Vorozhinnya on holiday, nothing on tomorrow. Simple vintage rіzdvyanі vorozhіnnya. Vorozhimo on R_zdvo with a rower under a pillow

Rіzdvo - charіvne holy. At noon from 6 to 7 o'clock people try to get to the diva and find out about future futures. Christmas holiday - a pleasant period for the witches and the transfer to the betrothed, future, vikonannya.

Witchcraft on the betrothed

At night before Christmas, young independent girls tell fortunes about the betrothed. They carry out ceremonies, yak help to sing the image of the future betrothed, or to know about the hour of zamіzhzhya.

Vorozhinnya on kiltsі. Vorozhinnya is carried out at the company of independent girls. Get off at the vitals in the middle of the rock and roll along the ridges. Whose heel pokotitsya to the door - that will soon zamіzh.

Witchcraft on the king of diamonds. Before going to bed, wrinkle, comb, put under the pillow a card from the images of the king of diamonds and wash the whispers: “Dream, judgments, dream, mummers.” Whoever dreams of this night - we will name that one.

Vorozhinnya at the crossroads. Go to the crossroads, ask your thoughts about future fun and christen yourself around. After that, listen to the voices. Vesela rozmov chi smіh vіshuє veіllya advancing rock, laika chi crying - the day of veіllya.

The rite from the kіltsem. Take a bottle with equal walls and fill it with 3/4 water. Lower the ring at the bottle and look at the middle of it. At the center, the image of the condemned will appear.

Witchcraft by choice. See the booth outside the gate, take the chobit from the left leg and throw it over your shoulder. Kudi show the sock vzuttya - judgments will come from that side. If I marvel at you, then there will be no next fate of fun.

Vorozhinnya by hair. Opivnochi take a container from clean water and add ash, zucru and salt to it. Stir the water vigorously. After that, as the ingredients settle to the bottom, add two hairs to the bowl: vlasna and kokhan. If the lies show up, if the hairs are intertwined, then you will soon come home and be happy with the girl. If the hairs are found on one side of the same, then separate from the cohanim.

Vorozhinnya on the future

At the dawn of the night, people are guessing on the future. The stinks are trying to find out that they are checking for offensive fate.

Vorozhinnya with objects. Zhartіvlivee vorozhinnya for a small fun company. Prepare other items: a coin, a khustka, a ring, earrings, a head, a key. According to close ochima choose one item. The key is a new life, a coin is wealth, a ring is a weight, a hustka is difficult. In skins, an item can add its own meaning.

Witch for a book. Take the book and name the number of the side and the row to the top. Vipad's phrase will become the sign of the valley.

Witchcraft with eggs. Pour in a flask with water orphan egg. Put the flask in the baking dish. Behind the shape of the squirrel, which, having turned up, recognize the future. The cupolas of the temple are for the sake of fun;

Ritual with ring and wax. Take a deep plate and let it drop a ring without a stone. Let's pour a melted candle into the center of the ring and look at the figure. Wives move on the road, stars - good luck in work and education, the image of a person - a new friend, zir - appearing unkind.

Vorozhinnya on gіltsі yalina. Take a yalina needle and try it over the half-lights of a candle. With this 12 times repeat: “Yalinka-queen, mother of all trees, live long or die a check; riches for richness, for the sake of fidelity? Before going to bed, put a pillow under the pillow. Podії, what you dreamed, you will know from the future. If you lose your life, then life will be long and happy. As soon as the heads fall off, then the onset of the river will appear not far away.

Vorozhinnya on vikonannya bazhannya

Rіzdvo is an enchanting hour, if the bazhanya is waving and the diva is waving. At night in front of the saint, on the Svyatvechir, people will guess the observances of dreams and tell fortunes on their future.

Ritual with a candle. At Christmas evening, about 19.00, report the report. Let's take a candle to burn, and for the year's arrow go around all the stones of the house. If the candle does not go out, then the lamp will light up.

Vorozhinnya on kishtsi. Think of a bajan and call a gut. If she crosses the threshold with her left paw, the dream will come, but if she crosses the threshold with her right paw, she won’t.

Ritual with a mirror and a candle. Take a mirror with a round shape and a candle. Light a candle and smear the mirror with wax. Let's write on the new vugilla the order of the day and bring yoga in a cold place. After 3-4 years, sprinkle the mirror with water. If you write to get rid of it, then the bazhannya will appear, and if you squirm, you won’t guess.

Vorozhinnya on the sheets. At night in front of the Rizdvo take 12 arches of paper and write on them the orders of the bajan. Before going to bed, turn 2-4 times and put under the pillow. Add one clean sheet to these sheets. Vrantsі vityagnіt navmanny one papiret. Written on niy bazhannya zdіysnyat naishvidshe. Like a leaf, if you get caught, if you clean it, then you can’t do it.

Witchcraft on a mirror. Take a small mirror and marvel at it. Focus on the sacred world. Let's light up the mirror near the wall and throw it against the wall. After burning the fabric, look at the fragments. If the stench is great, then the bazhannya will appear, and if the stench is not.

Mabut, Rіzdvyanu nіch without perebіlshennya can be called the most charіvnіshі in roci: the flooring is more visibly mysterious, which literally hovering in the air of tsієї pori. Vorozhinnya on Rіzdvo in the home minds can be carried out whether it's time for fate, for greater strength of stench, you can do it at night from the 6th to the 7th day. Forgive me, that light fortune on Christmas at home, most often shy away the girls, as if to take away information about the betrothed of that zamіzhzhya, it seems that for only a few nights you can pamper your betrothed, as if in reality ...

Collection of light witches for Christmas in the home minds: on mirrors, kava, wax, candles, papers and others

With folk beliefs, on Holy Vechir (and the evening before Christmas is called so) the Lord is so happy for the people of Jesus that he releases from that world the souls of the dead and all evil spirits at will, and the evil spirits try to come into contact with people.

In their own circle, people in a pragmatic inquiry about the future, for the help of the fortune-tellers, turned to the spirits, the building of the veil of the mystery. If you lie down with people, if you believe not only in the physical world, in which we live, but in other worlds of the mysterious and unknown, you can cast the veil of the future on Christmas and Holy Night.

Traditional fairy tales among the Slavic peoples are associated with the period of Christmas time. It is necessary to remember that the Crimea of ​​their direct recognition is the transfer of the future, the stink is a beautiful, bright and hoarse sight.

Catering for experts and experts:

Christmas holidays are holy to celebrate from the 7th to the 19th of September, to that budinki, who forgot to hold Christmas holidays, may still be possible for twelve days to hold the power of Christmas time.

Great is the popularity among the girls, no matter how old, like they tell about their other half, or the prospect of becoming a foreigner, and the older women sound to tell fortunes that they will do good to their family.

What is possible, and what is not possible to work?

Navit simple and easy magic on Rіzdvo in the home minds can be carried out with the following rules of singing:

  1. At the house, in which to carry out a fortune-telling on Christmas at home, there is absolute silence. Be yaki third-party sounds, street noise is thin. zdatnі destroy contact with a thin light, and wines do not like rivkiv, postal, sharp koliva.
  2. Do not cross the lines for the duration of the whole witching session. Tse mozhe bring to the bend of the channels for connection and damage to the stream of information on them (as an example of a similar stagnation, you can put a bend in the hose).
  3. It is necessary to call the hands or the legs in the form of a kіlets, bracelets, remіntsіv and іn. It’s better to get rid of hair, hairpins, hairpins and similar objects, you can also pick up and take off clothes.
  4. Turn off the electrical lighting. Only a few candles are allowed.
  5. At the hour of the fortune-telling, it is necessary to blame all church attributes (for example, icons) and take the native crosses.

