the saint, - and having punished him to carry him with honor to his own country and put him in the city of Ostrigomi 7 . The Archbishop of Ostrygomsky, feeling that the great before God, the Reverend Ivan Rilsky and glorious for his miraculous works in the Ukrainian lands, did not want to believe it.

Ancient books do not tell about such a miracle worker, - saying wine, - and do not want to worship the saint. Todі raptom omіv yazyk yogo. Realizing that the reason for Yogo’s ignorance lay in the fact that he had blasphemed the saint, the archbishop hurried to the holy ark, leaning down to it, kissing the holy relics of Yogo, vibrating at his own guilt. The saint of God, St. Ivan, suddenly felt the prayer of the archbishop: having negainally allowed the language of yoga and again giving it building, speak clearly. Having taken away the healing, the archbishop, having confessed our sin before the saint with weeping, and glorifying God and magnifying the saint Yogo, Saint Ivan.

A lot of other glorious miracles having worked saints in the Ugrian land. Guidance by the miracles of St. Ioann on a tear, the king of the Ugrian adorned the ark of the saint with silver and gold, kissed the relics of Yogo, and again saw with great honor back at the town of Sredets. In such a manner, after a few days, God will forever restore the independence of the Bulgarian state, which was driven out by the violence of the Greeks, and the rebirth of the Bulgarian kingdom was for the Christ-loving Tsar John Asen. This king, on the very cob of his kingship, having seen and marked the flourishing Bulgarian places and walking in war on the new lands, bringing new places to his kingdom. Departure to the place of the Heart, having conquered yoga, dangling the relics of the Monk John of Rila there, feeling about the miracles that were performed at the relics, bowing down to the holy ark. Lobbying the great relics of Yogo, having punished Patriarch Vasily and the clergy of Yogo, take the all-glorious shrine of the saint and carry it with great honor to the capital of Bulgaria Terniv, and in the course, following the royal order, 300 good warriors took the fate.

Patriarch Vasil, after laying the holy crayfish on the chariot, and with joy they all went on the road, glorifying God and being protected by the prayers of the saint; among others, and chantsi founded by the venerable monastery, with his abbot John. The pious tsar John Asen himself, ahead of the move, arrived hastily to the capital, punishing the power of the church there and the place for the shrine of the saint.

If the tsar recognized that the passage with the relics of the saint was near, he himself viyshov zustricha yogo on the "trench" 8 at once with his nobles, the power of that impersonal people, and all those who were glad rejoiced 9. Having helped St. relics, mustache bowed to him. On the trenches of the Reverend’s shrine came this day, the docks did not wake up the church. And if її was buddovano, then St. the relics were transferred there and laid with her with great honor, and the church itself was consecrated. There and dosi lie the miraculous relics of the reverend, vycherpuyuchi postiyne dzherelo zlіlen: who come with faith - the blind see, they begin to speak, ailments take away health, they heal.

Troparion to Ivan Rilsky, tone 1:

The basis of repentance, the spelling of the rozchulennya, / the image of the breath, the spiritual commitment / your life is equal to the angels, reverend. / Having changed in prayers and in forgiveness and in tears, / Father Ivan, / pray to Christ God for our souls.

Pathway on the turn of the relics from Ternovo to the Rila Monastery:

Your relics / your abode will be enriched, / your church, accepting me, enlightened / and, farbing, shouting with joy / your light-bearing light of the holy day, / accept, speaking, / and accept the grace of the gift.

Kontakion, tone 8:

Jealous of the angelic life of the reverend, all earthly zalishivshi, before Christ inflowed Thee: I protect Him with commandments, appearing as a stovp indestructible in the presence of fortune-telling attacks.

On the same day, the Holy Hieromartyr Sadok, Bishop of Persk, suffered, and with him 128 martyrs. The memory of them is still on the 20th of the fierce.


1 The middle is at the ancient Sardica. Ninі tse place is called Sofia and represents the capital of the Bulgarian princedom.

2 Petro ruled Bulgaria from 927 to 968 r. - Kostyantyn VII Porfirorodny ruled Byzantium from 912 to 959 r.

3 I took my name from the river Rilo, in the vicinity of the town of Rasloga

4 The reason was like this: in the wake of raptov, out of fear, they ran in the stirrups, the docks did not reach the moon, where the hermit is alive. The shepherds, who ran after them, bobbed the hermit with a bow. "You came here hungry: - tear your own peas my and zhte," - said the hermit. The stench or the violence; Only one hid his own rich pods in reserve, without the blessing of the hermit, and if on the road he gave to his comrades, then there was no grain in the pods. The stinks turned to the good old man for kayattu. The elder muttered it with a smile, saying: "Screw, children, - these fruits are recognized by God for the life of the empty."

5 Many who came to the Monk John and brought their sick people, as if they took away their health with the prayers of the saint. Lyudina, who was possessed by an unclean spirit, sang silently, as they went to Ivan's wilderness, she followed them. Don’t go further to the Rila desert, as if falling to the ground and starting to shout: “I can’t go further: scorch fire for me.” Companions, having called the besnuvaty, carried Yogo to the reverend and asked him to heal Yogo. "Children of mine, - having said wine, - tse - not from my strength, I am a German person, like you; only God can heal you." You inaccessibly asked yoga, and the Samitnik prayed for him: having become healthy, he became healthy, and all glorified God.