How to choose the right place for the witch?

duje great value maє vybіr mіstsya schodo vorozhіnnya, obov'yazkovoy umovoy yomu є yogo "uncleanness". The most optimal option was the placement of a lazna. Zgіdno z povіr'ami, Bannik lives there and another evil spirit.

You can sprout vibіr і on the melancholy of any old unliving booth, mountain, pіdvala. Before the unclean mіsts lie the same threshold, gates, cut the booth.

I choose a ritual for you

The name of the witch Skladnistnost vikonannya Possibility of divination in the company Reliability level
1. Witchcraft
1.1 "On objects" simply So low
1.2 "With mirrors" foldable no temple
1.3 "Three candles" average no temple
1.4 "At the moon's night" simply no middle
1.5 "On the ring that water" simply no temple
2. Vorozhinnya on the cards
2.1 "On 4 Jacks" average So middle
2.2 "On 4 kings under a pillow" really just no low
3. Other fortune-telling in the future
3.1 Witchcraft with wax and water foldable So temple
3.2 Witchcraft with a candle and a shell average So low
3.3 Vorozhinnya in the thick of the cave average So temple
3.4 Vorozhinnya on the tower with a cat simply So low
3.5 Book fortune teller really just So middle
3.6 Online fortune teller really just So low

Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed

Vorozhinnya on the betrothed to Rіzdvo in domestic minds, perhaps the most popular among the most important ones. The skin maiden, if only once in her life, would cast fortune-telling on her betrothed, especially in the case of the young lady. Htos timidly for the sake of rozvagi, htos seriously. Let's introduce a sprat of popular rіznovidіv th ritual.

Witchcraft "On objects"

This kind of fortune-telling on the betrothed is the most suitable for the company and the guessing game of the “fanti”. On the table, it is necessary to put variously prepared small objects: a coin, a ring, a head, an earring, a hustinka. You can add more, if you can imagine fantasy.

Vorozhinnya is carried out in such a manner: one of the participants, without looking, puts his hand on the steel and makes a mark, like a dribnit of wines. On the subject that you have seen, they can name the details of the marriage or the profession of the future judge:

  • As if coins were bumped, it is possible to vitlumachiti, like the wealth of a future person;
  • The key is until the New Year after the wedding;
  • Kіltse is a clear sign of the coming fate;
  • A coin can mean the betrothed - bagatiya;
  • Passport - lawyer;
  • Water rights - water;
  • Flash drive - programmer;
  • Spoon - cooks, etc.

The main role here belongs to your mind, and it’s almost like the humor of your company!

Dekіlka options vorozhіnnya on Rіzdvo in home minds

Vorozhinnya "With mirrors"

It seems that you can help fortune-telling for help, as your future person looks like. It is necessary to tell fortunes alone and in the dark, rather, as only candles are left with lighting. In Russia, such fortune-telling was carried out at uninhabitable places, for example, at the lazna of the mountains.

For beliefs, as if guessing in the dwelling place, the evil spirits that appeared in the form of the betrothed could be deprived of living in this room, but it’s bad for living people.

Therefore, before proceeding to the witchcraft, our ancestors tried every possible way to secure themselves and get rid of evil spirits. For whom it is necessary to take all the embellishment, paska, belt, loose hair. An impersonal zestibok and gudzikiv on odyaze tezh nebazhano, the ideal option is a basic night shirt without zipper.

The mirror, on some fortune-telling, can be perfectly equal and clean, without flames and waters, it is not guilty to promote the image. Before the witches, carefully wipe yoga.

More often than not, it’s necessary to take a look. Є kіlka variantіv vorozhіnnya іz dzerkalom.

Option "With two mirrors"

Put a small mirror on the table right in front of you, put a larger mirror behind you. Place a lighted candle between mirrors, you can vicorate 2 candles, then it is necessary to put a charge from a leather mirror on a candle. Respectfully stare at the corner of the corridor and say:

"The names of my mummers, come before me supper."

Nezabar you sing the denunciation of your condemned. As soon as it happened, it’s negligent to say: Chu, me! and cross over. Judgments may arise. Our ancestors believed that you can’t interrupt the fortune-telling, you can leave judgments from the looking-glass and take the girl with you.

Option "With one mirror"

It is necessary to sit in front of the mirror and light a candle from it. Instructed to put a dry towel or a servlet. Do not forget about the protection of evil forces, like a fortune teller. To marvel right in the looking-glass, as if starting a calamity, it means that judgments will soon appear. Wipe the mirror with a servette and continue marveling at the new one.

With this method, the fortune-telling of names goes to the maiden's back, it is impossible to look at the mirror and turn around more. If you have done well in the face of the betrothed, say

"Chur, what a mist."

Yakshcho vіn vstig come to you, vіn sat entrusted and laid you on the subject. Don't look at the looking-glass, check if you've got it, and only then you can take the object to hand.

Vorozhinnya "With three candles"

Prepare a crystal flask or a glass of water, a mirror and three candles. Like a crystal flask, it didn’t show up, it’s like a great curse. Instead of water, you can pour white wine at the bottle. Let's do it like this:

  • Install yoga steel, and then install a mirror. Put three candles near the flask.
  • Dane vorozhinnya vykonuetsya in napіvtemryavі, krіm the candle is not guilty but more than the everyday gerel of illumination.
  • Now light the candles and stare at the mirror through the bottle.
  • You need to marvel for a long time. In another hour, the mirror will begin to show different images.

Tse can be objects, individuals, silhouettes. Behind these images you can understand what your future battle will be like.

Ritual "At the moon's night"

For which fortune-teller the weather is clear, the commemorative month is to blame for the good in the sky. Early after the fun, a young man, having led a newly-made squad at his own houses, until the end of the day. And, obviously, the skin girl wanted to know, how great will be the future person, and like new relatives are placed before her. Tse vorozhinnya yakraz i allow you to recognize.

  • It is necessary to take a mirror, put it in such a way that a new one can see the fermentation of the month.
  • Dare respectfully marvel at the victories, you will not hesitate to sing a sprat of months.
  • Skіlki vіdbitkіv mіsyatsa you succumb, stilkі relatives and life with you.
  • If you spend more than one month, it means that you will live twice as long as a person.

Є іnshі, not less tsіkavі, yakі can be carried out independently in home minds

Vorozhinnya "On the kіltse that water"

You need a bottle, a ring and a garna fantasy. The bottle can be even and transparent, without little ones and edges.

  • Pour water into the flask and carefully place the ring on the bottom of the flask;
  • Dock while the water at the curse "calm down";
  • Put 2 candles on fire with a bottle;
  • It is respectful to marvel at the ring through the water;
  • Nezabar you are guilty of pleading the guise of your future betrothed;

More report description read from these articles, as if you were worthy of this fortune-telling method, you will sing-songly know there is a picture for yourself.

Holiday fortune teller on the maps

Card fortune-telling is one of the most popular. Moreover, the popular stink is no less sacred to the newcomers, but everyday life. Prote vorozhinnya on the maps on Rіzdvo vdoma allow you to take the most truthful result. It is not obligatory to buy tarot cards, you can get along with a great deck of cards, you can be new, you can’t use them with cards, stink only for a fortune teller.

Vorozhinnya "On 4 Jacks"

Tse vorozhinnya pіdіyde dіvchinі, yak maє kіlka shanuvalnikov i won't know whom to choose from them. It will help you to know more about the seriousness of the rash of skin lesions. Take all 4 jacks from the deck, give the skin one the name of a specific lad, mix well and lay it on the table with a shirt up.

Shuffle the other cards and add them to each equal part. Lay out the qi costi under the skin jack of the zliva to the right. The cards in the skin stasis will tell you about the future of your stasis. On the back to marvel at the suit of the skin tone, then interpret the meaning of the skin card.

The scheme of the Rіzdvyany vorozhіnnya “On four jacks”, as it is easy to sprout pochatkіvtsyu in home minds.

It is more important to talk about the scorching nature of the veins in the skin condition:

  • Tambourines - material wealth;
  • Peaks - the presence of children;
  • Worms - more like that love;
  • Trefi - suffering from welding.

On the basis of these characteristics, you can tidy up a pile of jacks that are not suitable for you.

Next, pick up the valets that you have lost, mix well and re-arrange on the table with a shirt up. Take the cards that are out of stock, then change them and divide them into 3 kopecks, just like you did before. I interpret the nature of the stosunkiv anew and take away the unfamiliar betrothed. Repeat the procedure with 2 jacks that you have lost.

After that, as you have made a layout for the jacks, choose the most suitable one for you according to the characteristics of the named one and start interpreting the cards in yoga hundred. The value of the skin card is shown below. Each skin map may have its own unique meaning and be interpreted together with other maps.

Fortune teller card meanings

Suit of Diamonds

  • 6 - dovogoochіkuvany vіdpochinok and priєmnі more expensive;
  • 7 - your behavior will become the cause of evil;
  • 8 - uncontrolled aggression in your beak, folded vіdnosini;
  • 9 - on your way of life blame the cross, ale vie їх podolaєte;
  • 10 - novelty gifts, like to slander you;
  • Lady - you will have a rebel girlfriend, as if you live by your own rules;
  • King - you will have a kohanets;
  • Ace - an unspoken call from afar.

Spade suit

  • 6 - a possible unfortunate flutter, do not varto travel far;
  • 7 - in tsikh vіdnosinakh sіd buti strimanіshoy, vipadkovy word can become the cause of serious welding;
  • 8 - between you and this person there are no good feelings, it is possible, you are healthy for a long time;
  • 9 - zrada, zrada chi negid vchinok of the one whom you respected as the nearest person that support;
  • 10 - serious illness, but you can overcome it without any problems;
  • Lady - your loved one has a polished woman-tile, as if she were talking about you filthy bits;
  • King - be careful with your words and inflections, you are unkind.
  • Ace - thoughtless decision to give you serious inaccuracies, think better about your choice.

Pomsta Worms

  • 6 - short, but the trip is remembered;
  • 7 - life will be calm without special drives for embarrassment;
  • 8 - promising future and a happy life;
  • 9 - tse same person, yak povnistyu; satisfy your bajannya buti with kokhana;
  • 10 - other surprises, unreceived calls;
  • Zhіnka - you will have a supergirl;
  • The king is emotionally stosunki and even more biased;
  • Ace - qі vіdnosiny is more beautiful than almost love listing.

Trefi suit

  • 6 - the road, so as not to bring results, march;
  • 7 - inacceptability in state establishment, "government booth";
  • 8 - do not be broken locks, your dreams are impossible;
  • 9 - signs of respect and small surprises;
  • 10 - unclaimed penny;
  • Zhіnka-іntriganka, it's not good to be placed before you;
  • King - you will have friends with a guard for an hour of hundreds of years from a young man;
  • Ace - you can be naughty.

Respect! Yakshcho vy zrobili tsey rozlad at Rіzdvyanu nіch, yоgo results dіysnі 1 rіk, before the upcoming Rіzdva.

Vorozhinnya "On 4 kings under a pillow"

Tse shvidky variant of the fortune-telling on the cards for the betrothed. At Svyatka, before that, how to lie down to sleep, put under your pillow some queens from a deck of cards. When you sue:

“Who is my judgment, who is my order, dream of me!”.

Then lie down to sleep. Judgments will come, see. Looking like one of the queens, one can judge who will be the future person. Similarity may not be less in zvnіshnostі, and in virazі disguise, odyazі.

  • As if having dreamed of names similar to a person, a person will be a military man or a businessman;
  • , you will be more happy and with love;
  • obіtsyaє possible that young man;
  • - the person will be significantly older and more jealous.

Three or more witches on some queens, if you can do it online, you can read the instructions and proceed to the witching.

True Divinity

Christmas fortune teller on candles and water, as you can grow in home minds

Witchcraft with wax and water

Tse, perhaps, the most popular and at the same time the flower of the witch. For a new one, you need a container of water, a candle of medium size and a fantasia for the stage of clouding. We already reportedly looked at this kind of fortunetelling in the article ““, and at once we will look at the simple version for the witchcraft in home minds on Christmas, then, let’s proceed:

  • The candle should be lit and lit, if about one spoonful of melted wax accumulates under the half-lights;
  • Then we need to carefully start dripping with melting wax near the water, making a single “blot” or how to call the professional fortune-tellers - “injection”;
  • After that, as the whole time will turn, check until the win is caught and win the turn of the water;

Now your assignment will be correctly vitlumachiti otrimana as a result of a guessing figure. Deciphering is done in such a way as your fantasy and intuition will show you. The very meanings are correct, the yak fell on the first thought. Axis of a kіlka priklіv interpreting images:

  • Mountain - the path to the point of blaming pereshkodi;
  • Riba - to the vacancy of new acquaintances;
  • Mіshok - a gift of chi unsold pributov;
  • Dekіlka okremih wax streaks - enough in the new roci;
  • A lot of small stars - success at the car'er chi іnshіy pravі.

Povniy marvel at this article, although the meaning of the above is only for the butt. In fact, your imagination can tell you a different interpretation of the images. The residual form is to speak about the head of the coming fate, and from the intermediate form it is said about the furnishing of the present day.

Little joy: you looked at the wax figure from the sides, but you couldn’t look at it more specifically, don’t get embarrassed. Try to look at the thin ring of the figurine.

For whom to take a lighter, I will light a candle, or I will lay a lamp. Place the wax figurine between the wall and the dzherel light so that on the wall there was a shadow in the wax. Turn the wax figure properly, do not dance in the shadows, be it an image.

Witchcraft with a candle and a shell

Everyday Rіzdvyanė vorozhinnya in domestic minds cannot do without candles. Є even simpler that cicavi ritual s їх zastosuvannyam.

  • On small pieces of paper, write a prophecy on the coming river;
  • Attach them along the edges of a deep container, the best way to mark the pelvis;
  • Pour water in the chamber and lower the “boat” made from chicken eggs or hairy peas from shells;
  • In front of each boat, burn a small candle and light it up. Those prophecies will wake up, like a candle will light up;

If you are like them, one of them will sing to you.

Instructions for holding a Christmas fortune-telling in the midst of the cave in the home minds

Vorozhinnya in the thick of the cave

Telling fortunes in the thick of the forest is easier at home R_zdvyanim early 7 September. Cooking kava is only necessary in Turkey or kastrults, an automatic kavovarka is not suitable for any occasion.