7 Ostrigom - a place in the Ugorshchina, on the right birch of the Danube river, opposite the girl of the bunk. Grana. The place is like ancient times and was the colossus of Christianity in the Ugrian region. The inhabitants are of Roman Catholic origin. Archbishop of Ostrigom and at one time the prince-primate of the Ukrainian Ugrian region. (Primas is the title of a Catholic archbishop, which equates to the rank of patriarch at the Departure at the Sunset). The reverend renovated the orders at his holy church in 1097 roci for R. Chr.

8 Trench - the Mist shaft.

9 The transfer of the relics of St. John occurred in 1238. Tse transferring and guessing by the Church on the 19th of July.

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    ✪ Orthodox Rila Monastery near Bulgaria

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The chapel at the Bulgarian polar station St. Kliment Ohridsky, the most famous Orthodox chapel on the planet, is named after him.

Remember 1 lime for the riddle about the transfer of relics from Tirnovo to the Rila Monastery, 18 sickles on the day of rearrangement, 19 days on the day of transfer of relics from Seredtsya to Tirnovo.


The “commandment” of St. John is considered one of the best creations of the Old Bulgarian writing system and is said to high culture that profound theological wisdom of the author. Reverend Ivan recommends reading "more of the Father's books" in Zaviti. With whom he himself cites the "Paranesis" of St. Ephraim the Syrian. The largest early Old Bulgarian translation of the creation (two words) of knowledge at the Rila Monastery in 1845. This situation, obviously, points to the fact that the first translation of the “Paranesis” itself was broken up in the Rila monastery, and, perhaps, by the Monk Ivan himself.

The basis of repentance, the spelling of the rozchulennya, / the image of the breath, the spiritual commitment / your life is equal to the angels, reverend. / Having changed in prayers and in forgiveness and in tears, / Father Ivan, / pray to Christ God for our souls.

Tropar on the turn of relics from Tirnovo to the Rila Monastery

Your relics / your abode will be enriched, / your church, accepting me, enlightened / and, farbing, shouting with joy / your light-bearing light of the holy day, / accept, speaking, / and accept the grace of the gift.


The Monk John was born near the year 876 in the Bulgarian village of Skrino, as it was known on the pіvnіch vіd mіsta Ruєn, scho warehouses pіvnіchne tіvіchne osogіvskih gir, for the twelve year їzdi from the city of Sofії. None of the screenshots are clear, and only one ruin is visible. The fathers of the reverend were not rich, but even more pious people, as if they tried to wriggle their sons in love to the Lord. If the fathers died, young Ivan, having given away all his mayo to the poor and impossible, to the chernestvo, to the vіlniy vіdіh vіdіh vіdіh vіdіh vіdskіh obov'yazkіv, in one shkіryаn odjazі pіshov to the nearest monastery in Osogovskіi Gori, de y becoming a novice, and later on .

Ivan gave life to Chernets with the strength and bitterness of his lower soul. Having nurtured an ascetic spirit in oneself, one begins to think about the perfection of selflessness and a silent life. For the sake of this, after a fervent prayer to the Lord, Ivan left the monastery and went to the desert mountains near Vitosha, de, weaving hens from hmiza and eating only wild dews, on self-tow, far away from the world, not turbulently praised by demons, mourn By God Himself, praising the secret spirit with Christ to spiritual perfection, we are inspired by the feats of fasting and prayer. Ale light does not overwhelm yoga here. Robbers attack the more modestly lower dwelling of the samіtnik, the stench of John and rush out of the kuren. At the bazhannі know the safe and venerable chapels of the reverend come to the desert of Rilsk and settle in the wild mountains of Golets near the deep cave “you don’t look at the sun, but the wind blows, but only a single angel came before the new.” So tenacious in fasting fasting and tearful prayers to the Lord, not giving any reassurance, not calming your body, having passed through twelve new denials.

Like a hermit, seeing his nephew Luka. Having taken the young man with love, Ivan was especially healthy, if he felt that the pragma of his soul was ready to share the ascetic work with him. Ale, the brother of John, who summed up about the sound of his son, knowing the clapping at the ascetic, by the instigation of the spirit of anger, he fell on the son with anger, slandered him and hit him with a stone and caused him to do home. John, bachachi all the same, movchav, roaring about the vanity of worldly life, falling to the ground and becoming tearful of the grace of the Lord, bring about the salvation of the young man. Forcibly removed by the father, the young man went home, but the dear one was bitten by a snake and died. Batko, having raptly spent his son, having learned his fault, repenting, turning to his brother, having reminded him of his stingy call. The ascetic commanded to pohovat the young man not far from his life, and often with a prayer he saw the grave; tse quiet place became a beloved place for the hermit's repair.

The robbers, who hid in the mountains near the reverend, continued to lead the hermits with a lot of sorrows. I am also guilty for the greatness of my soul, that I have missed new feats, that I am not guilty of new serenity and self-assurance, I have left my furnace and gone deep into the hollow, knowing the porch at the hollow of the tree. On its own, not bachachi and the appearance of a human being, lightening the sky with its cover, eat only the cereals of the earth, at the innocent prayer it is more tolerant to endure the guilt of the negativity of life. The Lord, without mercy, did not deprive the great patience of his disobedience and blessed the earth for strengthening the physical strength of the reverend, growing the slaty peas, which spread on the earth, like a saint of God, eating the richness of the rocks of his life himself and warmly treating the ears, breathless in the air

Pustela Ril'ska spent a trivaly hour saving people from her spiritual treasures at the taєmnitsa: no one knew about the great ascetic's visit here. But once in a quiet place, the shepherds greeted the shepherds, as they passed with their flocks. It was so. Vіvtsі, who grazed in the mountains, snarled with raptom and died strimko near the bik, de ryatuvavsya St. Ivan, ale, reaching the mіstsya, de sacking the reverend, zupinilis. The shepherds, who followed them, exhausted and hungry after their labors, snarled and thrived on the grass and vines near such a wild mist of the hermitage. And he calmed them with humble and friendly words: “You came here hungry - to tear your own peas and eat.” Usy їli i buli siti. Then one of the shepherds secretly, without the blessing of the hermit, having gathered his own peas in reserve. If on the road all the comrades began to feast, then they remembered that there were no peas in the stolen pods - the stench was empty. Sorrow, rubbish and kayattya in the stolen stranger's house led the shepherds back to the good old man, and the one who calmly forfeited my fault, saying more affectionately that the fruits of the earth are blessed by the Almighty Lord and appointed for eating and only here - on the earth. Affected by the kindness of the elders and bachelors at the desert of Rilsk, the testimonies of the high ascetic life of the reverend, turning home, could not save the marvel in the taєmnitsі and told about the samіtnik to everyone in their own, and in the most important villages.

Bagato who, having become reverently, come to the hermit. Some whispered at the other in mourning and hushed, others asked for prayers for health and kissed. For them, who went in the wilderness to the Monk John, one time, I was like an ailment, already possessed by a rich fate of an unclean spirit. Not a few kіlkoh krokіv until the month, where the ascetic is alive, having fallen to the ground with a raptom, starting to fight and shouting loudly: “I can’t go far, burn the fire for me.” Companions, pokingly bazhayuchi, so that ailments are still within the reach of the hermit’s cell, supporting Yogo to help the sick, they called and brought Yogo to the reverend, asking him to pray and heal. “Not from my strength, my children,” said the hermit. - I am a German person, like you, and only God can heal you. Ale, for the prohannya of the faithful to the Lord of the people, the reverend prayed, and dressed the sick. Mustaches, who succumbed to such mercy of God, glorified the Lord at once with a hermit.

In view of the popularity and glory of the people, which shvidko rozpovsudzhuvala, the hermitage in his hollow hollow far away and more in the mountains. Vіn hovavsya in the ice of accessible skeletons, de just heaven in the feats of prayer and fasting through these fates. Ale, the news about the great ascetic Rilsky was widely spread and inspired the pious Bulgarian Tsar Peter. The emperor, after bazhayuchi bachiti the reverend and roam with him, sending a sheet and rich gold to the reverend, but the ascetic was moved. Having risen dearly and having reached the heights, the ascetic knew the king, having shaken him less from afar, and through special envoys, having taken away the guardian’s guardianship, which he lifted up and instructed all in a good life, piety and faith.

After the arrival of the reverend tsar, the ascetic's asceticism grew even more. From all the lands in Bulgaria, pious people flocked to the skete. People came to the hermitage, joking in the distance in the light and talking about the salvation of the soul, asking to be spared in the new and to be pious; a lot of people who want to settle down for the sake of the new one and rant about it with the help of yoga. The reverend did not maw strength vіdhility їhnі prohannya that bajannya. Step by step, the order from the oven of the ascetic was the daedal, larger than the cells of the yogo scholars, and in the adjacent oven, a church was built. Thus, for the spiritual veneration of the monk, the monastery of Rila was created in the desert, which was blamed until 930-935 years. This place is located on the vіdstanі year of walking in the nіshny Rilskoi monastery and now it is called "old skete" or "old fasting".

The reverend wisely, in the Batkiv way, cherubing his God-given flock and turning more richly to the Lord. The fame of the ascetic quickly spread throughout Bulgaria, the number of willing settlers increased in number with him, and the old skete was no longer enough, new entrenchment in the skeletal and waterless mass was impossible. So the hermitage is gathering a new place on the river Drushlyavitsa, where the first life of the present Rila Monastery is being built, which has grown into a great and richly populated monastery, which has been abandoned to this day. The venerable one himself, with his first teachings, was left behind on the “old fasting”, without leaving, without curation, those inhabitants of the newly awakened monastery, giving them, like a crown for the chents, an ear of lodging.

After a certain hour, having put down the ear of the black life in the Rila monastery, the Monk John, nevertheless, bazhayuty perebuvati in the silence of that stillness, leaving his superiors, transferring his kohan teaching to his Gabriel. Walking, the founder of the monastery, having commanded the brothers to guard themselves against worldly belongings, begin in the law of the Lord “day and night”, not being overwhelmed by empty spaces, take up reading the patristic writings, take care of the enlightenment of the same-blooded people, solidifying them at the vir Faithful to the testament of their teacher, the inhabitants of the Rila monastery preached the word God to the Bulgarian people and led the illumination on the right, creating schools that book on the right at the monastery.

The people, shanuyuchi the reverend, transferring their burden to the Yogo's monastery. People came in abundance. And at once, from the infusion, the growth and prosperity of the monastery was pierced.

On September 18, 946, to the fate of the seventy years of the birth of the people, the Monk Ivan rested and was honored on the mission of his great deeds. The great prayer book for life, so drunk after death. All the wonders that were seen through him, the ascetic Rilsky attributed to the Grace of God, and not to the power of his prayer. And the more the wines were subdued, the more the Lord glorified yoga. The relics of the reverend were deprived of imperishable and, more arable, they were found to be open to devout worship and shanuvannya. The glory of the holy life of the monk did not die with this death; a great ascetic, who died in holiness, becoming a shanovite not only on the outskirts of the Rila monastery, but throughout Bulgaria.