  1. Pomelo may be more dry, and kava is brewed more than mitzna;
  2. After that, as the kava is cooked, mix well and in a bowl;
  3. As long as you drink kava, be attentive to the Bazhanni to find out about your future;
  4. How to drink some kava, take a cup from the right hand, and a saucer in the left;
  5. Cover the cup with a saucer, take care of the excess cavi and sharply turn the cup on the saucer;
  6. Check the Trochs, sob thick glass;

Now you can turn the cup over and proceed to decipher the figures. Show all your imagination, in that very little difference people can imagine absolutely different things. Therefore, do not feed in other people that they stink. Golovne, sho bachite you at tsikh vіzerunkah.

Different cups and saucers vary depending on the hour of that region of life. Otzhe, the leather case should be looked at okremo.

The little ones on the bottom of the cup talk about inacceptability, so that you need to be careful.

  1. Everything that roztashovane of the bottom, rozpovida about the future on the nearest river;
  2. Little ones, rotting more, closer to the edge of the cup, prophesy the nearest future for about a month;
  3. Those little ones, which are known by the hand, symbolize your current day;
  4. The symbols on the saucer show your minule.


Dovіdnik 200 rіznih read in іy statti. Here we will bring up the meaning of the bastardized images for the purpose of investigating the infamous scam:

  • Sokira - to the point of difficulty;
  • The teapot is the meaning of laying waste in the first place, de-rotting the image. Yakshcho entrusted with a pen to the family well-being. Closer to the bottom, small welds are being checked on you.
  • Eye - change in life is checked on you;
  • Kvitka - your secret dream will come soon;
  • Fly - to material well-being;
  • Straight lines - you will reach your goals;
  • Dog - you have a lot of true friends;
  • Bjola - check for friendly calls;
  • Zirka - the situation depends on your melancholy;
  • Riba - stashed for the day for the sake of accepting a better decision. On the walls of the cup - good luck with all the repairs.
  • A lot of small points - up to pennies;
  • One reading point is the meaning of the little one, which is known to be instructed by her;
  • The great flame of the kavovoy thick symbolizes a calm, investment camp;
  • Smuga was vertically bіla from the edge to the bottom, the hand was stashed with a pen, ahead of serious insecurity.

Before the speech, the magic magic ghost of picking up with friends at a narrow time, spend the holidays over a cup of fragrant caviar, and at the same time find out about the future. And deciphering the little ones in a good company is more fun.

Vorozhinnya on the bazhannya with a cat with a gut

It is even more popular than the old-fashioned witchcraft for a holiday on the bazhannya, as it is easy to carry out in the minds of the home. Vono pіdіyde tim dіvchatam at the booth some bags of guts. Otzhe, it is necessary to work:

  • Take the gut of a cat, and put yoga on the threshold;
  • Dali it is necessary to formulate the bazhannya vikonannya what you want offensive rock;
  • Potim need to call the cat;
  • If you want to enter the room with your left paw, it means that you are planning to start right away;
  • From the right - from the vicons they can winknut folds;
  • If you don't want to go into the booths - 100% ban will not be charged;

Witch for a book

The onset of the witch can be carried out independently from time to time. You will need a book. It is necessary to guess the number of the side and the row in the mountains. Now open the book on this side and read what is written on the row you have chosen. Tlumachayte prophecy to that which your fantasy suggests to you!

Online fortune teller

You can guess online, sitting at home at the computer. You will always know with us just a fortune teller on Rіzdvo in domestic minds. We are glad to welcome you on our website in future days (and not only)!

For a century, a lot of traditions have already developed, which need to be trimmed, otherwise the transfer will be wrong and inaccurate. Nasampered, what a trace of memory, what divination is a sacrament, and also, divination is necessary, or in a close company of friends alone.

First of all, start like this:

  • know native cross hic, clean up or return icons. Orthodox church speak out against the rituals, for that it is necessary to cover the saints for some hour with a towel;
  • clean up your creatures. The stench will wake you up in the process and wake up the spirits;
  • znіmіt mustache embellish: earrings, bracelets, rings, lancets. Like a belt on clothes, untie yoga, and let hair loose. All tsі drіbnitsі є zahistom, scho pereskodzhaє penetration of sweatbіchchya;
  • do not cross your arms and legs. If you let go of respect, then the witch will be born.

Another important point is choosing the right place. It may be quiet for a new one, no one is to blame for disturbing you. Turn on the light, and then light the candles. For the vorozhinnya pіdіyde bath, lazna, mountain, pіdval.


For the old hours, the girls told fortunes themselves in the spa. Tse application is respected by a cordon between reality that evil spirit.

See the witches on Rizdvo

It’s dark at night from 6 to 7 September, you can proceed to the next part. Start knowing what you want to know. Perhaps you already have a commandment of a dream, and you think that you won’t. Who wants to know family happiness, to become fathers, and others to have more penny food. If you formulate thoughts in your head that you yourself want to know, then you will get an appendage for that witch.

Witchcraft on a mirror

For yoga, you need a small piece of a mirror for a big sirnikova box. Lock yourself in a dark room, distance yourself and keep a mirror, so that you can see your vision.

It is respectful to marvel at the new, not to look, but think of a dream about yourself. Let's light up the mirror near the fabric and throw it against the wall. Your dream will come to life, as if it were to be deprived of it. The presence of a crack is evidence that the victor will be unforgivable and incomprehensible. If you threw a mirror, and it flew into the faceless shmatochkiv, then your bazhannya will not appear in any other circle.

For the stars

Until now, 7 September, think of one bazhannya. At the dawn of the night, if it is dark, you will come over the door and respectfully marvel at the sky. Even though the sights of the rich are rich, and they are well seen, then the dream will come in the next hour without the hardships of the day. It's time to talk about something else.

By kishtsi

Guts - guides to potoybichcha, so you can get it from a fortune-teller. Lock yourself in the room when it's dark. In your head, set an unambiguous nutrition, so that it will be like that.

When you're ready, open the door and call the house creature. Marvel at your reaction: if the gut lives like a swedish chick, then the answer to your question is firm. At the point, if you don’t want to go ahead of you, or if you are prompted to come, it means that the way is negative.

For the egg

Tse more old witch, but truer. For yoga, you need a bottle of warm water and white of a chicken egg. Pour the squirrel into your home freely and respectfully look at the figure that appears.

Її the form that looks like a new one reflects your shvidka future. Some symbols are interpreted differently, the stench looks lower. So, for example, a church or a hoop for a girl is a sign of a swede far away zamіzhzhya, Kvіtki - the appearance of a cover. If the whites sink to the bottom, then there is a bad sign: there will be inacceptability and ailment.


Navit dream, wail in the night on Rіzdvo, є zdebіlshoy prophets. If you remember the dream well, look into the dream book of the star.

Forgive R_zdvyanі vorozhіnnya on the kokhannya and the betrothed

Nezamіzhnіh dіvchat i zhіnok duzhe khvilyuє, if stink know love and see zamіzh. Rіzdvyana nіch - the best time for the appointment of the fate of the future, so, even if you still do not tie the ties, but if you want, you can find out.

Behind the deakim soothsayers, you can instill an understanding of them that yoga age. Tell fortunes in simple ways:

  • Take an arkush paper, cut it out on thin folds and write on the skin flap the name of a person you know who is nice to you. Roll up the papers, put a bag near the linen, or a package and take a pillow for nothing. Throwing a lie, picking up the first note that you got. Whoever vipade, so I call the person;
  • opivnochi lock yourself in the room, crim you no one is to blame. Take two mirrors that are the same in size, put one of them opposite one another, so that you have a mirror corridor. Surprise at your own tickets and don't look. After a deyaky hour, you will dance the guise of a future person whose silhouette is;
  • for the conduct of this rite, the gold ring and the flask with cold water are needed. Opivnochi throw a ring at the water and marvel at the separation, which is settled. As respectfully, a sprig of hvilin is surprised at them, you can look at a future person;
  • This ritual was carried out in Russia, in order to know for sure, from which side the checks of matchmakers. Look out of the house, having a chobit, and throw it through the parkan. Wherever the sock is turned up, what has fallen, from that side it is necessary to check the betrothed;
  • you can tell fortunes in the winter like this: you need 2 goals, a bottle of water and a small piece of fat. Rub the necks with fat, and then throw the okremo at the flask. As soon as the stench dies, then what fate will you see abroad. Goals rose on the day, so the next hour they don’t transfer.


Even if you took away the trash of the transfer, or the negative feedback on your supply, do not get embarrassed and do not accept those who were close to the heart. Possibly, the share of such a rank will guard you from the wrong vchinkiv.

Ways of divination at Rizdvo on the maps

tarot deck abo card cards- Vіrnі pomіchniki u vorozhbі. Magicians and chakluni їх are willing to vicorate practically, the shards of the transfer seem to be accurate and are often-densely spoken. Through the great popularity of the card fortune tellers, there appeared even richer ways of laying out. According to the deck in the holidays, you can name the betrothed, find out about the future and vikonaty of the banquet.

Old-fashioned layout

You need a deck that consists of 52 cards. Shuffle them well, then put them one by one on the table in order from the smallest to the largest, promoting the name.

As if the card was slipping from your hands, you must put it down. So you need to zrobiti chotiri razi. Let's figure out what the sign is:

  • ace - deadness;
  • king - bad luck;
  • woman - evil move;
  • jack - supergirl;
  • 10 - penny klopoti;
  • 9 - dribnitsa;
  • 8 - road;
  • 7 - failure and ailment;
  • 6 - problems on the robot;
  • 5 - nudga;
  • 4 - happy;
  • 3 - confusion;
  • 2 - povaga.

As one and the same card falls from the hands of two and more times, it means that it’s more important that you will become a sign.

On the future man

Before him, like breaking sleep, snuggle up, and put a pillow in your head with queens of the best suits. If at night you dream of peaks, it means that the person will be richly older and jealous. Worms - young and rich, Khrestovy - viyskovy, and tambourines - friends. If the king is not dreaming, it means a lie to pull the first card that was trapping, and read the її sign.

Advice on nutrition

How can you be tormented by doubts about a person, who, having become worthy, can be developed. Choose from the deck of the king of the same suit, which characterizes it more. Put food ideas.

Put the king in the center of the table, and on the new one put the first three cards that are caught, from the deck, shirt down. Turn over and marvel at the suits that have fallen. If 3 red suits fell out at once, then it was solid. Dark means negative. Smіshanі maps to talk about those that the nutrition is given incorrectly or does not convey unambiguous evidence.


It’s better to guess on a new deck of cards, it’s not full of someone else’s energy, which means that the layout will be accurate.

How to tell fortunes at Rizdvyanu in the near future

As if you are already cold, but if you sing to life, then you singly sing out that you can check in the next hour. Look, what you have seen in the process of witchcraft can be not only good, but also nasty, so don’t get embarrassed, it’s more negative for you. Take yoga like a warning. guessing better at night otherwise, it’s late in the evening, if it’s quiet in the house, and you don’t hear anything.

On paper

Prepare a box of sirnikiv, a saucer with a heat-resistant fold and pieces of paper. Take the sheet and put it on a plate, and then burn it near the dark room. If the papers catch fire, it is respectful to look at the shadow of the new one.

You will appear as an image, you will see with some kind of indebtedness. If nothing clear came up, then light a candle and consecrate it on a plate with a half-hearted, which is too much. Take a closer look at the shadow and guess what it symbolizes.

On wax

Melt a cinder like a candle at the table spoon and prepare a bottle with cold water. As soon as paraffin becomes rare, carefully drip yoga near the water, the wine docks will not end. Upon contact with water, the head was caught and took a figure.

Take it to the hands and respectfully winch. Those associations that are blamed on you for an hour to look at, signify your future life.

With knives

Tse gypsy rite, as before they signified a share. For yoga, you will need a large wooden board and a lower one. Write notes on paper with possible podias: hat, ailment, happiness, zrada, bad bugs, penny witrati, love, romance, etc. Lay out notes on the doshtsi, and put the bottom in the center. Twist the lezo, where there is vipade, then read the message. If it’s lezo to point out two reminders, then both of them will stink.

What else to tell fortunes on Rіzdvyanі is holy

Fortune-telling is possible, no matter what, there are no living borders or fenced topics. For example, you need to know how life will be in 2020. Then put in a bag of gold kіltse (wealth), a bag of ash (unacceptability), shmatochki tsukra (radiance), a cup (drinking), cibulin (tears, grief) and take the first object that you get. You can add the magic with your own options.

One more option to tell fortunes for offensive rock: take 3 cups of the same size and color. Take a coin from one of them. Ask someone to stir the cups, so you don't know where the coin is. If you correctly appointed, de zakhovanі pennies, then the river will be penniless. If you couldn’t guess correctly after two tries, then, on the other hand, check the big money.

If you’re at home and want to find out who you’ll have a first, then on a special day, pick up a bottle of water and put a hoop in it. Blame the flask in the cold, so that the krieg hid, and leave it for nothing. Early bring the bottle home and look at the surface of the water. If there will be humps on it, then a boy will be born on the cob. And the vimki means that the girl will be the first. If the surface is smooth and even, then the vagity of the offensive fate will not come.


Vykoristovyte talu or dzherelnu water for witchcraft, then the transfer will have more chances to succeed.

Rіzdvyanі ways to tell fortunes in the future share of that love arc tsіkavі tsіkavi, prote do not give them any great significance, especially negative ones. The person herself determines her share, and the future can be changed at the hour. And the axis is about the good and positive prophecies of warto memory, even if you believe in them with a pure heart, the stink of obov'yazkovo zdіysnyatsya.

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In these articles:

In Russia, for the first time ever, it was the most important day of fate. On long winter evenings, when the free time was calling for people, a new fortune was born. Why yourself on Rіzdvo? The one that is sacred to itself, as it is no longer associated with a miracle, became the people of Bethlehem of a special ignorance, called Jesus Christ.

Christmas holidays are still called Christmas holidays, to those who are celebrated during the Christmas season, like celebrating two days, on the occasion of the Christmas Svyatovechor on the 6th day of the day until Vodohresche on the 19th day. You can use fortunetelling on cards, mirrors, runes, polyns, wax, cybuls, kniz, kavoi thick and rich-rich other.

Deyakі z vorozhin mi imagined lower, step by step explaining how they performed rituals and why it’s better to work the witch before Christmas, in the afternoon on Christmas or at night on Christmas.