At the alarming hour of the struggle of Bulgaria with Byzantium, close to the year 980, the Monk Ivan of Rilsky appeared at the bachelor’s school, ordering him to transfer his relics from the native Rilsk monastery to Sredets (Sofia), where Patriarch Damian of Bulgaria was. Having broken the string, the scholars have revealed the body of John as a whole and imperishable, which vysnazhu pakhoschi. With honor they transferred the stench of yoga to the place of Seredets and laid it at the temple of the holy Evangelist Luke. Years ago, on that spot, a beautiful church was built in the name of St. John, and in it were laid the holy relics of yoga, in which miracles hovered that glorious healing.

In 1183, the Ugrian king Bella II took an hour to march on the Greeks, taking at once with the smaller bones of Serednik the ark with the relics of St. John and transferring it from his throne place Ostergom.

The Archbishop of Ostrygomsky, doubtful at the holiness of the monk, saying that they do not know the saint, that they do not guess in the writings, and sang the language with a raptom raptom. Understanding that the reason for this nimoti was believed to be that he had blasphemed the saint, the archbishop hurried to the holy ark, and, crouching down to it, kissing the holy relics of yogo, vibachayuchis for his fault. The saint of God, St. Ivan, having sensed the prayer of the archbishop without a hitch: negligently allowing my yoga. Having taken away the healing, the archbishop, having confessed our sin before the saint with weeping, and glorifying God and magnifying the saint Yogo, Saint Ivan.

Tі, scho squandered the great shrine, the hearts of all the pious Bulgarian people were filled with deep sorrow, and the Lord blessed them with mercy: in 1187, during the rebellion in Tirnov, the Ugrian king, obsessed with fear of punishing the Lord for the fullness of the sanctuary, adorning the cancer of the reverend Іo power with great honor, turning the relics of the saint into the Middle (Sophia).

After a certain hour of God, it was auspicious to establish the independence of the Bulgarian state, which was forced out by the violence of the Greeks. The whole renaissance of the Bulgarian state was for the Christ-loving Tsar John Aseni. This tsar having established that zmіtsniv zruynovanі Bulgarian places, having conquered that having come to his kingdom new new places. Traveling to the place of the Heart and conquering yoga, wafting the relics of the Monk John of Rilsk there, feeling about the miracles that were seen at the relics, bowing to the holy ark. Oblobizuvavshie relics, having punished Patriarch Vasiliy and the clergy, take the all-glorious shrine of the saint and with great honor carry it to the capital of Bulgaria Terniv, de relics of the saint were laid in the new church, blessed in the name of the saint.

On July 1, 1469, the holy relics of the Monk John of Rila were turned to the Rila Monastery, and the stench will rest until today, giving grace to help all those who believe.

Troparion, tone 1

The basis of repentance, the spelling out of the rozchulennya, / the image of the quiet, the spiritual commitment, / your life is equally angelic, reverend.

Kontakion, tone 8

Jealous of angelic life, reverend, all earthly, flooding before Christ, Ty: I enclose Him with commandments, appearing as a stovp of the indestructible type of fortune-telling attacks.

The greatest chant is the patron saint of the Bulgarian people. Having labored on the territory of present-day Bulgaria and Macedonia, in the caves of Rila mountain.


It is named after the chapel at the Bulgarian polar station St. Kliment Ohridsky, the most famous Orthodox chapel on the planet.

Remember 1 lime for the riddle about the transfer of relics from Tirnovo to the Rila Monastery, 18 sickles on the day of rearrangement, 19 days on the day of transfer of relics from Seredtsya to Tirnovo.


The “commandment” of St. John is considered one of the best creations of the Old Bulgarian writing system and is evidence of the high culture and deep theological wisdom of the author. Reverend Ivan recommends reading "more of the Father's books" in Zaviti. With whom he himself cites the "Paranesis" of St. Ephraim the Syrian. The largest early Old Bulgarian translation of the creation (two words) of knowledge at the Rila Monastery in 1845. This situation, obviously, points to the fact that the first translation of the “Paranesis” itself was broken up in the Rila monastery, and, perhaps, by the Monk Ivan himself.

The basis of repentance, the spelling of the rozchulennya, / the image of the breath, the spiritual commitment / your life is equal to the angels, reverend. / Having changed in prayers and in forgiveness and in tears, / Father Ivan, / pray to Christ God for our souls.

Tropar on the turn of relics from Tirnovo to the Rila Monastery

Your relics / your abode will be enriched, / your church, accepting me, enlightened / and, farbing, shouting with joy / your light-bearing light of the holy day, / accept, speaking, / and accept the grace of the gift.


    Ivan rilski1.jpg

    Old icon of St. Ivan of Rila

    Ivan Rilski - fresco view kostel in rila monastery-bulgaria.JPG


    Icon of St. Ivan of Rila with scenes from his life

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    Ivan Rilsky

    Poganovo Ivan Rilski.JPG

    Picture St. John of Rila and St. Joakim of Sarandaporsky at the Poganivsky monastery, XV c.


    Fresco depicting St. John of Rila at the Rila Monastery

    Rila Monastery 2007.jpg

    Founded by St. John of Rilsk, the largest Bulgarian monastery today


    Cave of St. John of Rila on the outskirts of the Rila Monastery


    Grave of John of Rila near the monastery

    Belarus-Minsk-Church of John of Rila-1.jpg

    Church of St. John of Rila, Minsk, Belarus

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  • Mineya Serpen, part 2, Moscow: Vidavnicha Rada of Russia Orthodox Church, 2002, 432 p.
  • Nikon (Rizdvyaniy), Archbishop, Life and Feats of the Monk and God-bearing Father of Our Sergius, Abbot of Radonez and Wonderworker of All Russia, Moscow: Trifoniv Pechengsky Monastery; New book; Ark, 2003, 432 p.

Wikoristan materials

  • Suvorov, Maksim, "Heaven of all Bulgaria", 30.VIII.2008: o www.pravostok.ru/ru/journal/modern/index.php?id=852;



Lesson that characterizes Ivan Rilsky

- Yakby knew what you want, they would say sacredly, - having said the prince, after the zvichka, like a year-old institution, seeming speeches, like wines and not wanting, they believed.
- Ne me tourmentez pas. "Don't torment me. Well, why did they write Novosiltsov's dispatches for good? You know everything."
- How can I tell you? - said the prince in a cold, tedious tone. - What does it mean that Bonaparte burned his ships; and mi tezh, give up, get ready to burn. ours.] - Prince Vasil, speaking always lazily, like an actor, like the role of an old pієsi.
But an enthusiast has become a suspense camp, and sometimes, if I didn’t want to, out, so as not to fool people, I knew that I was an enthusiast. Strimana's smile, which played steadily on the guise of Anna Pavlivna, even though it didn’t go to її rice, hung up, like among children’s children, postyna the remembrance of their dear little one, in spite of whom they don’t want to, they can’t and don’t know they need to correct themselves.
In the middle of talking about political ideas, Ganna Pavlivna burst into flames.
- Oh, don't tell me about Austria! I can’t think of anything, maybe, but Austria didn’t want and don’t want war. She's hurting us. Russia alone can become a ryativnitsa of Europe. Our benefactor knows his calling and will be true to you. There is only one axis, which I believe. Our good and marvelous sovereign should have the greatest role in the world, and he is so good and kind that God does not deprive him of yoga, and he victoriously calls out to crush the hydro of the revolution, as now he is the leader in the person of his wrestling and lihodiya. It is my fault alone to spoil the blood of the righteous… On whom shall we rely, I feed you? Vaughn wanted to clear Malta. Vaughn want to bachiti, joking the back thought of our children. What did they say to Novosiltsov? Nothing. The stench did not understand, they cannot understand the self-confidence of our emperor, who wants nothing for himself and wants everything for the good of the world. What did they stink about? Nothing. What they promised, and that will not be! Prussia has already voiced that Bonaparte is unbearable and that the whole of Europe can’t resist anything ... I don’t believe in the same word either to Hardenberg or Gaugwitz. Cette fameuse neutralite prussienne, ce n'est qu'un piege. [This woeful neutrality of Prussia is only a shepherd.] I believe in one God and in the temple is the share of our dear emperor. Win vryatuє Europe! ... - Vaughn raptom chirped with a grin over her ardor.
- I think, - having said the prince grinning, - that the yakbis sent you to the deputy of our dear Wintsengerode, and you would take the king of Prussia by storm. You are so promoters. Will you give me tea?
- Infection. A propos, - she added, calming down again, - there are two people in me, two people, wines in controversy with Montmorency through Rogan, one of the best names of France. He is one of the good emigrants, of the right ones. I sweat l'abbe Morio: [abate Morio:] do you know the deep mind? Vіn buv acceptances by the sovereign. Do you know?
- BUT! I’m more like radium,” the prince said. - Tell me, - having added wine, having somehow guessed that it wasn’t a problem, just like those, having fed wine about it, it was the main method of yogo recognition, - is it true that l’imperatrice mere [mother’s empress] is recognizing Baron Funke as the first secretary at Viden? - Prince Vasil wanted to appoint a son at the same place, as if through Empress Maria Feodorivna they tried to deliver to the baron.
Hanna Pavlivna mayzhe flattened her eyes as a sign that no one, no one else can judge those who are worthy of an empress.
- "Baron Funke recommendations to the Empress mother and sister," she said only in a summative, dry tone. a deep and wide viraz of vіddannosti and honor, fortunes with a bag, what happened to her, if she was guessing about her temple patroness. I looked again її zasmikavsya confusion.
Prince Bayduzhe castle. Hanna Pavlivna, with her imperious courtier and woman’s sparseness and swedish tact, wanted and clapped the prince for those who sang so loudly about the guise, recommended by the empress, and at the same time turn it off.
“Mais a propos de votre famille,” she added, “do you know what your daughter is like at that hour, like vizhdzhaє, fait les delices de tout le monde.” On la trouve belle, comme le jour. [become the suffocation of the whole suspense. Її know to be beautiful, like the day.]
The prince nachilivsya on a sign of honor and vdyachnosti.
— I often think, — Hanna Pavlivna continued after the hvilinskaya Movchanka, poking her head up to the prince and smiling affectionately at you, nibi lislovlyuchi tsim, that the political and secular roses are over and now they are sincere, — I often think, as if it were unfair to live. Why did your share give you such two glorious children (for the wine of Anatole, your lesser, I don’t like yoga, - she put in categorically, raising her eyebrows) - such charming children? And you, right, value them the least and don’t care about them.
And she chuckled with her choked smile.
– Que voulez vous? “What do you want? Lavater said bi, there are no bumps of the Batkiv kohanny in me,] - saying the prince.
- Stop fidgeting. I wanted to talk to you seriously. You know, I'm not happy with your lesser son. Mіzh us be told (the denunciation of її nabulo sumy virazu), about the new one they spoke about її majesty and mischief you ...
The prince didn’t say anything, but there’s a movchka, obviously wondering at the new one, and checked for help. Prince Vasil grimaced.
- What do you want, I'm timid! - saying vin nareshti. - You know, I've done everything for my future that my father can, and resentment des imbeciles. [foolish.] Ipolit, accept, a dead fool, and Anatole is restless. The axis is one vision, - having said wine, chuckle more unnaturally and spiritually, sound lower, and at the same time, especially sharply appearing in the eyes, which formed the white of the yogo company, which was not rude and unacceptable.
– I now have children born to such people, don’t you? If you weren’t father, I wouldn’t be able to tell you anything, ”said Hanna Pavlivna, raising her eyes thoughtfully.
- Je suis votre [I am your] true slave, et a vous seule je puis l'avouer. My children - ce sont les entraves de mon existence. vyslovlyuyuchi gesture their pokіrnіst zhorstokіy dolі.
Hanna Pavlivna made up her mind.
- Have you ever thought about those who would make friends with your prodigal son Anatole? It seems, - said the woman, - that the old girls are ont la manie des Marieiages. [mayat mania to make friends.] I still don’t watch for myself any weaknesses, but I may have one petite personne [little person], as if I’m even unhappy with my father, une parente a nous, une princesse [our relative, princess] Bolkonska. - Prince Vasil did not show, wanting to the powerful people of the world, showing the memory of that memory with the hand of his head, that he had taken the wine to the blessing of the bridge.
- No, you know, that Anatole will cost 40,000 for the river, - having said wine, maybe, unable to subdue the sum total of his thoughts. Vin said.
- What will be for five years, if so? Voila l'avantage d'etre pere. [Os vigoda be a father.] Won bagata, your princess?
- Father is more rich and stingy. I live near the village. You know, Prince Bolkonsky, who was also introduced for the late emperor and nicknamed the King of Prussia. Vіn is already a sensible person, but with marvelous things and an important. La pauvre petite est malheureuse, comme les pierres. [Bidolashka is unhappy, like a stone.] She has a brother, who recently became friends with Lise Meinen, Kutuzov's adjutant. You will be the same in me.
- Ecoutez, chere Annette, [listen, dear Annette,] - saying the prince, taking his confidante by the hand and bending down to the bottom. - Power me on the right, and I will remember yours] faithful slave a tout jamais pan, comme mon headman m'ecrit des [how to write me my headman] report: calm er p !. She is a good name and rich, everything that I need.
And with those virile and familiar, graceful hands that they teased him, taking the hand of the maid of honor, kissing her, kissing, waving the hand of the maid of honor, lounging on the armchairs and marveling at the death.
- Attendez [Check], - said Hanna Pavlivna, rozumiyuchi. - I'll talk to Lise (la femme du jeune Bolkonsky). [To Lisa (the retinue of the young Bolkonsky).] I, it is possible, to rule. Ce sera dans votre famille, what є ferai mon apprentissage de vieille fille. [I will begin to learn the craft of an old girl from your family.]