The fortune-tellers in the period of holy finds and most often are called, angels help people in the holy days of people good spirits. If you believe the people's beliefs, then on the most difficult day, Holy Vechir. So, as the traditions of the Russian people take their roots from quiet hours, if the old style is revealed, then it is better to guess after the old style.

The most popular fortune-telling for a share, yaku always wanted to know the girls and women. But the most important thing was the nourishment of the zamіzhzhya and the specialness of the beneficiary, to that the main part of the fortune is dedicated to the very tsim nutrition and po'yazanim with them.

Rules for quiet, who tell fortunes on R_zdvo

  • At the kіmnati, de vіdbuvaetsya vorozhіnnya, can be quiet. Be it a sound that whispers a problem, that you need to focus on the supplied food, that opens the thread of contact with the All-World, which does not love vtruchannya.
  • It is not possible to cross the arms and legs with a stretch of the magician, the shards of the channel of the link can “overlap”, which will lead to the sound of that difficult passage of information, as to stall, or it must be in an incompetent connection.

Witchcraft on wax

This is the widest and most popular fortune-telling. At Svyatkov, take some deficiencies from white wax candles, heat them, pour them into the chamber with cold water. Vilivati ​​vіsk is required in one move, in such a rank figurines go more often. Tse does not mean that you are guilty of viliti in one fell swoop, just the wax is not guilty of pererivatisya and can be poured properly.

Caught wax to post - ce and є the key to the secret place of your future. Take a look at the back of the head from both sides, find out what the figure is more similar to, what it looked like, and then move on to the darkness. Axis deakі z value:

  • budinok - for the maiden of the zamіzhzhya, zagalom - the new state;
  • the pit is a place of burial, oh, death is a deadly ailment;
  • smugki - roads, move;
  • the sky was divided into a great number of drops - up to pennies;
  • mushroom - dovgolittya;
  • trees with gilkas burn down - shvidka joy;
  • kіltse - weight;
  • mlynets - trivala girlhood;
  • zirki - success;
  • dragon - the completion of the great work;
  • dzvin - to anxiety;
  • kvіtka - kokhanets, kohannya, zamіzhzhya;
  • apple - wisdom and health;
  • egg - the appearance of something new;
  • the cross is sickness.

Vorozhinnya on the cibuli

If you can’t wait to find out, what will be your betrothed’s name, or I’ll name you, or you can’t choose between how many applicants, or try to tell fortunes on the cybuli, it’s more, it’s even easier.

Choose good cibulins for the number of nice characters, write names on them or initials of specific people and put them in a container with water. You need to work at night before Christmas, saying:

“Ah, onion-cibulka, whisper, who will be the groom?” or “Ah, tsibulka, whisper, who will be my name?”

Now there is no more dochekatis if the cibulini let out the parostki. That cibulina, the first to let the fir'їnku out and become a helper, and with her that person, who initiated the name on it.

Vorozhinnya on a future person

Vorozhin on the future man is rich. One of the simplest - look at the street and ask the first passerby person for your name - ce and be the name of a future person. So the callousness of the people will show you how many garni and riches your names will be.

You can find out about those, as if looking at names, in a dream. Tsey dream can be real. Sob to call it, take a clean comb before going to bed, properly comb your hair with it, with it seeming: “The adverbs, dressings, come before me to swear.”

Then put the comb under the pillow and lie down to sleep.

Another way to cheer up the betrothed is a dream. Sleep well before going to bed and lie down to sleep, say:

“Whoever is my judgement, give me that drink.”

You can tell fortunes for the help of several bottles of pure water. A teaspoon of honey is put in the first bottle, a teaspoon of salt in another, and a quarter of a teaspoon in a third. citric acid, In the rest - trochs of wine are poured.

Instead of flasks, they are resolutely mixed up, because of which the stench is curled up with servettes so that the girl, like a fortune teller on a person, didn’t drink it all together. You need not think twice about choosing one bottle, but after that you should find out about your person.

Have a girl-evening and have a fun hour

In this order, water with honey signifies life for licorice and good man, salty water - ce slose and troubles, sour - unhappy life, with wine - a person is an alcoholic or very drunk.

Witchcraft for children

Children are also more laudable women of nutrition, as if blamed for the aftermath of the winter. You can tell fortunes on children by ring or neck with a thread.

Vorozhinnya across the kilts

Take a bowl of clean water, throw a hoop into it and put it in the cold. Lies to wonder how the water froze. Like the surface of the river water - the nearest hour of the woman’s children, you won’t tell fortunes. As if the surface is uneven, take a look more respectfully, because the humps are boys, and the depressions are girls. Obviously, the little humps and the little dimples are hurting, you will have children.

Vorozhinnya with a naked

Such a fortune-teller can fool you with a robot with a pendulum

Take a needle and a thread. Thread the eyelet. Take the right-handed thread by the tip, and direct the tip of the head to the center of the palm of the left hand on a small stand in front of it. Follow the goal. As if she was walking across the valley, it means that you will have a girl, as if vzdovzh - a boy. In addition, as the head swells, it can start to go again, then, it will tell you about the field of the advancing child. Dochekaytes, if the head ceased to work, be like a ruhi, and until what hour, take into account the number of your children and do not forget to remember them to become.

Vorozhinnya on the bazhannya

Vorozhinnya on the bazhannya is so very different, like and іnshі. We invite you to try fortune telling on grains, I’ll take some of them left hand clench your palm into a fist and say your message out loud. After that, protect the number of grains. As if you had a pair of grains in your hands - the bazhannya zdіysnitsya, unpaired - not at once.

You can tell fortunes on the bazhannya by a cat, for example, such a one in your booth. Make a guess and call a cat to yourself. If you cross the threshold of the stone with your right paw - the bazhannya zdіysnitsya, left - no.

Witch for a book

Take a book, rather for a spiritual zmist, think of a food, guess a side and a row to the beast or from below, read your speech, as if I’ll help you or guide you.

Vorozhinnya na svyato is an old Russian tradition. Ale guess chi nі virishuvati skin from us. Rich fortune-tellers prophesy misfortune and bad luck, psuyuchi moods not only to the fortune-teller, but also to the soothing. Chi varto tse zіpsuvati sobі is holy, and even more - fixated on the prophetic and life, zdіysnivshi irrational vchinki chi diї.

If you are even more conflicted and afraid of misfortune, childlessness, death, then we do not recommend you to tell fortunes, so that the fortune-telling may turn out to be wrong, and you yourself will program yourself for the whole result. Golovne, remember that the skin of us makes his own happiness, like misfortune! So let's forget about all the trash and think only about the good, speak well and do good!

Holy week - the days of the people of Christ that yogo baptism. Not everyone knows from what date Christmas time and skilki days are celebrated. And Yuletide begins on Svyatvechir on the 6th of September in the evening after the first star in the sky, the final final date on the 19th of September. As a result, the holy period is three times 2 days, right up to the Baptism of the Lord.

At 2018 Christmas holidays, Christmas time also begins with the New Year of Christ and continues to Vodohresche. At church calendar tse important winter is holy in Russia. Є chimalo povіr'їv, pov'yazanih іz holidays. Holy day of 2018, like in other times, will be celebrated on the holy evening of Christmas on the 6th of September.

From the 6th day of the cob Holy in our world of the living, the souls of the dead turn. On the third day, the evil spirit is activated. At holy days, the Sabbath reigns, shalenіyut and have fun with the unclean. Ale, krіm tsgogo, at tsі important holidays days, in yakі it’s possible wonder.