Annie Pavlivny's life began to churn. More people came to know Petersburg; the daughter of Prince Vasil, the beautiful Elena, arrived, as if she went for her father, so that at once with him to the holy messenger. Vaughn bula in cipher and ballroom cloth. She came and went home, like la femme la plus seduisante de Petersbourg [the most beautiful woman in Petersburg], young, little princess Bolkonska, the winter passed away, and now she didn’t see the great light through her vaginess, but she went on small evenings. Having arrived Prince Ipolit, the son of Prince Vasil, from Mortemar, introducing some kind of wine; arrived and abat Morio and a lot of others.
- Haven't you been hitting it yet? or: - You don’t know ma tante [with my little tit]? - Hanna Pavlivna said to the guests, as if they were coming, and even seriously led them to a little grandmother in high bows, who screamed from the other room, if the guests began to arrive, she called them by im'ya, correctly translating the guest's eyes into ma tante] , and then came in.
All the guests performed the rite of bathing for no one at home, no one for no one and the indecent titon. Hanna Pavlivna, with a miserable, tract of fate, strove for their shelters, instantly praising them. Ma tante to the skin spoke in the same speeches about his health, about his health and about his health and grandeur, like a ninth bula, to speak of God, more beautifully. Mustaches, who came, out of decency, did not show haste, out of a sense of ease of the important dressing, walked into the grandmother, so that for the whole evening of the same time they would not go to her.
The young princess Bolkonska arrived with a robot at the embroidered golden oxamite bear. Її garnenka, with trohi vukhs, which turned black, the upper lip was short in teeth, but at the same time, the sweetness of the vіdkrivalas and it spun even more sweetly and sank to the lower one. As always used by a lot of sociable women, short її - the shortness of the ruin and the sweet mouth - were given її special, well її beauty. It was fun for everyone to marvel at qiu, I’m absolutely healthy and zhvavost, harn to the future matir, who so easily endured her camp. Old and boring, we frown on young people, as if marveling at her, it seemed that they themselves were like her, having spent some time talking with her for an hour. Whoever spoke with her and bachiv at the skin word її light grin and gleaming white teeth, as if they could be seen non-stop, thinking that they were especially fond of love. I thought leather.
The little princess, shifting, with small swedish croques, walked around the table from a working bag on her hands, cheerfully straightening the cloth, strength on the sofa, beating the silver samovar, nibi everything that didn’t rob her, it was part de plaisir for her and for all її jolly.
- J'ai apporte mon ouvrage [I started to hoot the robot], - said Vaughn, spluttering her rіdіkulі and furious to everyone at once.
“Wonder, Annette, I can’t pat pas un mauvais tour,” she turned back to the master. - Vous m'avez ecrit, que c'etait une toute petite soiree; voyez, comme je suis attifee. [Do not play with my filthy heat; they wrote to me that you are having a little evening. Bachete, like I'm dressed badly.]
And she spread her hands, to show her, in the ruffles, a lilac woven cloth, troch below the breasts was cut with a wide line.
— Be calm, you will be the best, — said Ganna Pavlivna.
- Vous savez, mon mari m'abandonne, - she continued in the same tone, turning to the general, - il va se faire tuer. , navіscho tsya gidka war,] - she said to Prince Vasil and, without looking at her, turned back to the daughter of Prince Vasil, to the garnoy Helena.
- Quelle deliciause personne, que cette petite princesse! [What a charming person this little princess is!] - Prince Vasil said quietly to Hanna Pavlivna.
Unbeknownst to the little princess, she has a massive, tovsty young man with a cropped head, in eyepieces, light pantaloons according to the current fashion, with a high frill and in a brown tailcoat. Tsei tovst lad was an illegal son of the famous Catherine's nobleman, Count Bezukhy, who is now dying near Moscow. I haven’t served anywhere yet, only having arrived from behind the cordon, I’ve been vihovuvavsya, and I’ve been stronger in the service. Anna Pavlivna sang with a bow, which is brought to the people of the lowest hierarchy in this salon. Ale, unconcerned at the price of his own kind of hospitality, swaying P'era, that he would win, in the person of Ganni Pavlivna, there was a look of anxiety and fear, similar to the point that one can express himself swaying over a too majestic and powerless place. Wanting, really, P'єr bіv trohi more for іnshih chоlovіkіv іn kіmnaі, аlеy fear іg іg іѕ аlѕо аlѕо thаt аrе sensible and timid, watchful аnd natural look, whісh vіdryvіv yоgo vіd уіх у віті ітіті.
— More kindly, monitor Pierre, d'etre venu voir une pauvre malade, [More kindly from your side, P'ere, that you have come to see the sickness,] said Hanna Pavlivna to you, exchanging wicked glances with the little one, to what extent yoga led her. P'єr muttered in an unreasonable way and continued to shuffle through his eyes. Vіn radiantly, laughing merrily, bowing to the little princess, like a close friend, and pіdіyshov to the titonka. Annie Pavlivna's fear is not without reason, more P'єr, not having heard the promo of the titonka about the health of її majesty, you see in it. Anna Pavlivna chirped Yogo with the words:
- You don't know Abat Morio? Vіn duzhe tsіkava lyudina… – said the woman.
- So, I feel about the yogo plan of the eternal world, and it’s too hard, but it’s hardly possible ...
- Do you think? - said Hanna Pavlivna, to say that one should not go back to her own place to occupy the master's booth, but P'er having made a return of nothingness. Earlier wines, not having heard the words of speech, pishov; now he has sprung up his rose spirit, which he needed to drink in the light of the new. Vіn, shaking his head and spreading his great legs, began to bring Ganni Pavlіvnі, why vіn vazav, that the plan of the abbat was chimerical.
“We’ll talk for a while,” said Hanna Pavlivna, laughing.
And, seeing the sight of a young man who couldn’t live, she turned to her to occupy the masters of the house and continued to listen and wonder, ready to give additional help at that point, de weak Rozmov. Like the master of the spinning mill, having planted practitioners on the missions, walking on the mortgage, marking the unruliness, or the silent, creaky, over-thumping sound of the spindle, squeaky go, streaming, or letting him go in the right direction, so Hanna Pavlіvna, coming in, passing in the free richly speaking kuhol and in one word, abo relocated, I started a new, decently rozmovny car. But in the middle of these turbots, everything was visible in her, especially fear for P'er. Vaughn looked at the new one with a dazzling look, if you listened to what was said by Mortemar, and went up to the next group, saying abat. For P'єra, who was twisted behind the cordon, this evening of Anna Pavlivna was the first, like a wine in Russia. Knowing that the entire intelligentsia of St. Petersburg is here, and in the new, like a child in a playroom, their eyes widened. Vіn all afraid to miss smart words, what you can feel. Wondering at the vpevnenі and vitonchenі vrazi osіb, zіbranih here, vіn all chekav chogos especially sensible. Nareshty vin pidishov to Morio. Rozmova gave herself up to him with a cackle, and chirping, chiming her thoughts, like loving young people.

The main shrine of Bulgaria is the Rila Monastery, the largest in the Balkans. Here the relics of John of Rilsky, the founder of the Bulgarian chernets, are saved, the chanting of which in Bulgaria is equal to the chanting in Russia of Sergius of Radonez. To Reverend John, the life of prominent Russian pastirs was commemorated.

Those who are near the Rila Monastery, respect the monastery itself, and its surroundings one of the most beautiful places on earth. Under the hour of the Turkish yoke, the beauty of the monastery so impressed one Turkish khan that he had rolled up a “letter of protection” before her. Unfortunately, there are more tourists at the Rila Monastery today, and there are more tourists. In the 20th century of the last century, the monastery is alive behind the Athos statute; At the same time, chentsi zmusheni take up the reception of tourists, but one old man here is the old man - Reverend Ivan Rilsky

John of Kronstadt was baptized in the name of the Bulgarian saint and later consecrated the throne in the name of John of Rila in the cathedral women's monastery on Karpivtsi; Archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev) lived at the Rila Monastery as an emigrant in the 1920s, if in the monastery, following the Athos tradition, there were many holy elders. John of Rila Vlad Seraphim calling “the glory of the Bulgarian land” and writing to the venerable akathist; Archpriest Vsevolod Spiller of Moscow was a novice at the Rilsky Monastery and praised the long-term solution of the relics of St. John of Rilsky.