Magical rituals can be rozpochinati, if the holy day begins. Vorozhinnya and rituals for the Christmas season on the chosen one are the most popular in the day. Christmas time of Russia is celebrated on the 2nd of September: Holy Tuesday from the evening of 6th to 13th of September (Old New river), as well as 14 to 19 September -a terrible day, all the way to Vodohresche. Days are best suited for witches, rituals, witchcraft, rituals. Holy witches will help to find out about the future, and rituals - to form and obtain the necessary development of the podia from the nearest river.

What to swear at Rіzdvyanі is holy: traditions

June 6 ends Tsgogo day already it is possible to get used to not rich alcohol. On the first day, they see close and dear people. Guests come from hospitals and hotels. And it’s also accepted by relatives for turbota and love. To fight tse broadly, from a wide heart.

Christmas time is commemorated on the 7th of September. Before the meal, you can rozpochat already in advance, on the 6th of September, if it is early morning. More than 12 lines are placed on the table.

Another tradition is “Svyatkovi tales”, in the evenings the whole homeland was taken from a tight circle, the guests were asked and told tales. Є tsіlі sbіrki folk opovіdan. In that number you can know the author's creations. Opovіdі vіdіznyalis taєmnihії, the presence of chaklunstvo, in some of them there were always small places of miraculous podії.

On Holy Days, the people used to ride sledges from the mountains. And then, at Christmas time, they wooed the bridegrooms and the bridegrooms, having set in the period of marriage.

At rest days Christmas season was getting ready to Vodohresche. They killed the sap in the nearest waterholes. The shape of the flask bula is special - a cross.

During the last Christmas period, analyze income, put together a budget, plan. And it’s also customary to spend a witch’s birthday on the birthday of that saint.

Why can't you work at the holy day

Folk wisdom hung low at the top, like a fence singing songs at holy days.

  • You can't redeem the pennies. Rahuvati dribni coins are especially fenced. You will get tears.
  • You can’t sew, hang out, sing in the evening before the saints, and also at holy days, otherwise the turbot will be a rich stretch of fate, it’s important to get into them.
  • It is not possible to bathe unruliness at the holy day, to start new things, to start a business. At this hour, the trash is active, it can zіpsuvati all repairs and cause famously.
  • It is not possible to defeat an important robot.
  • Children are being conceived and married.
  • 7, so at Vodohreshchi on the 19th day, fortunetelling is fenced, so that happiness does not have mercy.

Svyatki vorozhinnya, zaboboni

Same away hour for witches, rіznomanіtnih christenings and rituals - Christmas time. In these days, the Sich has revealed information about the future. A handful of young girls and lads victorious yoga for the holy witches, although it was not praised by the church. Information about the upcoming days is available, to those spirits descending to the earth on Christmas Eve until the very Khreschennya, the axis through them could be used to take inspiration from people to chirp.

Vorozhinnya is a hooting and extraordinary way to find out about your future. To be more precise, then a witch means - a transfer. From a long time ago, a person wanted to know what to check in advance. With the help of the method of victoria, the victors of various handicrafts. What are the people doing at what point? ...

Witchcraft in Christianity is vvazhaetsya by sin, but at Christmas time you can tell fortunes on names, find out about the future harvest, and tell the weather. And the sins then swept into Khreshchennya in a crying opolontsi.

Holy witches were especially like the young girls in sight, the stench even wanted to recognize that they would be zamіzh, as if they would have a man. The grown-ups wondered, the stench knew about their future. At the Holy Bulo, it was allowed to tell fortunes at the singing mists. For this sacred action, the lazne, the city, the verandas, and the crossroads were victorious. At the booth, it was possible to come into contact with evil spirits only at night, and for the zakhist obov'yazkovo burn candles.

Vorozhinnya at Christmas time in domestic minds

If you are attracted by the theme of witchcraft and peredbachennya, then you can try out folk popular techniques. Vorozhinnya at the holy season is spent at home minds, for which you should prepare extra attributes, learn the methodology, choose the place and fight about those that you don’t care about anyone.

Vorozhinnya at Christmas time, forecast for wax

Do you want to know about your future? Prepare white paraffin candles and leftover wax candles, metal utensils, a clay cup, fire, water for the Christmas witch.

Put the candles in a bowl, put a container on the fire and check, the docks and the paraffin will not melt. Pour the melting of the vіsk into the other container, where the water is poured. Dock until the figure is caught. It will marvel at the future of the one who is being guessed at. Є takі tlumachennya vilitih posts іz wax.

Tlumachennya wax figures

  • Dіm - replenishment, well-being, for divi - swidka zamіzhzhya.
  • Ruins - misfortune in the life of the nearest fate.
  • Pechera, pit - conveying a serious illness, death.
  • Skelya - webbing on the way, halfway to the right.
  • The heart is a kohannya, a mind.
  • The tree - as if in a new tree is lifted uphill, then the radiance of the sun will be cleared up in the nearest future, the lowered tree will call the tightness, the sum of the sounds.
  • Kvitka - joy, success, bright prospects.
  • Kіltse - fun in the next hour.
  • Candle chi dome of the church - vіnchannya.
  • Damn, having fallen to the bottom before that - girlhood, which dragged on, crossed over for zamіzhzhya.
  • A dog, a creature with a clear pasture - inaccuracies that are approaching.
  • Angel - otrimanna help burn.
  • A dog, a horse's head is a true friend, a supporter of loved ones.
  • Kraplya - penny topping, pay.
  • Zirka - dopomoga shvidka Greater strength, all the problems of life are virulent by themselves;
  • Ship - changes, more expensive, changes in financial, spiritual, special spheres;
  • Pidkova - the provider of successful lands.
  • Turtle - upovilnnya on the right.
  • Piven - the time has come for children.
  • The snake is a duality: it is curled up into a ball - it is a person, like to stalk after you, like a snake is active - aggression from the one who tells fortunes.
  • Vedmіd - a strong pomіchnik, zahisnik; vedmezha - dbaylivy period.
  • Misha is an empty mess, restlessness, fear.
  • The caterpillar is a new rozval, no luck.
  • Spider - cunning approach.
  • A hare is a gift for a man, and a gift for a woman.
  • Pig - correct under, added surplus (virna).
  • Zhachok - the tension of the stosunkiv with people, a singing person.
  • Chvili - quick solutions, unsatisfactory changes.

Vorozhinnya on the Holy in the Tіnі

Just know that rich fortune teller. Take a sheet of newspaper, pіdіyde і large white A4. Crumple in the hands, giving the shape of a kuli. Shchіlno m'yati is not required. Arkush me the one to whom they prophesy. Let's put a paper ball on a plate, it might be even flatter, you can just turn it over. Put the plate in order from the wall. The papyrus is palliated, and they are checked if the wines burn out. Put a candle behind the plate. To marvel at the shadow, according to them they convey the future. The smoke is formed by burning paper. The meaning of the figures rises from the cloudy figures for the hour of the fortune-telling on wax.

Sviatkovy vorozhinnya for egg laying

In order to pass the future, the need for holy days of evening, take a bottle, pour water (3/4) into it and beat in a white of a chicken egg. Trim yoga in your hands, formulate thoughts for food. The bottle with protein needs to be placed in the oven. Heat up the oven in front. Dock, if the protein is better. Viymіt yogo zі bottles. And now look at the otriman figure.