Why did the three great shepherds of the Russian Church stir up John of Rila like that?

About Ivan Rilsky in historical dzherelah zgadetsya z X century, his life is similar to the life of Sergius Radonezkiy - and z timі z іnhim already in childhood, miraculous fortunes are born: having become an orphan, Ivan Rilsky shed thinness from strangers. Like a wealthy villager, having beaten Yogo for those who killed a cow with a calf. The lad wept and prayed that God would help you. If you know the wines, then the water rose strongly in the river. John prayed, putting on his water outer garment, having crossed it on the cross, having taken the calf on the hands (the cow watered it herself) and walked behind him, like on dry land, to the other shore. The rich man, who hid in the fox, gasped, bachachi is such a wonder and generously heaped up the boy.

It is not clear if I accept the blackness of the future saints. Dali about Johanna is already starting to sound like a samіtnik, who lives high in the skeletons and eats wild roslins. John hovavsya in the sight of people, sob to be almighty-to-vive with God, he was an ascetic of the tradition of Hesychasm, for whom prayer was a heartfelt prayer. Life tells about yoga innocent crying and deep humility.

People got to know about the saint and began to bring the sick and the possessed to him, and Reverend Ivan Ztsilyuvav їх. Later, the hermit received chentsiv, as if they ruled the monastery from the temple by the stove, and earlier Reverend Ivan was alive. Yak Rev. Sergius of Radonezkiy (three centuries of death), St. John virostiv rich uchnіv and five years before his death, having written "A command to uchnіv", which fakhіvtsі vvazhayut one of the best works of old Bulgarian writing. "Zapovit" to tell about the deep theological mind and horizons of the author.

In Russia, the Monk John has long accumulated special blues. Vin, having become the first Pivdenno-Slovak saint, for whom a temple was built on Russian land. From the 16th century, the name of the Monk John of Rila is found in the rich liturgical books of Russia. John of Rilsky is one of the heavenly patrons Russian people and the patron saint of the Rilsk city of the Kursk region, de Yogo was honored with a church, and the Kursk region - a monastery. Litopisnі facts confirm evidence about miracle help, as if hitting St. John mistu Rilsk at the important hour. In 1240, according to the words of the chronicler, "only Rilsk escaped from Batiev's pogrom." Under an hour, the oblogs of the bagmen of the city called for the help of their patron. Reverend Ivan appeared on the wall, waving his harp, blinding the Tatars, and thus vryatuvav Rilsk.

Today, the Rila Monastery is the largest in the Balkans, and, according to the rich people who have been there, alone garnih mist on earth. When you arrive, the monastery, which stands on the Rila Mountain (1150 m above the sea level), is similar to a mighty fortress: its walls are two meters high and 24 high! Ale in the middle of the battle is changing through the great territory (8800 sq. m.) and architecture: staying in the 19th century in the style of the Bulgarian Renaissance, the monastery is built lightly through the white, like a merezhivo, vіzerunki-women and richly tiered porticos with columns and sparring terraces, .

At the center of the monastery - the oldest of the sporuds, which were saved - Khrelova kula (vezha), awakened in the XIV century, and on the hills - the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord with frescoes of the XIV century. head temple monastery - Rіzdva Bogoroditsі - pyatikupolny, with two vіvtarami that miraculous robot carved a wooden iconostasis of the 19th century.

Pechera, where St. John is alive (Bulgarians call її fasting), that vіdkrita was saved for prochani (approximately 45 km from the monastery, go by special bus). Vaughn may have a narrower entrance, and it is important that only one who has repented of her sins can get through to her. Itself here, as you write in your thoughts about Father Ivan Spiller, his father and made decisions about their lives.

The imperishable relics of the Monk John later from the oven were transferred to the monastery. Today, the stench rests at the consecrations to you chapel. Cancer with relics to open a sprat once a day - at the monastery for the sake of the chanuvanny of the kokhan saint and pray to you.

The reception of pilgrims is one of the main sermons of the brothers. As early as the beginning of the last century, the Rila Monastery had leather from the Bulgarian regions, and the monastery had its own room for pilgrims with unique butt-lined interiors, honoring the national Bulgarian traditions. Unfortunately, at the same time, it’s less of a museum. The hall of the “museum” in the Rila Monastery is rich: over 30 thousand items are available in the monastery collection of the museum, close to 250 manuscript books of the XI-XIX centuries, 9 thousand old-timers - the library, and some of them are in a single copy in the library. It is not for nothing that 1983 brought the Rila Monastery into inclusion to the UNESCO All-World Congress. And today in the Rila Monastery there are tourists, like “exhibits” of the beauty of the city, richer, lower.

Already in the 1940s, having become a priest and having spent time in the Rila Monastery, Archpriest Vsevolod Spiller did not know past glory there. Ale, as if writing wine, beating the relics of St. John of Rila, like before, "quietly, lightly and calmly."

Liturgies serve at the monastery every day. Before communion, it is necessary to confess, it is better to come to the monastery with a herd with your priest.

Contacts: reception: +359 0896872010; +359 070542208; fax: +359 07 054 3383;

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