Yakshcho figurka z squirrel is similar to:

  • kіltse - check for weight;
    church dome - get ready until wedding day;
  • a square, a figure with straight kutas - check on a deadly ailment;
  • ship - get ready to move after the wedding to another place.
  • Mlynets, a flat ring - still in the girls walk for a long time.

Witchcraft on the betrothed behind the mirror

Mustaches of girls in the past dream about one thing - to find out what will be their names. Reach out, like a man, help the holy witch. To spend them on a holy day. But our grandmothers respected that the greatest fortune was on the 14th, then the 13th night. Tsya nothing is the best way to go for a witch on the betrothed.

Svyatkov's fortune-telling on the betrothed is an exact, deviant ritual of remembrance, which is carried out by white mirrors. Choose a large room with a balcony for transferring, take two mirrors - one is large, the other is smaller. Previously, the ritual was performed by a secret at the lazna of the girls, as if they were praying for their betrothed.

Preparing for the witch: raise a cross, a tight robe, dress yourself in a loose shirt, a cloth without a belt, loosen your hair, raise it in a flash.

Put the mirrors like this: a small mirror is opposite the great one so that the visual “mirror corridor” is created at the great one. Wine will be unlimited. For short visibility put a lit candle on the sides of the mirror.

As soon as you walk up to the mirror, say: "My names, disguise, get in the mirror."

Sit quietly and stare at the mirror corridor. Make a rose-middle look. Khvilin for ten ve pat the image of your future person. Deyakim for this one needs more than an hour, for example, 15-20 hvilin. If an image appears, sharply put a small mirror on the table down with a mirror surface and shout: “Chur, me!”. Let's cross over.

Vorozhinnya svyatkovo for 4 queens for the betrothed

Ritual fortune-telling on the kings is a miraculous way to recognize what your person will be like. To see off all the girls, for they did not know their soul mate. To conduct this ritual, you need a deck of cards (zvichaynі, gradnі, novі).
The technique of vikonannja svyatkovo's fortune-telling for 4 queens and 4 jacks is attacking: Take a deck of cards, choose 4 kings and 4 jacks from it, and save it. Before going to bed, mix the kings and jacks, shove them under the pillow. When you say:

Go to sleep, try to remember the dream, how to dream of this night. Lies, as if you’ll just roll over, with your hand you can pull one card. How do you get on:

  • jack - your future person will be young;
  • king - means that the naming will be senior for you for a century.

Whatever suits, then spades mean a safe, successful person. Cross - an unknown person, new acquaintance. Worms - you will be familiar with the stake of your closest friends and acquaintances. Tambourines - names of known friends, like you and know.

Vorozhinnya on vikonannya bazhannya

Zdіysnyuyut vorozhіnnya on svyatkovogo tizhnі, yaknaische for tsgogo pіdіyde nіch from 13 to 14. Є kіlka tekhnіk on vikonannya bazhan.

for cereal. Take rice, put yogo on a plate. Make a guess over the croup of a bagan. Formulate clearly without interpretation. Let's take rice and lightly throw them on the table. Flourish the grains. Yakshcho їhnya parna kolkіst, then Hurray! Bazhanna yell!

For water: pour clean water into a bowl. Whisper your bag. You drink a cup of water on a gank or on a balcony, on a street, more beautiful than just the sky. Lies to marvel at: make a hole near the water - you can’t cope with the guess, as if on the surface of the river - check the vision of what you have planned.

On chicken brushes. Prepare the chicken. Hold your paw for supper. Save brushes. Neatly store a ganchirka, paper servlet of red color at the place. And then we will blame the gates of the nadvir. Guess the bajan. With whom, the words seem like this:

Put a bag behind the gate, go home.

Early-arrival to come to the place, turn around: if there are no brushes on the place, then the banquet will not come; as if the brushes were powdered with snow - varto vіdmovitsya in the planned, and as if the brushes were under-torqued - then everything that was planned - will come true.

Ways to tell fortunes at Christmas time, simple and popular

Є kіlka ways vorozhіnnya at svyatkovі days. In Russia, the following items were victorious for transfer: cereals, strength, cards, mirror, water, whisk, candles. Often they took coins and were engaged in forecasts with help of creatures. The most popular village boules simple ways a fortune-teller at Christmas time, it was important that the stench of the naivirnishі. And for that, it was so bulo, you just need to believe! You all, singly, know the most popular fortune-telling for Christmas time - throwing a shoe and felting through the gate or at the window. Show me with a shkarpetka, in the presence of the betrothed check.

Rites at Christmas Day on Christmas Day

At the day of the Feast of the Birth before Christchurch, our forefathers always whispered the signs and hints that allow us to convey the future. The ceremonies at the holidays before Vodohresche were carried out with one method - to find out about one's future. During this period, they were bewitching the future betrothed, healthy, share. In order to pamper your future, the visconate rite and purge the dream were impaled without interruption.

The ritual of “witching” your sleep to become more popular among women. Do you also want to indulge in a future dream, who will have hints and signs of share? Remember, at the holy days of the wedding, all the doors are at the thin light, to which you will be placed with special respect until sleep. Even more often in the period from 7 to 19, prophetic dreams appear.

If you navmisno bazhaєte dream of a dream, then zrobіt offensive rite. Take a round luster. Put a pillow before bed. Relax before going to bed and say 3 times special words:

For the rest of your sleep, sing your tongue, just don’t forget that it’s necessary to lie down to sleep until nightfall.

The original way of fortune-telling at Christmas time

Among the original ways of traveling to Svyatki can be called as follows: pulling up the field from the bushes, until you walk with your back and with your hand to pull the field. For example, if the field is even, then the names of the palms, and the crooked one, the future person is not grabbing, be with water.

The witches beat the shafi, de save the clothes. This method can also be classified as non-trivial. This is not only an accurate, but a cheerful way of prophecies. At the company of girls, call the lad, the girl of fate is 10. At the chief's guild lie the people and women's speeches. The child can walk with his back to the shafi, and then we will win one word. With whom should the child be asked: "Tse chie"? Navperebіy vsі, hto to tell fortunes is guilty of saying: "Mine". Whoever is first - to that and transfer.

Yakshcho z shafi vitagli:

  • Tightening - the future man will have a great belly, a lover of food;
  • crib - bagata, safe;
  • cowards - a womanizer;
  • scarf - with a weak potency;
  • trousers - joker of fun;
  • shkarpetki - a man of modest prosperity;
  • back - a fashionable person, like to follow fashion;
  • mittens - "villainous", dishonest;
  • jacket or light- a good good man;
  • a hat is a smart person with a high intellect;
  • shirt, shirt- Illness, weak for health.

Ritual for Svyatki kokhannya

Holy week is an obedient hour for carrying out rituals for the attainment of well-being in life. These days of creation are for those who have not caught up with the magic of solstice and have not performed important rites. Follow the holy rituals for love and let in your life the joy and happiness.

The rite of passage was celebrated by those who were self-sufficient and were already afraid to know their kohanna. Mustaches, who wanted to see their friend's soul mate and tie a bond with her, celebrated the onset of the ritual of the night on Christmas Day. It is necessary to drink to the church, go around її 12 times around it for the year's arrow. At the same time, you need to grow up to God to help you with the search for a new kokhanny. It is important that such a ritual destroys the self-esteem and knowledge of the houses.

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